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IGC Provoke Fight

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Mar 11th, 2017
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  1. <Drumpf> (LS) LT-Thug*SOG: Suck my dick
  2. <Drumpf> (LS) LT-Thug*SOG: fuking retard
  3. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]Alba: ss taken .
  4. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]Infinity: ^mute
  5. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]annex: well...
  6. <Drumpf> (LS) LT-Thug*SOG: learn to be a wman
  7. <Drumpf> diamond is now offline [Timed out]
  8. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]annex: can you shut the fuck up
  9. <Drumpf> (LS) [IGC]Joanna|HyS: Behave please
  10. <Drumpf> (LS) LT-Thug*SOG: who the fuck are you??
  11. <Drumpf> (LS) [IGC]Callum: annex you're being a meanie again :(
  12. <Drumpf> Fetamin is now online [Logged In]
  13. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]Alba: Thug
  14. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]annex: some guy is saying suck ur dick and crap like that
  15. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]Infinity: Thug sign my tits with ur salt
  16. <Drumpf> (LS) LT-Thug*SOG: tell shut up to ur mom
  17. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]annex: i say shut the fuck up everyone goes mad lol
  18. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]Alba: suck my big Albanian balls HaHA !
  19. <Drumpf> (LS) WO-Barry*SWAT: guys make love not war
  20. <Drumpf> (LS) [IGC]Joanna|HyS: Annex
  21. <Drumpf> (LV) VCMD-HaideR*SOG: hh
  22. <Drumpf> (LS) [IGC]Joanna|HyS: Just report annoying people
  23. <Drumpf> (LV) iShadow|HyS: admins check report
  24. <Drumpf> (LS) iShadow|HyS: random dm
  25. <Drumpf> (LS) LT-Thug*SOG: the balls wich ur moma play with
  26. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]annex: ^^ Joanna?
  27. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]Alba: mm
  28. <Drumpf> bb.inkong is now offline [Kicked]
  29. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]Alba: balls dont fit in your Tunisian Mouth !
  30. <Drumpf> (LS) iShadow|HyS: Fuck u u stupid freezebloodafk
  31. <Drumpf> (LV) VCMD-HaideR*SOG: Yeah Joanna , and our report will be invalid
  32. <Drumpf> (LS) LT-Thug*SOG: that's why i don't do blowjobs
  33. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]Infinity: who did u report?
  34. <Drumpf> ZezoHesham*|FURY is now offline [Quit]
  35. <Drumpf> (LV) VCMD-HaideR*SOG: Alba ,Thug isn't tunisina noob
  36. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]Alba: Haider who flame me first?
  37. <Drumpf> (LS) [IGC]Joanna|HyS: We look at reports fairly
  38. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]Alba: huh ?
  39. <Drumpf> (LS) LT-Thug*SOG: lol
  40. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]Alba: this retard up here^
  41. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]annex: 'fucking retard alba suck my dick and a bunch of mom jokes'
  42. <Drumpf> (LS) [IGC]Joanna|HyS: in a fair way
  43. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]annex: lelelele
  44. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]Infinity: dude we killed u in turf and ur member starts to act like 12yo
  45. <Drumpf> (LS) [IGC]Joanna|HyS: *
  46. <Drumpf> (LV) CPL-zHoop*SOG: alba ur the retard
  47. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]Infinity: wtf u want from us now
  48. <Drumpf> (LS) LT-Thug*SOG: why are you calling urself
  49. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]annex: wow
  50. <Drumpf> (LS) Murdermachine: How to rob this damn Bank
  51. <Drumpf> (LS) LT-Thug*SOG: stop this shit
  52. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]annex: im offended im actually 2% retarded rl
  53. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]Alba: thug, you stop you hypocrite shit
  54. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]Infinity: go craft drugs or something u opathetic waste oh server resources
  55. <Drumpf> Murdermachine is now offline [Timed out]
  56. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]Infinity: and stop whining
  57. <Drumpf> (LV) LT-Thug*SOG: i'm not kid as u
  58. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]Alba: you flame me first, you want fight with me pussy ?
  59. <Drumpf> (LV) VCMD-HaideR*SOG: ok , guys Shut up both
  60. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]Infinity: yes Thugu are now shut the fuck up u cunts
  61. <Drumpf> FreezeBloodafk is now offline [Quit]
  62. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]annex: yeah alba shut up
  63. <Drumpf> (LV) LT-Thug*SOG: bla bla
  64. <Drumpf> (LV) CPL-zHoop*SOG: GSF is the most toxic place in igc
  65. <Drumpf> (LV) VCMD-HaideR*SOG: place ?
