
Sorry Buttons

Jan 13th, 2013
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  1. >You might have been captured by a dragon and slow cooked and eaten.
  2. >You might have been caught by those damned diamond dogs and forced into slavery.
  3. >You might have been caught by the royal guard and flogged to death.
  4. >You were the proud leader of the resistance.
  5. >Sworn to bring down the solar tyrant.
  6. >Bring Equestria to a new dawn of freedom.
  7. >There were many horrendous things that could have caught you.
  8. >Many enemies that sought your life.
  9. >You contemplate all the scenarios you could have been captured in.
  10. >Every one of them would be better than what actually happened.
  11. >The force field, the mocking laughs the slaughter of your guard.
  12. >You were caught by the worst of all scenarios, the solar tyrant’s personal secret police unit.
  13. >No, you were captured by the elements themselves.
  14. >And now you are chained in the dungeon with the tyrant’s personal protégé and the pink beast.
  15. >Your front hooves are chained to the ceiling and your hind hooves dangle just above the floor.
  16. >The pink one is hopping around you, “Now why do you want to be a naughty meanie head?”
  17. >”We shall over throw Celestia! Well make that bitch-“
  18. >The purple one looks up from her papers, “”SILENCE!”
  19. >Her eyes glow and it feels like a hot blade is cutting through your guts.
  20. >The pain is indescribable as you let out a whimper.
  21. >You are not sure if you’re bleeding or not.
  22. >The pink one is still hopping, “Meanie pony making plans, making plans, just doodling your little schemes!”
  23. >She stops, a bright smile crosses her face, she looks at you.
  24. >“Why your my little doodle bug.”, her tone is cute, not at all fitting the situation.
  25. >You stammer, “You can’t stop freedom… URP!”
  26. >It feels like a ball is swelling in your throat choking you and dislocating your jaw.
  27. >”I told you to be quiet! Do not speak until I wish it!”
  28. >She starts to walk around you.
  29. >You feel a mouth nestle in your ear and whisper, “I don’t really think my little doodle bug wants to make Twilight mad.”
  30. >You kick back hitting nothing, the pink one disappeared.
  31. >The purple unicorn starts to speak, “Freedom? From what? Who is oppressed!?”
  32. >”You are just upset because you aren’t in charge!”
  33. >You spit, “The taxes! The unreasonable laws! You stifle the ponies!”
  34. >She laughs, “Society has needs that must be paid for, without laws there is mob rules.”
  35. >“And it takes a strong pony to hold society together, and that pony is Princess Celestia!”
  36. >”You are a wanna be, a dangling wanna be whose only purpose is to furnish information!”
  37. >She stares into your eyes, her cold demeanor sends chills down your spine.
  38. >”Oooooooo…” The pink one’s head slowly moves into your view from below, “You have a nice package!”
  39. >She goes down and just as quick her head shoots down from the ceiling, “Wonder how long it will stay attached?”
  40. >You try to head butt her but she disappears again, you have heard she was fast but you had no idea.
  41. >The strain on your hooves is starting to get to you but you struggle on.
  42. >Twilight starts to speak, “Where is your main force!”
  43. >”I don’t know what you’re talking about!” you say through gritted teeth.
  44. >”The main force of your rebel army! The one in White Tail Wood! The one that’s been raiding Ponyville!”
  45. >”The one that has about 2300 soldiers and…. Oh… never mind, guess we already know about that.”
  46. >You try to hide the shock but you know they see through it, how do they know that?
  47. >The pink one comes out of nowhere and starts to hop around you again, “Is my little doodle bug ok? You look like you lost color.”
  48. >”You’re bluffing trying to get me to say something!”
  49. >The purple one smiles, “No, why would I lie, they are probably dead right now from a stampede.”
  50. >”But enough of that, where is your headquarters!”
  51. >”Is it near the oak or willow tree next to the stream!?”
  52. >You look up again.
  53. >”Ohhhhhh… isn’t it so cute how the doodle bug’s face just dropped like he lost all hope.”
  54. >”You… you know nothing… you are just trying-“
  55. >You are cut off by the sound of a distant explosion.
  56. >Twilight smiles, “Looks like Rainbow Dash is right on schedule Pinkie.”
