
Iron Anon: The Trial

Sep 23rd, 2012
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  1. >The morning begins a lot shitter than anticipated
  2. >You wake up an hour before the rooster crows, getting only about 3 hours of shut eye
  3. >You're tired... so tired
  4. >It seemed the stress for today’s events had gotten the best of you and had driven you back even further in your corrupted sleep cycle
  5. >Groaning in frustration, you rise from the pile of hay
  6. >Might as well make the best of it and get ready before that chariot gets here
  7. >First, you needed to wash and freshen yourself up a bit
  8. >You go over to barn door and slowly push it open
  9. >It was the time right before the dawn, so it was naturally pitch black outside
  10. >You’re still butt naked, but everyone should be still asleep and no one could clearly see you in the darkness if they were out and about
  11. >Taking your chance, you run out of the barn (while covering yourself with your hands) and head straight for the water trough in the pig pen
  12. >You manage to find the bar of soap from yesterday on the fence post before sliding yourself into the water, trying to stay as quiet as possible as to not wake anyone up
  13. >After 20 minutes of scrubbing every inch of your body, you’re squeaky clean
  14. >You jump out and drain the trough before refilling it
  15. >Then you make a mad dash for the barn just as the Sun begins to peak over the horizon
  17. >Walking through the pig pen had gotten your feet all dirty again but you made sure to wipe them quickly through the dewy grass, getting most of the mud off
  18. >You at last reach the barn and shut the door
  19. >Now for breakfast
  20. >While letting yourself air dry, you helped yourself to some apples from yesterday’s harvest
  21. >You weren’t about to say these apples aren’t delicious
  22. >But, like any sweet you have too many of, it was getting old
  23. >However, there was nothing else to eat so you had to just deal with it
  24. >As you munch away, you wonder where Gus is
  25. >Usually, he’s always there when you wake up
  26. >…
  27. >Oh well, you guess he has his own life too
  28. >Just let him be
  29. >Finally you hear the rooster crow,
  30. >Today’s the day…
  31. >You’re doing the best you can to control your breathing and to keep a cool head
  32. >But you can’t shake the empty feeling in your gut or your increased heart rate
  33. >What was this ‘Princess Celestia’ going to do with you?
  34. >Regardless of what Applejack said, she was God damn royalty
  35. >She could do whatever she wanted with you
  36. >Imprisonment
  37. >Torture
  38. >Execution….
  39. >God, you were sweating now
  40. >No, you need to calm down
  41. >You need to stay calm
  42. >Everything… everything will be alright
  43. >She's a pony, remember? She can't be too cruel
  44. >Just when you are finally getting a hold of yourself, you hear something come from outside
  45. >Its time
  47. >There's a light knock at the barn door
  48. >AJ: “Hey, its Applejack… Rarity’s got yer clothes”
  49. “O-ok, come in!”
  50. >You hurry into a stable and shut the gate as you hear Applejack open the barn door
  51. >She walks in, accompanied by the sounds of other hooves
  52. >Applejack throws the bundle of garments over the wall and you luckily catch them before they hit the floor
  53. >You slip quickly into your white long jones, pressed pants, freshly cleaned jacket and shined boots
  54. >The slight aroma of cleaner still hangs on the clothing, but it's a good refreshing smell
  55. >You feel like a new man
  56. >Stepping out, you see Applejack, Twilight, Rainbow, Rarity and Pinkie Pie
  57. >Oh! There’s also Fluttershy, cowering in the back again
  58. >Almost missed her
  59. >You take a second to get adjusted in your attire
  60. “This is much better, thank you Rarity”
  61. >Rarity: “Oh yes... No problem, it was the least I could do”
  62. “Really, you didn’t have to-“
  63. >Rarity: “Stop it. Washing some old rags means nothing to me“
  64. >She pauses for a second and then looks down at your feet
  65. >Rarity[soft]: “Thank you. If you hadn’t been there, Sweetie Belle might of-“
  66. >The mare cuts herself off and finally looks up to you with her huge blue sapphire eyes
  67. >Rarity: “Thank you”
  68. >Twilight clears her throat to get everyone’s attention
  69. >Twilight: “Yes, we all appreciative your help at the hospital yesterday but there’s a schedule to keep”
  70. “Whats going to happen exactly?”
  71. >Twilight: “We are all going to take a chariot to Canterlot, where you will have a hearing before the Princess… after that, I don’t know”
  72. >You nod in acknowledgement and everyone heads back outside
  73. >Naturally, you lag behind a bit to let the mares go in front of you
  75. >When you get outside, you immediately look up to stare at the orange rays stretching across the navy blue sky
  76. >This place really was beaut-
  77. >The second you take a foot outside, you’re tackled by two white pegasus ponies
  78. >They’re both identical stallions, bearing gold shining armor
  79. >Before you know it, your face down in the dirt, both them keeping you pinned down
  80. >The bastards caught you by surprise
  81. >Twilight: “Sirs!”
  82. >The shocked group had turned to face the struggle
  83. >These bastards were pushing you down too hard, you couldn’t breathe!
  85. >???: “This animal is dangerous!”
  86. “…g-get off”
  87. >Twilight: “That’s not necessary! He was coming of his own free will!”
  88. >You feel a hoof being shoved painful under your shoulder blade
  89. “Get…Off”
  90. >???: “That is in conflict with our orders, ma’am”
  91. >???: “We are to apprehend and restrain this beast before-“
  92. “I said, GET OFF-!”