  66. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]Infinity: YES WE ARE
  67. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]annex: shut the fuck up u fucking retarded cunt
  68. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]Infinity: AND U ARE NOT
  69. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]Infinity: FUCKING IMBECILS
  70. <Drumpf> (LV) CPL-zHoop*SOG: Join GSF today! DIE IN 1 SEC
  71. <Drumpf> (LV) cybersaif[Crip]: Glad I left them xd
  72. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]annex: fuck you and fuck ur gang now shut the fuck up cunt
  73. <Drumpf> hayder^ab is now offline [Quit]
  74. <Drumpf> (LS) LT-Thug*SOG: imbecils lol
  75. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]Alba: zhoop
  76. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]Infinity: so fuck ur pathetic lifes
  77. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]annex: stfu and stop talking shit gg
  78. <Drumpf> (LS) VCMD-HaideR*SOG: "Happy Imbecil" hh
  79. <Drumpf> * (4NOTE) [IGC]Phoenix|GSF: That's enough
  80. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]Infinity: happy for sure
  81. <Drumpf> (LS) CPL-zHoop*SOG: this game aint good
  82. <Drumpf> (LS) VCMD-HaideR*SOG: I don't mean anyone btw
  83. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]Alba: SOG arabs begin fight, we end it
  84. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]Alba: done end of story
  85. <Drumpf> (LS) CPL-zHoop*SOG: I'am not arab
  86. <Drumpf> (LS) VCMD-HaideR*SOG: Alba they're not arabs
  87. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]Alba: stop blaming me for making you cry like a bitch.
  88. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]Infinity: next time dont fucking flame GSF and no1 will flame u
  89. <Drumpf> (SF) SGT-Drake*SWAT: stop racist bls
  90. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]annex: every SOG member has a negative KDR so yeah
  91. <Drumpf> PerfectFootstool68 is now online [Logged In]
  92. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]Infinity: stupid bunch of pathetic worms
  93. <Drumpf> (LS) LT-Thug*SOG: uhuhuhu
  94. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]annex: explains a lot
  95. <Drumpf> (LS) VCMD-HaideR*SOG: so yeah , stop it now!
  96. <Drumpf> (LS) LT-Thug*SOG: i'm so scared guys
  97. <Drumpf> (LS) VCMD-HaideR*SOG: everyone Shut !
  98. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]Infinity: go back to LS
  99. <Drumpf> (LS) VCMD-HaideR*SOG: enough spam
  100. <Drumpf> (LS) CPL-zHoop*SOG: cuz GSF is a lagger clan
  101. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]annex: the guy talking shit to alba:
  102. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]Alba: fooking bitch, you'll do nothing
  103. <Drumpf> (LS) CPL-zHoop*SOG: we literally cant do damage when shooting for 5 secs
  104. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]Infinity: stay in LS
  105. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]annex: QQ
  106. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]Alba: act boss first but when i reply you become a little bitch
  107. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]Infinity: bcs we use drugs
  108. <Drumpf> HeShAm|AFK is now offline [Timed out]
  109. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]annex: im not sure
  110. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]Infinity: we are not mortals like u
  111. <Drumpf> (LS) VCMD-HaideR*SOG: that's why drugs are shit,
  112. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]annex: why this gang is fighting with us
  113. <Drumpf> (LS) CPL-zHoop*SOG: Pheonix, i rather get banned then watch this sh1t end
  114. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]annex: but can you fucking SOG fanboys shut the fuck up?
  115. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]Infinity: and note to admins
  116. <Drumpf> (LS) [IGC]Joanna|HyS: Give my boat back >:<
  117. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]annex: as I said, we don't start anything out of thin air
  118. <Drumpf> (LS) VCMD-HaideR*SOG: lol
  119. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]Alba: thug you looking for fight? i give your easy ass one
  120. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]Infinity: if u dont want this to happen, mute tards like Thug
  121. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]annex: so don't randomly call our members out & our group.
  122. <Drumpf> Lee[Crip] is now offline [Quit]
  123. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]Alba: fake big boy
  124. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]Infinity: who start to flame us, and no admin reacts
  125. <Drumpf> (LS) LT-Thug*SOG: alba i'm so scared
  126. <Drumpf> (LS) [IGC]Callum: This is more entertaining than TV
  127. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]annex: ^^ @Infinity, random guy calls our gang toxic and we should report i lol
  128. <Drumpf> (LS) LT-Thug*SOG: come to catch me
  129. <Drumpf> (LS) VCMD-HaideR*SOG: ok , finished , can you shut now ?
  130. <Drumpf> (LS) CPL-zHoop*SOG: fuck this community, we have too much toxic waste
  131. <Drumpf> (LS) #L-F|suspect: any admin here
  132. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]annex: fuck you too <3
  133. <Drumpf> (LS) #L-F|alex442: what is happening
  134. <Drumpf> (LS) #L-F|alex442: suspect just report
  135. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]Alba: no come chase me because i make you ragequit every time on chat
  136. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]annex: you guys are 14 lmao
  137. <Drumpf> (LS) #L-F|alex442: yo chil
  138. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]Infinity: yes leave this community then
  139. <Drumpf> * (4NOTE) [IGC]Joanna|HyS: Enough drama. If someone flames you or does something that annoys you, just use /report
  140. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]Alba: i got whole album on PC bro :Dd
  141. <Drumpf> (LV) CPL-zHoop*SOG: literally GSF the most toxic place on earth
  142. <Drumpf> (LS) #L-F|suspect: admin
  143. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]Infinity: he flamed us on main chat
  144. <Drumpf> |TK|Rush22|CGEN| is now offline [Quit]
  145. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]Infinity: are u fucking blind or what
  146. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]annex: we're not a place on earth though my friend
  147. <Drumpf> (LV) CPL-zHoop*SOG: oh yeah
  148. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]annex: gsf is a toxic place srbn now shut up u gipsy
  149. <Drumpf> (LS) #L-F|suspect: that was admin problem
  150. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]Alba: zhoop, you talk about toxic but you are the one bitching about hacks the whole time
  151. <Drumpf> (LV) CPL-zHoop*SOG: and i'am not a gipsy
  152. <Drumpf> (LV) CPL-zHoop*SOG: ur a gipsy
  153. <Drumpf> (LS) #L-F|suspect: any loser admin here
  154. <Drumpf> (LV) CPL-zHoop*SOG: so stfu
  155. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]Alba: lil pussey
  156. <Drumpf> ThreeHamster18 is now offline [Quit]
  157. <Drumpf> (LS) #L-F|alex442: omg
  158. <Drumpf> (LS) #L-F|alex442: stop flooding the mainchat
  159. <Drumpf> (LS) #L-F|alex442: hell
  160. <Drumpf> Rush22 is now online [Logged In]
  161. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]annex: why is thug not muted yet
  162. <Drumpf> (LS) [GSF]Infinity: cyber u still medic?
