
Three headed dragon Encounter - Usage of metal javelin

Mar 18th, 2016
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  1. It felt nice to be the winner for once and he really didn't know how to take it. He wasn't going to rub it in her face or anything he simply wanted to state the win he earned... loudly. A few moments would pass before Katai plopped down in the snow hearing a loud rumbling from the water. His attention would turn directly to it as a giant wave formed splashing the shores and flooding the small feild with about two feet of water before calming with it lowering back into the sea. Katai would hold up into the air flipping before landing back onto the ground making sure the water didn't hit him. He would tilt his head and look to where the wave came from only to see a light blue scaled three headed dragon. His eyes would widen extremely big before turning to imeri with a small amount of fear in his eyes as he shouted "MOMMY LOOK!" making sure she's seeing exactly what he is.
  3. This was his first time seeing a dragon, and it was a three headed ice dragon at that. It wasn't happy from the way it eye'd everyone down. It spotted Katai the one who was making all the noise. The dragon would shoot a ball of ice out of it's mouth as soon as it saw Katai's feet hit the ground making it impossible for him to dodge. The giant ball of ice crashed into his chest knocking him back ten feet as he shouted in pain "MOMMY!" The dragon would then turn to Imeri who was still in the air using gravity eyeing her down to see what she would do after it harmed her child.
  4. (Katai Nagano-Valco)
  6. Imeri observed the kids in silence until spotting something under the water, soon narrowing her eyes upon sight of the three headed dragon that emerged from the sea and attacked her son in its rampage. The sight not only shocked her but also brought her to state she thought she wound't ever near again, with her hair covering in flames, eyes exploding with bright golden glow and lightning spreading around her form as she reached enraged state.
  8. With loud crack and rumbling noise the ground underneath her quickly began to tear as pair of giant earth and magma formed snakes began to appear, instantly appearing near their creator with open snouts and hissing noises escaping them.
  10. What happened next was what no one would have expected with her arm drawing backwards Imeri began to draw all of the collected metal into one place, spreading and forming it into metal javelin that was nearly instantly hauled with gravity power straight at the middle head of the three headed beast, followed by fearsome roar, one that mother would always release with her children being in danger.
  12. "Away from my son!" she boomed with lightning and tremlbing ground joining her roar, with what was left of her focus she would have shieled her son and granddaughter with earth magic, trying to protect them from their current opponent.
  13. (Imeri Ryozo)
  15. Kara was about to turn and head back to her Grandmother's location when abruptly a three headed Dragon shot out of the water and moved swiftly to attack Katai. She heard her Uncle cry out to his Mother. Then, she watched as Imeri;s hair turned into flames, her eyes changed color to bright gold and glowed and lightning cracked and surged from her hands.
  17. Then, a metal spear formed in Imeri's hand and shot lanced towards the Dragon and the Dragon blocked it. Kara whirled towards the Dragon. I'm a Drakanite, I will not let you hurt my Uncle! Kara thought. With that, Kara transformed into her halfshift; two horns sprouted out of her head and two wings sprouted out of her back. She then flew towards the Dragon, roared a challenge and swung her Katana at it; a Katan forged by the Priests of Ryujiin to Kyoshiro Draconis, a sword that was handed down to Cato Draconis and even herself; a gift from her Father.
  19. She swung at the Dragon with the flat of her blade. The Dragon brought up a clawed hand and blocked her blade; sending her flying back. Kara flew back, her wings flapping and stopped in mid air.
  21. "I will not allow you to hurt my family, Dragon!" Kara shouted at the Dragon. She showed it no fear. While it could easily slay or devour her and Katai, she would not fall to it or let it harm her Uncle. She was a Drakanite of House Draconis!
  23. (Kara Starsnow)
  25. Katai would watch from the snowy ground as his mother shows just how powerful she is. lightning struck the ground as the earth itself shook, her power was increadible, not only that but it looked as if fire was also flowing around her as she flew in ther air... she looked like a god. He watched as she threw a metal javelin at the three headed dragon using her special magic. The middle head of the dragon swiftly moved its head to the side as the javelin wized by it.
  27. Soon after that, Kara charged the dragon with her blade swinging it swiftly only to be knocked backwards in the air. It was amazing how she caught herself mid-air by flapping her wings. One day, he just might be able to do that, who knows.
