
threewayrp extravaganza

Apr 27th, 2015
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  1. @PuzzlingHistorian
  2. hey stammers
  3. SS
  5. @PuzzlingHistorian
  6. (we can start the rp now I guess)
  7. SS
  10. oh
  11. fuck not like that
  12. ....
  13. @PuzzlingHistorian
  14. u wish ;)
  15. ES
  16. what are you babbling about
  17. SS
  18. ;)
  19. is this not amazing
  21. anyway
  22. you two discussed your near death expos
  23. ES
  24. PH didn't really tell hers
  25. SS
  26. oh
  27. she got attacked by cows
  28. cows that were high on weed
  29. @PuzzlingHistorian
  30. I got attacked by bandits you fucker
  31. SS
  32. :L
  33. bandits that were high on weed
  34. ES
  35. you just said someone was attacked by bandits
  36. didn't understand it was you :P
  37. @PuzzlingHistorian
  38. yah
  39. came coming after my camp
  40. SS
  41. # you guys both almost died
  42. i got attacked by an instrument
  43. who told me i was shit
  44. I'm over it
  45. @PuzzlingHistorian
  46. aw
  47. your not shit
  48. SS
  49. i know im badass and a hit with the ladies
  50. AM I RIGHT
  51. ....
  52. @PuzzlingHistorian
  53. just a bit obnoxious...
  54. ES
  55. *tumbleweeds*
  56. SS
  57. heh you guys are alright
  58. :L
  59. "forget about it"
  60. mafia style fool :L
  61. anyway
  62. @PuzzlingHistorian
  63. aren't you two partners?
  64. SS
  65. serioso time
  66. ES
  67. luckily no
  68. SS
  69. what as in...
  70. partners for the game?
  71. yea
  72. thats it i think
  73. ...
  74. anyway
  75. @PuzzlingHistorian
  76. just wondering
  77. who are your guys's partners
  78. SS
  79. Crazy dragon bitch and zion
  80. you?
  81. ES
  82. actually
  83. according to your crazy circle
  84. you're not my partner
  85. just saying :P
  86. SS
  87. what?
  88. oh yea
  89. im crazy dragon bitch
  90. and who else?
  91. OH
  92. gg
  93. thats it
  94. fuck im too good at this leader shit
  96. motivational music right here
  97. ES
  98. anyway
  99. my parters are SD and LC
  100. SS
  101. Sd - short for scary dragon bitch
  102. ES
  103. or split dragonborn
  104. SS
  105. either way
  106. crazy bitch
  107. on that note
  108. Ph we found out shes scitzo
  109. ES
  110. that's not the kind of thing you just tell people!
  111. and we didn't find out
  112. she told me
  113. SS
  114. well
  115. Sorry for ruining your romance
  116. :L
  117. besides i trust Ph
  118. ES
  119. ..........
  120. SS
  121. shes not that much of a bitch once you get to know her :D
  122. ES
  123. she said some messed up stuff to me
  124. just saying
  125. SS
  126. Who has sd?
  127. ....
  128. did i say something?
  129. ES
  130. (no I think ph is PuzzlingHistorian is just afk, and I wanna give her a chance to talk)
  131. @PuzzlingHistorian
  132. (I'm back)
  133. (but yes I was AFK sry)
  134. sry
  135. AFK
  136. checking something really quick
  137. cause
  138. SS
  139. # PH is a noob discuss?
