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Feb 22nd, 2017
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  1. ; <COMPILER: v1.1.24.01>
  2. Box_Init(C="FF0000") {
  3. Gui, 96: -Caption +ToolWindow +E0x20
  4. Gui, 96: Color, % C
  5. Gui, 97: -Caption +ToolWindow +E0x20
  6. Gui, 97: Color, % C
  7. Gui, 98: -Caption +ToolWindow +E0x20
  8. Gui, 98: Color, % C
  9. Gui, 99: -Caption +ToolWindow +E0x20
  10. Gui, 99: Color, % C
  11. }
  12. Box_Draw(X, Y, W, H, T="1", O="I") {
  13. If(W < 0)
  14. X += W, W *= -1
  15. If(H < 0)
  16. Y += H, H *= -1
  17. If(T >= 2)
  18. {
  19. If(O == "O")
  20. X -= T, Y -= T, W += T, H += T
  21. If(O == "C")
  22. X -= T / 2, Y -= T / 2
  23. If(O == "I")
  24. W -= T, H -= T
  25. }
  26. Gui, 96: Show, % "x" X " y" Y " w" W " h" T " NA", Horizontal 1
  27. Gui, 96:+AlwaysOnTop
  28. Gui, 98: Show, % "x" X " y" Y + H " w" W " h" T " NA", Horizontal 2
  29. Gui, 98:+AlwaysOnTop
  30. Gui, 97: Show, % "x" X " y" Y " w" T " h" H " NA", Vertical 1
  31. Gui, 97:+AlwaysOnTop
  32. Gui, 99: Show, % "x" X + W " y" Y " w" T " h" H " NA", Vertical 2
  33. Gui, 99:+AlwaysOnTop
  34. }
  35. Box_Destroy() {
  36. Loop, 4
  37. Gui, % A_Index + 95 ": Destroy"
  38. }
  39. Box_Hide() {
  40. Loop, 4
  41. Gui, % A_Index + 95 ": Hide"
  42. }
  43. guif:
