
mc-steve[all-adaption]_5.5 (big change update no pref)

Nov 18th, 2017
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  2. <html><head><title>Theorical Profile of Steve</title><meta name="Generator" content="Alleycode HTML Editor"><meta name="Description" content="Theorical Profile of Steve All Adaptions"><meta name="Keywords" content="Minecraft Steve"></head><body>
  3. <h3>WorkInProgress</h3><ol>
  4. <b>It's incomplete and might remove in the future.</b>
  5. <li>Architecture Manipulation
  6. </li><li>Right Manipulation
  7. </li><li>Law Manipulation
  8. </li><li>Metaphysics Manipulation
  9. </li><li>Relativity Manipulation
  10. </li><li>Pre-Survival Availabity
  11. </li><li>Basic Commands
  12. </li><li>Intermediary Commands
  13. </li><li>Advance Commands
  14. </li><li>Diverse Commands
  15. </li><li>Abstract Existence
  16. </li><li>Items
  17. </li><li>Blocks
  18. </li><li>Environments
  19. </li><li>History
  20. </li><li>Fire
  21. </li><li>Cobblestone
  22. </li><li>Equipments
  23. </li><li>Potions
  24. </li><li>Status Effects
  25. </li><li>Misconception
  26. </li></ol>
  27. <h1><span id="Summary">Summary</span></h1>
  28. The protagonist of Minecraft, <b>Steve</b>, is a walking enigma. His history and intentions are all left unrevealed, up for player interpretation.<sup class="reference"><a href="#1">[1]</a></sup><br>
  29. This is a theorical profile of <b>Steve</b> in Creative Mode, which is usually considered a game mechanic within this vsBattle wiki.<sup class="reference"><a href="#2">[2]</a></sup><br>
  30. <b>Steve</b>, also known as <b>Steve?</b> or <b>Stevie</b> is the main character of Minecraft.<br>
  31. Almost nothing is known about this mystery man, except that he can both be a hero and a bad guy, depending on player choice, and that he's a skilled survivalist.<sup class="reference"><a href="#3">[3]</a></sup><br><br><br>
  32. <b>SUBCONTRARY:</b><br><br>
  33. <i><b>HTML Preference Name "sc"</b></i><br>
  34. One would argue some weren't canonically stated would be <b>noncanon</b> but that's not the case here it's unreasonable just due lack of lore, 1. From the <b>Official Trailer of Mojang</b> stated it's up for player meaning <b>the lore was up to the player</b>, 2. In the <b>End Poem</b> stated there's <b>multitudinous worlds</b> this claim's indicated to "And the game was over and the player woke up from the dream. And the player began a new dream. And the player dreamed again, dreamed better." and the fictional player viewed entire Minecraft as a <b>dream</b> but nonfictional player viewed it literally as <b>worlds</b> In-Game obviously in actual <i>Point Of View</i> are because of <b>Select World/Menu Screen</b>, 3. from Steve's view Minecraft are <b>reality</b> but his lore should still be similar to the Player and we'd remove User-Implemented Lines, 4. In vsBattle wikia stated his lore interpreted up to the Player but it's limited due user-implemented and gameplay mechanics. Important part's we can't use User-Implemented also we shouldn't contradict the Gameplay Mechanic otherwise would result inconsistency.
  35. <br><br><br><b>Tiers</b><br><br>
  36. <p>Steve(<a href="https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Hardcore">Hard Mode</a> and <a href="https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Survival_Test">Survival Test</a>) <b>2-C</b> normally.</p><br>
  37. <!-- Hard Mode and Survival Test -->
  38. Steve(Creative Mode : <a href="http://vsbattles.wikia.com/wiki/User_blog:Saikou_The_Lewd_King/Steve_(Creative_Mode)"> Saikou The Lewd King</a> | <a href="http://character-stats-and-profiles.wikia.com/wiki/Steve_(Canon)/Withersoul_235">Withersoul_235</a>) least <b>5-A</b> physically, possibly <b>High 3-A</b> with hax | <b>High 3-A</b> to at least 2-C
  39. <!-- Creative Mode -->
  40. <p>Steve(<a href="http://vsbattles.wikia.com/wiki/Steve_(Minecraft)">vsBattle Conventional Survival Mode</a>) <b>9-A Early Game | 8-C Mid Game | 7-C Late Game</b></p>
  41. <p>Steve(<a href="https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Spectator">Spectator Mode</a>: <a href="http://character-stats-and-profiles.wikia.com/wiki/Steve_(Canon)/Withersoul_235">Withersoul_235</a>) <b>High 3-A</b> w/ <a href="http://vsbattles.wikia.com/wiki/Command_Block">Command_Block</a> at least <b>2-C</b>, possibly <b>2-B</b> or <b>2-A</b></p>
  42. <!-- Spectator Mode -->
  43. <p>Steve(<a href="http://vsbattles.wikia.com/wiki/Abstract_Existence">Abstract Existence</a>: <a href="http://vsbattles.wikia.com/wiki/Message_Wall:Davidgumazon">Davidgumazon</a>) atleast <b>1-C</b> being 7D/8D in <a href="https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Menu_screen">Select World/Menu_screen</a></p>
  44. <!-- Abstract Existence -->
  45. <br><b>Misconception</b><br><br>
  46. <ul><li>That said Minecraft literally has no canon at all or implying other than survival mode are simply a gamemechanic, however this claims are false without specific reason or implying it's just user-implemented are still unreasonable, and let's take a look what misconception about the survival mode in the community.
  47. </li><li>1. <b>Mixed Modes of Difficulties</b> - difficulty contained a peaceful, easy, normal, hard and hardcore modes are most important parts of throughout the entire game, one would argue that's just gamemechanic would also result a confusion on how durable and measuring the destructive capacity of certain characters are, through different opinions of other users on how strong a certain character is based on one aspects of difficulty and another opinion are based on another difficulty, they bases on are completely different from one to another which is wrong.
  48. </li><li>2. <b>User-implemented Contradictory</b> - it's said that entire user-implemented gameplay are noncanon to fictional character named Steve would actually contradicts the canonicity of the lore of character's state of the mind and such as he died falling from the height which the durability should normally survive this level, inconsistency of health points wouldn't compare it to difficulty should be both are canon to be consistent of specific character's state of the mind, durability and destructive capacities. The entire point's as long it's not contradict to user-implemented it isn't a hyperbole minecraft. noncontradiction to both user-implemented and realism of minecraft.
  49. </li></ul>
  50. <h3>Survival Availability</h3>
  51. <b>Name/Alias</b>
  52. <ul><li>Steve (Canon)<sup class="reference"><a href="#6">[6]</a></sup>
  53. </li><li>Steve? (WoG, Notch)<sup class="reference"><a href="#7">[7]</a></sup>
  54. </li><li>The Player (User-Implemented)
  55. </li><li>The Avatar (Game Mechanic)
  56. </li><li>Stevie (Nick Name, Community)
  57. </li><li>Miner (Community)
  58. </li><li>Survivor (Community)
  59. </li></ul>
  60. <b>Age/Origin/Weight/Height</b>
  61. <ul><li><a href="http://vsbattles.wikia.com/wiki/Minecraft">Minecraft</a>
  62. </li><li>637.3479+ Minecraft years ~<a href="http://vsbattles.wikia.com/wiki/Message_Wall:Davidgumazon">Davidgumazon</a>
  63. </li><li>317+ Minecraft years ~<a href="https://www.youtube.com/user/AnimationRewind">Animation Rewind</a>
  64. </li><li>Unknown years ~<a href="http://vsbattles.wikia.com/wiki/Steve_(Minecraft)">vsBattle</a>
  65. </li><li>Height: 6'1 (185 cm) ~<a href="https://www.youtube.com/user/AnimationRewind">Animation Rewind</a>
  66. </li><li>Est. 6'1 if dimensions were translated to the real world ~DBF
  67. </li><li>Weight: 950 lbs (430 kg) ~<a href="https://www.youtube.com/user/AnimationRewind">Animation Rewind</a>
  68. </li></ul>
  69. <b>Gender/Classification</b>
  70. <ul><li>Male (Canon, Since Microsoft buyed Minecraft, Since Alex Character's Released)<sup class="reference"><a href="#9">[9]</a></sup> ~<a href="http://vsbattles.wikia.com/wiki/Message_Wall:Davidgumazon">Davidgumazon</a>
  71. </li><li>Genderless (WoG, Game Mechanic Base, Primary Canon)
  72. </li><li>Possibly Male (Community)
  73. </li><li>Human (Specie, Canon)
  74. </li><li>Minecraftian (Inhabited, Community)
  75. </li><li>Minecrafter (Race, Community)
  76. </li></ul>
  77. <b>Attack Potency</b>
  78. <ul><li><b>Town level</b> (Can trade blows with the Ender Dragon and The Wither).<sup class="reference"><a href="#4">[4]</a></sup> ~<a href="http://vsbattles.wikia.com/wiki/Steve_(Minecraft)">vsBattle</a>
  79. </li><li>Can ignore durability with Poison, Instant Damage and Decay splash potion.) ~<a href="http://vsbattles.wikia.com/wiki/Steve_(Minecraft)">vsBattle</a>
  80. </li><li>...
  81. </li></ul>
  82. <b>Experience</b>
  83. <ul><li><a href="http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Environmental_Adaptation">Environmental Adaption</a>: The power to <b>survive and adapt to an environment</b>. Has shown 14 environments: <a href="http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Aerial_Adaptation">Aerial Adaptation</a>, <a href="http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Arctic_Adaptation">Arctic Adaptation</a>, <a href="http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Aquatic_Adaptation">Aquatic Adaptation</a>, <a href="http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Darkness_Adaptation">Darkness Adaptation</a>, <a href="http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Desert_Adaptation">Desert Adaptation</a>, <a href="http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Fallout_Adaptation">Fallout Adaptation</a>, <a href="http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Forest_Adaptation">Forest Adaptation</a>, <a href="http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Mountain_Adaptation">Mountain Adaptation</a>, <a href="http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Plains_Adaptation">Plains Adaptation</a>, <a href="http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Silence_Adaptation">Silence Adaptation</a>, <a href="http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Subterranean_Adaptation">Subterranean Adaptation</a>, <a href="http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Valley_Adaptation">Valley Adaptation</a>, <a href="http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Volcanic_Adaptation">Volcanic Adaptation</a>, <a href="http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Wetland_Adaptation">Wetland Adaptation</a>.
  84. </li><li><b>Virtual Interface</b>: <i><b>Canon</b></i> "Inventory" and "Crafting"
  85. <ul><li><b>How Steve become a master builder in survival mode including creative mode</b>: Interface that controls a display for the user and that allows the user to interact with the system. Since Steve and The Player are seperate entities, the user-implemented interface shows "inventory","crafting","armor slots" and "shield slot", but to Steve's interface only shows "inventory" and "crafting". It's impossible to become <b>Master Builder</b> in Steve's case without the knowledge of his own ability ie. "Virtual Interface", if you think "interface" is a noncanon or gameplay mechanic then think again what could he possibly achieve to "craft" things without "Virtual Interface" as standard ability anyway since the fact canonicity of Steve defeating the Ender Dragon in the end of the game, btw <i><b>implying entire Inventory as game mechanic</b></i> isn't the case here though could debunk this claim by removing "armor slots" and "shield slot" that don't exist in the real world expect "inventory" and "crafting" are actual abilities.
  86. </li></ul>
  87. </li><li><b>Swordsmanship</b>: (We can't use player tactics here also see <sup class="reference"><a href="#summary">sc</a></sup>)
  88. <ul><li>Ambidextrous Dual Wielder. <b>Canon</b>, he can't use left hands are <b>Game Mechanic</b>
  89. <ul><li>Capable of wielding two Swords.
  90. </li><li>Capable of wielding two Shields.
  91. </li><li>Capable of wielding Shield on other hand's Sword.
  92. </li><li>Capable of wielding Cubic Meter of Blocks as a Shield.
  93. </li></ul>
  94. </li><li>Ambidextrous Rapid Switching Hammer Space. <b>Canon</b>
  95. <ul><li>Capable of switching his items left to right and right to left skillfully.
  96. </li><li>Capable of blocking attacks and counter by switching items quickly.
  97. </li><li>Would confuse the enemy in Melee Combat.
  98. </li></ul>
  99. </li><li>Adept Swordsman ~<a href="http://vsbattles.wikia.com/wiki/Steve_(Minecraft)">vsBattle</a><br>
  100. "The hole point of Steve's "Adept Swordsman" is that he's technically specialized at <b>blocking & basic swordplay</b>, he fought horde of mobs equal speed in combat and reactions at night basis, he could fight on night alright because he live in that way." ~<a href="http://vsbattles.wikia.com/wiki/Message_Wall:Davidgumazon">Davidgumazon</a>
  101. </li></li></ul>
  102. <li><a href="http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Craft_Improvisation">Craft Improvisation</a>: The power to <b>improvise with any craft, talent or skill</b>.