  140. @PuzzlingHistorian
  141. I'm a bit worried that bandits might come back
  142. so ED is scitzophranic
  143. ES
  144. *SD
  145. yeah
  146. @PuzzlingHistorian
  147. my bad
  148. SD
  149. SS
  150. *Scary dragon bitch
  151. ES
  152. Stammers can't keep his mouth shut
  153. @PuzzlingHistorian
  154. SDB
  155. SS
  156. sorry
  157. its a hobbit
  158. @PuzzlingHistorian
  159. what
  160. SS
  162. @PuzzlingHistorian
  163. your mouth lives in a houl
  164. SS
  165. habbit / hobbit
  166. @PuzzlingHistorian
  167. *hole
  168. SS
  169. get it/
  170. @PuzzlingHistorian
  171. and goes questing for magic rings
  172. SS
  174. @PuzzlingHistorian
  175. or some shit
  176. SS
  177. so yea
  178. @PuzzlingHistorian
  179. anyway
  180. SS
  181. shes a tad crazy
  182. # be weary
  183. @PuzzlingHistorian
  184. that makes me a bit uncomfortable
  185. SS
  186. she has 3 personalities aparently
  187. however i believe Zion knows more than me on this topic
  188. @PuzzlingHistorian
  189. how many have we collectively met
  190. SS
  192. @PuzzlingHistorian
  193. I've only talked to her once
  194. ES
  195. I wouldn't worry, she's exactly opposite of you on the wheel of shittyness
  196. SS
  197. :O
  198. that hurt
  199. like deep
  200. @PuzzlingHistorian
  201. wait
  202. SS
  203. :(
  204. @PuzzlingHistorian
  205. me or ss
  206. ES
  207. you
  208. SS
  209. oh
  210. wait what
  211. ES
  212. SS is pairing up with her
  213. @PuzzlingHistorian
  214. fair enough
  215. SS
  216. oh yea
  217. my shittyness wheel
  218. its so shit and awsome
  219. @PuzzlingHistorian
  220. from what I've seen
  221. SD is also kind of a bitch
  222. but I haven't seen much
  223. SS
  224. why what'd she do?
  225. @PuzzlingHistorian
  226. and that could be the scitzo talking
  227. SS
  228. did she mug you
  229. you seem like you've been muged
  230. you live in egypt or some shit
  231. pretty likely place for a mugging
  232. @PuzzlingHistorian
  234. SS
  235. im betting a tenner you've been mugged
  236. @PuzzlingHistorian
  237. thats the only convo I've had with her
  238. also
  239. SS
  240. you have been mugged?
  241. @PuzzlingHistorian
  242. I actually instigated the bandit fight
  243. SS
  244. i knew it
  245. WHAAAAAAa?
  246. @PuzzlingHistorian
  247. yah
  248. they were robbing my camp
  249. ES
  250. so you took care of them
  251. SS
  252. so you did get mugged
  253. ES
  254. take no shit
  255. SS
  256. man you owe me a tenner
  257. @PuzzlingHistorian
  258. and I jumped out with this fucking whip
  259. SS
  260. both ya owe me a tenner
  261. @PuzzlingHistorian
  262. and promptly got my ass kicked
  263. SS
  264. how you gonna pay me
  265. ES
  266. whoa
  267. SS
  268. check ?
  269. paypal?
  270. credit card details?
  271. ES
  272. ignore this fool
  273. are you ok now?
  274. SS
  275. in my part time i'm a nigerian prince btw
  276. so like
  277. i need that dosh
  278. to run ma kingdom
  279. this is our national anthem
  281. ES
  282. I'm sorry
  283. he's very mentally ill
  284. SS
  285. So so very ill
  286. just like my sick rhymes
  287. the sickest some say
  288. so sick they need to be put down
  289. ...
  290. oh god
  291. i killed you all with my sick beats
  292. ES
  293. still alive
  294. (also, take it easy. ph doesn't check the IRC every five seconds like we do
  295. SS
  296. (yea, stammers will spam chat regardless tho :L)
  297. ← PuzzlingHistorian has quit (Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client)
  298. SS
  299. (rip)
  300. → PH has joined
  301. PH
  302. I'm back
  303. sry
  304. my uncle's/grandpa's laptop is on the fucking fritz
  305. ES
  306. I'd imagine so
  307. PH
  308. disadvantages to living in a fucking desert
  309. ES
  310. btw are you ok now?
  311. being attacked by bandits and all
  312. PH
  313. yah
  314. SS
  315. no shes dead
  316. died of my sick beats
  317. PH
  318. I told them a clever lie
  319. SS
  320. the lie was that their beats were sicker than mine
  321. PH
  322. except
  323. ES
  324. :O
  325. SS
  326. - they are not
  327. ES
  328. what did you say?