  44. #NoEnv
  45. #SingleInstance force
  46. SkinForm(Apply, A_ScriptDir . "\USkin.dll", A_ScriptDir . "\Milikymac.msstyles")
  47. Firing := 0
  48. Gui Add, Text, x220 y20 w130 h20, Run 1280x720 Mode [F1]
  49. Gui Add, Text, x220 y40 w130 h20, Run 1920x1080 Mode [F2]
  50. Gui Add, Text, x220 y60 w110 h20, Restart Program [F3]
  51. Gui Add, Text, x220 y80 w160 h20, Performance Statistics [F4]
  52. Gui Add, Text, x220 y100 w110 h20, Pause/Resume [ALT]
  53. Gui,Add,Checkbox,x20 y50 w63 h20 vaimtype3, MButton4
  54. Gui,Add,Checkbox,x90 y50 w63 h20 vaimtype4, MButton5
  55. Gui,Add,Checkbox,x20 y70 w65 h20 vaimtype2, CapsLock
  56. Gui,Add,Checkbox,x90 y70 w70 h20 gTrigerSub vtrigger,Trigger Bot
  57. Gui Add, GroupBox, x10 y120 w160 h45, Aim Speed Control
  58. Gui Add, GroupBox, x10 y10 w160 h100, Activation
  59. Gui Add, CheckBox, x20 y30 w60 h20 vaimtype, LButton
  60. Gui Add, CheckBox, x90 y30 w60 h20 vaimtype1, Rbutton
  61. Gui Add, Text, x40 y144 w35 h20, Sens:
  62. Gui Add, Edit, x80 y140 w50 h20 vrx, 7
  63. Gui Add, Button, x230 y210 w100 h20 gsub4, About Aim Speed
  64. Gui Add, Button, x240 y230 w80 h20 gsub1, Issues?
  65. Gui Add, GroupBox, x8 y265 w187 h210, Misc
  66. Gui Add, CheckBox, x16 y288 w160 h20 vmccree, Mccree Right Click No Recoil
  67. Gui Add, CheckBox, x16 y308 w160 h20 vtorbjorn, Torbjorn Fast Reload
  68. Gui Add, CheckBox, x16 y328 w160 h20 vpharah, Pharah Fast Reload
  69. Gui Add, CheckBox, x16 y348 w160 h20 vreaper, Reaper Fast Reload
  70. Gui Add, CheckBox, x16 y368 w160 h20 vroadhog, RoadHog Fast Reload
  71. Gui Add, CheckBox, x16 y388 w160 h20 vroadhog1, RoadHog Combo
  72. Gui Add, CheckBox, x16 y408 w160 h20 vgenji, Genji combo
  73. Gui Add, CheckBox, x16 y428 w160 h20 vbunny, Bunnyhop
  74. Gui Add, CheckBox, x16 y448 w160 h20 voverlayActive, Overlay
  75. Gui Add, Text, x16 y200 w33 h20, x-axis:
  76. Gui Add, Slider,x48 y200 w130 h25 vxrange Invert Tickinterval1 range1-4, 4
  77. Gui Add, Text, x16 y224 w35 h19, y-axis:
  78. Gui Add, Slider,x48 y224 w130 h25 vyrange Invert Tickinterval1 range1-4, 4
  79. Gui Add, Button, x240 y250 w80 h20 gsub2, How-to
  80. Gui Add, Button, x240 y270 w80 h20 gsub3, Best Settings
  81. Gui Add, GroupBox, x8 y176 w185 h80, FoV Range
  82. Gui Add, Edit, x315 y140 w30 h20 vxy, 85
  83. Gui Add, Text, x280 y140 w35 h20, y-axis:
  84. Gui Add, Text, x208 y140 w35 h20, x-axis:
  85. Gui Add, Edit, x240 y140 w35 h20 vxa, 58
  86. Gui Add, GroupBox, x205 y120 w160 h45, Aim Settings
  87. Gui Add, Button, x230 y170 w100 h20 gsub5, About FoV Range
  88. Gui Add, Button, x230 y190 w100 h20 gsub6, About Aim Settings
  89. Gui Add, Text, x220 y300 w130 h150, Autisterne har overtaget Korea: `n`n hah du blev snyt`n`nså der moneys
  90. Gui Show, w372 h480, Neger-slayer (Stefan)
  91. Loop {
  92. Gui, Submit, NoHide
  93. Sleep -1
  94. }
  95. Return
  96. TrigerSub:
  97. GuiControlGet, trigger
  98. if trigger
  99. setbatchlines,-1
  100. dir := "1.png"
  101. if (!fileexist(dir)) {
  102. URLDownloadToFile,, % dir
  103. while (!fileexist(dir))
  104. sleep, 50
  105. }
  106. wingetpos,,,ww,wh, % "ahk_class TankWindowClass"
  107. center_x := ww/2
  108. center_y := wh/2
  109. loop {
  110. ImageSearch, , , % center_x, 0, % center_x, % center_y, % "*80 " dir
  111. If (!Errorlevel) {
  112. ImageSearch, , , % center_x, % center_y, % center_x, % wh, % "*80 " dir
