
Rainbow Sex One Shot

Jul 6th, 2013
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  1. >Everything had to be just perfect, the lights were dimmed, interruption minimized, and a shower from top to bottom.
  2. >Rainbow wanted everything to be just right. Now the two of you sit side by side on the bed, looking over at one another before bashfully looking the other way.
  3. >"So, you ready?"
  4. "Yeah, I was just wondering if you were ready."
  5. >Rainbow leans to your side, and raises an eyebrow, "Tsk, whatever, I was ready since we got here."
  6. "Well I was ready since yesterday."
  7. >"I was ready since we met."
  8. >The both of you stop, before it escalates into an actual argument. Instead, you both realize just how close you are face to face.
  9. >You turn your head and lock lips with her, a brief, but gentle caress of the lips is shared, and the two of you pull back.
  10. >Rainbow crawls over and pushes you on your back, fidgeting with your pants, she groans trying to shimmy them off.
  11. > Reaching over, you unbutton and pull them down. With that done, you grip the bottom of your shirt and pull it off.
  12. >Rainbow gets in your face, and sloppily kisses you. Her enthusiasm, coupled with her inexperience, causes her to leave wet, warm, saliva trails over your lips.
  13. >Her breathing gets heavy as you bring her closer to you. Rubbing her body against your chest, her legs naturally take the mounting position, and lock up.
  14. >You pick her up, and place her facing away from you. Getting on your knees, you line her up with your manhood.
  15. >Rainbow looks back worriedly, but her body is clearly ready, if her winking marehood is any indication.
  16. >Setting your tip by the entrance, you slowly push in, and are instantly met with resistance.
  17. >You continue to apply pressure, but when she winks again, you plummet right in.
  19. >"Ungh!"
  20. >Rainbow bears it, and lets you go at your own pace. Pulling out, you feel a powerful suction going in, and when you are out, you push right back in.
  21. >*Pffft!* It sounded wet, and felt very strong. You pull out again, and push in, *Pffft!* The dangling skin of your nut-sack, gets flapped around by the sheer force of air coming out.
  22. >Unsure of what to make of this, you continue to push in and pull out, with each motion, she continues to make that noise.
  23. >After the third repetition, Rainbow unlocks her legs, and tries to move away, "Ugh, time out, time out."
  24. "What?"
  25. >"This isn't right, this isn't how its supposed to happen."
  26. "Whats wrong?"
  27. >"..."
  28. "Is it about that...noise?"
  29. >"I'm not making them on purpose."
  30. "I figured."
  31. >"Hold on, maybe I didnt stretch right." She hops off the bed, and does some warm up stretches for running.
  32. >Going to the edge of the bed, she rests her top half on it, and uses her front hooves to reach around, and spread her pussy open.
  33. >She makes a few grunting noises, as she clenches it open and closed. Feeling that she limbered up enough, she gets back on the bed.
  34. >You bring her close to you, and take the mounting position again.
  35. >Taking one last breathe, you plunge it in. *Pffft!!*
  36. >This time it only seems louder. Rainbow tries to move away, but you hold her in place.
  37. "Rainbow, I don't think its gonna stop."
  38. >"No, it has too. I don't want my first time to be like this."
  39. "Well how did you want it to go down?"
  40. >"Like in the movies."
  41. "Rainbow, really? The movies aren't real life, real sex is awkward as fuck."
  42. >"..."
  43. "Just ignore it, it doesn't bother me, it shouldn't bother you."
  44. >Rainbow groans and lowers her body to the bed, leaving only her rump in the air. Covering her head with her front hooves, she braces as you begin to thrust.
  46. >With each motion, the sounds get louder, and wetter. Rainbow grits her teeth, and tries to hide her embarrassment.
  47. >A couple of minutes later, that changes as she no longer makes any attempt at hiding her enjoyment.
  48. >With her breathing becoming more quick and heavy, she bites down on her hoof, and clutches a pillow.
  49. >The sheets bellow become stained by the fluids of the two of you, and you can feel the end is near.
  50. >Drilling into her, you clutch her flanks, and thrust in deep. Ejaculating into her, you flop to the side and catch your breath.
  51. >Rainbow picks herself up, and crawls to your side. Bringing her into an embrace, she fidgets her leg. "I thinks its coming out."
  52. >Using your foot, you bring your shirt over, and reach for it. Folding it into a pad, you wedge it between her legs. Rainbow lets out a tired yawm and rubs her self agasint you, "Thanks."
  53. >Yawning, the fatigue, and sleepiness begin to take you. As you slowly drift to sleep, Rainbow lets out a loud snore, followed by a high pitched fart.
  54. >You chuckle and grab a small pillow, tucking it under your head, you rest on it.
  55. "Just like the movies."
  56. Reaching for a blanket, you drape it over the two of you. Finally comfortable, you doze off to sleep.
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