  57. >The purple unicorn goes back to the paper with her quill floating over it.
  58. >She reads down making check marks, “Ok, let’s see… we know that… that… that … and that!”
  59. >”Wow, guess we know everything then.” She looks at you with a sly smile across her face.
  60. >Pinkie appears behind her and looks over her shoulder at the paper and gasps.
  61. >”Oh my!”, she says with a shocked look.
  62. >She then looks toward you with puppy dog eyes, “I guess that makes you a useless doodle bug… doesn’t it…”
  63. >You put on a brave face, “You cannot beat an idea! We will have freedom! The tyrant will be over thrown!”
  64. >You feel hooves rubbing down your sides, “You’ve got a strong body… hope you last a while…”
  65. >You kick at nothing again.
  66. >Twilight turns and opens a door, “Who wants spaghetti?”
  67. >You hear shuffling and happy babbling.
  68. >Through the door runs ten fluffy ponies, you have heard about these things.
  69. >They are useless and weak, a threat to no one. Why would the elements keep them?
  70. >”Oh you all look so happy… too bad I’m not…” Twilight says lowering her head.
  71. >Several fluffies run up and start to hug her legs trying to cheer her up.
  72. >“Dun be saddies mommeh! Fwuffy gif huggies!” “Mommeh gud mommeh! Why mommeh sadddie?”
  73. >Twilight sniffles and looks down at the throng of fluff, “Because I had a big spaghetti dinner ready for you.”
  74. >”I wanted all my little fluffy ponies to eat all the spaghetti they wanted but I can’t now.”
  75. >They gasp and their mouths fall open in shock staring in disbelief at Twilight, “But… why nuu sketti…”
  76. >She looks at you sternly, “Because he stole it and hid it!”
  77. >You struggle uselessly against the chains, “That’s a lie!”
  78. >The fluffies run up to you angrily.
  79. >They are stomping their little hooves and puffing their cheeks, “Nuu! Mommeh nuu wie! Yoo wie!”
  80. >They quickly surround you babbling wanting to know where you hid the spaghetti.
  81. >Pinkie pie appears again with an evil grin staring you down.
  82. >“What a conniving doodle bug! However will these poor things get their spaghetti?”
  83. >Twilight speaks again, “Maybe… maybe the fluffies can convince him to tell where the spaghetti is!”
  84. >”Teww fwuffy where sketti!” They all start to crowd his legs bucking and biting.
  85. >You start to yell, “They are lying! There is no spaghetti!”
  86. >The fluffies all gasp in horror.
  87. >”NUUU! Dey sketti! Whewe meanie pone put sketti!”
  88. >Twilight starts to walk around, “Maybe my little fluffies can convince him to tell you where the spaghetti is.”
  89. >All the fluffies look at her, “How fuffy do dat?”
  90. >You try to plead with them, “Don’t listen to her! She is trying to use you!”
  91. >One turns around and puffs his cheeks stomping, “Mommeh nuu wie to fwuffy!”
  92. >Twilight looks down, “Maybe… “, her face lights up, “maybe you can use the sorry buttons!”
  93. >Your eyes narrow to slits and you hiss, “You monster!”
  94. >The fluffies renew their anger and gather around your feet babbling angrily and shaking their hooves at you.
  95. >”Yoo meanie!”, “Mommeh nuu munsta!”, “Gif owchies!”
  96. >Twilight’s horn glows and a trap door opens and a device covered in buttons rises.
  97. >Twilight looks at the fluffies, “It is OK dears, the mean pony’s word don’t hurt mommy.”
  98. >She frowns, “But the fact he is keeping you from having spaghetti does.”
  99. >”You beast!”
  100. >”Mommy can’t bring herself to give sorries…”
  101. >She points to the array of buttons, “But maybe you fluffies can…”
  102. >A fluffy runs up and presses one of the buttons.
  103. >Before you can react a horse shoe shots from a wall and hits your face.
  104. >Your head rocks back as pain shoots back through your nose.
  105. >You can feel the blood trickling.
  106. >The pink maniac goes cart wheeling by, “Ohhh, doodle bug smashers!”
