

Jan 30th, 2022 (edited)
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  1. Serious Sam 4 / Siberian Mayhem autosaves
  3. After few patches to SS4 (more specifically, starting from 1.04), Croteam implemented inventory saving system, which would save your progress on a level. Let's say you exited level 1 with 3 skill points and some gadgets, and guns from secrets that you shouldn't have normally by this point.
  4. Now when you load this level from menu - this will be preserved, which essentially makes it so you can setup whatever inventory you want + spend skill points. This isn't the case in earlier versions of SS4, and never was the case in other games - menu level load will give you default loadout.
  5. To avoid having to deal with what is essentially NG+, we can do following - after you load level from menu, game will create autosave, which internally has no chapter history assigned, so loading it will give you default loadout.
  6. When running ILs or reloading level from menu during a run you MUST load that autosave.
  7. If any items / abilities come into play from your prepared autosave - that will be considered NG+ and won't be accepted.
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