  329. PH
  330. their probs gonna come back with the intent of kicking my ass again
  331. I'm hella nevous :p
  332. ES
  333. what did you tell them?
  334. PH
  335. lied about some egyptian code
  336. that was the key to a big treasure
  337. so they left
  338. SS
  339. the code said their rhymes were sicker than mine
  340. - they are not
  341. PH
  342. do you wanna rap off?
  343. SS
  344. bring it
  345. PH
  346. hold on
  347. need a good beat
  348. SS
  349. ES
  351. ES
  352. the shit I put up with
  353. PH
  355. you first
  356. ES
  357. badum dum tsssss
  358. badum dum tsssss badum dum tsssss badum dum tsssss
  359. badadadadadadada
  360. PH
  361. or me
  362. SS
  363. go ahead
  364. you need the head start
  365. PH
  366. lazy mofo to fraid to bring fight
  367. cant hope to match up to my might
  368. cant hope to fight me you worthless bitch
  369. so make like monty python and burn like a witch
  370. (I tried :p)
  371. SS
  372. Lemme taste this beat for a minute
  373. whilst i savour your immenent defeat
  374. Dam herre we go
  375. Gr8 b8, m8. I rel8, str8 appreci8, and congratul8. I r8 this b8 an 8/8. Plz no h8, I'm str8 ir8. Cr8 more, can't w8. We should convers8, I won't ber8, my number is 8888888, ask for N8. No calls l8 or out of st8. If on a d8, ask K8 to loc8. Even with a full pl8, I always have time to communic8 so don't hesit8. dont forget to medit8 and particip8 and
  376. masturb8 to allevi8 your ability to tabul8 the f8. We should meet up m8 and convers8 on how we can cre8 more gr8 b8, I'm sure everyone would appreci8, no h8. I don't mean to defl8 your hopes, but its hard to dict8 where the b8 will rel8 and we may end up with out being appreci8d, I'm sure you can rel8. We can cre8 b8 like alexander the gr8, stretc
  377. h posts longer than the Nile's str8s. We'll be the captains of b8, 4chan our first m8s the growth r8 will spread to reddit and like real est8 and be a flow r8 of gr8 b8, like a blind d8 we'll coll8, meet me upst8 where we can convers8, or ice sk8 or lose w8 infl8 our hot air baloons and fly, tail g8. We could land in Kuw8, eat a soup pl8 followed b
  378. y a dessert pl8 the payment r8 won't be too ir8 and hopefully our currency won't defl8. We'll head to the Israeli-St8, taker over like Herod the gr8 and b8 the jewish masses, 8 million, m8. We could interrel8 communism, thought it's past it's maturity d8, a department of st8, volunteer st8. reduce the infant mortality r8, all in the name of making
  379. gr8 b8 m8.
  380. ES
  381. badum dum tsssss badum dum tsssss badum dum tsssss
  382. PH
  383. 0.0
  384. SS
  385. Stammers out
  386. PH
  387. k let me bring it back for a moment
  388. ES
  389. badum dum tsssss badum dum tsssss badum dum tsssss
  390. badum dum tsssss badum dum tsssss badum dum tsssss
  391. SS
  392. *drops mic
  393. PH
  394. better call in a doctor cause these beats are sick
  395. can't hope to contain the sick fires burning the wick
  396. you gonna get served, so call me the waiter
  397. and I'll serve you up on a fine plater
  398. cause...
  399. ES
  400. badum dum tsssss badum dum tsssss badum dum tsssss
  401. PH
  402. waiter and plater totally rhyme
  403. SS
  404. Gr8 b8, m8. I rel8, str8 appreci8, and congratul8. I r8 this b8 an 8/8. Plz no h8, I'm str8 ir8. Cr8 more, can't w8. We should convers8, I won't ber8, my number is 8888888, ask for N8. No calls l8 or out of st8. If on a d8, ask K8 to loc8. Even with a full pl8, I always have time to communic8 so don't hesit8.