  107. >Twilight starts to walk away, “Mommy can’t see this… mommy has to leave the room with her friend…”
  108. >The fluffies start yelling at you again, “Yoo make mommeh saddies!”, “Yoo bad pone!”
  109. >You plead again, “There is no spaghetti… the purple one is trying to make you hurt me for her….”
  110. >A spike shots from the floor and stabs into the side of your gut.
  111. >”Meanie pone say bad tings abou’ mommeh! Get sowwy button!”
  112. >They ignore your screams of pain as they start demanding you to talk.
  113. >”Why make mommeh cwy!”, “Whewe sketties!”, “Bad pone!”, “Wet fwuffy pway!”
  114. >”You idiots! There is no spaghetti! How many times do I have to- AHHHHHH!!!”
  115. >A stick swing up from the floor and slaps your back raising an instant welt.
  116. >One of the fluffies start to buck your dangling legs.
  117. >The pain gets to you and you kick.
  118. >You hear a small eep as your hoof slams into something soft.
  119. >”Nuuuu! Meanie pone gif fwen owchies!”
  120. >The fluffy bounces across the floor a few times before coming to rest.
  121. >All the other fluffies run to the fluffy and start to hug him.
  122. >”Huggies make fwen betteh!” “Get up fwen!”
  123. >They nervously stumble around him hugging and trying to get him up.
  124. >When he doesn't respond, all fluffies turn slowly to you with their cheeks puffed.
  125. >One says in a low adorably menacing tone, ”Yoo bad pone!”
  126. >”Guys, I didn't mean too! It’s the elements! They are causing this!”
  127. >They slowly start to move, their puffed cheek almost turning red.
  128. >You try and ignore the pain as you desperately plead, “You are good little guys! Don’t let them make you do bad things!”
  129. >”This is the tyrants fault! Twilight does her bidding! You don’t have to do bad things for them!!!”
  130. >They gather around the device covered in buttons.
  131. >”Sowwy button!” one says as he pushes a random button.
  132. >Magic flames shoot up from the floor burning your dangling hooves.
  133. >You let out a howl of pain and again you hear, “Sowwy button!”
  134. >You are slammed in the back of the head by another horse shoe.
  135. >”Sorry button!”
  136. >A dull stick shoots from your front driving its self just under your breast bone into your belly.
  137. >You involuntarily throw up as your guts are violently shifted.
  138. >”Sowwy button!”
  139. >The magic flames start up again, you hear the skin around your hooves start to sizzle.
  141. >All fluffies start to push buttons randomly with determination etched on their faces.
  142. >No pony has ever faced the agony you are now experiencing.
  143. >A magical drill comes down from the ceiling and starts to drill through your left elbow.
  144. >Two slabs of stone raise up and slam into your right leg crushing it.
  145. >Your right shackle spins quickly taking your hoof with it, the crunch of your bones giving away fills the room.
  146. >Spikes shoot into your hoof to keep you up.
  147. >Spikes start coming from the walls impaling you in your chest and belly, none so deep to truly injure you, just hurt.
  148. >A stone hammer swing up from the floor shattering your left hip.
  149. >”Yoo make mommeh cwy!”, “Wet! Fwuffy! Pway!”, “Whewe sketties!”, “Wha button do?”, “Fwuffy push wound ting!”, “Sowwy button!”
  150. >Your body is pelted with horse shoes.
  151. >Hooks shoot out from the floor and walls digging into your flesh before being ripped out.
  152. >Razors come out slicing parts of your legs and torso off.
  153. >Rocks start to replace the horse shoes bashing into your body.
  154. >Your left front leg finally snaps and elongates from being hung.
  155. >A glowing magic saw blade raises from the floor and goes just under your chin.
  156. >You try to avoid it but it is useless as you feel it whirl and start to slice into your lower jaw.
  157. >You feel some ribs crack as a stone impacts your side.
  158. >You cough sending sprays of blood as your lower jaw falls off and the saw disappears.
  159. >You futilely try to scream but can no longer make words.
  160. >You lose site in your right eye as a hook rips into it then rips itself back out.
  161. >The door opens up and the purple monster is walking in proudly, “Oh deary dear! He hid it on the other side of the door!”