  103. <ul><li>...
  104. </li><li>...
  105. </li></ul>
  106. </li><li>Quality Sense: As shown in the inventory not to be confused with game mechanic regarding inventory, Steve can sense and judge the quality of anything, only abilities/powers, names, objects, and/or even more general/abstract concepts or properties. Allowing them to tell what has true value/worth and what is truly without any quality/value. <i>ref to name and data/tags</i>
  107. <ul><li>...
  108. </li><li>...
  109. </li></ul>
  110. </li><li>...
  111. <ul><li>...
  112. </li><li>...
  113. </li></ul>
  114. </li><li>...
  115. <ul><li>...
  116. </li><li>...
  117. </li></ul>
  121. </li></ul>
  122. <b>Power</b>
  123. <ul><li><a href="http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Recovery_Mode">Recovery Mode</a>: The ability to <b>go into a mode made for recovering</b>.
  124. <ul><li>Limitations:<ul><li>Steve's food level's 20/20 and the maximum food saturation level is also 20.
  125. </li><li>0% hunger, 100% food level and there is still some saturation left, recovers 10% per second.
  126. </li><li>10% hunger or lower with no saturation, recovers 1.25% per second.
  127. </li><li>15% hunger and higher, don't recover.
  128. </li><li>When eating food, they get back both saturation and decrease hunger.
  129. </li><li>Once the saturation is empty, whenever the exhaustion reaches 20%, he'll get 5% hunger. Steve is now hungry.
  130. </li><li>30% food level or below, then Steve wouldn't able to sprint unless difficulty is (switched to) Peaceful.
  131. </li></ul></li></ul>
  132. </li><li><b>Inventory</b>.
  133. <ul><li>Inventory is <b>Hammerspace and Trade In/Out</b>. Including Creative Inventory.
  134. </li><li><b>Crafting Material Limitations</b>: <u>inventory' crafting</u> 4 at max and <u>crafting table</u> 9 at max.
  135. </li></ul>
  136. </li><li><b>Crafting</b>.
  137. <ul><li><a href="http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Object_Manipulation">Item Manipulation</a>: Steve can create, shape and manipulate any sort of inanimate objects, products/finished goods, ie. physical objects that have been manufactured from either natural or artificial materials, including anything from nano-technology, to tools, weapons, vehicles and up to architecture. <b>Canon</b>, limited only 4 materials because of inventory' crafting slots and this don't contradict the crafting table. <i>It's not User-Implemented due crafting table's a canon</i><ul><li><b>Limited Crafting</b>: crafting items only Minecraft's <b>Game Mechanic</b> this shouldn't use when Steve's interacts parallel world.
  138. </li><li><b>Magic Crafting</b>: small scale reality warping akin to magic, shown to be capable of compressing, remove impurity and convert a simple materials into magical, compressed items that's combined with more than one same material, remove impurity from uncleaned materials, conversion of ingots into enchant such as golden carrots, golden apples and enchanted apples.</li></ul>
  139. </li><li>...
  140. </li></ul>
  141. </li></ul>
  142. <b>Abilities and Stats Formats</b>
  143. <ul><li><a href="http://vsbattles.wikia.com/wiki/Steve_(Minecraft)">vsBattles</a>
  144. <ul><li>Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Adept Swordsman, Survival Expert, Fire Manipulation, Gliding, Statistics Amplification, Magic(via Enchantments), Poison Manipulation, Status Effect Inducement (via Potions, Splash Potions, and Lingering Potions)<sup class="reference"><a href="#4">[4]</a></sup>, Invisibility, Resistance to Fire, Smite, Regeneration (Mid. Can regenerate from several arrows through his skull), Teleportation (via Enderpearl), Healing (via Natural Healing Factor "hunger"), Enhanced Senses, Water Breathing(via potions), Resurrection, Death Manipulation<sup class="reference"><a href="#8">[8]</a></sup>
  145. </li></ul>
  146. </li><li>DBF
  147. <h4><span id="Physicality"> Physicality </span></h4>
  148. <ul><li> Incredible Strength
  149. </li><li> Capable of shattering solid stone and tress with bare fists
  150. </li><li> Highly Athletic
  151. </li><li> Peak Human Durability
  152. </li><li> Peak Human Running Speed
  153. </li></ul>
  154. <h4><span id="Skills"> Skills </span></h4>
  155. <ul><li> Skilled Survivalist &amp; Hunter
  156. </li><li> Adequate Abillity with Melee Weapons
  157. </li><li> Master Archer
  158. </li><li> Modest Enchanter &amp; Alchemist
  159. </li><li> Gifted Artist
  160. </li><li> Engineering Mastermind
  161. </li><li> Amazing Architect
  162. </li></ul>
  163. <h4><span id="Feats"> Feats </span></h4>
  164. <ul><li> Has stormed enemy strongholds and braved the Nether
  165. </li><li> Has restrain nonexistent for 2.5 seconds would feel 20% pain &amp; damage per half-second physically
  166. </li><li> With the right equipment, go toe to toe with the toughest mobs and win
  167. </li><li> Slew the Ender Dragon and the Wither
  168. </li><li> Regularly spends days surviving the wilderness
  169. </li><li> Has died time and time again, only to return to life every time
  170. </li><li> Has been able to fly
  171. </li><li> Can create anything out of anything, including a house made purely of dirt or leaves
  172. </li><li> Can construct literally anything that the player wants. This can range from cities to <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cDxEGXO2uSk%7Cscale">models of entire countries</a>
  173. </li><li><a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="https://youtu.be/e9HdWYbWXDE?t=47">Can carry stones the literal weight of a car</a>
  174. </li><li>Can also carry over 44 tons
  175. </li><li>Can dig to the bottom of the world
  176. </li><li>Can craft tools out of diamonds without special cutters or forges
  177. </li></ul>
  178. <h4><span id="Weaknesses"> Weaknesses </span></h4>
  179. <ul><li> Most weapons and armor break after a while
  180. </li><li> Can only carry 64 arrows on hand
  181. </li><li> Still human underneath his armor
  182. <ul><li> Will die in lava if he cannot get out in time
  183. </li><li> Can be crushed to death
  184. </li><li> Can die from high falls
  185. </li></ul>
  186. </li><li> Can't stack potions and/or tipped arrows
  187. </li><li> Armor, particles from status effects and weapons in hand can still be seen when invisible
  188. <ul><li> Even when empty-handed, armorless and void of status effects while invisible, Steve still makes noise when moving or performing certain actions
  189. </li></ul>
  190. </li><li>...
  191. </li></ul>
  192. </li></ul>
  193. <!-- DBF Format -->
  194. <b>Abilities</b>
  195. <ul><li>"Hammer Space capable of storing 2368 items capacity" ~<a href="http://vsbattles.wikia.com/wiki/Message_Wall:Davidgumazon">Davidgumazon</a>
  196. </li><li><a href="http://vsbattles.wikia.com/wiki/Statistics_Amplification">Statistics Amplification</a> through items/foods
  197. </li><li>Survival Expert ~<a href="http://vsbattles.wikia.com/wiki/Steve_(Minecraft)">vsBattle</a>
  198. </li><li><a href="http://vsbattles.wikia.com/wiki/Fire_Manipulation">Fire Manipulation</a> (through Enchantments and Flint &amp; Steel) ~<a href="http://vsbattles.wikia.com/wiki/Steve_(Minecraft)">vsBattle</a>. <b>In early days of Minecraft the fire can melt irons (and other ores to ingots) instantly, the exact temperature was celsius that melt 1/9 of m<sup class="reference">3</sup> iron instantly, well i don't have time to calc it. The fire from Minecraft is constant this means when the heat reach that point he receive 5% of damage.</b>
  199. </li><li>Gliding (through Elytra) ~<a href="http://vsbattles.wikia.com/wiki/Steve_(Minecraft)">vsBattle</a>
  200. </li><li><a href="http://vsbattles.wikia.com/wiki/wiki/Statistics_Amplification">Statistics_Amplification</a> ~<a href="http://vsbattles.wikia.com/wiki/Steve_(Minecraft)">vsBattle</a>
  201. </li><li><a href="http://vsbattles.wikia.com/wiki/wiki/Magic">Magic</a> (through Enchantments) ~<a href="http://vsbattles.wikia.com/wiki/Steve_(Minecraft)">vsBattle</a>
  202. </li><li><a href="http://vsbattles.wikia.com/wiki/wiki/Poison_Manipulation">Poison_Manipulation</a> (through Splash Potion and Tipped Arrow) ~<a href="http://vsbattles.wikia.com/wiki/Steve_(Minecraft)">vsBattle</a>
  203. </li><li><a href="http://vsbattles.wikia.com/wiki/wiki/Status_Effect_Inducement">Status_Effect_Inducement</a> (through Any Potions) ~<a href="http://vsbattles.wikia.com/wiki/Steve_(Minecraft)">vsBattle</a>
  204. </li><li><a href="http://vsbattles.wikia.com/wiki/wiki/Invisibility">Invisibility</a> (through Potions) ~<a href="http://vsbattles.wikia.com/wiki/Steve_(Minecraft)">vsBattle</a>
  205. </li><li><a href="http://vsbattles.wikia.com/wiki/wiki/Resistance">Resistance</a> to Fire (through Potions) ~<a href="http://vsbattles.wikia.com/wiki/Steve_(Minecraft)">vsBattle</a>
  206. </li><li><a href="http://vsbattles.wikia.com/wiki/wiki/Smite">Smite</a> (through Sword Enchantment) ~<a href="http://vsbattles.wikia.com/wiki/Steve_(Minecraft)">vsBattle</a>
  207. </li><li><a href="http://vsbattles.wikia.com/wiki/wiki/Regeneration">Regeneration</a> (Mid. Can regenerate from several arrows through his skull through Natural Healing Factor) ~<a href="http://vsbattles.wikia.com/wiki/Steve_(Minecraft)">vsBattle</a>
  208. </li><li><a href="http://vsbattles.wikia.com/wiki/wiki/Teleportation">Teleportation</a> (through Enderpearls) ~<a href="http://vsbattles.wikia.com/wiki/Steve_(Minecraft)">vsBattle</a>
  209. </li><li><a href="http://vsbattles.wikia.com/wiki/wiki/Healing">Healing</a> (through Potions) ~<a href="http://vsbattles.wikia.com/wiki/Steve_(Minecraft)">vsBattle</a>
  210. </li><li><a href="http://vsbattles.wikia.com/wiki/wiki/Enhanced Senses">Enhanced Senses</a> (through Enchanted Apples and Potions; can fight at night and can see in daylight with night vision effect) ~<a href="http://vsbattles.wikia.com/wiki/Steve_(Minecraft)">vsBattle</a>
  211. </li><li>Water Breathing (through Potions) ~<a href="http://vsbattles.wikia.com/wiki/Steve_(Minecraft)">vsBattle</a>
  212. </li><li><a href="http://vsbattles.wikia.com/wiki/wiki/Resurrection">Resurrection</a> (through Totem of Undying) ~<a href="http://vsbattles.wikia.com/wiki/Steve_(Minecraft)">vsBattle</a>
  213. </li><li><a href="http://vsbattles.wikia.com/wiki/wiki/">Death_Manipulation</a> (through Decay Splash Potion a Wither effect) ~<a href="http://vsbattles.wikia.com/wiki/Steve_(Minecraft)">vsBattle</a>
  214. </li><li>50% striking strength increase in critical attacks by leaping and sword attacks making him town level+ AP, Steve takes AP 25 kilotons with his critical attack to 37.5 kilotons ~ 60+ kilotons w/ enchantment is Town Level+.  ~<a href="http://vsbattles.wikia.com/wiki/Message_Wall:Davidgumazon">Davidgumazon</a>
  215. </li></ul>
  216. <b>Speed</b>
  217. <ul><li>Travel:
  218. <ul><li><a href="http://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/how-fast-can-steve-run/">Normal Human</a> (Walking)
  219. </li><li><b>Superhuman</b> on Horses (Can travel about 14 m/s)
  220. </li></ul>
  221. </li><li>Saikou's Version:
  222. <ul><li>Reaction: <a href="http://vsbattles.wikia.com/wiki/User_blog:Saikou_The_Lewd_King/Minecraft%27s_Enderman_speed_Calculation?oldid=1454951">Massively Hypersonic 293.8641460175678 mach</a> (Can hit Endermen, which can dodge arrows at point-blank range.)
  223. </li><li>Combat: <a href="http://vsbattles.wikia.com/wiki/User_blog:Saikou_The_Lewd_King/Minecraft%27s_Enderman_speed_Calculation?oldid=1454951">Massively Hypersonic 293.8641460175678 mach</a> (Given that Steve's sword strike can outdo the Enderman's reactions, it would scale to everyone's combat speed.)