  113. If (!Errorlevel)
  114. Send {Click down}
  115. Sleep,225
  116. Send {Click up}
  117. Sleep,20
  118. }}
  119. Return
  120. F4::
  121. Send {Ctrl Down}{Shift Down}{R Down}{Ctrl Up}{Shift Up}{R Up}
  122. Return
  123. #If bunny=1
  124. *~$Space::
  125. sleep 20
  126. loop
  127. {
  128. GetKeyState, SpaceState, Space, P
  129. if SpaceState = U
  130. break
  131. Sleep 1
  132. Send, {Blind}{Space}
  133. }
  134. Return
  135. #If
  136. Return
  137. Return
  138. #If roadhog1=1
  139. mbutton::
  140. MouseClick, right
  141. sleep, 5
  142. Send {LShift down}{LShift up}
  143. sleep, 1040
  144. MouseClick, left
  145. sleep, 50
  146. Send {v down}{v up}
  147. Return
  148. #If
  149. Return
  150. #If genji=1
  151. mbutton::
  152. MouseClick, right
  153. sleep, 15
  154. Send {v down}{v up}
  155. sleep, 15
  156. Send {Shift down}{Shift up}
  157. Return
  158. #If
  159. Return
  160. #If roadhog=1
  161. $r::
  162. Send {r}
  163. Sleep 1880
  164. Send {v}
  165. Return
  166. #If
  167. Return
  168. #If torbjorn=1
  169. $r::
  170. Send {r}
  171. Sleep 1780
  172. Send {v}
  173. Return
  174. #If
  175. Return
  176. #If pharah=1
  177. $r::
  178. Send {r}
  179. Sleep 1200
  180. Send {v}
  181. Return
  182. #If
  183. return
  184. #If reaper=1
  185. $r::
  186. Send {r}
  187. Sleep 300
  188. Send {v}
  189. Return
  190. #If
  191. return
  192. #If mccree=1
  193. ~RButton::
  194. Loop
  195. If GetKeyState("RButton") {
  196. Sleep, 5
  197. moveAmount := (moveAmount = 2) ? 3 : 0
  198. mouseXY(moveAmount,3.4)
  199. }
  200. else
  201. break
  202. Return
  203. mouseXY(x,y)
  204. {
  205. DllCall("mouse_event",int,1,int,x,int,y,uint,0,uint,0)
  206. }
  207. #If
  208. return
  209. #If aimtype2=1
  210. ~capslock::
  211. GoSub MouseMoves2
  212. Return
  213. #If
  214. Return
  215. sub1:
  216. {
  217. msgbox, Having issues?`n`nMccree Right Click No Recoil Does NOT!!! work with right click aimlock`nHOLD DOWN RIGHT CLICK FOR IT TO WORK DONT JUST PRESS BUTTON`n`nAll Combos are middle mouse button`n`nCheat is CPU intensive and only uses math.`n`nLowFPS: Lower Aim speed to 3.`nLowFPS: Lower resolution to 720p and play on low.`nLowFPS: If you get low fps after a playthrough, press F3 to restart the cheat.`n`nCursor jumping left or right when using Aim key?`n`nJumpBug:Your PC is lagging out when using Aimkey. Check LowFPS solution.`nJumpBug: Switch your resolution to 720p but use F2(1080p) with Aim Speed 3.`n`nAlways try the cheat out in Practice Range to find your best settings.
  218. }
  219. return
  220. sub2:
  221. {
  222. msgbox, How-to:`n`nLaunch Game. Switch to Borderless Windowed mode.`nResolution has to be 720p or 1080p. As precaution, set your quality settings to Low.`n`nTo-use:`nPress F1 or F2 depending on your resolution.`nShoot an Enemy. When the Health Bar is visible press the aimkey to snap onto the target.`n`nIf nothing is happening make sure you are not using any desktop applications that alter your color settings or are recording your gameplay such as W10 DVR or Fraps.
  223. }
  224. return
  225. sub3:
  226. {
  227. msgbox, Best Settings for the cheat (Legit):`n`nResolution: 1280x720`nAim Speed: 3
  228. }
  229. return
  230. sub4:
  231. {
  232. msgbox, Higher the number, Faster the it locks on. `n`Lower the number, The slower it locks on.