  162. >She is floating a huge platter with a pile of spaghetti on it behind her.
  163. >All the fluffies stop and look at her, “SKETTIES!”
  164. >They all waddle to her in a disorganized mass.
  165. >Two twaddle to the dead fluffy and bit his fluff dragging him to the spaghetti.
  166. >They force his face into it, “Sketties make fwen betteh!”
  167. >They all start chomping noisily as they eat the marinara covered delicacy.
  168. >Twilight walks over and looks you over, “Oh dear, looks like you will bleed to death slowly from all these wounds.”
  169. >Her horn glows and you feel burns all over your body, “That is unless we cauterize them.”
  170. >A surreal wheeze escapes your throat as you try and moan.
  171. >”Oh no! My doodle bug is broken! Boo hoo hoooo!”
  172. >You feel the pink crazy one lean against your body and start crying.
  173. >She suddenly stops, “Oooooo! But your package is still intact! Yay! My doodle bug isn’t a eunuch!”
  174. >Pinkie Pie starts to hop around happily.
  175. >Your heart sinks even further as the tyrant enters.
  176. >”I came by to see how you doing my most faithful student.”
  177. >Twilight brightens up as she looks at the tyrant, “Oh, Princess Celestia! I was just finishing up.”
  178. >She turns around and her horn glows. You feel the tube force its way down your throat.
  179. >”Don’t worry, we will keep you alive.”
  180. >The white alicorn looks you over, “Well done student. I want him on display in Canterlot this afternoon.”
  181. >One of the fluffies taps the purple unicorn’s leg, “Fwen haf owchies… nuu eat sketties nu pway…”
  182. >Twilight walks over and looks at the dead fluffy as the others try to hug it better.
  183. >Twilight levitates him up and looks him over.
  184. >”I’m sorry my little fluffies, but he has too many owwies. He can’t eat or play anymore.”
  185. >They all start crying at the loss of their friend.
  186. >Suddenly the pink ones face drops in front of yours again.
  187. >”You are a bad doodle bug! You get the worst punishment!”
  188. >”Pinkie Pie! What are you doing!”
  189. >”Oh its ok Princess, Pinkie is just being Pinkie.”
  190. >The crazy bitch is giving you a blow job!
  191. >”MmmMmmrrphhmmMmmm!” Pinkie mutters.
  192. >The tyrant just shakes her head in confusion.
  193. >Twilight puts the dead fluffy in a box to the wails of his friends.
  194. >Despite your pain you are stimulated by the pink earth pony.
  195. >You try to block it but she is too tenacious at giving you oral pleasure.
  196. >You get closer and closer as she works your member.
  197. >You are about to release when she suddenly stops.
  198. >”That is a good package you got there! Tee hee hee!”
  199. >She turns around and starts to walk away, “Its ok, you can finish yourself off later.”
  200. >She then stops and giggles to herself, “Opps! No! You can’t!”
  201. >Celestia smiles, “Ohhhh Pinkie Pie!”
  202. >The shackles on your front hooves let go and you fall to the ground.
  203. >The fluffies stare at you with tears running down their puffed cheeks.
  204. >Celestia looks down, “Its OK, he can’t hurt you now my little helpers.”
  205. >They let out a cute war cry as they charge you.
  206. >They start to buck and pomf you broken body.
  207. >One raises his tail in front of your face, “Huu huu huuuu! Sowwy poopies! Wahhhh!”
  208. >He fills your ruined eye socket with poop.
  209. >This is your existence now.
  210. >To be paraded around and humiliated by the lowest of vermin while having perpetual blue balls.
  211. >Kept alive by magic and feeding tubes.
  212. >A warning to all who would oppose the tyrant.
  213. >”Bad pone!”, “hewt fwen!”, “Fwuffy stiww wan pway!!!”, “”Make mommeh sad!”, “Gif sowwies! Gif owchies!”
  214. >Of all the fucked up things that could have happened to you you got the most fucked up of them all.
  215. >You were captured by the Princess’s elite.
  216. >The ones who think death is not severe enough of a punishment.
  217. >The crying fluffies intensify their attack as you are drug out of the room.
  218. >You were captured by the elements of harmony…
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