

Apr 7th, 2019
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text 732.05 KB | None | 0 0
  1. This program cannot be run in DOS mode.
  2. .text
  3. .rdata
  4. .data
  5. .idata
  6. .didat
  7. .rsrc
  8. angle_bounds_dialog
  9. terminator X
  10. custom
  11. explanation
  12. skip
  13. pad
  14. array end
  15. array start
  16. data
  17. long block index
  18. short block index
  19. block
  20. tag reference
  21. fraction bounds
  22. real bounds
  23. angle bounds
  24. short integer bounds
  25. real ahsv color
  26. real hsv color
  27. real argb color
  28. real rgb color
  29. real plane 3d
  30. real plane 2d
  31. real euler angles 3d
  32. real euler angles 2d
  33. real quaternion
  34. real vector 3d
  35. real vector 2d
  36. real point 3d
  37. real point 2d
  38. real fraction
  39. real
  40. argb color
  41. rgb color
  42. rectangle 2d
  43. point 2d
  44. byte flags
  45. word flags
  46. long flags
  47. enum
  48. tag
  49. angle
  50. long integer
  51. short integer
  52. char integer
  53. string
  54. Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Halo HEK\guerilla
  55. angle_dialog
  56. block_dialog
  57. error: unable to create element
  58. error: unable to insert element
  59. error: unable to duplicate element
  60. Are you sure you want to delete all block elements?
  61. block_index_dialog
  62. long_index<SHORT_MAX
  63. .\block_index_dialog.cpp
  64. NONE
  65. char_integer_dialog
  66. color_dialog
  67. vshxbgra
  68. 789:
  69. ?
  70. verify == result
  71. %s: assert_valid_real_argb_color(%f, %f, %f, %f)
  72. color
  73. ..\bitmaps\bitmaps_inlines.h
  74. %s: assert_valid_real_rgb_color(%f, %f, %f)
  75. .\color_dialog.cpp
  76. %@
  77. "@
  78. @
  79. "%@
  80. style>=0 && style<NUMBER_OF_COLOR_DIALOG_STYLES
  81. data_dialog
  82. error: couldn't resize tag data
  83. sample_rate>=0 && sample_rate<NUMBER_OF_SOUND_SAMPLE_RATES
  84. ..\sound\sound_definitions.h
  85. Failed to decompress all MS-ADPCM samples: %s.
  86. Failed to initialize ogg stream for sound %s.
  87. Not enough memory for header.
  88. Failed to open waveform output device.
  89. DriverProc
  90. xbadpcm.acm
  91. enum_dialog
  92. explanation_dialog
  93. field_custom_dialog
  94. new_field_info->field->type==_field_custom
  95. new_field_info
  96. parent
  97. .\field_custom_dialog.cpp
  98. field_dialog
  99. Unable to create field %s. Please close some windows and try again.
  100. Static
  101. <custom dialog>
  103. IDD_PAD
  104. IDD_DATA
  106. IDD_BLOCK
  122. IDD_REAL
  123. IDD_COLOR
  125. IDD_POINT2D
  126. IDD_FLAGS
  127. IDD_ENUM
  128. IDD_TAG
  129. IDD_ANGLE
  134. field_dialog_named
  135. field_dialog_named_with_units
  136. FieldCButton
  137. FieldCComboBox
  138. FieldCEdit
  139. flags_dialog
  140. .\flags_dialog.cpp
  141. long_integer_dialog
  142. point2d_dialog
  143. real_bounds_dialog
  144. real_dialog
  145. real_euler_angles2d_dialog
  146. real_euler_angles3d_dialog
  147. real_fraction_bounds_dialog
  148. real_fraction_dialog
  149. real_plane2d_dialog
  150. real_plane3d_dialog
  151. real_point2d_dialog
  152. real_point3d_dialog
  153. real_quaternion_dialog
  154. real_vector2d_dialog
  155. real_vector3d_dialog
  156. rectangle2d_dialog
  157. short_integer_bounds_dialog
  158. short_integer_dialog
  159. string_dialog
  160. tag_dialog
  161. tag_reference_dialog
  162. bitmap_show_dialog
  163. guerilla.bitmap_template
  164. field_info->tag_info->get_group_tag()==BITMAP_GROUP_TAG
  165. .\bitmap_show_dialog.cpp
  166. hud_interface_show_dialog
  167. guerilla.hud_interface_template
  168. .\hud_interface_show_dialog.cpp
  169. music_play_dialog
  170. %s:%s#%d
  171. %s:%s:%s#%d
  172. profile_load_dialog
  173. %d
  174. Could not update deviceid
  175. device id*
  176. device type*
  177. Could not open player profile.
  178. Could not read player profile into tag memory.
  179. Could not modify profile for inclusion into tag.
  180. Tag format incorrect.
  181. profile*
  182. blam.sav
  183. |*.sav
  184. Halo Savegames (*.sav
  185. field_info->tag_info->get_group_tag()==INPUT_DEVICE_DEFAULTS_TAG
  186. .\profile_load_dialog.cpp
  187. bitmap_view
  188. :
  189. show alpha
  190. don't show alpha
  191. bitmap: %d
  192. p1
  193. \@H1
  194. bitmap_view_doc
  195. block_indent
  196. tags
  197. doc->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(tag_document))
  198. .\guerilla_application.cpp
  199. error: couldn't initialize tags interface
  200. note: processed command line only
  201. error: couldn't allocate standard template
  202. error: couldn't allocate guerilla window
  203. error: couldn't load frame IDR_GUERILLA
  204. text files|*.txt|all files|*.*||
  205. ||
  206. tags|*.
  207. all tags|*.*
  208. \tags\
  209. \
  210. tags\
  211. /.$/halo/tags/
  212. %@
  213. =
  214. guerilla_frame
  215. *
  216. couldn't save preferences
  217. guerilla.cfg
  218. cfg
  219. workspace|*.cfg||
  220. =
  221. hud_interface_view
  222. H1
  223. hud_interface_view_doc
  224. ui\hud\counter
  225. Invalid DateTimeSpan
  226. Invalid DateTime
  227. .@
  228. H1
  229. tag_document
  230. couldn't import tag
  231. couldn't create tag
  232. you need to set your working directory.
  233. couldn't open tag
  234. couldn't save tag
  235. error: invalid tag path
  236. error: extension doesn't match group
  237. couldn't export tag
  238. txt
  239. .txt
  240. tag_frame
  241. tag_view
  242. S:%u
  243. %hd
  244. %sd
  245. %ld
  246. %lu
  247. %.*g
  248. transparent_static
  249. ^
  250. end element
  251. element
  252. '%@
  253. @
  254. "@
  255. field->type==_field_block
  256. .\tags_interface.cpp
  257. element_index==NONE || (address && element_index>=0 && element_index<((struct tag_block *)address)->count)
  258. field->definition
  259. field
  260. group
  261. ui_widget_collection
  262. tag_collection
  263. ui_widget_definition
  264. field_info->field->definition
  265. fields
  266. *owner==NULL
  267. owner
  268. field_info->field==state.field
  269. first_field
  270. new_fields
  271. field_info
  272. indices
  273. field_info->field
  274. new_index==NONE || (address && new_index>=0 && new_index<((struct tag_block *)address)->count)
  275. %s%d
  276. %s%s %s
  277. resolved_block_info
  278. block_index_field_info->address
  279. block_index_field_info->field->type==_field_short_block_index || block_index_field_info->field->type==_field_long_block_index
  280. block_index_field_info
  281. fields==NULL
  282. fields!=NULL
  283. group_fields!=NULL
  284. index>=0&&index<block->count
  285. coudn't parse %s field %s.
  286. parser
  287. BAD -1
  288. NONE -1
  289. %c%ld
  290. %s%c%s
  291. %f%c%f%c%f%c%f
  292. %f%c%f%c%f
  293. %f%c%f
  294. %d%c%d%c%d%c%d
  295. %d%c%d
  296. %f
  297. block count out of range.
  298. failed to find block element %d
  299. failed to create block element.
  300. warning: converting a field of type %s to one of type %s.
  301. expected field %s but got field %s
  302. expected type %s but got type %s
  303. failed to find end of block element %d
  304. tag_index==NONE||reference->group_tag==get_group_tag()
  305. reference
  306. Version mismatch. Attempting maximally invasive emergency surgery.
  307. %s%s %s %s
  308. field->type>=0 && field->type<NUMBER_OF_TAG_FIELD_TYPES
  309. %s %s%d
  310. [%7d] %s
  311. network.log
  312. %s
  314. %02d.%02d.%02d %02d:%02d:%02d
  315. debug.txt
  316. a+b
  317. reference address: %x
  318. reference function: %s
  319. _write_to_error_file
  320. guerilla pc ----------------------------------------------
  321. prefix_size + copy_size + new_size < ERROR_MESSAGE_BUFFER_MAXIMUM_SIZE
  322. [...too many errors to print...]
  323. too many errors, only printing to debug.txt
  324. priority>=0 && priority<NUMBER_OF_ERROR_MESSAGE_PRIORITIES
  325. \halopc\haloce\source\cseries\errors.c
  326. symbol_table
  327. \halopc\haloce\source\cseries\stack_walk_windows.c
  328. %s + %04lX : %s
  329. <unknown>
  330. %08lX %s
  331. %08lX %s
  332. EIP: 0x%08lX, %02lX %02lX %02lX %02lX %s
  333. ?????
  334. ESP: 0x%08lX
  335. EBP: 0x%08lX
  336. ESI: 0x%08lX
  337. EDI: 0x%08lX
  338. EDX: 0x%08lX
  339. ECX: 0x%08lX
  340. EBX: 0x%08lX
  341. EAX: 0x%08lX
  342. could not allocate enough memory for map file
  343. string_storage_used + strlen(library_object_file_name) + 1 < string_storage_size
  344. string_storage_used + strlen(symbol_name) + 1 < string_storage_size
  345. string_storage_used + strlen(symbol_name) + 1 + strlen(library_object_file_name) + 1 < string_storage_size
  346. _load_symbol_table
  347. Static symbols
  348. entry point at
  349. :
  350. nothing
  351. map file appears corrupt
  352. Timestamp
  353. Lib:Object
  354. Couldn't read map file '%s'
  355. ./
  356. Sat Jun 28 18:20:44 2003
  357. Failed to load/create SHFOLDER
  358. SHGetFolderPathA
  359. shfolder.dll
  360. Failed to load/create DINPUT
  361. DirectInput8Create
  362. dinput8.dll
  363. Failed to load/create DSOUND
  364. DirectSoundCreate8
  365. dsound.dll
  366. Failed to load/create D3D
  367. Direct3DCreate9
  368. d3d9.dll
  369. buffer
  370. \halopc\haloce\source\shell\shell_windows.c
  371. param && (*param == '-')
  372. sound_manager_update_channel_for_looping_sound
  373. sound_manager_channel_queue_sound
  374. sound_manager_set_channel_location
  375. sound_manager_update_channels
  376. sound_manager_update_channel_for_impulse_sound
  377. sound_manager_source_audible
  378. sound_manager_sound_idle
  379. sound_render
  380. sound_manager_sound_cache_idle
  381. sound_manager_end_scene
  382. sound_manager_begin_scene
  383. sound_manager_prioritize_sounds
  384. sound_manager_refresh_sounds
  385. sound_manager_process_looping_sounds
  386. sound_manager_refresh_listener
  387. sound_manager_sound_render
  388. definition->maximum_number_per_object<=MAXIMUM_SOUND_INSTANCES_PER_OBJECT_PER_DEFINITION
  389. definition->maximum_number_per_definition<=MAXIMUM_SOUND_INSTANCES_PER_DEFINITION
  390. sound_class_names[class_index][0]
  391. class_index>=0 && class_index<NUMBER_OF_SOUND_CLASSES
  392. c:\halopc\haloce\source\sound\sound_classes.h
  393. <index>=0 && index<sound_manager_globals.channel_count
  394. \halopc\haloce\source\sound\sound_manager.c
  395. index>=0 && index<MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_LOCAL_PLAYERS
  396. sound_get(sound_index)->playing_channel_index==NONE
  397. listener_get(listener_index)->valid
  398. sound->playing_channel_index==NONE || channel_get(sound->playing_channel_index)->sound_index==sound_index
  399. summary->like_source_count<summary->maximum_source_instance_count
  400. summary->like_definition_count<summary->maximum_instance_count
  401. summary->maximum_instance_count<=MAXIMUM_SOUND_INSTANCES_PER_OBJECT_PER_DEFINITION
  402. summary->maximum_source_instance_count<=MAXIMUM_SOUND_INSTANCES_PER_DEFINITION
  403. challenger_sound_index!=champion_sound_index
  404. gCurrentTimer
  405. gain>=0.f && gain<=1.f
  406. volume >= -10000 && volume <= 0
  407. properties->pitch>0.f
  408. 333333?
  409. 333333?
  410. !channel->queued_permutation
  411. channel_stop was told to stop channel %d which doesn't exist!
  412. %s|n%f %f
  413. fade_in_sound_index!=NONE || fade_out_sound_index!=NONE
  414. seconds>=0.f
  415. mode==_sound_fade_mode_linear || mode==_sound_fade_mode_crossfade
  416. sound_definition->class_index == _sound_class_music
  417. B`;sound_cache_sound_loaded(permutation)
  418. TEST_FLAG(definition->flags, _sound_definition_linked_permutations_bit)
  419. sound->type!=_sound_impulse
  420. sound_manager_globals.channel_count<=MAXIMUM_SOUND_CHANNELS
  421. sound->track_data
  422. source->spatialization_mode==_sound_spatialization_mode_none || valid_real_normal3d(&source->location.forward)
  423. track_data_size<=MAXIMUM_SOUND_CALLBACK_DATA
  424. sound_get(sound_index)->type==_sound_impulse
  425. loop->definition_index==definition_index
  426. camera
  427. channel_get(sound->playing_channel_index)->sound_index==sound_index
  428. Alistener->valid
  429. definition
  430. music
  431. sound_class_ambient_computers
  432. sound_class_game_event
  433. sound_class_player_hurt
  434. sound_class_ambient_computer
  435. sound_class_ambient_machinery
  436. sound_class_ambient_nature
  437. sound_class_device_computers
  438. sound_class_device_nature
  439. sound_class_device_machinery
  440. sound_class_device_force_field
  441. sound_class_device_door
  442. sound_class_vehicle_engine
  443. sound_class_vehicle_impact
  444. sound_class_footstep
  445. sound_class_slow_impacts
  446. sound_class_particle_impacts
  447. sound_class_object_impacts
  448. sound_class_weapon_idle
  449. sound_class_weapon_overheat
  450. sound_class_weapon_charge
  451. sound_class_weapon_empty
  452. sound_class_weapon_reload
  453. sound_class_weapon_ready
  454. weapon_fire
  455. sound_class_projectile_detonation
  456. sound_class_projectile_impact
  457. TEST_FLAG(sound->flags, _sound_delayed_bit) || sound_class_get(sound_definition_get(sound->definition_index)->class_index)->cache_miss_mode==_sound_cache_miss_mode_postpone
  458. sound->playing_channel_index==channel_index
  459. sound_valid_for_channel(definition->compression, definition->encoding, definition->sample_rate, sound->source.spatialization_mode, channel->type_flags)
  460. \halopc\haloce\source\source_safe\cVSS.cpp
  461. strlen(pchPassword) < m_kBufferSize
  462. strlen(pchUserName) < m_kBufferSize
  463. strlen(pchIniPath) < m_kBufferSize
  464. login_prefs
  465. szStr != NULL
  466. m_gpcvssVSS->m_pVdb
  467. m_gpcvssVSS
  468. bPath
  469. itemName
  470. Could not initialize class id from program ID "SourceSafe"
  471. Could not get class object.
  472. Could not create database instance.
  474. !m_gpcvssVSS
  475. SourceSafe
  476. bPath && bName && bPasswd
  477. pchIniPath && pchUserName && pchPassword
  478. pItem
  479. \halopc\haloce\source\source_safe\cVSSItem.cpp
  480. m_pItem
  481. lStr
  482. ERROR: could not generate local path name
  483. ERROR: checking out file %s
  484. ERROR: checking in file %s
  485. ERROR: undoing checkout for file %s
  486. ERROR: getting latest file for file %s
  487. EXCEPTION %s in %s,#%d: %s
  488. warn
  489. halt
  490. <no reason given>
  491. size>=0 && size<=MAXIMUM_MEMCMP_SIZE
  492. \halopc\haloce\source\cseries\cseries.c
  493. p1 && p2
  494. size>=0 && size<=MAXIMUM_MEMCPY_MEMMOVE_SIZE
  495. destination && source
  496. size>=0 && size<=MAXIMUM_MEMSET_SIZE
  497. s1 && s2
  498. size>=0 && size<MAXIMUM_STRING_SIZE
  499. s2
  500. s1
  501. source+source_size<destination || destination+source_size<source
  502. source_size>=0 && source_size<MAXIMUM_STRING_SIZE
  503. (byte *)source+size<=(byte *)destination || (byte *)destination+size<=(byte *)source
  504. size>=0 && size<MAXIMUM_MEMCPY_MEMMOVE_SIZE
  505. \halopc\haloce\source\cseries\cseries_windows.c
  506. s_ClockFrequency.QuadPart > 0
  507. %Y-%m-%d %H_%M_%S
  508. max_length_in_bytes >= 15
  509. User Name
  510. pointer||size
  511. size>=0
  512. Error
  529. unknown exception %08lX
  530. -path
  531. 7
  532. 6?bitmap_get_pixel_data_size(cloned_bitmap)==pixel_data_size
  533. ### ERROR failed to allocate temporary bitmap
  534. ### ERROR unsupported bitmap type
  535. source_bitmap->base_address
  536. source_bitmap
  537. \halopc\haloce\source\bitmaps\bitmap_utilities.c
  538. scale>1
  539. source_bitmap->type==_bitmap_type_2d
  540. bitmap_verify(source_bitmap, TRUE)
  541. source_bitmap->type==_bitmap_type_3d
  542. source_bitmap->type==_bitmap_type_cube_map
  543. Cbitmap_verify(bitmap, TRUE)
  544. ### WARNING tried to smooth a bitmap with a filter which is too large
  545. ### ERROR failed to allocate temporary buffer
  546. filter_coefficients
  547. bitmap->type==_bitmap_type_2d
  548. bitmap->type==_bitmap_type_3d
  549. ### WARNING tried to smooth a cube map
  550. bitmap->type==_bitmap_type_cube_map
  551. negative_table
  552. positive_table
  553. ### WARNING tried to sharpen a 3d bitmap
  554. ### WARNING tried to sharpen a cube map
  555. passes>0
  556. ### WARNING tried to alpha-bleed a cube map (skipping)
  557. Bbump_height>0.0f
  558. ### WARNING tried to use a cube map as a height map
  559. <### ERROR unsupported bitmap format
  560. cols%4==0
  561. rows%4==0
  562. TEST_FLAG(destination_bitmap->flags, _bitmap_compressed_bit)
  563. MAX(1, destination_bitmap->depth >>destination_mipmap_index)==source_bitmap->depth
  564. MAX(1, destination_bitmap->height>>destination_mipmap_index)==source_bitmap->height
  565. MAX(1, destination_bitmap->width >>destination_mipmap_index)==source_bitmap->width
  566. destination_mipmap_index>=0 && destination_mipmap_index<=destination_bitmap->mipmap_count
  567. destination_bitmap->type==_bitmap_type_2d
  568. bitmap_verify(destination_bitmap, FALSE)
  569. destination_bitmap->type==_bitmap_type_3d
  570. destination_bitmap->type==_bitmap_type_cube_map
  571. bitmap_verify(destination_bitmap, TRUE)
  572. TEST_FLAG(source_bitmap->flags, _bitmap_compressed_bit)
  573. MAX(1, source_bitmap->depth >>source_mipmap_index)==destination_bitmap->depth
  574. MAX(1, source_bitmap->height>>source_mipmap_index)==destination_bitmap->height
  575. MAX(1, source_bitmap->width >>source_mipmap_index)==destination_bitmap->width
  576. source_mipmap_index>=0 && source_mipmap_index<=source_bitmap->mipmap_count
  577. bitmap_verify(source_bitmap, FALSE)
  578. rgb!=(rgb_color *)hsv
  579. hsv
  580. 7rgb
  581. 7rgb!=(real_rgb_color *)hsv
  582. rgb_result
  583. rgb_upper_bound
  584. rgb_lower_bound
  585. rgb_scale
  586. ### ERROR unupported bitmap type
  587. filter_size<=(float)MAXIMUM_FILTER_SIZE
  588. ### WARNING importing special-effect bump map with zero-height
  589. data_definition
  590. !data->address
  591. data && data->definition
  592. block_element
  593. \halopc\haloce\source\tag_files\tag_groups.c
  594. data->address
  595. data->address || size
  596. <element #%d out of range>
  597. %d. %s
  598. block && buffer
  599. state->stack[state->stack_index].count>0
  600. state->stack_index<TAG_FIELD_SCAN_STACK_SIZE
  601. state->stack_index>0
  602. !state->done
  603. block && block->definition
  604. element_index>=0 && element_index<=block->count
  605. fixed corrupt tag flags field (%s).
  606. fixed corrupt tag enum field (%s).
  607. fixed corrupt tag string field (%s).
  608. tag reference name too large (this tag is corrupted).
  609. can't change a tag reference name or group without calling tag_reference_set()
  610. reference->name_length<=TAG_FILE_NAME_LENGTH
  611. reference->name
  612. can't write data that hasn't been loaded
  613. tag data '%s' too large.
  614. couldn't allocate tag data for '%s'
  615. couldn't allocate memory for tag block definition byte swapping codes
  616. fields[field_index].definition != block_definition
  617. element '%s' of block '%s' is NULL
  619. fields[field_index].type>=0 && fields[field_index].type<NUMBER_OF_TAG_FIELD_TYPES
  620. tag reference "%s" and actual index do not match: is %08lX but should be %08lX
  621. offset>=0 && offset+size<=data->size
  622. block->address
  623. #%d is not a valid %s index in [#0,#%d)
  624. !block->definition || block->definition->element_size==element_size
  625. block->count>=0
  626. tag_get(0x%x) expected group '%s' but got group '%s'
  627. can't rename '%s' to '%s' because a tag with that name is already open.
  628. new_name
  629. % 80s % 12d
  630. % 80s % 12d % 10d
  631. %s
  632. tag_dump.txt
  633. couldn't write elements for %s block
  634. strlen(name)<TAG_FILE_NAME_LENGTH
  635. group_tag==NONE || tag_group_get(group_tag)
  636. (struct tag_field *)next_combined_field-(struct tag_field *)combined_fields==total_field_count
  637. tag_chain_size<=MAXIMUM_TAGS_PER_TAG_CHAIN
  638. parent_group->header_block_definition
  639. parent_group->child_count<MAXIMUM_CHILDREN_PER_TAG
  640. no definition specified for explanation field.
  641. (long)field->definition>0
  642. no definition specified for block index field.
  643. definition->maximum_size>0
  645. definition->name
  646. no definition specified for tag_data field.
  647. no definition specified for block field.
  648. tag_group_get(*group_tag)
  649. definition->group_tags==NULL
  650. tag_group_get(definition->group_tag)
  652. no definition specified for tag reference field.
  653. flags field '%s' in block '%s' doesn't have enough strings
  654. definition->count>=0 && definition->count<=LONG_BITS
  655. definition->count>=0 && definition->count<=SHORT_BITS
  656. definition->count>=0 && definition->count<=CHAR_BITS
  657. no definition specified for flags field.
  658. enum field '%s' in block '%s' doesn't have enough strings
  659. definition->count>=0
  660. no definition specified for enum field.
  661. block->fields
  662. block->element_size>=0
  663. block->maximum_element_count>=0
  665. block->name
  666. there is already a %s tag named '%s' loaded.
  667. there are no more free tag slots for new %s tag file '%s'.
  668. couldn't allocate memory for new %s tag file '%s'.
  669. couldn't create new tag %s.
  670. group->child_count==0
  671. name
  672. cannot save the read-only tag '%s.%s'
  673. failed to create new tag '%s.%s'
  674. failed to save '%s.%s'
  675. '%s' block has NULL fields
  676. element_count>=0
  677. index>=0 && index<=block->count
  678. slave_block->definition->fields[0].type==_field_string
  679. master_block->definition->fields[0].type==_field_string
  680. %s block has invalid element count: #%d not in [0,#%d]
  681. couldn't allocate memory for #%d element %s block
  682. couldn't read elements for %s block
  683. destination_block->count==0
  684. source.field->type==destination.field->type
  685. source_block->definition==destination_block->definition
  686. the group tag '%s' does not exist (can't load '%s').
  687. %s.%s
  688. there are no more free tag slots.
  689. failed to load %s tag '%s'
  690. the %s tag '%s' may be corrupt.
  691. couldn't allocate tag group globals
  692. tag instance
  693. there are two groups using the tag '%s'.
  694. detail sounds#detail sounds play at random throughout the duration of the looping sound.
  695. tracks#tracks play in parallel and loop continuously for the duration of the looping sound.
  696. continuous damage effect
  697. detail sound period
  698. as the sound's input scale changes from zero to one, these modifiers move between the two values specified here. the sound will play using the current scale modifier multiplied by the value specified below. (0 values are ignored.)
  699. sound_looping
  700. stops music#all other music loops will stop when this one starts.
  701. not a loop#this is a collection of permutations strung together that should play once then stop.
  702. deafening to AIs#when used as a background stereo track, causes nearby AIs to be unable to hear
  703. distance bounds:world units#the sound's distance (from its spatialized looping sound or from the listener if the looping sound is stereo) will be randomly selected from this range.
  704. pitch bounds:degrees#the sound's position above (positive values) or below (negative values) the horizon will be randomly selected from this range.
  705. yaw bounds:degrees#the sound's position along the horizon will be randomly selected from this range.
  706. if the sound specified above is not stereo it will be randomly spatialized according to the following constraints. if both lower and upper bounds are zero for any of the following fields, the sound's position will be randomly selected from all possible directions or distances.
  707. random spatialization
  708. random period bounds:seconds#the time between successive playings of this sound will be randomly selected from this range.
  709. frequency of play
  710. sound^
  711. looping_sound_detail_block
  712. don't play without alternate
  713. don't play with alternate
  714. alternate end
  715. alternate loop
  716. end
  717. loop^
  718. start
  719. fade out duration:seconds
  720. fade in duration:seconds
  721. gain
  722. looping_sound_track_block
  723. fade in alternate#when the sound changes to the alternate version, .
  724. fade out at stop#the loop sound should fade out while the stop sound is playing.
  725. fade in at start#the loop sound should fade in while the start sound is playing.
  726. pitch ranges#pitch ranges allow multiple samples to represent the same sound at different pitches
  727. promotion count#when there are this many instances of the sound, promote to the new sound.
  728. promotion sound
  729. encoding*
  730. import properties
  731. when scale is ONE
  732. pitch modifier
  733. skip fraction modifier
  734. as the sound's input scale changes from zero to one, these modifiers move between the two values specified here. the sound will play using the current scale modifier multiplied by the value specified above. (0 values are ignored.)
  735. when scale is ZERO
  736. maximum bend per second
  737. gain modifier
  738. outer cone gain#the gain to use when the sound is directed away from the listener
  739. outer cone angle:degrees#outside the cone defined by this angle and the sound's direction, the sound plays with a gain of OUTER CONE GAIN. (0 means the sound does not attenuate with direction.)
  740. inner cone angle:degrees#within the cone defined by this angle and the sound's direction, the sound plays with a gain of 1.0.
  741. random pitch bounds#the sound's pitch will be randomly selected and will be in this range. (1.0 is the recorded pitch.)
  742. these settings control random variation of volume and pitch.
  743. randomization
  744. skip fraction#fraction of requests to play this sound that will be ignored (0 means always play.)
  745. maximum distance:world units#the distance beyond which this sound is no longer audible
  746. minimum distance:world units#the distance below which this sound no longer gets louder
  747. sample rate*
  748. class
  749. flags
  750. sound
  751. microsoft is totally gay.
  752. permutations#permutations represent equivalent variations of this sound.
  753. actual permutation count*
  754. bend bounds#the range of pitches that will be represented using this sample. this should always contain the natural pitch.
  755. natural pitch#the apparent pitch when these samples are played at their recorded pitch.
  756. these settings control what pitches this set of samples represents. if there is only one pitch range, all three values are ignored.
  757. pitch control
  758. name*#the name of the imported pitch range directory
  759. sound_pitch_range_block
  760. subtitle data
  761. mouth data
  762. samples#sampled sound data
  763. next permutation index*
  764. compression*
  765. gain#fraction of recorded volume to play at.
  766. skip fraction#fraction of requests to play this permutation that are ignored (a different permutation is selected.)
  767. name*^#name of the file from which this sample was imported
  768. sound_permutations_block
  769. sound_subtitle_data
  770. sound_mouth_data
  771. sound_samples
  772. 44kHz
  773. 22kHz
  774. stereo
  775. mono
  776. ogg
  777. ima adpcm
  778. xbox adpcm
  779. none
  780. split long sound into permutations
  781. fit to adpcm blocksize
  782. c:\halopc\haloce\source\sound\sound_definitions.h
  783. \halopc\haloce\source\sound\sound_definitions.c
  784. >sound->compression>=0 && sound->compression<NUMBER_OF_SOUND_COMPRESSION_TYPES
  785. sound->encoding>=0 && sound->encoding<NUMBER_OF_SOUND_ENCODINGS
  786. %s:%.2f to %.2f
  787. always played
  788. tick_index>=0 && tick_index<permutation->mouth_data.size
  789. ERROR %s: sound has invalid class.
  790. ERROR %s: speech must be mono, 22kHz. (ask matt if you didn't do this by accident)
  791. but how can you speak if you have no mouth data? (permutation %s)
  792. range->permutations.count
  793. PC
  794. Failed to decompress XBOX ADPCM tag.
  795. stream != NULL
  796. \halopc\haloce\source\sound\oggvorbis.c
  797. stream->data != NULL
  798. Failed to close OggVorbis_file
  799. Ogg Vorbis: '%s' (%s)
  800. Unknown error
  801. The given stream is not seekable.
  802. The given link exists in the Vorbis data stream, but is not decipherable due to garbacge or corruption.
  803. Bad packet.
  804. Not audio.
  805. The bitstream format revision of the given stream is not supported.
  806. The file/data is apparently an Ogg Vorbis stream, but contains a corrupted or undecipherable header.
  807. The given file/data was not recognized as Ogg Vorbis data.
  808. Either an invalid argument, or incompletely initialized argument passed to libvorbisfile call.
  809. Feature not implemented.
  810. Internal inconsistency in decode state. Continuing is likely not possible.
  811. Read error while fetching compressed data for decode.
  812. Vorbisfile encoutered missing or corrupt data in the bitstream. Recovery is normally automatic and this return code is for informational purposes only.
  813. EOF
  814. Not true, or no data available.
  815. ov_read failed trying to read %d bytes
  816. Vorbisfile encoutered missing or corrupt data in the bitstream. Recovery is normally automatic and this return code is for informational purposes only.
  817. bytes_to_read <= buffer_length
  818. bytes_read <= buffer_length
  819. ov_crosslap failed, this sample will not be cross lapped.
  820. state->
  821. state->
  822. state->valid
  823. tag_file_index_file_packet
  824. tag_header
  825. !
  826. \halopc\haloce\source\tag_files\tag_files.c
  827. couldn't read header from the %s tag '%s' (%s)
  828. the %s tag '%s' (%s) had an invalid header
  829. the tag '%s' was the wrong group type ('%s' instead of '%s')
  830. the %s tag '%s' was an old version
  831. the tag '%s' was a new version
  832. tag_file_globals.single_file_open
  833. couldn't read #%d bytes from offset #%d in local tag '%s'
  834. couldn't write #%d bytes to offset #%d in local tag '%s'
  835. tag_file_globals.single_file_write_permission
  836. '/' is not a valid directory separator for tag files.
  837. file name '%s%s%s' is too long
  838. %s%s%s
  839. !
  840. tag_file_globals_threaded.single_file_open
  841. tag_file_globals_threaded.single_file_write_permission
  842. tag file index couldn't be read into memory
  843. tag file index looked corrupted
  844. header
  845. !key_name || strlen(key_name)<=TAG_FILE_NAME_LENGTH
  846. key_group_tag==NONE || tag_group_get(key_group_tag)
  847. sort_order<0
  848. accelerator->file_count<MAXIMUM_TAG_FILES_PER_INDEX
  850. the %s tag '%s' starts with a directory character.
  851. the %s tag '%s' was not found in the index file.
  852. couldn't open %s tag '%s'.
  853. the %s tag '%s' cannot be opened for writing.
  854. couldn't overwrite read-only tag file '%s'
  855. couldn't create tag file '%s'
  857. %03d\%03d
  858. tag_file_count<MAXIMUM_TAG_FILES_PER_INDEX
  859. full_name
  860. flags*
  861. input_device_defaults
  862. player_profile_data
  863. deviceid_data
  864. unused
  865. full profile definition
  866. joysticks/gamepads/etc...
  867. mouse and keyboard
  868. sprofile
  869. \halopc\haloce\source\input\input_device_defaults.c
  870. Default profile in tag %d
  871. deviceid %s has no default
  872. Unable to find profile %ls
  873. failed to open player profile file
  874. failed to read player profile
  875. checksum failed on player profile file
  876. full_path && profile
  877. \halopc\haloce\source\saved games\player_profile_pc_tools.c
  878. info
  879. src
  880. dst
  881. palettized bump map
  882. compressed with interpolated alpha
  883. compressed with explicit alpha
  884. compressed with color-key transparency
  885. true-color with alpha
  886. true-color
  887. high-color with alpha
  888. high-color with 1-bit alpha
  889. r6g5b5
  890. high-color
  891. separate alpha-intensity
  892. combined alpha-intensity
  893. intensity
  894. alpha
  895. cube map
  896. 3d texture
  897. 2d texture
  898. bitmap_type_string_table[NUMBER_OF_BITMAP_TYPES]==NULL
  899. type>=0 && type<NUMBER_OF_BITMAP_TYPES
  900. \halopc\haloce\source\bitmaps\bitmaps.c
  901. bitmap_format_string_table[NUMBER_OF_BITMAP_FORMATS]==NULL
  902. format>=0 && format<NUMBER_OF_BITMAP_FORMATS
  903. bitmap_format_bits_per_pixel_table[format]!=0
  904. bitmap
  905. !TEST_FLAG(bitmap->flags, _bitmap_swizzled_bit) || (x==0 && y==0)
  906. !TEST_FLAG(bitmap->flags, _bitmap_compressed_bit) || (x==0 && y==0)
  907. mipmap_index>=0 && mipmap_index<=bitmap->mipmap_count
  908. y>=0 && y<bitmap->height
  909. x>=0 && x<bitmap->width
  910. bitmap->base_address
  911. !TEST_FLAG(bitmap->flags, _bitmap_swizzled_bit) || (x==0 && y==0 && z==0)
  912. !TEST_FLAG(bitmap->flags, _bitmap_compressed_bit) || (x==0 && y==0 && z==0)
  913. z>=0 && z<bitmap->depth
  914. mipmap_address
  915. closest_match_index!=NONE
  916. ### ERROR bitmap @%p (#%dx#%d) appears to be invalid
  917. ### ERROR bitmap @%p (#%dx#%d) appears to be invalid for import
  918. bitmap_verify(bitmap, FALSE)
  919. !TEST_FLAG(bitmap->flags, _bitmap_swizzled_bit)
  920. !TEST_FLAG(bitmap->flags, _bitmap_compressed_bit)
  921. y>=0 && y<4096
  922. x>=0 && x<4096
  923. bitmap_2d_get_pixel tried to access compressed block @ -%d bytes from address end (w=%d, h=%d, m=%d, x=%d, y=%d, lod=%f)
  924. bitmap_2d_get_pixel tried to access compressed block @ -%d bytes from address start (w=%d, h=%d, m=%d, x=%d, y=%d, lod=%f)
  925. lod>=0.0f && lod<=1.0f
  926. point
  927. !TEST_FLAG(bitmap->flags, _bitmap_linear_bit)
  928. ### ERROR failed to allocate bitmap
  929. ### ERROR failed to allocate bitmap->base_address
  930. bitmap_format_type_valid_height(format, _bitmap_type_2d, height)
  931. bitmap_format_type_valid_width (format, _bitmap_type_2d, width)
  932. bitmap_format_type_valid_depth (format, _bitmap_type_3d, depth)
  933. bitmap_format_type_valid_height(format, _bitmap_type_3d, height)
  934. bitmap_format_type_valid_width (format, _bitmap_type_3d, width)
  935. (width&(width-1))==0
  936. bitmap_format_type_valid_width(format, _bitmap_type_cube_map, width)
  937. !TEST_FLAG(slice_bitmap->flags, _bitmap_swizzled_bit)
  938. slice_bitmap->format==source_bitmap->format
  939. slice_bitmap->type==_bitmap_type_2d
  940. slice_bitmap->mipmap_count==0
  941. bitmap_verify(slice_bitmap, FALSE)
  942. !TEST_FLAG(source_bitmap->flags, _bitmap_swizzled_bit)
  943. MAX(1, source_bitmap->height>>source_mipmap_index)==slice_bitmap->height
  944. MAX(1, source_bitmap->width >>source_mipmap_index)==slice_bitmap->width
  945. source_slice_index>=0 && source_slice_index<source_bitmap->depth
  946. !TEST_FLAG(destination_bitmap->flags, _bitmap_swizzled_bit)
  947. MAX(1, destination_bitmap->height>>destination_mipmap_index)==slice_bitmap->height
  948. MAX(1, destination_bitmap->width >>destination_mipmap_index)==slice_bitmap->width
  949. destination_slice_index>=0 && destination_slice_index<destination_bitmap->depth
  950. slice_bitmap->format==destination_bitmap->format
  951. !TEST_FLAG(face_bitmap->flags, _bitmap_swizzled_bit)
  952. face_bitmap->format==source_bitmap->format
  953. face_bitmap->type==_bitmap_type_2d
  954. face_bitmap->mipmap_count==0
  955. bitmap_verify(face_bitmap, FALSE)
  956. MAX(1, source_bitmap->height>>source_mipmap_index)==face_bitmap->height
  957. MAX(1, source_bitmap->width >>source_mipmap_index)==face_bitmap->width
  958. source_face_index>=0 && source_face_index<NUMBER_OF_FACES_PER_CUBE
  959. MAX(1, destination_bitmap->height>>destination_mipmap_index)==face_bitmap->height
  960. MAX(1, destination_bitmap->width >>destination_mipmap_index)==face_bitmap->width
  961. destination_face_index>=0 && destination_face_index<NUMBER_OF_FACES_PER_CUBE
  962. face_bitmap->format==destination_bitmap->format
  963. top_reference
  964. \halopc\haloce\source\bitmaps\bitmap_extract.c
  965. ### WARNING horizontal border broken at (#%d,#%d)
  966. ### ERROR extract: plateless cube map had invalid dimensions #%dx#%d
  967. ### ERROR extract: can't handle more than (#%d) temporary bitmaps
  968. ### ERROR extract: failed to allocate temporary bitmap
  969. adjusted_bounds_reference
  970. bounds
  971. ### ERROR extract: unsupported bitmap group format
  972. destination_bitmap->type==source_bitmap->type
  973. source_bitmap->depth ==MAX(1, destination_bitmap->depth >>destination_mipmap_index)
  974. source_bitmap->height==MAX(1, destination_bitmap->height>>destination_mipmap_index)
  975. source_bitmap->width ==MAX(1, destination_bitmap->width >>destination_mipmap_index)
  976. source_bitmap->type==destination_bitmap->type
  977. destination_bitmap->depth ==MAX(1, source_bitmap->depth >>source_mipmap_index)
  978. destination_bitmap->height==MAX(1, source_bitmap->height>>source_mipmap_index)
  979. destination_bitmap->width ==MAX(1, source_bitmap->width >>source_mipmap_index)
  980. sequence spanned %d texture pages
  981. ### ERROR failed to allocate debug plate bitmap
  982. ### ERROR failed to allocate debug slice bitmap
  983. ### ERROR failed to allocate debug bitmap
  984. %s(seq#%02d-id#%03d).tif
  985. bitmaps-debug
  986. alpha_bias>=-255 && alpha_bias<=255
  987. destination_bitmap->depth==source_bitmap->depth
  988. destination_bitmap->height==source_bitmap->height
  989. destination_bitmap->width==source_bitmap->width
  990. destination_bitmap->base_address
  991. destination_bitmap
  992. bitmap created: #%dx#%d, %s, %dK-bytes
  993. bitmap created: #%dx#%dx#%d, %s, %dK-bytes
  994. ### ERROR unsupported bitmap group type
  995. ### WARNING tried to smooth an interface-bitmap group
  996. ### WARNING tried to smooth a sprite group
  997. skipping 3D texture with non power-of-two slice count
  998. skipping 3D texture with incompatible slices
  999. ### ERROR extract: failed to create temporary bitmap
  1000. skipping cube map which spanned sequence
  1001. skipping cube map with incompatible-size faces
  1002. skipping cube map with less than six faces
  1003. skipping cube map with non-square faces
  1004. !temporary_bitmap
  1005. ### ERROR sprite budget exceeded (%3.0f%%)
  1006. sprite budget met (%3.0f%%)
  1007. ### WARNING no sprite budget set
  1008. texture page created #%dx#%d (%3.2f%% used)
  1009. ### ERROR extract_sprite: failed to allocate texture page bitmap
  1010. ### ERROR hey - don't even try it! (uniform sprite sequences)
  1011. don't fucking swim in that septic tank with your mouth open like that
  1012. ### ERROR one or more sprites do not fit in the requested page size
  1013. ### WARNING skipped a bitmap which contained no data
  1014. ### ERROR extract: failed to add sprite to sequence
  1015. ### ERROR extract: tried to extract non-2d textures without a valid place but they weren't cube maps and/or EXTRACT_PLATELESS_CUBE_MAPS aren't allowed
  1016. ### ERROR interface/linear bitmap cannot be DXT-compressed
  1017. ==> !!WARNING!! bitmap with greater than 1-bit alpha being compressed as DXT1 <==
  1018. ==> !!WARNING!! usage set to alpha; non-zero color overlaps with zero-alpha <==
  1019. ### ERROR can't extract sprites without a valid plate
  1020. ### ERROR can't extract 3D textures without a valid plate
  1021. ### ERROR extract: compressed color-key transparency format must use a valid plate
  1022. bottom<=extract_data.plate->height
  1023. bottom>=top
  1024. top>=0
  1025. ### ERROR extract: failed to allocate sequence
  1026. ### ERROR extract: failed to allocate color plate
  1027. ### ERROR extract: failed to decompress color plate
  1028. decompressed_plate_size==sizeof(pixel32)*group->import_width*group->import_height
  1029. ### ERROR extract: failed to resize bitmap group tags to zero
  1030. ### ERROR extract: failed to allocate bitmap array
  1031. group->usage >=0 && group->usage <NUMBER_OF_BITMAP_GROUP_USAGES
  1032. group->format>=0 && group->format<NUMBER_OF_BITMAP_GROUP_FORMATS
  1033. group->type >=0 && group->type <NUMBER_OF_BITMAP_GROUP_TYPES
  1034. ### ERROR extract: failed to allocate temporary buffer
  1035. ### ERROR extract: failed to compress color plate
  1036. ### ERROR extract: failed to realloc color plate
  1037. bitmap_verify(plate, TRUE)
  1038. index.dat
  1039. halo
  1040. xsync.txt
  1041. xsync-to.txt
  1043. ### COULDN'T CREATE NEW INDEX FILE (this is really bad)
  1044. (no shit)
  1046. !!!
  1047. successfully synchronized with xbox
  1048. (use xsync-clean if you know better)
  1049. %s
  1050. found nothing newer to copy to xbox
  1051. ### FAILED TO COPY '%s' TO '%s'
  1052. %s\%s
  1053. there was no local index file: copying all tags from scratch!
  1054. couldn't find index file on xbox: copying all tags from scratch!
  1055. xbox's index file was corrupt: copying all tags from scratch!
  1056. index files do not match: copying all tags from scratch!
  1057. (somebody else has probably been synchronizing with this xbox)
  1058. ### FAILED TO COPY FILES TO XBOX (could not connect?)
  1059. temp.index.dat
  1060. XDemos\softball\mike.png
  1061. XDemos\softball\mike1.bik
  1062. XDemos\softball\mike.bik
  1063. XDemos\media\wait.png
  1064. XDemos\media\Up.png
  1065. XDemos\media\screenT.png
  1066. XDemos\media\screen.png
  1067. XDemos\media\menu.wav
  1068. XDemos\media\launch.wav
  1069. XDemos\media\fontn.xpr
  1070. XDemos\media\fontb.xpr
  1071. XDemos\media\Dn.png
  1072. XDemos\media\ambient.wma
  1073. XDemos\Dolphin\media\textures\seafloor.bmp
  1074. XDemos\Dolphin\media\textures\gamepad.tga
  1075. XDemos\Dolphin\media\textures\dolphin.bmp
  1076. XDemos\Dolphin\media\textures\caust31.tga
  1077. XDemos\Dolphin\media\textures\caust30.tga
  1078. XDemos\Dolphin\media\textures\caust29.tga
  1079. XDemos\Dolphin\media\textures\caust28.tga
  1080. XDemos\Dolphin\media\textures\caust27.tga
  1081. XDemos\Dolphin\media\textures\caust26.tga
  1082. XDemos\Dolphin\media\textures\caust25.tga
  1083. XDemos\Dolphin\media\textures\caust24.tga
  1084. XDemos\Dolphin\media\textures\caust23.tga
  1085. XDemos\Dolphin\media\textures\caust22.tga
  1086. XDemos\Dolphin\media\textures\caust21.tga
  1087. XDemos\Dolphin\media\textures\caust20.tga
  1088. XDemos\Dolphin\media\textures\caust19.tga
  1089. XDemos\Dolphin\media\textures\caust18.tga
  1090. XDemos\Dolphin\media\textures\caust17.tga
  1091. XDemos\Dolphin\media\textures\caust16.tga
  1092. XDemos\Dolphin\media\textures\caust15.tga
  1093. XDemos\Dolphin\media\textures\caust14.tga
  1094. XDemos\Dolphin\media\textures\caust13.tga
  1095. XDemos\Dolphin\media\textures\caust12.tga
  1096. XDemos\Dolphin\media\textures\caust11.tga
  1097. XDemos\Dolphin\media\textures\caust10.tga
  1098. XDemos\Dolphin\media\textures\caust09.tga
  1099. XDemos\Dolphin\media\textures\caust08.tga
  1100. XDemos\Dolphin\media\textures\caust07.tga
  1101. XDemos\Dolphin\media\textures\caust06.tga
  1102. XDemos\Dolphin\media\textures\caust05.tga
  1103. XDemos\Dolphin\media\textures\caust04.tga
  1104. XDemos\Dolphin\media\textures\caust03.tga
  1105. XDemos\Dolphin\media\textures\caust02.tga
  1106. XDemos\Dolphin\media\textures\caust01.tga
  1107. XDemos\Dolphin\media\textures\caust00.tga
  1108. XDemos\Dolphin\media\textures\bubble.bmp
  1109. XDemos\Dolphin\media\shaders\seafloor.xvu
  1110. XDemos\Dolphin\media\shaders\seafloor.vsh
  1111. XDemos\Dolphin\media\shaders\dolphin.xvu
  1112. XDemos\Dolphin\media\shaders\dolphin.vsh
  1113. XDemos\Dolphin\media\models\seafloor.xbg
  1114. XDemos\Dolphin\media\models\seafloor.x
  1115. XDemos\Dolphin\media\models\path.xbg
  1116. XDemos\Dolphin\media\models\path.x
  1117. XDemos\Dolphin\media\models\dolphin3.xbg
  1118. XDemos\Dolphin\media\models\dolphin3.x
  1119. XDemos\Dolphin\media\models\dolphin2.xbg
  1120. XDemos\Dolphin\media\models\dolphin2.x
  1121. XDemos\Dolphin\media\models\dolphin1.xbg
  1122. XDemos\Dolphin\media\models\dolphin1.x
  1123. XDemos\Dolphin\media\fonts\arial_16.tga
  1124. XDemos\Dolphin\media\fonts\
  1125. XDemos\Dolphin\media\resource.xpr
  1126. XDemos\Dolphin\media\gamepad.xpr
  1127. XDemos\Dolphin\media\font.xpr
  1128. XDemos\Dolphin\dol.png
  1129. XDemos\Dolphin\Dolphin.xbe
  1130. XDemos\CountDown\media\screen.png
  1131. XDemos\CountDown\media\Font.xpr
  1132. XDemos\CountDown\media\countdown.png
  1133. XDemos\CountDown\CountDown.xbe
  1134. XDemos\xdemos.xdi
  1135. XDemos\XDemos.xbe
  1136. loading.tga
  1137. bink\attract sequence.bik
  1138. bink\intro.bik
  1139. bypass_security.txt
  1140. playlist.txt
  1141. cheats.txt
  1142. init.txt
  1143. cache.xbe
  1145. cachebeta.xbe
  1147. halobeta.xbe
  1148. copying all the misc. files
  1149. %scachebeta.xbe
  1150. %scache.xbe
  1151. %sbeta.xbe
  1152. connected to xbox %s
  1153. building index file%s...
  1154. from old index file
  1155. from scratch
  1156. initializing connection to the xbox
  1157. xsync to %s: %s
  1158. FAILED
  1159. SUCCESS
  1160. index_%s.dat
  1161. strlen(volume_name)<=MAXIMUM_FILENAME_LENGTH
  1162. strlen(file_location_volume_names[location])==0
  1163. location != _file_reference_absolute
  1164. location>0 && location<NUMBER_OF_FILE_REFERENCE_LOCATIONS
  1165. \halopc\haloce\source\tag_files\files.c
  1166. location>=NONE && location<NUMBER_OF_FILE_REFERENCE_LOCATIONS
  1167. references
  1168. maximum_count>0
  1169. info->location>=NONE && info->location<NUMBER_OF_FILE_REFERENCE_LOCATIONS
  1171. info->signature==FILE_REFERENCE_SIGNATURE
  1172. !TEST_FLAG(info->flags, _has_filename_bit)
  1173. directory
  1174. !TEST_FLAG(flags, _name_directory_bit) || !TEST_FLAG(flags, _name_parent_directory_bit)
  1175. flags!=(FLAG(_name_directory_bit)|FLAG(_name_extension_bit))
  1176. VALID_FLAGS(info->flags, NUMBER_OF_NAME_FLAGS)
  1177. strlen(field_name) < DATASTORE_MAX_FIELD_NAME_SIZE
  1178. length < DATASTORE_MAX_DATA_SIZE
  1179. '\0' != field_name[0]
  1180. '\0' != file_name[0]
  1181. NULL != field_name
  1182. NULL != file_name
  1183. success
  1184. location<=_file_reference_application_relative || strlen(file_location_volume_names[location])>0
  1185. \halopc\haloce\source\tag_files\files_windows.c
  1186. !TEST_FLAG(info->flags, has_filename_bit)
  1188. strlen(path)+1+strlen(name)<=MAXIMUM_FILENAME_LENGTH
  1189. strlen(path)+1+strlen(extension)<=MAXIMUM_FILENAME_LENGTH
  1191. path && full_path
  1192. '%s' returned #%d
  1193. xe:\
  1194. xbcp /y /f "%s%s" "%s"
  1195. xbox_copy_file.dat
  1196. %s.%s
  1197. xbcp /y %s/t /f "%s" "%s%s"
  1198. /d
  1199. xbdel /f "%s%s"
  1200. %s('%s') error 0x%08x '%s'
  1201. file_create
  1202. file_delete
  1203. file_exists
  1204. file_open
  1205. TEST_FLAG(flags, _permission_write_bit) || !TEST_FLAG(flags, _permission_append_bit)
  1206. flags & (FLAG(_permission_read_bit)|FLAG(_permission_write_bit))
  1208. file_close
  1209. file_get_position
  1210. file_set_position
  1211. file_get_eof
  1212. file_set_eof
  1213. file_read
  1214. file_write
  1215. file_get_last_modification_date
  1216. file_get_size
  1217. size
  1218. ..
  1219. CVS
  1220. *.*
  1221. Debug memory manager is uninitialized or corrupted. (%s:%d)
  1222. \halopc\haloce\source\cseries\debug_memory.c
  1223. Pointer allocated at %s, %d has overrun the end of its buffer. (Size: %d) (%s:%d)
  1224. Invalid pointer: header: 0x%x signature: 0x%x line: %d file: 0x%x size: 0x%x reason: %s (%s:%d)
  1225. Checksum is incorrect.
  1226. Signature is incorrect.
  1227. Pointer has been disposed.
  1228. Attempted an operation with pointer at 0x%x, outside of the valid pointer range. (%s:%d)
  1229. Attempted an operation with pointer at 0x%x when no pointers have been allocated. (%s:%d)
  1230. pointer
  1231. previous
  1232. Total Allocated: %d bytes
  1233. % 40s % 6d % 10d % 10d bytes
  1234. % 40s % 6s % 10s % 10s
  1235. file
  1236. line
  1237. id
  1238. heap_dump.txt
  1239. Total: %40d bytes in %4d pointers
  1240. Largest Heap Size: %28d bytes
  1241. total_pointer_size==debug_memory_globals.current_heap_size
  1242. File: %32s %8d bytes in %4d pointers. (Min: %8d Max: %8d Avg: %5.3f)
  1244. size>=0 && size<MAXIMUM_POINTER_SIZE
  1245. pointer || size
  1246. smhd
  1247. sv_mapcycle_begin is a dedicated server-only function!
  1248. sv_mapcycle is a dedicated server-only function!
  1249. sv_mapcycle_add is a dedicated server-only function!
  1250. sv_mapcycle_del is a dedicated server-only function!
  1251. sv_map_next is a dedicated server-only function!
  1252. sv_map_reset is a server-only function!
  1253. Map reset.
  1254. sv_end_game is a server-only function!
  1255. Server is stopping the game...
  1256. sv_players is a server-only function!
  1257. %-3d %-*s %-6s %-4d %-6ls %-3d %-4d
  1258. Blue
  1259. Red
  1260. %-8s%-*s %-6s %-6s %-6s %-6s %-8s
  1261. Number
  1262. Name
  1263. Team
  1264. Ping
  1265. Score
  1266. TK Num
  1267. TK Timer
  1268. game
  1269. server != NULL
  1270. \halopc\haloce\source\networking\network_sv_func.c
  1271. Protocol changeover is not enabled. Enable it through the -parameters command line argument.
  1272. %s is a server-only function!
  1273. sv_say
  1274. sv_say: must specify a message
  1275. message != NULL
  1276. sv_status
  1277. Game is ending...
  1278. Use the 'sv_end_game' command to stop the game.
  1279. Dedicated server is running on map %s (%d / %d players)
  1280. [%-4d %2d %*S]
  1281. [Num Bans Name]
  1282. hash && strlen(hash)<=BANNED_PLAYER_HASH_LEN
  1283. name && ustrlen(name)<=MAXIMUM_NETWORK_GAME_PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH
  1284. str
  1285. failed to send join request
  1286. Halo
  1287. strlen(str) == ustrlen(wstr)
  1288. str != NULL && wstr != NULL
  1289. ui\small_ui
  1290. %-36s
  1291. Maps matching substring "%s" :
  1292. %-36ls
  1293. Game types matching substring "%ls" :
  1294. %S
  1295. Game in progress... Changes will apply to the next game.
  1296. sv_friendly_fire: %s
  1297. 0 = default
  1298. 3 = on
  1299. 2 = shields
  1300. 1 = off
  1301. Incorrect usage. Type help sv_friendly_fire for more information.
  1302. sv_friendly_fire: invalid parameter %s
  1303. on
  1304. 3
  1305. shields
  1306. 2
  1307. off
  1308. 1
  1309. default
  1310. 0
  1311. sv_timelimit: -1 = default
  1312. sv_timelimit: 0 = infinite
  1313. sv_timelimit: %d minutes
  1314. Incorrect usage. Type help sv_timelimit for more information.
  1315. sv_timelimit: invalid parameter %s
  1316. infinite
  1317. -1
  1318. Incorrect usage. Type help sv_maxplayers for more information.
  1319. sv_maxplayers must be between 1 and %d
  1320. sv_maxplayers: %d
  1321. WARNING: sv_maxplayers set to 1, are you sure you want to do this?
  1322. sv_rcon_password: '%s'
  1323. Incorrect usage. Type help sv_rcon_password for more information.
  1324. Maximum rcon password length is %d characters
  1325. sv_rcon_password: '' (rcon is DISABLED)
  1326. strings[0] != NULL
  1327. strings != NULL
  1328. Could not encode rcon request message
  1329. failed to send a rcon request to the server
  1330. ERROR: Maximum rcon command length is %d characters
  1331. ERROR: Maximum rcon password length is %d characters
  1332. game_connection() == _game_connection_network_client
  1333. command != NULL
  1334. password != NULL
  1335. Could not encode rcon response message for client #%d
  1336. failed to send a rcon response to the client #%d
  1337. game_connection() == _game_connection_network_server
  1338. Ignoring meaningless rcon_response
  1339. Ignoring meaningless rcon_response message
  1340. Could not decode rcon response
  1341. client != NULL
  1342. header->decoding_information->definition_type == _message_rcon_response
  1343. header->decoding_information != NULL
  1344. header != NULL
  1345. Could not encode motd for client #%d
  1346. failed to send motd to client #%d
  1347. machine_index >= 0 && machine_index < MAXIMUM_NETWORK_MACHINE_COUNT
  1348. motd_text != NULL
  1349. Ignoring meaningless sv_motd
  1350. Ignoring meaningless sv_motd message
  1351. Could not decode motd
  1352. header->decoding_information->definition_type == _message_sv_motd
  1353. strchr(all_valid_suffixes,default_time_suffix) != NULL
  1354. %04d-%02d-%02d
  1355. %02d:%02d:%02d
  1356. time_structure && str_len
  1357. %04d-%02d-%02d%02d:%02d:%02d
  1358. Incorrect usage. Type help %s for more information.
  1359. %s: %u
  1360. true
  1361. false
  1362. new_value != NULL
  1363. Server names must be between 1 and %d characters.
  1364. Incorrect usage. Type help sv_name for more information.
  1365. Server names must only contain printable ASCII characters supported by the Halo UI.
  1366. sv_name: %ls
  1367. name != NULL
  1368. Server passwords must be no more than %d characters.
  1369. Incorrect usage. Type help sv_password for more information.
  1370. Server passwords must only contain printable ASCII characters supported by the Halo UI.
  1371. sv_password: %ls
  1372. sv_single_flag_force_reset
  1373. sv_kick is a server-only function!
  1374. sv_kick: Can't kick a local client!
  1375. >%1d %s
  1376. Infinite
  1377. %1d %s
  1378. ---
  1379. %ds
  1380. %dm %ds
  1381. %dh %dm %ds
  1382. Incorrect usage. Type help sv_ban_penalty for more information.
  1383. %dd %dh %dm %ds
  1384. Offense %s
  1385. Ban Time
  1386. dhms
  1387. Incorrect usage. Type help sv_tk_grace for more information.
  1388. sv_tk_grace: %ds
  1389. ms
  1390. Incorrect usage. Type help sv_tk_cooldown for more information.
  1391. sv_tk_cooldown: %ds
  1392. rcon is a client-only function!
  1393. Incorrect usage. Type help rcon for more information.
  1394. rcon password must be between 1 and %d characters
  1395. rcon command can be no longer than %d characters
  1396. "
  1397. Ignoring meaningless rcon_request message #%d
  1398. Ignoring meaningless rcon_request message from client #%d
  1399. Could not decode rcon message from client #%d
  1400. Ignoring rcon request from client #%d (bad password)
  1401. rcon command ignored (bad password)
  1402. Ignoring rcon request from client #%d (empty command)
  1403. rcon command ignored (empty)
  1404. Failure executing rcon command from client #%d.
  1405. rcon command failed
  1406. Successfully executed rcon command from client #%d.
  1407. rcon command finished
  1408. Ignoring rcon request from client #%d (rcon is disabled)
  1409. rcon command ignored (rcon is disabled)
  1410. header->decoding_information->definition_type == _message_rcon_request
  1411. machine != NULL
  1412. sv_motd: %s (FILE NOT FOUND)
  1413. sv_motd: %s
  1414. sv_motd: DISABLED
  1415. Failed to read MOTD
  1416. Incorrect usage. Type help sv_motd for more information.
  1417. Server MOTD file names cannot be longer than %d characters.
  1418. new_name != NULL
  1419. sv_map specified invalid map or game variant
  1420. sv_map is a server-only function!
  1421. sv_public_value: %d
  1422. WARNING: sv_name unspecified in init.txt, defaulting to %ls
  1423. %32s %32s
  1424. --
  1425. rt
  1426. %s %s
  1427. --
  1428. %S,%s,%d,
  1429. # Name, CD key hash, ban count, ban end date
  1430. wt
  1431. sv_ban is a server-only function!
  1432. sv_ban: Can't ban a local client!
  1433. Incorrect usage. Type help sv_ban for more information.
  1434. sv_banlist_file: %s
  1435. %s\banned%s.txt
  1436. Ban list file names must be alphanumeric.
  1437. Ban file names cannot be longer than %d characters.
  1438. Incorrect usage. Type help sv_banlist_file for more information.
  1439. Ban file names must not be empty.
  1440. banned_noship.txt
  1441. @
  1442. =machine_index == NONE || (machine_index >= 0 && machine_index < MAXIMUM_NETWORK_MACHINE_COUNT)
  1443. \halopc\haloce\source\interface\terminal.c
  1444. external terminal: couldn't update cursor visibility, code %d
  1445. terminal_gets_active()
  1446. external terminal: could not read input, code %d
  1447. read == 1
  1448. strcmp(search_for, replace_with) != 0
  1449. strlen(search_for) > strlen(replace_with)
  1450. strlen(search_for) > 0
  1451. replace_with != NULL
  1452. search_for != NULL
  1453. text != NULL
  1454. Could not move cursor to input line, code %d
  1455. external terminal: could not update cursor position for active input terminal, code %d
  1456. terminal output
  1457. new_line_index!=NONE
  1458. external terminal: couldn't update draw prompt and current input for active input terminal, code %d
  1459. %s %s
  1460. |n
  1461. |t
  1462. text_source != NULL
  1463. state
  1464. terminal_printf call generated %d characters; the buffer size is %d characters.
  1465. format
  1466. [4883328: "0x0000803F0000803F0000000000000000000000000000803F0000000000000000000000000000803F000000000000000000000000000000000000803F000080BF000000000000000000000000000080BF000000000000000000000000000080BF0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000803FFFFF7F7FFFFF7FFFFFFF7F7FFFFF7FFFFFFF7F7FFFFF7FFF020001000100020000000200020000000100000000000100"]
  1467. -noSSE
  1468. projection>=_x && projection<=_z
  1469. ..\math\real_math.h
  1470. ~(sign&~1)
  1471. angles
  1472. up
  1473. forward
  1474. \halopc\haloce\source\math\real_math.c
  1475. (t1 >= 0.0f) && (t1 <= 1.0f)
  1476. (t0 >= 0.0f) && (t0 <= 1.0f)
  1477. (d0 < REAL_MAX) || (d1 < REAL_MAX)
  1478. cosine>=0.0f
  1479. 75dequantize_byte_to_real(min, max, test)<=value || (test==0 && dequantize_byte_to_real(min, max, test)<=value+_real_epsilon)
  1480. %lf is not between %lf and %lf
  1481. dequantize_byte_to_real(min, max, test)>=value || (test==UNSIGNED_CHAR_MAX && dequantize_byte_to_real(min, max, test)>=value-_real_epsilon)
  1482. rectangle->x1==REAL_MIN && rectangle->y0==REAL_MAX && rectangle->y1==REAL_MIN && rectangle->z0==REAL_MAX && rectangle->z1==REAL_MIN
  1483. [0x40490FDB]%s, %s: assert_valid_real_sine_cosine(%f, %f)
  1484. sine
  1485. cosine
  1486. sine>0.0f && cosine>=0.0f
  1487. result
  1488. direction
  1489. %s: assert_valid_real_normal3d(%f, %f, %f)
  1490. normal
  1491. main_present_frame
  1492. main_game_render
  1493. main_pregame_render
  1494. levels\b30\demob30
  1495. levels\d40\d40
  1496. levels\d20\d20
  1497. levels\c40\c40
  1498. levels\c20\c20
  1499. levels\c10\c10
  1500. levels\b40\b40
  1501. levels\b30\b30
  1502. levels\a50\a50
  1503. levels\a30\a30
  1504. levels\a10\a10
  1505. frame_rasterizer
  1506. frame_pre_rasterizer1
  1507. heartbeat
  1508. main_loop
  1509. button_index>=0 && button_index<NUMBER_OF_GAMEPAD_BUTTONS
  1510. \halopc\haloce\source\main\main.c
  1511. Failed to Create Sync thread for GetHostbyName
  1512. main_want_to_exit TYPED QUIT
  1513. core.bin
  1514. warning, core file name will be truncated to 63 characters
  1515. tried to switch to invalid structure-bsp %d
  1516. tried to switch to current structure-bsp %d
  1517. cannot skip more than 15 frames (half a second)
  1518. scenario->type==_scenario_type_main_menu
  1519. d40
  1520. d20
  1521. c40
  1522. c20
  1523. c10
  1524. b40
  1525. b30
  1526. a50
  1527. a30
  1528. a10
  1529. num_players>0
  1530. horizontal_index>=0 && horizontal_index<horizontal_count
  1531. vertical_index>=0 && vertical_index<vertical_count
  1532. player_index<num_players
  1533. @?main_new_map() failed.
  1534. game_load() failed.
  1535. o:
  1536. manual skipping doesn't work outside of cinemtatic start/stop...
  1537. unsafe save
  1538. gave up trying to save
  1539. ?movie
  1541. #<sapien pc built at: Apr 27 2004 15:50:18
  1542. old tags\internal system plain
  1543. chucky was here! NULL belongs to me!!!!!
  1544. sapien pc Apr 27 2004 15:50:18
  1545. map_name d20
  1546. ###Video Options###
  1547. Resolution= %d x %d
  1548. Refresh rate= %d Hz
  1549. Framerate throttle= No Vsync
  1550. Specular= %s
  1551. Shadows= %s
  1552. Decals= %s
  1553. Particles= %s
  1554. Texture Quality= %s
  1555. For further information, please visit the timedemo FAQ at:
  1556. Off
  1557. ###Sound Options###
  1558. Sound Disabled
  1559. ###Sound Options###
  1560. Hardware Acceleration= %s
  1561. Sound Quality= %s
  1562. Environmental Sound= %s
  1563. Sound Variety= %s
  1564. Yes
  1565. Normal
  1566. No
  1567. EAX
  1568. Low
  1569. Medium
  1570. High
  1571. Frames=%d
  1572. Total Time=%.2fs
  1573. Average frame rate=%.2ffps
  1574. Below 5fps=% 2d%% (time) %d%% (frames) (%.3fs spent in %d frame%s
  1575. Below 10fps=% 2d%% (time) %d%% (frames)
  1576. Below 15fps=% 2d%% (time) %d%% (frames)
  1577. Below 20fps=% 2d%% (time) %d%% (frames)
  1578. Below 25fps=% 2d%% (time) %d%% (frames)
  1579. Below 30fps=% 2d%% (time) %d%% (frames)
  1580. Below 40fps=% 2d%% (time) %d%% (frames)
  1581. Below 50fps=% 2d%% (time) %d%% (frames)
  1582. Below 60fps=% 2d%% (time) %d%% (frames)
  1583. (Version=%d.%d.%d.%d)
  1584. %dMHz, %dMB
  1585. %dMHz, %dMB, %dM %s %s (DeviceID=0x%04x) Driver=%d.%d.%d.%d Shader=%s
  1586. %d.%d
  1587. Fixed Function
  1588. 2.0a
  1589. Date / Time: %s %s (%dms)
  1590. timedemo.txt
  1591. map_name c10
  1592. map_name b30
  1593. %s:%d
  1594. Connect functions unavailable in -devmode.
  1595. levels\ui\ui
  1596. !main_globals.main_menu_scenario_loaded
  1597. congratulations, you won the game!
  1598. movie\frame%06d.tga
  1599. error opening saved film
  1600. %s\%dscreenshot%d%d.tif
  1601. screenshots
  1602. main_loop exiting
  1603. end of saved film
  1604. [%d]: Update [%d] ([%d]): ([%f] [%f] [%f]), ([%f] [%f]), ([%f] [%f])
  1605. the game host went down
  1606. -parameters
  1607. -codeprofile
  1608. main_loop entering Date[%04d-%02d-%02d] Time[%2d:%02d:%02d]
  1609. global_rasterizer_model_ambient_reflection_tint
  1610. \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\rasterizer.c
  1611. rasterizer model ambient reflection tint
  1612. global_current_collision_user_depth > 1
  1613. global_current_collision_user_depth < MAXIMUM_COLLISION_USER_STACK_DEPTH
  1614. V=
  1615. %d%c
  1616. I=
  1617. node_weight0>=0.0f && node_weight0<=1.0f
  1618. node_index1<skinning->node_matrix_count
  1619. node_index0<skinning->node_matrix_count
  1620. part->triangle_buffer.type==_triangle_buffer_type_precompiled_strip
  1621. part
  1622. CentaurHauls
  1623. CyrixInstead
  1624. GenuineIntel
  1625. AuthenticAMD
  1626. queue_sound_to_channel_dsound_idle_block_Play
  1627. queue_sound_to_channel_dsound_idle_block_SetCurrentPosition
  1628. queue_sound_to_channel_dsound_idle_block_CommitDeferredSettings
  1629. queue_sound_to_channel_dsound_idle_block
  1630. sound_dsound_channel_fill_chunk
  1631. sound_dsound_channel_fill_unlock
  1632. sound_dsound_channel_fill_lock
  1633. sound_dsound_channel_fill
  1634. sound_dsound_update_channel_dsound
  1635. IDirectSoundBuffer_GetCurrentPosition
  1636. sound_dsound_uncompressed_stream_to_buffer
  1637. c:\halopc\haloce\source\sound\sound_dsound.h
  1638. samples_per_second==22050 || samples_per_second==44100
  1640. index<dsound_globals.actual_channel_count
  1641. index >= 0
  1642. c:\halopc\haloce\source\sound\sound_dsound_pc.h
  1643. index>=0 && index<dsound_globals.virtual_channel_count
  1644. channel_index < MAXIMUM_SOUND_CHANNELS
  1645. channel_index < dsound_globals.actual_channel_count
  1646. channel_index >= 0
  1647. Trying to load a sound whose compression isn't supported: %d
  1648. !state->valid
  1649. \halopc\haloce\source\sound\sound_dsound_pc.c
  1650. trying to queue sound but samples is null.
  1651. *samples_streamed<=buffer_length
  1652. *bytes_streamed <= buffer_length
  1653. current_pos != NULL
  1654. !(((int)buffer)&1)
  1655. samples_streamed
  1656. buffer_length
  1657. type_index>=0 && type_index<NUMBER_OF_SOUND_CHANNEL_TYPES
  1658. play_cursor_position >= 0 && play_cursor_position < GetAvgBytesPerSecond(sound_samples_per_second(channel_type_sample_rate(channel->type_flags)), channel_get_num_channels(channel_index))
  1659. length==0
  1660. length>=0
  1661. channel->state!=_sound_channel_idle
  1662. start_position + length <= GetAvgBytesPerSecond(sound_samples_per_second(channel_type_sample_rate(channel->type_flags)), channel_get_num_channels(channel_index))
  1663. length>0
  1664. start_position>=0
  1665. ###ERROR: setting state to idle, but we haven't finished writing all the samples yet. current_sound_end or insertion_point must be wrong!
  1666. DirectSound: '%s' (%s#%d)
  1683. <unknown error>
  1684. success && "All sounds re-initialized after changing software/hardware format"
  1685. channel_get(vchannel->channel_index)->virtual_channel_index==virtual_channel_index
  1686. couldn't set listener velocity.
  1687. couldn't set listener orientation.
  1688. couldn't set listener position.
  1689. couldn't set channel velocity.
  1690. couldn't set channel orientation.
  1691. couldn't set channel position.
  1692. couldn't set channel spatialization.
  1693. channel->buffer_3d
  1694. TEST_FLAG(channel->type_flags, _sound_channel_3d_bit)
  1695. couldn't set channel cone volume.
  1696. couldn't set channel cone angles.
  1697. couldn't set channel min distance.
  1698. couldn't set channel max distance.
  1699. couldn't set channel pitch.
  1700. couldn't set channel volume.
  1701. channel->buffer
  1702. dsound_globals.pause_gain>=0 && dsound_globals.pause_gain<=1.f
  1703. properties->gain>=0.f && properties->gain<=1.f
  1704. couldn't unlock buffer.
  1705. length == lock_length1 || length == lock_length1+lock_length2
  1706. couldn't lock buffer.
  1707. hr != DSERR_BUFFERLOST
  1708. length <= channel->buffer_size
  1709. Failed to get buffer status in RestoreBuffer
  1710. Error trying to GetStatus for channel: %d
  1711. channel->stopping
  1712. channel != NULL
  1713. WARNING: ran out of actual sound channels of type %d
  1714. vchannel->type_index>=0 && vchannel->type_index<NUMBER_OF_SOUND_CHANNEL_TYPES
  1715. vchannel->channel_index==NONE
  1716. vchannel->channel_index==NONE || channel_get(vchannel->channel_index)->virtual_channel_index==virtual_channel_index
  1717. vchannel->channel_index==NONE || channel_get(vchannel->channel_index)->type_flags==sound_channel_type_flags[vchannel->type_index]
  1718. dsound_virtual_touch tried return invalid channel index %d, resetting to NONE
  1719. Failed to create DirectSound secondary buffer.
  1720. could not query interface for IID_IDirectSound3DBuffer.
  1721. Error creating channel buffer %d
  1722. Error reading caps from buffer %d that was just created.
  1723. Failed to restore buffer
  1724. Failed to play buffer
  1725. channel->current_sound_end!=NONE
  1726. bad DirectSound channel state.
  1727. failed to stop channel %d
  1728. actual_channel_index >= 0 && actual_channel_index <= MAXIMUM_SOUND_CHANNELS
  1729. could not set dsound cooperative level to exclusive
  1730. could not get caps for sound card?
  1731. could not create primary buffer
  1732. could not set format of primary buffer
  1733. could not create dsound3d listener
  1734. could not adjust distance factor
  1735. could not adjust rolloff factor
  1736. Sound card doesn't meet minimum hardware requirements. Disabling hardware option.
  1737. Failed to set doppler factor
  1738. (num_mono3d_voices >= MIN_3D_MONO_CHANNELS) && (num_mono2d_voices >= MIN_2D_MONO_CHANNELS) && (num_stereo22k_voices >= MIN_STEREO_22K_CHANNELS) && (num_stereo44k_voices >= MIN_STEREO_44K_CHANNELS)
  1739. could not create direct sound object
  1740. preferences
  1741. %i / %i 44k stereo channels.|n
  1742. %i / %i stereo channels.|n
  1743. %i / %i mono channels.|n
  1744. |n|n%i / %i mono 3D channels.|n
  1745. %1.2f %1.2f %s(%s)
  1746. couldn't commit deferred settings.
  1747. unmatched call to unlock_random_seed() somewhere
  1748. \halopc\haloce\source\math\random_math.c
  1749. you should not be using global random(); use local random() instead
  1750. random_direction_geosphere
  1751. index>=0 && index<random_math_globals.random_direction_table_size
  1752. random_math_globals.random_direction_table
  1753. game_event
  1754. scripted_dialog_force_unspatialized
  1755. scripted_dialog_other
  1756. scripted_effect
  1757. scripted_dialog_player
  1758. first_person_damage
  1759. ambient_computers
  1760. ambient_machinery
  1761. ambient_nature
  1762. device_computers
  1763. device_nature
  1764. device_machinery
  1765. device_force_field
  1766. device_door
  1767. vehicle_engine
  1768. vehicle_collision
  1769. unit_dialog
  1770. unit_footsteps
  1771. slow_particle_impacts
  1772. particle_impacts
  1773. object_impacts
  1774. weapon_idle
  1775. weapon_overheat
  1776. weapon_charge
  1777. weapon_empty
  1778. weapon_reload
  1779. weapon_ready
  1780. projectile_detonation
  1781. projectile_impact
  1782. sound classes
  1783. sound_class_data
  1784. index>=0 && index<NUMBER_OF_SOUND_CLASSES
  1785. \halopc\haloce\source\sound\sound_classes.c
  1786. size>0
  1787. \halopc\haloce\source\memory\data.c
  1788. identifier || !data->identifier_zero_invalid
  1789. data->valid
  1790. %s index #%d (0x%x) is unused or changed
  1791. %s data array @%p is bad or not allocated
  1792. iterator->data->valid
  1793. uninitialized iterator passed to iterator_next()
  1794. hardware sound reference count failure.
  1795. \halopc\haloce\source\cache\pc_sound_cache.c
  1796. sound->cache_base_address==NULL
  1797. tried to delete sound %s(%s) from the cache while it was playing (hard).
  1798. tried to delete sound %s(%s) from the cache while it was playing (soft).
  1799. Increasing sound decompression buffer size to %d bytes
  1800. Failed to decompress all XBXOX ADPCM sample: %s.
  1801. sound->unused0[0] != 0
  1802. cache_sound->software_reference_count
  1803. --- finish %d %s
  1804. cache_sound->sound->cache_block_index==block_index
  1805. tried to delete sound %s(%s) from the cache while it was playing.
  1806. ;:%d - %s %d c bytes %d u bytes
  1807. [sounds in cache]
  1808. [sounds in cache]
  1809. %d / 512 sounds in cache
  1810. %.2f MB / %.2f MB used %.2f percent free
  1811. %d / %d pages allocated
  1812. %d / %d pages used this frame
  1813. %d / %d pages old
  1814. %d / %d pages locked
  1815. sound_cache_dump.txt
  1816. w+
  1817. pc_sound_cache_globals.base_address
  1818. pc_sound_cache_globals.cache
  1819. pc sound cache
  1820. pc_sound_cache_globals.cache_sounds
  1821. pc sound
  1822. Dumping sound cache state, please attach sound_cache_dump.txt with your minidump for Scott =)
  1823. Failed to create new sound cache block: %s
  1824. new_cache_sound_index==cache_block_index
  1825. new_size > 0
  1826. sound != NULL
  1827. %d / 512 sounds in cache|n%.2f MB / %.2f MB used|n%d / %d pages allocated|n%d / %d pages used this frame|n%d / %d pages old|n%d / %d pages locked|n
  1828. cache_sound->software_reference_count<UNSIGNED_CHAR_MAX
  1829. --- request %d %s
  1830. sound->cache_tag_index!=0
  1831. load || !reference
  1832. load || !block
  1833. scenario globals
  1834. global_scenario
  1835. \halopc\haloce\source\scenario\scenario.c
  1836. global_structure_bsp
  1837. global_collision_bsp
  1838. global_bsp3d
  1839. global_game_globals
  1840. material_type==NONE || (material_type>=0 && material_type<NUMBER_OF_MATERIAL_TYPES)
  1841. cluster_index1>=0 && cluster_index1<structure_bsp->clusters.count
  1842. location->cluster_index>=0 && location->cluster_index<global_structure_bsp_get()->clusters.count
  1843. <no scenario loaded>
  1844. dead
  1845. at (%.2f,%.2f,%.2f) (leaf#%d,cluster#%d)
  1846. player 0x%08x
  1847. "%s" bsp "%s" (#%d)
  1848. couldn't load game globals (get new tags)
  1849. globals\globals
  1850. !bink_playback_active()
  1851. L=position
  1852. location
  1853. failed to load structure bsp '%s'
  1854. |n|n|n|n%s
  1855. no sound environment
  1856. need to get the following tags:
  1857. scenario doesn't have a structure bsp
  1858. frame_game_time_update
  1859. game time globals
  1860. game_time_globals && !game_time_globals->initialized
  1861. \halopc\haloce\source\game\game_time.c
  1862. game_time_globals
  1863. game_time_globals && game_time_globals->initialized
  1864. positive latency means you're behind the server, negative means you're ahead.
  1865. each line represents about %d milliseconds.
  1866. game_time_statistics.txt
  1867. !game_time_globals->active
  1868. game_time_globals->leftover_time_sec>=0.f && game_time_globals->leftover_time_sec<100.f
  1869. JWS: tons-o-ticks!! %d
  1870. \halopc\haloce\source\main\profile_service.c
  1871. ProfileService ROOT
  1872. [%-*s] == Num[%11d] Tot[%9I64u] UnT[%9I64u] Avg[%14.4f] Min[%14.4f] Max[%14.4f] POP[%8.4f]%s
  1873. Hint[candidate for inlining]
  1874. Hint[A func is taking a lot of frame time, and not well timed]
  1875. %s %d %I64u %f %f %f %f
  1876. knownParents != NULL
  1877. (*timerVar)->parentsList->mNumParents < MAX_UNIQUE_TIMER_PARENTS
  1878. knownParents->mNumParents < MAX_UNIQUE_TIMER_PARENTS
  1879. timerVar != NULL
  1880. -------Stack Order:
  1881. -------Unique timers:
  1882. (Days[%2d] Hours[%2d] Minutes[%2d] Seconds[%2d])
  1883. Total Process Time in Seconds[%7f]
  1884. Legend:
  1885. Num == NumTimings
  1886. Tot == TotalTime
  1887. UnT == UnaccountedTime
  1888. Avg == Average ms
  1889. Min = Min Timing
  1890. Max = Max Timing
  1891. POP == PercentOfProcess
  1892. Code Profile %05u.xls
  1893. Code Profile %05u.txt
  1894. point2
  1895. point1
  1896. point0
  1897. immediate
  1898. \halopc\haloce\source\render\render_debug.c
  1899. point3
  1900. points
  1901. render debug cache string overflow
  1902. render debug cache overflow.
  1903. vector
  1904. center
  1905. height
  1906. base
  1907. |n%s
  1908. HB
  1909. |nground_point(%01.2f,%01.2f,%01.2f) facing(%01.2f) surface(#%d)
  1910. point(%01.2f,%01.2f,%01.2f) leaf(#%d [%d]) cluster(#%d [%d])
  1911. speed %5f|nslide %5f|nturn %5f%s
  1912. |nstuck!
  1913. riding an elevator
  1914. %d
  1915. debug_bsp.txt
  1916. solid
  1917. leaf %5d
  1918. %5d %5d %c|n
  1919. plane_count<MAXIMUM_BSP3D_DEPTH
  1920. node plane|n
  1921. plane
  1922. p1
  1923. p0
  1924. can't add box2d to debug cache
  1925. hf reference(20 to 20,000):Hz#for hf values, what frequency defines hf, from 20 to 20,000
  1926. density
  1927. diffusion
  1928. reverb delay (0 to .1):seconds
  1929. reverb intensity
  1930. reflections delay (0 to .3):seconds
  1931. reflections intensity
  1932. decay hf ratio (.1 to 2)
  1933. decay time (.1 to 20):seconds
  1934. room rolloff (0 to 10)#how quickly the room effect rolls off, from 0.0 to 10.0
  1935. room intensity hf#intensity of the room effect above the reference high frequency
  1936. room intensity#intensity of the room effect
  1937. priority#when multiple listeners are in different sound environments in split screen, the combined environment will be the one with the highest priority.
  1938. sound_environment
  1939. game_sound_sound_raycast
  1940. game_sound_sound_pvs
  1941. game_sound_sound_obstruction
  1942. game_sound_update_potentially_audible_looping
  1943. game_sound_update
  1944. game sound globals
  1945. object looping sounds
  1946. TEST_FLAG(sound->flags, _game_looping_sound_scripted_bit)
  1947. \halopc\haloce\source\sound\game_sound.c
  1948. marker_name
  1949. definition->runtime_scripting_sound_index==NONE || game_looping_sound_get(definition->runtime_scripting_sound_index)
  1950. definition->runtime_scripting_sound_index!=looping_sound_index
  1951. scale>=0.f && scale<=1.f
  1952. TEST_FLAG(definition->flags, _looping_sound_fake_impulse_sound_bit)
  1953. source
  1954. attachment_data
  1955. [0x40010204]
  1956. location->cluster_index>=NONE && location->cluster_index<global_structure_bsp_get()->clusters.count
  1957. [1.4]
  1958. source->spatialization_mode==_sound_spatialization_mode_absolute
  1959. position && forward
  1960. head
  1961. definition->runtime_scripting_sound_index==NONE
  1962. [4900272: "0x0000803F0000000000000000000000000000803F0000000000000000000080BF00000000F304353FF30435BF00000000F304353FF304353F000000003ACD133F3ACD133F3ACD133F3ACD133F3ACD133F3ACD13BF3ACD133F3ACD13BF3ACD133F3ACD133F3ACD13BF3ACD13BF"]
  1963. players_update_after_game
  1964. players_update_before_game_client
  1965. players_update_before_game
  1966. players_update_before_game_server
  1967. players globals
  1968. teams
  1969. players
  1970. failed to create a player
  1971. \halopc\haloce\source\game\players.c
  1972. failed to remove a player
  1973. JWS: deleting player %d machine index %d
  1974. player->quit_out_of_game == TRUE
  1975. local_player_index>=NONE && local_player_index<MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_LOCAL_PLAYERS
  1976. local_player_index>=0 && local_player_index<MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_LOCAL_PLAYERS
  1977. JWS: calling player_cleanup_after_player_has_quit_game_and_no_longer_attached_to_unit() from player_died() for %d
  1978. game_connection()==_game_connection_local
  1979. tried to fix broken player control for a game w/ player_spawn_count= %d... but we don't allow restored games for anything other than player_spawn_count= 1
  1980. failed to correct player control for restored saved game... probably won't be able to control the player
  1981. corrected player control for restored saved game
  1982. player_update_history_is_valid_id(player->server_update_data.last_completed_update_id)
  1983. [%d]: [%d]: Completed [%d] ([%f] [%f] [%f]), ([%f] [%f]), ([%f] [%f])
  1984. player_update_history_is_valid_id(unit->unit.last_completed_client_update_id)
  1985. player_index != NONE
  1986. [1.1]
  1987. position != NULL
  1988. unit != NULL
  1989. unit_index != NONE
  1990. Can't update pos: [%d] != [%d]
  1991. Waited [%d], dist [%f].
  1992. player != NULL
  1993. Vehicle waited [%d], dist [%f].
  1994. SDJ: ERROR: player_create_from_network(): Ignoring meaningless attempt to decode incremental player create message
  1995. SDJ: ERROR: player_create_from_network(): Could not decode player create message
  1996. SDJ: ERROR: player_create_from_network(): Player still does not exist with translated index [%d], raw index [%d] already exists.
  1997. SDJ: ERROR: player_create_from_network(): Player with translated index [%d], raw index [%d] already exists.
  1998. SDJ: ERROR: player_create_from_network(): network_game_spawn_player_client() failed.
  1999. JWS: network_game_spawn_player_client() happening as result of player_create message (raw player index %d, translated index %d)
  2000. network_player_data != NULL
  2001. header->custom_header != NULL
  2002. header->decoding_information->definition_type == _message_player_create
  2003. Could not encode player creation message for player index %d
  2004. server failed to send player create message to client machine %d; client machine may be out of sync
  2005. server failed to send player create message to all machines; client machine may be out of sync
  2006. Could not encode player spawn message for player index %d
  2007. Sent player spawn to one machine for player [%d], translated index [%d]
  2008. server failed to send player spawn message to client machine %d; client machine may be out of sync
  2009. Sent player spawn to all loaded machines for player [%d], translated index [%d]
  2010. server failed to send player spawn message to all machines; client machine may be out of sync
  2011. Could not encode player set action result message for player index %d
  2012. server failed to send player_set_action_result message to all machines; client machine may be out of sync
  2013. current_weapon_index == weapon_to_drop_as_result_of_swap
  2014. SDJ: ERROR: player_handle_weapon_swap_client(): Could not add weapon [%d] to unit [%d]
  2015. [1.80178]
  2016. SDJ: RAID 1322: Client: Player [%d], has action [%d], but can't proceed because his unit index [%d] is NONE.
  2017. SDJ: RAID 1322: Skipped action: Player [%d], action [%d], unit index [%d].
  2018. SDJ: RAID 1322: Client: Player [%d], has action [%d], but can't proceed because his unit index [%d] resolves to NULL.
  2019. Could not encode player handle powerup message for player index %d
  2020. server failed to send player_handle_powerup message to all machines; client machine may be out of sync
  2021. JWS: player creation failed!!
  2022. JWS: player creation succeeded, as expected
  2023. JWS: trying to create a player on machine_index %d player_index %d local_player_index %d
  2024. ((local_player_index>=0) && (local_player_index<MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_LOCAL_PLAYERS)) || (local_player_index==NONE)
  2025. Could not attach starting weapon to player
  2026. player->local_player_index!=NONE
  2027. couldn't teleport player into a valid location
  2028. player->unit_index!=NONE
  2029. scale
  2030. magnitude3d(&best_adjustment_vector)
  2031. [0x40400000]
  2032. [sine 45]
  2033. source_unit_index==NONE || local_player_count()>1
  2034. (NONE == control_data.zoom_level) || ((control_data.zoom_level >= 0))
  2035. (NONE == control_data.grenade_index) || ((control_data.grenade_index >= 0) && (control_data.grenade_index <= NUMBER_OF_UNIT_GRENADE_TYPES))
  2036. (NONE == control_data.weapon_index) || ((control_data.weapon_index >= 0) && (control_data.weapon_index <= MAXIMUM_WEAPONS_PER_UNIT))
  2037. (NONE == action.desired_zoom_level) || ((action.desired_zoom_level >= 0))
  2038. (NONE == action.desired_grenade_index) || ((action.desired_grenade_index >= 0) && (action.desired_grenade_index <= NUMBER_OF_UNIT_GRENADE_TYPES))
  2039. (NONE == action.desired_weapon_index) || ((action.desired_weapon_index >= 0) && (action.desired_weapon_index <= MAXIMUM_WEAPONS_PER_UNIT))
  2040. action.primary_trigger
  2041. %s: assert_valid_real_vector2d(%f, %f)
  2042. &action.throttle
  2043. action.desired_facing.yaw
  2044. %s: assert_valid_real(0x%08X %f)
  2045. action.desired_facing.pitch
  2046. [%d]: Caught up on [%d] updates == [%d] ticks.
  2047. !"Haven't handled spawning a player without a unit in Multiplayer."
  2048. server failed to send biped new message for object index [%d]
  2049. seat_index != NONE
  2050. Ignoring meaningless attempt to decode incremental player set action result message
  2051. Could not decode player set action result message for translated player index %d (may not be valid!)
  2052. player_set_action_result_from_network(): Client received an action whose action_object_index resolved to NONE. action result type [%d]
  2053. player_set_action_result_from_network(): Curious, client received an action whose action_object_index was NONE. action result type [%d]
  2054. header->decoding_information->definition_type == _message_player_set_action_result
  2055. powerup_type>=0 && powerup_type<NUMBER_OF_PLAYER_POWERUPS
  2056. player_index!=NONE
  2057. no players in the bsp
  2058. SDJ: ERROR: player_spawn_from_network(): Ignoring meaningless attempt to decode incremental player spawn message
  2059. SDJ: ERROR: player_spawn_from_network(): Could not decode player spawn message
  2060. SDJ: ERROR: player_spawn_from_network(): Attempt to spawn player with translated index [%d], raw index [%d] failed because player_get(raw_index) return NULL.
  2061. SDJ: player_spawn_from_network(): Player [%d] spawned as just a biped. Vehicle index translated from [%d] to [%d].
  2062. test == TRUE
  2063. SDJ: player_spawn_from_network(): Player [%d] spawned in vehicle. Vehicle index translated from [%d] to [%d].
  2064. unit->unit.weapon_object_indices[x] == local_weapon_index
  2065. SDJ: ERROR: player_spawn_from_network(): Spawned player [%d] with no unit.
  2066. SDJ: ERROR: player_spawn_from_network(): Player [%d], unit index [%d] resolved to NULL.
  2067. SDJ: player_spawn_from_network(): Player [%d], unit index translated from [%d] to [%d].
  2068. local_unit_index != NONE
  2069. header->decoding_information->definition_type == _message_player_spawn
  2070. Ignoring meaningless incremental player_handle_powerup_from_network request
  2071. Could not decode player handle powerup message for translated player index %d (may not be valid!)
  2072. header->decoding_information->definition_type == _message_player_handle_powerup
  2073. (NONE == action->desired_zoom_level) || ((action->desired_zoom_level >= 0))
  2074. (NONE == action->desired_grenade_index) || ((action->desired_grenade_index >= 0) && (action->desired_grenade_index <= NUMBER_OF_UNIT_GRENADE_TYPES))
  2075. (NONE == action->desired_weapon_index) || ((action->desired_weapon_index >= 0) && (action->desired_weapon_index <= MAXIMUM_WEAPONS_PER_UNIT))
  2076. action->primary_trigger
  2077. &action->throttle
  2078. action->desired_facing.yaw
  2079. action->desired_facing.pitch
  2080. action_index>=0 && action_index<NETWORK_GAME_MAXIMUM_PLAYER_COUNT
  2081. [%d]: No action available.
  2082. !!!WARNING!!! teleported player triggering a bsp switch!!!
  2083. a6<cinematic_globals
  2084. \halopc\haloce\source\cutscene\cinematics.c
  2085. cinematic globals
  2086. no free chapter title slots to display title '%s'
  2087. [39]
  2088. [0.8]
  2089. [480]
  2090. [0.125]
  2091. player_effect_update
  2092. player_effect_globals
  2093. \halopc\haloce\source\effects\player_effects.c
  2094. player effects
  2095. Could not encode player effect start message for player index %d
  2096. server failed to send player effect start message to client machine; client machine may be out of sync
  2097. direction != NULL
  2098. damage != NULL
  2099. screen_flash->intensity
  2100. screen_flash->intensity>=0.0f && screen_flash->intensity<=1.0f
  2101. screen_flash
  2102. matrix
  2103. [0x4016CBE4] or 2.35619
  2104. [0.785398]
  2105. Ignoring meaningless attempt to decode incremental player effect start message
  2106. Could not decode player effect start message
  2107. header->decoding_information->definition_type == _message_player_effect_start
  2108. -C6?!realcmp(determinant, 0.0f)
  2109. \halopc\haloce\source\math\matrix_math.c
  2110. valid_real_plane3d(plane)
  2111. DDPG
  2112. PG
  2113. PG=-2>biped_predicted_movement_localplayer
  2114. observer_update
  2115. \halopc\haloce\source\camera\observer.c
  2116. observer->result.location.cluster_index>=NONE && observer->result.location.cluster_index<global_structure_bsp_get()->clusters.count
  2117. @A
  2118. @
  2119. Invalid camera command.
  2120. F: (%f, %f, %f) U: (%f, %f, %f)
  2121. P: (%f, %f, %f) O: (%f, %f, %f)
  2122. D: %f V: (%f, %f, %f), FOV: %f, T: %f, FL: %ld
  2123. aE
  2124. @E
  2125. @A@observer->velocities.n[parameter_index]
  2126. forward1
  2127. up1
  2128. %s, %s: assert_valid_real_vector3d_axes2(%f, %f, %f / %f, %f, %f)
  2129. forward0
  2130. up0
  2131. ?valid_field_of_view(observer->field_of_view)
  2132. valid_world_real_point3d(&observer->result.position)
  2133. valid_focus_distance(focus_distance)
  2134. valid_world_real_point3d((real_point3d *) &observer->focus_offset)
  2135. &observer->forward
  2136. &observer->up
  2137. valid_world_real_point3d(&focus_position)
  2138. !observer->updated_for_frame
  2139. observer->header_signature==OBSERVER_SIGNATURE && observer->trailer_signature==OBSERVER_SIGNATURE
  2140. |l%s|t|r% 3.2f/% 4ld|t% 3.2f/% 4ld|t% 3.2f/% 4ld|n
  2141. %-50s%6ld / %7.3f %5.2f / %7.3f %ld / %7.3f
  2142. |t|rthis frame|taverage|tpeak|n
  2143. section total calls / time av. calls / time peak calls / time
  2144. parent_timesection->self_msec >= child_timesection->elapsed_msec
  2145. \halopc\haloce\source\cseries\profile.c
  2146. profile_globals.section_count<MAXIMUM_PROFILE_SECTIONS
  2147. don't call profile_enter_private(), call profile_enter()
  2148. section->active
  2149. section
  2150. section->stack_depth==NONE
  2151. section->stack_depth==profile_globals.stack_depth
  2152. f-misc %6.2f
  2153. r-misc %6.2f
  2154. tex%6.2f
  2155. stall%6.2f
  2156. %s
  2157. %s%6.2f%s
  2158. np render%6.2f
  2159. %s
  2160. %6.2f%s
  2161. (
  2162. game%2d
  2163. idle%6.2f
  2164. (synced)
  2165. (slowed)
  2166. (f.%3dms)
  2167. (l.%3dms)
  2168. (free%3d)
  2169. (lost%3d)
  2170. frame %5d vbl tot%6.2f
  2171. !"unreachable"
  2172. maximum_section_count>0
  2173. format_mode>=0 && format_mode<NUMBER_OF_PROFILE_DUMP_FORMAT_MODES
  2174. sort_mode>=0 && sort_mode<NUMBER_OF_PROFILE_SORT_MODES
  2175. %s
  2176. profile.txt
  2177. framedump.txt
  2178. wb
  2179. *
  2180. gpu
  2181. dt
  2182. idle
  2183. texture
  2184. stall
  2185. game_render
  2186. render0_3np
  2187. render0_3
  2188. render0_2
  2189. render0_1
  2190. render0
  2191. render
  2192. nonplayer
  2193. player3
  2194. player2
  2195. player1
  2196. player0
  2197. game7
  2198. game6
  2199. game5
  2200. game4
  2201. game3
  2202. game2
  2203. game1
  2204. game0
  2205. load
  2206. frame
  2207. name && section_index_reference
  2208. iterator->current_buffer_index != profile_globals.current_frame_history_index
  2209. (iterator->current_buffer_index >= 0) && (iterator->current_buffer_index < profile_globals.current_frame_history_count)
  2210. iterator
  2211. (profile_globals.current_frame.game_tick_count > 0) && (profile_globals.current_frame.game_tick_count <= MAXIMUM_GAME_TICKS_PER_FRAME)
  2212. (profile_globals.current_frame.window_count > 0) && (profile_globals.current_frame.window_count <= MAXIMUM_WINDOWS)
  2213. (profile_globals.current_frame.window_count >= 0) && (profile_globals.current_frame.window_count <= MAXIMUM_WINDOWS)
  2214. (profile_globals.current_frame.game_tick_count >= 0) && (profile_globals.current_frame.game_tick_count <= MAXIMUM_GAME_TICKS_PER_FRAME)
  2215. game_engine_update
  2216. `ff?ui\multiplayer_game_text
  2217. aD
  2218. C
  2219. %?weapon_is_flag(weapon_index)
  2220. weapon_index != NONE
  2221. \halopc\haloce\source\game\game_engine.c
  2222. (item->object.scale >= 0.5f) && (item->object.scale <= 3.f)
  2223. NULL != game_engine
  2224. netgame_equipment_new_to_network(): Failed to send netgame equipment spawn message to all loaded machines.
  2225. bits_encoded > 0
  2226. message_data.server_object_index != NONE
  2227. netgame_equipment_index >= 0
  2228. server_object_index != NONE
  2229. variant && map_name
  2230. dead_player_index != NONE
  2231. Could not encode multiplayer hud message
  2232. server failed to send multiplayer hud message to client machine_index #%d; client machine may be out of sync
  2233. game_engine
  2234. failed to teleport %d
  2235. WKS?>
  2236. @33?L>vehicle
  2237. object
  2238. !allow_pick_up || !TEST_FLAG(weapon_definition->weapon.flags, _weapon_must_be_readied_bit) || !unit_has_weapon_with_flag(unit_index, _weapon_must_be_readied_bit)
  2239. global_goal[index].in_use
  2240. G!??mp map referring to original needler
  2241. NONE != lookup_index
  2242. < maximum_places
  2243. (!all_tied || (tied)) || (1 == group_count)
  2244. item
  2245. variant
  2246. >alpha>=0.0f && alpha<=1.0f
  2247. %s%s
  2248. (%s)ui\shell\main_menu\settings_select\multiplayer_setup\vehicle_options_edit\var_vehicles_respawn
  2249. ui\shell\main_menu\settings_select\multiplayer_setup\vehicle_options_edit\vehicle_options_labels
  2250. ui\shell\main_menu\settings_select\multiplayer_setup\teamplay_options_edit\var_friendly_fire_penalty
  2251. ui\shell\main_menu\settings_select\multiplayer_setup\teamplay_options_edit\var_friendly_fire
  2252. ui\shell\main_menu\settings_select\multiplayer_setup\teamplay_options_edit\teamplay_options_labels
  2253. ui\shell\main_menu\settings_select\multiplayer_setup\player_options_edit\var_suicide_penalty
  2254. ui\shell\main_menu\settings_select\multiplayer_setup\player_options_edit\var_invisible_players
  2255. ui\shell\main_menu\settings_select\multiplayer_setup\player_options_edit\var_odd_man_out
  2256. ui\shell\main_menu\settings_select\multiplayer_setup\player_options_edit\var_respawn_time_growh
  2257. ui\shell\main_menu\settings_select\multiplayer_setup\player_options_edit\var_respawn_time
  2258. ui\shell\main_menu\settings_select\multiplayer_setup\player_options_edit\var_shields
  2259. @@?ui\shell\main_menu\settings_select\multiplayer_setup\player_options_edit\var_maximum_health
  2260. ui\shell\main_menu\settings_select\multiplayer_setup\player_options_edit\var_number_of_lives
  2261. ui\shell\main_menu\settings_select\multiplayer_setup\player_options_edit\player_options_labels
  2262. ui\shell\main_menu\settings_select\multiplayer_setup\playlist_edit\race_edit\var_team_play
  2263. ui\shell\main_menu\settings_select\multiplayer_setup\playlist_edit\race_edit\var_laps_to_win
  2264. ui\shell\main_menu\settings_select\multiplayer_setup\playlist_edit\race_edit\var_race_type
  2265. ui\shell\main_menu\settings_select\multiplayer_setup\playlist_edit\race_edit\var_team_scoring
  2266. ui\shell\main_menu\settings_select\multiplayer_setup\playlist_edit\race_edit\race_labels
  2267. ui\shell\main_menu\settings_select\multiplayer_setup\playlist_edit\koth_edit\var_score_to_win
  2268. ui\shell\main_menu\settings_select\multiplayer_setup\playlist_edit\koth_edit\var_moving_hill
  2269. ui\shell\main_menu\settings_select\multiplayer_setup\playlist_edit\koth_edit\koth_labels
  2270. ui\shell\main_menu\settings_select\multiplayer_setup\playlist_edit\oddball_edit\var_score_to_win
  2271. ui\shell\main_menu\settings_select\multiplayer_setup\playlist_edit\oddball_edit\var_ball_spawn_count
  2272. ui\shell\main_menu\settings_select\multiplayer_setup\playlist_edit\oddball_edit\var_random_start
  2273. ui\shell\main_menu\settings_select\multiplayer_setup\playlist_edit\oddball_edit\var_ball_type
  2274. ui\shell\main_menu\settings_select\multiplayer_setup\playlist_edit\oddball_edit\var_speed_with_ball
  2275. ui\shell\main_menu\settings_select\multiplayer_setup\playlist_edit\oddball_edit\var_trait_with_ball
  2276. ui\shell\main_menu\settings_select\multiplayer_setup\playlist_edit\oddball_edit\oddball_labels
  2277. ui\shell\main_menu\settings_select\multiplayer_setup\playlist_edit\slayer_edit\var_team_play
  2278. ui\shell\main_menu\settings_select\multiplayer_setup\playlist_edit\slayer_edit\var_kills_to_win
  2279. ui\shell\main_menu\settings_select\multiplayer_setup\playlist_edit\slayer_edit\var_kill_penalty
  2280. ui\shell\main_menu\settings_select\multiplayer_setup\playlist_edit\slayer_edit\var_kill_in_order
  2281. ui\shell\main_menu\settings_select\multiplayer_setup\playlist_edit\slayer_edit\var_death_bonus
  2282. ui\shell\main_menu\settings_select\multiplayer_setup\playlist_edit\slayer_edit\slayer_labels
  2283. ui\shell\main_menu\settings_select\multiplayer_setup\playlist_edit\ctf_edit\var_time_limit
  2284. ui\shell\main_menu\settings_select\multiplayer_setup\playlist_edit\ctf_edit\var_captures_to_win
  2285. ui\shell\main_menu\settings_select\multiplayer_setup\playlist_edit\ctf_edit\var_flag_at_home
  2286. ui\shell\main_menu\settings_select\multiplayer_setup\playlist_edit\ctf_edit\var_flag_must_reset
  2287. ui\shell\main_menu\settings_select\multiplayer_setup\playlist_edit\ctf_edit\var_single_flag
  2288. %s %s
  2289. ui\shell\main_menu\settings_select\multiplayer_setup\playlist_edit\ctf_edit\var_assault
  2290. ui\shell\main_menu\settings_select\multiplayer_setup\playlist_edit\ctf_edit\ctf_labels
  2291. ui\shell\strings\game_variant_descriptions
  2292. Server Message of the Day
  2293. %s:%s
  2294. 0%d
  2295. %d
  2297. %s:%s
  2298. 0%d
  2299. NETGAME CODE FAILURE: game_engine_variant_cleanup changed the variant
  2300. g_player_score_is_initialized == TRUE
  2301. g_player_score_is_initialized == FALSE
  2302. Failed sending player_score_update_message to machine_index #%d.
  2303. Failed sending player_score_update_message to all loaded machines.
  2304. game_engine_globals.mode == game_engine_mode_active
  2305. game_engine_globals.mode == game_engine_mode_postgame_delay
  2306. game_engine_globals.mode == game_engine_mode_postgame_rasterize_delay
  2307. Ignoring meaningless incremental game_engine_change_mode_from_network() request
  2308. Could not decode game_engine_change_mode message.
  2309. game_engine_change_mode_from_network() ignoring unsupported/unknown new_mode %d
  2310. network_game_client_get_state(client, NULL) == _network_game_client_state_ingame || network_game_client_get_state(client, NULL) == _network_game_client_state_postgame
  2311. VALID_MESSAGE_DELTA_MODE(header->decoding_information->mode)
  2312. %s(): Failed sending message to all loaded machines.
  2313. game_engine_map_reset_to_network
  2314. %s(): Ignoring meaningless incremental request
  2315. %s(): Could not decode message.
  2316. game_engine_map_reset_from_network
  2317. player->team_index != NONE
  2318. player_count < MULTIPLAYER_MAXIMUM_PLAYERS
  2320. found local player
  2321. player_count=%d, maxcount=%d
  2322. SDJ: ERROR: netgame_equipment_new_from_network(): Ignoring meaningless attempt to decode incremental netgame equipment spawn message
  2323. SDJ: ERROR: netgame_equipment_new_from_network(): Could not decode netgame equipment spawn message
  2324. SDJ: ERROR: netgame_equipment_new_from_network(): Client could not find netgame_equipment with index [%d]
  2325. SDJ: ERROR: netgame_equipment_new_from_network(): object_new() of item definition index [%d] resulted in NONE.
  2326. match_game_type(game_engine_get_type(), 4, netgame_equipment->game_type) == TRUE
  2327. header->decoding_information->definition_type == _message_netgame_equipment_new
  2328. Game Complete. Dedicated server is now idle.
  2329. Ignored multiplayer_message() for unknown recipient player %d
  2330. NONE != player_index
  2331. ?player
  2332. NETGAME MAP FAILURE: failed to find any equipment for race
  2333. NETGAME MAP FAILURE: failed to find any equipment for king
  2334. NETGAME MAP FAILURE: failed to find any equipment for oddball
  2335. NETGAME MAP FAILURE: failed to find any equipment for slayer
  2336. NETGAME MAP FAILURE: failed to find any equipment for ctf
  2337. NETGAME MAP FAILURE: failed to find enough spawn points for race %d/%d
  2338. NETGAME MAP FAILURE: failed to find enough spawn points for king %d/%d
  2339. NETGAME MAP FAILURE: failed to find enough spawn points for oddball %d/%d
  2340. NETGAME MAP FAILURE: failed to find enough spawn points for slayer %d/%d
  2341. NETGAME MAP FAILURE: failed to find enough spawn points for ctf team 1 (%d/%d)
  2342. NETGAME MAP FAILURE: failed to find enough spawn points for ctf team 0 (%d/%d)
  2343. NETGAME MAP FAILURE: duplicate race track flag [team %d]
  2344. NETGAME MAP FAILURE: missing race flag [team %d]
  2345. NETGAME MAP FAILURE: missing oddball flag [team %d]
  2346. NETGAME MAP FAILURE: missing hill flag [team %d]
  2347. NETGAME MAP FAILURE: ctf flag out of range [team %d]
  2348. NETGAME MAP FAILURE: duplicate ctf flag [team %d]
  2349. NETGAME MAP FAILURE: missing ctf flag [team %d]
  2350. game_engine_player_score_get_slot_index_for_player(player_index) != NONE
  2351. g_player_score_number_of_used_slots <= NETWORK_GAME_MAXIMUM_PLAYER_COUNT
  2353. g_player_score_number_of_used_slots < NETWORK_GAME_MAXIMUM_PLAYER_COUNT
  2354. game_engine_player_score_get_slot_index_for_player(player_index) == NONE
  2355. slot != NONE
  2356. g_player_score_baselines[slot].is_slot_used == TRUE
  2358. slot >= 0
  2359. failed to initialize custome game engine for new map, reverting to default game engine
  2360. title_string
  2361. %d
  2362. %d
  2363. %d
  2364. %s
  2365. %s
  2366. %s
  2367. %s %s %s %s %s %s
  2368. Ignoring meaningless attempt to decode incremental message multiplayer hud message
  2369. Could not decode message multiplayer hud message
  2370. header->decoding_information->definition_type == _message_multiplayer_hud_message
  2371. ui\default_multiplayer_game_setting_names
  2372. team_race
  2373. team_king
  2374. team_oddball
  2375. team_slayer
  2376. assault
  2377. ctf
  2378. race
  2379. crazy_king
  2380. king
  2381. juggernaut
  2382. oddball
  2383. slayer
  2384. classic_team_slayer
  2385. classic_team_king
  2386. classic_team_oddball
  2387. classic_team_rally
  2388. classic_team_race
  2389. classic_ctf_pro
  2390. classic_iron_ctf
  2391. classic_invasion
  2392. classic_ctf
  2393. classic_rally
  2394. classic_race
  2395. classic_crazy_king
  2396. classic_king_pro
  2397. classic_king
  2398. classic_stalker
  2399. classic_juggernaut
  2400. classic_accumulation
  2401. classic_reverse_tag
  2402. classic_oddball
  2403. classic_snipers
  2404. classic_rockets
  2405. classic_endurance
  2406. classic_phantoms
  2407. classic_elimination
  2408. classic_slayer_pro
  2409. classic_slayer
  2410. map_name
  2411. Adding game %s on map %s to playlist.
  2412. Could not find engine variant matching %s.
  2413. levels\test\
  2414. in_variant_name || in_variant
  2415. ### WARNING Nothing added to playlist
  2416. %s%s
  2417. %s%s:%u
  2418. %s %s %s %d %d %d %d
  2419. * %s %s %s %d %d %d %d
  2420. %s %s %s %s %s %s %s
  2421. Ping
  2422. ERROR game_engine_replicate_player_score_to_new_client(): Attempted to replicate player without a slot, player_index [%d], to new player on machine [%d].
  2423. ERROR game_engine_replicate_new_player_score_to_all_clients(): Attempted to replicate new player's score without a slot, player_index [%d], to all client.
  2424. Cannot restart the map when the game is over.
  2425. NONE != local_player_index
  2426. halo(
  2427. Requested function "%s" cannot be executed now.
  2428. profile_load
  2429. %s: %s
  2430. filename
  2431. \halopc\haloce\source\main\console.c
  2432. editor_%s
  2433. buffer_size>=0
  2434. \halopc\haloce\source\memory\crc.c
  2435. v>=0 && v<=4
  2436. u>=0 && u<=4
  2437. \halopc\haloce\source\bitmaps\s3tc\s3tc.c
  2438. tag references
  2439. <no tag chosen>
  2440. garbage
  2441. effects
  2442. material_effects
  2443. materials
  2444. material_effect_block
  2445. effect
  2446. material_effect_material_block
  2447. vehicle unused 2
  2448. vehicle unused 1
  2449. vehicle chassis slip
  2450. vehicle tire slip
  2451. impact
  2452. biped unused2
  2453. biped unused1
  2454. jump land
  2455. jump
  2456. shuffle
  2457. sliding
  2458. run
  2459. walk
  2460. material_index>=0 && material_index<NUMBER_OF_MATERIAL_TYPES
  2461. \halopc\haloce\source\effects\material_effect_definitions.c
  2462. event_index>=0 && event_index<NUMBER_OF_MATERIAL_EFFECT_TYPES
  2463. high frequency:[0,1]
  2464. low frequency:[0,1]
  2465. vibrate parameters
  2466. continuous_damage_effect
  2467. hunter shield:[0,+inf]
  2468. ice:[0,+inf]
  2469. elite energy shield:[0,+inf]
  2470. leaves:[0,+inf]
  2471. water:[0,+inf]
  2472. plastic:[0,+inf]
  2473. monitor:[0,+inf]
  2474. sentinel:[0,+inf]
  2475. human:[0,+inf]
  2476. armored human:[0,+inf]
  2477. cyborg energy shield:[0,+inf]
  2478. cyborg:[0,+inf]
  2479. flood carrier form:[0,+inf]
  2480. flood combat form:[0,+inf]
  2481. engineer force field:[0,+inf]
  2482. engineer:[0,+inf]
  2483. jackal energy shield:[0,+inf]
  2484. jackal:[0,+inf]
  2485. elite:[0,+inf]
  2486. hunter skin:[0,+inf]
  2487. hunter armor:[0,+inf]
  2488. grunt:[0,+inf]
  2489. force field:[0,+inf]
  2490. glass:[0,+inf]
  2491. rubber:[0,+inf]
  2492. metal (thick):[0,+inf]
  2493. metal (thin):[0,+inf]
  2494. metal (hollow):[0,+inf]
  2495. wood:[0,+inf]
  2496. snow:[0,+inf]
  2497. stone:[0,+inf]
  2498. sand:[0,+inf]
  2499. dirt:[0,+inf]
  2500. damage modifiers
  2501. instantaneous acceleration:[0,+inf]
  2502. stun time:seconds#duration of stun due to this damage
  2503. maximum stun:[0,1]#damaged unit's stun will never exceed this amount
  2504. stun:[0,1]#amount of stun added to damaged unit
  2505. active camouflage damage:[0,1]#how much more visible this damage makes a player who is active camouflaged
  2506. vehicle passthrough penalty:[0,1]#zero damages passengers in vehicles, one does not
  2507. damage upper bound
  2508. damage lower bound
  2509. AOE core radius:world units#if this is area of effect damage
  2510. category
  2511. side effect
  2512. damage
  2513. outward exponent
  2514. outward radius:world units
  2515. outward velocity:world units per second
  2516. forward exponent
  2517. forward radius:world units
  2518. forward velocity:world units per second
  2519. Controls particle velocities when a damage effect shatters a materal.
  2520. breaking effect
  2521. wobble weight#a value of 0.0 signifies that the wobble function has no effect; a value of 1.0 signifies that the effect will not be felt when the wobble function's value is zero.
  2522. wobble function period:seconds
  2523. wobble function#a function to perturb the effect's behavior over time
  2524. random rotation:degrees#random rotation in all directions
  2525. random translation:world units#random translation in all directions
  2526. falloff function#a function to envelope the effect's magnitude over time
  2527. duration:seconds#the effect will last for this duration.