  233. }
  234. return
  235. sub5:
  236. {
  237. msgbox, Has 4 settings. `n`nStarts on its Lowest FoV. `n`nThe higher the fov the more the bot can see. `n`nX-Axis is side ways Y-Axis is up and down
  238. }
  239. return
  240. sub6:
  241. {
  242. msgbox, This is where it aims. `n`nThe default settings is what is in all my previous verions. `n`nAs always X-Axis is side ways Y-Axis is up and down
  243. }
  244. return
  245. GuiClose:
  246. ExitApp
  247. return
  248. SkinForm(Param1 = "Apply", DLL = "", SkinName = ""){
  249. if(Param1 = Apply){
  250. DllCall("LoadLibrary", str, DLL)
  251. DllCall(DLL . "\USkinInit", Int,0, Int,0, AStr, SkinName)
  252. }else if(Param1 = 0) {
  253. DllCall(DLL . "\USkinExit")
  254. }}
  255. Change1:
  256. MsgBox, Applied
  257. Gui,Submit, Nohide
  258. return
  259. F1::
  260. #Persistent
  261. #KeyHistory, 0
  262. #NoEnv
  263. #HotKeyInterval 1
  264. #MaxHotkeysPerInterval 127
  265. #InstallKeybdHook
  266. #UseHook
  267. #SingleInstance, Force
  268. SetKeyDelay,-1, 8
  269. SetControlDelay, -1
  270. SetMouseDelay, 0
  271. SetWinDelay,-1
  272. SendMode, InputThenPlay
  273. SetBatchLines,-1
  274. ListLines, Off
  275. CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
  276. PID := DllCall("GetCurrentProcessId")
  277. Process, Priority, %PID%, Normal
  278. ZeroX := 640
  279. ZeroY := 360
  280. CFovX := 320
  281. CFovY := 200
  282. ScanL := 500
  283. ScanR := 800
  284. ScanT := 180
  285. ScanB := 400
  286. GuiControlget, rX
  287. GuiControlget, xa
  288. GuiControlget, ya
  289. GuiControlget, xrange
  290. GuiControlget, yrange
  291. GuiControlget, rX
  292. Loop, {
  293. Gui,Submit, Nohide
  294. if (aimtype=1)
  295. {
  296. GetKeyState, Mouse2, LButton, P
  297. GoSub MouseMoves2
  298. }
  299. if (aimtype1=1)
  300. {
  301. GetKeyState, Mouse2, RButton, P
  302. GoSub MouseMoves2
  303. }
  304. if (aimtype3=1)
  305. {
  306. GetKeyState, Mouse2, XButton1, P
  307. GoSub MouseMoves2
  308. }
  309. if (aimtype4=1)
  310. {
  311. GetKeyState, Mouse2, XButton2, P
  312. GoSub MouseMoves2
  313. }
  314. imageSearch, AimPixelX, AimPixelY, 0 + (A_Screenwidth * (xrange/10)), 0 + (A_Screenheight * (yrange/10)), A_Screenwidth - (A_Screenwidth * (xrange/10)), A_Screenheight - (A_Screenheight * (yrange / 10)), *4 hhp2.bmp
  315. GoSub GetAimOffset
  316. GoSub GetAimMoves
  317. if(ErrorLevel = 1){
  318. imageSearch, AimPixelX, AimPixelY, 0 + (A_Screenwidth * (xrange/10)), 0 + (A_Screenheight * (yrange/10)), A_Screenwidth - (A_Screenwidth * (xrange/10)), A_Screenheight - (A_Screenheight * (yrange / 10)), *4 hhp3.bmp
  319. GoSub GetAimOffset3
  320. GoSub GetAimMoves
  321. }
  322. Box_Init("FF0000")
  323. X := 0 + (A_Screenwidth * (xrange/10))
  324. Y := 0 + (A_Screenheight * (yrange/10))
  325. W := (A_Screenwidth - (A_Screenwidth * (xrange/10))) - X
  326. H := (A_Screenheight - (A_Screenheight * (yrange / 10))) -Y
  327. Box_Draw(X, Y , W, H)
  328. if(overlayActive=0){
  329. Box_Hide()
  330. }
  331. }
  332. MouseMoves:
  333. If ( Mouse2 == "D" ) {