  405. Gr8 b8, m8. I rel8, str8 appreci8, and congratul8. I r8 this b8 an 8/8. Plz no h8, I'm str8 ir8. Cr8 more, can't w8. We should convers8, I won't ber8, my number is 8888888, ask for N8. No calls l8 or out of st8. If on a d8, ask K8 to loc8. Even with a full pl8, I always have time to communic8 so don't hesit8. dont forget to medit8 and particip8 and
  406. masturb8 to allevi8 your ability to tabul8 the f8. We should meet up m8 and convers8 on how we can cre8 more gr8 b8, I'm sure everyone would appreci8, no h8. I don't mean to defl8 your hopes, but its hard to dict8 where the b8 will rel8 and we may end up with out being appreci8d, I'm sure you can rel8. We can cre8 b8 like alexander the gr8, stretc
  407. h posts longer than the Nile's str8s. We'll be the captains of b8, 4chan our first m8s the growth r8 will spread to reddit and like real est8 and be a flow r8 of gr8 b8, like a blind d8 we'll coll8, meet me upst8 where we can convers8, or ice sk8 or lose w8 infl8 our hot air baloons and fly, tail g8. We could land in Kuw8, eat a soup pl8 followed b
  408. y a dessert pl8 the payment r8 won't be too ir8 and hopefully our currency won't defl8. We'll head to the Israeli-St8, taker over like Herod the gr8 and b8 the jewish masses, 8 million, m8. We could interrel8 communism, thought it's past it's maturity d8, a department of st8, volunteer st8. reduce the infant mortallity r8, all in the name of making
  409. gr8 b8 m8.
  410. PH
  411. stop playing with eights
  412. or I'll scare you straight
  413. ES
  414. dude that's the same thing
  415. PH
  416. call me a priest cause I'll fuck you up
  417. and still have time to bring in the cream of the crop
  418. yah
  419. I'm kinda running out of rymes :p
  420. SS
  421. Well lemme tell you son
  422. theres nohere you can run
  423. Theres nothing you can do
  424. I'm creeping up upon you
  425. You think your rhymes are sick?
  426. Mines are the sickest
  427. you may be fast
  428. but you ain't the quickest
  429. PH
  430. oh
  431. shit
  432. SS
  433. .
  434. PH
  435. If I could digress
  436. dissing out priests ain't bringing no rest
  437. Your the turtle and I'm the hare
  438. only 'stead of laxing off, I'll leave you snared
  439. SS
  440. (anyone recording this? as in copy paste)
  441. PH
  442. (I'm assuming we're gonna pastebin it)
  443. their
  444. ES
  445. (I'll pastebin it)
  446. PH
  447. thus ends
  448. our rap off
  449. SS
  450. (Lane is joining)
  451. ES
  452. as the neutral judge
  453. I'm going to say that PH won
  454. PH
  455. (did he finish his trial?)
  456. obviously
  457. ES
  458. your rhymes were
  459. sick
  460. out of this world
  461. as a complete music freak
  462. congratulations
  463. SS
  464. WTF
  465. PH
  466. no prob
  467. SS
  469. PH
  470. I'd like to thank my loving fans
  471. and SS
  472. for being a n00b
  473. ES
  474. for being so easy to smack around in a rap off
  475. PH
  476. in your meme-like terms
  477. GG EZ
  478. SS
  479. WHAT
  480. ES
  482. PH
  483. she just bet on the correct horse :>
  484. ES
  485. I copied your rap and pasted it in google
  486. SS
  487. and
  488. i created that
  489. fucking uploaded it and all
  490. ES
  491. of course you did
  492. PH
  493. lol
  494. SS
  495. :O
  496. you guys makin me sad ;_;
  497. PH
  498. lol
  499. you guys are way cooler than my partner
  500. DM whines sooooooooooooooooo much
  501. ES
  502. oh
  503. haven't talked to him/her
  504. what's s/he like?