  2528. camera shaking
  2529. angle:degrees
  2530. permanent camera impulse
  2531. jitter:world units
  2532. pushback:world units
  2533. rotation:degrees
  2534. temporary camera impulse
  2535. high frequency vibrate
  2536. frequency:[0,1]
  2537. low frequency vibrate
  2538. maximum intensity:[0,1]
  2539. fade function
  2540. duration:seconds
  2541. priority
  2542. type
  2543. There are seven screen flash types:
  2544. NONE: DST'= DST
  2545. LIGHTEN: DST'= DST(1 - A) + C
  2546. DARKEN: DST'= DST(1 - A) - C
  2547. MAX: DST'= MAX[DST(1 - C), (C - A)(1-DST)]
  2548. MIN: DST'= MIN[DST(1 - C), (C + A)(1-DST)]
  2549. TINT: DST'= DST(1 - C) + (A*PIN[2C - 1, 0, 1] + A)(1-DST)
  2550. INVERT: DST'= DST(1 - C) + A)
  2551. In the above equations C and A represent the color and alpha of the screen flash, DST represents the color in the framebuffer before the screen flash is applied, and DST' represents the color after the screen flash is applied.
  2552. screen flash
  2553. cutoff scale:[0,1]
  2554. radius:world units
  2555. damage_effect
  2556. don't scale damage by distance
  2557. infection form pop
  2558. can cause multiplayer headshots
  2559. only hurts one infection form
  2560. skips shields
  2561. damage indicators always point down
  2562. causes flaming death
  2563. only hurts shields
  2564. detonates explosives
  2565. does not ping units
  2566. does not hurt friends
  2567. pings resistant units
  2568. can cause headshots
  2569. does not hurt owner
  2570. shotgun
  2571. needle
  2572. plasma
  2573. mounted weapon
  2574. flame
  2575. melee
  2576. sniper
  2577. high explosive
  2578. grenade
  2579. bullet
  2580. falling
  2581. emp
  2582. lethal to the unsuspecting
  2583. harmless
  2584. high
  2585. medium
  2586. low
  2587. tint
  2588. invert
  2589. min
  2590. max
  2591. darken
  2592. lighten
  2593. use this to attach widgets that are loaded as 'children'
  2594. of this widget (children are always loaded as part of the parent widget)
  2595. child widgets
  2596. use this to attach widgets that are loaded only
  2597. if some internal criteria is met while processing a widget event
  2598. conditional widgets
  2599. extended description widget
  2600. parameters specific to column list widgets
  2601. child widgets are the list items
  2602. footer bounds
  2603. header bounds
  2604. list footer bitmap
  2605. list header bitmap
  2606. parameters specific to spinner list widgets
  2607. child widgets are the list items
  2608. These options affect list items for both spinner and column lists
  2609. * child widgets are used to define the visible list items
  2610. * for lists with code-generated list items, the child widgets are used
  2611. as templated for visible list item placement
  2612. IMPORTANT: for list widgets, the ONLY thing you can have as child widgets are the list item widgets!
  2613. list items
  2614. vert offset#offsets the text position in its bounding area
  2615. horiz offset#offsets text position in its bounding area
  2616. string list index#default is 0
  2617. blah blah blah
  2618. more text box parameters
  2619. justification
  2620. text color
  2621. text font
  2622. text label unicode strings list
  2623. parameters specific to text box widgets
  2624. NOTE: the string list tag can also be used for lists whose items come from a string list tag
  2625. search and replace functions
  2626. These are used to run a search-and-replace on the specified
  2627. word in the text-box text, replacing all occurrences of the word
  2628. with the output of the replace-function. These are invoked each
  2629. time the text box is rendered (after any game data input functions
  2630. have been run). The searching is case-sensitive.
  2631. search-and-replace
  2632. These allow actions to be tied to certain ui events.
  2633. The event handler is run every time the widget receives the specified event.
  2634. By default, the 'back' and 'B' buttons will take you to the previous screen.
  2635. event handlers
  2636. game data inputs
  2637. These functions use current game data to modify the appearance of
  2638. the widget. These functions are called every time the widget is
  2639. rendered.
  2640. game data input fxns
  2641. background bitmap
  2642. milliseconds auto close fade time#<= 0 for immediate close
  2643. milliseconds to auto close#<=0 to never auto-close
  2644. controller index
  2645. widget type
  2646. ui widget definitions
  2647. ui_widget_references_block
  2648. visible_list_item_placement_reference_block
  2649. replace function
  2650. search string
  2651. search_and_replace_reference_block
  2652. horizontal offset
  2653. vertical offset
  2654. custom controller index
  2655. child_widget_reference_block
  2656. use custom controller index
  2657. custom controller index (unused)
  2658. name (unused)
  2659. conditional_widget_reference_block
  2660. load if event handler function fails
  2661. script
  2662. sound effect
  2663. widget tag
  2664. event type
  2665. event_handler_references_block
  2666. try to branch on failure
  2667. run scenario script
  2668. go back to previous widget
  2669. replace self w/ widget
  2670. run function
  2671. give focus to widget
  2672. reload other widget
  2673. reload self
  2674. open widget
  2675. close all widgets
  2676. close other widget
  2677. close current widget
  2678. function
  2679. game_data_input_references_block
  2680. list single preview no scroll
  2681. list items only one tooltip
  2682. list items from string list tag
  2683. list items generated in code
  2684. don't do that weird focus test
  2685. flashing
  2686. password
  2687. editable
  2688. center justify
  2689. right justify
  2690. left justify
  2691. force handle mouse
  2692. don't push history
  2693. always use nifty render fx
  2694. always use tag controller index
  2695. return to main menu if no history
  2696. pass handled events to all children
  2697. render regardless of controller index
  2698. pass unhandled events to all children
  2699. dont focus a specific child widget
  2700. dpad left/right tabs thru list items
  2701. dpad up/down tabs thru list items
  2702. dpad left/right tabs thru children
  2703. dpad up/down tabs thru children
  2704. flash background bitmap
  2705. pause game time
  2706. pass unhandled events to focused child
  2707. post-render
  2708. custom activation
  2709. double click
  2710. right mouse
  2711. middle mouse
  2712. left mouse
  2713. lose focus
  2714. get focus
  2715. deleted
  2716. created
  2717. right analog stick right
  2718. right analog stick left
  2719. right analog stick down
  2720. left analog stick right
  2721. left analog stick left
  2722. left analog stick down
  2723. left analog stick up
  2724. right thumb
  2725. left thumb
  2726. back button
  2727. start button
  2728. dpad right
  2729. dpad left
  2730. dpad down
  2731. dpad up
  2732. right trigger
  2733. left trigger
  2734. white button
  2735. black button
  2736. Y button
  2737. X button
  2738. B button
  2739. A button
  2740. custom (not implemented)
  2741. movie (not implemented)
  2742. game model (not implemented)
  2743. column list
  2744. spinner list
  2745. text box
  2746. container
  2747. any player
  2748. player 4
  2749. player 3
  2750. player 2
  2751. player 1
  2752. failed to load ui tags tied to solo scenarios
  2753. ui\ui_tags_loaded_solo_scenario_type
  2754. failed to load ui tags tied to multiplayer scenarios
  2755. ui\ui_tags_loaded_multiplayer_scenario_type
  2756. failed to load ui tags tied to the main menu scenario
  2757. ui\ui_tags_loaded_mainmenu_scenario_type
  2758. unknown scenario type
  2759. \halopc\haloce\source\interface\ui_widget_group.c
  2760. failed to load ui failure sound tag
  2761. sound\sfx\ui\flag_failure
  2762. failed to load ui back sound tag
  2763. sound\sfx\ui\back
  2764. failed to load ui forward sound tag
  2765. sound\sfx\ui\forward
  2766. failed to load ui cursor sound tag
  2767. sound\sfx\ui\cursor
  2768. failed to load ui tags not tied to any scenario
  2769. ui\ui_tags_loaded_all_scenario_types
  2770. messages*
  2771. message elements*
  2772. text data*
  2773. hud_message_text
  2774. panel count*
  2775. start index of message block*
  2776. start index into text blob*
  2777. name*
  2778. hud_messages_block
  2779. data*
  2780. type*
  2781. hud_message_elements_block
  2782. string data
  2783. sound_scenery
  2784. global_z_reference_vector_block
  2785. global_detail_object_counts_block
  2786. global_detail_object_block
  2787. global_detail_object_cells_block
  2788. types
  2789. sprite plate
  2790. global z offset:applied to all detail objects of in this collection so they don't float above the ground
  2791. collection type
  2792. detail_object_collection
  2793. ambient color:[0,255]
  2794. maximum color:[0,1]
  2795. minimum color:[0,1]
  2796. size:world units per pixel
  2797. far fade distance:world units
  2798. near fade distance:world units
  2799. color override factor#fraction of detail object color to use instead of the base map color in the environment:[0,1]
  2800. type flags
  2801. sequence index:[0,15]
  2802. name^
  2803. detail_object_type_block
  2804. ...more colors
  2805. interpolate color in hsv
  2806. viewer-facing
  2807. screen-facing
  2809. \halopc\haloce\source\structures\detail_object_definitions.c
  2810. type does not reference a valid sequence
  2811. bitmap '%s' does not exist
  2812. error loading detail_object_collection '%s'
  2813. detail_object_type %s: %s
  2814. multiplayer scenarios
  2815. multiplayer_scenario_description
  2816. scenario tag directory path#this is the path to the directory containing the scenario tag file of the same name
  2817. displayed map name
  2818. descriptive bitmap
  2819. these provide the info required by the UI to load a net map
  2820. net map info
  2821. scenario_description_block
  2822. scenario_list
  2823. ui\multiplayer_scenarios
  2824. count
  2825. \halopc\haloce\source\scenario\multiplayer_scenario_description.c
  2826. */\|,.;:"^&?<>
  2827. virtual keys
  2828. special key labels string list
  2829. display font
  2830. virtual_keyboard
  2831. sticky background bitmap
  2832. active background bitmap
  2833. selected background bitmap
  2834. unselected background bitmap
  2835. caps+symbols character
  2836. shift+symbols character
  2837. shift+caps character
  2838. symbols character
  2839. caps character
  2840. shift character
  2841. lowercase character
  2842. enter unicode character values as integer numbers
  2843. key codes
  2844. keyboard key
  2845. virtual_key_block
  2846. SPACE
  2847. RIGHT
  2848. LEFT
  2850. SYMBOLS
  2851. CAPS LOCK
  2852. SHIFT
  2853. DONE
  2855. %
  2856. &' !"#((((+++++++))**
  2857. failed to load virtual keyboard caret bitmap '%s'
  2858. ui\shell\bitmaps\white
  2859. failed to load virtual keyboard for '%s' language
  2860. virtual_keyboard_globals.keyboard
  2861. \halopc\haloce\source\interface\virtual_keyboard.c
  2862. ui\english
  2864. ui\large_ui
  2866. text_buffer && buffer_size && !(buffer_size&1) && !
  2867. bad virtual keyboard tag; there should be %d keys defined
  2868. rect
  2869. (virtual_keyboard_globals.keyboard != NULL) && (virtual_keyboard_globals.text_font_tag != NONE)
  2870. .fortunevirtual_keyboard_globals.buffer_size>0
  2871. right stick (not a button)
  2872. left stick (not a button)
  2873. right thumb button
  2874. left thumb button
  2875. y button
  2876. x button
  2877. b button
  2878. a button
  2879. checkpoint sound
  2880. checkpoint end text
  2881. checkpoint begin text
  2882. loading end text
  2883. loading begin text
  2884. Hud crap that wouldn't fit anywhere else
  2885. carnage report bitmap
  2886. Time out flash color
  2887. Not much time left flash color
  2888. Hud timer definitions
  2889. multiplayer sequence index
  2890. sequence index
  2891. indicator bitmap
  2892. Hud damage indicators
  2893. default chapter title bounds
  2894. motion sensor scale [DON'T TOUCH EVER]*
  2895. motion sensor velocity sensitivity#how fast something moves to show up on the motion sensor
  2896. motion sensor range
  2897. default weapon hud
  2898. Hud globals
  2899. hud scale in multiplayer
  2900. Multiplayer parameters
  2901. waypoint arrows
  2902. arrow bitmap
  2903. right offset
  2904. left offset
  2905. bottom offset
  2906. top offset
  2907. The offset values are how much the waypoint rectangle border is offset from the safe camera bounds
  2908. Waypoint parameters
  2909. fade ticks
  2910. uptime ticks
  2911. Objective colors
  2912. hud messages
  2913. Other hud messaging data
  2914. disabled color
  2915. time of each flash
  2916. flash length
  2917. flash flags
  2918. number of flashes
  2919. time between flashes
  2920. flash delay
  2921. flash period
  2922. flashing color
  2923. default color
  2925. button icons
  2926. alternate icon text
  2927. icon bitmap
  2928. item message text
  2929. text spacing
  2930. icon color
  2931. fade time
  2932. up time
  2933. multi player font
  2934. single player font
  2935. scaling flags
  2936. height scale
  2937. width scale
  2938. anchor offset
  2939. anchor
  2940. Messaging parameters
  2941. hud_globals
  2942. occluded sequence index
  2943. off screen sequence index
  2944. on screen sequence index
  2945. translucency
  2946. opacity
  2947. hud_waypoint_arrow_block
  2948. text index
  2949. frame rate [0,30]
  2950. override icon color
  2951. offset from reference corner
  2952. width offset#extra spacing beyond bitmap width for text alignment
  2953. sequence index#sequence index into the global hud icon bitmap
  2954. hud_button_icon_block
  2955. colon width
  2956. decimal point width
  2957. y offset
  2958. x offset
  2959. screen digit width
  2960. bitmap digit width
  2961. digits bitmap
  2962. hud_number
  2963. width offset is absolute icon width
  2964. override default color
  2965. use text from string_list instead
  2966. don't rotate when pointing offscreen
  2967. reverse default/flashing colors
  2968. effectors
  2969. tertiary wrap mode
  2970. secondary wrap mode
  2971. primary wrap mode
  2972. tertiary
  2973. secondary
  2974. primary
  2975. which maps to use
  2976. map
  2977. tertiary offset
  2978. secondary offset
  2979. primary offset
  2980. how much to offset the origin of the texture
  2981. map offsets
  2982. tertiary scale
  2983. secondary scale
  2984. primary scale
  2985. how much to scale the textures
  2986. map scales
  2987. 1 to 2 blend func
  2988. 0 to 1 blend func
  2989. how to blend the textures together
  2990. blending function
  2991. tertiary anchor
  2992. secondary anchor
  2993. primary anchor
  2994. where you want the origin of the texture.
  2995. *"texture" uses the texture coordinates supplied
  2996. *"screen" uses the origin of the screen as the origin of the texture
  2997. anchors
  2998. framebuffer blend func
  2999. global_hud_multitexture_overlay_definition
  3000. function phase:seconds
  3001. function period:seconds
  3002. periodic function
  3003. If you use a periodic function as the source, this lets you tweak it.
  3004. periodic functions
  3005. tint color upper bound
  3006. tint color lower bound
  3007. If destination is tint, these values are used instead of the out bounds.
  3008. tint color bounds
  3009. out bounds:pixels
  3010. in bounds:source units
  3011. When the source is at the lower inbound, the destination ends up the lower outbound and vice-versa applies for the upper values.
  3012. in/out bounds
  3013. destination
  3014. destination type
  3015. These describe the relationship that causes the effect.
  3016. * destination type is the type of variable you want to be effected
  3017. * destination tells which texture map (or geometry offset) to apply it to
  3018. * source says which value to look at when computing the effect
  3019. source/destination
  3020. global_hud_multitexture_overlay_effector_definition
  3021. wrap
  3022. clamp
  3023. screen
  3024. dot
  3025. multiply2x
  3026. multiply
  3027. subtract
  3028. add
  3029. weapon zoom level
  3030. explicit (uses low bound)
  3031. weapon heat
  3032. weapon ammo (loaded)
  3033. weapon ammo (total)
  3034. player yaw
  3035. player pitch tangent
  3036. player pitch
  3037. tertiary map
  3038. secondary map
  3039. primary map
  3040. geometry offset
  3041. fade [0,1]
  3042. tint [0,1]
  3043. Real-time monochromatic color filter.
  3044. desaturation
  3045. intensity:[0,1]
  3046. script source:[0,3]
  3047. Real-time gamma correction to make dark objects appear brighter.
  3048. night-vision
  3049. radius out bounds:pixels
  3050. FOV in bounds:degrees
  3051. Warp effect like in 'Pitch-Black', sort of.
  3052. convolution
  3053. mask (splitscreen)
  3054. mask (fullscreen)
  3055. Mask bitmap overlay. Use either a 2D bitmap or an interface bitmap.
  3056. mask
  3057. global_hud_screen_effect_definition
  3058. additive
  3059. masked
  3060. connect to flashlight
  3061. only when zoomed
  3062. invert interpolation
  3063. ...more colors for hsv interpolation
  3064. interpolate color along hsv space
  3065. interpolate between min/max flash colors as state changes
  3066. use min/max for state changes
  3067. draw a trailing m
  3068. only show when zoomed
  3069. show leading zeros
  3070. use high res scale
  3071. don't scale size
  3072. don't scale offset
  3073. large
  3074. small
  3075. multiplayer
  3076. solo
  3077. any
  3078. bottom right
  3079. bottom left
  3080. top right
  3081. top left
  3082. bottom_right
  3083. bottom_left
  3084. top_right
  3085. top_left
  3086. ### ERROR multitexture_overlay does not respect [0,1] bounds
  3087. ### tell Bernie or Adrian IMMEDIATELY!! (call Bernie @206-289-3764 if after hours)
  3088. invalid button
  3089. element
  3090. \halopc\haloce\source\interface\hud_definitions.c
  3091. Vehicle hud
  3092. meters
  3093. Auxilary hud meters
  3094. sounds
  3095. Hud warning sounds
  3096. overlays
  3097. Auxilary overlays
  3098. The blips use this as a reference point
  3099. Motion sensor center
  3100. Motion sensor foreground
  3101. Motion sensor background
  3102. min color health fraction cutoff
  3103. max color health fraction cutoff
  3104. medium health left color
  3105. Health panel meter
  3106. Health panel background
  3107. overcharge empty color
  3108. overcharge flash color
  3109. overcharge maximum color
  3110. overcharge minimum color
  3111. Shield panel meter
  3112. Shield panel background
  3113. Unit hud background
  3114. Weapon hud screen alignment
  3115. unit_hud_interface
  3116. minimum fraction cutoff
  3117. value scale#used for non-integral values, i.e. health and shields
  3118. alpha bias
  3119. alpha multiplier
  3120. minumum meter value
  3121. empty color
  3122. flash color
  3123. color at meter maximum
  3124. color at meter minimum
  3125. meter bitmap
  3126. METER
  3128. unit_hud_auxilary_panel_block
  3129. multitex overlay
  3130. interface bitmap
  3131. unit_hud_auxilary_overlay_block
  3132. use team color
  3133. team icon
  3134. latched to
  3135. unit_hud_sound_block
  3136. flash once if activated while disabled
  3137. show only when active
  3138. integrated light
  3139. health major damage
  3140. health minor damage
  3141. health empty
  3142. health low
  3143. shield empty
  3144. shield low
  3145. shield damaged
  3146. shield recharging
  3147. Warning sounds
  3148. Total grenades overlays
  3149. flash cutoff
  3150. Total grenades numbers
  3151. Total grenades background
  3152. Grenade hud background
  3153. Grenade hud screen alignment
  3154. grenade_hud_interface
  3155. grenade_hud_sound_block
  3156. throw on no grenades
  3157. no grenades left
  3158. low grenade count
  3159. grenade_hud_overlay_block
  3160. Messaging information
  3161. screen effect
  3162. overlay elements
  3163. crosshairs
  3164. Crosshairs always go in the center of the screen.
  3165. Crosshairs can be attached to one of four different states:
  3166. * Aim: Default crosshair. Frame 0 is the default state, frame 1 is the auto-aim state (frame rate ignored)
  3167. * Zoom: Zoom overlay. Each zoom level has a corresponding frame (frame rate ignored)
  3168. * Charge: Charging overlay. If you wish to display an animation for charging, put it here.
  3169. * Flash: Similar to charging, but for low ammo/batter/heat states
  3170. * Reload/Overheat: Similar to charging, but for reloading/overheating
  3171. Crosshairs
  3172. number elements
  3173. meter elements
  3174. static elements
  3175. age cutoff
  3176. heat cutoff
  3177. loaded ammo cutoff
  3178. total ammo cutoff
  3179. Flash cutoffs
  3180. child hud
  3181. weapon_hud_interface
  3182. weapon_hud_sound_block
  3183. Crosshair overlays
  3184. Crosshair bitmap
  3185. crosshair type
  3186. weapon_hud_crosshair_block
  3187. weapon_hud_crosshair_item_block
  3188. Overlays
  3189. Overlay bitmap
  3190. weapon_hud_overlays_block
  3191. weapon specific flags
  3192. number of fractional digits
  3193. maximum number of digits
  3194. weapon_hud_number_block
  3195. weapon_hud_meter_block
  3196. can use on map type
  3197. state attached to
  3198. weapon_hud_static_block
  3199. frame rate
  3200. weapon_hud_overlay_block
  3201. divide number by clip size
  3202. don't show when zoomed
  3203. one zoom level
  3204. hide area outside reticle
  3205. show sniper data
  3206. show only when zoomed
  3207. not a sprite
  3208. flash when firing with depleted battery
  3209. secondary trigger ready
  3210. primary trigger ready
  3211. low secondary ammo and none left to reload
  3212. flash when firing secondary trigger with no ammo
  3213. flash secondary reload
  3214. flash secondary total ammo
  3215. should reload secondary trigger
  3216. low ammo and none left to reload
  3217. flash when throwing and no grenade
  3218. flash when firing and no ammo
  3219. reload/overheat
  3220. flash battery
  3221. flash total ammo
  3222. flash heat
  3223. charge
  3224. zoom
  3225. aim
  3226. fired depleted weapon
  3227. battery depleted
  3228. no total ammo left
  3229. low battery
  3230. low total ammo
  3231. overheating
  3232. high heat
  3233. should reload
  3234. zoom change
  3235. auto-aim lock-on
  3236. use parent hud flashing parameters
  3237. flashes when active
  3238. elevation to target
  3239. distance to target
  3240. secondary weapon loaded ammo
  3241. secondary weapon total ammo
  3242. age
  3243. heat
  3244. loaded ammo
  3245. total ammo
  3246. show on reload/overheating
  3247. show always
  3248. show on default
  3249. show on empty
  3250. show on flashing
  3251. overlay item %d for %s references an invalid sequence
  3252. crosshair item %d for %s references an invalid sequence
  3253. crosshair element %d for %s is not valid
  3254. overlay element %d for %s is not valid
  3255. meter element %d for %s is not valid
  3256. static element %d for %s is not valid
  3257. spawn time (in seconds, 0 = default)
  3258. item permutations
  3259. item_collection
  3260. item^#which item to
  3261. weight#relatively how likely this item will be chosen
  3262. item_permutation
  3263. detonation effect
  3264. detonating effect
  3265. detonation delay:seconds
  3266. collision sound
  3267. material effects
  3268. D in
  3269. C in
  3270. B in
  3271. A in
  3272. hud message value scale
  3273. sort order
  3274. message index
  3275. This sets which string from tags\ui\hud\hud_item_messages.unicode_string_list to display.
  3276. message-index
  3277. $$$ ITEM $$$
  3278. unaffected by gravity
  3279. destroyed by explosions
  3280. always maintains z up
  3281. rout re
  3282. rout
  3283. massacre re
  3284. massacre
  3285. wounded re
  3286. seriously wounded re
  3287. wounded
  3288. seriously wounded
  3289. unscathed
  3290. alone
  3291. sh corps ply
  3292. shooting dead enemy player
  3293. sh corps
  3294. shooting dead enemy
  3295. check fri
  3296. check body friend
  3297. check en
  3298. check body enemy
  3299. celeb
  3300. celebration
  3301. resurrect
  3302. resurrection
  3303. leap att
  3304. leap attack
  3305. unc leap
  3306. uncover leap
  3307. dive
  3308. melee attack
  3309. bersk
  3310. berserk
  3311. surpr
  3312. surprise
  3313. pleading
  3314. part nothn
  3315. nothing there
  3316. part sight
  3317. partially sighted
  3318. veh collide
  3319. vehicle collision
  3320. veh scare
  3321. vehicle scared
  3322. veh yeah
  3323. vehicle woohoo
  3324. veh exit
  3325. vehicle exit
  3326. veh entry
  3327. vehicle entry
  3328. hid finish
  3329. hiding finished
  3330. lostcont
  3331. lost contact
  3332. a-flee re
  3333. attempted flee re
  3334. a-flee
  3335. attempted flee
  3336. flee ldr
  3337. flee leader died
  3338. flee re
  3339. flee
  3340. taunt re
  3341. taunt
  3342. shoot trai
  3343. shooting traitor
  3344. shoot grp
  3345. shooting group
  3346. shoot brs
  3347. shooting berserk
  3348. shoot veh
  3349. shooting vehicle
  3350. shoot
  3351. shooting
  3352. friend play
  3353. sighted friend player
  3354. cover
  3355. retreat re
  3356. retreat
  3357. advance re
  3358. advance
  3359. unc start re
  3360. uncover start re
  3361. unc start
  3362. uncover start
  3363. sea g-aband
  3364. search group abandon
  3365. sea aband
  3366. search abandon
  3367. sea report
  3368. search report
  3369. sea query re
  3370. search query re
  3371. sea query
  3372. search query
  3373. sea start
  3374. search start
  3375. blocked re
  3376. blocked
  3377. al lost re
  3378. alert lost contact re
  3379. al lostcom
  3380. alert lost contact
  3381. al nonc re
  3382. alert friend re
  3383. al nonc
  3384. alert friend
  3385. en nearby re
  3386. nea combat nearby re
  3387. en group re
  3388. new combat group re
  3389. gre friend
  3390. grenade danger friend
  3391. gre self
  3392. grenade danger self
  3393. gre enemy
  3394. grenade danger enemy
  3395. gre sight
  3396. grenade sighted
  3397. gre start
  3398. grenade startle
  3399. gre throw
  3400. grenade throwing
  3401. ally reform
  3402. alliance reformed
  3403. ally broken
  3404. alliance broken
  3405. deadbody
  3406. dead friend found
  3407. en unex
  3408. unexpected enemy
  3409. en search
  3410. old enemy sighted
  3411. en recent
  3412. new enemy recent combat
  3413. en new
  3414. new combat alone
  3415. d betray
  3416. friend betrayed
  3417. d b sent
  3418. friend killed by sentinel
  3419. d b flood
  3420. friend killed by flood
  3421. d b cov
  3422. friend killed by covenant
  3423. d b en playr
  3424. friend killed by enemy player
  3425. d b enemy
  3426. friend killed by enemy
  3427. d b playr
  3428. friend killed by friendly player
  3429. d b fri
  3430. friend killed by friend
  3431. d playr
  3432. friend player died
  3433. d fri
  3434. friend died
  3435. pk spree cm
  3436. player killing spree cm
  3437. pk mount cm
  3438. player kill mountedweapon cm
  3439. pk veh cm
  3440. player kill vehicle cm
  3441. pk shotg cm
  3442. player kill shotgun cm
  3443. pk flame cm
  3444. player kill flame cm
  3445. pk melee cm
  3446. player kill melee cm
  3447. pk expl cm
  3448. player kill explosion cm
  3449. pk gren cm
  3450. anyone kill grenade cm
  3451. pk snipe cm
  3452. player kill sniper cm
  3453. pk plas cm
  3454. player kill plasma cm
  3455. pk need cm
  3456. player kill needler cm
  3457. pk bull cm
  3458. player kill bullet cm
  3459. pk cm
  3460. player kill cm
  3461. k spree
  3462. killing spree
  3463. k en mount
  3464. killed enemy mountedweapon
  3465. k en veh
  3466. killed enemy vehicle
  3467. k en shotg
  3468. killed enemy shotgun
  3469. k en flame
  3470. killed enemy flame
  3471. k en melee
  3472. killed enemy melee
  3473. k en expl
  3474. killed enemy explosion
  3475. k en gren
  3476. killed enemy grenade
  3477. k en snipe
  3478. killed enemy sniper
  3479. k en plas
  3480. killed enemy plasma
  3481. k en need
  3482. killed enemy needler
  3483. k en bull
  3484. killed enemy bullet
  3485. k sent cm
  3486. killed enemy sentinel cm
  3487. k sent
  3488. killed enemy sentinel
  3489. k carrier cm
  3490. killed enemy floodcarrier cm
  3491. k carrier
  3492. killed enemy floodcarrier
  3493. k flood cm
  3494. killed enemy floodcombat cm
  3495. k flood
  3496. killed enemy floodcombat
  3497. k cov cm
  3498. killed enemy covenant cm
  3499. k cov
  3500. killed enemy covenant
  3501. k en play cm
  3502. killed enemy player cm
  3503. k en play
  3504. killed enemy player
  3505. k en cm
  3506. killed enemy cm
  3507. k enemy
  3508. killed enemy
  3509. k playr cm
  3510. killed friend player cm
  3511. k playr
  3512. killed friend player
  3513. k fri cm
  3514. killed friend cm
  3515. k fri
  3516. killed friend
  3517. h en mount
  3518. hurt enemy mountedweapon
  3519. h en veh
  3520. hurt enemy vehicle
  3521. h en shotg
  3522. hurt enemy shotgun
  3523. h en flame
  3524. hurt enemy flame
  3525. h en melee
  3526. hurt enemy melee
  3527. h en expl
  3528. hurt enemy explosion
  3529. h en gren
  3530. hurt enemy grenade
  3531. h en snipe
  3532. hurt enemy sniper
  3533. h en plas
  3534. hurt enemy plasma
  3535. h en need
  3536. hurt enemy needler
  3537. h en bull
  3538. hurt enemy bullet
  3539. h en cm
  3540. hurt enemy cm
  3541. h en re
  3542. hurt enemy re
  3543. h enemy
  3544. hurt enemy
  3545. h playr
  3546. hurt friend player
  3547. h fri re
  3548. hurt friend re
  3549. h fri
  3550. hurt friend
  3551. s en cm
  3552. damaged enemy cm
  3553. s enemy
  3554. damaged enemy
  3555. s playr
  3556. damaged friend player
  3557. s fri
  3558. damaged friend
  3559. d flying
  3560. death flying
  3561. d inst
  3562. death instant
  3563. d agony
  3564. death agonizing
  3565. d fall
  3566. death falling
  3567. d viol
  3568. death violent
  3569. d quiet
  3570. death quiet
  3571. maim head
  3572. maimed head
  3573. maim limb
  3574. maimed limb
  3575. scream pain
  3576. scream fear
  3577. p fall
  3578. pain falling
  3579. p shield
  3580. pain shield
  3581. p b major
  3582. pain body major
  3583. p b minor
  3584. pain body minor
  3585. idle flee
  3586. idle combat
  3587. idle noncom
  3588. idle noncombat
  3589. rout re#post-combat reply: our friends kicked alien ass
  3590. rout#post-combat our friends kicked alien ass
  3591. massacre re#post-combat reply: our friends took heavy casualties
  3592. massacre#post-combat our friends took heavy casualties
  3593. seriously wounded re#post-combat replying to a friend who was badly hurt
  3594. seriously wounded#post-combat we were badly hurt
  3595. unscathed#post-combat we were not hurt
  3596. alone#post-combat all friends killed
  3597. post-combat chatter
  3598. shooting dead enemy player#post-combat shooting an enemy player's dead body
  3599. shooting dead enemy#post-combat shooting an enemy's dead body
  3600. check body friend#post-combat checking a friend's dead body
  3601. check body enemy#post-combat checking an enemy's dead body
  3602. celebration#all enemies defeated
  3603. vocalizations that immediately follow combat
  3604. post-combat actions
  3605. resurrection#arise and return to life
  3606. leap attack#begin a leap attack
  3607. uncover exclamation#leapt out of corner to uncover a suspected target
  3608. dive#dove away from danger or into cover
  3609. melee attack#attacked an enemy in melee
  3610. berserk#went berserk
  3611. surprise#surprised by an enemy, noise, body or weapon impact
  3612. vocalizations that interrupt our talking
  3613. exclamations
  3614. pleading#pleading for the player to spare our pitiable lives
  3615. nothing there#decided that a suspicious sighting was nothing after all
  3616. partially sighted#saw something suspicious but not sure it was an enemy
  3617. vehicle collision#riding in a vehicle and the driver collides with something
  3618. vehicle scared#scared while in vehicle (imminent crash)
  3619. vehicle woohoo#excited while in vehicle (big air, etc)
  3620. vehicle exit#exits vehicle
  3621. vehicle entry#enters vehicle
  3622. hiding finished#stops hiding and pursues target
  3623. lost contact#target was not at expected location
  3624. attempted flee re#unable to flee because a leader is nearby - response
  3625. attempted flee#unable to flee because a leader is nearby
  3626. flee leader died#fleeing in panic because our leaders are all dead
  3627. flee re#fleeing in panic: response
  3628. flee#fleeing in panic
  3629. taunt re#taunted by an enemy: response
  3630. taunt#taunting the enemy
  3631. shooting traitor#shooting at a traitorous player
  3632. shooting group#shooting at a group of enemies
  3633. shooting berserk#shooting at an enemy while berserk
  3634. shooting vehicle#shooting from a vehicle at an enemy
  3635. shooting#shooting at an enemy
  3636. sighted friend player#sighted a new friendly player
  3637. vocalizations that don't require friends
  3638. actions
  3639. cover#telling friends to seek cover
  3640. retreat re#our platoon starts to defend or retreat: response
  3641. retreat#our platoon starts to defend or retreat
  3642. advance re#our platoon starts to attack or advance: response
  3643. advance#our platoon starts to attack or advance
  3644. group uncover re#starting to uncover target: response
  3645. group uncover#starting to uncover target with friend
  3646. search group abandon#search coordinator giving up on search
  3647. search abandon#searcher giving up on search
  3648. search report#searcher reporting that an area is clear
  3649. search query re#asking searchers whether they have found anything: response
  3650. search query#asking searchers whether they have found anything
  3651. search start#starting to search
  3652. blocked re#friend is blocking us from moving or firing: response
  3653. blocked#friend is blocking us from moving or firing
  3654. alert lost contact re#alert friends that target was not at expected location: response
  3655. alert lost contact#alert friends that target was not at expected location
  3656. alert friend re#alerted by a friend when in a noncombat state
  3657. alert friend#alert a friend who is in a noncombat state
  3658. new combat nearby re#reply to a distant friend who alerted us to an enemy
  3659. new combat group re#reply to a nearby friend who alerted us to an enemy
  3660. vocalizations that require friends
  3661. group communication
  3662. grenade danger friend#in danger from a friendly grenade (not our own)
  3663. grenade danger self#in danger from your own grenade
  3664. grenade danger enemy#in danger from an enemy grenade
  3665. grenade startle#alerted by a grenade bouncing near us
  3666. grenade sighted#see an enemy grenade
  3667. grenade throwing#throwing a grenade
  3668. alliance reformed#we forgive a traitor and make him our friend again
  3669. alliance broken#we decide that a former ally is now a traitor
  3670. dead friend found#unexpectedly finds a dead body of a friend
  3671. unexpected enemy#unexpectedly encounters enemy (behind or to the side)
  3672. old enemy sighted#see an enemy that we are currently looking for
  3673. new enemy recent combat#see a new enemy and we have recently been in combat
  3674. new combat alone#see an enemy and we have not previously been in combat
  3675. vocalizations that can be played even if a friend is talking
  3676. shouting
  3677. friend betrayed#a friend was deliberately killed by an ally that we don't trust (e.g. player killed a marine)
  3678. friend killed by sentinel#a friend died from sentinel fire
  3679. friend killed by flood#a friend died from the flood
  3680. friend killed by covenant#a friend died from covenant fire
  3681. friend killed by enemy player# friend died from an enemy player
  3682. friend killed by enemy#a friend died from enemy fire
  3683. friend killed by friendly player# friend died from player's friendly fire
  3684. friend killed by friend#a friend died from friendly fire
  3685. friend player died#a friendly player died
  3686. friend died#a friendly AI died
  3687. friends dying
  3688. player killling spree cm#response to the player going on a killing spree
  3689. player kill mountedweapon cm#response to the player killing an enemy with a fixed weapon
  3690. player kill vehicle cm#response to the player killing an enemy by hitting them with a vehicle
  3691. player kill shotgun cm#response to the player killing an enemy with a shotgun
  3692. player kill flame cm#response to the player killing an enemy with flamethrower
  3693. player kill melee cm#response to the player killing an enemy with a melee weapon
  3694. player kill explosion cm#response to the player killing an enemy with an explosive weapon
  3695. anyone kill grenade cm#response to _anyone_ killing an enemy with a grenade
  3696. player kill sniper cm#response to the player killing an enemy with a sniper weapon
  3697. player kill plasma cm#response to the player killing an enemy with a plasma bolt
  3698. player kill needler cm#response to the player killing an enemy with needles
  3699. player kill bullet cm#response to the player killing an enemy with bullets
  3700. player kill cm#response to the player killing an enemy
  3701. responses to a friendly player killing an enemy nearby
  3702. player kill responses
  3703. killing spree#we are on a killing spree
  3704. killed enemy mountedweapon#killed an enemy with a fixed weapon
  3705. killed enemy vehicle#killed an enemy by hitting them with a vehicle
  3706. killed enemy shotgun#killed an enemy with a shotgun
  3707. killed enemy flame#killed an enemy with flamethrower
  3708. killed enemy melee#killed an enemy with a melee weapon
  3709. killed enemy explosion#killed an enemy with an explosive weapon
  3710. killed enemy grenade#killed an enemy with a grenade
  3711. killed enemy sniper#killed an enemy with a sniper weapon
  3712. killed enemy plasma#killed an enemy with a plasma bolt
  3713. killed enemy needler#killed an enemy with needles
  3714. killed enemy bullet#killed an enemy with bullets
  3715. killed enemy sentinel cm#killed an enemy sentinel: comment from a friend
  3716. killed enemy sentinel#killed an enemy sentinel
  3717. killed enemy floodcarrier cm#killed an enemy flood carrier form: comment from a friend
  3718. killed enemy floodcarrier#killed an enemy flood carrier form
  3719. killed enemy floodcombat cm#killed an enemy flood combat form: comment from a friend
  3720. killed enemy floodcombat#killed an enemy flood combat form
  3721. killed enemy covenant cm#killed an enemy covenant: comment from a friend
  3722. killed enemy covenant#killed an enemy covenant
  3723. killed enemy player cm#killed an enemy player: comment from a friend
  3724. killed enemy player#killed an enemy player
  3725. killed enemy cm#killed an enemy: comment from a friend
  3726. killed enemy#killed an enemy
  3727. killed friend player cm#killed a friendly player: comment from a friend
  3728. killed friend player#killed a friendly player
  3729. killed friend cm#killed a friendly AI: comment from a friend
  3730. killed friend#killed a friendly AI
  3731. killing people
  3732. hurt enemy mountedweapon#hurt by an enemy with a fixed weapon
  3733. hurt enemy vehicle#hurt by an enemy with a vehicle
  3734. hurt enemy shotgun#hurt by an enemy with a shotgun
  3735. hurt enemy flame#hurt by an enemy with flamethrower
  3736. hurt enemy melee#hurt by an enemy with a melee weapon
  3737. hurt enemy explosion#hurt by an enemy with an explosive weapon
  3738. hurt enemy grenade#a grenade is stuck to us
  3739. hurt enemy sniper#hurt by an enemy with a sniper weapon
  3740. hurt enemy plasma#hurt by an enemy with a plasma bolt
  3741. hurt enemy needler#hurt by an enemy with needles
  3742. hurt enemy bullet#hurt by an enemy with bullets
  3743. hurt enemy cm#hurt by an enemy: comment from a friend of ours
  3744. hurt enemy re#hurt by an enemy: response from the enemy that hurt us ('you like that?')
  3745. hurt enemy#hurt by an enemy
  3746. hurt friend player#hurt by a friendly player
  3747. hurt friend re#hurt by a friendly AI: response from that friend
  3748. hurt friend#hurt by a friendly AI
  3749. being hurt
  3750. damaged enemy cm#hurt an enemy: comment to friend
  3751. damaged enemy#hurt an enemy
  3752. damaged friend player#hurt a friendly player
  3753. damaged friend#hurt a friendly AI
  3754. hurting people
  3755. death flying#died and was blown up into the air
  3756. death instant#died instantly
  3757. death agonizing#died in a horribly painful fashion (burnt to death)
  3758. death falling#died from falling
  3759. death violent#died from violent trauma
  3760. death quiet#died from minor damage, or was unprepared
  3761. maimed head#head body part was destroyed
  3762. maimed limb#limb body part (arm or leg) was destroyed
  3763. scream pain#screaming in pain (being flamed)
  3764. scream fear#screaming in fear (falling to your death, explosive stuck to you)
  3765. pain falling#took damage from falling
  3766. pain shield#took shield damage
  3767. pain body major#took a significant amount of body damage
  3768. pain body minor#took body damage
  3769. vocalizations generated automatically when damaged; interrupt everything except scripted dialogue.
  3770. involuntary
  3771. idle flee#played continuously while we are fleeing
  3772. idle combat#played randomly and intermittently whenever we're in combat
  3773. idle noncombat#played randomly and intermittently whenever we aren't in combat
  3774. vocalizations generated at intervals when nothing else is happening.
  3775. dialogue
  3776. 1565656565655555555555PPPPPPPPPPPP]^_``b`ddddlml5p<error>
  3777. maximum sprite extent:pixels*
  3778. sprite info
  3779. framebuffer blend function
  3780. shader
  3781. decay time:seconds
  3782. lifetime:seconds
  3783. animation speed:[1,120] ticks per frame
  3784. animation loop frame
  3785. animation
  3786. color upper bounds
  3787. color lower bounds
  3788. intensity:[0,1]#1 is fully visible, 0 is invisible
  3789. radius:world units#0 defaults to 0.125
  3790. radius and color
  3791. next decal in chain
  3792. layer
  3793. type#controls how the decal wraps onto surface geometry
  3794. A 'compound decal' is a chain of decals which are instantiated simultaneously. Compound decals are created by choosing a <next_decal_in_chain> below. NOTE: Do not attempt to create a circularly linked decal chain, i.e. A->B->C->A! Also, do not reference a decal from an effect if it is not the 'head' of the chain; for example an effect should not instantiate decal B if the chain was A->B->C. Compound decals can have seperate bitmaps, seperate framebuffer blend functions, and can be drawn in seperate layers. In addition, each decal in the chain can either inherit its parent's <radius>, rotation, <color>, <fade>, and <sequence> - or it can randomly choose its own. This behavior is controlled by the 'geometry_inherited_by_next_decal_in_chain' flag, below.
  3795. The decal <type> (or layer) determines the drawing order of the decal with respect to the rest of the environment. Decals in the primary layer are drawn after the environment diffuse texture, hence they affect the already-lit texture of the surface. Decals in the secondary layer are drawn immediately after decals in the primary layer, so they 'cover up' the primary decals. Decals in the 'light' layer are drawn before the environment diffuse texture, hence they affect the accumulated diffuse light and only indirectly affect the lit texture.
  3796. decal
  3797. water
  3798. alpha-tested
  3799. light
  3800. painted sign
  3801. burn
  3802. splatter
  3803. scratch
  3804. preserve aspect
  3805. animation loop
  3806. SAPIEN- incremental counter
  3807. SAPIEN- snap to axis
  3808. water effect
  3809. no random rotation
  3810. geometry inherited by next decal in chain
  3811. \halopc\haloce\source\effects\decal_definitions.c
  3812. encoded stencil
  3813. mask distance:meter units#fade from fully unmasked to fully masked this distance below full (and beyond empty)
  3814. unmask distance:meter units#fade from fully masked to fully unmasked this distance beyond full (and below empty)
  3815. full color
  3816. anchor colors...
  3817. interpolate colors...
  3818. source sequence index
  3819. stencil sequence index
  3820. source bitmap#optional bitmap to draw into the unmasked regions of the meter (modulated by the colors below)
  3821. stencil bitmaps#two bitmaps specifying the mask and the meter levels
  3822. meter
  3823. meter_stencil_data_definition
  3824. at full
  3825. at empty
  3826. at both ends
  3827. through random noise
  3828. faster near full
  3829. faster near empty
  3830. linearly
  3831. encoded_data
  3832. mask_bitmap->height==levels_bitmap->height
  3833. mask_bitmap->width==levels_bitmap->width
  3834. levels_bitmap->format==_bitmap_format_y8
  3835. mask_bitmap->format==_bitmap_format_y8
  3836. mask_bitmap && levels_bitmap
  3837. \halopc\haloce\source\interface\meter_definitions.c
  3838. the meter definition %s does not specify a stencil bitmap group.
  3839. the meter definition %s must specify %d stencil bitmaps.
  3840. the meter definition %s specifies stencil bitmaps which are not 16 bits intensity per pixel.
  3841. the stencil bitmaps and source bitmaps for the meter definition %s are of different dimensions.
  3842. the meter definition %s exceeds the limit for stencil size.
  3843. !meter->encoded_stencil.size
  3844. meter->encoded_stencil.size==size
  3845. placeholder
  3846. sound environment
  3847. background sound
  3848. SOUND
  3849. wind perpendicular weight:[0,1]
  3850. wind acceleration weight:[0,1]
  3851. wind period:seconds#0 defaults to 1
  3852. wind velocity:world units per second
  3853. animation period:seconds
  3855. map scale#0 defaults to 1
  3856. zoom multiplier:[0,1]
  3857. strafing multiplier:[0,1]
  3858. rotation multiplier:[0,1]
  3859. color#0 defaults to planar fog color
  3860. start distance from fog plane:world units#do NOT set this to the same value as maximum_depth
  3861. density gradient:[0,1]
  3862. distance gradient:world units
  3863. layer count:[0,4]#0 layers disables the effect
  3865. COLOR
  3866. distance to water plane:world units#the fog becomes water at this distance from its surface
  3867. opaque depth:world units#the fog becomes opaque at this distance from its surface
  3868. opaque distance:world units#the fog becomes opaque at this distance from the viewer
  3869. maximum density:[0,1]#planar fog density is clamped to this value
  3870. DENSITY
  3871. Setting <atmosphere dominant> prevents polygon popping when the atmospheric fog maximum density (in the sky tag) is 1 and the atmospheric fog opaque distance is less than the diameter of the map. However, this flag will cause artifacts when the camera goes below the fog plane - so it should only be used when the fog plane is close to the ground.
  3872. FLAGS
  3873. fog
  3874. no texture-based falloff
  3875. no model multipass
  3876. no environment multipass
  3877. fog screen only
  3878. atmosphere dominant
  3879. is water
  3880. reflections
  3881. vertical scale#amount to stretch the corona along the vertical axis; 0 defaults to 1
  3882. horizontal scale#amount to stretch the corona along the horizontal axis; 0 defaults to 1
  3883. corona radius scale
  3884. rotation function scale:degrees
  3885. rotation function
  3886. Controls how corona rotation is affected by viewer and light angles.
  3887. corona rotation
  3888. bitmap#used by reflections
  3889. bitmaps
  3890. far fade distance:world units#distance at which the lens flare brightness is minimum; set to zero to disable distance fading
  3891. near fade distance:world units#distance at which the lens flare brightness is maximum
  3892. occlusion offset direction
  3893. occlusion radius:world units#radius of the square used to test occlusion
  3894. Occlusion factor affects overall lens flare brightness and can also affect scale. Occlusion never affects rotation.
  3895. occlusion
  3896. cutoff angle:degrees
  3897. falloff angle:degrees
  3898. lens_flare
  3899. sun
  3900. translation
  3901. rotation-translation
  3902. rotation B
  3903. rotation A
  3904. marker forward
  3905. toward viewer
  3906. animation phase:seconds
  3907. animation period:seconds#0 defaults to 1
  3908. animation function
  3909. color upper bound#if a=r=g=b=0, default to a=r=g=b=1
  3910. color lower bound#if a=r=g=b=0, default to a=r=g=b=1
  3911. Causes lens flare reflection to flicker, pulse, or whatever. Animated color modulates tint color, above, while animated alpha modulates brightness. Animation is ignored if tint color is BLACK or the animation function is ONE or ZERO.
  3912. tint color#if a=r=g=b=0 use light color instead; alpha blends between modulation and tinting
  3913. Tinting and modulating are not the same; 'tinting' a reflection will color the darker regions but leave the white highlights, while 'modulating' will color everything uniformly (as in most games). The tint alpha controls how much the reflection is tinted as opposed to modulated (0 is modulated, 1 is tinted). If all components are zero, the reflection is fully tinted by the light color.
  3914. tint color
  3915. brightness scaled by
  3916. brightness:[0,1]#interpolated by light scale
  3917. radius scaled by
  3918. radius:world units#interpolated by light scale
  3919. rotation offset:degrees
  3920. position:along flare axis#0 is on top of light, 1 is opposite light, 0.5 is the center of the screen, etc.
  3921. bitmap index
  3922. lens_flare_reflection_block
  3923. distance from center
  3924. rotation and strafing
  3925. rotation
  3926. occluded by solid objects
  3927. radius scaled by occlusion factor
  3928. radius NOT scaled by distance
  3929. align rotation with screen center
  3930. falloff function#the scale of the light will diminish over time according to this function
  3931. duration:seconds#the light will last this long when created by an effect
  3932. if the light is created by an effect, it will animate itself as follows
  3934. how the light affects the lightmaps (ignored for dynamic lights)
  3936. lens flare
  3937. optional lens flare associated with this light
  3938. LENS FLARE
  3939. pitch period:seconds#time between repeats
  3940. pitch function#a function to control rotation of the gel in pitch
  3941. roll period:seconds#time between repeats
  3942. roll function#a function to control rotation of the gel in roll
  3943. yaw period:seconds#time between repeats
  3944. yaw function#a function to control rotation of the gel in yaw
  3945. secondary cube map#used for specular light
  3946. texture animation period:seconds#time between repeats
  3947. texture animation function#a function to control texture animation
  3948. primary cube map#used for diffuse and specular light
  3949. the gel map tints the light per-pixel of cube map
  3950. GEL
  3951. color upper bound
  3952. color lower bound
  3953. interpolation flags
  3954. lens flare only radius
  3955. cutoff angle#the angle at which the illumination is zero.
  3956. falloff angle#the angle at which the light begins to fade.
  3957. radius modifer#how the radius changes with external scale
  3958. radius#the radius where illumination is zero. (lens flare only if this is 0)
  3959. the size and shape of the light
  3960. SHAPE
  3961. don't fade active camouflage
  3962. first person flashlight
  3963. supersize in first person#for dynamic lights, light every environment surface if this light is on the gun of the current window.
  3964. don't light own object#for dynamic lights, don't light the object that the light is attached to.
  3965. no specular#for dynamic lights, cast only diffuse light.
  3966. dynamic#dynamically illuminate interiors
  3967. damping
  3968. local variation rate
  3969. local variation weight
  3970. variation area#the wind direction varies inside a box defined by these angles on either side of the direction from the weather region.
  3971. velocity:world units#the wind magnitude in the weather region scales the wind between these bounds
  3972. wind
  3973. lights
  3974. animations
  3975. shader functions
  3976. indoor fog screen#used for FOG SCREEN only; not used for planar fog
  3977. indoor fog opaque distance:world units#beyond this distance surfaces are completely fogged
  3978. indoor fog start distance:world units#below this distance there is no fog
  3979. indoor fog maximum density:[0,1]#density at opaque distance - 0 defaults to 1
  3980. indoor fog color
  3981. outdoor fog opaque distance:world units#beyond this distance surfaces are completely fogged
  3982. outdoor fog start distance:world units#below this distance there is no fog
  3983. outdoor fog maximum density:[0,1]#density at opaque distance - 0 defaults to 1
  3984. outdoor fog color
  3985. outdoor ambient radiosity power#the outdoor ambient light power from 0 to infinity
  3986. outdoor ambient radiosity color#the outdoor ambient light color
  3987. indoor ambient radiosity power#the indoor ambient light power from 0 to infinity
  3988. indoor ambient radiosity color#the indoor ambient light color
  3989. animation_graph
  3990. model
  3991. sky
  3992. diameter#angular diameter of the light source in the sky.
  3993. direction#direction toward the light source in the sky.
  3994. test distance#the length of the ray for shadow testing.
  3995. power#light power from 0 to infinity
  3996. color#light color
  3997. these parameters control how the light illuminates the world.
  3998. lens flare marker name#the lens flare for this light will be attached to the specified marker in the model
  3999. sky_light_block
  4000. affects interiors
  4001. affects exteriors
  4002. period:seconds
  4003. animation index#the index of the animation in the animation graph
  4004. sky_animation_block
  4005. global function name^#the global function that controls this shader value
  4006. sky_shader_function_block
  4007. change colors
  4008. forced shader permutation#if nonzero, overrides the unit's shader permutation
  4009. shield sapping radius:world units#how far away we can drain the player's shields
  4010. shield vitality#maximum shield vitality of our unit
  4011. body vitality#maximum body vitality of our unit
  4012. drop weapon ammo#total number of rounds in the weapon that we drop (ignored for energy weapons)
  4013. drop weapon loaded#amount of ammo loaded into the weapon that we drop (in fractions of a clip, e.g. 0.3 to 0.5)
  4014. dont drop grenades chance:[0,1]#how likely we are not to drop any grenades when we die, even if we still have some
  4015. grenade count#number of grenades that we start with
  4016. equipment#equipment item to drop when we die
  4017. items
  4018. encounter grenade timeout:seconds#we cannot throw grenades if someone else in our encounter threw one this recently
  4019. grenade check time:seconds#for continuous stimuli (e.g. visible target), how often we check to see if we want to throw a grenade
  4020. grenade chance:[0,1]#how likely we are to throw a grenade
  4021. collateral damage radius:world units#we won't throw if there are friendlies around our target within this range
  4022. grenade ranges:world units#ranges within which we will consider throwing a grenade
  4023. grenade velocity:world units per second#how fast we can throw our grenades
  4024. enemy radius:world units#we consider enemies within this radius when determining where to throw
  4025. minimum enemy count#how many enemies must be within the radius of the grenade before we will consider throwing there
  4026. grenade stimulus#what causes us to consider throwing a grenade
  4027. trajectory type#how we throw our grenades
  4028. grenade type#type of grenades that we throw
  4029. grenades
  4030. berserk melee abort range:world units#while berserking, if our target gets this far away from us, we stop trying to melee them
  4031. berserk melee range:world units#while berserking, how close an enemy target must get before triggering a melee charge
  4032. berserk firing ranges:world units#if we are outside maximum range, we advance towards target, stopping when we reach minimum range
  4033. melee abort range:world units#if our target gets this far away from us, we stop trying to melee them
  4034. melee range:world units#how close an enemy target must get before triggering a melee charge
  4035. berserking and melee
  4036. special-fire delay:seconds#how long we must wait between uses of our special weapon fire mode
  4037. special-fire chance:[0,1]#how likely we are to use our special weapon fire mode
  4038. special-fire situation#when we will decide to use our special weapon fire mode
  4039. special-fire mode#the type of special weapon fire that we can use
  4040. modified vision range#any custom vision range that this actor variant has (zero = normal)
  4041. bombardment range#we offset our burst targets randomly by this range when firing at non-visible enemies (zero = never)
  4042. super-ballistic range#we try to aim our shots super-ballistically if target is outside this range (zero = never)
  4043. special-case firing properties
  4044. berserk projectile error#error multiplier when the actor is berserk (zero = unchanged)
  4045. berserk rate of fire#rate-of-fire multiplier when the actor is berserk (zero = unchanged)
  4046. berserk burst separation#burst separation multiplier when the actor is berserk (zero = unchanged)
  4047. berserk burst duration#burst duration multiplier when the actor is berserk (zero = unchanged)
  4048. moving projectile error#error multiplier when the actor is moving (zero = unchanged)
  4049. moving rate of fire#rate-of-fire multiplier when the actor is moving (zero = unchanged)
  4050. moving burst separation#burst separation multiplier when the actor is moving (zero = unchanged)
  4051. moving burst duration#burst duration multiplier when the actor is moving (zero = unchanged)
  4052. new-target projectile error#error multiplier for newly appeared targets (zero = unchanged)
  4053. new-target rate of fire#rate-of-fire multiplier for newly appeared targets (zero = unchanged)
  4054. new-target burst separation#burst separation multiplier for newly appeared targets (zero = unchanged)
  4055. new-target burst duration#burst duration multiplier for newly appeared targets (zero = unchanged)
  4056. a firing pattern lets you modify the properties of an actor's burst geometry. actors choose which firing pattern to use based on their current state:
  4057. 'new-target' when the target just appeared
  4058. 'moving' when the actor is moving
  4059. 'berserk' if the actor is berserk
  4060. if none of these apply, no firing pattern is used.
  4061. the default values in the burst geometry are multiplied by any non-zero modifiers in the firing pattern.
  4062. firing patterns
  4063. special projectile error:degrees#projectile error angle for special weapon fire (applied in addition to the normal error)
  4064. special damage modifier:[0,1]#damage modifier for special weapon fire (applied in addition to the normal damage modifier. zero = no change)
  4065. burst angular velocity:degrees per second#the maximum rate at which we can sweep our fire (zero = unlimited)
  4066. burst separation:seconds#how long we wait between bursts
  4067. burst duration:seconds#how long each burst we fire is
  4068. burst return angle:degrees#the range from the horizontal that the return direction can be
  4069. burst return length:world units#how far the burst point moves back towards the target (could be negative)
  4070. burst origin angle:degrees#the range from the horizontal that our starting error can be
  4071. burst origin radius:world units#how far away from the target the starting point is
  4072. at the start of every burst we pick a random point near the target to fire at, on either the left or the right side.
  4073. the burst origin angle controls whether this error is exactly horizontal or might have some vertical component.
  4074. over the course of the burst we move our projectiles back in the opposite direction towards the target. this return motion is also controlled by an angle that specifies how close to the horizontal it is.
  4075. for example if the burst origin angle and the burst return angle were both zero, and the return length was the same as the burst length, every burst would start the same amount away from the target (on either the left or right) and move back to exactly over the target at the end of the burst.
  4076. burst geometry
  4077. damage per second#only used if weapon damage modifier is zero... how much damage we should deliver to the target per second while firing a burst at them (zero = use weapon default)
  4078. weapon damage modifier#what fraction of its normal damage our weapon inflicts (zero = no modifier)
  4079. target leading:[0,1]#how much we lead moving targets. 0.0= no prediction. 1.0= predict completely.
  4080. target tracking:[0,1]#how well our bursts track moving targets. 0.0= fire at the position they were standing when we started the burst. 1.0= fire at current position
  4081. custom crouch gun offset#custom crouching gun offset for overriding the default in the base actor
  4082. custom stand gun offset#custom standing gun offset for overriding the default in the base actor
  4083. desired combat range:world units
  4084. death fire-wildly time:seconds
  4085. death fire-wildly chance:[0,1]
  4086. surprise fire-wildly time:seconds
  4087. surprise delay time:seconds
  4088. new-target firing pattern time:seconds
  4089. first burst delay time:seconds
  4090. projectile error:degrees#error added to every projectile we fire
  4091. rate of fire#how many times per second we pull the trigger (zero = continuously held down)
  4092. maximum firing distance:world units#we can only fire our weapon at targets within this distance
  4093. weapon
  4094. ranged combat
  4095. run time:seconds#when switching movement types, how long we will run for before slowing to a crouch
  4096. crouch time:seconds#when switching movement types, how long we will stay crouched for before running
  4097. initial crouch chance:[0,1]#actors that start their movement try to maintain this fraction of crouched actors
  4098. movement type#when we have a choice of movement types, which type we will use
  4099. note: only the flood combat forms will ever try to switch movement types voluntarily during combat
  4100. movement switching
  4101. major variant
  4102. unit
  4103. actor definition
  4104. actor_variant
  4105. actor_variant_change_colors_block
  4106. strafing
  4107. enemy out of sight
  4108. enemy visible
  4109. secondary trigger
  4110. overcharge
  4111. switch types
  4112. always crouch
  4113. always run
  4114. seek cover
  4115. visible target
  4116. bounce
  4117. lob
  4118. toss
  4119. prefer passenger seat
  4120. cannot use ranged weapons
  4121. super active camouflage
  4122. active camouflage
  4123. moveswitch stay w/ friends
  4124. has unlimited grenades
  4125. interpolate color in HSV
  4126. can shoot while flying
  4127. DO NOT USE: major upgrade
  4128. combat idle speech time:seconds#time between idle vocalizations when we are in combat or searching
  4129. noncombat idle speech time:seconds#time between idle vocalizations when we are not in combat
  4130. communication
  4131. friend avoid dist:world units#distance we try and stay from any friends
  4132. old position avoid dist:world units#distance we try and stay from our last discarded firing position
  4133. combat position time:seconds#time after which we change combat firing positions
  4134. guard position time:seconds#time after which we decide to change guard positions (zero = never)
  4135. firing positions
  4136. berserk grenade chance:[0,1]#chance of berserking when we have a dangerous projectile stuck to us
  4137. suicide sensing dist:world units#when we are this close to a target, we check to see if they're getting away and if so blow up
  4138. berserk proximity:world units#if we ever get this close to a target, we berserk
  4139. berserk damage threshold:[0,1]#how low our body health must get before we will consider berserking
  4140. berserk damage amount:[0,1]#amount of body damage in a short time that makes us berserk
  4141. melee leap ballistic:[0,1]#fraction that controls how ballistic our leaping melee trajectory is
  4142. melee leap chance:[0,1]#chance of launching a leaping melee attack at a ground-based target (we always leap at flying targets)
  4143. melee leap velocity:world units per tick#how fast we spring at targets when launching a leaping melee attack
  4144. melee leap range:world units#we can launch leaping melee attacks at targets within these ranges (zero = can't leap)
  4145. melee charge time:seconds#how long we can stay in the charging state trying to reach our target before we give up
  4146. melee fudge factor:world units#fudge factor that offsets how far in front of the target we start our attack (negative = we try to time our attack so that we go _through_ the target). this should be close to zero, but might be bigger for suiciding units
  4147. melee attack delay:seconds#how long we must wait between attempting melee attacks
  4148. num positions (normal):[0,n]#number of pursuit positions to check when in normal search mode
  4149. num positions (coord):[0,n]#number of pursuit positions to check when in coordinated group search mode
  4150. pursuit-position time:seconds#time we search at a pursuit position
  4151. target search time:seconds#time we search at target's position
  4152. uncover delay time:seconds#time to look at target's position after it becomes visible
  4153. pursuit
  4154. change-facing stand time:seconds#how long we must stand up for after changing our fixed stationary facing
  4155. stationary facing angle:angle#angle outside of which we must abandon a stationary facing direction and suffer any penalties
  4156. stalking max distance:world units#distance outside of which we don't bother stalking
  4157. stalking discovery time:seconds#if our target sees us for this long while we are stalking them, our cover is blown and we do something else (zero = never stop stalking)
  4158. cover damage threshold:[0,1]#how much damage we must take before we are allowed to seek cover (zero = always allowed to)
  4159. max seek-cover distance:world units#maximum distance we will consider going to find cover (zero = default)
  4160. evasion delay time:seconds#minimum time period between evasion moves
  4161. evasion seek-cover chance:[0,1]#chance of seeking cover (otherwise we just evade)
  4162. defending evasion threshold#when in defending mode, we consider seeking cover or evading when our danger gets this high
  4163. attacking evasion threshold#when in attacking mode, we consider seeking cover or evading when our danger gets this high
  4164. defending hide time modifier#how much longer we hide behind cover for when in the defending state (zero = unchanged)
  4165. min crouch time:seconds#minimum time to remain crouching (zero = default)
  4166. min stand time:seconds#minimum time to remain standing (zero = default)
  4167. defending crouch threshold#when in defending mode, if our crouch type is based on shields, we crouch when our shields are below this number; if our crouch type is based on danger, we crouch when our danger is above this number
  4168. attacking crouch threshold#when in attacking mode, if our crouch type is based on shields, we crouch when our shields are below this number; if our crouch type is based on danger, we crouch when our danger is above this number
  4169. defensive crouch type
  4170. pursue shield fraction:[0,1]#elites and jackals only come out from cover to pursue if they have this much shields
  4171. attack shield fraction:[0,1]#elites and jackals only come out from cover to attack if they have this much shields
  4172. hide shield fraction:[0,1]#elites and jackals only seek cover if their shield falls below this value
  4173. hide target-not-visible time:seconds#if this is non-zero then we will only seek cover if our target has not been visible recently
  4174. hide behind cover time:seconds#how long we stay behind cover after seeking cover
  4175. danger values: being aimed at: 0.7
  4176. an enemy shooting in our general direction: 1.2
  4177. an enemy shooting directly at us: 1.6
  4178. an enemy damaging us: 2.0
  4179. defensive
  4180. surprise distance:world units#the distance at which newly acknowledged props or weapon impacts are considered 'close' for surprise purposes
  4181. panic damage threshold:[0,1]#panic if we take this much body damage in a short period of time
  4182. leader killed panic chance:[0,1]#chance of panicking when we see a leader killed
  4183. leader type#if we see a friend of this type killed we have a chance of panicking
  4184. friend killed panic chance:[0,1]#chance of panicking when we see a friend killed near us and the enemy is looking at us too
  4185. cowering time:seconds#how long we hide in cover after being panicked
  4186. panic
  4187. retreat time:seconds#how long we retreat from an unopposable enemy for
  4188. friends retreating trigger#if this many of our friends are retreating from an unopposable enemy, we retreat as well (zero = never use this as a retreat condition)
  4189. friends killed trigger#if this many of our friends are killed by an unopposable enemy, we trigger a retreat (zero = never use this as a retreat condition)
  4190. danger trigger time:seconds#how long it takes for an unopposable enemy that has the above danger level to trigger a retreat
  4191. player danger trigger#danger level of an enemy player which will trigger a retreat if it continues over time
  4192. vehicle danger trigger#danger level of a vehicle-based enemy which will trigger a retreat if it continues over time
  4193. unreachable danger trigger#danger level of an unreachable enemy which will trigger a retreat if it continues over time
  4194. unopposable
  4195. DO NOT USE: projectile
  4196. DO NOT USE: weapon
  4197. combat idle looking:seconds#rate at which we change look around randomly when searching or in combat
  4198. combat idle aiming:seconds#rate at which we change aiming directions when looking around randomly when searching or in combat
  4199. combat idle facing:seconds#rate at which we change facing when looking around randomly when searching or in combat
  4200. guard idle looking:seconds#rate at which we change look around randomly when guarding
  4201. guard idle aiming:seconds#rate at which we change aiming directions when looking around randomly when guarding
  4202. guard idle facing:seconds#rate at which we change facing when looking around randomly when guarding
  4203. noncombat idle looking:seconds#rate at which we change look around randomly when not in combat
  4204. noncombat idle aiming:seconds#rate at which we change aiming directions when looking around randomly when not in combat
  4205. noncombat idle facing:seconds#rate at which we change facing when looking around randomly when not in combat
  4206. event look time modifier#multiplier for how long we look at interesting events (zero = unchanged)
  4207. idle looking range:degrees#range in which we select random directions to look at
  4208. idle aiming range:degrees#range in which we select random directions to aim in
  4209. combat look delta R:degrees#how far we can turn our head right away from our aiming vector when in combat
  4210. combat look delta L:degrees#how far we can turn our head left away from our aiming vector when in combat
  4211. noncombat look delta R:degrees#how far we can turn our head right away from our aiming vector when not in combat
  4212. noncombat look delta L:degrees#how far we can turn our head left away from our aiming vector when not in combat
  4213. maximum looking deviation:degrees#how far we can turn our head
  4214. maximum aiming deviation:degrees#how far we can turn our weapon
  4215. looking
  4216. begin moving angle:degrees#we must be facing this close to our target before we start applying the throttle (default: 180 degrees)
  4217. free-flying sidestep:world units#distance which we allow sidestepping for flying units
  4218. stationary movement dist:world units#movement distance which is considered 'stationary' for considering whether we crouch
  4219. glass ignorance chance:[0,1]#chance of not noticing that breakable surfaces have been destroyed
  4220. pathfinding radius:world units
  4221. dive from grenade chance:[0,1]#chance of running a dive animation when moving away from a grenade
  4222. emerge from cover chance:[0,1]#chance of running an emerge animation when uncovering a target
  4223. dive into cover chance:[0,1]#chance of running a dive animation when moving into cover
  4224. movement
  4225. non-combat perception time:seconds#time required to acknowledge a visible enemy when we are not alerted
  4226. guard perception time:seconds#time required to acknowledge a visible enemy when we have been alerted
  4227. combat perception time:seconds#time required to acknowledge a visible enemy when we are already in combat or searching for them
  4228. notice vehicle chance:[0,1]#random chance of noticing a dangerous vehicle
  4229. notice projectile chance:[0,1]#random chance of noticing a dangerous enemy projectile (e.g. grenade)
  4230. hearing distance:world units#maximum range at which sounds can be heard
  4231. crouching gun offset#offset of gun from feet when crouch (x=forward, y=left, z=up)
  4232. standing gun offset#offset of gun from feet when standing (x=forward, y=left, z=up)
  4233. peripheral distance:world units#maximum range at which we can see targets our of the corner of our eye
  4234. peripheral vision angle:degrees#maximum horizontal angle within which we can see targets out of the corner of our eye
  4235. max vision angle:degrees#maximum horizontal angle within which we see targets at range
  4236. central vision angle:degrees#horizontal angle within which we see targets out to our maximum range
  4237. max vision distance:world units#maximum range of sight
  4238. perception
  4239. more flags
  4240. actor
  4241. damaging us
  4242. shooting near us
  4243. visible
  4244. flood shamble
  4245. any target
  4246. hide behind shield
  4247. low shields
  4248. danger
  4249. never
  4250. sentinel
  4251. monitor
  4252. carrier form
  4253. infection form
  4254. combat form
  4255. crew
  4256. marine
  4257. assassin
  4258. engineer
  4259. hunter
  4260. grunt
  4261. jackal
  4262. elite
  4263. no corpse shooting
  4264. panic in groups
  4265. pathfinding ignores danger
  4266. disallow vehicle combat
  4267. must stop to fire
  4268. must stand to fire
  4269. avoid all enemy attack vectors
  4270. avoid friends' line of fire
  4271. crouch when in line of fire
  4272. fixed crouch facing
  4273. cannot move while crouching
  4274. suicidal melee attack
  4275. swarm
  4276. dive off ledges
  4277. always charge in 'attacking' mode
  4278. crouch when hiding from unopposable
  4279. panicked by unopposable enemy
  4280. flying
  4281. berserking uses panicked movement
  4282. always berserk in attacking mode
  4283. stalking freeze if exposed
  4284. use stalking behavior
  4285. defensive crouch while charging
  4286. crouching must move forward
  4287. standing must move forward
  4288. start firing before aligned
  4289. gets in vehicles with player
  4290. always charge at enemies
  4291. panic when surprised
  4292. must crouch to shoot
  4293. crouch when guarding
  4294. crouch when not in combat
  4295. try to stay still when crouched
  4296. shoot at target's last location
  4297. sneak uncovering pursuit position
  4298. sneak uncovering target
  4299. can see in darkness
  4300. actor definition %s has values in tag reference fields that should be left unused!
  4301. rcsscedsvnesososrtosihcsxecstawsalgstemsalpssecondary noise map scale
  4302. secondary animation direction
  4303. secondary animation period:seconds
  4304. secondary noise map
  4305. primary noise map scale
  4306. primary animation direction
  4307. primary animation period:seconds
  4308. primary noise map
  4309. tint color source#modulates perpendicular and parallel colors above
  4310. Controls the tint color and Fresnel brightness effects.
  4311. offset exponent#0 defaults to 1
  4312. offset amount:world units
  4313. offset source
  4314. Controls how far the plasma energy extends from the model geometry.
  4315. offset
  4316. intensity exponent#0 defaults to 1
  4317. intensity source
  4318. Controls how bright the plasma is.
  4319. plasma shader
  4320. shader_transparent_plasma
  4321. flash-extension source#position of flash extension leading edge (default is 1)
  4322. gradient source#high color leading edge (default is 1)
  4323. value source#position of flash leading edge (default is 1)
  4324. flash brightness source#brightness of flash (default is 1)
  4325. meter brightness source#overall meter brightness (default is 1)
  4326. external function sources
  4327. background transparency:[0,1]#used only when 'tint mode-2' is set
  4328. meter transparency:[0,1]#used only when 'tint mode-2' is set
  4329. tint color#modulates framebuffer color unless map alpha is zero
  4330. background color
  4331. gradient max color
  4332. gradient min color
  4333. colors
  4334. meter shader
  4335. shader_transparent_meter
  4336. tint mode-2
  4337. flash color is negative
  4338. specular detail map
  4339. specular detail map scale#0 defaults to 1
  4340. specular map
  4341. specular map scale#0 defaults to 1
  4342. Specular lights are accumulated in monochrome and then alpha-blended with diffuse map and diffuse detail map. The color is determined by double-multiplying both maps and multiplying with the accumulated light, the result being alpha-blended into the framebuffer. The opacity is determined by multiplying both map's alpha channels. Since this effect is alpha-blended, it covers up tinting, reflection and diffuse texture on pixels with high opacity.
  4343. diffuse detail map
  4344. diffuse detail map scale#0 defaults to 1
  4345. diffuse map
  4346. diffuse map scale#0 defaults to 1
  4347. Diffuse lights are accumulated in monochrome and then alpha-blended with diffuse map and diffuse detail map. The color is determined by double-multiplying both maps and multiplying with the accumulated light, the result being alpha-blended into the framebuffer. The opacity is determined by multiplying both map's alpha channels. Since this effect is alpha-blended, it covers up tinting and reflection on pixels with high opacity.
  4348. reflection map
  4349. parallel tint color
  4350. parallel brightness:[0,1]
  4351. perpendicular tint color
  4352. perpendicular brightness:[0,1]
  4353. reflection type
  4354. Reflection maps are multiplied by fresnel terms (glancing angles cause reflections to disappear) and then added to the background. The primary reflection map is textured normally, while the secondary reflection map is magnified.
  4355. background tint map
  4356. background tint map scale#0 defaults to 1
  4357. background tint color
  4358. Background pixels are multiplied by the tint map and constant tint color.
  4359. background tint properties
  4360. glass shader
  4361. shader_transparent_glass
  4362. ripples
  4363. ripple mipmap detail bias
  4364. ripple mipmap fade factor:[0,1]#flatness of last mipmap
  4365. ripple mipmap levels#0 defaults to 1
  4366. ripple maps
  4367. ripple scale#0 defaults to 1
  4368. ripple animation velocity
  4369. ripple animation angle:[0,360]
  4370. reflection map:[0,1]
  4371. view parallel tint color
  4372. view parallel brightness:[0,1]#0 defaults to 1
  4373. view perpendicular tint color
  4374. view perpendicular brightness:[0,1]
  4375. base map#controls reflection brightness and background tint
  4376. Base map color modulates the background, while base map alpha modulates reflection brightness. Both of these effects can be independently enables and disabled. Note that if the <base map alpha modulates reflection> flag is not set, then the perpendicular/parallel brightness has no effect (but the perpendicular/parallel tint color DOES has an effect).
  4377. water shader
  4378. shader_transparent_water
  4379. draw before fog
  4380. atmospheric fog
  4381. base map color modulates background
  4382. base map alpha modulates reflection
  4383. map index#index into ripple maps
  4384. map repeats#0 defaults to 1
  4385. map offset
  4386. animation velocity
  4387. animation angle:[0,360]
  4388. contribution factor:[0,1]#0 defaults to 1
  4389. shader_transparent_water_ripple_block
  4390. 2 stage maps
  4391. 4 stage maps
  4392. chicago shader extended
  4393. shader_transparent_chicago_extended
  4394. extra flags
  4395. chicago shader
  4396. shader_transparent_chicago
  4397. first map is viewer-centered cube map
  4398. first map is object-centered cube map
  4399. first map is reflection cube map
  4400. numeric countdown timer
  4401. don't fade active-camouflage
  4402. map^
  4403. alpha function#ignored for last map
  4404. color function#ignored for last map
  4405. shader_transparent_chicago_map_block
  4406. blend next map alpha-inverse
  4407. blend next map alpha
  4408. blend current alpha-inverse
  4409. blend current alpha
  4410. subtract next map
  4411. subtract current
  4412. add-signed next map
  4413. add-signed current
  4414. double-multiply
  4415. next map
  4416. current
  4417. alpha replicate
  4418. stages
  4419. extra layers
  4420. framebuffer fade source#fade is multiplied by this external value
  4421. framebuffer fade mode
  4422. first map type
  4423. numeric counter limit:[0,255]
  4424. generic transparent shader
  4425. shader_transparent_generic
  4426. viewer-centered cube map
  4427. object-centered cube map
  4428. 2D map
  4429. numeric
  4430. scale first map with distance
  4431. ignore effect
  4432. draw before water
  4433. first map is in screenspace
  4434. alpha outputs
  4435. alpha inputs
  4436. output mapping
  4437. output AB CD mux/sum
  4438. output CD function
  4439. output CD
  4440. output AB function
  4441. output AB
  4442. color outputs
  4443. input D mapping
  4444. input D
  4445. input C mapping
  4446. input C
  4447. input B mapping
  4448. input B
  4449. input A mapping
  4450. input A
  4451. color inputs
  4452. color1
  4453. color0 animation upper bound
  4454. color0 animation lower bound
  4455. color0 animation period:seconds#0 defaults to 1
  4456. color0 animation function
  4457. color0 source
  4458. Constant color 0 is animated in exactly the same way as the self-illumination color of the model shader, except that it has an alpha component in addition to the RGB components. Constant color 1 is just a constant.
  4459. constants and animation
  4460. shader_transparent_generic_stage_block
  4461. expand normal
  4462. bias by -1/2
  4463. scale by 4
  4464. scale by 2
  4465. scale by 1/2
  4466. identity
  4467. dot product
  4468. vertex alpha 1
  4469. vertex alpha 0 / fog
  4470. scratch alpha 0 / final alpha
  4471. vertex color 1
  4472. vertex color 0
  4473. scratch color 0 / final color
  4474. discard
  4475. -x
  4476. 1/2 - clamp(x)
  4477. clamp(x) - 1/2
  4478. 1 - 2*clamp(x)
  4479. 2*clamp(x) - 1
  4480. 1 - clamp(x)
  4481. clamp(x)
  4482. constant blue 1
  4483. constant blue 0
  4484. scratch blue 1
  4485. scratch blue 0
  4486. vertex blue 1 / fade(parallel)
  4487. vertex blue 0 / blue light
  4488. map blue 3
  4489. map blue 2
  4490. map blue 1
  4491. map blue 0
  4492. constant alpha 1
  4493. constant alpha 0
  4494. scratch alpha 1
  4495. scratch alpha 0
  4496. vertex alpha 1 / fade(perpendicular)
  4497. vertex alpha 0 / fade(none)
  4498. map alpha 3
  4499. map alpha 2
  4500. map alpha 1
  4501. map alpha 0
  4502. constant color 1
  4503. constant color 0
  4504. scratch color 1
  4505. scratch color 0
  4506. vertex color 1 / fade(perpendicular)
  4507. vertex color 0 / diffuse light
  4508. map color 3
  4509. map color 2
  4510. map color 1
  4511. map color 0
  4512. negative one half
  4513. negative one
  4514. one half
  4515. one
  4516. zero
  4517. A-out controls color0 animation
  4518. alpha mux
  4519. color mux
  4520. 2D texture animation
  4521. mipmap bias:[0,1]
  4522. map rotation:degrees
  4523. map v-offset
  4524. map u-offset
  4525. map v-scale#0 defaults to 1
  4526. map u-scale#0 defaults to 1
  4527. shader_transparent_generic_map_block
  4528. v-clamped
  4529. u-clamped
  4530. shader_transparent_layer_block
  4531. zsprite
  4532. with screen space
  4533. with primary
  4534. don't overdraw fp weapon
  4535. nonlinear tint
  4536. sort bias
  4537. parallel tint color#reflection tint color when viewed at a glancing angle
  4538. parallel brightness:[0,1]#reflection brightness when viewed at a glancing angle
  4539. perpendicular tint color#reflection tint color when viewed perpendicularly
  4540. perpendicular brightness:[0,1]#reflection brightness when viewed perpendicularly
  4541. reflection cutoff distance:world units#distance at which the reflection fades out entirely (0 means no cutoff)
  4542. reflection falloff distance:world units#distance at which the reflection begins to fade out
  4543. rotation-animation center
  4544. rotation-animation scale:degrees#0 defaults to 360
  4545. rotation-animation phase
  4546. rotation-animation period:seconds#0 defaults to 1
  4547. rotation-animation function
  4548. rotation-animation source
  4549. v-animation scale:repeats#0 defaults to 1
  4550. v-animation phase
  4551. v-animation period:seconds#0 defaults to 1
  4552. v-animation source
  4553. u-animation scale:repeats#0 defaults to 1
  4554. u-animation phase
  4555. u-animation period:seconds#0 defaults to 1
  4556. u-animation source
  4557. detail map v-scale#0 defaults to 1 (applied on top of detail map scale above)
  4558. detail map
  4559. detail map scale#0 defaults to 1
  4560. detail mask#controls how detail map is masked
  4561. detail function#controls how detail map is applied to diffuse map
  4562. multipurpose map
  4563. map v-scale#0 defaults to 1; scales all 2D maps simultaneously
  4564. map u-scale#0 defaults to 1; scales all 2D maps simultaneously
  4565. Base map alpha is used for alpha-testing.
  4566. Multipurpose map is used for the following:
  4567. * RED: specular reflection mask (modulates reflections)
  4568. * GREEN: self-illumination mask (adds to diffuse light)
  4569. * BLUE: primary change color mask (recolors diffuse map)
  4570. * ALPHA: auxiliary mask
  4571. Note that when DXT1 compressed color-key textures are used for the multipurpose map (as they should be normally), the alpha channel is 1-bit and any non-zero alpha pixels must have zero-color, therefore the secondary change color mask cannot affect pixels already affected by any of the other channels.
  4572. Detail map affects diffuse map, and optionally affects reflection if <detail after reflection> flag is set.
  4573. maps
  4574. animation color upper bound
  4575. animation color lower bound
  4576. color source
  4577. Self-illumination adds diffuse light to pixels based on the GREEN channel of the multipurpose map. The external self-illumination color referenced by <color source> is modulated by the self-illumination animation.
  4578. self-illumination
  4579. change color source
  4580. Change color is used to recolor the diffuse map, it affects pixels based on the BLUE channel of the multipurpose map.
  4581. change color
  4582. translucency#amount of light that can illuminate the shader from behind
  4583. Setting <true atmospheric fog> enables per-pixel atmospheric fog but disables point/spot lights, planar fog, and the ability to control the atmospheric fog density for this shader.
  4584. model shader
  4585. shader_model
  4586. no random phase
  4587. multipurpose map alpha
  4588. multipurpose map alpha inverse
  4589. change-color mask
  4590. change-color mask inverse
  4591. self-illumination mask
  4592. self-illumination mask inverse
  4593. reflection mask
  4594. reflection mask inverse
  4595. disable two-sided culling
  4596. alpha-blended decal
  4597. not alpha-tested
  4598. two-sided
  4599. detail after reflection
  4600. reflection cube map
  4601. parallel brightness:[0,1]#brightness when viewed at a glancing angle
  4602. perpendicular brightness:[0,1]#brightness when viewed perpendicularly
  4603. lightmap brightness scale:[0,1]#reflection brightness when lightmap brightness is 1
  4604. Controls environment cube map reflections. The color of the cube map is "tinted" by a blend between <perpendicular color> and <parallel color> from the SPECULAR PROPERTIES above, and then modulated by a blend between <perpendicular brightness> and <parallel brightness>.
  4606. This type of reflection uses the shader's bump map (if it exists) to affect the reflection, as well as the perpendicular and parallel brightness (i.e. the "fresnel" effect).
  4607. FLAT CUBE MAP:
  4608. This is the fastest type of reflection. The bump map is used to attenuate the fresnel effect, but the reflection image itself is not bumped.
  4609. Clear <reflection cube map> or set both <perpendicular brightness> and <parallel brightness> to zero to disable.
  4610. reflection properties
  4611. parallel color#hilight color when viewed at a glancing angle
  4612. perpendicular color#hilight color when viewed perpendicularly
  4613. brightness:[0,1]#0 is no specular hilights
  4614. Controls dynamic specular highlights. The highlight is modulated by <brightness> as well as a blend between <perpendicular color> and <parallel color>.
  4615. Set <brightness> to zero to disable.
  4616. specular properties
  4617. plasma animation phase:seconds
  4618. plasma animation period:seconds#0 defaults to 1
  4619. plasma animation function
  4620. plasma off color
  4621. plasma on color
  4622. secondary animation phase:seconds
  4623. secondary animation period:seconds#0 defaults to 1
  4624. secondary animation function
  4625. secondary off color
  4626. secondary on color
  4627. primary animation phase:seconds
  4628. primary animation period:seconds#0 defaults to 1
  4629. primary animation function
  4630. primary off color
  4631. primary on color
  4632. There are three self-illumination effects which are added together. Each effect has an <on color>, used when the shader is active, and an <off color>, used when the shader is not active. The self-illumination map is used as follows:
  4633. * RED: primary mask
  4634. * GREEN: secondary mask
  4635. * BLUE: plasma mask
  4636. * ALPHA: plasma animation reference
  4637. Each effect also has an animation <function>, <period> and <phase>, used when the shader is active. The primary and secondary effects simply modulate the <on color> by the animation value to produce an animation color, and then blend between the animation color and the <off color> based on the shader's activation level, and finally modulate by the mask.
  4638. The plasma shader compares the animation value with the alpha channel of the map (the plasma animation reference) and produces a high value when they are similar and a dark value when they are different. This value modulates the <plasma on color> to produce a plasma animation color, and the rest proceeds just like the primary and secondary effects.
  4639. self-illumination properties
  4640. v-animation scale:base map repeats
  4641. v-animation period:seconds
  4642. v-animation function
  4643. u-animation scale:base map repeats
  4644. u-animation period:seconds
  4645. u-animation function
  4646. Scrolls all 2D maps simultaneously.
  4647. texture scrolling animation
  4648. bump map
  4649. bump map scale
  4650. Perforated (alpha-tested) shaders use alpha in bump map.
  4651. bump properties
  4652. material color#modulates incoming diffuse light, including lightmaps, but excluding self-illumination and specular effects
  4653. micro detail map
  4654. micro detail map scale#0 defaults to 1
  4655. micro detail map function
  4656. secondary detail map
  4657. secondary detail map scale#0 defaults to 1
  4658. primary detail map
  4659. primary detail map scale#0 defaults to 1
  4660. detail map function#affects primary and secondary detail maps
  4661. base map
  4662. diffuse properties
  4663. lens flare spacing:world units#0 places a single lens flare
  4664. lens flares
  4665. Controls how diffuse maps are combined:
  4666. NORMAL:
  4667. Secondary detail map alpha controls blend between primary and secondary detail map. Specular mask is alpha of blended primary and secondary detail map alpha multiplied by alpha of micro detail map.
  4668. BLENDED:
  4669. Base map alpha controls blend between primary and secondary detail map. Specular mask is alpha of blended primary and secondary detail map alpha multiplied by alpha of micro detail map.
  4671. Same as BLENDED, except specular mask is alpha is base map times alpha of micro detail map.
  4672. environment shader type
  4673. Setting <true atmospheric fog> enables per-pixel atmospheric fog (for models) but disables point/spot lights, planar fog, and the ability to control the atmospheric fog density for this shader.
  4674. environment shader
  4675. shader_environment
  4676. bumped radiosity
  4677. flat cube-map
  4678. bumped cube-map
  4679. dynamic mirror
  4680. lightmap is specular
  4681. extra-shiny
  4682. overbright
  4683. unfiltered
  4684. rescale bump map
  4685. rescale detail maps
  4686. double/biased add
  4687. double/biased multiply
  4688. blended base specular
  4689. blended
  4690. true atmospheric fog
  4691. bump map is specular mask
  4692. material type
  4693. physics properties
  4694. tint color#light passing through this surface (if it's transparent) will be tinted this color.
  4695. color of emitted light
  4696. power#power of emitted light from 0 to infinity
  4697. detail level#affects the density of tesselation (high means slow).
  4698. radiosity properties
  4699. turd
  4700. transparent lit
  4701. ignore normals#light independent of normals (trees)
  4702. simple parameterization#lightmap texture parametrization should correspond to diffuse texture parametrization
  4703. transparent plasma
  4704. transparent meter
  4705. transparent glass
  4706. transparent water
  4707. transparent generic
  4708. environment
  4709. fade when parallel
  4710. fade when perpendicular
  4711. alpha-multiply add
  4712. component max
  4713. component min
  4714. double multiply
  4715. alpha blend
  4716. shader->base.type==shader_type
  4717. \halopc\haloce\source\shaders\shader_definitions.c
  4718. ### ERROR unsupported shader type
  4719. structure bsps
  4720. ingame help text
  4721. custom object names
  4722. cutscene titles
  4723. cutscene camera points
  4724. cutscene flags
  4725. source files*
  4726. references*
  4727. globals*
  4728. scripts*
  4729. script string data
  4730. script syntax data
  4731. ai conversations
  4732. ai recording references
  4733. ai script references
  4734. ai animation references
  4735. command lists
  4736. encounters
  4737. actor palette
  4738. detail object collection palette
  4739. decal palette
  4740. decals
  4741. bsp switch trigger volumes
  4742. starting equipment
  4743. netgame equipment
  4744. netgame flags
  4745. recorded animations
  4746. trigger volumes
  4747. player starting locations
  4748. player starting profile
  4749. sound scenery palette
  4750. sound scenery
  4751. light fixtures palette
  4752. light fixtures
  4753. control palette
  4754. controls
  4755. machine palette
  4756. machines
  4757. device groups
  4758. weapon palette
  4759. weapons
  4760. equipment palette
  4761. equipment
  4762. vehicle palette
  4763. vehicles
  4764. biped palette
  4765. bipeds
  4766. scenery palette
  4767. scenery
  4768. object names*
  4770. editor scenario data
  4771. functions
  4772. predicted resources*
  4773. local north
  4774. child scenarios
  4775. skies
  4776. CAN'T USE#set me!! me!!! i do something cool!!! you'll be happy forever if there this tag reference is filled in! don't believe the lies!!! LIESSSS!!!!!!!! YESS, MY PRECIOUSSSSS, LIESSSS...
  4777. WON'T USE
  4778. DON'T USE
  4779. scenario
  4780. use demo UI#uses alternate UI collection for demo
  4781. cortana hack#sort cortana in front of other transparent geometry
  4782. main menu
  4783. comment
  4784. editor_comment_block
  4785. editor_comment_data_definition
  4786. editor_scenario_data_definition
  4787. scenario_sky_reference_block
  4788. child scenario
  4789. scenario_child_scenario_block
  4790. structure bsp^
  4791. scenario_structure_bsps_block
  4792. fade out time [seconds]
  4793. up time [seconds]
  4794. fade in time [seconds]
  4795. shadow color
  4796. string index
  4797. text bounds (on screen)
  4798. scenario_cutscene_title_block
  4799. bottom justify
  4800. center vertically
  4801. wrap vertically
  4802. wrap horizontally
  4803. right
  4804. left
  4805. underlined
  4806. condensed
  4807. italics
  4808. bold
  4809. plain
  4810. field of view
  4811. orientation
  4812. scenario_cutscene_camera_point_block
  4813. facing
  4814. scenario_cutscene_flag_block
  4815. position*
  4816. pitch[-127,127]*
  4817. yaw[-127,127]*
  4818. decal type^
  4819. scenario_decals_block
  4820. reference^
  4821. scenario_decal_palette_block
  4822. scenario_object_palette_block
  4823. scenario_detail_object_collection_palette_block
  4824. scenario_sound_scenery_block
  4825. scenario_sound_scenery_palette_block
  4826. scenario_light_fixture_block
  4827. scenario_light_fixture_palette_block
  4829. scenario_control_block
  4830. scenario_control_palette_block
  4831. usable from both sides
  4832. position group
  4833. power group
  4834. scenario_machine_block
  4835. scenario_machine_palette_block
  4836. opened by melee attack
  4837. never appears locked
  4838. one-sided
  4839. does not operate automatically
  4840. not usable from any side
  4841. position reversed
  4842. initially off (0.0)
  4843. initially open (1.0)
  4844. multiplayer spawn flags
  4845. multiplayer team index#on a multiplayer map, this determines which team the vehicle belongs to for custom vehicle sets.
  4846. scenario_vehicle_block
  4847. scenario_vehicle_palette_block
  4848. oddball allowed#vehicle can spawn in a oddball game
  4849. king allowed#vehicle can spawn in a king game
  4850. ctf allowed#vehicle can spawn in a ctf game
  4851. slayer allowed#vehicle can spawn in a slayer game
  4852. unused#unused
  4853. oddball default#vehicle will spawn when default vehicle set is used in a oddball game
  4854. king default#vehicle will spawn when default vehicle set is used in a king game
  4855. ctf default#vehicle will spawn when default vehicle set is used in a ctf game
  4856. slayer default#vehicle will spawn when default vehicle set is used in a slayer game
  4857. body vitality:[0,1]
  4858. scenario_biped_block
  4859. scenario_biped_palette_block
  4860. dead
  4861. rounds left
  4862. scenario_weapon_block
  4863. scenario_weapon_palette_block
  4864. misc flags
  4865. scenario_equipment_block
  4866. scenario_equipment_palette_block
  4867. does accelerate (moves due to explosions)
  4868. obsolete
  4869. initially at rest (doesn't fall)
  4870. desired permutation#if non-zero, will try to use model permutations with names that end in that number, e.g. 7 would pick "body-7" and "head-7"
  4871. not placed
  4872. scenario_scenery_block
  4873. scenario_scenery_palette_block
  4874. on hard
  4875. on normal
  4876. on easy
  4877. automatically
  4878. trigger volume
  4879. scenario_bsp_switch_trigger_volume_block
  4880. scenario_trigger_volume_block
  4881. bsp index
  4882. facing:degrees
  4883. scenario_players_block
  4884. starting <unknown> grenade count
  4885. starting plasma grenade count
  4886. starting fragmentation grenade count
  4887. secondary weapon
  4888. rounds total
  4889. rounds loaded
  4890. primary weapon
  4891. starting shield modifier:[0,1]
  4892. starting health modifier:[0,1]
  4893. scenario_profiles_block
  4894. weapon group
  4895. scenario_netgame_flags_block
  4896. item collection 6
  4897. item collection 5
  4898. item collection 4
  4899. item collection 3
  4900. item collection 2
  4901. item collection 1
  4902. scenario_starting_equipment_block
  4903. plasma grenades
  4904. no grenades
  4905. item collection
  4906. facing:degress
  4907. team index
  4908. type 3
  4909. type 2
  4910. type 1
  4911. type 0
  4912. scenario_netgame_equipment_block
  4913. levitate
  4914. hill - flag
  4915. teleport to
  4916. teleport from
  4917. vegas - bank
  4918. race - vehicle
  4919. race - track
  4920. oddball - ball spawn
  4921. ctf - vehicle
  4922. ctf - flag
  4923. all except race & ctf
  4924. all except ctf
  4925. all games
  4926. ignored4
  4927. ignored3
  4928. ignored2
  4929. ignored1
  4930. stub
  4931. terminator
  4932. king of the hill
  4933. initial value:[0,1]
  4934. device_group_block
  4935. can change only once
  4936. scenario_object_names_block
  4937. turn off with#if the specified function is off, so is this function
  4938. bounds mode#controls how the bounds, below, are used
  4939. scale result by#multiply this function (from a weapon, vehicle, etc.) final result of all of the above math
  4940. sawtooth count#the number of times this function should repeat (e.g., a sawtooth count of 5 would give the function a value of 1.0 at each of 0.25,0.50,0.75 as well as at 1.0
  4941. map to
  4942. step count#the number of discrete values to snap to (e.g., a step count of 5 would snap the function to 0.00,0.25,0.50,0.75 or 1.00)
  4943. square wave threshold#if non-zero, all values above the square wave threshold are snapped to 1.0, and all values below it are snapped to 0.0 to create a square wave.
  4944. wobble magnitude:percent#the amount of random wobble in the magnitude
  4945. wobble period:seconds#the length of time it takes for the magnitude of this function to complete a wobble
  4946. wobble function#the curve used for the wobble
  4947. scale function by#multiply this function by the result of the above function
  4948. scale period by#multiply this function by the above period
  4949. period:seconds#this is the period for the above function (lower values make the function oscillate quickly, higher values make it oscillate slowly)
  4950. scenario_function_block
  4951. always active#function does not deactivate when at or below lower bound
  4952. invert#result of function is one minus actual result
  4953. scripted#the level script will set this value; the other settings here will be ignored.
  4954. scale to fit
  4955. clip and normalize
  4956. clip
  4957. safe
  4958. bsp
  4959. WARNING WARNING WARNING!!!! %s was included twice in the scenario. ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO DO THIS? (NO, YOU'RE NOT!!!)
  4960. can't add any more items to scenario block '%s'
  4961. parent_scan_state.field->type==_field_block
  4962. parent_scan_state.field==child_scan_state.field
  4963. \halopc\haloce\source\scenario\scenario_definitions.c
  4964. object name '%s' exists in '%s' and '%s'... this will certainly fuck shit up
  4966. %s
  4967. <invalid name>
  4968. %s #%d
  4969. netgame_flag_hill
  4970. netgame_flag_teleporter_target
  4971. netgame_flag_teleporter_source
  4972. netgame_flag_vegas_bank
  4973. netgame_flag_race_vehicle
  4974. netgame_flag_race_track
  4975. netgame_flag_oddball_ball_spawn
  4976. netgame_flag_ctf_vehicle
  4977. netgame_flag_ctf_flag
  4978. unknown
  4979. %s %s %s
  4980. the scenario '%s' refers to the structure bsp '%s' twice
  4981. happy day
  4982. leaf map portals
  4983. leaf map leaves
  4984. runtime decals*
  4985. detail objects*
  4986. markers*
  4987. sound PAS data*
  4988. sound environment palette*
  4989. background sound palette*
  4990. pathfinding edges*
  4991. pathfinding surfaces*
  4992. weather polyhedra*
  4993. fog regions*
  4994. fog planes*
  4995. breakable surfaces*
  4996. cluster portals*
  4997. cluster data*
  4998. clusters*
  4999. lens flare markers*
  5000. lens flares*
  5001. lightmaps*
  5002. leaf surfaces*
  5003. leaves*
  5004. nodes*
  5005. collision bsp*
  5006. collision materials*
  5007. default shadow color
  5008. default shadow vector
  5009. default reflection tint
  5010. default distant light 1 direction
  5011. default distant light 1 color
  5012. default distant light 0 direction
  5013. default distant light 0 color
  5014. default ambient color
  5015. vehicle ceiling:world units#height above which vehicles get pushed down by an unstoppable force
  5016. vehicle floor:world units#height below which vehicles get pushed up by an unstoppable force
  5017. lightmaps
  5018. scenario_structure_bsp
  5019. structure_bsp_runtime_decal_block
  5020. z reference vectors
  5021. counts
  5022. instances
  5023. cells
  5024. structure_bsp_detail_object_data_block
  5025. structure_bsp_marker_block
  5026. structure_bsp_cluster_encoded_sound_data
  5027. structure_collision_materials_block
  5028. lens flare index*
  5029. direction k-component*
  5030. direction j-component*
  5031. direction i-component*
  5032. structure_bsp_lens_flare_marker_block
  5033. structure_bsp_lens_flare_block
  5034. collision surface index*
  5035. radius*
  5036. structure_bsp_breakable_surface_block
  5037. midpoint*
  5038. structure_bsp_pathfinding_edges_block
  5039. structure_bsp_pathfinding_surfaces_block
  5040. front region*
  5041. structure_bsp_fog_plane_block
  5042. weather palette*
  5043. fog palette*
  5044. structure_bsp_fog_region_block
  5045. fog scale function
  5046. structure_bsp_fog_palette_block
  5047. structure_bsp_fog_plane_vertex_block
  5048. planes*
  5049. bounding sphere radius*
  5050. bounding sphere center*
  5051. structure_bsp_weather_polyhedron_block
  5052. structure_bsp_weather_polyhedron_plane_block
  5053. bounding radius*
  5054. plane index*
  5055. back cluster*
  5056. front cluster*
  5057. structure_bsp_cluster_portal_block
  5058. ai can't hear through this shit
  5059. structure_bsp_cluster_portal_vertex_block
  5060. portals*
  5061. mirrors*
  5062. structure_bsp_cluster_surface_index_block
  5063. lens flare marker count*
  5064. first lens flare marker index*
  5065. index*
  5066. structure_bsp_subcluster_surface_index_block
  5067. surface indices*
  5068. world bounds z*
  5069. world bounds y*
  5070. world bounds x*
  5071. structure_bsp_subcluster_block
  5072. subclusters*
  5073. transition structure bsp
  5074. wind scale function
  5075. wind magnitude
  5076. wind direction
  5077. particle system scale function
  5078. particle system
  5079. structure_bsp_weather_palette_block
  5080. weather*
  5081. structure_bsp_sound_environment_palette_block
  5082. sound environment*
  5083. scale function
  5084. structure_bsp_background_sound_palette_block
  5085. background sound*
  5086. fog*
  5087. sky*
  5088. structure_bsp_cluster_block
  5089. portal*
  5090. structure_bsp_cluster_portal_index_block
  5091. structure_bsp_mirror_block
  5092. point*
  5093. structure_bsp_mirror_vertex_block
  5094. materials*
  5095. bitmap*
  5096. structure_bsp_lightmap_block
  5097. compressed vertices
  5098. uncompressed vertices
  5099. offset*
  5100. count*
  5101. vertex buffers*
  5102. breakable surface*
  5103. plane*
  5104. shadow color*
  5105. shadow vector*
  5106. reflection tint*
  5107. distant light 1 direction*
  5108. distant light 1 color*
  5109. distant light 0 direction*
  5110. distant light 0 color*
  5111. distant light count*
  5112. ambient color*
  5113. centroid*
  5114. surface count*
  5115. surfaces*
  5116. shader permutation*
  5117. shader*
  5118. structure_bsp_material_block
  5119. fog plane*
  5120. coplanar*
  5121. surface references*
  5122. surface reference count*
  5123. cluster*
  5124. structure_bsp_leaf_block
  5125. node*
  5126. surface*
  5127. structure_bsp_surface_reference_block
  5128. vertices*
  5129. structure_bsp_surface_block
  5130. structure_bsp_node_block
  5131. structure_bsp_cluster_data_definition
  5132. structure_bsp_compressed_vertex_data_definition
  5133. structure_bsp_uncompressed_vertex_data_definition
  5134. (cluster_index+1)*BIT_VECTOR_SIZE_IN_LONGS(structure_bsp->clusters.count)<=structure_bsp->cluster_data.size
  5135. cluster_index>=0 && cluster_index<structure_bsp->clusters.count
  5136. \halopc\haloce\source\structures\structure_bsp_definitions.c
  5137. surface_index<material->first_surface_index+material->surface_count
  5138. surface_index>=material->first_surface_index
  5139. byte swap: structure vertices are %ld bytes but should be %ld or %ld bytes.
  5140. postprocess: structure vertices are %ld bytes but should be %ld or %ld bytes.
  5141. offset>=0 && offset<structure_bsp->sound_cluster_data.size
  5142. row_index<column_index
  5143. to_cluster_index>=0 && to_cluster_index<structure_bsp->clusters.count
  5144. from_cluster_index>=0 && from_cluster_index<structure_bsp->clusters.count
  5145. rhs
  5146. lhs
  5147. sort_structure_bsp
  5148. WARNING: %d clusters in structure_bsp %s have no background sound or sound environment.
  5149. new_index==next_index
  5150. current_cluster_index==last_cluster_index || (current_cluster_index!=NONE && !BIT_VECTOR_TEST_FLAG(touched_clusters, current_cluster_index))
  5151. invalid detail object data in structure %s
  5152. reference_index != NONE
  5153. air 0.0011 (g/mL)
  5154. snow 0.128
  5155. cork 0.24
  5156. cedar 0.43
  5157. oak 0.866
  5158. ice 0.897
  5159. water 1.0
  5160. soil 1.1
  5161. cotton 1.491
  5162. dry earth 1.52
  5163. sand 1.7
  5164. granite 2.4
  5165. glass 2.5
  5166. iron 7.65
  5167. steel 7.77
  5168. lead 11.37
  5169. uranium 18.74
  5170. gold 19.3
  5171. Densities (g/mL)
  5172. elasticity#0.0 is inelastic collisions (no bounce) 1.0 is perfectly elastic (reflected velocity equals incoming velocity)
  5173. surface friction#when hitting the ground or interior, percentage of velocity lost in one collision
  5174. water friction
  5175. air friction
  5176. density:g/mL
  5177. point_physics
  5178. no gravity#the point is not affected by gravity
  5179. uses damped wind#the wind on this point will be artificially slow
  5180. uses simple wind#the wind on this point won't have high-frequency variations
  5181. collides with water surface
  5182. collides with structures
  5183. flamethrower particle collision
  5184. Gt>=0.f && t<=1.f
  5185. physics2
  5186. physics1
  5187. \halopc\haloce\source\physics\point_physics.c
  5188. ;radius>=0.f
  5189. !translational_force || valid_real_vector3d(translational_force)
  5190. %s: assert_valid_real_vector2d(%f, %f, %f)
  5191. translational_velocity
  5192. %s: assert_valid_real_point3d(%f, %f, %f)
  5193. $$$ LIGHT FIXTURE $$$
  5194. device_light_fixture
  5195. deny
  5196. call value:[0,1]
  5197. triggers when
  5198. $$$ CONTROL $$$
  5199. device_control
  5200. destroyed
  5201. touched by player
  5202. call button
  5203. off button
  5204. on button
  5205. toggle switch
  5206. elevator node
  5207. collision response
  5208. door open time:seconds
  5209. $$$ MACHINE $$$
  5210. device_machine
  5211. reverse directions
  5212. pause until crushed
  5213. elevator#lighting based on what's around, rather than what's below
  5214. ...but not when open
  5215. pathfinding obstacle
  5216. gear
  5217. platform
  5218. door
  5219. automatic activation radius:world units
  5220. delay effect
  5221. delay time:seconds
  5222. repowered
  5223. depowered
  5224. closed
  5225. opened
  5226. close (down)
  5227. open (up)
  5228. depowered position acceleration time:seconds
  5229. depowered position transition time:seconds
  5230. position acceleration time:seconds
  5231. position transition time:seconds
  5232. power acceleration time:seconds
  5233. power transition time:seconds
  5234. $$$ DEVICE $$$
  5235. device
  5236. position not interpolated
  5237. position loops
  5238. delay
  5239. locked
  5240. change in position
  5241. change in power
  5242. power
  5243. tail
  5244. r foot
  5245. r calf
  5246. r horselink
  5247. r thigh
  5248. r hand
  5249. r forearm
  5250. r upperarm
  5251. r clavicle
  5252. l foot
  5253. l calf
  5254. l horselink
  5255. l thigh
  5256. l hand
  5257. l forearm
  5258. l upperarm
  5259. l clavicle
  5260. neck
  5261. spine1
  5262. pelvis
  5263. spine
  5264. pathfinding spheres
  5265. zypathfinding box
  5266. modifiers
  5267. regions*
  5268. shield recharging effect
  5269. shield depleted effect
  5270. shield damaged effect
  5271. shield damaged threshold
  5272. recharge time:seconds#the length of time it would take for the shields to fully recharge after being completely depleted
  5273. stun time:seconds#the length of time the shields stay stunned (do not recharge) after taking damage
  5274. minimum stun damage#the minimum damage required to stun this object's shields
  5275. failing shield leak fraction#the maximum percent [0,1] damage a failing shield will leak to the body
  5276. shield failure threshold#when the shield begins to leak (0.5 would cause the shield to begin to fail after taking half damage)
  5277. shield failure function#how fast the shield begins to leak
  5278. shield material type#the material type used when projectiles impact the shield (instead of the body)
  5279. maximum shield vitality#the default initial and maximum shield vitality of this object
  5280. shield
  5281. body destroyed effect
  5282. body destroyed threshold#when passing this vitality (usually negative) the object is deleted
  5283. body depleted effect
  5284. body damaged effect
  5285. body damaged threshold#when passing this vitality the 'body damaged' effect, below, is created
  5286. area damage effect
  5287. area damage effect threshold:[0,1]
  5288. localized damage effect
  5289. friendly damage resistance:[0,1]#the fraction of damage caused by friendly units ignored by this object (zero means full damage)
  5290. body system shock#anything that kills us (body depleted) doing more than this amount of damage also destroys us
  5291. maximum body vitality#the default initial and maximum body vitality of this object
  5292. body
  5293. indirect damage material#the material we use when shielding child objects or getting hit by area of effect damage
  5294. model_collision_geometry
  5295. radius
  5296. bsps*
  5297. first child node*
  5298. next sibling node*
  5299. parent node*
  5300. region*
  5301. name^*
  5302. node
  5303. sphere
  5304. only damaged while occupied
  5305. only damaged by explosives
  5306. parent never takes body damage for us
  5307. passes area damage to children
  5308. always shields friendly damage
  5309. takes body damage for children
  5310. takes shield damage for children
  5311. damage_modifiers_block
  5312. permutations
  5313. destroyed effect
  5314. damage threshold#if this region takes this amount of damage, it will be destroyed
  5315. damage_regions_block
  5316. damage_permutations_block
  5317. causes head-maimed scream
  5318. forces drop weapon
  5319. inhibits walking
  5320. inhibits weapon attack
  5321. inhibits melee attack
  5322. disappears when shield is off
  5323. dies when object is damaged
  5324. dies when object dies
  5325. forces object to die
  5326. lives until object dies
  5327. body damage multiplier#multiplier to body damage against this material (1.0 is normal)
  5328. shield damage multiplier
  5329. shield leak percentage#the percent [0,1] damage the shield always leaks through to the body
  5330. name*^
  5331. damage_materials_block
  5332. material responses
  5333. impact damage
  5334. attached detonation damage
  5335. flyby sound
  5336. detonation started
  5337. detonation noise
  5338. guided angular velocity:degrees per second
  5339. final velocity:world units per second#bullet's velocity when inflicting minimum damage
  5340. initial velocity:world units per second#bullet's velocity when inflicting maximum damage
  5341. water damage range:world units#the range over which damage is scaled when the projectile is in water.
  5342. water gravity scale#the proportion of normal gravity applied to the projectile when in water.
  5343. air damage range:world units#the range over which damage is scaled when the projectile is in air.
  5344. air gravity scale#the proportion of normal gravity applied to the projectile when in air.
  5345. physics
  5346. maximum range:world units#detonates after travelling this distance
  5347. minimum velocity:world units per second#detonates when slowed below this velocity
  5348. timer:seconds#detonation countdown (zero is untimed)
  5349. danger radius:world units
  5350. arming time:seconds#won't detonate before this time elapses
  5351. detonation
  5352. collision radius:world units
  5353. AI perception radius:world units
  5354. super detonation
  5355. impact noise
  5356. detonation timer starts
  5357. $$$ PROJECTILE $$$
  5358. projectile
  5359. tracer
  5360. time remaining
  5361. range remaining
  5362. when at rest
  5363. after first bounce
  5364. immediately
  5365. minimum unattached detonation time
  5366. random attached detonation time
  5367. combine initial velocity with parent velocity
  5368. has super combining explosion
  5369. detonation max time if attached
  5370. AI must use ballistic aiming
  5371. oriented along velocity
  5372. perpendicular friction#the fraction of the projectile's velocity perpendicular to the surface lost on impact
  5373. parallel friction#the fraction of the projectile's velocity parallel to the surface lost on impact
  5374. reflection
  5375. maximum distance#the maximum distance the projectile can travel through on object of this material
  5376. initial friction#the fraction of the projectile's velocity lost on penetration
  5377. penetration
  5378. velocity noise:world units per second#the velocity is randomly perturbed by at most this amount to simulate irregularity.
  5379. angular noise:degrees#the angle of incidence is randomly perturbed by at most this amount to simulate irregularity.
  5380. scale effects by
  5381. misc
  5382. and:world units per second
  5383. between:degrees
  5384. skip fraction:[0,1]
  5385. potential result
  5386. response
  5387. (if the potential result, below, fails to happen)
  5388. default result
  5389. projectile_material_response_block
  5390. only against units
  5391. attach
  5392. overpenetrate
  5393. reflect
  5394. detonate
  5395. disappear
  5396. cannot be overpenetrated
  5397. \halopc\haloce\source\items\projectile_definitions.c
  5398. pattern
  5399. secondary color
  5400. primary color
  5401. preferences_network_game
  5402. particle types
  5403. system update physics
  5404. These settings affect the behavior of the system's origin.
  5405. system behavior
  5406. particle_system
  5407. particle states
  5408. states
  5409. physics flags
  5410. particle creation physics#This controls the initial placement of particles.
  5411. complex sprite render modes
  5412. initial particle count
  5413. particle_system_types_block
  5414. rotational
  5415. simple
  5416. don't draw in third person
  5417. don't draw in first person
  5418. rotation rate scales with effect
  5419. animation rate scales with effect
  5420. scale scales with effect
  5421. creation rate scales with effect
  5422. minimum count scales with effect
  5423. initial count scales with effect
  5424. tint by effect color
  5425. disabled
  5426. rotational sprites animate sideways#if the complex sprite mode is rotational and this flag is set, the sideways sequence is contains an animation rather than a set of permutations.
  5427. particles die on ground
  5428. particles die in air
  5429. particles die in water
  5430. particle states loop
  5431. ... forward/backward
  5432. type states loop
  5433. zsprite radius scale
  5434. Optional multitextured second map
  5435. Secondary Map
  5436. map flags
  5437. shader flags
  5438. point physics
  5439. color 2#Particle will have a random color in the range determined by these two colors.
  5440. color 1#Particle will have a random color in the range determined by these two colors.
  5441. rotation rate:degrees per second#Rate of texture rotation.
  5442. animation rate:frames per second#Rate of sprite animation.
  5443. scale:world units per pixel#Apparent size of the particles.
  5444. particle_system_type_particle_states_block
  5445. physics constants
  5446. particle update physics#This controls the motion of particles during this state.
  5447. particle creation physics#This controls the placement of particles created during this state.
  5448. particle creation rate:particles per second
  5449. minimum particle count
  5450. radius multiplier#This value will be multiplied into the radius computed by the type.
  5451. color multiplier#This value will be multiplied into the color computed by the particles' state.
  5452. rotation rate multiplier#This value will be multiplied into the rotation rate computed by the particles' state.
  5453. animation_rate_multiplier#This value will be multiplied into the animation rate computed by the particles' state.
  5454. scale multiplier#This value will be multiplied into the scale computed by the particles' state.
  5455. transition time bounds:seconds#Time spent in transition to next state.
  5456. duration bounds:seconds#Time in this state.
  5457. particle_system_type_states_block
  5458. jet
  5459. explosion
  5460. k#The meaning of this constant depends on the selected physics creation/update function.
  5461. particle_system_physics_constants_block
  5462. particle system particle type radius must be greater than zero.
  5463. control points
  5464. camera_track
  5465. camera_track_control_point_block
  5466. markers
  5467. brightness scale source
  5468. tint modulation source
  5469. thickness scale source
  5470. jitter scale source
  5471. far fade distance:world units#distance at which lightning is at zero brightness
  5472. near fade distance:world units#distance at which lightning is at full brightness
  5473. count#number of overlapping lightning effects to render; 0 defaults to 1
  5474. lightning
  5475. connect in a loop
  5476. lightning_shader_block
  5477. tint#alpha is brightness
  5478. thickness:world units
  5479. random jitter:world units
  5480. random position bounds:world units
  5481. octaves to next marker
  5482. attachment marker
  5483. lightning_marker_block
  5484. not connected to next marker
  5485. frames
  5486. frame animation source#interpolates between frames based on external value
  5487. Frames are descriptions of the light volume at a particular point in time, interpolated by an external source. For example, a bolt of energy can be made to stretch out and grow thinner as it is fired from a weapon.