  93. >A hoof slams into the back of your head, driving your mouth into the ground
  94. >???: “Silence beast!”
  95. >You turn your head to its side to get a look at the stallion
  96. >The pony’s light blue orbs are cold while yours burn into his with blistering rage
  97. >Spitting out the dirt in your mouth, you let out a sharp whistle
  98. >The stallion looks furious at the random ear-piercing sound and lifts his armored hoof again to strike you
  101. >Before he can swing, an oh so familiar bark rings out as a white figure rams into the stallion’s side
  102. >He goes flying off you, landing next to the mares
  103. >With one of them off you now, you spin around and backhand the other across his left eye, hard
  104. >Startled by the blow, he staggers off you
  105. >Running solely on adrenaline, you spring to your feet and lunge for the pony’s neck
  106. >As soon as his Adam’s apple hits your palm, you push up and forward with all your might
  107. >He is instantly lifted up off the ground, his back slamming into the barn’s wall a split second later
  108. >The wooden planks shake from the sheer amount of force
  109. >The stallion is quick to recover and tries flailing his legs to reach you
  110. >Your rage gets the best of you and you begin pressing hard into his throat, choking him
  111. >He soon stops kicking and brings his front hooves up to try an free his neck
  112. >You tighten your grip around his throat, fingernails digging into his windpipe
  113. >???: “CARUS!”
  114. >The other guard is back on his hooves and charges you until Gus leaps in the way
  115. >The canine snaps back at the stallion who stops, alarmed
  116. >Gus starts growling loudly, his tail erect and head hanging low to the ground
  117. >You feel the stallion rear back in fright as Gus’s contracts the muscles of his maw, revealing long pointed fangs
  118. >His muzzle scrunches as he snarls so viciously that it puts even your hairs on end
  119. >The mares, frozen in fear, stare in disbelief at the new form Gus had taken
  120. >They had only known the fake, sunny side of him… the carefree pup that liked fetching sticks and herding sheep
  121. >But now they saw what Rainbow had always seen… now they saw his true colors
  122. >The colors of a wolf that had gone far too long without meat
  124. >Gus’ jaw snaps shut again with a loud clap and the stallion jumps back
  125. >If he tried to get anywhere near you, Gus would kill and eat him
  126. >Whatever came first really…
  127. >With every passing second, the stallion’s windpipe continues to shrink as your hand slowly tightens like a noose
  128. >In panic, the pegasus pony spreads his wings and flaps them hopelessly
  129. >You took a cruel joy in watching him squirm
  130. >Gradually, you began dragging the pony up against the wall until he was eye level with you
  131. >The pony lets out a horrifying gasp as his airway finally collapses under your grasp
  132. >You were going to kill him if you kept this up…
  133. >[spoiler]"…DO IT…"[/spoiler]
  134. >???: “Carus, hold on! [to you] LET HIM GO!”
  135. >The stallion tries to go around Gus, only to have him jump into his path again, lashing out at his hooves
  136. >The armored pony now stops to look between his dying comrade and the bloodthirsty wolf
  137. >Trying to decide what he feared more...
  138. >Twilight is the first to regain focus
  139. >Twilight: “ANON STOP!”
  140. >…
  141. >You blink
  142. >Bit by bit, you piece together what you were doing
  143. >You look to the stallion, still grasped in your hand
  144. >He looks completely petrified and you’re worried that he might have accidentally pissed himself
  145. >Desperately, he tries to speak but without any air his lips can only silently mouth words
  146. >You release your grip and stumble slightly backwards away from him
  147. >He falls to the ground with a thud
  148. >The guard immediately begins gasping for air, wheezing as he sits holding his bruised throat with his hooves
  150. >Taking another step back, you swing around to face the ponies, who were all staring at you
  151. >You quickly let out another whistle and, almost magically, Gus reverts back to his docile state
  152. >Sitting perfectly calm and content in front of the pony he had been seconds away from ripping to shreds
  153. “I… I”
  154. >You take a gulp of air as you try to calm your nerves
  155. “I-I’m sorry… I didn’t know what was going on”
  156. >Everyone just kept staring at you
  157. >What the hell are you doing, Anon?!
  158. >You’re about to go met their Princess and you end up strangling a pony
  159. >…What the hell were you thinking back there?
  160. >Suddenly, you hear a cough from behind you
  161. >You turn around and immediately get on your one knee to help the downed pony up
  162. >The stallion draws back at your touch but you grab him anyway and pull him to his hooves
  163. “Are you alright?”
  164. >Carus[spiteful]: “Yeah… I’m fine”
  165. >Good, only thing that seems hurt is his pride
  166. >As you help him up, you notice a pair of silver shackles laying near by
  167. >They most have been trying to get those on you
  168. >Without even hesitating, you walk over and slap the cuffs onto your wrists
  169. >You really fucked up a minute ago… you needed to show these guards you weren’t a real threat
  170. >Everyone looks incredible confused at you arresting yourself, especially the armored guards
  171. “I’m sorry. I just kind of snapped… I’m under a lot of stress right now… Can we just forget about this and move on?”
  172. >They all exchange looks of ‘what the hell?’ and ‘is he serious?’
  173. “Please?”
