
Caster Tiers

Mar 4th, 2015
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  1. Guide-
  3. Voice: The most important part of any caster. This is basically your job, to have a good voice. Points here have the most weight.
  5. Knowledge: The least important of the 3. You don't really need to know a whole lot about the game to be able to cast it, but it is nice to have a knoweldgable co-caster.
  7. Hype: The play by play, the excitement and how well they can deliver a game to you. This is also an important skill to have.
  9. ~GOD TIER~: These guys can turn a bad game into a good game and a good game to an incredible game.
  11. Ayesee - 10/10 Voice, 3/10 Knowledge, 10/10 Hype
  13. Tobi - 9/10 Voice, 4/10 Knowledge, 10/10 Hype
  15. Not much to say about these guys except that they should really be casting every game. It's weird how little they cast.
  17. ~TIER 1~: These guys are missing the special something that lets them ascend to god tier, but still very good casters
  18. Synderen - 7/10 Voice, 9/10 Knowledge, 6/10 Hype - He has a decent voice, is good at the game, and can carry a cast if need be. The ideal co-caster for the God Tiers
  20. KotLguy - 8/10 Voice, 4/10 Knowledge, 9/10 Hype - I feel he's underrated / scorned because of his association with BTS. His casts can be pretty great. Jokes are hit or miss but more often then not, hit.
  22. Maut - 8/10 voice, 5/10 Knowledge, 8/10 Hype - Nothing really special about him. He's just a good caster.
  24. Capitalist - 7/10 Voice, 8/10 knowledge, 8/10 Hype - The disciple of tobi. Could also just be called badTobi.
  25. ------------------------------------------------------SECOND POST------------------------------------------------------
  26. ~Tier 2~: This is the cut off. You're just barely acceptable as a caster here.
  28. GodZwank - 5/10 Voice, 8/10 Knowledge, 7/10 Hype - Annoying ass accent but he's a decent caster even with that.
  30. Zyori - 8/10 Voice, 4/10 Knowledge, 8/10 Hype - This guy has a great voice but he's really fucking annoying and stupid. He's good for white noise. Also known as badKotlguy
  32. LD - 5/10 Voice, 7/10 Knowledge, 8/10 Hype - His casting is alright, but it just sounds so weird listening to him cast. He just sounds like an average joe.
  34. Tralf - 6/10 Voice, 9/10 Knowledge, 5/10 Hype - He's been casting alot more recently. He regularly plays in the NEL and competitively drafts against PPD, smarter than you'd think.
  36. ~TIER 3~: the last resort tier
  38. Bruno - 4/10 Voice, 5/10 Knowledge, 4/10 Hype - Is he even a caster? Is a meme. not much else to it.
  40. Draskyl - 4/10 Voice, 8/10 Knowledge, 4/10 Hype - Does he even cast anymore?
  42. Durka - 3/10 Voice, ?/10 Knowledge, 3/10 Hype - Seriously jD? Why is this guy casting stuff?
  44. Sunsfan - 5/10 Voice, 3/10 Knowledge, 1-7/10 Hype - Can be really annoying most of the time. He is hype for 10 year olds that like to hear people say KABOOOOOM
  46. ~TIER 4~: Stop casting
  47. Sheever
  48. Winter
  49. Luminous(I think he did)
  50. LysanderXenora
  51. Any pro player with a shit voice(that jenkins guy, or ryubooruz)
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