  163. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]annex: he literally calls an entire gang of people out to stirr shit up on mainchat
  164. <Drumpf> (LS) #L-F|suspect: admin
  165. <Drumpf> (LV) cybersaif[Crip]: yeah
  166. <Drumpf> (LS) #L-F|suspect: looola admin
  167. <Drumpf> * (4NOTE) [IGC]Joanna|HyS: If you have any problem, USE REPORT. GO ON AND I WILL MUTE YOU RIGHTN OW
  168. <Drumpf> (LS) #L-F|suspect: admin come to me
  169. <Drumpf> (LS) [IGC]Joanna|HyS: WHat's wrong?
  170. <Drumpf> (LV) VCMD-HaideR*SOG: Joanna got mad hh
  171. <Drumpf> (LS) [GSF]Infinity: ok i dont udnerstand one thing
  172. <Drumpf> (LS) CPL-zHoop*SOG: Joanna, is reporting myself a thing?
  173. <Drumpf> (LS) CPL-Armando*SWAT: ,,rightn ow'' :D
  174. <Drumpf> (LS) CPL-zHoop*SOG: becuz i want to do that
  175. <Drumpf> (LS) [GSF]Infinity: if someone flames us on main chat we need to report him?
  176. <Drumpf> (LS) [IGC]Joanna|HyS: Mad? No. I just want people to stop acting like kids.
  177. <Drumpf> (LV) VCMD-HaideR*SOG: you can Hoop
  178. <Drumpf> (LS) [IGC]Callum: zHoop sure you can confess to things
  179. <Drumpf> (LS) CPL-zHoop*SOG: oh ok
  180. <Drumpf> (LS) CPL-zHoop*SOG: i will report myself
  181. <Drumpf> (LV) VCMD-HaideR*SOG: good
  182. <Drumpf> Hax77[Crip] is now offline [Quit]
  183. <Drumpf> (LS) [IGC]Joanna|HyS: If you have any problem, do /report. It's not being made to just look at.
  184. <Drumpf> (LS) #L-F|alex442: why are u arguing in all chat fucking hell
  186. <Drumpf> (LS) WO-Barry*SWAT: infinitys
  187. <Drumpf> (LS) [GSF]Infinity: report is for things admin cant see
  188. <Drumpf> (LS) [GSF]Infinity: u fucking see mainchat
  189. <Drumpf> (LS) [GSF]Alba: caps off mad monkey
  190. <Drumpf> (LS) WO-Barry*SWAT: infinty i can troll wiht friendds and then it dosent matter
  191. <Drumpf> (LS) VCMD-HaideR*SOG: ol
  192. <Drumpf> (LS) VCMD-HaideR*SOG: lol*
  193. <Drumpf> (LS) WO-Barry*SWAT: so admins dont know what is flame and what is joke
  194. <Drumpf> (LS) VCMD-HaideR*SOG: rip
  195. <Drumpf> (LS) [IGC]Joanna|HyS: You dont have to report yourself for that
  196. <Drumpf> (LS) WO-Barry*SWAT: so u need to report
  197. <Drumpf> (LS) [IGC]Joanna|HyS: I've seen it
  198. <Drumpf> CPL-Armando*SWAT is now offline [Quit]
  199. <Drumpf> (LS) [GSF]Infinity: wowowow
  200. <Drumpf> CheerfulMacaroni73 is now online [Logged In]
  201. <Drumpf> (LS) [IGC]Callum: Barry, quick, say something funny
  202. <Drumpf> (LS) [IGC]Callum: We need to break the ice
  203. <Drumpf> (LS) [IGC]Joanna|HyS: At a certain level things aren't funny anymore
  204. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]annex: best managment 2k17
  205. <Drumpf> (LS) #L-F|alex442: ..
