
Pinkie Pie >feels

Oct 27th, 2012
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  1. I'm such a fucking idiot.
  3. "Pinkie Pie, please come out of your house?"
  5. Silence. She still not talking to me. She's been in this shitty attitude ever since yesterday, when I fucked up.
  7. Nopony forgets a Pinkie Promise. Not even me and I'm not even a pony. I really blew it and now the pony who wants to be everyone's friend wants to have nothing to do with me.
  9. I've been standing outside of Sugarcube Corner all day, trying to get her to come out of her room. The Cakes were pretty pissed at me too but I've explained myself to them, about me trying to fix my friendship with Pinkie. They seem to understand so they've just let me be. I've been getting weird looks from the ponies who've come to see the human yelling outside the building I don't really give a shit, this is really important to me. I can't go on knowing she hates me.
  11. Truth is, I've really come to... appreciate her.
  13. A smile is a hard thing to find for someone like me, someone who stares the ground all day, hoping he'll see a sunny sky underneath his feet. Pinkie tries to make me smile just like every other pony she knows. I'm a hard person to get along with but she was still there. Now seeing her like this, it's so bizarre. She's always so happy and carefree...
  15. ...And I ruined it.
  17. I ran my fingers through my hairs, they felt like copper wires plugged into an electric outlet that shocked my hand at the slightest touch. A pit of bad emotions writhed in my gut, like a sickness about to be vomited in putrid mess. "I didn't mean to forget your promise, Pinkie Pie, it was an accident!"
  19. "I'm sorry!" It felt like I was shouting at a wall, that's all I might as well been doing.
  21. Ideas shot through my mind of what I could say to bring her out, each new idea felt more futile than than last. I bit my lip and wringed my hands while I stared at her windows, hoping she would see me. This feels hopeless, she'll never talk to me again. Maybe I should just give up, that's all I've been good anyway...
  23. With a pang of my internal despair, I turned away from Sugar cube corner. When I get home, I'll just crawl inside my bottle and drink the pain away...
  25. "A-Anon?" A voice like music played in my ears.
  27. Twisting back, I discovered Pinkie Pie standing at the door to the bakery shop. Her mane was flat and smooth, a polar opposite to the, usually, curly liveliness of it. I've seen it before and it was never a pretty sight. Inside, I felt even worse being the cause of it this time.
  29. "Pinkie..." My voice cracked, broken like a record snapped in half.
  31. She shifted her her weight from hoof to the other, biting her lip and frowning.
  33. "...Come in." She droned before she spun around and trotted out of my sight.
  35. I pushed the door aside and made my way into the bakery. The shop was empty but I could hear the labor of the cakes preparing a batch of their pastries to sell for the next day. i appreciated being alone with Pinkie, I'd rather not have to deal with others right now.
  37. Up the wooden steps and into the hallway, I followed her to her room, each step added a layer of tension to my head, anxious of the coming discussion.
  39. Now inside her room, the silence in the air choked me. Pinkie stood near the window and I leaned against the closed Door, wringing my hands again. Her room was decorated with party decor, as if expecting a celebration. In the corner of the room, I noticed a stool that had a pile of rocks with a party hat on top. What an odd decoration...
  41. For the most part, we just kept silent, avoiding each others glances. A century seemed to pass by in the blink of an eye.
  43. "...I'm sorry I yelled at you, Anon." Her voice was weak and gloomy, she looked at me with a grimace.
  45. I forced a smirk, "Yeah, you really exploded on me yesterday...".
  47. "I know you must really hate me now..." She turned away, cringing against the wall.
  49. "What?" I was certain that it was the other way around, I couldn't believe she thought otherwise, "Of course not , Pinkie, how could I hate you?"
  51. "Then why did you lie to me?" She stood her ground, puffing her chest out at me.
  53. "I didn't mean to, it was an accident." I spoke firmly, holding my hands at my hips,
  55. "No, you hate me, you never wanted me around!" She wailed as she slumped against the wall, "You never wanted me as a friend..." She spoke miserably.
  57. "But Pinkie..." I took a step closer to her, "We ARE friends..."
  59. She shook her head wanly and she sniffed loudly, trying to holding back her tears, "But I don't WANT to be your friend!"
  61. It hit me like a bullet to the heart. Straight from the horse's mouth. She didn't want to be my friend. That's all there was to it. I sighed and turned away, there was nothing more to be said. I held the door handle in a desperate attempt for support, "Goodbye Pinkie." I muttered in a defeated tone.
  63. "I want to be more than friends." She choked out in a high pitched gasp.
  65. I released the doorknob and turned to faced her, "Pinkie?"
  67. "I-I like you, Anon," She was beginning to cry, tears wet her pink cheeks, "I like-like you, Anon."
  69. I approached her and knelt beside the distraught pony.
  71. "I've liked-liked you for a long time now," she raised her head and looked at me straight in the eyes "You are so distant but you always smile for me. You never smile on your own." She covered her face in her hooves and sobbed, "I-I wanted to tell you for so long but I was scared, I thought you'd think I was weird and I'd lose you as a friend! i like you, anon, I like you!"
  73. "Pinkie Pie, " I reached for her and held her shoulder, "I like-like you too but I was also scared that you'd think I was weird."
  75. "Wh-what?" The pink pony uncovered face and stared at me with shocked expression.
  77. "I'm a human and you're a pony, it's weird but I really enjoy the way you always try to make me smile." I bit my lip and shook, "I wanted to tell you too but you're such a better 'person' than I am that I just; I just wasn't good enough for you..."
  79. Pinkie Pie's lips quivered as she smiled the biggest smile I had ever seen her face, " Oh Anon!" She lept at me, her hooves wrapping around my shoulders. Before my very eyes, her mane seemed to explode with life, becoming curly with a definitive "pomf!"
  81. "I'm so happy!" She shouted and she pulled away from me and waved her hooves in front of her face, "Oh This is so perfect, we just have to have a party!" She bounced about her room, her face fixed with a permanent smile, "I'll invite all my friends and everyone will be so happy for us!"
  83. just like that, she was back to her old self, like the forgotten promise had never happened. It felt like a ton of weights had been lifted from my shoulder, "Pinkie?"
  85. The pink pony bounced towards me, sitting excitedly before me, "Yes, Anon?"
  87. I reached for her and hugged her. she leaned against me as I held her to my shoulder, "I promise I won't ever break a Pinkie Promise again!"
  89. "I love you, Anon."
  91. "I love you too, Pinkie Pie."
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