  224. </li></ul>
  225. </li><li>David Gumazon's Version:
  226. <ul><li>Legends:<ul><li>speed of arrow = <b>SoA</b>
  227. </li><li>smallest unit of measure in-game for horizontal movements = <b>UoM</b>
  228. </li><li>3hits/5seconds = Steve's Swords have an attack speed of <u>0.6</u>25 seconds to <a href="https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Damage#Attack_cooldown">recover</a>.
  229. </li></ul>
  230. </li><li>(UoM) / (SoA) = (Combat/Reaction Speed)<ul><li>0.001 / 53 = 1.8867924528301886792452830188679e-5; 188679.24528301886792452830188679 m/s
  231. </li><li><b>Massively Hypersonic 554.4606528633352 mach</b></li></ul>
  232. </li><li>(Combat/Reaction Speed) x 3 / 5 = (Cooldown Base)<ul><li>113207.54716981132075471698113207 m/s</b>
  233. </li><li><b>Massively Hypersonic 332.6763917180012 mach</b></li></ul>
  234. </li><li>(Cooldown Base) / 60(s) = (Minecraft Time Base)<ul><li>1886.7924528301886792452830188678 m/s
  235. </li><li><b>Hypersonic 5.544606528633352 mach</b></li></ul>
  236. </li></ul>
  237. </li><li>Other Versions:
  238. <ul><li>Reaction: Atleast <b>Subsonic</b> (Can dodge arrows, kept pace with the Ender Dragon and The Wither. Can react when flying at full speed with the Elytra.)
  239. </li><li><b>Normal Human</b> with <b>Subsonic</b> reaction/combat speed (Can dodge arrows, kept pace with the Ender Dragon and The Wither. Can react when flying at full speed with the Elytra)<sup class="reference"><a href="#4">[4]</a></sup>
  240. </li><li>...
  241. </li></ul>
  242. </li><li>Flight: Subsonic with the Elytra (Can fly at a maximum of 67.5 m/s)
  243. </li></ul>
  244. <b>Lifting Strength</b>
  245. <ul><li>Unknown. At least <b>Class 25</b> (Capable of easily lifting and swinging around whole meters cube of solid gold. Note: His inventory size is due to a "magic satchel"/"hammer space" game mechanics, and as such not quantifiable beyond that.) ~<a href="http://vsbattles.wikia.com/wiki/Steve_(Minecraft)">vsBattles</a>
  246. </li><li><b>Class G</b> (can lift stones calculated to be as heavy as cars. Can strap himself all in gold and carry nothing but gold and still move around normally; the weight of a full 64 gold block inventory plus gold armor was calculated to be over 44 tons) ~<a href="http://character-stats-and-profiles.wikia.com/wiki/Steve_(Canon)/Withersoul_235">Withersoul_235</a>
  247. </li></ul>
  248. <b>Striking Strength</b>
  249. <ul><li><b>Room Class</b> ~<a href="http://vsbattles.wikia.com/wiki/Steve_(Minecraft)">vsBattles</a>
  250. </li><li><b>Building Class</b> ~<a href="http://vsbattles.wikia.com/wiki/Steve_(Minecraft)">vsBattles</a>
  251. </li><li><b>Town Class</b> ~<a href="http://vsbattles.wikia.com/wiki/Steve_(Minecraft)">vsBattles</a>
  252. </li><li><b>Class TJ</b><sup class="reference"><a href="#4">[4]</a></sup> ~<a href="http://vsbattles.wikia.com/wiki/Steve_(Minecraft)">vsBattles</a>
  253. </li><li>...
  254. </li></ul>
  255. <b>Durability</b>
  256. <ul><li><b>Wall level</b> (Can't be damage and take hits from the Piston) ~<a href="http://vsbattles.wikia.com/wiki/Message_Wall:Davidgumazon">Davidgumazon</a>
  257. </li><li><b>Room level</b> (No Armors or Leather Tier Armors) ~<a href="http://vsbattles.wikia.com/wiki/Steve_(Minecraft)">vsBattles</a>
  258. </li><li><b>Building level</b> (Iron Tier Armors) ~<a href="http://vsbattles.wikia.com/wiki/Steve_(Minecraft)">vsBattles</a>
  259. </li><li><b>Large Building level</b> (W/ Enchantments) ~<a href="http://vsbattles.wikia.com/wiki/Message_Wall:Davidgumazon">Davidgumazon</a>
  260. </li><li><b>Town level</b> (Can take hits from the Ender Dragon and The Wither)<sup class="reference"><a href="#4">[4]</a></sup> ~<a href="http://vsbattles.wikia.com/wiki/Steve_(Minecraft)">vsBattles</a>
  261. </li><li><b>Town level+</b> (Enchantments are <b>Magics</b> that absorbs any kind of damage, Calc from Wiki) ~<a href="http://vsbattles.wikia.com/wiki/Message_Wall:Davidgumazon">Davidgumazon</a>
  262. </li></ul>
  263. <b>Stamina</b>
  264. <ul><li><b>Above average</b>, but otherwise not notable. ~<a href="http://vsbattles.wikia.com/wiki/Steve_(Minecraft)">vsBattles</a>
  265. </li><li>...
  266. </li></ul>
  267. <b>Range</b>
  268. <ul><li><b>Standard</b> melee range with sword and unarmed. Dozens of meters with bow. ~<a href="http://vsbattles.wikia.com/wiki/Steve_(Minecraft)">vsBattles</a>
  269. </li><li>...
  270. </li></ul>
  271. <b>Standard Equipment</b>
  272. <ul><li><a href="#Swords">Swords</a>,
  273. <a href="#Bows_and_Arrows">Bows and Arrows</a>,
  274. <a href="#Pickaxe">Pickaxe</a>,
  275. <a href="#Shovels">Shovels</a>,
  276. <a href="#TNT">TNT</a>,
  277. <a href="#Elytra">Elytra</a>,
  278. <a href="#Structure_Block">Structure Block</a>,
  279. <a href="#Observer">Observer</a>,
  280. <a href="#Totem_of_Undying">Totem of Undying</a>,
  281. <a href="#"></a>,
  282. <a href="#"></a>,
  283. <a href="#"></a>,
  284. <a href="#"></a>,
  285. <a href="#"></a>, etc.
  286. </li><li>...
  287. </li></ul>
  288. <b>Intelligence/Occupation</b>
  289. <ul><li><b>Gifted</b>, due to being an expert fighter, miner, farmer, architect, blacksmith, alchemist and many others. ~<a href="http://vsbattles.wikia.com/wiki/Steve_(Minecraft)">vsBattles</a>
  290. </li><li>Occupation: <b>Miner</b> ~<a href="https://www.youtube.com/user/AnimationRewind">Animation Rewind</a>
  291. </li><li>Occupation: Explorer, Hunter, Farmer, Monster Slayer, Enchanter, Survivalist, Architect, Miner, Engineer... ~DBF
  292. </li></ul>
  293. <b>Weaknesses</b>
  294. <ul><li>Non-splash potions take a little over a second to drink, and can be interrupted. Splash Potions can hurt him if he's too close. TNT takes several seconds to explode, usually giving enemies enough time to escape. He can be interrupted while slinging arrows. ~<a href="http://vsbattles.wikia.com/wiki/Steve_(Minecraft)">vsBattles</a>
  295. </li><li>...
  296. </li></ul>
  297. <b>Standard Equipment</b>
  298. <ul><li>Swords, Bows and Arrows, Pickaxe, Shovels, TNT, etc. ~<a href="http://vsbattles.wikia.com/wiki/Steve_(Minecraft)">vsBattles</a>
  299. </li><li>...
  300. </li></ul>
  302. <h3>Commands &amp; Creative/Spectator Availability</h3>
  303. <b>Within this area Creative is being a canon there's also considered as game mechanics which is noncanon to Creative/Spectator modes to balance this power for the sake of realism.</b>
  304. <br>Everything you knew are just basic commands depiction of communities of how creative works in the real world, due to that the powers of creative Steve gotten downplay, which is this place i'm going to introduce the advance commands depiction to real world.
  305. <br><br>
  306. <b>Commands</b>
  307. <ul><li><b>Commands Execute</b>: Only need a thought to execute the power of "commands" limitlessly, only requires OP stands for OPerator the rest of entity including gods (because they're not from Minecraft obviously) is not OP nor accesible to OP commands. Can't affect Omnilock users. Commands were automatically a high-level dual warping could par on logic manipulation considering the possibilities of commands potential.
  308. </li><li><b>Copy Ability Users Can't Directly Copy OP</b>: Users with ability to copy another ability would only copy his Creative mode but still not accessible to OP commands, in other words they can't cheat his commands due it's an authority in subcontrary it's actually indirect ability so it doesn't contradict similarity of game mechanic "Allowed Cheats:ON/OFF" in fact commands always need authority of "Allowed Cheats", not to be confuse with "Allowed Cheats" because it's irrelevant also "Allowed Cheats" is game mechanic and not a concept.
  309. </li><li><b>"Allowed Cheats: ON/OFF" are IRRELEVANT and OPerator are more APPROPRIATE</b>: "it's possible for anyone to access commands through Allowed Cheats: ON" it's literally contradict for OP/DEOP commands this is called a <b>Creative Game Mechanic or User-Implemented</b> due there's no balance when applied and this shouldn't be allowed, ONLY Steve can grant and provoke the ability of OP and the rest other than Steve CAN'T ABSOLUTELY grant/provoke the OP ability.
  310. </li></ul>
  311. <!-- Creative Inventory -->
  312. <br><b>OPerator</b>
  313. <ul><li>The <b>main source of Commands, Creatives and Spectators</b>.
  314. </li><li>There's still a counter to commands such as Absolute wish/Wish granting and potent high-leveled reality warpers may able to copy his commands but there's still limitation due Creative Steve knows everything in commands, spectator and creative wouldn't allow his opponent to peek on how-to-use-commands (referred to "/help" but this is just hypotheticalness of perceiving the nature of commands).
  315. </li></ul>
  316. <!-- Commands -->
  317. <br><h3>Creative/Spectator Steve</h3>
  318. <ul><li><a href="http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Pataphysics_Manipulation">Nigh Pataphysics Manipulation</a>: The power to <b>manipulate Pataphysics, the ultimate reality beyond metaphysics</b>. Limited only within the nature of <b>Commands</b> and the nature of commands are hard to perceive by abstract/conceptual beings unless they've meta hax.
  319. <ul><li><b>Steve's able to identify entities and items without restrictions</b>: he's able to identify metaphysics, this were demonstrated to numerous times depicted if he's creative mode he must definitely known about basic causes and nature of things within Minecraft, such as "names/attribute/properties" of entities, blocks, players, particles and others this is literally a metaphysics, also Minecraft is different world or different reality this isn't hyperbole or contradict the user-implemented we're talking about superior version of Steve. <b>Creative Canon</b>
  320. </li><li><b>Steve can use basic and advance Commands</b>: there's even proof of agreement in the community such line as "all powers of commands", "all powers of creative mode" and "all powers of command blocks" this means we concluded the basic commands to advance commands. <b>Creative Canon</b>
  321. </li><li><a href="http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Meta_Variable_Manipulation">Meta Variable Manipulation</a>: The ability to <b>manipulate any type of variable to the metaphysical level</b>.
  322. </li><li><a href="http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Constant_Manipulation">Constant Manipulation</a>: Ability to <b>manipulate and alter <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constant_(mathematics)">constants</a></b>.
  323. </li><ul><li><a href="http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Velocity_Manipulation">Velocity_Manipulation</a>: through Rulenames in <b>/gamerules</b></li><li><a href="http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Relativity_Manipulation">Relativity Manipulation</a>: </li></ul></ul>
  324. </li><li>Right
  325. </li><li>Law
  326. </li><li>Metaphysics
  327. </li><li><a href="http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Dimensional_Storage">Dimensional Storage</a>: The power to <b>store anything in a fold of dimension/space and re-materialize at will</b>.
  328. <ul><li><b>Increasing Non-Minecraft Items</b> are definitely a canon the extent of this ability through <i>"pick block"</i>, also the <i>"pick block"</i> in sense of <i>reality warping</i> can flawlessly copy any items/entity as this were demonstrated multiple times in many version in-game.
  329. </li><li><b>What if resources in alternate realities interacts Minecraft's creative inventory</b>: from already existing sources in "worlds" (ie. reality and all connected/related dimensions) are "mods" in the eye of creative inventory, <u>there's some reasons to restrict giving him a new materials from all resources in multi-universe due to a concept of creative inventory is an "interface list of all existing resources in multi-universe" including conceptual artifacts regarding commands as reality warping</u> meaning he has access to every arsenal in the multi-universe that's why He's restricted. Limiting the concept of creative inventory still , still limited in creativity due Steve don't know anything beyond 3+2=5 dimensions (ie. Overworld, Nether, End, Void and Sky) only mean that user cannot actually create anything, no matter how little there is, simply increase what exist depending on situation.