  29. This wasn't right... they were protecting him... he was the one who wanted to protect everyone... he couldn't just sit there and do nothing, he had to fight. Katai would then get to his feet extremely fast as he eyes down the dragon with his sharp teeth showing. His adorble growl could be heard coming from his mouth before charging directly at the three headed dragon with no fear in his heart. "Never... I won't let you hurt my family" he said in a whipser.
  31. His hand would begin to glow bright blue as he kept charging at the beast. "You won't... hurt..." he huffed out as he got closer and closer to the dragon before leaping off of the ground seemingly in slow motion before shouting "MY FAMILY!!!!!!" At the top of his lungs as he forced all of his strength into his fists whilst his mana was focused to them as well making his strength increase an amazing amount.
  33. His eyes almost looked as if they were glowing blue as he found himself directly in front of the dragon with glowing blue fists as he shouted "POWERSMASH!!!" as his right fist came crashing down on the three headed dragon's center head with increadible force knocking it back a foot or two before Katai hit the ground with a thud before making his way back to his family to take a defensive stance.
  35. The dragon would then shreik in pain before roaring extremely loud almost shaking the icy tundra before it spotted imeri still in the air. The beast of a dragon wanted to take out the stroongest first so that he could feast on the rest. The dragon the picked up its feet now leaving the water to charge directly at imeri with the middle head reaching out to bite her as frost came from it's mouth whilst roaring.
  36. (Katai Nagano-Valco)
  38. Imeri stared as both of her family members launched themselves at their opponent, observing their combined attacks, seeing how it was pushed back a little only to launch itself straight at the witch with its frost breath. It wasn't the first time Imeri had to fight against dragon and not the last time for sure, as she took a deep breath and instantly began to infuse her air with magic before puffing out all of it in form of collosal flamethrower which not only supressed the dragons forst breath but also broke through it, searing the dragons middle head with her own flames, with its heat matching and if not supressing some of the dragon ones.
  40. With her breath running out, the witch took her advantage and sent one of the head straight at the middle head, attempting to use her construct to bite and if possible wound the dragon, wanting to force it to retreat, despite her rage, she didn't look like willing to kill, she hated to kill things that weren't evil on their own.
  42. "If you want to live then curl your tail up and leave! she boomed yet again, clearly wanting for the dragon to leave.
  43. (Imeri Ryozo)
  45. Kara watched as Katai and Imeri both attacked the Dragon. The Middle head had reared back. It's weaker on it's middle head, Kara thought. She smiled at it. Then, she flew through the air at it and swung the flat of her blade horizontally; slamming her blade against the head.
  47. The Dragon shrieked and it's middle head toppled forward and lay down on the ground; knocked out. Kara grinned at it.
  49. "Got you!" Kara said and with that she flapped her wings and flew back several feet. She brought her her blade. There were only two conscious heads left. We can do this! Kara thought with a wide grin on her face. She was a Drakanite of the House of Draconis.
  50. (Kara Starsnow)
  52. Katai watched as the dragon charged at his mother with what seemed to be frost coming from it's mouth. It was amazing how she formed fire from her breath surpassing the frost breath of a dragon. At thuis point he saw that her power was even greater than the dragon's was in using that breath ability. He would jump in the air throwing his fist up with a smile shout "YEAH, GO MOMMY!" As she showed that three headed dragon who's the boss. But her counter attack wasn't the end of it just yet. She then gave the dragon her own attack. The dragon would dodge it quickly. As the middle head moved it would be hit dead on by Kara's blade, the blunt side of course.
  54. Both the left and right head shreiked as the middle head fell limp after being knocked out by the powerful ten year old Drakanite. As the dragon stumbled back Katai looked to Kara who was smiling from her success which made him smile as well. He then took advantage of the situation, whilst the dragon was shreiking in pain and stumbling back he would leap into a tree before jumping his into the air as he focuses his mana into his hands creating a golden glow as holy energy appeared before he shouted "SMITE!" As a ball of holy energy shot at the dragon's right head making the head swing back violently before it flung its head back up right.
  56. Katai's feet would hit the ground and drag in the snow as he grins from the fact the he's actually doing damage to a dragon. But his joy would be interrupted by the dragons rage as it looked for the most powerful again spotting imeri this time shooting five ice shards at her from it's mouth from a distance. It knew of her power now and wanted to attack from where it thought it would be safe... was the dragon safe?