  175. >The gold plated stallions look at one another
  176. >Neither of them wanted anyp0ny to know that they had gotten their flanks handed to them by some hairless ape and his dog
  177. >???: “Ah… Agreed.”
  178. >You breathe a sigh of relief
  179. >The stallions move up to flank both your sides, forcefully escorting you down the road to Ponyville
  180. >The mares hang back behind you three, until a Twilight trots up to you alone when you are about to reach Ponyville
  181. >Twilight: “Um, Sirs? Could I have a word with him… alone?”
  182. >They nod their heads and purposely lag a few feet behind you
  183. >The purple unicorn comes up and roughly bumps your leg
  184. >Twilight[whisper]: “What the hay was that all about?!”
  185. “I’m sorry, I don’t exactly know either-“
  186. >Twilight: “What do you mean you don’t know? You just assaulted two members for the Royal Guard!”
  187. “They attacked me Twilight, I just reacted… I already said I was sorry and I even put myself in these *shakes shackles* what else do you want me to do?”
  188. >She looks away for a moment
  189. “Twilight… I’m about to go met your princess, who to my knowledge is the single most important being in this place. She’s going to decide what happens to me today and I’m a little on edge…”
  190. >You were more than ‘on edge’… you were more than just ‘stressed’
  191. >Thoughts of royal punishment continued their deadly waltz around in your head
  192. >Twilight: “That doesn’t me-“
  193. [uneasy]“Twilight, I’m scared”
  194. >Her ears twitch and she looks back up as you stare out towards the open road
  195. “Terrified. You said that I’m the worst criminal you’ve ever met… If that’s true, what is your princess going to do with me? I don’t want to do this. But it’s the only possible way I’ll ever get home”
  197. >The unicorn .lets out a sigh of relief
  198. >Twilight: “Thank goodness… so that’s why”
  199. “What?”
  200. >Twilight: “Anon, you don’t have to worry about Princess Celestia. She is kindest and most considerate pony in all of Equestria. She’ll understand, don’t fret over it.
  201. >You feel a heavy weight being lifted off your shoulders at her words
  202. “Thanks… I needed to hear that”
  203. >Twilight: “You’re welcome… You may be the thug that kidnapped Rainbow but you were also the one to save her life, not to mention those foals at the hospital. Everything will work out”
  204. >She signals to the guards that she is done talking
  205. >Twilight: “Oh and don’t worry about them-“
  206. >She uses her horn to point to the mares in the back
  207. >Twilight: “-I’ll explain to them why you acted the way you did”
  208. >She falls back as the guards move up to reclaim their spots beside you, right as you enter town
  209. >It’s still barely dawn so no pony is up yet except for your little herd
  210. >You take a turn down town square, coming to a stop at a large treehouse thing
  211. >Well, not your typically ‘treehouse’ but a house literally made out of a tree
  212. >Out in front of it rested a long golden chariot, just big enough for you all to fit on
  213. >But that’s not what really catches your eye
  214. >It’s the team of four armored pegasus ponies attached to the front of it that make you raise an eyebrow
  215. >They couldn’t be serious
  216. “…That thing is going to fly, isn’t it?”
  217. >No reply comes from either guard
  218. >Oh shit
  219. >Everyone gets on the chariot before you, the guards keeping you back
  221. >After everyone else is on, the stallions sit you down at the far end of the chariot, your feet left hanging off the side and your back to everyone else
  222. >The guard Carius takes your cuffs and hooks them onto a notch that was between your legs
  223. >With that done, the two armored ponies head off to the front of the pegasus team, attaching themselves to the line
  224. >You can’t twist around to see them so you just speak out loud
  225. “Ahh, is this thing going to fly?!”
  226. Pinkie Pie: “Well of course, silly. What else is it supposed to do?”
  227. >Your stomach tightens
  228. >This day just couldn’t get any worse
  229. >Actually it could, but that’s beside the point
  230. “I-I-Is it safe?”
  231. >AJ: “Guezz, ya’ll scared or somethin’?”
  232. “I’m-m-m not scared!”
  233. >Rainbow: “Wow… You sure this is the same freak that was able to capture me? This one is a complete pansy”
  234. “Sh-h-hut up!
  235. >Rainbow: “Make me”
  236. “I’ll-“
  237. >The chariot jerks forward as you feel yourself being lifted up
  239. >You watch in horror as feet levitate further and further away from the ground
  240. >Oh God, you are going to be sick
  241. >You hear some laughter behind you
  242. “This isn’t funny! T-Th-This is terrifying!”