  330. <ul><li><b>Access to|</b> Minecraft list of resources existing in multi-universe of Minecraft "worlds"(canon) normally.</li>
  331. <li><b>Access to|</b> (non-Minecraft) Alternate Realities' list of resources existing in "any" multi-universe(alternatively) if depicted to be able to access items/entities in otherworld.</li></ul>
  332. </li></ul>
  333. </li><li><a href="http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Dimensional_Travel">Dimensional Travel</a>: The power to <b>travel between different dimensions</b>. Had displayed capability of Portal Creation travelling between three dimensions Overworld, Nether and End, implied to be Inter-Dimensional Portal in reality warping sense, the purple swirling portal produces purple particles aren't purely <i>Nether Portal</i> just only a portal to operate a travel between two dimensions (this entity/block) was named a "portal.png" as a proof definitely not just Nether also there's Enderman teleportation to demonstrate the nature of portal, End Portal's different shown that there's no bedrock (except End Crystals) also was theorized to be Dream Dimension by gametheorist since WoG stated The End were rebranded Sky Dimension which is supposed to be Dream World and The End Poem implies "Wake up" &amp; then Advancement of "Remote Getaway" would teleported back to bed in primary canon.
  334. </li><li><a href="http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Replication">Replication</a>:
  335. <ul><li>Doppelgänger Summoning: In the Pre-Classic version of Minecraft, Steve could summon Humans all by himself. ~<a href="http://character-stats-and-profiles.wikia.com/wiki/Steve_(Canon)/Withersoul_235">CSAP</a>
  336. </li><li>
  337. </li></ul>
  338. </li><li><a href="http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Meta_Crafting">Meta Crafting</a>: The power to <b>craft/forge anything out of anything/everything</b>.
  339. <ul><li><b>Minecraft</b>: crafting/enchanting/smelting/cooking/forging/smithing/brewing.
  340. </li><li><b>Non-Minecraft</b>: entities/items through commands/command blocks to be able to craft and shape items out of nothingness itself.
  341. </li><li><b>Item's Identity(ID)</b>: when he get a Non-Minecraft items he's able to replicate the items flawlessly and limitless supplies. <b>Creative Canon</b>, One would argue that he could only possess only Minecraft items are <b>User-Implemented</b>. <i>"blocks" are the same as items</i>.
  342. </li><li><b>Block's Interactions</b>: he can make a contact with non-solid objects and boundary of portal rifts, "grabing" would turn it into solid in his hands but still nonsolid, thus he's able to shape and reproduce flawlessly and limitless supplies the non-solid/boundary substances out of nothingness itself. <b>Creative Canon</b>, One would argue that he could only possess only Minecraft items are <b>User-Implemented</b>.
  343. </li></ul>
  344. </li><li>nonexistence..
  345. </li></ul>
  346. <b>Basic Commands</b>
  347. <ul><li><b>/tp</b>: The ability to Teleport anyone to any places and dimensions except isolated dimension unless it's connected to domain of commands.
  348. </li><li><b>/ban</b>: The ability to <a href="http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Banishment">Banish</a> a user(s) and "<b>Selective</b> <a href="http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Realm_Closure">Realm Closure</a>" can seal the realm for specific user(s), preventing the user(s) from either entering.<ul><li>"server" is same as "world" but using "server" is user-implemented it's inappropriate and using "server" will contradict the portal of Minecraft being the fact it's Inter-Dimensional Portal.
  349. </li></ul>
  350. </li><li><b>/effect</b>: The ability to perform Status Effect Inducement. Steve inflicts status effects on himself or enemies.
  351. </li><li><b>Attributed /give</b>: Enchanting, Steve can apply enchantments to weapons or items.
  352. </li><li>...
  353. </li></ul>
  355. <b>Intermediary Commands</b>
  356. <ul><li>Architecture Manipulation: Steve is able to plan, design, create (usually from Minecraft' blocks but also Universal Resources when depicted to be accessible), shape and manipulate buildings and all forms of architecture, in master-level, and manipulating/shaping, combining/separating, etc. every part of them as needed, moving them with telekinesis, etc., via commands.
  357. </li><li>Omnifabrication: Steve can invent and create any item, device, weapon, etc. they want/need with limited resources from Minecraft' resources(canon) or Universal' resources(alternatively), which can perform actions that manipulate/distort reality, via attributed commands. <i>"create" ref to creative inventory and "invent" ref to commands</i>
  358. </li><li><a href="http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Quantity_Manipulation">Supply Control/Manipulation</a>: Steve can manipulate numbers and quantities: how much there is of nearly anything they encounter, change how much of anything user has (infinite food, flawless counterfeiting, etc.).
  359. <a href="http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Inorganic_Duplication">Inorganic Duplication</a>,
  360. <a href="http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Constructs_Creation">Constructs Creation</a>,
  361. <a href="http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Infinite_Supply">Infinite Supply</a>
  362.  and
  363. <a href="http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Matter_Creation">Matter Creation</a>
  364.  normally.
  365. <a href="">Augmentation</a>,
  366. <a href="http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Meta_Matter_Manipulation">Meta Matter Manipulation</a>,
  367. <a href="http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Quality_Manipulation">Quality Manipulation</a>,
  368. <a href="http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Attribute_Manipulation">Attribute Manipulation</a>,
  369. <a href="http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Size_Manipulation">Size Manipulation</a> and
  370. <a href="http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Property_Manipulation">Property Manipulation</a>
  371. <i>via attributed commands and <a href="https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Tutorials/Command_NBT_tags">data tags</a></i>.
  372.  In this level of manipulation could even affect a concept depending on item attributed w/ concepts.
  373.  <i>ref to "pick block"</i>
  374. </li></ul>
  375. <!-- Creative/Spectator Steve -->
  376. <b>Advance Commands</b>
  377. <ul><li>Place/Summon Command Blocks...
  378. </li><li>...
  379. </li></ul>
  380. <b>Diverse Commands</b>
  381. <ul><li><b>Concept Manipulation of "hostile monsters":</b> Changes the damage done by "monsters" types of beings, even potentially erasing them. <i>ref to /difficulty</i>
  382. </li><li><b>Enchanting and Status Effect Inducement:</b> Steve inflicts status effects on himself or enemies. He can also apply enchantments to weapons or items. <i>ref to /effect and attributed /give</i>
  383. </li><li><b>Combination of overlapping Death Inducement and Existence Erasure:</b> Can kill any entity, including non-living objects, at will. Steve uses magic to kill other people, certain mobs or even himself. Though can't kill permanently a various Immortalities via Regeneration in low-Godly regeneration or higher, Godhood or God Protection, Absolute, Parasitic, Reliant, Transcendental, Meta, Retroactive, Selective, Multiple Lives, Form-Retroactive, Transformation-Retroactive(Type 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 16, 17, 18). <i>ref to /kill</i>
  384. </li><b><li>Block Manipulation:</b> Fills a chosen area with a specific kind of block, blocks's same as substances or matters. <i>ref to /fill</i>
  385. </li><li><b>Summoning:</b> Summons any sort of entity at will, and can choose their attribute. Steve summons entities or objects. <i>ref to /summon</i>
  386. </li><li><b>Day-Night Cycling:</b> Steve makes it day or night. <i>ref to /time set</i>
  387. </li><li><b>Time Manipulation:</b></li>
  388. <ul><li>Fast-forward time. <i>ref to /time</i>
  389. </li><li>Stops time. <i>ref to /stop</i>
  390. </li></ul>
  391. </li><li><b>Teleportation and Apportation:</b> Steve teleports himself or others to any given location. <i>ref to /tp</i>
  392. </li><li><b>World Border:</b> Steve adjusts the world border, a massive wall of energy. He can move or teleport it anywhere he wants in any given time he chooses, wether it be seconds or minutes and inflict damage on or even kill those that touch or go behind it.
  393. </li><b>Custom Command:</b> Steve creates an effect or has anything happen that he wants by inserting custom commands (e.g. creating all-new mobs, effects or even commands, performing certain actions he normally can't, etc..)<li>
  394. </li><li>...
  395. </li></ul>
  396. <b>W/ the Command block</b>
  397. <ul><li><b>Unconditional:</b> A <i>Default</i> command block in unconditional mode will execute its command (if activated correctly) even if there's a command block behind it that didn't execute its command successfully.
  398. </li><li><b>Conditional:</b> A command block in conditional mode will only execute its command after the command block behind it has executed successfully.("behind it" in the sense of opposite to the direction the command block is facing, regardless of chain direction or even if chaining is occurring).
  399. </li><li><b>Impulse:</b> <i>Default</i> command blocks are orange. These execute once every time they are activated.
  400. </li><li><b>Chain:</b> Command blocks are green. These execute only after the command block pointing to it is processed. This differs from the Conditional option in that it detects what is pointing to it, instead of simply behind it. The command blocks pointing to it also don't need to be chain commands themselves to trigger the chain.
  401. </li><li><b>Repeat:</b> Command blocks are purple. These will execute their commands once per 50 milliseconds as long they are activated.
  402. </li><li><b>Needs Redstone (the <i>default</i> for impulse and repeat command blocks):</b> A command block in the "Needs Redstone" setting must be activated with redstone in order to execute its command.
  403. </li><li><b>Always Active (the <i>default</i> for chain command blocks):</b> The command block is always active even without redstone activation (chain command blocks will execute their command when chained, repeating command blocks will execute their command every 50 milliseconds, and impulse command blocks activate once then cannot be activated again).
  404. </li><li>...
  405. </li></ul>
  406. <!-- W/ the Command block -->
  407. <b>Consideration</b>
  408. <ul><li><b>When commands' syntax are considered as game mechanic:</b> then his power's literally a <i>Reality Warping</i> in Advanced-Level otherwise a Wish Granting without limit. Had displayed capability to create inter-dimensional portal travelling between three dimensions.
  409. </li><li><b>When commands' syntax are considered as a conventional in basis:</b> then his power's literally a <i>Dual Warping</i>, a rational side are commands' syntax a computer like fashion and the irrational side are likely an aspect of Wish Granting
  410. </li></ul>
  411. <!-- Consideration -->
  412. </ul>
  413. <!-- Creative/Spectator Steve -->
  414. <br><b></b>
  415. <h3><span id="paa-psa">Pre-Survival Availabity</span></h3>
  416. <ul><li>Arrow Generation: <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="https://youtu.be/Pssrr8r8_vY?t=330">As shown in the Survival Test, Steve can freely generate and shoot arrows at will.</a>
  417. </li><li>Weather Control: <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="https://youtu.be/Pssrr8r8_vY?t=122">Also in the Survival Test, Steve is capable of freely toggling rain on and off.</a>
  418. </li><li>Summoning: In the Pre-Classic version of Minecraft, Steve could freely summon Humans, a now deleted mob, as much as he wanted.
  419. </li><li>Creation: <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="https://youtu.be/FtuhWUwhZKA?t=289">As seen in Alpha, Steve is capable of creating activated Nether Portals out of nothing</a>.
  420. </li><li>Teleportation: <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="https://youtu.be/msg1AR5wuJ0?t=158">In the Pre-Classic, Steve was also able to teleport anywhere he wanted.</a>
  421. </li></ul>
  422. <!-- Pre-Survival Availabity -->
  423. <h3><span id="Abstract_Availabity">Abstract Availabity</span></h3>
  424. <ul><li>Cosmic Force Physiology: User with this ability either is or can transform into a Cosmic Entity, a being who possesses powers so great they can affect entire worlds (or in some cases, entire universes.)
  425. </li><li>Delete/Duplicate/Create WORLDS contains 3 Universes, Regenerate Non-Minecraft WORLDS encompassing Multiverses and Seeds would recreate from the origin of multiverse the history would be the same as original.
  426. </li><li>Encompassing "present" Multiverses as dwarf in hyperspace of 8D, but has no time travel according to the nature of Minecraft.
  427. </li></ul>
  428. <!-- Abstract Availabity -->
  430. <br><b>Steve End Poem</b><br>
  431. Since The Player and Steve are seperate entities and their endings should be similar.
  432. <p style="color: #007878">and the universe said I love you</p>
  433. <p style="color: #007878">and the universe said everything you need is within you</p>
  434. <p style="color: #007800">and the universe said you are stronger than you know</p>
  435. <p style="color: #007878">and the universe said you are the daylight</p>
  436. <p style="color: #007800">and the universe said you are the night</p>
  437. <p style="color: #007878">and the universe said the darkness you fight is within you</p>
  438. <p style="color: #007800">and the universe said the light you seek is within you</p>
  439. <p style="color: #007878">and the universe said you are not alone</p>
  440. <p style="color: #007800">and the universe said you are not separate from every other thing</p>
  441. <b>Primary Canon of End Poem</b>: <b style="color: #007878">"universe said I love you"</b> implying Steve have a deep connection to the world (<u>connection removal</u> ability has nothing to do with commands),<b style="color: #007878">"everything you need is within you"</b> implying Steve gain OP/Creative mode, <b style="color: #007878"">"you are the daylight"</b> and <b style="color: #007800">"you are the night"</b> implying Steve has control over Sun and Moon Cycle, <b style="color: #007878">"the darkness you fight is within you"</b> implying Steve capable to affect entire world (through concept manipulation ie. /difficulty) or commands encompassing entire world also connected worlds, <b style="color: #007800">"the light you seek is within you"</b> implying Steve capable to perceive some metaphysical that's not realms and variables through commands, <b style="color: #007878">"you are not alone"</b> impliying Steve capable travelling other worlds, <b style="color: #007800">"you are not separate from every other thing"</b> indicates character's state of mind.
