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Jun 19th, 2016
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  1. An old man in a butler’s uniform awaited them there. He was accompanied by a maid.
  2. 在那里、一名执事装扮的老人正带着一名女仆恭候于此。
  4. Though he looked like a butler, he did not feel as powerful as Sebas. He seemed like a very ordinary, albeit well-bred old man. The butler was human, though the same was not true for the maid.
  5. 虽说是执事,给人的感觉却不像塞巴斯那样浑厚。只感觉到他是一位非常普通的、教养良好的老人。然后,虽然执事似乎是人类,但女仆却有所不同。
  7. A pair of ears adorned the top of the maid’s head; not human ears, but ears from some kind of animal. Although it was hard to be sure since they were obscured by her hair, there was no swelling at the site where normal humans had their ears. She had a cute face, but it was not the same way a human being was cute -- more like an animal sort of cute.
  8. 在女仆头顶上张着一对并非人类会有的、像是动物耳朵般的耳朵。虽然因为被头发遮住的关系很难断言,但是在一般来说人类会长出耳朵的位置上则没有凸起。虽然看上起确实也挺可爱的,但那与人类的可爱却有所不同──更像是动物的可爱。
  10. “Welcome, Ainzach-sama and -- Your Majesty the Sorcerer King, I believe. The master awaits you. Please allow us to lead the way. May I ask you to follow behind us?”
  11. 「恭候多时了。是艾因扎克大人以及──魔导王陛下吧。主人已经准备好了。接下来就由我来为二位带路,能请跟在我的后面吗?」
  13. “Wha?!”
  14. 「什!?」
  16. After he heard the butler’s speech, a strangled cry of surprise escaped Ainzach’s mouth.
  17. 艾因扎克听到执事的这番话之后,稍微泄漏出了些惊讶的声音。
  19. Ainzach had said in yesterday’s talk that he would not bring up Ainz’s true identity, so he must have been shocked because they had managed to guess who Ainz was. For Ainz, however, this was nothing to be alarmed about. His mask might have concealed his face, but he had not changed his clothes. Anyone with a good information network would have heard about him. Under these circumstances, not replying would be rude.
  20. 据艾因扎克所说昨天的谈话中并没有涉及到安兹的真面目,所以因为安兹的身份被猜中才会使他这么惊讶的吧。但是对安兹来说,这并不是值得讶异的事情。虽说他的脸用面具遮住了,但服装却没有任何改变。只要是消息灵通一点的人,应该都有听说过他的事吧。而且比起这种事,不给予对方响应的话才是无礼。
  22. “Thank you. Then, please show us the way.”
  23. 「感谢。那就麻烦你带路吧」
  25. “Yes.”
  26. 「是」
  28. The butler lowered his head. A beat later, so did the maid.
  29. 执事低下头,女仆迟了一拍也这么做了。
  31. After the two of them started walking, Ainzach quietly told Ainz:
  32. 而当他们两个开始走起来后,艾因扎克小声地对安兹说道。
  34. “Thank you very much, Your Majesty.”
  35. 「陛下,非常感谢」
  37. His thanks was because Ainz had responded to the butler.
  38. 这份道谢,是因为安兹对于执事的话做出响应吧。
  40. No need for that, Ainz wanted to say, but in the end he accepted the thanks in silence.
  41. 不需要,虽然安兹本想这么说的,但最后他还是什么都没说默默地接受道谢。
  43. To Suzuki Satoru, a superior ought to cover for his subordinates if the latter made a mistake. Ainzach’s thanks was a natural reaction. It was an unavoidable step in his future growth as one of Ainz’s subordinates.
  44. 以铃木悟的观点来看的话,如果属下犯错的话,上司就应该掩护。艾因扎克的道谢是理所当然的反应,而且对于上司的安兹来说,为了部下今后的成长这也是不可避免的举动。
  46. Once more, Ainz keenly realized that being a boss was not relaxing at all.
  47. 安兹又一次深刻地感受到当上司一点都不轻松。
  49. Suddenly, Ainz realized that he had never once said “Thanks” while he was roleplaying as a ruler.
  50. 突地,安兹注意到,在非得进行支配者的角色扮演的这段时间,他都没有说过「谢谢」呢。
  52. I need to find a time to thank the Guardians and all the NPCs. I need to show my appreciation for their hard work.
  53. (得找个时间好好对守护者们,还有全体的NPC表达感谢之意,慰劳慰劳他们才行啊)
  55. Ainz’s objective was to run the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick like a benevolent company. As he idly pondered the matter, he did not stop moving, but continued walking toward the direction where he was being led.
  56. 身为以良心企业为目标的纳萨力克地下大坟墓的支配者的安兹,在他呆然地想着这件事时,也没有停下脚步,而是依照着被指引的方向前进着。
  58. “Although, it was quite surprising to actually encounter a Rabbit Man, Your Majesty.”
  59. 「不过居然有兔人[Rabbit Man]在还真是让人惊讶啊,陛下」
  61. Wouldn’t it be better to discuss this sort of thing after the person in question was gone? Ainz thought that, but the topic interested him, so he decided to go with the flow.
  62. 这种话还是等人走了再说比较合适吧?安兹虽然这么想,不过这话题让他很有兴趣,就那样顺着讲下去。
  64. “Shouldn’t it be Rabbit Woman?”
  65. 「不应该是兔女人[Rabbit Woman]吗?」
  67. “No… well… their species name is Rabbit Man.”
  68. 「不……嘛……因为种族名是兔人[Rabbit Man]」
  70. “Ainzach, it was merely a joke. Taking it so seriously is somewhat troubling.”
  71. 「艾因扎克,我不过是开个玩笑。你这么一本正经的回答,让我会有些困扰啊」
  73. “...I wonder if she came from further east than the City-State Alliance. How exotic.”
  74. 「……是不是从比都市国家联合更东方的地方过来的呢。很是稀奇啊」
  76. “Hm…”
  77. 「嗯……」
  79. Ainz had no idea how far away “east of the City-State Alliance” was. His information did not yet cover such distant regions.
  80. 就算说是都市国家联合的东方,安兹也不知道那到底有多远。他手上的情报还没有广阔到那个地步。
  82. Still, he had not seen any in the Kingdom, and she was the only Rabbit Man he had encountered in the Imperial Capital. It must be hard to live in a place without other members of one’s kind, even without considering discrimination from other races.
  83. 不过在王国没有见过,而帝都中所遇到的兔子人也只有她一个。在这样没有同族的地方,就算没有受到其它种族的排斥,安兹也不觉得这是容易居住的环境。
  85. Ainz was curious and wanted to ask her some questions, but he could not do so. It would be troublesome if he stepped on a landmine during their conversation.
  86. 安兹虽然起了些想问她些问题的好奇心,但却不能那么做。如果这话题是她过不去的坎儿的话,那可就麻烦了。
  88. Before long, they reached a house.
  89. 没过多久,他们就被带到一间房间前。
  91. “The master awaits you within. Please.”