  243. >Rarity: “Relax darling and just enjoy the ride, we’ll be there in less than half an hour
  244. >You feel a part of yourself die
  245. >You were going to be on this thing… for half an hour
  246. >Dangling hundreds of feet above solid ground
  247. >The first few minutes, you just locked up your whole body
  248. >Every joint was no immobile
  249. >However as the Sun came up and illuminated the earth, you started to get a bit more comfortable with flying
  250. >The ponies are busy talking about what you guess is just pony stuff, leaving yourself to stare out at the beautiful landscape
  252. >Finally, you feel yourself descending and you pick up your feet so you don’t accidentally lose them on landing
  253. >You feel the chariot touch down and come to a complete halt
  254. >Looking around, you see you are in a city
  255. >Wow…
  256. >Everything is painted a shining white or some other regal color
  257. >The buildings are made of smooth marble and stone, unlike the wooden cottages back in Ponyville
  258. >There were very few ponies on the street at that time, but the ones that were there were all gawking at you
  259. >These ponies were quite… different from the ones in Ponyville
  260. >They reeked of upper classmen-ship and nobility, wearing highly stylized clothing and powdered manes
  261. >All of them take one glance at you and twist their faces in cruel disgust
  262. >Some even avoided eye contact with you all together, holding their heads and snouts up high
  263. >There is patrol of about 6 unicorn guard ponies in the same golden apparel waiting for you
  264. >They swarm the chariot and unhitch you from it
  265. >Then, after picking you up off the carriage, form a protective circle around you
  266. >Two of them secure additional silver shackles to your ankles
  267. >You can walk but running would be impossible now
  268. >The other 6 mares follow behind again, flanked by their own, less intimidating escorts
  269. >
  270. >You look up and see you are heading to huge palace
  271. “Wow…”
  272. >The words just slip right out
  273. >It’s amazing!
  274. >The castle practically casted a shadow over the whole city
  275. >It had magnificent towers and spirals throughout its design
  276. >Soon enough, you are climbing a set of huge white marble stairs, draped with a fine red carpet
  277. >You’re group follows the carpet into the castle
  279. >Jesus, it was bigger on the inside!
  280. >Thankfully there is path to follow or you’d probably get lost in here
  281. >Well, not really… Not with half a dozen guards herding you forward
  282. >Finally, you pass through two huge ornamental doors into what looks to be a throne room
  283. >At the end of the room is highly polished bronze throne, with decorative fountains running for each side
  284. >The whole room is lined with guards… maybe a hundred lined up against the walls
  285. >As you approach the throne, the white winged pony with a unicorn horn comes into view
  286. >Its… bigger than any pony you had seen before, more like a horse
  287. >It had a bright, white coat and its mane… looked like a flowing vapor of thick colors
  288. >This… this had to be her
  289. >This was Princess Celestia
  290. >She watched you approach with her snout tilted up, eyeing you distrustfully
  291. >The guards stop about 10 yards from the throne, all getting down on their one hoof and bowing
  292. >You honestly don’t know whether you should bow or-
  293. >Your hesitation is met with a shift blow to the back of both your knee-caps, causing you to fall to your knees
  294. >Forcing you to prostrate yourself before their ruler
  295. >Did you just fuck up already?
  296. >The Princess gives quick gesture with her hoof and the guard part ways, removing the barrier between you two
  297. >Just when it looks like she about to say something to you, she looks behind you and smiles
  298. >Celestia[cheerfully]: “Oh, Twilight Sparkle, my most faithful student… It’s a pleasure to see you and your friends again!”
  299. >She sounds really… nice
  300. >Maybe you don’t have anything to worry about
  302. >The mares behind all give a bow before the purple unicorn speaks
  303. >Twilight: “Good morning, Princess! This is the creature I have been writing to you about”
  304. >Celestia: “Ahh yes, its name… I believe its Anon Stoneman, correct?”
  305. >She looks at you like you are some sort of bug
  306. >Celestia: “Can you speak?”
  307. “Y-Yes”
  308. >Celestia: “So you are intelligent?”
  309. “I’d like to think so-“
  310. >Celestia[raising her voice]: “I heard a lot about you, Anon Stoneman… about what you are and what you’ve done”
  311. “I-“
  312. >Celestia: “What do you have to say for yourself?”
  313. “I’m… I’m guilty of probably everything you heard”
  314. >Low murmurs break out among the surrounding guards
  315. >Celestia looks a bit confused at your confession of guilt, but still manages to keep a straight face
  316. >Celestia: “Very well, but I still wish to hear your side of the story before your sentencing”
  317. >Sentencing?!
  318. >You gulp nervously
  319. “Yes”
  320. >Celestia: “Let’s start off with what are you, where you came from and how you got here”
  321. “Well, I'm a human from a little town in South Dakota… I’m guessing its very, very far away from here. You see, I came to this world by… accident”
  322. >Celestia: “Do tell”
  323. “To keep things simple… me, my dog Gus and my sled got pulled down to the bottom of a river after an earthquake of some kind. I thought I was going to drown when the riverbed started…glowing”
  324. >She raises an eyebrow in curiosity
  325. “Before I could even think, the riverbed turned into this bright white light and sucked us all into it. I don’t remember much after that, I think I blacked out… But I later woke up in a pond in that Everfree Forest place”
  327. >Celestia: “Ok, that is differently… interesting. Continue.”
  328. “Not knowing where I was, I began to wonder around the forest in hopes of getting home. I eventually came across a clearing in the woods, which is where I saw Rainbow crash”
  329. >Celestia: “’Crash’?”
  330. “Yes, she was flying overhead and then the next second she fell right out of the sky. She didn’t move for awhile and from that high of a fall, I thought she had died”
  331. >Celestia[to behind you]: “Is that true, Rainbow Dash?”
  332. >Rainbow: “Yeah… I was checking out a weird cloud the weather team had spotted and my wing just, well, locked up”
  333. >You hear her getting poked with a hoof
  334. >Rainbow: “Ouch, Twilig-!... I mean, yes Princess”
  335. >Celestia[back to you]: “Continue”
  336. “Me and Gus went out to check on her because we had never seen anything like it in our world. Gus, thinking she was dead, tried taking a bite out of her leg. That’s when I saw her squirm and knew she was alive, so I told Gus to st-”
  337. >Celestia: “Excuse me for interrupting, but you said your dog tried to take a ‘bite’ out of one of MY little ponies. Why?”