  442. <!-- Steve End Poem -->
  443. <br><b>Player End Poem</b><br>
  444. ....WorkinProgress
  445. <b style="color:">""</b>
  447. <h2>Mobs</h2>
  448. <h4><span id="The_Wither">The Wither</span><sup class="reference"><a href="#10">[10]</a></sup></h4>
  449. <ul><li> Fires explosive Screaming Skulls
  450. </li><li> Capable of creating massive craters
  451. </li><li> Superhuman Strength
  452. </li><li> Can smash through obsidian walls
  453. </li><li> Super Toughness
  454. </li><li> Shrugs off TNT
  455. </li><li> Superhuman Resilience to Fire
  456. </li><li> Can inflict poison damage
  457. </li><li> Healing factor
  458. </li><li> Flight
  459. </li><li> Inhuman Health
  460. </li><li> Posseses more health than the Ender Dragon did
  461. </li><li> Immune to Arrows
  462. </li></ul>
  463. <h2>Items</h2>
  464. <ol><li><h4><span id="Totem_of_Undying"> Totem of Undying</span></h4>
  465. <ul><li>Instantly resurrects Steve after fatal damage if held in hand
  466. </li><li>Single-use item
  467. </li></ul>
  468. </li><li><h4><span id="Elytra">Elytra</span></h4>
  469. <ul><li>Glider
  470. </li><li>Allows for gliding and flight
  471. </li></ul>
  472. </li><li>...
  473. </li></ol>
  475. <h2>Blocks</h2>
  476. <ol><li><h4>Cobblestone</h4><ul><li>Desc...
  477. </li><li>Weights: Approximately approx. 4000 pounds or 2-3 tons ~LifeNuggets<ul><li>3000 kg/cubic meter, which is 2 gram/cubic centimeter density. <b>6613.867865546327 pounds</b></li><li>2000 kg/cubic meter, which is 2 gram/cubic centimeter density. <b>4409.245243697552 pounds</b></li></ul>
  478. </li><li>Volume: m<sup>3</sup>
  479. </li></ul>
  480. </li><li><h4><span id="Observer">Observer</span></h4>
  481. <ul><li>Sends redstone signals
  482. </li><li>Activates when detecting the placement or removal of adjacent blocks
  483. </li></ul>
  484. </li><li><h4><span id="Structure_Block">Structure Block</span></h4>
  485. <ul><li>Can save and load structures and builds
  486. </li></ul>
  487. </li><li><h4><span id="Piston">Piston</span></h4>
  488. <ul><li><b>Piston Force</b>: 0.15 seconds can push up to 12 Gold/m<sup class="reference">3</sup>. Mass (kg) 231600, Velocity (m/s) 6.67.
  489. <ul><li><b>[Calculated Values]</b><ul><li>0.5 * 231600 * sqr(6.67) = <b>5151814.62 KE &amp; m/s</b></li><li>Attack Potency: <b>9-B Wall</b>, in this level DC he can't be damage.</li></ul>
  490. </li><li>Relativistic mass (kg) <b>231600</b> &amp; Time dilation factor <b>1</b>
  491. </li><li>Newtonian KE (J) <b>5.152E+6; 5152000</b> &amp; Relativistic KE (J) <b>5.152E+6; 5152000</b>
  492. </li><li>Newtonian momentum (kg·m/s) <b>1.545E+6; 1545000</b> &amp; Relativistic momentum (kg·m/s) <b>1.545E+6; 1545000</b>
  493. </li></ul></li></ul>
  495. </li><li>...
  496. </li></ol>
  497. <h2>Environments</h2>
  498. <ul><li><h4><span id="List_of_Effects">List of Effects</span><sup class="reference"><a href="#i-potions">^</a></sup></h4>
  499. <b>Status effects</b> are various conditions that affect an <a href="https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Entity">entity</a>, which can be either helpful or harmful. Status effects can be inflicted in various ways throughout the game, most commonly from use of <a href="https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Food">food</a>, <a href="https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Potion">potions</a> and <a href="https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Beacon">beacons</a>.
  500. <br>
  502. <ul><li>Splash water bottles can be used to extinguish fires.
  503. </li><li>Absorption: Adds damage absorption, absorbs damage up to 20% strength
  504. </li><li>Bad Luck: Reduces chances of high-quality loot.
  505. </li><li>Blindness: Impairs vision and disables the ability to sprint.
  506. </li><li>Fire Resistance: Immunity to fire, heat, lava, etc.
  507. </li><li>Glowing: Outlines entities (can be seen through blocks).
  508. </li><li>Haste: Increases mining and attack speed.
  509. </li><li>Health Boost: Increases maximum health.
  510. </li><li>Hunger: Increases food exhaustion.
  511. </li><li>Instant Damage: Damages entities, heals undead. Instantly cause a fatal damage weakening his opponent greatly without resistant.
  512. </li><li>Instant Health: Heals entities, damages undead. Instantly regenerate limbs/fatal wounds.
  513. </li><li>Invisibility: Grants invisibility.
  514. </li><li>Jump Boost: Increases jump height and reduces fall damage.
  515. </li><li>Levitation: Floats entities upwards.
  516. </li><li>Luck: Increases chances of high-quality loot.
  517. </li><li>Mining Fatigue: Decreases mining and attack speed.
  518. </li><li>Nausea: Wobbles and warps the screen.
  519. </li><li>Night Vision: Negates darkness.
  520. </li><li>Poison: Inflicts damage over time (but can't kill).
  521. </li><li>Regeneration: Regenerates health over time.
  522. </li><li>Resistance: Reduces most damage.
  523. </li><li>Saturation: Restores hunger and saturation.
  524. </li><li>Slowness: Decreases travel and reaction speed also combat speed.
  525. </li><li>Speed: Increases travel and reaction speed also combat speed.
  526. </li><li>Strength: Increases melee damage, striking strength.
  527. </li><li>Water Breathing: Prevents drowning.
  528. </li><li>Weakness: Decreases melee damage.
  529. </li><li>Wither: Inflicts damage over time (can kill).
  530. </li></ul>
  531. </li><li>...
  532. </li></ul>
  533. <h2><span id="History">History</span></h2>
  534. <h1>Legends</h1><table width="800" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
  539. <h1>Depictions</h1>
  540. Within this page we Verdict many related problems all about things in Minecraft being wether a canon or game mechanics.
  541. <ul><li>...
  542. </li><li>...
  543. </li></ul>
  545. <tr><td>Parent
  546. </td><td>In game descriptions
  547. </td><td>Verdict
  548. </td></tr>
  550. <tr style="background-color: #C6EFCE; color: #006100;"><td>General
  551. </td><td>Canon Feats
  552. </td><td>
  553. <ul><li>1...
  554. </li><li>2...
  555. </li></ul>
  556. </td></tr>
  557. <!-- Canon Feats -->
  558. <tr><td>
  559. </td><td style="background-color: #FFFFDD; color: #8A7600;">Possible Feats
  560. </td><td style="background-color: #FFFFDD; color: #8A7600;"><b>Note</b>: Comment your thoughts to replace this list of possible feats, if it's accepted to Canon or Game Mechanics also it might be a Creative Canon or Creative Game Mechanics for balance. In other words you're able to debunk this claims.
  561. <ul><li><b>Void Resistence</b>: Steve can restraint/endure nonexistent for 2.5 seconds, demonstrated in either survival, spectator or creative modes, lower the damage if not submerged with nonexistent, eventually maintain his existence from being erase(nonexistent) w/ commands or Command Block. But doesn't work on Instantaneous Erasure still futile against resurrection aka respawn, have shown every entities in Minecraft would be erased from existence after dying with respawn would occur latter because it's game mechanics but doesn't change the fact all mobs/players entities could endure the void for 2.5 seconds is in throughout entire game since official release. <b>if One would agree this is noncanon in Survival then this would be Creative Canon and wouldn't be a problem in Creative mode</b>
  562. </li><li>...
  563. </li></ul>
  564. </td></tr>
  565. <!-- Possible Feats -->
  566. <tr><td>
  567. </td><td style="background-color: #FDE0B2; color: #835400;">Game Mechanics Feats
  568. </td><td style="background-color: #FDE0B2; color: #835400;">
  569. <ul><li>1...
  570. </li><li>2...
  571. </li></ul>
  572. </td></tr>
  573. <!-- Game Mechanics Feats -->
  574. <tr><td>
  575. </td><td style="background-color: #C6EFCE; color: #006100;">Regeneration from decapitation (Mid)
  576. </td><td style="background-color: #C6EFCE; color: #006100;"><b>Canon</b><ul><li>The whole point of "Regenerating from decapitation" is regenerating from your brain being destroyed. In this case, anyone in Minecraft who have regeneration can regenerate from several arrows into their skulls. This is not only fatal (Low-Mid) but destroys the brain as well. ~<a href="http://vsbattles.wikia.com/wiki/User_blog:Saikou_The_Lewd_King/Steve_(Creative_Mode)"> Saikou The Lewd King</a></li></ul></td></tr>
  577. <!-- Regen Mid -->
  578. <tr><td>
  579. </td><td style="background-color: #C6EFCE; color: #006100;">Minecraft is Infinite
  580. </td><td style="background-color: #C6EFCE; color: #006100;">Depicted to be infinite, <b>Canon</b>
  581. <ul><li>Stars should have no solar system.
  582. </li><li>Some stars are planet but all stars revolves around flat world.
  583. </li><li>According to End Poem.
  584. </li></ul>
  585. </td></tr>
  586. <!-- Minecraft Infinite Theory -->
  587. <tr><td>
  588. </td><td style="background-color: #FDE0B2; color: #835400;">Minecraft is Finite
  589. </td><td style="background-color: #FDE0B2; color: #835400;">Depicted to be finite, <b>Game Mechanic</b>
  590. <ul><li>30 million square kilometer.
  591. </li><li>World border &amp; Farlands.
  592. </li><li>Fake chunks &amp; Limit of how far your computer could handle.
  593. </li><li>Had no way to deal with how the Void works.
  594. </li><li>255 maximum height, no blocks are literally an air blocks.
  595. </li><li>Beyond 255 height of air blocks hadn't shown any suffocation.
  596. </li><li>hadn't shown the height of the limit of atmosphere.
  597. </li></ul>
  598. </td></tr>
  599. <!-- Minecraft Finite Theory -->
  600. <tr style="background-color: #C6EFCE; color: #006100;"><td>Void
  601. </td><td>Oblivion (Theory)
  602. </td><td><b>Canon</b>
  603. <ul><li>Minecraft' Void was theorized as Oblivion, whenever someone dropped in this place would erase from existence.</li></ul>
  604. </td></tr>
  605. <!-- Oblivion theory -->
  606. <tr><td>
  607. </td><td style="background-color: #FFFFDD; color: #8A7600;">Gravity Hole (Theory)
  608. </td><td style="background-color: #FFFFDD; color: #8A7600;"><b>Speculation of Integration</b>
  609. <ul><li>"Gravity" referred to a gravity pull towards the "hole".
  610. </li><li>"Hole" referred to an indefinite oblivion are canon, "indefinite" referred as either Infinite or Finite.