  92. 「主人在此恭候。两位还请」
  94. The interior of the house was decorated with many articles of lovingly-oiled and maintained weapons and armor. They were clean, free of dust and displayed in neat rows.
  95. 房间内陈列着好几件用油精心保养过的武器与防具,没有半粒灰尘显得非常美丽。
  97. Upon closer inspection, many of the weapons were scuffed and dented on their business ends. It was clear that these weapons had been used in actual combat.
  98. 仔细看的话,大部分的武具上头都有着伤痕或是凹陷。毫无疑问真的有用在战斗上。
  100. Rather than a weapon merchant’s shop display, it seemed more like the gallery owner displaying the weapons of his glorious past.
  101. 与其说是武器商人的展示品,更像是与馆主人的辉煌过去有关的武具吧。
  103. After a hasty glance around, Ainz’s gaze returned to the sword he saw first.
  104. 粗略的环视后,安兹的视线回到了最先看到的一把剑上。
  106. It was the most beautiful of all the weapons in the room.
  107. 那是这房间内所有的武具中,最为漂亮的剑。
  109. There was no sign of damage on the sword. The gallery’s owner must have been quite fond of it, judging by how it had been placed to be the first thing anyone would see when they entered the room.
  110. 剑上头没有半点伤痕,而且考虑到它被放在一进入房间就自然会看到的位置上,看来这是馆主人相当中意的剑吧。
  112. “Does it please you?”
  113. 「不知还合您的意吗」
  115. “Ah, truly an excellent collection.”
  116. 「啊啊,真的是非常不错的收藏品」
  118. Thus did Ainz answer the room’s owner seated on the sofa -- in other words, the owner of this gallery. The owner was a stout-bodied. His hair was cut so short that one could see his scalp.
  119. 对于站在放置在房间中央的一座相对的沙发前的这间房间的主人──也是馆主人的问题,安兹如此回答道。主人是位体格良好的男性,头发剃的非常短,甚至能够看到头皮。
  121. They did not bother with greetings, but continued talking about weapons.
  122. 还没有打招呼,就继续着武具的谈话。
  124. “So, which piece do you favor most -- ah, that one. Everyone who comes into this room says that.”
  125. 「什么最得您的喜爱──啊啊,是那个呢。进来这间房间里的人,无论是谁都那么说」
  127. Ainz entered the room and stood before the sword.
  128. 安兹穿过房间,站在那把剑前。
  130. “May I pick it up?”
  131. 「可以拿起来看看吗?」
  133. “Of course, by all means.”
  134. 「当然,请随意」
  136. Ainz thanked him and picked up the sword. Of course, it would drop if he actually tried to wield it in earnest, but holding it was fine.
  137. 安兹道谢过后拿起剑。虽然如果想要装备上的话就会掉落,但只是拿着的话倒没问题。
  139. He peered at the sword, and then he noticed the characters carved on the blade. These bizarre characters were vaguely familiar to Ainz. He searched his memories, and finally found the answer.
  140. 眺望着剑,安兹注意到了刻在刀身上头的文字。这奇妙的文字安兹有在哪里见过。拚命地在脑内搜寻,终于找出了答案。
  142. “Runes?”
  143. 「卢恩文字?」【又称、如尼文字】
  145. “Ohhh! As expected of Your Majesty. You know of these letters!”
  146. 「喔喔!不愧是魔导王陛下。您知道这文字啊!」
  148. What? Seriously? ...Are runes commonly used in this world?
  149. (什么?真的是啊?……卢恩文字也存在于这个世界吗?)
  151. Runes were a set of letters which had apparently been used in the past of Suzuki Satoru’s world. The fact that such characters existed in this world meant that it was very likely someone from the same world as Suzuki Satoru had spread them here. Thus, Ainz carefully answered:
  152. 卢恩文字在铃木悟的世界中,似乎是一种过去使用的文字。那样的文字也存在与这个世界,就表示这是由跟铃木悟来自同个世界的人所传布的可能性很大。为此安兹谨慎的回答道。
  154. “...Probably, I believe. I only know of them. I cannot create rune-engraved items. May I know which smith made this?”
  155. 「……算是,吧。我只是有那样的知识而已。我可无法制作上头刻着卢恩文字的道具啊。这是哪位名匠的作品吗?」
  157. “Ohhh, that was a good question. That sword was forged by a runesmith of the Dwarven Kingdom in the Azellisian Mountain Range. It is about 150 years old. The blade can accumulate electricity, and there’s a maker’s mark on the hilt. Did you see it?”
  158. 「喔喔,您真是问了个好问题。这正是由那位安杰利西亚山脉的、矮人[Dwarf]王国的卢恩工匠所打造的剑。已经有大约一百五十年的历史了。剑身可以储蓄雷电,剑柄有刻上记号,您可有看到?」
  160. The gallery owner was standing next to Ainz.
  161. 馆主人站到安兹的旁边。
  163. The overwhelming smell of cologne assaulted his nose.
  164. 身旁传来了浓烈的香水味。
  166. “This is a piece by Stonenel, a famous workshop.”
  167. 「这是矮人一间非常有名的卢恩工坊,史托恩涅尔工坊的作品」
  169. A Dwarven workshop? ...Looks like I’ll have to gather information about that sort of thing.
  170. (矮人的卢恩工坊?……看来得好好搜集一下这方面的情报了啊)
  172. “Hoh. That does sound like a famous workshop. Are there any more examples of their work here?”
  173. 「嚯嚯。这似乎是间非常有名的工坊啊,这里还有那间工坊所制作的武具吗?」
  175. Ainz looked around, and the man laughed heartily.
  176. 安兹环视了室内后,男人心情很好似的笑了笑。
  178. “Hahahaha. No, not in here. I store them elsewhere. However, this is the only piece which bears such a powerful enchantment.”
  179. 「哈哈哈哈。这里倒是没有。在别的地方保管着。但是,像这样寄宿着强烈魔力的珍品,也就只有这一把了」
  181. “Hoh.”
  182. 「嚯嚯」
  184. Ainz concealed his disappointment as he quietly emoted.
  185. 安兹一边发出感叹的声音,一边把失望藏在心里。
  187. That said, he had still learned something about the workshop called Stonenel. He had to see if there was a player there.”
  188. 但话是这么说,但他也得到了与史托恩涅尔工坊相关的情报。必须调查一下那里是否有玩家[Player]存在了。
  190. “I’ve heard that the weapons made by dwarven runesmiths rarely circulate on the market. And you actually have more of them in store?”