  338. “Oh, both of us hadn’t had much food for awhile-”
  339. >Celestia: “What are you implying?”
  340. “Um-“
  341. >You shift nervously in the shackles, echoing the rattles of the metal throughout the cavernous room
  342. “Both me and Gus tend to eat… meat”
  343. >One of the guards actually takes a tiny step back from you and the room is dead silent
  344. >Celestia lifts her head a little higher but still maintains a neutral expression
  345. >Celestia: “I see… Go on”
  346. “I didn’t want him to eat what to me was a whole new species so I got him to stop. But I didn’t know what to do with it so… so I just tied it up and put it on my sled.”
  348. “We continued walking and as it got dark, I started putting the pieces together… This place wasn’t anything like South Dakota nor any place on my whole planet. I realized that I was stuck in the middle of a strange, foreign world with not enough food to even survive a few days.”
  349. >There’s a brief pause as you process your thoughts
  350. “I have to admit, I got a little scared. I didn’t know how I was going to keep me and Gus alive. I got desperate… I needed food.”
  351. >You look down at the red carpet
  352. “So I took the ‘thing’ off the sled and was about to kill it when she woke up… You have to try and understand, I didn’t know where the hell I was! I needed food…”
  353. >Finally, you look up and stare into the Princess’ eyes
  354. “But I didn’t. I stopped myself. I have put down enough wild game before, but something about her eyes made me hesitate. I couldn’t bring myself to do it, despite how badly I needed to”
  355. >Celestia looks off to the side, deep in thought
  356. “So I decided to let her go and started to undo her bindings… when she kicked me in the face”
  357. >Rainbow[defensively]: “I didn’t know what he was doing!”
  358. >She walks up and points an accusing hoof at you
  359. >Rainbow: “What would you have done if you woke up tied next to some freaky monkey, who was pointing a knife at you?!”
  360. >You turn to Rainbow, scowling
  361. “I was clearly letting you go, what the hell else could have I been doing?!”
  362. >The Princess loudly clears her throat and you two immediately quit your bickering
  363. >Celestia: “What happened next?”
  365. “As soon as I got knocked to the ground, Gus sprang into action. He was trained to obey and protect me. Instinctively, he attacked my assailant, latching onto her leg again and then unintentionally knocked her out… But she managed to cry for help before going down”
  366. >Your shackles clang together again as you try to get comfortable
  367. “I was completely shocked. In my world, you see, humans are the only sentient beings while the rest are just mindless animals. I had just naturally assumed she was some witless mutant horse bird… that is, until she spoke. I would have NEVER even thought about eating her if I had known that”
  368. >Rainbow: “…Wait a second, you threaten to eat me before if I didn’t help you!”
  369. >Oh shit, you had
  370. “It was a bluff, nothing more”
  371. >Celestia[annoyed]: “I believe we are getting off track…”
  372. >She’s right.
  373. >Focus
  374. “Sorry… Like I said now that I knew she was intelligent, I couldn’t live with myself if I ate her so I got Gus off of her and dressed her wounds myself. While I was doing that I realized that if she could talk, that maybe she could tell me how to get back to my world… so I redid her bindings again and moved us into a nearby cave for the night”
  375. >Celestia: “Why did you feel it necessary to tie Rainbow Dash up again if you were just going to ask her to help you?”
  376. “A hard hoof to the nose.”
  377. >She ignores your snarky comment
  378. “The next day when she finally woke up, I tried to explain my situation to her and well…”
  379. >Celestia: “What?”
  380. “She was a bit… upset”
  381. >Rainbow lets out a typical snort of a horse
  382. “Though she did tell me that whatever happened in the river sounded ‘magical’ and that these ‘unicorns’ could help”
  384. >Celestia: “What happened to you does sound supernatural… Is that usually in your world?”
  385. “No. Not at all. In fact, there is no such thing as magic where I come from. Only mentioned in old fairy tales”
  386. >You hear a pony behind you gasp loudly
  387. >Celestia[surprised]: “I couldn’t sense any magical energy from you so I knew you were not capable of it… But there are absolutely no magic users in your world?
  388. “No, nothing like yours. Only tricksters using smoke and mirrors”
  389. >Celestia: “That’s horr-… Nevermind, keep going”
  390. “Eventually, she agreed to take me to these unicorns if I let her go. Trusting her to keep true to her word, I undid the rope around her which is when I got kicked… again”
  391. >Rainbow: “HEY! That’s not fair!”
  392. “What the hell you talking about Rainbow, we made a deal. You broke it”
  393. >She jabs you with her hoof
  394. >Rainbow[growling]: “I told you not to call me that!”
  395. “It’s your fault I’m in this mess. If you would have just taken me to them, none of this would have happened!”
  396. >Celestia: “Though I have to agree with you that Rainbow shouldn’t have broken her promise, YOU are the one that kidnapped her… Do not try and turn this the other way around”
  397. >Her words dig in deep
  398. >This wasn’t going as planned
  399. >Celestia: “I believe what she did was only out of fear”
  400. >Rainbow[under her breath]: “...I wasn’t scared”
  401. >Celestia[ignoring Rainbow]: “What happened next?”