  611. </li><li>The hole pont of "Gravity Hole" that being indefinite are <b>canon</b> in this theory and it's similar traits are:<ul><li>Visible sunlight (transparent), <b>but this is Game Mechanic</b></li><li>Gravity (black hole), <b>only mere Speculation</b></li><li>Erasure (oblivion), <b>Normally</b></li></ul>
  612. </li><li>Using Gravity hole theory, an additional theories should be:<ul><li>Indefinite flat surface theory are <b>canon</b>, "indefinite" referred to either being Infinite or Finite.</li><li>Indefinite circle planet theory are <b>noncanon</b>, "indefinite" referred to either being Infinite or Finite.</li><li>Minecraft are dream is user-implemented are <b>noncanon</b>.</li></ul>
  613. </li><li>Blocks <b>from</b> Minecraft have anti-gravity properties still could be change the position via force, not to be confused the entire "grid" thing aren't noncanon because being indefinite are canon, logic said: because a block float in Minecraft it means it can also float different world because "blocks" execute the same thing in all three dimensions, when physics interacts blocks need to be "thrown", "placed" and "thrown" aren't the same thing but both "placed" and "generated" are the same thing, it's canon to Gravity hole theory because if everything physics are same in Minecraft then there's no balance in this world, that wouldn't work like just entire Minecraft are the same as our reality but that's not the case here due Minecraft is different world a different reality.</li></ul></td></tr>
  614. <!-- Gravity Hole theory -->
  615. <tr><td></td><td style="background-color: #FFFFDD; color: #8A7600;">Black Hole (Theory)
  616. </td><td style="background-color: #FFFFDD; color: #8A7600;"><b>Speculation of Gravity</b><br>Minecraft' Void was located in bottommost part of the Overworld, whenever someone dropped in this place would sucked and die, was theorized a massive black hole explains why Sun and Moon revolved around over a cuboid land as circular planet, somehow only flaws are a floating blocks and an items were freely defy gravity was never explained.<ul><li>A surface's further distant to the void would lack of gravitational pull is <b>illogical</b>.</li><li>A surface's farther distant to the void wouldn't change the gravity of surface are due to <b>game mechanic</b>.</li><li>Using Balck hole theory, an additional theories should be:</li><ul><li><i>Regardless state of gravity of surface and either further or farther distant to the void</i>, using an indefinite circle planet theory used on the surface's cuboid land but hadn't shown any curve in the surface and gravity wouldn't affect inhabitants are due to <b>game mechanic</b>, "indefinite" referred to either being Infinite or Finite.</li><li><i>Regardless state of gravity of surface and either further or farther distant to the void</i>, using an indefinite flat surface theory would Sun &amp; Moon are moving out of it's orbit are <b>illogical</b>, "indefinite" referred to either being Infinite or Finite.</li></ul>
  617. </ul></td></tr>
  618. <!-- Black Hole Theory -->
  619. <tr><td></td><td style="background-color: #FFFFDD; color: #8A7600;">Transparent Hole (Theory)
  620. </td><td style="background-color: #FFFFDD; color: #8A7600;"><b>Speculation of Visible sunlight</b>
  621. <ul><li>"Transparent" referred sunlight still visible after falling to the void without dying in creative mode which sunlight shouldn't reach the user in the void.</li><li>"Hole" referred being either just a black hole traits or just a hole (could kill entities) of Minecraft.</li><li>The hole pont of "Transparent Hole" that being <b>game mechanic</b> are <b>canon</b> in this theory.</li><li>Void of Transparent hole theory wouldn't erase the Sun &amp; Moon because the Void weren't bigger than cuboid land, this are demonstrated in the area of space on Minecraft dwarfing the cuboid land in creative mode.</li></ul></td></tr>
  622. <!-- Transparent Hole Theory -->
  623. <tr style="background-color: #C6EFCE; color: #006100;"><td>Arrows</td><td>Can Pierce
  624. </td><td><b>Canon</b><ul><li>Arrows could pierce a body and brain destroyed in head.
  625. </li><li>Because a arrow head pierced character it means it can also pierce the rest.</li></ul></td></tr>
  626. <!-- Can Pierce -->
  627. <tr><td></td><td style="background-color: #FDE0B2; color: #835400;">Don't Pierce
  628. </td><td style="background-color: #FDE0B2; color: #835400;"><b>Gameplay Mechanic</b>
  629. <ul><li>All the monsters can die from arrows that don't even pierce them at all.
  630. </li><li>They could all have a resistence to piercing attacks. Yet they still die from it which that's merely gameplay mechanic. </li></ul></td></tr>
  631. <!-- Don't Pierce -->
  632. <tr  style="background-color: #C6EFCE; color: #006100;"><td>Inventory
  633. </td><td>Calc atmost stacks in every slots as capacity
  634. </td><td><b>Canon</b><ul><li>Which is 2304 normally + 64 (left hand) = 2368 items total of capacity.</li><li>Regardless of the size &amp; weight of items, <b>Dimensional Storage</b>.</li><li>Entire slots &amp; stacks thing aren't purely game mechanic.</li>
  635. </ul></td></tr>
  636. <!-- Calc atmost stacks in every slots as capacity -->
  637. <tr><td>
  638. </td><td style="background-color: #FDE0B2; color: #835400;">Only slots or stacks as capacity
  639. </td><td style="background-color: #FDE0B2; color: #835400;"><b>Game Mechanic</b>, also not entirely <b>Noncanon</b><ul>
  640. <li>It wouldn't make sense that there's unstackable items, armor slots and slot due all are <b>Gameplay Mechanics</b>.</li>
  641. <li>Entire slots &amp; stacks aren't game mechanic</li></ul>
  642. </td></tr>
  643. <!-- Only slots or stacks as capacity -->
  644. <tr><td>
  645. </td><td  style="background-color: #C6EFCE; color: #006100;">Could freely access stored items
  646. </td><td  style="background-color: #C6EFCE; color: #006100;"><b>Canon</b>, also not entirely <b>Noncanon</b>
  647. <ul><li>Perceive what's inside inventory via Mind or Interface.
  648. </li><li>Sort the stored items or via Slots or Stacks.
  649. </li><li>Hammer Space just a thought.
  650. </li><li><b>Interfaces aren't entirely pure game mechanic</b>
  651. </li><li>But entire slots &amp; stacks thing aren't purely game mechanic.
  652. </li></ul>
  653. </td></tr>
  654. <!-- Could freely access stored items -->
  655. <tr><td>
  656. </td><td style="background-color: #FDE0B2; color: #835400;">Could only access on hotbar
  657. </td><td style="background-color: #FDE0B2; color: #835400;"><b>Gameplay Mechanics</b>
  658. <ul><li>Wiki...
  659. </li></ul>
  660. </td></tr>
  661. <!-- Could only access on hotbar -->
  662. <tr><td>
  663. </td><td style="background-color: #FDE0B2; color: #835400;">Limitation in armor slots
  664. </td><td style="background-color: #FDE0B2; color: #835400;"><b>Gameplay Mechanics</b>
  665. <ul><li>Chest Armor w/ Capes works properly.
  666. </li><li>Elytra w/ Capes works properly.
  667. </li><li>It wouldn't make sense that Chest Armor w/ Elytra is <b>Not Available</b>, also Elytra could carry a heavy weight of golds.
  668. </li></ul>
  669. </td></tr>
  670. <!-- Limitation in armor slots -->
  671. <tr><td>
  672. </td><td style="background-color: #FFFFDD; color: #8A7600;">Shield slot (Left Hand)
  673. </td><td style="background-color: #FFFFDD; color: #8A7600;"><b>Not entirely Noncanon</b>
  674. <ul><li>Don't exist in Reality.
  675. </li><li>But slot's canon as item capacity.
  676. </li></ul>
  677. </td></tr>
  678. <!-- Shield slot (Left Hand) -->
  679. <tr><td>
  680. </td><td style="background-color: #FDE0B2; color: #835400;">Hotbar selection (Right Hand)
  681. </td><td style="background-color: #FDE0B2; color: #835400;"><b>Gameplay Mechanic</b>
  682. <ul><li>Don't exist in Reality.
  683. </li><li>Hammer space indicator in an <b>Interface</b>.
  684. </li></ul>
  685. </td></tr>
  686. <!-- Hotbar selection (Right Hand) -->
  687. <tr><td>
  688. </td><td style="background-color: #FDE0B2; color: #835400;">Unstackable items
  689. </td><td style="background-color: #FDE0B2; color: #835400;"><b>Gameplay Mechanic</b>
  690. <ul><li>Sort balance for gameplay.
  691. </li><li>Regardless of the size &amp; weight.</li></ul>
  692. </td></tr>
  693. <!-- Unstackable items -->
  694. <tr style="background-color: #C6EFCE; color: #006100;"><td>Items
  695. </td><td>Cake
  696. </td><td><b>Canon</b>, also not entirely <b>Noncanon</b>
  697. <ul><li>The Cake was added in Minecraft version beta 1.2_02, in Beta 1.8.1 creative inventory there's Cake block and Cake item.
  698. </li><li><b>Behavior1</b>, indicate's similar way to Frisk: Minecraft beta 1.2_02 to 1.7 the Cake actually restored health in a different way to how it was today, hunger bar weren't still added to the game would mean eating foods in Minecraft restores health instantly, in Beta 1.8 released hunger bar feature. <b>Irrelevant</b>
  699. </li><li><b>Behavior2</b>, indicate's unstackable items can be stacks: Minecraft PE &amp; Console Edition you're able to stack the Cake. <b>Canon</b>
  700. </li></ul>
  701. </td></tr>
  702. <!--  -->
  703. <tr><td>
  704. </td><td style="background-color: #FFFFDD; color: #8A7600;">
  705. </td><td style="background-color: #FFFFDD; color: #8A7600;">
  706. <ul><li>
  707. </li><li>
  708. </li></ul>
  709. </td></tr>
  710. <!--  -->
  711. <tr><td>
  712. </td><td style="background-color: #FFFFDD; color: #8A7600;">
  713. </td><td style="background-color: #FFFFDD; color: #8A7600;">
  714. <ul><li>
  715. </li><li>
  716. </li></ul>
  717. </td></tr>
  718. <!--  -->
  719. <tr style="background-color: #C6EFCE; color: #006100;"><td>Blocks
  720. </td><td>
  721. </td><td>
  722. <ul><li>
  723. </li><li>
  724. </li></ul>
  725. </td></tr>
  726. <!--  -->
  727. <tr><td>
  728. </td><td style="background-color: #FFFFDD; color: #8A7600;">
  729. </td><td style="background-color: #FFFFDD; color: #8A7600;">
  730. <ul><li>
  731. </li><li>
  732. </li></ul>
  733. </td></tr>
  734. <!--  -->
  735. <tr><td>
  736. </td><td style="background-color: #FFFFDD; color: #8A7600;">
  737. </td><td style="background-color: #FFFFDD; color: #8A7600;">
  738. <ul><li>
  739. </li><li>
  740. </li></ul>
  741. </td></tr>
  742. <!--  -->
  743. <tr style="background-color: #C6EFCE; color: #006100;"><td>Environment
  744. </td><td>Biome
  745. </td><td>
  746. <ul><li>
  747. </li><li>
  748. </li></ul>
  749. </td></tr>
  750. <!--  -->
  751. <tr><td>
  752. </td><td style="background-color: #C6EFCE; color: #006100;">Fire
  753. </td><td style="background-color: #C6EFCE; color: #006100;"><b>Canon</b>, also not entirely <b>Noncanon</b>
  754. <ul><li><b>Behavior1</b>, indicate's smelting via fire: "Back in the early day of Minecraft in the early version's in Minecraft Indev, furnaces were not yet added into the game which meant players had to smelt their ores and cook the food by using <b>fire</b> so in version Indev <u>0.31</u> player would spawn with flint and steal in their hand which could be use to create fire make sense right. The Player when they get the ore they want to smelt and just simply shack it on top of the active fire and as you can see on screen the ore will turn into corresponding ingot just is just really cool i really like this feature. But as soon as the furnace was added a later version of Minecraft Indev the <u>fire smelting technique was remove from the game</u> and you just have to use furnace instead." ~<a href="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSXnAtb3ixz3EZ6nBcWUEmg">iDeactivateMC</a>. <b>Canon</b>
  755. </li><li><b>Behavior2</b>, indicate's faster spreading: Minecraft Indev to Beta 1.5+ <u>fire behaves differently</u>, quick to spread than later version. <b>Irrelevant</b>
  756. </li><li><b>Behavior3</b>, Indicate's the constant heat of fire: Setting Sheep, Cow, Chicken, Pig and Rabbit on <u>fire to death</u> will actually drops Cooked Items. <b>Canon</b>
  757. </li><li><b>Eternal Fire</b>, which fire will burn infinitely, the're only blocks of all Minecraft that'll burn forever and those blocks were following: Netherrack, Magmablocks, Bedrocks(only in The End). <b>Canon</b>
  758. </li></ul>
  759. </td></tr>
  760. <!-- Fire -->
  761. <tr><td>
  762. </td><td style="background-color: #C6EFCE; color: #006100;">Teleportation
  763. </td><td style="background-color: #C6EFCE; color: #006100;"><b>Canon</b>
  764. <ul><li><b>Behavior1</b>, enderpearl instant teleportation:
  765. </li><li><b>Behavior2</b>, enderman's travel:<ul><li>Aquagenic Urticaria, Scopophobia, Tall, Slender.
  766. </li><li>Teleportation, was theorized they don't teleport which is the ability to <b>travel through subspace</b> to travel 183.73 m/s (0.54 mach) (half of speed of sound) while ignoring all physical obstacles in between.