  191. 「我听说矮人的卢恩工匠所制作的武器,是很少会在市场上流通的。而你居然还有其它的收藏吗?」
  193. Ainz gave Ainzach a mental thumbs-up for asking that question.
  194. 艾因扎克从旁提出的这个问题,让安兹在心中不禁竖起了大拇指。
  196. “Indeed I do, Ainzach,” the man smiled. “I snatch them up whenever they’re on auction. Recently, there was a really persistent adventurer trying to outbid me. I ended up paying three times what I had originally planned.”
  197. 「正如你所言,艾因扎克」男人咧嘴笑道「只要它们出现在拍卖会上时,我必定都会前去啊。前阵子,跟我竞争的冒险者相当缠人,最后的金额高出了我原先预定的三倍啊」
  199. Ainzach shook his head incredulously (sort of), while Ainz nodded in approval. This was how things were for a collector. An outsider would never be able to understand. At times, even Ainz did not understand the actions of his past self.
  200. 看着有些呆愣地摇了摇头的艾因扎克,安兹充满感慨的点头了点头。搜藏家就是这么回事。旁人是无法理解的。因为就连安兹,偶尔也会无法理解过去的自己。
  202. Ainz wanted to keep asking, but in the end he decided to return the sword to its original place.
  203. 虽然安兹还想再调查下去,不过他还是将剑放回了原位。
  205. “It seems I was entranced by your marvellous collection without even greeting you. Do forgive my lack of respect.”
  206. 「招呼都还没有打好,就被美妙的收藏给吸引过去了啊。希望你能原谅我的失礼」
  208. The man was all smiles.
  209. 男人露出了满面的笑容。
  211. “Your Majesty has a way with words. Then, allow me to reintroduce myself. I am Osk, an insignificant merchant.”
  212. 「陛下您真是非常擅长言词。那么就重新介绍一次,我是个──微不足道的商人,欧斯克」
  214. “You will surely anger the other merchants of the Empire if you call yourself insignificant. I remain the Sorcerer King, Ainz Ooal Gown.”
  215. 「你说自己微不足道的话,帝国里的其它商人可是会生气的吧。我乃安兹?乌尔?恭魔导王」
  217. “Not a day goes by when I do not hear of your mighty name. Please, have a seat. I will have the servants prepare drinks.”
  218. 「陛下大名、我没有一天是不曾听闻的。那么就请坐吧。我这就让下人们去准备饮品」
  220. “...While this is a rare opportunity… there is no need to prepare my share.”
  221. 「……虽说难得,不过我的份就不用了」
  223. Osk’s eyes did not seem quite proportional to his head. He studied Ainz with those eyes.
  224. 欧斯克用那与脑袋大小不成正比的小眼睛,打量着安兹。
  226. “Your Majesty, I have heard the rumors… but could I trouble you to remove that mask?”
  227. 「陛下,虽说我是有听过传言。不过能请您把那面具取下了吗?」
  229. “...Since this is a request of the home’s owner, I must comply.”
  230. 「……既然这是家主要求,那可就非取下不可了啊」
  232. Ainz took off his mask, revealing his bare face.
  233. 安兹取下面具,露出他的脸庞。
  235. There was no look of surprise on Osk’s face. His eyes were very small, so once he narrowed his eyes to smile, there was no way to look into their depths.
  236. 欧斯克并没有露出讶异的表情。由于那瞳孔实在太小,一旦他瞇起眼笑的话,就无法窥探他的眼睛深处了。
  238. “Ohhh… I see, I see…”
  240. Osk nodded several times before speaking again.
  242. “In truth, I was worried that I would not be able to prepare tea that would be able to satisfy the tastes of the renowned Sorcerer King, but it would seem that was wasted effort on my part.”
  243. 「喔喔……原来如此,原来如此」点头了好几次的欧斯克开口「坦白说,其实我还在担心无法准备出会让名闻天下的魔导王陛下所满意的茶叶呢,不过现在看来这不过是白操心了啊」
  245. After those cheerful words, Osk’s belly wobbled with laughter.
  246. 明快地这么说道的欧斯克,腹部颤动的笑着。
  248. “Say, Osk. Why did you think His Majesty would come with me?”
  249. 「吶、欧斯克。你为什么觉得,陛下也会与我一起同行?」
  251. “Ahhh, it’s not hard to tell, right? E-Rantel is under the control of His Majesty. When I heard that the Guildmaster of E-Rantel’s Adventurer’s Guild was visiting, in the company of someone more important than himself, only one person came to mind. Granted, it could have been some other confidant of the Sorcerer King, my instincts told me otherwise,” Osk said.
  252. 「咿呀,这不是什么困难的事情吧?从被陛下支配的耶‧兰提尔,听说身为冒险者工会会长的你要来访,并且还有位地位在你之上的人要一起同行。那么能够想到的,也就只有一个人了吧」
  254. 虽然是魔导王陛下心腹的可能性也是有的,不过方面还是直觉起的作用吧。欧斯克继续说道。
  256. “Then, is it my turn to ask questions now? Did you once use the weapons arrayed over there?”
  257. 「那么,接下来可以换我问问题了吗?排列在那边的武器,都是你所使用的吗?」
  259. Osk chuckled at Ainz’s question.
  260. 安兹的疑问让欧斯克笑了起来。
  262. “How could that be? Your Majesty, do consider my body! I can wield an abacus, but I have never once swung a sword. That is just a hobby of mine… Since I was a child, I have always admired the strong, as well as swords and other weapons.”
  263. 「怎么可能!陛下,请好好看看我这身子骨吧!我手上会握算盘,但可从没有握过剑。那只是我的兴趣而已。……我从孩提时代开始就喜欢强者,也喜欢剑之类的武具」
  265. “I see…”
  266. 「原来如此……」
  268. “It seems you understand. Now then, I have a question of my own. I have heard of Your Majesty’s unstoppable might; was that due to the long time you have lived -- well, I suppose it does count as living?”
  269. 「您似乎可以理解了。那么,接下来我也有个想问的问题。我听闻陛下拥有所向披靡的力量,这果然是由于生存了长久的岁月──嘛,可以称为是活着的吧?」
  271. “That is correct, in comparison to the lifespans of you humans.”
  272. 「以你们人类的寿命作为比较的话,是那样没错吧」
  274. As Ainz said this, he thought of something. What kind of being was the Sorcerer King Ainz Ooal Gown?
  275. 安兹这么说着回想了起来。安兹‧乌尔‧恭魔导王,到底该是位怎么样的存在呢。
  277. Obviously he could not say, “Certainly not, you two are older than me.” Even if he did say so, they would not believe him. So he had to speak while in-character as the Sorcerer King. However, if he did not lock down the exact details of the Sorcerer King’s character, things might turn out badly.
  278. 不,这种时候可没有办法说「没有那回事喔。你们比我还年长」,而且就算说了他们也不会相信吧。所以他才摆出魔导王的样子来说话的。不过,再不决定好魔导王到底是个什么样的角色的话,似乎也差不多要开始不妙了吧。
  280. In any case, it’s confirmed that the undead live a long time. If anyone asks why I do not know certain things despite my long life, I can reply that I was focused on researching magic. Let’s use that as a basic detail for the Sorcerer King’s character.