  505. SS
  506. DM?
  507. PH
  508. (s)he doesn't want to be here
  509. SS
  510. tell them to get a life
  511. get swiftcover
  512. PH
  513. instead of seeing the limitless possibilities
  514. i.e. kicking scrubs butts at rap battles
  515. (s)he kindda just wants to get it over with
  516. ES
  517. :I
  518. we haven't even started yet!
  519. SS
  520. WOAH
  522. i see no scrubs here
  523. oh wait
  524. heres one
  525. named ph
  526. oooooooopo
  527. ES
  528. she did scrub the floor with you
  529. just saying
  530. PH
  531. the crow calls the raven black
  532. only its not a raven
  533. its a fucking hawk
  534. caw caw motherfucker
  535. SS
  536. fucking birdbrain
  537. driving me insane
  538. thinking she better than me
  539. impossible, see
  540. i'm the master
  541. the best
  542. PH
  543. I **am** better than you
  544. SS
  545. the caster
  546. ES
  547. badum dum tsssss badum dum tsssss badum dum tsssss
  548. SS
  549. the test
  550. the one that you face when you at the end
  551. the one that fuckin makes you mind bend
  552. ES
  553. badum dum tsssss badum dum tsssss badum dum tsssss
  554. SS
  555. In a blend
  556. you attempt to defend
  557. you excuse for a life
  558. but you can't find a knife
  559. PH
  561. SS
  562. for the strife
  563. ...
  564. ES
  565. badum dum tsssss badum dum tsssss badum dum tsssss
  566. SS
  568. PH
  569. what's red and blue and lame all over
  570. SS
  571. you
  572. is it you?
  573. PH
  574. thats what you get when you put SS in a blender
  575. SS
  576. im guessing its you
  577. ES
  578. oooo
  579. PH
  580. fucking scrub jerking off in the shower
  581. ES
  582. the trashtalk in here
  583. SS
  584. :O
  585. ES
  586. laying the smackdown
  587. PH
  588. pathetic scrub more dirty than a truck fender
  589. SS
  590. (seriously can you copy this chat my windo only goes so far)
  591. PH
  592. that was a fucking ABAB rhyming
  593. scheme
  594. ES
  595. (I doubled mine to 500)
  596. (we should be fine)
  597. PH
  598. so go back to your lame ass memes
  599. SS
  600. (cool thanks es)
  601. ;_;
  602. I thought you guys were my friends :/
  603. PH
  604. I'm the raining champ
  605. SS
  606. ...
  607. but all a long
  608. Its just
  609. its....
  610. ITS A TRAP
  611. hehehehehehehehehehheehhehehehehehheh
  612. PH
  613. ya know
  614. SS
  615. fools
  616. PH
  617. your only proving my point about the memes :)
  618. SS
  619. :(
  620. ok...
  621. PH
  622. nah
  623. your cool
  624. SS
  625. Fuck yea i am
  626. PH
  627. I think I'm gonna go
  628. SS
  629. see ya fucktard
  630. SS
  631. <3
  632. ← PH has quit (Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client)
  633. SS
  634. (SDS comin
  635. → splitDragonborn has joined
  636. splitDragonborn
  637. (wtf)
  638. SS
  640. i mean...
  641. splitDragonborn
  642. uh
  643. SS
  644. sup SD
  645. splitDragonborn
  646. ok o.o
  647. SS
  648. so
  649. what crazy state you in atm
  650. ES
  651. hi SD
  652. splitDragonborn
  653. o.o
  654. .
  655. .
  656. .
  657. ES
  658. rude
  659. how are you Katie?
  660. splitDragonborn
  661. im fine
  662. thanks and you
  663. ES
  664. it's good
  665. taking it easy
  666. SS
  667. so katie
  668. you never explained
  669. splitDragonborn
  670. yeah?