  5488. frame animation
  5489. count#number of bitmaps to draw (0 causes light volume not to render)
  5490. map#NOT A SPRITE PLATE
  5491. Bitmap tag used to draw the light volume, repeated <count> times. Default is 'tags\rasterizer_textures\glow'. Note that sprite plates are not valid for light volumes.
  5492. brightness scale source#scales brightness based on external value
  5493. parallel brightness scale:[0,1]#brightness scale when viewed directly
  5494. perpendicular brightness scale:[0,1]#brightness scale when viewed at a 90-degree angle
  5495. far fade distance:world units#distance at which light volume is zero brightness
  5496. near fade distance:world units#distance at which light volume is full brightness
  5497. Fades the effect in and out with distance, viewer angle, and external source.
  5498. brightness scale
  5499. attachment marker#the marker name that the light volume should be attached to
  5500. Draws a sequence of glow bitmaps along a line. Can be used for contrail-type effects as well as volumetric lights.
  5501. light volume
  5502. light_volume
  5503. brightness exponent#0 defaults to 1
  5504. tint color exponent#0 defaults to 1; affects tint color only, not brightness
  5505. tint color yon#tint color at far end of light volume (alpha is brightness)
  5506. tint color hither#tint color near the marker (alpha is brightness)
  5507. radius exponent#0 defaults to 1; >1 values are more teardrop-shaped, <1 values are more pill-shaped
  5508. radius yon:world units#radius at far end of light volume
  5509. radius hither:world units#radius near the marker
  5510. length:world units#0 causes light volume not to render
  5511. offset exponent#0 defaults to 1; >1 compresses light near marker, <1 compresses light near far end
  5512. offset from marker:world units
  5513. light_volume_frame_block
  5514. trailing particle maximum t
  5515. trailing particle minimum t
  5516. velocity of trailing particles:wu/s
  5517. lifetime of trailing particles#seconds that a trailing particle remains in existence:s
  5518. particle generation freq#frequency in Hz that trailing particles are generated:Hz
  5519. fading percentage of glow#percentage of the glow that is fading at any given time
  5520. color rate of change#for glow effects that dynamically control particle color; sets rate of change
  5521. scale color 1#used to scale the particle color; only used if controlled by attachment
  5522. scale color 0#used to scale the particle color; only used if controlled by attachment
  5523. color_bound_1#the color of all particles will vary between color bound 0 and color bound 1
  5524. color_bound_0#the color of all particles will vary between color bound 0 and color bound 1
  5525. size attachment multiplier#multiplied by particle size; only used if controlled by attachment
  5526. particle size bounds:world units#size of particles
  5527. distance to object mul high#multiplied by particle distance; only used if controlled by attachment
  5528. distance to object mul low#multiplied by particle distance; only used if controlled by attachment
  5529. max distance particle to object#in world units
  5530. min distance particle to object#in world units
  5531. effect trans vel mul high#multiplied by overall velocity; only used if controlled by attachment
  5532. effect trans vel mul low#multiplied by overall velocity; only used if controlled by attachment
  5533. effect translational velocity#in world units per second
  5534. effect rot vel mul high#multiplied by overall velocity; only used if controlled by attachment
  5535. effect rot vel mul low#multiplied by overall velocity; only used if controlled by attachment
  5536. effect rotational velocity#in radians per second
  5537. particle rot vel mul high#multiplied by overall velocity; only used if controlled by attachment
  5538. particle rot vel mul low#multiplied by overall velocity; only used if controlled by attachment
  5539. particle rotational velocity#radians per second
  5540. attachment
  5541. glow flags
  5542. trailing particle distribution#distribution of the trailing particles about the object
  5543. normal particle distribution#distribution of the normal particles about the object
  5544. boundary effect#particles behavior on reaching the end of an object
  5545. number of particles#the number of particles that comprise the glow system
  5546. attachment marker#the marker name that the glow should be attached to
  5547. glow
  5548. trailing particles slow over time
  5549. trailing particles shrink over time
  5550. trailing particles fade over time
  5551. partices move in both directions
  5552. particles move backwards
  5553. modify particle color in range
  5554. D out
  5555. C out
  5556. B out
  5557. A out
  5558. emit randomly
  5559. emit normal (up)
  5560. emit vertically
  5561. distributed uniformly
  5562. distributed randomly
  5563. weather_particle_system
  5564. render direction source#Render modes that depend on an direction will use this vector.
  5565. render mode
  5566. sprite bitmap
  5567. SHADER
  5568. rotation rate:degrees per second
  5569. animation rate:frames per second
  5570. particle radius:world units
  5571. acceleration change rate
  5572. acceleration turning rate
  5573. acceleration magnitude
  5574. particle count:particles per cubic world unit
  5575. fade-out end height:world units#Particles become fully invisible above this height
  5576. fade-out start height:world units#Particles begin to fade out of visibility above this height
  5577. fade-in end height:world units#Particles become fully visible above this height
  5578. fade-in start height:world units#Particles begin to fade into visibility above this height
  5579. fade-out end distance:world units#Particles become fully invisible beyond this distance
  5580. fade-out start distance:world units#Particles begin to fade out of visibility beyond this distance
  5581. fade-in end distance:world units#Particles become fully visible beyond this distance
  5582. fade-in start distance:world units#Particles begin to fade into visibility beyond this distance
  5583. weather_particle_type_block
  5584. random rotation
  5585. ... along long hue path
  5586. interpolate colors in hsv
  5587. from acceleration
  5588. from velocity
  5589. spheroid
  5590. vertices
  5591. cutoff pixels
  5592. falloff pixels
  5593. attachment marker name#the marker name where the antenna should be attached
  5594. antenna
  5595. LOD color#color at this vertex for the low-LOD line primitives
  5596. color#color at this vertex
  5597. sequence index#bitmap group sequence index for this vertex's texture
  5598. length:world units#distance between this vertex and the next
  5599. angles#direction toward next vertex
  5600. spring strength coefficient#strength of the spring (larger values make the spring stronger)
  5601. antenna_vertex_block
  5602. attachment points#attachment points determine where the flag is attached
  5603. blue flag shader^
  5604. wind noise:world units per second^2
  5605. red flag shader^
  5606. cell height:world units#height of the cell between each pair of vertices
  5607. cell width:world units#width of the cell between each pair of vertices
  5608. height:vertices#flag size along the direction of attachment (should be odd)
  5609. width:vertices#flag size from attached to trailing edge
  5610. attached edge shape
  5611. trailing edge shape offset:vertices#zero places the shape exactly on the trailing edge, positive numbers push it off the edge
  5612. trailing edge shape
  5613. flag
  5614. trapezoid, short bottom
  5615. trapezoid, short top
  5616. convex triangular
  5617. concave triangular
  5618. flat
  5619. marker name^
  5620. height_to_next_attachment:vertices#flag vertices between this attachment point and the next
  5621. flag_attachment_point_block
  5622. pickup sound
  5623. powerup time:seconds
  5624. grenade type
  5625. powerup type
  5626. health
  5627. full-spectrum vision
  5628. over shield
  5629. double speed
  5630. covenant plasma
  5631. human fragmentation
  5632. playlist members
  5633. first person interface
  5634. player information
  5635. multiplayer information
  5636. cheat powerups
  5637. weapon list (update _weapon_list enum in game_globals.h)
  5638. interface bitmaps
  5639. rasterizer data
  5640. difficulty
  5641. player control
  5642. globals
  5643. sound_block
  5644. leave water
  5645. enter water
  5646. default unit camera track
  5647. camera_block
  5648. look function
  5649. minimum angle for vehicle flipping#0 means the vehicle's up vector is along the ground, 90 means the up vector is pointing straight up:degrees
  5650. minimum autolevelling ticks#amount of time player needs to move and not look up or down for autolevelling to kick in
  5651. minimum weapon swap ticks#amount of time player needs to hold down ACTION to pick up a new weapon
  5652. look autolevelling scale#1 is fast, 0 is none, >1 will probably be really fast
  5653. look default yaw rate:degrees
  5654. look default pitch rate:degrees
  5655. look peg threshold [0,1]#magnitude of yaw for pegged acceleration to kick in
  5656. look acceleration scale#maximum effect of a pegged look (scales last value in the look function below)
  5657. look acceleration time:seconds#time for a pegged look to reach maximum effect
  5658. inconsequential target scale#scales magnetism level for inconsequential targets like infection forms
  5659. magnetism adhesion#how much the crosshair sticks to enemies
  5660. magnetism friction#how much the crosshair slows over enemies
  5661. player_control_block
  5662. look_function_block
  5663. imposs. major upgrade (many)#fraction of actors upgraded to their major variant when mix = many. on impossible difficulty
  5664. hard major upgrade (many)#fraction of actors upgraded to their major variant when mix = many. on hard difficulty
  5665. normal major upgrade (many)#fraction of actors upgraded to their major variant when mix = many. on normal difficulty
  5666. easy major upgrade (many)#fraction of actors upgraded to their major variant when mix = many. on easy difficulty
  5667. imposs. major upgrade (few)#fraction of actors upgraded to their major variant when mix = normal. on impossible difficulty
  5668. hard major upgrade (few)#fraction of actors upgraded to their major variant when mix = normal. on hard difficulty
  5669. normal major upgrade (few)#fraction of actors upgraded to their major variant when mix = normal. on normal difficulty
  5670. easy major upgrade (few)#fraction of actors upgraded to their major variant when mix = normal. on easy difficulty
  5671. imposs. major upgrade (normal)#fraction of actors upgraded to their major variant. on impossible difficulty
  5672. hard major upgrade (normal)#fraction of actors upgraded to their major variant. on hard difficulty
  5673. normal major upgrade (normal)#fraction of actors upgraded to their major variant. on normal difficulty
  5674. easy major upgrade (normal)#fraction of actors upgraded to their major variant. on easy difficulty
  5675. difficulty-affecting values for enemy placement
  5676. placement
  5677. imposs. grenade timer scale#scale factor affecting the delay period between grenades thrown from the same encounter (lower is more often). on impossible difficulty
  5678. hard grenade timer scale#scale factor affecting the delay period between grenades thrown from the same encounter (lower is more often). on hard difficulty
  5679. normal grenade timer scale#scale factor affecting the delay period between grenades thrown from the same encounter (lower is more often). on normal difficulty
  5680. easy grenade timer scale#scale factor affecting the delay period between grenades thrown from the same encounter (lower is more often). on easy difficulty
  5681. imposs. grenade chance scale#scale factor affecting the desicions to throw a grenade. on impossible difficulty
  5682. hard grenade chance scale#scale factor affecting the desicions to throw a grenade. on hard difficulty
  5683. normal grenade chance scale#scale factor affecting the desicions to throw a grenade. on normal difficulty
  5684. easy grenade chance scale#scale factor affecting the desicions to throw a grenade. on easy difficulty
  5685. difficulty-affecting values for enemy grenade behavior
  5686. imposs. melee delay scale#multiplier for all existing non-berserk melee delay times. on impossible difficulty
  5687. hard melee delay scale#multiplier for all existing non-berserk melee delay times. on hard difficulty
  5688. normal melee delay scale#multiplier for all existing non-berserk melee delay times. on normal difficulty
  5689. easy melee delay scale#multiplier for all existing non-berserk melee delay times. on easy difficulty
  5690. imposs. melee delay base#delay period added to all melee attacks, even when berserk. on impossible difficulty
  5691. hard melee delay base#delay period added to all melee attacks, even when berserk. on hard difficulty
  5692. normal melee delay base#delay period added to all melee attacks, even when berserk. on normal difficulty
  5693. easy melee delay base#delay period added to all melee attacks, even when berserk. on easy difficulty
  5694. imposs. guidance vs player#guidance velocity scale factor for all projectiles targeted on a player. on impossible difficulty
  5695. hard guidance vs player#guidance velocity scale factor for all projectiles targeted on a player. on hard difficulty
  5696. normal guidance vs player#guidance velocity scale factor for all projectiles targeted on a player. on normal difficulty
  5697. easy guidance vs player#guidance velocity scale factor for all projectiles targeted on a player. on easy difficulty
  5698. imposs. special fire delay#delay between special-fire shots (overcharge, banshee bombs) scale factor for enemies. on impossible difficulty
  5699. hard special fire delay#delay between special-fire shots (overcharge, banshee bombs) scale factor for enemies. on hard difficulty
  5700. normal special fire delay#delay between special-fire shots (overcharge, banshee bombs) scale factor for enemies. on normal difficulty
  5701. easy special fire delay#delay between special-fire shots (overcharge, banshee bombs) scale factor for enemies. on easy difficulty
  5702. imposs. overcharge chance#overcharge chance scale factor for enemies. on impossible difficulty
  5703. hard overcharge chance#overcharge chance scale factor for enemies. on hard difficulty
  5704. normal overcharge chance#overcharge chance scale factor for enemies. on normal difficulty
  5705. easy overcharge chance#overcharge chance scale factor for enemies. on easy difficulty
  5706. imposs. target leading#additional target leading fraction for enemies. on impossible difficulty
  5707. hard target leading#additional target leading fraction for enemies. on hard difficulty
  5708. normal target leading#additional target leading fraction for enemies. on normal difficulty
  5709. easy target leading#additional target leading fraction for enemies. on easy difficulty
  5710. imposs. target tracking#additional target tracking fraction for enemies. on impossible difficulty
  5711. hard target tracking#additional target tracking fraction for enemies. on hard difficulty
  5712. normal target tracking#additional target tracking fraction for enemies. on normal difficulty
  5713. easy target tracking#additional target tracking fraction for enemies. on easy difficulty
  5714. imposs. burst separation#delay time between bursts scale factor for enemies. on impossible difficulty
  5715. hard burst separation#delay time between bursts scale factor for enemies. on hard difficulty
  5716. normal burst separation#delay time between bursts scale factor for enemies. on normal difficulty
  5717. easy burst separation#delay time between bursts scale factor for enemies. on easy difficulty
  5718. imposs. new target delay#enemy new-target delay scale factor. on impossible difficulty
  5719. hard new target delay#enemy new-target delay scale factor. on hard difficulty
  5720. normal new target delay#enemy new-target delay scale factor. on normal difficulty
  5721. easy new target delay#enemy new-target delay scale factor. on easy difficulty
  5722. imposs. burst error#enemy burst error scale; reduces intra-burst shot distance. on impossible difficulty
  5723. hard burst error#enemy burst error scale; reduces intra-burst shot distance. on hard difficulty
  5724. normal burst error#enemy burst error scale; reduces intra-burst shot distance. on normal difficulty
  5725. easy burst error#enemy burst error scale; reduces intra-burst shot distance. on easy difficulty
  5726. imposs. projectile error#enemy projectile error scale, as a fraction of their base firing error. on impossible difficulty
  5727. hard projectile error#enemy projectile error scale, as a fraction of their base firing error. on hard difficulty
  5728. normal projectile error#enemy projectile error scale, as a fraction of their base firing error. on normal difficulty
  5729. easy projectile error#enemy projectile error scale, as a fraction of their base firing error. on easy difficulty
  5730. imposs. rate of fire#enemy rate of fire scale on impossible difficulty
  5731. hard rate of fire#enemy rate of fire scale on hard difficulty
  5732. normal rate of fire#enemy rate of fire scale on normal difficulty
  5733. easy rate of fire#enemy rate of fire scale on easy difficulty
  5734. difficulty-affecting values for enemy ranged combat settings
  5735. ranged fire
  5736. imposs. infection forms#toughness of infection forms (may be negative) on impossible difficulty
  5737. hard infection forms#toughness of infection forms (may be negative) on hard difficulty
  5738. normal infection forms#toughness of infection forms (may be negative) on normal difficulty
  5739. easy infection forms#toughness of infection forms (may be negative) on easy difficulty
  5740. imposs. friend recharge#friend shield recharge scale on impossible difficulty
  5741. hard friend recharge#friend shield recharge scale on hard difficulty
  5742. normal friend recharge#friend shield recharge scale on normal difficulty
  5743. easy friend recharge#friend shield recharge scale on easy difficulty
  5744. imposs. friend shield#friend maximum shield vitality scale on impossible difficulty
  5745. hard friend shield#friend maximum shield vitality scale on hard difficulty
  5746. normal friend shield#friend maximum shield vitality scale on normal difficulty
  5747. easy friend shield#friend maximum shield vitality scale on easy difficulty
  5748. imposs. friend vitality#friend maximum body vitality scale on impossible difficulty
  5749. hard friend vitality#friend maximum body vitality scale on hard difficulty
  5750. normal friend vitality#friend maximum body vitality scale on normal difficulty
  5751. easy friend vitality#friend maximum body vitality scale on easy difficulty
  5752. imposs. friend damage#friend damage multiplier on impossible difficulty
  5753. hard friend damage#friend damage multiplier on hard difficulty
  5754. normal friend damage#friend damage multiplier on normal difficulty
  5755. easy friend damage#friend damage multiplier on easy difficulty
  5756. imposs. enemy recharge#enemy shield recharge scale on impossible difficulty
  5757. hard enemy recharge#enemy shield recharge scale on hard difficulty
  5758. normal enemy recharge#enemy shield recharge scale on normal difficulty
  5759. easy enemy recharge#enemy shield recharge scale on easy difficulty
  5760. imposs. enemy shield#enemy maximum shield vitality scale on impossible difficulty
  5761. hard enemy shield#enemy maximum shield vitality scale on hard difficulty
  5762. normal enemy shield#enemy maximum shield vitality scale on normal difficulty
  5763. easy enemy shield#enemy maximum shield vitality scale on easy difficulty
  5764. imposs. enemy vitality#enemy maximum body vitality scale on impossible difficulty
  5765. hard enemy vitality#enemy maximum body vitality scale on hard difficulty
  5766. normal enemy vitality#enemy maximum body vitality scale on normal difficulty
  5767. easy enemy vitality#enemy maximum body vitality scale on easy difficulty
  5768. imposs. enemy damage#enemy damage multiplier on impossible difficulty
  5769. hard enemy damage#enemy damage multiplier on hard difficulty
  5770. normal enemy damage#enemy damage multiplier on normal difficulty
  5771. easy enemy damage#enemy damage multiplier on easy difficulty
  5772. scale values for enemy health and damage settings
  5773. difficulty_block
  5774. hud interface
  5775. throwing effect
  5776. mp spawn default
  5777. maximum count
  5778. grenades_block
  5779. powerup^
  5780. cheat_powerups_block
  5781. weapon^
  5782. cheat_weapons_block
  5783. interface goo map3
  5784. interface goo map2
  5785. interface goo map1
  5786. motion sensor blip bitmap
  5787. hud digits definition
  5788. localization
  5789. multiplayer hud bitmap
  5790. motion sensor sweep bitmap mask
  5791. motion sensor sweep bitmap
  5792. hud globals
  5793. dialog color table
  5794. editor color table
  5795. hud color table
  5796. screen color table
  5797. font terminal
  5798. font system
  5799. interface_tag_references
  5800. distance attenuation 2D#the pc can't use 3d textures, so we use this instead
  5801. The PC can't use 3D textures, so we use this instead.
  5802. PC textures
  5803. hyper-stealth tint color
  5804. hyper-stealth distance falloff
  5805. hyper-stealth refraction:pixels
  5806. distance falloff
  5807. refraction amount:pixels
  5808. video noise map
  5809. video scanline map
  5810. Used in cinematics.
  5811. video effect textures
  5812. test 3
  5813. test 2
  5814. test 1
  5815. test 0
  5816. Used internally by the rasterizer. (Used by Bernie's experimental shaders.)
  5817. experimental textures
  5818. default cube map
  5819. default 3D
  5820. default 2D
  5821. Used internally by the rasterizer - additive, multiplicative, detail, vector. (Do not change ever, period.)
  5822. default textures
  5823. active camouflage distortion
  5824. linear corner fade#used for shadows
  5825. planar fog density
  5826. atmospheric fog density
  5827. vector normalization
  5828. distance attenuation
  5829. Used internally by the rasterizer. (Do not change unless you know what you're doing!)
  5830. function textures
  5831. rasterizer_data_block
  5832. tint edge density
  5833. flaming death damage
  5834. vehicle collision damage
  5835. vehicle killed unit damage effect
  5836. vehicle environemtn collision damage effect
  5837. distance damage
  5838. maximum falling distance:world units
  5839. falling damage
  5840. harmful falling distance:world units
  5841. falling_damage_block
  5842. night-vision ON->OFF effect
  5843. night-vision OFF->ON effect
  5844. body meter origin
  5845. body meter
  5846. shield meter origin
  5847. shield meter
  5848. base bitmap
  5849. first person hands
  5850. first_person_interface_block
  5851. coop respawn effect
  5852. first person skip fraction:[0,1]
  5853. first person idle time:seconds
  5854. maximum stun time:seconds#no stunning damage will last for longer than this
  5855. minimum stun time:seconds#all stunning damage will last for at least this long
  5856. stun jumping penalty:[0,1]#1.0 prevents jumping while stunned
  5857. stun turning penalty:[0,1]#1.0 prevents turning while stunned
  5858. stun movement penalty:[0,1]#1.0 prevents moving while stunned
  5859. grenade origin
  5860. speed multiplier: multiplayer only
  5861. airborne acceleration:world units per second squared
  5862. sneak acceleration:world units per second squared
  5863. sneak sideways:world units per second
  5864. sneak backward:world units per second
  5865. sneak forward:world units per second
  5866. run acceleration:world units per second squared
  5867. run sideways:world units per second
  5868. run backward:world units per second
  5869. run forward:world units per second
  5870. "double speed" multiplier:[1.0,+inf]
  5871. walking speed:world units per second
  5872. player_information_block
  5873. ball
  5874. flag shader
  5875. hill shader
  5876. multiplayer_information_block
  5877. sounds_block
  5878. vehicle^
  5879. vehicles_block
  5880. rating
  5881. maximum player count
  5882. minimum player count
  5883. maximum experience
  5884. minimum experience
  5885. game variant
  5886. map name
  5887. playlist_autogenerate_choice_block
  5888. melee hit sound
  5889. particle effects
  5890. maximum vitality
  5891. breakable surface parameters
  5892. ground damp fraction scale#fraction of original velocity perpendicular to the ground after one tick
  5893. ground depth scale#depth a point mass rests in the ground
  5894. ground friction normal k0 scale#cosine of angle at which friction is zero
  5895. ground friction normal k1 scale#cosine of angle at which friction falls off
  5896. ground friction scale#fraction of original velocity parallel to the ground after one tick
  5897. the following fields modify the way a vehicle drives over terrain of this material type.
  5898. vehicle terrain parameters
  5899. materials_block
  5900. tint upper bound
  5901. tint lower bound
  5902. radius:world units#particle radius
  5903. angular velocity:degrees per second
  5904. velocity scale#scales initial velocity
  5905. density:world units
  5906. particle type^
  5907. breakable_surface_particle_effect_block
  5908. hunter shield
  5909. ice
  5910. elite energy shield
  5911. leaves
  5912. plastic
  5913. human skin
  5914. human armor
  5915. cyborg energy shield
  5916. cyborg armor
  5917. flood carrier form
  5918. flood combat form
  5919. engineer force field
  5920. engineer skin
  5921. jackal energy shield
  5922. hunter skin
  5923. hunter armor
  5924. force field
  5925. glass
  5926. rubber
  5927. metal (thick)
  5928. metal (thin)
  5929. metal (hollow)
  5930. wood
  5931. snow
  5932. stone
  5933. sand
  5934. dirt
  5935. \halopc\haloce\source\game\game_globals.c
  5936. index>=0 && index<global_grenade_type_enum.count
  5937. %.3f, %.3f
  5938. sound_index>=0 && sound_index<NUMBER_OF_GLOBAL_SOUNDS
  5939. material_type>=0 && material_type<NUMBER_OF_MATERIAL_TYPES
  5940. (value_type >= 0) && (value_type < NUMBER_OF_GAME_DIFFICULTY_VALUES)
  5941. game globals didn't specify exactly %d grenades
  5942. game globals didn't specify rasterizer data
  5943. game globals didn't specify first person interface
  5944. game globals didn't specify falling damage
  5945. ;game globals didn't specify player information
  5946. game globals didn't specify multiplayer information
  5947. game globals didn't specify difficulty information
  5948. game globals didn't specify player control constants
  5949. =final sequence count
  5950. looping sequence count
  5951. initial sequence count
  5952. first sequence index#the index of the first sequence in the bitmap group used by this particle
  5953. fade end size:pixels#kill the particle when it's smaller than this size on the screen
  5954. fade start size:pixels#begin fading the particle out when it's smaller than this size on the screen
  5955. contact deterioration#the decrease in the frame rate caused by a collision
  5956. animation rate:frames per second#rate at which the particle animates
  5957. radius animation#when created, the radius is multiplied by the first number. at the end of the lifetime, the radius is multiplied by the second number.
  5958. minimum size:pixels#in the distance, don't get any smaller than this size on the screen
  5959. death effect
  5960. collision effect
  5961. fade out time
  5962. fade in time
  5963. lifespan:seconds
  5964. marty traded his kids for this
  5965. particle
  5966. random vertical mirroring
  5967. random horizontal mirroring
  5968. self-illuminated#don't cast world-lights onto this particle
  5969. dies on contact with air
  5970. dies on contact with water
  5971. tint from diffuse texture
  5972. dies on contact with structure
  5973. dies at rest
  5974. animate once per frame
  5975. animation starts on random frame
  5976. animation stops at rest
  5977. can animate backwards
  5978. Bevents
  5979. locations
  5980. loop stop event
  5981. loop start event
  5982. required for gameplay (cannot optimize out)
  5983. deleted when attachment deactivates
  5984. particles
  5985. parts
  5986. duration bounds:seconds#duration of this event
  5987. delay bounds:seconds#delay before this event takes place
  5988. skip fraction#chance that this event will be skipped entirely
  5989. effect_event_block
  5990. radius modifier bounds
  5991. angular velocity bounds:degrees per second
  5992. velocity cone angle:degrees#initial velocity will be inside the cone defined by this angle.
  5993. velocity bounds:world units per second#initial velocity along the location's forward
  5994. type^
  5995. effect_part_block
  5996. face down regardless of location (decals)
  5997. type-specific scale
  5998. B scales values:
  5999. A scales values:
  6001. velocity cone angle:degrees#particle initial velocities will be inside the cone defined by this angle and the specified direction
  6002. velocity:world units per second#initial velocity along the specified direction
  6003. distribution radius:world units#initial distance from the location's origin
  6004. count#number of particles created
  6005. distribution function#describes how the part creations are distributed over the event duration
  6006. relative offset#particle initial position offset relative to the locatin's forward
  6007. relative direction#particle initial velocity direction relative to the location's forward
  6008. create
  6009. create in
  6010. effect_particles_block
  6011. buildup and falloff
  6012. falloff
  6013. buildup
  6014. constant
  6015. particle radius delta
  6016. particle radius
  6017. distribution radius delta
  6018. distribution radius
  6019. count delta
  6020. angular velocity delta
  6021. angular velocity
  6022. velocity cone angle
  6023. velocity delta
  6024. velocity
  6025. ... across the long hue path
  6026. interpolate tint as HSV
  6027. tint from object color
  6028. random initial angle
  6029. stay attached to marker
  6030. effect_locations_block
  6031. in first person if possible
  6032. only in third person
  6033. only in first person
  6034. independent of camera mode
  6035. space only
  6036. water only
  6037. air only
  6038. any environment
  6039. nonviolent mode only
  6040. violent mode only
  6041. either mode
  6042. effect part %s is invalid.
  6043. WARNING: effect %s references particle %s with an alpha tint of zero, but that particle has nonlinear tinting and will never draw. (You should fix this, shikai.)
  6044. predicted resources
  6045. weapon type
  6046. more miscellaneous
  6047. active camo regrowth rate#how fast to increase active camo (per tick) when a round is fired
  6048. active camo ding#how much to decrease active camo when a round is fired
  6049. zoom-out sound
  6050. zoom-in sound
  6051. first person animations
  6052. first person model
  6053. interface
  6054. age misfire chance:[0,1]#at age 1.0, the misfire chance per shot
  6055. age misfire start:[0,1]#the age threshold when the weapon begins to misfire
  6056. age rate of fire penalty#how much the weapon's rate of fire is penalized as it ages
  6057. age heat recovery penalty#how much the weapon's heat recovery is penalized as it ages
  6058. light power-off effect
  6059. light power-on effect
  6060. light power-off time:seconds
  6061. light power-on time:seconds
  6062. miscellaneous
  6063. looking time modifier#how much faster actors look around idly using this weapon (zero is unchanged)
  6064. minimum target range#minimum range that actors using this weapon will try and target stuff at
  6065. AI targeting parameters
  6066. sideways movement penalty#percent slowdown to sideways and backward movement for units carrying this weapon
  6067. forward movement penalty#percent slowdown to forward movement for units carrying this weapon
  6068. movement penalized
  6069. deviation angle:degrees#the maximum angle that a projectile is allowed to deviate from the gun barrel
  6070. magnetism range:world units#the maximum distance that magnetism works at full strength
  6071. magnetism angle:degrees#the maximum angle that magnetism works at full strength
  6072. autoaim range:world units#the maximum distance that autoaim works at full strength
  6073. autoaim angle:degrees#the maximum angle that autoaim works at full strength
  6074. aim assist
  6075. magnification range
  6076. magnification levels#the number of magnification levels this weapon allows
  6077. intersection reticle range#the maximum range at which the dynamic target reticle will be drawn
  6078. far reticle range:world units#the range at which the farther of the two static target reticles will be drawn
  6079. near reticle range:world units#the range at which the closer of the two static target reticles will be drawn
  6080. reticle
  6081. an optional actor variant that specifies the burst geometry and firing patterns to be used with this weapon
  6082. actor firing parameters
  6083. player melee response
  6084. player melee damage
  6085. heat illumination:[0,1]#the amount of illumination given off when the weapon is overheated
  6086. heat loss per second:[0,1]#the amount of heat lost each second when the weapon is not being fired
  6087. heat detonation fraction:[0,1]#the percent chance (between 0.0 and 1.0) the weapon will explode when fired over the heat detonation threshold
  6088. heat detonation threshold:[0,1]#the heat value above which the weapon has a chance of exploding each time it is fired
  6089. overheated threshold:[0,1]#the heat value over which a weapon first becomes overheated (should be greater than the heat recovery threshold)
  6090. heat recovery threshold:[0,1]#the heat value a weapon must return to before leaving the overheated state, once it has become overheated in the first place
  6091. ready effect
  6092. ready time:seconds
  6093. export to functions
  6094. maximum alternate shots loaded#if the second trigger loads alternate ammunition, this is the maximum number of shots that can be loaded at a time
  6095. secondary trigger mode
  6096. label#the string used to match this weapon to an animation mode in the unit carrying it
  6097. All weapons should have 'primary trigger' and 'secondary trigger' markers as appropriate.
  6098. Blurred permutations are called '$primary-blur' and '$secondary-blur'.
  6099. $$$ WEAPON $$$
  6100. plasma rifle
  6101. plasma pistol
  6102. needler
  6103. undefined
  6104. when zoomed or reloading
  6105. when zoomed
  6106. always
  6107. loads multiple primary ammunition
  6108. loads alterate ammunition
  6109. inhibits primary
  6110. slaved to primary
  6111. secondary firing on
  6112. primary firing on
  6113. secondary firing
  6114. primary firing
  6115. illumination
  6116. secondary charged
  6117. primary charged
  6118. overheated
  6119. secondary ejection port
  6120. primary ejection port
  6121. ready
  6122. secondary rate of fire
  6123. primary rate of fire
  6124. secondary ammunition
  6125. primary ammunition
  6126. AIs use weapon melee damage
  6127. enables integrated night vision
  6128. (OBSOLETE)does not depower active camo in multilplayer
  6129. secondary trigger overrides grenades
  6130. cannot fire at maximum age
  6131. detonates when dropped
  6132. prevents melee attack
  6133. holds triggers when dropped
  6134. must be picked up
  6135. prevents grenade throwing
  6136. aim assists only when zoomed
  6137. doesn't count toward maximum
  6138. must be readied
  6139. attacks automatically on bump
  6140. mutually exclusive triggers
  6141. vertical heat display
  6142. firing effects#firing effects determine what happens when this trigger is fired
  6143. overload time:seconds#the next trigger fires this often while holding down this trigger
  6144. age generated per round:[0,1]#the amount the weapon ages each time the trigger is fired
  6145. heat generated per round:[0,1]#the amount of heat generated each time the trigger is fired
  6146. illumination recovery time#the amount of time (in seconds) it takes the illumination function to transition from 1.0 (bright) to 0.0 (dark) after a shot has been fired
  6147. ejection port recovery time#the amount of time (in seconds) it takes for the ejection port to transition from 1.0 (open) to 0.0 (closed) after a shot has been fired
  6148. first person offset:world units#+x is forward, +z is up, +y is left
  6149. error angle:degrees
  6150. minimum error:degrees
  6151. distribution angle:degrees
  6152. projectiles per shot
  6153. distribution function
  6154. charging effect#the charging effect is created once when the trigger begins to charge
  6155. spew time:seconds#length of time the weapon will spew (fire continuously) while discharging
  6156. charged illumination:[0,1]#the amount of illumination given off when the weapon is fully charged
  6157. overcharged action
  6158. charged time:seconds#the amount of time this trigger can be charged before becoming overcharged
  6159. charging time:seconds#the amount of time it takes for this trigger to become fully charged
  6160. charging
  6161. deceleration time:seconds#the continuous idle time it takes for the weapon to return to its initial error
  6162. acceleration time:seconds#the continuous firing time it takes for the weapon to achieve its final error
  6163. error#the accuracy (between 0.0 and 1.0) of the weapon during firing
  6164. error
  6165. firing noise#how loud this weapon appears to the AI
  6166. rounds between tracers#the number of non-tracer rounds fired between tracers
  6167. minimum rounds loaded#the minimum number of rounds necessary to fire the weapon
  6168. rounds per shot#the number of rounds expended to create a single firing effect
  6169. magazine#the magazine from which this trigger draws its ammunition
  6170. blurred rate of fire#a percentage between 0 and 1 which controls how soon in its firing animation the weapon blurs
  6171. deceleration time:seconds#the continuous idle time it takes for the weapon to return from its final rounds per second to its initial
  6172. acceleration time:seconds#the continuous firing time it takes for the weapon to achieve its final rounds per second
  6173. rounds per second#the number of firing effects created per second
  6174. firing
  6175. triggers
  6176. horizontal fan
  6177. discharge
  6178. explode
  6179. projectile is client-side only
  6180. projectiles have identical error
  6181. projectile vector cannot be adjusted#projectiles fired by this weapon cannot have their direction adjusted by the AI to hit the target
  6182. use error when unzoomed
  6183. analog rate of fire
  6184. discharging spews
  6185. ejects during chamber#this trigger's ejection port is started during the key frame of its chamber animation
  6186. sticks when dropped#if this trigger is pressed when its owner drops the weapon (for whatever reason) this trigger stays down
  6187. projectiles use weapon origin#instead of coming out of the magic first person camera origin, the projectiles for this weapon actually come out of the gun
  6188. locks in on/off state#once depressed, this trigger must be released and pressed again to turn it off (and likewise to turn it back on)
  6189. does not repeat automatically#once fired, this trigger must be released and pressed to fire again
  6190. can fire with partial ammo#allows a weapon to be fired as long as there is a non-zero amount of ammunition loaded
  6191. random firing effects#rather than being chosen sequentially, firing effects are picked randomly
  6192. tracks fired projectile#poo poo ca ca pee pee
  6193. empty damage#this effect is used when the weapon is not loaded
  6194. misfire damage#this effect is used when the weapon is loaded but fired while overheated
  6195. firing damage#this effect is used when the weapon is loaded and fired normally
  6196. empty effect#this effect is used when the weapon is not loaded
  6197. misfire effect#this effect is used when the weapon is loaded but fired while overheated
  6198. firing effect^#this effect is used when the weapon is loaded and fired normally
  6199. shot count upper bound#the maximum number of times this firing effect will be used, once it has been chosen
  6200. shot count lower bound#the minimum number of times this firing effect will be used, once it has been chosen
  6201. trigger_firing_effect_block
  6202. chambering effect
  6203. reloading effect
  6204. chamber time:seconds#the length of time it takes to chamber the next round
  6205. rounds reloaded
  6206. reload time:seconds#the length of time it takes to load a single magazine into the weapon
  6207. rounds loaded maximum
  6208. rounds total maximum
  6209. rounds total initial
  6210. rounds recharged:per second
  6211. magazines
  6212. every round must be chambered
  6213. wastes rounds when reloaded
  6214. rounds
  6215. magazine_objects
  6216. trigger_index>=0 && trigger_index<MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_TRIGGERS_PER_WEAPON
  6217. \halopc\haloce\source\items\weapon_definitions.c
  6218. magazine_index>=0 && magazine_index<MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_MAGAZINES_PER_WEAPON
  6219. point states
  6220. sequence count
  6221. first sequence index
  6222. texture animation v:repeats per second#the texture across the contrail is animated by this value
  6223. texture animation u:repeats per second#the texture along the contrail is animated by this value
  6224. texture repeats v#texture repeats across contrail width
  6225. texture repeats u#texture repeats per contrail segment
  6226. render type#this specifies how the contrail is oriented in space
  6227. rendering
  6228. inherited velocity fraction#fraction of parent object's velocity that is inherited by contrail points.
  6229. point velocity cone angle:degrees#initial velocity is inside the cone defined by the marker's forward vector and this angle
  6230. point velocity:world units per second#velocity added to each point's initial velocity
  6231. point generation rate:points per second#this many points are generated per second
  6232. point creation
  6233. contrail
  6234. texture animation v
  6235. texture animation u
  6236. texture scale v
  6237. texture scale u
  6238. sequence animation rate
  6239. inherited velocity fraction
  6240. point velocity cone angle
  6241. point velocity delta
  6242. point velocity
  6243. point generation rate
  6244. edge effect fades slowly
  6245. points always pinned to ground
  6246. points always pinned to media
  6247. points start pinned to ground
  6248. points start pinned to media
  6249. last point unfaded
  6250. first point unfaded
  6251. double-marker linked
  6252. viewer facing
  6253. ground mapped
  6254. media mapped
  6255. horizontal orientation
  6256. vertical orientation
  6257. scale flags#these flags determine which fields are scaled by the contrail density
  6258. color upper bound#contrail color at this point
  6259. color lower bound#contrail color at this point
  6260. width:world units#contrail width at this point
  6261. point variables
  6262. transition duration:seconds#the time a point takes to transition to the next state
  6263. duration:seconds:seconds#the time a point spends in this state
  6264. state timing
  6265. contrail_point_states_block
  6266. width
  6267. transition duration delta
  6268. transition duration
  6269. duration delta
  6270. duration
  6271. seconds
  6272. + %.2f
  6273. -%.2f
  6274. %.2f
  6275. contrail point generation rate must be greater than zero.
  6276. widgets
  6277. attachments
  6278. forced shader permuation index
  6279. hud text message index
  6280. render bounding radius:world units#if set, this radius is used to determine if the object is visible. set it for the pelican.
  6281. creation effect
  6282. modifier shader
  6283. collision model
  6284. animation graph
  6285. acceleration scale:[0,+inf]#marine 1.0, grunt 1.4, elite 0.9, hunter 0.5, etc.
  6286. origin offset
  6287. bounding offset
  6288. bounding radius:world units
  6289. not a pathfinding obstacle
  6290. brighter than it should be
  6291. transparent self-occlusion
  6292. does not cast shadow
  6293. compass
  6294. alive
  6295. region #07 damage
  6296. region #06 damage
  6297. region #05 damage
  6298. region #04 damage
  6299. region #03 damage
  6300. region #02 damage
  6301. region #01 damage
  6302. region #00 damage
  6303. umbrella shield stun
  6304. recent umbrella shield vitality
  6305. shield stun
  6306. umbrella shield vitality
  6307. random constant
  6308. recent shield damage
  6309. recent body damage
  6310. shield vitality
  6311. body vitality
  6312. scale flags
  6313. scale by
  6314. darken by
  6315. object_change_colors
  6316. ...more colors#blends colors through more hues (goes the long way around the color wheel)
  6317. blend in hsv#blends colors in hsv rather than rgb space
  6318. weight
  6319. object_change_color_permutations
  6320. object_widget_block
  6321. marker
  6322. object_attachment_block
  6323. usage
  6324. scale by#applied before clip, ignored if zero
  6325. add#add this function to the final result of all of the above math
  6326. object_function_block
  6327. %s (%s)
  6328. function_index>=0 && function_index<NUMBER_OF_OUTGOING_OBJECT_FUNCTIONS
  6329. \halopc\haloce\source\objects\object_definitions.c
  6330. change_color_index>=0 && change_color_index<NUMBER_OF_OBJECT_CHANGE_COLORS
  6331. the object '%s' will not be collidable
  6332. the model '%s' and the collision model '%s' don't match (%s)
  6333. region permutation counts don't match
  6334. region counts don't match
  6335. node counts don't match
  6336. the object '%s' will not animate
  6337. the model '%s' and the animation graph '%s' don't match
  6338. mass points
  6339. powered mass points
  6340. inertial matrix and inverse*
  6341. zz moment
  6342. yy moment
  6343. xx moment
  6344. water density
  6345. water depth
  6346. ground normal k0
  6347. ground normal k1
  6348. ground damp fraction
  6349. ground depth
  6350. gravity scale
  6351. center of mass*
  6352. mass
  6353. moment scale
  6354. radius#positive uses old inferior physics, negative uses new improved physics
  6355. friction perpendicular scale
  6356. friction parallel scale
  6357. friction type
  6358. density*
  6359. relative density
  6360. mass*
  6361. relative mass
  6362. model node*
  6363. powered mass point
  6364. mass_point_block
  6365. metallic
  6366. antigrav normal k0
  6367. antigrav normal k1
  6368. antigrav damp fraction
  6369. antigrav height
  6370. antigrav offset
  6371. antigrav strength
  6372. powered_mass_point_block
  6373. antigrav
  6374. thrust
  6375. air lift
  6376. water lift
  6377. ground friction
  6378. -zx -yz xx+yy
  6379. -xy zz+xx -yz
  6380. yy+zz -xy -zx
  6381. inertial_matrix_block
  6382. ### ERROR couldn't add inertial matrix and inverse to physics
  6383. crash sound
  6384. suspension sound
  6385. ai move-position time
  6386. ai throttle maximum
  6387. ai steering maximum
  6388. ai oversteering bounds
  6389. ai strafing abort range
  6390. ai charge repeat timeout
  6391. ai pathfinding radius
  6392. ai avoidance distance
  6393. ai destination radius
  6394. ai sideslip distance
  6395. fixed gun pitch
  6396. fixed gun yaw
  6397. maximum flipping angular velocity
  6398. minimum flipping angular velocity
  6399. slide deceleration
  6400. slide acceleration
  6401. maximum right slide
  6402. maximum left slide
  6403. blur speed
  6404. turn rate
  6405. wheel circumference
  6406. maximum right turn (negative)
  6407. maximum left turn
  6408. speed deceleration
  6409. speed acceleration
  6410. maximum reverse speed
  6411. maximum forward speed
  6412. $$$ VEHICLE $$$
  6413. wingtip contrail new
  6414. engine hack
  6415. hover
  6416. wingtip contrail
  6417. back right tire velocity
  6418. back left tire velocity
  6419. front right tire velocity
  6420. front left tire velocity
  6421. back right tire position
  6422. back left tire position
  6423. front right tire position
  6424. front left tire position
  6425. right tread velocity
  6426. left tread velocity
  6427. right tread position
  6428. left tread position
  6429. velocity up
  6430. velocity left
  6431. velocity forward
  6432. velocity ground
  6433. velocity water
  6434. velocity air
  6435. crouch
  6436. turn right
  6437. turn left
  6438. turn absolute
  6439. speed slide maximum
  6440. slide right
  6441. slide left
  6442. slide absolute
  6443. speed backward
  6444. speed forward
  6445. speed absolute
  6446. turret
  6447. alien fighter
  6448. alien scout
  6449. human plane
  6450. human boat
  6451. human jeep
  6452. human tank
  6453. ai driver hovering
  6454. ai driver can-sidestep
  6455. ai driver flying
  6456. ai driver enable
  6457. ai unused
  6458. ai does not require driver
  6459. ai weapon cannot rotate
  6460. causes collision damage
  6461. kills riders at terminal velocity
  6462. slide wakes physics
  6463. control opposite speed sets brake
  6464. gunner power wakes physics
  6465. driver power wakes physics
  6466. turn wakes physics
  6467. speed wakes physics
  6468. contact points#these are the points where the biped touches the ground
  6469. autoaim width:world units
  6470. crouching collision height:world units
  6471. standing collision height:world units
  6472. crouch transition time:seconds
  6473. crouching camera height:world units
  6474. standing camera height:world units
  6475. camera, collision, and autoaim
  6476. death hard landing velocity:world units per second#the maximum velocity with which a character can strike the ground and live
  6477. maximum hard landing velocity:world units per second#the velocity corresponding to the maximum landing time
  6478. minimum hard landing velocity:world units per second#below this velocity the biped will not do a soft landing when returning to the ground
  6479. minimum soft landing velocity:world units per second#below this velocity the biped does not react when landing
  6480. maximum hard landing time:seconds#the longest amount of time the biped can take to recover from a hard landing
  6481. maximum soft landing time:seconds#the longest amount of time the biped can take to recover from a soft landing
  6482. jump velocity:world units per second
  6483. jumping and landing
  6484. footsteps
  6485. uphill velocity scale
  6486. uphill cutoff angle:degrees
  6487. uphill falloff angle:degrees
  6488. downhill velocity scale
  6489. downhill cutoff angle:degrees
  6490. downhill falloff angle:degrees
  6491. maximum slope angle:degrees
  6492. crouch velocity modifier:[0,1]#how much slower we fly if crouching (zero = same speed)
  6493. angular acceleration maximum:degrees per second squared#turn acceleration rate
  6494. angular velocity maximum:degrees per second#turn rate
  6495. deceleration:world units per second squared
  6496. acceleration:world units per second squared
  6497. max sidestep velocity:world units per second#max sideways or up/down velocity when not crouching
  6498. max velocity:world units per second#max velocity when not crouching
  6499. pitch ratio#amount that we pitch up/down when moving up or down
  6500. bank decay time:seconds#time it takes us to recover from a bank
  6501. bank apply time:seconds#time it takes us to apply a bank
  6502. bank angle:degrees#angle at which we bank left/right when sidestepping or turning while moving forwards
  6503. stationary turning threshold
  6504. moving turning speed:degrees per second
  6505. $$$ BIPED $$$
  6506. biped
  6507. flying velocity
  6508. unit uses old (NTSC) player physics
  6509. random speed increase
  6510. has no dying airborne
  6511. uses limp body physics
  6512. rotate while airborne
  6513. immune to falling damage
  6514. can climb any surface
  6515. passes through other bipeds
  6516. spherical
  6517. physics pill centered at origin
  6518. uses player physics
  6519. turns without animating
  6520. contact_point_block
  6521. Biped %s's animation node %d isn't set up for limp body physics
  6522. Biped %s's model's nodes (first node %d) aren't set up for limp body physics
  6523. ### the biped '%s' has no 'body' marker
  6524. ### the biped '%s' has no 'head' marker
  6525. bip01 head
  6526. bip01 pelvis
  6527. seats
  6528. powered seats
  6529. grenade count
  6530. grenade velocity:world units per second
  6531. dialogue variants
  6533. motion sensor blip size
  6534. melee damage
  6535. AI danger radius#danger radius around this unit that the AI tries to avoid
  6536. AI vehicle radius#radius around this unit that the AI tries to avoid when entering it as a vehicle (zero = use bounding sphere radius)
  6537. looking acceleration maximum:degrees per second squared
  6538. looking velocity maximum:degrees per second
  6539. casual aiming modifier:[0,1]
  6540. aiming acceleration maximum:degrees per second squared
  6541. aiming velocity maximum:degrees per second
  6542. spawned velocity#velocity at which we throw spawned actors
  6543. spawned actor count#number of actors which we spawn
  6544. spawned actor#actor variant which we spawn when we are destroyed or self-destruct
  6545. feign repeat chance:[0,1]
  6546. feign death chance:[0,1]
  6547. stunned movement threshold:[0,1]#if we take this much damage in a short space of time we will play our 'stunned movement' animations
  6548. distance of dive anim:world units#this must be set to tell the AI how far it should expect our dive animation to move us
  6549. distance of evade anim:world units#this must be set to tell the AI how far it should expect our evade animation to move us
  6550. feign death time:seconds
  6551. feign death threshold:[0,1]
  6552. hard death threshold:[0,1]
  6553. hard ping interrupt time:seconds
  6554. hard ping threshold:[0,1]
  6555. soft ping interrupt time:seconds
  6556. soft ping threshold:[0,1]
  6557. seat acceleration scale
  6558. camera stiffness
  6559. camera field of view:degrees
  6560. integrated light toggle
  6561. rider damage fraction:[0,+inf]#what percent damage applied to us gets applied to our children (i.e., riders)
  6562. constant sound volume
  6563. default team
  6564. $$$ UNIT $$$
  6565. unused (9)
  6566. unused (8)
  6567. unused (7)
  6568. unused (6)
  6569. flood
  6570. covenant
  6571. human
  6572. can blink
  6573. integrated light power
  6574. mouth aperture
  6575. aiming change
  6576. gunner seat power
  6577. driver seat power
  6578. integrated light lasts forever
  6579. integrated light cntrls weapon
  6580. shields fry infection forms
  6581. ignored by autoaiming
  6582. special cinematic unit
  6583. inconsequential
  6584. runs around flaming
  6585. shield sapping
  6586. not instantly killed by melee
  6587. melee attackers cannot attach
  6588. cannot open doors automatically
  6589. impact melee dies on shields
  6590. impact melee attaches to unit
  6591. simple creature
  6592. has no aiming
  6593. don't reface during pings
  6594. melee attack is fatal
  6595. resists pings
  6596. causes passenger dialogue
  6597. entrance inside bounding sphere
  6598. fires from camera
  6599. half-speed interpolation
  6600. destroyed after dying
  6601. circular aiming
  6602. variant number#variant number to use this dialogue with (must match the suffix in the permutations on the unit's model)
  6603. dialogue_variant_block
  6604. driver powerdown time:seconds
  6605. driver powerup time:seconds
  6606. powered_seat_block
  6607. unit_weapon_block
  6608. built-in gunner
  6609. yaw maximum
  6610. yaw minimum
  6611. camera tracks
  6612. pitch range
  6613. pitch auto-level
  6614. camera submerged marker name
  6615. camera marker name
  6616. pitch rate:degrees per second
  6617. yaw rate:degrees per second
  6618. acceleration scale
  6619. label
  6620. unit_seat_block
  6621. allow AI noncombatants
  6622. not valid without driver
  6623. allow vehicle communication animations
  6624. first person camera slaved to gun.
  6625. third person on enter
  6626. allows weapons
  6627. third person camera
  6628. gunner
  6629. driver
  6630. invisible
  6631. track
  6632. unit_camera_track_block
  6633. tight
  6634. loose
  6635. unit hud interface
  6636. unit_hud_reference_block
  6637. multiplayer hud
  6638. default/solo player hud
  6639. BAD
  6640. camera_track_index>=0 && camera_track_index<MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_UNIT_CAMERA_TRACKS
  6641. \halopc\haloce\source\units\unit_definitions.c
  6642. powered_seat_index>=0 && powered_seat_index<NUMBER_OF_POWERED_SEATS
  6643. dialogue_variant_index>=0 && dialogue_variant_index<MAXIMUM_DIALOGUE_VARIANTS_PER_UNIT
  6644. units must have models and animation graphs
  6645. #
  6646. ?<characters
  6647. underline
  6648. condense
  6649. italic
  6650. character tables
  6651. leadin width
  6652. leading height
  6653. decending height
  6654. ascending height
  6655. font
  6656. character table
  6657. font_character_tables
  6658. character index
  6659. font_character_table
  6660. pixels
  6661. character
  6662. pixels offset*
  6663. hardware character index*
  6664. bitmap origin y
  6665. bitmap origin x
  6666. bitmap height*
  6667. bitmap width*
  6668. character width
  6669. character*
  6670. couldn't allocate lead_byte_character_tables for font.
  6671. unicode_string_list
  6672. string references
  6673. string_list
  6674. string reference
  6675. <empty string>
  6676. <missing string>
  6677. <unprintable string>
  6678. %d:
  6679. %sstring && !(size&1)
  6680. \halopc\haloce\source\text\text_group.c
  6681. this is not a unicode string
  6682. data && (size>0) && !(size&1)
  6683. <missing
  6684. string>
  6685. color_table
  6686. color_block
  6687. bitmaps*
  6688. sequences*
  6689. sprite spacing*
  6690. sprite usage
  6691. Sprite usage controls the background color of sprite plates.
  6692. ...more sprite processing
  6693. mipmap count:levels#0 defaults to all levels
  6694. alpha bias:[-1,1]#affects alpha mipmap generation
  6695. blur filter size:[0,10] pixels#blurs the bitmap before generating mipmaps
  6696. processed pixel data*
  6697. Pixel data after being processed by the tool.
  6698. processed pixel data
  6699. compressed color plate data*
  6700. color plate height*:pixels
  6701. color plate width*:pixels
  6702. The original TIFF file used to import the bitmap group.
  6703. color plate
  6704. sprite budget count
  6705. sprite budget size
  6706. When creating a sprite group, specify the number and size of textures that the group is allowed to occupy. During importing, you'll receive feedback about how well the alloted space was used.
  6707. sprite processing
  6708. bump height:repeats#the apparent height of the bump map above the triangle it is textured onto, in texture repeats (i.e., 1.0 would be as high as the texture is wide)
  6709. sharpen amount:[0,1]#sharpens mipmap after downsampling
  6710. detail fade factor:[0,1]#0 means fade to gray by last mipmap, 1 means fade to gray by first mipmap
  6711. These properties control how mipmaps are post-processed.
  6712. post-processing
  6713. Usage controls how mipmaps are generated:
  6714. * ALPHA BLEND: Pixels with zero alpha are ignored in mipmaps, to prevent bleeding the transparent color.
  6715. * DEFAULT: Downsampling works normally, as in Photoshop.
  6716. * HEIGHT MAP: The bitmap (normally grayscale) is a height map which gets converted to a bump map. Uses <bump height> below. Alpha is passed through unmodified.
  6717. * DETAIL MAP: Mipmap color fades to gray, controlled by <detail fade factor> below. Alpha fades to white.
  6718. * LIGHT MAP: Generates no mipmaps. Do not use!
  6719. * VECTOR MAP: Used mostly for special effects; pixels are treated as XYZ vectors and normalized after downsampling. Alpha is passed through unmodified.
  6720. Format controls how pixels will be stored internally:
  6721. * COMPRESSED WITH COLOR-KEY TRANSPARENCY: DXT1 compression, uses 4 bits per pixel. 4x4 blocks of pixels are reduced to 2 colors and interpolated, alpha channel uses color-key transparency instead of alpha from the plate (all zero-alpha pixels also have zero-color).
  6722. * COMPRESSED WITH EXPLICIT ALPHA: DXT2/3 compression, uses 8 bits per pixel. Same as DXT1 without the color key transparency, alpha channel uses alpha from plate quantized down to 4 bits per pixel.
  6723. * COMPRESSED WITH INTERPOLATED ALPHA: DXT4/5 compression, uses 8 bits per pixel. Same as DXT2/3, except alpha is smoother. Better for smooth alpha gradients, worse for noisy alpha.
  6724. * 16-BIT COLOR: Uses 16 bits per pixel. Depending on the alpha channel, bitmaps are quantized to either r5g6b5 (no alpha), a1r5g5b5 (1-bit alpha), or a4r4g4b4 (>1-bit alpha).
  6725. * 32-BIT COLOR: Uses 32 bits per pixel. Very high quality, can have alpha at no added cost. This format takes up the most memory, however. Bitmap formats are x8r8g8b8 and a8r8g8b.
  6726. * MONOCHROME: Uses either 8 or 16 bits per pixel. Bitmap formats are a8 (alpha), y8 (intensity), ay8 (combined alpha-intensity) and a8y8 (separate alpha-intensity).
  6727. Note: Height maps (a.k.a. bump maps) should use 32-bit color; this is internally converted to a palettized format which takes less memory.
  6728. Type controls bitmap 'geometry'. All dimensions must be a power of two except for SPRITES and INTERFACE BITMAPS:
  6729. * 2D TEXTURES: Ordinary, 2D textures will be generated.
  6730. * 3D TEXTURES: Volume textures will be generated from each sequence of 2D texture 'slices'.
  6731. * CUBE MAPS: Cube maps will be generated from each consecutive set of six 2D textures in each sequence, all faces of a cube map must be square and the same size.
  6732. * SPRITES: Sprite texture pages will be generated.
  6733. * INTERFACE BITMAPS: Similar to 2D TEXTURES, but without mipmaps and without the power of two restriction.
  6734. color_plate_data
  6735. bitmap_pixel_data
  6736. multiply/min
  6737. blend/add/subtract/max
  6738. 512x512
  6739. 256x256
  6740. 128x128
  6741. 64x64
  6742. 32x32
  6743. monochrome
  6744. 32-bit color
  6745. 16-bit color
  6746. vector map
  6747. light map
  6748. height map
  6749. alpha-blend
  6750. sprites
  6751. cube maps
  6752. 3D textures
  6753. 2D textures
  6754. filthy sprite bug fix
  6755. uniform sprite sequences
  6756. disable height map compression
  6757. enable diffusion dithering
  6758. sprites*
  6759. bitmap count*
  6760. first bitmap index*
  6761. bitmap_group_sequence_block
  6762. bottom*
  6763. top*
  6764. right*
  6765. left*
  6766. bitmap index*
  6767. bitmap_group_sprite_block
  6768. mipmap count*
  6769. registration point*
  6770. format*#determines how pixels are represented internally
  6771. type*#determines bitmap 'geometry'
  6772. depth*:pixels#depth is 1 for 2D textures and cube maps
  6773. height*:pixels
  6774. width*:pixels
  6775. signature*
  6776. bitmap_data_block
  6777. v16u16
  6778. linear
  6779. swizzled
  6780. palettized
  6781. compressed
  6782. power of two dimensions
  6783. p8-bump
  6784. dxt5
  6785. dxt3
  6786. dxt1
  6787. unused5
  6788. unused4
  6789. a8r8g8b8
  6790. x8r8g8b8
  6791. a4r4g4b4
  6792. a1r5g5b5
  6793. unused3
  6794. r5g6b5
  6795. unused2
  6796. unused1
  6797. a8y8
  6798. ay8
  6799. y8
  6800. a8
  6801. white
  6802. 3D texture
  6803. 2D texture
  6804. !!MUST BE FIXED: bitmap group '%s' (type=%d) sequence #%d has %d sprites
  6805. !!MUST BE FIXED: bitmap group '%s' sequence #%d sprite #%d references bitmap #%d
  6806. !!MUST BE FIXED: bitmap group '%s' sequence #%d has %d sprites
  6807. !!MUST BE FIXED: bitmap group '%s' sequence #%d references bitmaps [#%d..#%d]
  6808. !!MUST BE FIXED: bitmap group '%s' (type=%d) sequence #%d doesn't know it's a sprite sequence
  6809. bitmap group '%s' has %d sequences
  6810. !!MUST BE FIXED:
  6811. bitmap group '%s' has %d bitmaps
  6812. !!MUST BE FIXED: bitmap #%d of group '%s' is linear and power-of-two
  6813. !!MUST BE FIXED: bitmap #%d of group '%s' has a8y8 format
  6814. ### FATAL_ERROR failed to fix bitmap group '%s'
  6815. sequence_index>=0 && frame_index>=0
  6816. \halopc\haloce\source\bitmaps\bitmap_group.c
  6817. ### ERROR failed to add bitmap to group (tag resize failed)
  6818. new_bitmap
  6819. ### WARNING bitmap group pixel data isn't tight
  6820. space_between>=0
  6821. (byte*)bitmap->base_address + bitmap_get_pixel_data_size(bitmap) <= (byte*)group->pixel_data.address + group->pixel_data.size
  6822. (byte*)bitmap->base_address>=(byte*)group->pixel_data.address
  6823. !bitmap->hardware_format
  6824. skipping bitmap with non power-of-two dimensions (#%dx#%d)
  6825. skipping bitmap with non-power-of-two dimensions (#%dx#%d#%d)
  6826. skipping cube map with non-square faces (#%dx#%d)
  6827. unoccupied
  6828. occupied
  6829. ground-speed
  6830. braking
  6831. throttle
  6832. roll
  6833. steering
  6834. o-h-s-enter
  6835. o-h-exit
  6836. exit-full
  6837. exit-empty
  6838. overheating-again
  6839. throw-overheated
  6840. misfire-2
  6841. misfire-1
  6842. ammunition
  6843. overcharged-jitter
  6844. overcharged
  6845. reload-full
  6846. reload-empty
  6847. light-on
  6848. light-off
  6849. moving
  6850. posing
  6851. hovering
  6852. closing
  6853. opening
  6854. flying-right
  6855. flying-left
  6856. flying-back
  6857. flying-front
  6858. user9
  6859. user8
  6860. user7
  6861. user6
  6862. user5
  6863. user4
  6864. user3
  6865. user2
  6866. user1
  6867. user0
  6868. emotions
  6869. talk
  6870. look
  6871. exit
  6872. enter
  6873. twist
  6874. push
  6875. acc-up-down
  6876. acc-left-right
  6877. acc-front-back
  6878. landing-dead
  6879. airborne-dead
  6880. r-foot
  6881. r-leg
  6882. r-hand
  6883. r-arm
  6884. l-foot
  6885. l-leg
  6886. l-hand
  6887. l-arm
  6888. chest
  6889. gut
  6890. back
  6891. front
  6892. h-kill
  6893. s-kill
  6894. h-ping
  6895. s-ping
  6896. zapping
  6897. leap-melee
  6898. leap-airborne
  6899. leap-start
  6900. feeding
  6901. melee-continuous
  6902. resurrect-back
  6903. resurrect-front
  6904. flaming
  6905. melee-airborne
  6906. celebrate
  6907. stunned-right
  6908. stunned-left
  6909. stunned-back
  6910. stunned-front
  6911. signal-attack
  6912. signal-move
  6913. evade-right
  6914. evade-left
  6915. surprise-back
  6916. surprise-front
  6917. aim-move
  6918. aim-still
  6919. put-away
  6920. drop
  6921. disarm
  6922. throw-grenade
  6923. land-hard
  6924. land-soft
  6925. airborne
  6926. slide-right
  6927. slide-left
  6928. slide-back
  6929. slide-front
  6930. move-right
  6931. move-left
  6932. move-back
  6933. move-front
  6934. dive-right
  6935. dive-left
  6936. dive-back
  6937. dive-front
  6938. turn-right
  6939. turn-left
  6940. gesture
  6941. overheat
  6942. charged-2
  6943. charged-1
  6944. fire-2
  6945. fire-1
  6946. chamber-2
  6947. chamber-1
  6948. reload-2
  6949. reload-1
  6950. animations*
  6951. limp body node radius#0 uses 0.04 default
  6952. sound references
  6955. DEVICES
  6956. VEHICLES
  6957. WEAPONS
  6958. UNITS
  6959. OBJECTS
  6960. model_animations
  6961. force idle compression
  6962. compress all animations
  6963. vector range*
  6964. base vector*
  6965. Node joint flags
  6966. parent node index*
  6967. first child node index*
  6968. next sibling node index*
  6969. animation_graph_node_block
  6970. no movement
  6971. hinge
  6972. ball-socket
  6973. device_animations
  6974. device_animation_block
  6975. suspension animations
  6976. steering screen
  6977. animation_graph_vehicle_animations_block
  6978. vehicle_animation_block
  6979. full compression ground_depth
  6980. full extension ground_depth
  6981. mass point index
  6982. suspension_animation_block
  6983. animation_graph_first_person_weapon_animations_block
  6984. first_person_weapon_block
  6985. animation_graph_weapon_animations_block
  6986. weapon_animation_block
  6987. looking screen bounds
  6988. animation_graph_unit_seat_block
  6989. unit_seat_animation_block
  6990. weapon types
  6991. ik points
  6992. up pitch frame count
  6993. down pitch frame count
  6994. up pitch per frame
  6995. down pitch per frame
  6996. left frame count
  6997. right frame count
  6998. left yaw per frame
  6999. right yaw per frame
  7000. aiming screen bounds
  7001. hand marker#the marker name on the unit to which the weapon is attached
  7002. grip marker#the marker name on the weapon to which the hand is attached (leave blank to use origin)
  7003. animation_graph_weapon_block
  7004. animation^
  7005. unit_damage_animations
  7006. weapon_class_animation_block
  7007. label^
  7008. animation_graph_weapon_type_block
  7009. weapon_type_animation_block
  7010. attach to marker#the marker name object (weapon, vehicle, etc.) the above marker is being attached to
  7011. marker#the marker name on the object being attached
  7012. animation_graph_unit_seat_ik_point
  7013. function controls
  7014. animation_graph_object_overlay
  7015. frame data*
  7016. default data*
  7017. offset to compressed data:bytes*
  7018. node scale flag data*
  7019. node rotation flag data*
  7020. node trans. flag data*
  7021. frame info*
  7022. right foot frame index
  7023. left foot frame index
  7024. sound frame index
  7025. next animation*
  7026. second key frame index
  7027. key frame index
  7028. loop frame index
  7029. node count*
  7030. node list checksum*
  7031. frame info type*
  7032. frame size*
  7033. frame count*
  7034. animation_block
  7035. 25Hz (PAL)
  7036. world relative
  7037. compressed data
  7038. dx,dy,dz,dyaw
  7039. dx,dy,dyaw
  7040. dx,dy
  7041. replacement
  7042. overlay
  7043. animation_graph_sound_reference_block
  7044. animation_default_data_definition
  7045. animation_frame_data_definition
  7046. animation_node_scale
  7047. animation_node_rotation
  7048. animation_node_translation
  7049. frame_info_data_definition
  7050. animation_frame_info_none
  7051. animation_frame_info_xyz_translation_yaw_rotation
  7052. animation_frame_info_xy_translation_yaw_rotation
  7053. animation_frame_info_xy_translation
  7054. animation frame info has incorrect size (%d) count was (%d) byte swap (%d)
  7055. animation frame data has incorrect size.
  7056. \halopc\haloce\source\models\model_animation_definitions.c
  7057. animation default data has incorrect size.
  7058. (byte*)translation_node_info>=(byte*)animation->data.address && (byte*)translation_node_info< (byte*)animation->data.address + animation->data.size
  7059. (byte*)rotation_node_info>=(byte*)animation->data.address && (byte*)rotation_node_info< (byte*)animation->data.address + animation->data.size
  7060. frame_index>=0 && frame_index<animation->frame_count
  7061. #<invalid>
  7062. gbxmodel
  7063. shaders*
  7064. geometries*
  7065. base map v-scale*#0 defaults to 1
  7066. base map u-scale*#0 defaults to 1
  7067. super-low detail node count*:nodes
  7068. low detail node count*:nodes
  7069. medium detail node count*:nodes
  7070. high detail node count*:nodes
  7071. super-high detail node count*:nodes
  7072. super-low cutoff:pixels
  7073. low detail cutoff:pixels
  7074. medium detail cutoff:pixels
  7075. high detail cutoff:pixels
  7076. super-high detail cutoff:pixels
  7077. ignore skinning
  7078. parts have local nodes
  7079. blend shared normals
  7080. instances*
  7081. magic identifier*
  7082. model_markers_block
  7083. permutation index*
  7084. region index*
  7085. model_marker_instance_block
  7086. gbxmodel_region_block
  7087. permutations*
  7088. model_region_block
  7089. gbxmodel_region_permutation_block
  7090. super high*
  7091. high*
  7092. medium*
  7093. low*
  7094. super low*
  7095. model_region_permutation_block
  7096. cannot be chosen randomly
  7097. translation*
  7098. rotation*
  7099. node distance from parent*
  7100. default rotation*
  7101. default translation*
  7102. model_node_block
  7103. node index*
  7104. model_region_permutation_marker_block
  7105. gbxmodel_geometry_block
  7106. parts*
  7107. model_geometry_block
  7108. gbxmodel_geometry_part_block
  7109. triangles*
  7110. compressed vertices*
  7111. uncompressed vertices*
  7112. centroid secondary weight*
  7113. centroid primary weight*
  7114. centroid secondary node*
  7115. centroid primary node*
  7116. next filthy part index
  7117. prev filthy part index
  7118. permutation
  7119. shader^
  7120. model_shader_reference_block
  7121. shader index*
  7122. model_geometry_part_block
  7123. ZONER: _model_part_local_nodes
  7124. stripped (INTERNAL)
  7125. vertex2 index*
  7126. vertex1 index*
  7127. vertex0 index*
  7128. model_triangle_block
  7129. node0 weight[16-bit]*
  7130. node1 index(x3)*
  7131. node0 index(x3)*
  7132. texture coordinate v[16-bit]*
  7133. texture coordinate u[16-bit]*
  7134. tangent[11.11.10-bit]*
  7135. binormal[11.11.10-bit]*
  7136. normal[11.11.10-bit]*
  7137. model_vertex_compressed_block
  7138. node1 weight*
  7139. node0 weight*
  7140. node1 index*
  7141. node0 index*
  7142. texture coords*
  7143. tangent*
  7144. binormal*
  7145. normal*
  7146. model_vertex_uncompressed_block
  7147. strlen(name)<=TAG_STRING_LENGTH
  7148. \halopc\haloce\source\models\model_definitions.c
  7149. ### ERROR unknown group tag while postprocessing model '%c%c%c%c'
  7150. ### ERROR node indices are out-of-order (parent)
  7151. ### ERROR node indices are out-of-order (child)
  7152. ### ERROR couldn't add marker to model
  7153. ### ERROR couldn't add instance to model marker
  7154. %s: assert_valid_real_quaternion(%f, %f, %f / %f)
  7155. &old_marker->rotation
  7156. &old_marker->translation
  7157. instance->node_index>=0 && instance->node_index<model->nodes.count
  7158. instance->permutation_index>=0 && instance->permutation_index<region->permutations.count
  7159. instance->region_index>=0 && instance->region_index<model->regions.count
  7160. region->permutations.count<=UNSIGNED_CHAR_MAX
  7161. model->regions.count<=UNSIGNED_CHAR_MAX
  7162. model->nodes.count<=UNSIGNED_CHAR_MAX
  7163. vertex->nodes[index]>=0 && vertex->nodes[index]<MAXIMUM_NODES_PER_MODEL
  7164. ### ERROR found bad quaternion in model
  7165. ### ERROR failed to load model
  7167. int64
  7168. long
  7169. word
  7170. byte
  7171. code==_2byte || code==_4byte || code==_8byte
  7172. count>=0
  7173. memory
  7174. \halopc\haloce\source\memory\byte_swapping.c
  7175. %s bs @%p.#%d has invalid code #%d
  7176. %s bs data @%p.#1 has invalid array size #%d
  7177. %s bs data @%p.#0 has bad start #%d
  7178. %s bs data has bad signature
  7179. got bs data with bad signature (assuming name is wrong)
  7180. %s bs data @%p is #%d but should be #%d bytes
  7181. data_count>=0
  7182. codes
  7183. field has negative or zero count in packet '%s'
  7184. unknown field type in packet '%s' (probably missing '__pack_pack_end')
  7185. \halopc\haloce\source\memory\data_packets.c
  7186. element_count>=0 && element_count<=field->count
  7187. data_size>=0 && data_size<=field->count
  7188. packet '%s' fields added up to #%d bytes but should have been #%d bytes.
  7189. packet_definition->name && packet_definition->fields
  7190. packet_definition->version>=0
  7191. packet_definition->size>=0
  7192. packet_definition
  7193. maximum_buffer_size>=0
  7194. buffer && buffer_size
  7195. encoded_packet_size>=0
  7196. decoded_packet
  7197. encoded_packet
  7198. button
  7199. axis
  7200. pov
  7201. north
  7202. northeast
  7203. east
  7204. southeast
  7205. south
  7206. southwest
  7207. west
  7208. northwest
  7209. 012345678910
  7210. 11
  7211. 12
  7212. 13
  7213. 14
  7214. 15
  7215. 16
  7216. 17
  7217. 18
  7218. 19
  7219. 20
  7220. 21
  7221. 22
  7222. 23
  7223. 24
  7224. 25
  7225. 26
  7226. 27
  7227. 28
  7228. 29
  7229. 30
  7230. 31
  7231. pqrstuvwxyz{,
  7232. 1234567890
  7235. ZXCVBNM[ \]&(%'-$!.#"
  7236. oj`abcdefghimk
  7237. n
  7238. wParam>=0 && wParam<NUMBER_OF_VIRTUAL_CODES
  7239. \halopc\haloce\source\input\input_windows.c
  7240. input_globals.buffered_key_read_index>=0 && input_globals.buffered_key_read_index<MAXIMUM_BUFFERED_KEYSTROKES
  7241. button_index>=0 && button_index<NUMBER_OF_MOUSE_BUTTONS
  7242. button_index >=0 && button_index<NUMBER_OF_MOUSE_BUTTONS
  7243. gamepad_index>=0 && gamepad_index<MAXIMUM_GAMEPADS
  7244. button_index>=0 && button_index<MAXIMUM_GAMEPAD_BUTTONS
  7245. key_code >= 0 && key_code < NUMBER_OF_KEYS
  7246. labels_tag != NONE
  7247. ui\shell\main_menu\settings_select\player_setup\player_profile_edit\controls_setup\controls_keyboard_button_names
  7248. mouse_button_code >= 0 && mouse_button_code < NUMBER_OF_MOUSE_BUTTONS
  7249. ui\shell\main_menu\settings_select\player_setup\player_profile_edit\controls_setup\controls_mouse_button_names
  7250. axis_direction_name
  7251. axis_direction_code >= 0 && axis_direction_code < NUMBER_OF_AXIS_DIRECTIONS
  7252. ui\shell\main_menu\settings_select\player_setup\player_profile_edit\controls_setup\controls_axis_direction_names
  7253. %s%dgamepad_button_name
  7254. gamepad_button_number <= MAXIMUM_GAMEPAD_BUTTONS
  7255. gamepad_button_number >= 0
  7256. ui\shell\main_menu\settings_select\player_setup\player_profile_edit\controls_setup\controls_gamepad_names
  7257. %s%d
  7258. %sgamepad_axis_name
  7259. gamepad_axis_number <= MAXIMUM_GAMEPAD_AXES
  7260. gamepad_axis_number >= 0
  7261. pov_direction_name
  7262. pov_direction_code >= 0 && pov_direction_code < NUMBER_OF_POV_DIRECTIONS
  7263. gamepad_pov_name
  7264. direction >= FIRST_POV_DIRECTION && direction < NUMBER_OF_POV_DIRECTIONS
  7265. gamepad_pov_number <= MAXIMUM_GAMEPAD_POVS
  7266. gamepad_pov_number >= 0
  7267. gamepad_index >= 0 && gamepad_index < MAXIMUM_GAMEPADS
  7268. gamepad_axis_number >= 0 && gamepad_axis_number < MAXIMUM_GAMEPAD_AXES
  7269. info1 && info2
  7270. strlen(string) <= MAXIMUM_DEVICEID_LENGTH
  7271. Ignoring attempt to get information on invalid joystick '%d'
  7272. joystick_index >= 0 && joystick_index < MAXIMUM_ENUMERATED_JOYSTICKS
  7273. Unable to get information for joystick '%d'
  7274. could not convert deviceid to string
  7275. could not convert joystick name to ASCII
  7276. %d) deviceid %s - %s
  7277. Ignoring attempt to deactivate invalid enumerated joystick '%d'
  7278. Ignoring attempt to deactivate an already deactivated enumerated joystick '%d'
  7279. enumerated_joystick_index >= 0 && enumerated_joystick_index < MAXIMUM_ENUMERATED_JOYSTICKS
  7280. Ignoring attempt to activate invalid enumerated joystick '%d'
  7281. Cannot map enumerated joystick %d to logical gamepad %d (enumerated joystick is already mapped to logical gamepad %d)
  7282. Cannot map enumerated joystick %d to logical gamepad %d (logical gamepad is already mapped to enumerated joystick %d)
  7283. logical_gamepad_index >=0 && logical_gamepad_index < MAXIMUM_GAMEPADS
  7284. logical_gamepad_index >= 0 && logical_gamepad_index < MAXIMUM_GAMEPADS
  7285. gamepad_index>=0 && gamepad_index<MAXIMUM_ENUMERATED_JOYSTICKS
  7286. DirectInput: '%s' returned (%s#%d)
  7316. Acquire (gamepad)
  7317. Acquire (mouse)
  7318. Acquire (keyboard)
  7319. Unacquire (keyboard)
  7320. Unacquire (mouse)
  7321. Unacquire (gamepad)
  7322. Poll/GetDeviceState (gamepad)
  7323. GetDeviceState (mouse)
  7324. keyboard_buffer_overflow
  7325. IDirectInputDevice_GetDeviceData (mouse)
  7326. key_code>=0 && key_code<NUMBER_OF_KEYS
  7327. key_name
  7328. mouse_button_name
  7329. mouse_axis_code >= 0 && mouse_axis_code < NUMBER_OF_MOUSE_AXES
  7330. positive
  7331. CreateDevice (keyboard)
  7332. SetCooperativeLevel (keyboard)
  7333. SetDataFormat (keyboard)
  7334. SetProperty (keyboard)
  7335. window_globals.hWnd
  7336. CreateDevice (mouse)
  7337. SetCooperativeLevel (mouse)
  7338. SetDataFormat (mouse)
  7339. Could not initialize unknown device object %d instance number %d - %s
  7340. Successfully initialized device POV %d instance number %d - %s to range [-4096,4096]
  7341. Successfully initialized device button %d instance number %d - %s
  7342. Successfully initialized device axis %d instance number %d - %s to range [-4096,4096]
  7343. InitializeObject deadzone %d - %s
  7344. InitializeObject range %d - %s
  7345. CreateDevice (gamepad)
  7346. SetCooperativeLevel (gamepad)
  7347. SetDataFormat (gamepad)
  7348. GetCapabilities (gamepad)
  7349. EnumObjects (gamepad)
  7350. Initializing %d button %d axis %d pov joystick '%s'
  7351. (%d)!input_globals.enumerated_devices.direct_joysticks[joystick_index]
  7352. joystick_index < MAXIMUM_ENUMERATED_JOYSTICKS
  7353. mouse_axis_name
  7354. DirectInputCreate
  7355. window_globals.hInstance
  7356. !input_globals.direct_input
  7357. count < MAXIMUM_MEMCMP_SIZE
  7358. \halopc\haloce\source\text\unicode.c
  7359. (((char *)src+count) <= (char *)dest) || (((char *)dest+count) <= (char *)src)
  7360. (count >= 0) && (count < MAXIMUM_MEMCPY_MEMMOVE_SIZE)
  7361. dest && src
  7362. (count >= 0) && (count <= MAXIMUM_MEMCMP_SIZE)
  7363. buffer1 && buffer2
  7364. (count >= 0) && (count <= MAXIMUM_MEMCPY_MEMMOVE_SIZE)
  7365. (count >= 0) && (count <= MAXIMUM_MEMSET_SIZE)
  7366. ((src+source_size) < dest) || ((dest + source_size) < src)
  7367. (source_size >= 0) && (source_size < MAXIMUM_STRING_SIZE)
  7368. wcslen(src) < MAXIMUM_STRING_SIZE
  7369. wcslen(dest) < MAXIMUM_STRING_SIZE
  7370. wcslen(string2) < MAXIMUM_STRING_SIZE
  7371. wcslen(string1) < MAXIMUM_STRING_SIZE
  7372. string1 && string2
  7373. size < MAXIMUM_STRING_SIZE
  7374. wcslen(string) < MAXIMUM_STRING_SIZE
  7375. wcslen(character_set) < MAXIMUM_STRING_SIZE
  7376. string && character_set
  7377. (count >= 0) && (count < MAXIMUM_STRING_SIZE)
  7378. wcslen(delimiters) < MAXIMUM_STRING_SIZE
  7379. delimiters
  7380. count < MAXIMUM_STRING_SIZE
  7381. stream
  7382. wcslen(format) < MAXIMUM_STRING_SIZE
  7383. (size > 0) && (size <= MAXIMUM_STRING_SIZE)
  7384. string && format
  7385. stream && format
  7386. fd > 0
  7387. wcslen(path) < MAXIMUM_STRING_SIZE
  7388. path
  7389. wcslen(mode) < MAXIMUM_MODE_STRING_SIZE
  7390. path && mode
  7391. wcslen(command) < MAXIMUM_STRING_SIZE
  7392. command && mode
  7393. wcslen(nptr) < MAXIMUM_STRING_SIZE
  7394. nptr
  7395. timer
  7396. timeptr
  7397. length < MAXIMUM_STRING_SIZE
  7398. unicode && ascii
  7399. ascii && unicode
  7400. %hs
  7401. display_name
  7402. \halopc\haloce\source\saved games\saved_game_files_pc_tools.c
  7403. full_path
  7404. DXT1DXT2DXT4
  7405. IDirect3DDevice9_CreateTexture(global_d3d_device, width, height, bitmap->mipmap_count+1-mip_levels_to_drop, 0, rasterizer_bitmap_format_table[bitmap->format], D3DPOOL_MANAGED, &(IDirect3DTexture9*)bitmap->hardware_format, NULL)
  7406. IDirect3DDevice9_CreateVolumeTexture(global_d3d_device, bitmap->width, bitmap->height, bitmap->depth, (global_d3d_caps.TextureCaps & D3DPTEXTURECAPS_MIPVOLUMEMAP) ? bitmap->mipmap_count+1 : 1, 0, rasterizer_bitmap_format_table[bitmap->format], D3DPOOL_MANAGED, &(IDirect3DVolumeTexture9*)bitmap->hardware_format, NULL)
  7407. IDirect3DDevice9_CreateCubeTexture(global_d3d_device, bitmap->width, (global_d3d_caps.TextureCaps & D3DPTEXTURECAPS_MIPCUBEMAP) ? bitmap->mipmap_count+1 : 1, 0, rasterizer_bitmap_format_table[bitmap->format], D3DPOOL_MANAGED, &(IDirect3DCubeTexture9*)bitmap->hardware_format, NULL)
  7408. TEST_FLAG(bitmap->flags, _bitmap_has_power_of_two_dimensions_bit)
  7409. \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx9_hardware_bitmaps.c
  7410. ### ERROR failed to change bitmap hardware format
  7411. IDirect3DTexture9_UnlockRect((IDirect3DTexture9*)bitmap->hardware_format, mipmap_index)
  7412. d3d_locked_rect.Pitch*CHAR_BITS== bitmap_format_get_bits_per_pixel(bitmap->format)* bitmap_mipmap_get_width(bitmap, bitmap_mipmap_index)*4
  7413. ### ERROR failed to lock surface
  7414. IDirect3DTexture9_LockRect((IDirect3DTexture9*)bitmap->hardware_format, mipmap_index, &d3d_locked_rect, NULL, 0)
  7415. IDirect3DVolumeTexture9_UnlockBox((IDirect3DVolumeTexture9*)bitmap->hardware_format, mipmap_index)
  7416. IDirect3DVolumeTexture9_LockBox((IDirect3DVolumeTexture9*)bitmap->hardware_format, mipmap_index, &d3d_locked_box, NULL, 0)
  7417. IDirect3DCubeTexture9_UnlockRect((IDirect3DCubeTexture9*)bitmap->hardware_format, face_mapping_table[face_index], mipmap_index)
  7418. d3d_locked_rect.Pitch*CHAR_BITS== bitmap_format_get_bits_per_pixel(bitmap->format)* bitmap_mipmap_get_width(bitmap, mipmap_index)*4
  7419. IDirect3DCubeTexture9_LockRect((IDirect3DCubeTexture9*)bitmap->hardware_format, face_mapping_table[face_index], mipmap_index, &d3d_locked_rect, NULL, 0)
  7420. mipmap_index>=0 && mipmap_index<=mipmap_count
  7421. adjust_rectangle2d() can't handle mode #%d
  7422. \halopc\haloce\source\math\integer_math.c
  7423. v0 && v1
  7424. vector && result
  7426. @ADEPQTU
  7427. @ADEPQTU
  7428. upper_mask<=63
  7429. \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\rasterizer_swizzle.c
  7430. ### ERROR failed to allocate temporary buffer for swizzling
  7431. ### ERROR unsupported bitmap format (bytes per pixel)
  7432. mipmap_index==0
  7433. ### ERROR rasterizer_xbox_bitmap_rebuild_hardware_format failed (out of memory)
  7434. offset==size
  7435. face_index==0 && adjusted_face_index==0
  7436. texture_page->width>0 && texture_page->height>0
  7437. texture_page
  7438. \halopc\haloce\source\memory\texture_page.c
  7439. texture page textures
  7440. page_width>0 && page_height>0
  7441. !texture_page->contains_unsorted_textures
  7442. channel_count<MAXIMUM_TEXTURE_CHANNELS
  7443. texture_page->spacing==0 || ceiling_power2(texture_page->spacing)==texture_page->spacing
  7444. immediate || texture_page->contains_unsorted_textures
  7445. resort_succeeded
  7446. texture_page->contains_unsorted_textures
  7447. bitmap @%p has bad encoding #%d for fill_rectangle()
  7448. \halopc\haloce\source\bitmaps\bitmap_drawing.c
  7449. no copy bitmap translation exists to copy %s to %s. (flags=%d)
  7450. #%d+#%d(#%d,#%d)<=#%d
  7451. adjusted_destination_point.y>=0
  7452. adjusted_destination_point.x>=0
  7453. bitmap @%p has bad encoding #%d for draw_line_software()
  7454. destination->base_address
  7455. couldn't open file
  7456. couldn't write header
  7457. couldn't write row
  7458. bitmap->format==_bitmap_format_x8r8g8b8
  7459. \halopc\haloce\source\bitmaps\targa_file.c
  7460. bits_per_channel[channel_index]>=0 && bits_per_channel[channel_index]<=CHANNEL_BITS
  7461. \halopc\haloce\source\bitmaps\bitmaps_quantitize.c
  7462. ibukprlctn
  7463. #%d is out of range in string @%p
  7464. \halopc\haloce\source\text\international_strings.c
  7465. index #%d is inbetween characters in string %p
  7466. default_item_placement_position_decoder
  7467. default_item_placement_position_encoder
  7468. default_smart_vector_decoder
  7469. registers
  7470. unregisters
  7471. peaks
  7472. wraparounds
  7473. screen
  7474. default_smart_vector_encoder
  7475. default_fixed_width_grenade_index_decoder
  7476. default_fixed_width_grenade_index_encoder
  7477. default_fixed_width_weapon_index_decoder
  7478. default_fixed_width_weapon_index_encoder
  7479. default_digital_throttle_decoder
  7480. default_digital_throttle_encoder
  7481. default_locality_reference_position_decoder
  7482. default_locality_reference_position_encoder
  7483. default_fixed_width_normal_vector_decoder
  7484. default_fixed_width_normal_vector_encoder
  7485. specialized_grenade_counts_decoder
  7486. specialized_grenade_counts_encoder
  7487. default_fixed_width_decoder
  7488. default_fixed_width_encoder
  7489. default_time_decoder
  7490. default_time_encoder
  7491. default_flags_decoder
  7492. default_flags_encoder
  7493. default_vector_decoder
  7494. default_vector_encoder
  7495. default_point_decoder
  7496. default_point_encoder
  7497. default_translated_index_decoder
  7498. default_translated_index_encoder
  7499. default_bounded_index_decoder
  7500. default_bounded_index_encoder
  7501. default_pointer_decoder
  7502. default_pointer_encoder
  7503. default_structure_decoder
  7504. default_structure_encoder
  7505. default_array_decoder
  7506. default_array_encoder
  7507. default_wide_string_decoder
  7508. default_wide_string_encoder
  7509. default_ascii_string_decoder
  7510. default_ascii_string_encoder
  7511. default_ascii_character_decoder
  7512. default_ascii_character_encoder
  7513. default_boolean_decoder
  7514. default_boolean_encoder
  7515. default_real_decoder
  7516. default_real_encoder
  7517. default_integer_decoder
  7518. default_integer_encoder
  7519. result > 0
  7520. VALID_FIELD_TYPE(parameters->width)
  7521. _message_delta_global_field_type_list[_field_type_integer].requires_parameters == TRUE ? field_properties_definition->parameters != NULL : 1
  7522. field_properties_definition != NULL
  7523. \halopc\haloce\source\networking\message_delta_definitions.c
  7524. result == TRUE
  7525. Field type '##field_type##' has incorrect parameter '##parameter##'
  7526. parameters != NULL
  7527. parameters == NULL
  7528. field_properties_definition->parameters == NULL
  7529. bits_written <= field_properties->maximum_size || g_protocol_changeover_enabled
  7530. Unknown field width %d
  7531. bitstream_has_bits(output_stream, field_properties->maximum_size)
  7532. output_stream != NULL
  7533. source_data != NULL
  7534. field_properties->parameters != NULL || _message_delta_global_field_type_list[field_properties->type].requires_parameters != TRUE
  7535. field_properties != NULL
  7536. bits_read <= field_properties->maximum_size || g_protocol_changeover_enabled
  7537. input_stream != NULL
  7538. destination_data != NULL
  7539. _message_delta_global_field_type_list[_field_type_real].requires_parameters == TRUE ? field_properties_definition->parameters != NULL : 1
  7540. _message_delta_global_field_type_list[_field_type_boolean].requires_parameters == TRUE ? field_properties_definition->parameters != NULL : 1
  7541. _message_delta_global_field_type_list[_field_type_ascii_character].requires_parameters == TRUE ? field_properties_definition->parameters != NULL : 1
  7542. _message_delta_global_field_type_list[_field_type_wide_character].requires_parameters == TRUE ? field_properties_definition->parameters != NULL : 1
  7543. parameters->maximum_length <= MDP_MAXIMUM_STRING_LENGTH
  7544. _message_delta_global_field_type_list[_field_type_ascii_string].requires_parameters == TRUE ? field_properties_definition->parameters != NULL : 1
  7545. bits_written != 0
  7546. len >= 0 && len <= parameters->maximum_length
  7547. strlen(dest_string) == len
  7548. _message_delta_global_field_type_list[_field_type_wide_string].requires_parameters == TRUE ? field_properties_definition->parameters != NULL : 1
  7549. ustrlen(dest_string) == len
  7550. _message_delta_global_field_type_list[_field_type_arbitrary_data].requires_parameters == TRUE ? field_properties_definition->parameters != NULL : 1
  7551. parameters->member_properties != NULL
  7552. _message_delta_global_field_type_list[_field_type_array].requires_parameters == TRUE ? field_properties_definition->parameters != NULL : 1
  7553. write_result == 1
  7554. seek_result
  7555. seek_result == TRUE
  7556. read_result == 1
  7557. parameters->members_references[field_index].properties != NULL
  7558. &parameters->members_references[field_index] != NULL
  7559. _message_delta_global_field_type_list[_field_type_structure].requires_parameters == TRUE ? field_properties_definition->parameters != NULL : 1
  7560. parameters->referent_properties != NULL
  7561. _message_delta_global_field_type_list[_field_type_pointer].requires_parameters == TRUE ? field_properties_definition->parameters != NULL : 1
  7562. _message_delta_global_field_type_list[_field_type_enumeration].requires_parameters == TRUE ? field_properties_definition->parameters != NULL : 1
  7563. _message_delta_global_field_type_list[_field_type_bounded_index].requires_parameters == TRUE ? field_properties_definition->parameters != NULL : 1
  7564. *source >= parameters->minimum_value && *source <= parameters->maximum_value
  7565. *dest >= parameters->minimum_value && *dest <= parameters->maximum_value
  7566. _message_delta_global_field_type_list[_field_type_translated_index].requires_parameters == TRUE ? field_properties_definition->parameters != NULL : 1
  7567. parameters->translated_index_allocations != NULL
  7568. JWS: %s stats: %d active, %d codings, %d none (%f %)
  7569. baseline >= 0 && baseline < parameters->maximum_active_at_once
  7570. source >= 0 && source < parameters->maximum_active_at_once
  7571. dest >= 0 && dest < parameters->maximum_active_at_once
  7572. -TID- %s --DUMP END--
  7573. -TID- %s %s
  7574. trans %-3d => %-10d %s
  7575. <empty>
  7576. <reserved>
  7577. -TID- %s active = %-3d
  7578. -TID- %s peak = %-3d
  7579. -TID- %s cursor = %-3d
  7580. -TID- %s --DUMP START--
  7581. %s cursor: %-3d peak: %-3d active: %-3d
  7582. -TID- %s [%08x trans %-3d] %s
  7583. %s [%08x trans %-3d] %s
  7584. ### ERROR could not unregister %s, not registered!
  7585. ### ERROR client could not register %s, slot already in-use by %-10d (%s)!
  7586. ### ERROR client could not register %s, already registered!
  7587. ### ERROR server could not register %s, already registered!
  7588. ### ERROR server could not register %s, no more slots!
  7589. cursor wrapped around
  7590. new peak = %-3d
  7591. ### ERROR: couldn't retrieve object unregistered by client!
  7592. unregistered %s
  7593. ### ERROR: couldn't retrieve object registered by client!
  7594. client registered %s
  7595. ### ERROR: couldn't retrieve object registered by server!
  7596. server registered %s
  7597. %*s %d
  7598. new object_index_debug parameters:
  7599. s != NULL
  7600. object_index_debug parameters cleared:
  7601. object_index_debug parameters:
  7602. can't dump an uninitialized table. start a game first.
  7603. table dumped to network.log
  7604. can't get status on an uninitialized table. start a game first.
  7605. translated_index != NONE
  7606. field_properties_definition->type == _field_type_translated_index
  7607. translated_index >= 0 && translated_index < parameters->maximum_active_at_once
  7608. _message_delta_global_field_type_list[_field_type_point].requires_parameters == TRUE ? field_properties_definition->parameters != NULL : 1
  7609. write_result == BITS_IN(real)
  7610. read_result == BITS_IN(real)
  7611. _message_delta_global_field_type_list[_field_type_vector].requires_parameters == TRUE ? field_properties_definition->parameters != NULL : 1
  7612. _message_delta_global_field_type_list[_field_type_angle].requires_parameters == TRUE ? field_properties_definition->parameters != NULL : 1
  7613. parameters->count > 0 && parameters->count <= MAXIMUM_MDP_FLAGS
  7614. _message_delta_global_field_type_list[_field_type_flags].requires_parameters == TRUE ? field_properties_definition->parameters != NULL : 1
  7615. _message_delta_global_field_type_list[_field_type_time].requires_parameters == TRUE ? field_properties_definition->parameters != NULL : 1
  7616. parameters->range_of_values > 0
  7617. parameters->number_of_bits > 0
  7618. _message_delta_global_field_type_list[_field_type_fixed_width].requires_parameters == TRUE ? field_properties_definition->parameters != NULL : 1
  7619. bits_written == parameters->number_of_bits
  7620. bits_read == parameters->number_of_bits
  7621. _message_delta_global_field_type_list[_field_type_grenade_counts].requires_parameters == TRUE ? field_properties_definition->parameters != NULL : 1
  7622. bits_written == BITS_IN_GRENADE_COUNTS_TYPE
  7623. source[1] <= 4
  7624. source[1] >= 0
  7625. source[0] <= 4
  7626. source[0] >= 0
  7627. bits_read == BITS_IN_GRENADE_COUNTS_TYPE
  7628. parameters->number_of_bits_phi_lan > 0
  7629. parameters->number_of_bits_theta_lan > 0
  7630. parameters->number_of_bits_phi_internet > 0
  7631. parameters->number_of_bits_theta_internet > 0
  7632. _message_delta_global_field_type_list[_field_type_fixed_width_normal_vector].requires_parameters == TRUE ? field_properties_definition->parameters != NULL : 1
  7633. bits_phi_internet
  7634. bits_theta_internet
  7635. bits_written == number_of_bits_theta + number_of_bits_phi
  7636. bits_written == number_of_bits_theta
  7637. ">>bits_read == number_of_bits_theta + number_of_bits_phi
  7638. bits_read == number_of_bits_theta
  7639. _message_delta_global_field_type_list[_field_type_locality_reference_position].requires_parameters == TRUE ? field_properties_definition->parameters != NULL : 1
  7644. _message_delta_global_field_type_list[_field_type_digital_throttle].requires_parameters == TRUE ? field_properties_definition->parameters != NULL : 1
  7645. weapon_index==NONE || (weapon_index>=0 && weapon_index<MAXIMUM_WEAPONS_PER_UNIT)
  7646. _message_delta_global_field_type_list[_field_type_fixed_width_weapon_index].requires_parameters == TRUE ? field_properties_definition->parameters != NULL : 1
  7647. grenade_index==NONE || (grenade_index>=0 && grenade_index<NUMBER_OF_UNIT_GRENADE_TYPES)
  7648. _message_delta_global_field_type_list[_field_type_fixed_width_grenade_index].requires_parameters == TRUE ? field_properties_definition->parameters != NULL : 1
  7649. _message_delta_global_field_type_list[_field_type_smart_vector].requires_parameters == TRUE ? field_properties_definition->parameters != NULL : 1
  7650. ################# smart_vector limit exceeded for field properties %s: min = %f, max = %f, source = (%f, %f, %f)
  7651. ### WARNING smart_vector limits exceeded, check network.log for more information
  7652. _message_delta_global_field_type_list[_field_type_item_placement_position].requires_parameters == TRUE ? field_properties_definition->parameters != NULL : 1
  7656. custom-8custom-7custom-6custom-5custom-4custom-3custom-2custom-1lookmovebackacceptzoomcrouchrotate-grenadesrotate-weaponsuse-equipmentjumpintegrated-lightprimary-triggerthrow-grenadeactionright-stickleft-stickright-thumbleft-thumbback-buttonstart-buttondpad-rightdpad-leftdpad-downdpad-upright-triggerleft-triggerwhite-buttonblack-buttony-buttonx-buttonb-buttona-button
  7657. widget_memory_pool
  7658. ;o:\halopc\haloce\source\interface\ui_widget.c
  7659. widget_globals.initialized
  7660. widget
  7661. expected a valid local_player_index
  7662. error_modal
  7663. the_main_menu
  7664. unknown level
  7665. the old loading progress screen has been replaced with glowy halo gravy
  7666. there is already an error message queued for display at the main menu; ignoring this one
  7667. there is already a deferred error message for local player %d; ignoring this one
  7668. (index>=0) && (index<MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_LOCAL_PLAYERS)
  7669. Recursive error loading a map
  7670. title music tag not found
  7671. starting main menu music
  7672. sound\music\title1\title1
  7673. stopping main menu music
  7674. duration_ticks>=0
  7675. out of memory! the UI screen history will be hosed.
  7676. top && data
  7677. tail_child->next == NULL
  7678. (child->previous == NULL) && (child->next == NULL)
  7679. next->previous == child
  7680. child->previous == NULL
  7681. pOffset
  7682. initial_indent<0 in render_state_text() and was about to explode
  7683. expected a text box widget
  7684. text_widget && name
  7685. ui\shell\strings\common_button_captions
  7686. ui\shell\bitmaps\trouble_brewing
  7687. ###WARNING: possible memory leak disposing of a list widget (%s)
  7688. event handler failed to spawn widget
  7689. a 'widget deleted' event handler tried to delete the widget being deleted!
  7690. widget && widget_globals.initialized
  7691. (local_player_index>=0) && (local_player_index<MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_LOCAL_PLAYERS)
  7692. invalid controller index specified for child widget (#%d)
  7693. _list_items_generated_from_string_list_tag flag was set but no string list tag was specified
  7694. no child widget references are needed to define list items when generating a list from a string list tag
  7695. _list_items_generated_from_string_list_tag flag should only be set for 1-wide spinner list widgets
  7696. icon_index>=0 && icon_index<NUM_ICONS
  7697. FALSE
  7698. ???
  7699. "
  7700. %
  7701. failed to render text box widget because the justification was invalid
  7702. failed to render text box widget because the font tag was invalid
  7703. <out of memory>
  7704. failed to render spinner list item because the justification was invalid
  7705. failed to render spinner list item because the font tag was invalid
  7706. failed to find event focus target widget
  7707. widget_globals.initialization_thread==NULL
  7708. failed to set focus to the next list item of a column widget
  7709. spinner lists with more that 1 visible item need to have code-generated lists associated with them... sorry.
  7710. spinner lists must be either 1- or 3-wide... sorry
  7711. failed to set focus to the #%d list item of a column list widget
  7712. calling a list widget function on a non-list widget
  7713. widget->focused_child
  7714. couldn't load conditional widget because the calling widget was deleted
  7715. condition handler failed to spawn widget
  7716. failed to open widget because the specified widget tag was not found
  7717. previous->next == widget
  7718. next->previous == widget
  7719. failed to close widget because event_handler->ui_widget_tag == NONE
  7720. failed to reload widget because event_handler->ui_widget_tag == NONE
  7721. failed to give focus to a widget because event_handler->ui_widget_tag == NONE
  7722. event handler function failed
  7723. failed to run ui widget event script '%s'
  7724. 33s?window_bounds != NULL
  7725. failed to load widget children
  7726. if the _widget_pass_handled_events_to_all_children_bit flag is checked, _widget_pass_unhandled_events_to_children_bit must also be checked for it to work
  7727. widget->local_player_index==NONE
  7728. widget && definition && event && return_widget_deleted
  7729. tried to create a ui widget at an unsafe time
  7730. ui_widget_definition tag '%s'/%d not loaded
  7731. failed to create new widget; out of memory!
  7732. (widget_stack>=0) && (widget_stack<MAXIMUM_GAMEPADS)
  7733. (name != NULL) || (tag_index != NONE)
  7734. failed to initialize the virtual keyboard
  7735. failed to load main screen shell window
  7736. ui\shell\main_menu\main_menu
  7737. xbox command line= '%s'
  7738. xdemo
  7739. failed to load networked pregame status screen
  7740. ui\shell\main_menu\multiplayer_type_select\connected\pregame\connected_pregame_screen
  7741. ui\shell\main_menu\multiplayer_type_select\connected\connected_map_select_postgame_wrapper
  7742. failed to load map select postgame screen
  7743. ui\shell\main_menu\multiplayer_type_select\split_screen\splitscreen_map_select_postgame_wrapper
  7744. failed to load pregame screen after quickstart match
  7745. ui\shell\main_menu\multiplayer_type_select\split_screen\pregame\splitscreen_pregame_wrapper_normal
  7746. widget pause counter is out of whack
  7747. expected a text box widget in the error widget
  7748. error screen widget tag not layed out as expected
  7749. failed to display error message
  7750. there is already an error message displayed for this local player index
  7751. aborting to the main menu root, for safety's sake
  7752. (widget_stack>=0) && (widget_stack<MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_LOCAL_PLAYERS)
  7753. invalid local player count
  7754. ui\shell\error\error_nonmodal_qtrscreen
  7755. ui\shell\error\error_modal_qtrscreen
  7756. ui\shell\error\error_nonmodal_halfscreen
  7757. ui\shell\error\error_modal_halfscreen
  7758. ui\shell\error\error_nonmodal_fullscreen
  7759. ui\shell\error\error_modal_fullscreen
  7760. there is already a deferred-for-cinematic error queued for player #%d; ignoring this one
  7761. Noooooooooooooooooo!!!
  7762. can't display scenario help because no scenario is loaded
  7763. can't display scenario help; unknown scenario is active '%s'
  7764. failed to load in-game help dialog
  7765. expected text box widget in player help screen
  7766. ui\shell\solo_game\player_help\player_help_screen_d40
  7767. ui\shell\solo_game\player_help\player_help_screen_d20
  7768. ui\shell\solo_game\player_help\player_help_screen_c40
  7769. ui\shell\solo_game\player_help\player_help_screen_c20
  7770. ui\shell\solo_game\player_help\player_help_screen_c10
  7771. ui\shell\solo_game\player_help\player_help_screen_b40
  7772. ui\shell\solo_game\player_help\player_help_screen_b30
  7773. ui\shell\solo_game\player_help\player_help_screen_a50
  7774. ui\shell\solo_game\player_help\player_help_screen_a30
  7775. ui\shell\solo_game\player_help\player_help_screen_a10
  7776. string_index>=0
  7777. failed to load full screen pause game window
  7778. ui\shell\solo_game\pause_game\pause_game
  7779. the ui seems to be confused... assuming you are playing full-screen single player?
  7780. failed to load split screen pause game window
  7781. ui\shell\solo_game\pause_game\pause_game_split_screen
  7782. invalid local player count for multiplayer game
  7783. ui\shell\multiplayer_game\pause_game\4p_pause_game
  7784. ui\shell\multiplayer_game\pause_game\2p_pause_game
  7785. failed to load multiplayer pause game window
  7786. ui\shell\multiplayer_game\pause_game\1p_pause_game
  7787. invalid widget controller index specified
  7788. waiting for %d ticks before displaying deferred errors
  7789. game_initialize_for_new_map
  7790. game_load
  7791. game_unload
  7792. game_dispose_from_old_map
  7793. game_precache_new_map
  7794. network_game_create_game_objects
  7795. \halopc\haloce\source\networking\network_game_manager.c
  7796. <unknown>
  7797. %snumber_of_games_played %d
  7798. %snetwork_game_random_seed %x
  7799. %s player_list_index %x
  7800. %s team_index %x
  7801. %s controller_index %x
  7802. %s machine_index %x
  7803. %splayer %d
  7804. %splayer_count %d
  7805. %snetwork_game_data
  7806. Could not encode game settings update message
  7807. server failed to send game settings update message to client machine_index #%d; client machine may be out of sync
  7808. server failed to send game settings update message to all machines; one of the machines may be going down.
  7809. JWS: Server sent game settings update message to all machines
  7810. game != NULL
  7811. failed to handle a game settings update message; not in pregame state
  7812. Ignoring meaningless game settings update message
  7813. Could not decode game settings update message
  7814. network_game_client_game_settings_updated() failed
  7815. JWS: processed game settings update message
  7816. header->decoding_information->definition_type == _message_game_settings_update
  7817. game is already at maximum players; can't add new player
  7818. game && player
  7819. JWS: player_new() returned %d (translated index registered as %d)
  7820. JWS: trying to spawn a player via player_new() from network_game_spawn_player()
  7821. network_player_is_valid(player)
  7822. JWS: player_new_client() returned %d
  7823. JWS: trying to spawn a player via player_new_client() from network_game_spawn_player_client()
  7824. player && game
  7825. tried to update a player with indvalid data
  7826. JWS: network_game_remove_player() tried to remove a player with invalid data
  7827. tried to remove a player with invalid data
  7828. JWS: network_game_remove_player() found player at i=%d, removing
  7829. JWS: network_game_remove_player() was not successful
  7830. JWS: network_game_remove_player() called for player machine index %d controller index %d
  7831. JWS: network_game_spawn_player() happening in network_game_create_game_objects()
  7832. !"bad game connection"
  7833. network_game_server_handle_client_update_packet_new_system
  7834. replicate_current_state_to_new_player
  7835. timer->time_remaining >= 0
  7836. \halopc\haloce\source\networking\network_server_manager.c
  7837. adjustment >= 0
  7838. Server failed to replicate super ping update message.
  7839. server
  7840. opening game
  7841. closing game
  7842. (TRUE == game_is_open) || (FALSE == game_is_open)
  7843. (TRUE == game_is_valid) || (FALSE == game_is_valid)
  7844. (TRUE == server_is_dedicated) || (FALSE==server_is_dedicated)
  7845. failed to signal client machines to begin loading for network game
  7846. signalling client machines to begin loading for network game
  7847. failed to create a _message_type_server_game_over message
  7848. failed to signal all client machines to switch to postgame
  7849. server sent message_game_over to all clients
  7850. server going down, but failed to properly inform all client machines
  7851. server closing down; all client machines were properly informed
  7852. failed to create a message_server_graceful_game_exit_pregame
  7853. failed to create a message_server_graceful_game_exit_postgame
  7854. machine
  7855. server added machine @ %s to the game , machine_index #%d
  7856. client machine tried to add a player with a non-matching machine identifier
  7857. network_game_add_player() failed in network_game_server_add_player_to_game()
  7858. server added player from machine #%d at controller index #%d to the game as player #%d
  7859. JWS: would have died in network_server_manager with phony player index
  7860. Would have died in network_server_manager with phony player index...
  7861. %x (player #%d) quit of of game at tick %d (now %d)
  7862. JWS: server network game found player: player index (#0x%08lX) player_list_index=%d
  7863. JWS: network_game_server_process_player_removed() called for player_list_index %d
  7864. player_list_index >= 0 && player_list_index < NETWORK_GAME_MAXIMUM_PLAYER_COUNT
  7865. local game data not loaded
  7866. all machines have successfully loaded
  7867. Could not encode object creation message for object index %d
  7868. server failed to send object creation message for object index [%d] to machine [%d]
  7869. SDJ: ERROR: replicate_new_player_to_all_clients(): Failed to replicate new player to all clients because player_get(%d) returned NULL.
  7870. dedicated server added new player to the game (machine #%d / controller #%d / player #%d)
  7871. JWS: network_game_spawn_player() happening in network_game_server_add_player_to_game_dedicated()
  7872. server && player
  7873. client update packet from machine #%d had a bad player count; ignoring
  7874. received an outdated client update packet; ignoring (#%d / #%d)
  7875. client machine #%d is out of sync @ game tick #%ld; switching to post-game
  7876. message_packet
  7877. CHEATER: Failed to validate client game update message.
  7878. CHEATER: Player is NULL
  7879. Player on machine [%d] is running at [%f] ticks/sec, avg [%f]
  7880. Player on machine [%d] had [%d] bad updates. Inst: [%5.2f] ticks/sec, Avg: [%5.2f]
  7881. CHEATER: INST: Player on machine [%d]. Inst: [%5.2f] ticks/sec, Avg: [%5.2f]
  7882. B
  7883. CHEATER: AVG: Player on machine [%d]. Inst: [%5.2f] ticks/sec, Avg: [%5.2f]
  7884. BIgnored client game update message from machine [%d].
  7885. [%d]: [%d]: Received update [%d] for [%d] ticks.
  7886. player_update_history_is_valid_id(header_data->id) == TRUE
  7887. header->decoding_information->definition_type == _message_client_game_update
  7888. machine #%d has successfully switched to pregame
  7889. server && machine
  7890. network_game_server_send_player_joined_info_ingame() failed in network_game_server_handle_message_client_add_player_request_ingame()
  7891. server failed to add a network player in-game
  7892. server game start countdown started
  7893. join_token
  7895. server && (machine_index<MAXIMUM_NETWORK_MACHINE_COUNT)
  7896. client_machine
  7897. no machine found @ ip #%lX
  7898. server->client_machines[i].connection
  7899. server && ip_address
  7900. network_game_server_change_map_name() failed to send updated game settings to clients
  7901. server->state == _network_game_server_state_pregame
  7902. server && map_name && map_name[0]
  7903. network_game_server_change_game_variant() failed to send updated game settings to clients
  7904. server && variant
  7905. max_players > 0 && max_players <= NETWORK_GAME_MAXIMUM_PLAYER_COUNT
  7906. network_game_server_new_client_challenge sent challenge to #%d
  7907. network_game_server_write() failed in network_game_server_new_client_challenge()
  7908. strlen(client_machine->challenge) == 0
  7909. client_machine != NULL
  7910. network_game_server_machine_no_longer_has_players: supposedly, machine_index #%d no longer has any players
  7911. client_machine->has_players == TRUE
  7912. Couldn't create holdup message for machine_index #%d
  7913. network_game_server_holdup_new_client told client machine_index #%d to holdup
  7914. network_game_server_write() failed in network_game_server_holdup_new_client() for machine_index #%d
  7915. network_game_server_add_new_client() failed because the game is closed
  7916. failed to find an available machine slot in network_game_server_add_new_client()
  7917. network_connection_get_address() failed to get a valid address in network_game_server_add_new_client()
  7918. Server holding up client machine_index #%d in response to connection request.
  7919. new remote connection accepted from %s as machine_index #%d, unique_id %d
  7920. remote system tried to join our server but we are not accepting remote connections: address= '%s'
  7921. server && new_connection
  7922. client_machine->machine_index != NONE
  7923. (sled_size_in_bits - bitstream_tell(&bs) < MINIMUM_MESSAGE_SIZE_IN_BITS)
  7924. first_data_bit >= 0
  7925. sled_size_in_bits != 0
  7926. client connection rejected: %s
  7927. network game setup failed; probably due to a missing playlist
  7928. setting up a net game
  7929. ******* END SERVER DUMP ********
  7930. time_of_first_client_loading_completion %d
  7931. time_of_last_keep_alive %d
  7932. next_update_number %d
  7933. flags %x
  7934. machine_index %x
  7935. stall_start_time %d
  7936. last_received_update_sequence_number %d
  7937. connection %x %s
  7938. client %d
  7939. (dead)
  7940. (active)
  7941. no connection
  7942. client_machines:
  7943. flags %x
  7944. state %x
  7945. connection %x
  7946. ****** BEGIN SERVER DUMP *******
  7947. network server disposed
  7948. network_game_server_memory_do_not_use_directly_in_use
  7949. failed to create a _message_type_server_graceful_game_exit_pregame message
  7950. failed to notify all clients that we are going down
  7951. notified all clients that we are going down
  7952. failed to create a _message_type_server_graceful_game_exit_postgame message
  7953. network_client_machine machine_index #%d marked for removal, reject time = %u, process time = %u
  7954. network_game_server_send_message_to_all_machines() failed in network_game_server_send_player_removed()
  7955. sending quit out of game, time = %x
  7956. network_game_server_send_player_removed() called for player machine_index #%d controller_index %d player_list_index %d
  7957. Server was unable to signal machine #%x to reconnect.
  7958. Signalling all clients to reconnect.
  7959. server->state == _network_game_server_state_ingame
  7960. replicate_current_state_to_new_player(): replicated [%d] messages -> [%d] bits
  7961. %u %d %d %s %d
  7962. a+
  7963. JWS: Machine loaded but player didn't exist. Curious. Ignoring for now.
  7964. Time (ms since computer start) Messages Sent Bits Sent Map Name Players #
  7965. %s\%s late join.xls
  7966. message metrics
  7967. ### ERROR!! Did not spawn player for machine index %d
  7968. JWS: trying to spawn a player for a newly loaded machine index %d in network_game_server_client_machine_game_loading_complete()
  7969. still waiting on machine #%d to finish loading
  7970. forcibly removing client system machine_index #%d due to timeout in-game
  7971. culprit != NONE
  7972. server && server->state == _network_game_server_state_pregame
  7973. JWS: couldn't create rejection message!
  7974. JWS: server sent rejection message to machine_index #%d
  7975. network_game_server_write() failed while sending a rejection reply to machine_index #%d
  7976. client_machine_cleanup: FAILED! machine_index in the client_machine was NONE for machine_index #%d
  7977. client_machine_cleanup: finished cleanup for machine_index #%d, notifying others in the game
  7978. client_machine_cleanup: connection already gone for machine_index #%d
  7979. client_machine_cleanup: WARNING! Failed to close a client's connection for machine_index #%d, ignoring...
  7980. client_machine_cleanup: closing connection for machine_index #%d
  7981. client_machine_cleanup: cleaning up network_client_machine at i=%d for machine_index #%d
  7982. client_machine_cleanup: FAILED! Could not find machine_index #%d in server's network_client_machine list.
  7983. client_machine_cleanup: searching for network_client_machine to cleanup for machine_index #%d
  7984. client_machine_cleanup: FAILED! server couldn't send player removed message for machine_index #%d
  7985. client_machine_cleanup: FAILED! Could not get the network_game for the server's local client for machine_index #%d
  7986. client_machine_cleanup: skipping player removal from the server's local client's game because machine_index #%d was not loaded, and is therefore not in the client's game.
  7987. !network_game_player_is_valid(player, game)
  7988. client_machine_cleanup: FAILED! Could not remove the player from the server's local client's game for machine_index #%d controller_index %d player_list_index %d
  7989. client_machine_cleanup: removing player on machine_index #%d controller_index %d player_list_index %d from server's local client's game
  7990. client_machine_cleanup: could not remove player from server's game for machine_index #%d
  7991. client_machine_cleanup: server found player to remove, machine_index #%d controller_index %d player_list_index %d
  7992. client_machine_cleanup: removing the players from the server's game for machine_index #%d
  7993. client_machine_cleanup: players are gone, cleaning up machine_index #%d
  7994. client_machine_cleanup: WARNING! The has_players flag was set for machine_index #%d, but no players were found. This means the player should have been removed recently...
