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Jun 10th, 2012
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  1. [12:13] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 *****PnP Group 7 Session 15 Begins*****
  2. [12:14] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 When last we left the party, tragedy struck. One of the group was drained dry by a swarm of bloodwings, and another nearly joined him. They were able to return to Gutterville for medical attention and moral support, and they were also able to encounter a new potential companion with a mission of his own.
  3. [12:15] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 As we rejoin them, the time has come to lay their deceased comrade to rest. However, life goes on in the wasteland, and so they cannot afford to stop and grieve for too long.
  4. 07[12:16] * +Primer is spending a little while in the shop, getting supplies.
  5. 15[12:17] * +Karina is paying some attention to the goings on around her, but putting most of it into the pipbuck being held in her hooves as she flicks through menus just exploring it.
  6. 07[12:18] * +Keen spends a little time with Primer, buying a new bathrobe at the store to try to cheer himself up. All things considered, the silky thing he's wearing looks good on him. Any good mood he would have gotten, however, was ruined by the jangle of bits in his pocket.
  7. 07[12:20] * +Fire_Lily spent a little time with Storm during breakfast, but eventually returned to Keen and Primer. She keeps the "training session" with Storm a secret.
  8. 15[12:20] * +Karina is just laying on the ground near the area that Cookie was supposed to be buried, waiting for the others to get there.
  9. 07[12:23] * +Primer finds some 40mm timed grenades while talking to Cap. Hopefully they would come in handy some day. "Hi Lily. You okay?"
  10. 07[12:27] * +Fire_Lily nods, trying not to betray her guilt at the morning's activity. "Yeah... I'm okay."
  11. 07[12:29] * +Keen curses under his breath as he wraps a bit of electrical tape around his RGC's internals. "Stupid f-" Oh, hey. There's a filly around. "Oh. Hey, Lily. Where did you get off to?"
  12. 07[12:31] * +Fire_Lily doesn't look at Keen. "Just... wanted to talk to Storm a little bit... then we ate."
  13. 07[12:31] * +Primer gives Fire_Lily a one legged hug. "Okay, that's good."
  14. 06[12:34] * Arcane_Sleeping[A] is now known as Arcane_Scroll
  15. 15[12:35] * +Karina turns on the radio then lays her head down on the pipbuck, figuring she might as well pass the time with some music while waiting for the burial to start.
  16. 07[12:35] * +Primer wanders over to the exit of the little shop. "You coming Lily?"
  17. 07[12:36] * +Fire_Lily follows, though a little slowly. "Yeah... I'm coming."
  18. 04[12:37] * +Primer exits the shop and wanders over to Karina with Fire_Lily in tow.
  19. 15[12:37] * +Karina looks up at Primer and Lily without lifting her head. "Hey."
  20. 07[12:38] * +Primer "Hey."
  21. 07[12:39] * +Fire_Lily mumbles. "...Hi."
  22. 07[12:39] * +Keen exits the store with a few burn marks on his hooves. "Good morning." He said with a scratchy tone in his voice. "What, uh. What are you working on?"
  23. 04[12:39] * +Primer sits down next to Karina. She looks down on Kar's pillow and frowns. "You intend to keep that?"
  24. 15[12:40] * +Karina "Not -me- necessarily... it can go to whoever wants it, I guess... but I do intend to keep it around, yes."
  25. 07[12:41] * +Primer tilts her head. "I... okay..." She see's Keen approach and smiles at him.
  26. 15[12:42] * +Karina looks up at Keen. "Just messing around. Right now I just have it on for background sound..."
  27. 07[12:42] * +Keen frowns. Just another scavenged thing from a dead pony now. "Who wants it?" He mentioned softly, holding a wing up for Primer.
  28. 07[12:43] * +Primer looks around. "We can take that up when we find somepony who can open it."
  29. 04[12:43] * +Fire_Lily goes watch Karina fiddle with the pipbuck, somewhat interested in seeing what it does.
  30. [12:44] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 DJ P0N-3's station comes in softly through the radio. Sweetie Belle is singing, and it feels appropriate
  31. [12:47] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Garden and twerp approach, bearing a simple wooden box the size of a pony between them. Gardenia looks sympathetic, while Twerp's expression is unreadable through the Mare-do-Well getup.
  32. [12:47] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 *Gardenia
  33. 15[12:48] * +Karina looks up at the pony, changeling, and box, knowing what was in it. She sighs. "Here we go..."
  34. 07[12:48] * +Primer looks sadly at the box. "Well, lets get it over with."
  35. 04[12:49] * +Fire_Lily looks up as well when Karina does, frowning after a moment. Oh.
  36. [12:50] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Gardenia nods, then she and Twerp lead the party, while still carrying the box, around to an area behind the clinic where a small area of earth is bare. There is already a hole dug, and two of the guard ponies standing by with shovels.
  37. 07[12:51] * +Keen nods softly, rummaging through his pockets to pull out two bit coins, polished to a gleam. "... I would like it if I was allowed to see the body." No you don't. You don't want to see the body. He's fine, he's dead. Why the hell are you still going through these motions?
  38. 04[12:52] * +Primer follows somberly... She looks over at Karina. When there was time she would ask why she and Cookie was fighting before they went into the sewers.
  39. 07[12:53] * +Fire_Lily looks to Keen, a little curiously at that request. Why... would he want to see... again? She shudders a little at the thought. She never wanted to see something like that again.
  40. [12:54] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Gardenia nods and sets the box down. Twerp slides the lid back, revealing Cookie's body. She did some good work preparing it; it doesn't look quite as dessicatted as it did when the Bloodwing was finished.
  41. 15[12:55] * +Karina stands up and stows the pipbuck, radio left on. She follows Keen, not really interested in watching anything that was going on.
  42. 07[12:55] * +Primer looks away. That was not something she wanted to see... ever.
  43. 07[12:55] * +Fire_Lily looks away anyway, as soon as they move to open the box.
  44. [12:55] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 For whatever reason, DJ seems to have no news today, only more Sweetie Belle.
  45. 07[12:57] * +Keen looks hurt and stunned for a little while, rubbing the bit coins together unconsciously. He shrugged like he had suddenly bore a heavy load on his back. He looked nice enough. Better than the skeletons we usually steal from. With a sigh and a whistful thought, he places two bit coins over Cookie's eyes, then backs away and nods for them to continue.
  46. 07[12:58] * +Primer moves up to Keen, sits down and leans lightly on him, she reaches out and pulls Fire_Lily into a hug.
  47. 07[12:59] * +Fire_Lily doesn't resist the hug. Hugs were good right now.
  48. [12:59] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Gardenia isn't sure about the gesture;s meaning, but repalces the lid, and she and twerp move t he box over to the waiting hole. Gardenia looks up; "I didn't know Cookie as well as any of you, so if any of you would like to say words or parting, please do so."
  49. 07[13:00] * +Keen clenches his eyes shut hard, and pulls the cyberpony and little filly tight against him.
  50. 07[13:00] * +Primer closes her eyes and sighs. This made things a little better.
  51. 15[13:01] * +Karina walks up next to Keen's other side and shakes her head.
  52. 07[13:01] * +Primer makes a motion for Gardenia to carry on.
  53. 07[13:02] * +Fire_Lily looks at the box, solemnly. She mutters something very quietly under her breath, and closes her eyes.
  54. [13:02] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Gardenia sighs; "I guess there's really not much to say, is there? You've all lost a friend, and the wasteland has lost a good pony. We can at least do right by remembering him." She motions for one of the guards, who places a small headstone with Cookie's name and cutie mark at the head of the hole.
  55. [13:04] <+Keen> "... Child of dust, to mother now return. For every seed must die before it grows. And though the world above may toil and turn, no prying spades will find you here below." His voice cracked. He didn't want to be saying this. "Safe beneath their wisdom and their hooves... Let nopony be left for you to disapprove."
  56. [13:04] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Gardenia listens to Keen and waits for him to finish his apparent prayer
  57. 07[13:05] * +Fire_Lily glances up at Keen in surprise. That was unexpected.
  58. 07[13:06] * +Primer keeps silent.
  59. 07[13:07] * +Keen nods sadly, a tear stuck in his eye, breaking his poetic tone. "Rest in peace, Cookie. I wish that... I wish this didn't happen to you."
  60. 15[13:08] * +Karina clears her throat softly and sits back down.
  61. [13:09] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Gardenia nods as Cookie finishes, and then she and twerp move the box over the hole, allowign the gaurd ponies to lower it in
  62. 15[13:09] <+Karina> Keen*
  63. 07[13:10] * +Fire_Lily turns back to watch them lower the box into the hole
  64. 07[13:10] * +Primer opens her eyes and follow the box as it's lowered. She was saddened... but this was the wasteland. You lived fast and died young, if you wept for every pony, you'd never stop.
  65. 15[13:11] * +Karina watches the box be lowered. She was a little sad. A little hurt. A bit relieved. Mostly she just didn't want to think about it.
  66. 06[13:15] * AMARDA_GM_SLEEPING is now known as AMARDA_GM
  67. 06[13:15] * TenMihara|GM sets mode: -v AMARDA_GM
  68. [13:16] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 As the box hits the bottom of the pit, there is a dull thud. The two guards standign present start filling it in
  69. 07[13:16] * +Primer nussles Keen under his chin and whisper. "That was beautiful."
  70. 07[13:17] * +Fire_Lily continues to watch, silently.
  71. 07[13:17] * +Keen tries to smile and... Well, fails. "... It's... Just an old prayer I learned." From way too many funerals.
  72. 04[13:18] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 From the moment Gardenia arrive with the box to the conclusion of the burial was a scant half an hour. It seems that's all the wasteland has time to allow. Wraith, seeing that the deed is done, looks to Karina. He didn't have any standing with the party, and didn't want to bother explaining his shit again when she could do so for him
  73. 15[13:18] * +Karina walks over to the dirt pile and sticks her hoof in it, tossing in a bit of dirt into the grave then steps back, letting the guards get back to work shovelling. She looks at the group and sighs, finally settling on Wraith. "Where is he?"
  74. [13:21] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Wrath shrugs; "Dunno; my last lead just went cold. Only got one other from three weeks ago that placed him in Shantyshod, but that's a long time ago for the wasteland."
  75. 07[13:25] * +Primer wasn't present when they met with Wraith and is unaware what the group is talking about. "I'm sorry, but who are we talking about?"
  76. 04[13:25] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Wraith doesn't answer and looks to Karina. If she wanted to help, she could be his liason.
  77. 07[13:25] * +Fire_Lily also hasn't met Wraith. She looks at him curiously.
  78. 15[13:27] * +Karina blinks at Wraith. Shantyshod... that... no she used to live in Shantyburg. Shantyshod couldn't possibly be the same place. She looks at Primer. "Foal killer that's going between towns that we're supposed to help track down."
  79. [13:27] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Wraith looks like a mummy in old military barding, with bits of necrotic flesh visible through holes in the wrappings. He has a big club that looks like an up-ended street sign
  80. 07[13:29] * +Primer nods. "Okay, that is something worthwhile."
  81. 15[13:30] * +Karina "Mmhmm." She looks back to Wraith. "So where is Shanty...shod?"
  82. 04[13:31] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Wraith looks to Karina's saddlebags; "Pull out that pip-whatsit and I'll show you on the map."
  83. 15[13:32] * +Karina totally doesn't actually have saddlebags because of magical pockets on the inside of all her cloaks. Silly Wraith. She pulls the pipbuck out anyway and walks over to Wraith and pulls up the map.
  84. [13:33] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Wraith scrolls through an indicates a location near the edge of Manehattan proper, near the Bucklyn area.
  85. 15[13:36] * +Karina takes the pipbuck back and nods. "Any objections?"
  86. 07[13:36] * +Primer want's to look but didn't want to move from Keen's hug.
  87. 07[13:37] * +Fire_Lily doesn't have any objections. Somepony like that... needed to be dealt with. Doesn't stop her from being a bit nervous though.
  88. [13:37] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Wraith notes; "From here, it'll take abotu three hours walking, unless you got some kind of transportation." She looks to the groups pegasi.