  402. “Seeing how my only chance of getting back home had just bucked me in the chest and ran off, I gave chase and eventually caught her again. By random chance, I was able to spy on those ponies *gesturing behind you* who seemed to be looking for Rainbow in the woods.”
  403. >Twilight: “Wait, what? You saw us?”
  404. “Yes, on that dirt road. I was hiding behind the bushes nearby, trying to keep Rainbow quiet”
  406. >Celestia: “Why didn’t you give Rainbow Dash over to them when you had the chance?”
  407. “Because… I don’t know. I had no idea what they’d do to me if I let Rainbow go right then and there. I had the crazy notion they might try to trample me after Rainbow would ‘accuse’ me of trying to eat her or something, so I hid until they left”
  408. >Celestia: “And then?”
  409. “I took her back to the cave and started to think… Those ponies, including those unicorns, seemed awfully worried about her safety. So then I got an idea on how I was going to get back home. That I-”
  410. >Celestia: “-That you were going to hold Rainbow Dash for ransom in exchange that you’d be sent home...Correct?”
  411. “Yes, that’s right”
  412. >Celestia[boldly]: “It seems that your little scheme did not work out as planned”
  413. “No, it didn’t. Rainbow managed to escape the night we were meant to make the deal. I, again, chased her through the forest and eventually caught her… only things were a bit different this time.
  414. >Celestia[intrigued]: “Explain”
  415. “We ended up in the middle of a clearing with… with something else. A manticore, I believe is what she called it”
  416. >The blue pegasus beside you remains silent
  417. “Without warning, it attacked us and we tried to climb a nearby hill to get away. When I reached the top, I realized how much trouble I was in. I couldn’t outrun, outfight or do anything for that matter to best that thing. It was only a matter of time until it got me…”
  418. >Celestia: “So, what did you do?”
  420. “Just as the reality of my fate was sinking in, Rainbow started to fall and grabbed my leg for support. I knew that manticore was going to get us... but it didn’t have to be both of us.”
  421. >Celestia: “What are you-“
  422. “I kicked her. Pushed her down the mound, practically right into the paws of the manticore. It then became focused solely on her, allowing me to slip away”
  423. >The princess flares up her wings in angry
  424. >Celestia[furious]: “How could you-… Rainbow Dash, is this true?!”
  425. >Rainbow slowly nods her head
  426. >Celestia: “Then I think I have heard enough, this-!“
  427. “You haven’t heard everything yet…”
  428. >You look back down to your shackles
  429. “As I ran, I couldn’t shake the feeling of guilt. At first I tried to trick myself, thinking that I was only sacrificing a pony, just a mere animal. But… but it felt so wrong. I was so sick with myself at what I had done. I knew that if I let her die like that… I could never forgive myself”
  430. >The room goes quiet as Celestia slowly retracts her wings
  431. “So instead of running away, I went to my cave to retrieve… something and then ran back to the clearing. I arrived just in time as Rainbow was about to be impaled by a set of claws.
  432. >You look back up
  433. “So I killed it.”
  434. >Celestia: “…How?”
  435. “I really would rather not ex-”
  436. >Celestia[harsh]: “Twilight has sent me letters regarding everything about you. Everything. Do not play coy with me”
  437. >Her tone conveys a hostile threat
  438. >You didn’t want to do this,
  439. >But there was no other way
  440. “...The thing I retrieve from the cave is a weapon from my world. It’s what I used to kill the manticore”
  442. >Celestia: “What is it?”
  443. “It comes from a wide variety of similar devices, all known as firearms. The one I had in particular is called a revolver”
  444. >Celestia: “How does it work? I’ve… read the reports concerning the manticore's remains. Well, what was left of it”
  445. >You didn’t like where this was going
  446. >Time to evade answering
  447. “Its, ahh… it’s a very complex piece of machinery. I don’t even know how it works”
  448. >Celestia: “So you can use it, but seemingly have no idea how it works?”
  449. “Yep”
  450. >Celestia: “You’re lying”
  451. >She stares you, trying to see into your very soul
  452. >You counter it as best you can
  453. “Why is it important? We are supposed to be discussing ME here”
  454. >She stomps her hoof into the ground, annoyed
  455. >Celestia: “I am the one who decides what we discuss...That weapon, it has great power and as such is a great threat to Equestria”
  456. >Wait a second…
  457. “You didn’t ask me where it is, you asked me how it works. Shouldn’t that have been your first question?”
  458. >She hesitates as she realizes her mistake
  459. >Celestia: “I… Canterlot was very recently invaded by a previously unknown enemy. The guards were completely outmatched and would have easily lost if it weren’t for a miracle. It’s vital that I improve our defenses in the event we are attacked again”
  460. >You thought these ponies were peaceful creatures
  461. “…You were invaded?”
  462. >Celestia: “Yes. The castle was infiltrated by Chyraslis, the Queen of Changelings, whose people feed off love. She had planned to take over Equestria in order to leach off the love it produces”
  463. “Feeding off of love?... How many died in the invasion?”
  464. >Celestia: “None, but-“
  465. >None?!
  466. “Then how the hell can you call that an invasion?!... When was the last time a pony went to war?”
  467. >Celestia: “More than 1,000 years ago, before the formal founding of Equestria”
  469. “Then why the hell do you need something like that?!”