  7995. client_machine_cleanup: FAILED! Could not create player removal message for i=%d machine_index #%d
  7996. client_machine_cleanup: sent player removed message for player i=%d, player_list_index %d, machine_index #%d
  7997. client_machine_cleanup: found player i=%d, player_list_index %d, machine_index #%d, removing
  7998. client_machine_cleanup: first time through for machine index #%d, had players, removing them
  7999. client_machine->should_be_removed
  8000. Failed to cleanup client machine #%d
  8001. SDJ: Server map load failed.
  8002. SDJ: Server succesfully loaded map.
  8003. forcibly removing client system machine_index #%d due to timeout while loading for game
  8004. failed to send a message_server_pregame_countdown to all clients
  8005. network_game_server_start_network_game() failed
  8006. booting dead client machine %d
  8007. failed to create the server connection
  8008. SDJ: Server created: Port [%d], Max Machines[%d]
  8009. failed to initialize server pregame settings
  8010. !network_game_server_memory_do_not_use_directly_in_use
  8011. the server's game is invalid
  8012. network_connection_idle() failed
  8013. network_game_server_handle_public_endpoint() failed
  8014. network_game_server_handle_client_machines() failed
  8015. unknown server state
  8016. failed to add new client connection to the game
  8017. new client connected from ip %s (validation pending)
  8018. network connection went down!
  8019. the playlist has ended - server going down, but failed to alert client machines
  8020. the playlist has ended - server going down
  8021. SDJ: Server map load failed [reconnect].
  8022. SDJ: Server succesfully loaded map [reconnect].
  8023. server resetting to pregame
  8024. server->state == _network_game_server_state_postgame
  8025. player_action_collection_definition
  8026. player_action_packet_definition
  8027. \halopc\haloce\source\networking\network_game_globals.c
  8028. global_network_game_client==NULL
  8029. internal networking error [network_game_client_idle() failed]
  8030. internal networking error [network_game_client_get_error()!=0]
  8031. client is in an unknown state
  8032. waiting for game to restart ...
  8033. client signalled to begin loading for network game
  8034. waiting for game to start ...
  8035. joining a network game ...
  8036. searching for a network game ...
  8037. [%d]: Sent update [%d], [%d] ticks.
  8038. player_update_history_is_valid_id( == TRUE
  8039. failed to send a game update to the server
  8040. ticks_to_apply_this_frames_update_to <= 30
  8041. network_game_client_request_start() failed
  8042. size <= MAXIMUM_MESSAGE_SIZE
  8043. buffer_size >= MESSAGE_HEADER_SIZE_BITS
  8044. buffer != NULL
  8045. global_network_game_server==NULL
  8046. no network game server
  8047. could not send exit message, aborting
  8048. failed to request player removal in-game for player #%d
  8049. \halopc\haloce\source\networking\message_delta_parameters_protocol.c
  8050. parameters.cfg
  8051. (size + 1) < sizeof(g_parameters_string)
  8052. rb
  8053. strpos < sizeof(g_parameters_string)
  8054. characters_written >= 0
  8055. %s %f
  8056. %s %d
  8057. value != NULL
  8058. format != NULL
  8059. query != NULL
  8060. g_num_exposed_params < MAX_EXPOSED_PARAMETERS
  8061. %f
  8062. ::
  8063. !"whoa.. need to increase the MAX_EXPOSED_PARAMETERS count\n"
  8064. whoa.. need to increase the MAX_EXPOSED_PARAMETERS count
  8065. sent protocol changeover to version[%d]
  8066. failed to send a protocol update to all clients
  8067. moved from protocol [%d] to [%d]
  8068. header->decoding_information->definition_type == _message_parameters_protocol
  8069. mdpi_finished_decoding
  8070. mdpi_decode_header_field
  8071. mdpi_decode_message_header
  8072. mdpi_decode_body_field
  8073. mdpi_decode_message_body
  8074. mdpi_decode_message_dependent_header
  8075. mdpi_decode_iteration_independent_header
  8076. mdpi_encode_iterated_body_field
  8077. mdpi_encode_iterated_header_field
  8078. mdpi_message_finished_encoding
  8079. mdpi_write_iteration_independent_header_post_encoding
  8080. mdpi_message_write_iteration_independent_header
  8081. mdpi_message_iteration_end
  8082. mdpi_message_iteration_encode
  8083. mdpi_message_iteration_begin
  8084. mdpi_iterated_message_dispose
  8085. mdpi_message_begin_encoding
  8086. mdpi_iterated_message_initialize
  8087. mdp_finished_decoding
  8088. mdp_end_iteration
  8089. mdp_discard_iteration_body
  8090. mdp_decode_incremental_iterated
  8091. mdp_decode_stateless_iterated
  8092. mdp_decode_header
  8093. mdp_begin_decoding
  8094. mdp_has_next_iteration
  8095. mdp_prepare_to_decode
  8096. mdp_encode_incremental_iterated
  8097. mdp_encode_stateless_iterated
  8098. mdp_encode_stateless
  8099. mdp_encode_incremental
  8100. message_delta_metrics_dump
  8101. encoding_class == _message_delta_encoding_class_lan || encoding_class == _message_delta_encoding_class_internet
  8102. \halopc\haloce\source\networking\message_delta_processor.c
  8103. Wrote network message metrics to %s
  8104. Message Summary.txt
  8105. strlen(context_name) < MAXIMUM_TRAFFIC_LOG_CONTEXT_LENGTH
  8106. context_name != NULL
  8107. header->decoding_information->iteration_count >= 1 && header->decoding_information->iteration_count <= MAXIMUM_MESSAGE_ITERATIONS
  8108. decoding_information->current_iteration == 1
  8109. message_definition_type_get_header_required(decoding_information->definition_type) ? custom_header_destination != NULL : TRUE
  8110. decoding_information->state != 0
  8111. decoding_information->input_stream != NULL
  8112. decoding_information != NULL
  8113. decoding_information->state <= bitstream_get_size(decoding_information->input_stream)
  8114. decoding_information->current_iteration <= message_definition_get_max_iterations(message_definition)+1
  8115. decoding_information->current_iteration >= 1 && decoding_information->current_iteration <= decoding_information->iteration_count
  8116. VALID_MESSAGE_DELTA_DEFINITION(decoding_information->definition_type)
  8117. VALID_MESSAGE_DELTA_MODE(decoding_information->mode)
  8118. VALID_MESSAGE_DELTA_DEFINITION(definition_type)
  8119. field_type_definition->initialized == FALSE
  8120. field_type_definition->maximum_size_calculator != NULL
  8121. field_type_definition->name != NULL && strlen(field_type_definition->name) > 0
  8122. &_message_delta_global_field_type_list[field_type_definition->type] == field_type_definition
  8123. VALID_FIELD_TYPE(field_type_definition->type)
  8124. field_type_definition != NULL
  8125. field_type_definition->initialized == TRUE
  8126. field_size > 0
  8127. field_reference_set != NULL
  8128. max_size > 0
  8129. message->initialized == TRUE
  8130. buffer_size_in_bits >= message_definition_get_maximum_total_size(message_definition)
  8132. buffer_size_in_bits > 0
  8133. message->initialized == FALSE
  8134. field_index >= 0 && field_index < header_field_count_get_from_message_definition(message_definition)
  8135. message_definition_type_get_header_required(message->definition_type) == TRUE
  8136. message_definition != NULL
  8137. data != NULL
  8138. field_index >= 0 && field_index < field_count_get_from_message_definition(message_definition)
  8139. (message->mode == _message_delta_mode_incremental) == (baseline != NO_BASELINE)
  8140. bitstream_has_bits(input_stream, 1)
  8141. message_definition_type_get_header_required(definition_type)
  8142. max_iterations >= 1 && max_iterations <= MAXIMUM_MESSAGE_ITERATIONS
  8143. value >= 0 && value < NUMBEROF(bits_needed)
  8144. decoding_information->current_iteration == decoding_information->iteration_count+1
  8145. field_reference_definition != NULL
  8146. field_type_requires_parameters(field_properties_definition->type) ? field_properties_definition->parameters != NULL : 1
  8147. field_properties_definition->decode != NULL
  8148. field_properties_definition->encode != NULL
  8149. field_properties_definition->name != NULL && strlen(field_properties_definition->name) > 0
  8150. VALID_FIELD_TYPE(field_properties_definition->type)
  8151. message->mode == _message_delta_mode_incremental ? (baseline != NULL) : (TRUE)
  8152. message_definition_type_get_header_required(message->definition_type) == (header != NULL)
  8153. message->iterations_written >= 0
  8154. message->iteration_header_bits_written >= 0
  8155. message->iteration_body_bits_written >= 0
  8156. message->iterations_written >= 1 && message->iterations_written <= max_iterations
  8157. message->bits_written > 0
  8158. message->bits_left >= 0
  8159. bitstream_has_bits(&message->iteration_independent_stream, 1) == FALSE
  8160. decoding_information->mode == _message_delta_mode_incremental ? (baseline_data != NULL) : (TRUE)
  8161. field_included != NULL
  8162. bitstream_has_bits(input_stream, message_definition->header_fields->maximum_data_size)
  8163. decoding_information->iteration_body_decoded == TRUE
  8164. decoding_information->iteration_body_decoded == FALSE
  8165. decoding_information->iteration_header_decoded == TRUE
  8166. decoding_information->current_iteration <= message_definition_get_max_iterations(message_definition)
  8167. decoding_information->mode == _message_delta_mode_stateless
  8168. decoding_information->mode == _message_delta_mode_incremental
  8169. baseline_data != NULL
  8170. message_definition->initialized == TRUE
  8171. field_reference_definition->baseline_offset >= 0
  8172. field_reference_definition->offset >= 0
  8173. field_reference_definition->name != NULL && strlen(field_reference_definition->name) > 0
  8174. field_reference_definition->properties != NULL
  8175. header->decoding_information->state != 0
  8176. VALID_MESSAGE_DELTA_DEFINITION(header->decoding_information->definition_type)
  8177. header->decoding_information->input_stream != NULL
  8178. iterations >= 1 && iterations <= message_definition_get_max_iterations(message_definition_get(definition_type))
  8179. (mode == _message_delta_mode_stateless) ? (baselines == NULL) : (baselines != NULL)
  8180. datas != NULL
  8181. (headers != NULL) == message_definition_type_get_header_required(definition_type)
  8184. sMESSAGE_COUNTER == 0
  8185. sFIELD_TYPE_COUNTER == 0
  8186. message_definition_get_max_iterations(message_definition) == 1
  8187. (source_header != NULL) == message_definition_type_get_header_required(definition_type)
  8188. total_size > 0
  8189. iterations_total_size > 0
  8190. iteration_size > 0
  8191. iteration_independent_header_size > 0
  8192. header_non_data_size > 0
  8193. header_max_data_size >= 0
  8194. body_max_data_size > 0
  8195. header_valid && body_valid
  8196. message_definition->initialized == FALSE
  8197. message_definition->max_iterations >= 1 && message_definition->max_iterations <= MAXIMUM_MESSAGE_ITERATIONS
  8198. field_count_get_from_message_definition(message_definition) > 0
  8199. message_definition->name != NULL && strlen(message_definition->name) > 0
  8200. VALID_MESSAGE_DELTA_DEFINITION(message_definition->definition_type)
  8203. sMESSAGE_COUNTER > 0
  8205. Could not encode chat message
  8206. failed to send a chat message to the server
  8207. Invalid client_machine sending console message to player index %d.
  8208. Server failed to send console message to player index %d.
  8209. \halopc\haloce\source\interface\hud_chat.c
  8210. Invalid client_machine sending info message to player index %d.
  8211. Server failed to send info message to player index %d.
  8212. Unknown chat type %d in hud_chat_open()
  8213. -
  8214. Couldn't find my own local player index! What a disaster!
  8215. Ignoring meaningless chat message
  8216. Could not decode chat message
  8217. server failed to send chat message to all machines; client machine may be out of sync
  8218. Server got a vehicle chat message from a player but couldn't find their vehicle!
  8219. Invalid client_machine replicating chat message to player index %d.
  8220. Server failed to replicate chat message to player index %d.
  8221. Ignoring unknown chat type %d
  8222. header->decoding_information->definition_type == _message_hud_chat
  8223. Ignoring meaningless incremental chat message
  8224. Unexpected message format '%s'
  8225. **
  8226. %s
  8227. **
  8228. %sSERVERCouldn't get player #%d for chat message '%s'
  8229. memory_dynamic_array_delete_element
  8230. memory_dynamic_array_add_element
  8231. memory_dynamic_array_resize
  8232. element_size>0
  8233. array
  8234. \halopc\haloce\source\memory\array.c
  8235. (array->count!=0)==(array->elements!=NULL)
  8236. array->count>=0
  8237. array->element_size>0
  8238. index>=0 && index<array->count
  8239. array->element_size==element_size
  8240. maximum_count<=UNSIGNED_CHAR_MAX
  8241. elements
  8242. count && *count>=0
  8243. index>=0 && index<count
  8244. count>0
  8245. index>=0 && index<*count
  8246. count && *count>0
  8247. ui_loading_update_and_render
  8248. ui\shell\main_menu\mp_map_list
  8249. ui\shell\strings\loading
  8250. ui\shell\bitmaps\background
  8251. JWS: ui_loading_start_closing(%d) called, time at close=%u
  8252. >:\halopc\haloce\source\interface\ui_loading.c
  8253. (state >= 0) && (state < LOADING_STATE_MAX_STATES)
  8254. network_game_messages_group
  8255. message_server_game_object_update_packet
  8256. message_client_graceful_game_exit_postgame_packet
  8257. message_client_switch_to_pregame_packet
  8258. message_client_remove_player_request_postgame_packet
  8259. message_server_graceful_game_exit_postgame_packet
  8260. message_server_reconnect_packet
  8261. message_client_join_new_host_packet
  8262. message_client_host_crashed_cry_for_help_packet
  8263. message_client_graceful_game_exit_ingame_packet
  8264. message_client_remove_player_request_ingame_packet
  8265. message_client_add_player_request_ingame_packet
  8266. message_client_game_update_packet
  8267. message_client_loaded_packet
  8268. message_server_game_over_packet
  8269. message_server_remove_player_ingame_packet
  8270. message_server_add_player_ingame_packet
  8271. message_server_player_exit_vehicle_packet
  8272. message_server_player_set_action_result_packet
  8273. message_server_player_effect_start_packet
  8274. message_server_hud_add_item_packet
  8275. message_server_vehicle_update_packet
  8276. message_server_biped_update_packet
  8277. message_server_player_index_set_packet
  8278. message_server_weapon_update_packet
  8279. message_server_equipment_update_packet
  8280. message_server_projectile_update_packet
  8281. message_server_object_deletion_packet
  8282. message_server_object_creation_packet
  8283. message_server_game_update_packet
  8284. message_client_map_is_precached_pregame_packet
  8285. message_client_graceful_game_exit_pregame_packet
  8286. message_client_game_start_request_packet
  8287. message_client_player_settings_request_packet
  8288. message_client_settings_request_packet
  8289. message_client_remove_player_request_pregame_packet
  8290. message_client_add_player_request_pregame_packet
  8291. message_client_join_game_request_packet
  8292. message_server_graceful_game_exit_pregame_packet
  8293. message_server_begin_game_packet
  8294. message_server_postgame_keep_alive_packet
  8295. message_server_pregame_keep_alive_packet
  8296. message_server_pregame_countdown_packet
  8297. message_server_game_settings_update_packet
  8298. message_server_game_is_ending_holdup_packet
  8299. message_server_machine_rejected_packet
  8300. message_server_machine_accepted_packet
  8301. message_server_new_client_challenge_packet
  8302. message_server_pong_packet
  8303. message_server_game_advertise_packet
  8304. message_client_ping_packet
  8305. message_client_broadcast_game_search_packet
  8306. %s
  8307. \halopc\haloce\source\networking\network_messages.c
  8308. message_struct && encoded_message && encoded_message_size && (*encoded_message_size>0)
  8309. encode_network_game_message() failed
  8310. create_message() failed
  8311. unknown network game message structure type
  8312. message_struct_size==sizeof(message_client_graceful_game_exit_postgame)
  8313. message_struct_size==sizeof(message_client_switch_to_pregame)
  8314. message_struct_size==sizeof(message_client_remove_player_request_postgame)
  8315. message_struct_size==sizeof(message_server_graceful_game_exit_postgame)
  8316. message_struct_size==sizeof(message_server_reconnect)
  8317. message_struct_size==sizeof(message_client_join_new_host)
  8318. message_struct_size==sizeof(message_client_host_crashed_cry_for_help)
  8319. message_struct_size==sizeof(message_client_graceful_game_exit_ingame)
  8320. message_struct_size==sizeof(message_client_remove_player_request_ingame)
  8321. message_struct_size==sizeof(message_client_add_player_request_ingame)
  8322. message_struct_size==sizeof(message_client_game_update)
  8323. message_struct_size==sizeof(message_client_loaded)
  8324. message_struct_size==sizeof(message_server_game_over)
  8325. message_struct_size==sizeof(message_server_remove_player_ingame)
  8326. message_struct_size==sizeof(message_server_add_player_ingame)
  8327. message_struct_size==sizeof(message_server_game_update)
  8328. message_struct_size==sizeof(message_client_map_is_precached_pregame)
  8329. message_struct_size==sizeof(message_client_graceful_game_exit_pregame)
  8330. message_struct_size==sizeof(message_client_game_start_request)
  8331. message_struct_size==sizeof(message_client_player_settings_request)
  8332. message_struct_size==sizeof(message_client_settings_request)
  8333. message_struct_size==sizeof(message_client_remove_player_request_pregame)
  8334. message_struct_size==sizeof(message_client_add_player_request_pregame)
  8335. message_struct_size==sizeof(message_client_join_game_request)
  8336. message_struct_size==sizeof(message_server_postgame_keep_alive)
  8337. message_struct_size==sizeof(message_server_graceful_game_exit_pregame)
  8338. message_struct_size==sizeof(message_server_begin_game)
  8339. message_struct_size==sizeof(message_server_pregame_keep_alive)
  8340. message_struct_size==sizeof(message_server_pregame_countdown)
  8341. message_struct_size==sizeof(message_server_game_settings_update)
  8342. message_struct_size==sizeof(message_server_game_is_ending_holdup)
  8343. message_struct_size==sizeof(message_server_machine_rejected)
  8344. message_struct_size==sizeof(message_server_machine_accepted)
  8345. message_struct_size==sizeof(message_server_new_client_challenge)
  8346. message_struct_size==sizeof(message_server_pong)
  8347. message_struct_size==sizeof(message_server_game_advertise)
  8348. message_struct_size==sizeof(message_client_ping)
  8349. message_struct_size==sizeof(message_client_broadcast_game_search)
  8350. decode_network_game_message() failed
  8351. message_struct && encoded_message && encoded_message_size && (*encoded_message_size>0) && packet_type && (*packet_type>=0) && packet_version && (*packet_version>0)
  8352. network client disposed
  8353. network_game_client_dont_use_directly_in_use
  8354. \halopc\haloce\source\networking\network_client_manager.c
  8355. client
  8356. the current ping target is invalid
  8357. client && average_round_trip_time && packet_loss_percentage
  8358. terminating ping to server @ %s
  8359. client && time_delta_milliseconds
  8360. client && time_samples
  8361. address->address.ipv4_address
  8362. address != NULL
  8363. client->connection
  8364. local machine is out of sync with the server
  8365. received a pong from a system we aren't interested in
  8366. received a pong from the future
  8367. client && source_address
  8368. failed to create a message_client_ping message
  8369. network_game_client_write() failed while sending a message_client_ping message
  8370. received a message_server_machine_accepted message with a bad machine_index
  8371. failed to create a message_client_settings_request message
  8372. SDJ: Client has sent game settings request.
  8373. network_game_client_write() failed while sending a message_client_settings_request message
  8374. successfully joined a net game; our machine is #%d
  8375. client && source_address && message_packet && (client->state == _network_game_client_state_joining)
  8376. unable to join game: reason= #%d/%s
  8377. connected_rejection_code_kicked
  8378. connected_rejection_code_blacklisted_cd_key
  8379. connected_rejection_code_invalid_cd_key_inuse
  8380. connected_rejection_code_invalid_cd_key
  8381. connected_rejection_code_game_is_full
  8382. connected_rejection_code_bad_password
  8383. connected_rejection_code_bad_join_token
  8384. connected_rejection_code_unknown
  8385. client got a game is ending holdup message; sitting tight until the user gives up or mapcycle happens.
  8386. client != NULL && source_address != NULL
  8387. failed to load the necessary game data
  8388. failed to create a message_client_loaded message
  8389. network_game_client_write() failed while sending a message_client_loaded message
  8390. local machine is loaded & ready to play
  8391. client && (client->state == _network_game_client_state_pregame)
  8392. out of sync: client/server random seed mismatch, update= #%ld, game time= #%ld (%ld) (#%lx/#%lx)
  8393. not a bug, but update %d time %d our time %d
  8394. out of sync: missed a server update (expected #%ld, got #%ld)
  8395. client && message_packet
  8396. client added new player to the game (machine #%d / controller #%d / player #%d)
  8397. JWS: network_game_spawn_player() happening in network_game_client_add_player_to_game()
  8398. client && player
  8399. switching to postgame
  8400. switching to pregame
  8401. client->update_history != NULL
  8402. client tried to add a new player in post-game
  8403. failed to create a message_client_add_player_request_ingame message
  8404. network_game_client_write() failed while sending a message_client_add_player_request_ingame message
  8405. failed to create a message_client_add_player_request_pregame message
  8406. network_game_client_write() failed while sending a message_client_add_player_request_pregame message
  8407. can't add players to a game until after a game is joined
  8408. requesting a player addition (controller index #%d)
  8409. client && (local_player_index>=0) && (local_player_index<MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_LOCAL_PLAYERS)
  8410. network_game_client_update_local_player_data() failed while sending a message_client_player_settings_request message
  8411. player->machine_index==client->machine_index
  8412. failed to send a message_client_game_start_request because we are not in the pregame state
  8413. network_game_client_request_start_time_change() failed to send a message_client_game_start_request message
  8414. (request_type>=0) && (request_type<NUMBER_OF_GAME_START_REQUESTS)
  8415. whoa.. local client just got message of type %d from server that it didn't care about. Tell server not to send it in the first place
  8416. ignoring request to dispatch unknown message type '%d'
  8417. ******* END CLIENT DUMP ********
  8418. time_of_last_update %d
  8419. next_expected_update %d
  8420. machine_index #%x
  8421. ****** BEGIN CLIENT DUMP *******
  8422. client->state == _network_game_client_state_joining
  8423. there is %s %s net game with %d players and %d machines
  8424. a closed
  8425. an open
  8426. <unknown platform>
  8427. PC
  8428. XBox
  8429. not fatal, but we have to many active network games cannot add more to the list
  8430. current->valid
  8431. network_game_client_write() failed while sending a message_client_graceful_game_exit_pregame message
  8432. Client attempting to reconnect to server, phase 2: reconnection.
  8433. Client attempting to reconnect to server, phase 1: disconnection.
  8434. Connecting
  8435. Connecting%s
  8436. Loading
  8437. network_game_client_stop_ping() failed
  8438. starting a ping to server @ %s
  8439. client && game && client-> == NULL
  8440. client && client-> == NULL
  8442. failed attempt to initiate a connection to game @ %s
  8443. attempting to connect to game @ %s
  8444. client && (client->state == _network_game_client_state_searching) && game && join_parameters && client->connection && !network_connection_connected(client->connection) && (game->platform == network_game_get_local_platform())
  8445. network_game_client_initiate_join_game
  8446. client && (client->state == _network_game_client_state_searching) && join_parameters && client->connection && !network_connection_connected(client->connection)
  8447. network_game_client_initiate_join_game_new_interface
  8448. network_connection_disconnect() failed _network_game_client_state_postgame
  8449. network_game_client_write() failed while sending a message_client_graceful_game_exit_postgame message
  8450. network_connection_disconnect() failed _network_game_client_state_ingame
  8451. network_connection_disconnect() failed _network_game_client_state_pregame
  8452. failed to create a message_client_graceful_game_exit_pregame message
  8453. network_connection_disconnect() failed _network_game_client_state_joining
  8454. !network_connection_connected(client->connection)
  8455. leaving network game
  8456. client && client->connection
  8457. failed to create a message_client_remove_player_request_postgame message
  8458. network_game_client_write() failed while sending a message_client_remove_player_request_postgame message
  8459. failed to create a message_client_remove_player_request_ingame message
  8460. failed to create a message_client_remove_player_request_pregame mesage
  8461. can't remove players from a game until after a game is joined
  8462. requesting a player removal (controller index #%d)
  8463. client's can only remove players from their own machines
  8464. client && network_player_is_valid(player)
  8465. JWS: would have died in network_client_manager with phony player index
  8466. Would have died in network_client_manager with phony player index...
  8467. JWS: network game found player: player index (#0x%08lX) i=%d player_list_index=%d machine_index=#%d controller_index=%d
  8468. JWS: network game trying to remove player: machine_index=#%d controller_index=%d
  8469. failed to create a _message_type_client_graceful_game_exit_ingame mesage
  8470. no local players remain in the game, exiting the game now
  8471. failed to create a message_client_join_game_request message
  8472. network_game_client_write() failed to send a message_client_join_game_request message
  8473. SDJ: Client has sent join game request.
  8474. requesting a player addition (controller index #%d) in response to server challenge
  8475. precaching map '%s'...
  8476. invalid message_server_game_settings_update message received player count %d
  8477. player count %d
  8478. received updated game settings from the server; there are %d players in the game
  8479. SDJ: Client has received a game settings update.
  8480. client && game
  8481. the game host is shutting down
  8482. failed to reinitialize network game client
  8483. network_game_client_process_incoming_messages() failed in network_game_client_idle_searching()
  8484. network_connection_idle() failed in network_game_client_idle_searching()
  8485. network_game_client_initiate_join_game() failed
  8486. SDJ: Local client noticed the server is ready to go.
  8487. network_connection_idle() failed in network_game_client_idle_joining()
  8488. network_game_client_process_incoming_messages() failed in network_game_client_idle_joining()
  8489. client connection attempt was aborted
  8490. client connection process has timed out; aborting connection attempt
  8491. server rejected connection: reason= #%d/%s
  8492. network_game_client_process_incoming_messages() failed in network_game_client_idle_pregame()
  8493. network_connection_idle() failed in network_game_client_idle_pregame()
  8494. current time delta[%d] latency[%d] server time[%d]
  8495. current ping time[%d] samples received[%d] samples sent[%d]
  8496. network_connection_idle() failed in network_game_client_idle_ingame()
  8497. new2 idle in game abort hit
  8498. network_game_client_process_incoming_messages() failed in network_game_client_idle_ingame()
  8499. new idle in game abort hit
  8500. network client connection has been silent for a dangerously long amount of time
  8501. network connection went down (idle in game)!
  8502. network_game_client_process_reconnect() failed in network_game_client_idle_postgame()
  8503. network_game_client_process_incoming_messages() failed in network_game_client_idle_postgame()
  8504. network_connection_idle() failed in network_game_client_idle_postgame()
  8505. network_game_create_client() failed; could not create network connection
  8506. SDJ: Client created.
  8507. !network_game_client_dont_use_directly_in_use
  8508. !"unknown client state"
  8509. network_game_client_idle_postgame() failed
  8510. network_game_client_idle_ingame() failed
  8511. network_game_client_idle_pregame() failed
  8512. network_game_client_idle_joining() failed
  8513. network_game_client_idle_searching() failed
  8514. transport_think
  8515. fj
  8516. set
  8517. \halopc\haloce\source\bungie_net\network\transport_endpoint_set_winsock.c
  8518. Map Length (seconds) Avg # Players Packets Sent Packets Received Packets Sent/sec Packets Received/sec Bytes Sent Bytes Received Bytes Sent/sec Bytes Received/sec Bits Sent/sec/conn Bits Received/sec/conn Bytes Sent/packet Bytes Received/packet
  8519. .xls
  8520. \Game Summary
  8521. Gamespy Metrics
  8522. %s
  8523. %d
  8524. %f
  8525. ep->gamespy_log_column != -1
  8526. %d %d %d %d %d %c
  8527. Time Packets Sent Total Sent Reliable Sent Unreliable Sent Resends Sent
  8528. Each connection has five columns (see headers below). One empty column separates each connection. Note: resend traffic is considered unreliable.
  8529. \gamespy
  8530. socket == gs_LoopbackSocket
  8531. gt2SocketErrorCallback_IMPL called! socket had an error!
  8532. gt2UnrecognizedMessageCallbackServer_IMPL! failed sig check.. a real unrecognized message. Len[%d]
  8533. gt2UnrecognizedMessageCallbackServer_IMPL! Received a message with appropriate signature for NNProcessData
  8534. gt2UnrecognizedMessageCallbackClient_IMPL! failed sig check.. a real unrecognized message. Len[%d]
  8535. gt2UnrecognizedMessageCallbackClient_IMPL! Received a message with appropriate signature for NNProcessData
  8536. create_gamespy_sockets failed on failsafe gs_LoopbackSocket. Error[%d] socket_bind_string[%s]
  8537. create_gamespy_sockets failed on first gs_LoopbackSocket. Error[%d] socket_bind_string[%s]
  8538. create_gamespy_sockets failed on gs_Socket. Error[%d] socket_bind_string[%s]
  8539. Log file closed
  8540. total data sent[%d] total received[%d] total time in seconds[%d] bytes sent per second[%f]
  8541. Connection [%d] Live for[%d] seconds Was address[%s] Total Sent[%d] Total Received[%d] Bytes sent per second[%f]
  8542. transport_think hey, we're not getting called very often! time since last call[%d]ms Last unit of work done[%s]
  8543. max_endpoints > 0
  8544. transport_globals.transport_initialized
  8545. set && set->ep_array
  8546. ep && set
  8547. Network Error - Check Firewall status!
  8548. levels\test\gephyrophobia\gephyrophobia
  8549. levels\test\timberland\timberland
  8550. levels\test\infinity\infinity
  8551. levels\test\dangercanyon\dangercanyon
  8552. levels\test\deathisland\deathisland
  8553. levels\test\icefields\icefields
  8554. levels\test\longest\longest
  8555. levels\test\putput\putput
  8556. levels\test\wizard\wizard
  8557. levels\test\bloodgulch\bloodgulch
  8558. levels\test\boardingaction\boardingaction
  8559. levels\test\carousel\carousel
  8560. levels\test\chillout\chillout
  8561. levels\test\hangemhigh\hangemhigh
  8562. levels\test\prisoner\prisoner
  8563. levels\test\ratrace\ratrace
  8564. levels\test\damnation\damnation
  8565. levels\test\sidewinder\sidewinder
  8566. levels\test\beavercreek\beavercreek
  8567. loc
  8568. ui
  8569. (index >= 0) && (index < multiplayer_map_list_count)
  8570. \halopc\haloce\source\interface\map_list.c
  8571. map_path
  8572. multiplayer_map_list_size == 0
  8573. multiplayer_map_list_count == 0
  8574. multiplayer_maps == NULL
  8575. multiplayer_maps != NULL
  8576. map_name && name_buf && labels_tag
  8577. waiting for asynchronous playlist profile writes to finish...
  8578. failed to open newly created playlist profile
  8579. failed to initialize newly created playlist profile
  8580. playlist_profile_delete() failed (profile index= #0x%lX)
  8581. failed to open playlist profile file
  8582. failed to read playlist profile
  8583. checksum failed on playlist profile file
  8584. full_path && variant
  8585. \halopc\haloce\source\saved games\playlist_profile.c
  8586. failed to load localized default variant names string list tag; no default game variants enumerated
  8587. failed to create default playlist profile file '%s' on disk
  8588. \blam.lst
  8589. %s\%02d
  8590. failed to get saved game files mutex; perhaps another operation is in progress?
  8591. failed to read playlist profile from file
  8592. checksum failed on playlist profile file, sanitizing memory resident version...
  8593. waiting for asynchronous playlist profile io to finish...
  8594. end playlist profile write
  8595. metadata name may not match game display name
  8596. failed to write playlist profile to file
  8597. begin playlist profile write
  8598. input
  8599. network_game_server_handle_message_delta_message
  8600. network_game_server_handle_old_halo_message
  8601. \halopc\haloce\source\networking\network_server_message_handler.c
  8602. failed to handle a message_client_remove_player_request_pregame because the server is not in pregame
  8603. server failed to decode a message_client_remove_player_request_pregame packet
  8604. server failed to send player_removed in network_game_server_handle_message_client_remove_player_request_pregame()
  8605. server failed to decode a message_client_settings_request packet
  8606. server failed to send pregame game data in network_game_server_handle_message_client_settings_request()
  8607. failed to handle a message_client_settings_request because the server is not in pregame
  8608. SDJ: Server received a game settings request.
  8609. failed to handle a message_client_player_settings_request because the server is not in pregame
  8610. server failed to decode a message_client_player_settings_request packet
  8611. network_game_update_player() failed in network_game_server_handle_message_client_player_settings_request()
  8612. server failed to send pregame game data in network_game_server_handle_message_client_player_settings_request()
  8613. server received updated player settings
  8614. failed to handle a message_client_game_start_request because the server is not in pregame
  8615. server failed to decode a message_client_game_start_request packet
  8616. server failed to decode a message_type_client_map_is_precached_pregame packet
  8617. failed to handle a message_client_graceful_game_exit_pregame message because the server is not in pregame
  8618. server failed to decode a message_client_graceful_game_exit_pregame packet
  8619. server failed to decode a message_client_loaded packet
  8620. Server holding up client machine_index #%d in response to client loaded notification.
  8621. failed to handle a message_client_loaded message because the server is not in pregame
  8622. failed to handle a message_client_add_player_request_ingame because the server is not in game
  8623. server failed to decode a message_client_add_player_request_ingame packet
  8624. SDJ: Server received an add player request.
  8625. failed to handle a message_client_remove_player_request_ingame because the server is not in game
  8626. server failed to decode a message_client_remove_player_request_ingame packet
  8627. server failed to send player_removed in network_game_server_handle_message_client_remove_player_request_ingame()
  8628. JWS: network_game_server_handle_message_client_remove_player_request_ingame() sending player removal on machine index %d controller index %d
  8629. failed to handle a message_client_graceful_game_exit_ingame because the server is not in game
  8630. server failed to decode a message_client_graceful_game_exit_ingame packet
  8631. failed to handle a message_client_remove_player_request_postgame because the server is not in post-game
  8632. server failed to decode a message_client_remove_player_request_postgame packet
  8633. server failed to send player_removed in network_game_server_handle_message_client_remove_player_request_postgame()
  8634. failed to handle a message_client_switch_to_pregame because the server is not in post-game
  8635. network_game_server_switch_machine_from_postgame_to_pregame() failed
  8636. network_game_server_write() failed in network_game_server_send_message_to_all_machines() for i=%d, machine_index=#%d
  8637. server && message
  8638. network_game_server_write() failed in network_game_server_send_message_to_all_machines()
  8639. failed to create a message_server_add_player_ingame message
  8640. network_game_server_send_message_to_all_machines() failed in network_game_server_send_player_joined_info_ingame()
  8641. The server received a message an mdpacket it couldn't handle.
  8642. failed to create a message_server_pong message
  8643. network_game_server_write() failed in handle_message_client_ping()
  8644. server && machine && client_message
  8645. server failed to decode a message_client_join_game_request packet
  8646. client machine_index %d @%s tried to join game when they should not be
  8647. client machine_index #%d @%s tried to join game with an blacklisted cd key
  8648. client machine_index #%d @%s tried to join game with a bad join token
  8649. server failed to accept valid client machine_index #%d @%s into the game (it was probably full)
  8650. server failed to add player for valid client machine_index #%d @%s into the game (it was probably full)
  8651. server failed to send server begin game to client machine_index #%d; client machine may be out of sync
  8652. server failed to send pregame game data in network_game_server_handle_message_client_add_player_request_pregame()
  8653. server failed to accept valid client machine_index #%d @%s into the game due to password mismatch.
  8654. client machine_index #%d @%s tried to join game with a mismatched map
  8655. Server holding up client machine_index #%d in response to join game request.
  8656. ignoring redundant join request from machine_index #%d
  8657. SDJ: Server received a join game request.
  8658. server failed to decode a message_client_add_player_request_pregame packet
  8659. server failed to add a network player in network_game_server_handle_message_client_add_player_request_pregame(), game is probably full
  8660. failed to handle a message_client_add_player_request_pregame because the server is not in pregame
  8661. server received a malformed/damaged message from a client
  8662. server received low-level error message from a client: error= #%d (%s)
  8663. server received a bad message type from a client (_message_type_data)
  8664. bad or inappropriate packet type received from a client (#%d)
  8665. ignoring a message_client_game_update message; we are not in game
  8666. failed to handle a message_client_game_update message; this client doesn't seem to be in the game
  8667. failed to decode a message_client_game_update packet
  8668. failed to decode a message_client_ping packet
  8669. server failed to handle a client ping
  8670. network_game_server_handle_message_client_graceful_game_exit_pregame() failed
  8671. network_game_server_handle_message_client_switch_to_pregame() failed
  8672. network_game_server_handle_message_client_remove_player_request_postgame() failed
  8673. network_game_server_handle_message_client_graceful_game_exit_ingame() failed
  8674. network_game_server_handle_message_client_remove_player_request_ingame() failed
  8675. network_game_server_handle_message_client_add_player_request_ingame() failed
  8676. network_game_server_handle_message_client_loaded() failed
  8677. network_game_server_handle_message_client_game_start_request() failed
  8678. network_game_server_handle_message_client_player_settings_request() failed
  8679. network_game_server_handle_message_client_settings_request() failed
  8680. network_game_server_handle_message_client_remove_player_request_pregame() failed
  8681. network_game_server_handle_message_client_add_player_request_pregame() failed
  8682. network_game_server_handle_message_client_join_game_request() failed
  8683. network_game_server_handle_client_message address _message_type_client_join_game_request received
  8684. an un-validated client sent something other than a join request message
  8685. server received a client message with an unknown message type (#%d)
  8686. server received client message with invalid flags
  8687. message_buffer_size == GET_MESSAGE_SIZE(*message)
  8688. Unknows message type %d
  8689. message == (message_header*)&buffer[0]
  8690. invalid controller index
  8691. invalid local player index
  8692. \halopc\haloce\source\interface\player_ui.c
  8693. (local_player_index>=0) && (local_player_index<MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_LOCAL_PLAYERS) && (profile != NULL)
  8694. (controller_index>=0) && (controller_index<MAXIMUM_GAMEPADS)
  8695. player 1 has no active player profile assigned
  8696. failed to load network pregame screen... maybe you ran this from some place other than the game shell UI?
  8697. failed to initiate a multiplayer game server
  8698. variant_name
  8699. unknown saved game file type being edited
  8700. not currently editing a saved game file
  8701. unknown profile type being edited
  8702. failed to retrieve player profile #%08lX for editing
  8703. failed to retrieve playlist profile #%08lX for editing
  8704. invalid profile index (#%08lX)
  8705. ### WARNING: saving over a default player profile
  8706. cannot save over default profiles; must rename and save-as a new profile
  8707. failed to save renamed profile to disk
  8708. ### WARNING: saving player profile even though it hasn't been changed
  8709. failed to save profile because we are not editing one
  8710. ui\shell\strings\temp_strings
  8711. player_ui_nonpersistent_invert_look_pitch: cannot temporarily invert pitch of a profile stored on disk
  8712. valid_edit_text(edit)
  8713. \halopc\haloce\source\dialogs\edit_text.c
  8714. jump
  8715. switch_grenade
  8716. action
  8717. switch_weapon
  8718. melee
  8719. flashlight
  8720. throw_grenade
  8721. fire
  8722. accept
  8723. back
  8724. crouch
  8725. zoom
  8726. showscores
  8727. reload
  8728. exchange_weapon
  8729. say
  8730. sayteam
  8731. sayvehicle
  8732. screenshot
  8733. forward
  8734. backward
  8735. left
  8736. right
  8737. look_up
  8738. look_down
  8739. look_left
  8740. look_right
  8741. showrules
  8742. show_homies
  8743. (local_player_index>=0) && (local_player_index<MAXIMUM_GAMEPADS)
  8744. \halopc\haloce\source\input\input_abstraction.c
  8745. enabled
  8746. (button < NUMBER_OF_AUXCONTROL_BUTTONS) && button >= 0
  8748. local_player_index >= 0 && local_player_index < MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_LOCAL_PLAYERS
  8749. Unknown device type %d
  8750. %s on gamepad %d pressed
  8751. %s mouse axis pressed
  8752. %s mouse button pressed
  8753. %s key pressed
  8754. No control stored in configuration buffer
  8755. button->parameter >= FIRST_POV_DIRECTION && button->parameter <= NUMBER_OF_POV_DIRECTIONS
  8756. Unable to bind to unknown device type %d
  8757. control >= 0 && control < NUMBER_OF_TOTAL_CONTROL_BUTTONS
  8758. button
  8759. Unable to unbind unknown device type %d
  8761. Unknown button type %d for keyboard device
  8762. Unknown button type % for mouse device
  8763. Unknown button type %d for joystick device
  8764. button_name
  8765. local_player_index >= 0 && local_player_index < MAXIMUM_GAMEPADS
  8766. prefs->gamepad_axis_mapping[gamepad_index][i][_axis_direction_negative] == _button_none || prefs->gamepad_axis_mapping[gamepad_index][i][_axis_direction_negative] >= FIRST_CONTROL_BUTTON && prefs->gamepad_axis_mapping[gamepad_index][i][_axis_direction_negative] < NUMBER_OF_TOTAL_CONTROL_BUTTONS
  8767. prefs->gamepad_axis_mapping[gamepad_index][i][_axis_direction_positive] == _button_none || prefs->gamepad_axis_mapping[gamepad_index][i][_axis_direction_positive] >= FIRST_CONTROL_BUTTON && prefs->gamepad_axis_mapping[gamepad_index][i][_axis_direction_positive] < NUMBER_OF_TOTAL_CONTROL_BUTTONS
  8768. prefs->gamepad_button_mapping[gamepad_index][i] == _button_none || prefs->gamepad_button_mapping[gamepad_index][i] >= FIRST_CONTROL_BUTTON && prefs->gamepad_button_mapping[gamepad_index][i] < NUMBER_OF_TOTAL_CONTROL_BUTTONS
  8769. prefs->key_mapping[i] == _button_none || (prefs->key_mapping[i] >= FIRST_CONTROL_BUTTON && prefs->key_mapping[i] < NUMBER_OF_TOTAL_CONTROL_BUTTONS)
  8770. [0.15]
  8771. (controller_index>=0) && (controller_index<MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_LOCAL_PLAYERS)
  8772. Could not bind configured button!
  8773. control_specifier
  8774. control == _button_none || (control >= FIRST_CONTROL_BUTTON && control < NUMBER_OF_TOTAL_CONTROL_BUTTONS)
  8775. Unknown key %s
  8776. Unknown device specifier %s
  8777. Unknown gamepad pov %s
  8778. joystickpov
  8779. Unknown gamepad axis %s
  8780. joystickaxis
  8781. Unknown gamepad button %s
  8782. joystick
  8783. Unknown mouse axis %s
  8784. mouseaxis
  8785. Unknown mouse button %s
  8786. mouse
  8787. key
  8788. keyboard
  8789. button_specifier
  8790. device_specifier
  8791. button_number >= 0
  8793. device_number >= 0
  8794. device_type >= FIRST_INPUT_DEVICE_TYPE && device_type < NUMBER_OF_INPUT_DEVICE_TYPES
  8795. game_control >= 0 && game_control < NUMBER_OF_TOTAL_CONTROL_BUTTONS
  8796. Unknown input mode %d
  8797. Trying to configure control: %s
  8798. Cannot configure unknown control name %s
  8799. Cannot bind %s %s to game control %s: unknown error
  8800. bound %s %s to game control %s
  8801. Cannot bind %s %s to unknown game control %s
  8802. Cannot bind %s %s to %s: unknown specifier(s)
  8803. unbound mouse axis %s
  8804. unbound %s mouse button
  8805. unbound %s key
  8806. unbound axis %s on gamepad %d
  8807. unbound %s on gamepad %d
  8808. Cannot unbind unknown device/button combination %s %s
  8809. %s on gamepad %d bound to %s
  8810. %s mouse axis bound to %s
  8811. %s mouse button bound to %s
  8812. %s key bound to %s
  8813. internal string localization tag is missing.
  8814. index>=0 && index<NUMBER_OF_TEXT_STRINGS
  8815. \halopc\haloce\source\text\draw_string.c
  8816. count>=0 && count<MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_TAB_STOPS
  8817. paragraph_indent>=0
  8818. initial_indent>=0
  8819. (color->blue >= 0.f) && (color->blue <= 1.f)
  8820. (color->green >= 0.f) && (color->green <= 1.f)
  8821. (color->red >= 0.f) && (color->red <= 1.f)
  8822. (color->alpha >= 0.f) && (color->alpha <= 1.f)
  8823. justification>=0 && justification<NUMBER_OF_TEXT_JUSTIFICATIONS
  8824. style==_text_style_plain || (style>=0 && style<NUMBER_OF_TEXT_STYLES)
  8826. x0>=0 && x0+dx<=draw_character_software_globals.bitmap->width
  8827. y0>=0 && y0<=draw_character_software_globals.bitmap->height
  8828. result!=NONE
  8829. max_len > 0
  8830. tab_stop_index>=0 && tab_stop_index<=font_drawing_globals.tab_stop_count
  8831. ### ERROR failed to initialize hardware text cache
  8832. !hardware_character_cache.initialized
  8833. \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\rasterizer_text.c
  8834. x0 && y0
  8835. hardware_character_index>=0 && hardware_character_index<MAXIMUM_HARDWARE_CHARACTERS
  8836. hardware_character_cache.initialized
  8837. font cache overwrote character in use
  8838. hardware_character
  8839. c == font_character->bitmap_height * font_character->bitmap_width
  8840. font_character->bitmap_height<=HARDWARE_CHARACTER_CACHE_BITMAP_HEIGHT
  8841. font_character->bitmap_width<=HARDWARE_CHARACTER_CACHE_BITMAP_WIDTH
  8842. font_character==hardware_character_cache.characters[font_character->hardware_character_index].character
  8843. font_character->hardware_character_index>=0 && font_character->hardware_character_index<MAXIMUM_HARDWARE_CHARACTERS
  8844. render_window_lens_flares_submit_occlusion_tests_timer
  8845. render_window_structure_render_diffuse_texture
  8846. render_window_structure_detail
  8847. render_window_decals_water
  8848. render_window_transparent_geometry_draw
  8849. render_window_particles
  8850. render_window_structure_transparent_geometry
  8851. render_window_specular
  8852. render_window_lights_render_diffuse
  8853. render_window_render_object_shadows
  8854. render_window_structure_render_preprocess
  8855. render_window_lights_preprocess
  8856. render_window_render_sky
  8857. render_window_screen_scr_flash
  8858. render_window_screen_interface
  8859. render_window_screen_effects_lens_flares
  8860. render_window_screen_effects_fog_screen
  8861. render_window_structure_visibility_compute
  8862. render_window_ui
  8863. render_window_screen_effects
  8864. render_window_transparent_geometry_draw_nonwater
  8865. render_window_fog
  8866. render_window_reflection
  8867. render_window_decals
  8868. render_window_structure_render_lightmaps
  8869. render_window_pre
  8870. render_window
  8871. \halopc\haloce\source\render\render.c
  8872. rendered_cluster_index>=0 && rendered_cluster_index<render.rendered_cluster_count
  8873. window->render_camera.viewport_bounds.y0==0
  8874. window->render_camera.viewport_bounds.x0==0
  8875. !memcmp(&window->render_camera.window_bounds, &window->rasterizer_camera.window_bounds, sizeof(rectangle2d))
  8876. !memcmp(&window->render_camera.viewport_bounds, &window->rasterizer_camera.viewport_bounds, sizeof(rectangle2d))
  8877. ### ERROR something is wrong with the fog in the sky tag or the fog tag
  8878. interface_tag_index>=0 && interface_tag_index<NUMBER_OF_INTERFACE_TAGS
  8879. \halopc\haloce\source\interface\interface.c
  8880. drawingbuf_counts[index] < 512
  8881. |n|n|n|n|n|n
  8882. % 5d particles|n
  8883. % 5d active of % 5d effects (%5d locations)|n
  8884. % 5d active of % 5d objects (% 3.1f%% used)|n
  8885. % 6.1fk free of % 6.1fk total|n
  8886. :window_count==4
  8887. very late
  8888. late
  8889. very early
  8890. early
  8891. spark
  8892. wander
  8893. jitter
  8894. noise
  8895. slide (variable period)
  8896. slide
  8897. diagonal wave (variable period)
  8898. diagonal wave
  8899. cosine (variable period)
  8900. \halopc\haloce\source\math\periodic_functions.c
  8901. 9@function_type>=0 && function_type<NUMBER_OF_PERIODIC_FUNCTIONS
  8902. D
  8903. function_type>=0 && function_type<NUMBER_OF_TRANSITION_FUNCTIONS
  8904. function_tables_initialized
  8905. hud_update
  8906. hud_scripted_globals
  8907. \halopc\haloce\source\interface\hud.c
  8908. hud scripted globals
  8909. interface_get_tag_index(_interface_hud_globals)!=NONE
  8910. ui\gamespy
  8911. %s%s
  8914. %s|n
  8915. %s|ntotal %d/%d|nloaded %d/%d|nheat %3.2f|nage %3.2f|n
  8916. %d %s|n
  8917. %s (press WHITE to use)|n
  8918. queue_index!=NONE
  8919. \halopc\haloce\source\game\player_queues_new.c
  8920. update client queues
  8921. !update_client_globals.initialized
  8922. update_client_globals.initialized
  8923. update_client_globals.client_ticks_to_apply_action_to >= 0
  8924. update_client_globals.current_local_player == 0
  8925. (NONE == actions[queue_index].desired_zoom_level) || (actions[queue_index].desired_zoom_level>=0)
  8926. (NONE == actions[queue_index].desired_grenade_index) || (actions[queue_index].desired_grenade_index>=0 && actions[queue_index].desired_grenade_index<NUMBER_OF_UNIT_GRENADE_TYPES)
  8927. (NONE == actions[queue_index].desired_weapon_index) || (actions[queue_index].desired_weapon_index>=0 && actions[queue_index].desired_weapon_index<MAXIMUM_WEAPONS_PER_UNIT)
  8928. update_client_globals.client_ticks_to_apply_action_to > 0
  8929. update_server_globals.initialized
  8930. This command can only be executed on the server.
  8931. [%s]: [%d] updates == [%d] ticks
  8932. player_name != NULL
  8933. action_collection && update_client_globals.initialized
  8934. update server queues
  8935. !update_server_globals.initialized
  8937. update && update_number && update_server_globals.initialized
  8938. update_client_globals.saved_action_collection.actions[0].primary_trigger
  8939. &(update_client_globals.saved_action_collection.actions[0].throttle)
  8940. update_client_globals.saved_action_collection.actions[0].desired_facing.yaw
  8941. update_client_globals.saved_action_collection.actions[0].desired_facing.pitch
  8942. (action_details[queue_index].is_update_valid == FALSE) || (player_update_history_is_valid_id(action_details[queue_index].update_id) == TRUE)
  8943. (NONE == queue->desired_zoom_level) || (queue->desired_zoom_level>=0)
  8944. (NONE == queue->desired_grenade_index) || (queue->desired_grenade_index>=0 && queue->desired_grenade_index<NUMBER_OF_UNIT_GRENADE_TYPES)
  8945. (NONE == queue->desired_weapon_index) || (queue->desired_weapon_index>=0 && queue->desired_weapon_index<MAXIMUM_WEAPONS_PER_UNIT)
  8946. player_update_history_is_valid_id(update->data.action_details[update->data.number_of_actions].update_id) == TRUE
  8947. update
  8948. debug
  8949. limp
  8950. veh
  8951. proj
  8952. pt-phys
  8953. obsrv
  8954. areadmg
  8955. ai-melee
  8956. ai-fire
  8957. ai-comm
  8958. ai-los
  8959. ai-look
  8960. ????
  8961. structure-bsp-sphere
  8962. object-bsp-sphere
  8963. structure-bsp-vector
  8964. object-bsp-vector
  8965. model-vector
  8966. features-in-sphere
  8967. vector-objects
  8968. vector-structure
  8969. \halopc\haloce\source\physics\collision_usage.c
  8970. (time_period >= 0) && (time_period < NUMBER_OF_COLLISION_TIME_PERIODS)
  8971. collision_usage_current_period == NONE
  8972. (collision_usage_current_period >= 0) && (collision_usage_current_period < NUMBER_OF_COLLISION_TIME_PERIODS)
  8973. %d/%.2f
  8974. (user_index >= 0) && (user_index < NUMBER_OF_COLLISION_USER_TYPES)
  8975. %c%s
  8976. %s:
  8977. (collision_function >= 0) && (collision_function < NUMBER_OF_COLLISION_FUNCTION_TYPES)
  8978. (user >= 0) && (user < NUMBER_OF_COLLISION_USER_TYPES)
  8979. global_current_collision_user_depth > 0
  8980. sphere % 3df % 3db, str-vec % 3d/% 3d, obj-vec % 3d/% 3d|n
  8981. ### ERROR cameras: frustum-integrity condition #%d violated by %f
  8983. \halopc\haloce\source\render\render_cameras.c
  8984. [0.85]
  8985. [-2]
  8986. frustum && frustum->projection_valid
  8987. frustum_bounds
  8988. frustum->projection_matrix[3][3]==0.0f
  8989. frustum->projection_matrix[2][3]==-1.0f
  8990. frustum->projection_matrix[1][3]==0.0f
  8991. frustum->projection_matrix[0][3]==0.0f
  8992. frustum->projection_matrix[3][1]==0.0f
  8993. frustum->projection_matrix[0][1]==0.0f
  8994. frustum->projection_matrix[3][0]==0.0f
  8995. frustum->projection_matrix[1][0]==0.0f
  8996. frustum->projection_valid
  8997. bounds->z0<=bounds->z1
  8998. bounds->y0<=bounds->y1
  8999. bounds->x0<=bounds->x1
  9000. frustum
  9001. Dscreen_point
  9002. view_point
  9003. view_vector
  9004. world_vector
  9005. world_point
  9006. valid_real_vector3d(&result->up)
  9007. valid_real_vector3d(&result->forward)
  9008. valid_real_plane3d(&adjusted_plane)
  9009. valid_real_matrix4x3(&frustum->view_to_world)
  9010. valid_real_matrix4x3(&frustum->world_to_view)
  9011. camera->viewport_bounds.y0<camera->viewport_bounds.y1
  9012. camera->viewport_bounds.x0<camera->viewport_bounds.x1
  9013. camera->z_far>camera->z_near
  9014. camera->z_near>=0.0f
  9015. ### FATAL ERROR: field of view set to %f (0x%x)
  9016. camera->vertical_field_of_view<_pi - _real_epsilon
  9017. [5194060: 0x380E4940000000BF040002000000000004000200000001008FC2F53C0000A0400000C8416666A63F]
  9018. first person
  9019. editor
  9020. orbiting
  9021. following
  9022. \halopc\haloce\source\camera\director.c
  9023. director scripting
  9024. mode>=0 && mode<NUMBER_OF_DIRECTOR_GAME_MODES
  9025. %f %f %f
  9026. camera.txt
  9027. ?%s camera
  9028. .M;.M01.00.00.0609
  9029. error writing '%s'
  9030. saved '%s'
  9031. expected #%d players but got #%d
  9032. allocation checksum mismatch
  9033. expected "%s" but got "%s"
  9034. expected build #%d but got #%d
  9035. \halopc\haloce\source\saved games\game_state.c
  9039. % 40s% 20s% 10d%s
  9040. gamestate.txt
  9041. game_state_globals.cpu_allocation_size+size<=GAME_STATE_CPU_SIZE
  9042. !game_state_globals.locked
  9043. !(size&3)
  9044. game_state_globals.gpu_allocation_size+size<=GAME_STATE_GPU_SIZE
  9045. data array
  9046. memory pool
  9047. lruv cache
  9048. couldn't open '%s'
  9049. loaded '%s'
  9050. game_update
  9051. game_tick
  9052. network_handle_replication
  9053. remove_quitting_players_from_game
  9054. game_frame
  9055. impossible
  9056. hard
  9057. easy
  9058. game globals
  9059. map_name != NULL
  9060. \halopc\haloce\source\game\game.c
  9061. game_globals->active
  9062. JWS: calling player_cleanup_after_player_has_quit_game_and_no_longer_attached_to_unit() from remove_quitting_players_from_game for index %d
  9063. server failed to send replication message for object #%d to machine index #%d; client machine may be out of sync
  9064. server failed to send replication message for object #%d to all machines; client machine may be out of sync
  9065. network_game_server_get_state(global_network_game_server_get(), NULL) == _network_game_server_state_ingame
  9066. !"Unhandled game_connection state."
  9067. !"this is broken and should get updated for the variants, ask michael"
  9068. not safe to save: vehicle_moving_near_any_player
  9069. not safe to save: any_player_is_dead
  9070. not safe to save: any_player_is_in_the_air
  9071. not safe to save: any_unit_is_dangerous
  9072. not safe to save: dangerous_effects_near_player
  9073. not safe to save: dangerous_items_near_player
  9074. not safe to save: dangerous_projectiles_near_player
  9075. not safe to save: ai_enemies_can_see_player
  9076. game_options_verify(options)
  9077. !game_globals->map_loaded
  9078. !game_globals->active
  9079. game_globals->map_loaded
  9080. XDEMOS not found!
  9081. ### xbox dashboard not implemented on this platform
  9082. IIIIrecv
  9083. sent
  9084. packets
  9085. bytes
  9086. graph != NULL
  9087. \halopc\haloce\source\networking\net_graph.c
  9088. packets > 0
  9089. bytes > 0
  9090. direction >= 0 && direction < NUMBER_OF_NET_GRAPH_DATA_DIRECTIONS
  9091. graph->max > 0
  9092. %s|n%.2f bps sent|n%.2f bps recv
  9093. type_string != NULL
  9094. direction_string != NULL
  9095. type >= 0 && type < NUMBER_OF_NET_GRAPH_DATA_TYPES
  9096. Profile Reset
  9097. Play animation
  9098. Erase All Actors
  9099. Show Actor Spray
  9100. Select Prev Actor
  9101. Select Next Actor
  9102. Select Next Encounter
  9103. Select Prev Encounter
  9104. Select This Actor
  9105. global_debug_key_down
  9106. \halopc\haloce\source\main\debug_keys.c
  9107. failed to open tiff
  9108. out of memory
  9109. failed to write scanline
  9110. invalid bitmap encoding for tiff export.
  9111. \halopc\haloce\source\bitmaps\tiff_file.c
  9112. file does not exist
  9113. not a TIFF file
  9114. unsupported TIFF orientation (must be top left)
  9115. unsupported bits per sample (%d) or sample count (%d)
  9116. unsupported TIFF photometric, planar configuration
  9117. TIFF too large
  9118. failed to read TIFF scan line
  9119. unsupported format
  9120. ### WARNING debug geometry buffer overflow
  9121. ### ERROR failed to allocate debug buffers
  9122. \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\rasterizer_debug.c
  9123. debug_data.non_opaque_primitives
  9124. debug_data.opaque_lines
  9125. debug_data.opaque_triangles
  9126. ### ERROR failed to lock dynamic vertex buffers for debug primitives
  9127. debug_data.primitive_count <=RASTERIZER_MAXIMUM_DEBUG_PRIMITIVES
  9128. debug_data.non_opaque_primitive_count<=RASTERIZER_MAXIMUM_DEBUG_PRIMITIVES
  9129. debug_data.opaque_line_count <=RASTERIZER_MAXIMUM_DEBUG_PRIMITIVES
  9130. debug_data.opaque_triangle_count <=RASTERIZER_MAXIMUM_DEBUG_PRIMITIVES
  9131. p0 && p1 && color0 && color1
  9132. p0 && p1 && p2 && color0 && color1 && color2
  9133. ### ERROR failed to allocate transparent geometry buffer
  9134. \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\rasterizer_transparent_geometry.c
  9135. next_group_sorted_index>=0
  9136. group->sorted_index>=0 && group->sorted_index<transparent_geometry_group_count
  9137. group_presorted_index>=0 && group_presorted_index<transparent_geometry_group_count
  9138. ((unsigned long)group-(unsigned long)transparent_geometry_groups)%sizeof(struct transparent_geometry_group)==0
  9139. ### ERROR transparent geometry group has no vertices
  9140. group_index2 && (*group_index2)>=0 && (*group_index2)<transparent_geometry_group_count
  9141. group_index1 && (*group_index1)>=0 && (*group_index1)<transparent_geometry_group_count
  9142. !first_person_flag
  9143. global_window_parameters.rasterizer_target==_rasterizer_target_render_primary
  9144. !water
  9145. hs_update
  9146. !dnseffe!tpjdnslrtnavtca!tpjejbo
  9147. displays the status of the translated object table.
  9148. oid_status
  9149. dumps the whole translated object table to network.log
  9150. oid_dump
  9151. Sets/displays translated object table watch parameters.
  9152. oid_watch
  9153. [preference]
  9154. Enables or disbles chat echo to the console. Set the preference to 0
  9155. to disable chat echo, or 1 to enable chat echo.
  9156. If the preference is not specified, displays the current preference.
  9157. sv_log_echo_chat
  9158. [threshold in kilobytes]
  9159. Sets the log rotation threshold. When a log file's size (in kilobytes) exceeds
  9160. this number, it will be rotated. Set to 0 to disable log rotation.
  9161. If the threshold is not specified, displays the current threshold.
  9162. sv_log_rotation_threshold
  9163. ["1" to enable, "0" to disable]
  9164. Enables or disables server logging. If 0/1 is not given, displays the
  9165. current logging status.
  9166. sv_log_enabled
  9167. [log file name]
  9168. Sets the server log file name. If no name is given, displays the
  9169. current log file name.
  9170. sv_log_file
  9171. Leave a note in the server log
  9172. sv_log_note
  9173. [boolean]
  9174. Force the flag to reset in single flag CTF games when the timer expires, even if held by a player.
  9175. If not specified, displays the current value.
  9176. Display a list of game types, matching an optional substring.
  9177. sv_gamelist
  9178. [substring]
  9179. Display a list of maps, matching an optional substring.
  9180. sv_maplist
  9181. ["-1" = default, "0" = infinite, <time in minutes>]
  9182. Use to provide a global override for the gametype timelimit setting.
  9183. sv_timelimit
  9184. ["0" = defaults, "1" = off, "2" = shields, "3" = on]
  9185. Use to provide a global override for the gametype friendly fire setting.
  9186. sv_friendly_fire
  9187. [password]
  9188. Sets the server password. If no password is given, displays the
  9189. current password.
  9190. sv_password
  9191. [name]
  9192. Sets the name of the server. If no name is given, displays the current name.
  9193. sv_name
  9194. Usage: sv_mapcycle_del <index>
  9195. Removes the game at <index>. Will not affect running games.
  9196. sv_mapcycle_del
  9197. Usage: sv_mapcycle_add <mapname> <variantname>
  9198. Add a new game to the end of the mapcycle file.
  9199. sv_mapcycle_add
  9200. Print the contents of the currently loaded mapcycle file
  9201. sv_mapcycle
  9202. Restart or begin playing the currently loaded mapcycle file
  9203. sv_mapcycle_begin
  9204. <Server Only> Usage: "sv_say <message>"
  9205. Send a message to users
  9206. [alphanumeric banlist file suffix]
  9207. Sets and opens the file to be used for the player ban list.
  9208. sv_banlist_file
  9209. Specify a TK point cooldown period, after which players lose a TK point.
  9210. sv_tk_cooldown
  9211. [time (#)(s,m)]
  9212. Specify the grace period for TK during which you don't get a TK point.
  9213. sv_tk_grace
  9214. [(#)(m,h,d), 0=infinite]
  9215. Specify up to 4 ban times for repeat ban/TK offenders.
  9216. sv_ban_penalty
  9217. [player # or name] opt:[duration (#)(m,h,d)]
  9218. <Server Only> Player is kicked and added to banned.txt. Use sv_players to find the index.
  9219. Specify optional duration for timed ban. Use 0 to follow sv_ban_penalty rules.
  9220. sv_ban
  9221. Shows status of the server
  9222. <Server Only> Usage: sv_kick <player # or name>
  9223. Kicks the specified player from the server
  9224. sv_kick
  9225. <Server Only> Print a list of players in the current game
  9226. sv_players
  9227. End the current game.
  9228. sv_end_game
  9229. [1 - 16]
  9230. Sets the maximum number of players (between 1 and 16). If no value is given, displays the current value.
  9231. sv_maxplayers
  9232. [remote console password]
  9233. Sets the server remote console password. If no password is given, displays the
  9234. current password. Enter "" to disable rcon.
  9235. sv_rcon_password
  9236. <Server Only> Usage: "sv_map <mapname> <variantname>"
  9237. Abort current game and playlist and start specified game
  9238. sv_map
  9239. <Server Only> Reset the current game
  9240. sv_map_reset
  9241. <Server Only> Abort the current game and begin the next game in the playlist
  9242. sv_map_next
  9243. <Server Only> Usage: sv_unban <index>
  9244. Removes player at index in the banlist. Use sv_banlist to find the index
  9245. sv_unban
  9246. Print a list of banned players
  9247. sv_banlist
  9248. [rcon password] [command]
  9249. Sends a command for server to execute at console. Use \" to send quotes.
  9250. rcon
  9251. changes the game speed.
  9252. game_speed
  9253. saves debug game state to core\core.bin
  9254. core_save
  9255. loads debug game state from core\core.bin
  9256. core_load
  9257. drops all vehicles on player
  9258. cheat_all_vehicles
  9259. drops all weapons near player
  9260. cheat_all_weapons
  9261. turns all AI on or off.
  9262. changes the name of the solo player map.
  9263. [motd file name]
  9264. Sets the server message of the day file name. If no name is given, displays the
  9265. current motd file name. Set to "" to turn motd off.
  9266. sv_motd
  9267. quits the game
  9268. quit
  9269. prints a description of the named function.
  9270. help
  9271. Load any included builtin profiles and create profiles on disk.
  9272. Disconnect from a server
  9273. disconnect
  9274. Attempt to connect to server - use ip:port password as parameters
  9275. connect
  9276. clears console text from the screen
  9277. cls
  9278. load a saved checkpoint
  9279. checkpoint_load
  9280. save last solo checkpoint
  9281. checkpoint_save
  9282. Sleeps the calling thread for the specified number of ms.
  9283. thread_sleep
  9284. Displays the action queue length for the specified player.
  9285. sv_get_player_action_queue_length
  9286. Displays the prediction stats of the specified remote player.
  9287. remote_player_stats
  9288. Sets the name of the remote player whose position update are to be tracked.
  9289. track_remote_player_position_updates
  9290. Dumps out the local parameter configuration to parameters.cfg file.
  9291. sv_parameters_dump
  9292. <Server Only> Usage: sv_parameters_reload
  9293. Reloads the parameters.cfg file.
  9294. sv_parameters_reload
  9295. change your team (0=red,1=blue,else=auto
  9296. change_team
  9297. prints a list of all input bindings
  9298. print_binds
  9299. unbinds an input device/button combination
  9300. unbind
  9301. binds an input device/button combination to a game control
  9302. bind
  9303. sets the scale for gamepad control of pitch
  9304. set_gamepad_pitch_scale
  9305. gets the scale for gamepad control of pitch
  9306. get_gamepad_pitch_scale
  9307. sets the scale for gamepad control of yaw
  9308. set_gamepad_yaw_scale
  9309. gets the scale for gamepad control of yaw
  9310. get_gamepad_yaw_scale
  9311. sets the threshold beyond which gamepad movement is full strafe throttle
  9312. set_gamepad_strafe_threshold
  9313. gets the threshold beyond which gamepad movement is full strafe throttle
  9314. get_gamepad_strafe_threshold
  9315. sets the threshold beyond which gamepad movement is full forward throttle
  9316. set_gamepad_forward_threshold
  9317. gets the threshold beyond which gamepad movement is full forward throttle
  9318. get_gamepad_forward_threshold
  9319. sets the scale for mouse control of pitch
  9320. set_mouse_pitch_scale
  9321. gets the scale for mouse control of pitch
  9322. get_mouse_pitch_scale
  9323. sets the scale for mouse control of yaw
  9324. set_mouse_yaw_scale
  9325. gets the scale for mouse control of yaw
  9326. get_mouse_yaw_scale
  9327. sets the threshold beyond which mouse movement is full strafe throttle
  9328. set_mouse_strafe_threshold
  9329. gets the threshold beyond which mouse movement is full strafe throttle
  9330. get_mouse_strafe_threshold
  9331. sets the threshold beyond which mouse movement is full forward throttle
  9332. set_mouse_forward_threshold
  9333. gets the threshold beyond which mouse movement is full forward throttle
  9334. get_mouse_forward_threshold
  9335. sets the increment in pitch applied by digital device stimuli
  9336. set_digital_pitch_increment
  9337. gets the increment in pitch applied by digital device stimuli
  9338. get_digital_pitch_increment
  9339. sets the increment in yaw applied by digital device stimuli
  9340. set_digital_yaw_increment
  9341. gets the increment in yaw applied by digital device stimuli
  9342. get_digital_yaw_increment
  9343. sets the amount of strafe throttle applied by digital device stimuli
  9344. set_digital_strafe_throttle
  9345. gets the amount of strafe throttle applied by digital device stimuli
  9346. get_digital_strafe_throttle
  9347. sets the amount of forward throttle applied by digital device stimuli
  9348. set_digital_forward_throttle
  9349. gets the amount of forward throttle applied by digital device stimuli
  9350. get_digital_forward_throttle
  9351. set_pitch_rate
  9352. sets the yaw rate for the given player number
  9353. set_yaw_rate
  9354. get_pitch_rate
  9355. gets the yaw rate for the given player number
  9356. get_yaw_rate
  9357. test function to configure a single control
  9358. config_one_control
  9359. test function that looks up a default profile for a deviceid
  9360. input_find_default
  9361. test function to show the enumerated joystick information for all joystick
  9362. input_show_joystick_info
  9363. test function to find a joystick by GUID (string representation)
  9364. input_find_joystick
  9365. deactivates an enumerated joystick, freeing up the logical joystick slot
  9366. input_deactivate_joy
  9367. activates an enumerated joystick into a logical joystick slot
  9368. input_activate_joy
  9369. test function to determine if an enumerated joystick is activated or not
  9370. input_is_joy_active
  9371. test function to return the number of joysticks enumerated
  9372. input_get_joy_count
  9373. Set the DSound factor value
  9374. sound_set_factor
  9375. Set the DSound rolloff value
  9376. sound_set_rolloff
  9377. Get the amount of supplementary buffers
  9378. sound_get_supplementary_buffers
  9379. Set the amount of supplementary buffers
  9380. sound_set_supplementary_buffers
  9381. Enable or disable hardware sound buffers
  9382. sound_enable_hardware
  9383. Change environment preset
  9384. sound_set_env
  9385. Returns true if EAX extensions are enabled
  9386. sound_eax_enabled
  9387. Enable or disable EAX extensions
  9388. sound_enable_eax
  9389. display in-game help dialog
  9390. display_scenario_help
  9391. blah blah
  9392. ui_widget_show_path
  9393. returns TRUE if player0 is using the normal joystick set
  9394. player0_joystick_set_is_normal
  9395. returns TRUE if player0's look pitch is inverted
  9396. player0_look_pitch_is_inverted
  9397. invert player0's look
  9398. player0_look_invert_pitch
  9399. unlocks all the solo player levels for player 1's profile
  9400. profile_unlock_solo_levels
  9401. sets up a network server with the given map name, game variant, and true for remote connections, false for not
  9402. fast_setup_network_server
  9403. delete all custom profile files
  9404. delete_save_game_files
  9405. cinematic_set_near_clip_distance
  9406. returns control of the screen effects to the rest of the game
  9407. cinematic_screen_effect_stop
  9408. sets the video effect: <noise intensity[0,1]>, <overbright: 0=none, 1=2x, 2=4x>
  9409. cinematic_screen_effect_set_video
  9410. sets the desaturation filter tint color
  9411. cinematic_screen_effect_set_filter_desaturation_tint
  9412. sets the filter effect
  9413. cinematic_screen_effect_set_filter
  9414. sets the convolution effect
  9415. cinematic_screen_effect_set_convolution
  9416. starts screen effect; pass TRUE to clear
  9417. cinematic_screen_effect_start
  9418. sets a screen effect script value
  9419. script_screen_effect_set_value
  9420. rasterizer_lights_reset_for_new_map
  9421. rasterizer_model_ambient_reflection_tint
  9422. average fps
  9423. rasterizer_fps_accumulate
  9424. flush all decals
  9425. rasterizer_decals_flush
  9426. set the ambient light value for fixed function
  9427. rasterizer_fixed_function_ambient
  9428. set the gamma
  9429. set_gamma
  9430. check for shader changes
  9431. rasterizer_reload_effects
  9432. reload_shader_transparent_chicago
  9433. resets the time code timer
  9434. time_code_reset
  9435. starts/stops the time code timer
  9436. time_code_start
  9437. shows the time code timer
  9438. time_code_show
  9439. returns the ticks left on the hud timer
  9440. hud_get_timer_ticks
  9441. pauses or unpauses the hud timer
  9442. pause_hud_timer
  9443. displays the hud timer
  9444. show_hud_timer
  9445. sets the timer upper left position to (x, y)=>(<short>, <short>)
  9446. hud_set_timer_position
  9447. sets the warning time for the timer to <short> minutes and <short> seconds
  9448. hud_set_timer_warning_time
  9449. sets the time for the timer to <short> minutes and <short> seconds, and starts and displays timer
  9450. hud_set_timer_time
  9451. sets <message> as the current objective
  9452. hud_set_objective_text
  9453. displays <message> as the help text
  9454. hud_set_help_text
  9455. clears all non-state messages on the hud
  9456. hud_clear_messages
  9457. hides/shows the weapon crosshair
  9458. hud_show_crosshair
  9459. starts/stops manual blinking of the motion sensor panel
  9460. hud_blink_motion_sensor
  9461. hides/shows the motion sensor panel
  9462. hud_show_motion_sensor
  9463. starts/stops manual blinking of the shield panel
  9464. hud_blink_shield
  9465. hides/shows the shield panel
  9466. hud_show_shield
  9467. starts/stops manual blinking of the health panel
  9468. hud_blink_health
  9469. hides/shows the health panel
  9470. hud_show_health
  9471. <decay>
  9472. player_effect_stop
  9473. <max_intensity> <attack time>
  9474. player_effect_start
  9475. <left> <right>
  9476. player_effect_set_max_vibrate
  9477. <yaw> <pitch> <roll>
  9478. player_effect_set_max_rotation
  9479. <x> <y> <z>
  9480. player_effect_set_max_translation
  9481. places lens flares in the structure bsp
  9482. structure_lens_flares_place
  9483. enables or disables the suppression of error spamming
  9484. error_overflow_suppression
  9485. dumps network messaging metrics to given file ("" for default)
  9486. message_metrics_dump
  9487. clears network messaging metrics
  9488. message_metrics_clear
  9489. Shows update history playback stats.
  9490. show_player_update_stats
  9491. Playback client input history starting from the specified last completed update id.
  9492. play_update_history
  9493. Changes the net_graph display (bytes/packets, sent/received)
  9494. net_graph_show
  9495. Clears the net_graph.
  9496. net_graph_clear
  9497. Dumps info on network client.
  9498. network_client_dump
  9499. Dumps info on network server.
  9500. network_server_dump
  9501. stops hammering the server.
  9502. hammer_stop
  9503. hammers the server by connecting and disconnecting repeatedly.
  9504. hammer_begin
  9505. hud_team_background_set_scale
  9506. hud_team_background_set_pos
  9507. hud_team_icon_set_scale
  9508. shit
  9509. hud_team_icon_set_pos
  9510. deactivates a nav point type attached to a team anchored to an object
  9511. deactivate_team_nav_point_object
  9512. deactivates a nav point type attached to a team anchored to a flag
  9513. deactivate_team_nav_point_flag
  9514. deactivates a nav point type attached to a player <unit> anchored to an object
  9515. deactivate_nav_point_object
  9516. deactivates a nav point type attached to a player <unit> anchored to a flag
  9517. deactivate_nav_point_flag
  9518. activates a nav point type <string> attached to a team anchored to an object with a vertical offset <real>. If the player is not local to the machine, this will fail
  9519. activate_team_nav_point_object
  9520. activates a nav point type <string> attached to a team anchored to a flag with a vertical offset <real>. If the player is not local to the machine, this will fail
  9521. activate_team_nav_point_flag
  9522. activates a nav point type <string> attached to (local) player <unit> anchored to an object with a vertical offset <real>. If the player is not local to the machine, this will fail
  9523. activate_nav_point_object
  9524. activates a nav point type <string> attached to (local) player <unit> anchored to a flag with a vertical offset <real>. If the player is not local to the machine, this will fail
  9525. activate_nav_point_flag
  9526. resets the timer for the help text flashing
  9527. hud_help_flash_restart
  9528. starts/stops the help text flashing
  9529. enable_hud_help_flash
  9530. shows or hides the hud help text
  9531. show_hud_help_text
  9532. shows or hides the hud
  9533. show_hud
  9534. stops the vehicle from running real physics and runs fake hovering physics instead.
  9535. vehicle_hover
  9536. Returns the game's effects gain
  9537. sound_get_effects_gain
  9538. Set the game's effects gain
  9539. sound_set_effects_gain
  9540. Returns the game's music gain
  9541. sound_get_music_gain
  9542. Set the game's music gain
  9543. sound_set_music_gain
  9544. Returns the game's master gain
  9545. sound_get_master_gain
  9546. Set the game's master gain
  9547. sound_set_master_gain
  9548. enables or disables all sound.
  9549. sound_enable
  9550. changes the gain on the specified sound class(es) to the specified game over the specified number of ticks.
  9551. sound_class_set_gain
  9552. changes the reverb level for all sound classes matching the substring.
  9553. debug_sounds_wet
  9554. changes the minimum and maximum distances for all sound classes matching the substring.
  9555. debug_sounds_distances
  9556. enables or disabled all sound classes matching the substring.
  9557. debug_sounds_enable
  9558. enables or disables the alternate loop/alternate end for a looping sound.
  9559. sound_looping_set_alternate
  9560. changes the scale of the sound (which should affect the volume) within the range 0 to 1.
  9561. sound_looping_set_scale
  9562. stops the specified looping sound.
  9563. sound_looping_stop
  9564. plays a looping sound from the specified source object (or "none"), with the specified scale.
  9565. sound_looping_start
  9566. your mom.
  9567. sound_looping_predict
  9568. stops the specified impulse sound.
  9569. sound_impulse_stop
  9570. returns the time remaining for the specified impulse sound.
  9571. sound_impulse_time
  9572. plays an impulse sound from the specified source object (or "none"), with the specified scale.
  9573. sound_impulse_start
  9574. loads an impulse sound into the sound cache ready for playback.
  9575. sound_impulse_predict
  9576. don't use this for anything, you black-hearted bastards.
  9577. game_reverted
  9578. skips <short> amount of game ticks. ONLY USE IN CUTSCENES!!!
  9579. game_skip_ticks
  9580. saves debug game state to core\<path>
  9581. core_save_name
  9582. loads debug game state from core\<path> as soon as the map is initialized
  9583. core_load_name_at_startup
  9584. loads debug game state from core\<path>
  9585. core_load_name
  9586. loads debug game state from core\core.bin as soon as the map is initialized
  9587. core_load_at_startup
  9588. reverts to last saved game, if any (for testing, the first bastard that does this to me gets it in the head)
  9589. game_revert
  9590. checks to see if the game is trying to save the map.
  9591. game_saving
  9592. disregards player's current situation
  9593. game_save_totally_unsafe
  9594. checks to see if it is safe to save game, then saves (this version never gives up)
  9595. game_save_no_timeout
  9596. cancels any pending game_save, timeout or not
  9597. game_save_cancel
  9598. checks to see if it is safe to save game, then saves (gives up after 8 seconds)
  9599. game_save
  9600. returns TRUE if the game is cooperative
  9601. game_is_cooperative
  9602. game_safe_to_speak
  9603. returns FALSE if there are bad guys around, projectiles in the air, etc.
  9604. game_all_quiet
  9605. returns FALSE if it would be a bad idea to save the player's game right now
  9606. game_safe_to_save
  9607. causes the player to revert to his previous saved game
  9608. game_lost
  9609. causes the player to successfully finish the current level and move to the next
  9610. game_won
  9611. attract_mode_start
  9612. suppresses or enables the automatic creation of objects during cutscenes due to a bsp switch
  9613. cinematic_suppress_bsp_object_creation
  9614. activates the chapter title, delayed by <real> seconds
  9615. cinematic_set_title_delayed
  9616. activates the chapter title
  9617. cinematic_set_title
  9618. sets or removes the letterbox bars
  9619. cinematic_show_letterbox
  9620. cinematic_skip_stop_internal
  9621. cinematic_skip_start_internal
  9622. aborts a cinematic
  9623. cinematic_abort
  9624. initializes the game to end a cinematic (interruptive) cutscene
  9625. cinematic_stop
  9626. initializes game to start a cinematic (interruptive) cutscene
  9627. cinematic_start
  9628. does a screen fade out to a particular color
  9629. fade_out
  9630. does a screen fade in from a particular color
  9631. fade_in
  9632. makes the currently selected AI speak a list of vocalizations (e.g. ai_speak_list "involuntary")
  9633. ai_debug_speak_list
  9634. makes the currently selected AI speak a vocalization (e.g. ai_speak "pain minor")
  9635. ai_debug_speak
  9636. teleports all players to the specified encounter
  9637. ai_debug_teleport_to
  9638. makes the selected AI vocalize
  9639. ai_debug_vocalize
  9640. drops the AI debugging sound point at the camera location
  9641. ai_debug_sound_point_set
  9642. cycles through AI line-spray modes
  9643. ai_lines
  9644. tests sun occlusion at a point.
  9645. radiosity_debug_point
  9646. saves radiosity solution.
  9647. radiosity_save
  9648. starts radiosity computation.
  9649. radiosity_start
  9650. displays the current pvs.
  9651. debug_pvs
  9652. enables or disables profile graph display of a particular value.
  9653. profile_graph_toggle
  9654. deactivates profile sections based on a substring.
  9655. profile_deactivate
  9656. activates profile sections based on a substring.
  9657. profile_activate
  9658. dumps profile based on a substring.
  9659. profile_dump
  9660. resets profiling data.
  9661. profile_reset
  9662. writes all memory being used by tag files into tag_dump.txt
  9663. debug_tags
  9664. dumps memory leaks from the specified source file.
  9665. debug_memory_for_file
  9666. dumps memory leaks by source file.
  9667. debug_memory_by_file
  9668. dumps memory leaks.
  9669. debug_memory
  9670. dump dat shit!
  9671. sound_cache_dump_to_file
  9672. i'm a rebel!
  9673. sound_cache_flush
  9674. don't make me kick your ass
  9675. texture_cache_flush
  9676. starts game in film playback mode
  9677. playback
  9678. prints the build version.
  9679. version
  9680. returns the current structure bsp index
  9681. structure_bsp_index
  9682. takes off your condom and changes to a different structure bsp
  9683. switch_bsp
  9684. crashes (for debugging).
  9685. crash
  9686. changes the difficulty setting for the next map to be loaded.
  9687. game_difficulty_set
  9688. changes the name of the multiplayer map
  9689. multiplayer_map_name
  9690. starts the map from the beginning.
  9691. map_reset
  9692. dumps the profiling service timers
  9693. profile_service_dump_timers
  9694. clears the timers that are present in the profiling service
  9695. profile_service_clear_timers
  9696. debug_teleport_player
  9697. adds/resets the player's health, shield, and inventory (weapons and grenades) to the named profile. resets if third parameter is true, adds if false.
  9698. player_add_equipment
  9699. returns true if any player has moved forward, backward, left, and right since the last call to (player_action_test_reset).
  9700. player_action_test_move_relative_all_directions
  9701. returns true if any player has looked up, down, left, and right since the last call to (player_action_test_reset).
  9702. player_action_test_look_relative_all_directions
  9703. returns true if any player has looked right since the last call to (player_action_test_reset).
  9704. player_action_test_look_relative_right
  9705. returns true if any player has looked left since the last call to (player_action_test_reset).
  9706. player_action_test_look_relative_left
  9707. returns true if any player has looked down since the last call to (player_action_test_reset).
  9708. player_action_test_look_relative_down
  9709. returns true if any player has looked up since the last call to (player_action_test_reset).
  9710. player_action_test_look_relative_up
  9711. returns true if any player has hit the back key since the last call to (player_action_test_reset).
  9712. player_action_test_back
  9713. returns true if any player has hit accept since the last call to (player_action_test_reset).
  9714. player_action_test_accept
  9715. returns true if any player has hit the action key since the last call to (player_action_test_reset).
  9716. player_action_test_action
  9717. returns true if any player has hit the zoom button since the last call to (player_action_test_reset).
  9718. player_action_test_zoom
  9719. returns true if any player has used grenade trigger since the last call to (player_action_test_reset).
  9720. player_action_test_grenade_trigger
  9721. returns true if any player has used primary trigger since the last call to (player_action_test_reset).
  9722. player_action_test_primary_trigger
  9723. returns true if any player has jumped since the last call to (player_action_test_reset).
  9724. player_action_test_jump
  9725. resets the player action test state so that all tests will return false.
  9726. player_action_test_reset
  9727. enables/disables camera control globally
  9728. player_camera_control
  9729. toggle player input. the player can still free-look, but nothing else.
  9730. player_enable_input
  9731. resets zoom levels on all players
  9732. players_unzoom_all
  9733. returns the actual current difficulty setting without lying
  9734. game_difficulty_get_real
  9735. returns the current difficulty setting, but lies to you and will never return easy, instead returning normal
  9736. game_difficulty_get
  9737. gets ticks elapsed since the start of the game.
  9738. game_time
  9739. set the game engine
  9740. game_variant
  9741. loads the saved camera position and facing.
  9742. debug_camera_load
  9743. saves the camera position and facing.
  9744. debug_camera_save
  9745. returns the number of ticks remaining in the current camera interpolation.
  9746. camera_time
  9747. makes the scripted camera zoom out around a unit as if it were dead.
  9748. camera_set_dead
  9749. makes the scripted camera follow a unit.
  9750. camera_set_first_person
  9751. begins a prerecorded camera animation.
  9752. camera_set_animation
  9753. moves the camera to the specified camera point over the specified number of ticks (position is relative to the specified object).
  9754. camera_set_relative
  9755. moves the camera to the specified camera point over the specified number of ticks.
  9756. camera_set
  9757. toggles script control of the camera.
  9758. camera_control
  9759. returns whether two teams have an allegiance that is currently broken by traitorous behavior
  9760. ai_allegiance_broken
  9761. returns the status of a conversation (0=none, 1=trying to begin, 2=waiting for guys to get in position, 3=playing, 4=waiting to advance, 5=could not begin, 6=finished successfully, 7=aborted midway
  9762. ai_conversation_status
  9763. returns which line the conversation is currently playing, or 999 if the conversation is not currently playing
  9764. ai_conversation_line
  9765. tries to add an entry to the list of conversations waiting to play. returns FALSE if the required units could not be found to play the conversation, or if the player is too far away and the 'delay' flag is not set.
  9766. ai_conversation
  9767. returns the most severe combat status of a group of actors (0=inactive, 1=noncombat, 2=guarding, 3=search/suspicious, 4=definite enemy(heard or magic awareness), 5=visible enemy, 6=engaging in combat.
  9768. ai_status
  9769. converts an ai reference to an object list.
  9770. ai_actors
  9771. return the number of non-swarm actors in the specified encounter and/or squad.
  9772. ai_nonswarm_count
  9773. return the number of swarm actors in the specified encounter and/or squad.
  9774. ai_swarm_count
  9775. return the current strength (average body vitality from 0-1) of the specified encounter and/or squad.
  9776. ai_strength
  9777. return the fraction [0-1] of living actors in the specified encounter and/or squad.
  9778. ai_living_fraction
  9779. return the number of living actors in the specified encounter and/or squad.
  9780. ai_living_count
  9781. return the number of actors that are still trying to get into the specified vehicle
  9782. ai_going_to_vehicle
  9783. gets the status of a number of units running command lists: 0 = none, 1 = finished command list, 2 = waiting for stimulus, 3 = running command list
  9784. ai_command_list_status
  9785. returns whether a platoon is in the attacking mode (or if an encounter is specified, returns whether any platoon in that encounter is attacking)
  9786. ai_is_attacking
  9787. either enables or disables automatic dormancy for a group of actors
  9788. ai_allow_dormant
  9789. either enables or disables charging behavior for a group of actors
  9790. ai_allow_charge
  9791. makes an encounter change to a new team
  9792. ai_set_team
  9793. forces a group of actors to start or stop berserking
  9794. ai_berserk
  9795. links the first encounter so that it will be made active whenever it detects that the second encounter is active
  9796. ai_link_activation
  9797. tells a conversation that it may advance
  9798. ai_conversation_advance
  9799. stops a conversation from playing or trying to play
  9800. ai_conversation_stop
  9801. sets the distance threshold which will cause squads to migrate when following someone
  9802. ai_follow_distance
  9803. sets the follow target for an encounter to be a group of AI (encounter, squad or platoon)
  9804. ai_follow_target_ai
  9805. sets the follow target for an encounter to be a specific unit
  9806. ai_follow_target_unit
  9807. sets the follow target for an encounter to be the closest player
  9808. ai_follow_target_players
  9809. turns off following for an encounter
  9810. ai_follow_target_disable
  9811. enables or disables a squad as being an automatic migration target
  9812. ai_automatic_migration_target
  9813. tells an actor to stop looking at whatever it's looking at
  9814. ai_stop_looking
  9815. tells an actor to look at an object until further notice
  9816. ai_look_at_object
  9817. disables actors from impulsively getting into a vehicle (this is the default state for newly placed vehicles)
  9818. ai_vehicle_enterable_disable
  9819. sets a vehicle as being impulsively enterable for a certain encounter/squad of actors
  9820. ai_vehicle_enterable_actors
  9821. sets a vehicle as being impulsively enterable for actors of a certain type (grunt, elite, marine etc)
  9822. ai_vehicle_enterable_actor_type
  9823. sets a vehicle as being impulsively enterable for actors on a certain team
  9824. ai_vehicle_enterable_team
  9825. sets a vehicle as being impulsively enterable for actors within a certain distance
  9826. ai_vehicle_enterable_distance
  9827. sets a vehicle to 'belong' to a particular encounter/squad. any actors who get into the vehicle will be placed in this squad. NB: vehicles potentially drivable by multiple teams need their own encounter!
  9828. ai_vehicle_encounter
  9829. reconnects all AI information to the current structure bsp (use this after you create encounters or command lists in sapien, or place new firing points or command list points)
  9830. ai_reconnect
  9831. sets an encounter to be playfighting or not
  9832. ai_playfight
  9833. sets the current state of a group of actors. WARNING: may have unpredictable results on actors that are in combat
  9834. ai_set_current_state
  9835. sets the state that a group of actors will return to when they have nothing to do
  9836. ai_set_return_state
  9837. forces a named actor that is NOT in an encounter to remain active (i.e. not freeze in place) even if there are no players nearby
  9838. ai_force_active_by_unit
  9839. forces an encounter to remain active (i.e. not freeze in place) even if there are no players nearby
  9840. ai_force_active
  9841. just like ai_command_list_advance but operates upon a unit instead
  9842. ai_command_list_advance_by_unit
  9843. tells a group of actors that are running a command list that they may advance further along the list (if they are waiting for a stimulus)
  9844. ai_command_list_advance
  9845. tells a named unit to begin executing the specified command list
  9846. ai_command_list_by_unit
  9847. tells a group of actors to begin executing the specified command list
  9848. causes a group of actors to preferentially target the player
  9849. ai_try_to_fight_player
  9850. causes a group of actors to preferentially target another group of actors
  9851. ai_try_to_fight
  9852. removes the preferential target setting from a group of actors
  9853. ai_try_to_fight_nothing
  9854. refreshes the health and grenade count of a group of actors, so they are as good as new
  9855. ai_renew
  9856. teleports a group of actors to the starting locations of their current squad(s), only if they are not supported by solid ground (i.e. if they are falling after switching BSPs)
  9857. ai_teleport_to_starting_location_if_unsupported
  9858. teleports a group of actors to the starting locations of their current squad(s)
  9859. ai_teleport_to_starting_location
  9860. if TRUE, *ALL* enemies will prefer to attack the specified units. if FALSE, removes the preference.
  9861. ai_prefer_target
  9862. if TRUE, forces all actors to completely disregard the specified units, otherwise lets them acknowledge the units again
  9863. ai_disregard
  9864. makes a list of objects braindead, or restores them to life. if you pass in a vehicle index, it makes all actors in that vehicle braindead (including any built-in guns)
  9865. ai_braindead_by_unit
  9866. makes a group of actors braindead, or restores them to life (in their initial state)
  9867. ai_braindead
  9868. tells a group of actors to get out of any vehicles that they are in
  9869. ai_exit_vehicle
  9870. tells a group of actors to get into a vehicle, in the substring-specified seats (e.g. passenger for pelican)... NB: any actors who are already going to vehicles will stop and go to this one instead!
  9871. ai_go_to_vehicle_override
  9872. tells a group of actors to get into a vehicle, in the substring-specified seats (e.g. passenger for pelican)... does not interrupt any actors who are already going to vehicles
  9873. ai_go_to_vehicle
  9874. destroys an allegiance between two teams.
  9875. ai_allegiance_remove
  9876. creates an allegiance between two teams.
  9877. ai_allegiance
  9878. makes a named vehicle or group of units move to another encounter.
  9879. ai_migrate_by_unit
  9880. makes all or part of an encounter move to another encounter, and say their 'advance' or 'retreat' speech lines.
  9881. ai_migrate_and_speak
  9882. makes all or part of an encounter move to another encounter.
  9883. ai_migrate
  9884. enables or disables the maneuver/retreat rule for an encounter or platoon. the rule will still trigger, but none of the actors will be given the order to change squads.
  9885. ai_maneuver_enable
  9886. ai_maneuver
  9887. makes all squads in the specified platoon(s) maneuver to their designated maneuver squads.
  9888. ai_retreat
  9889. makes the specified platoon(s) go into the defending state.
  9890. ai_defend
  9891. makes the specified platoon(s) go into the attacking state.
  9892. ai_attack
  9893. makes a squad's delay timer expire and releases them to enter combat.
  9894. ai_timer_expire
  9895. makes a squad's delay timer start counting.
  9896. ai_timer_start
  9897. makes an encounter magically aware of the specified set of units.
  9898. ai_magically_see_units
  9899. makes an encounter magically aware of the specified unit.
  9900. ai_magically_see_unit
  9901. makes an encounter magically aware of nearby players.
  9902. ai_magically_see_players
  9903. makes one encounter magically aware of another.
  9904. ai_magically_see_encounter
  9905. enables or disables sight for actors in the specified encounter.
  9906. ai_set_blind
  9907. enables or disables hearing for actors in the specified encounter.
  9908. ai_set_deaf
  9909. enables or disables respawning in the specified encounter.
  9910. ai_set_respawn
  9911. spawns a single actor in the specified encounter and/or squad.
  9912. ai_spawn_actor
  9913. clears the selected encounter.
  9914. ai_deselect
  9915. selects the specified encounter.
  9916. ai_select
  9917. erases all AI.
  9918. ai_erase_all
  9919. erases the specified encounter and/or squad.
  9920. ai_erase
  9921. instantly and silently (no animation or sound played) kills the specified encounter and/or squad.
  9922. ai_kill_silent
  9923. instantly kills the specified encounter and/or squad.
  9924. ai_kill
  9925. places the specified encounter on the map.
  9926. ai_place
  9927. detaches the specified list of units from all AI.
  9928. ai_detach_units
  9929. detaches the specified unit from all AI.
  9930. ai_detach
  9931. attaches a unit to a newly created free actor of the specified type
  9932. ai_attach_free
  9933. attaches the specified list of units to the specified encounter.
  9934. ai_attach_units
  9935. attaches the specified unit to the specified encounter.
  9936. ai_attach
  9937. removes a set of units from their encounter (if any) and sets them free
  9938. ai_free_units
  9939. removes a group of actors from their encounter and sets them free
  9940. ai_free
  9941. turns grenade inventory on or off.
  9942. ai_grenades
  9943. turns impromptu dialogue on or off.
  9944. ai_dialogue_triggers
  9945. reloads the cheats.txt file
  9946. cheats_load
  9947. cheat_active_camouflage_local_player
  9948. gives the player active camouflage
  9949. cheat_active_camouflage
  9950. teleports player to camera location
  9951. cheat_teleport_to_camera
  9952. drops a warthog near player
  9953. cheat_spawn_warthog
  9954. drops all powerups near player
  9955. cheat_all_powerups
  9956. restores all breakable surfaces
  9957. breakable_surfaces_reset
  9958. TRUE allows a device to change states only once
  9959. device_group_change_only_once_more_set
  9960. TRUE makes the given device open automatically when any biped is nearby, FALSE makes it not
  9961. device_operates_automatically_set
  9962. TRUE makes the given device one-sided (only able to be opened from one direction), FALSE makes it two-sided
  9963. device_one_sided_set
  9964. instantaneously changes the value of the specified device group.
  9965. device_group_set_immediate
  9966. changes the desired value of the specified device group.
  9967. device_group_set
  9968. returns the desired value of the specified device group.
  9969. device_group_get
  9970. instantaneously changes the position of the given device (used for devices without explicit device groups
  9971. device_set_position_immediate
  9972. gets the current position of the given device (used for devices without explicit device groups)
  9973. device_get_position
  9974. set the desired position of the given device (used for devices without explicit device groups)
  9975. device_set_position
  9976. gets the current power of a named device
  9977. device_get_power
  9978. immediately sets the power of a named device to the given value
  9979. device_set_power
  9980. changes a machine's never_appears_locked flag, but only if paul is a bastard
  9981. device_set_never_appears_locked
  9982. gets the unit's current flashlight state
  9983. unit_get_current_flashlight_state
  9984. sets the unit's desired flashlight state
  9985. unit_set_desired_flashlight_state
  9986. sets the units' desired flashlight state
  9987. units_set_desired_flashlight_state
  9988. returns whether the night-vision mode could be activated via the flashlight button
  9989. unit_solo_player_integrated_night_vision_is_active
  9990. stops gravity from working on the given unit
  9991. unit_suspended
  9992. prevents any of the given units from being knocked around or playing ping animations
  9993. unit_impervious
  9994. prevents any of the given units from dropping weapons or grenades when they die
  9995. unit_doesnt_drop_items
  9996. returns TRUE if the <unit> has <object> as the primary weapon, FALSE otherwise
  9997. unit_has_weapon_readied
  9998. returns TRUE if the <unit> has <object> as a weapon, FALSE otherwise
  9999. unit_has_weapon
  10000. returns the total number of grenades for the given unit, 0 if it does not exist
  10001. unit_get_total_grenade_count
  10002. returns the shield [0,1] of the unit, returns -1 if the unit does not exists
  10003. unit_get_shield
  10004. returns the health [0,1] of the unit, returns -1 if the unit does not exists
  10005. unit_get_health
  10006. returns the gunner of a vehicle
  10007. vehicle_gunner
  10008. returns the driver of a vehicle
  10009. vehicle_driver
  10010. returns a list of all riders in a vehicle
  10011. vehicle_riders
  10012. causes player's unit to start a melee attack
  10013. magic_melee_attack
  10014. this unit will assume the named seat
  10015. unit_set_seat
  10016. all units controlled by the player will assume the given seat name (valid values are 'asleep', 'alert', 'stand', 'crouch' and 'flee')
  10017. magic_seat_name
  10018. makes units get out of a vehicle from the substring-specified seats (e.g. CD-passenger... empty string matches all seats)
  10019. vehicle_unload
  10020. makes a list of units (named or by encounter) magically get into a vehicle, in the substring-specified seats (e.g. CD-passenger... empty string matches all seats)
  10021. vehicle_load_magic
  10022. sets a group of units' current body and shield vitality
  10023. units_set_current_vitality
  10024. sets a unit's current body and shield vitality
  10025. unit_set_current_vitality
  10026. sets a group of units' maximum body and shield vitality
  10027. units_set_maximum_vitality
  10028. sets a unit's maximum body and shield vitality
  10029. unit_set_maximum_vitality
  10030. makes a unit exit its vehicle
  10031. unit_exit_vehicle
  10032. sets the emotion animation to be used for the given unit
  10033. unit_set_emotion_animation
  10034. tests whether the named seat has a specified unit in it
  10035. vehicle_test_seat
  10036. tests whether the named seat has an object in the object list
  10037. vehicle_test_seat_list
  10038. puts the specified unit in the specified vehicle (in the named seat)
  10039. unit_enter_vehicle
  10040. can be used to prevent the player from entering a vehicle
  10041. unit_set_enterable_by_player
  10042. sets a unit's facial expression (-1 is none, other values depend on unit)
  10043. unit_set_emotion
  10044. allows a unit to aim in place without turning
  10045. unit_aim_without_turning
  10046. returns TRUE if the given unit is still playing a custom animation
  10047. unit_is_playing_custom_animation
  10048. starts a custom animation playing on a unit at a specific frame index(interpolates into animation if next to last parameter is TRUE)
  10049. unit_custom_animation_at_frame
  10050. starts a custom animation playing on a unit list (interpolates into animation if last parameter is TRUE)
  10051. custom_animation_list
  10052. starts a custom animation playing on a unit (interpolates into animation if last parameter is TRUE)
  10053. custom_animation
  10054. stops the custom animation running on the given unit.
  10055. unit_stop_custom_animation
  10056. returns the number of ticks remaining in a unit's custom animation (or zero, if the animation is over).
  10057. unit_get_custom_animation_time
  10058. kills a given unit silently (doesn't make them play their normal death animation or sound)
  10059. unit_kill_silent
  10060. kills a given unit, no saving throw
  10061. unit_kill
  10062. closes the hatches on a given unit
  10063. unit_close
  10064. opens the hatches on the given unit
  10065. unit_open
  10066. allows a unit to blink or not (units never blink when they are dead)
  10067. unit_can_blink
  10068. render_effects
  10069. starts a custom animation playing on a piece of scenery at a specific frame
  10070. scenery_animation_start_at_frame
  10071. starts a custom animation playing on a piece of scenery
  10072. scenery_animation_start
  10073. returns the number of ticks remaining in a custom animation (or zero, if the animation is over).
  10074. scenery_get_animation_time
  10075. enables/disables dynamic lights
  10076. render_lights
  10077. just another (old) name for object_pvs_set_object.
  10078. object_pvs_activate
  10079. removes the special place that activates everything it sees.
  10080. object_pvs_clear
  10081. sets the specified cutscene camera point as the special place that activates everything it sees.
  10082. object_pvs_set_camera
  10083. sets the specified object as the special place that activates everything it sees.
  10084. object_pvs_set_object
  10085. loads textures necessary to draw an object that's about to come on-screen.
  10086. object_type_predict
  10087. loads textures necessary to draw a objects that are about to come on-screen.
  10088. objects_predict
  10089. makes an object pretty for the remainder of the levels' cutscenes.
  10090. object_beautify
  10091. allows an object to take damage again
  10092. object_can_take_damage
  10093. prevents an object from taking damage
  10094. object_cannot_take_damage
  10095. causes all garbage objects except those visible to a player to be collected immediately
  10096. garbage_collect_now
  10097. detaches from the given parent object the given child object
  10098. objects_detach
  10099. attaches the second object to the first; both strings can be empty
  10100. objects_attach
  10101. sets the scale for a given object and interpolates over the given number of frames to achieve that scale
  10102. object_set_scale
  10103. FALSE prevents any object from colliding with the given object
  10104. object_set_collideable
  10105. debugs object memory usage
  10106. objects_dump_memory
  10107. FALSE prevents object from using melee attack
  10108. object_set_melee_attack_inhibited
  10109. FALSE prevents object from using ranged attack
  10110. object_set_ranged_attack_inhibited
  10111. return the time remaining in the specified unit's cutscene recording.
  10112. recording_time
  10113. kill the specified unit's cutscene recording.
  10114. recording_kill
  10115. make the specified vehicle run the specified cutscene recording, hovers the vehicle when the animation finishes.
  10116. recording_play_and_hover
  10117. make the specified unit run the specified cutscene recording, deletes the unit when the animation finishes.
  10118. recording_play_and_delete
  10119. make the specified unit run the specified cutscene recording.
  10120. recording_play
  10121. enables or disables breakability of all breakable surfaces on level
  10122. breakable_surfaces_enable
  10123. numeric_countdown_timer_restart
  10124. numeric_countdown_timer_stop
  10125. <digit_index>
  10126. numeric_countdown_timer_get
  10127. <milliseconds>, <auto_start>
  10128. numeric_countdown_timer_set
  10129. real_random_range
  10130. returns a random value in the range [lower bound, upper bound)
  10131. random_range
  10132. saves a file called hs_doc.txt with parameters for all script commands.
  10133. script_doc
  10134. recompiles scripts.
  10135. script_recompile
  10136. absolutely do not use this either
  10137. sound_get_gain
  10138. absolutely do not use this
  10139. sound_set_gain
  10140. deletes all objects of type <definition>
  10141. objects_delete_by_definition
  10142. returns true if any of the specified units are looking within the specified number of degrees of the flag.
  10143. objects_can_see_flag
  10144. returns true if any of the specified units are looking within the specified number of degrees of the object.
  10145. objects_can_see_object
  10146. causes the specified damage at the specified object.
  10147. damage_object
  10148. causes the specified damage at the specified flag.
  10149. damage_new
  10150. starts the specified effect on the specified object at the specified marker.
  10151. effect_new_on_object_marker
  10152. starts the specified effect at the specified flag.
  10153. effect_new
  10154. returns the number of objects in a list
  10155. list_count
  10156. returns an item in an object list.
  10157. list_get
  10158. sets the desired region (use "" for all regions) to the permutation with the given name, e.g. (object_set_permutation flood "right arm" ~damaged)
  10159. object_set_permutation
  10160. sets the shield vitality of the specified object (between 0 and 1).
  10161. object_set_shield
  10162. turns the specified object in the direction of the specified flag.
  10163. object_set_facing
  10164. moves the specified object to the specified flag.
  10165. object_teleport
  10166. destroys all non player objects.
  10167. object_destroy_all
  10168. destroys all objects from the scenario whose names contain the given substring.
  10169. object_destroy_containing
  10170. creates anew all objects from the scenario whose names contain the given substring.
  10171. object_create_anew_containing
  10172. creates all objects from the scenario whose names contain the given substring.
  10173. object_create_containing
  10174. creates an object, destroying it first if it already exists.
  10175. object_create_anew
  10176. destroys an object.
  10177. object_destroy
  10178. creates an object from the scenario.
  10179. object_create
  10180. volume_test_objects_all
  10181. returns true if any of the specified objects are within the specified volume.
  10182. volume_test_objects
  10183. returns true if the specified object is within the specified volume.
  10184. volume_test_object
  10185. moves all players outside a specified trigger volume to a specified flag.
  10186. volume_teleport_players_not_inside
  10187. returns a list of the players
  10188. prints a string to the console.
  10189. print
  10190. returns the opposite of the expression.
  10191. not
  10192. focuses (or stops focusing) a set of unit vocalization types.
  10193. ai_debug_communication_focus
  10194. ignores (or stops ignoring) a set of AI communication types when printing out communications.
  10195. ai_debug_communication_ignore
  10196. <string(s)>
  10197. suppresses (or stops suppressing) a set of AI communication types.
  10198. ai_debug_communication_suppress
  10199. <object>
  10200. converts an object to a unit.
  10201. <expression>
  10202. prints the value of an expression to the screen for debugging purposes.
  10203. inspect
  10204. <script name>
  10205. wakes a sleeping script in the next update.
  10206. wake
  10207. <boolean> [<short>]
  10208. pauses execution of this script until the specified condition is true, checking once per second unless a different number of ticks is specified.
  10209. sleep_until
  10210. <short> [<script>]
  10211. pauses execution of this script (or, optionally, another script) for the specified number of ticks.
  10212. sleep
  10213. returns true if the first number is smaller than or equal to the second.
  10214. <=
  10215. returns true if the first number is larger than or equal to the second.
  10216. >=
  10217. returns true if the first number is smaller than the second.
  10218. <
  10219. returns true if the first number is larger than the second.
  10220. >
  10221. returns true if two expressions are not equal
  10222. !=
  10223. <expression> <expression>
  10224. returns true if two expressions are equal
  10225. =
  10226. returns the maximum of all specified expressions.
  10227. returns the minimum of all specified expressions.
  10228. returns the quotient of two expressions.
  10229. returns the product of all specified expressions.
  10230. <number> <number>
  10231. returns the difference of two expressions.
  10232. -
  10233. <number(s)>
  10234. returns the sum of all specified expressions.
  10235. +
  10236. returns true if any specified expressions are true.
  10237. or
  10238. <boolean(s)>
  10239. returns true if all specified expressions are true.
  10240. and
  10241. <variable name> <expression>
  10242. set the value of a global variable.
  10243. (<boolean1> <result1>) [(<boolean2> <result2>) [...]]
  10244. returns the value associated with the first true condition.
  10245. cond
  10246. <boolean> <then> [<else>]
  10247. returns one of two values based on the value of a condition.
  10248. if
  10249. evaluates the sequence of expressions in random order and returns the last value evaluated.
  10250. begin_random
  10251. <expression(s)>
  10252. returns the last expression in a sequence after evaluating the sequence in order.
  10253. begin
  10254. static
  10255. continuous
  10256. dormant
  10257. startup
  10258. scenery_name
  10259. device_name
  10260. weapon_name
  10261. vehicle_name
  10262. unit_name
  10263. object_name
  10264. hud_corner
  10265. actor_type
  10266. ai_default_state
  10267. team
  10268. game_difficulty
  10269. object_definition
  10270. looping_sound
  10271. object_list
  10272. hud_message
  10273. navpoint
  10274. conversation
  10275. starting_profile
  10276. ai_command_list
  10277. ai
  10278. device_group
  10279. cutscene_recording
  10280. cutscene_title
  10281. cutscene_camera_point
  10282. cutscene_flag
  10283. trigger_volume
  10284. short
  10285. boolean
  10286. void
  10287. passthrough
  10288. function name
  10289. special form
  10290. unparsed
  10291. couldn't allocate script syntax data
  10292. \halopc\haloce\source\hs\hs.c
  10293. script node
  10294. function_index>=0 && function_index<hs_function_table_count
  10295. global_index>=0 && global_index<hs_external_global_count
  10296. mble
  10297. player_effect_set_max_ru
  10298. enumeration_results
  10299. global
  10300. hs_token_enumerators[type_index]
  10301. !enumeration_results
  10302. maximum source files per scenario exceeded.
  10303. couldn't read source file into memory.
  10304. maximum source file size exceeded.
  10305. hsc
  10306. data\global_scripts.hsc
  10307. scripts
  10308. data\%s
  10309. [%s line %d] %s: %s
  10310. scripts successfully compiled.
  10311. <
  10312. (%s
  10313. couldn't reset scripts.
  10314. an unspecified error occurred loading scripts
  10315. recompiling scripts after scenarios were merged.
  10316. %s
  10317. hs_doc.txt
  10318. you can't add an hs type without defining its name.
  10319. (%s)
  10320. (set %s)
  10321. rasterizer_dx9_present_d3d_present
  10322. ### ERROR failed to create a window
  10323. ERROR - failed to create window
  10324. hardware_format
  10325. \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx9.c
  10326. parameters
  10327. present_parameters
  10328. -refresh
  10329. %d,%d,%d
  10330. -vidmode
  10331. global_d3d_device
  10332. ### ERROR rasterizer_windows_end failed
  10333. IDirect3DDevice9_EndScene(global_d3d_device)
  10334. FliptoGDI inside scene!
  10335. ### ERROR rasterizer_frame_end failed
  10336. IDirect3DDevice9_SetIndices(global_d3d_device, NULL)
  10337. IDirect3DDevice9_SetStreamSource(global_d3d_device, index, NULL, 0, 0)
  10338. ### ERROR rasterizer_present failed
  10339. ### ERROR rasterizer_present: invalid bitmap
  10340. d3d_surfacedesc.Width * 4 == line_bytes
  10341. ### ERROR rasterizer_present: failed to lock backbuffer surface
  10342. ### ERROR rasterizer_present: failed to get backbuffer surface
  10343. IDirect3DSurface9_UnlockRect(d3d_surface)
  10344. IDirect3DSurface9_LockRect(d3d_surface, &d3d_locked_rect, NULL, D3DLOCK_READONLY)
  10345. IDirect3DSurface9_GetDesc(d3d_surface, &d3d_surfacedesc)
  10346. IDirect3DDevice9_GetBackBuffer(global_d3d_device, 0, 0, D3DBACKBUFFER_TYPE_MONO, &d3d_surface)
  10347. ### ERROR vertical blank callbacks not supported in DX8
  10348. framebuffer_blend_function>=0 && framebuffer_blend_function<NUMBER_OF_SHADER_FRAMEBUFFER_BLEND_FUNCTIONS
  10349. ### ERROR direct texture not found (stage=%d)
  10350. stage>=0 && stage<RASTERIZER_MAXIMUM_TEXTURE_STAGES
  10351. ### ERROR rasterizer_set_texture_direct failed
  10352. (texture=%s)
  10353. ### YOU GOT FUCKED in rasterizer_set_texture_direct_non_blocking
  10354. ### ERROR rasterizer_set_texture failed
  10355. ### ERROR default texture not found (stage=%d, type=%d, usage=%d)
  10356. ### ERROR incompatible bitmap type in shader
  10357. usage>=0 && usage<NUMBER_OF_BITMAP_USAGES
  10358. ### YOU GOT FUCKED in rasterizer_set_texture_non_blocking
  10359. ### ERROR incompatible bitmap type in shader got %s expected %s
  10360. ### ERROR rasterizer_set_model_skinning failed
  10361. IDirect3DDevice9_SetVertexShaderConstantF(global_d3d_device, VSH_CONSTANTS__NODEMATRIX_OFFSET, vsh_constants__nodematrices, node_count*NUMBER_OF_ROWS_PER_NODE_MATRIX)
  10362. skinning->node_matrix_count>0
  10363. skinning->node_matrices
  10364. skinning
  10365. light->radius>0.0f
  10366. light_index>=0 && light_index<rasterizer_lights.light_count
  10367. lighting_constants
  10368. ### ERROR unsupported stencil mode
  10369. ### ERROR failed to initialize rasterizer
  10370. IDirect3DDevice9_SetViewport(global_d3d_device, &d3d_viewport)
  10371. -usefxfile
  10372. ### ERROR failed to query adapter display mode
  10373. IDirect3D9_GetAdapterDisplayMode(global_d3d, adapter_index, &d3d_display_mode)
  10374. rejecting adapter #%d...
  10375. rejecting adapter #%d...(invalid display mode)
  10376. CreateDevice succeeded with refresh rate = %d
  10377. Retrying CreateDevice with default refresh rate...
  10378. NvCplGetDataInt
  10379. NVCPL.dll
  10380. -dpdebugger
  10381. -use2a
  10382. -use20
  10383. -use14
  10384. -use11
  10385. -use00
  10386. -useff
  10387. -useref
  10388. ### ERROR no display adapters found
  10389. ### ERROR failed to create D3D object
  10390. Invalid adapter specified on command line (Max=%d)
  10391. -adapter
  10392. *found %d adapters...