  89. 07[13:38] * +Keen squeezes Primer tight and lets go. "No objections. Anywhere but here." He would say something to the effect of 'why are you looking at me like that', but he's kind of distracted looking at his friend being buried.
  90. 15[13:39] * +Karina follows Wraith's gaze and then snerks. "Yeah... no..." She puts the pipbuck back to where it can be easily gotten to, tosses her hood up onto her head, and stretches her body.
  91. [13:40] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Wraith snorts; "The fliers could get there faster, but you seem the types to be rather..." he glances at the grave, "attached to each other."
  92. 07[13:43] * +Primer nods. "Getting separated isn't a good move."
  93. [13:44] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Wraith rolls his eyes; "Sure, if you have sompony to be separated from."
  94. 15[13:45] * +Karina looks at the rest of the group. "So do we want to go to the apartment and get what Ditzy dropped off, or do we just want to go?"
  95. 04[13:45] * +Keen nods at Karina. "I would... I would like to go home and get Wraith situated."
  96. [13:47] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Wraith shrugs; "It's a three week old lead; not like one more day will make a shitton of difference."
  97. 15[13:47] * +Karina nods then starts walking to the apartment.
  98. 04[13:49] * +Primer gets moving after Karina. "So, what was the deal between you and Cookie last night."
  99. 15[13:50] * +Karina "When?"
  100. 04[13:50] * +Keen flutters on behind Karina, forlornly looking back a few times at Gutterville.
  101. 07[13:50] * +Fire_Lily follows everyone, still thinking about everything that happened over the past day.
  102. 04[13:50] * +Primer deadpans at Karina. "Don't bugger about. When you guys were pointing guns at each other."
  103. 07[13:51] * +Fire_Lily 's ears perk at that. She'd almost forgotten that little stunt. She wants to know the answer too.
  104. [13:52] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Wraith seems disinterested and keeps walking in silence. Storm knows the reason why, but she would be keeping it to herself for now
  105. [13:52] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 *the reason why she had joined in the gun pointing
  106. 15[13:53] * +Karina continues walking and looking straight forward. "You mean when he was acting -exactly- like a stallion that once tried to rape me?"
  107. 07[13:54] * +Primer blink blinks. "He what?"
  108. 13[13:55] * AMARDA_GM ( Quit (Connection closed)
  109. 04[13:55] * +Keen looks at Karina in stunned silence. "... What?"
  110. 07[13:55] * +Fire_Lily tenses a bit. That was... unexpected. And something she didn't want to think about.
  111. 15[14:00] * +Karina stops walking, pulls her hood back down, and looks at Primer. "You heard me. Cookie was the -only- one who knew about that happened to me, and he had started acting like that stallion in every single way I could see. Bringing up past favors constantly, acting like a jerk when he used to be nice, and putting a price on his friendship when at the time he did things he said that nothing in return would suffice. Cookie knew all about this, and I even brought this up to him and warned him twice. I was -not- going to let it happen again."
  112. 07[14:01] * +Primer looks down. "Woah..." Right... that was a mouthfull to swallow...
  113. 04[14:03] * +Primer looks up at Karina. "Sorry, I didn't know."
  114. 07[14:04] * +Keen 's mouth twists a little. "We should probably stop talking about Cookie like that. It's not polite to talk ill of the dead." Even if they were bastards.
  115. 15[14:04] * +Karina "When that buck tried, I cut off his penis. I wasn't going to let Cookie be that dense at all of ours expense." She nods at Primer. "I know you didn't. Only Cookie did." And he -still- acted that way. She looks back and Keen then flips her hood back up and resumes walking.
  116. [14:05] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Wraith actually smirks. He was dead, and people badmouthed him all the time]
  117. 04[14:06] * +Primer actually smirks at what Kar said the did to the buck. "Right, now that we all know and are sufficently akward... lets go."
  118. 07[14:07] * +Fire_Lily is very silent. She'd llistened to everything.
  119. 07[14:08] * +Keen hung his head and tried to hold back a chuckle. It wasn't funny, it really wasn't. It's just that anything is funny whenever you spend enough time depressed.
  120. 04[14:09] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 With their air of awkward, the party continues one. With the Pipbuck in her posession, Karina actually finds what she feels is a shortcut through a few side streets that will get them back to their appartment more quickly. However, on one particular side street they come across... a burnt out delivery wagon.
  121. 15[14:10] * +Karina stops short and blinks at the wagon, trying to see whose wagon it was.
  122. 07[14:10] * +Primer stops and tilts her head. "Maybe this is one of those other merchants who went missing..."
  123. 07[14:10] * +Keen halts. No. Nononononono. Please, Celestia, Luna, Cadence, the Artist, anyone, don't let that be Ditzy's.
  124. [14:11] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 The wagon is covered in ash, and one of the braces for the harness is snapped.
  125. [14:11] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 From the looks of it, it had been there some time
  126. 07[14:12] * +Fire_Lily slows walking, and eventually stops. This was... horrible, horrible memories.
  127. 15[14:12] * +Karina slowly approaches the wagon, making sure to look for traps. It'd been there for too long for it to be Ditzy, so she wasn't worried about anyone in particular.
  128. 07[14:12] * +Primer trotts up to it. Studying the surroundings, if this was the remains of an ambush, there may be traps around.
  129. 07[14:14] * +Keen flutters above the wagon, looking for anything unusual, any signs of what happened here.
  130. [14:14] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 The ash covering the wagon is thick, and looks to have been there a long time. Perhaps if some of it were brushed away...
  131. 07[14:15] * +Primer whipes some of the dust away.
  132. 07[14:15] * +Keen blows some of the ashes away with the down current of his wings.
  133. 15[14:15] * +Karina looks around and... oh a nice store which they could go in and loot things and maybe find some herbs woot!
  134. [14:15] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 The Side of the wagon is emblazoned with a stylized carrot
  135. 06[14:16] * AMARDA_GM ( has joined #FalloutEquestriaPNP2
  136. 07[14:16] * +Primer "Hmm, Sparkle Cola..." Maybe some of the load was left inside.
  137. 15[14:17] * +Karina 's gaze is drawn immediately back to the cart. "Cola? Is there some inside?"
  138. [14:17] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 To anypony who bothered to check, the back door of the wagon was buckled enough to break what used to be the lock.
  139. 07[14:17] * +Fire_Lily slowly walks up to the wagon. She joins Keen and Primer, quietly.
  140. 07[14:17] * +Primer trotts over to the back of the delivery wagon and bucks the doors /hard/.
  141. 07[14:18] * +Keen takes a deep breath and lets the mares have their Cola fix. He decides to search the convenience store.
  142. [14:19] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 The door collapses inwards. A small hole in the ceiling plus the open door lets light in. There's a fait glow coming from the back
  143. 07[14:19] * +Fire_Lily decides to stay with Primer and investigate the wagon.
  144. 07[14:19] * +Primer goes over the interior of the wagon, turning over every box and eventually making her way to the glow in the back.
  145. 07[14:20] * +Fire_Lily crawls in after Primer.
  146. [14:20] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Inside the convenience store seems to be largely untouched. Probably because it was on an obscure side street. Most of the contents have been incinerated though, but there might be a bit worth picking through
  147. 07[14:21] * +Primer "Oh hell yes!" She lifts her haul to show Fire_Lily, a dozen bottles of Sparkle~Cola and three bottles of Rad~
  148. 15[14:22] * +Karina moves a bit closer to Primer and Lily, visibly fidgeting a bit as she eyes all the delicious cola.
  149. 07[14:22] * +Fire_Lily smiles a bit at Primer. Cola was nice...
  150. 07[14:23] * +Primer spots a safe in the floor of the wagon. She points to it. "Wanna give it a shot Lily?"
  151. 07[14:24] * +Fire_Lily looks to the safe, and lies down in front of it to attempt to open it.
  152. 15[14:24] * +Karina clears her throat. "Hey... Primer... uh... um..." She points at the colas and one of the RADs. "Could... would you mind?"
  153. 04[14:26] * +Primer shakes her head, giving Karina one of the Rad~ and half the bottles of Cola. "Ask Keen if he wants any, I'll share these with Lily." And she wanted to keep at least two of the Rad~, Flak had once told her of a grenade she was just dying to try and build... as soon as she got the schematics.
  154. [14:26] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 The safe opens easily to Lily's skills. Inside are some half burnt documents that probably don't mean anything anymore, another bottle of RAD, and a pouch full of bottlecaps.
  155. 15[14:27] * +Karina laughs and starts stowing away the bottles, keeping out two of the normal colas. She chugs down the first and then starts savoring the second as she drinks it.
  156. 07[14:27] * +Fire_Lily nudges open the door of the safe once she finishes picking the lock, and starts pulling things out of it and setting them aside.
  157. 07[14:28] * +Keen "Lily!" Keen called, looking at a safe in the back of the convenience store. He had already looted the place for pre-war food and drink. He'd put it out to share when they got home.
  158. 07[14:29] * +Primer eyes the bottle of Rad and nudges Lily, slipping three bottles of Cola in her pack.
  159. 07[14:31] * +Fire_Lily smiles and trots off toward where she heard Keen's voice.
  160. 15[14:31] * +Karina is in heaven.
  161. 04[14:32] * +Primer smirks at Karina and trotts after Lily.
  162. 07[14:33] * +Keen waits for Lily to come trotting past. "Hey, Lily, Primer. I found us some food, and I found you a safe to crack." He pointed to a floor safe behind the counter. "Would you do the honors?"
  163. [14:34] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Wraith occupies himself inspecting the wagon. Sadly, it wasn't salvageable. It had been at a lower altitude, probably about to land, but it had still crashed hard and broken its weight reduction array beyond repair.
  164. 07[14:36] * +Fire_Lily moves over to where Keen indicates, lying down in front of this safe too to try to open it.
  165. 07[14:39] * +Fire_Lily nudges this safe open once it's unlocked, frowning at the broken pin.
  166. 07[14:39] * +Primer pats Lily on the back anyway.
  167. [14:40] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Lily breaks one bobby pin but manages to get the safe open on her second attempt. Inside is a copy of 'Increasing your Sales Figures', a bottle of whiskey, a 9mm pistol with 12 bullets in the magazine, and 200 bottle caps
  168. 07[14:42] * +Primer looks over the book. "Hmm, ten ways to by cheap and sell dear... all you wanted to know about percentages... Mind if I grab this?"
  169. 07[14:43] * +Fire_Lily starts removing the safe objects and placing them on the ground next to her. She shakes her head at Primer's request. "Go ahead."
  170. 15[14:43] * +Karina finishes the second cola and randomly tosses it. Oh that was delicious... she heads into the story. "Got everything?"
  171. 07[14:43] * +Primer grins and sits down, starting to flip through the book almost immediatley.
  172. 07[14:45] * +Keen looks to his left and right, then took the bottle of whiskey from the pile. He didn't exactly have a hip flask, and he would like to have some whiskey in stock so that he could have something to look forward to when they finally came home after a hard day's work.
  173. 13[14:45] * AMARDA_GM ( Quit (Client exited)
  174. 07[14:46] * +Primer prods Lily. "By the way, you forgot this in the wagon." She holds the little pouch of caps up.
  175. 07[14:46] * +Fire_Lily looks at Primer and shrugs. "I don't need it... You keep it."
  176. 15[14:47] * +Karina waits until the silly scavengers are done and then resumes course to the apartment.
  177. 07[14:47] * +Primer "Thanks Lily."
  178. 07[14:49] * +Primer puts the pouch of caps in her bags toghether with the bottle of Rad~ Lily had left there.
  179. 07[14:50] * +Primer "Lets keep going."
  180. 13[14:50] * BlueNote ( Quit (Quit: Leaving)
  181. 07[14:50] * +Fire_Lily smiles at Primer. The only things left... were the gun and ammo. She waits until nopony else is paying attention, and discreetly hides them away.
  182. 07[14:53] * +Keen trots on out, slightly buckling under the weight of the food. It was a good weight.