  206. <Drumpf> (LS) WO-Barry*SWAT: callum i ike pink
  207. <Drumpf> (LS) #L-F|suspect: omg any admin
  208. <Drumpf> (LS) [GSF]Infinity: nothing wouldnt happen if u do ur job
  209. <Drumpf> (LS) [GSF]Infinity: and mute ppl who flame
  210. <Drumpf> (LS) [IGC]Callum: You saw my boat, I take it Barry :D
  211. <Drumpf> (LS) [IGC]Joanna|HyS: Nothing wrong with pink Barry
  212. <Drumpf> Armando is now online [Logged In]
  213. <Drumpf> (LS) [IGC]Joanna|HyS: Infinity, you don't need to tell me how to do my job
  214. <Drumpf> (LS) WO-Barry*SWAT: infinty would u want me muted if u flame u ? :(
  215. <Drumpf> (SF) (OM)-claudioDVN|LMS|: quien me dona plata con la aplicasin de wallect
  216. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]annex: if u do ur job right he wouldn't talk to u
  217. <Drumpf> (LS) [GSF]Infinity: well someone has to tell u
  218. <Drumpf> (LS) WO-Barry*SWAT: pink is life
  219. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]annex: #toxicgang
  220. <Drumpf> (SF) (OM)-claudioDVN|LMS|: aoy poble
  221. <Drumpf> (LS) [IGC]Joanna|HyS: I told you to report, but you have a lack of braincells
  222. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]annex: we're toxic even if some random law gang flames us logic in 2017
  223. <Drumpf> (LS) [GSF]Alba: you missed out on most of the chat joanna, he's not the only guy that needs a mute
  224. <Drumpf> (LS) [IGC]Joanna|HyS: So you couldn't understand that information
  225. <Drumpf> (LS) [GSF]Alba: its right at your nose
  226. <Drumpf> (LS) #L-F|suspect: admin
  227. <Drumpf> (LS) [GSF]Infinity: lel!!!
  228. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]annex: yeah im sure random HyS polish guys who get jailed for DM are smarter than us
  229. <Drumpf> (LS) [IGC]Joanna|HyS: Use /report omfg
  230. <Drumpf> (LS) [GSF]Infinity: how about u look mainchat and mute flamers at start
  231. <Drumpf> (LS) #L-F|suspect: i dont have to report that
  232. <Drumpf> (LS) WO-Barry*SWAT: guys its as easy to use /report as it is easy to punish someone
  233. <Drumpf> (LS) LT-Thug*SOG: stop talking about these now
  234. <Drumpf> (LS) [IGC]Joanna|HyS: Yes wait, let me camp main chat as if i have nothing better to do =)
  235. <Drumpf> (LS) WO-Barry*SWAT: so just report
  236. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]annex: why are you admin if you have better things to do lol
  237. <Drumpf> (LS) #L-F|suspect: idiots admi problem
  238. <Drumpf> (LS) [IGC]Joanna|HyS: I'm not an admin to camp a chat
  239. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]annex: in admin app it says you need to contribute your time to moderating^
  240. <Drumpf> (LS) [GSF]Infinity: ur job is to be admin
  241. <Drumpf> (LS) [IGC]Joanna|HyS: Thats why /report is made
  242. <Drumpf> (LS) [GSF]Infinity: so be one
  243. <Drumpf> (LS) [IGC]Joanna|HyS: My job is to punish annoying people like you.
  244. <Drumpf> (LS) [GSF]Alba: you can even look back at logs, to solve this thing
  245. <Drumpf> (LS) [GSF]Infinity: dont blame us later for admins mistakes
  246. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]annex: Okay, punish us.
  247. <Drumpf> (LS) LT-Thug*SOG: papaappapapam joanna +3
  248. <Drumpf> (LS) WO-Barry*SWAT: guys just cut the shit and make mainchat nice and gay again
  249. <Drumpf> (LS) [IGC]Callum: Barry for President
  250. <Drumpf> (LS) WO-Barry*SWAT: hh
  251. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]annex: next time someone says we're toxic dicksuckers it's still our fault lol
  252. <Drumpf> (LS) [GSF]Infinity: ikr xd
  253. <Drumpf> (LV) ShyD: why police have bags of money?
  254. <Drumpf> (LV) LT-Thug*SOG: Annex why don't u accpet it'
  255. <Drumpf> (LS) WO-Barry*SWAT: callum toxic dicksuker
  256. <Drumpf> [IGC]Phoenix|GSF is now offline [Timed out]
  257. <Drumpf> (LS) [GSF]Infinity: Thug u started this all
  258. <Drumpf> (LS) [IGC]Callum: Barry, you're right
  259. <Drumpf> (LS) WO-Barry*SWAT: hh
  260. <Drumpf> (LV) LT-Thug*SOG: is the truth
  261. <Drumpf> (LS) WO-Barry*SWAT: callum jk <3
  262. <Drumpf> (LS) [GSF]Infinity: u got away without getting muted
  263. <Drumpf> (LS) [GSF]Infinity: and now u still continue?