  10393. Could not create window
  10394. ### ERROR rasterizer_set_fog failed
  10395. IDirect3DDevice9_SetVertexShaderConstantF(global_d3d_device, VSH_CONSTANTS__FOG_OFFSET, vsh_constants__fog, VSH_CONSTANTS__FOG_COUNT)
  10396. global_window_parameters.fog.planar_maximum_depth>0.0f
  10397. global_window_parameters.fog.planar_maximum_distance>0.0f
  10398. global_window_parameters.fog.atmospheric_maximum_distance>=global_window_parameters.fog.atmospheric_minimum_distance
  10399. global_window_parameters.fog.planar_maximum_distance!=0.0f
  10400. ### ERROR rasterizer_set_model_lighting failed
  10401. IDirect3DDevice9_SetVertexShaderConstantF(global_d3d_device, VSH_CONSTANTS__VERTEXLIGHT_OFFSET, ( float* ) &vsh_constants__vertexlight, VSH_CONSTANTS__VERTEXLIGHT_COUNT)
  10402. lighting->distant_light_count>=0 && lighting->distant_light_count<=MAXIMUM_RENDERED_DISTANT_LIGHTS
  10403. lighting->point_light_count>=0 && lighting->point_light_count<=MAXIMUM_RENDERED_POINT_LIGHTS
  10404. lighting
  10405. ### ERROR rasterizer_set_frustum_z failed
  10406. IDirect3DDevice9_SetVertexShaderConstantF(global_d3d_device, VSH_CONSTANTS__EYEXFORM_OFFSET, ( float*) vsh_constants__eyexform, VSH_CONSTANTS__EYEXFORM_COUNT)
  10407. IDirect3DDevice9_SetVertexShaderConstantF(global_d3d_device, VSH_CONSTANTS__VIEWPROJ_OFFSET, vsh_constants__viewproj, VSH_CONSTANTS__VIEWPROJ_COUNT)
  10408. IDirect3DDevice9_SetTransform(global_d3d_device, D3DTS_PROJECTION, (D3DMATRIX*)&global_window_parameters.frustum.projection_matrix)
  10409. IDirect3DDevice9_SetTransform(global_d3d_device, D3DTS_VIEW, &view)
  10410. IDirect3DDevice9_SetTransform(global_d3d_device, D3DTS_WORLD, &world)
  10411. global_window_parameters.frustum.projection_valid
  10412. IDirect3DDevice9_SetSoftwareVertexProcessing(global_d3d_device, rasterizer_globals.using_software_vertex_processing)
  10413. ### ERROR rasterizer_windows_begin failed
  10414. IDirect3DDevice9_BeginScene(global_d3d_device)
  10415. parameters->camera.z_near!=0.0f
  10416. ### ERROR unsupported rasterizer target for scene rendering
  10417. \halopc\haloce\source\sound\sound_effect_object_wrapper_pc.cpp
  10418. Sound effect mode set to %s
  10424. PrototypeCard
  10425. TransparentDecalSlopeZBiasValue
  10426. TransparentDecalZBiasValue
  10427. DecalSlopeZBiasValue
  10428. DecalZBiasValue
  10429. MinMaxBlendOpIsBroken
  10430. UMA
  10431. UseAnisotropicFilter
  10432. DisableSpecular
  10433. SafeMode
  10434. InvalidSoundDriver
  10435. InvalidDriver
  10436. OldSoundDriver
  10437. HeadRelativeSpeech
  10438. EnableStopStart
  10439. OldDriver
  10440. UseAlternateConvolveMask
  10441. DisableBuffering
  10442. DisableAlphaRenderTargets
  10443. DisableRenderTargets
  10444. UnsupportedCard
  10445. UseFixedFunction
  10446. MaximumResolution
  10447. LinearTextureAddressingSun
  10448. LinearTextureAddressingZoom
  10449. LinearTextureAddressing
  10450. DisableDriverManagement
  10451. ForceShader
  10452. DiskSpace
  10453. %d.%d.%d.%d
  10454. DirectX
  10455. VideoMemory
  10456. Memory
  10457. CpuSpeed
  10458. Error in config.txt '%s'='%s'
  10459. Unknown property in config.txt '%s'
  10460. config.txt
  10461. szDriverVersion
  10462. rev_
  10463. subsys_
  10464. dev_
  10465. ven_
  10466. pci en_10de&dev_01b0&subsys_37301462&rev_c2&13c0b0c5&0&28
  10467. *nforce
  10468. szHardwareID
  10469. szDescription
  10470. szGuidDeviceID
  10471. DxDiag_DirectSound.DxDiag_SoundDevices
  10472. DirectDrawEnumerateExA
  10473. DirectDrawCreateEx
  10474. ddraw.dll
  10475. %d.%d.%d.%d:%d
  10476. %d.%d.%d.%d.%d
  10477. attempted to join while game already in progress
  10478. attempted to join a network game with a bogus address
  10479. failed to initiate join game procedures
  10480. Connection disallowed in -devmode
  10481. address
  10482. \halopc\haloce\source\networking\network_client_session.c
  10483. Not connected.
  10484. The server cannot disconnect.
  10485. Hammering server: disconnecting (%d left), delay %u ms until connect
  10486. Hammering server: connecting (%d left), delay %u ms until disconnect
  10487. network_game_client_attempt_connection address[%s]
  10488. cannot set first person camera on a unit that doesn't exist.
  10489. \halopc\haloce\source\camera\camera_scripting.c
  10490. type==_hs_type_boolean
  10491. c:\halopc\haloce\source\hs\hs_library_internal_runtime.h
  10492. type==_hs_type_real
  10493. type==_hs_type_short_integer
  10494. type==_hs_type_long_integer
  10495. type==_hs_type_string
  10496. enum_value>=0 && enum_value<enum_definition->count
  10497. HS_TYPE_IS_ENUM(type)
  10498. couldn't allocate scripting globals.
  10499. index!=NONE
  10501. \halopc\haloce\source\hs\hs_runtime.c
  10502. hs globals
  10503. hs thread
  10504. (end of script)
  10505. type!=_hs_thread_type_script || script_index!=NONE
  10506. type>=0 && type<NUMBER_OF_HS_THREAD_TYPES
  10507. hs_thread_get(thread_index)->type!=_hs_thread_type_script
  10508. [global initialize]
  10509. [console command]
  10510. a problem occurred while executing the script %s: %s (%s)
  10511. stack overflow.
  10512. (byte *) (new_frame+1)<thread->stack_data+HS_THREAD_STACK_SIZE
  10513. frame->data+frame->size+size<=thread->stack_data+HS_THREAD_STACK_SIZE
  10514. attempt to allocate zero space from the stack.
  10515. corrupted stack.
  10516. valid_thread(thread)
  10517. desired_type>=0 && desired_type<NUMBER_OF_HS_OBJECT_TYPES
  10518. actual_type>=0 && actual_type<NUMBER_OF_HS_OBJECT_TYPES
  10519. hs_type_valid(desired_type)
  10520. actual_type==_hs_passthrough || hs_type_valid(actual_type)
  10521. bad typecast.
  10522. hs_can_cast(actual_type, desired_type)
  10523. script %s needs to be recompiled. (%s: %s)
  10524. no reason given.
  10525. [unknown]
  10526. |n%s|t
  10527. |n|n|nscript name|tsleep time|tfunction
  10528. script_name_node->type==_hs_type_script
  10529. TEST_FLAG(script_name_node->flags, _hs_syntax_node_primitive_bit)
  10530. function_index==_hs_function_wake
  10531. *expression_index==NONE
  10532. unexpected actual parameters.
  10533. hs_syntax_get(*expression_index)->type==formal_parameters[*argument_index]
  10534. corrupted syntax tree.
  10535. *expression_index!=NONE
  10536. function_index==_hs_function_begin
  10537. *argument_count<LONG_BITS
  10538. function_index==_hs_function_begin_random
  10539. function_index==_hs_function_if
  10540. function_index==_hs_function_and || function_index==_hs_function_or
  10541. function_index==_hs_function_equal || function_index==_hs_function_not_equal
  10542. parameter_types[0]==_hs_type_short_integer || HS_TYPE_IS_ENUM(parameter_types[0])
  10543. function_index>=_hs_function_gt && function_index<=_hs_function_lte
  10544. function_index==_hs_function_sleep
  10545. function_index==_hs_function_sleep_until
  10546. function_index==_hs_function_inspect
  10547. attempt to convert object %s to type %s
  10548. function_index>=_hs_function_object_to_unit && function_index<=_hs_function_object_to_unit
  10549. (function_index>=_hs_function_debug_string__first) && (function_index<=_hs_function_debug_string__last)
  10550. function->evaluate
  10551. found a static script at toplevel.
  10552. script->script_type!=_hs_script_static && script->script_type!=_hs_script_stub
  10553. ran out of script threads.
  10554. a global initialization attempted to sleep.
  10555. internal_thread->sleep_until==0
  10556. there are not enough threads to execute that command.
  10557. load game menu delete finish
  10558. load game menu delete request
  10559. network settings defaults
  10560. network settings edit a port
  10561. direct ip edit field
  10562. direct ip connect go
  10563. direct ip connect init
  10564. checking for updates dismiss
  10565. checking for updates ok
  10566. mp type set mode
  10567. solo menu save checkpoint
  10568. load game menu activated
  10569. load game menu dispose
  10570. load game menu init
  10571. campaign menu continue
  10572. campaign menu init
  10573. video screen dispose
  10574. gamespy get patch
  10575. credits dispose
  10576. credits initialize
  10577. difficulty item select
  10578. credits post render
  10579. plr prof save network options
  10580. plr prof init network options
  10581. plr prof cancel audio set
  10582. emit custom activation event
  10583. mp game options choose
  10584. mp prof save teamplay options
  10585. mp prof init teamplay options
  10586. single prev cl item activated
  10587. mp prof save vehicle options
  10588. mp prof init vehicle options
  10589. mp choose team
  10590. mp game options open
  10591. mp pause menu open
  10592. controls advanced ok
  10593. controls advanced launch
  10594. controls back handler
  10595. mouse spinner 1wide click
  10596. gamespy back handler
  10597. gamespy update filter settings
  10598. gamespy dismiss filters
  10599. video test dialog accept
  10600. video test dialog dispose
  10601. video test dialog init
  10602. ss start game
  10603. ss edit server password
  10604. ss edit server name
  10605. server settings init
  10606. gamespy dismiss error
  10607. profile manager select
  10608. profile manager delete
  10609. profile set edit begin
  10610. controls screen defaults
  10611. video screen defaults
  10612. audio screen defaults
  10613. mouse screen defaults
  10614. gamepad screen select item
  10615. gamepad screen change gamepads
  10616. gamepad screen dispose
  10617. gamepad screen init
  10618. mouse - emit X event
  10619. controls screen change set
  10620. controls screen dispose
  10621. plr prof change video set
  10622. plr prof change audio set
  10623. plr prof init audio set
  10624. plr prof change mouse set
  10625. plr prof init mouse set
  10626. gamespy select button
  10627. gamespy select item
  10628. gamespy select header
  10629. gamespy screen dispose
  10630. gamespy screen init
  10631. controls begin binding
  10632. video screen init
  10633. controls screen init
  10634. mouse spinner 3wide click
  10635. mouse - emit DPAD RIGHT event
  10636. mouse - emit DPAD LEFT event
  10637. mouse - emit BACK event
  10638. mouse - emit ACCEPT event
  10639. main menu quit game
  10640. pause game invert spinner set
  10641. pause game invert spinner get
  10642. start new coop game
  10643. pause game invert pitch
  10644. exit gracefully to xbox dashboard
  10645. new game if no plyr profiles
  10646. begin music fade out
  10647. difficulty menu init
  10648. pop history stack once
  10649. new campaign decision
  10650. new campaign chosen
  10651. exit to xbox dashboard
  10652. close if not editing profile
  10653. net game unjoin player
  10654. start server if none advertised
  10655. error if no network connection
  10656. sp set p2 controller choice
  10657. sp set p1 controller choice
  10658. sp reset controller choices
  10659. run xdemos
  10660. disable if no xdemos
  10661. net server allow start
  10662. net server defer start
  10663. net server accept conx
  10664. net game delay start
  10665. net game speed start
  10666. create&edit player profile
  10667. create&edit playlist profile
  10668. cancel profile delete
  10669. final del playlist profile
  10670. final del player profile
  10671. request del playlist profile
  10672. request del player profile
  10673. main menu switch to solo game
  10674. mp game player quit
  10675. plyr prf save adv cntl set
  10676. plyr prf save cntl settings
  10677. plyr prf init adv cntl set
  10678. plyr prf init cntl settings
  10679. player profile save changes
  10680. player profile change name
  10681. player profile end editing
  10682. player profile begin editing
  10683. color picker select color
  10684. color picker menu dispose
  10685. color picker menu initialize
  10686. mp profile save changes
  10687. mp profile init indicator opts
  10688. mp profile init item options
  10689. mp profile init player opts
  10690. mp profile init racing rules
  10691. mp profile init oddball rules
  10692. mp profile init slayer rules
  10693. mp profile init koth rules
  10694. mp profile init ctf rules
  10695. mp profile init name
  10696. mp profile init game engine
  10697. mp profile set indicator opts
  10698. mp profile set item options
  10699. mp profile set player options
  10700. mp profile set racing rules
  10701. mp profile set oddball rules
  10702. mp profile set slayer rules
  10703. mp profile set koth rules
  10704. mp profile set ctf rules
  10705. mp profile change name
  10706. mp profile set game engine
  10707. mp profile end editing
  10708. mp profile begin editing
  10709. 1wide plyr prof set for game
  10710. 3wide plyr prof set for game
  10711. player profile list dispose
  10712. player profile list initialize
  10713. net game join player
  10714. swap player team
  10715. mp profile set for game
  10716. mp profiles list dispose
  10717. mp profiles list initialize
  10718. mp level select
  10719. mp level list dispose
  10720. mp level list initialize
  10721. pick play stage for quick start
  10722. mp type menu initialize
  10723. main menu intialize
  10724. coop game initialize
  10725. split screen game initialize
  10726. net game join from server list
  10727. shutdown network game
  10728. dispose net game server list
  10729. start network game server
  10730. initialize net game server list
  10731. join controller to mp game
  10732. clear multiplayer player joins
  10733. pause game return to main menu
  10734. pause game restart level
  10735. pause game restart at checkpoint
  10736. start new game
  10737. set difficulty
  10738. solo level set map
  10739. dispose sp level list
  10740. initialize sp level list coop
  10741. initialize sp level list solo
  10742. list goto previous item
  10743. list goto next item
  10744. NULL
  10745. invalid event_handler_function
  10746. event handler '%s' failed
  10747. (widget != NULL) && (widget_deleted != NULL)
  10748. \halopc\haloce\source\interface\ui_widget_event_handler_functions.c
  10749. expected 3 list items for 'solo level list' widget
  10750. expected a spinner list widget for 'solo level list' widget
  10751. this level is unavailable to you!
  10752. invalid player count for single player game
  10753. I don't think this is the difficulty list widget
  10754. failed to create network client to initiate game search
  10755. unable to join server: this doesn't look like a valid server list to me... or the server list has been disposed?
  10756. unable to join server: there are no servers in the server list (maybe the server list was disposed?)
  10757. attempted to join a closed game
  10758. attempted to join a network game running on a different platform than the local system
  10759. failed to initiate split screen game networking
  10760. invalid multiplayer level specified from 'multiplayer level list' list widget
  10761. failed to retrieve user selected game variant
  10762. invalid multiplayer profile specified from 'multiplayer profile list' list widget
  10763. failed to update player's team for multiplayer game
  10764. event
  10765. this is not a selectable player profile
  10766. failed to retrieve user selected player profile
  10767. invalid multiplayer profile specified from 'player profile list' list widget
  10768. expected 3 list items for 'player profile list' widget
  10769. expected a spinner list widget for 'player profile list' widget
  10770. expected the player profile select screen to be a container w/ 3 or more children
  10771. setting a player profile requires a valid controller index
  10772. invalid multiplayer profile specified from 'mp player profile list' list widget
  10773. expected a code-generated 1-wide spinner list for 'mp player profile list' widget
  10774. failed to find the 1-wide spinner list for player profiles (expected it to be a child of this widget)
  10775. failed to retrieve editable game variant
  10776. unknown game engine option selected
  10777. expected column list for game engine type list
  10778. failed to invoke virtual keyboard on profile name
  10779. expected 'time limit' option spinner list
  10780. expected 'time limit' list item
  10781. unknown option selected in 'captures to win' option spinner list
  10782. expected 'captures to win' option spinner list
  10783. expected 'captures to win' item
  10784. unknown option selected in 'flag at home to score' option spinner list
  10785. expected 'flag at home to score' option spinner list
  10786. expected 'flag at home to score' item
  10787. unknown option selected in 'flag must reset' option spinner list
  10788. expected 'flag must reset' option spinner list
  10789. expected 'flag must reset' item
  10790. unknown option selected in 'single flag' option spinner list
  10791. expected 'single flag' option spinner list
  10792. expected 'single flag' list item
  10793. unknown option selected in 'assault' option spinner list
  10794. expected 'assault' option spinner list
  10795. expected 'assault' list item
  10796. unknown option selected in 'teams' option spinner list
  10797. expected 'teams' option spinner list
  10798. expected 'teams' item
  10799. unknown option selected in 'score to win' option spinner list
  10800. expected 'score to win' option spinner list
  10801. expected 'score to win' list item
  10802. unknown option selected in 'moving hill' option spinner list
  10803. expected 'moving hill' option spinner list
  10804. expected 'moving hill' list item
  10805. unknown option selected in 'kills to win' option spinner list
  10806. expected 'kills to win' option spinner list
  10807. expected 'kills to win' item
  10808. unknown option selected in 'kill penalty' option spinner list
  10809. expected 'kill penalty' option spinner list
  10810. expected 'kill penalty' item
  10811. unknown option selected in 'kill in order' option spinner list
  10812. expected 'kill in order' option spinner list
  10813. expected 'kill in order' item
  10814. unknown option selected in 'death bonus' option spinner list
  10815. expected 'death bonus' option spinner list
  10816. expected 'death bonus' list item
  10817. expected 'score to win' item
  10818. unknown option selected in 'ball spawn count' option spinner list
  10819. expected 'ball spawn count' option spinner list
  10820. expected 'ball spawn count' item
  10821. unknown option selected in 'random start' option spinner list
  10822. expected 'random start' option spinner list
  10823. expected 'random start' item
  10824. unknown option selected in 'ball type' option spinner list
  10825. expected 'ball type' option spinner list
  10826. expected 'ball type' item
  10827. unknown option selected in 'speed with ball' option spinner list
  10828. expected 'speed with ball' option spinner list
  10829. expected 'speed with ball' item
  10830. unknown option selected in 'trait without ball' option spinner list
  10831. expected 'trait without ball' option spinner list
  10832. expected 'trait without ball' list item
  10833. unknown option selected in 'trait with ball' option spinner list
  10834. expected 'trait with ball' option spinner list
  10835. expected 'trait with ball' list item
  10836. unknown option selected in 'laps to win' option spinner list
  10837. expected 'laps to win' option spinner list
  10838. expected 'laps to win' item
  10839. unknown option selected in 'race type' option spinner list
  10840. expected 'race type' option spinner list
  10841. expected 'race type' list item
  10842. unknown option selected in 'team scoring' option spinner list
  10843. expected 'team scoring' option spinner list
  10844. expected 'team scoring' list item
  10845. unknown option selected in 'suicide penalty' option spinner list
  10846. expected 'suicide penalty' option spinner list
  10847. unknown option selected in 'invisible players' option spinner list
  10848. expected 'invisible players' option spinner list
  10849. expected 'invisible players' item
  10850. unknown option selected in 'odd man out' option spinner list
  10851. expected 'odd man out' option spinner list
  10852. expected 'odd man out' item
  10853. unknown option selected in 'respawn time growth' option spinner list
  10854. expected 'respawn time growth' option spinner list
  10855. expected 'respawn time growth' item
  10856. unknown option selected in 'respawn time' option spinner list
  10857. expected 'respawn time' option spinner list
  10858. expected 'respawn time' item
  10859. unknown option selected in 'shields' option spinner list
  10860. expected 'shields' option spinner list
  10861. expected 'shields' item
  10862. unknown option selected in 'maximum health' option spinner list
  10863. expected 'maximum health' option spinner list
  10864. expected 'maximum health' list item
  10865. unknown option selected in 'number of lives' option spinner list
  10866. expected 'number of lives' option spinner list
  10867. expected 'number of lives' list item
  10868. unknown option selected in 'starting equipment' option spinner list
  10869. expected 'starting equipment' option spinner list
  10870. expected 'starting equipment' item
  10871. unknown option selected in 'weapon set' option spinner list
  10872. expected 'weapon set' option spinner list
  10873. expected 'weapon set' item
  10874. unknown option selected in 'infinite grenades' option spinner list
  10875. expected 'infinite grenades' option spinner list
  10876. expected 'infinite grenades' list item
  10877. unknown option selected in 'friends on screen' option spinner list
  10878. expected 'friends on screen' option spinner list
  10879. expected 'friends on screen' item
  10880. unknown option selected in 'other players on radar' option spinner list
  10881. expected 'other players on radar' option spinner list
  10882. expected 'other players on radar' list item
  10883. unknown option selected in 'radar display' option spinner list
  10884. expected 'radar display' option spinner list
  10885. expected 'radar display' list item
  10886. expected a column list for the list of available game engines
  10887. expected text box widget for profile name
  10888. expected column list for multiplayer game settings widget
  10889. expected 'suicide penalty' item
  10890. expected 'starting equpiment' option spinner list
  10891. no changes to playlist profile detected; not saving to disk
  10892. failed to save changes to multiplayer playlist profile
  10893. failed to prompt user to rename profile
  10894. ui\shell\main_menu\settings_select\player_setup\player_profile_edit\color_edit\colors_list
  10895. failed to find editing player profile
  10896. failed to set player profile color because no profile is currently being edited
  10897. invalid player profile color index specified
  10898. invalid player profile specified from 'player profile list' list widget
  10899. expected the player profile select screen to be a container widget
  10900. failed to retrieve editable player profile
  10901. failed to invoke virtual keyboard on player profile name
  10902. no changes to player profile detected; not saving to disk
  10903. failed to save changes to player profile
  10904. expected 'button config' option spinner list
  10905. expected 'button config' list item
  10906. expected 'joystick config' option spinner list
  10907. expected 'joystick config' list item
  10908. expected column list for controller settings widget
  10909. expected 'autocenter' option spinner list
  10910. expected 'autocenter' list item
  10911. expected 'flight stick controls' option spinner list
  10912. expected 'flight stick controls' list item
  10913. expected 'controller vibration' option spinner list
  10914. expected 'controller vibration' list item
  10915. expected 'look sensitivity' option spinner list
  10916. expected 'look sensitivity' list item
  10917. expected 'invert joystick' option spinner list
  10918. expected 'invert joystick' list item
  10919. expected column list for advanced controller settings widget
  10920. unknown button config option selected
  10921. unknown option selected for joystick config
  10922. unknown option selected for controller autocenter
  10923. unknown option selected for controller flight_stick_aircraft_controls
  10924. unknown option selected for controller vibration
  10925. unknown option selected for look sensitivity
  10926. unknown option selected for invert joystick
  10927. valid controller index required to remove player from network game
  10928. sorry, you are not allowed to delete default player profiles
  10929. #0x%08lX is not a player profile index
  10930. #0x%08lX is not a playlist profile index
  10931. unable to create a new untitled profile
  10932. failed to create a new multiplayer game type profile
  10933. failed to retrieve editable game variant profile!
  10934. variant_to_clone
  10935. creating a new profile requires a valid local player index
  10936. failed to create a new player profile
  10937. failed to retrieve editable player profile!
  10938. network_game_client_request_start_time_change() failed
  10939. event != NULL
  10940. not attempting to start a new server; there are other servers available
  10941. expected a column list for server list
  10942. can't request player removal from netgame_unjoin_player() unless we are in pregame
  10943. failed to request player removal
  10944. duplicate player registered in game
  10945. closing widget '%s' because no saved game file is being edited
  10946. failed to invoke the virtual keyboard for a new campaign profile name
  10947. can't create a new profile with an empty name
  10948. failed to create new player profile
  10949. failed to retrieve newly created player profile
  10950. failed to find 'difficulty' menu item
  10951. expected column list for difficulty menu widget
  10952. expected spinner list
  10953. expected 'software sound' option spinner list
  10954. expected 'software sound' list item
  10955. expected 'horizontal sensitivity' option spinner list
  10956. expected 'horizontal sensitivity' list item
  10957. expected 'vertical sensitivity' option spinner list
  10958. expected 'vertical sensitivity' list item
  10959. expected column list for mouse settings widget
  10960. expected column list for button bar
  10961. expected text box
  10962. expected 'sound variety' option spinner list
  10963. expected 'sound variety' list item
  10964. expected 'environmental sound' option spinner list
  10965. expected 'environmental sound' list item
  10966. expected 'supplementary buffers' option spinner list
  10967. expected 'supplementary buffers' list item
  10968. expected 'music volume' option spinner list
  10969. expected 'music volume' list item
  10970. expected 'effects volume' option spinner list
  10971. expected 'effects volume' list item
  10972. expected 'master volume' option spinner list
  10973. expected 'master volume' list item
  10974. expected column list for audio settings widget
  10975. expected container
  10976. expected column list for server settings widget
  10977. :%d
  10978. expected text box extended widget
  10979. expected text box widget
  10980. expected container widget
  10981. expected column list widget
  10982. should be teamplay or a network server
  10983. expected either new game or reset game widget
  10984. expected column list widget parent
  10985. expected either red or blue team widget
  10986. expected container widget parent parent
  10987. expected 'cg_turrets' option spinner list
  10988. expected 'cg_turrets' list item
  10989. expected 'banshees' option spinner list
  10990. expected 'banshees' list item
  10991. expected 'rwarthogs' option spinner list
  10992. expected 'rwarthogs' list item
  10993. expected 'scorpions' option spinner list
  10994. expected 'scorpions' list item
  10995. expected 'ghosts' option spinner list
  10996. expected 'ghosts' list item
  10997. expected 'warthogs' option spinner list
  10998. expected 'warthogs' list item
  10999. expected 'vehicle set' option spinner list
  11000. expected 'vehicle preset' list item
  11001. expected 'team' option spinner list
  11002. expected 'team' list item
  11003. expected 'vehicles respawn' option spinner list
  11004. expected 'vehicle respawn' list item
  11005. expected column list
  11006. expected 'autobalance' option spinner list
  11007. expected 'autobalance' item
  11008. expected 'friendly fire penalty' item
  11009. expected 'friendly fire' option spinner list
  11010. expected 'friendly fire' list item
  11011. Invalid option in friendly fire penalty list
  11012. Invalid option in friendly fire list
  11013. expected 'connection type' option spinner list
  11014. expected 'connection type' list item
  11015. expected column list for network settings widget
  11016. ui\shell\main_menu\credits_screen
  11017. launching movie - %s
  11018. escaped
  11019. finished
  11020. closing credits
  11021. =checkpoints\%s
  11022. ui\shell\main_menu\map_list_oneline
  11023. pos_x && pos_y
  11024. \halopc\haloce\source\interface\ui_cursor.c
  11025. accel_x && accel_y
  11026. ui\shell\bitmaps\cursor
  11027. event && ((local_player_index>=0 && local_player_index<MAXIMUM_GAMEPADS) || local_player_index==NONE)
  11028. \halopc\haloce\source\interface\event_manager.c
  11029. ClientPlayerUpdateHistory.log
  11030. ERROR player_update_client_log(): Could not open [%s]
  11031. \halopc\haloce\source\networking\player_update_client.c
  11032. remote_player != NULL
  11033. Tracking stopped.
  11034. Tracking remote player [%s].
  11035. remote_player_name
  11036. Local player action latency: [%4d] ms ([%2d] updates -> [%2d] ticks).
  11037. Remote player action latency: [%4d] ms ([%2d] updates -> [%2d] ticks).
  11038. Local player ping to server: [%4d] ms.
  11039. Remote player ping to server: [%4d] ms.
  11040. Average vehicle prediction error: [%7.4f] units.
  11041. Average biped prediction error: [%7.4f] units.
  11042. Stats for remote player [%s]
  11043. UUBremote_player_name != NULL
  11044. [%d]b: Threw away local player ack [%d] (%d).
  11045. [%d]a: Threw away local player ack [%d] (%d).
  11046. Cannot decode local player update
  11047. player_update_history_is_valid_id(player->client_update_data.local_player.last_acked_update_id) == TRUE
  11048. [%d]: Received ack for update [%d].
  11049. player_update_history_is_valid_id(update_data.last_completed_update_id) == TRUE
  11050. header->decoding_information->definition_type == _message_local_player_update
  11051. [%d]: Threw away local player vehicle ack [%d] (%d), previous ack [%d] (%d).
  11052. [%d]: Received vehicle ack for update [%d].
  11053. player->local_player_index != NONE
  11054. header->decoding_information->definition_type == _message_local_player_vehicle_update
  11055. [%d]: Threw away remote player action update with base baseline, [%d] != [%d].
  11056. [%d]: Remote player action_queue overflow.
  11057. Received action [%d]
  11058. update_data->ticks_to_apply_update_to > 0
  11059. player_update_history_is_valid_id(player_update_header->update_id) == TRUE
  11060. update_data != NULL
  11061. player_update_header != NULL
  11062. [%d]b: Threw away remote player position update [%d] (%d), previous ack [%d] (%d).
  11063. [%d]a: Threw away remote player position update [%d] (%d), previous ack [%d] (%d).
  11064. header->decoding_information->definition_type == _message_remote_player_action_update
  11065. header->decoding_information->definition_type == _message_super_remote_players_action_update
  11066. %s(): Error: player index [%d] resolved to NULL.
  11067. handle_remote_player_biped_update
  11068. Received pos update [%d], on [%d] (%d). [%d] actions, [%d] positions ***Ignoring [%d (%d)]
  11069. Apply immediately saved by tolerance [%f] (%f)
  11070. Apply immediately dist: [%f] (%f)
  11071. Received pos update [%d], on [%d] (%d). [%d] actions, [%d] positions ***Applying immediately
  11072. Received pos update [%d], on [%d] (%d). [%d] actions, [%d] positions
  11073. [%d]: Remote player position_queue overflow.
  11074. handle_remote_player_vehicle_update
  11075. Received vehicle_update update [%d], on [%d] (%d). [%d] actions, [%d] vehicle updates
  11076. [%d]: Remote player vehicle_update_queue overflow.
  11077. Received %s total biped update [%d].
  11078. incremental
  11079. stateless
  11080. header->decoding_information->definition_type == _message_remote_player_total_update_biped
  11081. %s(): Error decoding message.
  11082. player_update_client_remote_player_total_update_vehicle_from_network
  11083. Received %s total vehicle update [%d].
  11084. header->decoding_information->definition_type == _message_remote_player_total_update_vehicle
  11085. header->decoding_information->definition_type == _message_remote_player_position_update
  11086. header->decoding_information->definition_type == _message_remote_player_vehicle_update
  11087. objects_garbage_collection
  11088. object_update_postrecurse
  11089. object_update_prerecurse
  11090. object_delete
  11091. objects_update_created_deleetedblock
  11092. objects_update_allactiveblock
  11093. objects_update_activationblock
  11094. objects_update
  11095. Could not encode object deletion message for object #%d
  11096. server failed to send object_deletion message to all machines; client machine may be out of sync
  11097. !field_translated_index_is_local_index_registered(&FIELD_PROPERTIES(object_index), object_index)
  11098. \halopc\haloce\source\objects\objects.c
  11099. iterator->cluster_partition==&collideable_object_cluster_partition || iterator->cluster_partition==&noncollideable_object_cluster_partition
  11100. got an object type we didn't expect (expected one of 0x%08x but got #%d).
  11101. uninitialized iterator passed to object_iterator_next()
  11102. TEST_FLAG(garbage_object->object.flags, _object_garbage_bit)
  11103. 5object_pvs_set_camera_point: camera point %s is outside the map
  11104. parent_object->object.location.cluster_index>=0 && parent_object->object.location.cluster_index<global_structure_bsp_get()->clusters.count
  11105. predicted_position != NULL
  11106. object != NULL
  11107. reference->offset+reference->size<=object_header->data_size
  11108. reference->offset>0
  11109. block_reference_offset+sizeof(struct object_header_block_reference)<=object_header->data_size
  11110. block_reference_offset>=0
  11111. object_header->data_size+size<=SHORT_MAX
  11112. *first_object_reference!=NONE
  11113. !object_globals->object_marker_initialized
  11114. object_globals->object_marker_initialized
  11115. object_name_list
  11116. object name list
  11117. an object with the name '%s' already exists!
  11118. name_index>=0 && name_index<MAXIMUM_OBJECT_NAMES_PER_SCENARIO
  11119. % 6d (% 6d) [% 7d/% 7d/% 7d/% 7d] % 7d % 7d %s
  11120. WARNING: overflowed MAXIMUM_DUMPS (%d), this dump does not include %d objects that would not fit!
  11122. number (active) [garbage/ dead/outside/at-rest] maxsize totsize
  11124. #%d objects (#%d active) using %3.2f%% of available memory
  11125. object_memory.txt
  11126. (header->type >= 0) && (header->type < NUMBER_OF_OBJECT_TYPES)
  11127. noncollideable object
  11128. collideable object
  11129. object_globals
  11130. object globals
  11131. object_header_data && object_memory_pool
  11132. objects
  11133. SDJ: ERROR: object_disconnect_from_map(): Object [%d] (type [%d]) has parent [%d] whose index resolves to NULL
  11134. TEST_FLAG(object->object.flags, _object_connected_to_map_bit)
  11135. DATUM_INDEX_TO_IDENTIFIER(object_index)
  11136. valid_real_matrix4x3(destination_matrix)
  11137. destination_matrix
  11138. child_marker
  11139. !TEST_FLAG(_object_mask_cannot_interpolate, object->object.type)
  11140. (object->object.datum_role == _networked_datum_puppet) || (object->object.datum_role == _networked_datum_puppet_controlled_by_local_player)
  11141. !TEST_FLAG(object->object.flags, _object_connected_to_map_bit)
  11142. object_has_node(object_index, node_index)
  11143. maximum_marker_count>0
  11144. object_indices
  11145. region_index>=0 && region_index<MAXIMUM_REGIONS_PER_OBJECT
  11146. @
  11147. ?node->parent_node_index!=NONE
  11148. object_compute_node_matrices root node matrix
  11149. scale %f
  11150. posn %f %f %f
  11151. up %f %f %f
  11152. left %f %f %f
  11153. computed matrix fwd %f %f %f
  11154. no parent node
  11155. scale (jason's ugly secret) %f
  11156. posn %f %f %f
  11157. up %f %f %f
  11158. left %f %f %f
  11159. parent-node matrix fwd %f %f %f
  11160. origin-offset %f %f %f
  11161. center-of-mass translation %f %f %f
  11162. object: pos %f %f %f, fwd %f %f %f, up %f %f %f
  11163. object_compute_node_matrices FAILURE on root node of %s
  11164. %s: assert_valid_real_matrix4x3
  11165. %s had a forward (%f,%f,%f) not perpendicular to up (%f,%f,%f)
  11166. %s had a up (%f,%f,%f) not perpendicular to left (%f,%f,%f)
  11167. %s had a forward (%f,%f,%f) not perpendicular to left (%f,%f,%f)
  11168. %s had a bad position (%f,%f,%f)
  11169. %s had a bad up (%f,%f,%f)
  11170. %s had a bad left (%f,%f,%f)
  11171. %s had a bad forward (%f,%f,%f)
  11172. %s had a bad scale %f
  11173. %s as parent node of %s
  11174. %s had a bad forward and up before compute_node_matrices (%f,%f,%f)x(%f,%f,%f)
  11175. %s had a bad position before compute_node_matrices (%f,%f,%f)
  11176. frame_index>=0
  11177. new_position
  11178. OUT OF OBJECTS: cannot create %s
  11179. server failed to send object new message for object index [%d]
  11180. &data->translational_velocity
  11181. &data->angular_velocity
  11182. &data->forward
  11183. &data->up
  11184. &data->position
  11185. Ignoring meaningless incremental object_delete_from_network request
  11186. Could not decode object deletion message
  11187. !field_translated_index_is_local_index_registered(&FIELD_PROPERTIES(object_index), local_object_index)
  11188. header->decoding_information->definition_type == _message_object_deletion
  11189. cannot attach an object to one of its children
  11190. object_has_node(parent_object_index, parent_node_index)
  11191. new_position != NULL
  11192. garbage collection warning (%s)
  11193. removing objects: %s
  11194. garbage collection %scritical (%s)
  11195. still
  11196. %d slots free
  11197. not
  11198. %4.2f%% memory free
  11199. compacted to #%d with 0x%x contiguous bytes free
  11200. WARNING: garbage collecting a living unit (%s)
  11201. garbage_object_count<MAXIMUM_OBJECTS_PER_MAP
  11202. #%d objects using 0x%x bytes (0x%x contiguous free)
  11203. object_get(object_index)->object.next_object_index==NONE
  11204. object_get(object_index)->object.parent_object_index==NONE
  11205. object_header->cluster_index!=NONE
  11206. player_control_update
  11207. ;\halopc\haloce\source\game\player_control.c
  11208. player control globals
  11209. function && low_index>=0 && low_index<=high_index && high_index<count
  11210. La?camera_info
  11211. player_control->desired_angles.yaw
  11212. player_control->desired_angles.pitch
  11213. input->primary_trigger
  11214. constants->look_acceleration_time>0.0f
  11215. constants->look_function.count>1
  11216. valid_euler_angles2d(&player->desired_angles)
  11217. I<Iplayer->desired_angles.pitch
  11218. player->primary_trigger
  11219. player->desired_angles.yaw
  11220. delta
  11221. warthog
  11222. Camera is outside BSP... cannot initiate teleportation...
  11223. \halopc\haloce\source\game\cheats.c
  11224. HUD
  11225. lens flare occl. query
  11226. lens flare occl. submit
  11227. queued transparents
  11228. detail objects
  11229. env decals water
  11230. env fog screen
  11231. env fog
  11232. env transparent
  11233. env reflections
  11234. env reflection mirrors
  11235. env lightmaps ref.mask
  11236. env lightmaps specular
  11237. env lights specular
  11238. env decals secondary
  11239. env decals primary
  11240. env textures
  11241. env decals alpha-tested
  11242. env decals light
  11243. env lights
  11244. env shadows
  11245. env lightmaps
  11246. models
  11247. model sky
  11248. clear
  11249. ### PROFILE: %s -- tell Bernie!
  11250. ### PROFILE (#%d): %s -- tell Bernie!
  11251. message
  11252. \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx9_profile.c
  11253. end out-of-synch
  11254. begin out-of-synch
  11255. callback recieved invalid context
  11256. local_profile_enable<100
  11257. local_profile_enable>0
  11258. profile begin/end pairing incorrect (begin)
  11259. profile duplication within frame (begin)
  11260. profile>=0 && profile<NUMBER_OF_RASTERIZER_PROFILES
  11261. profile begin/end pairing incorrect (end)
  11262. profile duplication within frame (end)
  11263. profile not completed (query)
  11264. rasterizer_process_verts
  11265. rasterizer_draw
  11266. ### ERROR failed to initialize rasterizer dynamic geometry
  11267. ### ERROR failed to create dynamic vertex buffer
  11268. group->vertex_buffer_index
  11269. ### ERROR failed to create dynamic triangle buffer
  11270. IDirect3DDevice9_CreateIndexBuffer(global_d3d_device, sizeof(struct rasterizer_triangle)*RASTERIZER_MAXIMUM_DYNAMIC_TRIANGLES, usage_flags, D3DFMT_INDEX16, pool_type, &dynamic_triangles.d3d_index_buffer, NULL)
  11271. \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx9_draw_primitives.c
  11272. ### ERROR too many dynamic triangles requested from rasterizer
  11273. dynamic_triangles.d3d_index_buffer
  11274. ### WARNING tried to lock dynamic triangles with index=NONE
  11275. ### ERROR failed to lock dynamic triangles
  11276. IDirect3DIndexBuffer9_Lock(dynamic_triangles.d3d_index_buffer, sizeof(struct rasterizer_triangle)*dynamic_triangle_buffer->triangle_start_index, sizeof(struct rasterizer_triangle)*dynamic_triangle_buffer->triangle_count, (unsigned char**)&dynamic_triangle_buffer->data, D3DLOCK_NOOVERWRITE)
  11277. dynamic_triangle_buffer->triangle_count>0
  11278. dynamic_triangle_buffer_index<dynamic_triangles.buffer_count
  11279. dynamic_triangle_buffer_index>=0
  11280. ### WARNING tried to unlock dynamic triangles with index=NONE
  11281. ### ERROR failed to unlock dynamic triangles
  11282. IDirect3DIndexBuffer9_Unlock(dynamic_triangles.d3d_index_buffer)
  11283. ### ERROR too many dynamic vertices requested from rasterizer
  11284. dynamic_vertices.groups[type].vertex_buffer_index
  11285. type>=0 && type<NUMBER_OF_RASTERIZER_VERTEX_TYPES
  11286. ### WARNING tried to query dynamic vertices with index=NONE
  11287. dynamic_vertex_buffer_index<dynamic_vertices.buffer_count
  11288. dynamic_vertex_buffer_index>=0
  11289. ### WARNING tried to lock dynamic vertices with index=NONE
  11290. dynamic_vertex_buffer->vertex_count>0
  11291. dynamic_vertex_buffer->type<NUMBER_OF_RASTERIZER_VERTEX_TYPES
  11292. dynamic_vertex_buffer->type>=0
  11293. ### WARNING tried to unlock dynamic vertices with index=NONE
  11294. buffer->type>=0 && buffer->type<NUMBER_OF_RASTERIZER_VERTEX_TYPES
  11295. ### ERROR rasterizer_process_static_triangles_static_vertices failed
  11296. IDirect3DDevice9_ProcessVertices(global_d3d_device, 0, 0, vertex_buffer->count, processed_vertex_buffer, NULL, D3DPV_DONOTCOPYDATA)
  11297. IDirect3DDevice9_SetStreamSource(global_d3d_device, 0, (IDirect3DVertexBuffer9*)vertex_buffer->hardware_format, 0, vertex_size)
  11298. IDirect3DDevice9_SetSoftwareVertexProcessing(global_d3d_device, rasterizer_dx9_shaders_get_vertex_processing_method(vertex_buffer->type)&D3DUSAGE_SOFTWAREPROCESSING)
  11299. triangle_buffer->type>=0 && triangle_buffer->type<NUMBER_OF_TRIANGLE_BUFFER_TYPES
  11300. first_triangle_index==0
  11301. !vertex_buffer || dynamic_vertex_buffer_index==NONE
  11302. vertex_buffer || dynamic_vertex_buffer_index!=NONE
  11303. !triangle_buffer || dynamic_triangle_buffer_index==NONE
  11304. triangle_buffer || dynamic_triangle_buffer_index!=NONE
  11305. Pixel Changed
  11306. ### ERROR rasterizer_draw_dynamic_triangles_dynamic_vertices failed
  11307. IDirect3DDevice9_DrawIndexedPrimitive(global_d3d_device, D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, dynamic_vertex_buffer->vertex_start_index, 0, dynamic_vertex_buffer->vertex_count, NUMBER_OF_VERTICES_PER_TRIANGLE*(first_triangle_index + dynamic_triangle_buffer->triangle_start_index), local_triangle_count)
  11308. IDirect3DDevice9_SetIndices(global_d3d_device, dynamic_triangles.d3d_index_buffer)
  11309. IDirect3DDevice9_SetSoftwareVertexProcessing(global_d3d_device, rasterizer_dx9_shaders_get_vertex_processing_method(dynamic_vertex_buffer->type)&D3DUSAGE_SOFTWAREPROCESSING)
  11310. triangle_count<=dynamic_triangle_buffer->triangle_count - first_triangle_index
  11311. triangle_count>=0
  11312. dynamic_triangle_buffer->triangle_start_index>=0
  11313. dynamic_vertex_buffer->vertex_start_index<=group->vertex_count - dynamic_vertex_buffer->vertex_count
  11314. dynamic_vertex_buffer->vertex_start_index>=0
  11315. ### ERROR rasterizer_draw_dynamic_triangles_static_vertices failed
  11316. IDirect3DDevice9_DrawIndexedPrimitive(global_d3d_device, D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, 0, 0, vertex_buffer->count, NUMBER_OF_VERTICES_PER_TRIANGLE*(first_triangle_index + dynamic_triangle_buffer->triangle_start_index), local_triangle_count)
  11317. IDirect3DIndexBuffer9_GetDesc(dynamic_triangles.d3d_index_buffer, &ibDesc)
  11318. IDirect3DVertexBuffer9_GetDesc((IDirect3DVertexBuffer9*)vertex_buffer->hardware_format, &vbDesc)
  11319. ### ERROR rasterizer_draw_dynamic_triangles_static_vertices2 failed
  11320. IDirect3DDevice9_DrawIndexedPrimitive(global_d3d_device, D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, 0, 0, vertex_buffer0->count, NUMBER_OF_VERTICES_PER_TRIANGLE*(first_triangle_index + dynamic_triangle_buffer->triangle_start_index), local_triangle_count)
  11321. IDirect3DDevice9_SetStreamSource(global_d3d_device, 1, (IDirect3DVertexBuffer9*)vertex_buffer1->hardware_format, 0, vertex_size1)
  11322. IDirect3DDevice9_SetStreamSource(global_d3d_device, 0, (IDirect3DVertexBuffer9*)vertex_buffer0->hardware_format, 0, vertex_size0)
  11323. IDirect3DDevice9_SetSoftwareVertexProcessing(global_d3d_device, rasterizer_dx9_shaders_get_vertex_processing_method(vertex_buffer0->type)&D3DUSAGE_SOFTWAREPROCESSING)
  11324. ### ERROR rasterizer_draw_static_triangles_dynamic_vertices failed
  11325. ### ERROR unsupported triangle buffer type
  11326. IDirect3DDevice9_DrawIndexedPrimitive(global_d3d_device, d3d_primitive_type_table[triangle_buffer->type], dynamic_vertex_buffer->vertex_start_index, 0, dynamic_vertex_buffer->vertex_count, local_triangle_vertex_indices_offset, local_triangle_count)
  11327. IDirect3DDevice9_SetIndices(global_d3d_device, (IDirect3DIndexBuffer9*)triangle_buffer->hardware_format)
  11328. ### ERROR rasterizer_draw_static_triangles_static_vertices failed
  11329. IDirect3DDevice9_DrawIndexedPrimitive(global_d3d_device, d3d_primitive_type_table[triangle_buffer->type], 0, 0, vertex_buffer->count, local_triangle_vertex_indices_offset, local_triangle_count)
  11330. triangles
  11331. ### ERROR rasterizer_draw_dynamic_vertices failed
  11332. IDirect3DDevice9_DrawPrimitive(global_d3d_device, d3d_primitive_type, first_primitive_index*vertices_per_primitive + dynamic_vertex_buffer->vertex_start_index, local_primitive_count)
  11334. first_primitive_index==0
  11335. primitive_count==1
  11336. ### ERROR rasterizer_debug_drawing_begin failed
  11337. IDirect3DDevice9_SetVertexShader(global_d3d_device, rasterizer_dx9_shaders_vshader9_get(_vs_debug))
  11338. IDirect3DDevice9_SetSoftwareVertexProcessing(global_d3d_device, rasterizer_dx9_shaders_get_vertex_processing_method(_rasterizer_vertex_type_debug)&D3DUSAGE_SOFTWAREPROCESSING)
  11339. IDirect3DDevice9_SetVertexDeclaration(global_d3d_device, rasterizer_dx9_shaders_vdecl9_get(_rasterizer_vertex_type_debug))
  11340. \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx9_debug.c
  11341. IDirect3DDevice9_SetStreamSource(global_d3d_device, 0, local_d3d_vertex_buffer, 0, vertex_size)
  11342. local_d3d_vertex_buffer
  11343. IDirect3DDevice9_SetVertexShaderConstantF(global_d3d_device, VSH_CONSTANTS__SCREENPROJ_OFFSET, ( float* ) vsh_constants__screenproj, VSH_CONSTANTS__SCREENPROJ_COUNT)
  11344. IDirect3DDevice9_SetVertexShader(global_d3d_device, rasterizer_dx9_shaders_vshader9_get(_vs_screen))
  11345. IDirect3DDevice9_SetSoftwareVertexProcessing(global_d3d_device, rasterizer_dx9_shaders_get_vertex_processing_method(_rasterizer_vertex_type_dynamic_screen)&D3DUSAGE_SOFTWAREPROCESSING)
  11346. IDirect3DDevice9_SetVertexDeclaration(global_d3d_device, rasterizer_dx9_shaders_vdecl9_get(_rasterizer_vertex_type_dynamic_screen))
  11347. IDirect3DDevice9_DrawPrimitive(global_d3d_device, D3DPT_LINELIST, 0, 1)
  11348. IDirect3DVertexBuffer9_Unlock(local_d3d_vertex_buffer)
  11349. p0 && p1
  11350. IDirect3DVertexBuffer9_Lock(local_d3d_vertex_buffer, vertex_size*0, vertex_size*NUMBER_OF_VERTICES_PER_LINE, (unsigned char**)&vertices, D3DLOCK_DISCARD)
  11351. IDirect3DDevice9_DrawPrimitive(global_d3d_device, D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, 0, 1)
  11352. p0 && p1 && p2
  11353. IDirect3DVertexBuffer9_Lock(local_d3d_vertex_buffer, vertex_size*0, vertex_size*NUMBER_OF_VERTICES_PER_TRIANGLE, (unsigned char**)&vertices, D3DLOCK_DISCARD)
  11354. decal_index!=NONE
  11355. ### ERROR decals: deleting permanent decal (#%d, queried=#%d) in rasterizer -- tell Bernie!!
  11356. ### ERROR decals: deleting locked decal (#%d, queried=#%d) in rasterizer -- tell Bernie!!
  11357. decal_index!=0
  11358. decal_index
  11359. lruv_has_locked_proc(local_vertex_cache)
  11360. \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx9_decals.c
  11361. local_vertex_cache
  11362. decal vertex cache
  11363. cache_size%sizeof(struct decal_vertex)==0
  11364. cache_size>sizeof(struct decal_vertex)
  11365. ### ERROR failed to lock decal vertex buffer
  11366. IDirect3DVertexBuffer9_Lock(local_d3d_vertex_buffer, cache_offset * 1.5, cache_size * 1.5, (unsigned char**)&result, 0 )
  11367. cache_index!=NONE
  11368. ### ERROR failed to unlock decal vertex buffer
  11369. ### ERROR rasterizer_decals_begin failed
  11370. IDirect3DDevice9_SetStreamSource(global_d3d_device, 0, local_d3d_vertex_buffer, 0, sizeof(struct decal_vertex))
  11371. layer>=0 && layer<NUMBER_OF_DECAL_LAYERS
  11372. ### ERROR rasterizer_decals_draw failed
  11373. IDirect3DDevice9_DrawPrimitive(global_d3d_device, D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, offset, triangle_count)
  11374. IDirect3DDevice9_SetSoftwareVertexProcessing(global_d3d_device, rasterizer_dx9_shaders_get_vertex_processing_method(_rasterizer_vertex_type_decal)&D3DUSAGE_SOFTWAREPROCESSING)
  11375. IDirect3DDevice9_SetVertexShaderConstantF(global_d3d_device, DECALCOLOR_OFFSET, decal_color, 1)
  11376. p?### ERROR unsupported framebuffer blend function
  11377. vertex_data_offset%sizeof(struct decal_vertex)==0
  11378. intensity<=PIXEL32_COMPONENT_MASK
  11379. ### ERROR rasterizer_detail_objects_initialize failed
  11380. \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx9_detail_objects.c
  11381. ### ERROR rasterizer_detail_objects_begin failed
  11382. IDirect3DDevice9_SetStreamSource(global_d3d_device, 0, local_d3d_vertex_buffer, 0, sizeof(struct detail_object_vertex))
  11383. IDirect3DDevice9_SetVertexShaderConstantF(global_d3d_device, VSH_CONSTANTS__DETAILOBJ_OFFSET, vsh_constants__detailobj, VSH_CONSTANTS__DETAILOBJ_COUNT)
  11384. ### ERROR rasterizer_detail_objects_rebuild_vertices failed
  11385. ### ERROR too many detail object submitted for frame (max=#%d)
  11386. IDirect3DVertexBuffer9_Lock(local_d3d_vertex_buffer, 0, VERTEXBUFFERSIZE, (unsigned char**)&vertices, 0)
  11387. detail_object_view_data
  11388. ### ERROR rasterizer_detail_objects_draw failed
  11389. IDirect3DDevice9_DrawPrimitive( global_d3d_device, D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, cell->internal__first_vertex_index, cell->detail_object_count * NUMBER_OF_TRIANGLES_PER_QUADRILATERAL)
  11390. cell->z_reference_vector
  11391. IDirect3DDevice9_SetSoftwareVertexProcessing(global_d3d_device, rasterizer_dx9_shaders_get_vertex_processing_method(_rasterizer_vertex_type_detail_object)&D3DUSAGE_SOFTWAREPROCESSING)
  11392. IDirect3DDevice9_SetVertexShaderConstantF(global_d3d_device, VSH_CONSTANTS__DETAILOBJ_FRAMEDATA_OFFSET, ( float*) vsh_constants__detailobj_framedata, frame_count)
  11393. IDirect3DDevice9_SetVertexShaderConstantF(global_d3d_device, VSH_CONSTANTS__DETAILOBJ_TYPEDATA_OFFSET, ( float*) vsh_constants__detailobj_typedata, collection_definition->type_definitions.count)
  11394. v->i!=0.0f && v->j!=0.0f
  11395. \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx9_screen_effect.c
  11396. ### ERROR rasterizer_screen_effect_set_texture_transforms failed
  11397. IDirect3DDevice9_SetVertexShaderConstantF(global_d3d_device, VSH_CONSTANTS__TEXANIM_OFFSET, (float*)vsh_constants__texanim, VSH_CONSTANTS__TEXANIM_COUNT)
  11398. main_get_window_count()<=1
  11399. !parameters->video_on
  11400. VideoOffConvolvedFilterDesaturation
  11401. VideoOffConvolvedFilterLight
  11402. VideoOffConvolvedFilterLightAndDesaturation
  11403. VideoOffConvolved
  11404. VideoOffConvolvedMaskFilterDesaturation
  11405. VideoOffConvolvedMaskFilterLight
  11406. VideoOffConvolvedMaskFilterLightAndDesaturation
  11407. VideoOffConvolvedMaskThreeStage
  11408. VideoOffConvolvedMask
  11409. VideoOffNonConvolvedMask
  11410. VideoOffNonConvolved
  11411. VideoOffNonConvolvedPassThrough
  11412. VideoOnPass1
  11413. VideoOnPass0
  11414. dxeffect_shader
  11415. ### ERROR rasterizer_screen_effect failed
  11416. IDirect3DDevice9_SetPixelShaderConstantF(global_d3d_device, 0, &psh_constants[0], 2)
  11417. IDirect3DDevice9_SetPixelShaderConstantF(global_d3d_device, 0, &psh_constants[0], 8)
  11418. IDirect3DDevice9_DrawPrimitiveUP(global_d3d_device, D3DPT_TRIANGLEFAN, 2, vertex_data, sizeof(struct dynamic_screen_vertex))
  11419. IDirect3DDevice9_SetPixelShaderConstantF(global_d3d_device, 0, &psh_constants[0], 1)
  11420. ### ERROR video effect tried to render more than 2 passes
  11421. ### ERROR non-convolution effect tried to render more than 2 passes
  11422. video effect noise map cannot be in linear format
  11423. pass==1
  11424. pass==0
  11425. blur effect cannot specify convolution mask
  11426. video effect cannot specify convolution mask
  11427. video effect cannot specify nonzero convolution radius
  11428. video effect cannot specify convolution type
  11429. video effect cannot specify extra convolution passes
  11430. video effect must specify noise map
  11431. video effect must specify scanline map
  11432. IDirect3DDevice9_SetTransform(global_d3d_device, D3DTS_TEXTURE1, &identity)
  11433. IDirect3DDevice9_SetTransform(global_d3d_device, D3DTS_TEXTURE0, &identity)
  11434. FlashInvert
  11435. ### ERROR rasterizer_screen_flash failed
  11436. IDirect3DDevice9_SetVertexShaderConstantF(global_d3d_device, VSH_CONSTANTS__SCREENPROJ_OFFSET, ( float*) vsh_constants__screenproj, VSH_CONSTANTS__SCREENPROJ_COUNT)
  11437. ### ERROR unsupported screen flash type
  11438. IDirect3DDevice9_SetPixelShaderConstantF(global_d3d_device, 0, psh_constants, 2)
  11439. _rasterizer_models_end
  11440. _rasterizer_model_draw::else
  11441. _rasterizer_model_draw::_shader_type_environment
  11442. _rasterizer_model_draw::__render_model_effect_type_active_camouflage
  11443. _rasterizer_model_draw::active
  11444. _rasterizer_model_draw::_shader_type_transparent_plasma
  11445. _rasterizer_model_draw
  11446. two_sided_set_of_passes
  11447. first_set_of_passes
  11448. submission
  11449. reflection_tint_color
  11450. pixel_state
  11451. vertex_state
  11452. texture_state
  11453. self_illum_state
  11454. generic_render_state
  11455. rasterizer_model_draw_model_shader_pp
  11456. rasterizer_model_draw_model_shader_ff
  11457. rasterizer_model_draw_model_shader_single_stream
  11458. _rasterizer_model_setupnodeparts
  11459. No%sSelfIllumination
  11460. No%s
  11461. Reflection%s
  11462. Multipurpose%s
  11463. ChangeColor%s
  11464. SelfIllumination%s
  11465. EnvironmentNo%s
  11466. IDirect3DDevice9_SetVertexShaderConstantF(global_d3d_device, VSH_CONSTANTS__NODEMATRIX_OFFSET, local_nodematrices, num_nodes*NUMBER_OF_ROWS_PER_NODE_MATRIX)
  11467. num_nodes < rasterizer_globals.maximum_nodes_per_model
  11468. \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx9_models.c
  11469. IDirect3DDevice9_SetTransform(global_d3d_device, D3DTS_WORLD, &node_matrix)
  11470. @### ERROR rasterizer_model_draw_environment failed
  11471. IDirect3DDevice9_SetTransform(global_d3d_device, D3DTS_TEXTURE0, &texture_matrix)
  11472. global_window_parameters.fog.atmospheric_maximum_distance>0.0f
  11473. global_window_parameters.fog.atmospheric_maximum_distance>global_window_parameters.fog.atmospheric_minimum_distance
  11474. local_parameters
  11475. >=0.0f && <=1.0f
  11476.>=0.0f &&<=1.0f
  11477. >=0.0f && <=1.0f
  11478. local_model_effect_type==_render_model_effect_type_none
  11479. ### ERROR too many transparent geometry groups
  11480. group->active_camouflage_transparent_source_object_index
  11481. local_parameters->effect.source_object_index!=0
  11482. g_CurrentLocalNodeTableSize <= MAXIMUM_NODES_PER_MODEL_GEOMETRY_PART
  11483. g_CurrentLocalNodeTableSize > 0
  11484. centroid
  11485. shader_type_is_valid_for_model(shader->base.type)
  11486. IDirect3DDevice9_SetTransform(global_d3d_device, D3DTS_WORLD, &identity)
  11487. IDirect3DDevice9_SetPixelShaderConstantF(global_d3d_device, 0, &psh_constants[0], 5)
  11488. IDirect3DDevice9_SetVertexShaderConstantF(global_d3d_device, VSH_CONSTANTS__EFFECT_OFFSET, vsh_constants__effect, VSH_CONSTANTS__EFFECT_COUNT)
  11489. IDirect3DDevice9_SetVertexShaderConstantF(global_d3d_device, VSH_CONSTANTS__TEXSCALE_OFFSET, vsh_constants__texscale, VSH_CONSTANTS__TEXSCALE_COUNT)
  11490. IDirect3DDevice9_SetTransform(global_d3d_device, D3DTS_TEXTURE1, &texture_matrix)
  11491. external_color->blue >=0.0f && external_color->blue <=1.0f
  11492. external_color->green>=0.0f && external_color->green<=1.0f
  11493. external_color->red >=0.0f && external_color->red <=1.0f
  11494. >=0.0f && <=1.0f
  11495.>=0.0f &&<=1.0f
  11496. >=0.0f && <=1.0f
  11497. shader_model->model.self_illumination_animation_period!=0.0f
  11498. ### ERROR model effect type #%d can't render opaque shader
  11499. shader->base.type==_shader_type_model
  11500. collision_test_vector_update_position
  11501. collision_test_vector_structure
  11502. collision_test_vector_object
  11503. collision_test_vector_media
  11504. collision_test_vector
  11505. \halopc\haloce\source\physics\collisions.c
  11506. new_velocity
  11507. &clip_plane
  11508. &clip_point
  11509. &clip_line_vector
  11510. &clip_line_point
  11511. clip_count<3
  11512. %s: assert_valid_real_plane3d(%f, %f, %f / %f)
  11513. &collision->plane
  11514. &velocity
  11515. &position
  11516. &clipped_velocity
  11517. &clipped_position
  11518. collision_count<maximum_collision_count
  11519. features->count[_collision_feature_prism]<=MAXIMUM_COLLISION_FEATURES_PER_TEST
  11520. features->count[_collision_feature_cylinder]<=MAXIMUM_COLLISION_FEATURES_PER_TEST
  11521. features->count[_collision_feature_sphere]<=MAXIMUM_COLLISION_FEATURES_PER_TEST
  11522. old_velocity
  11523. old_position
  11524. global_rasterizer_data
  11525. game_globals
  11526. \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\common\rasterizer_common.c
  11527. \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\rasterizer_geometry.c
  11528. count*sizeof(struct environment_vertex_compressed)==compressed_size
  11529. count*sizeof(struct environment_vertex_uncompressed)==uncompressed_size
  11530. count*sizeof(struct environment_lightmap_vertex_compressed)==compressed_size
  11531. count*sizeof(struct environment_lightmap_vertex_uncompressed)==uncompressed_size
  11532. src->nodes[1]%3==0
  11533. src->nodes[0]%3==0
  11534. count*sizeof(struct model_vertex_compressed)==compressed_size
  11535. count*sizeof(struct model_vertex_uncompressed)==uncompressed_size
  11536. ### ERROR can't uncompress this type of vertex buffer
  11537. uncompressed
  11538. vertex
  11539. texcoord
  11540. z>=0.0f && z<=1.0f
  11541. z>=-1.0f && z<=1.0f
  11542. fabs(v2.k - v->k)<0.01f
  11543. fabs(v2.j - v->j)<0.01f
  11544. fabs(v2.i - v->i)<0.01f
  11545. invalid vector= [%f %f %f] 0x%x%x%x
  11546. ### ERROR can't compress this type of vertex buffer
  11547. \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx9_environment_lightmap.c
  11548. ### ERROR rasterizer_environment_lightmap_draw failed
  11549. IDirect3DDevice9_SetPixelShaderConstantF(global_d3d_device, 0, &psh_constants[0], 6)
  11550. illumination->plasma_animation_period!=0.0f
  11551. illumination->secondary_animation_period!=0.0f
  11552. illumination->primary_animation_period!=0.0f
  11553. vertex_buffer
  11554. \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx9_environment_diffuse_lights.c
  11555. ### ERROR rasterizer_environment_diffuse_light_begin failed
  11556. IDirect3DDevice9_SetPixelShaderConstantF(global_d3d_device, 0, psh_constants__light_color, 1)
  11557. IDirect3DDevice9_SetVertexShaderConstantF(global_d3d_device, VSH_CONSTANTS__POINTLIGHT_OFFSET, vsh_constants__pointlight, VSH_CONSTANTS__POINTLIGHT_COUNT)
  11558. light->definition->gel.roll_period>0.0f
  11559. light->definition->gel.pitch_period>0.0f
  11560. light->definition->gel.yaw_period>0.0f
  11561. ### ERROR rasterizer_environment_diffuse_light_draw failed
  11562. IDirect3DDevice9_SetPixelShaderConstantF( global_d3d_device, 1, psh_constants__material_color, 1)
  11563. IDirect3DDevice9_SetSoftwareVertexProcessing(global_d3d_device, rasterizer_dx9_shaders_get_vertex_processing_method(_rasterizer_vertex_type_environment_uncompressed)&D3DUSAGE_SOFTWAREPROCESSING)
  11564. _rasterizer_environment_shadow_model_draw
  11565. ### ERROR rasterizer_shadow_convolve failed
  11566. IDirect3DDevice9_SetFVF(global_d3d_device, 0)
  11567. IDirect3DDevice9_DrawPrimitiveUP(global_d3d_device, D3DPT_LINELIST, 4, screen_vertex_data, sizeof(struct dynamic_screen_transformed_lit_vertex))
  11568. IDirect3DDevice9_SetFVF(global_d3d_device, FVF_PRETRANSFORMED_SCREENSPACE)
  11569. IDirect3DDevice9_DrawPrimitiveUP(global_d3d_device, D3DPT_TRIANGLEFAN, 2, vertex_data, sizeof(struct dynamic_unlit_vertex))
  11570. IDirect3DDevice9_SetVertexShaderConstantF(global_d3d_device, VSH_CONSTANTS__TEXANIM_OFFSET, vsh_constants__texanim, VSH_CONSTANTS__TEXANIM_COUNT)
  11571. \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx9_shadows.c
  11572. ### ERROR rasterizer_environment_shadow_begin failed
  11573. IDirect3DDevice9_SetVertexShaderConstantF(global_d3d_device, VSH_CONSTANTS__SCREENPROJ_OFFSET, vsh_constants__screenproj, VSH_CONSTANTS__SCREENPROJ_COUNT)
  11574. object_bounding_radius>0.0f
  11575. shadow_color->blue >=0.0f && shadow_color->blue <=1.0f
  11576. shadow_color->green>=0.0f && shadow_color->green<=1.0f
  11577. shadow_color->red >=0.0f && shadow_color->red <=1.0f
  11578. shadow_color
  11579. shadow_matrix
  11580. triangle_buffer
  11581. ### ERROR rasterizer_environment_shadow_draw failed
  11582. IDirect3DDevice9_SetPixelShaderConstantF(global_d3d_device, 0, color, 1)
  11583. IDirect3DDevice9_SetVertexShaderConstantF(global_d3d_device, VSH_CONSTANTS__SHADOW_OFFSET, vsh_constants__shadow, VSH_CONSTANTS__SHADOW_COUNT)
  11584. ### WARNING empty shadow has been cast
  11585. rasterizer_environment_diffuse_texture_draw_single_stream
  11586. rasterizer_environment_diffuse_texture_draw_ff
  11587. setting_state
  11588. rasterizer_environment_diffuse_texture_draw_pp
  11589. shader_environment->environment.diffuse.micro_detail_map_function <= 2
  11590. shader_environment->environment.diffuse.detail_map_function <= 2
  11591. shader_environment->environment.type <= 2
  11592. \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx9_environment_diffuse_textures.c
  11593. ### ERROR rasterizer_environment_diffuse_texture_draw failed
  11594. \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx9_environment_specular_light.c
  11595. light->radius
  11596. ### ERROR rasterizer_environment_specular_light_draw failed
  11597. IDirect3DDevice9_SetPixelShaderConstantF(global_d3d_device, 0, &psh_constants[0], 4)
  11598. \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx9_environment_specular_lightmap.c
  11599. ### ERROR rasterizer_environment_specular_lightmap_draw failed
  11600. IDirect3DDevice9_SetPixelShaderConstantF(global_d3d_device, 0, psh_constants, 3)
  11601. \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx9_environment_reflection_lightmap_mask.c
  11602. ### ERROR rasterizer_environment_reflection_lightmap_mask_draw failed
  11603. IDirect3DDevice9_SetPixelShaderConstantF(global_d3d_device, 1, psh_constants, 1)
  11604. ### ERROR rasterizer_environment_reflection_mirror_draw failed
  11605. IDirect3DDevice9_SetPixelShaderConstantF(global_d3d_device, 0, &psh_constants[0], 3)
  11606. ### ERROR unsupported reflection type
  11607. reflection_type>=0 && reflection_type<NUMBER_OF_SHADER_ENVIRONMENT_REFLECTION_TYPES
  11608. \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx9_environment_reflection_mirror.c
  11609. ### ERROR rasterizer_environment_reflection_draw failed
  11610. \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx9_environment_reflection.c
  11611. !TEST_FLAG(geometry_flags, _rasterizer_geometry_no_queue_bit)
  11612. shader_type_is_valid_for_environment(shader->base.type)
  11613. shader->base.type!=_shader_type_environment
  11614. \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx9_environment_transparent_geometry.c
  11615. ### ERROR rasterizer_environment_fog_begin failed
  11616. IDirect3DDevice9_SetPixelShaderConstantF(global_d3d_device, 0, psh_constants, 4)
  11617. ### WARNING camera went below atmosphere-dominant fog plane
  11618. \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx9_environment_fog.c
  11619. primary_map
  11620. \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx9_dynavobgeom.c
  11621. _rasterizer_dynamic_screen_geometry_draw not supported no mo'
  11622. IDirect3DDevice9_SetPixelShaderConstantF(global_d3d_device, 0, (float*) psh_constants, 6)
  11623. ### ERROR rasterizer_dynamic_screen_geometry_draw failed
  11624. IDirect3DDevice9_DrawPrimitiveUP(global_d3d_device, D3DPT_TRIANGLEFAN, 2, verts, sizeof(struct dynamic_screen_vertex))
  11625. meter->gradient==1.0f
  11626. meter->tint_mode_2
  11627. IDirect3DDevice9_SetVertexShaderConstantF(global_d3d_device, VSH_CONSTANTS__SCREENPROJ2_OFFSET, (float*) vsh_constants__screenproj2, VSH_CONSTANTS__SCREENPROJ2_COUNT)
  11628. IDirect3DDevice9_SetVertexShaderConstantF(global_d3d_device, VSH_CONSTANTS__SCREENPROJ_OFFSET, (float*) vsh_constants__screenproj, VSH_CONSTANTS__SCREENPROJ_COUNT)
  11629. parameters->map[1] || !parameters->meter_parameters
  11630. !parameters->map[2] || parameters->map[1]
  11631. parameters->map[0]
  11632. ### ERROR ran out of memory on IDirect3DDevice9_CreateQuery
  11633. \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx9_widgets.c
  11634. ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_submit_occlusion_test failed
  11635. IDirect3DQuery9_Issue(occlusion_query[index], D3DISSUE_END)
  11636. IDirect3DDevice9_DrawPrimitiveUP(global_d3d_device, D3DPT_TRIANGLEFAN, 2, vertex_data, sizeof(struct dynamic_screen_transformed_lit_vertex))
  11637. IDirect3DQuery9_Issue(occlusion_query[index], D3DISSUE_BEGIN)
  11638. ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
  11639. hr
  11640. IDirect3DDevice9_DrawPrimitiveUP(global_d3d_device, D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, widget_batches[batch_index].vertex_index/3, widget_batches[batch_index].vertex_data, sizeof(struct dynamic_screen_transformed_lit_specular_vertex))
  11641. widget_batches[batch_index].time_stamp == 0
  11642. ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_begin failed
  11643. IDirect3DDevice9_SetFVF(global_d3d_device, FVF_PRETRANSFORMED_SPECULAR_SCREENSPACE)
  11644. ### ERROR unsupported widget type
  11645. fabs(cos_theta*cos_theta + sin_theta*sin_theta - 1.0f)<_real_epsilon
  11646. ???????### ERROR rasterizer_hud_motion_sensor_blip_begin failed
  11647. IDirect3DDevice9_SetSoftwareVertexProcessing(global_d3d_device, rasterizer_dx9_shaders_get_vertex_processing_method(_rasterizer_vertex_type_dynamic_unlit)&D3DUSAGE_SOFTWAREPROCESSING)
  11648. \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx9_motion_sensor.c
  11649. ### ERROR rasterizer_hud_motion_sensor_blip_draw failed
  11650. ### ERROR rasterizer_hud_motion_sensor_blip_end failed
  11651. physical_memory_map_globals.sound_cache_base_address
  11652. physical_memory_map_globals.texture_cache_base_address
  11653. (unsigned long)physical_memory_map_globals.game_state_base_address == (GAME_STATE_BASE_ADDRESS)
  11654. \halopc\haloce\source\cache\physical_memory_map.c
  11655. Cannot allocate required memory. Some other application has loaded where Halo needs to be located.
  11656. GetMappedFileNameA
  11657. Psapi.dll
  11658. sphere->triangle_strip_vertex_indices
  11659. sphere->vertices
  11660. \halopc\haloce\source\math\geometry.c
  11661. count>=0 && count<=maximum_count
  11662. count<=CLIP_BUFFER_SIZE
  11664. 7surfaces
  11665. edges
  11666. vertex2->point_index>=0 && vertex2->point_index<point_count
  11667. vertex2->extant
  11668. vertex1->point_index>=0 && vertex1->point_index<point_count
  11669. vertex1->extant
  11670. (edge->surface_indices[0]==NONE)!=(edge->surface_indices[1]==NONE)
  11671. edge->vertex_indices[1]>=0 && edge->vertex_indices[1]<vertex_count
  11672. edge->vertex_indices[0]>=0 && edge->vertex_indices[0]<vertex_count
  11673. edge->extant
  11674. edge->vertex_indices[0]==vertex_index || edge->vertex_indices[1]==vertex_index
  11675. edge_index>=0 && edge_index<edge_count
  11676. first_boundary_edge_index!=NONE
  11677. new_vertex >=0 && new_vertex <= sphere->vertex_count
  11678. parent2 >=0 && parent2 <= sphere->vertex_count
  11679. parent1 >=0 && parent1 <= sphere->vertex_count
  11680. subdivision_index > 0 && subdivision_index < subdivision_count
  11681. cylinder_segment_count>2
  11682. ring_segment_count>2
  11683. start_vertex_index>0
  11684. start_vertex_index+vertex_index<vertex_count
  11685. vertex_index<vertex_count
  11686. result_count>=0 && result_count<=maximum_count
  11687. p!=result && q!=result
  11688. q_count
  11689. q
  11690. p_count
  11691. maximum_count<=CLIP_BUFFER_SIZE
  11692. vb != va
  11693. vb >= 0 && vb < sphere->vertex_count
  11694. va >= 0 && va < sphere->vertex_count
  11695. v3 >=0 && v3 <= sphere->vertex_count
  11696. v2 >=0 && v2 <= sphere->vertex_count
  11697. v1 >=0 && v1 <= sphere->vertex_count
  11698. topright_vertex >= 0 && topright_vertex <= sphere->vertex_count
  11699. right_vertex >= 0 && right_vertex <= sphere->vertex_count
  11700. left_vertex >= 0 && left_vertex <= sphere->vertex_count
  11701. top_vertex >= 0 && top_vertex <= sphere->vertex_count
  11702. *triangle_strip_vertex_indices_index < (NUMBER_OF_VERTICES_PER_TRIANGLE + 1) * sphere->triangle_count
  11703. v3 >= 0 && v3 < sphere->vertex_count
  11704. v2 >= 0 && v2 < sphere->vertex_count
  11705. v1 >= 0 && v1 < sphere->vertex_count
  11706. vertex_subdivision_indices
  11707. triangle_strip_vertex_indices_index
  11708. vertex_index
  11709. vertex_index == result->vertex_count
  11710. triangle_strip_vertex_indices_index < (NUMBER_OF_VERTICES_PER_TRIANGLE + 1) * result->triangle_count
  11711. cache
  11712. \halopc\haloce\source\memory\lruv_cache.c
  11713. block->first_page_index+block->page_count<=next_block->first_page_index
  11714. next_block->first_page_index>block->first_page_index
  11715. next_block->previous_block_index==block_index
  11716. cache->last_block_index==block_index
  11717. previous_block->first_page_index+previous_block->page_count<=block->first_page_index
  11718. previous_block->first_page_index<block->first_page_index
  11719. previous_block->next_block_index==block_index
  11720. cache->first_block_index==block_index
  11721. cache->signature==LRUV_CACHE_SIGNATURE
  11722. maximum_block_count>0
  11723. page_size_bits>0 && page_size_bits<SHORT_BITS
  11724. page_count>0
  11725. new_page_count>0
  11726. %s % 5d% 5d %s
  11727. #%d pages, each #%d bytes
  11728. #%d blocks at frame index #%d
  11729. failed allocation of "%s" was #%d bytes (#%d pages)
  11730. %s (v1: only blocks used this frame are locked)
  11731. next_block->previous_block_index==NONE
  11732. cache->last_block_index==NONE
  11733. !cache->locked_block_proc || !cache->locked_block_proc(oldest_unlocked_block_index)
  11734. lruv_cache_block_get(cache, oldest_unlocked_block_index)
  11735. !cache->locked_block_proc || !cache->locked_block_proc(iterator.index)
  11736. hole_read_index==hole_index
  11737. desired_page_count>0
  11739. temporary uncompressed cache file.bin
  11740. %s (#%d)
  11741. params && params->finished_flag
  11742. offset>=0 && size>=0
  11743. tag_index!=NONE
  11744. \halopc\haloce\source\cache\cache_files_windows.c
  11745. completion_flag_reference
  11746. couldn't write to cache file
  11747. couldn't create new cache file
  11748. !build_cache_file_globals.building
  11749. build_cache_file_globals.building
  11750. couldn't seek to start of new cache file
  11751. !layer_check || layer==decal->layer
  11752. cluster_index==decal->cluster_index
  11753. \halopc\haloce\source\effects\decals.c
  11754. cluster_index>=0 && cluster_index<MAXIMUM_CLUSTERS_PER_STRUCTURE
  11755. extent
  11756. sprite_bounds
  11757. f>=0.0f && f<=1.0f
  11758. ### ERROR decals: locked count is invalid (#%d) -- tell Bernie!!
  11759. decal->definition_index!=NONE
  11760. decal_globals
  11761. decal globals
  11762. global_decal_data
  11763. ### ERROR decals: permanent count is invalid (#%d) -- tell Bernie!!
  11764. projection
  11765. basis
  11766. ### ERROR decals: duplicate surface indices in queue -- tell Bernie!!
  11767. ### ERROR failed to insert decal
  11768. next->cluster_index==cluster_index
  11769. ### ERROR decals: failed to unlock decals during insert -- tell Bernie!!
  11770. ### ERROR decals: infinite loop -- tell Bernie!!
  11771. decal_globals->first_disconnected_decal_index==decal_index
  11772. decal->layer>=0 && decal->layer<NUMBER_OF_DECAL_LAYERS
  11773. decal->cluster_index==NONE
  11774. decal->cluster_index==cluster_index
  11775. decal_globals->permanent_count>=0
  11776. !TEST_FLAG(decal->flags, _decal_locked_bit)
  11777. decal_get_first_decal_index(decal->cluster_index, decal->layer)==decal_index
  11778. ### ERROR decals: deleting permanent decal (#%d) -- tell Bernie!!
  11779. ### ERROR decals: deleting locked decal (#%d) -- tell Bernie!!
  11780. geometry->decal_surface_count<MAXIMUM_DECAL_SURFACE_QUEUE_SIZE
  11781. deviant_surface_count && *deviant_surface_count>=0 && *deviant_surface_count<=MAXIMUM_DECAL_SURFACE_QUEUE_SIZE
  11782. deviant_surface_list
  11783. surface_queue_write_index && *surface_queue_write_index>=0 && *surface_queue_write_index<=MAXIMUM_DECAL_SURFACE_QUEUE_SIZE
  11784. surface_queue
  11785. geometry
  11786. type>=0 && type<NUMBER_OF_DECAL_TYPES
  11787. ### WTF decals: failed to allocate vertices (locked=%d, permanent=%d)
  11788. ### WTF decals: failed to insert decal (locked=%d, permanent=%d)
  11789. ### WTF decals: failed to lock vertices
  11790. quad_index==decal_quad_count
  11791. decal_surface_vertex_index+1<decal_surface_vertex_count
  11792. decal_surface_vertex_count>=NUMBER_OF_VERTICES_PER_TRIANGLE
  11793. ~C
  11794. decal_geometry.decal_surface_vertex_counts[decal_surface_index]>=NUMBER_OF_VERTICES_PER_TRIANGLE
  11795. ### ERROR: decals: failed to wrap decal around edge -- tell Bernie!!
  11796. closest_surface_index!=NONE
  11797. deviant_surface_bunch_size<MAXIMUM_DECAL_SURFACE_QUEUE_SIZE
  11798. surface_queue_write_index<=MAXIMUM_DECAL_SURFACE_QUEUE_SIZE
  11799. surface_queue_read_index<MAXIMUM_DECAL_SURFACE_QUEUE_SIZE
  11800. ### DECALS: Bernie doesn't understand how local_random_range() works, don't tell Jason!!
  11801. ### ERROR unsupported projection dimension
  11802. decals_enabled
  11803. collision
  11804. origin
  11805. local_random_seed_address
  11806. structure_decals_globals
  11807. \halopc\haloce\source\structures\structure_runtime_decals.c
  11808. structure decals
  11809. contrails_update
  11810. contrail %s thinks it has %d points but really it has %d
  11811. contrail %s (%ld) has an object that thinks it's attached to %ld
  11812. contrail %s attachment index %d is outside the valid range.
  11813. \halopc\haloce\source\effects\contrails.c
  11814. couldn't allocate contrail globals
  11815. contrail point
  11816. t
  11817. definition_index!=NONE
  11818. object_index!=NONE
  11819. contrail->contrail_point_counts[instance_index]>0==contrail->first_contrail_point_indices[instance_index]!=NONE
  11820. particle_systems_update
  11821. particle system particles
  11822. particle systems
  11823. creation_function_index>=0 && creation_function_index<NUMBER_OF_PARTICLE_SYSTEM_TYPE_CREATION_PHYSICS
  11824. \halopc\haloce\source\effects\particle_systems.c
  11825. type_state_definition->particle_update_physics>=0 && type_state_definition->particle_update_physics<NUMBER_OF_PARTICLE_SYSTEM_TYPE_UPDATE_PHYSICS
  11826. system_definition->system_update_physics>=0 && system_definition->system_update_physics<NUMBER_OF_PARTICLE_SYSTEM_UPDATE_PHYSICS
  11827. particle_systems && particle_systems->valid
  11828. gravity
  11829. [1.5]
  11830. [0.5]
  11831. particles_update
  11832. couldn't allocate particle globals
  11833. \halopc\haloce\source\effects\particles.c
  11834. &diffuse
  11835. &light
  11836. [0.7]
  11837. &data->color
  11838. &data->velocity
  11839. effects_update
  11840. couldn't allocate effect globals
  11841. effect location
  11842. \halopc\haloce\source\effects\effects.c
  11843. effect %s has a bad part %s
  11844. location_datum_index
  11845. effect_index!=NONE
  11846. cannot create objects, lights, or damage from an effect created by particles.
  11847. &effect->color
  11848. count_delta>=0
  11849. effect->local_player_index==NONE
  11850. &forward
  11851. &marker_list->forwards[effect_marker_index]
  11852. effect_marker_index>=0 && effect_marker_index<marker_list->count
  11853. created %sviolent %s on %s
  11854. non
  11855. <none>
  11856. scale_b %f not in [0,1]
  11857. scale_a %f not in [0,1]
  11858. marker_forwards
  11859. marker_points
  11860. marker_count>0
  11861. !translational_velocity || valid_real_vector3d(translational_velocity)
  11862. quiet
  11863. shout
  11864. loud
  11865. silent
  11866. ai_update
  11867. squad_absolute_index>=0 && squad_absolute_index<MAXIMUM_SQUADS_PER_MAP
  11868. squad_index>=0 && squad_index<MAXIMUM_SQUADS_PER_ENCOUNTER && squad_index<encounter->squad_count
  11869. c:\halopc\haloce\source\ai\encounters.h
  11870. ai_globals
  11871. \halopc\haloce\source\ai\ai.c
  11872. ai globals
  11873. force_major && is_random && random_chance
  11874. %d swarm units
  11875. result_description && more_to_release
  11876. working_memory_size >= sizeof(struct potentially_releasable_storage)
  11877. encounter %s (%d units)
  11878. encounterless-actor %s
  11879. %s killing spree: %d
  11880. player%d
  11881. allegiance between teams %s and %s %s%s
  11882. reformed
  11883. broken
  11884. permanently
  11885. allegiance between teams %s and %s communicated as %s
  11886. WARNING: cannot create mounted weapons for %s, exceeded MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_MOUNTED_WEAPON_UNITS
  11887. effect_type>=0 && effect_type<NUMBER_OF_AI_UNIT_EFFECTS
  11888. volume>=0 && volume<NUMBER_OF_AI_SOUND_VOLUMES
  11889. A
  11890. (distance_to_effect >= 0) && (distance_to_effect < distance_to_end_of_queue)
  11891. submit
  11892. effect_type>=0 && effect_type<NUMBER_OF_AI_SPATIAL_EFFECTS
  11893. actor->meta.encounterless
  11894. %s: disconnect and transition to new bsp
  11895. %s: %d of %d units outside PVS, reattached %d%s
  11896. (deleted some)
  11897. %s: no units inside PVS, do not transition
  11898. %s: all swarm inside PVS, transition unchanged
  11899. components_outside_pvs_count < MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_UNITS_PER_SWARM
  11900. target_prop->parent_prop_index != NONE
  11901. %s/%s major upgrade chance %.2f: %s (g %.2f s %.2f -> chance %.2f rand %.2f err %.2f)
  11902. NO
  11903. YES
  11904. ?adjust_encounter->platoon_base + adjust_encounter->platoon_count <= MAXIMUM_PLATOONS_PER_MAP
  11905. adjust_encounter->platoon_base >= encounter->platoon_base + encounter->platoon_count
  11906. adjust_encounter->squad_base + adjust_encounter->squad_count <= MAXIMUM_SQUADS_PER_MAP
  11907. adjust_encounter->squad_base >= encounter->squad_base + encounter->squad_count
  11908. editing caused an overflow of MAXIMUM_PLATOONS_PER_MAP (%d)
  11909. editing caused an overflow of MAXIMUM_SQUADS_PER_MAP (%d)
  11910. c:\halopc\haloce\source\objects\objects.h
  11911. material->lightmap_vertices.type==_rasterizer_vertex_type_environment_lightmap_uncompressed || material->lightmap_vertices.type==_rasterizer_vertex_type_environment_lightmap_compressed || material->lightmap_vertices.type==_rasterizer_vertex_type_environment_lightmap_uncompressed_ff
  11912. \halopc\haloce\source\objects\object_lights.c
  11913. material->vertices.type==_rasterizer_vertex_type_environment_uncompressed || material->vertices.type==_rasterizer_vertex_type_environment_compressed || material->vertices.type==_rasterizer_vertex_type_environment_uncompressed_ff
  11914. couldn't allocate memory for object lights.
  11915. lights_game_globals
  11916. light_data
  11917. lights globals
  11918. TEST_FLAG(light->flags, _point_light_connected_to_map_bit)
  11919. !lights_globals.marker_initialized
  11920. lights_globals.marker_initialized
  11921. !TEST_FLAG(light->flags, _point_light_connected_to_map_bit)
  11922. [1.3]
  11923. [0.707]
  11924. [lens_flare_parameters.light_identifier!=0
  11925. light-> >=0.0f && light-> <=1.0f
  11926. light->>=0.0f && light-><=1.0f
  11927. light-> >=0.0f && light-> <=1.0f
  11928. [sine -45]
  11929. object_type_should_force_baseline_update
  11930. object_type_is_update_valid
  11931. object_type_update_biped_from_network
  11932. object_type_update_timestamped_from_network
  11933. object_type_update_from_network
  11934. object_type_process_update_delta
  11935. object_type_update_baseline
  11936. object_type_update
  11937. light_fixture
  11938. control
  11939. object_type_definitions[object_type]->group_tag
  11940. object_type_definitions[object_type]
  11941. #%d isn't a valid object type in [#0,#%d)
  11942. \halopc\haloce\source\objects\object_types.c
  11943. VALID_MESSAGE_DELTA_DEFINITION(object_type_definitions[object_type]->update_message_type) || object_type_definitions[object_type]->update_message_type == NONE
  11944. team == 0 || team == 1
  11945. Unknown vehicle type in vehicle remapper
  11946. #### Team %d: Vehicle %s skipped (allowed but skipped) (index %d)
  11947. #### Team %d: Vehicle %s skipped (bad scenario_datum_index) (index %d)
  11948. #### Team %d: Ignoring vehicle %s (index %d)
  11949. #### WARNING un-teamed vehicle of type %s (index %d)
  11950. #### Team %d: Adding vehicle %s for current game type (index %d)
  11951. Spawning vehicle %s
  11952. Spawning default vehicle %s
  11953. !vehicle_remapper.is_teamplay
  11954. Team %d: Spawning vehicle #%d, %s
  11955. Team %d: Spawning default vehicle #%d, %s
  11956. vehicle_remapper.is_teamplay
  11957. vehicle_remapper.processed
  11958. !definition->next
  11959. object_index != NONE
  11960. definition->placement_tag_block_offset>=0 && definition->placement_tag_block_offset<=sizeof(struct scenario)+sizeof(struct tag_block)
  11961. definition->placement_tag_block_offset!=NONE
  11962. definition->palette_tag_block_offset>=0 && definition->palette_tag_block_offset<=sizeof(struct scenario)+sizeof(struct tag_block)
  11963. definition->palette_tag_block_offset!=NONE
  11964. &matrix
  11965. Kt >= t0 && t <= t0 + 3.0f*h
  11966. h > 0.0f
  11967. #wind_globals.initialized
  11968. \halopc\haloce\source\scenario\wind.c
  11969. !wind_globals.initialized
  11970. t>0.f && t<1.f
  11971. \halopc\haloce\source\physics\bsp3d.c
  11972. 9
  11973. clipped_counts[0]!=NONE && clipped_counts[1]!=NONE
  11975. vertex_count>=NUMBER_OF_VERTICES_PER_TRIANGLE
  11976. bitmap && bitmap->signature==BITMAP_SIGNATURE
  11977. \halopc\haloce\source\cache\pc_texture_cache.c
  11978. !structure_globals.cluster_marker_initialized
  11979. \halopc\haloce\source\structures\structures.c
  11980. structure_globals.cluster_marker_initialized
  11982. surface_index
  11983. material_index
  11984. intersected_indices
  11985. disc_index>=0 && disc_index<obstacles->disc_count && obstacles->disc_count<=MAXIMUM_DISC_COUNT
  11986. c:\halopc\haloce\source\ai\path.h
  11987. step_index>=0 && step_index<path->step_count && path->step_count<=MAXIMUM_OBSTACLE_AVOIDANCE_STEPS
  11988. \halopc\haloce\source\ai\path_obstacle_avoidance.c
  11989. heap_index>=0 && heap_index<path->heap_count && path->heap_count<=MAXIMUM_OBSTACLE_AVOIDANCE_STEPS
  11990. heap_index>0
  11991. %3d. %.12g (%x)
  11992. please give this debug.txt to chucky
  11993. heap_verify failed (%s)
  11994. heap_insert output
  11995. heap_insert input
  11996. heap_remove output
  11997. heap_remove input
  11998. goal
  11999. %s: assert_valid_real_point2d(%f, %f)
  12000. stack_top<MAXIMUM_DISC_COUNT
  12001. result.disc_index>=0 && result.disc_index<path->obstacles->disc_count
  12002. seed_disc_index>=0 && seed_disc_index<path->obstacles->disc_count
  12003. path->obstacles->disc_count>=0 && path->obstacles->disc_count<=MAXIMUM_DISC_COUNT
  12004. obstacle path failure!
  12005. (obstacle_step_index >= 0) && (obstacle_step_index < obstacle_path->step_count)
  12006. input_step_count <= MAXIMUM_SMOOTHED_PATH_STEPS
  12007. [5344176: 0x000080BF000080BF000080BF000080BF000080BF0000803F000080BF0000803F000080BF000080BF0000803F0000803F0000803F000080BF000080BF0000803F000080BF0000803F0000803F0000803F000080BF0000803F0000803F0000803FCDCCCC3C]
  12008. count<=14
  12009. plane #%d%s|nsurface #%d%s%s%s%s|n%s|n%f degrees
  12010. negated
  12011. two-sided
  12012. invisible
  12013. climbable
  12014. breakable
  12015. phantom bsp
  12016. \halopc\haloce\source\physics\collision_debug.c
  12017. local_player_index==0
  12018. \halopc\haloce\source\structures\structure_detail_objects.c
  12019. structure detail objects
  12020. detail_object_global_runtime_data
  12021. lower_bound_cell<=upper_bound_cell
  12022. recorded_animations_update
  12023. animation_threads_debug
  12024. animation_threads
  12025. \halopc\haloce\source\cutscene\recorded_animations.c
  12026. animation %s appears corrupt
  12027. thread->event_stream-thread_debug->event_stream_start<thread_debug->stream_length||(thread->event_stream-thread_debug->event_stream_start==thread_debug->stream_length&&finished)
  12028. thread->relative_ticks>=0
  12029. playback_stream-stream<size||(playback_stream-stream==size&&finished)
  12030. relative_ticks>=0
  12031. ticks_left>=0
  12032. %d|t
  12033. recording name|tticks left|tobject name
  12034. unit doesn't exist
  12035. this animation doesn't exist
  12036. can't play animation on unit
  12037. trying to play %s while %s is playing
  12038. animation->version>0&&animation->version<=RECORDED_ANIMATION_VERSION&&playback_codec[animation->version-1]
  12039. Could not allocate space for a new animation
  12040. !thread||thread->unit_index==unit_index
  12041. replicate_damage_dealt_to_network(): Failed to send damage dealt message to machine [%d].
  12042. machine_index != NONE
  12043. damage_data.damaged_object_index != NONE
  12044. \halopc\haloce\source\objects\damage.c
  12045. item_accelerate_to_network(): Failed to send item accelerate message to all loaded machines.
  12046. SDJ: ERROR: item_accelerate_from_network(): Ignoring meaningless attempt to decode incremental item accelerate message
  12047. SDJ: ERROR: item_accelerate_from_network(): Could not decode item accelerate message
  12048. SDJ: ERROR: item_accelerate_from_network(): Translated index [%d] resolved to NONE.
  12049. header->decoding_information->definition_type == _message_item_accelerate
  12050. ff>negative incident
  12051. incident
  12052. collision.type==_collision_result_object
  12053. %s|nbody %0.3f|n current %0.3f|n recent %0.3f|nshield %0.3f|n current %0.3f|n recent %0.3f|n
  12054. no object to debug|n(point and press space)
  12055. SDJ: ERROR: damage_dealt_from_network(): Ignoring meaningless attempt to decode incremental damage dealt message
  12056. SDJ: ERROR: damage_dealt_from_network(): Could not decode damage dealt message
  12057. header->decoding_information->definition_type == _message_damage_dealt
  12058. damage_resistance->shield_material_type>=0 && damage_resistance->shield_material_type<NUMBER_OF_MATERIAL_TYPES
  12059. ~damaged
  12060. damage_material->type>=0 && damage_material->type<NUMBER_OF_MATERIAL_TYPES
  12061. %s: "%s" "%s" k=%0.2f S[%3.2f] B[%3.2f]
  12062. damaged_object_count<sizeof(damaged_object_indices)/sizeof(long)
  12063. region_index==NONE || (region_index>=0 && region_index<MAXIMUM_REGIONS_PER_OBJECT)
  12064. <E.B:activation status
  12065. (meter->history_next_index >= 0) && (meter->history_next_index < AI_METER_HISTORY_TICKS)
  12066. definition->meter_id == index
  12067. \halopc\haloce\source\ai\ai_profile.c
  12068. ai enc % 2d/% 3d, actor % 3d/% 3d/% 3d, unit % 3d/% 3d/% 3d, props % 3d/% 3d|n
  12069. AI line-spray: %s
  12070. encounters %d/%d|tprops %d/%d
  12071. actors %d/%d/%d|units %d/%d%d
  12072. swarms %d/%d/%d|tcomponents %d/%d
  12073. props a/o/u:|tenemy %d/%d/%d|tfriend %d/%d/%d|tdead %d/%d/%d
  12074. collisions %d|tlineofsight %d|tlineoffire %d|tfiringpoint %d
  12075. path_flood %d|tpath_find %d|taction_change %d
  12076. shoot-corpse
  12077. check-friend
  12078. check-enemy
  12079. run-to
  12080. triumph
  12081. ..\objects\objects.h
  12082. actor_debug_array && actor_path_debug_array
  12083. \halopc\haloce\source\ai\ai_debug.c
  12084. actor_path_debug_array
  12085. actor_debug_array
  12086. path->valid
  12087. u<%.1f
  12088. ff?ai_debug.lineoffire_valid
  12089. highlight_color
  12090. ai_debug_lineofsight: overflowed point buffer (%d) with %d rays and counting
  12091. index <= SHORT_MAX
  12092. ai_debug_lineofsight: overflowed ray buffer (%d) with %d points and counting
  12093. (%s)
  12094. %s/(%s) %s
  12095. %s/%s
  12096. encounterless
  12097. camera != NULL
  12098. speech done
  12099. conditional
  12100. %s
  12101. ai_speak_list: couldn't find the list '%s'... here are the known lists:
  12102. player kill comments
  12103. all
  12104. %s %s %s (%d %d)
  12105. variant %d dialogue %d %s
  12106. cleared %d flags
  12107. set %d flags
  12108. (comm_type >= 0) && (comm_type < vector_size)
  12109. vector_size <= 2048
  12110. lookup
  12111. ai_debug.idle_look_valid
  12112. fff?c%d t%d
  12113. actors:
  12114. actor types:
  12115. unused9
  12116. unused8
  12117. unused7
  12118. unused6
  12119. teams:
  12120. enterable: dist %.1f
  12121. reset the actor variant in all %d starting locations. glory!
  12122. updated all %d squads' guard positions. glory!
  12123. encounter %s [%s %s] (%d actors)
  12124. inactive
  12125. active
  12126. %s-bsp %s
  12127. auto
  12128. manual
  12129. 3d-positions
  12130. no more encounters
  12131. undirected
  12132. %s / %s (%d)
  12133. (path->path_build_result >= 0) && (path->path_build_result < NUMBER_OF_PATH_BUILD_RESULTS)
  12134. (path->path_traverse_result >= 0) && (path->path_traverse_result < NUMBER_OF_PATH_TRAVERSE_RESULTS)
  12135. obstacles blocked
  12136. cached node missing
  12137. no destination
  12138. overflowed nodes
  12139. exhausted search
  12140. invalid start
  12141. not close enough
  12142. selected %s
  12143. no more actors
  12144. actor %d/%d: %s
  12145. no encounter selected (use F2/F3)
  12146. not refreshing path
  12147. path debugging not available
  12148. path refreshed (%d)
  12149. [ignorant]
  12150. no current path
  12151. following path (%d/%d%s)
  12152. (at destination)
  12153. %s|t%s|t%s%s|t%s|t%s|t%3.2f|t%3.2f|n
  12154. (dim)
  12155. (dark)
  12156. obstr
  12157. to/cvr
  12158. f/cvr
  12159. occl
  12160. i/orph
  12161. u/orph
  12162. ack
  12163. ack->
  12164. ->ack
  12165. -----
  12166. |ntype|tstate|tvis|taud|tlos|ttarget|tlook|n
  12167. body|t%3.2f|t[0.0,%3.2f]|nshield|t%3.2f|t[0.0,%3.2f]|n|n
  12168. |n|n|n|n
  12169. `!?
  12170. @R?=<unknown charge-setup decision %d>
  12171. close-success
  12172. stalking-success
  12173. melee-success (%sairborne)
  12174. melee-cannotmove (%f)
  12175. melee-noanimation (%sairborne)
  12176. melee-notarget
  12177. melee-inhibited
  12178. melee-swarmcan't
  12179. vehicle-notdriver
  12180. vehicle-success
  12181. ?animation %d
  12182. analog %.2f
  12183. m-%s a-%s
  12184. asleep
  12185. noncombat
  12186. casual
  12187. alert
  12188. : persistent %d
  12189. <unknown %d>
  12190. trigger2
  12191. trigger
  12192. reload
  12193. forcealert
  12194. lookdontturn
  12195. action
  12196. exactfacing
  12197. trigger %.1f
  12198. animation failed
  12199. animation unavailable
  12200. cannot move
  12201. not attempted
  12202. attached to us
  12203. no animation
  12204. imminent impact
  12205. imminent explosion
  12206. can avoid
  12207. no desire (int'n %.1f)
  12208. no desire (no int'n)
  12209. no safe direction
  12210. evasion not allowed
  12211. outside (%.1f > %.1f)
  12212. far away (%.1f > %.1f)
  12213. unnoticed
  12214. discarded fp
  12215. trying: %sbusy dmg %.1f
  12216. not-
  12217. no trajectory
  12218. collateral dmg
  12219. not enough enemy %d < %d
  12220. encounter time %d
  12221. random %.2f > %.2f
  12222. dmg %.2f
  12223. unit busy
  12224. in vehicle
  12225. minimum range
  12226. underwater
  12227. not stationary
  12228. not standing
  12229. not crouching
  12230. in midair
  12231. bursting
  12232. firing wildly
  12233. burst pause
  12234. burst pause align
  12235. first burst delay
  12236. first burst align
  12237. outside range
  12238. not visible
  12239. outside active region
  12240. no target
  12241. wrong target
  12242. animation busy
  12243. firing disabled
  12244. wildfire %d
  12245. pause %d
  12246. burst %d
  12247. newtarget %d
  12248. %srof %.1f err %.1f dmg %.1f blk %d
  12249. busy
  12250. error: invalid point 2 specified (%d)
  12251. error: invalid point 1 specified (%d)
  12252. Ccommand-list %s: #%d of #%d
  12253. ramming
  12254. strafe
  12255. melee-leap
  12256. stalk%s %s disc%d
  12257. catchtarget
  12258. exposed
  12259. locked
  12260. moving
  12261. destination-
  12262. fake-entry %d
  12263. range-ok
  12264. facing-ok
  12265. entering
  12266. delay %d
  12267. pt(%d)
  12268. targ(%d)
  12269. pursuit_location != NULL
  12270. %s %d
  12271. hide
  12272. retreat %d
  12273. look %d
  12274. wait %d
  12275. change %d
  12276. delay not triggered
  12277. delay forever
  12278. delaying %d
  12279. #=
  12280. <%s %s %s %d
  12281. targ
  12282. prop
  12283. move
  12284. combat
  12285. comm/d
  12286. comm
  12287. deton
  12288. bumped
  12289. ack
  12290. over/f
  12291. over
  12292. stop/a
  12293. turn/a
  12294. i/aim
  12295. i/look
  12296. def
  12297. d%d o%d e%d f%d
  12298. /%d h%d
  12299. unopp c%d(%d) t%d
  12300. unr %d %d
  12301. target
  12302. %si%d
  12303. %so%d
  12304. r%d
  12305. prop->enemy
  12306. /%.1fs/%.1ff
  12307. aud/%s %.1fp/%.1fd
  12308. full
  12309. nostationary%s
  12310. (moving)
  12311. desire-fixed-facing
  12312. fixed-facing
  12313. retreat t%d
  12314. dngr %3.2f/%3.2f
  12315. dmging %d/%d
  12316. ex.close %d/%d
  12317. s/at me %d/%d
  12318. s/near %d/%d
  12319. shoot %d/%d
  12320. aim at %d/%d
  12321. facing %d/%d
  12322. vis %d/%d
  12323. enemy %d
  12324. %s %d %.2f
  12325. unavailable
  12326. shielded
  12327. visibletimer
  12328. repeattimer
  12329. visibletarget
  12330. wrongaction
  12331. s/dmg %3.2f
  12332. b/dmg %3.2f
  12333. shld %3.2f
  12334. body %3.2f
  12335. encounterless
  12336. %s (bsp %d)
  12337. %s (no-bsp)
  12338. move emergency %.2f
  12339. sharp continue
  12340. sharp change-dir
  12341. sharp new-turn
  12342. sign rotated %f
  12343. sign too-far cosangle %f < %f
  12344. sign no-danger %f < %f
  12345. sensed at %f, turn %f
  12346. turn angvel %.2f danger %.2f bonus %.2f
  12347. danger %.2f turncos %.2f
  12348. curr ~%.2f at %.2f
  12349. best %.2f at %d
  12350. %d: w%.2f
  12351. c%d
  12352. %.3f
  12353. not-occluding-player
  12354. occluding-player
  12355. blocking-player
  12356. aiming occlusion error
  12357. %sforce-stop %d
  12358. moving-into-fire
  12359. blocking
  12360. blocking-player
  12361. friends-blocking
  12362. %3.2f
  12363. num_firing_position_colors < MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_FIRING_POSITION_GROUPS
  12364. tag index
  12365. resource index
  12366. predicted_resource_block
  12367. type==predicted_resource->type
  12368. resource_index>=0 && resource_index<bitmap_group->bitmaps.count
  12369. resource_index==NONE
  12370. \halopc\haloce\source\cache\predicted_resources.c
  12371. Tried to add bitmap from group with no bitmaps(%s).
  12372. state.field->type==_field_tag_reference
  12373. predicted_resources
  12374. sound\sinomatixx_music
  12375. sound\sinomatixx_foley
  12376. sound\sinomatixx
  12377. sound\sfx\ambience
  12378. sound\music
  12379. sound\dialog
  12380. stand
  12381. unit_update
  12382. units_update
  12383. unit_globals
  12384. \halopc\haloce\source\units\units.c
  12385. unit globals
  12386. VALID_FLAGS(persistent_control_flags, NUMBER_OF_UNIT_CONTROL_FLAGS)
  12387. enter-hint
  12388. animation_state
  12389. plan->coast_t + actual_t >= t
  12390. plan->coast_t >= 0
  12391. coasting_vel < 0
  12392. t >= 0
  12393. disc >= 0
  12394. REAL_MAX != plan->decel_t
  12395. REAL_MAX != plan->decel_a
  12396. REAL_MAX != plan->coast_t
  12397. REAL_MAX != plan->accel_t
  12398. REAL_MAX != plan->accel_a
  12399. plan->initial_v < 0
  12400. plan->initial_p > -1e-03f
  12401. o(adjust_plan->accel_t >= 0) && (adjust_plan->decel_t >= 0)
  12402. t_extension > 0
  12403. MISSING: %s '%s %s'
  12404. Could not encode unit_kill message for player index
  12405. server failed to send unit_kill message to all machines; client machine may be out of sync
  12406. best_new_attacker_index!=NONE
  12407. (estimate_mode >= 0) && (estimate_mode < NUMBER_OF_UNIT_ESTIMATE_POSITION_MODES)
  12408. body_position && estimated_position
  12409. animation_impulse>=0 && animation_impulse<NUMBER_OF_UNIT_ANIMATION_IMPULSES
  12410. current_index>=0 && current_index<NUMBER_OF_UNIT_GRENADE_TYPES
  12411. couldn't find the emotion animation '%s'
  12412. Aindex>=0 && index<NUMBER_OF_UNIT_USER_ANIMATIONS
  12413. Could not encode player exit vehicle message for object index #%d
  12414. server failed to send player exit vehicle message to all machines; client machine may be out of sync
  12415. <
  12416. equipment_definition->equipment.powerup_type==_equipment_powerup_grenade
  12417. (grenade_type >= 0) && (grenade_type < NUMBER_OF_UNIT_GRENADE_TYPES)
  12418. grenade_count>=0
  12419. equipment_definition->equipment.powerup_type!=_equipment_powerup_grenade
  12420. equipment_definition->equipment.powerup_type!=_equipment_powerup_none
  12421. grenade_type==NONE || (grenade_type>=0 && grenade_type<NUMBER_OF_UNIT_GRENADE_TYPES)
  12422. unit->unit.current_grenade_index==NONE || (unit->unit.current_grenade_index>=0 && unit->unit.current_grenade_index<NUMBER_OF_UNIT_GRENADE_TYPES)
  12423. left hand
  12424. unit->unit.grenade_counts[unit->unit.current_grenade_index]>0
  12425. unit->unit.current_grenade_index>=0 && unit->unit.current_grenade_index<NUMBER_OF_UNIT_GRENADE_TYPES
  12426. server failed to send projectile new message for grenade index [%d]
  12427. base_seat_index>=0 && base_seat_index<NUMBER_OF_UNIT_BASE_SEATS
  12428. base_weapon_index>=0 && base_weapon_index<NUMBER_OF_UNIT_BASE_WEAPONS
  12429. unarmed
  12430. %s: animation %s
  12431. index>=0 && index<MAXIMUM_WEAPONS_PER_UNIT
  12432. item->object.parent_object_index==unit_index
  12433. a %s tried to drop a %s which was connected to the map.
  12434. the animation '%s' doesn't exist in the graph '%s'
  12435. WARNING: %s tried to die from flaming to death but couldn't
  12436. aiming_vector
  12437. (end_aiming_angles.pitch >= aiming_bounds->y0) && (end_aiming_angles.pitch <= aiming_bounds->y1)
  12438. (end_aiming_angles.yaw >= aiming_bounds->x0) && (end_aiming_angles.yaw <= aiming_bounds->x1)
  12439. end_aiming_angles.yaw >= aiming_bounds->x0
  12440. end_aiming_angles.yaw <= aiming_bounds->x1
  12441. desired_aiming_angles.yaw >= aiming_bounds->x0
  12442. desired_aiming_angles.yaw <= aiming_bounds->x1
  12443. (angular_acceleration_limit > 0.0f) && (angular_acceleration_limit < 10000.0f)
  12444. angular_velocity_limit >= 0.0f
  12445. MISSING: %s '%s %s %s'
  12446. parent_seat_index != NULL
  12447. relative_aiming_angles.yaw
  12448. relative_aiming_angles.pitch
  12449. &relative_vector
  12450. (seat_desire_type == NONE) || ((seat_desire_type >= 0) && (seat_desire_type < NUMBER_OF_VEHICLE_SEAT_DESIRE_TYPES))
  12451. seat_substring_name
  12452. current_index>=0 && current_index<MAXIMUM_WEAPONS_PER_UNIT
  12453. Could not encode unit_drop_current_weapon message for player index
  12454. server failed to send unit_drop_current_weapon message to all machines; client machine may be out of sync
  12455. )\=&unit->object.forward
  12456. &unit->object.up
  12457. %s: assert_valid_real_normal2d(%f, %f)
  12458. alignment_vector
  12459. [5357136: 0xA692AB3CA692ABBCDDA57E415077563EEDCF8740]
  12460. run_vector
  12461. unit_verify_vectors FAILURE, see above for details
  12462. looking vector %08X %08X %08X velocity %08X %08X %08X
  12463. aiming vector %08X %08X %08X velocity %08X %08X %08X
  12464. desired facing %08X %08X %08X, aiming %08X %08X %08X, looking %08X %08X %08X
  12465. object: pos %08X %08X %08X, fwd %08X %08X %08X, up %08X %08X %08X
  12466. warning, hex dump follows...
  12467. looking vector %f %f %f velocity %f %f %f
  12468. aiming vector %f %f %f velocity %f %f %f
  12469. desired facing %f %f %f, aiming %f %f %f, looking %f %f %f
  12470. **** unit_verify_vectors: problems with %s at location %s
  12471. unit-control
  12472. control_data->primary_trigger
  12473. control_data->zoom_level==NONE || (control_data->zoom_level>=0)
  12474. control_data->grenade_index==NONE || (control_data->grenade_index>=0 && control_data->grenade_index<NUMBER_OF_UNIT_GRENADE_TYPES)
  12475. control_data->weapon_index==NONE || (control_data->weapon_index>=0 && control_data->weapon_index<MAXIMUM_WEAPONS_PER_UNIT)
  12476. &control_data->looking_vector
  12477. &control_data->aiming_vector
  12478. &control_data->facing_vector
  12479. VALID_FLAGS(control_data->control_flags, NUMBER_OF_UNIT_CONTROL_FLAGS)
  12480. control_data->aiming_speed>=0 && control_data->aiming_speed<NUMBER_OF_UNIT_AIMING_SPEEDS
  12481. control_data->animation_state>=0 && control_data->animation_state<NUMBER_OF_UNIT_ANIMATION_STATES
  12482. magnitude3d(&control_data->throttle)<=3.0f
  12483. relative_looking_angles.yaw
  12484. relative_looking_angles.pitch
  12485. &relative_looking_vector
  12486. &relative_aiming_vector
  12487. &unit->unit.aiming_vector
  12488. unit-preprocess-nodes
  12489. desired_base_seat_index!=NONE
  12490. desired_state>=0 && desired_state<NUMBER_OF_UNIT_STATES
  12491. Ignoring meaningless attempt to decode incremental unit_drop_current_weapon message
  12492. Could not decode unit_drop_current_weapon message for player index
  12493. SDJ: ERROR: unit_drop_current_weapon_from_network(): Unit [%d] with current weapon [%d] could not drop weapon [%d], translated index [%d]
  12494. current_weapon_index == local_weapon_to_drop
  12495. header->decoding_information->definition_type == _message_unit_drop_current_weapon
  12496. unit->object.parent_object_index==NONE
  12497. weapon != NULL
  12498. unit->unit.feign_death_timer > 0
  12499. Server was about to replicate a unit_try_and_exit() for a unit that with a role other than master! [%d]
  12500. unit_try_and_exit_seat(): There is no unit at index [%d]
  12501. unit-update-end
  12502. =*=9game_globals_first_person_interface
  12503. player illumination: self %.2f ambient %.2f
  12504. unit-update-postvector
  12505. &unit->unit.looking_vector
  12506. unit-update-look-3d
  12507. unit-update-look-euler
  12508. unit-update-look-set
  12509. unit-update-aim-3d
  12510. unit-update-aim-euler
  12511. unit-update-aim-set
  12512. &unit->unit.desired_aiming_vector
  12513. :unit-update-prevectors
  12514. <&gunner_unit->unit.desired_aiming_vector
  12515. &driver_unit->unit.desired_facing_vector
  12516. unit-update-begin
  12517. SDJ: ERROR: unit_kill_from_network(): Ignoring meaningless attempt to decode incremental unit kill message
  12518. SDJ: ERROR: unit_kill_from_network(): Could not decode unit kill message for player index
  12519. SDJ: ERROR: unit_kill_from_network(): unit index [%d] resolved to NONE
  12520. !field_translated_index_is_local_index_registered(&FIELD_PROPERTIES(object_index), local_unit_index)
  12521. ERROR: unit_kill_from_network(): Unit index [%d] resolved to NULL
  12522. header->decoding_information->definition_type == _message_unit_kill
  12523. !field_translated_index_is_local_index_registered(&FIELD_PROPERTIES(object_index), unit_index)
  12524. p%d: body %.2f shld %.2f from %s %s
  12525. Ignoring meaningless attempt to decode incremental player exit vehicle message
  12526. Could not decode player exit vehicle message
  12527. unit_exit_seat_from_network(): Unable to resolve server index [%d]. Forced [%d].
  12528. header->decoding_information->definition_type == _message_player_exit_vehicle
  12529. queue != NULL
  12530. \halopc\haloce\source\game\position_queue.c
  12531. server_position_as_of_this_update != NULL
  12532. x
  12533. \halopc\haloce\source\game\action_queue.c
  12534. entry->remaining_ticks_to_apply_action_to > 0
  12535. action_queue_data != NULL
  12536. ticks_to_apply_update_to > 0
  12537. max_queue_size > 1
  12538. \halopc\haloce\source\game\simple_circular_queue.c
  12539. user_data != NULL
  12540. player_update_history_play
  12541. \halopc\haloce\source\networking\player_update_history.c
  12542. ERROR: No client.
  12543. Avg. prediction error: [%f]
  12544. Avg. ticks played back: [%f]
  12545. Total updates: [%d] == Total ticks: [%d]
  12546. Number of play backs: [%d]
  12547. number_of_ticks != NULL
  12548. number_of_updates != NULL
  12549. history != NULL
  12550. [%d]: Player update history overflow, [%d] updates == [%d] ticks.
  12551. player_update_history_is_valid_id(*update_id) == TRUE
  12552. [%d]: Warning...Update history is now full, [%d] updates.