  281. (总之,身为不死者活的长久这件事是肯定的。如果被问到,为什么这么长寿还有不知道的事情的话,就以我一直都在闭关潜心钻研魔法回答。就以此为基础先定下这名为魔导王的角色吧)
  283. “That being the case, do you possess weapons of the past?”
  284. 「如果是这样的话,您可持有过去的武具呢?」
  286. Judging by that question, Osk did not intend to hide his curioisty.
  287. 欧斯克丝毫不打算隐藏他那好奇心如此问道。
  289. “Of course I do. However, I cannot just give them to you, no?”
  290. 「当然有。但我可不会把它们给你的哦?」
  292. “For a suitable amount -- no, I will try to pay three times the market value.”
  293. 「适当的金额──不,我会努力出到比市价多三倍的价格的」
  295. Ainz could not reject him on the spot. This was because he recalled the precarious state of his personal finances. However, it would hardly be dignified for the ruler of a country to go “Sure, let’s do it.”
  296. 安兹无法当场拒绝。这是由于他回想起了,自己兜里的经济状况正岌岌可危的缘故。但是,身为一国之君却说什么「那么,就这样吧」的话,未免也太难堪了。
  298. “...Money does not exactly appeal to me.”
  299. 「……钱并不能使我感到没什么魅力啊」
  301. “I sincerely apologize. Saying so to Your Majesty -- who is the ruler of a country -- was terribly rude of me… Then, what can I offer to make you want to trade them to me?”
  302. 「这确实对身为一国之王的陛下来说太过失礼了啊,实在是非常抱歉。……那么,要用什么来交换,才能让您愿意让渡给我呢?」
  304. So he wants to phrase it as receiving a bounty for meritorious service to my country, or something like that? Hm? Well, in that case...
  305. (像是为了我的国家出力而取得的犒赏,什么的?嗯?既然这样的话……)
  307. Ainz withdrew a shortsword. It was wreathed in a billowing mist effect. Its faintly translucent blue blade was made of blue crystal metal, and it contained little mana. That said, its overall ability ranked it as a high-class item, and it was certainly more powerful than the average magic item in this world.
  308. 安兹取出了一把短剑。那是把呈现着、仿若雾气摇动那样效果的短剑。蓝色又微微透明的刀身,是使用了蓝色水晶金属[Blue crystal metal]的制品,这其中所包含的魔力相当微妙。但话虽如此,综合评价来看也能算是上级的魔法道具,与这世界通常所流通的道具相比可谓是相当强大的了。
  310. “This, this is!”
  311. 「这,这个是!」
  313. Two voices cried out those words.
  314. 响起的声音一共有两道。
  316. Ainzach’s eyes went wide as he stared at the shortsword. “Umu,” Ainz muttered, before placing it in front of Ainzach.
  317. 艾因扎克也张大了眼睛,凝视着短剑。「唔嗯」安兹如此低语后,将剑放在了艾因扎克的面前。
  319. “Take it.”
  320. 「拿去吧」
  322. “Hah?!”
  323. 「哈!?」
  325. Once more, those words were spoken by two voices.
  326. 惊讶的声音也是两道。
  328. “Ainzach, this is a gift for your hard work. That said, this is not an award, nor is this meant to symbolize your station, I simply felt that this sort of thing is similar to the reward I wish to hand out in my ideal nation, so I have given this to you. If you require cash instead, it is fine to sell it off.”
  329. 「艾因扎克,这是对于你的辛勤的奖赏。话虽如此,这非是授与给你的,也不是藉此保障你的身分。我只是觉得,这跟我理想之国的奖赏很相配,所以才会给你。如果你更想要金钱的话,把它卖了也无所谓」
  331. This shortsword did not contain enough data to kill Ainz. Nor was it one of the weapons made by his former guildmates and thus filled with memories.
  332. 就数据量来看的话,这把短剑是无法杀死安兹的。而且也并不是什么从前的公会成员所制作的,充满回忆的武器。
  334. “I, how could I dare accept such…”
  335. 「我、我怎么敢收下此等……」
  337. AInzach’s body shuddered uncontrollably.
  338. 艾因扎克的身体抖个不停。
  340. “This is nothing amazing. Well, if you do not want it, I can change it for something else when the time comes. A healing potion, perhaps. That should be fine. What do you think?”
  341. 「这并不是什么大不了的东西。嘛,如果你不愿收下的话,那到时候就换成其它的好了。像是可以疗伤药水什么的也没有问题。你怎么看?」
  343. Ainzach hesitated for a while, but in the end he decided to keep the shortsword.
  344. 艾因扎克犹豫了好一会时间,最终还是决定收下了短剑。
  346. “I shall accept it. Thank you very much, Your Majesty! I will continue serving Your Majesty with all my strength, with effort that will not be outshone by this sword!”
  347. 「我收下了。非常感谢您,陛下!我会以不输给这把剑的劳力,来尽力侍奉陛下的」
  349. “Congratulations, Ainzach. If you run into any trouble, remember to think of this friend of yours.”
  350. 「恭喜你啊,艾因扎克。如果你遇上了困扰的事情的话,记得要想起我这个朋友来啊」
  352. Osk eyed the shortsword as he said this. Ainzach had a look on his face like a bitch protecting her puppies.
  353. 欧斯克一边偷瞄着短剑这么说之后,艾因扎克露出了像是在保护幼犬的母狗的表情。
  355. “It won’t happen. Never.”
  356. 「不会有那种事的。绝对」
  358. Ainz decided to change his tone.
  359. 安兹稍微该变了下语气。
  361. “Well then. Let us move on to the real business.”
  362. 「好。那我们差不多,也该开始谈正事了吧」
  364. Osk reluctantly pulled his eyes away from the handkerchief that Ainzach had used to wrap the sword, and replied:
  365. 欧斯克不情愿地将视线从艾因扎克用手帕将刀身包住的姿态上移开,如此回应。
  367. “...Understood. May I ask why you have graced my humble estate with your presence?”
  368. 「……遵命。今日,您特地大驾光临寒舍,请问所为何事呢?」
  370. “Umu… I am not given to dressing up my words. Let me get to the point…. I would like you to arrange a bout with the Martial Lord of the arena.”
  371. 「唔……我不擅长修辞啊。就让我开门见山的说吧。……希望你能让斗技场的武王出来战斗」
  373. Osk’s eyes widened, but soon they returned to their normal shape.
  374. 欧斯克的眼睛稍微张大了一点,不过很快就恢复成原本的表情。
  376. “I have heard that the Martial Lord is not a part of the arena personnel, but a gladiator you have raised from a child. Ainzach told me that you can quickly put a fight on the cards if you agree to have the Martial Lord fight, which is why I came to make this request of you.”