  183. [14:53] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 The convenience store cleared out, the party resumes their trek back to their appartment home. As they arrive, a parcel topped with a clipboard waits for them on the doorstep
  184. 06[14:53] * Pony_3246 ( has joined #FalloutEquestriaPNP2
  185. 07[14:53] * +Primer moves up to the box and reads the notice.
  186. [14:54] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 The Clipboard looks to be an invoice, in the familiar yet somewhat sloppy penmareship of everypony's favourite ghoul pegasus.
  187. 07[14:54] * +Primer "Hey guys, Ditzy left us a parcel!"
  188. 07[14:55] * +Keen perks up a little bit at the mention of Ditzy. He trods a little heavy of step towards the door. "What's it say?"
  189. [14:55] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 The box and the invoice both are marked with the trademark seven circles of the ghoul, and there's a note at the bottom 'Leave caps in mail slot, will pick up when I pass back this way.'
  190. [14:55] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 *mailbox
  191. 07[14:56] * +Fire_Lily eagerly walks over to Primer and the box to investigate.
  192. 07[14:56] * +Primer reads it aloud.
  193. [14:56] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Wraith, not knowing what was up with the box, sits off to the side
  194. 04[14:58] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 The Invocie Reads: '10mm SMG Mod - Karina - 250 Caps. Beam Splitter - Keen (This was tricky) - 650 caps. Spellbook - Lily (have fun!) - 120 caps. 5.56mm Pistol - Cookie - 550 Caps. Hunting Rifle Extended Magazines - Storm - 580 caps. Grenade Rifle Barrel Extension - Primer - 300 Caps.'
  195. 07[14:59] * +Primer mutters to herself. "Damn, that was expencive... but worth it." Primer bites down on the strings and opens the box 'o toys.
  196. [15:00] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 The box contains all the promised goodies
  197. [15:02] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 On the back of the note: 'Don't have to pay at once, but can't do another order until you pay for this one. Still have business to run. Hope you understand.'
  198. 15[15:02] * +Karina squees and digs in to dig out her new silencer for her 10mm SMG and instantly installs it.
  199. 15[15:02] * +Karina then puts the caps into the mailbox.
  200. 07[15:02] * +Keen looks at Primer and cocks an eye. Six hundred and fifty caps! Six hundred and fifty damn caps! "You're telling me." He said, solemnly pouring out his hard-earned caps into the mail slot. Freaking hell. This thing had better stop some ponies after paying this much.
  201. 07[15:03] * +Primer lovingly screws on the barrel extention on her Thumper and gives the grenade rifle a big sloppy kiss.
  202. 07[15:03] * +Fire_Lily separates out 120 caps from her stash. She would gladly pay that much, if not more, for that book.
  203. 07[15:04] * +Primer then pour three hundred caps into the mailbox.
  204. 13[15:07] * ~Arcane_Scroll ( Quit (Quit: Sunshine and Rainbows)
  205. 07[15:07] * +Fire_Lily takes her spellbook from the box and inspects it with excitement
  206. 15[15:07] * +Karina unlocks the door then walks inside and heads up to her room. They'd need some sleep before heading out.
  207. 07[15:08] * +Primer lifts the box up... then looks inside. "Oh, right... Guys, what should we do with the gun Cookie ordered? Does anypony want it or should I slip it into the mailbox?"
  208. [15:10] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Storm raises a hoof; she'd take it. it was a nice looking gun
  209. 07[15:10] * +Primer hands the gun over to Storm.
  210. [15:10] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Storm looks happy
  211. 07[15:20] * +Primer drags the box inside and walks up to her room. She had some reading to do... maybe she and Fire_Lily can cuddle up in a pillow fort and read their books together.
  212. 07[15:20] * +Fire_Lily takes the book upstairs. She had some reading and practice to do.
  213. 07[15:22] * +Keen goes upstairs and starts to shuffle around his things. He hung up the whip, he placed the family photo on his nightstand, he hid a pair of whiskey bottles in a drawer, placing his bathrobe over them. Didn't need the filly to be getting into those.
  214. [15:22] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 The group takes a night or proper rest and reading to relax after the insanity of the previous couple days. Wraith knocks hard on each door at the crack of dawn the following morning.
  215. 15[15:23] * +Karina is startled awake. "What?"
  216. 07[15:23] * +Keen placed his Canterlot Journal of Medicine on a bookshelf, then decided to go to sleep with the recollector and an onyx stone on his head.
  217. 07[15:24] * +Primer snuck into Keen's room during the night and snuggled up to him.
  218. 06[15:26] * Chor (Mibbit@Pony-hra.fl3.148.217.IP) has joined #FalloutEquestriaPNP2
  219. 06[15:26] * ChanServ sets mode: +h Chor
  220. [15:26] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Wraith calls up; "Come on, we've got a three week old lead to pursue. Rise and shine."
  221. 15[15:27] * +Karina grumbles as she rolls out of bed and puts all her gear on. She'd be taking that workbench too from the second floor... left it here so they'd have somewhere to keep it since they had someone who could do things, but with him gone, who knows when they'd have need of it and couldn't get back to the apartment?
  222. 07[15:28] * +Fire_Lily groans. Remind me never to practice spells so late before we have to get up early.
  223. 07[15:29] * +Primer wakes up, still snuggled up close to Keen.
  224. [15:29] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Wraith groans quietly. Lousy smoothcoats.
  225. 07[15:29] * +Keen shudders awake. "DON'T KISS ME YOU SICK SON OF A-" Where the hell did Primer come from. "Oh. Uh. Hi, Primer." He tried to hide his Recollector. It was a rather embarassing memory.
  226. 15[15:30] * +Karina walks out of her room and to the second floor and collapses the work bench.
  227. 07[15:30] * +Primer looks up at Keen. Sha had been rather startled by his outbust but was too bleary from sleep to notice the recollector. "Hi."
  228. 07[15:32] * +Keen blunk. Oh. Right. Yesterday, she had decided for some reason that I'm worth something. "Um. Hi. Sorry. Weird dream." He shuffled around and sneakily tried to place the recollector into the nightstand. You sit tight.
  229. 15[15:34] * +Karina grabs some of the food and water on the second floor as well and eats a quick breakfast.
  230. 07[15:34] * +Primer continues to not notice the recollector. "It's okay..." She sits up and rubs at her eyes.
  231. 07[15:35] * +Keen looks at the mare just waking up from her slumber. Goddess, that's cute. "Goddess, you're cute when you're waking up." He let slip.
  232. 07[15:36] * +Primer stretches and rolls out of bed. She smiles coyly at Keen. "Well, too bad that you didn't wake up last night..."
  233. 07[15:36] * +Primer "But I guess that you needed your rest."
  234. [15:36] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Wraith is getting impatient; "I may have all day breathers, but you don't. Let's go."
  235. [15:36] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Storm is ready to go
  236. 07[15:36] * +Keen remembers what exactly he was doing. "I'm sorry. I was stuck in a memory."
  237. 07[15:37] * +Fire_Lily unsteadily makes her way down the stairs.
  238. 07[15:38] * +Primer listens to Wraith and rolls her eyes. "I don't mind... really." He didn't know about -that- yet... "Lets get ready to move so that we won't take all day."
  239. 04[15:38] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Wraith and Storm join Lily and karina downstairs, leaving Keen and Primer left upstairs together
  240. 15[15:39] * +Karina yawns and starts idly pacing around the first floor as she waits on Keen and Primer.
  241. 07[15:39] * +Primer tiphooves over to her own room and dresses in her armor, cloak, and saddlebags.
  242. 07[15:39] * +Keen opens up his wing, looking back to his old self again, all things considered. "Breakfast on the go, then?" Mmm. Pop-can alfalfa pouches.
  243. 07[15:40] * +Primer joins with the others downstairs.
  244. 06[15:41] * Arcane_Scroll ( has joined #FalloutEquestriaPNP2
  245. 06[15:41] * ChanServ sets mode: +qo Arcane_Scroll Arcane_Scroll
  246. 07[15:41] * +Keen munches down on a green pastry pouch and has breakfast on the go.
  247. 15[15:42] * +Karina leads the others out and heads off towards where Wraith had pointed her to on the map.
  248. [15:43] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 With their deliveries from Ditzy secured and her payment placed in the mailbox for her to pick up later, the group departs from their home and heads towards Shauntyshod. The trip takesa few hours, but a combination of traversing the monorails and taking the right shortcuts allows them to avoid any serious incidents.
  249. [15:46] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 As they arrive in the area, it's immediatelty apparent where this hovel got its name. Bigger even than Gutterville, Shantyshod seems to have sprung up around an old factory building, half the name of which has collapsed, leaving the big letters 'SHOD' on the side still visible. Anypony with a bit of history knowledge might know what that was from.
  250. 07[15:47] * +Primer trotts along the street. "I've never been here before." She looked around.
  251. 07[15:48] * +Primer looks up at the old firearms factory.
  252. 15[15:49] * +Karina blinks. Crap. This -was- it. "I have..." She fades back from the front of the group a bit and makes sure her hood is well over her face.
  253. [15:50] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 There doesn't really seem to be a wall around the shanty-town, although it does seem to be in better repair than places like Scrapton and Hovelhoof. Living on top of an old munitions factory did have its advantages. Armed guards wander around with mild attentiveness.
  254. 07[15:50] * +Keen looks up. "Ironshod. It's an old firearms company that popped up after... Maybe before Crescent Moon happened. If they were here before, then there wasn't much call for them." Wasn't his thing, but he remembers more than one mugger trying to shake him down with a revolver in his mouth.
  255. 07[15:50] * +Fire_Lily looks around in curiosity
  256. 07[15:52] * +Primer looks to Wraith. "So, what now?"
  257. [15:52] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Wraith shrugs; "Ask around, see if they've seen anypony fitting the description. Maybe stop in at the local merchants and see if any of them sold to that sick fuck."
  258. 07[15:54] * +Primer thinks a bit... "I'll go and see what the lowlifes know." She looks into her money pouch. "Fuck, I don't have enough caps to bribe somepony."
  259. 15[15:54] * +Karina looks at Wraith and nods, then looks at Primer. "How much you need?"
  260. 07[15:54] * +Keen shrugged the weight a bit on his magic weapons. He figured open carry was probably the rule, not the exception here. "Alright. Let's head on in." Keen slowly trotted towards the building. A whole factory filled with gun-nut ponies. Fun times.
  261. 07[15:55] * +Primer ponders this... "Well, At least twohundred would be good in case I need to repeat myself."
  262. 15[15:56] * +Karina pulls out five hundred caps and hoofs them over to Primer. "In case you need to repeat yourself... a lot."
  263. 07[15:56] * +Fire_Lily decides to stick as close as possible to Keen. She knew exactly the kind of danger she would be in for this kind of thing, and if anyone was going to make doubly sure she wasn't harmed, it would be him.
  264. 07[15:56] * +Primer accepts the money and puts them in a separate pouch, so that she doesn't mix the money up.
  265. 15[15:58] * +Karina sighs and gives Primer the best locations where she might find the types she was looking for to talk to.
  266. 04[15:58] * +Primer for once disobeys her own rules and follows Karina's directions to the bad side of town.
  267. 07[15:59] * +Primer does so /alone/.
  268. [16:00] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 On the bad side of town, Primer gets plenty of odd looks. However, given that she has forlegs made of steel and a miniature cannon on her back, most of them don't seem interested in starting anything.
  269. 07[16:00] * +Primer soon locates her first target, a seedy looking and rather run down Tavern. She looks up at the sign. "The mended drum... nice place."
  270. 15[16:00] * +Karina watches Primer, Keen, and Lily trot off. She was now alone with a ghoul and a pegasus, one of which really didn't like her, near her old home. Where she almost got raped. Right. Let's get this over with, shall we? She starts heading into town, trying to blend in and avoid the eyes she could practically feel following her.
  271. [16:01] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 As Primer appraoches the tavern, the door wings open and a filthy looking patron is thrown out with a black eye and several missing teeth. He lands roughtly and twitches, not getting back up
  272. 04[16:03] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Wraith starts walking towards the shop with Karina and storm in tow. That was where he usually started; the killed always seemed to buy the same kinds of supplies at each place.