  12553. [%d]: Added through update [%d]. [%d]/[%d]updates == [%d] ticks
  12554. player_update_history_is_valid_id(history->next_update_id) == TRUE
  12555. player_unit_index != NONE
  12556. ticks > 0
  12557. Ignoring update [%d] due to starting_update == NULL
  12558. Ignoring update [%d] due to unit_index == NONE
  12559. Ran updates: [%d] -> [%d], [%d] updates == [%d] ticks
  12560. Difference: [%f]
  12561. Ending Pos: [%f] [%f] [%f]
  12562. Client Starting Pos: [%f] [%f] [%f]
  12563. Server Starting Pos: [%f] [%f] [%f]
  12564. Original Pos: [%f] [%f] [%f]
  12565. update_client_get_ticks_left_for_current_action() == 0
  12566. There are updates to replay after [%d].
  12567. Updates [%d] does not exist.
  12568. biped_process_update_delta
  12569. biped_build_update_delta
  12570. biped_update_baseline
  12571. biped_update
  12572. desired_facing && desired_gun_offset
  12573. (estimate_mode != _unit_estimate_gun_position) || (desired_facing != NULL)
  12574. (estimate_mode == _unit_estimate_none) || (estimated_body_position != NULL)
  12575. \halopc\haloce\source\units\bipeds.c
  12576. pathfinding_point
  12577. x_object_index != NONE
  12578. ERROR: Could not decode biped new message
  12579. header->decoding_information->definition_type == _message_biped_new
  12580. message_type != NONE
  12581. biped->biped.baseline_valid == TRUE
  12582. biped->object.datum_role == _networked_datum_master
  12583. Cannot decode invalid message for biped %d
  12584. (biped->object.datum_role == _networked_datum_puppet) || (biped->object.datum_role == _networked_datum_puppet_controlled_by_local_player)
  12585. header_data->object_index == object_index
  12586. header->decoding_information->definition_type == object_type_get_update_message_type(biped->object.type)
  12587. percent >= 0.0f && percent <= 1.0f
  12588. D
  12589. WARNING: biped %s (%s) is in a bad place (%.1f %.1f %.1f), erasing
  12590. WARNING: biped %s (%s) fell outside world and was erased
  12591. fixed_location.cluster_index!=NONE
  12592. final_position || !dont_teleport
  12593. couldn't teleport the biped out far enough from the vehicle...
  12594. biped %s (%s%s%s): %s vector failure: (%f, %f, %f) / (%f, %f, %f)
  12595. climb
  12596. player-physics
  12597. /dead
  12598. /limping
  12599. post-airborne
  12600. TEST_FLAG(biped->biped.flags, _biped_airborne_bit)
  12601. post-landing
  12602. post-slipping
  12603. %s, %s, %s: assert_valid_real_vector3d_axes3(%f, %f, %f / %f, %f, %f / %f, %f, %f)
  12604. forward_vector
  12605. left_vector
  12606. up_vector
  12607. forward_vector && left_vector && up_vector
  12608. &physics->new_velocity
  12609. &physics->new_position
  12610. v+2tZ=
  12611. <&physics->velocity
  12612. &physics->position
  12613. @W?&biped->object.forward
  12614. preprocess-nodes
  12615. post-accel
  12616. pre-accel
  12617. post-moving-turn
  12618. post-standing-turn
  12619. p}?fffpost-fly-turn
  12620. UUU@#<5.;post-dying
  12621. post-dying-airborne
  12622. post-limp-noodle
  12623. n6?post-update
  12624. post-dead/air/land/slip
  12625. post-moving
  12626. post-turning
  12627. pre-turning
  12628. pre-update
  12629. unit_hud_globals
  12630. \halopc\haloce\source\interface\hud_unit.c
  12631. hud unit interface
  12632. @>new_local_player_index!=NONE
  12633. old_local_player_index!=NONE
  12634. Cui\shell\bitmaps\team_background
  12635. ui\shell\bitmaps\team_icon_slayer
  12636. ui\shell\bitmaps\team_icon_race
  12637. ui\shell\bitmaps\team_icon_oddball
  12638. ui\shell\bitmaps\team_icon_king
  12639. ui\shell\bitmaps\team_icon_ctf
  12640. player->local_player_index==render.local_player_index
  12641. weapon_hud_globals
  12642. \halopc\haloce\source\interface\hud_weapon.c
  12643. hud weapon interface
  12644. oC@
  12645. ?frame index NONE when drawing crosshair %d, element %d, for weapon interface '%s'
  12646. too many levels in current weapon hud hierarchy
  12647. ServerPlayerUpdateHistory.log
  12648. Server failed to replicate remote player vehicle update message.
  12649. Server failed to replicate remote player position update message.
  12650. Server failed to replicate remote player action update message.
  12651. existing_player_index != NONE
  12652. \halopc\haloce\source\networking\player_update_server.c
  12653. ERROR player_update_server_log(): Could not open [%s]
  12654. Server failed to replicate super remote player action update message.
  12655. update->network_data.actions[x].ticks_to_apply_update_to > 0
  12656. update->number_of_updates <= MAXIMUM_ACTION_UPDATES_IN_SUPER_UPDATE
  12657. [%d]: [%d]: Acked [%d]
  12658. is_reliable_send != NULL
  12659. source_player != NULL
  12660. [%d]: [%d]: Acked vehicle [%d]
  12661. use_new_vehicle_update_scheme == TRUE
  12662. source_player->server_update_data.action_baseline_id < NUMBER_OF_REMOTE_PLAYER_ACTION_UPDATE_BASELINE_IDS
  12663. source_player->server_update_data.action_baseline_id >= 0
  12664. server failed to send local player update message to client machine; client machine may be out of sync
  12665. Invalid client_machine replicating remote player update.
  12666. Server failed to replicate remote player update message.
  12667. g_incremental_super_remote_players_action_upate.number_of_updates == 0
  12668. g_stateless_super_remote_players_action_udpate.number_of_updates == 0
  12669. g_incremental_super_remote_players_action_upate.number_of_updates >= 0
  12670. g_stateless_super_remote_players_action_udpate.number_of_updates >= 0
  12671. update->number_of_updates < MAXIMUM_ACTION_UPDATES_IN_SUPER_UPDATE
  12672. update != NULL
  12673. player_update_history_is_valid_id(update_id) == TRUE
  12674. ticks_to_apply_update_to <= 30
  12675. ticks_to_apply_update_to >= 1
  12676. ?
  12677. Avehicle_process_update_delta
  12678. vehicle_build_update_delta
  12679. vehicle_update_baseline
  12680. vehicle_update
  12681. \halopc\haloce\source\units\vehicles.c
  12682. ERROR: Could not decode vehicle new message
  12683. vehicle->unit.weapon_object_indices[x] == local_weapon_index
  12684. header->decoding_information->definition_type == _message_vehicle_new
  12685. vehicle->vehicle.baseline_valid == TRUE
  12686. vehicle->object.datum_role == _networked_datum_master
  12687. d<d
  12688. q?
  12689. @>ff?U?reflected
  12690. jet thrusters
  12691. hover thrusters
  12692. midpoint
  12693. t5BVU?]?]t@?vehicle_index != NONE
  12694. Cannot decode invalid message for vehicle %d
  12695. header->decoding_information->definition_type == _message_vehicle_update
  12696. (vehicle->object.datum_role == _networked_datum_puppet) || (vehicle->object.datum_role == _networked_datum_puppet_controlled_by_local_player)
  12697. header->decoding_information->definition_type == object_type_get_update_message_type(vehicle->object.type)
  12698. o;o;.~;yX:d;d
  12699. q|?Hz?L~blur
  12700. <"?333333?333333
  12701. \halopc\haloce\source\game\vehicle_update_queue.c
  12702. entry != NULL
  12703. device_groups_data
  12704. \halopc\haloce\source\devices\devices.c
  12705. no more free device groups
  12706. new_group_index==group_index
  12707. |nposition %.2f/vel %.2f
  12708. (group %d desired %.2f)
  12709. power %.2f/vel %.2f
  12710. weapon_process_update_delta
  12711. weapon_build_update_delta
  12712. weapon_update_baseline
  12713. weapon_update
  12714. ~secondary-blur
  12715. ~primary-blur
  12716. weapon_start_reload_to_network(): Failed to send weapon ammo pickup mid reload message to all loaded machines.
  12717. weapon->object.datum_role == _networked_datum_master
  12719. magazine_index >= 0
  12720. \halopc\haloce\source\items\weapons.c
  12721. weapon->weapon.primary_trigger
  12722. magnification>0.0f
  12723. magnification
  12724. #
  12725. G@
  12726. =trigger_index>=0 && trigger_index<weapon_definition->weapon.triggers.count
  12727. magazine_index>=0 && magazine_index<weapon_definition->weapon.magazines.count
  12728. weapon_start_reload_to_network(): Failed to send weapon start reload message to all loaded machines.
  12729. SDJ: ERROR: weapon_start_reload_from_network(): Ignoring meaningless attempt to decode incremental weapon start reload message
  12730. SDJ: ERROR: weapon_start_reload_from_network(): Could not decode weapon start reload message
  12731. SDJ: ERROR: weapon_start_reload_from_network(): Got weapon start reload message for non puppet weapon, datum role [%d]
  12732. header->decoding_information->definition_type == _message_weapon_start_reload
  12733. weapon_finish_reload_to_network(): Failed to send weapon finish reload message to all loaded machines.
  12734. SDJ: ERROR: weapon_finish_reload_from_network(): Ignoring meaningless attempt to decode incremental weapon finish reload message
  12735. SDJ: ERROR: weapon_finish_reload_from_network(): Could not decode weapon finish reload message
  12736. SDJ: ERROR: weapon_finish_reload_from_network(): Got weapon finish reload message for non puppet weapon, datum role [%d]
  12737. header->decoding_information->definition_type == _message_weapon_finish_reload
  12738. new_state>=0 && new_state<NUMBER_OF_TRIGGER_STATES
  12739. weapon_cancel_reload_to_network(): Failed to send weapon cancel reload message to all loaded machines.
  12740. rounds_array
  12741. ERROR: Could not decode weapon new message
  12742. header->decoding_information->definition_type == _message_weapon_new
  12743. weapon->weapon.baseline_valid == TRUE
  12744. Cannot decode invalid message for weapon %d
  12745. header->decoding_information->definition_type == _message_weapon_update
  12746. weapon->object.datum_role == _networked_datum_puppet
  12747. header->decoding_information->definition_type == object_type_get_update_message_type(weapon->object.type)
  12748. SDJ: ERROR: weapon_ammo_pickup_mid_reload(): Ignoring meaningless attempt to decode incremental weapon ammo pick up mid reload message
  12749. SDJ: ERROR: weapon_ammo_pickup_mid_reload_from_network(): Could not decode weapon ammo pick up mid reload message
  12750. SDJ: ERROR: weapon_ammo_pickup_mid_reload(): Got weapon ammo pick up mid reload message for non puppet weapon, datum role [%d]
  12751. header->decoding_information->definition_type == _message_weapon_ammo_pickup_mid_reload
  12752. result_aim_vector
  12753. primary trigger
  12754. weapon->object.datum_role != _networked_datum_puppet
  12755. SDJ: ERROR: weapon_cancel_reload_from_network(): Ignoring meaningless attempt to decode incremental weapon cancel reload message
  12756. SDJ: ERROR: weapon_cancel_reload_from_network(): Could not decode weapon cancel reload message
  12757. SDJ: ERROR: weapon_cancel_reload_from_network(): Got weapon cancel reload message for non puppet weapon, datum role [%d]
  12758. header->decoding_information->definition_type == _message_weapon_cancel_reload
  12759. projectile_process_update_delta
  12760. projectile_build_update_delta
  12761. projectile_update_baseline
  12762. projectile_update
  12763. =
  12764. projectile_detonate_to_network(): Failed to send projectile detonate message to all loaded machines.
  12765. \halopc\haloce\source\items\projectiles.c
  12766. v_desired_sq > 0.0f
  12767. t_squared_max >= 0.0f
  12768. 4.0f * a * c > 0.0f
  12769. %s(): Failed to send message to all loaded machines.
  12770. projectile_attach_to_network
  12771. parent_index != NONE
  12772. projectile_index != NONE
  12773. SDJ: ERROR: %s(): Ignoring meaningless attempt to decode incremental message
  12774. SDJ: ERROR: %s(): Could not decode message
  12775. projectile_attach_from_network
  12776. header->decoding_information->definition_type == _message_projectile_attach
  12777. projectile->object.parent_object_index != NONE
  12778. ERROR: Could not decode projectile new message
  12779. header->decoding_information->definition_type == _message_projectile_new
  12780. projectile->projectile.baseline_valid == TRUE
  12781. projectile->object.datum_role == _networked_datum_master
  12782. Cannot decode invalid message for projectile %d
  12783. projectile->object.datum_role == _networked_datum_puppet
  12784. header->decoding_information->definition_type == object_type_get_update_message_type(projectile->object.type)
  12785. SDJ: ERROR: projectile_detonate_from_network(): Ignoring meaningless attempt to decode incremental projectile detonate message
  12786. SDJ: ERROR: projectile_detonate_from_network(): Could not decode projectile detonate message
  12787. SDJ: ERROR: projectile_detonate_from_network(): Translated index [%d] resolved to NONE.
  12788. SDJ: ERROR: projectile_detonate_from_network(): Project get resolved to NONE, index [%d], translated index.
  12789. header->decoding_information->definition_type == _message_projectile_detonate
  12790. &projectile->object.translational_velocity
  12791. acceleration
  12792. collision->object_index!=NONE
  12793. &projectile->object.forward
  12794. &projectile->object.up
  12795. &new_position
  12796. projectile velocity is bad after gravity.
  12797. projectile velocity is bad after deceleration.
  12798. projectile velocity is bad after steering.
  12799. equipment_process_update_delta
  12800. equipment_build_update_delta
  12801. equipment_update_baseline
  12802. equipment != NULL
  12803. \halopc\haloce\source\items\equipment.c
  12804. equipment->equipment.baseline_valid == TRUE
  12805. equipment->object.datum_role == _networked_datum_master
  12806. ERROR: Could not decode equipment new message
  12807. header->decoding_information->definition_type == _message_equipment_new
  12808. Cannot decode invalid message for equipment %d
  12809. equipment->object.datum_role == _networked_datum_puppet
  12810. header->decoding_information->definition_type == object_type_get_update_message_type(equipment->object.type)
  12811. cinematic_screen_effect_globals
  12812. \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\rasterizer_cinematics.c
  12813. screen effect filth
  12814. ### ERROR cinematics failed to set video mode; global bitmaps are not set
  12815. ### FATAL_ERROR screen effects can't use convolution when main_get_window_count>1
  12816. maybe you forgot to turn off the cinematic screen effect?
  12817. \halopc\haloce\source\game\aim_assist.c
  12818. CCould not encode multiplayer sound
  12819. server failed to send multiplayer sound message to client machine_index #%d
  12820. server failed to send multiplayer sound to all clients
  12821. \halopc\haloce\source\game\game_engine_multiplayer_sounds.c
  12822. should_replicate == FALSE
  12823. Ignoring meaningless attempt to decode incremental message multiplayer sound
  12824. Could not decode message multiplayer sound
  12825. header->decoding_information->definition_type == _message_multiplayer_sound
  12826. hud messaging
  12827. trying to restart help text flashing when flashing is disabled
  12828. objective text MUST only be text, no icons
  12829. @\halopc\haloce\source\interface\hud_messaging.c
  12830. element->type==_hud_message_type_text
  12831. message->element_count==1
  12832. <no
  12833. button
  12834. icon>
  12835. Unhandled icon index %d
  12836. help text cannot use custom icons
  12837. help message using old code. get latest code and tags.
  12838. global_scenario_get()->custom_object_names.index!=NONE
  12839. custom_index<NUMBER_OF_HUD_CUSTOM_ICONS
  12840. show_state_message
  12841. hud_messaging_globals->objective.message && hud_messaging_globals->objective.uptime
  12842. Ignoring meaningless incremental hud_add_item_message_from_network request
  12843. Could not decode hud_add_item_messasge message
  12844. header->decoding_information->definition_type == _message_hud_add_item
  12845. Could not encode hud add item message
  12846. server failed to send hud add item message to client machine; client machine may be out of sync
  12847. prism->point_count<=MAXIMUM_POINTS_PER_COLLISION_PRISM
  12848. \halopc\haloce\source\physics\collision_features.c
  12849. global_projection3d_mappings[prism->projection_axis][prism->projection_sign][component]==_z
  12851. features->count[_collision_feature_prism]>=0 && features->count[_collision_feature_prism]<=MAXIMUM_COLLISION_FEATURES_PER_TEST
  12852. features->count[_collision_feature_cylinder]>=0 && features->count[_collision_feature_cylinder]<=MAXIMUM_COLLISION_FEATURES_PER_TEST
  12853. features->count[_collision_feature_sphere]>=0 && features->count[_collision_feature_sphere]<=MAXIMUM_COLLISION_FEATURES_PER_TEST
  12854. could not find nav point
  12855. nav_point_data
  12856. local_player_index>=0&&local_player_index<MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_LOCAL_PLAYERS
  12857. \halopc\haloce\source\interface\hud_nav_points.c
  12858. hud nav points
  12859. Could not add another nav point
  12860. (?>waypoint_type!=NONE
  12861. pCffffff?game_allegiance_update
  12862. game allegiance globals
  12863. game_allegiance_globals
  12864. \halopc\haloce\source\game\game_allegiance.c
  12865. allegiance->current_incidents > 0
  12866. game_allegiance_create: too many allegiances (maximum is %d)
  12867. failed to create the flag
  12868. NONE != weapon_index
  12869. \halopc\haloce\source\game\game_engine_ctf.c
  12870. NONE != team_index
  12871. game_engine_can_score()
  12872. `?Failed sending game mode state update to specific machine.
  12873. Failed sending game mode state update to all loaded machines.
  12874. NETGAME_FLAG_WARNING starting location %d team %d, too close to enemy flag
  12875. NETGAME_FLAG_WARNING starting location %d bad team index %d
  12876. (flag_to_create >= 0) && (flag_to_create <= 1)
  12877. failed to find one of the ctf flags
  12878. ctf started up without teams
  12879. NONE != unit_index
  12880. weapon->object.owner_team_index != player->team_index
  12881. flag_blue
  12882. Forced flag reset: Unable to drop weapon.
  12883. \halopc\haloce\source\bungie_net\network\transport_address.c
  12884. IPV4_ADDRESS_LENGTH == b->address_length
  12885. IPV4_ADDRESS_LENGTH == a->address_length
  12886. %4X.%4X.%4X.%4X.%4X.%4X.%4X.%4X:%hu
  12887. %hd.%hd.%hd.%hd:%hu
  12888. IPV4_ADDRESS_LENGTH == addr->address_length
  12889. addr
  12890. <unknown transport error>
  12891. _transport_error_connect_rejected
  12892. _transport_result_connect_in_progress
  12893. _transport_result_dns_lookup_in_progress
  12894. _transport_error_poll_error
  12895. _transport_error_endpoint_set_full
  12896. _transport_error_endpoint_not_in_set
  12897. _transport_error_options_failed
  12898. _transport_error_listen_failed
  12899. _transport_error_connect_failed
  12900. _transport_error_address_unknown
  12901. _transport_error_bind_endpoint
  12902. _transport_result_poll_timeout
  12903. _transport_error_bad_endpoint
  12904. _transport_error_buffers_full
  12905. _transport_error_seg_fault
  12906. _transport_error_out_of_memory
  12907. _transport_error_dns_lookup_failure
  12908. _transport_error_bad_input_parameters
  12909. _transport_result_already_initialized
  12910. _transport_error_not_initialized
  12911. _transport_result_operation_would_block
  12912. _transport_error_connection_lost
  12913. _transport_error_endpoint_io
  12914. _transport_error_unknown
  12915. _transport_error_none
  12916. <unknown transport rejection code>
  12917. transport_rejection_code_blacklisted_machine
  12918. transport_rejection_code_game_is_closed
  12919. transport_rejection_code_game_is_full
  12920. transport_rejection_code_version_too_new
  12921. transport_rejection_code_version_too_old
  12922. transport_rejection_code_invalid_protocol
  12923. transport_rejection_code_too_many_connection_attempts
  12924. transport_rejection_code_unknown
  12925. transport_rejection_code_none
  12926. this argument to cond should be a condition/result pair
  12927. this argument to cond needs a result.
  12928. i couldn't allocate a syntax node.
  12929. the %s call requires %d arguments.
  12930. !hs_compile_globals.initialized
  12931. \halopc\haloce\source\hs\hs_compile.c
  12932. bad source offset (you need to recompile.)
  12933. this is not a valid variable name.
  12934. i expected a value of type %s, but the variable %s has type %s
  12935. hs_type_valid(expression->type) || expression->type==_hs_unparsed
  12936. predicate->function_index!=NONE
  12937. i expected "true" or "false".
  12938. expression->constant_type==expression->type
  12939. expression->type==_hs_type_boolean
  12940. this is not a valid real number.
  12941. expression->type==_hs_type_real
  12942. shorts must be in the range [-32767, 32768].
  12943. this is not a valid integer.
  12944. expression->type==_hs_type_short_integer || expression->type==_hs_type_long_integer
  12945. expression->type==_hs_type_string
  12946. this is not a valid script name.
  12947. expression->type==_hs_type_script
  12948. this is not a reference to a %s tag.
  12950. HS_TYPE_IS_TAG_REFERENCE(expression->type)
  12951. ".
  12952. or
  12953. ",
  12954. %s must be
  12955. enum_definition->count
  12956. HS_TYPE_IS_ENUM(expression->type)
  12957. this is not a valid %s name
  12958. offset+TAG_STRING_LENGTH<element_size
  12959. element_size<=SHORT_MAX
  12960. hs_syntax_get(expression_index)->type==_hs_type_trigger_volume
  12961. hs_syntax_get(expression_index)->type==_hs_type_cutscene_flag
  12962. hs_syntax_get(expression_index)->type==_hs_type_cutscene_camera_point
  12963. hs_syntax_get(expression_index)->type==_hs_type_cutscene_title
  12964. hs_syntax_get(expression_index)->type==_hs_type_cutscene_recording
  12965. hs_syntax_get(expression_index)->type==_hs_type_device_group
  12966. this is not a valid ai encounter or squad.
  12967. hs_syntax_get(expression_index)->type==_hs_type_ai
  12968. hs_syntax_get(expression_index)->type==_hs_type_ai_command_list
  12969. hs_syntax_get(expression_index)->type==_hs_type_starting_profile
  12970. hs_syntax_get(expression_index)->type==_hs_type_conversation
  12971. this is not a valid object name.
  12972. this is not an object of type %s.
  12973. object_name->runtime_object_type!=NONE
  12974. HS_TYPE_IS_OBJECT_NAME(expression->type)
  12975. HS_TYPE_IS_OBJECT(expression->type)
  12976. hs_syntax_get(expression_index)->type==_hs_type_navpoint
  12977. hs_syntax_get(expression_index)->type==_hs_type_hud_message
  12978. expression->type==_hs_type_object_list
  12979. ran out of script string constant memory
  12980. i expected (global<type> <name> <initial value>)
  12981. i expected a global variable name less than 32 characters.
  12982. there is already a variable by this name.
  12983. i couldn't allocate space for this global.
  12984. this is not a valid type.
  12985. i expected (script <type> <name> <expression(s)>)
  12986. i expected (script stub <type> <name> <expression(s)>)
  12987. i expected (script static <type> <name> <expression(s)>)
  12988. i expected a script name less than 32 characters.
  12989. only static scripts of the same type can override stub scripts.
  12990. i couldn't allocate a script.
  12991. i expected (script local <type> <name> <expression(s)>).
  12992. this is not a valid return type.
  12993. script type must be "startup", "dormant", "continuous", or "static".
  12994. this quoted constant is unterminated.
  12995. unterminated comment.
  12996. expressions of type %s are currently unsupported.
  12997. the value of this expression (in a <void> slot) can never be used.
  12998. i expected a script or variable definition.
  12999. hs_type_valid(expression->type) || expression->type==_hs_special_form || expression->type==_hs_unparsed
  13000. i expected %s, but i got an expression.
  13001. a function name
  13002. "script" or "global"
  13003. this is not a valid function or script name.
  13004. function->parse
  13005. it is illegal to set the value of variables in this context.
  13006. it is illegal to block in this context.
  13007. i expected a %s, but this function returns a %s.
  13008. i expected a %s, but this script returns a %s.
  13009. this is not a static script.
  13010. i expected "script" or "global".
  13011. missing type (you need to recompile scripts.)
  13012. type is inconsistent with usage (you need to recompile scripts.)
  13013. corrupt syntax tree (you need to recompile scripts.)
  13014. missing function (you need to recompile scripts.)
  13015. bad script index (you need to recompile.)
  13016. !hs_compile_globals.error
  13017. this expression is empty.
  13018. this left parenthesis is unmatched.
  13019. hs_type_valid(expected_type) || expected_type==_hs_special_form || expected_type==_hs_unparsed
  13020. the "%s" call requires exactly %d arguments.
  13021. hs_type_valid(definition->return_type)
  13022. begin_random can take a maximum of 32 arguments (matt can increase this.)
  13023. a statement block must contain at least one argument.
  13024. function_index==_hs_function_begin || function_index==_hs_function_begin_random
  13025. c:\halopc\haloce\source\hs\hs_library_internal_compile.h
  13026. i expected (if <condition> <then> [<else>]).
  13027. i expected a variable to set and a value.
  13028. i expected an assignment value.
  13029. i didn't expect this argument.
  13030. this is not a valid global variable.
  13031. asserted
  13032. you cannot pass the result of this set (type %s) to a function that expects type %s.
  13033. the %s call requires at least 2 arguments.
  13034. the %s call requires %s2 arguments.
  13035. at least
  13036. function_index>=_hs_function_plus && function_index<=_hs_function_max
  13037. the sleep call requires a time and, optionally, a script name.
  13038. the sleep_until call requires a condition and, optionally, a period.
  13039. this static script cannot be awakened.
  13040. this is not a global variable reference, function call, or script call.
  13041. hs_compile_globals.error_offset>=0 && hs_compile_globals.error_offset<source_size
  13042. hs_compile_globals.compiled_source
  13043. global_scenario_get()->hs_string_constants.size>=HS_MAXIMUM_DYNAMIC_SOURCE_DATA_BYTES
  13044. couldn't allocate memory for compiled source.
  13045. hs_compile_globals.error_offset>=0 && hs_compile_globals.error_offset<source_file_size
  13046. tell matt that somebody failed to correctly report a parsing error.
  13048. hs_compile_globals.initialized
  13049. pid
  13050. build number
  13051. widget's controller
  13052. <invalid>
  13053. \halopc\haloce\source\interface\ui_widget_text_search_and_replace_functions.c
  13054. PID
  13055. Software\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Halo CE
  13056. network settings update
  13057. direct ip connect update
  13058. checking for updates
  13059. load game list update
  13060. gt edit list update
  13061. gt select list update
  13062. mp map list update
  13063. solo map list update
  13064. mp prof vehicles update
  13065. audio_menu_update
  13066. server settings update
  13067. gamepad update menu
  13068. common button bar update
  13069. gamespy screen update
  13070. video menu update
  13071. controls update menu
  13072. dim unless two controllers
  13073. pause game set textbox inverted
  13074. dim if no net cable
  13075. warn if diff. will nuke saved game
  13076. teams/no teams bitmap update
  13077. mp game directions
  13078. system link status check
  13079. mp edit profile set rule text
  13080. mp set textbox # of players
  13081. mp set bitmap for ruleset
  13082. mp set bitmap for map
  13083. mp set textbox score limit type
  13084. mp set textbox score limit
  13085. mp set textbox teams noteams
  13086. mp set textbox game ruleset
  13087. mp set textbox map name
  13088. get active plyr profile color
  13089. get edit game settings name
  13090. get edit plyr profile name
  13091. get active plyr profile name
  13092. mp level select update
  13093. main menu fake animate
  13094. game settings lists pic update
  13095. color picker update
  13096. solo game objective text
  13097. game settings lists text update
  13098. player profile small menu update
  13099. plyr prof edit-select menu upd8
  13100. 3wide player profile list update
  13101. mp profile list update
  13102. net/splitscreen prejoin players
  13103. splitscreen pregame status update
  13104. network pregame status update
  13105. server list update
  13106. build number (textbox only)
  13107. difficulty menu update desc
  13108. solo level select update
  13109. multiplayer type menu update desc
  13110. gametype select menu update desc
  13111. playlist settings menu update desc
  13112. player settings menu update desc
  13113. invalid game_data_input_reference_function
  13114. \halopc\haloce\source\interface\ui_widget_game_data_input_functions.c
  13115. expected a text box widget for the settings select list extended description text
  13116. expected a container widget for the settings select list extended description pic
  13117. this doesn't look like the settings select widget to me
  13118. invalid widget trying to update its extended list description
  13119. expected a container widget w/ 2 children for the playlist settings list extended description
  13120. (index>=0) && (index<NUMBER_OF_SINGLE_PLAYER_LEVELS)
  13121. expected a text box widget for the list item's third child (map description)
  13122. expected a container widget for the list item's second child (map pic)
  13123. expected a text box widget for the list item's first child (map name)
  13124. expected 3 children in solo level list item (name, pic, desc)
  13125. expected a text box widget for the difficulty list extended description text
  13126. expected a container widget for the difficulty list extended description pic
  13127. this doesn't look like the difficulty select widget to me
  13128. longest
  13129. putput
  13130. wizard
  13131. bloodgulch
  13132. boardingaction
  13133. carousel
  13134. chillout
  13135. hangemhigh
  13136. prisoner
  13137. ratrace
  13138. damnation
  13139. sidewinder
  13140. beavercreek
  13141. expected 'score limit type' textbox
  13142. expected 'score limit' textbox
  13143. expected 'number of players' textbox
  13144. expected 'teams on/off' textbox
  13145. expected 'ruleset' textbox
  13146. expected 'map name' textbox
  13147. expected 'open/closed game' textbox
  13148. this doesn't look like the server list extended description widget
  13149. this doesn't look like the net game server list widget
  13150. ?%d:%02d:%02d%02d:%02d0:%02d-:--this doesn't look like the net pregame status screen to me
  13151. ui\shell\main_menu\player_profiles_select\profile_description_labels
  13152. expected 3 children in multiplayer settings list item (name, pic, desc)
  13153. ui\shell\strings\default_player_profile_names
  13154. expected a text box widget for the controls text field
  13155. expected a text box widget for the controls label
  13156. expected a text box widget for the profile's current skill level text field
  13157. expected a text box widget for the current skill level label
  13158. expected a text box widget for the current level text field
  13159. expected a text box widget for the current level label
  13160. expected a text box widget for the 'empty profile' label
  13161. expected a container widget for the profile description fields
  13162. expected a container widget for the profile color picture
  13163. expected a text box widget for profile name
  13164. expected profile item description container widget
  13165. expected a container widget w/ 2 children for the player profile edit settings list extended description
  13166. expected some list items for multiplayer game settings list
  13167. expected a text box for multiplayer game options list extended description
  13168. expected column list for multiplayer game options list
  13169. expected a text box for objective text
  13170. expected a spinner list somewhere in the multiplayer game options settings list item makeup
  13171. expected some list items for game settings list
  13172. expected a picture (container) for game options list extended description
  13173. expected column list for game options list
  13174. expected a picture (container) for main menu options list extended description
  13175. expected column list for main menu options list
  13176. profile display name requires a valid local player index
  13177. expected a text box widget for profile display name
  13178. not currently editing a game variant
  13179. profile color picture requires a valid local player index
  13180. no network game
  13181. icefields
  13182. expected text box widget for mp game settings text
  13183. expected container widget for mp game settings bitmap
  13184. expected a text box widget for mp profile edit ruleset text widget
  13185. expected a container bitmap for mp pregame header widget
  13186. this doesn't look like the difficulty list widget (expected warning text box)
  13187. this doesn't look like the difficulty list widget
  13188. expected a text box widget for system link menu text item
  13189. expected a widget owned by a local player when looking for pause game window
  13190. parent != NULL
  13191. expected a text box widget for pause game inverted text item
  13192. failed to cache player profile
  13193. not enough cache profiles
  13194. failed to cache playlist profile
  13195. expected a parent
  13196. expected 'software sound' list item
  13197. expected 'effects volume'' option spinner list
  13198. expected 'master volume'' option spinner list
  13199. !preview_list_has_default
  13200. bank >= 0 && bank < MAX_PREVIEW_LIST_BANKS
  13201. index != NONE
  13202. out
  13203. expected column_list
  13204. expected 3 children (list items) for 'level select' widget
  13205. expected a spinner list for 'level select' widget
  13206. expected 3 children (list items) for 'multiplayer settings select' widget
  13207. expected a spinner list for 'multiplayer settings select' widget
  13208. ui\shell\main_menu\player_profiles_select\button_set_short_descriptions
  13209. ui\shell\main_menu\player_profiles_select\joystick_set_short_descriptions
  13210. %s%hs%s
  13211. ui\shell\main_menu\player_profiles_select\button_set_long_descriptions
  13212. ui\shell\main_menu\player_profiles_select\joystick_set_defaults_descriptions
  13213. invalid list item index
  13214. qtr-screen profile list has invalid list item index
  13215. expected qtr-screen profile select wrapper screen to have 3 child widgets (pic, description, list... in that order)
  13216. expected 0 children (1-wide spinner) for 'mp player settings select' widget
  13217. expected a spinner list for 'mp player settings select' widget
  13218. expected qtr-screen profile select list to be wrapped in a container widget
  13219. hs_string_data_definition
  13220. hs_syntax_data_definition
  13221. syntax_node
  13222. data_array_header
  13223. hs_source_files_block
  13224. hs_source_data_definition
  13225. reference*^
  13226. hs_references_block
  13227. initialization expression index*
  13228. hs_globals_block
  13229. root expression index*
  13230. return type*
  13231. script type*
  13232. hs_scripts_block
  13233. data_size>=0 && (data_size%sizeof(struct hs_syntax_node))==0
  13234. csirtpn
  13235. edo
  13236. size>=sizeof(struct data_array)
  13237. \halopc\haloce\source\hs\hs_scenario_definitions.c
  13238. lines
  13239. participants
  13240. run-to-player dist:world units#if the 'involves player' flag is set, when triggered the conversation's participant(s) will run to within this distance of the player
  13241. trigger distance:world units#distance the player must enter before the conversation can trigger
  13242. ai_conversation_block
  13243. variant 6
  13244. variant 5
  13245. variant 4
  13246. variant 3
  13247. variant 2
  13248. variant 1
  13249. line delay time
  13250. addressee participant#this field is only used if the addressee type is 'participant'
  13251. addressee
  13252. ai_conversation_line_block
  13253. encounter name
  13254. set new name#once we pick a unit, we name it this
  13255. use this object#if a unit with this name exists, we try to pick them to start the conversation
  13256. selection type
  13257. ai_conversation_participant_block
  13258. participant
  13259. radio sergeant
  13260. radio unit
  13261. any actor
  13262. prefer sergeant
  13263. not in a vehicle
  13264. in player's vehicle
  13265. disembodied
  13266. friendly actor
  13267. wait until everyone nearby
  13268. wait until speaker nearby
  13269. wait after until told to advance
  13270. everyone look at addressee
  13271. everyone look at speaker
  13272. addressee look at speaker
  13273. is alternate#this participant is only used if some participant in this conversation was marked as 'has alternate' could not be found
  13274. has alternate#if nobody for this participant can be found, we use a participant marked as 'is alternate' instead, e.g. someone from over the radio
  13275. optional#the conversation can continue even if nobody for this participant was found
  13276. player must be looking#this conversation will not start until the player is looking at one of the participants
  13277. keep trying to play#if this conversation fails initially, it will keep testing to see when it can play
  13278. stop other actions#participants stop doing whatever they were doing in order to perform this conversation
  13279. player must be visible#this conversation cannot take place unless the participants can _see_ a nearby player
  13280. stop if alerted to enemy#an actor will abort this conversation if they suspect an enemy
  13281. stop if visible enemy#an actor will abort this conversation if they see an enemy
  13282. stop if damaged#an actor will abort this conversation if they are damaged
  13283. stop if death#this conversation will be aborted if any participant dies
  13284. platoons
  13285. squads
  13286. respawn delay:seconds#delay between respawning actors in this encounter
  13287. search behavior
  13288. encounter_block
  13289. 9 / unused9
  13290. 8 / unused8
  13291. 7 / unused7
  13292. 6 / unused6
  13293. 5 / sentinel
  13294. 4 / flood
  13295. 3 / covenant
  13296. 2 / human
  13297. 1 / player
  13298. 0 / default by unit
  13299. tenacious
  13300. manual bsp index specified
  13301. 3d firing positions
  13302. initially braindead
  13303. initially deaf
  13304. initially blind
  13305. respawn enabled
  13306. not initially created
  13307. starting locations
  13308. move positions
  13309. respawn delay:seconds#delay between respawning actors in this squad
  13310. respawn total#total number to respawn (zero = infinite)
  13311. respawn max actors#maximum number of actors alive at once (never spawns above this number)
  13312. respawn min actors#minimum number of actors alive at once (will spawn instantly if less than this number)
  13313. major upgrade
  13314. insane diff count#initial number of actors on insane difficulty (hard difficulty is midway between normal and insane)
  13315. normal diff count#initial number of actors on normal difficulty
  13316. pursuing
  13317. defending guard
  13318. defending search
  13319. defending
  13320. attacking guard
  13321. attacking search
  13322. attacking
  13323. squad delay time:seconds
  13324. maneuver to squad
  13325. unique leader type#what kind of leader this squad has (e.g. a sarge for marines) - 'normal' is based on the size of the squad, 'random' always creates a leader, or you can specify an individual type
  13326. platoon
  13327. squads_block
  13328. automatic migration
  13329. magic sight after timer
  13330. no timer, delay forever
  13331. start timer immediately
  13332. never search
  13333. sgt lehto
  13334. sgt johnson
  13335. random
  13336. many
  13337. few
  13338. maneuver when
  13339. happens to
  13340. change attacking/defending state when
  13341. platoons_block
  13342. all dead
  13343. all but one dead
  13344. 75% dead
  13345. 50% dead
  13346. 25% dead
  13347. anybody dead
  13348. < 25% strength
  13349. < 50% strength
  13350. < 75% strength
  13351. (never)
  13352. start in defending state
  13353. say 'advancing' when maneuver
  13354. flee when maneuvering
  13355. group index
  13356. firing_positions_block
  13357. surface index*
  13358. sequence ID#identifies this move position as belonging to a sequence, only actors whose starting locations match this sequence ID can use it (zero = no sequence)
  13359. time:seconds
  13360. move_positions_block
  13361. object name
  13362. command
  13363. recording name^
  13364. ai_recording_reference_block
  13365. script name^
  13366. ai_script_reference_block
  13367. animation graph#leave this blank to use the unit's normal animation graph
  13368. animation name^
  13369. ai_animation_reference_block
  13370. point 2
  13371. ai_command_point_block
  13372. point 1
  13373. parameter2
  13374. parameter1
  13375. atom modifier
  13376. teleport
  13377. set radius
  13378. look object
  13379. look player
  13380. look random
  13381. move immediate
  13382. die
  13383. loop
  13384. wait
  13385. initiative
  13386. targeting
  13387. vocalize
  13388. recording
  13389. animate
  13390. targeted jump
  13391. running jump
  13392. animation mode
  13393. move in direction
  13394. go to and face
  13395. go to
  13396. pause
  13397. atom type
  13398. ai_command_block
  13399. commands
  13400. manual bsp index#structure bsp index that this encounter belongs to... ignored unless 'manual bsp index' flag is checked. if this flag is not checked, the structure bsp is found automatically (may fail in areas of overlapping geometry)
  13401. manual bsp index#set if the command list is manually attached to a specific bsp
  13402. disable falling damage#makes an actor not take any damage from falling while following its commands
  13403. disable communication#stops an actor from communicating while following its commands
  13404. disable looking#stops an actor from turning, stopping or looking around in response to stimuli received while following its commands
  13405. allow targeting#lets an actor shoot at enemies while following its commands
  13406. allow initiative#lets an actor decide to stop following its commands and attack an enemy
  13407. ai_command_list_block
  13408. command list
  13409. actor type
  13410. initial state#state that this actor starts in
  13411. return state#state that this actor will return to when it has nothing to do
  13412. sequence ID#which move position sequence we can use (zero = no specific sequences)
  13413. actor_starting_locations_block
  13414. required
  13415. fleeing
  13416. searching
  13417. guarding at guard position
  13418. guarding
  13419. moving - randomly
  13420. moving - loop randomly
  13421. moving - loop back and forth
  13422. moving - loop
  13423. moving - repeat same position
  13424. sleeping
  13425. actor_palette_block
  13426. lehto
  13427. johnson
  13428. sarge2
  13429. sarge
  13430. mendoza
  13431. aussie
  13432. jenkins
  13433. fitzgerald
  13434. bisenti
  13435. search
  13436. guard_at_position
  13437. guard
  13438. move_random
  13439. move_loop_random
  13440. move_loop_back_and_forth
  13441. move_loop
  13442. move_repeat
  13443. WARNING: encounter %s squad %s has an invalid actor type specified - %d outside [0, %d)
  13444. line %d permutation %d: sound '%s' matched variant '%s' (%d)
  13445. WARNING: %s: conversation participant %d (%s) matches multiple dialogue variants, this NEEDS TO BE FIXED, please
  13446. matched_entry != NULL
  13447. variant_source_substrings[variant_index] != NULL
  13448. variant_source_line_indices[variant_index] != NONE
  13449. \halopc\haloce\source\ai\ai_scenario_definitions.c
  13450. WARNING: %s: conversation line %d/%d: the sound '%s' matches multiple variants '%s' (%d) and '%s' (%d)
  13451. unnamed
  13452. )
  13453. (
  13454. %2d:
  13455. %d: %s%s%s%s
  13456. /
  13457. WARNING: encounter %s could be ambiguously attached to BSPs #%d and #%d
  13458. WARNING: command list %s could be ambiguously attached to BSPs #%d and #%d
  13459. recorded animation event stream*
  13460. length of animation*:ticks
  13461. unit control data version*
  13462. raw animation data*
  13463. version*
  13464. recorded_animation_block
  13465. recorded_animation_event_stream_data
  13466. front leaf index*
  13467. back leaf index*
  13468. global_leaf_portal_block
  13469. leaf_portal_vertex_block
  13470. portal indices*
  13471. faces*
  13472. global_map_leaf_block
  13473. map_leaf_face_block
  13474. portal index*
  13475. map_leaf_portal_index_block
  13476. vertex*
  13477. map_leaf_face_vertex_block
  13478. leaf_map_initialize
  13479. leaf_map_globals.node_stack_count<MAXIMUM_NODE_STACK_COUNT
  13480. \halopc\haloce\source\structures\leaf_map.c
  13481. leaf_map_globals.node_stack_count>0
  13482. levels_up>=0 && levels_up<leaf_map_globals.node_stack_count
  13483. portal_designator_index!=leaf->portal_designators.count
  13484. map->bsp
  13485. couldn't allocate leaf map portal designator.
  13486. couldn't allocate leaf map portal
  13487. #;too many vertices in portal
  13488. leaf_index0!=leaf_index1
  13489. reference_plane->n.n[projection]!=0.f
  13490. ancestor_node_index!=NONE || index_from_node(first_traversal_node)==node_index
  13491. couldn't allocate leaf face.
  13492. couldn't allocate leaf vertices.
  13493. result.vertex_count!=NONE
  13494. couldn't allocate leaf_map leaves.
  13495. leaf_map_globals.node_stack_count==0
  13496. leaf_map
  13497. right surface*
  13498. left surface*
  13499. reverse edge*
  13500. forward edge*
  13501. end vertex*
  13502. start vertex*
  13503. edge
  13504. edges*
  13505. material*
  13506. breakable
  13507. climbable
  13508. two sided
  13509. first edge*
  13510. surface
  13511. bsp2d nodes*
  13512. right child*
  13513. left child*
  13514. bsp2d node
  13515. bsp2d node*
  13516. bsp2d reference
  13517. bsp2d references*
  13518. first bsp2d reference*
  13519. bsp2d reference count*
  13520. contains double-sided surfaces
  13521. leaf
  13522. front child*
  13523. back child*
  13524. bsp3d node
  13525. bsp3d nodes*
  13526. IDirect3DVertexBuffer9_Unlock(d3d_vertex_buffer)
  13527. ### ERROR failed to create vertex buffer hardware format
  13528. IDirect3DVertexBuffer9_Lock(d3d_vertex_buffer, 0, buffer_size, (unsigned char**)&vertex_data, 0)
  13529. d3d_vertex_buffer
  13530. vertex_size*count==buffer_size || !vertices
  13531. \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx9_hardware_geometry.c
  13532. IDirect3DIndexBuffer9_Unlock(d3d_index_buffer)
  13533. IDirect3DIndexBuffer9_Lock(d3d_index_buffer, 0, buffer_size, (unsigned char**)&index_buffer_data, 0)
  13534. ### ERROR failed to create triangle buffer hardware format
  13535. IDirect3DDevice9_CreateIndexBuffer(global_d3d_device, buffer_size, usage_flags, D3DFMT_INDEX16, pool_type, &d3d_index_buffer, NULL)
  13536. physics_update
  13537. unit_definition->unit.blip_type>=0 && unit_definition->unit.blip_type<NUMBEROF(scales)
  13538. \halopc\haloce\source\physics\physics.c
  13539. mass_point->ground_material_type==NONE || (mass_point->ground_material_type>=0 && mass_point->ground_material_type<NUMBER_OF_MATERIAL_TYPES)
  13540. `Emodel_instance_valid
  13541. &object->object.forward
  13542. &object->object.up
  13543. lL6n43;&angular_acceleration
  13544. &translational_acceleration
  13545. magic_torque
  13546. magic_force
  13547. rotated_forward
  13548. rotated_up
  13549. up!=rotated_up
  13550. forward!=rotated_forward
  13551. ?&angular_velocity
  13552. &linear_velocity
  13553. &linear_acceleration
  13554. instance->physics->mass>0.0f
  13555. ">perpendicular to direction
  13556. parallel to direction
  13557. screen facing
  13558. !untransformed_direction
  13559. transformed_direction
  13560. transformed_origin
  13561. untransformed_origin
  13562. \halopc\haloce\source\render\render_sprite.c
  13563. coverage: %.1f big sprites: %d
  13564. build_sprite failed to allocate dynamic vertices
  13565. group->vertices
  13566. a build_sprites_begin call can accomodate at most %d bitmaps
  13567. !TEST_FLAG(flags, _build_sprites_valid_bit)
  13568. ### ERROR sprites rendered with screen geometry -- tell Bernie!!
  13569. TEST_FLAG(data->flags, _build_sprites_valid_bit)
  13570. build_sprite only supports normal sprites in screen space.
  13571. build_sprite sprite count exceeded.
  13572. the bitmap group %s sequence %d sprite %d references bitmap -1 (tell matt).
  13573. mode==_build_sprite_normal || (untransformed_direction && magnitude_squared3d(untransformed_direction))
  13574. z>untransformed_axis_of_rotation
  13575. rasterizer_model_draw_solid_non_shadow_pass
  13576. rasterizer_model_draw_solid_shadow_pass
  13577. rasterizer_model_draw_decal_pass
  13578. rasterizer_model_transparent_geometry_submit
  13579. compute_centroid
  13580. rasterizer_model_draw_sort_filth
  13581. render_model_geometry_part
  13582. render_model_parts
  13583. render_model_model_end
  13584. render_model_model_begin
  13585. render_model_setup_model_parameters
  13586. render_model_render_debug
  13587. render_model_build_lod
  13588. render_model_multiply_node_matrices
  13589. render_model_build_fake_centroid
  13590. render_model_build_fake_function_values
  13591. render_model_build_fake_change_colors
  13592. render_model_build_model_effect
  13593. render_model_build_fake_permutations
  13594. render_model
  13595. part->centroid_secondary_node_index>=0 && part->centroid_secondary_node_index<model->nodes.count
  13596. part->centroid_primary_node_index>=0 && part->centroid_primary_node_index<model->nodes.count
  13597. !TEST_FLAG(flags, _render_model_shadow_bit)
  13598. part->num_nodes > 0
  13599. \halopc\haloce\source\models\models.c
  13600. frame_index<frame_count
  13601. frame_count>0
  13602. object_marker->node_index>=0 && object_marker->node_index<(node_remapping_table ? node_count : model->nodes.count)
  13603. node_matrices
  13604. (actual_detail_level_index >= 0) && (actual_detail_level_index < NUMBER_OF_DETAIL_LEVELS_PER_MODEL)
  13605. actual_detail_level_index > 0
  13606. geometry_detail_level_index>=0 && geometry_detail_level_index<NUMBER_OF_DETAIL_LEVELS_PER_MODEL
  13607. \halopc\haloce\source\models\model_animations.c
  13608. damage_part>=0 && damage_part<NUMBER_OF_DAMAGE_PARTS
  13609. damage_direction>=0 && damage_direction<NUMBER_OF_ANIMATION_DAMAGE_DIRECTIONS
  13610. damage_type>=0 && damage_type<NUMBER_OF_ANIMATION_DAMAGE_TYPES
  13611. write_index<MAXIMUM_NODES_PER_MODEL
  13612. target_frame_index>=keyframe_frame_indices[keyframe_index] && target_frame_index<keyframe_frame_indices[keyframe_index+1]
  13613. keyframe_index>=0 && keyframe_index<keyframe_count-1
  13614. ++infinite_loop_killer<200
  13615. keyframe_index>=0 && keyframe_index<keyframe_count
  13616. target_frame_index>=0 && target_frame_index<keyframe_frame_indices[keyframe_count-1]
  13617. keyframe_frame_indices[0]>0
  13618. keyframe_frame_indices
  13619. keyframe_count>1
  13620. real_frame_index< (real)next_keyframe_frame_index
  13621. real_frame_index>=(real)this_keyframe_frame_index
  13622. keyframe_frame_indices[keyframe_count-1]==animation->frame_count-1
  13623. frame_index>=0 && frame_index<=keyframe_frame_indices[keyframe_count-1]
  13624. keyframe_count>=0
  13625. real_frame_index<(real)animation->frame_count
  13626. real_frame_index>=0.0f
  13627. compressed || (byte *)default_data-(byte *)animation_get_default_data(animation)==animation->default_data.size
  13628. compressed || (byte *)data-(byte *)animation_get_frame_data(animation, frame_index)==animation->frame_size
  13629. compressed || ((byte *)data-(byte *)animation_get_frame_data(animation, frame_index)==animation->frame_size)
  13630. compressed || ((byte *)next_data-(byte *)animation_get_frame_data(animation, next_frame_index)==animation->frame_size)
  13631. ### ERROR animation frame index out of bounds A(%f,%x) -- tell Bernie!!
  13632. ### ERROR animation frame index out of bounds B(%f,%x) -- tell Bernie!!
  13633. d0==%f direction(%f) yaw_delta(%f,%f)
  13634. (animation_update_kind_affects_game_state==render_or_affects_game_state) || (animation_update_kind_render_only==render_or_affects_game_state)
  13635. animation->frame_count>1
  13636. \halopc\haloce\source\memory\data_encoding.c
  13637. state && state->buffer && state->offset>=0 && state->offset<state->buffer_size
  13638. maximum_value>0
  13639. bs_definition
  13640. source_structures
  13641. element_count<=UNSIGNED_SHORT_MAX
  13642. element_count<=UNSIGNED_CHAR_MAX
  13643. source_array
  13644. state->offset+string_length+1<=state->buffer_size
  13645. structure_count>=0
  13646. state && state->buffer && state->offset>=0 && state->offset<=state->buffer_size
  13647. maximum_element_count>0
  13648. element_count_reference
  13649. %s(%d): %s in %s (code=%d, error=%s)
  13671. E_FAIL
  13673. <can't get description>
  13674. 1.1.3
  13675. ?
  13676. bit_stream != ((void *)0)
  13677. \halopc\haloce\source\memory\bitstream.c
  13678. stream != ((void *)0)
  13679. byte_number != ((void *)0)
  13680. bit_in_byte != ((void *)0)
  13681. stream->last_bit >= stream->first_bit
  13682. current_position <= absolute_current_position
  13683. bits_remaining <= bit_stream->size_in_bits
  13684. mode == _bitstream_mode_write || mode == _bitstream_mode_read
  13685. buffer != ((void *)0)
  13686. stream->last_bit > 0
  13687. bit_count > 0
  13688. value == 0 || value == 1
  13689. stream->mode == _bitstream_mode_write
  13690. bit_count >= 1 && bit_count <= 32
  13691. stream->buffer != ((void *)0)
  13692. (bits_read > 0) ? (*value == 0 || *value == 1) : 1
  13693. value != ((void *)0)
  13694. stream->mode == _bitstream_mode_read
  13695. bit_count > 0 && bit_count <= 32
  13696. (bit_count >= 1) && ((0x80000000 & bit_count) == 0)
  13697. (bits_read > 0) ? (*value == 1 || *value == 0) : 1
  13698. bits_left == 0
  13699. table->is_initialized == TRUE
  13700. table != NULL
  13701. \halopc\haloce\source\objects\index_resolution.c
  13702. table->is_initialized == FALSE
  13703. hash < table->number_of_slots
  13704. hash >= 0
  13705. slot != NULL
  13706. table->entry_free_list != NULL
  13707. table->entry_pool_list != NULL
  13708. pool
  13709. \halopc\haloce\source\memory\stack_memory_pool.c
  13710. pool && pool->base_address
  13711. !"wrote beyond the valid address space for this block"
  13712. !"this memory has been corrupted"
  13713. !"pointer has invalid size"
  13714. memory_block_valid(block)
  13715. pool && pool->base_address && pool->blocks
  13716. stack_memory_pool_valid_block(pool, reference)
  13717. stack_memory_pool_valid_block(pool, reference) && !memory_block_is_locked(reference)
  13718. stack_memory_pool_valid_block(pool, reference) && memory_block_is_locked(reference)
  13719. invalid size
  13720. free_space_in_pool_previous
  13721. (pool->last_block == NULL) && (pool->next_block_index == 0)
  13722. pool->last_block
  13723. the memory pool has no more unsused master pointers; you need to use a bigger pool
  13724. allocation from memory pool failed; unable to find sufficient space in the pool
  13725. not a valid handle, or handle is locked
  13726. not a valid handle, or handle is already locked
  13727. invalid handle, or handle was not locked
  13728. invalid pointer
  13729. not a valid handle, or trying to resize a locked handle
  13730. absolute_placement
  13731. render.local_player_index==local_player_index
  13732. \halopc\haloce\source\interface\hud_draw.c
  13733. frame_index >= 0
  13734. V@source_bitmap==number_bitmap
  13735. 8WFJKf
  13736. \halopc\haloce\source\interface\ui_controls_screen.c
  13737. invalid binding_index
  13738. expected widget
  13739. invalid group index specified
  13740. ui\shell\main_menu\settings_select\player_setup\player_profile_edit\controls_setup\controls_device_labels
  13741. unable to find expected binding index
  13742. already binding an action
  13743. invalid list index
  13744. unknown focus widget
  13745. thread_reference
  13746. \halopc\haloce\source\bungie_net\common\thread_win32.c
  13747. thread_reference->in_use
  13748. mutex_%ld
  13749. mutex_reference
  13750. mutex_reference->in_use
  13751. server_connection->flags&FLAG(_connection_create_server_bit)
  13752. server_connection
  13753. \halopc\haloce\source\networking\network_connection.c
  13754. connection
  13755. connection->prioritization_buffer.messages[rslt].dataMaxSizeInBytes >= dataBytesRequired
  13756. connection->prioritization_buffer.messages[rslt].headerMaxSizeInBytes >= headerBytesRequired
  13757. rslt < connection->prioritization_buffer.numMessages
  13758. rslt >= 0
  13759. rslt != -1
  13760. connection != NULL && connection->incoming_queue
  13761. sled in queue is #%d bytes, but we can only handle #%d bytes!; resetting incoming queue
  13762. sled_length >= SLED_PROTOCOL_PEEK_BYTES
  13763. s_protocol_bits <= 8*SLED_PROTOCOL_PEEK_BYTES
  13764. sled_data_size_in_bits != NULL
  13765. first_data_bit != NULL
  13766. network_connection_connect. err[%d]
  13767. connect_endpoint() on reliable endpoint returned error '%s'
  13768. network_connection_connect. remote_address[%s]
  13769. remote_address
  13770. connection != NULL
  13771. client_connection
  13772. get_endpoint_rejection_code(connection->reliable_endpoint) != transport_rejection_code_none
  13773. connection->reliable_endpoint != NULL
  13774. got new connection from a connection of class[%d]
  13775. s_protocol_bits <= 8*sizeof(int)
  13776. ms != NULL
  13777. bits_written == bits_to_write
  13778. bitstream_has_bits(&ms->stream, bits_to_write)
  13779. bits_to_write > 0
  13780. network_connection_flush_queue() failed on write_endpoint() call - perhaps the connection went down...
  13781. network_connection_flush_queue() failed on usage of bitstream
  13782. bytes_written == bytes_to_write
  13783. client call to write_endpoint() returned error '%s'
  13784. message size exceeds maximum allowed size
  13785. header_size_in_bits > 0
  13786. data_size_in_bits > 0
  13787. server->has_local_connection == TRUE
  13788. failed to remove a client endpoint from the server's endpoint set (maybe it was already removed)
  13789. server->client_list
  13790. server->endpoint_set
  13791. server_connection->flags & FLAG(_connection_create_server_bit)
  13792. blocked in network_connection_idle_client_reliable_endpoint
  13793. client reliable connection lost
  13794. error '%s' reading from client reliable endpoint
  13795. connection->reliable_endpoint
  13796. connection->connection_class < (sizeof(gBitRatesPerConnectionClass) / sizeof(gBitRatesPerConnectionClass[0]))
  13797. connection->connection_class >= 0
  13798. transport-incoming
  13799. well_known_port > MAXIMUM_RESERVED_NETWORK_PORT
  13800. (flags&FLAG(_connection_create_server_bit))|| (flags&FLAG(_connection_create_clientside_client_bit))
  13801. connection->unreliable_outgoing_sled.empty == TRUE
  13802. connection->reliable_outgoing_sled.empty == TRUE
  13803. reliable_endpoint
  13804. poll_endpoint_set() returned error '%s'
  13805. rogue endpoint connected to the server
  13806. failed to remove a client endpoint from the server's endpoint set
  13807. accept_endpoint() returned NULL
  13808. error adding new client
  13809. new_client_connection
  13810. connection->endpoint_set
  13811. connection->connection.reliable_endpoint
  13812. network_connection_idle_client_reliable_endpoint failed
  13813. timeout in network_connection_idle
  13814. Would have timed out in network_connection_idle had the server safety zone not saved us.
  13815. network_connection_idle_server_reliable_endpoint failed
  13816. dont timeout is active so not timing out of a connection
  13817. ui\random_player_names
  13818. Could not encode team change message
  13819. failed to send a team change message to the server
  13820. \halopc\haloce\source\game\game_teams.c
  13821. Ignoring meaningless team change message
  13822. Could not decode team change message
  13823. server failed to send team change message to all machines; client machine may be out of sync
  13824. header->decoding_information->definition_type == _message_team_change
  13825. received_data_queue
  13826. type != _transport_type_udp
  13827. \halopc\haloce\source\bungie_net\network\transport_endpoint_winsock.c
  13828. ep && address
  13829. would have received data.. message len[%d] address[%s]
  13830. free_space - len >= 0
  13831. disconnect_endpoint really closing
  13832. disconnect_endpoint
  13833. ep
  13834. disconnect_endpoint_hard really closing
  13835. disconnect_endpoint_hard
  13836. gt2ConnectAttemptCallback_IMPL added connection address[%s] to queue
  13837. ep->is_listening_endpoint == TRUE
  13838. ep != NULL
  13839. gt2ConnectAttemptCallback_IMPL currently gNumConnectAttemptsInQueue[%d]
  13840. socket == gs_Socket
  13841. gs_Socket != NULL
  13842. context != NULL
  13843. endpoint
  13844. ep && buffer && (length > 0)
  13845. ep->gs_connection
  13846. endpoint_readable incoming connections queued
  13847. ep && (ep->gs_connection != NULL)
  13848. winsock error #%d: %s
  13860. WSANO_DATA
  13866. WSA_E_NO_MORE
  13880. WSAESTALE
  13881. WSAEDQUOT
  13882. WSAEUSERS
  13888. WSAELOOP
  13916. WSAEMFILE
  13917. WSAEINVAL
  13918. WSAEFAULT
  13919. WSAEACCES
  13920. WSAEBADF
  13921. WSAEINTR
  13933. delete_transport_endpoint: received_data_queue amount[%d]
  13934. gt2ConnectedCallback_IMPL connection attempt timed out
  13935. gt2ConnectedCallback_IMPL rejection reason [%s]
  13936. gt2ConnectedCallback_IMPL address[%s] result[%s]
  13937. rejected
  13938. accepted
  13939. gt2ClosedCallback_IMPL: reason[%d] received_data_queue amount[%d]
  13940. accept_endpoint address[%s]
  13941. accept_endpoint gNumConnectAttemptsInQueue[%d]
  13942. !endpoint_connected(ep)
  13943. ep->type == _transport_type_udp
  13944. ep->gs_connection == NULL
  13945. ep && buffer && src_addr && (length > 0)
  13946. ep && buffer && (length > 0) && dest_addr
  13947. mdpi_metrics_dump
  13948. total
  13949. Received
  13950. Sent
  13951. [field map]
  13952. TOTAL
  13953. [padding]
  13954. [iteration count]
  13955. [protocol]
  13956. [message type id]
  13957. [message mode]
  13958. %s\%s %s
  13959. view_data->type_mode_totals[NUMBER_OF_MESSAGE_DELTA_MODES].bits == view_data->grand_total.bits
  13960. view_data->type_mode_totals[mode_index].bits == view_data->mode_totals[mode_index].bits
  13961. \halopc\haloce\source\networking\message_delta_metrics.c
  13962. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  13963. Message Summary - %.3f seconds (start time '%u' end time '%u')
  13964. The term "encoding" refers to writing of a field in an iteration.
  13965. Iteration-independent overhead is overhead incurred once per message (not per iteration).
  13966. with any overhead that goes along with the iteration (namely, the field map).
  13967. The term "iteration" refers to the encoding of the message's header and body fields, along
  13968. message encoded for which that overhead applies. The report itemizes ALL overhead.
  13969. [field name] indicates the field is part of the system overhead - it is incurred by every
  13970. NOTES:
  13971. %*.2f avg bits/encoding %6.2f%% of iteration bits %6.2f%% of all msg bits %-*s %-*s %-*s
  13972. %*d encodings
  13973. %-*s[overhead]
  13974. %-*s [header]
  13975. %-*s
  13976. %6.2f%% of all msg bits %-*s %-*s %-*s
  13977. %6.2f%% of %s bits
  13978. %*.2f bits/message
  13979. %*d %-*s
  13980. %*d %-*s /
  13981. %-*s
  13982. %s Messages (Overview)
  13983. %*d %-*s %*d bits %*.2f avg bits/message
  13984. %*s %*.2f avg bits/iteration %-6s %6.2f%% of all msg bits
  13985. encodings
  13986. %*d %-*s %*.2f avg iter/message %6.2f%% of iterations %6.2f%% utilization
  13987. iteration_utilization <= 100.0f
  13988. iteration-independent header
  13989. %6.2f%% of total messages %6.2f%% of total bits
  13990. %*d %-*s %*d bits %*.2f avg bits/message
  13991. %s Messages (Detail)
  13992. %-*s %*d encodings %*d bits %*.2f avg bits/encoding %6.2f%% of bits
  13993. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  13994. Type Summary:
  13995. =======================================================================================================================
  13996. Could not open metrics file '%s' for write
  13997. strlen(filename) != 0
  13998. filename != NULL
  13999. %.3f %d %d %.1f %.1f %s
  14001. strlen(metrics_globals.traffic_data.contexts[context_index]) > 0
  14002. metrics_globals.traffic_log_file != NULL
  14003. metrics_globals.traffic_data.next_context_index <= MAXIMUM_TRAFFIC_LOG_CONTEXTS
  14004. %s %d %s %s %s %d bits %d
  14005. bits_written >= 0
  14006. bits_read >= 0
  14007. %s %d %s %s %s %d bits %s
  14008. !%u %s %d encoded %d bits
  14009. iterations >= 0 && iterations <= MAXIMUM_MESSAGE_ITERATIONS
  14010. encoded_size_in_bits >= 0
  14011. !%u %s %d decoded %d bytes
  14012. bits >= 0
  14015. strcmp(metrics_globals.traffic_data.contexts[0], "ambient") == 0
  14016. context_result == TRUE
  14017. ambient
  14018. %s %s %s %s %s %s
  14019. time (s)
  14020. messages sent
  14021. messages received
  14022. bytes sent
  14023. bytes received
  14024. context
  14025. traffic report.xls
  14026. metrics_globals.message_log_file != NULL
  14027. message_delta_message_log.txt
  14028. metrics_directory_create_result == TRUE
  14029. Note that traffic report.xls t=0 corresponds to timestamp %d
  14030. (
  14031. %(Pn
  14032. Pe
  14033. F+PB
  14034. H>
  14035. 80$
  14036. x{
  14037. p
  14038. pz
  14039. p`HX8ZxW
  14040. HO
  14041. (
  14042. %s
  14043. %d
  14044. Static
  14045. Old_Proc
  14046. Font
  14047. Old_Font
  14048. open
  14049. %dMHz, %dMB
  14050. %dMHz, %dMB, %dM %s %s (0x%04x)
  14051. ExitFlag
  14052. clean
  14053. Halo
  14054. %s %s (0x%04x):%d
  14055. Halo - Error
  14056. Missing error string %d
  14057. readme.rtf
  14058. \\Invalid / missing strings.dll
  14059. eula.rtf
  14060. Gathering Exception Data...
  14061. Exception!
  14062. LangID
  14063. Error!
  14064. \strings.dll is missing.
  14065. strings.dll
  14066. packet_header
  14067. packet->definition->size + sizeof(struct packet_header)<=group_definition->maximum_encoded_packet_size
  14068. packet->definition->size<=group_definition->maximum_decoded_packet_size
  14069. packet->packet_class>=0 && packet->packet_class<group_definition->packet_class_count
  14070. \halopc\haloce\source\memory\data_packet_groups.c
  14071. Bad Decode!! Error String[%s] encoded_packet_size[%d] sizeof(struct packet_header)[%d]
  14072. got packet with no header
  14073. Bad Decode!! Error String[%s] header->type[%d] group_definition->packet_type_count[%d]
  14074. got packet with bad type
  14075. Bad Decode!! Error String[%s] packet->packet_class[%d] expected_packet_class[%d]
  14076. got packet with mismatched class
  14077. Bad Decode!! Error String[%s]
  14078. got packet which wouldn't decode
  14079. expected_packet_class>=0 && expected_packet_class<group_definition->packet_class_count
  14080. packet_type && packet_version
  14081. encoded_packet && encoded_packet_size
  14082. couldn't append header to encoded packet
  14083. packet_type>=0 && packet_type<group_definition->packet_type_count
  14084. *encoded_packet_size>=0
  14085. couldn't encode packet
  14086. packet->definition
  14087. group_definition
  14088. *maximum_content_size >= 0
  14089. content_pointer != NULL
  14090. maximum_content_size != NULL
  14091. buffer_size >= sizeof(message_header)
  14092. \halopc\haloce\source\bungie_net\common\message_header.c
  14093. (0<=flags) && ((flags)<=MESSAGE_FLAG_BITS_MASK)
  14094. (0<(type)) && ((type)<NUMBER_OF_MESSAGE_TYPES)
  14095. (0<=(length)) && ((length)<=MAXIMUM_MESSAGE_SIZE)
  14096. msg
  14097. !"bad value for byte order"
  14098. buffer_size >= message_size
  14099. \halopc\haloce\source\networking\network_client_time.c
  14100. tc != NULL
  14101. tc->number_of_time_samples <= TIME_SYNCH_SAMPLES
  14102. tc->number_of_time_samples >= 0
  14103. network_game_client_handle_message_delta_message
  14104. network_game_client_handle_old_halo_message
  14105. message delta packet came from a bad machine!
  14106. could not prepare to decode message delta packet!
  14107. message delta packet came in with invalid message dependent header!
  14108. source_address != NULL
  14109. \halopc\haloce\source\networking\network_client_message_handler.c
  14110. ignoring an advertised game because we are not looking for new games
  14111. failed to decode a message_server_game_advertise packet
  14112. failed to decode a message_server_pong packet
  14113. ignoring a pong message because we are not listening for them
  14114. Could not encode ping message
  14115. failed to send a ping message to the server
  14116. ignoring a message_server_new_client_challenge message; either a bad machine or we aren't joining
  14117. failed to decode a message_server_new_client_challenge packet
  14118. ignoring a message_server_machine_accepted message; either a bad machine or we aren't joining
  14119. failed to decode a message_server_machine_accepted packet
  14120. ignoring a message_server_machine_rejected message; either a bad machine or we aren't joining
  14121. failed to decode a message_server_machine_rejected packet
  14122. ignoring a message_server_game_is_ending_holdup message; either a bad machine or we aren't joining
  14123. failed to decode a message_server_game_is_ending_holdup packet
  14124. ignoring a message_server_game_settings_update; came from a bad machine
  14125. failed to decode a message_server_game_settings_update packet
  14126. failed to handle a message_server_game_settings_update message; not in pregame state
  14127. Client received OBSELETE game settings update packet
  14128. ignoring a message_server_pregame_countdown; came from a bad machine
  14129. failed to handle a message_server_pregame_countdown message; not in pregame state
  14130. failed to decode a message_server_pregame_countdown packet
  14131. ignoring a message_server_pregame_keep_alive; came from a bad machine
  14132. failed to handle a message_server_pregame_keep_alive message; not in pregame state
  14133. failed to decode a message_server_pregame_keep_alive packet
  14134. ignoring a message_server_postgame_keep_alive; came from a bad machine
  14135. failed to handle a message_server_postgame_keep_alive message; not in postgame state
  14136. failed to decode a message_server_postgame_keep_alive packet
  14137. ignoring a message_server_begin_game message; came from a bad machine
  14138. failed to handle a message_server_begin_game message; we are not in pregame
  14139. failed to decode a message_server_begin_game packet
  14140. SDJ: Client has successfully started a game.
  14141. network_game_client_game_has_started() failed
  14142. SDJ: Client has received a begin game message.
  14143. ignoring a message_server_graceful_game_exit_pregame message; came from a bad machine
  14144. failed to handle a message_server_graceful_game_exit_pregame message; we are not in pregame
  14145. failed to decode a message_server_graceful_game_exit_pregame packet
  14146. ignoring a message_server_game_update message; came from a bad machine
  14147. failed to decode a message_server_game_update packet
  14148. network_game_client_handle_game_update() failed
  14149. ignoring a message_server_add_player_ingame message; came from a bad machine
  14150. failed to handle a message_server_add_player_ingame message; we are not in game
  14151. failed to decode a message_server_add_player_ingame packet
  14152. network_game_client_add_player_to_game() failed
  14153. ignoring a message_server_remove_player_ingame message; came from a bad machine
  14154. failed to decode a message_server_remove_player_ingame packet
  14155. JWS: network_game_client_remove_player() failed for player machine index %d controller index %d
  14156. network_game_client_remove_player() failed
  14157. failed to handle a message_server_remove_player_ingame message; we are not in game
  14158. ignoring a message_server_game_over message; came from a bad machine
  14159. failed to handle a message_server_game_over message; we are not in game
  14160. failed to decode a message_server_game_over message (not critical)
  14161. ignoring a message_server_reconnect message; came from a bad machine
  14162. failed to handle a message_server_reconnect message; we are not in post-game
  14163. failed to decode a message_server_reconnect packet
  14164. ignoring a message_server_graceful_game_exit_postgame message; came from a bad machine
  14165. failed to handle a message_server_graceful_game_exit_postgame message; we are not in post-game
  14166. failed to decode a message_server_graceful_game_exit_postgame packet (not critical)
  14167. client received a malformed/damaged message from a server
  14168. client received low-level error message: error= #%d (%s)
  14169. client received a bad message type (_message_type_data)
  14170. unknown packet type received from system @ address: %s
  14171. network_game_client_handle_message_server_graceful_game_exit_postgame() failed
  14172. SDR gots the _message_type_server_graceful_game_exit_postgame
  14173. network_game_client_handle_message_server_reconnect() failed
  14174. network_game_client_handle_message_server_game_over() failed
  14175. network_game_client_handle_message_server_remove_player_ingame() failed
  14176. network_game_client_handle_message_server_add_player_ingame() failed
  14177. network_game_client_handle_message_server_game_update() failed
  14178. network_game_client_handle_message_server_graceful_game_exit_pregame() failed
  14179. network_game_client_handle_message_server_begin_game() failed
  14180. network_game_client_handle_message_server_postgame_keep_alive() failed
  14181. network_game_client_handle_message_server_pregame_keep_alive() failed
  14182. network_game_client_handle_message_server_pregame_countdown() failed
  14183. network_game_client_handle_message_server_game_settings_update() failed
  14184. network_game_client_handle_message_server_game_is_ending_holdup() failed
  14185. network_game_client_handle_message _message_type_server_game_is_ending_holdup
  14186. network_game_client_handle_message_server_machine_rejected() failed
  14187. network_game_client_handle_message _message_type_server_machine_rejected
  14188. network_game_client_handle_message_server_machine_accepted() failed
  14189. network_game_client_handle_message _message_type_server_machine_accepted
  14190. network_game_client_handle_message_server_new_client_challenge() failed
  14191. network_game_client_handle_message _message_type_server_new_client_challenge
  14192. network_game_client_handle_message_server_pong() failed
  14193. network_game_client_handle_message_server_game_advertise() failed
  14194. client received a message with an unknown message type
  14195. client received client message with invalid flags
  14196. client && message && (message_size == GET_MESSAGE_SIZE(*message)) && source_address
  14197. root_directory
  14198. \halopc\haloce\source\cache\cache_files.c
  14199. maps\
  14200. '%s' does not appear to be a cache file
  14201. the cache file '%s' is an old version
  14202. gt2CreateSocket localAddress[%s]
  14203. gt2Connect: gti2StartConnectionAttempt failed. Calling gti2FreeSocketConnection.
  14204. gt2Connect H
  14205. gt2Connect D [%s]
  14208. :%d
  14209. [%7d] %s
  14210. gamma
  14211. expected 'gamma' option spinner list
  14212. expected 'gamma' list item
  14213. expected 'texture quality' option spinner list
  14214. expected 'texture quality' list item
  14215. expected 'particles' option spinner list
  14216. expected 'particles' list item
  14217. expected 'decals' option spinner list
  14218. expected 'decals' list item
  14219. expected 'shadows' option spinner list
  14220. expected 'shadows' list item
  14221. expected 'specular' option spinner list
  14222. expected 'specular' list item
  14223. expected 'framerate' option spinner list
  14224. expected 'framerate' list item
  14225. Found invalid refresh rate in profile, %dhz
  14226. Found invalid resolution in profile, %d x %d
  14227. expected spinner box
  14228. \halopc\haloce\source\interface\ui_video_screen.c
  14229. Using refresh rate %dhz
  14230. %d Hz
  14231. video settings test skipped, closing
  14232. video settings test failed, closing
  14233. %d x %d
  14234. invalid refresh rate index
  14235. expected 'refresh rate' option spinner list
  14236. expected 'refresh rate' list item
  14237. invalid resolution index
  14238. expected 'resolution' option spinner list
  14239. expected 'resolution' list item
  14240. IDirect3DDevice9_SetVertexShaderConstantF( global_d3d_device, VSH_CONSTANTS__SCREENPROJ_OFFSET, ( float* ) &local_matrix_projection, VSH_CONSTANTS__SCREENPROJ_COUNT)
  14241. \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx9_text.c
  14242. ### ERROR rasterizer_text_draw_character failed
  14243. IDirect3DDevice9_DrawPrimitiveUP( global_d3d_device, D3DPT_TRIANGLEFAN, NUMBER_OF_TRIANGLES_PER_QUADRILATERAL, vertices, sizeof( struct dynamic_screen_vertex ))
  14244. render_object_list
  14245. render_object_list_render_shadow_into_bitmap
  14246. render_object_list_render_widgets
  14247. render_object_list_render_the_model_debug
  14248. render_object_list_render_the_model
  14249. render_object_list_get_model_effect
  14250. render_object_list_get_model_shader
  14251. render_object_non_shadow_rendering
  14252. render_object__shadow_rendering
  14253. render_object
  14254. find_rendered_objects
  14255. render_object_shadows
  14256. render_objects
  14257. cached_object_render_states
  14258. \halopc\haloce\source\render\render_objects.c
  14259. cached object render states
  14261. inactive %s
  14262. ### ERROR invalid modifier shader
  14263. data->lighting
  14264. parent_model_effect
  14265. state->lighting.point_light_indices[point_light_index]>=0 && state->lighting.point_light_indices[point_light_index]<debug_rasterizer_light_count
  14266. state->desired_lighting.distant_light_count==2
  14267. \tA\B>lens_flare_index>=0 && lens_flare_index<local_lens_flare_count
  14268. \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\rasterizer_lights.c
  14269. lens_flare_parameters->light_index>=0 && lens_flare_parameters->light_index<MAXIMUM_LIGHTS_PER_MAP
  14270. structure_lens_flare_index>=0 && structure_lens_flare_index<(MAXIMUM_LENS_FLARE_MARKERS_PER_STRUCTURE+MAXIMUM_QUEUED_LENS_FLARES)
  14271. window_index>=0 && window_index<MAXIMUM_WINDOWS
  14272. lens_flare_parameters
  14273. ### ERROR too many lights submitted to window
  14274. parameters-> >=0.0f && parameters-> <=1.0f
  14275. parameters->>=0.0f && parameters-><=1.0f
  14276. parameters-> >=0.0f && parameters-> <=1.0f
  14277. ?### ERROR unsupported lens flare occlusion offset direction
  14278. ### ERROR unsupported lens flare corona rotation function
  14279. ### ERROR too many lens flares submitted to frame
  14280. parameters->light_index>=0 && parameters->light_index<MAXIMUM_LIGHTS_PER_MAP
  14281. structure_lens_flare_index>=0 && structure_lens_flare_index<MAXIMUM_LENS_FLARE_MARKERS_PER_STRUCTURE
  14282. parameters->lens_flare_index>=0 && parameters->lens_flare_index<MAXIMUM_QUEUED_LENS_FLARES
  14283. (parameters->compressed_window_index&_lens_flare_window_index_mask)==global_window_parameters.window_index
  14284. parameters->definition
  14285. < >=0.0f && <=1.0f
  14286.>=0.0f &&<=1.0f
  14287. >=0.0f && <=1.0f
  14288. animation_color.alpha>=0.0f && animation_color.alpha<=1.0f
  14289. reflection->animation_period!=0.0f
  14290. render_structure_shadows_draw
  14291. render_structure_shadows
  14292. render_structure_diffuse_lights_draw
  14293. render_structure_diffuse_lights
  14294. render_structure_specular_lights_draw
  14295. render_structure_specular_lights
  14296. render_structure_fog
  14297. render_structure_transparent_geometry
  14298. render_structure_reflections
  14299. render_structure_diffuse_textures
  14300. render_structure_lightmaps
  14301. render_structure_build_triangle_arrays
  14302. !structure_render_globals.fog_offset_valid
  14303. \halopc\haloce\source\structures\structure_render.c
  14304. surface_index_index>=0 && surface_index_index<surface_count
  14305. unable to allocate dynamic structure triangles.
  14306. there are more surfaces than materials that reference them, stupid.
  14307. contrail %s uses an unsupported render type.
  14308. triangles && vertices
  14309. \halopc\haloce\source\render\render_contrails.c
  14310. render_particles
  14311. ;\halopc\haloce\source\effects\weather_particle_systems.c
  14312. type_index>=0 && type_index<definition->particle_types.count
  14313. couldn't allocate weather particle system globals.
  14314. weather particles
  14315. too many weather polyhedra visible.
  14316. system->definition_index==NONE
  14318. first_person_weapon_draw_hands
  14319. first_person_weapon_draw_weapon
  14320. first_person_weapon_draw
  14321. first_person_weapons_update
  14322. first_person_weapons
  14323. \halopc\haloce\source\interface\first_person_weapons.c
  14324. first person weapons
  14325. first_person_weapon->weapon_index!=NONE
  14326. animation_graph_node_index>=0 && animation_graph_node_index<animation_graph->nodes.count
  14327. flashlight
  14328. node_index>=0 && node_index<animation_graph->nodes.count
  14329. first_person_weapon != NULL
  14330. local player %d, weapon (0x%x), deleted unexpectedly
  14331. first_person_weapon->shotgun_reload_type == _shotgun_reload_type_first_and_last_round || first_person_weapon->shotgun_reload_type == _shotgun_reload_type_last_round
  14332. !render.visible_sky_model || scenario_get_sky(render.visible_sky_index)
  14333. \halopc\haloce\source\render\render_sky.c
  14334. #<render_structure_visibility_surface_traversal
  14335. render_structure_visibility_subcluster_traversal
  14336. render_structure_visibility_portal_traversal
  14337. surface_index_buffer-(long *) cluster->surface_indices.address<=cluster->surface_indices.count
  14338. \halopc\haloce\source\structures\structure_visibility.c
  14339. ooz>0.f
  14340. result->vertex_count!=NONE
  14341. valid_portal_hull(hull)
  14342. rectangle
  14343. two mirrors visible with different planes
  14344. leaf->cluster_index>=0 && leaf->cluster_index<structure->clusters.count
  14345. cull_bounds
  14346. cull_sphere_center
  14347. parent_bounds
  14348. intersection
  14349. portal intersection failed.
  14350. rendered_cluster->cluster_index==cluster_index
  14352. valid_portal_hull(visible_region)
  14353. ### WARNING: this structure_bsp needs to be reimported for new, faster visibility.
  14354. !bounding_surface_count || bounding_surfaces
  14355. bounding_sphere_center
  14356. fabs(position->y) < hud_globals->defaults.motion_sensor_range
  14357. fabs(position->x) < hud_globals->defaults.motion_sensor_range
  14358. \halopc\haloce\source\interface\motion_sensor.c
  14359. c_dropship
  14360. motion_sensor_globals
  14361. motion sensor (radar)
  14362. sensor data
  14363. _blip_type_none != blip_type
  14364. blip_index<MAX_CUSTOM_BLIPS
  14365. \halopc\haloce\source\camera\first_person_camera.c
  14366. valid_real_vector3d_axes2(&result->forward, &result->up)
  14367. \halopc\haloce\source\camera\following_camera.c
  14368. camera_track->control_points.count >= 4
  14369. magnitude3d(&result->forward) > 0.9999f && magnitude3d(&result->forward) < 1.0001f
  14370. \halopc\haloce\source\camera\flying_camera.c
  14371. \halopc\haloce\source\camera\orbiting_camera.c
  14372. \halopc\haloce\source\camera\dead_camera.c
  14373. exiting
  14374. orbiting camera
  14375. flying camera
  14376. \halopc\haloce\source\camera\editor_flying_camera.c
  14377. speed is now x%f
  14378. translate_funcs[mode][_translate_to]
  14379. translate_funcs[camera_mode][_translate_from]
  14380. update_funcs[camera_mode]
  14381. %s scripted camera mode
  14382. gpu_size>0
  14383. cpu_size>0
  14384. !pc_game_state_globals.buffer_allocated
  14385. \halopc\haloce\source\saved games\game_state_pc_tools.c
  14386. pc_game_state_globals.buffer_allocated
  14387. (byte *)block+block->size<=(byte *)pool->base_address+pool->size
  14388. (byte *)block>=(byte *)pool->base_address
  14389. block->trailer_signature==BLOCK_TRAILER_SIGNATURE
  14390. block->header_signature==BLOCK_HEADER_SIGNATURE
  14391. block->next_block || pool->last_block==block
  14392. block->previous_block==previous_block
  14393. pool->size>0
  14394. pool->signature==POOL_SIGNATURE
  14395. \halopc\haloce\source\memory\memory_pool.c
  14396. other_block
  14397. expected reference %08x but got %08x
  14398. reference && (*reference)
  14399. pool->free_size>=0
  14400. pool->free_size<=pool->size
  14401. actual_new_size>block->size
  14402. pool->free_size>=0 && pool->free_size<=pool->size
  14403. new_size>=0
  14404. breakable_surface_index>=0 && breakable_surface_index<MAXIMUM_BREAKABLE_SURFACES_PER_MAP
  14405. global_structure_bsp_index>=0 && global_structure_bsp_index<MAXIMUM_STRUCTURE_BSPS_PER_SCENARIO
  14406. \halopc\haloce\source\physics\breakable_surfaces.c
  14407. breakable surface globals
  14408. !globals
  14409. breakable_surface_index==NONE || (breakable_surface_index>=0 && breakable_surface_index<MAXIMUM_BREAKABLE_SURFACES_PER_MAP)
  14410. zsurface_queue_write_index<MAXIMUM_BREAKABLE_SURFACE_QUEUE_SIZE
  14411. surface_vertex_index<MAXIMUM_VERTICES_PER_COLLISION_SURFACE
  14412. collision_surface->breakable_surface_index==breakable_surface_index
  14413. damage_data
  14414. WARNING: area of effect breakable surface damage with radius %d
  14415. \halopc\haloce\source\shaders\shaders.c
  14416. v_transform_reference
  14417. u_transform_reference
  14418. texture_animation->r_source>=0 && texture_animation->r_source<NUMBER_OF_OBJECT_FUNCTION_REFERENCES
  14419. texture_animation->v_source>=0 && texture_animation->v_source<NUMBER_OF_OBJECT_FUNCTION_REFERENCES
  14420. texture_animation->u_source>=0 && texture_animation->u_source<NUMBER_OF_OBJECT_FUNCTION_REFERENCES
  14421. texture_animation
  14422. diffuse->v_animation_period!=0.0f
  14423. diffuse->u_animation_period!=0.0f
  14424. v_offset
  14425. u_offset
  14426. ### ERROR unsupported shader group tag
  14427. length<TAG_FILE_NAME_LENGTH
  14428. shader_type>=0 && shader_type<NUMBER_OF_SHADER_TYPES
  14429. levels\b20
  14430. index
  14431. choice (1-%d):
  14432. %d. %s
  14433. choose a type for the shader '%s':
  14434. ### WARNING: randomly chose one of the %d shaders called '%s' (you should fix this!)
  14435. widgets_update
  14436. type>=0 && type<NUMBER_OF_WIDGET_TYPES
  14437. c:\halopc\haloce\source\objects\widgets\widget_types.h
  14438. type_definition->group_tag
  14439. widget_data
  14440. \halopc\haloce\source\objects\widgets\widgets.c
  14441. type_definition->delete_proc
  14442. !type_definition->needs_lighting || lighting
  14443. item_update
  14444. ground point
  14445. \halopc\haloce\source\items\items.c
  14446. valid_real_matrix4x3(&ground_point_matrix)
  14447. scale>0
  14448. 335?transparent_water_reflection_m
  14449. transparent_water_reflection
  14450. transparent_water_opacity_m
  14451. transparent_water_opacity
  14452. transparent_plasma_m
  14453. transparent_meter_m
  14454. transparent_meter
  14455. transparent_glass_tint_m
  14456. transparent_glass_tint
  14457. transparent_glass_reflection_mirror
  14458. transparent_glass_reflection_flat_m
  14459. transparent_glass_reflection_flat
  14460. transparent_glass_reflection_bumped_m
  14461. transparent_glass_reflection_bumped
  14462. transparent_glass_diffuse_light_m
  14463. transparent_glass_diffuse_light
  14464. transparent_generic_viewer_centered_m
  14465. transparent_generic_viewer_centered
  14466. transparent_generic_screenspace_m
  14467. transparent_generic_screenspace
  14468. transparent_generic_reflection_m
  14469. transparent_generic_reflection
  14470. transparent_generic_object_centered_m
  14471. transparent_generic_object_centered
  14472. transparent_generic_m
  14473. transparent_generic_lit_m
  14474. transparent_generic
  14475. screen2
  14476. model_zbuffer
  14477. model_shadow
  14478. model_fog_screen
  14479. model_active_camouflage_ff
  14480. model_active_camouflage
  14481. model_scenery
  14482. model_fast
  14483. model_ff
  14484. model_fogged
  14485. environment_texture
  14486. environment_specular_lightmap
  14487. environment_specular_spot_light
  14488. environment_specular_light
  14489. environment_shadow
  14490. environment_reflection_radiosity
  14491. environment_reflection_mirror
  14492. environment_reflection_lightmap_mask
  14493. environment_reflection_flat
  14494. environment_reflection_bumped
  14495. environment_lightmap
  14496. environment_fog_screen
  14497. environment_fog
  14498. environment_diffuse_light_ff
  14499. environment_diffuse_light
  14500. effect_zsprite
  14501. effect_multitexture_screenspace
  14502. effect_multitexture
  14503. detail_object_type1
  14504. detail_object_type0
  14505. Error message: %s
  14506. Failed to load vertex shader: %s
  14507. %s%s.vsh
  14508. shaders\vsh\
  14509. (NULL != vsf_table[index].shader) == (NULL != vsf_table[index].filename)
  14510. index >=0 && index < NUMBER_OF_VERTEX_SHADERS
  14511. \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx9_shaders_vshader9.c
  14512. shaders\vsh.enc
  14513. shaders\vsh.bin
  14514. $08<$0$0
  14515. IDirect3DDevice9_CreateVertexDeclaration(global_d3d_device, d3dve_environment_single_stream_ff, &vsd_table[_vsdecl_environment_single_stream_ff].decl)
  14516. IDirect3DDevice9_CreateVertexDeclaration(global_d3d_device, d3dve_screen_transformed_lit_specular, &vsd_table[_vsdecl_screen_transformed_lit_specular].decl)
  14517. IDirect3DDevice9_CreateVertexDeclaration(global_d3d_device, d3dve_screen_transformed_lit, &vsd_table[_vsdecl_screen_transformed_lit].decl)
  14518. IDirect3DDevice9_CreateVertexDeclaration(global_d3d_device, d3dve_unlit_zsprite, &vsd_table[_vsdecl_unlit_zsprite].decl)
  14519. IDirect3DDevice9_CreateVertexDeclaration(global_d3d_device, d3dve_model_processed, &vsd_table[_vsdecl_model_processed].decl)
  14520. IDirect3DDevice9_CreateVertexDeclaration(global_d3d_device, d3dve_model_ff, &vsd_table[_vsdecl_model_uncompressed_ff].decl)
  14521. IDirect3DDevice9_CreateVertexDeclaration(global_d3d_device, d3dve_environment_lightmap_ff, &vsd_table[_vsdecl_environment_lightmap_ff].decl)
  14522. IDirect3DDevice9_CreateVertexDeclaration(global_d3d_device, d3dve_environment_ff, &vsd_table[_vsdecl_environment_ff].decl)
  14523. IDirect3DDevice9_CreateVertexDeclaration(global_d3d_device, d3dve_detail_object, &vsd_table[_vsdecl_detail_object].decl)
  14524. IDirect3DDevice9_CreateVertexDeclaration(global_d3d_device, d3dve_decal, &vsd_table[_vsdecl_decal].decl)
  14525. IDirect3DDevice9_CreateVertexDeclaration(global_d3d_device, d3dve_debug, &vsd_table[_vsdecl_debug].decl)
  14526. IDirect3DDevice9_CreateVertexDeclaration(global_d3d_device, d3dve_screen, &vsd_table[_vsdecl_screen].decl)
  14527. IDirect3DDevice9_CreateVertexDeclaration(global_d3d_device, d3dve_unlit, &vsd_table[_vsdecl_dynamic_unlit].decl)
  14528. IDirect3DDevice9_CreateVertexDeclaration(global_d3d_device, d3dve_unlit, &vsd_table[_vsdecl_unlit].decl)
  14529. IDirect3DDevice9_CreateVertexDeclaration(global_d3d_device, d3dve_model, &vsd_table[_vsdecl_model_c].decl)
  14530. IDirect3DDevice9_CreateVertexDeclaration(global_d3d_device, d3dve_model, &vsd_table[_vsdecl_model].decl)
  14531. IDirect3DDevice9_CreateVertexDeclaration(global_d3d_device, d3dve_environment_lightmap, &vsd_table[_vsdecl_environment_lightmap_c].decl)
  14532. IDirect3DDevice9_CreateVertexDeclaration(global_d3d_device, d3dve_environment_lightmap, &vsd_table[_vsdecl_environment_lightmap].decl)
  14533. IDirect3DDevice9_CreateVertexDeclaration(global_d3d_device, d3dve_environment, &vsd_table[_vsdecl_environment_c].decl)
  14534. \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx9_shaders_vdecl9.c
  14535. IDirect3DDevice9_CreateVertexDeclaration(global_d3d_device, d3dve_environment, &vsd_table[_vsdecl_environment].decl)
  14536. index >=0 && index < NUM_VERTEX_SHADER_DECLARATIONS
  14537. IDirect3DDevice9_CreateVertexBuffer(global_d3d_device, size, usage_flags, format, pool_type, &vertex_buffer, NULL)
  14538. vertex_buffer_index < MAX_DYNAMIC_VERTEX_BUFFERS
  14539. global_num_dynamic_vertex_buffers_active < MAX_DYNAMIC_VERTEX_BUFFERS
  14540. IDirect3DVertexBuffer9_Release(global_dynamic_vertex_buffers[vertex_buffer_index - 1].vertex_buffer)
  14541. global_dynamic_vertex_buffers[vertex_buffer_index - 1].size
  14542. global_dynamic_vertex_buffers[vertex_buffer_index - 1].vertex_buffer
  14543. vertex_buffer_index
  14544. IDirect3DDevice9_SetStreamSource(global_d3d_device, stream_index, global_dynamic_vertex_buffers[vertex_buffer_index - 1].vertex_buffer, offset, stride)
  14545. IDirect3DDevice9_SetStreamSource(global_d3d_device, stream_index, 0, offset, stride)
  14546. vertex_buffer_index <= global_num_dynamic_vertex_buffers
  14547. IDirect3DVertexBuffer9_Lock(global_dynamic_vertex_buffers[vertex_buffer_index - 1].vertex_buffer, offset, size, &data, flags)
  14548. (flags & D3DLOCK_DISCARD) || (flags & D3DLOCK_NOOVERWRITE)
  14549. IDirect3DVertexBuffer9_Unlock(global_dynamic_vertex_buffers[vertex_buffer_index - 1].vertex_buffer)
  14550. global_dynamic_vertex_buffers[vertex_buffer_index].vertex_buffer
  14551. global_dynamic_vertex_buffers[vertex_buffer_index].vertex_buffer == NULL
  14552. /
  14553. platoon_absolute_index>=0 && platoon_absolute_index<MAXIMUM_PLATOONS_PER_MAP
  14554. platoon_index>=0 && platoon_index<MAXIMUM_PLATOONS_PER_ENCOUNTER && platoon_index<encounter->platoon_count
  14555. ai_string && ai_index_reference
  14556. \halopc\haloce\source\ai\ai_script.c
  14557. %s/%s
  14558. ai_attach: could not find a squad in encounter %s to attach actor
  14559. ai_attach: no actor variant specified for %s/%s, cannot create actor to attach to biped
  14560. %s: ai_attach_unit 0x%04X %s
  14561. %s: ai_detach_unit 0x%04X
  14562. %s: ai_place %s
  14563. %s: ai_kill %s
  14564. %s: ai_kill_silent %s
  14565. %s: ai_erase %s
  14566. %s: ai_erase_all
  14567. %s: ai_spawn_actor %s
  14568. %s: ai_set_respawn %s %s
  14569. %s: ai_set_deaf %s %s
  14570. %s: ai_set_blind %s %s
  14571. %s: ai_magically_see_unit %s 0x%04X
  14572. %s: ai_timer_start %s
  14573. %s: ai_timer_expire %s
  14574. (count_type >= 0) && (count_type < NUMBER_OF_AI_COUNT_TYPES)
  14575. %s: ai_attack %s
  14576. %s: ai_defend %s
  14577. %s: ai_maneuver %s
  14578. %s: ai_maneuver_enable %s %s
  14579. %s -> %s (no matching squads found, going to squad 0)
  14580. %s -> %s (no matching types found)
  14581. %s -> %s (same-type %s)
  14582. %s -> %s (same-actor %s)
  14583. (found_squad_index >= 0) && (found_squad_index < target_encounter_definition->squads.count)
  14584. %s -> %s (same-variant %s)
  14585. %s unchanged
  14586. (target_squad_indices[current_squad_index] >= 0) && (target_squad_indices[current_squad_index] < target_encounter_definition->squads.count)
  14587. (current_squad_index >= 0) && (current_squad_index < MAXIMUM_SQUADS_PER_ENCOUNTER)
  14588. squad %s
  14589. (source_iterator.squad_index >= 0) && (source_iterator.squad_index < MAXIMUM_SQUADS_PER_ENCOUNTER)
  14590. %s: ai_migrate %s %s
  14591. %s: ai_migrate_by_unit <some guys> %s
  14592. ai_migrate_and_speak: unknown speech type '%s' (must be 'advance' or 'retreat')
  14593. %s: ai_migrate_and_speak %s %s %s
  14594. %s: ai_allegiance %d %d
  14595. %s: ai_allegiance_remove %d %d
  14596. %s: ai_go_to_vehicle %s 0x%04X %s
  14597. %s: ai_go_to_vehicle_override %s 0x%04X %s
  14598. %s: ai_exit_vehicle %s
  14599. %s: ai_braindead %s %s
  14600. %s: ai_braindead_by_unit <some guys> %s
  14601. %s: ai_disregard <some guys> %s
  14602. %s: ai_prefer_target <some guys> %s
  14603. %s: ai_teleport_starting_location_if_unsupported %s
  14604. %s: ai_teleport_starting_location %s
  14605. %s: ai_renew %s
  14606. %s: ai_try_to_fight_nothing %s
  14607. %s: ai_try_to_fight %s %s
  14608. %s: ai_try_to_fight_player %s
  14609. %s: ai_allow_charge %s %s
  14610. %s: ai_command_list %s %d
  14611. %s: ai_command_list_by_unit <unit> %d
  14612. %s: ai_command_list_advance %s
  14613. %s: ai_command_list_advance_by_unit <some unit>
  14614. actor->meta.swarm
  14615. !actor->meta.swarm
  14616. actor->meta.encounter_index != NONE
  14617. %s: ai_free %s
  14618. %s: ai_free_units <some units>
  14619. %s: ai_attach_free %s cannot be used for swarm actors
  14620. %s: ai_attach_free 0x%04X %s
  14621. %s: ai_force_active %s %s
  14622. ai_force_active_by_unit: unit is a member of encounter %s/%s, you must use ai_force_active instead
  14623. %s: ai_force_active_by_unit <some unit> %s
  14624. %s: ai_set_return_state %s %d
  14625. %s: ai_set_current_state %s %d
  14626. %s: ai_status %s
  14627. %s: ai_playfight %s %s
  14628. %s: ai_vehicle_encounter <some unit> %s
  14629. ai_vehicle_enterable: too many enterable vehicles (max is %d)
  14630. %s: ai_vehicle_enterable_distance <some vehicle>
  14631. %s: ai_vehicle_enterable_team <some vehicle> %d
  14632. %s: ai_vehicle_enterable_actor_type <some vehicle> %d
  14633. ai_vehicle_enterable_actors: too many groups of actors (max is %d)
  14634. %s: ai_vehicle_enterable_actors <some vehicle> %s
  14635. %s: ai_vehicle_enterable_disable <some vehicle>
  14636. %s: ai_look_at_object <some unit> <some object>
  14637. %s: ai_stop_looking <some unit>
  14638. %s: ai_automatic_migration_target %s %s
  14639. %s: ai_follow_target_disable %s
  14640. %s: ai_follow_target_players %s
  14641. %s: ai_follow_target_unit %s <some unit>
  14642. %s: ai_follow_target_ai %s %s
  14643. %s: ai_follow_distance %s %.1f
  14644. %s: ai_conversation %s
  14645. %s: ai_conversation_stop %s
  14646. %s: ai_conversation_advance %s
  14647. ai_link_activation: cannot link to another encounter, MAXIMUM_ACTIVATION_LINK_INDICES_PER_ENCOUNTER is %d
  14648. %s: ai_link_activation %s %s
  14649. %s: ai_berserk %s
  14650. %s: ai_allow_dormant %s %s
  14651. %s: ai_magically_see_encounter %s %s
  14652. %s: ai_magically_see_players %s
  14653. \halopc\haloce\source\bitmaps\libtiff\tif_close.c
  14654. \halopc\haloce\source\bitmaps\libtiff\tif_dir.c
  14655. %ld: Bad value for "%s"
  14656. Internal error, tag value botch, tag "%s"
  14657. Cannot handle %ld-channel data
  14658. Bad value %ld for "%s" tag ignored
  14659. TIFFSetField
  14660. %s: Cannot modify tag "%s" while writing
  14661. TIFFVSetField
  14662. TIFFGetField1
  14663. Internal error, no value returned for tag "%s"
  14664. TIFFGetField
  14665. Unknown field, tag 0x%x
  14666. %s: Error fetching directory count
  14667. %s: Error fetching directory link
  14668. "%s": Bad mode
  14669. Cannot append to file that has opposite byte ordering
  14670. Not a TIFF file, bad version number %d (0x%x)
  14671. Not a TIFF file, bad magic number %d (0x%x)
  14672. Error writing TIFF header
  14673. Cannot read TIFF header
  14674. %s: Out of memory (TIFF structure)
  14675. \halopc\haloce\source\bitmaps\libtiff\tif_open.c
  14676. %s: Cannot open
  14677. \halopc\haloce\source\bitmaps\libtiff\tif_write.c
  14678. %s: No space for %s arrays
  14679. strip
  14680. tile
  14681. %s: Must set "PlanarConfiguration" before writing data
  14682. %s: Must set "ImageWidth" before writing data
  14683. Can not write scanlines to a tiled image
  14684. Can not write tiles to a stripped image
  14685. %s: File not open for writing
  14686. %s: No space for output buffer
  14687. %s: No space to expand strip arrays
  14688. td->td_planarconfig == PLANARCONFIG_CONTIG
  14689. %s: Write error at scanline %d
  14690. %s: Seek error at scanline %d
  14691. Compression algorithm does not support random access
  14692. %d: Sample out of range, max %d
  14693. Can not change "ImageLength" when using separate planes
  14694. %s: Strip %d out of range, max %d
  14695. %s: Tile %d out of range, max %d
  14696. %s: Read error at scanline %d
  14697. %s: Seek error at scanline %d, strip %d
  14698. %s: Read error at row %d, col %d
  14699. %s: Seek error at row %d, col %d, tile %d
  14700. %s: No space for data buffer at scanline %d
  14701. \halopc\haloce\source\bitmaps\libtiff\tif_read.c
  14702. Can not read scanlines from a tiled image
  14703. Can not read tiles from a stripped image
  14704. File not open for reading
  14705. %d: Strip out of range, max %d
  14706. %s: Data buffer too small to hold strip %d
  14707. %d: Tile out of range, max %d
  14708. %s: Data buffer too small to hold tile %d
  14709. %d: Row out of range, max %d
  14710. group->triangle_count==vertices_per_primitive-2
  14711. !has_lightmap
  14712. \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx9_transparent_geometry.c
  14713. ### ERROR rasterizer_transparent_geometry_group_draw failed
  14714. !dirty
  14715. IDirect3DDevice9_SetPixelShaderConstantF(global_d3d_device, 0, psh_constants__meter_colors, 6)
  14716. ### ERROR unsupported vertex type in for _shader_type_transparent_meter
  14717. IDirect3DDevice9_SetVertexShaderConstantF(global_d3d_device, VSH_CONSTANTS__TEXANIM_OFFSET, (float*)vsh_constants__texanim, 4)
  14718. IDirect3DDevice9_SetVertexShaderConstantF(global_d3d_device, VSH_CONSTANTS__INVERSE_OFFSET, (float*)vsh_constants__inverse, VSH_CONSTANTS__INVERSE_COUNT)
  14719. ### ERROR unsupported model effect type in transparent group
  14720. ### ERROR failed to allocate texcoord stream
  14721. IDirect3DVertexBuffer9_Unlock(rasterizer_dx9_transparent_geometry_texcoord_stream)
  14722. IDirect3DVertexBuffer9_Lock(rasterizer_dx9_transparent_geometry_texcoord_stream, 0, RASTERIZER_TRANSPARENT_GEOMETRY_TEXCOORD_STREAM_SIZE * ( 2 * sizeof( float ) ), (unsigned char**)&vertices, 0)
  14723. rasterizer_dx9_transparent_geometry_texcoord_stream
  14724. mounted_weapon
  14725. carrier_form
  14726. infection_form
  14727. combat_form
  14728. actor_type_definitions[actor_type]->when_to_search_pursuit < NUMBER_OF_ACTOR_PURSUIT_SETTINGS
  14729. actor_type_definitions[actor_type]->when_to_pursue < NUMBER_OF_ACTOR_PURSUIT_SETTINGS
  14730. actor_type_definitions[actor_type]->when_to_search_at_target < NUMBER_OF_ACTOR_PURSUIT_SETTINGS
  14731. actor_type_definitions[actor_type]->decide_action
  14732. actor_type_definitions[actor_type]->name
  14733. actor_type_definitions[actor_type]
  14734. actor_type>=0 && actor_type<NUMBER_OF_ACTOR_TYPES
  14735. c:\halopc\haloce\source\ai\actor_type_definitions.h
  14736. actor_type_definition->decide_action
  14737. \halopc\haloce\source\ai\actor_types.c
  14738. actor_type_definition->swarm_control
  14739. actor_type_definition->swarm
  14740. WARNING: object_create - '%s' already exists
  14741. ### ERROR a script tried to delete the player (or the horse he rode in on, or his six-shooter)
  14742. \halopc\haloce\source\hs\hs_library_external.c
  14743. the sound '%s' does not exist
  14744. &flag->position
  14745. %s reference
  14746. list object
  14747. object list header
  14748. list->reference_count==0
  14749. \halopc\haloce\source\hs\object_lists.c
  14750. list->reference_count>0
  14751. structure_radiosity_initial_subdivision
  14752. structure_radiosity_iteration_find_light
  14753. ???>Q?
  14754. #=R?p>
  14755. <(?
  14756. ?structure_radiosity_shoot_at_vertex
  14757. structure_radiosity_iteration_subdivide
  14758. structure_radiosity_iteration_shoot_at_class
  14759. structure_radiosity_iteration_reset
  14760. structure_radiosity_iteration
  14761. structure_radiosity_add_fake_lights
  14762. couldn't save.
  14763. you need to check out the scenario structure bsp and bitmap tags to generate lightmaps.
  14764. extract failed
  14765. too many vertices in a material
  14766. there are no lightmapped triangles on the map
  14767. smooth triangle group too big for page
  14768. edge has more than four triangles (see red in error geometry)
  14769. degenerate triangle [or triangle with bad uvs] (see blue in error geometry)
  14770. quality>=0 && quality<NUMBER_OF_RADIOSITY_QUALITIES
  14771. \halopc\haloce\source\structures\radiosity\radiosity.c
  14772. radiosity error: %s %s
  14773. error_code>=0 && error_code<NUMBER_OF_RADIOSITY_ERRORS
  14774. radiosity_error_code==_radiosity_error_none
  14775. !radiosity_error
  14776. !in->marker_initialized
  14777. in->marker_initialized
  14778. radiosity form factor (%f %f %f) outside bounds
  14779. G?in->source_group_index==NONE
  14780. valid_real_rgb_spectrum(&in->total_delta_radiosity)
  14781. valid_real_rgb_spectrum(&patch->delta_radiosity)
  14782. patch_indices[patch_index_index]>=0 && patch_indices[patch_index_index]<old_patch_count
  14783. segment_lengths[edge_index]
  14784. element->maximum_segment_length>0.f
  14785. valid_real_rgb_spectrum(irradiance)
  14786. valid_radiosity_in(in)
  14787. new_patch_count<=group->patches.count
  14788. !DYNAMIC_ARRAY_CONTAINS_POINTER(&patch->elements, element)
  14789. !generate_patches || !DYNAMIC_ARRAY_CONTAINS_POINTER(&group->patches, element)
  14790. &vertex->incident_luminence
  14791. &test_vertex.normal
  14792. &test_vertex.point
  14793. !DYNAMIC_ARRAY_CONTAINS_POINTER(&group->vertices, element_vertex1)
  14794. !DYNAMIC_ARRAY_CONTAINS_POINTER(&group->vertices, element_vertex0)
  14795. &v1->normal
  14796. &v1->point
  14797. &v0->normal
  14798. &v0->point
  14799. fraction>0.f && fraction<1.f
  14800. in
  14801. target_vertex->magic_number==in->magic_number
  14802. target_vertex
  14803. segment_count>0
  14804. element_vertex1->index>=0 && element_vertex1->index<group->vertices.count
  14805. element_vertex0->index>=0 && element_vertex0->index<group->vertices.count
  14806. valid_real_rgb_spectrum(&vertex->delta_irradiance)
  14807. target_element
  14808. element_delta_irradiance
  14809. shortest_edge_index!=longest_edge_index
  14810. element->maximum_segment_length>=radiosity_qualities[global_radiosity_quality].surface_constants[0].minimum_maximum_side_length
  14811. valid_real_rgb_spectrum(&element_delta_irradiance)
  14812. valid_real_rgb_spectrum(&target_patch->delta_radiosity)
  14813. target_patch->base.area>0.f
  14814. target_element->area>0.f
  14815. |n|n|n%f %f %f
  14816. |n|n|n%d
  14817. ### ERROR failed to clear lens flares and/or markers from structure_bsp
  14818. done
  14819. ### ERROR failed to allocate temporary buffers for lens flare placement
  14820. ### ERROR failed to sort lens flare markers by cluster (out of memory)
  14821. ### ERROR failed to resize lens flare marker block
  14822. ### WARNING failed to add lens flare marker to structure_bsp (max=#%d)
  14824. cluster->first_lens_flare_marker_index+cluster->lens_flare_marker_count<=structure_bsp->lens_flare_markers.count
  14825. cluster->first_lens_flare_marker_index<structure_bsp->lens_flare_markers.count
  14826. cluster_index<temp_markers[marker_index].cluster_index
  14827. ### WARNING failed to add lens flare to structure_bsp (max=#%d)
  14828. surface->vertex_indices[2]>=0 && surface->vertex_indices[2]<material->vertices.count
  14829. surface->vertex_indices[1]>=0 && surface->vertex_indices[1]<material->vertices.count
  14830. surface->vertex_indices[0]>=0 && surface->vertex_indices[0]<material->vertices.count
  14831. building structure lens flares...