  334. DllCall("mouse_event", uint, 1, int, MoveX, int, MoveY, uint, 0, int, 0)
  335. }
  336. Return
  337. MouseMoves1:
  338. If ( Mouse2 == "U" ) {
  339. DllCall("mouse_event", uint, 1, int, MoveX, int, MoveY, uint, 0, int, 0)
  340. }
  341. Return
  342. GetAimOffset:
  343. Gui,Submit, Nohide
  344. AimX := AimPixelX - ZeroX +xA
  345. AimY := AimPixelY - ZeroY +xY
  346. If ( AimX+5 > 0) {
  347. DirX := rx / 10
  348. }
  349. If ( AimX+5 < 0) {
  350. DirX := (-rx) / 10
  351. }
  352. If ( AimY+2 > 0 ) {
  353. DirY := rX /10 *0.5
  354. }
  355. If ( AimY+2 < 0 ) {
  356. DirY := (-rx) /10 *0.5
  357. }
  358. AimOffsetX := AimX * DirX
  359. AimOffsetY := AimY * DirY
  360. Return
  361. GetAimOffset3:
  362. Gui,Submit, Nohide
  363. AimX := AimPixelX - ZeroX +30
  364. AimY := AimPixelY - ZeroY +50
  365. If ( AimX+5 > 0) {
  366. DirX := rx / 10
  367. }
  368. If ( AimX+5 < 0) {
  369. DirX := (-rx) / 10
  370. }
  371. If ( AimY+2 > 0 ) {
  372. DirY := rX /10 *0.5
  373. }
  374. If ( AimY+2 < 0 ) {
  375. DirY := (-rx) /10 *0.5
  376. }
  377. AimOffsetX := AimX * DirX
  378. AimOffsetY := AimY * DirY
  379. Return
  380. GetAimMoves:
  381. RootX := Ceil(( AimOffsetX ** ( 1 )))
  382. RootY := Ceil(( AimOffsetY ** ( 1 )))
  383. MoveX := RootX * DirX
  384. MoveY := RootY * DirY
  385. Return
  386. SleepF:
  387. SleepDuration = 1
  388. TimePeriod = 1
  389. DllCall("Winmm\timeBeginPeriod", uint, TimePeriod)
  390. Iterations = 1
  391. StartTime := A_TickCount
  392. Loop, %Iterations% {
  393. DllCall("Sleep", UInt, TimePeriod)
  394. }
  395. DllCall("Winmm\timeEndPeriod", UInt, TimePeriod)
  396. Return
  397. DebugTool:
  398. MouseGetPos, MX, MY
  399. ToolTip, %AimOffsetX% | %AimOffsetY%
  400. ToolTip, %AimX% | %AimY%
  401. ToolTip, %IntAimX% | %IntAimY%
  402. ToolTip, %RootX% | %RootY%
  403. ToolTip, %MoveX% | %MoveY% || %MX% %MY%
  404. Return
  405. F2::
  406. #Persistent
  407. #KeyHistory, 0
  408. #NoEnv
  409. #HotKeyInterval 1
  410. #MaxHotkeysPerInterval 2000
  411. #InstallKeybdHook
  412. #UseHook
  413. #SingleInstance, Force
  414. SetKeyDelay,-1, 8
  415. SetControlDelay, -1
  416. SetMouseDelay, 0
  417. SetWinDelay,-1
  418. SendMode, InputThenPlay
  419. SetBatchLines,-1
  420. ListLines, Off
  421. CoordMode, Mouse, client
  422. PID := DllCall("GetCurrentProcessId")
  423. Process, Priority, %PID%, Normal
  424. ZeroX := 960
  425. ZeroY := 540
  426. CFovX := 80
  427. CFovY := 200
  428. ScanL := 660
  429. ScanR := 1250
  430. ScanT := 280
  431. ScanB := 610
  432. GuiControlget, rX
  433. GuiControlget, xa
  434. GuiControlget, ya
  435. GuiControlget, xrange
  436. GuiControlget, yrange
  437. Loop, {
  438. Gui,Submit, Nohide
  439. if (aimtype=1)
  440. {
  441. GetKeyState, Mouse2, LButton, P
  442. GoSub MouseMoves2
  443. }
  444. if (aimtype1=1)
  445. {
  446. GetKeyState, Mouse2, RButton, P
  447. GoSub MouseMoves2
  448. }
  449. if (aimtype3=1)
  450. {
  451. GetKeyState, Mouse2, XButton1, P
  452. GoSub MouseMoves2
  453. }
  454. if (aimtype4=1)
  455. {
  456. GetKeyState, Mouse2, XButton2, P