  273. 07[16:03] * +Primer walks over the patron and enters the Tavern. She slips into her pre-group mentality and keeps her eyes open for trouble while heading for the bartender.
  274. 15[16:05] * +Karina stops at the entrance. She knew that shopkeeper. She didn't like that shopkeeper. "I'll uh... stay out here guys."
  275. [16:05] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Most of the tavern goers are too rowdy and drunk to notice a newcomer. One pony that looks like a bouncer is in the process of turning around, presumably after throwing out the deadbeat. It was ripe for anypony with sticky fingers and a little luck
  276. [16:06] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Wraith goes inside and does his thing. Storm stays outside to keep watch, both for trouble inside and out
  277. 07[16:06] * +Primer grins wickedly... she could feel her karma drop by just walking on the floorplanks. She liked it.
  278. 07[16:07] * +Primer decides to relieve the pockets of a couple of drunk patrons as she walks up to the filthy bardisk.
  279. 07[16:09] * +Fire_Lily continues following Keen, wherever he is going.
  280. 04[16:09] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Karina suddenly feels stiff as a pair of sharp pricks erupt from her left flank.
  281. 15[16:10] * +Karina "..."
  282. 04[16:11] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Karina feels something draped over her body, and is then dragged away
  283. 07[16:12] * +Primer collects 63 caps and 19 9mm rounds from two drunkards but is nearly caught by one fellow and decides to not puch her luck.
  284. 04[16:12] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Storm blinks as Karina vanishes into thin air. "What the fuck?!"
  285. 06[16:14] * Hedge ( has joined #FalloutEquestriaPNP2
  286. 07[16:14] * +Primer steps up to the bartender. "So, I'm interested in finding this old fellow of mine. You might know him." She describes the foal killer to the bartender.
  287. [16:17] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 The bartender is a grizzly looking earth pony stallion cleaning a glass by spitting in it and rubbing it with a rag. "Lotsa folks come through here lady. You expect me to remember them all?"
  288. 07[16:19] * +Primer rests her forelegs on the counter and makes shure that the bartender notices the little pouch of caps in her hand. "Maybe. I might have something to grease your memory."
  289. 13[16:19] * Puzzler ( Quit (Connection closed)
  290. 07[16:20] * +Keen looks at the board. Well, there's that foal-killer fellow. And... Bottle and Cap? No. No, that's not a thing that's happening. Keen un-pins that particular pair off the board. "Lily, I don't think we're going to find anything here. Come on."
  291. 07[16:21] * +Primer "I'll have a shot of Wild Pegasus, please." She slips the bartender ten extra caps on top of the cost of the drink.
  292. [16:21] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 As Keen and Lily turn away from the board, they catch Storm flying towards them with Wraith running along underneath, SHe looks spooked while he still looks like a mummy
  293. 07[16:22] * +Fire_Lily notices Keen taking the notice off the board. She's about to say something as Storm and Wraith turn up.
  294. [16:23] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 The bartender pours the drink and takes the caps. He looks Primer up and down. Mechanical implants, explosive rifle, probably a bounty hunter. A good one if she can afford that kind of augmentation. Not to be trifled with too much. "Seen that guy a couple weeks back. He actually got caught the first time, but escaped somehow. Killed again and ended up on a wanted poster."
  295. 07[16:23] * +Keen smiles sneakily. Felt so good to do something... Huh. Good. And then Dessy and Wraith swarmed out. Well. That's not going to happen. Keen saddles Lily onto his back. "Hold on tight! We're going to find out what's going on there!"
  296. 07[16:24] * +Fire_Lily is picked up. She holds on tight.
  297. 04[16:24] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Storm flies close and lands next to Keen and Lily; "Karina's gone."
  298. 07[16:25] * +Keen raises an eyebrow. "She does that." She tends to be sneaky a lot, actually.
  299. 06[16:25] * Hedge is now known as HedgeAFK
  300. 07[16:25] * +Primer nods. "So, do you know where he went?" She downs the shot of whiskey, barely avoiding a grimace.
  301. [16:26] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Storm shakes her head; "Saw her vanish into thin air. Like she went invisible or teleported or something."
  302. 07[16:26] * +Keen half-lids his eyes. "She does that."
  303. 07[16:27] * +Fire_Lily gives a confused look. "... Invisible? Even I can't do something like that..."
  304. [16:27] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Storm shakes her head; "No, she went all rigid first, then just vanished."
  305. [16:28] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 The barkeep tilts his head; "Maybe. Is it worth another drink to you to find out?"
  306. 07[16:28] * +Primer slips the bartender another twenty caps. "Hit me with another shot of Wild Pegasus."
  307. 07[16:29] * +Primer "I'm feeling thirsty."
  308. 07[16:30] * +Keen shrugs. "Look, if we take a look around and tried to find her, which we're not going to since we can only find her if she wants to be found, will you consider calming down?"
  309. 07[16:31] * +Fire_Lily gives Keen a look. She didn't expect him to be the one not worrying about things.
  310. [16:33] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 The bartender pours the shot. "He was holed up in the guard post awaiting excecution when he escaped. I'd recommend asking them which way he escaped in."
  311. [16:33] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Storm shrugs; "Hey, I may not exactly like her, but couldn't you guys be a little more serious about this?"
  312. [16:34] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Wraith notes; "Rigidity. She's a lithe zebra. Not her thing. Possibly a paralytic."
  313. 07[16:35] * +Fire_Lily is a little concerned. Storm was the last one she expected to be worried. "...I think we should look for her. Just in case."
  314. 07[16:35] * +Primer nocks back the second shot of whiskey. "Much obliged." She thinks for a bit... "I'll have a third shot... if you know anything else that might be important to know about ShantyShod."
  315. 06[16:36] * Pantzar ( has joined #FalloutEquestriaPNP2
  316. 07[16:36] * +Keen sighs. "Look, I've worried about her the last few times she went invisible and just wound up embarrassed, because she doesn't want to be found. I'm not expecting to find her." But what if something did happen? "... Which way was she last you looked?"
  317. [16:37] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 The barkeep shrugs; "Shantyshod info is on the house this time. You're already a better patron than half the deadbeats in here. The old factory where the bigwigs in town set up shop after making their money peddling the guns and parts and ammo within. The Guard post is adjacent to it."
  318. [16:38] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Storm nods; "She was right next to me outside the General Store while Wraith was... inquiring about his mark. Then she was just gone, while I was looking at her."
  319. 13[16:39] * HedgeAFK ( Quit (Connection closed)
  320. 07[16:39] * +Keen raises an eyebrow. "Any trail or anything we can follow?"
  321. 07[16:39] * +Fire_Lily looks even more concerned. "WHILE you were looking at her?"
  322. 04[16:41] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Storm nods; "Like I said, vanished into thin air." She leads the group back to the spot where Karina vanished.
  323. 07[16:41] * +Primer smiles at the barkeep and leaves the empty shot on the bardisk. "Thanks." She leaves the Mended Drum and when she is at a safe distance away she gags and curses. "Damned asshole watered the whiskey down. He's lucky I didn't leave a grenade under the counter."
  324. 07[16:44] * +Primer makes her way to the guard post, while unaware of her friends troubles.
  325. 04[16:45] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 There are hoofprints where Karina had been standing in a small patch of dirt admits the tarmac roads. However, there appears to be a few small nicks in the surrounding ashphalt that could have been left by spiked ponyshoes. Only Lily notices them for being closer to the ground
  326. [16:49] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 The old Ironshod Factory has partially been converted into what looks like mildly upscale housing. Beneath that likes a section marked as the local constabulary. Two guards stand outside. Three wanted posters are on the wall of the constabulary, one of which is the foal killer.
  327. 04[16:50] * +Fire_Lily notices the marks when she jumps off Keen's back when they get to where Karina disappeared. "Uh... what's this?" She looks closer. "It looks like... scratch marks."
  328. [16:51] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Wraith leans in for a closer look. "Spiked ponyshoes. Common weapon, crude but effective. Killer's MO tends to be knives, but then again he seems to favour cruelty."
  329. 06[16:51] * Pantzar is now known as Puzzler
  330. 07[16:52] * +Primer walks up to the posters and places a finger on the poster of the killer. She looks at one of the guards and asks. "So, what can you fella's tell me about this buck?"
  331. 07[16:52] * +Keen gets a feeling of creeping dread rising from the base of his spine up to his chest. Oh, shit. Oh, son of a bitch. "... Where do they lead? Where do we go?" Panic started to rise its ugly head.
  332. 07[16:53] * +Fire_Lily frowns, and shakes her head. "Dunno..."
  333. 06[16:54] * Gizmo ( has joined #FalloutEquestriaPNP2
  334. 06[16:54] * Gizmo ( has left #FalloutEquestriaPNP2
  335. [16:55] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 One of the guards eyes Primer; "Wanted for the death of two foals, both fillies. That's local, and he once escaped from our custody. It's probable and unfortunate that number has probably increased."
  336. 07[16:57] * +Primer rolls her eyes and her hand. "Yes, I am aware of this. Do you know in which direction he went after he escaped?"
  337. 07[16:59] * +Keen examines the scratch marks quickly. Think, Keen. Think. If she went somewhere in this road, she could've only had three directions to go. Down that street, down that way, or into the... Into that alley, which would be the stealthiest option. "She went this way!" Keen said, moving towards where his intuition lead.
  338. [17:00] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 The other guard speaks up; "Saw him head east. Might have headed for Scrapton, then out of Manehattan altogether. Guy's a real sicko; tortures the poor fillies to death. You bring him back alive so we can return the favour and the bounty is doubled."
  339. 07[17:00] * +Fire_Lily looks up at Keen's shout, and takes off after him.
  340. 07[17:01] * +Primer smiles and gives that guard a peck on the cheek. "Thank you sir." She trotts off to locate her friends.
  341. [17:02] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 The alley seems to serve as a shortcut to an area that looks like a decent quality housing district. Ponies mill about their daily lives as much as the wasteland allows them to.
  342. [17:02] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 The guard calls after her; "One of the fillies was my daughter. I would be -very- appreciative of a live capture."
  343. 07[17:03] * +Primer waves her tail and calls over her shoulder. "I'll keep that in mind!"
  344. 07[17:03] * +Keen looks around, trying to find a place where a pony would have to go to remain undetected.
  345. [17:04] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 There are plenty of ponies around to ask
  346. 07[17:05] * +Primer noses around and searches for the rest of the group.
  347. 07[17:06] * +Keen tries to pull a pony off the street to help. "Hey! Hey. Could you help me? I'm looking for my friend."
  348. [17:07] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Wraith remains behind at the store in case she came back
  349. 07[17:08] * +Fire_Lily joins Keen as he questions some ponies.
  350. [17:08] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 The pony stops for a moment; "Possibly... you're new in town, at least I haven't seen you around. Did your friend get lost?"
  351. 07[17:09] * +Primer arrives at the store and sees Wraith. "Hey, where are the others?"
  352. 07[17:10] * +Keen nods. "Yes! She was around here somewhere. She wears a brown cloak with a lot of pockets, a bandoleer, and wears some sort of security armor underneath all of that. She's a zebra, and I suspect she's been foalnapped. She should've passed by here recently, do you know where I can look?"
  353. 07[17:11] * +Fire_Lily gives the pony a worried look. She was going to help as best she could. "Please! We need help!"
  354. [17:12] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Wraith nods; "Off looking for the zebra. She disappeared while I was roughing up the shopkeep here for his reciepts."
  355. [17:12] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 The pony looks curious; "Zebras? i thought they were extinct."
  356. 04[17:14] * +Primer stops dead. "Kar did what?!" Her mane starts to glow flame red in anger. "Okay, I'm off to find her. You coming or staying?"