  264. <Drumpf> (LV) LT-Thug*SOG: I'm still here
  265. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]annex: lol thug go fuck yourself
  266. <Drumpf> (LS) [IGC]Joanna|HyS: Because no one did /report
  267. <Drumpf> (LV) VCMD-HaideR*SOG: I actually started it :D
  268. <Drumpf> (LV) LT-Thug*SOG: ahahaha
  269. <Drumpf> (LS) [GSF]Infinity: yh i guess Joanna is ur friend
  270. <Drumpf> (LS) [GSF]Alba: idk if some admins might be analphabets, its right there in the logs you can read
  271. <Drumpf> (LS) [IGC]Joanna|HyS: That's your fault
  272. <Drumpf> (LV) LT-Thug*SOG: I'm joking
  273. <Drumpf> (LS) [GSF]Infinity: no u didnt Haider
  274. <Drumpf> (LV) VCMD-HaideR*SOG: k
  275. <Drumpf> (LS) [IGC]Joanna|HyS: No one is my friend
  276. <Drumpf> (LS) [GSF]Infinity: Thug did
  277. <Drumpf> (LS) WO-Barry*SWAT: lets all forget everything and go back to being gay
  278. <Drumpf> (LS) VCMD-HaideR*SOG: you're the only gay Barry
  279. <Drumpf> YoloStarHd is now online [Logged In]
  280. <Drumpf> (LS) VCMD-HaideR*SOG: :D
  281. <Drumpf> (LS) LT-Thug*SOG: I started it because ur attitude is the same of a child
  282. <Drumpf> (LS) WO-Barry*SWAT: wrong
  283. <Drumpf> ShyD is now offline [Quit]
  284. <Drumpf> (LS) [GSF]Infinity: we just killed u in turf
  285. <Drumpf> (LS) [GSF]Infinity: who told u anything, pls tell me
  286. <Drumpf> (LS) [GSF]Alba: what i do, you started to flame me cuz i kill you
  287. <Drumpf> (LV) VCMD-HaideR*SOG: ok , STOP !
  288. <Drumpf> (LV) LT-Thug*SOG: I didn't get angry because u killed me in turf
  289. <Drumpf> (LS) #L-F|suspect: 0 admin
  290. <Drumpf> (LV) LT-Thug*SOG: I don't give a fuck about turfs,I don't like it
  291. <Drumpf> (LS) #L-F|suspect: losers
  292. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]annex: we've decided to stop talking on mainchat
  293. <Drumpf> (LS) [GSF]Infinity: so why did u get angry then? Pls tell me
  294. <Drumpf> (LS) #L-F|alex442: suspect
  295. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]annex: :D!
  296. <Drumpf> (LS) [IGC]Joanna|HyS: Go to SMS and solve this issue
  297. <Drumpf> (LV) LT-Thug*SOG: Ok :D
  298. <Drumpf> AhriHentai is now online [Logged In]
  299. <Drumpf> (LS) #L-F|alex442: i said /report
  300. <Drumpf> (LV) VCMD-HaideR*SOG: +1
  301. <Drumpf> (LS) [IGC]Joanna|HyS: Flame 1 more time and i will mute you.
  302. <Drumpf> (LV) VCMD-HaideR*SOG: stop spamming
  303. <Drumpf> (LV) LT-Thug*SOG: no matter
  304. <Drumpf> (LS) [IGC]Joanna|HyS: Message to everyone
  305. <Drumpf> (LS) [GSF]Alba: what is there to solve? he will come back tomorrow and flame me
  306. <Drumpf> (LS) [GSF]Infinity: no no tell me pls Thug
  307. <Drumpf> (LV) CPL-zHoop*SOG: Back in bussiness boys
  308. <Drumpf> (LS) WO-Barry*SWAT: guys pls stop i miss everyone being gay
  309. <Drumpf> (LS) [GSF]Alba: when i kill him again.
  310. <Drumpf> (LV) CPL-zHoop*SOG: and fk u Joanna
  311. <Drumpf> (LS) [IGC]Joanna|HyS: Alba, then report him
  312. <Drumpf> (LS) #L-F|alex442: wow
  313. <Drumpf> (LS) [GSF]Infinity: what were reasons that u flamed us all
  314. <Drumpf> 5th|Phoenix'#AC is now online [Logged In]
  315. <Drumpf> (LV) VCMD-HaideR*SOG: Hai Gas
  316. <Drumpf> (LV) VCMD-HaideR*SOG: Gus**
  317. <Drumpf> (LS) [IGC]Joanna|HyS: Now behave please
  318. <Drumpf> (LV) VCMD-HaideR*SOG: he didn't insult this time
  319. <Drumpf> (SF) SGT-Drake*SWAT: (LV) CPL-zHoop*SOG: and fk u Joanna
  320. <Drumpf> (SF) SGT-Drake*SWAT: @Haider
  321. <Drumpf> (LV) VCMD-HaideR*SOG: ah
  322. <Drumpf> (LV) VCMD-HaideR*SOG: then Idc
  324. zHooP - Today at 4:20 PM
  325. Joanna, u cancer
  326. <Drumpf> (LS) [IGC]Joanna|HyS: Am i cancer?:)
  327. Gus - Today at 4:21 PM
  328. and now you're muted on disc
  329. CrotBOT - Today at 4:21 PM
  330. <Drumpf> (LS) WO-Barry*SWAT: zhoop gtfo lol
  331. <Drumpf> (LS) WO-Barry*SWAT: thats evading
  332. <Drumpf> (LV) VCMD-HaideR*SOG: Lol
  333. <Drumpf> (LV) VCMD-HaideR*SOG: I though I'll get muted also
  334. <Drumpf> (LS) [GSF]Alba: for what?
  335. <Drumpf> (LV) VCMD-HaideR*SOG: idk
  336. <Drumpf> SpitefulCatamaran42 is now online [Logged In]
  337. <Drumpf> (SF) SGT-Drake*SWAT: starting a provoaction maybe?