  377. 「我听说武王并不属于斗技场,而是你从小培养的斗剑士。只要你同意了武王的战斗的话,很快就可以安排赛程,艾因扎克是这么说的,所以我才会来拜托你」
  379. “Fuhahahaha. Are you serious, Your Majesty? You do know that the Martial Lord is the mightiest man in the arena, with a monster’s body and outstanding fighting skills? He might be the strongest one in history. Perhaps Your Majesty counts strong individuals among his followers as well, but defeating him is…”
  380. 「呼哈哈哈哈。您是认真的吗,陛下。武王可是拥有怪物的肉体与优秀的战士技巧的斗技场最强的男人喔?恐怕是历代最强的。或许陛下您的麾下也有强者在,不过要赢过他的话……」
  382. Osk shook his head with pride.
  383. 欧斯克充满自信地摇了摇头。
  385. “...Is he stronger than Fluder?”
  386. 「……比夫路达还强吗?」
  388. “No, this is from the perspective of a warrior. It’s not applicable to a magic caster. All they have to do is take to the sky and attack repeatedly with magic and that’s the end of it.”
  389. 「不,这是以作为战士来说的。魔法咏唱者不行的。飞到天空上用魔法连续攻击之类的,则更是如此」
  391. Osk’s quiet grumbling somewhat perturbed Ainz, and then Ainzach chimed in:
  393. “Once, an adventurer team took to the sky and won by raining spells and arrows on him from a distance. That was a pretty disappointing fight. Ever since, the arena forbade teleportation and flight magic.”
  395. Then, Osk looked at Ainz. He seemed to have recovered.
  396. 低喃抱怨的欧斯克让安兹感到有些困惑,而这时艾因扎克则「从前,有一队冒险者飞到空中,用魔法跟弓箭这样的远距离攻击赢得胜利,当时的情况似乎相当不热闹。因此,在那之后斗技场便严禁飞行或是转移这类的的魔法」如此告诉安兹。而这会儿,终于回过神的欧斯克也看向了安兹。
  398. “Cough! Well, that was rude of me, Your Majesty. I recalled some bitter memories… Then, back to the topic, Your Majesty. May I ask who intends to fight the Martial Lord? Are they human?”
  399. 「咳!真是失礼了,陛下。回想起了一些苦涩的记忆……那么,话说回来,陛下。要与武王战斗的,究竟是何方神圣呢?是人类吗?」
  401. Ainz and Ainzach looked at each other. Then, Ainz answered:
  403. “That would be me.”
  404. 「是我」
  406. “...Eh?!”
  407. 「…………诶!?」
  409. “I, Ainz Ooal Gown, shall be his opponent.”
  410. 「由我安兹‧乌尔‧恭来当他的对手」
  412. After a brief period of silence, Osk asked in a panic:
  413. 一段空白的时间经过后,欧斯克才慌慌张张的问道。
  415. “But, but but, but are you not the ruler of a country, Your Majesty.”
  416. 「不,不不,陛下您不是一国之王吗?」
  418. “Indeed I am. What of it?”
  419. 「确实如此啊?」
  421. “Eh? No, that’s correct, but… that…”
  422. 「咦?不,确实没错啊,那么……那个……」
  424. “Ahh, I understand what worries you. You must be thinking, what would happen if I were hurt?”
  425. 「啊啊,我明白你所担心的事。你是在想,万一我受伤的话该怎么办吧?」
  427. “It would be fine if it ended in just getting hurt,” Osk muttered under his breath. Ainz pretended not to notice.
  428. 如果受伤就能解决还算好的,欧斯克这小声的低喃安兹故意装做没听到。
  430. “Be at ease. There will not be a problem, no matter what happens to me. I will leave written proof of that.”
  431. 「放心吧。不管我发生什么事的话,都不会造成问题的。关于这方面我会好好留下书面文件的」
  433. “But if that sort of thing happens, I won’t be able to do business any more. I have heard that the Empire is supposed to be an ally of the Sorcerous Kingdom. If I allow the king of an allied country to be seriously injured, the state will have its eye on me.”
  434. 「但如果发生那种事的话,我就没办法做生意了。我听闻帝国跟魔导国两国是同盟。如果同盟国的王受了重伤的话,我会被国家盯上的」
  436. “I promise you -- you will not be inconvenienced by this.”
  437. 「我与你约定,不会因此给你添麻烦」
  439. “Even if you say so…” Osk paused to think, and then asked again: “These words might be unpleasant to the ear, but could you offer up something as a guarantee?”
  440. 「就算您这么说……」欧斯克稍微思考了一下,再次发问「这话可能不太中听,不过您是否可以压上作为担保东西呢?」
  442. “A guarantee? Like what?”
  443. 「你说担保?像是什么样的东西?」
  445. “...Please give me something like what you gave Ainzach earlier. If anything happens, it’ll be fine as long as I can keep that item.”
  446. 「……请给我像是刚才您给艾因扎克的那样的东西。万一发生什么事的话,只要我能收下那样东西那也就没问题了吧」
  448. “If that is what it takes to satisfy you, then I shall make that promise. However, I cannot give it to you right away. I promise it will reach you by tomorrow.”
  449. 「如果那样的东西便能使你满意的话,我就跟你如此约定吧。只是无法现在给你就是了。但我保证明天会给你送过来的」
  451. “Thank you very much, Your Majesty. ...There is also another matter I would like to ask, though I fear it is inappropriate.”
  452. 「非常感谢您,陛下。……另外我有件事情想要问一下,不知是否合适?」
  454. Ainz waved, indicating that Osk should continue.
  455. 安兹摆手,表示要欧斯克继续下去。
  457. “As a promoter, I collect a lot of information. Much of that information pertains to powerful beings which might appear in the arena, or monsters. There are also rumors concerning Your Majesty -- dare I ask if it is true that Your Majesty slew tens of thousands of the Kingdom’s people with a single spell?”
  458. 「我身为主办者,搜集了各种情报。特别是关于可能会出现在斗技场中的强者或是怪物那样的存在。其中也有关于陛下您的传言──敢问陛下真的只用一个魔法,便杀了好几万的王国人民吗?」
  460. “Koff!”
  461. 「咳!」
  463. Ainzach coughed in a very contrived way. He was glaring at Osk with reproachful eyes, but this was nothing that had to be hidden, nor was it something to be ashamed of.
  464. 艾因扎克做作的咳了一下。虽然他以责备的视线看向欧斯克,但这本身就不是什么非得隐瞒的事,也不是什么提起会很羞耻的事情。
  466. “Indeed, that is true. I slew them with my magic. Will you reproach me for it?”