  457. GoSub MouseMoves2
  458. }
  459. imageSearch, AimPixelX, AimPixelY, 0 + (A_Screenwidth * (xrange/10)), 0 + (A_Screenheight * (yrange/10)), A_Screenwidth - (A_Screenwidth * (xrange/10)), A_Screenheight - (A_Screenheight * (yrange / 10)), *4 hhp2.bmp
  460. GoSub GetAimOffset1
  461. GoSub GetAimMoves1
  462. if(ErrorLevel = 1){
  463. imageSearch, AimPixelX, AimPixelY, 0 + (A_Screenwidth * (xrange/10)), 0 + (A_Screenheight * (yrange/10)), A_Screenwidth - (A_Screenwidth * (xrange/10)), A_Screenheight - (A_Screenheight * (yrange / 10)), *4 hhp.bmp
  464. GoSub GetAimOffset2
  465. GoSub GetAimMoves1
  466. }
  467. Box_Init("FF0000")
  468. X := 0 + (A_Screenwidth * (xrange/10))
  469. Y := 0 + (A_Screenheight * (yrange/10))
  470. W := (A_Screenwidth - (A_Screenwidth * (xrange/10))) - X
  471. H := (A_Screenheight - (A_Screenheight * (yrange / 10))) -Y
  472. Box_Draw(X, Y , W, H)
  473. if(overlayActive=0){
  474. Box_Hide()
  475. }
  476. }
  477. MouseMoves2:
  478. If ( Mouse2 == "D" ) {
  479. DllCall("mouse_event", uint, 1, int, MoveX, int, MoveY, uint, 0, int, 0)
  480. }
  481. Return
  482. MouseMoves11:
  483. If ( Mouse2 == "U" ) {
  484. DllCall("mouse_event", uint, 1, int, MoveX, int, MoveY, uint, 0, int, 0)
  485. }
  486. GetAimOffset1:
  487. Gui,Submit, Nohide
  488. AimX := AimPixelX - ZeroX +xa
  489. AimY := AimPixelY - ZeroY +xy
  490. If ( AimX+5 > 0) {
  491. DirX := rx / 10
  492. }
  493. If ( AimX+5 < 0) {
  494. DirX := (-rx) / 10
  495. }
  496. If ( AimY+2 > 0 ) {
  497. DirY := rX /10 *0.5
  498. }
  499. If ( AimY+2 < 0 ) {
  500. DirY := (-rx) /10 *0.5
  501. }
  502. AimOffsetX := AimX * DirX
  503. AimOffsetY := AimY * DirY
  504. Return
  505. GetAimOffset2:
  506. Gui,Submit, Nohide
  507. AimX := AimPixelX - ZeroX +40
  508. AimY := AimPixelY - ZeroY +70
  509. If ( AimX+5 > 0) {
  510. DirX := rx / 10
  511. }
  512. If ( AimX+5 < 0) {
  513. DirX := (-rx) / 10
  514. }
  515. If ( AimY+2 > 0 ) {
  516. DirY := rX /10 *0.5
  517. }
  518. If ( AimY+2 < 0 ) {
  519. DirY := (-rx) /10 *0.5
  520. }
  521. AimOffsetX := AimX * DirX
  522. AimOffsetY := AimY * DirY
  523. Return
  524. GetAimMoves1:
  525. RootX := Ceil(( AimOffsetX ** ( 1 )))
  526. RootY := Ceil(( AimOffsetY ** ( 1 )))
  527. MoveX := RootX * DirX
  528. MoveY := RootY * DirY
  529. Return
  530. reload:
  531. SleepF1:
  532. SleepDuration = 1
  533. TimePeriod = 1
  534. DllCall("Winmm\timeBeginPeriod", uint, TimePeriod)
  535. Iterations = 1
  536. StartTime := A_TickCount
  537. Loop, %Iterations% {
  538. DllCall("Sleep", UInt, TimePeriod)
  539. }
  540. DllCall("Winmm\timeEndPeriod", UInt, TimePeriod)
  541. Return
  542. DebugTool1:
  543. MouseGetPos, MX, MY
  544. ToolTip, %AimOffsetX% | %AimOffsetY%
  545. ToolTip, %AimX% | %AimY%
  546. ToolTip, %IntAimX% | %IntAimY%
  547. ToolTip, %RootX% | %RootY%
  548. ToolTip, %MoveX% | %MoveY% || %MX% %MY%
  549. Return
  550. ALT::
  551. pause
  552. SoundBEEP
  553. return
  554. F3::
  555. Reload
  556. Return
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