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Mar 25th, 2014
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  1. 2014-03-25 15:00:13,615 [inv.discovery] Job version_inventory(AGG-RTPC-01) is failed
  2. 2014-03-25 15:00:13,615 [inv.discovery] Rescheduling job version_inventory(25) to 2014-03-25 15:11:09.321437 status=W
  3. 2014-03-25 15:00:13,628 [inv.discovery: asset_discovery(jnr01-yla-str)] Submit vendor=JUNIPER, description=MX480, part_no=['MX480'], number=None, builtin=False, serial=JN11BD4C8AFB, type=CHASSIS, re
  4. vision=None
  5. 2014-03-25 15:00:13,629 [inv.discovery: asset_discovery(jnr01-yla-str)] Set context N = None -> NN=0, N=None
  6. 2014-03-25 15:00:13,644 [inv.discovery: asset_discovery(jnr01-yla-str)] Setting connection rule 'Juniper | MX'
  7. 2014-03-25 15:00:13,645 [inv.discovery: asset_discovery(jnr01-yla-str)] Context mappings: {u'PIC': (u'pic', []), u'MIC': (u'mic', []), u'CHASSIS': (u'chassis', [u'fpc', u'pic']), u'FPC': (u'fpc', [u
  8. 'pic'])}
  9. 2014-03-25 15:00:13,645 [inv.discovery: asset_discovery(jnr01-yla-str)] Set context chassis = None -> chassis=None, Nchassis=0, NN=0, N=None
  10. 2014-03-25 15:00:13,646 [inv.discovery: asset_discovery(jnr01-yla-str)] Creating new object. model='Juniper | MX | MX480 Chassis', serial='JN11BD4C8AFB'
  11. 2014-03-25 15:00:13,669 [inv.discovery: asset_discovery(jnr01-yla-str)] UNHANDLED EXCEPTION (2014-03-25 15:00:13.646515)
  12. Working directory: /opt/noc
  13. <type 'exceptions.AttributeError'>
  14. 'Object' object has no attribute '_changed_fields'
  16. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  17. File: /opt/noc/inv/models/ (Line: 459)
  18. Function: change_container
  19. 452 if hasattr(mo, "id"):
  20. 453 mo =
  21. 454 return cls.objects.filter(data__management__managed_object=mo)
  22. 455
  23. 456 @classmethod
  24. 457 def change_container(cls, sender, document, target=None,
  25. 458 created=False, **kwargs):
  26. 459 ==> if "container" not in document._changed_fields:
  27. 460 return
  28. 461 old_container = getattr(document, "_cache_container", None)
  29. 462 old_pop = None
  30. 463 new_pop = None
  31. 464 # Old pop
  32. 465 if old_container:
  33. Variables:
  34. sender = <class 'noc.inv.models.object.Object'>
  35. created = False
  36. kwargs = {}
  37. target = None
  38. document = <Object: None>
  39. cls = <class 'noc.inv.models.object.Object'>
  40. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  41. File: /opt/noc/lib/python2.6/site-packages/blinker/ (Line: 267)
  42. Function: send
  43. 260 '%s given' % len(sender))
  44. 261 else:
  45. 262 sender = sender[0]
  46. 263 if not self.receivers:
  47. 264 return []
  48. 265 else:
  49. 266 return [(receiver, receiver(sender, **kwargs))
  50. 267 ==> for receiver in self.receivers_for(sender)]
  51. 268
  52. 269 def has_receivers_for(self, sender):
  53. 270 """True if there is probably a receiver for *sender*.