  467. 「就是那样没错。是以我的魔法将其弑尽。你想责备我吗?」
  469. “No, I was simply asking to gauge the extent of Your Majesty’s mystic powers. After all, if you did use that spell from the rumors, it would be… very bad. After all, the arena is within the Imperial Capital.”
  470. 「不,我现在只是在询问,陛下您拥有何等的魔法力量。毕竟如果您使出了传闻中的那种魔法,可会非常不妙的啊。因为斗技场位于帝都之中」
  472. “No, no, I will not use magic like that.”
  473. 「不、不,我是不会使出那种魔法的」
  475. Even Ainz had no intention of using such a spell in the middle of an allied country. What kind of terrorist would do that?
  476. 就算是安兹,也不打算在盟国都市的正中央使用那种魔法。那是何等的恐怖份子啊。
  478. “Of course, I feel the same way as well. Unlike the common image of the undead, Your Majesty is a noble and rational man. I do not believe you will enact a great slaughter because you hate the living. That said, making assumptions and neglecting to confirm these things might lead to failure.”
  479. 「当然,我也是这么认为的。陛下您让人想象不到是不死者那样,是位理性的大人。虽然我确实不认为您会因为憎恨生命,而展开大杀戮。但如果认为理所当然而轻怠了确认,有时可是会导致失败的结果啊」
  481. Ainz agreed on that point as well. This was one of the dangers that came with allowing a new person to join. In truth, Suzuki Satoru had failed like this in the past.
  482. 这点安兹也同意。这是当新人加入时,有可能会发生的危险之一。实际上,铃木悟也因为这样而失败过。
  484. “Your concerns are valid. Allow me to repeat myself -- I will not use that spell.”
  485. 「这份顾虑是当然的。我再次重申,不会使用那种魔法的喔?」
  487. “Why is that? Is it because it has something to do with the alignment of the stars?”
  488. 「这是为什么呢?果然那与繁星的排列等有着什么联系呢?」
  490. “While that is not related to the mat-”
  492. A lightbulb went off over Ainz’s head.
  494. “Well, that spell is one of my most powerful trump cards. Because El-Nix-dono desired it, I went out of my way to cast that grand spell, which I can only use once every ten years. Thus, for the next decade, I must conserve my strength.”
  495. 「虽然这与那类的事情完全无关──」叮──的,安兹头上有颗灯泡亮了起来。「那个,在我所能使用的魔法当中,那也属于威力最为强大的杀手锏。因为艾尔=尼斯克阁下是如此希望的,为此我才特意使出十年只能用一次的大魔法。因此接下来的这十年里,我必须储蓄魔力」
  497. “Hoh!” A strange gleam lit up Osk’s eyes. “Is it really alright to tell me that? After all, this might be considered to be a weakness of Your Majesty…”
  498. 「嚯嚯!」欧斯克的眼里闪烁起了奇异的光芒「这话您对我说没问题吗?我认为这在某方面,甚至可以算是陛下的弱点……」
  500. “It is fine. I may not be able to use a destructive spell like that, but slaughtering any fools who oppose me is still easy. After all, it does not mean I cannot use other spells.”
  501. 「无所谓。虽说无法使用那种程度的破坏魔法,但要杀掉跟我敌对的愚者还是很容易的。毕竟那不代表我就无法使用别的魔法了吶」
  503. “As expected of Your Majesty. In other words, the Martial Lord will also be an easy opponent; is that what you are implying?”
  504. 「不愧是魔导王陛下。换句话说,武王也是个轻松的对手,这是您的言下之意吧?」
  506. After Ainz nodded with confidence, a smile lit up Osk’s face. However, when Ainz studied him, he could not be sure if the smile was genuine.
  507. 安兹充满自信的点头后,欧斯克在他的脸上贴上了笑容。只是,在安兹的观察眼看来,不知道他是不是真的在笑。
  509. “I ser. Finally, please allow me one more question. Why do you want to fight the Martial Lord, Your Majesty?”
  510. 「原来如此。最后,请让我再问一个问题。为什么,您想跟武王战斗呢?」
  512. “Because I have heard that he is a powerful foe… I wish to know who is stronger, between him and Gazef Stronoff. There was Gazef in the Kingdom, so perhaps the greatest reason is because I want to know who is his equivalent in the Empire.”
  513. 「因为听说他是个强劲的对手。……我想知道,他跟那个葛杰夫‧史托罗诺夫相比,谁比较强。王国有葛杰夫在,那么帝国呢,我的这份兴趣或许就是最大的理由吧」
  515. Of course, that was not why Ainz was fighting. However, it was the reason he and Ainzach had agreed upon after discussing the matter.
  516. 当然,安兹并不是为了这种事情而战斗的。这是跟艾因扎克讨论之后的结果。
  518. It would have been fine to state the real reason, but Osk was not a trustworthy person. In truth, he seemed like the sort who prioritised his own gains. Ainz felt that being honest with him would not end well.
  519. 虽说把真正的理由说出来也无妨,但欧斯克并不是个值得信赖的人物。真要说的话,安兹觉得他是以自己的利益为优先的类型。对于这样的对象袒露真心的话,不会产生太好的结果,安兹是如此判断的。
  521. “I understand. Thank you very much… Then, I shall schedule the fight with the Martial Lord. However--”
  522. 「我明白了。非常感谢您。……那我就安排武王跟陛下的比试吧。不过──」
  524. Osk raised his hand to interrupt Ainz’s thanks.
  525. 原本想道谢的安兹被欧斯克用手制止了。
  527. “I hope you will abide by the rules of the arena. In addition, while Your Majesty might be taking the match with the Martial Lord seriously, it is still a performance of sorts for us. Thus, an overly one-sided fight would be terribly boring. With that in mind, I would like to request that Your Majesty not use magic, and that you will use a sword -- a weapon -- to battle the Martial Lord. I submit that these conditions should make for a good fight.”
  528. 「希望您能遵守斗技场的规则。而且就算对陛下跟武王来说是认真地比试,对我们来说那却是一种表演。毕竟太过一面倒的战斗可是很无趣啊,所以想请魔导王陛下不使用魔法,而是用剑──以武器来跟武王战斗。这样的话,应该就能成为一场不错的比试,这是在下的愚案」
  530. “What are you saying?!”
  531. 「你说什么!」
  533. Ainzach sprang up from his seat. His face was red from anger.
  534. 从位置上站起来的是艾因扎克。因为愤怒的关系满脸都涨的通红。
  536. “Is that even possible?! His Majesty is a magic caster! How do you expect him to win?!”
  537. 「能做那种事吗!魔导王陛下可是魔法咏唱者啊!这要陛下怎么赢啊!」
  539. “Hoho. Indeed, that is the case. There would be no way for His Majesty the Sorcerer King to win once his magic was sealed. My my, to think I actually brought up such a sensible matter. Still, I did not expect to hear these words from your mouth. I would have expected you to be alright with His Majesty losing. It seems my opinion of you has changed.”