  357. 06[17:14] * Somber (Mibbit@Pony-lsh.ee4.141.75.IP) has joined #FalloutEquestriaPNP2
  358. 06[17:14] * ChanServ sets mode: +h Somber
  359. 07[17:15] * +Keen rolled his eyes. "Listen. If a pony did get foalnapped, where would you expect for them to go around here? If not you, then who would know?" He's losing his patience, his intonation stressed and desperate.
  360. [17:15] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Wraith shrugs; "I'm already looking for one pony. I'll stay here in case she returns."
  361. 06[17:16] * %Somber (Mibbit@Pony-lsh.ee4.141.75.IP) has left #FalloutEquestriaPNP2
  362. 07[17:16] * +Primer "Fine." She swirls around, her tailtip hitting him in the face as she stomps off.
  363. [17:17] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 The pony looks contemplative; "Well, there was those two foalnappings three weeks back. They caught the guy the first time in a house not far from here, but he got away somehow. I think they found him again and killed him."
  364. 07[17:17] * +Fire_Lily frowns. The pony wasn't really being helpful.
  365. 07[17:19] * +Primer trotts back to the Mended Drum, this time expecting the pony that got thrown out and neatly deflecting him into a nearby lamppost. She goes inside and stomps up to the barkeep.
  366. 07[17:19] * +Keen rolls his hoof impatiently. "And?"
  367. [17:20] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 The pony directs Keen to the aforementioned house
  368. [17:20] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 The Barkeep looks up at Primer. She looked pissed. HE really hoped it wasn't at him.
  369. 07[17:20] * +Keen sighs and looks around, any clue would be appreciated.
  370. 07[17:20] * +Fire_Lily tugs Keen. She trots over to the house the pony indicated.
  371. [17:21] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 The house is completely empty, although a few places are marked with dried blood
  372. 07[17:22] * +Keen grumps and floats up to the top and works his way down.
  373. 07[17:23] * +Fire_Lily is uneasy. This house is kinda... creepy.
  374. 07[17:25] * +Primer climbs up on the bardisk and calls out to the entire tavern, holding a loaded grenade in her hand as she does so. "Okay, I am looking for a friend of mine, a little zebra mare." She glares around. "I'm real impatient."
  375. [17:27] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 The entire tavern stops dead at the threat of the cyberpony. Everything immeidately goes quiet; you could hear a pin drop.
  376. 06[17:29] * Shady ( has joined #FalloutEquestriaPNP2
  377. 07[17:29] * +Primer pulls the pin while holding the spoon down. "Well? Come on, she cut a buck's dick off, odds are that he has talked about her to one of you."
  378. [17:31] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 One tavergoer speaks up; "Only ever seen one zebra 'round here. It was a stallion. Kept to himself. Nopony really seemed fond of a zebra, but the guy had this kind of... presense to him. Like he was someone nopony wanted to fuck with."
  379. 06[17:32] * Shady ( has left #FalloutEquestriaPNP2 ("")
  380. 07[17:34] * +Primer sighs and places the pin back in the grenade. "Fuck." Come on Primer, think! Think think think! Damned daylight. "Okay, tell me about him."
  381. [17:35] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 The taverngoer seems relieved as the pin goes back in. "Kinda broad at the shoulders. Wore a blood red cape and what looked like old military armour underneath, Never saw a weapon on him."
  382. 07[17:36] * +Keen pats around, stopping only to run his hooves through his mane. He's getting stressed out. Very stressed out. Okay, in the bedroom, gotta find this, where would I hide things? Under the bed? No. Closet? What's that thing? "Lily, come here." Keen tried to open the lock to no avail.
  383. 06[17:36] * Ilushia ( has joined #FalloutEquestriaPNP2
  384. 07[17:37] * +Primer "Okay, and nopony has heard about somepony with a grudge against a zebra that messed him up?"
  385. 07[17:37] * +Fire_Lily goes to find Keen when she hears him call out to her.
  386. [17:37] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 everpony shakes their heads, then look around to see if anypony else had nodded. However, another voice speaks up. "Um, it was years ago, but I saw something like that."
  387. 07[17:38] * +Primer 's eyes lock on the unfortunate voice. Her fingers goes to a purse with fifty bottlecaps in it. "Come on, I ain't got all day."
  388. 07[17:39] * +Keen points at the locked crawlspace. "Lily. Unlock this." He doubted that this place would have a tunnel or anything to an underground base, but maybe the victim here had left behind a clue or something.
  389. 07[17:40] * +Fire_Lily walks over, sitting in front of it as she tries to unlock it
  390. [17:41] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 The pony nods frantically. She was wearing what looked like medic fatigues. "Five years ago. Stallion came in with his pecker chopped off. Asked me to reattach it. I did. Didn't work quite right, but it was back on."
  391. 07[17:42] * +Primer dangles the pouch. "Go on." She was tossing the grenade up and down casually.
  392. [17:44] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 The pony shrugs; "That was it really. Never saw him again. He didn't mention a zebra at all, but it's not like gelding is a common injury."
  393. 07[17:45] * +Fire_Lily turns to Keen and shakes her head. She couldn't get it open, after 3 broken pins.
  394. [17:45] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 The lock is stubborn and tricky, proving too much for the filly's skills.
  395. 07[17:46] * +Primer curses loudly. "FUCK!" She tosses the pouch at the medic pony. Goddesses dammit all! "Sorry about the mess." She calls over her shoulder to the barkeep. She gives the bouncer a look that said; 'don't even try' as she passed.
  396. [17:47] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 The bouncer doesn;t even try
  397. 07[17:47] * +Keen feels the bile and rising in his throat. Fine. We do this the loud way. He brushes all the rags and throws all the cloth and debris away and pulls his beam pistol out. Right. Try to melt off the hinges, Keen.
  398. 07[17:48] * +Fire_Lily takes a step back when she sees what Keen wants to do.
  399. 06[17:48] * Ilushia ( has left #FalloutEquestriaPNP2
  400. 07[17:50] * +Primer stomps out on the street. "Well, that was a waste of bloody time."
  401. Session Close: Sun Jun 10 17:51:14 2012
  403. Session Start: Sun Jun 10 17:51:14 2012
  404. Session Ident: #FalloutEquestriaPNP2
  405. 02[17:51] * Disconnected
  406. 02[17:51] * Attempting to rejoin channel #FalloutEquestriaPNP2
  407. 06[17:51] * Rejoined channel #FalloutEquestriaPNP2
  408. 06[17:51] * Topic is '* Current rulebook: | Dicebot/OOC: #FalloutEquestriaDice | ALL GDocs arranged: | All the forum threads you could possibly need at: | New character sheets!:'
  409. 06[17:51] * Set by mimezinga! on Sat Mar 24 13:46:06
  410. 06[17:51] * RainbowYoshi is now known as Karina
  411. 06[17:52] * Ashen_Ward is now known as Xulis
  412. 04[17:52] * +Primer ponders what to do now... She felt shitty, Karina was lost and she didn't know what to do... Primer was not a smart pony.
  413. 07[17:52] * +Keen reloads in back his overcharge rounds and hoofs the panel down.
  414. 04[17:56] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 The pannel falls inwards, revealing a small space containing what looks like a shrine to Karina. Bits of hair, hoof chips, chandles and a photograph
  415. 07[17:57] * +Primer walks along the shitty part of ShantyShod in a foul mood. She spots an alley and enters it.
  416. 07[17:57] * +Fire_Lily is stunned by what's inside. "What...?"
  417. 07[17:58] * +Keen floats down, teeth grit down, pistol in mouth, ready for anything! Well. Almost anything, apparently. "... I don't even know." He decides he doesn't want to be on the same floor as this thing, deciding to poke around with some hesitation. Maybe a clue will present itself in this... Creepy as fuck package.
  418. [17:58] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 The shrine doesn't seem to have anything else in it other than the bizarre mementos.
  419. 07[18:00] * +Keen stands there in silent anger. Damnit. A fucking false lead. "Come on. There's nothing here that's not going to creep us out more."
  420. 07[18:01] * +Fire_Lily follows Keen out, glad to get away from this place.
  421. 07[18:01] * +Keen attempts to take the filly out of that creepy building, floating up to get a good look at the layout of the town. Okay, Keen. Before the trail gets cold. "Where the hell could she have gone?"
  422. 07[18:01] * +Primer looks around the alley, hoping to find a pony dumb enough to force her to hurt him and squeeze him for info.
  423. [18:02] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 A drunken pony canters out of the bar after Primer; "You got pretty big cahones for a mare."
  424. 07[18:04] * +Primer turns slowly around... empty alley, drunk asshole, all alone. She grins. "Maybe." Oh please, force me to hurt you.
  425. 06[18:04] * Arcane_Scroll is now known as Arcane_Scroll[A]
  426. 07[18:05] * +Primer saunters closer. "I'm just worried about my friend, is all."
  427. [18:06] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 The barpony nods; "C'n see that. I think you might be barkin' up the wrong tree though."
  428. 07[18:07] * +Primer stops a few feet away from the drunk pony. "Do you happen to know what tree I should bark up?"
  429. [18:08] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 The drunk chuckles; "Maybe. You seem so sure mister geldling is the one who took your friend. What if someone else did it?"
  430. 07[18:09] * +Primer takes another step. "I had thought of that... do you know anything about it?"
  431. [18:12] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Drunk giggles stupidly; "Pfft, nope. Never met a zebra before. Just think you're awful silly."
  432. 07[18:13] * +Primer growls and hurls herself forward intending to pin the asshole to the ground.
  433. 07[18:14] * +Keen growls. Fuck. Fuuuck. Not another one. I'm not losing another damn friend. Keen touches down around where the alleyway began. "Okay, okay. Lily, look for clues. Look for ponies that look like they might have some idea of where to go. Please."
  434. [18:16] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 The drunk eeps as Primer pounces him; "Wait, don't do this. You don't need to do this. My life ain't worth anythign to you."
  435. 07[18:17] * +Fire_Lily gives Keen a sympathetic look. She was worried too.
  436. 07[18:17] * +Primer holds him tight by the throat and growls. "Then don't waste my time. TALK!"
  437. [18:17] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 The pony quivers and wets himself; "I dunno, really! Please don't kill me."
  438. [18:19] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Keen manages to spy more of those knicks in the pavement leading off together. Apparently the pony had dragged their hooves a little more around here
  439. 07[18:19] * +Primer swears and slams his head into the blacktop. She walks away contemptiously.
  440. 07[18:20] * +Primer trotts away, looking for Keen and Fire_Lily.
  441. 07[18:21] * +Keen 's head fizzes that altogether too familiar pain. Okay. Okay, I have to think. I have to think. I have to... Are those more scratches? Keen plods his way in the direction of the scratches. Okay, keep it going, Keen. You got to find her, Keen.
  442. 07[18:21] * +Primer finds Keen and Fire_Lily by sheer luck. "Goddesses, finally."
  443. 07[18:22] * +Keen looks like a possessed stallion, looking down and following these buggering scratches.
  444. 04[18:23] * +Fire_Lily looks at Primer, worried. "Karina's missing..."
  445. 07[18:23] * +Primer follows Keen. Oookay, he wasn't talking... "I know, I tried to find a lead by myself... no such luck.
  446. [18:23] <+Primer> "***
  447. 07[18:24] * +Fire_Lily nods. She follows Keen as well.
  448. 04[18:31] * +Primer was feeling more and more nervous as the chase continued. "Celestia, please hear my prayer. Please make sure Kar is okay."
  449. 07[18:33] * +Keen grits his teeth, still staying on the trail. "Don't put too much faith in Celestia. She'll forget you one day." He didn't want to say that, but his grumpy mood combined with his heightened stress made it impossible for him not to.
  450. 07[18:35] * +Fire_Lily doesn't say anything, but she gives Primer a comforting nuzzle.
  451. [18:36] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 The trail eventually leads to a single house that looks pretty much the same as all the others.
  452. 07[18:36] * +Primer walks up to the door and tries to buck it in. She has had it with fucking around.
  453. 07[18:37] * +Fire_Lily winces a bit as Primer kicks the door. She didn't like it when Primer was so angry.