  338. <Drumpf> (LS) [GSF]Alba: you get your punishment if you do something bad, end
  339. <Drumpf> (LS) [GSF]Infinity: nah haider we chill wit hu
  340. <Drumpf> (LS) [GSF]Infinity: also we need medic @Drug lab
  341. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]annex: dont forget gsf toxic gang
  342. <Drumpf> (LS) [GSF]Infinity: ez cash
  343. <Drumpf> (LS) [IGC]Callum: lol Barry, 'an underwear'
  344. <Drumpf> (LS) WO-Barry*SWAT: hh
  345. <Drumpf> (LV) VCMD-HaideR*SOG: Cause last time I got muted for saying laggers hh
  346. <Drumpf> (LV) VCMD-HaideR*SOG: that's to nizwa
  347. <Drumpf> (LV) VCMD-HaideR*SOG: thanks to*
  348. <Drumpf> HassoN is now online [Logged In]
  349. <Drumpf> TheEvilAngry|HyS is now offline [Timed out]
  350. <Drumpf> Paula is now online [Logged In]
  351. <Drumpf> (LV) VCMD-HaideR*SOG: but I love Zed
  352. <Drumpf> Le'Bored is now online [Logged In]
  353. <Drumpf> (LS) #L-F|suspect: t/ac
  354. <Drumpf> (LS) #L-F|suspect: ac crips
  355. <Drumpf> (LS) |TK|Zed|Gen|: any staff or developer warp to me fast
  356. <Drumpf> StarBoy is now online [Logged In]
  357. <Drumpf> (LS) |TK|Zed|Gen|: staff warp to me fast
  358. <Drumpf> (LV) #L-F|alex442: fast ?
  359. <Drumpf> (LS) |TK|Zed|Gen|: there are 1 bugged mod shop
  360. <Drumpf> (LS) LT-Thug*SOG: Phoenix
  361. <Drumpf> (LV) #L-F|alex442: oh
  362. <Drumpf> (LS) [IGC]Joanna|HyS: gonna go to the lbirary soon
  363. <Drumpf> (LS) [IGC]Phoenix|GSF: how may i help ya ?
  364. <Drumpf> (LS) LT-Thug*SOG: Phoenix I wish to know why i'm been muted
  365. <Drumpf> Om is now online [Logged In]
  366. <Drumpf> (LS) #L-F|suspect: and he come and kill me
  367. <Drumpf> (LS) [IGC]Phoenix|GSF: Just take a look about what you said
  368. <Drumpf> ScaredRiver54 is now online [Logged In]
  369. <Drumpf> (LS) LT-Thug*SOG: send me it please
  370. <Drumpf> (LS) LT-Thug*SOG: I don't remember
  371. <Drumpf> (LS) LT-Thug*SOG: Or probably you done it because GSF is your group?
  372. <Drumpf> (LS) [IGC]Phoenix|GSF: Nope, Search it by urself
  373. <Drumpf> (LS) [IGC]Phoenix|GSF: yeaa, am doing it for ma group
  374. <Drumpf> (LS) |TK|Zed|Gen|: phoenix fast warp to me
  375. <Drumpf> (LS) LT-Thug*SOG: :D
  376. <Drumpf> (LS) #L-F|suspect: racest
  377. <Drumpf> (LS) |TK|Zed|Gen|: u need to fix something
  378. <Drumpf> (LV) LT-Thug*SOG: good job phoenix
  379. <Drumpf> (LV) LT-Thug*SOG: the next time why don't you mute too your friends?
  380. <Drumpf> (LV) LT-Thug*SOG: If you have balls and u are a man,and an admin
  381. <Drumpf> (LV) LT-Thug*SOG: You should respect rules
  382. <Drumpf> (LV) VCMD-HaideR*SOG: k
  383. <Drumpf> (LV) VCMD-HaideR*SOG: fail
  384. <Drumpf> (LS) StarBoy[Crip]: cop
  385. <Drumpf> (LS) [GSF]Alba: hasson i was dizzy af shooting and i randomely hit you
  386. <Drumpf> (LS) [GSF]Alba: XD
  387. <Drumpf> (LV) LT-Thug*SOG: You lost you mounth?
  388. <Drumpf> (LV) Habboudi: u
  389. <Drumpf> (LV) LT-Thug*SOG: tsè
  390. <Drumpf> (LS) WO-Barry*SWAT: thug u inviting a mute
  391. <Drumpf> (LV) LT-Thug*SOG: I'm not flaming
  392. <Drumpf> (LV) LT-Thug*SOG: I'm just doing a discussion
  393. <Drumpf> (LS) WO-Barry*SWAT: well look at the way u speaking
  394. <Drumpf> (LV) lebored: u are annoying us
  395. <Drumpf> (LS) WO-Barry*SWAT: its just inviting hate
  396. <Drumpf> (LV) LT-Thug*SOG: Did I flame someone?
  397. <Drumpf> (LV) LT-Thug*SOG: I don't think so
  398. <Drumpf> (LV) lebored: if u wanna discuss about it do it in forum and stfu from main.. that's annoying everyone
  399. <Drumpf> Akay is now online [Logged In]
  400. <Drumpf> (LS) [IGC]Phoenix|GSF: Your mute reason was totally clear "Starting a provocation"
  401. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]Alba: Thug, huge liar
  402. <Drumpf> (LS) [GSF]Infinity: u flamed alot dude
  403. <Drumpf> (LV) LT-Thug*SOG: Sure is it ok but I wish to understand why Only me and zHoop are been muted
  404. <Drumpf> (LS) #L-F|suspect: ni pice any more
  405. <Drumpf> (LV) [GSF]Alba: you know why
  406. <Drumpf> (LS) StarBoy[Crip]: ΕΎ
  407. <Drumpf> (LV) VCMD-HaideR*SOG: Come on , wtf joanna !