  767. </li></ul>
  768. </li></ul>
  769. </td></tr>
  770. <!-- Teleportation -->
  771. <a href="https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/"></a>
  773. <h3><span id="Equipment.2FWeapons.2FGear.Usage"> Equipment/Weapons/Gear (Usage)</span></h3>
  774. Standard Equipment:
  775. <a href="#Blocks">Blocks</a>
  776. <a href="#TNT">TNT</a>
  777. <a href="#Elytra">Elytra</a>
  778. <a href="#Structure_Block">Structure Block</a>
  779. <a href="#Observer">Observer</a>
  780. <a href="#Totem_of_Undying">Totem of Undying</a>
  781. <a href="#Golems">Golems</a>
  782. <a href="#"></a>
  783. <a href="#"></a>,
  784. <a href="#"></a>, etc.
  786. <h3><span id="Items"> Items </span></h3>
  787. <ul><li id="i-BoA"> <a href="#Bows_and_Arrows">Bows &amp; Arrows</a>:
  788. <ul><li><a href="#Spectral_Arrows">Spectral Arrows</a>:
  789. </li><li><a href="#Tipped_Arrows">Tipped Arrows</a>:
  790. </li></ul>
  791. </li><li id="i-Swords">Wooden, Golden, Stone, Iron and Diamond <a href="#Swords">Swords</a>: All swords are broad swords also more dense and durable if were translate into real world.
  792. </li><li id="i-"> <a href="#Pickaxes">Pickaxes</a>
  793. </li><li id="i-"> <a href="#Shovels">Shovels</a>
  794. </li><li id="i-"> <a href="#Axes">Axes</a>
  795. </li><li id="i-"> <a href="#Armors">Armors</a>
  796. </li><li id="i-potions"> drinkable <a href="#potions"> Potions</a>, throwable <a href="#splash_potions">Splash Potions</a> and the throwable potions that leave a lingering area of effect <a href="#lingering_potions">Lingering Potions</a> (<a href="#LoE">List of Effects</a>)
  797. </li><li id="i-">
  798. </li><li id="i-">
  799. </li><li id="i-">
  800. </li><li id="i-">
  801. </li><li id="i-">
  802. </li><li id="i-">
  803. </li><li id="i-">
  804. </li><li id="i-">
  805. </li><li id="i-">
  806. </li><li id="i-">
  807. </li><li id="i-">
  808. </li><li id="i-">
  809. </li><li id="i-">
  810. </li><li id="i-">
  811. </li><li id="i-">
  812. </li><li id="i-">
  813. </li><li id="i-">
  814. </li><li id="i-">
  815. </li></ul>
  817. <h3><span id="Equipment.2FWeapons.2FGear.Details"> Equipment/Weapons/Gear (Details)</span></h3>
  818. <h4><span id="">  </span><sup class="reference"><a href="#i-">^</a></sup></h4>
  819. <h4><span id="Bows_and_Arrows"> Bows and Arrows </span><sup class="reference"><a href="#i-BoA">^</a></sup></h4>
  820. <h4><span id="Swords"> Swords </span><sup class="reference"><a href="#i-Swords">^</a></sup></h4>
  821. <ul><li>Woods, Stones, Gold Ingots, Iron Ingots and Diamonds materials were compressed into broad swords, mentioned that compressed from "crafting" would make Swords in Minecraft were more dense and durable compared to real world. Note: "crafting" could craft materials into reality bending objects, regarding to how "crafting" would work in real world's hard to pin down.
  822. </li><li></li>
  823. <table width="300" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
  824. <tr><td   style="color: #006100;">Weapons
  825. </td ><td  style="color: #0000FF;">Striking Strengths
  826. </td><td   style="color: #006100;">Game Mechanics
  827. </td><td  style="color: #0000FF;">Density
  828. </td><td   style="color: #006100;">Game Mechanics
  829. </td><td  style="color: #0000FF;">Renewable in crafting
  830. </td></tr>
  831. <tr style="background-color: #98722C; color: #32260E;"><td>Wooden Sword</td><td>20%</td><td>4 hp</td><td>Calc in progress</td><td>60</td><td>Yes</td>
  832. </tr><tr style="background-color: #EAEE57; color: #7C7E3E;"><td>Golden Sword</td><td>20%</td><td>4 hp</td><td>Calc in progress</td><td>33</td><td>Yes</td>
  833. </tr><tr style="background-color: #9A9A9A; color: #5A5A5A;"><td>Stone Sword</td><td>25%</td><td>5 hp</td><td>Calc in progress</td><td>132</td><td>Yes</td>
  834. </tr><tr style="background-color: #FFFFFF; color: #969696;"><td>Iron Sword</td><td>30%</td><td>6 hp</td><td>Calc in progress</td><td>251</td><td>Yes</td>
  835. </tr><tr style="background-color: #33EBCB; color: #1E8A77;"><td>Diamond Sword</td><td>35%</td><td>7 hp</td><td>Calc in progress</td><td>1562</td><td>Yes</td>
  836. </tr></table>
  837. </li><li>Combat Speed: normal strikes are equal force and take 0.625 seconds to recover, would be 5 strikes per 3 seconds w/ swords. He could even increase his combat speed, he normally can't in game mechanics, would reduce the striking strength: <p style="background-color: #C6EFCE; color: #006100;">Attacking too quickly, normally. In game it wouldn't work as a result of game mechanics.</p><p style="background-color: #FFFFDD; color: #8A7600;">May need a speed potions or even higher tier speed potions.</p><p style="background-color: #FDE0B2; color: #835400;">Need higher tier speed potions. Could freely attain as the result of creative powers.</p>
  838. <table width="700" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
  839. <tr><td>Attack cooldown
  840. </td><td>No enchantments
  841. </td><td>Damage done by enchantments (Sharpness, Smite, and Bane of Arthropods)
  842. </td></tr><tr style="background-color: #C6EFCE; color: #006100;"><td>0.55s
  843. </td><td>87.71%
  844. </td><td>92.00%
  845. </td></tr>
  846. <tr style="background-color: #C6EFCE; color: #006100;"><td>0.5s
  847. </td><td>76.45%
  848. </td><td>84.00%
  849. </td></tr>
  850. <tr style="background-color: #C6EFCE; color: #006100;"><td>0.45s
  851. </td><td>66.21%
  852. </td><td>76.00%
  853. </td></tr>
  854. <tr style="background-color: #FFFFDD; color: #8A7600;"><td>0.4s
  855. </td><td>56.99%
  856. </td><td>68.00%
  857. </td></tr>
  858. <tr style="background-color: #FFFFDD; color: #8A7600;"><td>0.35s
  859. </td><td>48.80%
  860. </td><td>60.00%
  861. </td></tr>
  862. <tr style="background-color: #FFFFDD; color: #8A7600;"><td>0.3s
  863. </td><td>41.63%
  864. </td><td>52.00%
  865. </td></tr>
  866. <tr style="background-color: #FDE0B2; color: #835400;"><td>0.25s
  867. </td><td>35.49%
  868. </td><td>44.00%
  869. </td></tr>
  870. <tr style="background-color: #FDE0B2; color: #835400;"><td>0.2s
  871. </td><td>30.37%
  872. </td><td>36.00%
  873. </td></tr>
  874. <tr style="background-color: #FDE0B2; color: #835400;"><td>0.15s
  875. </td><td>26.27%
  876. </td><td>28.00%
  877. </td></tr>
  878. <tr style="background-color: #FDE0B2; color: #835400;"><td>0.1s
  879. </td><td>23.20%
  880. </td><td>20.00%
  881. </td></tr>
  882. <tr style="background-color: #FDE0B2; color: #835400;"><td>0.05s
  883. </td><td>21.15%
  884. </td><td>12.00%
  885. </td></tr>
  886. <tr style="background-color: #FDE0B2; color: #835400;"><td>0s
  887. </td><td>20.13%
  888. </td><td>4.00%
  889. </td></tr>
  890. </table>
  891. </li></ul><!-- Swords -->
  893. <tr style="background-color: #FDE0B2; color: #835400;">
  894. </tr>
  895. </table>
  896. <!-- Drinkable  Potions -->
  897. <h4><span id="d-splash_potions"> Splash Potions </span><sup class="reference"><a href="#i-splash_potions">^</a></sup></h4>
  898. <h4><span id="d-lingering_potions"> Lingering Potions </span><sup class="reference"><a href="#i-lingering_potions">^</a></sup></h4>
  899. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  900. <h3><span id="Items"> Minecraft Informations </span></h3>
  901. <br>----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  902. </li><li>Instant Health &amp; Instant Damage: and what exactly said those potions could "Heals/Damages entities" means the effects of Instant Health/Damage are <b>magics</b> could healing/damaging "entities" even affects soul and machines.
  903. </li><li>Instant Health: Instantly heals 20% in Level <b>I</b> and 40% in Level <b>II</b>, would regenerate limbs/fatal wounds &amp; from decapitation, <a href="http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Regeneration">Regeneration</a> <b>Low-Mid</b> to <b>Mid</b>.
  904. </li><li>Instant Damage: Instantly inflicts damage of 30% in Level <b>I</b> and 60% in Level <b>II</b>, would feel a fatal pain physically.
  905. </li></ul><!-- List of Effects -->
  906. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  907. <h3><span id=""> Minecraft Interactions</span></h3>
  908. <ul><li>Speed &amp; Slowness: depicted to be accurate and not accounting Player's reaction speed.
  909. </li></ul>
  910. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  911. <h3><span id="Items"> Items </span></h3>
  912. <ul><li> Crafting Table
  913. </li><li> TNT
  914. </li><li> Dispensers: Self-Perpetual Inventory, Makeshift Cannon/Turret
  915. </li><li> Firework Rocket
  916. </li><li> Redstone: All Purpose Natural Wonder Mineral
  917. </li><li> Map &amp; Compass
  918. </li><li> Flint &amp; Steel: Potent Flamethrower, Small Range
  919. </li><li> The Bucket: Made of indestructible material, inside apparently hammerspace, contains enough Water for small flood, heat resistant, carries Lava
  920. </li><li> Fire Charge
  921. </li><li> Iron Golems: Super Strength, Super Toughness
  922. </li><li> Snow Golems: Good for keeping foes on a distance
  923. </li><li> Mob Eggs
  924. </li><li> Enchanted Book: Gives armor or weapons a certain buff (ie. fire damage, advantage against a certain type of damage/mob, increased attack and defence)
  925. </li><li> Ender Pearl: Ranged Teleportation, depends on throwing arm, teleportation consumes one whole Ender Pearl, chips away health
  926. </li><li> Shulker Shells allows for near infinite storage
  927. </li><li> Anvil: Really hurts when dropped onto enemies from above
  928. </li><li> Gravel
  929. </li><li> Sand
  930. </li></ul>
  932. <h4><span id="">  </span><sup class="reference"><a href="#">^</a></sup></h4>
  934. <h4><span id="Diamond_Set"> Diamond Set </span></h4>
  935. <ul><li> Sword
  936. </li><li> Pickaxe
  937. </li><li> Shovel
  938. </li><li> Hoe
  939. </li><li> Axe
  940. </li></ul>
  941. <h4><span class="mw-headline" id="Other"> Other </span></h4>
  942. <ul><li> Bow &amp; Arrow
  943. </li><li> Armor
  944. </li></ul>
  946. <h2>Legends</h2>
  947. AP =  An alternative term for <b>Destructive Capacity</b>
  948. <br>hp = Health Points/Half-Hearts
  949. <br>modes = Easy/Normal/Hard
  950. <br>Base = Base on type of Dealing Damage
  951. <br>irl = In Real Life
  952. <br>Dura = Full Heath/Base Health/Unit Health
  953. <br><br>Base Damage = joule_of_irl_AP(Retrieved Sources)
  954. <br>joule_of_irl_AP/in-game_hp_damage=1hp (AP hp unit)
  955. <br>1hp*20=20hp (Early-Game Steve)
  956. <br>1hp*Dura = AP against Dura
  957. <br><br>if the hunger already be 40%, effective quality-saturation points=increase saturation
  958. <br>golden carrot: 20.4-14.4=8 saturation
  959. <br><br>attack damage-piston damage=received damage/health damage=unit health damage
  960. <br><br><b>Format:</b>
  961. <br>Entity | Dura | Base Damage | Easy(hp%) | Normal(hp%) | Hard(hp%)
  963. <h2>Base Damage</h2>
  965. <h2>Durabilities</h2>
  967. <h2>Saikou's</h2>
  968. <b>Ghast Fireballs</b>(Blocks) x (Fragmentation) x (Violent Fragmentation) = joules<br>
  969. 1000000 x 8 = 8000000, and 8000000 x 69 = 552000000 joules. Still Room level.<br>
  970. <b>Creeper</b> (Blocks) / (Power) x (Low-End, Power-1) x (Vaporation &amp; Glass Pulverization) = joules<br>
  971. 135000000/3 = 45000000 x 2 = 90000000.<br>
  972. High end: 90000000 x 25700 = 2313000000000 joules. Being Multi-City Block level. <br>
  973. Low end: Using pulverization value for glass. 90000000 x 1000 = 90000000000 joules. Being City Block level. <br>
  975. <h3>Summary</h3>
  976. The <b>Potions</b> are <a href="https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Brewing">brewable</a> items that imbue the consumer with specific, time limited <a href="https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Effect">effects</a> in Minecraft.<br>
  977. <h4>Powers and Stats</h4>
  978. Tier: 9-A | 8-C | 7-C<br>
  979. Name: Potions<br>
  981. Origin: Minecraft<br>
  983. Classification: Potions, Magic Potions, Splash Potions, Lingering Potions<br>
  985. Powers and Abilities: Status Effect Inducement, Fire Manipulation, Gliding, Statistics Amplification, Magic, Poison Manipulation, Invisibility, Resistance to Fire, Smite, Regeneration (Mid. Can regenerate from several arrows through his skull), Teleportation, Healing, Enhanced Senses, Water Breathing, Resurrection, Death Manipulation<br>
  987. Attack Potency: Room level (Can easily kill a Silverfish) | Building level (Can kill Endermen) | Town level (Can trade blows with the Ender Dragon and The Wither). Can ignore durability with Poison, Instant Damage, and Decay splash potion and via Thorn Enchantement<br>
  989. Speed: Normal Human with Massively Hypersonic combat and reaction speed (Can hit Endermen, which can dodge arrows at point-blank range.), Subsonic flight speed with the Elytra (Can fly at a maximum of 67.5 m/s), Superhuman travel speed on Horses (Can travel about 14 m/s)<br>
  991. Lifting Strength: At least Class 25 (Capable of easily lifting and swinging around whole meters cube of solid gold)<br>
  993. Striking Strength: Room Class | Building Class | Town Class<br>
  995. Durability: Room level | Building level | Town level (Can take hits from the Ender Dragon and The Wither)<br>
  997. Range: Standard melee range with sword and unarmed. Dozens of meters with bow.<br>
  999. Wielders: Steve, Witch<br>
  1001. Weaknesses: Non-splash potions take a little over a second to drink, and can be interrupted. Splash Potions can hurt him if he's too close. TNT takes several seconds to explode, usually giving enemies enough time to escape. He can be interrupted while slinging arrows.<br>
  1003. <h3>Notable Attacks/Techniques:</h3>
  1004. <ul><li>Splash Potion: A throwing kind of potion that can apply negative status effects or just instant damage to the enemy.