  454. 07[18:39] * +Keen pulled out his pistol and was very ready to use it. "Trail ends here. We've spent too long on this, we need to end this -now-." When Primer broke down the door, Keen was right there on the other side and swooped in SWAT style.
  455. 07[18:40] * +Fire_Lily stays behind Keen and Primer, but still follows.
  456. [18:40] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 The door is sturdy and locked. There is movement behind the door, and a latch opens, revelaing a pair of eyes. The one they belong to says something in zebra, then switches to english; "What business have you here?"
  457. 04[18:42] * +Primer growls. "Somepony foalnapped our friend and I am one hair from blowing something up. Where is KAR!"
  458. 15[18:44] * Karina gets up when she hears Primer yelling, standing wobbily on her hooves. "Utulivu chini!" She stops and shakes her head. "Calm down!"
  459. [18:44] #FalloutEquestriaPNP2 Cannot send to channel (+m)
  460. [18:44] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 The eyes blink; "No one has been kidnapped. All those here are those who pursue knowledge..." The zebra turns to look at something. She looks back; "We have only a guest here. If she permits it, we will allow you entrance."
  461. 06[18:45] * TenMihara|GM sets mode: +v Karina
  462. 15[18:45] * +Karina gets up when she hears Primer yelling, standing wobbily on her hooves. "Utulivu chini!" She stops and shakes her head. "Calm down!"
  463. 04[18:46] * +Keen is tired, stressed, and angry. He's had enough of this. "Bullshit! Guests don't get tranquilized!" Kar's voice... What?
  464. 04[18:46] * +Primer calms just a little. "Goddesses Kar! What the hell is going on!"
  465. 04[18:46] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Orion looks to Kar, then to the door; "You know these ponies?"
  466. 15[18:47] * +Karina starts walking towards the door, checking on the cut on her leg as she does so. "You guys promise not to start shooting this time?"
  467. 15[18:47] * +Karina blinks. Cut's gone... that's weird.
  468. 07[18:48] * +Primer looks down, realising that she has pulled out a M-E gren by instinct... she pockets the grenade. "S-s-sure."
  469. 07[18:49] * +Keen still doesn't put his pistol away. He wants to see her okay and alive and back home before then.
  470. 15[18:49] * +Karina looks back at Orion. "Hawa ni marajiki zangu. Wale risasi." She looks back at the door zebra. "Ku'ungua mlango." (These are my friends. The shooty ones.) (Let them in.)
  471. 04[18:49] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Orion looks to Karina for confirmation. "You seem familiar with these ponies. Can they be trusted not to attack? I do not wish to harm your friends, but I must protect my own."
  472. 15[18:49] <+Karina> open the door*
  473. [18:52] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 The other zebra at the door calls to those outside. "You will put your weapons away. Our guest has vouched for you, but you have already killed four of our own, and we will abide no further attacks."
  474. 07[18:53] * +Primer isn't holding any weapons. "Hold on... you mean those self ritcheous bastards that intended to drag our friend away in the night?!"
  475. 15[18:53] * +Karina "Yes those."
  476. [18:54] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Orion doesn't look entirely convinced. He steps up to the door. "I can assure you that your friend is unharmed. I only ask that you allow my companions the same luxury."
  477. 07[18:54] * +Primer sits down. She was on her wits end. "Sure, sure, anything."
  478. 15[18:55] * +Karina "Just put your dang guns away. I'd like to get out of this town some time today."
  479. 07[18:55] * +Fire_Lily gives Primer a gentle hug. "She's okay... You can relax."
  480. 04[18:55] * +Keen looks at him with a severe and angry look. The -only- reason he hasn't started firing is because Karina explicitly told him not to. "Kar. Have they hurt you?"
  481. 07[18:55] * +Primer can't relax... not entirely.
  482. 15[18:56] * +Karina "Keen if they had hurt me, instead of me telling you not to shoot they'd all already be dead."
  483. 04[18:56] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Orion steps aside and allows Karina to look through the slot. She may have to stand up a bit
  484. 15[18:56] * +Karina rears up and puts her hooves on the door to look through the slot.
  485. 07[18:57] * +Primer reaches out and places a hand on Keen's gun, forcing it down to the floor.
  486. 07[18:58] * +Keen looks at Primer with a betrayed expression and an exasperated, tired look. He looks like a father who's spent all day trying to find their daughter. "Primer, why the -hell- are you trusting them? Do you remember this?" He motions toward the back of his head.
  487. 04[19:00] * +Primer doesn't even look at Keen's neck, she is busy meeting Karina's eyes.
  488. 07[19:01] * +Primer "You okay?"
  489. 15[19:02] * +Karina is calm, though still a bit wobbly seeing as she just woke up from what she just did... "I'm -fine-."
  490. 07[19:02] * +Primer "We -promise- to not hold any weapons. Please let us in."
  491. 15[19:03] * +Karina pulls back from the door and motions for whoever was in charge of it to open it.
  492. 07[19:04] * +Keen angrily exhales. "You know, if you didn't want us to form a war party to get our friend back, why the -fuck- do you ponies always shoot first?" He retrieves his gun and uneasily holsters it. Now he's got to realign the new sights. Great.
  493. 06[19:04] * SilentBrony ( has joined #FalloutEquestriaPNP2
  494. 07[19:05] * +Fire_Lily gives Keen a gentle hug too. "It's okay..."
  495. 06[19:05] * SilentBrony is now known as Wraith-
  496. 04[19:05] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Orion steps away, motioning for Karina to step back as well. He nods to the door zebra, who undoes the lock and slowly slides the door open. Her tail is inside her cloak, still tense.
  497. 15[19:06] * +Karina stands there looking through the door at her friends. She's completley normal, except her cloak is lifted up off her back and showing her flanks and tail.
  498. 04[19:07] * +Primer stand up and walks inside, heading straight for Karina. Without a word, she hugs the little zebra close.
  499. 15[19:08] * +Karina blinks then meeps and hugs Primer back.
  500. [19:08] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 The zebras all step away cautiously.
  501. 07[19:08] * +Primer lets out a shakey breath. "I was /so/ worried."
  502. 04[19:09] * +Fire_Lily follows closely behind Primer, and after hesitating a moment, also hugs Kar.
  503. [19:10] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Orion steps forward. He is a broad shouldered zebra with a very strong presense. "It was on my order that she was brought here. If you feel the need for retribution or reprimand, I will take it."
  504. 04[19:10] * +Keen waits at the door. His hoof was still rather twitchy, even if the knot of hate in his chest came loose. He sizes these ponies up. "Karina, come out of there. You're done in there. You ponies have made us worried -sick-. So we're leaving. And if we aren't, we're raising tartarus in this building until we are. Got it?" It would've sounded more intimidating if the pony in question wasn't an...
  505. 07[19:10] * +Keen ...emaciated middle aged pony wearing a silk bathrobe.
  506. 15[19:10] * +Karina blinks but hugs Lily as well. "Yeah... so was I." Which wasn't helped by the need to get high... "but things go easier when you just comply."
  507. [19:11] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Orion glares at Keen; "That is not your decision to make. It is hers and hers alone."
  508. 13[19:12] * Puzzler ( Quit (Connection closed)
  509. 06[19:12] * TenMihara|GM sets mode: +v Wraith-
  510. 07[19:13] * +Keen trots in and gets rather face-to-face with this large Zebra. "Oh! Like it was -her- choice to come here? -Her- choice to get tranquilized? -Her- choice to have to fight off four of your damn goons because we were -worried-?"
  511. 07[19:13] * +Wraith- stands waiting patiently for that zebra mare to rendevous with him back in front of the Shantyshod general store... where was she? Zebras seemed to be fairly meticulous about punctuality...
  512. 06[19:13] * Arcane_Scroll[A] is now known as Arcane_Scroll
  513. 15[19:13] * +Karina looks up and smiles at Keen. Really... having them all be so worried about her was... oh crap... She releases Primer and Lily and walks over towards Keena nd Orion. "Stop right now."
  514. 15[19:14] * +Karina "-Please-."
  515. 07[19:14] * +Primer sits down with a thump. "Keen, calm down a bit."
  516. [19:15] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Orion steps back. "I cannot deny that my methods were improper, but there are things in play here I am not certain you understand."
  517. 07[19:17] * +Keen snaps at Primer with anger flaring up. "I am calm!" No you're not, Keen. Calm ponies listen to other ponies. Like these flankfaces should have. He takes a deep breath. "I am calm." He turns toward Orion. "So, instead of foalnapping our friend and making us worried sick, how about you explain it for once?" His voice was steady, but obviously scratchy with tears in the back of his throat.
  518. 07[19:17] * +Primer blanches under Keen's assault. She was too emotionally drained to respond.
  519. 07[19:18] * +Wraith- stands waiting patiently... how did this mare get kidnapped damn it... they had a mark to hunt... they were losing precious time.
  520. 04[19:19] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Orion shakes his head; "Karina here is a very unique individual. However, the reason we are secretive is that what we have is dangerous in the wrong hooves. We have given Karina an opportunity to realize her destiny in ways she never could have otherwise."
  521. 07[19:20] * +Fire_Lily frowns. "Tell us! Tell us something!" She shouts. "You can't expect us to understand if you won't tell us anything!"
  522. 07[19:21] * +Primer pulls Fire_Lily into a hug.
  523. 15[19:21] * +Karina sits down and looks up at the pegasus. "Would everone just shut up?! Please?!"
  524. 15[19:21] <+Karina> looks at her friends*
  525. 15[19:21] * +Karina "Let me talk?"
  526. 07[19:22] * +Fire_Lily lets herself be pulled into the hug.
  527. [19:22] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Orion nods and silences himself. She was the thing he had sought for so long. He wasn't about to fuck it up because he couldn't keep his mouth shut.
  528. 07[19:23] * +Keen glares at the Zebra, very close to his face before breaking his stare. "We're listening."
  529. 15[19:26] * +Karina looks at each friend in turn. "You are all going to go outside. And in five minutes, I will be out there by your side, and then we're going to find out where the killer went and on the way to him I'll answer every question I'm supplied."
  530. 04[19:26] * +Primer looks Karina in the eyes. "Five minutes, not a second more."
  531. 15[19:27] * +Karina "Right."
  532. 07[19:28] * +Primer stands up and leads Fire_Lily out of the house. She sits down in the ground and holds the filly tight.
  533. 15[19:28] * +Karina looks up at Keen.
  534. 13[19:28] * %Chor (Mibbit@Pony-hra.fl3.148.217.IP) Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  535. 07[19:28] * +Keen looks at this whole thing happen and leaves. "One second more, we break this building in half and retrieve you then." He was relieved, really, he wouldn't follow up on that threat if he wanted. But he wasn't going to let them walk over them again. It was over.
  536. 04[19:28] * +Fire_Lily looks back at Kar while Primer takes her outside. She was worried.
  537. 04[19:29] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Orion looks to Karina and waits to be addressed.
  538. 15[19:29] * +Karina sighs and looks at Orion. "Nin' sasa?" (What now?)
  539. 07[19:29] * +Wraith- decides to start using his time more productively than wait. What did he know about his mark? Stallion Unicorn, lurked near civilized settlements to abduct foals. Bought rope and parts for a dart gun... he was just lacking the poison necessary to make the dart gun effective. For his sick deeds, he'd need more of a paralyzing agent... Manticore venom. He would need to get manticore venom... but that was rare in shops.
  540. [19:32] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Orion responds in zebra; ("I would very much like to know what you experienced, but your friends seem protective. I cannot blame them, given our previous rash methods.")
  541. 15[19:33] * +Karina sighs and quickly explains what she experienced to Orion. She was on a time limit here.
  542. 07[19:35] * +Primer hugs Fire_Lily in silence. Tension was flowing from her in torrents.
  543. [19:35] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Orion seems both excited and curious; "Three stars?! The choice you made, have you seen any signs yet of what it means?"
  544. 15[19:38] * +Karina shakes her head. "Si kwamba najua, hak'. Kuhusu kisu kwamba... sikuwa na?" (Not that I know of, no. About that knife... that I had?)
