
Plane Ponies #2

May 5th, 2014
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  1. Next morning you go to work and find the main door shot up. Looks like 20mm, and 25mm rounds went through the door. Looks like Raptor, Lightning and Sidney shot up the place while you were asleep. The damage was minimal, and your tools were not destroyed so you took the time to patch the holes in the doors before Thunderbolt came in. This time you felt much safer with her around than anything else. If those idiots came back and tried to rough you up, you were pretty sure that Thunderbolt's GAU-8 would scare them off. Most if not all the female plane pones loved you.
  2. Thunderbolt came in while you were up on the ladder.
  3. "Hey annon. Did he get mad at you again?" Thunderbolt asked as you laugh a little.
  4. "No, it's more than just him. The "Composite Nightmares" joined him on this one. I know I'm not one who asks for the local gossip as I'm supposed to be unbiased and repair all of you regardless of how much I disagree with you, but you got any dirt on Raptor and Sidney?" You ask knowing this could take a while, but you had the time to go into this potentially dark place.
  5. "Anon, you don't want me to go there." Thunderbolt said as you climbed down the ladder.
  6. "No please, I want to know. Thunderbolt, it's not like we don't have the time to talk about it all." You say as you close the hangar doors leaving your receptionist to deal with everyone else.
  7. "Alright, but don't say I didn't warn you." Thunderbolt said as you brought out the new turbine blades for her.
  8. "Thunderbolt, start spilling the beans, I've got a turbine to rebuild for you. It's the least you can do for me." You say as you take her left turbine housings off.
  9. Thunderbolt smiles back at you before beginning to dish out the dirt she's got on Raptor and Sidney.
  10. "Those two have been playing off a relationship since before you got here Anon. Everypony knows they're together. She's the only one besides Lighting that sticks up for him. I don't even understand why. Sid thinks he's the fucking king of the sky, with his VTOL air to air, air to ground capabilities. If you ask me Anon I'd say he's trying too hard." Thunderbolt said as you were dismantling her turbine so you could see how extensive the damage was.
  11. The damage was pretty severe, the compressor and combustion turbine blades were shattered to all hell.
  12. "Oh he's just probably compensating for a small payload. Both him and Lighting are limited in their effective loads due to being VTOL." You say as you start taking out the destroyed turbine blades.
  13. "Well, that'd explain a lot about him. Stupid multi role aircraft." Thunderbolt said as you were still taking shattered blades from her turbine.
  14. "Surprised you haven't put any holes in him Thunderbolt." You say taking a momentary break from removing shattered blades.
  15. "What!? No! I'd never be able to hit him." Thunderbolt said shocked that you would say such a thing.
  16. "You could if you really wanted to. I'm surprised you put up with that dickhead. He can do some of the same missions you can do." You say before getting back to work.
  17. Two hours later you've gotten her turbine cleaned out and ready for new blades to be installed. Though you take a break to talk to her as you've got titanium splinters you're trying to pull out of your hands and arms.
  18. "I can't believe that asshole can do the same things as me." Thunderbolt said as you were placing slivers of titanium on a tray.
  19. "Can, but you do it better Thunderbolt. So much more durable, stronger, and you've got more agility than him. Sure he's faster, but you can out maneuver him." You say making Thunderbolt blush.
  20. "You're just saying that Anon." Thunderbolt said as she moved closer to you.
  21. "You wish i was. For ground attack, you're the better pony." You say as the hangar doors burst open and you slide beneath Thunderbolt for protection.
  22. "Comrade! I be needings of help."
  23. "Ivan I'm busy, come back later." You say as this IL-2 comes busting into your shop.
  24. "Comrade, I needing fixings now. Cannons jammed again." Ivan says as you crawl out from under Thunderbolt who had lowered herself to protect you.
  25. "Alright Ivan, next time make an emergency appointment." You say as you open his access panels and remove the double fed round.
  26. "There you go Ivan, now get out of my shop." You say as you close him back up and go back to Thunderbolt.
  27. "Many thanks comrade. I owe you vodka." Ivan says as he departs your company leaving you and Thunderbolt alone again.
  28. "Why did you dive under me?" Thunderbolt asked as you started installing the new turbine blades.
  29. "Thought it could have been I've got a tiny payload and his composite nightmares." You say as you're meticulously replacing the blades.
  30. "Oh, but why do you call Raptor and Lightning composite nightmares?" Thunderbolt asked as you stop to explain.