  14832. structure_bsp
  14833. \halopc\haloce\source\structures\structure_lens_flares.c
  14834. model_mask_none
  14835. model_mask_reflection
  14836. model_mask_multipurpose
  14837. model_mask_change_color
  14838. model_mask_self_illumination
  14839. model_environment
  14840. screen_effect
  14841. transparent_glass_diffuse
  14842. active_camouflage_draw
  14843. transparent_water_bumpmap_convolution
  14844. effect_normal_tint_multiply_add
  14845. effect_normal_tint_multiply
  14846. effect_normal_tint_double_multiply
  14847. effect_normal_tint_alpha_blend
  14848. effect_normal_tint_add
  14849. effect_normal_tint
  14850. effect_nonlinear_tint_multiply_add
  14851. effect_nonlinear_tint_multiply
  14852. effect_nonlinear_tint_double_multiply
  14853. effect_nonlinear_tint_alpha_blend
  14854. effect_nonlinear_tint_add
  14855. effect_nonlinear_tint
  14856. effect_multitexture_normal_tint_multiply_add
  14857. effect_multitexture_normal_tint_multiply
  14858. effect_multitexture_normal_tint_double_multiply
  14859. effect_multitexture_normal_tint_alpha_blend
  14860. effect_multitexture_normal_tint_add
  14861. effect_multitexture_normal_tint
  14862. effect_multitexture_nonlinear_tint_multiply_add
  14863. effect_multitexture_nonlinear_tint_multiply
  14864. effect_multitexture_nonlinear_tint_double_multiply
  14865. effect_multitexture_nonlinear_tint_alpha_blend
  14866. effect_multitexture_nonlinear_tint_add
  14867. effect_multitexture_nonlinear_tint
  14868. sun_glow_draw
  14869. sun_glow_convolve
  14870. screen_meter
  14871. screen_multitexture_subtract_subtract
  14872. screen_multitexture_subtract_multiply2x
  14873. screen_multitexture_subtract_multiply
  14874. screen_multitexture_subtract_dot
  14875. screen_multitexture_subtract_add
  14876. screen_multitexture_multiply2x_subtract
  14877. screen_multitexture_multiply2x_multiply2x
  14878. screen_multitexture_multiply2x_multiply
  14879. screen_multitexture_multiply2x_dot
  14880. screen_multitexture_multiply2x_add
  14881. screen_multitexture_multiply_subtract
  14882. screen_multitexture_multiply_multiply2x
  14883. screen_multitexture_multiply_multiply
  14884. screen_multitexture_multiply_dot
  14885. screen_multitexture_multiply_add
  14886. screen_multitexture_dot_subtract
  14887. screen_multitexture_dot_multiply2x
  14888. screen_multitexture_dot_multiply
  14889. screen_multitexture_dot_dot
  14890. screen_multitexture_dot_add
  14891. screen_multitexture_add_subtract
  14892. screen_multitexture_add_multiply2x
  14893. screen_multitexture_add_multiply
  14894. screen_multitexture_add_dot
  14895. screen_multitexture_add_add
  14896. screen_normal
  14897. widget_sprite
  14898. shadow_convolve
  14899. transparent_plasma
  14900. environment_specular_lightmap_bumped
  14901. environment_specular_lightmap_flat
  14902. environment_specular_light_bumped
  14903. environment_specular_light_flat
  14904. environment_reflection_mirror_flat_specular
  14905. environment_reflection_mirror_flat
  14906. environment_reflection_mirror_bumped
  14907. environment_reflection_flat_specular
  14908. environment_texture_specular_mask_biased_add_biased_add
  14909. environment_texture_specular_mask_biased_add_multiply
  14910. environment_texture_specular_mask_biased_add_biased_multiply
  14911. environment_texture_specular_mask_multiply_biased_add
  14912. environment_texture_specular_mask_multiply_multiply
  14913. environment_texture_specular_mask_multiply_biased_multiply
  14914. environment_texture_specular_mask_biased_multiply_biased_add
  14915. environment_texture_specular_mask_biased_multiply_multiply
  14916. environment_texture_specular_mask_biased_multiply_biased_multiply
  14917. environment_texture_blended_biased_add_biased_add
  14918. environment_texture_blended_biased_add_multiply
  14919. environment_texture_blended_biased_add_biased_multiply
  14920. environment_texture_blended_multiply_biased_add
  14921. environment_texture_blended_multiply_multiply
  14922. environment_texture_blended_multiply_biased_multiply
  14923. environment_texture_blended_biased_multiply_biased_add
  14924. environment_texture_blended_biased_multiply_multiply
  14925. environment_texture_blended_biased_multiply_biased_multiply
  14926. environment_texture_normal_biased_add_biased_add
  14927. environment_texture_normal_biased_add_multiply
  14928. environment_texture_normal_biased_add_biased_multiply
  14929. environment_texture_normal_multiply_biased_add
  14930. environment_texture_normal_multiply_multiply
  14931. environment_texture_normal_multiply_biased_multiply
  14932. environment_texture_normal_biased_multiply_biased_add
  14933. environment_texture_normal_biased_multiply_multiply
  14934. environment_texture_normal_biased_multiply_biased_multiply
  14935. environment_diffuse_lights
  14936. environment_lightmap_no_illumination_no_lightmap
  14937. environment_lightmap_no_illumination
  14938. environment_lightmap_no_lightmap
  14939. environment_lightmap_normal
  14940. (shader_index >= 0) && (shader_index < NUMBER_OF_SHADERS)
  14941. \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx9_shaders.c
  14942. NULL != effect->pixel_shaders
  14943. NULL != rasterizer_dx9_effect_collection.effects
  14944. shaders\EffectCollection_ps_%d_%d.enc
  14945. PS_%s_ps_%d_%d
  14946. ???<?<??<?<?### ERROR rasterizer_sun_glow_copy_source failed
  14947. IDirect3DDevice9_DrawPrimitiveUP(global_d3d_device, D3DPT_TRIANGLEFAN, 2, vertex_data, sizeof( struct dynamic_unlit_vertex ))
  14948. \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx9_lights.c
  14949. ### ERROR rasterizer_sun_glow_convolve failed
  14950. IDirect3DDevice9_SetPixelShaderConstantF(global_d3d_device, 0, psh_constants, 1)
  14951. secondary_target>=0 && secondary_target<NUMBER_OF_RASTERIZER_TARGETS
  14952. primary_target>=0 && primary_target<NUMBER_OF_RASTERIZER_TARGETS
  14953. ### ERROR rasterizer_sun_glow_draw failed
  14954. B
  14955. ### ERROR fixed_function_d3d_light_count >= global_d3d_caps.MaxActiveLights
  14956. IDirect3DDevice9_LightEnable(global_d3d_device, rasterizer_lights.fixed_function_d3d_light_count, TRUE)
  14957. IDirect3DDevice9_SetLight(global_d3d_device, rasterizer_lights.fixed_function_d3d_light_count, &d3d_light)
  14958. d:\r-prof.txt
  14959. ### ERROR out of memory
  14960. \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\rasterizer_frame_statistics.c
  14961. rasterizer_frame_statistics_temp_buffer
  14963. DIP UP VERTS
  14964. DP UP VERTS
  14965. DIP VERTS
  14966. DP VERTS
  14967. DIP UP
  14968. DP UP
  14969. DIP
  14970. DP
  14971. FPS
  14972. /C
  14973. pB
  14974. ;BBindex < FG_NUM_GRAPHS
  14975. index < FG_NUM_INFOS
  14976. average total frame time= %.2f msecs
  14977. ----
  14978. %6.2f
  14979. ### ERROR failed to open rasterizer profile log (%s)
  14980. |tsystem available|t%dKb
  14981. |n|tsystem total|t%dKb
  14982. |n|ttotal|t%d (%d)
  14983. |t%s|t%d
  14984. vertex shaders|t~35k last i checked
  14985. debug geometry*
  14986. motion sensor buffers*
  14987. water buffers
  14988. sun glow buffers*
  14989. shadow buffers
  14990. mirror buffers (includes z-buffer*)
  14991. bump map palette
  14992. transparent geometry groups
  14993. dynamic triangles
  14994. dynamic vertices (detail objects)
  14995. dynamic vertices (model)
  14996. dynamic vertices (screen)
  14997. dynamic vertices (lit*)
  14998. dynamic vertices (unlit)
  14999. |tallocation|tmemory usage (bytes)
  15000. |ttotal|t%.2f|t%d|n
  15001. |t%s|t----|t0
  15002. |t%s|t%.2f|t%d
  15003. |tGPU profile|ttime (msecs)|tdata (bytes)
  15004. |t%d dynamic lights|n|t%d lens flares|n
  15005. |tdynamic geometry|t%d/%d|t%d/%d|n
  15006. |tdecals|t%d|t%d|t%d|n
  15007. |tsolid|t%d|t%d|t%d|n|ttransparent|t%d|t%d/%d|t%d|n
  15008. |tmodels (%d)|t%d|t%d|t%d
  15009. |tmodel shadows (%d)|t%d|t%d|t%d
  15010. |tlightmaps|t%d|t%d|t%d|n|tshadows (%d)|t%d|t%d|t%d|n|tlights|t%d|t%d|t%d|n|ttextures|t%d|t%d|t%d|n|tlights specular|t%d|t%d|t%d|n|tlightmaps specular|t%d|t%d|t%d|n|tlightmaps ref.mask|t%d|t%d|t%d|n|treflections|t%d|t%d|t%d|n|ttransparent|t%d|t%d/%d|t%d|n|tfog|t%d|t%d|t%d|n
  15011. |tenvironment|t%d|t%d|t%d
  15012. |ttotal|t%d|t%d|t%d|n
  15013. |t|tvertices|ttriangles|tprimitives
  15014. |tlocal_player_count|t%d|n|tmain_get_window_count|t%d|n
  15015. |tskinning|t%d|n|tlighting|t%d|n|tvertex shaders|t%d|n
  15016. |tfogged|t%d|n|tnormal|t%d|n|tfast|t%d|n|tscenery|t%d|n
  15017. |t%.0f|t%.0f|t%.0f|t%.0f|t%5.1f%%|n
  15018. |t%.0f|t%.0f/%.0f|t%.0f|t%.0f|t%5.1f%%|n
  15019. |n|tframerate|taverage (of %d)|tmin|tmax|tdropped
  15020. debug_sound
  15021. sv_tk_ban
  15022. sv_public
  15023. sv_mapcycle_timeout
  15024. cheat_medusa
  15025. cheat_super_jump
  15026. cheat_bottomless_clip
  15027. cheat_deathless_player
  15028. multiplayer_draw_teammates_names
  15029. rasterizer_fps
  15030. mouse_acceleration
  15031. rasterizer_wireframe
  15032. rasterizer_fog_plane
  15033. rasterizer_fog_atmosphere
  15034. rasterizer_environment_diffuse_textures
  15035. developer_mode
  15036. hud_filter
  15037. run_game_scripts
  15038. slow_server_startup_safety_zone_in_seconds
  15039. global_connection_dont_timeout
  15040. allow_out_of_sync
  15041. error_suppress_all
  15042. find_all_fucked_up_shit
  15043. debug_player_color
  15044. debug_recording_newlines
  15045. debug_recording
  15046. director_camera_switching
  15047. director_camera_switch_fast
  15048. texture_cache_list
  15049. texture_cache_graph
  15050. debug_player_teleport
  15051. player_magnetism
  15052. player_autoaim
  15053. controls_swap_doubled_spin_state
  15054. controls_enable_doubled_spin
  15055. controls_swapped
  15056. controls_enable_crouch
  15057. ai_fix_actor_variants
  15058. ai_fix_defending_guard_firing_positions
  15059. ai_debug_path_disable_obstacle_avoidance
  15060. ai_debug_path_disable_smoothing
  15061. ai_debug_force_crouch
  15062. ai_debug_force_vocalizations
  15063. ai_debug_disable_wounded_sounds
  15064. ai_debug_force_all_active
  15065. ai_debug_flee_always
  15066. ai_debug_ignore_player
  15067. ai_debug_invisible_player
  15068. ai_debug_deaf
  15069. ai_debug_blind
  15070. ai_debug_communication_focus_enable
  15071. ai_debug_communication_unit_repeat_disabled
  15072. ai_debug_communication_timeout_disabled
  15073. ai_debug_communication_random_disabled
  15074. ai_debug_ballistic_lineoffire_freeze
  15075. ai_debug_path_accept_radius
  15076. ai_debug_path_attractor_weight
  15077. ai_debug_path_attractor_radius
  15078. ai_debug_path_attractor
  15079. ai_debug_path_maximum_radius
  15080. ai_debug_path_flood
  15081. ai_debug_path_end_freeze
  15082. ai_debug_path_start_freeze
  15083. ai_debug_path
  15084. ai_debug_evaluate_all_positions
  15085. ai_debug_oversteer_disable
  15086. ai_debug_fast_los
  15087. ai_print_uncovering
  15088. ai_print_bsp_transition
  15089. ai_print_unfinished_paths
  15090. ai_print_acknowledgement
  15091. ai_print_killing_sprees
  15092. ai_print_conversations
  15093. ai_print_oversteer
  15094. ai_print_secondary_looking
  15095. ai_print_damage_modifiers
  15096. ai_print_command_lists
  15097. ai_print_surprise
  15098. ai_print_scripting
  15099. ai_print_automatic_migration
  15100. ai_print_migration
  15101. ai_print_lost_speech
  15102. ai_print_allegiance
  15103. ai_print_speech_timers
  15104. ai_print_speech
  15105. ai_print_placement
  15106. ai_print_vocalizations
  15107. ai_print_communication_player
  15108. ai_print_communication
  15109. ai_print_evaluation_statistics
  15110. ai_print_respawn
  15111. ai_print_major_upgrade
  15112. ai_print_rule_values
  15113. ai_print_rules
  15114. ai_print_pursuit_checks
  15115. ai_render_postcombat
  15116. ai_render_vector_avoidance_intermediate
  15117. ai_render_vector_avoidance_objects
  15118. ai_render_vector_avoidance_weights
  15119. ai_render_vector_avoidance_clear_time
  15120. ai_render_vector_avoidance_avoid_t
  15121. ai_render_vector_avoidance_sense_t
  15122. ai_render_vector_avoidance_rays
  15123. ai_render_vector_avoidance
  15124. ai_render_player_aiming_blocked
  15125. ai_render_paths_nodes_closest
  15126. ai_render_paths_nodes_costs
  15127. ai_render_paths_nodes_polygons
  15128. ai_render_paths_nodes_all
  15129. ai_render_paths_nodes
  15130. ai_render_paths_avoidance_search
  15131. ai_render_paths_avoidance_obstacles
  15132. ai_render_paths_avoidance_segment
  15133. ai_render_paths_avoided
  15134. ai_render_paths_smoothed
  15135. ai_render_paths_failed
  15136. ai_render_paths_current
  15137. ai_render_paths_raw
  15138. ai_render_paths_destination
  15139. ai_render_paths_selected_only
  15140. ai_render_paths
  15141. ai_render_activation
  15142. ai_render_control
  15143. ai_render_charge_decisions
  15144. ai_render_danger_zones
  15145. ai_render_grenade_decisions
  15146. ai_render_dialogue_variants
  15147. ai_render_melee_check
  15148. ai_render_vehicles_enterable
  15149. ai_render_vehicle_avoidance
  15150. ai_render_burst_geometry
  15151. ai_render_gun_positions
  15152. ai_render_firing_positions
  15153. ai_render_spatial_effects
  15154. ai_render_player_ratings
  15155. ai_render_teams
  15156. ai_render_speech
  15157. ai_render_aiming_validity
  15158. ai_render_projectile_aiming
  15159. ai_render_trigger
  15160. ai_render_shooting
  15161. ai_render_pursuit
  15162. ai_render_evaluations
  15163. ai_render_active_cover_seeking
  15164. ai_render_vitality
  15165. ai_render_states
  15166. ai_render_targets_last_visible
  15167. ai_render_targets
  15168. ai_render_secondary_looking
  15169. ai_render_aiming_vectors
  15170. ai_render_audibility
  15171. ai_render_emotions
  15172. ai_render_threats
  15173. ai_render_recent_damage
  15174. ai_render_support_surfaces
  15175. ai_render_idle_look
  15176. ai_render_props_target_weight
  15177. ai_render_props_unopposable
  15178. ai_render_props_unreachable
  15179. ai_render_props_no_friends
  15180. ai_render_props_web
  15181. ai_render_props
  15182. ai_render_detailed_state
  15183. ai_render_current_state
  15184. ai_render_vision_cones
  15185. ai_render_encounter_activeregion
  15186. ai_render_ballistic_lineoffire
  15187. ai_render_lineofsight
  15188. ai_render_lineoffire
  15189. ai_render_lineoffire_crouching
  15190. ai_render_inactive_actors
  15191. ai_render_all_actors
  15192. ai_render
  15193. ai_show_sound_distance
  15194. ai_show_prop_types
  15195. ai_show_line_of_sight
  15196. ai_show_paths
  15197. ai_show_swarms
  15198. ai_show_actors
  15199. ai_show_stats
  15200. ai_show
  15201. ai_profile_random
  15202. ai_profile_disable
  15203. vehicle_incremental_rate
  15204. weather
  15205. debug_material_effects
  15206. debug_collision_skip_vectors
  15207. debug_collision_skip_objects
  15208. debug_biped_limp_body_disable
  15209. debug_biped_skip_collision
  15210. debug_biped_skip_update
  15211. debug_biped_physics
  15212. debug_lights
  15213. debug_object_lights
  15214. debug_decals
  15215. breakable_surfaces
  15216. debug_fog_planes
  15217. debug_permanent_decals
  15218. debug_input
  15219. debug_bsp
  15220. debug_structure
  15221. debug_player
  15222. debug_camera
  15223. debug_obstacle_path_goal_surface_index
  15224. debug_obstacle_path_goal_point_y
  15225. debug_obstacle_path_goal_point_x
  15226. debug_obstacle_path_start_surface_index
  15227. debug_obstacle_path_start_point_y
  15228. debug_obstacle_path_start_point_x
  15229. debug_obstacle_path_on_failure
  15230. debug_obstacle_path
  15231. collision_debug_phantom_bsp
  15232. collision_debug_height
  15233. collision_debug_width
  15234. collision_debug_length
  15235. collision_debug_vector_k
  15236. collision_debug_vector_j
  15237. collision_debug_vector_i
  15238. collision_debug_point_z
  15239. collision_debug_point_y
  15240. collision_debug_point_x
  15241. collision_debug_flag_use_vehicle_physics
  15242. collision_debug_flag_skip_passthrough_bipeds
  15243. collision_debug_flag_try_to_keep_location_valid
  15244. collision_debug_flag_objects_placeholders
  15245. collision_debug_flag_objects_light_fixtures
  15246. collision_debug_flag_objects_controls
  15247. collision_debug_flag_objects_machines
  15248. collision_debug_flag_objects_scenery
  15249. collision_debug_flag_objects_projectiles
  15250. collision_debug_flag_objects_equipment
  15251. collision_debug_flag_objects_weapons
  15252. collision_debug_flag_objects_vehicles
  15253. collision_debug_flag_objects_bipeds
  15254. collision_debug_flag_objects
  15255. collision_debug_flag_media
  15256. collision_debug_flag_structure
  15257. collision_debug_flag_ignore_breakable_surfaces
  15258. collision_debug_flag_ignore_invisible_surfaces
  15259. collision_debug_flag_ignore_two_sided_surfaces
  15260. collision_debug_flag_back_facing_surfaces
  15261. collision_debug_flag_front_facing_surfaces
  15262. collision_debug_repeat
  15263. collision_debug_features
  15264. collision_debug_spray
  15265. collision_debug
  15266. debug_motion_sensor_draw_all_units
  15267. debug_physics_disable_penetration_freeze
  15268. debug_point_physics
  15269. debug_trigger_volumes
  15270. debug_scripting
  15271. debug_damage
  15272. render_shadows
  15273. render_model_no_geometry
  15274. render_model_markers
  15275. render_model_index_counts
  15276. render_model_vertex_counts
  15277. render_model_nodes
  15278. debug_objects_equipment_messages
  15279. debug_objects_projectile_messages
  15280. debug_objects_weapon_messages
  15281. debug_objects_vehicle_messages
  15282. debug_objects_biped_messages
  15283. debug_objects_devices
  15284. debug_objects_vehicle_powered_mass_points
  15285. debug_objects_biped_autoaim_pills
  15286. debug_objects_biped_physics_pills
  15287. debug_objects_unit_mouth_apeture
  15288. debug_objects_unit_seats
  15289. debug_objects_unit_vectors
  15290. debug_objects_pathfinding_spheres
  15291. debug_objects_names
  15292. debug_objects_physics
  15293. debug_objects_collision_models
  15294. debug_objects_bounding_spheres
  15295. debug_objects_root_node
  15296. debug_objects_position_velocity
  15297. debug_objects
  15298. render_wsystems
  15299. render_psystems
  15300. render_contrails
  15301. debug_inactive_objects
  15302. debug_sprites
  15303. debug_portals
  15304. model_animation_bullshit3
  15305. model_animation_bullshit2
  15306. model_animation_bullshit1
  15307. model_animation_bullshit0
  15308. model_animation_data_compression_savings_in_percent
  15309. model_animation_data_compression_savings_in_bytes_at_import
  15310. model_animation_data_compression_savings_in_bytes
  15311. model_animation_data_uncompressed_size
  15312. model_animation_data_compressed_size
  15313. model_animation_compression
  15314. profile_dump_lost_frames
  15315. profile_dump_frames
  15316. profile_timebase_ticks
  15317. profile_display
  15318. profile_graph
  15319. collision_log_time
  15320. collision_log_totals_only
  15321. collision_log_extended
  15322. collision_log_detailed
  15323. collision_log_render
  15324. cl_remote_player_action_queue_tick_limit
  15325. cl_remote_player_action_queue_limit
  15326. sv_client_action_queue_tick_limit
  15327. sv_client_action_queue_limit
  15328. multiplayer_hit_sound_volume
  15329. speed_hack_log_level
  15330. speed_hack_detection
  15331. debug_score
  15332. remote_player_log_level
  15333. local_player_log_level
  15334. client_log_destination
  15335. log_server_player_update_history
  15336. use_new_vehicle_update_scheme
  15337. use_super_remote_players_action_update
  15338. remote_player_vehicle_baseline_update_rate
  15339. remote_player_vehicle_update_rate
  15340. remote_player_position_baseline_update_rate
  15341. remote_player_position_update_rate
  15342. remote_player_action_baseline_update_rate
  15343. remote_player_action_update_rate
  15344. local_player_vehicle_update_rate
  15345. local_player_update_rate
  15346. biped_incremental_rate
  15347. stun_enable
  15348. rider_ejection
  15349. object_light_interpolate
  15350. object_light_secondary_scale
  15351. object_light_ambient_scale
  15352. object_light_ambient_base
  15353. debug_sound_environment
  15354. sound_obstruction_ratio
  15355. debug_sound_cache_graph
  15356. sound_cache_size
  15357. sound_gain_under_dialog
  15358. loud_dialog_hack
  15359. debug_sound_hardware
  15360. debug_sound_channels_detail
  15361. debug_sound_channels
  15362. debug_looping_sound
  15363. debug_sound_cache
  15364. debug_effects_nonviolent
  15365. effects_corpse_nonviolent
  15366. cheat_controller
  15367. cheat_omnipotent
  15368. cheat_reflexive_damage_effects
  15369. cheat_bump_possession
  15370. cheat_infinite_ammo
  15371. cheat_jetpack
  15372. debug_damage_taken
  15373. debug_unit_illumination
  15374. debug_unit_animations
  15375. debug_unit_all_animations
  15376. object_prediction
  15377. debug_leaf_portals
  15378. debug_leaf_portal_index
  15379. debug_leaf_index
  15380. debug_input_target
  15381. debug_no_drawing
  15382. debug_render_freeze
  15383. debug_object_garbage_collection
  15384. temporary_hud
  15385. texture_cache_size
  15386. debug_texture_cache
  15387. debug_detail_objects
  15388. structures_use_pvs_for_vs
  15389. radiosity_normals
  15390. radiosity_lines
  15391. radiosity_step_count
  15392. radiosity_quality
  15393. recover_saved_games_hack
  15394. debug_bink
  15395. debug_frustum
  15396. debug_no_frustum_clip
  15397. rasterizer_d3dlight_attenuation2
  15398. rasterizer_d3dlight_attenuation1
  15399. rasterizer_d3dlight_attenuation0
  15400. rasterizer_d3dlight_falloff
  15401. rasterizer_d3dlight_phi
  15402. rasterizer_d3dlight_theta
  15403. rasterizer_effects_level
  15404. rasterizer_transparent_pixel_counter
  15405. f5
  15406. f4
  15407. f3
  15408. f2
  15409. f1
  15410. f0
  15411. pad3_scale
  15412. pad3
  15413. rasterizer_profile_objectlock_time
  15414. rasterizer_profile_print_locks
  15415. rasterizer_splitscreen_VB_optimization
  15416. rasterizer_filthy_decal_fog_hack
  15417. rasterizer_zsprites
  15418. freeze_flying_camera
  15419. rasterizer_safe_frame_bounds
  15420. force_all_player_views_to_default_player
  15421. rasterizer_zoffset
  15422. rasterizer_zbias
  15423. rasterizer_detail_objects_offset_multiplier
  15424. rasterizer_profile_log
  15425. rasterizer_secondary_render_target_debug
  15426. rasterizer_soft_filter
  15427. rasterizer_DXTC_noise
  15428. rasterizer_screen_effects
  15429. rasterizer_screen_flashes
  15430. rasterizer_ray_of_buddha
  15431. rasterizer_lens_flares_occlusion_debug
  15432. rasterizer_lens_flares_occlusion
  15433. rasterizer_plasma_energy
  15434. rasterizer_active_camouflage_multipass
  15435. rasterizer_active_camouflage
  15436. rasterizer_water_mipmapping
  15437. rasterizer_shadows_debug
  15438. rasterizer_shadows_convolution
  15439. rasterizer_environment_specular_mask
  15440. rasterizer_environment_alpha_testing
  15441. rasterizer_model_lighting_ambient
  15442. rasterizer_lightmaps_filtering
  15443. rasterizer_lightmaps_incident_radiosity
  15444. rasterizer_lightmap_mode
  15445. rasterizer_lightmap_ambient
  15446. rasterizer_bump_mapping
  15447. rasterizer_debug_geometry_multipass
  15448. rasterizer_debug_geometry
  15449. rasterizer_detail_objects
  15450. rasterizer_hud_motion_sensor
  15451. rasterizer_dynamic_screen_geometry
  15452. rasterizer_dynamic_lit_geometry
  15453. rasterizer_dynamic_unlit_geometry
  15454. rasterizer_lens_flares
  15455. rasterizer_water
  15456. rasterizer_environment_fog_screen
  15457. rasterizer_environment_fog
  15458. rasterizer_environment_transparents
  15459. rasterizer_environment_reflections
  15460. rasterizer_environment_reflection_mirrors
  15461. rasterizer_environment_reflection_lightmap_mask
  15462. rasterizer_environment_specular_lightmaps
  15463. rasterizer_environment_specular_lights
  15464. rasterizer_environment_decals
  15465. rasterizer_environment_diffuse_lights
  15466. rasterizer_environment_shadows
  15467. rasterizer_environment_lightmaps
  15468. rasterizer_environment
  15469. rasterizer_stencil_mask
  15470. rasterizer_draw_first_person_weapon_first
  15471. rasterizer_model_transparents
  15472. rasterizer_models
  15473. rasterizer_debug_meter_shader
  15474. rasterizer_debug_transparents
  15475. rasterizer_debug_model_lod
  15476. rasterizer_debug_model_vertices
  15477. rasterizer_smart
  15478. rasterizer_mode
  15479. rasterizer_stats
  15480. rasterizer_frame_bounds_bottom
  15481. rasterizer_frame_bounds_top
  15482. rasterizer_frame_bounds_right
  15483. rasterizer_frame_bounds_left
  15484. rasterizer_refresh_rate
  15485. rasterizer_framerate_stabilization
  15486. rasterizer_framerate_throttle
  15487. rasterizer_floating_point_zbuffer
  15488. rasterizer_first_person_weapon_far_clip_distance
  15489. rasterizer_first_person_weapon_near_clip_distance
  15490. rasterizer_far_clip_distance
  15491. rasterizer_near_clip_distance
  15492. console_dump_to_file
  15493. terminal_render
  15494. oddball_baseline_rate
  15495. projectile_incremental_rate
  15496. equipment_incremental_rate
  15497. weapon_incremental_rate
  15498. allow_client_side_weapon_projectiles
  15499. net_graph_period
  15500. net_graph_enabled
  15501. network_connect_timeout
  15502. net_bandwidth
  15503. leaf_to_leaf_latency
  15504. transport_dumping
  15505. debug_game_save
  15506. display_precache_progress
  15507. display_framerate
  15508. debug_framerate
  15509. framerate_lock
  15510. framerate_throttle
  15511. player_spawn_count
  15512. screenshot_count
  15513. screenshot_size
  15514. ### ERROR rasterizer_water_build_bumpmap failed
  15515. IDirect3DDevice9_SetPixelShaderConstantF(global_d3d_device, 0, (float*)psh_constants, 4)
  15516. ripples[ripple_index].map_repeats>0
  15517. ripples[2].contibution_factor + ripples[3].contibution_factor>0.0f
  15518. ripples[0].contibution_factor + ripples[1].contibution_factor>0.0f
  15519. \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx9_water.c
  15520. ### ERROR rasterizer_water_draw failed
  15521. ### ERROR unsupported vertex type in for _shader_type_transparent_water
  15522. ### ERROR unsupported vertex type in for _shader_type_transparent_glass
  15523. \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx9_glass.c
  15524. IDirect3DDevice9_SetPixelShaderConstantF( global_d3d_device, 0, psh_constants, 3)
  15525. reflection_type>=0 && reflection_type<NUMBER_OF_SHADER_TRANSPARENT_GLASS_REFLECTION_TYPES
  15526. ### ERROR rasterizer failed to allocate global memory pool
  15527. \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\rasterizer_memory_pool.c
  15528. ### ERROR rasterizer memory pool exceeded
  15529. height != NULL
  15530. width != NULL
  15532. \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx9_render_targets.c
  15533. ### ERROR rasterizer_render_targets_initialize failed
  15534. IDirect3DDevice9_CreateVertexBuffer(global_d3d_device, 4 * vSize, usage_flags, FVF_PRETRANSFORMED_SCREENSPACE, pool_type, &render_target_d3d_vertex_buffer, NULL)
  15535. IDirect3DIndexBuffer9_Unlock(render_target_d3d_index_buffer)
  15536. IDirect3DIndexBuffer9_Lock(render_target_d3d_index_buffer, 0, 4, &pIndices, 0)
  15537. IDirect3DDevice9_CreateIndexBuffer(global_d3d_device, 8, usage_flags, D3DFMT_INDEX16, pool_type, &render_target_d3d_index_buffer, NULL)
  15538. IDirect3DTexture9_GetSurfaceLevel(global_render_targets[index].texture, 0, &global_render_targets[index].surface)
  15539. IDirect3DDevice9_CreateTexture(global_d3d_device, global_render_targets[index].width, global_render_targets[index].height, 1, D3DUSAGE_RENDERTARGET, global_render_targets[index].format, D3DPOOL_DEFAULT, &global_render_targets[index].texture, NULL)
  15540. IDirect3DSurface9_GetDesc( global_render_targets[_rasterizer_target_render_d3d].surface, &surface_desc)
  15541. IDirect3DDevice9_GetRenderTarget(global_d3d_device, 0, &global_render_targets[_rasterizer_target_render_d3d].surface)
  15542. IDirect3DSurface9_GetDesc( global_render_targets[_rasterizer_target_render_primary].surface, &surface_desc)
  15543. IDirect3DDevice9_GetRenderTarget(global_d3d_device, 0, &global_render_targets[_rasterizer_target_render_primary].surface)
  15544. IDirect3DTexture9_Release(global_render_targets[index].texture)
  15545. IDirect3DSurface9_Release(global_render_targets[index].surface)
  15546. ### ERROR unsupported rasterizer target
  15547. ### ERROR unsupported render target
  15548. ### ERROR rasterizer_set_target failed
  15549. IDirect3DDevice9_Clear(global_d3d_device, 0, NULL, flags, background_color, 1.0f, 0x00)
  15550. IDirect3DSurface9_GetDesc(d3d_surface, &d3d_surface_desc)
  15551. IDirect3DDevice9_SetRenderTarget(global_d3d_device, 0, d3d_surface)
  15552. d3d_texture
  15553. IDirect3DDevice9_DrawIndexedPrimitive(global_d3d_device, D3DPT_TRIANGLEFAN, 0, 0, 4, 0, 2)
  15554. IDirect3DDevice9_SetIndices( global_d3d_device, render_target_d3d_index_buffer)
  15555. IDirect3DDevice9_SetStreamSource(global_d3d_device, 0, render_target_d3d_vertex_buffer, 0, vSize)
  15556. IDirect3DVertexBuffer9_Unlock( render_target_d3d_vertex_buffer)
  15557. IDirect3DVertexBuffer9_Lock(render_target_d3d_vertex_buffer, 0, 4 * vSize, (unsigned char**)&vertex_data, D3DLOCK_DISCARD)
  15558. IDirect3DSurface9_LockRect(d3d_surface, &d3d_locked_rect, NULL, D3DLOCK_READONLY )
  15559. %02x
  15560. gti2ConnectionError. result[%d] reason[%d]
  15561. gti2HandleAccept G state[%s]
  15562. gti2HandleAccept state[%s]
  15563. time
  15564. gti2SendClosedOnSocket later address[%s]
  15565. gti2SendClosedOnSocket address[%s]
  15566. New high water mark for message resends [%d] Message Length[%d]
  15567. gti2ConnectionMemoryError wow!
  15568. gti2HandleClientResponse H
  15569. gti2HandleClientResponse G state[%s]
  15570. gti2HandleClientResponse E state[%s]
  15571. gti2HandleClientResponse E state[%s] Would have sploded
  15572. gti2HandleClientResponse A state[%s]
  15573. gti2HandleClientResponse state[%s]
  15574. gti2HandleReject later state[%s]
  15575. gti2HandleReject sending close
  15576. gti2HandleReject C state[%s]
  15577. gti2HandleReject state[%s]
  15578. gti2HandleClose later state[%s]
  15579. gti2HandleClose C state[%s]
  15580. gti2HandleClose state[%s]
  15581. gti2BeginReliableMessage.. B len[%d]
  15582. it's been [%d] milliseconds since we last received an ack on this connection
  15583. We've never received an ack on this connection!?!
  15584. gti2BeginReliableMessage.. A freeSpace[%d] < len[%d].. number of messages[%d]
  15585. gti2SendServerChallenge later [%s]
  15586. gti2SendClientResponse [%s]
  15587. gti2HandleClientChallenge later state[%s]
  15588. gti2HandleClientChallenge slight later state[%s]
  15589. gti2HandleClientChallenge G state[%s]
  15590. gti2HandleClientChallenge A state[%s]
  15591. gti2HandleClientChallenge state[%s]
  15592. gti2HandleServerChallenge K state[%s]
  15593. gti2HandleServerChallenge G state[%s]
  15594. gti2HandleServerChallenge A state[%s]
  15595. gti2HandleServerChallenge state[%s]
  15596. GTI2MsgKeepAlive
  15597. GTI2MsgClose
  15598. GTI2MsgReject
  15599. GTI2MsgAccept
  15600. GTI2MsgClientResponse
  15601. GTI2MsgServerChallenge
  15602. gti2DeliverReliableMessage address[%s] case[%s] state[%s]
  15603. GTI2MsgClientChallenge
  15604. gti2HandleReliableMessage.. overflow. len[%d].. actually, it looks like this can never happen
  15605. gti2HandleMessage G
  15606. gti2HandleMessage A GTI2MsgClosed[%d] Length[%d]
  15607. gti2HandleMessage D
  15608. --gti2HandleMessage -A Don't have connection. addrstr[%s] has magicString[%s]
  15609. \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx9_active_camouflage.c
  15610. ### ERROR rasterizer_active_camouflage_draw failed
  15611. IDirect3DDevice9_SetPixelShaderConstantF(global_d3d_device, 0, intensity_vector, 1)
  15612. IDirect3DDevice9_SetVertexShaderConstantF(global_d3d_device, 4, vsh_constants__viewproj, 2)
  15613. local_active_camouflage_debug_cached_flag
  15614. !TEST_FLAG(group->geometry_flags, _rasterizer_geometry_no_queue_bit)
  15615. group->effect.intensity<=1.0f
  15616. group->effect.intensity>0.0f
  15617. group->effect.type==_render_model_effect_type_active_camouflage
  15618. group->shader
  15619. DirectSound: '%s' (%s)
  15620. Unknown erorr
  15621. Failed to create secondary buffer.
  15622. Failed to create 3D sound buffer.
  15623. Failed to SetFX on secondary buffer.
  15624. Failed to GetObjectInPath.
  15625. Failed to GetAllParameters.
  15626. channel->buffer != NULL
  15627. \halopc\haloce\source\sound\sound_effect_object_dx_pc.cpp
  15628. Failed to GetAllParameters on secondary buffer.
  15629. Failed to SetAllParameters on secondary buffer.
  15630. reverb <= max
  15631. reverb >= min
  15632. Failed to GetObjectInPath on secondary buffer.
  15633. environment != NULL
  15634. m_pReverbEffect[m_n3DChannelIndex]
  15635. Failed to SetAllParameters.
  15636. Failed to CommitDeferredSettings.
  15637. m_pReverbEffect[m_n3DChannelIndex] != NULL
  15638. channel->buffer_3d != NULL
  15639. \halopc\haloce\source\sound\sound_effect_object_eax1_pc.cpp
  15640. Failed to set EAX listener reverb.
  15641. Failed to set EAX listener decay ratio.
  15642. eaxRatio >= 0.0f && eaxRatio <= 2.0f
  15643. >>Failed to set EAX listener decay time.
  15644. m_pListener != NULL
  15645. Failed to SetEnvironment.
  15646. D\halopc\haloce\source\sound\sound_effect_object_eax3_pc.cpp
  15647. Could not query interface for IID_IKsPropertySet on secondary buffer.
  15648. channel!= NULL
  15649. Failed to set EAX buffer occlusion ratio.
  15650. Failed to set EAX buffer occlusion.
  15651. Failed to set EAX buffer obstruction ratio.
  15652. Failed to set EAX buffer obstruction.
  15653. Failed to set EAX buffer room rolloff factor.
  15654. Failed to set EAX buffer roomHF.
  15655. Failed to set EAX buffer room.
  15656. Failed to set EAX buffer directHF.
  15657. Failed to set EAX buffer direct.
  15658. pFQ8Failed to set EAX HF reference.
  15659. Failed to set EAX listener flags.
  15660. Failed to set EAX listener environment diffusion.
  15661. Failed to set EAX listener reverb delay.
  15662. Failed to set EAX listener reflections delay.
  15663. Failed to set EAX listener reflections.
  15664. Failed to set EAX listener room rolloff factor.
  15665. Failed to set EAX listener roomHF.
  15666. Failed to set EAX listener room.
  15667. m_pEAXBuffer[0] != NULL
  15668. Failed to commit deferred settings on DirectSound listener.
  15669. Failed to set EAX listener environment.
  15670. ````````pz`
  15671. @`
  15672. \halopc\haloce\source\sound\sound_effect_object_eax2_pc.cpp
  15673. m_pEAXBuffer[channelIndex] != NULL
  15674. `````
  15675. @`
  15676. `
  15677. `
  15678. pz`
  15679. `
  15680. vendor
  15681. audiovendor
  15682. applytoall
  15683. Requirements
  15684. propertyset
  15685. if
  15686. endif
  15687. ram
  15688. videoram
  15689. subsysid
  15690. revision
  15691. driver
  15692. guid
  15693. os
  15694. win95
  15695. win98
  15696. win98se
  15697. winme
  15698. win2k
  15699. winxp
  15700. break
  15701. unknown
  15702. Caps
  15703. Caps2
  15704. Caps3
  15705. PresentationIntervals
  15706. CursorCaps
  15707. DevCaps
  15708. PrimitiveMiscCaps
  15709. RasterCaps
  15710. ZCmpCaps
  15711. SrcBlendCaps
  15712. DestBlendCaps
  15713. AlphaCmpCaps
  15714. ShadeCaps
  15715. TextureCaps
  15716. TextureFilterCaps
  15717. CubeTextureFilterCaps
  15718. VolumeTextureFilterCaps
  15719. TextureAddressCaps
  15720. VolumeTextureAddressCaps
  15721. LineCaps
  15722. MaxTextureWidth
  15723. MaxVolumeExtent
  15724. MaxTextureRepeat
  15725. MaxTextureAspectRatio
  15726. MaxAnisotropy
  15727. StencilCaps
  15728. FVFCaps
  15729. TextureOpCaps
  15730. MaxTextureBlendStages
  15731. MaxSimultaneousTextures
  15732. VertexProcessingCaps
  15733. MaxActiveLights
  15734. MaxUserClipPlanes
  15735. MaxVertexBlendMatrices
  15736. MaxVertexBlendMatrixIndex
  15737. MaxPrimitiveCount
  15738. MaxVertexIndex
  15739. MaxStreams
  15740. MaxStreamStride
  15741. VertexShaderVersion
  15742. MaxVertexShaderConst
  15743. PixelShaderVersion
  15744. cpuspeed
  15745. OverallGraphicDetail
  15746. MaxOverallGraphicDetail
  15747. vector<T> too long
  15748. %s on line %d - '%s'
  15749. Number expected
  15750. Number too large
  15751. String too long
  15752. Expecting
  15753. Unknown value
  15754. Unknown operator
  15755. Invalid
  15756. Unknown OS
  15757. Invalid driver number
  15758. Invalid GUID
  15759. Only == or != allowed
  15760. invalid map/set<T> iterator
  15761. map/set<T> too long
  15762. Flag too long
  15763. Missing Quote
  15764. flag = xxx expected
  15765. invalid vector<T> subscript
  15766. Missing =
  15767. Unrecognized property set
  15768. Unexpected ENDIF
  15769. IF's nested too deep
  15770. Expecting '=', didn't get it
  15771. MaxOverallGraphicDetail did not specify a number!
  15772. Unrecognized graphic detail
  15773. Bad IF/ENDIF
  15774. xxx = Device Name expected
  15775. Cannot find '%s'
  15776. \config.txt
  15777. gamespy_thread != NULL
  15778. gamespy_thread_mutex != NULL
  15779. \halopc\haloce\source\interface\ui_gamespy_screen.c
  15780. ui\shell\main_menu\multiplayer_type_select\join_game\join_game_ticker_labels
  15781. buffer && buffer_len > 0
  15782. index >= 0 && index < TICKER_LABEL_MAX
  15783. expected a spinner list
  15784. %d / %d
  15785. ticker
  15786. gamespy_server_list_lock() timed out waiting for mutex
  15787. pserver_list && (*pserver_list == &gamespy_server_list)
  15788. failed to create mutex for gamespy!
  15789. failed to spawn thread for gamespy!
  15790. gamespy_thread == NULL
  15791. gamespy_thread_mutex == NULL
  15792. gamespy_server_browser == NULL
  15793. invalid widget called gamespy_screen_select_header_button
  15794. screendef
  15795. \halopc\haloce\source\interface\ui_gamepad_screen.c
  15796. ---
  15797. Unknown list passed to gamepad_add_to_list
  15798. list
  15799. Unknown list passed to gamepad_remove_from_list
  15800. Unknown control called gamepad_screen_select_item
  15801. attempt to remove invalid element %ld from reference list
  15802. ..\objects\reference_lists.h
  15803. result->maximum_count==source->maximum_count
  15804. result->size==source->size
  15805. couldn't allocate %s cluster partition globals
  15806. %s cluster
  15807. cluster %s
  15808. cluster references
  15809. cluster_index>=0 && cluster_index<global_structure_bsp_get()->clusters.count
  15810. \halopc\haloce\source\structures\cluster_partitions.c
  15811. an object or light spanned %d clusters.
  15812. *first_cluster_reference==NONE
  15813. first_cluster_reference
  15814. partition
  15815. collision_bsp_test_vector
  15817. \halopc\haloce\source\physics\collision_bsp.c
  15818. data->stack_depth>=0 && data->stack_depth<MAXIMUM_BSP3D_DEPTH
  15819. pursuit_data
  15820. ai pursuit
  15821. platoon_array
  15822. squad_array
  15823. squad
  15824. encounter_data
  15825. \halopc\haloce\source\ai\encounters.c
  15826. encounter
  15827. (move_position->cluster_index >= 0) && (move_position->cluster_index < bit_vector_size)
  15828. (firing_position->cluster_index >= 0) && (firing_position->cluster_index < bit_vector_size)
  15829. (cluster_index >= 0) && (cluster_index < bit_vector_size)
  15830. structure_bsp->clusters.count <= bit_vector_size
  15831. platoon->original_count > 0
  15832. squad->original_count > 0
  15833. encounter->unique_leader_count > 0
  15834. encounter->original_count > 0
  15835. *actor_index_reference!=NONE
  15836. actor->meta.unit_index == unit_index
  15837. actor->meta.encounter_index == encounter_index
  15838. !actor->meta.encounterless
  15839. actor->meta.encounter_index==NONE
  15840. actor->meta.platoon_index == NONE
  15841. actor->meta.squad_index == NONE
  15842. actor->meta.encounter_index == NONE
  15843. WARNING: too many actors searching, exceeded MAXIMUM_EXAMINED_PURSUIT_POSITIONS_PER_MAP (%d)
  15844. %s %04X: coord %d current %d/%d/%d max %d/%d/%d allow %c%c%c
  15845. overflowed MAXIMUM_PLATOONS_PER_MAP (%d)
  15846. encounter_definition->platoons.count <= MAXIMUM_PLATOONS_PER_ENCOUNTER
  15847. overflowed MAXIMUM_SQUADS_PER_MAP (%d)
  15848. encounter_definition->squads.count <= MAXIMUM_SQUADS_PER_ENCOUNTER
  15849. found_index != NONE
  15850. BIT_VECTOR_TEST_FLAG(squad->unused_locations, index)
  15851. (link_encounter_index >= 0) && (link_encounter_index < global_scenario_get()->ai_encounters.count)
  15852. parent_prop->orphan_prop_index == prop_iterator.index
  15853. prop->parent_prop_index != NONE
  15854. !encounter->enemy_visible
  15855. (selected_behavior_index >= 0) && (selected_behavior_index < NUMBER_OF_POST_COMBAT_BEHAVIOR_TYPES)
  15856. (primary_postcombat_behaviors[primary_behavior_index] >= 0) && (primary_postcombat_behaviors[primary_behavior_index] < NUMBER_OF_POST_COMBAT_BEHAVIOR_TYPES)
  15857. ;
  15858. AWARNING: cannot spawn actors in %s/%s because the actor variant specified for this squad is NONE or invalid
  15859. %s/%s: randomly selected to spawn
  15860. %s/%s: current %d < max %d -> desire spawn
  15861. %s/%s: unable to spawn, out of starting points
  15862. %s/%s: current %d < min %d -> spawn (%d left)
  15863. %s/%s: delay timer finished
  15864. %s/%s: delay timer started (%.1f sec)
  15865. %s: current %s/%.1f best %s/%.1f tol %.1f -> %s
  15866. stay
  15867. migrate
  15868. WARNING: squad %s/%s has an invalid platoon - %d is outside range of [0, %d)
  15869. survivors %d = 0
  15870. survivors %d <= 1
  15871. survivors %d <= 75%% of total %d
  15872. survivors %d <= 50%% of total %d
  15873. survivors %d <= 25%% of total %d
  15874. survivors %d < total %d
  15875. strength %.2f < 25%%
  15876. strength %.2f < 50%%
  15877. strength %.2f < 75%%
  15878. owner_actor_indices[actor->firing_positions.current_position_index]==NONE
  15879. actor->firing_positions.current_position_index>=0 && actor->firing_positions.current_position_index < encounter_definition->firing_positions.count
  15880. firing_position_owner_actor_indices[actor->firing_positions.current_position_index]==NONE
  15881. (pursuit->next_actor_index_index >= 0) && (pursuit->next_actor_index_index < NUMBER_OF_ACTOR_INDICES_PER_EXAMINED_PURSUIT_POSITION)
  15882. pursuit->firing_position_index == firing_position_index
  15883. !encounter->enemy_visible && !encounter->enemy_alive
  15884. %s/%s triggered %s rule
  15885. %s/%s triggered maneuvering rule
  15886. WARNING: actor changing to encounter %s/%s is being forced to change teams
  15887. %s/%s: %d current %d leaders, create %d -> %s
  15888. no leader
  15889. new leader
  15890. ai_place %s
  15891. ai_place %s/%s
  15892. evasion_vector && result
  15893. \halopc\haloce\source\ai\actor_moving.c
  15894. alignment_vector && evade_direction_reference && result
  15895. collision_t
  15896. ray_origin && ray_direction
  15897. avoidance_data && avoidance_ray
  15898. (angle >= 0.0f) && (angle < _full_circle)
  15899. warning: actor_move_get_avoidance_vector couldn't find out-of-bounds direction %.4f
  15900. m{?desired_facing_vector
  15901. facing_direction->k
  15902. %s, %s: assert_valid_realcmp(%f, %f)
  15903. movement_direction->k
  15904. 0.0f
  15905. (real_vector2d *) facing_direction
  15906. (real_vector2d *) movement_direction
  15907. facing_direction
  15908. movement_direction
  15909. ?OD?#;
  15910. @(movement_direction_approximation >= 0) && (movement_direction_approximation <= ((real) VECTOR_AVOIDANCE_NUMBER_OF_DIRECTIONS))
  15911. (best_avoidance_direction >= 0) && (best_avoidance_direction < VECTOR_AVOIDANCE_NUMBER_OF_DIRECTIONS)
  15912. avoidance_rotation && emergency_amount
  15913. actor->control.path.destination_orders.ignore_target_object_index == NONE
  15914. pathfinding is attempting to walk to tau ceti
  15915. $tI%s: fell off end of unfinished path %d/%d
  15916. final_step
  15917. (facing_direction == _actor_facing_forward) || (facing_direction == _actor_facing_free)
  15918. adjust angle %.4f -> %.4f (%.4f)
  15919. steer %.4f - oversteer to %.4f
  15920. steer %.4f < %.4f - clear oversteer %.4f
  15921. steer %.4f
  15922. steer %.4f (set oversteer %.4f)
  15923. (maximum_throttle >= 0.0f) && (maximum_throttle <= 1.0f)
  15924. &facing_vector
  15925. &actor->control.desired_facing_vector
  15926. &actor->input.facing_vector
  15927. postcombat_celebrate
  15928. postcombat_shoot_corpse
  15929. postcombat_check_friend
  15930. postcombat_check_enemy
  15931. postcombat_triumph
  15932. postcombat_massacre
  15933. postcombat_wounded
  15934. postcombat_unscathed
  15935. postcombat_alone
  15936. leap
  15937. uncover_exclamation
  15938. vehicle_falling
  15939. vehicle_scared
  15940. vehicle_woohoo
  15941. vehicle_exit
  15942. vehicle_entry
  15943. hiding_finished
  15944. attempted_flee
  15945. flee_idle
  15946. flee_leader_died
  15947. shooting_traitor
  15948. shooting_group
  15949. shooting_berserk
  15950. shooting_vehicle
  15951. sighted_friend_player
  15952. uncover_start
  15953. search_group_abandon
  15954. search_abandon
  15955. search_report
  15956. search_query
  15957. search_start
  15958. alert_noncombat
  15959. lost_contact
  15960. grenade_danger
  15961. grenade_sighted
  15962. grenade_startle
  15963. grenade_throwing
  15964. allegiance_changed
  15965. found_dead_friend
  15966. unexpected_enemy
  15967. found_enemy
  15968. sighted_enemy
  15969. hurt
  15970. killing_spree
  15971. death
  15972. COV
  15973. HUM
  15974. exclaim
  15975. yell
  15976. communicate
  15977. chatter
  15978. filler
  15979. conversation_data
  15980. ai conversation
  15981. ai_communication_initialize: unable to allocate comm reply status table
  15982. ai communication replies
  15983. ai_communication_initialize: unable to allocate comm dialogue status table
  15984. \halopc\haloce\source\ai\ai_communication.c
  15985. ai communication dialogue
  15986. information
  15987. (play_type == _unit_play_speech_none) || (*weight > 0.0f)
  15988. spk%d<tol%d+%d
  15989. nospch-%s
  15990. vocalization_type && sound_definition_index_reference && weight
  15991. (reply_table_index >= 0) && (reply_table_index < global_reply_event_count)
  15992. (dialogue_type_index >= 0) && (dialogue_type_index < global_dialogue_event_count)
  15993. %s %s %d/%s: %s %d
  15994. %s: told to advance by scripting
  15995. %s: finished %s%s
  15996. prematurely
  15997. successfully
  15998. (unable to begin)
  15999. %s: this conversation is already running or trying to run, overwrite it
  16000. (conversation->dialogue_indices[line->participant_index] >= 0) && (conversation->dialogue_indices[line->participant_index] < MAXIMUM_DIALOGUE_VARIANTS_PER_CONVERSATION_PARTICIPANT)
  16001. %s: speak %s
  16002. [%d/%s]
  16003. non-voc
  16004. unit %04X:
  16005. player %d:
  16006. %s:
  16007. %s/%s:
  16008. <no encounter>
  16009. 33>yZ@%s: told to stop by scripting
  16010. %s: unit died, aborting
  16011. %s(%d)
  16012. no-dialogue-match
  16013. not-near-player
  16014. selection
  16015. nowhere-near-player
  16016. already-conversing
  16017. wrong-type
  16018. reasons:
  16019. %s: didn't find %d/%s in %s (%d possible actors)
  16020. <everyone>
  16021. <specific unit>
  16022. (actor_variant_index >= 0) && (actor_variant_index < MAXIMUM_DIALOGUE_VARIANTS_PER_CONVERSATION_PARTICIPANT)
  16023. found_variant_index != NONE
  16026. conversation_definition && conversation
  16027. (ai_information->dialogue_type_index >= 0) && (ai_information->dialogue_type_index < global_dialogue_event_count)
  16028. (conversation->dialogue_indices[index] >= 0) && (conversation->dialogue_indices[index] < MAXIMUM_DIALOGUE_VARIANTS_PER_CONVERSATION_PARTICIPANT)
  16029. %s: cannot start, players are not looking at us
  16030. %s: cannot start, nobody can see player
  16031. %s: could not find participant %d/%s
  16032. %s: found participant %d/%s but not ready to talk yet
  16033. %s: participants currently outside trigger-dist %.1f > %.1f, must wait
  16034. [%s 0-player-chance]
  16035. [%s rand%.2f>%.2f]
  16036. [%s found-actor]
  16037. [%s %s-d-dis/%d]
  16038. [%s nobody]
  16039. [scripted-override]
  16040. PLAYER-REPLY %s
  16041. >>%s<<
  16042. nobody
  16043. playercant
  16044. u-%s-%s
  16045. n/a
  16046. dis
  16047. filter
  16048. 0-chance
  16049. rand-failed
  16050. rand %.2f>%.2f
  16051. !reply_to_player
  16052. override-scripted
  16053. wrong-dmg
  16054. REPLY %s:
  16055. %s: could not start, and not set to keep trying... aborting (status 5)
  16056. %s: can't begin yet but will remember and keep trying it
  16057. %s: begun successfully
  16058. WARNING: too many executing conversations (ran out of MAXIMUM_CONVERSATIONS_PER_MAP %d)
  16059. %s: script tried to start conversation
  16060. %s: no more lines to play
  16061. %s: unable to begin, and no point in continuing
  16062. %s: trying to begin
  16063. selected_possibility->preselected_reply_actor_index != NONE
  16064. [rnd%.1f tot%.1f cum%.1f@%d]
  16065. [%d/%.1f force %d/%.1f]
  16066. total_possibility_weight > 0.0f
  16067. ai_communication_event: type %d (%s) overflowed MAXIMUM_COMMUNICATION_POSSIBILITIES (%d)
  16068. [%s/%d %s del%d w:%.1f%s s%.1f p%.1f%s a%.1f rc%.1f rp%.1f t%.1f]
  16069. PLAYER
  16070. protagonist_actor
  16071. [%s/%d u-%s-%s]
  16072. subject_actor->danger_zone.object_index != NONE
  16073. [%s/%d %s-d-dis/%d]
  16074. [%s/%d %s %s]
  16075. shout:%.1f<%.1f
  16076. talk:%.1f<%.1f
  16077. chat:%.1f<%.1f
  16078. communication_priority < _ai_communication_priority_yell
  16079. %s-%c%c%c%s
  16080. -hi
  16081. -lo
  16082. (communication_priority > _ai_communication_priority_none) && (communication_priority < NUMBER_OF_AI_COMMUNICATION_PRIORITIES)
  16083. (communication_team >= 0) && (communication_team < NUMBER_OF_AI_COMMUNICATION_TEAMS)
  16084. unteamed
  16085. [%s/%d 0-playrat]
  16086. [%s/%d nogrp-%c]
  16087. [%s/%d noplyreply]
  16088. [%s/%d nounit-%c]
  16089. <err>
  16090. [%s/%d nodmg]
  16091. [%s/%d nocausrace]
  16092. [%s/%d nosubrace]
  16093. [%s/%d status-%s]
  16094. vis
  16095. nodanger
  16096. notvis
  16097. lost
  16098. [%s/%d host-%s]
  16099. traitor
  16100. enemy
  16101. friend
  16102. self
  16103. (dialogue_index >= 0) && (dialogue_index < global_dialogue_event_count)
  16104. DISABLED
  16105. %s-%c
  16106. allegiance %s, %d incidents (threshold %d)
  16107. still holds
  16108. incident between teams %s and %s: %s, %s
  16109. accident
  16110. betrayal
  16111. unobserved
  16112. observed
  16113. (communication_type >= 0) && (communication_type < NUMBER_OF_AI_COMMUNICATION_TYPES)
  16114. prop_data
  16115. \halopc\haloce\source\ai\props.c
  16116. prop_unit->object.type == _object_type_biped
  16117. unit_index != actor->meta.unit_index
  16118. AI knowledge database (%d entries) is full (warns once every 30 sec)
  16119. !((actor->control.idle_minor_active) && (actor->control.idle_minor_direction.type == _direction_specification_prop) && (actor->control.idle_minor_direction.prop_index == prop_index))
  16120. !((actor->control.idle_major_active) && (actor->control.idle_major_direction.type == _direction_specification_prop) && (actor->control.idle_major_direction.prop_index == prop_index))
  16121. !((actor->control.secondary_look_type != _secondary_look_none) && (actor->control.secondary_look_direction.type == _direction_specification_prop) && (actor->control.secondary_look_direction.prop_index == prop_index))
  16122. actor->target.target_prop_index != prop_index
  16123. prop->parent_prop_index == NONE
  16124. prop->orphan_prop_index == NONE
  16125. parent_prop->orphan_prop_index == NONE
  16126. parent_prop->owner_actor_index == actor_index
  16127. swarm_component_data
  16128. swarm component
  16129. swarm_data
  16130. actor_data
  16131. \halopc\haloce\source\ai\actors.c
  16132. %s unit activation logic error
  16133. individual
  16134. inactive swarm
  16135. active swarm
  16136. actor dormancy logic error
  16137. unit->unit.actor_index == actor_index
  16138. found
  16139. swarm->unit_count == actor->meta.swarm_unit_count
  16140. swarm->actor_index == actor_index
  16141. actor->meta.swarm_unit_count > 0
  16142. attack_vector
  16143. !prop_orphaned(prop)
  16144. AI error condition detected, attempting to recover (please tell butcher)...
  16145. actor-type %s %s internal logic error (%s)
  16146. infinite decision loop (%s)
  16147. actor-type %s
  16148. cannot add grenades or non-powerups to an actor's inventory as equipment... try using the 'grenade' fields maybe?
  16149. swarm->unit_count < MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_UNITS_PER_SWARM
  16150. actor_index != global_updating_actor_index
  16151. unable to create any more swarm components (max %d)
  16152. actor->meta.swarm_unit_count <= MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_UNITS_PER_SWARM
  16153. exceeded MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_ACTIVE_SWARMS (%d)
  16154. actor->meta.swarm_unit_index == NONE
  16155. realcmp(actor->input.facing_vector.k, 0.0f)
  16156. (real_vector2d *) &actor->input.facing_vector
  16157. &actor->input.looking_vector
  16158. &actor->input.aiming_vector
  16159. actor %s is not flying but was placed in a 3d-firing-position encounter (%s)
  16160. actor %s is flying but was placed in a non-3d-firing-position encounter (%s)
  16161. (fabs(control_data.throttle.i) <= 1.0f) && (fabs(control_data.throttle.j) <= 1.0f) && (fabs(control_data.throttle.k) <= 1.0f)
  16162. &control_data.looking_vector
  16163. &control_data.aiming_vector
  16164. &control_data.facing_vector
  16165. (real_vector2d *) &control_data.facing_vector
  16166. unit->unit.swarm_actor_index == NONE
  16167. unit->unit.actor_index == NONE
  16168. actor->meta.unit_index == NONE
  16169. swarm tried to become active but couldn't, erasing %d units
  16170. swarm_first_unit->unit.swarm_prev_unit_index == NONE
  16171. actor->meta.swarm_unit_count < MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_UNITS_PER_SWARM
  16172. tried to update a swarm actor without a swarm cache, erasing %d units
  16173. B
  16174. %s actor variant %s cannot have type %s (swarm flag does not match)
  16175. WARNING: cannot create actor %s %s
  16176. WARNING: cannot create unit for actor %s %s
  16177. <encounterless>
  16178. actor_variant_definition_index != NONE
  16179. starting_location
  16180. WARNING: cannot create actor to be spawned from unit
  16181. state->node_list[parent_node_index].quantized_cost_estimate == parent_cost_estimate
  16182. state->node_list[parent_node_index].heap_location == parent_location
  16183. (parent_node_index >= 0) && (parent_node_index < PATH_NODE_LIST_SIZE)
  16184. state->node_list[node_index].quantized_cost_estimate == node_cost
  16185. (node_index >= 0) && (node_index < PATH_NODE_LIST_SIZE)
  16186. (heap_location >= 1) && (heap_location <= PATH_NODE_LIST_SIZE)
  16187. \halopc\haloce\source\ai\path.c
  16188. state->node_list[child_node_index].quantized_cost_estimate == child_cost
  16189. state->node_list[child_node_index].heap_location == child_heap_location
  16190. (child_node_index >= 0) && (child_node_index < PATH_NODE_LIST_SIZE)
  16191. state->node_list[node_index].quantized_cost_estimate == state->heap[1].quantized_cost_estimate
  16192. state->node_list[node_index].heap_location == 1
  16193. state->heap_count >= 1
  16194. path_heap_insert: overflowed static size heap
  16195. (edge->adjacent_surface_index >= 0) && (edge->adjacent_surface_index < bsp->surfaces.count)
  16196. (surface_index >= 0) && (surface_index < bsp->surfaces.count)
  16197. (node_index >= 0) && (node_index < state->node_count)
  16198. node_index != NONE
  16199. distance_reference
  16200. straight_line_reference
  16201. approach_point_reference
  16202. state->debug->path_build_result != _path_build_result_none
  16203. child_node->depth == 0
  16204. child_node_index != NONE
  16205. node->depth == child_node->depth - 1
  16206. (node->depth >= 0) && (node->depth < raw_step_count)
  16207. (initial_node->surface_index >= 0) && (initial_node->surface_index < bsp->surfaces.count)
  16208. state->node_count == 0
  16209. pathfinding: attempted to build path from (%.1f %.1f %.1f) to (%.1f %.1f %.1f) ... distance %.1f > maximum allowed %.1f
  16210. `f@(state->input.start_surface_index >= 0) && (state->input.start_surface_index < bsp->surfaces.count)
  16211. quantized_cost_estimate <= state->heap[new_node->heap_location].quantized_cost_estimate
  16212. (new_node->heap_location >= 1) && (new_node->heap_location < state->heap_count)
  16213. state->heap[heap_location].quantized_cost_estimate == node->quantized_cost_estimate
  16214. state->heap[heap_location].node_index == node_index
  16215. (heap_location >= 1) && (heap_location < state->heap_count)
  16216. path_state_traverse: found a 'better' path to a closed node
  16217. (new_node->surface_index >= 0) && (new_node->surface_index < bsp->surfaces.count)
  16218. path_state_traverse: cost %.1f exceeded maximum allowed %.1f, discarding node
  16219. total_cost_estimate - cheapest_node->total_cost_estimate >= -PATH_COST_ESTIMATE_GRANULARITY
  16220. (cheapest_node->surface_index >= 0) && (cheapest_node->surface_index < bsp->surfaces.count)
  16221. state->debug->path_traverse_result != _path_traverse_result_none
  16222. %s %d: surprise %s: %s %sexp %s %sshoot %s (%.1f%c%.1f)
  16223. noncom
  16224. un
  16225. flank
  16226. far
  16227. close
  16228. unexp-behind-shoot
  16229. unexp-close-shoot
  16230. enemy-close
  16231. enemy-shoot
  16232. prop_acknowledged(prop)
  16233. \halopc\haloce\source\ai\actor_stimulus.c
  16234. prop->owner_actor_index == actor_index
  16235. \halopc\haloce\source\ai\actor_perception.c
  16236. `@best_unit_index != NONE
  16237. actor->meta.swarm_unit_index != NONE
  16238. (existing_unit_index == NONE) || (best_unit_index != NONE)
  16239. Q>
  16240. @swarm_actor->meta.swarm
  16241. aC
  16242. D
  16243. @damaging_prop_index != 0x00000000
  16244. prop_orphaned(prop)
  16245. target_prop->enemy
  16246. (actor->target.target_type >= 0) && (actor->target.target_type < NUMBER_OF_ACTOR_TARGET_TYPES)
  16247. (actor_type >= 0) && (actor_type < NUMBER_OF_ACTOR_TYPES)
  16248. new_prop->enemy
  16249. prop_acknowledged(friend_prop) && !friend_prop->enemy && !friend_prop->dead
  16250. LH?I
  16251. ?UU?!dead
  16252. object->object.type == _object_type_projectile
  16253. i:8
  16254. 4B(actor->danger_zone.danger_type == _actor_danger_zone_projectile) || (actor->danger_zone.danger_type == _actor_danger_zone_vehicle) || (actor->danger_zone.danger_type == _actor_danger_zone_suicide)
  16255. Gh?{~?tZtZ;actor_perception_refresh overflowed max %s (%d), discarding
  16256. friends
  16257. enemies
  16258. 1?!prop->dead
  16259. current_orphan->parent_prop_index == current_prop_index
  16260. current_prop->orphan_prop_index == current_orphan_index
  16261. current_orphan->owner_actor_index == actor_index
  16262. current_prop->owner_actor_index == actor_index
  16263. prop_orphaned(current_orphan)
  16264. prop_unacknowledged(current_prop)
  16265. new_state!=prop->state
  16266. %s: become aware!
  16267. awareness delta: %.2f (current awareness %.2f -> time %.2fsec)
  16268. %s: knowledge %s percep %s -> awareness %s
  16269. unmistakable
  16270. partial
  16271. definite
  16272. instant
  16273. (prop->perception >= 0) && (prop->perception < NUMBER_OF_ACTOR_PERCEPTION_TYPES)
  16274. (knowledge_type >= 0) && (knowledge_type < NUMBER_OF_ACTOR_KNOWLEDGE_TYPES)
  16275. %s: stop becoming aware
  16276. %s: start to become aware
  16277. !refresh_status || refresh_position
  16278. parent_prop->orphan_prop_index == iterator.index
  16279. prop->unopposable_casualties_inflicted > 0
  16280. current_command->atom_type == _ai_atom_go_to_and_face
  16281. \halopc\haloce\source\ai\action_obey.c
  16282. %s: command list %s is stuck looping (aborting on loop #%d)
  16283. %s: command list %s entry #%d tried to loop to itself
  16284. targeting_reference
  16285. !actor->meta.swarm || (actor->meta.swarm_cache_index != NONE)
  16286. wrong structure bsp, cannot execute command list %s
  16287. swarm actor %s cannot execute command list, ran out of swarm caches
  16288. state_data
  16289. teleport to (p%d)%s
  16290. and face at (p%d)
  16291. set radius %.2f
  16292. loop to #%d %s
  16293. loop to <none> %s
  16294. only until told to advance
  16295. wait %s
  16296. until told to advance
  16297. until visible enemy
  16298. until alerted
  16299. initiative %s
  16300. action %s
  16301. vehicle-scared
  16302. vehicle-woohoo
  16303. dive-fwd
  16304. targeting %s
  16305. vocalize %s
  16306. play recording %s
  16307. animate %s
  16308. script %s %s
  16309. wake-and-continue
  16310. wait-for-finish
  16311. targeted jump (%.2fh, %.2fv)
  16312. enter vehicle as %s if within %.1f
  16313. any-seat
  16314. passenger
  16315. any-non-driver
  16316. throw grenade at (p%d)
  16317. shoot at (p%d) for %.1f
  16318. crouch %s
  16319. enable
  16320. disable
  16321. animation mode %s
  16322. look %s at %s for %.1f
  16323. look %s at player for %.1f
  16324. look %s at random one of (p%d-p%d) for %.1f-%.1f
  16325. look %s at (p%d) for %.1f
  16326. move %s for %.1f sec
  16327. move %s towards (p%d), dist %.2f
  16328. move %s along angle %.1f, dist %.2f
  16329. any-facing
  16330. backwards
  16331. forwards
  16332. go to (p%d) and face (p%d)
  16333. go to (p%d) %s
  16334. keep_moving
  16335. stop_at_point
  16336. pause %.1f
  16337. forced aim weapon
  16338. forced exact facing
  16339. idle look with head
  16340. idle turn around
  16341. idle aim weapon
  16342. %s: %s #%d%s: %s
  16343. FAILED
  16344. finished_reference
  16345. \halopc\haloce\source\devices\device_controls.c
  16346. scream
  16347. pain
  16348. (vocalization_type >= 0) && (vocalization_type < NUMBER_OF_VOCALIZATION_TYPES)
  16349. (priority >= 0) && (priority < NUMBER_OF_UNIT_SPEECH_PRIORITIES)
  16350. sound_definition_index_reference
  16351. vocalization_type_reference
  16352. \halopc\haloce\source\units\unit_dialogue.c
  16353. unit_dialogue_determine_variant overflowed variant array
  16354. %s: lost %s speech %s
  16355. queued
  16356. waiting
  16357. speech_item
  16358. unit->unit.speech.current.priority > _unit_speech_none
  16359. AI_BEHAVIOR(force_vocalizations)
  16360. unit->unit.speech.current.sound_definition_index == sound_definition_index
  16361. (scream_type >= 0) && (scream_type < NUMBER_OF_UNIT_SCREAM_TYPES)
  16362. dialogue_definition_get(dialogue_index)
  16363. disc->obstacle_index>=0 && disc->obstacle_index<obstacles->obstacle_count
  16364. \halopc\haloce\source\ai\path_obstacles.c
  16365. obstacles->obstacle_count>=0 && obstacles->obstacle_count<=obstacles->disc_count
  16366. obstacles->disc_count>=0 && obstacles->disc_count<=MAXIMUM_DISC_COUNT
  16367. matt is bad.
  16368. seed_disc_index>=0 && seed_disc_index<obstacles->disc_count
  16369. TEST_FLAG(collision_surface->flags, _collision_surface_breakable_bit)
  16370. \halopc\haloce\source\ai\path_structure_bsp.c
  16371. surface_index>=0 && surface_index<structure->pathfinding_surfaces.count
  16372. TEST_FLAG(result, PATHFINDING_SURFACE_BREAKABLE_BIT) == TEST_FLAG(collision_surface->flags, _collision_surface_breakable_bit)
  16373. WARNING: pathfinding information does not match structure bsp, and I tried to recompute it but failed
  16374. angle_vector_set_event_v1
  16375. multi_vector_set_event_v1
  16376. throttle_set_event_v1
  16377. weapon_index_set_event_v1
  16378. control_flags_set_event_v1
  16379. aiming_speed_set_event_v1
  16380. animation_state_set_event_v1
  16381. animation_event_v1
  16382. playback_stream
  16383. anim_event_v1->type==_playback_v1_animation_state_set
  16384. anim_event_v1
  16385. \halopc\haloce\source\cutscene\recorded_animation_playback_v1.c
  16386. anim_event_v1->type==_playback_v1_aiming_speed_set
  16387. anim_event_v1->type==_playback_v1_control_flags_set
  16388. anim_event_v1->type==_playback_v1_weapon_index_set
  16389. anim_event_v1->type==_playback_v1_throttle_set
  16390. anim_event_v1->type==_playback_v1_facing_vector_set
  16391. anim_event_v1->type==_playback_v1_aiming_vector_set
  16392. anim_event_v1->type==_playback_v1_looking_vector_set
  16393. anim_event_v1->type>=_playback_v1_facing_angles_set && anim_event_v1->type<=_playback_v1_facing_aiming_looking_angles_set
  16394. anim_event_v1->type>=_playback_v1_facing_aiming_vector_set&&anim_event_v1->type<=_playback_v1_facing_aiming_looking_vector_set
  16395. *playback_stream
  16396. ticks
  16397. vector_short_difference_data
  16398. vector_char_difference_data
  16399. throttle_event_data
  16400. weapon_index_event_data
  16401. control_flags_event_data
  16402. aiming_speed_event_data
  16403. animation_state_event_data
  16404. header->event_type==_playback_animation_state_set
  16405. \halopc\haloce\source\cutscene\recorded_animation_playback.c
  16406. header->event_type==_playback_aiming_speed_set
  16407. header->event_type==_playback_control_flags_set
  16408. header->event_type==_playback_weapon_index_set
  16409. header->event_type==_playback_throttle_set
  16410. header->event_type>=_playback_vector_char_difference_set&&header->event_type-_playback_vector_char_difference_set<FLAG(NUMBER_OF_CONTROL_VECTORS)
  16411. header->event_type>=_playback_vector_short_difference_set&&header->event_type-_playback_vector_short_difference_set<FLAG(NUMBER_OF_CONTROL_VECTORS)
  16412. header->event_type<NUMBEROF(apply_funcs)
  16413. time_delta>UNSIGNED_CHAR_MAX
  16414. time_delta>1&&time_delta<=UNSIGNED_CHAR_MAX
  16415. avoid
  16416. converse
  16417. obey
  16418. uncover
  16419. fight
  16420. (actor->state.action >= 0) && (actor->state.action < NUMBER_OF_ACTOR_ACTIONS)
  16421. \halopc\haloce\source\ai\actions.c
  16422. (actor->stimuli.panic_type == 0) || (actor->stimuli.panic_prop_index != 0x00000000)
  16423. actor->target.target_prop_index != NONE
  16424. escape_direction_reference && escape_distance_reference && alignment_vector_reference
  16425. actor->danger_zone.danger_type > _actor_danger_zone_none
  16426. actor->state.action == _actor_action_guard
  16427. global_action_functions[new_action_type].action == new_action_type
  16428. (new_action_type >= 0) && (new_action_type < NUMBER_OF_ACTOR_ACTIONS)
  16429. evade_direction == _actor_evade_left
  16430. (possibility->animation_direction >= 0) && (possibility->animation_direction < 4)
  16431. G>actor->stimuli.panic_prop_index != 0x00000000
  16432. actor->state.action == _actor_action_fight
  16433. !actor->state.action_data.charge.finished_melee_attack && !actor->state.action_data.charge.aborted_melee_attack && !actor->state.action_data.charge.unable_to_advance
  16434. !actor->state.action_data.charge.unable_to_advance
  16435. actor->state.action == _actor_action_charge
  16436. handled || (actor_action_class(actor_index) == _action_class_passive)
  16437. %s: look-stop
  16438. t:
  16439. %s: logic error in actor looking: %s mode should be disabled (%.1f %.1f)
  16440. aiming
  16441. \halopc\haloce\source\ai\actor_looking.c
  16442. result_vector
  16443. %s: look %s %s %d
  16444. scripted
  16445. combat-prop
  16446. comm-direction
  16447. comm-prop
  16448. shooting-prop
  16449. new-prop
  16450. moving-prop
  16451. override-facing
  16452. override
  16453. stop-and-aim
  16454. turn-and-aim
  16455. idle-aim
  16456. idle-look
  16457. (type >= 0) && (type < NUMBER_OF_SECONDARY_LOOK_TYPES)
  16458. denormalized %f: <error> (type %d)
  16459. denormalized %f: object (0x%08X)
  16460. denormalized %f: danger (none)
  16461. denormalized %f: danger (%f %f %f)
  16462. denormalized %f: vector (%f %f %f)
  16463. denormalized %f: point (%f %f %f)
  16464. denormalized %f: prop 0x%08X%s (actor 0x%08X / us 0x%08X)
  16465. (invalid)
  16466. denormalized %f: target (none)
  16467. denormalized %f: target (prop 0x%08X center %f %f %f)
  16468. denormalized %f: target type %d (fire target aim vector %f %f %f)
  16469. denormalized %f: target type %d (burst aim vector %f %f %f)
  16470. denormalized %f: %smoving (p%f %f %f) (v%f %f %f)
  16471. specification
  16472. &actor->output.looking_vector
  16473. &actor->output.aiming_vector
  16474. &actor->output.facing_vector
  16475. (real_vector2d *) &actor->output.facing_vector
  16476. &idle_minor_vector
  16477. actor->control.idle_minor_timer > 0
  16478. &idle_major_vector
  16479. !actor->control.idle_major_active || (actor->control.idle_major_timer > 0)
  16480. %s: look timer expire
  16481. &secondary_vector
  16482. &primary_vector
  16483. &actor->control.desired_looking_vector
  16484. &actor->control.desired_aiming_vector
  16485. weapon_vector
  16486. \halopc\haloce\source\ai\actor_combat.c
  16487. burst_geometry_reference && firing_pattern_reference
  16488. projectile_definition
  16489. grenade_origin && desired_impact_point && aim_vector && aim_speed
  16490. actor->control.current_fire_target_type == _actor_fire_target_prop
  16491. %s: proj %.1f rof %.1f dmg/s %.1f -> to get %.1f mod= %.2f
  16492. %s: manual damage modifier %.2f
  16493. &new_aim_vector
  16494. &actor->control.burst_aim_vector
  16495. aiming_success
  16496. !hold_burst_start
  16497. new_state!=actor->control.fire_state
  16498. firing_decision == NONE
  16499. w3>actor->control.current_fire_target_type == _actor_fire_target_manual_point
  16500. actor->control.current_fire_target_prop_index != NONE
  16501. realcmp(plane3d_distance_to_point(&plane, &rotate_to_position), 0.f)
  16502. \halopc\haloce\source\units\biped_limp_noodle.c
  16503. \halopc\haloce\source\interface\hud_sounds.c
  16504. \halopc\haloce\source\game\game_engine_race.c
  16505. itr < MAXIMUM_RACE_FLAGS
  16506. !"race goal matches player called on an invalid goal"
  16507. !can_team_win[1]
  16508. Failed sending game mode state update to machine_index #%d.
  16509. new_flag != NONE
  16510. count > 0
  16511. !(*lap_bit_vector & ~race_globals.lap_completed_value)
  16512. !TEST_FLAG(*lap_bit_vector, team_index)
  16513. _race_type_normal != game_engine_get_variant()->game_engine_variant.race.race_type
  16514. one of the netgameflags that defines the track was out of the legal range 0..%d
  16515. NULL != flag
  16516. \halopc\haloce\source\game\game_engine_king.c
  16517. king_globals.hill_point_count != 0
  16519. crown_blue
  16520. failed to find hill #%d most likely bad point placement
  16521. \halopc\haloce\source\game\game_engine_oddball.c
  16522. 0 && "this map was not correctly setup for oddball"
  16523. ### failed to find any suitable netgame flag to create the ball
  16524. ### failed to find the flag object
  16525. ### failed to find ball spawn team id 1
  16526. ### failed to find ball spawn team id 0
  16527. ball_blue
  16528. target_blue
  16529. !ball_available() || (capture_index != NONE)
  16530. \halopc\haloce\source\game\game_engine_slayer.c
  16531. Score exceeds kills!!!
  16532. ********GOT IT**************************************************
  16533. Player [%-*s]: Kills: [%3d], Score: [%3d], Team Score: [%3d]
  16534. next_target != NONE
  16535. (index >= 0) && (index < MULTIPLAYER_MAXIMUM_PLAYERS)
  16536. deflate 1.1.3 Copyright 1995-1998 Jean-loup Gailly
  16537. bug2
  16538. wild scan
  16539. match[2]?
  16540. no future
  16541. need lookahead
  16542. Code too clever
  16543. \[%d,%d]
  16544. invalid match
  16545. %c%c
  16546. start %u, match %u, length %d
  16547. more < 2
  16548. [FLUSH]
  16549. block gone
  16550. slide too late
  16551. %c
  16552. no flush?
  16553. inflate: reset
  16554. inflate: end
  16555. inflate: allocated
  16556. inflate: zlib check ok
  16557. need dictionary
  16558. incorrect data check
  16559. inflate: zlib header ok
  16560. incorrect header check
  16561. invalid window size
  16562. unknown compression method
  16563. the circular queue @%p appears to be corrupt.
  16564. \halopc\haloce\source\memory\circular_queue.c
  16565. queue->write_offset>=0 && queue->write_offset<queue->buffer_size
  16566. data && data_size>0 && data_size<queue->buffer_size
  16567. read_offset>=0 && read_offset<queue->buffer_size
  16568. gti2CreateSocket FAILED bind[%d]
  16569. gti2CreateSocket FAILED setsockopt[%d]
  16570. gti2CreateSocket FAILED socket[%d]
  16571. gti2CreateSocket FAILED socketTemp->closedConnections
  16572. gti2CreateSocket FAILED socketTemp->connections
  16573. gti2CreateSocket FAILED socketTemp[%d]
  16574. gti2CreateSocket FAILED gt2StringToAddress[%d][%d]
  16575. gti2CreateSocket attempting to create[%s]
  16576. gti2NewSocketConnection Added connection to table
  16577. gti2NewSocketConnection address[%s] allocating incomingBufferSize[%d] outgoingBufferSize[%d]
  16578. 10001
  16579. gti2NewSocketConnection failed gti2CreateConnectionObject address[%s]
  16580. gti2NewSocketConnection Duplicate address[%s]
  16581. gti2FreeSocketConnection removed connection from table
  16582. GTI2Closed
  16583. GTI2Closing
  16584. GTI2Connected
  16585. GTI2AwaitingAcceptReject
  16586. GTI2AwaitingClientResponse
  16587. GTI2AwaitingClientChallenge
  16588. GTI2AwaitingAcceptance
  16589. GTI2AwaitingServerChallenge
  16590. gti2NewOutgoingConnection
  16591. gti2NewIncomingConnection state[%s]
  16592. gti2StartConnectionAttempt FAILED TO SEND CLIENT CHALLENGE
  16593. gti2StartConnectionAttempt later state[%s]
  16594. gti2StartConnectionAttempt state[%s]
  16595. gti2AcceptConnection later state[%s]
  16596. gti2AcceptConnection state[%s]
  16597. gti2RejectConnection later state[%s]
  16598. gti2RejectConnection state[%s]
  16599. gti2ConnectionClosed later state[%s]
  16600. gti2ConnectionClosed state[%s]
  16601. gti2CheckTimeout TIMED OUT
  16602. gti2CloseConnection later
  16603. gti2CloseConnection D state[%s]
  16604. gti2CloseConnection C state[%s]
  16605. gti2CloseConnection B state[%s]
  16606. gti2CloseConnection A.. hard[%d]
  16607. 0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
  16608. Crypt
  16609. Software\GameSpy\GameSpy 3D\Registration
  16610. lightning_globals.lightning_data
  16611. \halopc\haloce\source\objects\widgets\lightning.c
  16612. lightnings
  16613. random_position_bounds
  16614. points[vertex_index].valid
  16615. !points[point_count+segment_point_index].valid
  16616. segment_point_start_index>0
  16617. !points[point_count+segment_point_count].valid
  16618. light_volume_globals.light_volume_data
  16619. \halopc\haloce\source\objects\widgets\light_volumes.c
  16620. light volumes
  16621. t>= t0 && t <= t3
  16622. could not allocate glow data array
  16623. could not allocate glow particle data array
  16624. glow particles
  16625. \halopc\haloce\source\objects\widgets\glow.c
  16626. glow->number_of_markers > 1
  16627. marker_index<glow->number_of_markers-1
  16628. glow effect received illegal boundary effect
  16629. unknown trailing particle distribution?
  16630. the map limit for the number of active glow particles has been reached
  16631. couldn't allocate antenna globals
  16632. y>=0 && y<definition->height
  16633. x>=0 && x<definition->width
  16634. flag && definition
  16635. \halopc\haloce\source\objects\widgets\flags.c
  16636. y>=0 && y<definition->height-1
  16637. x>=0 && x<definition->width-1
  16638. couldn't allocate flag globals
  16639. i<maximum_triangles
  16640. '99.
  16641. Warning,
  16642. TileDepth
  16643. ImageDepth
  16644. DataType
  16645. Matteing
  16646. SampleFormat
  16647. ExtraSamples
  16648. ConsecutiveBadFaxLines
  16649. CleanFaxData
  16650. BadFaxLines
  16651. TileByteCounts
  16652. TileOffsets
  16653. TileLength
  16654. TileWidth
  16655. HalftoneHints
  16656. ColorMap
  16657. Predictor
  16658. HostComputer
  16659. Artist
  16660. DateTime
  16661. Software
  16662. ColorResponseUnit
  16663. PageNumber
  16664. ResolutionUnit
  16665. Group4Options
  16666. Group3Options
  16667. GrayResponseCurve
  16668. GrayResponseUnit
  16669. FreeByteCounts
  16670. FreeOffsets
  16671. YPosition
  16672. XPosition
  16673. PageName
  16674. PlanarConfiguration
  16675. YResolution
  16676. XResolution
  16677. MaxSampleValue
  16678. MinSampleValue
  16679. StripByteCounts
  16680. RowsPerStrip
  16681. SamplesPerPixel
  16682. Orientation
  16683. StripOffsets
  16684. Model
  16685. Make
  16686. ImageDescription
  16687. DocumentName
  16688. FillOrder
  16689. CellLength
  16690. CellWidth
  16691. Threshholding
  16692. PhotometricInterpretation
  16693. Compression
  16694. BitsPerSample
  16695. ImageLength
  16696. ImageWidth
  16697. OldSubfileType
  16698. SubfileType
  16699. TIFFFieldWithTag
  16700. Internal error, unknown tag 0x%x
  16701. JPEG
  16702. PackBits
  16703. LZW
  16704. Null
  16705. %s %s encoding is not implemented
  16706. scanline
  16707. %s %s decoding is not implemented
  16708. Unknown data compression algorithm %u (0x%x)
  16709. No space %s
  16710. \halopc\haloce\source\bitmaps\libtiff\tif_dirread.c
  16711. for "StripByteCounts" array
  16712. TIFF directory is missing required "%s" field
  16713. Error fetching data for field "%s"
  16714. %s: Rational with zero denominator (num = %lu)
  16715. to fetch array of rationals
  16716. Cannot handle different per-sample values for field "%s"
  16717. to fetch strip tag
  16718. for strip array
  16719. Can not handle more than 1 extra sample/pixel
  16720. Bogus "%s" field, ignoring and calculating from imagelength
  16721. TIFF directory is missing required "%s" field, calculating from imagelength
  16722. Colormap
  16723. to read "TransferFunction" tag
  16724. wrong data type %d for "%s"; tag ignored
  16725. invalid TIFF directory; tags are not sorted in ascending order
  16726. Can not read TIFF directory
  16727. to read TIFF directory
  16728. Can not read TIFF directory count
  16729. Seek error accessing TIFF directory
  16730. Sample %d out of range, max %d
  16731. Depth %d out of range, max %d
  16732. Row %d out of range, max %d
  16733. Col %d out of range, max %d
  16734. ### ERROR rasterizer_model_plasma_draw failed
  16735. IDirect3DDevice9_SetVertexShaderConstantF(global_d3d_device, VSH_CONSTANTS__TEXANIM_OFFSET, (float *)vsh_constants__texanim, 6)
  16736. plasma->secondary_noise_map_animation_period!=0.0f
  16737. plasma->primary_noise_map_animation_period!=0.0f
  16738. \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx9_plasma_energy.c
  16739. ### ERROR unsupported framebuffer fade mode
  16741. !TEST_FLAG(shader_transparent_chicago->shader.radiosity.flags, _shader_radiosity_FILTHY_transparent_lit_bit) || shader_transparent_chicago->chicago.type==_shader_transparent_chicago_type_2d_map
  16742. \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx9_transparent_chicago_draw.c
  16743. !TEST_FLAG(shader_transparent_chicago_extended->shader.radiosity.flags, _shader_radiosity_FILTHY_transparent_lit_bit) || shader_transparent_chicago_extended->chicago_extended.type==_shader_transparent_chicago_type_2d_map
  16744. flood carrier
  16745. infection
  16746. TEST_FLAG(swarm_component->flags, _swarm_component_obey_bit)
  16747. swarm_component->wander.move_ticks || swarm_component->wander.pause_ticks
  16748. \halopc\haloce\source\ai\actor_type_infection.c
  16749. actor->emotions.crouch_switching_change_timer > 0
  16750. \halopc\haloce\source\ai\actor_type_flood.c
  16751. ;o:o:o:L=L=L=structure_radiosity_in_new_copy_triangle_groups
  16752. structure_radiosity_out_new
  16753. structure_radiosity_in_new_add_lights
  16754. structure_radiosity_in_new_build_classes
  16755. structure_radiosity_in_new
  16756. \halopc\haloce\source\structures\radiosity\radiosity_io.c
  16757. component_index>=0 && component_index<RADIOSITY_IN_VERTEX_EQUALITY_COMPONENT_COUNT
  16758. &in_vertex->incident_luminence
  16759. Coincident vertices
  16760. create_partition||partition_index!=NONE
  16761. triangle_group_index==triangle_group_count
  16762. structures_radiosity_intermediate_build_lightmaps_rasterize
  16763. structures_radiosity_intermediate_parametrize_allocate_lightmaps
  16764. structures_radiosity_intermediate_parametrize_grow_contiguous
  16765. |?I>structures_radiosity_intermediate_parametrize_rotate
  16766. structures_radiosity_intermediate_parametrize_scale
  16767. structures_radiosity_intermediate_build_lightmaps_parametrize
  16768. structures_radiosity_intermediate_build_lightmaps
  16769. structures_radiosity_intermediate_find_trangle_groups
  16770. structures_radiosity_intermediate_new_geometry
  16771. structures_radiosity_intermediate_new
  16772. lightmaps
  16773. \halopc\haloce\source\structures\radiosity\intermediate_radiosity.c
  16774. MbP?d
  16775. matrix->forward.k==0.f && matrix->left.k==0.f
  16776. realvector3dcmp(&matrix->up, global_up3d)
  16777. matrix->scale==1.f
  16778. |Ctheta_bin_count<MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_THETA_BINS
  16779. structure_material->uncompressed_vertex_data.address
  16780. lightmap_vertices.elements
  16781. vertices.elements
  16782. &lightmap_vertex->incident_radiosity
  16783. new_surface_index>=0 && new_surface_index<structure->surfaces.count
  16784. surface_reference->surface_index>=0 && surface_reference->surface_index<structure->surfaces.count
  16785. failed to match vertex
  16786. Mb@?state==_triangle_before_right_turning_point
  16787. db_y
  16788. db_x
  16789. dg_y
  16790. dg_x
  16791. dr_y
  16792. dr_x
  16793. height>=0 && height_after_turning_point>=0
  16794. debug_lightmaps.tif
  16795. !point_is_coplanar || realcmp(transformed_point.z, 0.f)
  16796. I'll try and continue radiosity calculations, but most likely the lightmap will be jacked because of this error.
  16797. Texture UV is jacked or there are verts not welded correctly. Import debug.wrl for area affected.
  16798. >surface_index==last_material->first_surface_index+last_material->surface_count
  16799. triangle->surface_index>=0 && triangle->surface_index<structure->surfaces.count
  16800. @D
  16801. component_index>=0 && component_index<INTERMEDIATE_RADIOSITY_VERTEX_COMPONENT_COUNT
  16802. incoming_edge_uv1
  16803. incoming_edge_uv0
  16804. other_edge_index_index!=NUMBER_OF_EDGES_PER_TRIANGLE
  16805. !BIT_VECTOR_TEST_FLAG(grouped_triangle_flags, triangle_index)
  16806. material
  16807. !hack
  16808. component_count>0
  16809. compare_component
  16810. get_vector
  16811. tree
  16812. \halopc\haloce\source\math\vector_tree.c
  16813. index_reference
  16814. ### WARNING: found duplicate triangle building connected geometry. YOU SHOULD FIX THIS. (see orange in error geometry)
  16815. f
  16816. Pg
  16817. Mff
  16818. 0f
  16819. ffQff
  16820. 0f
  16821. f
  16822. (evaluation >= 0.0f) && (evaluation < 1e+03f)
  16823. \halopc\haloce\source\ai\actor_firing_position.c
  16824. DB
  16825. Aevaluation_context->has_target
  16826. @firing_position->valid == valid
  16827. (index2 >= 0) && (index2 < global_temporary_sort_firing_position_count)
  16828. (index1 >= 0) && (index1 < global_temporary_sort_firing_position_count)
  16829. global_temporary_sort_firing_position_array
  16830. (index >= 0) && (index < NUMBER_OF_FIRING_POSITION_GROUPS)
  16831. (test_surface_index >= 0) && (test_surface_index < collision_bsp->surfaces.count)
  16832. KB
  16833. p9;(actor->danger_zone.danger_type > _actor_danger_zone_none) && actor->danger_zone.noticed_danger
  16834. fp-eval %s: encounter %3d consider %3d valid %3d nonrejected %3d post-eval %3d skipped %3d
  16835. pursue
  16836. !expected_to_discard
  16837. firing_position_count > 0
  16838. encounter %s has too many firing positions (%d > %d)
  16839. area_path_state_valid
  16840. !actor->input.vehicle_passenger
  16841. (total_groups & currently_allowed_groups) == currently_allowed_groups
  16842. actor_index != previous_owner
  16843. DA&evaluation_context->attack_vectors[vector_index].vector
  16844. \halopc\haloce\source\ai\action_converse.c
  16845. %<\halopc\haloce\source\ai\action_charge.c
  16846. actor %s melee animation has no damage keyframe
  16847. \halopc\haloce\source\ai\path_smoothing.c
  16848. collision_edge->vertex_indices[0]==next_vertex_index || collision_edge->vertex_indices[1]==next_vertex_index
  16849. clockwise==TRUE || clockwise==FALSE
  16850. steps_finish_path
  16851. smoothed_steps
  16852. smoothed_step_count
  16853. raw_steps
  16854. raw_step_count > 0
  16855. real_vector3d
  16856. real_vector2d
  16857. \halopc\haloce\source\ai\action_avoid.c
  16858. G=\halopc\haloce\source\ai\action_vehicle.c
  16859. \halopc\haloce\source\ai\action_wait.c
  16860. \halopc\haloce\source\ai\action_search.c
  16861. \halopc\haloce\source\ai\action_guard.c
  16862. state_data->post_combat
  16863. actor->stimuli.combat_transition_prop_index != NONE
  16864. actor->stimuli.combat_transition
  16865. \halopc\haloce\source\ai\action_uncover.c
  16866. %s: inspected pursuit location
  16867. %s: unable to see target's current location
  16868. %s: begin %s uncover for [%.1f-%.1f] = %.1f (%sable to search)
  16869. %s: %s uncover done: %s
  16870. <unknown reason>
  16871. location inspected
  16872. persistent timer %d
  16873. timer %d finished
  16874. \halopc\haloce\source\ai\action_flee.c
  16875. (!actor->meta.timeslice && state_data->find_new_flee_position) || (state_data->flee_stationary_ticks > 0) || (state_data->flee_firing_position_index != NONE) || state_data->unable_to_flee || state_data->done_fleeing
  16876. actor->firing_positions.current_position_index != NONE
  16877. \halopc\haloce\source\ai\action_fight.c
  16878. \halopc\haloce\source\ai\action_alert.c
  16879. incompatible version
  16880. buffer error
  16881. insufficient memory
  16882. data error
  16883. stream error
  16884. file error
  16885. stream end
  16886. \halopc\haloce\source\memory\zlib\zutil.c
  16887. invalid length
  16888. l %2d v %4x
  16889. code %d bits %d->%d
  16890. bit length overflow
  16891. 3_6?
  16892. cd %3d
  16893. dist tree: sent %ld
  16894. lit tree: sent %ld
  16895. bl tree: sent %ld
  16896. bl code %2d
  16897. bl counts:
  16898. too many codes
  16899. not enough codes
  16900. _tr_tally: bad match
  16901. pendingBuf overflow
  16902. bad d_code
  16903. '%c'
  16904. n %3d %c l %2d c %4x (%x)
  16905. gen_codes: max_code %d
  16906. inconsistent bit counts
  16907. dyn trees: dyn %ld, stat %ld
  16908. comprlen %lu(%lu)
  16909. bad compressed size
  16910. lost buf
  16911. opt %lu(%lu) stat %lu(%lu) stored %lu lit %u
  16912. dist data: dyn %ld, stat %ld
  16913. lit data: dyn %ld, stat %ld
  16914. inflate: blocks reset
  16915. inflate: blocks allocated
  16916. invalid bit length repeat
  16917. too many length or distance symbols
  16918. invalid stored block lengths
  16919. invalid block type
  16920. inflate: codes end, %lu total out
  16921. inflate: trees ok
  16922. inflate: bits tree ok
  16923. inflate: table sizes ok
  16924. inflate: stored end, %lu total out
  16925. inflate: stored length %u
  16926. inflate: dynamic codes block%s
  16927. inflate: fixed codes block%s
  16928. inflate: stored block%s
  16929. (last)
  16930. inflate: blocks freed
  16931. Error writing data for field "%s"
  16932. Error fetching directory count
  16933. Error fetching directory link
  16934. Error writing directory link
  16935. @"%s": Information lost writing value (%g) as (unsigned) RATIONAL
  16936. \halopc\haloce\source\bitmaps\libtiff\tif_dirwrite.c
  16937. Error writing directory contents
  16938. Error writing directory count
  16939. Cannot write directory, out of space
  16940. Error flushing data before directory write
  16941. Error post-encoding before directory write
  16942. PackBitsDecode: Not enough data for scanline %d
  16943. rowsize > 0
  16944. \halopc\haloce\source\bitmaps\libtiff\tif_packbits.c
  16945. Horizontal differencing "Predictor" not supported with %d-bit samples
  16946. "Predictor" value %d not supported
  16947. LZWDecode: Strip %d not terminated with EOI code
  16948. \halopc\haloce\source\bitmaps\libtiff\tif_lzw.c
  16949. LZWDecode: Not enough data at scanline %d (short %d bytes)
  16950. Old-style LZW codes, convert file
  16951. LZWPreDecode
  16952. No space for LZW state block
  16953. sp->lzw_nbits <= BITS_MAX
  16954. LZWPreEncode
  16955. (n & 3) == 0
  16956. (n & 15) == 0
  16957. \halopc\haloce\source\bitmaps\libtiff\tif_dumpmode.c
  16958. (cc & 3) == 0
  16959. (cc & 15) == 0
  16960. DumpModeDecode: Not enough data for scanline %d
  16961. ### ERROR chicago shader has no maps
  16962. \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\shader_transparent_chicago_preprocessor.c
  16963. #VRML V1.0 ascii
  16964. error_geometry_file==NULL
  16965. \halopc\haloce\source\tool\error_geometry.c
  16966. .wrl
  16967. }
  16968. IndexedLineSet { coordIndex[0,1,-1] }
  16969. Material { diffuseColor[%f %f %f, %f %f %f] transparency[%f, %f] }
  16970. MaterialBinding { value PER_VERTEX }
  16971. Coordinate3 { point[%f %f %f, %f %f %f] }
  16972. Separator
  16973. {
  16974. IndexedFaceSet { coordIndex[0,1,2,-1] }
  16975. Material { diffuseColor[%f %f %f] transparency[%f] }
  16976. MaterialBinding { value PER_FACE }
  16977. Coordinate3 { point[%f %f %f, %f %f %f, %f %f %f] }
  16978. p2
  16979. -1] }
  16980. %d,
  16981. IndexedFaceSet { coordIndex[
  16982. %f %f %f%s
  16983. ] }
  16984. ,
  16985. Coordinate3 { point[
  16986. point_count>=0
  16987. ]
  16988. }
  16989. }
  16990. %d,%d,%d,-1,
  16991. IndexedFaceSet
  16992. {
  16993. coordIndex
  16994. [
  16995. ]
  16996. transparency[%f]
  16997. }
  16998. %f %f %f,
  16999. Material
  17000. {
  17001. diffuseColor
  17002. [
  17003. MaterialBinding
  17004. {
  17005. value PER_FACE
  17006. }
  17007. ]
  17008. }
  17009. %f %f %f,
  17010. Coordinate3
  17011. {
  17012. point
  17013. [
  17014. point_counts
  17015. polygon_count>=0
  17016. %d,%d,%d,%d,-1,
  17017. %f %f,
  17018. TextureCoordinate
  17019. {
  17020. point
  17021. [
  17022. texcoords
  17023. height>0
  17024. width>0
  17025. #
  17026. inflate: codes new
  17027. inflate_codes grabbed too many bytes
  17028. invalid distance code
  17029. invalid literal/length code
  17030. inflate: distance %u
  17031. inflate: length %u
  17032. inflate: end of block
  17033. inflate: literal 0x%02x
  17034. inflate: literal '%c'
  17035. inflate: codes free
  17036. inflate 1.1.3 Copyright 1995-1998 Mark Adler
  17037. incomplete dynamic bit lengths tree
  17038. oversubscribed dynamic bit lengths tree
  17039. incomplete literal/length tree
  17040. oversubscribed literal/length tree
  17041. empty distance tree with lengths
  17042. incomplete distance tree
  17043. oversubscribed distance tree
  17044. inflate: * end of block
  17045. inflate: * distance %u
  17046. inflate: * length %u
  17047. inflate: * literal 0x%02x
  17048. inflate: * literal '%c'
  17049. UYVY
  17050. RGBG
  17051. YUY2
  17052. GRGB
  17053. DXT1
  17054. DXT2
  17055. DXT3
  17056. DXT4
  17057. DXT5
  17058. AL16
  17059. R16
  17060. vs_3_sw
  17061. vs_3_0
  17062. vs_2_x
  17063. vs_2_sw
  17064. vs_2_0
  17065. vs_1_1
  17066. vs_1_0
  17067. vs.3.sw
  17068. vs.3.0
  17069. vs.2.x
  17070. vs.2.sw
  17071. vs.2.0
  17072. vs.1.1
  17073. vs.1.0
  17074. vs
  17075. tx_1_0
  17076. tx
  17077. ps_3_sw
  17078. ps_3_0
  17079. ps_2_x
  17080. ps_2_sw
  17081. ps_2_0
  17082. ps_1_4
  17083. ps_1_3
  17084. ps_1_2
  17085. ps_1_1
  17086. ps_1_0
  17087. ps.3.sw
  17088. ps.3.0
  17089. ps.2.x
  17090. ps.2.sw
  17091. ps.2.0
  17092. ps.1.4
  17093. ps.1.3
  17094. ps.1.2
  17095. ps.1.1
  17096. ps.1.0
  17097. ps
  17098. %.9f, %d, %d
  17099. d:\dump.txt
  17100. Software\Microsoft\Direct3D
  17101. D3DXDoNotMute
  17102. d3d9d.dll
  17103. DebugSetMute
  17104. read error
  17105. @1.0.5
  17106. DisableMMX
  17107. DisableD3DXPSGP
  17108. DisablePSGP
  17109. failed to open source file: '%s'
  17110. failed to open resource
  17111. defined
  17112. pragma
  17113. endif
  17114. else
  17115. elif
  17116. ifndef
  17117. ifdef
  17118. include
  17119. undef
  17120. define
  17121. invalid preprocessor command '%s'
  17122. syntax error
  17123. too many nested #includes
  17124. include interface required to support #include from resource or memory
  17125. error: %s
  17126. unexpected #elif following #else
  17127. unexpected #elif
  17128. unexpected #else following #else
  17129. unexpected #else
  17130. unexpected #endif
  17131. column_major
  17132. row_major
  17133. ;
  17134. once
  17135. internal error: production failed
  17136. ,
  17137. duplicate macro parameter '%s'
  17138. warning
  17139. pack_matrix
  17140. functional defines in preprocessor expressions not yet implemented
  17141. not enough actual parameters for macro '%s'
  17142. ##
  17143. #@
  17144. unexpected end of file in macro expansion
  17145. Arg
  17146. D3DX_VERSION
  17148. D3DX
  17149. DIRECT3D
  17150. internal error: out of memory
  17151. Stack
  17152. division by zero in preprocessor expression
  17153. internal error: stack underflow
  17154. yacc stack overflow
  17155. unexpected end of file
  17156. __LINE__
  17157. __FILE__
  17158. unexpected tokens following preprocessor directive
  17159. error X%u:
  17160. (%u):
  17161. %s X%u:
  17162. syntax error : unexpected %s
  17163. token
  17164. end of file
  17165. end of line
  17166. string constant
  17167. token '%s'
  17168. float '%gl'
  17169. float '%gf'
  17170. float '%gh'
  17171. float '%g'
  17172. integer '%uul'
  17173. integer '%dl'
  17174. integer '%u'
  17175. version token
  17176. comment continues past end of file
  17177. hex value truncated to 32bits
  17178. octal value truncated to 32bits
  17179. decimal value truncated to 32bits
  17180. character continues past end of file
  17181. string continues past end of line
  17182. string continues past end of file
  17183. D3DX9 Shader Assembler
  17184. vFace
  17185. vPos
  17186. aL
  17187. oDepth
  17188. oC
  17189. i
  17190. oT
  17191. oD
  17192. oFog
  17193. oPts
  17194. oPos
  17195. c
  17196. break_c
  17197. if_c
  17198. phase
  17199. texldl
  17200. setp
  17201. texldd
  17202. dsy
  17203. dsx
  17204. dp2add
  17205. bem
  17206. cmp
  17207. texdepth
  17208. texm3x3
  17209. texdp3
  17210. texm3x2depth
  17211. texdp3tex
  17212. texreg2rgb
  17213. defb
  17214. defi
  17215. cnd
  17216. logp
  17217. expp
  17218. texm3x3vspec
  17219. texm3x3spec
  17220. texm3x3tex
  17221. texm3x3pad
  17222. texm3x2tex
  17223. texm3x2pad
  17224. texreg2gb
  17225. texreg2ar
  17226. texbeml
  17227. texbem
  17228. texldb
  17229. texldp
  17230. texld
  17231. tex
  17232. texkill
  17233. texcrd
  17234. mova
  17235. breakp
  17236. break
  17237. endrep
  17238. rep
  17239. sincos
  17240. nrm
  17241. abs
  17242. sgn
  17243. crs
  17244. pow
  17245. dcl
  17246. endloop
  17247. ret
  17248. callnz
  17249. call
  17250. m3x2
  17251. m3x3
  17252. m3x4
  17253. m4x3
  17254. m4x4
  17255. frc
  17256. lrp
  17257. lit
  17258. log
  17259. exp
  17260. sge
  17261. slt
  17262. dp4
  17263. dp3
  17264. rsq
  17265. rcp
  17266. mul
  17267. mad
  17268. sub
  17269. mov
  17270. nop
  17271. SPECULAR
  17272. DIFFUSE
  17273. SAMPLE
  17274. DEPTH
  17275. FOG
  17276. POSITIONT
  17278. BINORMAL
  17279. TANGENT
  17280. TEXCOORD
  17281. PSIZE
  17282. NORMAL
  17285. POSITION
  17286. UNKNOWN
  17287. POSITIONT
  17288. invalid instruction modifiers '%s'
  17289. '%s' is not a valid instruction in this shader version
  17290. le
  17291. ne
  17292. lt
  17293. ge
  17294. eq
  17295. gt
  17296. sample
  17297. depth
  17298. positiont
  17299. tessfactor
  17300. binormal
  17301. tangent
  17302. psize
  17303. blendindices
  17304. blendweight
  17305. pp
  17306. volume
  17307. cube
  17308. 2d
  17309. d8
  17310. d4
  17311. d2
  17312. x2
  17313. x4
  17314. x8
  17315. sat
  17316. invalid mask '%s'
  17317. invalid swizzle '%s'
  17318. internal error: instruction size mismatch
  17319. only a0.x is allowed as a relative address register in vs_1_1
  17320. source modifiers incompatible with SUB instruction
  17321. relative addressing of predicates is not supported in this shader version
  17322. source modifiers are not allowed on predicates
  17323. predicates are not supported in this shader version
  17324. relative addressing of destination parameters is not supported in this shader version
  17325. only one address register reference is allowed in a relative address expression
  17326. source modifiers are not allowed on destination parameters
  17327. call, callnz, label, and ret instructions are not allowed in assembly fragments
  17328. Matrices cannot be specified in temp registers with the fragment linker
  17329. r_
  17330. v_
  17331. fragment info exceeds maximum comment size
  17332. debug info exceeds maximum comment size; no debug info emitted
  17333. constant register address out of bounds on constant '%s', size %d, offset %d
  17334. constant register '%s' must be defined as a variable '%s'
  17335. '%s' is not a valid register name. Registers must start with v_, r_, c_, b_, or i_ depending on the register type.
  17336. i_
  17337. b_
  17338. c_
  17339. addressing operations not allowed on temporary registers '%s'
  17340. addressing operations are not allowed on input registers '%s'
  17341. Invalid input register '%s' specified
  17342. invalid register, input, or constant name '%s'
  17343. entrypoint
  17344. invalid register '%s'
  17345. invalid register '%s[...]'
  17346. invalid register '%s[%u]'
  17347. da
  17348. dw
  17349. db
  17350. dz
  17351. bx2
  17352. bias
  17353. temporary and constant registers are not allowed in assembly fragments
  17354. only one address register reference allowed in a relative address expression
  17355. scalar registers cannot be swizzled
  17356. complement is not supported in this shader version
  17357. complement cannot be used with other modifiers
  17358. invalid complement expression
  17359. negate and divide modifiers cannot be combined
  17360. not cannot be used with other modifiers
  17361. scalar registers cannot be masked
  17362. instruction predication is not supported in this shader version
  17363. instruction coissue is not supported in this shader version
  17364. Direct3DShaderValidatorCreate9
  17365. only vs_1_1, vs_2_0, vs_2_x, and vs_2_sw are supported for assembly fragments
  17366. unrecognized shader version
  17367. ps_1_0 is no longer supported; using ps_1_1
  17368. vs_1_0 is no longer supported; using vs_1_1
  17369. shader version expected
  17370. internal error: result register invalid
  17371. internal error: argument missing context (A%u)
  17372. internal error: unknown node
  17373. asymetric returns from if statements not yet implemented
  17374. internal error: unrecognized statement
  17375. general for/do/while statements are not yet implemented
  17376. intrinsic function '%s' is not yet implemented
  17377. tex1D will considered dependent since texcoord was not declared as at least float2
  17378. '%s': output parameter '%s' never assigned a value
  17379. $%s
  17380. '%s': output parameter '%s' missing semantics
  17381. '%s': function return value missing semantics
  17382. '%s': function must return a value
  17383. '%s': input parameter '%s' missing semantics
  17384. '%s': recursive functions not yet implemented
  17385. internal error: unrecognized expression
  17386. function '%s' missing implementation
  17387. non-linear array references not yet implemented
  17388. array references of intermediate arguments not yet implemented
  17389. array index out of bounds
  17390. internal error: unrecognized value
  17391. overloaded function not found
  17392. '%s': entrypoint not found
  17393. unrecognized compiler target '%s'
  17394. non-trivial object expressions not yet implemented
  17395. expressions returning objects in an array or struct not yet implemented
  17396. internal error: expression expected
  17397. }C=b9
  17398. q3F=b9
  17399. q3E=b9
  17400. q3D=b9
  17401. q3C=b9
  17402. q3B=b9
  17403. q3A=b9
  17404. q3@=b9
  17405. q3CE m
  17406. dmBG'\D=b9
  17407. q3M=b9
  17408. q3F=b9
  17409. q3A?vR
  17410. @35B?vR
  17411. @35@?vR
  17412. @35C?vR
  17413. @35'xR
  17414. @35!0BxR
  17415. @35
  17416. Texture0@Name
  17417. Ambient
  17418. Emissive
  17419. Specular
  17420. Power
  17421. Diffuse
  17422. Failed to add x file data object!
  17423. Failed to create x file data object!
  17424. Out of memory!
  17425. Texture1
  17426. xof 0303txt 0032 template FVFData { <B6E70A0E-8EF9-4e83-94AD-ECC8B0C04897> DWORD dwFVF; DWORD nDWords; array DWORD data[nDWords]; } template VertexElement { <F752461C-1E23-48f6-B9F8-8350850F336F> DWORD Type; DWORD Method; DWORD Usage; DWORD UsageIndex; } template DeclData { <BF22E553-292C-4781-9FEA-62BD554BDD93> DWORD nElements; array VertexElement Elements[nElements]; DWORD nDWords; array DWORD data[nDWords]; } template PMAttributeRange { <917E0427-C61E-4a14-9C64-AFE65F9E9844> DWORD iFaceOffset; DWORD nFacesMin; DWORD nFacesMax; DWORD iVertexOffset; DWORD nVerticesMin; DWORD nVerticesMax; } template PMVSplitRecord { <574CCC14-F0B3-4333-822D-93E8A8A08E4C> DWORD iFaceCLW; DWORD iVlrOffset; DWORD iCode; } template PMInfo { <B6C3E656-EC8B-4b92-9B62-681659522947> DWORD nAttributes; array PMAttributeRange attributeRanges[nAttributes]; DWORD nMaxValence; DWORD nMinLogicalVertices; DWORD nMaxLogicalVertices; DWORD nVSplits; array PMVSplitRecord splitRecords[nVSplits]; DWORD nAttributeMispredicts; array DWORD attributeMispredicts[nAttributeMispredicts]; }
  17427. xof 0303txt 0032 template XSkinMeshHeader { <3CF169CE-FF7C-44ab-93C0-F78F62D172E2> WORD nMaxSkinWeightsPerVertex; WORD nMaxSkinWeightsPerFace; WORD nBones; } template VertexDuplicationIndices { <B8D65549-D7C9-4995-89CF-53A9A8B031E3> DWORD nIndices; DWORD nOriginalVertices; array DWORD indices[nIndices]; } template FaceAdjacency { <A64C844A-E282-4756-8B80-250CDE04398C> DWORD nIndices; array DWORD indices[nIndices]; } template SkinWeights { <6F0D123B-BAD2-4167-A0D0-80224F25FABB> STRING transformNodeName; DWORD nWeights; array DWORD vertexIndices[nWeights]; array float weights[nWeights]; Matrix4x4 matrixOffset; } template Patch { <A3EB5D44-FC22-429D-9AFB-3221CB9719A6> DWORD nControlIndices; array DWORD controlIndices[nControlIndices]; } template PatchMesh { <D02C95CC-EDBA-4305-9B5D-1820D7704BBF> DWORD nVertices; array Vector vertices[nVertices]; DWORD nPatches; array Patch patches[nPatches]; [ ... ] } template PatchMesh9 { <B9EC94E1-B9A6-4251-BA18-94893F02C0EA> DWORD Type; DWORD Degree; DWORD Basis; DWORD nVertices; array Vector vertices[nVertices]; DWORD nPatches; array Patch patches[nPatches]; [ ... ] } template EffectFloats { <F1CFE2B3-0DE3-4e28-AFA1-155A750A282D> DWORD nFloats; array float Floats[nFloats]; } template EffectString { <D55B097E-BDB6-4c52-B03D-6051C89D0E42> STRING Value; } template EffectDWord { <622C0ED0-956E-4da9-908A-2AF94F3CE716> DWORD Value; } template EffectParamFloats { <3014B9A0-62F5-478c-9B86-E4AC9F4E418B> STRING ParamName; DWORD nFloats; array float Floats[nFloats]; } template EffectParamString { <1DBC4C88-94C1-46ee-9076-2C28818C9481> STRING ParamName; STRING Value; } template EffectParamDWord { <E13963BC-AE51-4c5d-B00F-CFA3A9D97CE5> STRING ParamName; DWORD Value; } template EffectInstance { <E331F7E4-0559-4cc2-8E99-1CEC1657928F> STRING EffectFilename; [ ... ] } template AnimTicksPerSecond { <9E415A43-7BA6-4a73-8743-B73D47E88476> DWORD AnimTicksPerSecond; }
  17428. DirectXFileCreate
  17429. d3dxof.dll
  17430. D3DXValidIndices: (Likely problem is that two triangles share same points with opposite orientations)
  17431. D3DXValidIndices: A neighbor triangle index(%d) was found more than once on triangle %d
  17432. D3DXValidIndices: A point(%d) was found more than once in triangle %d
  17433. D3DXValidIndices: An invalid neighbor index value(%d) was found on face %d
  17434. D3DXValidIndices: An invalid index value(%d) was found on face %d
  17435. D3DXValidMesh: Bowtie found around vertex %d shared by faces %d and %d
  17436. D3DXValidMesh: The fix is to duplicate the vertex so that each fan has its own vertex.
  17437. D3DXValidMesh: A bowtie is the usage of a single vertex by two separate fans of triangles.
  17438. D3DXValidMesh: A bowtie was found. Bowties can be fixed by call D3DXCleanMesh
  17439. Application transferred too many scanlines
  17440. Invalid SOS parameters for sequential JPEG
  17441. Corrupt JPEG data: found marker 0x%02x instead of RST%d
  17442. Premature end of JPEG file
  17443. Warning: unknown JFIF revision number %d.%02d
  17444. Corrupt JPEG data: bad Huffman code
  17445. Corrupt JPEG data: premature end of data segment
  17446. Corrupt JPEG data: %u extraneous bytes before marker 0x%02x
  17447. Inconsistent progression sequence for component %d coefficient %d
  17448. Unknown Adobe color transform code %d
  17449. Obtained XMS handle %u
  17450. Freed XMS handle %u
  17451. Unrecognized component IDs %d %d %d, assuming YCbCr
  17452. JFIF extension marker: RGB thumbnail image, length %u
  17453. JFIF extension marker: palette thumbnail image, length %u
  17454. JFIF extension marker: JPEG-compressed thumbnail image, length %u
  17455. Opened temporary file %s
  17456. Closed temporary file %s
  17457. Ss=%d, Se=%d, Ah=%d, Al=%d
  17458. Component %d: dc=%d ac=%d
  17459. Start Of Scan: %d components
  17460. Start of Image
  17461. Component %d: %dhx%dv q=%d
  17462. Start Of Frame 0x%02x: width=%u, height=%u, components=%d
  17463. Smoothing not supported with nonstandard sampling ratios
  17464. RST%d
  17465. At marker 0x%02x, recovery action %d
  17466. Selected %d colors for quantization
  17467. Quantizing to %d colors
  17468. Quantizing to %d = %d*%d*%d colors
  17469. %4u %4u %4u %4u %4u %4u %4u %4u
  17470. Unexpected marker 0x%02x
  17471. Miscellaneous marker 0x%02x, length %u
  17472. with %d x %d thumbnail image
  17473. JFIF extension marker: type 0x%02x, length %u
  17474. Warning: thumbnail image size does not match data length %u
  17475. JFIF APP0 marker: version %d.%02d, density %dx%d %d
  17476. %3d %3d %3d %3d %3d %3d %3d %3d
  17477. End Of Image
  17478. Obtained EMS handle %u
  17479. Freed EMS handle %u
  17480. Define Restart Interval %u
  17481. Define Quantization Table %d precision %d
  17482. Define Huffman Table 0x%02x
  17483. Define Arithmetic Table 0x%02x: 0x%02x
  17484. Unknown APP14 marker (not Adobe), length %u
  17485. Unknown APP0 marker (not JFIF), length %u
  17486. Adobe APP14 marker: version %d, flags 0x%04x 0x%04x, transform %d
  17487. Caution: quantization tables are too coarse for baseline JPEG
  17488. 6b 27-Mar-1998
  17489. Copyright (C) 1998, Thomas G. Lane
  17490. Write to XMS failed
  17491. Read from XMS failed
  17492. Image too wide for this implementation
  17493. Virtual array controller messed up
  17494. Unsupported marker type 0x%02x
  17495. Application transferred too few scanlines
  17496. Write failed on temporary file --- out of disk space?
  17497. Seek failed on temporary file
  17498. Read failed on temporary file
  17499. Failed to create temporary file %s
  17500. Invalid JPEG file structure: SOS before SOF
  17501. Invalid JPEG file structure: two SOI markers
  17502. Unsupported JPEG process: SOF type 0x%02x
  17503. Invalid JPEG file structure: missing SOS marker
  17504. Invalid JPEG file structure: two SOF markers
  17505. Cannot quantize to more than %d colors
  17506. Cannot quantize to fewer than %d colors
  17507. Cannot quantize more than %d color components
  17508. Insufficient memory (case %d)
  17509. Not a JPEG file: starts with 0x%02x 0x%02x
  17510. Quantization table 0x%02x was not defined
  17511. JPEG datastream contains no image
  17512. Huffman table 0x%02x was not defined
  17513. Backing store not supported
  17514. Requested feature was omitted at compile time
  17515. Not implemented yet
  17516. Invalid color quantization mode change
  17517. Scan script does not transmit all data
  17518. Cannot transcode due to multiple use of quantization table %d
  17519. Premature end of input file
  17520. Empty input file
  17521. Maximum supported image dimension is %u pixels
  17522. Missing Huffman code table entry
  17523. Huffman code size table overflow
  17524. Fractional sampling not implemented yet
  17525. Output file write error --- out of disk space?
  17526. Input file read error
  17527. Didn't expect more than one scan
  17528. Write to EMS failed
  17529. Read from EMS failed
  17530. Empty JPEG image (DNL not supported)
  17531. Bogus DQT index %d
  17532. Bogus DHT index %d
  17533. Bogus DAC value 0x%x
  17534. Bogus DAC index %d
  17535. Unsupported color conversion request
  17536. Too many color components: %d, max %d
  17537. CCIR601 sampling not implemented yet
  17538. Suspension not allowed here
  17539. Buffer passed to JPEG library is too small
  17540. Bogus virtual array access
  17541. JPEG parameter struct mismatch: library thinks size is %u, caller expects %u
  17542. Improper call to JPEG library in state %d
  17543. Invalid scan script at entry %d
  17544. Bogus sampling factors
  17545. Invalid progressive parameters at scan script entry %d
  17546. Invalid progressive parameters Ss=%d Se=%d Ah=%d Al=%d
  17547. Unsupported JPEG data precision %d
  17548. Invalid memory pool code %d
  17549. Sampling factors too large for interleaved scan
  17550. Wrong JPEG library version: library is %d, caller expects %d
  17551. Bogus marker length
  17552. Bogus JPEG colorspace
  17553. Bogus input colorspace
  17554. Bogus Huffman table definition
  17555. IDCT output block size %d not supported
  17556. DCT coefficient out of range
  17557. Invalid component ID %d in SOS
  17558. Bogus buffer control mode
  17559. MAX_ALLOC_CHUNK is wrong, please fix
  17560. ALIGN_TYPE is wrong, please fix
  17561. Sorry, there are legal restrictions on arithmetic coding
  17562. Bogus message code %d
  17563. 0123456789ABCDEF1.0.5
  17564. "U3UIHDR
  17565. IDAT
  17566. IEND
  17567. PLTE
  17568. gAMA
  17569. sRGB
  17570. tRNS
  17571. zlib version error
  17572. zlib memory error
  17573. Unknown zlib error
  17574. 1.1.4
  17575. Incompatible libpng version in application and library
  17576. zlib version
  17577. zlib memory
  17578. Missing PLTE before IDAT
  17579. Missing IHDR before IDAT
  17580. PNG file corrupted by ASCII conversion
  17581. Not a PNG file
  17582. Extra compressed data
  17583. Decompression error
  17584. Not enough image data
  17585. Invalid attempt to read row data
  17586. Too many IDAT's found
  17587. Width too large for libpng to process image data.
  17588. Can't discard critical data on CRC error.
  17589. p?png_do_dither returned rowbytes=0
  17590. NULL row buffer
  17591. Width too large to process image data; rowbytes will overflow.
  17592. X?Call to NULL read function
  17593. same structure. Resetting write_data_fn to NULL.