  671. SS
  672. how you almost died
  673. like the rest of us did
  674. splitDragonborn
  675. uhm
  676. i died
  677. ES
  678. you don't have to tell again
  679. don't worry
  680. splitDragonborn
  681. oh ok thanks
  682. SS
  683. You died
  684. holy shit
  685. that sounds painful
  686. was there mountain dew in heaven?
  687. or did you go to hell
  688. splitDragonborn
  689. no it was a dream
  690. SS
  691. oh fuck im inapropriate
  692. oh
  693. well
  694. thats good
  695. :D
  696. splitDragonborn
  697. yeha...
  698. SS
  699. well
  700. this was entertaining while it lasted
  701. splitDragonborn
  702. ok then...
  703. SS
  704. (Someone pastebine this shit)
  705. ← SS has left
  706. ES
  707. he's a bit rude, isn't he?
  708. splitDragonborn
  709. he is kind of blunt
  710. ES
  711. yeah
  712. I think he means well
  713. splitDragonborn
  714. i guess
  715. i dont know, he called me dragonbitch .-.
  716. ES
  717. yeah
  718. there's really no excuse for that one
  719. why do you think he does it?
  720. splitDragonborn
  721. uhm i really dont know
  722. maybe my other self make him started that or something
  723. ES
  724. maybe
  725. I heard rant about dragon dildos several times
  726. do you know anything about that?
  727. splitDragonborn
  728. no not reall
  729. *y
  730. i hope i didnt start that though o.o
  731. ES
  732. I have a feeling you did ._.
  733. splitDragonborn
  734. o my gosh
  735. what if i did
  736. :C
  737. ES
  738. yeah
  739. he think's you're bat shit crazy
  740. splitDragonborn
  741. oh no
  742. i hate when this happens o.o
  743. ES
  744. when people associate you with things you can't remember?
  745. splitDragonborn
  746. when people judge me and i wasnt me
  747. ES
  748. must be terrible :(
  749. splitDragonborn
  750. yeah...
  751. (i need to go :c)
  752. ES
  753. (ok)
  754. anyway, I gotta go fix me some dinner
  755. I haven't had canned beans since lunch
  756. splitDragonborn
  757. (is it nighttime lel)
  758. oh thats really apetityzing
  759. ES
  760. (fuck if I know)
  761. oh yes
  762. it's going to be so tasty
  763. I wish you could have some
  764. although not really these beans are terrible
  765. splitDragonborn
  766. one day we may share beans
  767. (lel)
  768. ok have fun with your beans
  769. ES
  770. I will
  771. SS
  772. Sup ladies
  773. genialGaladriel
  774. hey friends
  775. SS
  776. huh
  777. everyone ive talked to has been a grill
  778. wheres all the meat
  779. theres no bbq without the meat
  780. 0_0
  781. ES
  782. (gg type /nick GG
  783. genialGaladriel
  784. uh, we're not grills, silly!
  785. ⓘ genialGaladriel is now known as GG
  786. SS
  787. 0_0
  788. your not
  789. ...
  790. well this is wierd
  791. GG
  792. we're human beings, duh!
  793. ES
  794. see his dreams shattering
  795. SS
  796. Oh
  797. yes
  798. how could i be so dumb
  799. how silly
  800. man
  801. woops
  802. 2-_-
  803. GG
  804. haha, very silly
  805. SS
  806. anyway
  807. how did CG try and kill you gg?
  808. GG
  809. i don't think he tried to kill ne
  810. me*
  811. but
  812. i guess there was a bear?
  813. and i killed it?
  814. ES
  815. that's cool
  816. bears are fucking boss
  817. GG
  818. yeah
  819. it killed my dog though :/
  820. SS
  821. i killed a guitar
  822. ..
  823. that was pretty boss
  824. ...
  825. okay
  826. ...
  828. yea.
  829. So fuck you guys
  830. GG
  831. sorry if I'm kind of a social outcast, but what does "boss" mean?
  832. SS
  833. it means
  834. ugly
  835. and scary
  836. and i was shtting myself
  837. GG
  838. yeah, that describes that bear!