  545. 07[19:40] * +Wraith- begins to survey Shantyshod, making note of any notable buildings such as a bar or a gathering spot of some kind.
  546. [19:42] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Orion nods and holds the knife in his tail. ("I know your friends are wary, but... I would like you to return. I have sought you for so long, it would disappoint me greatly to lose you.")
  547. 07[19:44] * +Wraith- notes a building with a crying drunk next to it. Trotting over to him he looks at the building for a moment looking for any signs or markings to denote any information. Then looks at the drunk. What the fuck was his problem?
  548. [19:46] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 The drunk looks up and winces; "Why me. Why are scary ponies coming to kill me today?"
  549. 15[19:46] * +Karina takes the knife and places it back in its sheath. "(I have no intention of... stopping. And apparently you haves ways of finding me anyway.)" She looks back up at Orion and feels... a bit odd. Probably the Dash. "(That... thing made as many new questions as it gave answers... but thank you.)"
  550. 07[19:47] * +Primer sneezes, apparently somepony was talking about her.
  551. 07[19:47] * +Wraith- squints his eyes and asks, "What scary ponies are coming to kill you?"
  552. [19:50] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Orion smiles; ("Yes, I could find you if I wanted to, but now that you are more enlightened, you should pursue the knowledge relating to your destiny of your own accord. I feel awful for the lengths I went to for this, and I hope it was worth it."
  553. [19:51] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 The drunken piss pony shudders; "First that robo mare, then you, the mummy with a hammer."
  554. 07[19:52] * +Fire_Lily hugs Primer tight while they wait.
  555. 15[19:52] * +Karina nods. He should feel awful. Got four of his own killed, apparently with a suicide order, and then kidnapped her. Ugh what was this stupid pull though... She shakes her head then gives Orion a quick hug before leaving the house and walking up to her friends. "Let's go."
  556. [19:53] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Orion feels warm, but also saddened that she was gone. He truly hoped she would return so that he could try to make up to her what he had done.
  557. 07[19:54] * +Wraith- just looks at the piss smelling drunkard with a strange look and says cryptically, "Gotta give me a reason to kill you first." He looks at the building again and turns back asking, "What is this building used for?"
  558. 04[19:55] * +Keen trots down the way, looking composed enough. La dee da. Got Karina back. La dee da dee da. She wasn't hurt or injured. La dee da. Not dead like Cookie. La dee da. Like you allowed to let die. La dee da. And you let her get foalnapped. By ponies that could've been the foal-napper or the rapist stallion. La dee da dee...
  559. 04[19:55] * +Primer nuzzles Karina and stands up. "I hope that next time, they just ask."
  560. [19:55] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 "It's a fuckin' tavern, what's it look like?"
  561. 15[19:56] * +Karina nods. "Where's Wraith?"
  562. 04[19:57] * +Primer "I saw him last by the shop." She walks along beside Karina, not letting the zebra out of her sight.
  563. 04[19:57] * +Keen shudders violently and broke down, teary and sobbing, hugging Karina. "Don't you dare do that again. First Cookie died and... And I don't think I can take it if you were gone, too. I thought I'd led you right to that rapist guy and I found a creepy shrine to you, and some three week old blood, and I thought..." Wait a minute.
  564. 07[19:58] * +Wraith- squints his eyes into a hard stare and trots slightly closer to the drunk and asks in a lower gravelly tone, "Do you like having unbroken bones?"
  565. 15[19:58] * +Karina is caught all by surprise, but hugs Keen back trying to comfort him.
  566. 07[19:59] * +Keen "... If that shrine was made to you... And there was blood in the same building..." He didn't like this revelation. Not at all. "... Talk."
  567. 07[20:00] * +Primer looks at Keen, not comprehending.
  568. 07[20:00] * +Fire_Lily frowns. "That pony said the house was where they found the foalnapper..."
  569. 15[20:00] * +Karina blinks. "Shrine? Talk?"
  570. 04[20:01] * +Keen lets go of Karina, a look of watery-eyed horror and grim determination in his eyes. "You. Tell us what happened."
  571. 07[20:02] * +Primer frowns. She did not like where this was going.
  572. 15[20:05] * +Karina sighs. "We talked. About me being star touched. And about history of star powers and such. And then there was a ritual, and I have a vision. Of stars. And had to make a decision."
  573. [20:07] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 The stallion looks like he's about to piss himself again. He nods slowly.
  574. 07[20:07] * +Keen lets out a long, low exhalation. "I need you to give me more details than that. Everything you can remember." Because if he's right, either her would-be rapist is in town, or that building needs to be razed to the ground like he's threatened.
  575. 07[20:08] * +Wraith- gets slightly closer and says, "Then the next time I ask you a question, you don't give me shit for it, otherwise there won't be enough alcohol to dull the pain you'd feel." He snorts at the drunk, then trots into the tavern.
  576. 15[20:09] * +Karina blinks. "There... were three choices. Knowledge, wisdom, and heart. One would give me power, one insight, and one would let me be smart."
  577. [20:11] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 the drunk pisses himself again
  578. 07[20:12] * +Keen snuffed. "No, no! What did they say, what did they do, what did they look like! I need information so that you don't get hurt again!" He had a long, stressful day. He understood this, but he also thought that she was also having that. He sighed and shrugged the weight on his back. "I'm sorry. Continue."
  579. 15[20:13] * +Karina blinks at Keen. "Hurt again? What?"
  580. 07[20:14] * +Keen rolls his hoof. "I said, continue. All and everything you remember." He was making a trip to the Tavern, he figured Wraith didn't want to be lonely anymore.
  581. 07[20:15] * +Wraith- is always lonely. But he would be joined by many... once his life finally ends... in Tartarus...
  582. 15[20:15] * +Karina "What were you talking about?"
  583. 07[20:16] * +Fire_Lily just sticks by Keen and Primer
  584. 07[20:20] * +Keen looks up and sighs. If he didn't reveal his thinking, he'd be no better than them. "I'm talking about a house we made our way into that had previously been the busting ground of a foalnapper. I found signs of a struggle, blood on the floor, and a shrine dedicated to... Well, you. These ponies seem to be a cult dedicated to you, and therefore would have probable cause to build a shrine. If...
  585. 07[20:20] * +Keen ...they had been there -after- the blood had been spilled three weeks ago, then the blood wouldn't have been there. So the only two ponies that have probable cause to kill anypony or at any rate cause serious injury to one would be either your cult, the rapist, or you. And you have an alibi."
  586. 07[20:21] * +Keen "They said that they had an arrest. This means that either your rapist or some innocent pony is dead or in jail right now."
  587. 15[20:24] * +Karina "W-which house?"
  588. [20:26] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 The tavern is full of low lifes that look a little less rowdy than they should be. They all looked kinda spooked
  589. 07[20:28] * +Keen points at the house, then remembers something. "Oh, shit. I just remembered! That pony escaped!" This means that it could only be two ponies, and neither of them are innocent. "I'm sorry, I'll bring you to the house. But if your little house of horrors over there did this, I'm going to... I'm going to..." His heart flared up, but his gut was out of fuel. "I'm sorry. Follow me." He begins to...
  590. 07[20:28] * +Keen ...trot towards the house that they had been in.
  591. 07[20:30] * +Wraith- thinks it's fairly strange they were so quiet, considering who they were. Eyeing the various occupants he strides over to the barcounter and looks for the bartender.
  592. 07[20:30] * +Fire_Lily frowns. Keen works himself up too much.
  593. 15[20:30] * +Karina follows Keen, looking for and at the house as they approach. She stops short. "Mim' si parau kuamin' kuwa... Where's Wraith?!"
  594. 07[20:31] * +Keen "He stayed behind by the bar. It's close to there."
  595. [20:31] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 The bartender looks weary. "Yes?"
  596. 07[20:31] * +Keen looks at her and nods his head. "You won't believe the tracking work I had to pull to find you."
  597. 15[20:32] * +Karina looks at Keen. "And thanks for that... but..." She looks back at the house and shakes her head. "Wraith's going to have to share this kill..." She turns around and immediately starts trotting, at a rather quick pace, straight back towards the bar looking for Wraith.
  598. 07[20:32] * +Wraith- looks at the bartender for a moment.. what the fuck was up with this place? They were acting pretty quiet... He asks in his gravelly voice, "You're all pretty quiet. Something up?"
  599. [20:36] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Bartender shakes his head; "Some cybernetic bounty hunter mare pulled a grenade on the tavern looking for her zebra friend. She was damn crazy."
  600. 15[20:39] * +Karina runs up to the bar and doesn't see Wraith, so she heads in to see if he's inside.
  601. 07[20:41] * +Wraith- blinks at the bartender. Cybernetic mare? Zebra friend? Ha! Must've been that group he was partnering up with for the moment. Yeah that'd be one way to settle down a bunch of rejects and scum. Smirking under his wrappings he asks, "Alright... well you see any Scraggily looking Earth pony stallion in here with lots of rope and a dart gun recently?"
  602. [20:43] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 The bartender deadpans; "Scraggly looking stallions al the time, but not usually with those props."
  603. 15[20:43] * +Karina comes to a skidding stop next to Wraith. "I know who it is."
  604. 04[20:45] * +Wraith- turns and looks at Karina and says, "Oh you're still alive. Good." then he perks slightly and speaks, "Do you? Well we need to fucking hurry then. Who is the bastard?"
  605. 15[20:46] * +Karina gives Wraith the bastard's name... which her player cba to come up with right now... ask later. She looks between Wraith, the bartender, and Keen and Primer. "Anyone heard of him?"
  606. [20:47] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Bartender looks up; "Wait, the foal killer? That's who you're looking for? Shit. One of the guys who lost his daughter comes in here every night."
  607. 15[20:48] * +Karina totally blurts out that his name is "Sweet Dreams".
  608. 15[20:49] * +Karina nods at the bartender. "Yes. And we need to find him. And kill him."
  609. 07[20:50] * +Wraith- turns and looks at the bartender and speaks, "What she said. Tell us where this regular is."
  610. [20:57] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 The bartender nods; "He's actually a city guard here. Got a huge bounty out on Sweet Dreams. Says he'll pay double for him alive so he can do to the bastard what he did to his daughter."
  611. 07[21:00] * +Wraith- nods and asks, "Since he comes here every night, I assume he must be posted guard duty during the day. Where is his post located?"
  612. [21:01] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 The bartender nods; "At the constabulary itself most days."
  613. 07[21:01] * +Wraith- asks, "Where is that from here?"
  614. [21:03] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 "Rght beneath the factory."
  615. 04[21:04] * +Wraith- nods and turns to Karina saying, "Let's go." then turns and heads out of the tavern.
  616. 07[21:04] * +Keen grabs Wraith by the shoulder. "Hold on. Hold on. I think we have a lead."
  617. 07[21:05] * +Wraith- stops and looks at Keen and says, "I'm listening."
  618. 15[21:05] * +Karina looks at Keen.
  619. 07[21:07] * +Fire_Lily whispers. "Someone showed us where they first found him..." She gives Keen an uneasy look.
  620. 04[21:08] * +Keen sits down and folds his front legs. "We found a house where a crime scene took place. MO's the same. Blood about three weeks old. Signs of a struggle. Street reports suggest that it was a criminal who had escaped." He looks at Karina. "Plus a creepy shrine dedicated to her."
  621. 15[21:08] * +Karina "We know -who- Keen, we just need to know where he is."
  622. 04[21:09] * +Keen looks at Karina flatly. "I'm not entirely bought that your friends didn't do that one, but I wasn't looking for clues when I was there, I was looking for you."
  623. 15[21:10] * +Karina "It was -his- house."
  624. 07[21:11] * +Keen "And he would have signs around there of where he would go in times like this."
  625. [21:12] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Primer pipes in to note the mention she got from the guard about the direction he apparently escaped in
  626. 15[21:16] * +Karina grunts. "So back to Scrapton?"
  627. 04[21:16] * +Wraith- gives an odd expression and speaks, "A shrine? Dedicated to /her/?" he looks at Karina. This... was weird. Hearing the direction, he says, "We should head after him then, fast."