  17594. It's an error to set both read_data_fn and write_data_fn in the
  17595. PNG
  17596. libpng version 1.0.5 - October 15, 1999 (header)
  17597. Too many bytes for PNG signature.
  17598. libpng version 1.0.5 - October 15, 1999
  17599. Copyright (c) 1995, 1996 Guy Eric Schalnat, Group 42, Inc.
  17600. Copyright (c) 1996, 1997 Andreas Dilger
  17601. Copyright (c) 1998, 1999 Glenn Randers-Pehrson
  17602. ?X?X?Y>t$7?*=
  17603. UnknownVendr
  17604. integer constant register '%s' must be defined as a variable of type int3 or int4 only
  17605. boolean constant register '%s' must be defined as a variable of type bool only
  17606. Constant variable '%s' bound to register greater than 8191 (%d requested)
  17607. Internal error compiling the fragment '%s'
  17608. There was an error compiling the fragment '%s'
  17609. internal error: argument was never used (A%u)
  17610. internal error: cannot read from argument pool (A%u)
  17611. internal error: cannot write to argument pool (A%u)
  17612. internal error: output argument was never initialized (A%u)
  17613. internal error: argument used without having been initialized (A%u)
  17614. variable '%s' used without having been completely initialized
  17615. indefinite arcsine
  17616. indefinite arccosine
  17617. indefinite logarithm
  17618. imaginary square root
  17619. division by zero
  17620. expression too complex
  17621. internal warning: optimization did not converge
  17622. D3DCOLORtoUBYTE4
  17623. transpose
  17624. texCUBEbias
  17625. texCUBEproj
  17626. texCUBE
  17627. tex3Dbias
  17628. tex3Dproj
  17629. tex3D
  17630. tex2Dbias
  17631. tex2Dproj
  17632. tex2D
  17633. tex1Dbias
  17634. tex1Dproj
  17635. tex1D
  17636. tanh
  17637. tan
  17638. step
  17639. sqrt
  17640. smoothstep
  17641. sinh
  17642. sin
  17643. sign
  17644. saturate
  17645. rsqrt
  17646. round
  17647. ri
  17648. refract
  17649. radians
  17650. normalize
  17651. ip
  17652. modf
  17653. log2
  17654. log10
  17655. m
  17656. lerp
  17657. length
  17658. ldexp
  17659. isnan
  17660. isinf
  17661. isfinite
  17662. frexp
  17663. frac
  17664. fmod
  17665. floor
  17666. Ng
  17667. faceforward
  17668. exp2
  17669. distance
  17670. determinant
  17671. degrees
  17672. cross
  17673. cosh
  17674. cos
  17675. ceil
  17676. atan2
  17677. atan
  17678. asin
  17679. acos
  17680. syntax error: unexpected %s
  17681. integer constant
  17682. float constant
  17683. internal error: production failed!
  17684. internal error: scope underflow
  17685. redefinition of formal parameter '%s'
  17686. redefinition of '%s'
  17687. Stmts
  17688. internal error: scope missing
  17689. duplicate usages specified
  17690. %sstruct{%u}
  17691. [%u]
  17692. %s%s%u
  17693. %s%s%ux%u
  17694. vertexfragment
  17695. pixelfragment
  17696. vertexshader
  17697. pixelshader
  17698. samplerCUBE
  17699. sampler3D
  17700. sampler2D
  17701. sampler1D
  17702. sampler
  17703. textureCUBE
  17704. texture3D
  17705. texture2D
  17706. texture1D
  17707. double
  17708. float
  17709. half
  17710. int
  17711. bool
  17712. const
  17713. object literals are not allowed inside functions
  17714. float expected
  17715. %u%s
  17716. Values
  17717. Decls
  17718. non-matrix types cannot be declared 'row_major' or 'column_major'
  17719. '%s': cannot %sconvert from '%s' to '%s'
  17720. cannot %sconvert from '%s' to '%s'
  17721. implicitly
  17722. Value
  17723. Types
  17724. Swizzle
  17725. invalid subscript '%s'
  17726. UsageType
  17727. indefinite power
  17728. infinite/indefinite log
  17729. indefinite asin
  17730. indefinite acos
  17731. pass
  17732. techinque
  17733. variable
  17734. undeclared identifier '%s'
  17735. dword
  17736. '%s': identifier represents a %s, not a %s
  17737. -l0=
  17738. `X'%s': ambiguous function call
  17739. '%s': loop control variable used outside for-loop scope conflicts with a previous declaration in the outer scope; most recent definition used
  17740. incorrect number of arguments to numeric-type constructor
  17741. cannot convert from 'object type' to 'numeric type'
  17742. constructors only defined for numeric base types
  17743. dimension of conditional does not match value
  17744. type mismatch between conditional values
  17745. conditional must be numeric
  17746. asm
  17747. decl
  17748. while
  17749. volatile
  17750. virtual
  17751. using
  17752. unsigned
  17753. union
  17754. uniform
  17755. typename
  17756. typedef
  17757. try
  17758. throw
  17759. this
  17760. template
  17761. switch
  17762. struct
  17763. static_cast
  17764. sizeof
  17765. signed
  17766. shared
  17767. sampler_state
  17768. return
  17769. reinterpret_cast
  17770. register
  17771. public
  17772. protected
  17773. private
  17774. operator
  17775. new
  17776. namespace
  17777. mutable
  17778. inout
  17779. inline
  17780. goto
  17781. for
  17782. extern
  17783. explicit
  17784. dynamic_cast
  17785. do
  17786. delete
  17787. continue
  17788. const_cast
  17789. const
  17790. compile_fragment
  17791. compile
  17792. char
  17793. catch
  17794. case
  17795. technique
  17796. asm_fragment
  17797. '%s': function return value differs from prototype
  17798. '%s': void function cannot have a semantic
  17799. '%s': missing default value for parameter '%s'
  17800. '%s': function return value must be numeric
  17801. '%s': functions cannot be declared 'extern'
  17802. '%s': functions cannot be declared 'uniform'
  17803. '%s': array dimensions must be literal scalar expressions
  17804. '%s': array dimensions of type must be explicit
  17805. '%s': array dimension must be between 1 and 65536
  17806. Ids
  17807. vector dimension must be between 1 and %u
  17808. vector dimension must be a literal scalar expression
  17809. matrix dimensions must be literal scalar expressions
  17810. matrix dimensions must be between 1 and %u
  17811. array dimensions must be literal scalar expressions
  17812. array expected
  17813. scalar expected
  17814. l-value specifies const object
  17815. type mismatch
  17816. object assignments are not allowed inside functions
  17817. scalar, vector, or matrix expected
  17818. '%s': void functions cannot return a value
  17819. '%s': secondary array dimensions must be explicit
  17820. '%s': %s cannot have annotations
  17821. '%s': %s cannot have semantics
  17822. '%s': missing %s
  17823. '%s': %s must be a literal expression
  17824. '%s': output only %s cannot have %ss
  17825. '%s': non-numeric uniform %s cannot have %ss
  17826. '%s': %s cannot have %ss
  17827. '%s': %s cannot be declared 'shared'
  17828. '%s': %s cannot be declared 'volatile'
  17829. '%s': %s cannot be declared 'extern'
  17830. '%s': %s cannot be declared 'uniform out'
  17831. '%s': %s cannot be declared 'uniform'
  17832. '%s': %s cannot be declared 'static'
  17833. '%s': uniform %s cannot be declared 'static'
  17834. '%s': extern %s cannot be declared 'static'
  17835. '%s': %s must be numeric
  17836. '%s': output paramaters cannot be declared 'const'
  17837. '%s': %s cannot be declared 'const'
  17838. '%s': %s cannot be declared 'inline'
  17839. '%s': %s cannot be target specific
  17840. '%s': implicit array missing %s
  17841. '%s': implicit array type does not match %s
  17842. '%s': array dimensions of %s must be explicit
  17843. value
  17844. default value
  17845. initializer
  17846. annotation members
  17847. loop control variables
  17848. local variables
  17849. function parameters
  17850. structure members
  17851. global variables
  17852. initial value
  17853. '%s': intrinsic function does not take %u parameter%s
  17854. '%s': function does not take %u parameter%s
  17855. Parameters
  17856. Outputs
  17857. Inputs
  17858. unsupported compiler target '%s'
  17859. internal error: unhandled production
  17860. comma expression used where an initializer list may have been intended
  17861. Arguments
  17862. DwordExpr
  17863. States
  17864. Passes
  17865. '%s' already has a body
  17866. VariableDim
  17867. Semantics
  17868. invalid use of '%s'
  17869. TypeDefs
  17870. texCube
  17871. SPECIAL
  17872. VOID
  17873. texcoord inputs used directly (that is, other than sampling from textures) in shader body in ps_1_%i are always clamped from 0 to 1
  17874. internal error: malformed clip found
  17875. Clip must be from a 3 vector in ps_1_%i
  17876. cannot access w component from texcoord in general expression
  17877. %s%s is not supported on ps_1_%i
  17878. internal error: InputRemap component matchup failed
  17879. cannot perform double dependent texture read in ps_1_x
  17880. cannot perform dependent texture read which in any way is based on color inputs
  17881. cannot read from a texcoord which was used as input in a sampler
  17882. conflicting sampler array bindings
  17883. conflicting user defined sampler bindings. If two samplers have the same user binding, they cannot both be used in the same shader
  17884. cannot read from same texcoord. In ps_1_%i, each sampler must have a unique TEXCOORD
  17885. cannot bind sampler to sampler array. In ps_1_%i, samplers must be bound to the same stage as their TEXCOORD
  17886. program too big
  17887. too many texture loads and reads from texcoords
  17888. cannot perform texture lookup twice from a user bound or similar array access sampler in ps_1_%i
  17889. cannot bind sampler to user specified stage. In ps_1_%i, samplers must be bound to the same stage as their TEXCOORD
  17890. can read from texcoord and use it for texlookup only in ps_1_4 and higher
  17891. texture loads or clips cannot be from inputs not marked TEXCOORD
  17892. internal error: arguments not vectorized
  17893. program too complex: exceeded available constant registers.
  17894. literal values outside range -1 to 1 are clamped on all ps_1_x shading models
  17895. exceeded maximum constant registers
  17896. internal error: texld alias found
  17897. program too complex: out of temporary registers
  17898. internal error: uppropagation failed
  17899. internal error: unvectorized register found
  17900. cannot match to texreg2ar or texreg2gb instruction because cannot have input modifiers
  17901. expression can only be map to texreg2rgb, but this instruction is not supported on 1_%i
  17902. cannot match to texreg2rgb instruction because can only have input modifier _bx2
  17903. cannot bind sampler to sampler array, sampler must be bound to %i
  17904. internal error: unexpected argument type
  17905. cannot match to texm* because texm* can only have bx2 modifier on input texload
  17906. cannot match to texm* because texm* cannot have source modifiers on input texcoord
  17907. unable to match texm* because source inputs are not in appropriate texture coordinates. See ps_1_% assembly reference for more information
  17908. unable to match texm because computed texcoord is used in shader
  17909. cannot bind sampler to user specified stage, sampler must be bound to %i
  17910. accessing texture coordinate w-component not yet implemented in ps_1_4
  17911. cannot access texture coordinate w-component in ps_1_%d
  17912. pixel shader must minimally write all four components of COLOR0
  17913. DEPTH must be a scalar
  17914. relative addressing not supported in ps_1_x
  17915. internal error: unexpected output register
  17916. 'texcoord' reference exceeds valid range for this shader model (max: %i)
  17917. spec
  17918. output semantic '%s%d' not yet implemented in ps_1_x
  17919. invalid output semantic '%s%d'
  17920. input semantic '%s' has been deprecated; use '%s%d' instead
  17921. invalid input semantic '%s%d'
  17922. specular
  17923. diffuse
  17924. invalid reference to input semantic '%s%d'
  17925. cannot map swizzle to ps_1_4
  17926. internal error: illformed write field
  17927. unable to emmulate write masks for ps_1_%i shader model
  17928. shader cannot compile to a ps_1_%i shader because this model can't match all the dependent texture read(s) this shader requires
  17929. cannot map this dependent texture read to ps_1_%i
  17930. cannot map expression to pixel shader instruction set
  17931. relative addressing not allowed for pixel shaders
  17932. internal error: overlapping output writes
  17933. COLOR%d must be a four-component vector
  17934. COLOR outputs must be contiguous from COLOR0 to COLORn
  17935. internal error: unexpected Alias on texture declaration
  17936. sampler mismatch: sampler used inconsistently
  17937. internal error: compiler emittimg multiple movs to output registers
  17938. internal error: write to output with instruction other than mov
  17939. internal error: invalid swizzle found
  17940. vertex shader must minimally write all four components of POSITION
  17941. PSIZE must be a scalar
  17942. FOG must be a scalar
  17943. output semantic '%s' has been deprecated; use '%s%d' instead
  17944. multi-register semantics are not allowed in fragments '%s'
  17945. n_%s
  17946. v_%s%d
  17947. relative addressing not supported in vs_1_0 instruction set
  17948. c_$zz%d
  17949. r_$Int%d
  17950. internal error: multiple write to same output
  17951. internal error: DST test failure
  17952. cannot map expression to vertex shader instruction set
  17953. invalid reference to output semantic '%s%d'
  17954. too many outputs to target TX
  17955. too many arguments to target TX
  17956. Out of Memory
  17957. IDAT
  17958. invalid chunk type
  17959. Ignoring bad adaptive filter type
  17960. CRC error
  17961. Unknown filter method in IHDR
  17962. Unknown compression method in IHDR
  17963. Unknown interlace method in IHDR
  17964. Invalid color type/bit depth combination in IHDR
  17965. Invalid color type in IHDR
  17966. Invalid bit depth in IHDR
  17967. Invalid image size in IHDR
  17968. Invalid IHDR chunk
  17969. Out of place IHDR
  17970. Truncating incorrect tRNS chunk length
  17971. Invalid palette chunk
  17972. Duplicate PLTE chunk
  17973. Invalid PLTE after IDAT
  17974. Missing IHDR before PLTE
  17975. Incorrect IEND chunk length
  17976. No image in file
  17977. Ignoring incorrect gAMA value when sRGB is also present
  17978. Duplicate gAMA chunk
  17979. Out of place gAMA chunk
  17980. Invalid gAMA after IDAT
  17981. Incorrect gAMA chunk length
  17982. Missing IHDR before gAMA
  17983. PGUnknown sRGB intent
  17984. Duplicate sRGB chunk
  17985. Out of place sRGB chunk
  17986. Invalid sRGB after IDAT
  17987. Incorrect sRGB chunk length
  17988. Missing IHDR before sRGB
  17989. tRNS chunk not allowed with alpha channel
  17990. Incorrect tRNS chunk length
  17991. Duplicate tRNS chunk
  17992. Invalid tRNS after IDAT
  17993. Zero length tRNS chunk
  17994. Missing PLTE before tRNS
  17995. Missing IHDR before tRNS
  17996. unknown critical chunk
  17997. Extra compression data
  17998. Decompression Error
  17999. D3DX9 Shader Compiler
  18000. maximum constant register index exceeded
  18001. maximum input register index exceeded
  18002. maximum sampler register index exceeded
  18003. invalid register semantic '%s'
  18004. overlapping register semantics not yet implemented '%c%u'
  18005. cannot match lerp because lerp factor is not _sat'd
  18006. internal error: unexpected output register type
  18007. maximum address register index exceeded
  18008. maximum temp register index exceeded
  18009. internal error: unexpected input register type
  18010. target does not support relative addressing
  18011. _bias opportunity missed because source was not clamped 0 to 1
  18012. complement opportunity missed because input result was not clamped from 0 to 1
  18013. constant table info exceeds maximum comment size
  18014. c_%s
  18015. overlapping output semantics
  18016. maximum number of inputs exceeded
  18017. internal error: input register missing semantic
  18018. internal error: output register missing semantic
  18019. %s target does not support texture lookups
  18020. maximum number of samplers exceeded. %s target can have a maximum of %i samplers
  18021. clip cannot be performed from a constant or literal
  18022. clip must be performed from a float4 vector for ps_2_0 models
  18023. cannot clip from a swizzled vector
  18024. clip must be performed from a float3 vector for ps_1_x models
  18025. internal error: size mismatch in scalar instruction
  18026. inflate 1.1.4 Copyright 1995-2002 Mark Adler
  18027. CScrollBar
  18028. CEdit
  18029. CComboBox
  18030. CListBox
  18031. CButton
  18032. CStatic
  18033. STATIC
  18034. BUTTON
  18035. LISTBOX
  18036. COMBOBOX
  18037. EDIT
  18038. SCROLLBAR
  18039. %I64d
  18040. %I64u
  18041. CDialog
  18042. Edit
  18043. MS Shell Dlg
  18044. CWnd
  18045. AfxOldWndProc423
  18046. AfxWnd70s
  18047. AfxControlBar70s
  18048. AfxMDIFrame70s
  18049. AfxFrameOrView70s
  18050. AfxOleControl70s
  18051. EnumDisplayDevicesA
  18052. GetMonitorInfoA
  18053. EnumDisplayMonitors
  18054. MonitorFromPoint
  18055. MonitorFromRect
  18056. MonitorFromWindow
  18057. GetSystemMetrics
  18058. USER32
  18059. DISPLAY
  18060. accDoDefaultAction
  18061. accHitTest
  18062. accNavigate
  18063. accLocation
  18064. accSelect
  18065. accDefaultAction
  18066. accSelection
  18067. accFocus
  18068. accKeyboardShortcut
  18069. accHelpTopic
  18070. accHelp
  18071. accState
  18072. accRole
  18073. accDescription
  18074. accValue
  18075. accName
  18076. accChild
  18077. accChildCount
  18078. accParent
  18079. InitCommonControlsEx
  18080. COMCTL32.DLL
  18081. HtmlHelpA
  18082. hhctrl.ocx
  18083. #32768
  18084. ime
  18085. commctrl_DragListMsg
  18086. (
  18087. CCmdTarget
  18088. CRgn
  18089. CPalette
  18090. $
  18091. CBitmap
  18092. CFont
  18093. CBrush
  18094. CPen
  18095. CGdiObject
  18096. CPaintDC
  18097. CWindowDC
  18098. CClientDC
  18099. CDC
  18100. CUserException
  18101. CResourceException
  18102. GetLayout
  18103. GDI32.DLL
  18104. SetLayout
  18105. CColorDialog
  18106. CObject
  18107. \e
  18108. TypeLib
  18109. SYSTEM
  18110. SECURITY
  18111. SAM
  18112. Mime
  18113. Hardware
  18114. Interface
  18115. FileType
  18116. Component Categories
  18117. CLSID
  18118. AppID
  18119. Delete
  18120. NoRemove
  18121. ForceRemove
  18122. Val
  18123. #
  18124. prj
  18125. CToolTipCtrl
  18126. tooltips_class32
  18127. CCheckListBox
  18128. UxTheme.dll
  18129. IsAppThemed
  18130. OpenThemeData
  18131. CloseThemeData
  18132. DrawThemeBackground
  18133. GetThemePartSize
  18134. DllGetVersion
  18135. comctl32.dll
  18136. WButton
  18137. %lf
  18138. COleException
  18139. CInvalidArgException
  18140. CNotSupportedException
  18141. CMemoryException
  18142. CException
  18143. CFileDialog
  18144. CFormView
  18145. CScrollView
  18146. MouseZ
  18147. Magellan MSWHEEL
  18151. CCtrlView
  18152. CSplitterWnd
  18153. CDocument
  18154. ReplaceFileA
  18155. KERNEL32
  18156. MFC
  18157. CWinApp
  18158. PreviewPages
  18159. Settings
  18160. File%d
  18161. Recent File List
  18162. LOC
  18163. ntdll.dll
  18164. %x
  18165. Control Panel\Desktop\ResourceLocale
  18166. GetSystemDefaultUILanguage
  18167. GetUserDefaultUILanguage
  18168. kernel32.dll
  18169. NoFileMru
  18170. NoBackButton
  18171. NoPlacesBar
  18172. Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Comdlg32
  18173. NoEntireNetwork
  18174. Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Network
  18175. NoClose
  18176. NoRecentDocsHistory
  18177. NoNetConnectDisconnect
  18178. RestrictRun
  18179. NoDrives
  18180. NoRun
  18181. Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer
  18182. %s.dll
  18183. Automation
  18184. Embedding
  18185. dde
  18186. Unregserver
  18187. Unregister
  18188. Regserver
  18189. Register
  18190. system
  18191. Software\
  18192. CWinThread
  18193. CMultiDocTemplate
  18194. software
  18195. CMDIChildWnd
  18196. CMDIFrameWnd
  18197. mdiclient
  18198. CControlBar
  18199. CView
  18200. CFrameWnd
  18201. ToolbarWindow32
  18202. ReBarWindow32
  18203. CArchiveException
  18204. CFile
  18205. InProcServer32
  18206. {%08X-%04X-%04X-%02X%02X-%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X}
  18207. DllGetClassObject
  18208. combobox
  18209. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
  18210. System
  18211. CMenu
  18212. CMapPtrToPtr
  18213. CPtrList
  18214. commdlg_SetRGBColor
  18215. commdlg_help
  18216. commdlg_ColorOK
  18217. commdlg_FileNameOK
  18218. commdlg_ShareViolation
  18219. commdlg_LBSelChangedNotify
  18220. CMapStringToPtr
  18221. CFileException
  18222. CDocManager
  18223. NullFile
  18224. [printto("%1","%2","%3","%4")]
  18225. [print("%1")]
  18226. [open("%1")]
  18227. ddeexec
  18228. /dde
  18229. /pt "%1" "%2" "%3" "%4"
  18230. /p "%1"
  18231. "%1"
  18232. command
  18233. ,%d
  18234. %s\ShellNew
  18235. %s\DefaultIcon
  18236. %s\shell\printto\%s
  18237. %s\shell\print\%s
  18238. %s\shell\open\%s
  18239. ","
  18240. [printto("
  18241. [print("
  18242. [open("
  18243. CDocTemplate
  18244. CMemFile
  18245. CRichEditCtrl
  18246. CImageList
  18247. CStatusBarCtrl
  18248. CToolBarCtrl
  18249. CListCtrl
  18250. CTreeCtrl
  18251. CTabCtrl
  18252. CAnimateCtrl
  18253. CHotKeyCtrl
  18254. CHeaderCtrl
  18255. CComboBoxEx
  18256. CProgressCtrl
  18257. CSliderCtrl
  18258. CSpinButtonCtrl
  18259. CDragListBox
  18260. msctls_statusbar32
  18261. SysListView32
  18262. SysTreeView32
  18263. msctls_updown32
  18264. msctls_trackbar32
  18265. msctls_progress32
  18266. SysHeader32
  18267. msctls_hotkey32
  18268. SysTabControl32
  18269. SysAnimate32
  18270. CToolBar
  18271. Marlett
  18272. CReBar
  18273. .INI
  18274. .HLP
  18275. .CHM
  18276. NotifyWinEvent
  18277. user32.dll
  18278. CByteArray
  18279. COleDispatchException
  18280. RichEdit Text and Objects
  18281. Rich Text Format
  18282. FileNameW
  18283. FileName
  18284. Link Source Descriptor
  18285. Object Descriptor
  18286. Link Source
  18287. Embed Source
  18288. Embedded Object
  18289. ObjectLink
  18290. OwnerLink
  18291. Native
  18292. RICHED32.DLL
  18293. RICHED20.DLL
  18294. RichEdit20A
  18295. COleObjectFactory
  18296. CLSID\%s
  18297. CEditView
  18298. commdlg_FindReplace
  18299. CPtrArray
  18300. %2
  18301. %5
  18302. %2\CLSID
  18303. %1
  18304. %2\Insertable
  18305. %2\protocol\StdFileEditing\verb\0
  18306. &Edit
  18307. %2\protocol\StdFileEditing\server
  18308. %3
  18309. CLSID\%1
  18310. %5
  18311. CLSID\%1\ProgID
  18312. %2
  18313. CLSID\%1\InprocHandler32
  18314. ole32.dll
  18315. CLSID\%1\LocalServer32
  18316. %3
  18317. CLSID\%1\Verb\0
  18318. &Edit,0,2
  18319. CLSID\%1\Verb\1
  18320. &Open,0,2
  18321. CLSID\%1\Insertable
  18322. CLSID\%1\AuxUserType\2
  18323. %4
  18324. CLSID\%1\AuxUserType\3
  18325. %6
  18326. CLSID\%1\DefaultIcon
  18327. %3,%7
  18328. CLSID\%1\MiscStatus
  18329. 32
  18330. CLSID\%1\InProcServer32
  18331. %3
  18332. CLSID\%1\DocObject
  18333. %2\DocObject
  18334. CLSID\%1\Printable
  18335. CLSID\%1\DefaultExtension
  18336. %9, %8
  18337. ThreadingModel
  18338. InprocServer32
  18339. Insertable
  18340. COleStreamFile
  18341. CSharedFile
  18342. COleBusyDialog
  18343. COleDialog
  18344. CUIntArray
  18345. CFindReplaceDialog
  18346. CMiniDockFrameWnd
  18347. CDockBar
  18348. CMiniFrameWnd
  18349. CPageSetupDialog
  18350. CPrintDialog
  18351. HH:mm:ss
  18352. dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy
  18353. MM/dd/yy
  18354. PM
  18355. AM
  18356. December
  18357. November
  18358. October
  18359. September
  18360. August
  18361. July
  18362. June
  18363. April
  18364. March
  18365. February
  18366. January
  18367. Dec
  18368. Nov
  18369. Oct
  18370. Sep
  18371. Aug
  18372. Jul
  18373. Jun
  18374. May
  18375. Apr
  18376. Mar
  18377. Feb
  18378. Jan
  18379. Saturday
  18380. Friday
  18381. Thursday
  18382. Wednesday
  18383. Tuesday
  18384. Monday
  18385. Sunday
  18386. Sat
  18387. Fri
  18388. Thu
  18389. Wed
  18390. Tue
  18391. Mon
  18392. Sun
  18393. a/p
  18394. am/pm
  18395. CorExitProcess
  18396. mscoree.dll
  18397. ...
  18398. Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library
  18399. (Press Retry to debug the application - JIT must be enabled)
  18400. For information on how your program can cause an assertion
  18401. failure, see the Visual C++ documentation on asserts
  18402. Expression:
  18403. Line:
  18404. File:
  18405. <program name unknown>
  18406. Program:
  18407. Assertion failed!
  18408. Unknown exception
  18409. !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~
  18410. LC_TIME
  18411. LC_NUMERIC
  18412. LC_MONETARY
  18413. LC_CTYPE
  18414. LC_COLLATE
  18415. LC_ALL
  18416. _.,
  18417. _
  18418. FlsFree
  18419. FlsSetValue
  18420. FlsGetValue
  18421. FlsAlloc
  18422. e+000
  18423. GAIsProcessorFeaturePresent
  18424. _nextafter
  18425. _logb
  18426. _yn
  18427. _y1
  18428. _y0
  18429. _hypot
  18430. _cabs
  18431. fabs
  18432. (null)
  18433. (null)
  18434. SunMonTueWedThuFriSat
  18435. JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec
  18436. runtime error
  18437. TLOSS error
  18438. SING error
  18439. DOMAIN error
  18440. R6029
  18441. - This application cannot run using the active version of the Microsoft .NET Runtime
  18442. Please contact the application's support team for more information.
  18443. R6028
  18444. - unable to initialize heap
  18445. R6027
  18446. - not enough space for lowio initialization
  18447. R6026
  18448. - not enough space for stdio initialization
  18449. R6025
  18450. - pure virtual function call
  18451. R6024
  18452. - not enough space for _onexit/atexit table
  18453. R6019
  18454. - unable to open console device
  18455. R6018
  18456. - unexpected heap error
  18457. R6017
  18458. - unexpected multithread lock error
  18459. R6016
  18460. - not enough space for thread data
  18461. This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.
  18462. Please contact the application's support team for more information.
  18463. R6009
  18464. - not enough space for environment
  18465. R6008
  18466. - not enough space for arguments
  18467. R6002
  18468. - floating point not loaded
  18469. Runtime Error!
  18470. Program:
  18471. A buffer overrun has been detected which has corrupted the program's
  18472. internal state. The program cannot safely continue execution and must
  18473. now be terminated.
  18474. Buffer overrun detected!
  18475. A security error of unknown cause has been detected which has
  18476. corrupted the program's internal state. The program cannot safely
  18477. continue execution and must now be terminated.
  18478. Unknown security failure detected!
  18479. Illegal byte sequence
  18480. Directory not empty
  18481. Function not implemented
  18482. No locks available
  18483. Filename too long
  18484. Resource deadlock avoided
  18485. Result too large
  18486. Domain error
  18487. Broken pipe
  18488. Too many links
  18489. Read-only file system
  18490. Invalid seek
  18491. No space left on device
  18492. File too large
  18493. Inappropriate I/O control operation
  18494. Too many open files
  18495. Too many open files in system
  18496. Invalid argument
  18497. Is a directory
  18498. Not a directory
  18499. No such device
  18500. Improper link
  18501. File exists
  18502. Resource device
  18503. Bad address
  18504. Permission denied
  18505. Not enough space
  18506. Resource temporarily unavailable
  18507. No child processes
  18508. Bad file descriptor
  18509. Exec format error
  18510. Arg list too long
  18511. No such device or address
  18512. Input/output error
  18513. Interrupted function call
  18514. No such process
  18515. No such file or directory
  18516. Operation not permitted
  18517. No error
  18518. GetProcessWindowStation
  18519. GetUserObjectInformationA
  18520. GetLastActivePopup
  18521. GetActiveWindow
  18522. MessageBoxA
  18523. Paraguay
  18524. Uruguay
  18525. Chile
  18526. Ecuador
  18527. Argentina
  18528. Peru
  18529. Colombia
  18530. Venezuela
  18531. Dominican Republic
  18532. South Africa
  18533. Panama
  18534. Luxembourg
  18535. Costa Rica
  18536. Switzerland
  18537. Guatemala
  18538. Canada
  18539. Spanish - Modern Sort
  18540. Australia
  18541. English
  18542. Austria
  18543. German
  18544. Belgium
  18545. Mexico
  18546. Spanish
  18547. Basque
  18548. Sweden
  18549. Swedish
  18550. Iceland
  18551. Icelandic
  18552. France
  18553. French
  18554. Finland
  18555. Finnish
  18556. Spain
  18557. Spanish - Traditional Sort
  18558. USA
  18559. GBR
  18560. CHN
  18561. CZE
  18562. GBR
  18563. GBR
  18564. NLD
  18565. HKG
  18566. NZL
  18567. NZL
  18568. CHN
  18569. CHN
  18570. PRI
  18571. SVK
  18572. ZAF
  18573. KOR
  18574. ZAF
  18575. KOR
  18576. TTO
  18577. GBR
  18578. GBR
  18579. USA
  18580. USA
  18581. united-states
  18582. united-kingdom
  18583. trinidad & tobago
  18584. south-korea
  18585. south-africa
  18586. south korea
  18587. south africa
  18588. slovak
  18589. puerto-rico
  18590. pr-china
  18591. pr china
  18592. nz
  18593. new-zealand
  18594. hong-kong
  18595. holland
  18596. great britain
  18597. england
  18598. czech
  18599. china
  18600. britain
  18601. america
  18602. usa
  18603. us
  18604. uk
  18605. swiss
  18606. swedish-finland
  18607. spanish-venezuela
  18608. spanish-uruguay
  18609. spanish-puerto rico
  18610. spanish-peru
  18611. spanish-paraguay
  18612. spanish-panama
  18613. spanish-nicaragua
  18614. spanish-modern
  18615. spanish-mexican
  18616. spanish-honduras
  18617. spanish-guatemala
  18618. spanish-el salvador
  18619. spanish-ecuador
  18620. spanish-dominican republic
  18621. spanish-costa rica
  18622. spanish-colombia
  18623. spanish-chile
  18624. spanish-bolivia
  18625. spanish-argentina
  18626. portuguese-brazilian
  18627. norwegian-nynorsk
  18628. norwegian-bokmal
  18629. norwegian
  18630. italian-swiss
  18631. irish-english
  18632. german-swiss
  18633. german-luxembourg
  18634. german-lichtenstein
  18635. german-austrian
  18636. french-swiss
  18637. french-luxembourg
  18638. french-canadian
  18639. french-belgian
  18640. english-usa
  18641. english-us
  18642. english-uk
  18643. english-trinidad y tobago
  18644. english-south africa
  18645. english-nz
  18646. english-jamaica
  18647. english-ire
  18648. english-caribbean
  18649. english-can
  18650. english-belize
  18651. english-aus
  18652. english-american
  18653. dutch-belgian
  18654. chinese-traditional
  18655. chinese-singapore
  18656. chinese-simplified
  18657. chinese-hongkong
  18658. chinese
  18659. chi
  18660. chh
  18661. canadian
  18662. belgian
  18663. australian
  18664. american-english
  18665. american english
  18666. american
  18667. OCP
  18668. ACP
  18669. Norwegian-Nynorsk
  18670. Ctv
  18671. Gtv
  18672. InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount
  18673. 1#QNAN
  18674. 1#INF
  18675. 1#IND
  18676. 1#SNAN
  18677. invalid string position
  18678. string too long
  18679. OyzOLEACC.dll
  18680. !dns
  18681. dnsl
  18682. !dns
  18683. ylpm,
  18684. gmdc
  18685. dnsl
  18686. C8$%@
  18687. wsyb
  18688. cved
  18689. forp,
  18690. cved
  18691. xe:\halo\
  18692. TFAS
  18693. TFAS
  18694. Halo
  18695. rcon_password
  18696. rcon_command
  18697. rcon_request
  18698. rcon_request_nework_data
  18699. password
  18700. rcon_request_nework_data
  18701. command
  18702. rcon_response
  18703. rcon_response
  18704. rcon_response_network_data
  18705. response
  18706. motd_text
  18707. sv_motd
  18708. sv_motd_network_data
  18709. motd_text
  18710. edns
  18711. edns
  18712. player_create
  18713. player_create_network_data
  18714. player_list_index
  18715. player_create_network_data
  18716. raw_player_index
  18717. player_create_network_data
  18718. translated_player_index
  18719. player_create_network_data
  18720. team_index
  18721. player_spawn
  18722. player_spawn_network_data
  18723. translated_player_index
  18724. player_spawn_network_data
  18725. unit_index
  18726. player_spawn_network_data
  18727. team_index
  18728. player_spawn_network_data
  18729. parent_vehicle_index
  18730. player_spawn_network_data
  18731. vehicle_seat_index
  18732. player_spawn_network_data
  18733. weapon_object_indices[0]
  18734. player_spawn_network_data
  18735. weapon_object_indices[1]
  18736. player_spawn_network_data
  18737. weapon_object_indices[2]
  18738. player_spawn_network_data
  18739. weapon_object_indices[3]
  18740. player_spawn_network_data
  18741. desired_weapon_index
  18742. player_spawn_network_data
  18743. powerup_durations[0]
  18744. player_spawn_network_data
  18745. powerup_durations[1]
  18746. player_set_action_result
  18747. player_set_action_result_network_data
  18748. player_index
  18749. player_set_action_result_network_data
  18750. action_result_type
  18751. player_set_action_result_network_data
  18752. action_object_index
  18753. player_set_action_result_network_data
  18754. action_result
  18755. player_set_action_result_network_data
  18756. action_seat_index
  18757. player_set_action_result_network_data
  18758. weapon_to_drop_as_result_of_swap
  18759. player_handle_powerup
  18760. player_handle_powerup_network_data
  18761. player_index
  18762. player_handle_powerup_network_data
  18763. powerup_type
  18764. player_handle_powerup_network_data
  18765. duration_in_ticks
  18766. damage_data_flags
  18767. player_effect_start
  18768. player_effect_start_network_data
  18769. damage_definition_index
  18770. player_effect_start_network_data
  18771. damage_owner_object_index
  18772. player_effect_start_network_data
  18773. damage_flags
  18774. player_effect_start_network_data
  18775. direction
  18776. player_effect_start_network_data
  18777. scale
  18778. player_effect_start_network_data
  18779. total_damage
  18780. universal_variant_flags
  18781. universal_variant
  18782. teams
  18783. universal_variant
  18784. pad0
  18785. universal_variant
  18786. pad1
  18787. universal_variant
  18788. pad2
  18789. universal_variant
  18790. flags
  18791. universal_variant
  18792. goal_radar
  18793. universal_variant
  18794. odd_man_out
  18795. universal_variant
  18796. pad4
  18797. universal_variant
  18798. pad5
  18799. universal_variant
  18800. pad6
  18801. universal_variant
  18802. respawn_time_growth
  18803. universal_variant
  18804. respawn_time
  18805. universal_variant
  18806. suicide_penalty
  18807. universal_variant
  18808. lives
  18809. universal_variant
  18810. health
  18811. universal_variant
  18812. score_to_win
  18813. universal_variant
  18814. weapon_set
  18815. universal_variant
  18816. vehicle_set
  18817. universal_variant
  18818. vehicle_set2
  18819. universal_variant
  18820. vehicles_respawn
  18821. universal_variant
  18822. friendly_fire
  18823. universal_variant
  18824. friendly_fire_penalty
  18825. universal_variant
  18826. team_autobalance
  18827. universal_variant
  18828. time_limit
  18829. universal_variant
  18830. game_engine_variant
  18831. game_variant_human_readable_description
  18832. game_variant_flags
  18833. game_variant
  18834. human_readable_game_description
  18835. game_variant
  18836. game_engine_index
  18837. game_variant
  18838. universal_variant
  18839. game_variant
  18840. game_engine_variant
  18841. game_variant
  18842. flags
  18843. game_variant
  18844. netgame_equipment_new
  18845. netgame_equipment_new_network_data
  18846. server_object_index
  18847. netgame_equipment_new_network_data
  18848. item_definition_index
  18849. netgame_equipment_new_network_data
  18850. netgame_equipment_index
  18851. multiplayer_hud_message
  18852. multiplayer_hud_message_network_data
  18853. player_index
  18854. multiplayer_hud_message_network_data
  18855. message
  18856. multiplayer_hud_message_network_data
  18857. message_data
  18858. player_score_update_header
  18859. player_index
  18860. player_score_update
  18861. player_score_network_data
  18862. kills[0]
  18863. player_score_network_data
  18864. kills[1]
  18865. player_score_network_data
  18866. kills[2]
  18867. player_score_network_data
  18868. kills[3]
  18869. player_score_network_data
  18870. assists[0]
  18871. player_score_network_data
  18872. assists[1]
  18873. player_score_network_data
  18874. assists[2]
  18875. player_score_network_data
  18876. assists[3]
  18877. player_score_network_data
  18878. friendly_fire_kills
  18879. player_score_network_data
  18880. deaths
  18881. player_score_network_data
  18882. suicides
  18883. player_score_network_data
  18884. multiplayer_stats.ctf_statistics.flag_grabs
  18885. player_score_network_data
  18886. multiplayer_stats.ctf_statistics.flag_returns
  18887. player_score_network_data
  18888. multiplayer_stats.ctf_statistics.flag_scores
  18889. player_score_network_data
  18890. special
  18891. player_score_network_data
  18892. is_odd_man_out
  18893. player_score_network_data
  18894. speed_multiplier
  18895. game_engine_change_mode
  18896. game_engine_change_mode_network_data
  18897. new_mode
  18898. game_engine_map_reset
  18899. game_engine_map_reset_network_data
  18900. dummy
  18901. cgat
  18902. cgat
  18903. bragmeti
  18904. brag
  18905. toof
  18906. toof
  18907. !tpj
  18908. gmdc
  18909. !tpj
  18910. gmdc
  18911. aLeD
  18912. luoS
  18913. aLeD
  18914. tmh
  18915. ecssejbo
  18916. cbod
  18917. cbod
  18918. ylpm
  18919. ykcv
  18920. #duh
  18921. gduh
  18922. !dnsdnsl
  18923. #duh
  18924. tmh
  18925. gduh
  18926. ihnu
  18927. sihu*
  18928. ihnu
  18929. ihpw
  18930. ihpw
  18931. ihrg
  18932. sihg*
  18933. ihrg
  18934. metiejbo
  18935. meti
  18936. cmti
  18937. !dns
  18938. [sound effect references?]
  18939. gldu
  18940. aced
  18941. aced
  18942. rtem
  18943. mtib
  18944. rtem
  18945. calpejbo
  18946. dniw
  18947. edns
  18948. gof
  18949. snel
  18950. hgil
  18951. snel
  18952. snel
  18953. dniw
  18954. snel
  18955. 2dom
  18956. rtna
  18957. gof
  18958. yks
  18959. rtca
  18960. vtca
  18961. tinu
  18962. paew
  18963. rtca
  18964. vtca
  18965. vtca
  18966. rdhs
  18967. vnesrdhs
  18968. ososrdhs
  18969. rdhs
  18970. rtosrdhs
  18971. ihcsrdhs
  18972. xecsrdhs
  18973. tawsrdhs
  18974. algsrdhs
  18975. temsrdhs
  18976. alpsrdhs
  18977. mtib
  18978. mtib
  18979. cmti
  18980. paew
  18981. necs
  18982. piqe
  18983. paew
  18984. dpib
  18985. ihev
  18986. hcam
  18987. lrtc
  18988. ifil
  18989. ecss
  18990. ejbo
  18991. aced
  18992. psbs
  18993. rncs
  18994. yks
  18995. gtam
  18996. tmh
  18997. rtsu
  18998. rncs
  18999. niar
  19000. dniw
  19001. gof
  19002. edns
  19003. psbs
  19004. yhpp
  19005. yhpp
  19006. !dnseffe
  19007. ivedejbo
  19008. hcamived
  19009. lrtcived
  19010. ifilived
  19011. lloc
  19012. effe
  19013. effe
  19014. effe
  19015. jorpejbo
  19016. jorp
  19017. rpgn
  19018. ltcp
  19019. kart
  19020. kart
  19021. cele
  19022. 2sgm
  19023. !wlg
  19024. niar
  19025. niar
  19026. moob
  19027. mtib
  19028. !tna
  19029. mtib
  19030. galf
  19031. spiqemeti
  19032. piqe
  19033. trap
  19034. ihev
  19035. !dns
  19036. tinu
  19037. 2dom
  19038. gtam
  19039. !dnseffe
  19040. trap
  19041. !tpjejboltcp!dnsacedhgil
  19042. trap
  19043. effe
  19044. effe
  19045. !dnseffe
  19046. rtna
  19047. 2dom
  19048. paewmeti
  19049. tnoc
  19050. tnoc
  19051. hgil
  19052. tnocltcpeffe
  19053. hgil2sgmtnocltcpeffednsl
  19054. galf!tna!wlg2sgmcele
  19055. rtna
  19056. 2dom
  19057. syhp
  19058. lloc
  19059. ejbo
  19060. syhp
  19061. necsejbo
  19062. ihevtinu
  19063. dpibtinu
  19064. paew
  19065. gldu
  19066. vtca
  19067. dpibihev
  19068. tinuejbo
  19069. tnof
  19070. tnof
  19071. #rts
  19072. #rts
  19073. rtsu
  19074. rtsu
  19075. oloc
  19076. oloc
  19077. mtib
  19078. mtib
  19079. mtib
  19080. wsyb
  19081. wsyb
  19082. wsyb
  19083. jwsyb
  19084. wsyb
  19085. wsyb
  19086. wsyb
  19087. rtna
  19088. edom
  19089. 2dom
  19090. wsyb
  19091. wsyb
  19092. wsyb
  19093. wsyb
  19094. integer
  19095. real
  19096. boolean
  19097. ascii_character
  19098. wide_character
  19099. ascii_string
  19100. wide_string
  19101. arbitrary_data
  19102. array
  19103. structure
  19104. pointer
  19105. enumeration
  19106. bounded_index
  19107. translated_index
  19108. point
  19109. vector
  19110. angle
  19111. flags
  19112. time
  19113. grenade_counts
  19114. fixed_width
  19115. fixed_width_normal_vector
  19116. locality_reference_position
  19117. digital_throttle
  19118. fixed_width_weapon_index
  19119. fixed_width_grenade_index
  19120. smart_vector
  19121. item_placement_position
  19122. local_player_update_sequence_number
  19123. remote_player_update_sequence_number
  19124. remote_player_action_update_baseline_id
  19125. update_tick_count
  19126. update_id
  19127. integer_small
  19128. integer_medium
  19129. integer_large
  19130. real
  19131. grenade_counts
  19132. fixed_width_3bits
  19133. fixed_width_6bits
  19134. fixed_width_1bit
  19135. fixed_width_normal_4bit
  19136. fixed_width_normal_8bit
  19137. fixed_width_normal_16bit
  19138. locality_reference_position
  19139. digital_throttle
  19140. fixed_width_weapon_index
  19141. fixed_width_grenade_index
  19142. boolean
  19143. ascii_character
  19144. object_index
  19145. player_index
  19146. definition_index
  19147. point2d
  19148. point3d
  19149. vector2d
  19150. vector3d
  19151. control_flags
  19152. time
  19153. angular_velocity
  19154. translational_velocity
  19155. item_placement_position
  19156. message_delta_guaranteed_object_header
  19157. object_index
  19158. message_delta_game_object_header
  19159. object_index
  19160. message_delta_game_object_header
  19161. baseline_index
  19162. message_delta_game_object_header
  19163. message_index
  19164. message_delta_game_object_header
  19165. update_baseline
  19166. message_delta_game_object_header_timestamped
  19167. message_index
  19168. message_delta_game_object_header_timestamped
  19169. baseline_index
  19170. message_delta_game_object_header_timestamped
  19171. object_index
  19172. message_delta_game_object_header_timestamped
  19173. timestamp
  19174. message_delta_game_object_header_timestamped
  19175. update_baseline
  19176. map_name
  19177. network_map
  19178. version
  19179. network_map
  19180. name
  19181. network_map
  19182. network_player_name
  19183. network_player
  19184. name
  19185. network_player
  19186. primary_color_index
  19187. network_player
  19188. icon_index
  19189. network_player
  19190. machine_index
  19191. network_player
  19192. controller_index
  19193. network_player
  19194. team_index
  19195. network_player
  19196. player_list_index
  19197. network_player
  19198. network_game_name
  19199. network_game_players
  19200. game_settings_update
  19201. network_game_data
  19202. name
  19203. network_game_data
  19204. map
  19205. network_game_data
  19206. variant
  19207. network_game_data
  19208. _unused_game_engine
  19209. network_game_data
  19210. maximum_players
  19211. network_game_data
  19212. difficulty_level
  19213. network_game_data
  19214. player_count
  19215. network_game_data
  19216. players
  19217. network_game_data
  19218. network_game_random_seed
  19219. network_game_data
  19220. number_of_games_played
  19221. network_game_data
  19222. local_data
  19223. super_ping_update
  19224. client_ping_update
  19225. player_number
  19226. client_ping_update
  19227. player_ping
  19228. client_game_update_header
  19229. id
  19230. client_game_update
  19231. client_game_update
  19232. ticks_to_apply_update_to
  19233. client_game_update
  19234. control_flags
  19235. client_game_update
  19236. desired_facing.yaw
  19237. client_game_update
  19238. desired_facing.pitch
  19239. client_game_update
  19240. throttle
  19241. client_game_update
  19242. primary_trigger
  19243. client_game_update
  19244. desired_weapon_index
  19245. client_game_update
  19246. desired_grenade_index
  19247. client_game_update
  19248. desired_zoom_level
  19249. parameters_protocol_array
  19250. parameters_protocol
  19251. message_parameters_set
  19252. protocol_parameters
  19253. message_parameters_set
  19254. parameters_data
  19255. hud_chat_message
  19256. hud_chat_message_ptr
  19257. hud_chat
  19258. hud_chat_network_data
  19259. msg_type
  19260. hud_chat_network_data
  19261. player_number
  19262. hud_chat_network_data
  19263. message
  19264. ................
  19265. game
  19266. game
  19267. objects_update
  19268. objects
  19269. ai_update
  19270. ai
  19271. frame
  19272. frame
  19273. stall
  19274. stall
  19275. texture
  19276. texture
  19277. render0
  19278. window0
  19279. render0_1
  19280. window1
  19281. render0_2
  19282. window2
  19283. render0_3
  19284. window3
  19285. render0_3np
  19286. overlay
  19287. render
  19288. render
  19289. game_render
  19290. game
  19291. load
  19292. load
  19293. frame
  19294. time
  19295. gpu
  19296. gpu
  19297. dt
  19298. dt
  19299. object_deletion
  19300. [custom]
  19301. object_index
  19302. MaskDetailBeforeReflectionBiasedMultiply
  19303. MaskDetailBeforeReflectionMultiply
  19304. MaskDetailBeforeReflectionBiasedAdd
  19305. MaskDetailAfterReflectionBiasedMultiply
  19306. MaskDetailAfterReflectionMultiply
  19307. MaskDetailAfterReflectionBiasedAdd
  19308. MaskInverseDetailBeforeReflectionBiasedMultiply
  19309. MaskInverseDetailBeforeReflectionMultiply
  19310. MaskInverseDetailBeforeReflectionBiasedAdd
  19311. MaskInverseDetailAfterReflectionBiasedMultiply
  19312. MaskInverseDetailAfterReflectionMultiply
  19313. MaskInverseDetailAfterReflectionBiasedAdd
  19314. MaskDetailBeforeReflectionBiasedMultiplyComplexFog
  19315. MaskDetailBeforeReflectionMultiplyComplexFog
  19316. MaskDetailBeforeReflectionBiasedAddComplexFog
  19317. MaskDetailAfterReflectionBiasedMultiplyComplexFog
  19318. MaskDetailAfterReflectionMultiplyComplexFog
  19319. MaskDetailAfterReflectionBiasedAddComplexFog
  19320. MaskInverseDetailBeforeReflectionBiasedMultiplyComplexFog
  19321. MaskInverseDetailBeforeReflectionMultiplyComplexFog
  19322. MaskInverseDetailBeforeReflectionBiasedAddComplexFog
  19323. MaskInverseDetailAfterReflectionBiasedMultiplyComplexFog
  19324. MaskInverseDetailAfterReflectionMultiplyComplexFog
  19325. MaskInverseDetailAfterReflectionBiasedAddComplexFog
  19326. ejbo
  19327. tinu
  19328. dpib
  19329. ihev
  19330. meti
  19331. paew
  19332. piqe
  19333. brag
  19334. jorp
  19335. necs
  19336. ecss
  19337. ived
  19338. hcam
  19339. lrtc
  19340. ifil
  19341. calp
  19342. damage_dealt
  19343. damage_dealt_network_data
  19344. damaged_object_index
  19345. damage_dealt_network_data
  19346. shield_damage
  19347. damage_dealt_network_data
  19348. shields_depleted
  19349. item_accelerate
  19350. item_accelerate_network_data
  19351. object_index
  19352. item_accelerate_network_data
  19353. magnitude
  19354. item_accelerate_network_data
  19355. direction
  19356. unit_kill
  19357. unit_kill_network_data
  19358. unit_index
  19359. unit_kill_network_data
  19360. should_cause_ping
  19361. unit_kill_network_data
  19362. died
  19363. unit_kill_network_data
  19364. feign_death
  19365. unit_kill_network_data
  19366. died_flying
  19367. unit_kill_network_data
  19368. ignore_hard_pings
  19369. unit_kill_network_data
  19370. force_hard_pings
  19371. unit_kill_network_data
  19372. should_alignment_vector_be_null
  19373. unit_kill_network_data
  19374. damage_part
  19375. unit_kill_network_data
  19376. angle
  19377. unit_kill_network_data
  19378. alignment_vector
  19379. unit_kill_network_data
  19380. respawn_timer
  19381. player_exit_vehicle
  19382. player_exit_vehicle_network_data
  19383. object_index
  19384. player_exit_vehicle_network_data
  19385. forced_exit
  19386. unit_drop_current_weapon
  19387. unit_drop_current_weapon_network_data
  19388. unit_index
  19389. unit_drop_current_weapon_network_data
  19390. weapon_to_drop
  19391. unit_drop_current_weapon_network_data
  19392. immediate
  19393. object_change_colors
  19394. biped_new
  19395. biped_new_data
  19396. definition_index
  19397. biped_new_data
  19398. server_object_index
  19399. biped_new_data
  19400. owner_team_index
  19401. biped_new_data
  19402. owner_player_index
  19403. biped_new_data
  19404. owner_object_index
  19405. biped_new_data
  19406. forward
  19407. biped_new_data
  19408. up
  19409. biped_new_data
  19410. change_colors
  19411. DDbiped_new_data
  19412. unit_integrated_light_on_bit
  19413. ttbiped_new_data
  19414. integrated_light_battery
  19415. biped_new_data
  19416. current_baseline_index
  19417. biped_new_data
  19418. position
  19419. biped_new_data
  19420. translational_velocity
  19421. biped_new_data
  19422. grenade_counts
  19423. biped_new_data
  19424. body_vitality
  19425. biped_new_data
  19426. shield_vitality
  19427. biped_new_data
  19428. shield_stun_ticks_greater_than_zero
  19429. biped_update_header
  19430. object_index
  19431. biped_update_header
  19432. baseline_index
  19433. biped_update_header
  19434. message_index
  19435. biped_update_header
  19436. update_baseline
  19437. biped_update_header
  19438. force_shield_update
  19439. biped_update
  19440. biped_datum_network_data
  19441. grenade_counts
  19442. biped_datum_network_data
  19443. body_vitality
  19444. biped_datum_network_data
  19445. shield_vitality
  19446. biped_datum_network_data
  19447. shield_stun_ticks_greater_than_zero
  19448. local_player_update
  19449. local_player_update_network_data
  19450. sequence_number
  19451. local_player_update_network_data
  19452. last_completed_update_id
  19453. local_player_update_network_data
  19454. position
  19455. local_player_vehicle_update
  19456. local_player_vehicle_update_network_data
  19457. sequence_number
  19458. local_player_vehicle_update_network_data
  19459. last_completed_update_id
  19460. local_player_vehicle_update_network_data
  19461. vehicle_index
  19462. local_player_vehicle_update_network_data
  19463. position
  19464. local_player_vehicle_update_network_data
  19465. translational_velocity
  19466. local_player_vehicle_update_network_data
  19467. angular_velocity
  19468. local_player_vehicle_update_network_data
  19469. forward
  19470. local_player_vehicle_update_network_data
  19471. up
  19472. remote_player_action_update_header
  19473. player_index
  19474. remote_player_action_update_header
  19475. update_id
  19476. remote_player_action_update_header
  19477. baseline_id
  19478. remote_player_action_update
  19479. remote_player_action_update_network_data
  19480. ticks_to_apply_update_to
  19481. remote_player_action_update_network_data
  19482. action.control_flags
  19483. remote_player_action_update_network_data
  19484. facing_vector
  19485. remote_player_action_update_network_data
  19486. action.throttle
  19487. remote_player_action_update_network_data
  19488. action.primary_trigger
  19489. remote_player_action_update_network_data
  19490. action.desired_weapon_index
  19491. remote_player_action_update_network_data
  19492. action.desired_grenade_index
  19493. super_remote_players_action_update
  19494. remote_player_action_update_network_data
  19495. ticks_to_apply_update_to
  19496. remote_player_action_update_network_data
  19497. action.control_flags
  19498. remote_player_action_update_network_data
  19499. facing_vector
  19500. remote_player_action_update_network_data
  19501. action.throttle
  19502. remote_player_action_update_network_data
  19503. action.primary_trigger
  19504. remote_player_action_update_network_data
  19505. action.desired_weapon_index
  19506. remote_player_action_update_network_data
  19507. action.desired_grenade_index
  19508. remote_player_position_update_header
  19509. player_index
  19510. remote_player_position_update_header
  19511. update_id
  19512. remote_player_position_update_header
  19513. sequence_number
  19514. remote_player_position_update
  19515. remote_player_position_update_network_data
  19516. position
  19517. remote_player_vehicle_update
  19518. remote_player_vehicle_update_network_data
  19519. vehicle_index
  19520. remote_player_vehicle_update_network_data
  19521. position
  19522. remote_player_vehicle_update_network_data
  19523. translational_velocity
  19524. remote_player_vehicle_update_network_data
  19525. angular_velocity
  19526. remote_player_vehicle_update_network_data
  19527. forward
  19528. remote_player_vehicle_update_network_data
  19529. up
  19530. remote_player_total_update_header
  19531. action_header.player_index
  19532. remote_player_total_update_header
  19533. action_header.update_id
  19534. remote_player_total_update_header
  19535. action_header.baseline_id
  19536. remote_player_total_update_header
  19537. sequence_number
  19538. remote_player_total_update_biped
  19539. remote_player_total_update_biped_network_data
  19540. action_data.ticks_to_apply_update_to
  19541. remote_player_total_update_biped_network_data
  19542. action_data.action.control_flags
  19543. remote_player_total_update_biped_network_data
  19544. action_data.facing_vector
  19545. remote_player_total_update_biped_network_data
  19546. action_data.action.throttle
  19547. remote_player_total_update_biped_network_data
  19548. action_data.action.primary_trigger
  19549. remote_player_total_update_biped_network_data
  19550. action_data.action.desired_weapon_index
  19551. remote_player_total_update_biped_network_data
  19552. action_data.action.desired_grenade_index
  19553. remote_player_total_update_biped_network_data
  19554. biped_data.position
  19555. remote_player_total_update_vehicle
  19556. remote_player_total_update_vehicle_network_data
  19557. action_data.ticks_to_apply_update_to
  19558. remote_player_total_update_vehicle_network_data
  19559. action_data.action.control_flags
  19560. remote_player_total_update_vehicle_network_data
  19561. action_data.facing_vector
  19562. remote_player_total_update_vehicle_network_data
  19563. action_data.action.throttle
  19564. remote_player_total_update_vehicle_network_data
  19565. action_data.action.primary_trigger
  19566. remote_player_total_update_vehicle_network_data
  19567. action_data.action.desired_weapon_index
  19568. remote_player_total_update_vehicle_network_data
  19569. action_data.action.desired_grenade_index
  19570. remote_player_total_update_vehicle_network_data
  19571. vehicle_data.vehicle_index
  19572. remote_player_total_update_vehicle_network_data
  19573. vehicle_data.position
  19574. remote_player_total_update_vehicle_network_data
  19575. vehicle_data.translational_velocity
  19576. remote_player_total_update_vehicle_network_data
  19577. vehicle_data.angular_velocity
  19578. remote_player_total_update_vehicle_network_data
  19579. vehicle_data.forward
  19580. remote_player_total_update_vehicle_network_data
  19581. vehicle_data.up
  19582. ddZZvehicle_new
  19583. vehicle_new_data
  19584. definition_index
  19585. vehicle_new_data
  19586. server_object_index
  19587. vehicle_new_data
  19588. owner_team_index
  19589. vehicle_new_data
  19590. owner_player_index
  19591. vehicle_new_data
  19592. owner_object_index
  19593. vehicle_new_data
  19594. weapon_object_indices[0]
  19595. vehicle_new_data
  19596. weapon_object_indices[1]
  19597. vehicle_new_data
  19598. weapon_object_indices[2]
  19599. vehicle_new_data
  19600. weapon_object_indices[3]
  19601. vehicle_new_data
  19602. current_baseline_index
  19603. vehicle_new_data
  19604. position
  19605. vehicle_new_data
  19606. forward
  19607. 00vehicle_new_data
  19608. up
  19609. vehicle_new_data
  19610. translational_velocity
  19611. vehicle_new_data
  19612. angular_velocity
  19613. vehicle_update
  19614. vehicle_datum_network_data
  19615. at_rest_bit
  19616. vehicle_datum_network_data
  19617. position
  19618. vehicle_datum_network_data
  19619. translational_velocity
  19620. vehicle_datum_network_data
  19621. angular_velocity
  19622. vehicle_datum_network_data
  19623. forward
  19624. vehicle_datum_network_data
  19625. up
  19626. weapon_ammo_pickup_mid_reload
  19627. weapon_ammo_pickup_mid_reload_network_data
  19628. weapon_index
  19629. weapon_ammo_pickup_mid_reload_network_data
  19630. magazine_index
  19631. weapon_ammo_pickup_mid_reload_network_data
  19632. rounds_picked_up
  19633. weapon_start_reload
  19634. weapon_start_reload_network_data
  19635. weapon_index
  19636. weapon_start_reload_network_data
  19637. magazine_index
  19638. weapon_start_reload_network_data
  19639. starting_total_rounds
  19640. weapon_start_reload_network_data
  19641. starting_loaded_rounds
  19642. weapon_finish_reload
  19643. weapon_finish_reload_network_data
  19644. weapon_index
  19645. weapon_finish_reload_network_data
  19646. magazine_index
  19647. weapon_finish_reload_network_data
  19648. ending_total_rounds
  19649. weapon_finish_reload_network_data
  19650. ending_loaded_rounds
  19651. weapon_cancel_reload
  19652. weapon_cancel_reload_network_data
  19653. weapon_index
  19654. weapon_cancel_reload_network_data
  19655. magazine_index
  19656. weapon_cancel_reload_network_data
  19657. ending_total_rounds
  19658. weapon_cancel_reload_network_data
  19659. ending_loaded_rounds
  19660. weapon_new
  19661. weapon_new_data
  19662. definition_index
  19663. weapon_new_data
  19664. server_object_index
  19665. weapon_new_data
  19666. owner_team_index
  19667. weapon_new_data
  19668. owner_player_index
  19669. weapon_new_data
  19670. owner_object_index
  19671. weapon_new_data
  19672. object_flags
  19673. weapon_new_data
  19674. forward
  19675. weapon_new_data
  19676. up
  19677. weapon_new_data
  19678. current_baseline_index
  19679. HHweapon_new_data
  19680. position
  19681. weapon_new_data
  19682. translational_velocity
  19683. weapon_new_data
  19684. magazine_0_rounds_total
  19685. weapon_new_data
  19686. magazine_1_rounds_total
  19687. weapon_new_data
  19688. age
  19689. weapon_new_data
  19690. magazine_0_rounds_loaded
  19691. weapon_new_data
  19692. magazine_1_rounds_loaded
  19693. weapon_update
  19694. weapon_datum_network_data
  19695. position
  19696. weapon_datum_network_data
  19697. translational_velocity
  19698. weapon_datum_network_data
  19699. magazine_0_rounds_total
  19700. weapon_datum_network_data
  19701. magazine_1_rounds_total
  19702. weapon_datum_network_data
  19703. age
  19704. projectile_detonate
  19705. projectile_detonate_network_data
  19706. object_index
  19707. projectile_detonate_network_data
  19708. position
  19709. projectile_attach
  19710. projectile_attach_network_data
  19711. projectile_index
  19712. projectile_attach_network_data
  19713. parent_index
  19714. projectile_attach_network_data
  19715. parent_node_index
  19716. projectile_new
  19717. projectile_new_data
  19718. definition_index
  19719. projectile_new_data
  19720. server_object_index
  19721. projectile_new_data
  19722. owner_team_index
  19723. projectile_new_data
  19724. owner_player_index
  19725. projectile_new_data
  19726. owner_object_index
  19727. projectile_new_data
  19728. forward
  19729. projectile_new_data
  19730. up
  19731. projectile_new_data
  19732. angular_velocity
  19733. DDprojectile_new_data
  19734. current_baseline_index
  19735. projectile_new_data
  19736. position
  19737. projectile_new_data
  19738. translational_velocity
  19739. 88projectile_update
  19740. projectile_datum_network_data
  19741. position
  19742. projectile_datum_network_data
  19743. translational_velocity
  19744. equipment_new
  19745. equipment_new_data
  19746. definition_index
  19747. equipment_new_data
  19748. server_object_index
  19749. equipment_new_data
  19750. owner_team_index
  19751. equipment_new_data
  19752. owner_player_index
  19753. equipment_new_data
  19754. owner_object_index
  19755. equipment_new_data
  19756. object_flags
  19757. equipment_new_data
  19758. forward
  19759. equipment_new_data
  19760. up
  19761. equipment_new_data
  19762. current_baseline_index
  19763. equipment_new_data
  19764. position
  19765. equipment_new_data
  19766. translational_velocity
  19767. equipment_new_data
  19768. angular_velocity
  19769. equipment_update
  19770. equipment_datum_network_data
  19771. position
  19772. equipment_datum_network_data
  19773. translational_velocity
  19774. equipment_datum_network_data
  19775. angular_velocity
  19776. multiplayer_sound
  19777. multiplayer_sound_network_data
  19778. index
  19779. hud_add_item
  19780. hud_add_item_network_data
  19781. item_definition_index
  19782. hud_add_item_network_data
  19783. message_offset
  19784. hud_add_item_network_data
  19785. quantity
  19786. ctf_score_array
  19787. ctf_update_header
  19788. flag_swap_timer
  19789. ctf_update
  19790. ctf_network_game_state
  19791. score
  19792. ctf_network_game_state
  19793. team_with_flag
  19794. wsyb
  19795. wsyb
  19796. forward
  19797. backward
  19798. left
  19799. right
  19800. look_up
  19801. look_down
  19802. look_left
  19803. look_right
  19804. fire
  19805. throw_grenade
  19806. switch_grenade
  19807. switch_weapon
  19808. reload
  19809. melee
  19810. exchange_weapon
  19811. jump
  19812. crouch
  19813. flashlight
  19814. zoom
  19815. action
  19816. accept
  19817. back
  19818. say
  19819. sayteam
  19820. sayvehicle
  19821. showscores
  19822. showrules
  19823. show_homies
  19824. team_change
  19825. team_change_network_data
  19826. player_number
  19827. team_change_network_data
  19828. new_team_choice
  19829. wsyb
  19830. client_to_server_pong
  19831. message_client_to_server_pong
  19832. player_number
  19833. galf
  19834. !tna
  19835. !wlg
  19836. eepe
  19837. 2sgm
  19838. cele
  19839. $Header: /usr/cvshalo/halo/source/bitmaps/libtiff/tif_close.c,v 2002/07/30 23:26:17 shawng Exp $
  19840. $Header: /usr/cvshalo/halo/source/bitmaps/libtiff/tif_dir.c,v 2002/07/30 23:26:17 shawng Exp $
  19841. TIFFSetDirectory
  19842. $Header: /usr/cvshalo/halo/source/bitmaps/libtiff/tif_open.c,v 2002/07/30 23:26:17 shawng Exp $
  19843. TIFFOpen
  19844. TIFFFdOpen
  19845. $Header: /usr/cvshalo/halo/source/bitmaps/libtiff/tif_write.c,v 2002/07/30 23:26:17 shawng Exp $
  19846. TIFFWriteScanline
  19847. TIFFWriteEncodedStrip
  19848. TIFFWriteRawStrip
  19849. TIFFWriteEncodedTile
  19850. TIFFWriteRawTile
  19851. TIFFAppendToStrip
  19852. $Header: /usr/cvshalo/halo/source/bitmaps/libtiff/tif_read.c,v 2002/07/30 23:26:17 shawng Exp $
  19853. TIFFReadRawStrip
  19854. TIFFFillStrip
  19855. TIFFReadRawTile
  19856. TIFFFillTile
  19857. TIFFReadBufferSetup
  19858. $Header: /usr/cvshalo/halo/source/bitmaps/libtiff/tif_aux.c,v 2002/07/30 23:26:17 shawng Exp $
  19859. .?AVexception@@
  19860. .?AVlogic_error@std@@
  19861. .?AVlength_error@std@@
  19862. .?AVout_of_range@std@@
  19863. wsyb
  19864. wsyb
  19865. wsyb
  19866. wsyb
  19867. wsyb
  19868. wsyb
  19869. wsyb
  19870. wsyb
  19871. wsyb
  19872. wsyb
  19873. wsyb
  19874. wsyb
  19875. wsyb
  19876. wsyb
  19877. wsyb
  19878. race_score_array
  19879. race_update
  19880. race_globals_type
  19881. team_laps
  19882. race_globals_type
  19883. first_flag
  19884. race_globals_type
  19885. lap_bit_vector
  19886. DDrace_globals_type
  19887. lap_completed_value
  19888. race_globals_type
  19889. rally_flag
  19890. king_score_array
  19891. king_update
  19892. 8=king_globals_type
  19893. score
  19894. king_globals_type
  19895. hill_id
  19896. oddball_score_array
  19897. oddball_owner_array
  19898. oddball_update
  19899. oddball_globals_type
  19900. individual_score
  19901. oddball_globals_type
  19902. team_score
  19903. oddball_globals_type
  19904. current_ball_owner
  19905. slayer_score_array
  19906. slayer_update
  19907. 8Fslayer_globals_type
  19908. individual_score
  19909. slayer_globals_type
  19910. team_score
  19911. $Header: /usr/cvshalo/halo/source/bitmaps/libtiff/tif_flush.c,v 2002/07/30 23:26:17 shawng Exp $
  19912. $Header: /usr/cvshalo/halo/source/bitmaps/libtiff/tif_error.c,v 2002/07/30 23:26:17 shawng Exp $
  19913. $Header: /usr/cvshalo/halo/source/bitmaps/libtiff/tif_warning.c,v 2002/07/30 23:26:17 shawng Exp $
  19914. $Header: /usr/cvshalo/halo/source/bitmaps/libtiff/tif_dirinfo.c,v 2002/07/30 23:26:17 shawng Exp $
  19915. $Header: /usr/cvshalo/halo/source/bitmaps/libtiff/tif_compress.c,v 2002/07/30 23:26:17 shawng Exp $
  19916. gg$Header: /usr/cvshalo/halo/source/bitmaps/libtiff/tif_dirread.c,v 2002/07/30 23:26:17 shawng Exp $
  19917. to fetch tag value
  19918. $Header: /usr/cvshalo/halo/source/bitmaps/libtiff/tif_swab.c,v 2002/07/30 23:26:17 shawng Exp $
  19919. [6705952: 0x00-0xFF]
  19920. $Header: /usr/cvshalo/halo/source/bitmaps/libtiff/tif_tile.c,v 2002/07/30 23:26:17 shawng Exp $
  19921. $Header: /usr/cvshalo/halo/source/bitmaps/libtiff/tif_strip.c,v 2002/07/30 23:26:17 shawng Exp $
  19922. %,*(.
  19923. '-+)/&
  19924. %,*(.
  19925. %,*(.
  19926. '-+)/&
  19927. %,*(.
  19928. 3b8dd8995f7c40a9a5c5b7dd5b481341
  19929. wsyb
  19930. wsyb
  19931. $Header: /usr/cvshalo/halo/source/bitmaps/libtiff/tif_dirwrite.c,v 2002/07/30 23:26:17 shawng Exp $
  19932. TIFFLinkDirectory
  19933. $Header: /usr/cvshalo/halo/source/bitmaps/libtiff/tif_jpeg.c,v 2002/07/30 23:26:17 shawng Exp $
  19934. $Header: /usr/cvshalo/halo/source/bitmaps/libtiff/tif_packbits.c,v 2002/07/30 23:26:17 shawng Exp $
  19935. $Header: /usr/cvshalo/halo/source/bitmaps/libtiff/tif_lzw.c,v 2002/07/30 23:26:17 shawng Exp $
  19936. LZWEncode
  19937. $Header: /usr/cvshalo/halo/source/bitmaps/libtiff/tif_dumpmode.c,v 2002/07/30 23:26:17 shawng Exp $
  19938. $Header: /usr/cvshalo/halo/source/bitmaps/libtiff/tif_compat.c,v 2002/07/30 23:26:17 shawng Exp $
  19939. debug.wrl
  19940. UYVY
  19941. UYVY
  19942. RGBG
  19943. RGBG
  19944. YUY2
  19945. YUY2
  19946. GRGB
  19947. GRGB
  19948. DXT1
  19949. DXT1
  19950. DXT2
  19951. DXT2
  19952. DXT3
  19953. DXT3
  19954. DXT4
  19955. DXT4
  19956. DXT5
  19957. DXT5
  19958. xof 0302bin 0064
  19959. Header
  19960. major
  19961. minor
  19962. flags
  19963. Vector
  19964. x*y*z
  19965. Coords2d
  19966. u*v
  19967. Matrix4x4
  19968. matrix
  19969. ColorRGBA
  19970. *red*green*blue*alpha
  19971. ColorRGB
  19972. *red*green*blue
  19973. IndexedColor
  19974. index
  19975. ColorRGBA
  19976. indexColor
  19977. Boolean
  19978. truefalse
  19979. Boolean2d
  19980. Boolean
  19981. Boolean
  19982. MaterialWrap
  19983. Boolean
  19984. Boolean
  19985. TextureFilename
  19986. filename
  19987. Material
  19988. ColorRGBA
  19989. faceColor*power
  19990. ColorRGB
  19991. specularColor
  19992. ColorRGB
  19993. emissiveColor
  19994. MeshFace
  19995. nFaceVertexIndices
  19996. faceVertexIndices
  19997. nFaceVertexIndices
  19998. MeshFaceWraps
  19999. nFaceWrapValues
  20000. Boolean2d
  20001. faceWrapValues
  20002. nFaceWrapValues
  20003. MeshTextureCoords
  20004. nTextureCoords
  20005. Coords2d
  20006. textureCoords
  20007. nTextureCoords
  20008. MeshMaterialList
  20009. nMaterials
  20010. nFaceIndexes
  20011. faceIndexes
  20012. nFaceIndexes
  20013. Material
  20014. MeshNormals
  20015. nNormals
  20016. Vector
  20017. normals
  20018. nNormals
  20019. nFaceNormals
  20020. MeshFace
  20021. faceNormals
  20022. nFaceNormals
  20023. MeshVertexColors
  20024. nVertexColors
  20025. IndexedColor
  20026. vertexColors
  20027. nVertexColors
  20028. Mesh
  20029. nVertices
  20030. Vector
  20031. vertices
  20032. nVertices
  20033. nFaces
  20034. MeshFace
  20035. faces
  20036. nFaces
  20037. FrameTransformMatrix
  20038. Matrix4x4
  20039. frameMatrix
  20040. Frame
  20041. FloatKeys
  20042. nValues*values
  20043. nValues
  20044. TimedFloatKeys
  20045. time
  20046. FloatKeys
  20047. tfkeys
  20048. AnimationKey
  20049. keyType
  20050. nKeys
  20051. TimedFloatKeys
  20052. keys
  20053. nKeys
  20054. AnimationOptions
  20055. openclosed
  20056. positionquality
  20057. Animation
  20058. AnimationSet
  20059. Animation
  20060. InlineData
  20061. BINARY
  20062. Url
  20063. nUrls
  20064. urls
  20065. nUrls
  20066. ProgressiveMesh
  20067. Url
  20068. InlineData
  20069. Guid
  20070. data1
  20071. data2
  20072. data3
  20073. data4
  20074. StringProperty
  20075. key
  20076. value
  20077. PropertyBag
  20078. StringProperty
  20079. ExternalVisual
  20080. irq
  20081. Guid
  20082. guidExternalVisual
  20083. RightHanded
  20084. bRightHanded
  20085. .?AVCObject@@
  20086. .?AVCCmdTarget@@
  20087. .?AVCWnd@@
  20088. .?AVCStatic@@
  20089. .?AVCButton@@
  20090. .?AVCListBox@@
  20091. .?AVCComboBox@@
  20092. .?AVCEdit@@
  20093. .?AVCScrollBar@@
  20094. .?AVCDialog@@
  20095. .PAVCException@@
  20096. .?AVXAccessible@CWnd@@
  20097. .?AVXAccessibleServer@CWnd@@
  20098. .?AVCNoTrackObject@@
  20100. .?AVCCmdUI@@
  20101. .?AVCTestCmdUI@@
  20102. .PAVCUserException@@
  20103. .?AUIAccessibleProxy@@
  20104. .?AUIUnknown@@
  20105. .?AUIDispatch@@
  20106. .?AUIAccessible@@
  20107. .?AV?$IAccessibleProxyImpl@VCAccessibleProxy@ATL@@@ATL@@
  20108. .?AUIOleWindow@@
  20109. .?AVCComObjectRootBase@ATL@@
  20110. .?AV?$CComObjectRootEx@VCComSingleThreadModel@ATL@@@ATL@@
  20111. .?AVCAccessibleProxy@ATL@@
  20112. .?AV?$CMFCComObject@VCAccessibleProxy@ATL@@@@
  20113. .PAX
  20114. .PAVCObject@@
  20115. .PAVCSimpleException@@
  20116. .PAVCResourceException@@
  20117. .?AVCException@@
  20118. .?AVCSimpleException@@
  20119. .?AVCResourceException@@
  20120. .?AVCUserException@@
  20121. .?AVCGdiObject@@
  20122. .?AVCDC@@
  20123. .?AVCClientDC@@
  20124. .?AVCWindowDC@@
  20125. .?AVCPaintDC@@
  20126. .?AVCBrush@@
  20127. .?AVCBitmap@@
  20128. .?AVCPen@@
  20129. .?AVCRgn@@
  20130. .?AV_AFX_COLOR_STATE@@
  20131. .?AVCCommonDialog@@
  20132. .?AVCColorDialog@@
  20133. .PAVCArchiveException@@
  20134. .?AV_AFX_THREAD_STATE@@
  20138. .?AVCToolTipCtrl@@
  20140. .?AVCOleException@@
  20141. .PAVCOleException@@
  20142. .PAVCMemoryException@@
  20143. .PAVCNotSupportedException@@
  20144. .PAVCInvalidArgException@@
  20145. .?AVCMemoryException@@
  20146. .?AVCNotSupportedException@@
  20147. .?AVCInvalidArgException@@
  20148. .?AUIAtlStringMgr@ATL@@
  20149. .?AVCAfxStringMgr@@
  20150. .?AVCFileDialog@@
  20151. .?AVCView@@
  20152. .?AVCScrollView@@
  20153. .?AVCFormView@@
  20155. .?AVCFile@@
  20156. .?AVCMirrorFile@@
  20157. .?AVCFileException@@
  20158. .?AVCWinThread@@
  20159. .?AVCWinApp@@
  20160. .?AVCCommandLineInfo@@
  20161. .?AVCDocTemplate@@
  20162. .?AVCMultiDocTemplate@@
  20163. .?AVCOccManager@@
  20164. .?AVCFrameWnd@@
  20165. .?AVCMDIFrameWnd@@
  20166. .?AVCMDIChildWnd@@
  20167. .?AVCMenu@@
  20168. .?AVCArchiveException@@
  20169. .?AUCThreadData@@
  20170. .?AVCInnerUnknown@@
  20171. .?AVCFont@@
  20172. .?AVCChevronOwnerDrawMenu@@
  20173. .?AVCMapPtrToPtr@@
  20174. .?AVCHandleMap@@
  20175. .?AVCPtrList@@
  20176. .?AVCMapStringToPtr@@
  20177. .PAVCFileException@@
  20178. .?AVCRecentFileList@@
  20179. .?AVCNewTypeDlg@@
  20180. .?AVCDocManager@@
  20181. .?AVCEnumArray@@
  20182. .?AVCEnumUnknown@@
  20183. .?AV?$_CTypedPtrList@VCPtrList@@PAUCOleControlSiteOrWnd@@@@
  20184. .?AVCOleControlContainer@@
  20185. .?AV?$CTypedPtrList@VCPtrList@@PAUCOleControlSiteOrWnd@@@@
  20186. .?AUIParseDisplayName@@
  20187. .?AUIOleContainer@@
  20188. .?AVXOleContainer@COleControlContainer@@
  20189. .?AUIOleInPlaceUIWindow@@
  20190. .?AUIOleInPlaceFrame@@
  20191. .?AVXOleIPFrame@COleControlContainer@@
  20192. .?AVCDataSourceControl@@
  20193. .?AUINotifyDBEvents@@
  20194. .?AUIOleClientSite@@
  20195. .?AVXOleClientSite@COleControlSite@@
  20196. .?AUIOleControlSite@@
  20197. .?AVXOleControlSite@COleControlSite@@
  20198. .?AVXAmbientProps@COleControlSite@@
  20199. .?AUIPropertyNotifySink@@
  20200. .?AVXPropertyNotifySink@COleControlSite@@
  20201. .?AVXEventSink@COleControlSite@@
  20202. .?AUIBoundObjectSite@@
  20203. .?AVXBoundObjectSite@COleControlSite@@
  20204. .?AVXNotifyDBEvents@COleControlSite@@
  20205. .?AUIRowsetNotify@@
  20206. .?AVXRowsetNotify@COleControlSite@@
  20207. .?AUIOleInPlaceSite@@
  20208. .?AUIOleInPlaceSiteEx@@
  20209. .?AUIOleInPlaceSiteWindowless@@
  20210. .?AVXOleIPSite@COleControlSite@@
  20211. .?AVCOleControlSite@@
  20212. .?AVCMemFile@@
  20213. .?AVCDragListBox@@
  20214. .?AVCToolBarCtrl@@
  20215. .?AVCStatusBarCtrl@@
  20216. .?AVCListCtrl@@
  20217. .?AVCTreeCtrl@@
  20218. .?AVCSpinButtonCtrl@@
  20219. .?AVCSliderCtrl@@
  20220. .?AVCProgressCtrl@@
  20221. .?AVCHeaderCtrl@@
  20222. .?AVCHotKeyCtrl@@
  20223. .?AVCTabCtrl@@
  20224. .?AVCAnimateCtrl@@
  20225. .?AVCRichEditCtrl@@
  20226. .?AVCImageList@@
  20227. .?AVCControlBar@@
  20228. .?AVCToolBar@@
  20229. .?AVCToolCmdUI@@
  20230. .?AVCReBar@@
  20231. .?AVCByteArray@@
  20232. .?AUISequentialStream@@
  20233. .?AUIStream@@
  20234. .?AVCArchiveStream@@
  20235. .?AVCOleDispatchImpl@@
  20236. .?AVCOleDispatchException@@
  20237. .PAVCOleDispatchException@@
  20238. .?AUIEnumVOID@@
  20239. .?AVXEnumVOID@CEnumArray@@
  20240. .?AV_AFX_EDIT_STATE@@
  20242. .?AVCTypeLibCacheMap@@
  20243. .?AVCOleControlLock@@
  20244. .?AVCOleObjectFactory@@
  20245. .?AUIClassFactory@@
  20246. .?AUIClassFactory2@@
  20247. .?AVXClassFactory@COleObjectFactory@@
  20248. .?AVCEnumFormatEtc@@
  20249. .?AUIDataObject@@
  20250. .?AVXDataObject@COleDataSource@@
  20251. .?AVCOleDataSource@@
  20252. .?AVCOleMessageFilter@@
  20253. .?AUIMessageFilter@@
  20254. .?AVXMessageFilter@COleMessageFilter@@
  20255. .?AVCCtrlView@@
  20256. .?AVCEditView@@
  20257. .?AVCDockContext@@
  20258. .?AVCPtrArray@@
  20259. Apartment
  20260. Both
  20261. Free
  20262. .?AVCOleStreamFile@@
  20263. .?AVCSharedFile@@
  20264. .?AV_AFX_OLE_STATE@@
  20265. .?AVCOleDialog@@
  20266. .?AVCOleBusyDialog@@
  20267. .?AVCPrintingDialog@@
  20268. .?AV_AFX_WIN_STATE@@
  20269. .?AVCUIntArray@@
  20270. .?AVCFindReplaceDialog@@
  20271. .?AVCDockBar@@
  20272. .?AVCMiniFrameWnd@@
  20273. .?AVCMiniDockFrameWnd@@
  20274. .?AVCPageSetupDialog@@
  20275. .?AVCPrintDialog@@
  20276. pow
  20277. acos
  20278. fmod
  20279. asin
  20280. Assertion failed: %s, file %s, line %d
  20281. .?AVbad_cast@@
  20282. .?AVbad_typeid@@
  20283. .?AV__non_rtti_object@@
  20284. .?AVtype_info@@
  20285. sinh
  20286. cosh
  20287. tanh
  20288. ov_clear
  20289. ov_read
  20290. ov_crosslap
  20291. ov_open_callbacks
  20292. vorbisfile.dll
  20293. acmDriverAddA
  20294. MSACM32.dll
  20295. TransparentBlt
  20296. MSIMG32.dll
  20297. waveOutReset
  20298. waveOutWrite
  20299. waveOutPrepareHeader
  20300. waveOutUnprepareHeader
  20301. waveOutOpen
  20302. waveOutClose
  20303. timeBeginPeriod
  20304. timeEndPeriod
  20305. WINMM.dll
  20306. WS2_32.dll
  20307. DSOUND.dll
  20308. GlobalAlloc
  20309. GetProcAddress
  20310. uGetModuleFileNameA
  20311. HLoadLibraryA
  20312. InterlockedExchange
  20313. GetACP
  20314. lGetLocaleInfoA
  20315. GetThreadLocale
  20316. GetVersionExA
  20317. FSizeofResource
  20318. [LockResource
  20319. MLoadResource
  20320. FindResourceA
  20321. WideCharToMultiByte
  20322. 8GetCurrentDirectoryA
  20323. kMultiByteToWideChar
  20324. iGetLastError
  20325. GetVersion
  20326. lstrcmpiA
  20327. lstrlenW
  20328. lstrcmpiW
  20329. lstrlenA
  20330. CompareStringA
  20331. CompareStringW
  20332. PGetEnvironmentVariableA
  20333. QGetEnvironmentVariableW
  20334. GetStringTypeExA
  20335. GetStringTypeExW
  20336. GetThreadContext
  20337. =GetCurrentThread
  20338. GlobalUnlock
  20339. GlobalLock
  20340. CloseHandle
  20341. RLocalFree
  20342. NLocalAlloc
  20343. :GetCurrentProcess
  20344. OutputDebugStringA
  20345. ExitProcess
  20346. QueryPerformanceFrequency
  20347. QueryPerformanceCounter
  20348. SetLastError
  20349. CreateDirectoryA
  20350. VGetFileAttributesA
  20351. SetErrorMode
  20352. GlobalFree
  20353. GlobalReAlloc
  20354. GlobalSize
  20355. GlobalMemoryStatus
  20356. ;GetCurrentProcessId
  20357. GetVolumeInformationA
  20358. KGetDriveTypeA
  20359. pGetLogicalDrives
  20360. FindClose
  20361. RGetExitCodeProcess
  20362. CreateProcessA
  20363. ]GetFileTime
  20364. CreateFileA
  20365. FormatMessageA
  20366. RemoveDirectoryA
  20367. DeleteFileA
  20368. SetFileAttributesA
  20369. dMoveFileA
  20370. SetFilePointer
  20371. [GetFileSize
  20372. SetEndOfFile
  20373. ReadFile
  20374. WriteFile
  20375. WGetFileAttributesExA
  20376. FindNextFileA
  20377. FindFirstFileA
  20378. SetConsoleCursorInfo
  20379. GetConsoleCursorInfo
  20380. ReadConsoleInputA
  20381. GetNumberOfConsoleInputEvents
  20382. FillConsoleOutputAttribute
  20383. FillConsoleOutputCharacterA
  20384. /GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo
  20385. SetConsoleCursorPosition
  20386. WriteConsoleOutputCharacterA
  20387. WriteConsoleA
  20388. {VirtualQuery
  20389. ExitThread
  20390. PTerminateThread
  20391. WaitForSingleObject
  20392. CreateThread
  20393. GSleep
  20394. GetTimeFormatA
  20395. ?GetDateFormatA
  20396. kGetLocalTime
  20397. GetTickCount
  20398. FreeLibrary
  20399. 6SetThreadPriority
  20400. $SetPriorityClass
  20401. GetPriorityClass
  20402. GetThreadPriority
  20403. sVirtualAlloc
  20404. vVirtualFree
  20405. CopyFileA
  20406. ResumeThread
  20407. SGetExitCodeThread
  20408. CreateMutexA
  20409. ReleaseMutex
  20410. EnumResourceNamesA
  20411. FindResourceExA
  20412. 5SetThreadLocale
  20413. "InterlockedIncrement
  20414. InterlockedDecrement
  20415. GetTempFileNameA
  20416. GetTempPathA
  20417. wGetModuleHandleA
  20418. ^MapViewOfFile
  20419. CreateFileMappingA
  20420. CreateFileW
  20421. cUnmapViewOfFile
  20422. FindResourceW
  20423. GetSystemInfo
  20424. 2IsProcessorFeaturePresent
  20425. aGetFullPathNameA
  20426. HeapAlloc
  20427. GetProcessHeap
  20428. HeapFree
  20429. FreeResource
  20430. lstrcpynA
  20431. lstrcmpW
  20432. lstrcatA
  20433. GlobalDeleteAtom
  20434. GlobalFindAtomA
  20435. GlobalAddAtomA
  20436. GlobalGetAtomNameA
  20437. >GetCurrentThreadId
  20438. jMulDiv
  20439. RaiseException
  20440. InitializeCriticalSection
  20441. DeleteCriticalSection
  20442. lstrcmpA
  20443. SetFileTime
  20444. EGetDiskFreeSpaceA
  20445. lstrcpyA
  20446. EnumResourceLanguagesA
  20447. ConvertDefaultLocale
  20448. SetEvent
  20449. ISuspendThread
  20450. CreateEventA
  20451. GetPrivateProfileIntA
  20452. WritePrivateProfileStringA
  20453. GetPrivateProfileStringA
  20454. FlushFileBuffers
  20455. YLockFile
  20456. aUnlockFile
  20457. DuplicateHandle
  20458. GetShortPathNameA
  20459. GlobalFlags
  20460. GLeaveCriticalSection
  20461. GlobalHandle
  20462. EnterCriticalSection
  20463. VTlsGetValue
  20464. TTlsAlloc
  20465. WTlsSetValue
  20466. ULocalReAlloc
  20467. UTlsFree
  20468. GetCPInfo
  20469. GetOEMCP
  20470. FileTimeToSystemTime
  20471. LSystemTimeToFileTime
  20472. FileTimeToLocalFileTime
  20473. PLocalFileTimeToFileTime
  20474. XLocalUnlock
  20475. TLocalLock
  20476. RtlUnwind
  20477. yVirtualProtect
  20478. GetSystemTimeAsFileTime
  20479. GetStartupInfoA
  20480. GetCommandLineA
  20481. OTerminateProcess
  20482. DeleteFileW
  20483. HeapReAlloc
  20484. HeapSize
  20485. :LCMapStringA
  20486. ;LCMapStringW
  20487. FatalAppExitA
  20488. HeapDestroy
  20489. HeapCreate
  20490. ,IsBadWritePtr
  20491. GetTimeZoneInformation
  20492. SetHandleCount
  20493. GetStdHandle
  20494. ^GetFileType
  20495. `UnhandledExceptionFilter
  20496. FreeEnvironmentStringsA
  20497. MGetEnvironmentStrings
  20498. FreeEnvironmentStringsW
  20499. OGetEnvironmentStringsW
  20500. SetConsoleCtrlHandler
  20501. GetStringTypeA
  20502. GetStringTypeW
  20503. *SetStdHandle
  20504. YGetFileAttributesW
  20505. ;SetUnhandledExceptionFilter
  20506. GetUserDefaultLCID
  20507. EnumSystemLocalesA
  20508. 7IsValidLocale
  20509. 5IsValidCodePage
  20510. )IsBadReadPtr
  20511. &IsBadCodePtr
  20512. mGetLocaleInfoW
  20513. SetEnvironmentVariableA
  20514. KERNEL32.dll
  20515. EnableWindow
  20516. ]GetSystemMetrics
  20517. DrawFocusRect
  20518. DrawTextA
  20519. ;SendMessageA
  20520. tGetWindowRect
  20521. ZGetSysColor
  20522. CopyRect
  20523. InflateRect
  20524. InvalidateRect
  20525. MessageBoxA
  20526. jGetWindow
  20527. GetClassNameA
  20528. DrawTextExA
  20529. TranslateAcceleratorA
  20530. LoadAcceleratorsA
  20531. EGetParent
  20532. OffsetRect
  20533. GetClientRect
  20534. GetDC
  20535. *ReleaseDC
  20536. FillRect
  20537. DefWindowProcA
  20538. RegisterClassA
  20539. LoadCursorA
  20540. UpdateWindow
  20541. CharLowerA
  20542. CharLowerW
  20543. CharUpperA
  20544. CharUpperW
  20545. wvsprintfA
  20546. wGetWindowTextA
  20547. ShowWindow
  20548. CloseClipboard
  20549. GetClipboardData
  20550. OpenClipboard
  20551. IsClipboardFormatAvailable
  20552. GetDoubleClickTime
  20553. MSetCursor
  20554. SystemParametersInfoA
  20555. GetActiveWindow
  20556. !GetKeyState
  20557. GetAsyncKeyState
  20558. GetDesktopWindow
  20559. CreateWindowExA
  20560. RegisterClassExA
  20561. LoadIconA
  20562. MoveWindow
  20563. AdjustWindowRect
  20564. DestroyWindow
  20565. SetWindowLongA
  20566. GetCursorPos
  20567. wsprintfA
  20568. LoadStringA
  20569. DialogBoxIndirectParamA
  20570. DialogBoxParamA
  20571. ,RemovePropA
  20572. CallWindowProcA
  20573. JGetPropA
  20574. )ReleaseCapture
  20575. PtInRect
  20576. ClientToScreen
  20577. DSetCapture
  20578. GetCapture
  20579. nGetWindowLongA
  20580. jSetPropA
  20581. EndDialog
  20582. IsDlgButtonChecked
  20583. GetDlgItem
  20584. SSetDlgItemTextA
  20585. SetWindowTextA
  20586. UnregisterClassA
  20587. ShowCursor
  20588. VSetFocus
  20589. oSetScrollPos
  20590. VGetScrollPos
  20591. xGetWindowTextLengthA
  20592. CGetNextDlgTabItem
  20593. IsWindowEnabled
  20594. IsWindow
  20595. CreateDialogIndirectParamA
  20596. CSetActiveWindow
  20597. sGetWindowPlacement
  20598. IsIconic
  20599. IntersectRect
  20600. SetWindowPos
  20601. GetDlgCtrlID
  20602. SetWindowPlacement
  20603. GetClassInfoA
  20604. nSetScrollInfo
  20605. UGetScrollInfo
  20606. DeferWindowPos
  20607. EqualRect
  20608. 1ScreenToClient
  20609. AdjustWindowRectEx
  20610. 2GetMenuItemCount
  20611. 3GetMenuItemID
  20612. YGetSubMenu
  20613. PostMessageA
  20614. ,GetMenu
  20615. IsWindowVisible
  20616. ShowScrollBar
  20617. WSetForegroundWindow
  20618. WGetScrollRange
  20619. pSetScrollRange
  20620. TrackPopupMenu
  20621. TrackPopupMenuEx
  20622. 4ScrollWindow
  20623. MapWindowPoints
  20624. PeekMessageA
  20625. <GetMessagePos
  20626. =GetMessageTime
  20627. UnhookWindowsHookEx
  20628. cGetTopWindow
  20629. EndDeferWindowPos
  20630. BeginDeferWindowPos
  20631. DispatchMessageA
  20632. (GetLastActivePopup
  20633. GetForegroundWindow
  20634. IsChild
  20635. GetFocus
  20636. 6SendDlgItemMessageA
  20637. GetClassInfoExA
  20638. GetClassLongA
  20639. CallNextHookEx
  20640. SetWindowsHookExA
  20641. WinHelpA
  20642. 'RegisterWindowMessageA
  20643. CheckDlgButton
  20644. CheckRadioButton
  20645. GetDlgItemInt
  20646. GetDlgItemTextA
  20647. RSetDlgItemInt
  20648. IsDialogMessageA
  20649. 5ScrollWindowEx
  20650. LoadBitmapA
  20651. .GetMenuCheckMarkDimensions
  20652. CheckMenuItem
  20653. EnableMenuItem
  20654. 7GetMenuState
  20655. ModifyMenuA
  20656. aSetMenuItemBitmaps
  20657. TabbedTextOutA
  20658. }GrayStringA
  20659. lGetWindowDC
  20660. BeginPaint
  20661. EndPaint
  20662. WindowFromPoint
  20663. +RemoveMenu
  20664. InsertMenuA
  20665. AppendMenuA
  20666. 8GetMenuStringA
  20667. FindWindowA
  20668. IsRectEmpty
  20669. DrawIcon
  20670. SetWindowRgn
  20671. zSetTimer
  20672. KillTimer
  20673. PostQuitMessage
  20674. ShowOwnedPopups
  20675. ValidateRect
  20676. TranslateMessage
  20677. :GetMessageA
  20678. DestroyMenu
  20679. LoadMenuA
  20680. MapDialogRect
  20681. SetWindowContextHelpId
  20682. DefFrameProcA
  20683. DefMDIChildProcA
  20684. DrawMenuBar
  20685. BringWindowToTop
  20686. TranslateMDISysAccel
  20687. RedrawWindow
  20688. ]SetMenu
  20689. mSetRectEmpty
  20690. CreatePopupMenu
  20691. InsertMenuItemA
  20692. 0ReuseDDElParam
  20693. UnpackDDElParam
  20694. GetDialogBaseUnits
  20695. [GetSysColorBrush
  20696. 4GetMenuItemInfoA
  20697. DeleteMenu
  20698. DestroyIcon
  20699. CharNextA
  20700. lSetRect
  20701. CopyAcceleratorTableA
  20702. InvalidateRgn
  20703. BGetNextDlgGroupItem
  20704. MessageBeep
  20705. GetKeyNameTextA
  20706. MapVirtualKeyA
  20707. UnionRect
  20708. RegisterClipboardFormatA
  20709. PostThreadMessageA
  20710. ^GetTabbedTextExtentA
  20711. GetDCEx
  20712. LockWindowUpdate
  20713. \GetSystemMenu
  20714. fSetParent
  20715. USER32.dll
  20716. CreateFontIndirectA
  20717. GetObjectA
  20718. LGetBkColor
  20719. GetTextColor
  20720. Rectangle
  20721. CreateCompatibleDC
  20722. SelectObject
  20723. BitBlt
  20724. GdiFlush
  20725. DeleteObject
  20726. CreateDIBSection
  20727. CreateSolidBrush
  20728. kGetDeviceCaps
  20729. <SetTextColor
  20730. !SetDeviceGammaRamp
  20731. lGetDeviceGammaRamp
  20732. gGetDCOrgEx
  20733. `GetClipBox
  20734. SetBkColor
  20735. CreateBitmap
  20736. SaveDC
  20737. RestoreDC
  20738. SetBkMode
  20739. 4SetPolyFillMode
  20740. 5SetROP2
  20741. 8SetStretchBltMode
  20742. +SetMapMode
  20743. ExcludeClipRect
  20744. IntersectClipRect
  20745. OffsetClipRgn
  20746. LineTo
  20747. MoveToEx
  20748. :SetTextAlign
  20749. =SetTextJustification
  20750. ;SetTextCharacterExtra
  20751. ,SetMapperFlags
  20752. SetArcDirection
  20753. SetColorAdjustment
  20754. SelectClipRgn
  20755. aGetClipRgn
  20756. CreateRectRgn
  20757. SelectClipPath
  20758. GetViewportExtEx
  20759. GetWindowExtEx
  20760. GetPixel
  20761. EStartDocA
  20762. PtVisible
  20763. RectVisible
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  20765. ExtTextOutA
  20766. Escape
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  20768. OffsetViewportOrgEx
  20769. >SetViewportExtEx
  20770. ScaleViewportExtEx
  20771. CSetWindowOrgEx
  20772. OffsetWindowOrgEx
  20773. BSetWindowExtEx
  20774. ScaleWindowExtEx
  20775. eGetCurrentPositionEx
  20776. ArcTo
  20777. PolyDraw
  20778. PolylineTo
  20779. PolyBezierTo
  20780. ExtSelectClipRgn
  20781. DeleteDC
  20782. CreateDIBPatternBrushPt
  20783. CreatePatternBrush
  20784. GetStockObject
  20785. SelectPalette
  20786. PlayMetaFileRecord
  20787. GetObjectType
  20788. EnumMetaFile
  20789. PlayMetaFile
  20790. CreatePen
  20791. ExtCreatePen
  20792. CreateHatchBrush
  20793. CreateRectRgnIndirect
  20794. 6SetRectRgn
  20795. CombineRgn
  20796. GetMapMode
  20797. PatBlt
  20798. DPtoLP
  20799. GetTextMetricsA
  20800. CopyMetaFileA
  20801. CreateDCA
  20802. CreateEllipticRgn
  20803. LPtoDP
  20804. Ellipse
  20805. CreateCompatibleBitmap
  20806. GetTextExtentPoint32A
  20807. GetRgnBox
  20808. JStretchDIBits
  20809. XGetCharWidthA
  20810. CreateFontA
  20811. HStartPage
  20812. EndPage
  20813. SetAbortProc
  20814. AbortDoc
  20815. EndDoc
  20816. GDI32.dll
  20817. ChooseColorA
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  20819. GetOpenFileNameA
  20820. GetFileTitleA
  20821. ReplaceTextA
  20822. FindTextA
  20823. PageSetupDlgA
  20824. PrintDlgA
  20825. CommDlgExtendedError
  20826. comdlg32.dll
  20827. ClosePrinter
  20828. DocumentPropertiesA
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  20830. GetJobA
  20832. FreeSid
  20833. AccessCheck
  20834. =IsValidSecurityDescriptor
  20835. 1SetSecurityDescriptorOwner
  20836. 0SetSecurityDescriptorGroup
  20837. /SetSecurityDescriptorDacl
  20838. AddAccessAllowedAce
  20839. 1InitializeAcl
  20840. GetLengthSid
  20841. 2InitializeSecurityDescriptor
  20842. AllocateAndInitializeSid
  20843. DuplicateToken
  20844. OpenProcessToken
  20845. OpenThreadToken
  20846. #GetUserNameA
  20847. $GetUserNameW
  20848. RegCloseKey
  20849. RegQueryValueExA
  20850. RegOpenKeyExA
  20851. RegSetValueExA
  20852. RegCreateKeyExA
  20853. RegOpenKeyA
  20854. RegSetValueA
  20855. #SetFileSecurityA
  20856. GetFileSecurityA
  20857. RegDeleteKeyA
  20858. RegEnumKeyA
  20859. RegQueryValueA
  20860. RegDeleteValueA
  20861. RegCreateKeyA
  20862. ADVAPI32.dll
  20863. DragQueryFileA
  20864. DragAcceptFiles
  20865. ShellExecuteA
  20866. DragFinish
  20867. SHGetFileInfoA
  20868. ExtractIconA
  20869. SHELL32.dll
  20870. ImageList_Draw
  20871. ImageList_GetImageInfo
  20872. ImageList_Read
  20873. ImageList_Write
  20874. ImageList_Destroy
  20875. ImageList_Create
  20876. ImageList_LoadImageA
  20877. ImageList_Merge
  20878. COMCTL32.dll
  20879. oledlg.dll
  20880. CoUninitialize
  20881. CoGetClassObject
  20882. CLSIDFromProgID
  20883. CoInitialize
  20884. CoCreateGuid
  20885. 4StringFromGUID2
  20886. CLSIDFromString
  20887. CoCreateInstance
  20888. CoTaskMemFree
  20889. SetConvertStg
  20890. AWriteFmtUserTypeStg
  20891. ?WriteClassStg
  20892. OleRegGetUserType
  20893. ReadFmtUserTypeStg
  20894. ReadClassStg
  20895. 3StringFromCLSID
  20896. CoTreatAsClass
  20897. CreateBindCtx
  20898. CoTaskMemAlloc
  20899. ReleaseStgMedium
  20900. OleDuplicateData
  20901. CoDisconnectObject
  20902. 0StgOpenStorageOnILockBytes
  20903. #StgCreateDocfileOnILockBytes
  20904. CreateILockBytesOnHGlobal
  20905. OleRun
  20906. OleUninitialize
  20907. CoFreeUnusedLibraries
  20908. OleInitialize
  20909. CoRegisterClassObject
  20910. CoRevokeClassObject
  20911. OleSetClipboard
  20912. OleIsCurrentClipboard
  20913. OleFlushClipboard
  20914. CoRegisterMessageFilter
  20915. CreateStreamOnHGlobal
  20916. ole32.dll
  20917. OLEAUT32.dll
  20918. VerQueryValueA
  20919. GetFileVersionInfoA
  20920. GetFileVersionInfoSizeA
  20921. VERSION.dll
  20922. PathFindExtensionA
  20923. PathRemoveExtensionA
  20924. PathFindFileNameA
  20925. PathStripToRootA
  20926. PathIsUNCA
  20927. SHLWAPI.dll
  20928. ZGetFileInformationByHandle
  20929. PeekNamedPipe
  20930. CreateStdAccessibleObject
  20931. AccessibleObjectFromWindow
  20932. LresultFromObject
  20933. File
  20934. New... Ctrl+N
  20935. Open... Ctrl+O
  20936. Close Ctrl+W
  20937. Save Ctrl+S
  20938. Save As...
  20939. Save All... Ctrl+Shift+A
  20940. Import... Ctrl+I
  20941. Export... Ctrl+E
  20942. XBox Sync Ctrl+Shift+S
  20943. Save Workspace
  20944. Load Workspace
  20945. Exit
  20946. Edit+Undo Ctrl+Z
  20947. Cut Ctrl+X
  20948. Copy Ctrl+C
  20949. Paste Ctrl+V
  20950. Clear
  20951. Window
  20952. Cascade
  20953. Tile Horizontally
  20954. Tile Vertically
  20955. Arrange Icons
  20956. Help
  20957. About Guerilla...
  20958. Source Control
  20959. Get Latest Ctrl-G
  20960. Check Out Ctrl-K
  20961. Check In Ctrl-U
  20962. Undo Check Out
  20963. File
  20964. New Ctrl+N
  20965. Open... Ctrl+O
  20966. Close
  20967. Save Ctrl+S
  20968. Save As...
  20969. Print... Ctrl+P
  20970. Print Preview
  20971. Print Setup...
  20972. Recent File
  20973. Exit
  20974. Edit
  20975. Undo Ctrl+Z
  20976. Cut Ctrl+X
  20977. Copy Ctrl+C
  20978. Paste Ctrl+V
  20979. View
  20980. Toolbar
  20981. Status Bar
  20982. Window
  20983. New Window
  20984. Cascade
  20985. Tile
  20986. Arrange Icons
  20987. Help
  20988. About MDI1...
  20989. About Guerilla
  20990. MS Sans Serif
  20991. Guerilla Version 1.0
  20992. By Chucky
  20993. Copyright (C) 1998
  20994. Bungie Software Products, Inc.
  20995. Jason Jones
  20996. Matt Segur
  20997. MS Sans Serif
  20998. MS Sans Serif
  20999. string
  21000. MS Sans Serif
  21001. short integer
  21002. MS Sans Serif
  21003. long integer
  21004. MS Sans Serif
  21005. time
  21006. ticks
  21007. MS Sans Serif
  21008. angle
  21009. degrees
  21010. MS Sans Serif
  21011. tag
  21012. MS Sans Serif
  21013. enum
  21014. MS Sans Serif
  21015. flags
  21016. MS Sans Serif
  21017. point2d
  21018. MS Sans Serif
  21019. rectangle2d
  21020. MS Sans Serif
  21021. rgb color
  21022. MS Sans Serif
  21023. real
  21024. MS Sans Serif
  21025. real fraction
  21026. MS Sans Serif
  21027. real vector2d
  21028. MS Sans Serif
  21029. real point2d
  21030. MS Sans Serif
  21031. real vector3d
  21032. MS Sans Serif
  21033. real point3d
  21034. MS Sans Serif
  21035. real quaternion
  21036. MS Sans Serif
  21037. color
  21038. MS Sans Serif
  21039. tag reference
  21040. Open
  21041. MS Sans Serif
  21042. block fields
  21043. block
  21044. Add
  21045. PM
  21046. Insert
  21047. Duplicate
  21048. Delete
  21049. Delete All
  21050. MS Sans Serif
  21051. data
  21052. bytes
  21053. Play
  21054. Stop
  21055. MS Sans Serif
  21056. block index
  21057. MS Sans Serif
  21058. explanation
  21059. title
  21060. MS Sans Serif
  21061. char integer
  21062. MS Sans Serif
  21063. real euler angles2d
  21064. MS Sans Serif
  21065. real euler angles3d
  21066. Build Plugin
  21067. MS Sans Serif
  21068. Is a patch
  21069. Cancel
  21070. Filename
  21071. Version
  21072. MS Sans Serif
  21073. real plane3d
  21074. Error
  21075. MS Sans Serif
  21076. MS Sans Serif
  21077. short integer bounds
  21078. MS Sans Serif
  21079. real bounds
  21080. MS Sans Serif
  21081. angle bounds
  21082. degrees
  21083. MS Sans Serif
  21084. real fraction bounds
  21085. to
  21086. MS Sans Serif
  21087. real plane2d
  21088. New Tag
  21089. MS Sans Serif
  21090. Cancel
  21091. Group:
  21092. MS Sans Serif
  21093. Mipmap level
  21094. Bitmap
  21095. MS Sans Serif
  21096. Show Bitmaps
  21097. MS Sans Serif
  21098. Load Profile
  21099. MS Sans Serif
  21100. Show Hud
  21101. _
  21102. Dialog
  21103. MS Sans Serif
  21104. OK
  21105. Cancel
  21106. MS Sans Serif
  21107. Add
  21108. Remove
  21109. Move Up
  21110. Move Down
  21111. Play
  21112. Stop
  21114. StringFileInfo
  21115. 040904b04
  21116. CompanyName
  21117. Microsoft
  21118. FileDescription
  21119. Guerilla MFC Application
  21120. FileVersion
  21121. 1, 0, 0, 609
  21122. InternalName
  21123. Guerilla
  21124. LegalCopyright
  21125. Copyright (C) 1998
  21126. OriginalFilename
  21127. Guerilla.exe
  21128. ProductName
  21129. Guerilla Application
  21130. ProductVersion
  21131. 1, 0, 0, 609
  21132. VarFileInfo
  21133. Translation
  21134. New
  21135. MS Shell Dlg
  21136. New
  21137. OK
  21138. Cancel
  21139. &Help
  21140. Guerilla
  21141. Guerilla - Save changes to %1 tag "%2"?
  21142. Replace existing tag "%1"?
  21143. bitmap_view
  21144. bitmap
  21145. bitmap Files (*.bit).bit
  21146. bitmap_view.Document
  21147. bitmap Document
  21148. hud_interface_view
  21149. hud_interface
  21150. hud_interface Files (*.hud_interface).hud_interface
  21151. hud_interface.Document
  21152. hud_interface Document
  21153. Open
  21154. Save As
  21155. All Files (*.*)
  21156. Untitled
  21157. an unnamed file
  21158. &Hide
  21159. No error message is available.'
  21160. An unsupported operation was attempted.$
  21161. A required resource was unavailable.
  21162. Out of memory.
  21163. An unknown error has occurred.$
  21164. An invalid argument was encountered.
  21165. Invalid filename.
  21166. Failed to open document.
  21167. Failed to save document.
  21168. Save changes to %1? Failed to create empty document.
  21169. The file is too large to open.
  21170. Could not start print job.
  21171. Failed to launch help.
  21172. Internal application error.
  21173. Command failed.)
  21174. Insufficient memory to perform operation.P
  21175. System registry entries have been removed and the INI file (if any) was deleted.B
  21176. Not all of the system registry entries (or INI file) were removed.F
  21177. This program requires the file %s, which was not found on this system.t
  21178. This program is linked to the missing export %s in the file %s. This machine may have an incompatible version of %s.
  21179. #Unable to read write-only property.
  21180. #Unable to write read-only property.
  21181. Unexpected file format.V
  21182. %1Cannot find this file.
  21183. Please verify that the correct path and file name are given.
  21184. Destination disk drive is full.5
  21185. Unable to read from %1, it is opened by someone else.A
  21186. Unable to write to %1, it is read-only or opened by someone else..
  21187. An unexpected error occurred while reading %1..
  21188. An unexpected error occurred while writing %1.
  21189. Please enter an integer.
  21190. Please enter a number.*
  21191. Please enter an integer between %1 and %2.(
  21192. Please enter a number between %1 and %2.(
  21193. Please enter no more than %1 characters.
  21194. Please select a button.*
  21195. Please enter an integer between 0 and 255.
  21196. Please enter a positive integer.
  21197. Please enter a date and/or time.
  21198. Please enter a currency.
  21199. Please enter a GUID.
  21200. Please enter a time.
  21201. Please enter a date.
  21202. No error occurred.-
  21203. An unknown error occurred while accessing %1.
  21204. %1 was not found.
  21205. %1 contains an invalid path.=
  21206. %1 could not be opened because there are too many open files.
  21207. Access to %1 was denied..
  21208. An invalid file handle was associated with %1.<
  21209. %1 could not be removed because it is the current directory.6
  21210. %1 could not be created because the directory is full.
  21211. Seek failed on %15
  21212. A hardware I/O error was reported while accessing %1.0
  21213. A sharing violation occurred while accessing %1.0
  21214. A locking violation occurred while accessing %1.
  21215. Disk full while accessing %1..
  21216. An attempt was made to access %1 past its end.
  21217. No error occurred.
  21218. -An unknown error occurred while accessing %1./
  21219. An attempt was made to write to the reading %1..
  21220. An attempt was made to access %1 past its end.0
  21221. An attempt was made to read from the writing %1.
  21222. %1 has a bad format.
  21223. "%1 contained an unexpected object. %1 contains an incorrect schema.#Unable to load mail system support.
  21224. Mail system DLL is invalid.!
  21225. Send Mail failed to send message.pixels
  21226. %1: %2
  21227. Continue running script?
  21228. Dispatch exception: %1
  21229. Uncheck
  21230. Check
  21231. Mixed
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