  408. <Drumpf> (LV) VCMD-HaideR*SOG: He is just talking
  409. <Drumpf> (LS) WO-Barry*SWAT: haider it was his fault lel
  410. <Drumpf> (LS) [IGC]Joanna|HyS: Well, some people use the report system
  411. <Drumpf> (LV) VCMD-HaideR*SOG: that's abuse !
  412. <Drumpf> |TK|Zed|Gen| is now offline [Quit]
  413. <Drumpf> (LV) VCMD-HaideR*SOG: It's clear
  414. <Drumpf> (LV) lebored: that's not
  415. <Drumpf> (LS) WO-Barry*SWAT: haider its not
  416. <Drumpf> (SF) SGT-Drake*SWAT: nice Om
  417. <Drumpf> (SF) SGT-Drake*SWAT: gg Om
  418. <Drumpf> (LS) WO-Barry*SWAT: gg om
  419. <Drumpf> (LS) [IGC]Joanna|HyS: Haider, don't start a useless argument
  420. <Drumpf> (LV) VCMD-HaideR*SOG: I didn't!
  421. <Drumpf> (LV) lebored: he was annoying everyone Haider. He had the forum to discuss
  422. <Drumpf> (LV) VCMD-HaideR*SOG: But you just muted my friend for no reason
  423. <Drumpf> Armando is now online [Logged In]
  424. <Drumpf> (LS) [IGC]Joanna|HyS: Haider, i have a reason.
  425. <Drumpf> (LV) VCMD-HaideR*SOG: he wants to know why he got muted ,is thatbad
  426. <Drumpf> (LS) [IGC]Joanna|HyS: You are the one that wants to know it
  427. <Drumpf> (LS) [GSF]Alba: haider he literally flamed me a lot half hour ago
  428. <Drumpf> (LS) [GSF]Alba: how doesnt he remember
  429. <Drumpf> (LV) VCMD-HaideR*SOG: and he got muted
  430. <Drumpf> (LS) WO-Barry*SWAT: haider check chat man
  431. <Drumpf> Kristina) is now offline [Quit]
  432. <Drumpf> (LV) VCMD-HaideR*SOG: he got muted for provoking
  433. <Drumpf> (LV) VCMD-HaideR*SOG: then remuted for no reason
  434. <Drumpf> (LS) WO-Barry*SWAT: yes and he did provoke
  435. <Drumpf> (LS) [GSF]annex: barry
  436. <Drumpf> (LS) WO-Barry*SWAT: yes
  437. <Drumpf> (LS) [GSF]annex: i love u
  438. <Drumpf> (LS) WO-Barry*SWAT: <3
  439. <Drumpf> (LS) [IGC]Callum: Barry
  440. <Drumpf> (LS) [IGC]Callum: Say funny words
  441. <Drumpf> (LS) WO-Barry*SWAT: yes
  442. <Drumpf> PFC-GloriousDevil*SWAT is now offline [Quit]
  443. <Drumpf> (SF) SGT-Drake*SWAT: lmao
  444. <Drumpf> (LS) WO-Barry*SWAT: well
  445. <Drumpf> (SF) SGT-Drake*SWAT: forum is stressed
  446. <Drumpf> (SF) SGT-Drake*SWAT: barry: Because he is tired
  447. <Drumpf> (SF) SGT-Drake*SWAT: ~Ha Ha Ha
  448. <Drumpf> (LS) WO-Barry*SWAT: hh
  449. <Drumpf> (LV) CPL-zHoop*SOG: unmuted_
  450. <Drumpf> (LS) WO-Barry*SWAT: nice
  451. <Drumpf> #L-F|suspect is now offline [Quit]
  452. <Drumpf> (LS) [IGC]Callum: Om
  453. <Drumpf> (LS) [IGC]Om|LF: ey bo$$
  454. <Drumpf> DuH is now online [Logged In]
  455. <Drumpf> pRoLaPs is now online [Logged In]
  456. <Drumpf> (LS) WO-Barry*SWAT: om gg for pchief script
  457. <Drumpf> (SF) #H*CA|Sherlock: Police Chief can ban? o.o
  458. <Drumpf> (LS) [IGC]Om|LF: ye
  459. <Drumpf> (SF) SGT-Drake*SWAT: ban from being a cop
  460. <Drumpf> (LS) [IGC]Joanna|HyS: Job ban players yea
  461. <Drumpf> (LS) [IGC]Om|LF: ban cops from job
  462. <Drumpf> (LS) WO-Barry*SWAT: ban cops from getting cop job
  463. <Drumpf> (SF) #H*CA|Sherlock: that's not cool
  464. <Drumpf> (SF) SGT-Drake*SWAT: ye like im gonna tell glenno to ban barry cuz he is criminal.
  465. <Drumpf> (LV) VCMD-HaideR*SOG: it is
  466. <Drumpf> (LV) VCMD-HaideR*SOG: some times it is
  467. <Drumpf> (LV) |TK|Zed|Gen|: what can police chief ;P ?