  540. 「嚯嚯。说的是啊。哪怕是魔导王陛下,一旦把魔法封印起来的话就赢不了啊。哎呀哎呀,我竟然提议了这么理所当然的事情啊。不过,我没想到会从你口中听到这种话啊。我还以为,你就算魔导王陛下输了也无所谓呢。看来我得改变一下见解了啊」
  542. “Yo--!”
  543. 「──你这家伙!」
  545. “Ainzach, don’t get too worked up. It is fine.”
  546. 「艾因扎克,别太激动。我无所谓」
  548. “...Your Majesty, what did you say?”
  549. 「……陛下,您说什么?」
  551. Ainz chuckled, because Osk and Ainzach were looking at him in an amusing way. However, it would be bad if that laugh were interpreted as sneering, so Ainz tried to mask it with a snort.
  552. 因为欧斯克跟艾因扎克同时看向自己的样子很有趣,安兹发出了细小的笑声。但是,那个笑声如果被当作嗤笑声就不妙了,所以安兹拚命地发出鼻鸣来瞒混过去。
  554. However, that was impossible for someone who had only a hole for a nose.
  555. 可是,那对鼻子只开了个洞的身体来说,是不可能的。
  557. AInz decided not to waste his energy and decided to try and bluff his way through with words.
  558. 安兹放弃了无谓的努力,打算用谈话来瞒混过去。
  560. “You seem to have misheard me. I said, it is fine.
  561. 「你好像没听清楚啊。我是这么说的。无所谓」
  563. There was no change in Osk’s expression, but his mind was working at high speeds. That much was obvious.
  564. 虽然欧斯克的表情没有变化,但其实脑子正高速运转着,这是很显而易见的。
  566. “...Then, will you swear it on the name of the Sorcerer King, Your Majesty?”
  567. 「……那么,您可以以魔导王陛下的名字来起誓吗?」
  569. “Swear on my name? ...I understand. I, Ainz Ooal Gown, swear by my own name that I shall not use any form of magic during the battle with the Martial Lord.”
  570. 「以我的名字起誓?……明白了。我以安兹‧乌尔‧恭的名字起誓,跟武王的一战,我不会任何使用魔法」
  572. “Wait! Your Majesty! How can you make such an oath without even seeing the Martial Lord’s strength?”
  573. 「等!陛下!在还没有见过武王的实力前,就定下这种誓言的话!」
  575. Ainzach’s words were very sensible. However, if his information on the Martial Lord was correct, there should be no problems in doing so.
  576. 艾因扎克的话确实很有道理。但是,只要关于武王的情报是正确的话,应该就没有任何问题才对。
  578. “Well, it’ll work out somehow.”
  579. 「嘛,船到桥头自然直吧」
  581. “Do you really think it’ll work itself out?!”
  582. 「自然直的话是不行的吧!」
  584. Ainz was vaguely moved by Ainzach’s retort. Nobody had stated their opinions like this ever since he had begun his reign as the ruler of Nazarick. That had come up a little during his time as Momon, but even that had faded away after he had risen through the ranks.
  585. 对于艾因扎克的吐嘈,安兹有点感动。自从以纳萨力克地下大坟墓的支配者君临之后,就没有人像这样给自己提意见了。化身为飞飞的时候刚开始是有一点,不过在他一口气升级之后,也完全消失了。
  587. “You too! If the king of another country dies in the Empire’s arena, there’ll be hell to pay!”
  588. 「你也是,如果他国的国王死在帝国斗技场的话,可会变成不得了的大事喔!」
  590. Of course, Ainz thought as he locked eyes with Osk.
  591. 这当然啦,安兹跟欧斯克彼此互看。
  593. “Well, that’s only to be expected. What will you do, Your Majesty? It is not too late to accept the advice of your loyal subject and give up now.”
  594. 「嘛,这是理所当然的呢。您要怎么做呢,陛下。接受忠臣的提议,就此作罢也是可以喔?」
  596. Ainz shrugged in response. He could understand Ainzach’s worries. After all, this plan had originally been his idea. Granted, he had been operating under the assumption that he could use magic when he came up with that plan. However, did he really think that Ainz without magic was that weak?
  597. 而对此安兹则是耸了耸肩。他能理解艾因扎克的担心,不过这个计划原本就是他提出的。虽然他或许是盘算着能使用魔法战斗,才拟定的这个计划。不过话说回来,他这是认为无法使用魔法的安兹就变的很弱吗?
  599. “It will be fine. More importantly, shouting like that is quite shameful, Ainzach. Then, Osk. I’m not too clear on this, but what good does my death do you?”
  600. 「没问题。比起那个,艾因扎克,那叫喊很让人羞耻啊。──那么欧斯克啊。我不太懂,如果我死掉的话对你有什么好处?」
  602. Osk’s eyes went wide in surprise. A reaction like that was not the slightest bit cute on an uncle.
  603. 欧斯克由于惊讶的瞪大双眼。这个反应大叔做起来一点都不可爱。
  605. “It seems Your Majesty is mistaken. I would gain nothing from it. As the Guildmaster says, it would be a far greater hindrance for me.”
  606. 「看来陛下您似乎是误会了。那样的利益半点也不存在。如同工会长所说的那样,反倒是不利点才比较多吧」
  608. There did not seem to be any ulterior motives behind proposing these disadvantageous conditions for Ainz. In all likelihood, it had been born from his thoughts as a promoter.
  609. 他让安兹进行不利的战斗似乎不是别有所图,是真的出自于主办者的考虑吧。
  611. “--Is that so. Then, we will proceed as planned..”
  612. 「──这样啊。那就这么办吧」
  614. “...Your Majesty, do you have a way to defeat the Martial Lord -- who is stronger than Gazef Stronoff -- without magic?”
  615. 「……陛下您,对于比葛杰夫‧史托罗诺夫还强的武王,有不用魔法也能获胜的方法是吗?」
  617. “...Stronoff, huh. Truly a man of enviable strength.”
  618. 「……史托罗诺夫啊。那可真是个强到叫人羡慕的男人啊」
  620. Ainz noticed the look of surprise on Ainzach’s face, but Ainz did not say a word as he recalled the former Warrior-Captain.
  621. 虽然注意到了旁边的艾因扎克浮现出了惊愕的表情,但安兹却什么也没说的回忆起昔日的战士长。
  623. “If the Martial Lord is stronger than that man, than obviously, I’ll have to be on my guard. However, the strength I speak of refers to his spirit and not his fighting ability. Now, if we were comparing the strength of the Martial Lord’s and Stronoff’s sword arms, surely the former would slay the latter in a moment.”
  624. 「如果比那个男人还要强的话,那确实有着警戒的必要吧。可我所说的强劲指的是他的心灵。而绝非战斗能力。如果你是指武王的腕力比史托罗诺夫强的话,那么即使是瞬杀也不过易如反掌吧」
  626. “I see. Speaking of which, I must continue answering the question which you asked earlier, Your Majesty.”