  31. "I call them composite nightmares because they're made of composite materials, they're a pain in my ass to repair, and the carbon fiber they're made of just splinters and it gets under my skin and I can't do shit about them without making it worse." You say
  32. Some of the new blades had become slick from the blood that was coming from your torn up hands. You stop to wipe them on your coveralls.
  33. "Oh are you hurt?" Thunderbolt asks concerned about your well being.
  34. "Eh, I'm fine, just cleaning out your turbine caused a bit of trauma to my hands. It'll heal in a couple of days and scab up in a few minutes." You say as you clean the blades that had your blood on them before continuing to repair her.
  35. "I'm sorry about hurting you." Thunderbolt said as you shrugged and continued your work wordlessly.
  36. Thankfully there was nobody else coming in today which gave you until you clocked out to get this done.
  37. Another two hours pass of painstakingly replacing blades and doing balance checks on them before you're forced to break for lunch. Since Thunderbolt's not allowed to leave the hangar in her condition you eat your lunch with her. The only good thing of living with the plane ponies is that they don't eat regular food like the rest of them, so they really don't care that you eat meat around them.
  38. As lunch progresses you and Thunderbolt talk about where you're from and what you did before you came here. This all happens before you're very rudely interrupted by the three you do not want to see. The Composite Nightmares and Sidney.
  39. "Hey Anon! I'm not too happy about that joke you made the other day!" Sidney yells out into the hangar as you go into panic mode and try to find a place to hide.
  40. Thunderbolt grabs you and places you in the safest spot you could be in, inside of her cockpit.
  41. "He's not here Sid. He went out to lunch." Thunderbolt said hiding where you were.
  42. "Oh looks like you took damage. It's a shame there's not many of you left. Seems like some of you are dropping like flies." Lightning said trying to get under her skin.
  43. "You wish Lighting, I'm tougher than you'll ever be. You can't even fly past Mach 1.6 due to your unstable design, and you're supposed to replace both of them? Pitiful." Thunderbolt said
  44. Thunderbolt hit him hard. Lightning just sputtered before running away defeated.
  45. "Don't you pick on my little brother like that." Raptor said irritated with Thunderbolt but having to run off to comfort that little shit.
  46. "Heh, I'll just wait for him here then. I'll ambush him when he comes back from lunch." Sidney said clearly pissing Thunderbolt off.
  47. "No you're not. Get the hell out of Anon's shop you arrogant excuse of a ground attack plane. I bet you can't lift more than an eighth of your weight." Thunderbolt said letting her attack side get the better of this usually timid A-10.
  48. "You slow overweight bitch! How dare you say that to me? I should engage you right here right now!" Sidney said just before Thunderbolt let loose a four second burst from her GAU-8 causing Sidney to jump up about thirty feet. "Go ahead, you don't have any missiles on you. I can take 25mm hits, you wouldn't survive even a tiny burst from me." Thunderbolt said as Sidney left in a big hurry.
  49. "Is the coast clear?" You ask not wanting to get your ass shot off in a dogfight.
  50. "They're gone. Guess I better let you finish." Thunderbolt said as she opened her canopy to let you out and get back to work.
  51. "I owe you big time don't I Thunderbolt?" You say as you move on to the combustion section of her turbine.
  52. "Well, since you say that." Thunderbolt said as she looked back at you blushing.
  53. "What do I got to do?" You ask stopping to talk to her.
  54. "A date. Just one. When I'm all fixed up and prettied." Thunderbolt said as you smile not exactly sure what to say about it.
  55. "Alright, so let me get you all fixed up." You say with the smile still on your face.
  56. Yea it took another four hours to finish the job, but you did it by the book, her turbine was balanced, and basically brand new due to all the things you replaced on it.
  57. "There, you're all fixed up. Next time you get turbine damage come to me and don't wait on it. The next time you may crack a mounting." You say as you replace the cowlings.
  58. Anon." Thunderbolt says as you push your tools back to their spot in the shop.
  59. "Yea Thunderbolt?" You say as you give the toolbox a final kick to it's position.
  60. "I don't want you to go to your home." Thunderbolt said as she looked at the ground and picked at the hangar floor with one of her hooves.
  61. "I know. That asshole's probably going to attempt to kill me." You say knowing that there's really not a safe area for you to go.
  62. "Um, I uh, I'd like to... Can I offer you a place to stay?" Thunderbolt said as you reel in the shock of the offer.
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