  54. 271
  55. 272 Performs an optimistic check only. Does not guarantee that all
  56. 273 weakly referenced receivers are still alive. See
  57. Variables:
  58. _[1] = []
  59. self = <blinker.base.NamedSignal object at 0x3149490; 'pre_save'>
  60. kwargs = {'document': <Object: None>}
  61. sender = <class 'noc.inv.models.object.Object'>
  62. receiver =
  63. <bound method ?.change_container of <class 'noc.inv.models.object.Object'>>
  64. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  65. File: /opt/noc/lib/python2.6/site-packages/mongoengine/ (Line: 181)
  66. Function: save
  67. 174 .. versionchanged:: 0.6
  68. 175 Cascade saves are optional = defaults to True, if you want fine grain
  69. 176 control then you can turn off using document meta['cascade'] = False
  70. 177 Also you can pass different kwargs to the cascade save using cascade_kwargs
  71. 178 which overwrites the existing kwargs with custom values
  72. 179
  73. 180 """
  74. 181 ==> signals.pre_save.send(self.__class__, document=self)
  75. 182
  76. 183 if validate:
  77. 184 self.validate()
  78. 185
  79. 186 if not write_options:
  80. 187 write_options = {}
  81. Variables:
  82. force_insert = False
  83. self = <Object: None>
  84. safe = True
  85. _refs = None
  86. cascade = None
  87. cascade_kwargs = None
  88. write_options = None
  89. validate = True
  90. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  91. File: /opt/noc/inv/discovery/reports/ (Line: 134)
  92. Function: submit
  93. 127 # Create new object
  94. 128"Creating new object. model='%s', serial='%s'" % (
  95. 129, serial))
  96. 130 data = {"asset": {"serial": serial}}
  97. 131 if revision:
  98. 132 data["asset"]["revision"] = revision
  99. 133 o = Object(model=m, data=data, container=self.lost_and_found)
  100. 134 ==>
  101. 135 o.log(
  102. 136 "Created by asset_discovery",
  103. 137 system="DISCOVERY", managed_object=self.object,
  104. 138 op="CREATE"
  105. 139 )
  106. 140 # Check revision
  107. Variables:
  108. vnd = <Vendor: Juniper Networks>
  109. vendor = 'JUNIPER'
  110. description = 'MX480'
  111. part_no = ['MX480']
  112. type = 'CHASSIS'
  113. self = <noc.inv.discovery.reports.asset.AssetReport object at 0x4cc2a90>
  114. m = <ObjectModel: Juniper | MX | MX480 Chassis>
  115. number = 'None'
  116. o = <Object: None>
  117. p = 'MX480'
  118. builtin = False
  119. is_unknown_xcvr = False
  120. scope = u'chassis'
  121. serial = 'JN11BD4C8AFB'
  122. data = {'asset': {'serial': 'JN11BD4C8AFB', 'revision': 'None'}}
  123. revision = 'None'
  124. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  125. File: /opt/noc/inv/discovery/jobs/ (Line: 41)
  126. Function: handler
  127. 34 for o in result:
  128. 35 self.debug("Submit %s" % str_dict(o))
  129. 36
  130. 37 type=o["type"], number=o.get("number"),
  131. 38 builtin=o["builtin"],
  132. 39 vendor=o.get("vendor"), part_no=o["part_no"],
  133. 40 revision=o.get("revision"), serial=o.get("serial"),
  134. 41 ==> description=o.get("description")
  135. 42 )
  136. 43 # Assign stack members
  137. 44
  138. 45 #
  139. 46
  140. 47 #
  141. Variables:
  142. self =
  143. < object at 0x5119190>
  144. object = <ManagedObject: jnr01-yla-str>
  145. result =
  146. [{'builtin': False,
  147. 'description': 'MX480',
  148. 'number': 'None',
  149. 'part_no': ['MX480'],
  150. 'revision': 'None',
  151. 'serial': 'JN11BD4C8AFB',
  152. 'type': 'CHASSIS',
  153. 'vendor': 'JUNIPER'},
  154. {'builtin': False,
  155. 'description': 'MX480',
  156. 'number': 'None',
  157. 'part_no': ['MX480'],
  158. 'revision': 'None',
  159. 'serial': 'JN11BD4C8AFB',
  160. 'type': 'CHASSIS',
  161. 'vendor': 'JUNIPER'}
  162. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  163. File: /opt/noc/lib/scheduler/ (Line: 280)
  164. Function: _job_wrapper
  165. 273 else:
  166. 274 return self._job_wrapper(job, **kwargs)
  167. 275
  168. 276 def _job_wrapper(self, job, **kwargs):
  169. 277 tb = None
  170. 278 t0 = time.time()
  171. 279 try:
  172. 280 ==> r = job.handler(**kwargs)
  173. 281 except Exception:
  174. 282 # error_report()
  175. 283 tb = get_traceback()
  176. 284 job.error(tb)
  177. 285 job.on_exception()
  178. 286 s = job.S_EXCEPTION
  179. Variables:
  180. job =
  181. < object at 0x5119190>
  182. tb = None
  183. self = <noc.inv.discovery.scheduler.DiscoveryScheduler object at 0x4414b10>
  184. t0 = 1395745213.623014
  185. kwargs =
  186. {'object': <ManagedObject: jnr01-yla-str>,
  187. 'result': [{'builtin': False,
  188. 'description': 'MX480',
  189. 'number': 'None',
  190. 'part_no': ['MX480'],
  191. 'revision': 'None',
  192. 'serial': 'JN11BD4C8AFB',
  193. 'type': 'CHASSIS',
  194. 'vendor': 'JUNIPER'},
  195. {'builtin': False,
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