  839. SS
  840. thats what boss means
  841. coolguy is boos
  842. *boss
  843. he is ugly sary and shits himself
  844. *scary
  845. anyway
  846. yea the game has been trying to kill us
  847. GG
  848. well how can we tell if he's boss if we haven't really met him yet?
  849. SS
  850. blah blah blah
  851. GG
  852. this is the game?
  853. SS
  854. ususal crap
  855. i duno
  856. prolly
  857. fuck it ya know?
  858. GG
  859. huh
  860. didn't know a game could do that
  861. SS
  862. huh indeed watson
  863. you've solved the motherfucking mysery
  864. *mystery
  865. thank gods you were here
  866. otherwise weed (get it wed ) all be ded
  867. ES
  868. I don't think it's the game
  869. I mean listen to yourself
  870. GG
  871. sorry, I'm back
  872. ES
  873. "we all downloaded some internetlink"
  874. SS
  875. what come on es
  876. ES
  877. "now we're getting assaulted"
  878. SS
  879. weve all been near ass inated
  880. and we all get attacked
  881. ugh screw it
  882. you explain it to her
  883. ES
  884. yeah but I still don't see how a game could do that
  885. SS
  886. see ya grills
  887. GG
  888. dunno. I don't think a computer game can do it
  889. SS
  890. <3
  891. ← SS has left
  892. GG
  893. that*
  894. ES
  895. I agree with you
  897. //Zion's comment: chatlog was lost.
  898. //Context: now only GG and ES are chatting. ES just said something about something being boss, GG tells her about how SS defined boss.
  899. //End of comment
  901. GG
  902. oh!
  903. ss told me that
  904. ES
  905. that's just the bullshit that SS spews out
  906. (shit I just lost our log)
  907. GG
  908. heh, his handle should be... s**tSpewer
  909. ES
  910. LOL
  911. YES
  913. GG
  914. that's a little rude though...
  915. ES
  916. he is pretty rude
  917. GG
  918. well I guess...
  919. ES
  920. he totally deserves that handle
  921. GG
  922. yeah, he does!
  923. GG
  924. i mean, he's not really letting me talk to coolguy
  925. ES
  926. good job coming up with it ^^
  927. GG
  928. which isn't really his decision!
  929. thanks!
  930. ES
  931. no, it's really not
  932. GG
  933. yeah
  934. ES
  935. although I have a feeling why
  936. ;)
  937. GG
  938. yeah, me too
  939. sorry, i'm back!
  940. ES
  941. although I wouldn't overthink him
  942. GG
  943. i found this really weird website while i was surfin the web
  944. yeah
  945. ES
  946. what website?
  947. I've been in a few group conversations with him, and yeah
  948. GG
  949. um, how do you send websites to people?
  950. ES
  951. you click on the link on the top
  952. control c
  953. then click in the chat
  954. control v
  955. GG
  956. okay
  957. sͥ͆̈̂͏̸̵̵̖̬̝̣̣͎̝̤̦͉̙̥͇͍̟͇̙̻͚ȟ̷̯̻̺̖͓̣͙̮̝̖̣͍̥̟̽͊ͫ͋͛͊͆ͥ̔͛ͩ̾ͭ͘i̶̢͈̺̻͔̻̣̰̘̰͚̞ͨͩ̏ͥ̐ͩ̿́̚p̨͔̱̭̰͍̲̳̪̰̞̘͈̦̞͓̲̰͇̜̓̍ͯͨͮ̒̊̓͊ͤͬ̐̓͘͜͡.̴̧̱͎̦̥̪̰̥̟̩̥̫͙ͭͥ͛͑̅́͐ͭͮ͆͐̆ͦ̀̚͜͝ị̴̵̻̙͙̜̙ͬͫͮ̐̊̌͗̆̚͞n̵̢͇͖̯̭͚̜̹̝̞̳̤̄͊̍́ͅg̛̻̮͉̩̲̺̝̙͕̝̜͙̬̱̹̺ͭ̄͑͆͊ͮͣͣ̊́͘ͅͅ.͊̋̾̈́ͨ̾̿�
  958. ̴̳̞͎͉͈̖̙̻̮̝͎̏͠͠c̴̿́̄̇ͩͮ̀͏̦͚͍̪̟ȯ̵͙͖͉̼͍̮͉̠͔̻̞̳̉̈̿̇ͮ̈́̈͟ͅm̤̝̩̤̤̫̠͉͈̞̻͙͓͙͒ͪͦͣ̇̍͠
  959. there!