  57. (Katai Nagano-Valco)
  59. The witch observed as the middle head swiftly got knocked out of the fight, with only two left she hoped that the dragon would give up on its attempts, soon shaking her head as she seen it sending ice shards at her, from a large distance as well, too slow, way too slow for her. The witch sighed and observed as shards got closer towards her until instantly dissapearing with lightning and her gravity power shattering the ice into tiny bits before it even managed to get anywhere close to her.
  61. Do I really have to do it? Why it cannot understand...
  63. She asked herself while staring at her opponent, slowly exhaling loudly as equal amount of magma shards began to form around Imeri from the earth that was surrounding her, soon launched straight at the left head of the beast, one after another, not giving it any chance or time to evade any of the strikes. The witch wanted to finish the fight as soon as it was possible, be it with dragons retreat, it ending up unconscious or dead.
  65. ... Just give up already....I don't want to kill you
  66. (Imeri Ryozo)
  68. Kara watched as Katai and her Grandmother both fought the Dragon and watched as it defended itself. I've got to get a hit in, Kara thought. With that she charged the left head; flying towards it and slashing horizontally at it with the flat of her blade. The Dragon raised a clawed hand and swiped her, parrying her attack and knocking her to the ground.
  70. Kara lay on the ground, dazed for a minute. She quickly got to her feet and gazed up at the Dragon. She jumped back and got into a defensive stance, just as her Mother had showed her.
  72. "Good one, Dragon. Next time I will get you" Kara said. She was a girl of her word.
  73. (Kara Starsnow)
  75. Katai watched as his mother shattered the ice with her lightning and gravity magic before they even came close to her. He then saw imeri throw her own attack of magma/earth shards at the left head of the dragon dealing a good amount of damage. He then saw Kara charge at the dragon swinging her blade only to be parried and knocked back again. This would anger Katai a little but he wouldn't let his rage consume him. He simply focused his power throughout his body as he grabbed his bo staff from his back and charged at the dragon.
  77. He used his fatal srtike technique to dash close before faking the dragon out and leaping into the air. He would then flip forward in front of the left head before shouting "POWERSMASH!!" as he successfully landed the attack dazing the head making it most likely a target to be te next one that would be knocked out.
  78. (Katai Nagano-Valco)
  80. IMeri observed as the left head attacked her grandaughter, with loud growl the witch snorted loudly and waved her hand, soon sending her snake construct straight at the dragons left head, using its closed maw to slam against the wounded head and knock it out cold, leaving only one remaining, hopefully with last one being smart enough to run away instead of continuing to fight, seeing how poweful opponents it faced.
  82. The witch was clearly in bad mood as she didn't appear to be anywhere near planning to leave her enraged mode, though not fully active as of yet, with her runes remaining disabled for now.
  83. (Imeri Ryozo)
  85. Kara watched as Imeri used her metal construct to attack the Left Dragons head and knocked it out. She grinned. All was left was the right head. Kara flew through the air at the head and swung her Katan's flat at it horizontally. The Dragon brought up a clawed hand and blocked the blow. Kara flew back and flapped her wings; hovering.
  87. She had been so close to beating down the Dragon and yet she had failed. It was just like her training with gravity magic; sometimes she failed.
  90. "You are going down today" Kara said to the Dragon.
  91. (Kara Starsnow)
  93. Everything was moving faster now, his mother knocking out the left head of the three headed dragon. Then Kara attacking the right head after that only to be blocked right away. Now with everything settling the last head had its sights on Katai. The dragon would then shoot one giant ball of ice at him as he stared it down. Katai gave a serious face before focusing himself and remembering his trining with johnathan.He would then dash forward trying to use the fatal strike technique to make his way through the giant block of ice only to fail then rely on his powersmash technique to break through the ice before leaping at the dragon with his own attack.
  95. He would flip forward with his bo staff swinging it downward only to be blocked by the dragon's tail forcing him down out of the air where his feet would drag in the snow before coming to a halt and taking a defensive stance. "Come on,lets beat him mommy! We can do this Kara!" he shouted wanting to let his family know they could win this battle, but from the looks of it... they already knew.
  96. (Katai Nagano-Valco)
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