  468. <Drumpf> (SF) (OM)-claudioDVN|LMS|: la C se bugeo
  469. <Drumpf> (SF) SGT-Drake*SWAT: LOL armando
  470. <Drumpf> (LV) VCMD-HaideR*SOG: lolll
  471. <Drumpf> (SF) SGT-Drake*SWAT: haha lmfao
  472. <Drumpf> (LV) |TK|Zed|Gen|: lmao
  473. <Drumpf> (SF) SGT-Drake*SWAT: Joanna
  474. <Drumpf> (LS) pRoLaPs|HyS: can someone arrest me please
  475. <Drumpf> (SF) #H*CA|Sherlock: "He stole my arrest" >Ban from cop
  476. <Drumpf> (SF) #H*CA|Sherlock: gg
  477. <Drumpf> (SF) SGT-Drake*SWAT: nah
  478. <Drumpf> (LS) Akay[Crip]: Prolaps?
  479. <Drumpf> (SF) SGT-Drake*SWAT: thats too trivial lol
  480. <Drumpf> (LS) pRoLaPs|HyS: yes
  481. <Drumpf> (OM)-claudioDVN|LMS| is now offline [Quit]
  482. <Drumpf> (LS) Akay[Crip]: wanna sell your house near Jefferson?
  483. <Drumpf> (LS) pRoLaPs|HyS: No
  484. <Drumpf> (SF) SGT-Drake*SWAT: why not :(
  485. <Drumpf> (LS) pRoLaPs|HyS: Cuz its not for sale
  486. <Drumpf> (SF) SGT-Drake*SWAT: why not
  487. <Drumpf> (LS) pRoLaPs|HyS: cuz
  488. <Drumpf> PIVOTBOY is now offline [Quit]
  489. <Drumpf> (SF) SGT-Drake*SWAT: cuz
  490. <Drumpf> (LV) VCMD-HaideR*SOG: I luv you zed :D
  491. <Drumpf> (SF) SGT-Drake*SWAT: i hate u armando
  492. <Drumpf> (LV) LT-Thug*SOG: as
  493. <Drumpf> HeShAm is now online [Logged In]
  494. <Drumpf> (LV) VCMD-HaideR*SOG: I hate you drake ! for hating armando
  495. <Drumpf> Kikado is now offline [Quit]
  496. <Drumpf> (LV) LT-Thug*SOG: Joanna can I know why I'm been muted this time??
  497. <Drumpf> (LS) Akay[Crip]: but..but..that house is lit
  498. <Drumpf> (SF) SGT-Drake*SWAT: PM From CPL-Armando*SWAT: man i told u if u want to fuck me do it
  499. <Drumpf> (LS) pRoLaPs|HyS: ik
  500. <Drumpf> (SF) SGT-Drake*SWAT: lmfao.
  501. <Drumpf> (LS) pRoLaPs|HyS: thats why i bought it
  502. <Drumpf> Acab is now online [Logged In]
  503. <Drumpf> (LV) CPL-zHoop*SOG: Joanna is literally muting for no reason
  504. <Drumpf> (SF) SGT-Drake*SWAT: @barry
  505. <Drumpf> claudioDVN is now online [Logged In]
  506. <Drumpf> (LS) WO-Barry*SWAT: ue
  507. <Drumpf> (LV) VCMD-HaideR*SOG: here we go again
  508. <Drumpf> (LS) [IGC]Callum: zHoop you can file a complaint against her on the forums
  509. <Drumpf> (LV) VCMD-HaideR*SOG: i give up
  510. <Drumpf> (LS) [IGC]Callum: and it will be dealt with by senior staff
  511. <Drumpf> (LS) #L-F|External: wot happened
  512. <Drumpf> KAHRBA*|FURY is now offline [Quit]
  513. <Drumpf> (LS) WO-Barry*SWAT: ye zhoop do it
  514. <Drumpf> (LS) #L-F|External: why is zhoop crying?
  515. <Drumpf> (SF) SGT-Drake*SWAT: brb gonna try a script.
  516. <Drumpf> (LV) CPL-zHoop*SOG: or like gus, who i PMED
  517. <Drumpf> (LV) CPL-zHoop*SOG: said its normal
  518. <Drumpf> (LV) CPL-zHoop*SOG: becuz
  519. <Drumpf> (LS) WO-Barry*SWAT: zhoop lel pmng wont help u
  520. <Drumpf> (LV) CPL-zHoop*SOG: u need a report
  521. <Drumpf> (LS) |TK|Rush22|CGEN|: hide
  522. <Drumpf> (LV) CPL-zHoop*SOG: for them to do sh1t
  523. <Drumpf> (LS) WO-Barry*SWAT: complaint wont help too
  524. <Drumpf> (LS) WO-Barry*SWAT: but try it
  525. <Drumpf> (SF) (OM)-claudioDVN|LMS|: 7KILL
  526. <Drumpf> (LV) LT-Thug*SOG: Joanna
  527. <Drumpf> (LV) CPL-zHoop*SOG: gus be like: why no report?
  528. <Drumpf> SGT-Yigido*SWAT is now offline [Quit]
  529. <Drumpf> (SF) SGT-Drake*SWAT: becuz yolo
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