  470. >You had gotten up on your feet and were shouting at the Princess, the one who held your life in her hooves
  471. “That thing is designed to do one thing and one thing only. Kill. Despite the shit I’ve had to deal with here, there is no denying this place is amazing and the ponies here are more friendly and caring than anything else on my planet”
  472. >You take a step forward, guards unable to react
  473. “My people are smart, resourceful and passionate… but we can also be stupid and violent. That weapon is proof of that. I won’t allow its technology to taint this world.”
  474. >The princess quickly tries to retort
  475. >Celestia: “You just admitted humans can be violent… your innate drive to consume meat is a testament to that, but still you expect me to just let you keep the weapon?”
  476. “I’m not keeping it, Gus is. I had my dog hide it in the woods a few days ago, so that no one, not even me, could find it. I won’t allow it”
  477. >Finally the guards snap back to their senses and pull you back down to your knees
  478. >Celestia looks off to the side again
  479. >After a few minutes of silence, she speaks
  480. >Celestia: “Fine. I will forget about the weapon so long as you keep your promise.”
  481. >You nod
  482. >Thank God
  483. >Celestia: “I believe you left off with the manticore…”
  484. >Right. Time to wrap up your story
  485. “After that, I heard Rainbow’s friends coming so I ran away. I ended up hiding in the middle of Ponyville for a few days until Gus accidently led Applejack to me and I was captured. The rest you know… So what now?”
  486. >You shift in you shackles
  487. >They were starting to chafe… at least you’d be out of them soon
  488. >Celestia: “I’m afraid, though it was nice to hear your perspective… that the verdict has already been passed down by the High Council”
  489. “What?”
  492. >Celestia: “For heinous crimes against an Equestrian Citizen, the likes of which have never been committed by any pony on record, the council has decided to issue the maximum penalty”
  493. >Maximum penalty?!
  494. >Celestia: “You are to be banished to the Moon, for 1,000 years”
  495. >…
  496. >The heart in your chest skips a beat
  497. >Your body stiffens as a cold shiver runs down the full length of your spine
  498. >No…
  499. “WHAT!?”
  500. >You stand up, ignoring the nearby guards’ feeble attempts to hold you down
  501. “That- that’s a death sentence! I can’t-!”
  502. >More and more guards plow into the pile as they attempt to subdue you
  503. >But still, you resist and struggle
  504. >A guard tries to pull you down by your shoulders
  505. >You use your shackles to wrap around and hyperextend his hoof, giving a loud popping sound
  506. >It can’t end like… this.
  508. >The pony yelps and falls back, but two more take his place
  509. >Another pony puts all his weight on your left knee
  510. >Grinding your teeth in pain and fury, you twist back and slam your elbow into his jaw
  511. >Again, the guard falls only to be replaced by more
  512. >You are flawing like a mad man now, yelling insults and curses that they probably don’t even understand
  513. >But no matter how much you thrash about, they eventually find a way to hold you down
  514. “Damm-it…ERH- LET ME GO!”
  515. >Applejack[worried]: “Princess Celestia! Yah can’t do this!”
  516. >Apple gallops up closer, next to Rainbow
  517. >AJ: “I know he’s done sum bad things, but he helped saved my little Apple Bloom and so many others. Please reconsider, Princess!”
  519. >Celestia: “Yes, I have heard much of these strange aliments affecting those who enter the Everfree Forest as well as this human’s profuse knowledge of said diseases… Do you not see a connection?”
  520. >Applejack hesitates
  521. >Your fear boils into angry
  522. >Head butting a pony’s armored helmet, you manage to get up on one knee
  523. “You’re accusing me of-!“
  524. >Celestia: “No. But whatever force brought you here also brought along with it something that is disturbing the forest. I suppose it’s not your fault. You had no intention and have done all you can to help those that have been afflicted”
  525. >She lowers her head a bit to look you more in the eyes
  526. >Celestia[softly]: “And for that, I am truly grateful…”
  527. >AJ: “Then why are ya’ll doing this?!”
  528. >Wow.
  529. >This mere farmer pony is willing to stand up and shout at a princess for you
  530. >Rarity: “Princess, Anon maybe a bit of a brute but he doesn’t deserve this!”
  531. >Pinkie: “1,000 years is like FOREVERRRR!”
  532. >Twilight: “I have to agree with my friends... I can’t see you being alright with this, Princess”
  533. >Celestia: “I’m not… But the council has decided. Even as Ruler of Equestria, my hoofs are tied. Regardless of circumstance or atonement, I have to carry out his sentence”
  534. >The white horse gets up from her throne and walks down to you
  535. >You’d just be at her height standing up
  536. >Celestia: “There is, however, a way that would allow this decree to pass over you”
  537. >Despite the dozen or so guards crushing your chest, you manage to speak
  538. “What is it?! I can’t die here, I need to get home. Tell me, I’ll do anything!”
  539. >Celestia: “That’s just it. YOU aren’t the one who can do this…”
  540. >She turns from you and walks over to Rainbow
  542. >Celestia: “Though the High Counsel’s ruling is always final, it is the victim that presses the charges”
  543. >The Princess lowers her head down to Rainbow’s height
  544. >Celestia: “That’s you”
  545. >Rainbow: “W-What are you saying?”