  1005. <ul><li>Poison: Inflicts a poison which can greatly weaken the enemy, although it cannot kill them.
  1006. </li><li>Slowness: Slows down the enemy's movements to a crawl.
  1007. </li><li>Weakness: Reduces the enemy's physical strength greatly.
  1008. </li><li>Decay: Causes the target to slowly withers and decompose away.
  1009. </li><li>Instant Harming: A kind of poison that instantly dishes out damage against the enemy. These damages ignore any armor that the target possesses instead dealing direct damage to their body.
  1010. </li></ul>
  1011. </li><li>Lingering Potion: Another throwing potion that leaves the surrounding area of impact full of the effect of the potion for a few seconds.
  1012. </li><li>Mudane Potion: ...
  1013. </li><li>Bow: A simple bow weapon. Arrows can be <b>tipped</b> with any of the potion effects mentioned or be turned into "Spectral Arrows", which helps Steve tracks enemy hits by it.
  1014. </li></ul>
  1016. Key: Early Game | Mid Game | Late Game
  1018. <h3>Others</h3>
  1019. <b>Percentage Calculation</b>: (Durability of Steve) x (% of effect) = (% of inflicted/effect)<br><br>
  1020. When you're killed w/ Instant Damage effect a Death is reported as "&lt;player&gt; was killed by magic" were definitely not a chemical effect like typical potions on Anime.<br><br>
  1021. Potions in Minecraft are <b>Magic Potions</b> because of Instantaneous Effect. <b>Magic Effects</b> could affect "entities" according to wiki, <b>Chemical Effects</b> referred to as splash &amp; lingering potions, has been shown to interact organic, inorganic, living, undead, machine and soul/intangible beings.
  1022. <ul><li><i>mobs</i> are entities. <i>animal mobs</i> are living beings. <b>Zombies</b> are undead beings. <b>Magma Cubes</b> are living inorganic beings. <b>Iron Golems</b> are living machines. <b>Vexes</b> are intangible ghost.
  1023. </li><li><b>How his magic potions will interact with machines?</b> are that durability of materials would Heal like organic/Weaken bonds of material, like Iron Golem.
  1024. </li></ul>
  1025. <a href="July 7, 2010">July 7, 2010</a>: Alchemy was first hinted by Notch when he explained why redstone ore disintegrates into "dust". He states that dust will be used later in potions.
  1027. <h4><span id="Potions"> Potions</span>
  1028. <table width="800" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
  1029. <tr><td>Name</td><td>(Drinkable) Duration</td><td>(Extended) Duration</td><td><a href="https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Legacy_Console_Edition">Legacy_Console</a> / <a href="https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Bedrock_Edition">Bedrock</a> Edition</td><td>Level II Duration</td><td>Effect I &amp; Ext.</td><td>Effect II</td></tr>
  1030. <tr style="background-color: #C6EFCE; color: #006100;"><td>Potion of Regeneration
  1031. </td><td>0:45<br>Restores 90% health over time
  1032. </td><td>1:30<br>Restores 180% health over time
  1033. </td><td>2:00 (Ext.)<br>Restores 240% health over time
  1034. </td><td>0:22.5<br>Restores 90% health over time
  1035. </td><td>5% every 2.5 seconds
  1036. </td><td>5% every 1.25 seconds
  1037. </td></tr>
  1038. <tr style="background-color: #C6EFCE; color: #006100;"><td>Potion of Swiftness
  1039. </td><td>3:00
  1040. </td><td>8:00
  1041. </td><td>
  1042. </td><td>1:30
  1043. </td><td>Increased speed by 20% and increased FOV (6.6 meters per second sprinting).
  1044. </td><td>Increased speed by 40% and increased FOV (8 meters per second sprinting).
  1045. </td></tr>
  1046. <tr style="background-color: #C6EFCE; color: #006100;"><td>Potion of Fire Resistance
  1047. </td><td>3:00
  1048. </td><td>8:00
  1049. </td><td>
  1050. </td><td>
  1051. </td><td>Gives immunity to damage from all heat-related damage
  1052. </td><td>
  1053. </td></tr>
  1054. <tr style="background-color: #C6EFCE; color: #006100;"><td>Potion of Healing
  1055. </td><td>Instant
  1056. </td><td>
  1057. </td><td>
  1058. </td><td>Instant
  1059. </td><td>Restores 20% health
  1060. </td><td>Restores 40% health
  1061. </td></tr>
  1062. <tr style="background-color: #C6EFCE; color: #006100;"><td>Potion of Night Vision
  1063. </td><td>3:00
  1064. </td><td>8:00
  1065. </td><td>
  1066. </td><td>
  1067. </td><td>Visually brightens everything to a light level of 15, brightens up water with a blue shine, brightens up lava with an orange shine (other players cannot see the enhanced lighting without this effect).
  1068. </td><td>
  1069. </td></tr>
  1070. <tr style="background-color: #C6EFCE; color: #006100;"><td>Potion of Strength
  1071. </td><td>3:00
  1072. </td><td>8:00
  1073. </td><td>I: Increased melee damage by 130% II: Increased melee damage by 260%
  1074. </td><td>1:30
  1075. </td><td>Increases melee damage by 15%
  1076. </td><td>Increases melee damage by 30%
  1077. </td></tr>
  1078. <tr style="background-color: #C6EFCE; color: #006100;"><td>Potion of Leaping
  1079. </td><td>3:00
  1080. </td><td>8:00
  1081. </td><td>
  1082. </td><td>1:30
  1083. </td><td>Allows the player to jump higher and reduces fall damage
  1084. </td><td>Further increases jump height (over 2 blocks) and reduces fall damage
  1085. </td></tr>
  1086. <tr style="background-color: #C6EFCE; color: #006100;"><td>Potion of Water Breathing
  1087. </td><td>3:00
  1088. </td><td>8:00
  1089. </td><td>
  1090. </td><td>
  1091. </td><td>Prevents the oxygen bar from decreasing and slightly increases visibility while underwater.
  1092. </td><td>
  1093. </td></tr>
  1094. <tr style="background-color: #C6EFCE; color: #006100;"><td>Potion of Luck
  1095. </td><td>
  1096. </td><td>
  1097. </td><td>5:00
  1098. </td><td>
  1099. </td><td>Increases the luck attribute by 1 point
  1100. </td><td>
  1101. </td></tr>
  1102. <tr style="background-color: #FDE0B2; color: #835400;"><td>Potion of Poison
  1103. </td><td>0:45
  1104. </td><td>1:30
  1105. </td><td>2:00 (Ext.)<br>II: 0:22.5
  1106. </td><td>0:21.6
  1107. </td><td>Causes up to 90% damage over time, but will not reduce health below 5%
  1108. </td><td>
  1109. </td></tr>
  1110. <tr style="background-color: #FDE0B2; color: #835400;"><td>Potion of Weakness
  1111. </td><td>1:30
  1112. </td><td>4:00
  1113. </td><td>Reduces melee damage by 2.5%
  1114. </td><td>
  1115. </td><td>Reduces melee damage by 20%
  1116. </td><td>
  1117. </td></tr>
  1118. <tr style="background-color: #FDE0B2; color: #835400;"><td>Potion of Slowness
  1119. </td><td>1:30
  1120. </td><td>4:00
  1121. </td><td>
  1122. </td><td>
  1123. </td><td>Slows players and mobs by 15%.(+15% percentage points every tier). (4.75 blocks per second sprinting)
  1124. </td><td>
  1125. </td></tr>
  1126. <tr style="background-color: #FDE0B2; color: #835400;"><td>Potion of Harming
  1127. </td><td>Instant
  1128. </td><td>
  1129. </td><td>
  1130. </td><td>Instant
  1131. </td><td>30% damage (doubles with every additional level)
  1132. </td><td>60% damage
  1133. </td></tr>
  1134. <tr style="background-color: #FDE0B2; color: #835400;"><td>Potion of Decay
  1135. </td><td>0:40
  1136. </td><td>
  1137. </td><td>
  1138. </td><td>
  1139. </td><td>Damages 10% every second, making a total of 200% overtime
  1140. </td><td>
  1141. </td></tr>
  1142. <tr style="background-color: #FDE0B2; color: #835400;"><td>
  1143. </td><td>
  1144. </td><td>
  1145. </td><td>
  1146. </td><td>
  1147. </td><td>
  1148. </td><td>
  1149. </td></tr>
  1150. <tr style="background-color: #FDE0B2; color: #835400;"><td>
  1151. </td><td>
  1152. </td><td>
  1153. </td><td>
  1154. </td><td>
  1155. </td><td>
  1156. </td><td>
  1157. </td></tr>
  1158. <tr style="background-color: #FDE0B2; color: #835400;"><td>
  1159. </td><td>
  1160. </td><td>
  1161. </td><td>
  1162. </td><td>
  1163. </td><td>
  1164. </td><td>
  1165. </td></tr>
  1166. <tr style="background-color: #FDE0B2; color: #835400;"><td>
  1167. </td><td>
  1168. </td><td>
  1169. </td><td>
  1170. </td><td>
  1171. </td><td>
  1172. </td><td>
  1173. </td></tr>
  1174. <tr style="background-color: #FDE0B2; color: #835400;"><td>
  1175. </td><td>
  1176. </td><td>
  1177. </td><td>
  1178. </td><td>
  1179. </td><td>
  1180. </td><td>
  1181. </td></tr>
  1182. <tr style="background-color: #FDE0B2; color: #835400;"><td>
  1183. </td><td>
  1184. </td><td>
  1185. </td><td>
  1186. </td><td>
  1187. </td><td>
  1188. </td><td>
  1189. </td></tr>
  1190. <tr style="background-color: #FDE0B2; color: #835400;"><td>
  1191. </td><td>
  1192. </td><td>
  1193. </td><td>
  1194. </td><td>
  1195. </td><td>
  1196. </td><td>
  1197. </td></tr>
  1198. <tr style="background-color: #FDE0B2; color: #835400;"><td>
  1199. </td><td>
  1200. </td><td>
  1201. </td><td>
  1202. </td><td>
  1203. </td><td>
  1204. </td><td>
  1205. </td></tr>
  1206. <tr style="background-color: #FDE0B2; color: #835400;"><td>
  1207. </td><td>
  1208. </td><td>
  1209. </td><td>
  1210. </td><td>
  1211. </td><td>
  1212. </td><td>
  1213. </td></tr>
  1221. </body></html>
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