  627. 「原来如此。话说回来,我对于刚才陛下所提的问题,有必须要追加的回答」
  629. Osk raised both his hands. His arms were muscular and bereft of flab.
  630. 欧斯克举起自己的双手。那是双肌肉结实,毫无赘肉的手。
  632. “I love the clash of sword against sword and fist against fist. Regretfully, I have no talent for fighting skills, and all my efforts cannot win me victory. That was why I was thinking of making a warrior who could substitute for me, and have him attain victory in my place.”
  633. 「我最喜欢剑与剑、拳头与拳头的交战了。但遗憾的是我对于格斗技毫无才能,不管怎么努力都赢不。所以我才会这么想啊。打造一名能够代替自己的战士,让他去获胜就好了」
  635. Osk sneered. This was not the merchant’s attitude he had been showing until now, but his face as a human being.
  636. 欧斯克满足的嗤笑。这并不是至今出现的商人的表情,而是作为人类的神情。
  638. This was the first time Ainz had encountered such a strange person, although he knew that fetishes varied from person to person. In other words, Osk had a particularly abnormal fetish. Ainz made a mental compartment called “Perverts” and filed Osk into it.
  639. 安兹虽是第一次遇到这么奇怪的人,不过他知道性癖是人人都不同的。也就是说,欧斯克是个异常性癖的人,安兹做出了一个名为变态的分类栏,然后将欧斯克放了进去。
  641. “Therefore, it would feel very good should Your Majesty lose to the Martial Lord I have trained.”
  642. 「正因为如此。万一陛下输给我所锻炼的武王的话,那真是件叫人神清气爽的事情啊」
  644. “Is that so.”
  645. 「这样啊」
  647. Osk and Ainzach looked at Ainz, surprise written all over their faces.
  648. 欧斯克跟艾因扎克都用惊讶的表情看向了安兹。
  650. Ainz wanted to ask, what have you been doing since just now?
  651. 从刚才开始就在干嘛啊,安兹这么想着发问道。
  653. “Don’t give me that dumb look. If you have something to say, say it.”
  654. 「别摆出呆愣的表情。有话什么想问的话就说说看吧?」
  656. “No, no, that’s all I have to say.”
  657. 「不、不,就只有这样吗?」
  659. “I have no idea what sort of reaction you want from me, Osk… Humans are truly complicated creatures. Well? If that’s all, does that mean you expect me to fill the gap? ...Hm, how about this. Are you really that happy to beat me while I cannot use my magic?”
  660. 「我完全不知道欧斯克你想让我做出什么反应……人类真的很难理解啊。怎么?只有这样,就表示你希望我再多说点什么吗?……唔嗯,那么这样如何呢?就算赢了不使用魔法的我,也值得那么高兴吗?」
  662. For some reason, Osk stumbled over his answer.
  663. 虽然不知为何,不过欧斯克支支吾吾的回答。
  665. “Eh, ah, that… I don’t really like magic that much…”
  666. 「咦,啊,那个……我对于魔法,并不是那么喜欢……」
  668. “I see. Then, let’s leave the matter at that.”
  669. 「这样啊。那么这个话题就到此为止吧」
  671. Osk and Ainzach looked at each other. Come on, spit it out, Ainz thought. Still, this was how the working world went. If someone who has no permission to speak bared his heart, he would get into trouble.
  672. 欧斯克跟艾因扎克窥探彼此的脸。有什么想说的就干脆的说出来,安兹虽然这么想,不过社会就是这么回事。不太有发言权的人,如果坦白地将心里所想的说出来的话,可是会陷入窘境的。
  674. “We have made our true intentions known to each other, so let us not waste time with petty deceptions and get on with things. How will you arrange the schedule for the fight with the Martial Lord? If possible, I’d like to make a big event of it.”
  675. 「我们彼此都已经掏心掏肺的坦诚相见了,那就开门见山毫不隐瞒的继续谈下去吧。关于跟武王的一战,日程会怎么安排?如果可以的话想弄的盛大一点啊」
  677. “Then, I’ll officially announce a challenger to the Martial Lord after today’s events. I’d better get on it. However, I intend to keep the fact that the challenger is Your Majesty a secret until the match starts.”
  678. 「那么就在今天的赛程后,公告武王的挑战者出现的报告吧。我尽快安排比试吧。不过,挑战者是陛下这件事,我想保密到比赛开始为止」
  680. “I do not understand your reasons for that. Would that not be a waste, from a promoter’s point of view?”
  681. 「我不懂你的理由啊。就主办者的立场来说,那样不是很浪费吗?」
  683. “Logic dictates that the king of an allied country showing up at an arena match is… oya? Come to think of it, I haven’t heard of a welcoming ceremony. Is it scheduled for later?”
  684. 「以常识来思考的话,同盟国的王出现在斗剑比赛什么的……喔呀?说起来我还没有听说举办过欢迎仪式了呢,是预定之后再举办的吗?」
  686. Ainz could not help but look away.
  687. 安兹不禁移开了视线。
  689. This was bad.
  690. 不妙。
  692. Ainz gave thanks that he did not have a heart, and then forcefully shook his empty, undead skull. Then, he shrugged helplessly.
  693. 安兹一边感谢自己没有心脏,一边使劲转着在空荡荡的头盖骨内的不死者的脑袋。然后像是很无奈死的耸了耸肩。
  695. “I came to the Empire in a personal capacity. El-Nix-dono does not know that I am here.”
  696. 「我这次是以私访的形式来帝国的。艾尔=尼斯克阁下也不知道我来了吧」
  698. Osk’s expression vanished. He must have scented something suspicious. As a merchant, it made sense that he would be very sensitive to potential profit. In other words, if there were no gains to be made, there would be no point in participating.
  699. 欧斯克的表情消失了。是嗅到了可疑的味道吧。他身为商人,对于利益应该是很敏感的。简直像是,如果毫无利益的话,就不会参与了的样子。
  701. “I understand.”
  702. 「我了解了」
  704. Eh?
  705. (诶?)
  707. “Publicly announcing Your Majesty’s challenge would surely draw comments from all sides. Naturally, the identity of the challenger must be kept secret. Then, can I assume you will handle all the problems which result from this, Your Majesty?”
  708. 「如果公布了挑战者是陛下的话,各方面都会有人插嘴的吧。果然挑战者还是得保密才行。那么之后的派生出的各种问题,全都能交给陛下来处理吗」
  710. “Of course. Leave that part of things to me.”
  711. 「当然。那方面就全交给我吧」
  713. “I understand. Then, can I take up a bit more of your time? I would like to finalize the schedule for the day of the match.”
  714. 「我明白了。那么还能再花您一些时间吗?我想要决定一下比赛的日程」
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