  546. >The white horse picks up her head again and takes a few steps back, as to get a good look at both of you
  547. >Celestia: “You have two choices. Either drop all charges against Anon Stoneman and he walks out of here scot-free, never to face any repercussions for his actions… or… you stand by the verdict and he will be sent to Moon for a millennia”
  548. >Everything stops
  549. >Your breathing
  550. >The noise of your shackles
  551. >The rattling of the guards’ armor
  552. >No voice or whispers are heard
  553. >Time stops…
  554. >You wanted to look at Rainbow and try and plead for your life, but the guards had a good grip on you now
  555. >You could only close your eyes, trying to imagine a happy place
  556. >As you awaited Rainbow to seal your doom…
  557. >A minute passes, and then another
  558. >After what feels like an hour, Rainbow speaks
  559. >Rainbow: “I…”
  560. >Celestia: “You have to choose”
  561. >You squeeze your eyes lids shut tight
  562. >This is it.
  563. >Rainbow: “…Let him go”
  564. >...[spoiler]what?[/spoiler]
  565. >Slowly, the guards climb off of you
  566. >But even without their weight to hold you down, you stay frozen in place on your hands and knees
  567. >Eyes wide open like a startled deer
  568. >She had…
  569. >In absolute silence, a guard comes up and unlocks the shackles around your ankles and wrists
  570. >You’re free
  571. >Finally, you manage to face Rainbow
  572. >She’s looking away at Celestia, refusing to meet your gaze
  573. “…Why?”
  574. >Rainbow: “…We’re even”
  575. >She makes an about face, flying back to her friends, not sparing you a single glance
  576. >As she flies away, you see Celestia smile and turn back to you
  577. >Celestia: “Now with that little mess out of the way, I think a proper introduction is in order…”
  578. >There it is again, that sweet voice
  580. >To your surprise, she holds a hoof out to you
  581. >You quickly get up and shake it
  582. >Celestia: “I am Celestia, crowned Princess of Equestria”
  583. >What is this? Why is she being so nice now?
  584. “I-I am Anon Stoneman, farm boy from South Dakota”
  585. >Celestia: “Charmed”
  586. “Likewise”
  587. >A warm smile takes hold of your face
  588. >You had just been pardoned from a death sentence; you couldn’t help but feel... happy
  589. >Celestia: “Speaking of Dakota, I better get to addressing my court of gifted unicorns about conducting research on how to get you back there”
  590. “R-r-really?!”
  591. >Celestia: “Of course. You’re not a criminal anymore, Anon. You’re now just a… strange traveler, unintentionally visiting Equestria. It’s only expected I help those in need that come to my country.”
  592. >You feel the ecstasy literally burning up inside you
  593. >Twilight was right about her
  594. >Everything was going to be fine
  595. >Celestia: “However, I have heard that magic doesn’t directly affect you so the process may take a little longer than originally expected… but I have no doubts that I can get you back to your world. It just may take some time”
  596. >You didn’t care
  597. >Your cheeks were beginning to hurt from your elongated smile
  598. >Their princess was going to send you back home!
  599. “That’s perfect! Thank you so much!”
  600. >You hold back the urge to hug her
  601. >She gives a controlled giggle at your outburst before continuing
  602. >Celestia: “While your teleportation spell is being prepared, you’ll need a place to stay. Twilight Sparkle?”
  603. >The six mares all walk up beside you to Celestia
  604. >They all seemed happy too
  605. >Maybe except for Rainbow, you couldn’t see because she was hidden in the back
  606. >Oh well, nothing could get you down right now!
  607. >Twilight: “Yes, Princess?”
  609. >Celestia: “I wish for you to find a place for Anon to stay in Ponyville. Also, in addition to your studies on friendship, I want you to study Anon as well as answer any of his questions”
  610. >Twilight[nervous]: “Ahh y-yes, Princess!”
  611. >She sounds worried
  612. >Time to turn that frown upside down!
  613. >[spoiler]Jesus, what is with you? Is it the air or something?[/spoiler]
  614. >You turn to the group and get down on one knee in front of Twilight
  615. “Don’t worry, I don’t plan on kidnapping ponies again anytime soon. Promise”
  616. >You hold out a hand to her
  617. >Your unusual happy tone and grin causes Twilight to finally smile and relax
  618. >She reaches out with her own hoof and you two shake on it
  619. >You didn’t know how long it would take for the spell to be ready, and really you didn’t want to think about it
  620. >Right now, you were on a mission to pay back these ponies for sticking up for you
  621. >Especially Rainbow… you’d find a way
  622. >Twilight: “Good, let’s try and start anew. I’m Twilight Sparkle”
  623. >Rarity[stepping forward]: “Rarity. It’s a pleasure to finally be properly introduced”
  624. >Fluttershy[???]: “*mumble*”
  625. >Applejack[striking pose]: “Applejack ’s the name, don’t we’r it out”
  626. >Rainbow[monotone]: “Rainbow -Dash-”
  627. >Pinkie Pie leaps forward and wraps you in a bear hug
  628. >Pinkie Pie: “Call me Pinkie Pie! Or just Pinkie- Or just your new BEST-EST FRIEND EVER!”
  629. >She’s a bit… excited
  630. >You brush off the moment with a laugh, which everyone eventually joins in with you
  631. “I’m Anon Stoneman, but you can just call me Anon”
  632. >This was a new beginning,
  633. >With a clean slate, it was like starting a whole new life here
  634. >Today…
  635. >Today was a good day
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