
>Writefagging - The Sub and the Transfer (unfinished)

Nov 25th, 2014
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  1. >"Good morning, class. Ms. Cheerilee is sick today, so you'll be having a substitute English teacher today"
  2. >"You will also be having a new student, transferring from Manehattan"
  3. >Be Anonymous
  4. >You were hearing this announcement from Principal Celestia
  5. >You were sure this day would be just delightful
  6. >Everyone loves new students, and substitute teachers
  7. >And there were both today
  8. >And you were one of them
  9. >No one was going to like you today
  10. >You could feel it
  11. >That underconfidence was going to be your downfall one day
  12. >You shuffle over to your desk, sit down and brace yourself
  13. >Hopefully this will be over quickly
  14. >Suddenly, Vice Principal Luna comes in
  15. >"Hello, Anonymous. Mind standing up and introducing yourself"
  16. "Oh, sure"
  17. >She looks at you with a little worry
  18. >You were still a little out of it, after all
  19. >But nonetheless you stand up and announce to everyone
  20. "Hello, my name is Anonymous E. Bateman"
  21. >You look around the room at the students
  22. "I am your substitute teacher for today. Now where is our new student?"
  24. >A purple hued girl walks in from behind Luna
  25. >She has hair that's a much darker shade of purple, with a lighter purple stripe
  26. >Her rectangular rimmed glasses framed her violet eyes beautifully
  27. >Her hairstyle was a bit messy, but you liked that
  28. >Focus, Anon
  29. >Sure she's a senior, meaning she's at least 18, but you're here on business
  30. >"Hello, I'm Twilight Sparkle. I'm here because I, uh, am excited about the academic teams here at CLH"
  31. >"Two Twilight Sparkles?" asks Luna
  32. >Purple girl looks at her quizically
  33. >"Uhhh, that's right! You see, uh, we were separated at birth, given to two sets of parents. How funny that they would give us the same name, right?"
  34. >"Hmmmm"
  35. >VP Luna can tell something's up
  36. >Personally, you've never heard of any Twilight Sparkles before
  37. >"So I understand you're quite an accomplished student. Already a senior at 16, right?"
  38. >"That's correct, I've been moved ahead a grade. Twice."
  39. >You here several dudes around the room groan
  40. >They likely thought she was cute and impressionable
  41. >But now that her age was revealed, she was off limits to all the senior guys in here
  42. >Or so they thought
  45. >Hey, maybe you could win them over this way, and they won't pick on you like with all your other classes
  46. >I'm also taking dual credit courses, which I was told would apply here"
  47. "So, miss Sparkle, you'll be moving here to Canterlot City then?"
  48. >"Indeed"
  49. "So you're already familiar with the laws and ordinances here?"
  50. >"That's right, I've studied up on it"
  51. "So tell me, what is the curfew for anyone under the age of 18?"
  52. >"Um, that'd be 11:00 pm"
  53. "Correct. What is the legal age for buying and consuming alcohol?"
  54. >"21 to purchase it, 20 to consume it. Same as everywhere in this province"
  55. "Right again? And what is the age of consent here"
  56. >Suddenly, a lot of people are paying attention to you
  57. >Luna, and several of the students
  58. >"Um, well, I was surprised to learn that it's actually different than provincial law. Normally it would be 18, but in some municipalities, including Canterlot City, it's only,"
  59. "Only what?"
  60. >"It's, uh, only 16"
  61. >You look around at some of the guys in the class
  62. >They are now looking at you with surprise
  63. >You wink at one of them, and they realize
  64. >They see what a favor you've done them
  65. >One of them shows you a paper titled "Messing with Sub Plans" and tears it up
  66. >Bueno
  67. >One more to draw attention away from it
  68. "And what is the local sales tax?"
  69. >"One percent, in addition to the four percent provincial sales tax"
  70. "My my, miss Sparkle, you really have done your research. I think you'll fit in here in Canterlot City. Some of the top minds are here"
  71. >And bodies
  73. >"Alright, Miss Sparkle, please take your seat"
  74. >She obeys the Vice Principal and takes a seat near the front of the class
  75. >Luna shoots you a glare, and you begin to read it
  76. >It says, 'what the fuck, dude?'
  77. >She then turns and leaves, exiting the classroom and shutting the door
  78. >You remain standing and begin to teach
  79. >You may be a lazy, sleazy, bum of a human being with no aspirations, but is there's one thing you took seriously, it's teaching
  80. >After all, you don't want a generation of kids to grow up to be like you
  81. >Uninspired, unfulfilled
  82. >So you fought the war on ignorance wherever you could
  83. >Thus you came prepared, and you already knew the lesson plan and how exactly to follow it
  84. >It also helps that English is your strong point
  85. "So, class, you've been studying the writing process and how it relates to your essays. When I was told a few days ago that I'd be subbing here today, I took the liberty of skimming a copy of your book from the library, and I must say it's not very clear on a couple of key points. A fine book, but it's missing some, intimacy, in its explanations"
  86. >You look at the class and begin to explain
  87. "The writing process has guidelines to help you succeed in composing a well-written essay, novel, short story, or other literary piece. Too many people write in ways where to writing process does not apply. Texting using shorthand. Social Media posts with no proofreading. Writing fan fictions on bulletin board websites"
  88. >After that last one, you raise your hands in a guilty way, exciting a few giggles, a laugh, and a chortle or two, plus a handful of smiles, at least one groan that says 'I feel you bro', and a glare that says "I'm not amused"
  89. >That pale green girl over there clearly takes her fan fiction seriously
  91. "Anyway, it's important to utilize proper writing whenever possible. So I talked to your regular teacher, and she and I agreed on an assignment for you to do over the weekend"
  92. "For every paragraph you write without using the writing process, or for every five text messages you send without preparing a draft and revising, you are to write one paragraph minimum. It can be a novella. It can be a short story. It can be an essay on why this assignment is complete bull crap. Of course, we can't check how much extra writing you're doing without a serious invasion of privacy, so there'll be a thirty paragraph minimum. That should work out to about twelve to fifteen pages"
  93. >Groans
  94. >Groans everywhere
  95. "Keep in mind, these thirty paragraphs need not be in the same work. You won't have to write that much for a single essay or story. You just need to turn in a total of thirty paragraphs. To make things a bit easier, these will be due on Wednesday, not Monday like your usual weekend homework. You also will not receive any homework assignments Monday or Tuesday"
  96. >This relieves the students a bit
  97. "Now, let's get down to the revision process"
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