  628. 07[21:17] * +Fire_Lily doesn't have any objections. This entire thing made her uneasy.
  629. 07[21:25] * +Wraith- thinks about how exactly they would locate this bastard once they arrived at Scrapton. Looking at Fire_Lily he grins under his wrappings and says, "Let's hurry, I just thought of something." He turns and heads out of the tavern.
  630. 15[21:27] * +Karina turns to follow. Time to get out of here and plot death.
  631. 07[21:27] * +Fire_Lily sticks next to Keen and Primer as they leave. Today's been a LONG day.
  632. 15[21:29] * +Karina stops and looks at Wraith. "What's your plan?"
  633. 07[21:30] * +Keen sighed and looked towards the filly. A storm was coming. He felt it in his gut, the same feeling he got whenever Cookie died. Something bad was going to happen. He wished on his lucky star, the one on his flank for better or worse, for mercy on the ponies he knew.
  634. 07[21:31] * +Wraith- turns his head and says, "We're going to flush the shithead out." then continues
  635. 15[21:32] * +Karina "How?"
  636. 07[21:32] * +Wraith- responds, "Using bait."
  637. 15[21:34] * +Karina blinks. "Bait?" Wait... filly killer. They had a filly. "Oh... hold up..." If they were going to be using her as bait... no there was no way she'd be let out of their sight for this. How could they possibly within sight but not spook the foal killer? Wait... "We need to go see Orion again."
  638. 07[21:35] * +Keen looks at Wraith. Wait was he... He looks at Lily. Then back at him. Then at Lily. Then back at him. "Oh, -hell- no."
  639. 07[21:36] * +Wraith- gives an irritated sigh and says, "Hurry, every moment we spend not chasing him down, means more time another foal is at risk." He looks at Keen and squints at him and asks, "No what?"
  640. 07[21:36] * +Fire_Lily looks at Keen questioningly.
  641. 07[21:36] * +Keen is rather indignant. "You are not seriously thinking of..."
  642. 15[21:37] * +Karina "Walk and talk." She resumes walking, but this time straight for her house.
  643. 15[21:37] * +Karina knocks on the door when she gets there.
  644. 04[21:37] * +Wraith- stares at Keen for a moment, then follows after Karina speaking to the pegasus with a determined tone, "Yeah. I am."
  645. 07[21:39] * +Keen began trotting to catch up there. "Look. I know you don't know her, but to me, she's always been like a little daugher." Or niece. "I just thought I had lost -two- of my friends recently. I did lose one. Do -not- even think about making me lose another."
  646. 07[21:40] * +Wraith- says out flatly, "And my heart is breaking, but you do know you put her life at risk everyday on your little group outings right?"
  647. 07[21:40] * +Fire_Lily looks wide-eyed at Keen. Did he just say...?
  648. [21:41] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 The panel on the door slides open and the previous door guard looks out. "You have returned? Already?"
  649. 15[21:42] * +Karina "Earlier when you snuck up on me, there wasn't a thing I could see. Now, that annoys me, and I need to know how."
  650. 07[21:43] * +Keen lowers his head and glowers at Wraith. "I make sure she's as safe as I can possibly make her. She has never taken a single hit so long as I was around. Do not make me break this astronomically impossible lucky streak already."
  651. [21:43] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 The panel shuts and the lock clicks. Orion appears to step out alone, but then there's a rippling in the air beside him as a zebra removes a hood from his cloak, becoming visible.
  652. 15[21:43] * +Karina blinks. "Hak' njia..." (No way...)
  653. [21:44] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Orion gestures to the other zebra; "This is Keshik. He is was always the stealthiest of our group, even before the cloak." The zebra known as Keshik apparently has Spiked ponyshoes on.
  654. 07[21:45] * +Wraith- looks at the cloaked zebra and squints at him for a moment... reminded him of... shaking his head he looks at Keen and says to him, "I don't intend on making you break that streak. She wouldn't be in any less danger than what you already put her through by allowing her to travel with you. Otherwise if you really were so concerned with her safety you'd put her somewhere safe and leave her behind."
  655. 15[21:45] * +Karina looks a bit dejected. She had been hoping for some sort of trick she could use which would let her stay next to Lily. But she didn't have a stealth cloak. "So that's how you did it..."
  656. 07[21:46] * +Fire_Lily gives Wraith a harsh look. "...I will NOT stay behind. I need... I need to be here."
  657. 07[21:46] * +Keen looks to the side and tries to avoid Wraith's look. Oh look. Spiked Ponyshoes. "I tried." He said simply. He knew if he tried to make her go with her foster parents, she would just sneak out and follow them anyway. "... Your ponyshoes make you easy to track."
  658. [21:47] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Keshik nods silently. Orion speaks again; "Yes. He found that cloak in his travels before meeting me. He was guided to it during one of his visions."
  659. 07[21:48] * +Wraith- looks at Fire_Lily and speaks plainly, "Good. Then you're going to do your part since you're all helping me. I won't allow this shithead to hurt ya, so don't even worry about that." Looking the filly over he smirks somewhat in his wrappings and says, "Plus I bet you can handle yourself little filly. You probably know all sorts of cool spells."
  660. [21:49] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Keshik looks to Keen dubiously. Then down at his spiked ponyshoes. His following deadpan look seems to say 'easy my ass'.
  661. 15[21:50] * +Karina nods. Guided to it in a vision. Didn't make it. She sighs and looks back at Wraith and Keen. "There's no way we're letting her out of our sight if we do this. But without some way to stay invisible and near her..."
  662. [21:50] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Orion looksk curious; "What are you talking about?"
  663. 15[21:51] * +Karina looks back at Orion. "There's a foal killer... we could use Lily here to lure him out and catch him..."
  664. 04[21:51] * +Keen looks at him and smirks. "I've never been trained to follow tracks in my life. This was the first time I'd even tried. And I managed to do it, and follow you back here, because you leave fairly deep scratch marks wherever you go." He looks at Karina curiously... And then gets it. "We need to borrow one of those." He points to the invisibility cloak.
  665. 07[21:52] * +Fire_Lily smiles, and gives Keen a look. This pony already treated her more seriously than Keen does! Why doesn't he believe her when she tells him she can take care of herself?
  666. 07[21:52] * +Wraith- rolls his eyes at Keen. And turns his head. Pah... invisibility cloaks were for novices.
  667. [21:53] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Orion gasps; "That's horrible. And you are working on catching this fiend?"
  668. 15[21:54] * +Karina "Yes.
  669. 15[21:54] <+Karina> "
  670. 07[21:54] * +Wraith- just looks at Orion like an impassive statue.
  671. [21:55] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Orion steels his look; "I know that I have wronged you all in the past, but perhaps this is a chance to start making it up."
  672. 15[21:55] * +Karina blinks at Orion. "And... how would you do that?"
  673. 07[21:55] * +Keen scoffs and shakes his head. "You can start by being upfront with us."
  674. [21:58] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Keshik lifts up a hoof to look at his spiked ponyshoes. He lowers them and continues staring blankly at Keen. He looks to Orion and Keen. He blinks silently.
  675. 04[21:58] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 *Karina
  676. 07[21:58] * +Keen looks at Keshik. Could he...?
  677. 04[21:59] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Orion nods to Keshik, then looks to Karina; "A gift, one that would aid your cause."
  678. 07[21:59] * +Keen shrugs and looks at Keshik. "You know, give me a clean table and some rubbing alcohol, and I can probably fix your little genetic defect."
  679. 15[21:59] * +Karina "You've give me... a cloak?"
  680. [22:01] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Keshik nods and bites at the clasp of the cloak. It was fitted with an immaculate diamond on the fastener.
  681. 15[22:03] * +Karina blinks. "I... I uh... Wow... Shukari..."
  682. 04[22:03] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 The quiet zebra deftly but gently folds the cloak and passes it to Karina. He looks to Keen and raises an eyebrow.
  683. 15[22:04] * +Karina takes the cloak and looks at it... She slips out of her own and puts the new one on.
  684. [22:04] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Orion notes; "So long as the hood is down it appears like a normal black cloak, but once the hood is up, you vanish.
  685. 15[22:05] * +Karina flips the hood up, then tries to look at herself.
  686. 04[22:06] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Karina is invisible. Where did she go?
  687. 07[22:07] * +Wraith- doesn't seem impressed.
  688. 15[22:07] * +Karina puts the hood back down and smiles at Keshik and Orion. "Really... thank you..."
  689. 07[22:08] * +Fire_Lily is impressed. That was cool!
  690. 07[22:08] * +Fire_Lily wishes she had something like that!
  691. [22:08] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Keshik smiles silently. Orion seems pleased as well; "I hope it serves you well, and perhaps even begins to make amends for my transgressions."
  692. 15[22:09] * +Karina "Definitely a start..." She smirks at Orion. "I'll be back." She turns and looks at Keen. "How 'bout now?"
  693. 04[22:11] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Orion seems pleased by this news, and Karina's reaction to his gift.
  694. 07[22:12] * +Keen is much more distracted by the quiet zebra and a curious conundrum. "Let me look at you. I don't see any scarring around your vocal chords, they seem to have formed well. I'm guessing you're a recent convert, otherwise you would have more scarring. You don't have any scar tissue around your throat. My hypothesis is that you have a genetic defect in the Broca's Area of your brain. The quick...
  695. 07[22:12] * +Keen ...and easy solution is a swift surgery, though the long and safer way is a steady treatment of lithium salt treatments and language exercises."
  696. 04[22:13] * +Keen looks for Karina's approval and... Where's Karina- KARINA'S A FLOATING HEAD.
  697. 07[22:15] * +Wraith- rolls his eyes and says slightly quiet, "Foal's lives at risk..."
  698. 06[22:15] * Arcane_Scroll is now known as Arcane_Scroll[A]
  699. 06[22:15] * Arcane_Scroll[A] is now known as Arcane_Zim
  700. 06[22:16] * Arcane_Zim is now known as Arcane_Zim[A]
  701. [22:16] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Keshik raises an eyebrow, then looks to Orion with a smirk. Orion chuckles and shakes his head; "Did you stop to consider that his muteness is voluntary? Keshik here does not speak, and would not even if he was able."
  702. 15[22:17] * +Karina raises an eyebrow at Keshik. "I did that for a couple of years... of course it was because ponies mocking me for my speech kept causing tears... Anyway..." She looks back at her friends. "We've got a pony to kill, and we can't waste another day."
  703. 07[22:18] * +Keen frowns. "I try to help ponies heal when I can. If he chooses not to speak after that treatment, then that's his choice. I'm just giving him the option."
  704. [22:19] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Keshik and Orion both bow to the party; "We wish you the best of fortunes in this endavour." Keshik looks up and shakes his head. He smile apprecatively anyways.
  705. 04[22:21] * +Wraith- looks at Keen with an odd expression, then turns to Karina and asks, "We all set?"
  706. 15[22:21] * +Karina "Yyyyyyes..."
  707. 07[22:22] * +Wraith- turns away from the other zebras and begins to head out and towards Scrapton. There was a buck that needed to pay for his deeds. This ghoul would ensure it... thanks especially to this new group he was with.
  708. 07[22:23] * +Keen sighs. Well, at least this particular journey didn't include him shooting anypony. "Well. Do try not to be too hasty in your decisions anymore. Good day."
  709. [22:24] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Orion nods; "I thakn you for remaining civil even when you had every right not to be."
  710. 15[22:26] * +Karina looks at Orion. "Walikuwa sadaka ya ma'ibu. Na mim' nili'uwa njekuhesa'iwa." She packs her cloak away and follows Wraith. (You were offering answers. And I was outnumbered at the time.)
  711. 07[22:27] * %TenMihara|GM chuckles; ("I was talking about him."
  712. [22:27] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 )
  713. [22:27] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 *Orion Chuckles; ("I was talking about him.")
  714. 04[22:29] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 So, with some new potential allies and a powerful tool granted to them, the party is now prepared to track down and deal with the notorious foal killer. It is somewhat ironic that all of these events seemed to converge on Karina all at once.
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