  960. uhh!
  961. woah!\
  962. woah!
  963. oops!
  964. ES
  965. no that didn't work
  966. GG
  967. maybe i should take a screenshot?
  968. ES
  969. maybe
  970. GG
  971. ok doing that right now!
  972. ES
  973. I hope it works this time ^^
  974. GG
  975. alright so i have my screenshot...
  976. how do i send that to you?
  977. ES
  979. use this site
  980. then
  981. uh
  982. -.-
  983. copy and paste me the link
  984. GG
  985. okay!
  987. ok i think it worked this time!
  988. ES
  989. wtf is that
  990. GG
  991. isn't that so weird??
  992. i did the google i'm feeling lucky thing and then that just happened!
  993. what the heck is a matesprit!!
  994. ES
  995. fuck if I know
  996. also
  997. what is my name doing there
  998. GG
  999. i see a GG but i don't know if it's me!
  1000. ES
  1001. hm
  1002. if CG is coolguy
  1003. then I'd be worried
  1004. like
  1005. where did you even find this shit
  1006. GG
  1007. i don't know!
  1008. but if CG is coolguy... i don't know... i mean i don't think i'd be worried... i think he's really cool!
  1009. ES
  1010. you do?
  1011. GG
  1012. yeah
  1013. i mean he IS coolguy....
  1014. ES
  1015. yeah
  1016. GG
  1017. but...
  1018. i dunno
  1019. ES
  1020. but he's also self proclaimed
  1021. which
  1022. makes him kinda uncool in my opinion?
  1023. GG
  1024. i guess?
  1025. i dunno
  1026. ES
  1027. yeah me neither
  1028. GG
  1029. i don't know why...
  1030. but i always picture him as will smith in the fresh prince of bel air
  1031. is that weird?
  1032. ES
  1033. hm
  1034. I've thought about that thoroughly
  1035. and yes
  1036. it's weird
  1037. GG
  1038. yeah!
  1039. it does sound really silly
  1040. but also, people say he's shouting all the time...
  1041. ES
  1042. I guess he's just too screamy
  1043. GG
  1044. but i think his caps lock is broken!
  1045. ES
  1046. you think?
  1047. GG
  1048. yeah
  1049. and he just doesn't know it
  1050. because he's just too busy being cool
  1051. ES
  1052. he's also too busy to check his spelling
  1053. GG
  1054. yeah...
  1055. ES
  1056. yeah idk what to make of the guy
  1057. GG
  1058. same here
  1059. ES
  1060. although
  1061. he seems to like you
  1062. GG
  1063. really??
  1064. GG
  1065. :)
  1066. ES
  1067. yup
  1068. you should've seen him earlier
  1069. he was basically pissing all over Rick Astley and the other dude
  1070. and when you said you like them
  1071. GG
  1072. :/
  1073. ES
  1074. he changed opinion quicker than a pig blinks
  1075. GG
  1076. well, i
  1077. oops!
  1078. that was a premature message
  1079. let me type that again
  1080. well, i dunno
  1081. ES
  1082. I think you should talk to him
  1083. see what he has to say
  1084. GG
  1085. okay!
  1086. that sounds like a cool idea
  1087. ES
  1088. who knows
  1089. it might even be something intelligent
  1090. GG
  1091. yeah
  1092. ES
  1093. anyway, it was fun talking to you, and I'm looking forward to doing it too in the future ^^
  1094. but I gotta go make me some dinner
  1095. those beans aren't going to cook themselves
  1096. GG
  1097. see you!
  1098. ;)
  1099. ES
  1100. ciao ;)
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