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- Part 4
- Wally left the clinic later the day, against the nurse’s advice. He was determined to get his beloved pokemon back or die trying. His thoughts raced.
- “I… I don’t care if I live or die… and I don’t need stinking May’s help anyway! I can do this! I can beat Team Aqua and get my Kirlia back! …Except I don’t have any pokemon to battle them with… or any money… But that’s fine! I’ll just find some other way to fight them!” Wally told himself.
- He walked the streets trying to think of some way to hurt them.
- “Ooh… I hate that evil Shelly so much! I just wish I could stab her in the butt!” Wally said, clenching his fist as he walked.
- That was when inspiration struck.
- “Ah! I can stab her in the butt! Yeah! I’ll go find some kind of weapon and stab them all in their filthy pirate butts!” Wally laughed.
- He knew it was a long shot, but it was the best thing he could think of.
- Wally climbed into a dumpster searching for any sharp objects he could find. He felt a stroke of good luck finding a discarded pocket knife, a few broken beer bottles, some rope, and some broken metal folding chairs. Diligently, he fashioned himself some crude armor and a sash to hold his pocket knife and broken bottles with. He felt like a little swordsman holding his weapons like this. Trembling with an odd combination of determination and fear, Wally went toward the docks where Team Aqua was going to meet.
- Wally quickly made his way to the docks, and sure enough, Shelly and her band of grunts were there, lounging around and making plans of some sort. Most of them were smoking. Shelly even had the large bag full of stolen pokemon with her, just as Wally had hoped. Wally marched right up to them.
- “Eh? Hey, kid, what’s with the outfit?” One of the grunts said as Wally approached.
- Wally was sweating with fear now, but somehow managed to keep composed.
- “My name is Wally! You stole my pokemon! Give it back or prepare to die!” He shouted.
- The grunts and Shelly all laughed at Wally when he said this. They stopped laughing when Wally suddenly took out a broken beer bottle and jammed it right into a grunt’s ass.
- “Aieee! What the hell, kid?” The angry grunt shouted.
- It was a pretty bad wound since the beer bottle broken into splinters upon ripping the man’s pants and tearing into his soft ass-flesh. Now his buttocks were full of tiny broken shards.
- The whole congregation of Aqua Grunts glared at Wally.
- “Lemme handle this. Go, Poochyena!” One of the grunts said.
- Out from his pokeball popped a small black dog-like pokemon. The Grunt pointed at Wally.
- “Go get that kid!” He shouted.
- The Poochyena charged at Wally. Again, Wally’s heart was filled with fear, but he expected something like this to happen. The Poochyena tackled him to the ground and tried to bite at him. Thankfully, his improvised armor protected most of his body from Poochyena’s needle-sharp teeth.
- “Argh! Get off of me!” Wally shouted.
- He reached for another broken beer bottle and stabbed the Poochyena in the stomach. Instantly, the pokemon ran away from him, tail between its legs. By now, a Grunt was running at Wally, almost on top of him. Thinking fast, Wally crawled between the man’s legs and took out his pocket knife. Viciously, Wally stabbed the man in the ass.
- “My ass! My ass! Stop stabbing my ass!” The Grunt screamed.
- He tried to get away from Wally. Even though as an adult man, almost twice Wally’s size, he was afraid. The truth was, for being so big and scary, Team Aqua was a bunch of cowards.
- Shelly quickly grew disgusted seeing her minions’ incompetence. She flicked away her cigarette.
- “Stand back, you bunch of losers before more of you get hurt! I’ll handle this!” She shouted.
- Wally turned to Shelly. Rage and hatred consumed him. He screamed loudly, his voice going hoarse. He felt like his throat would bleed.
- “This has got to be the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen anyone do in my life.” Shelly said.
- She reached into the bag of stolen pokemon and picked up a pokeball. Wally charged at her, already thinking of how he would mutilate her evil brown buttocks… until Shelly opened the pokeball. Out popped a Magnemite… Wally’s Magnemite. Its metal body was dented, clearly having been abused.
- Wally’s pocket Knife flew right out of his hands and was stuck to Magnemite’s body. Worse still, he felt the metal folding chair armor attracted too! Soon, Wally was trapped on top of Magnemite. The little magnet creature felt sad seeing its former owner trapped like this. It knew it belonged to Team Aqua now, but it still remembered Wally. Shelly grabbed the remaining broken beer bottles from him and scowled.
- “Little boy, are you the same kid we dumped into the ocean the other day?” Shelly asked.
- “Argh! You nearly killed me!” Wally shouted.
- Tears of rage were in his eyes. Even though he was trapped, he was no less angry. Shelly laughed.
- “Ah, yes, little boy with a Kirlia? Cried a lot? Needed an inhaler? Ah, you were so pathetic.” Shelly taunted.
- She ruffled Wally’s hair and moved her hand to the waistband of his pants.
- “You had a cute and squeezable weenie, though…” The said, as she inappropriately touched Wally’s crotch.
- Wally gasped. Feeling her hand there made him want to vomit.
- “Well, you come here and stab my friends in the ass, and I don’t like that at all… but I guess it does mean you like butt play, hm?” Shelly said as she walked.
- Wally didn’t like where this was going. Shelly bent down and grabbed a plastic pipe off the ground.
- “Bring him here, Magnemite! Bring the boy here so I can sodomize him!” Shelly said.
- All of the Aqua Grunts hooted in approval.
- “Oh, god, I was so stupid to try and do this…” Wally quietly said.
- Magnemite reluctantly pushed its former master over to where Shelly was.
- “P… please…” Wally begged as Shelly pulled down his pants.
- “In life, you only get what you give, kid, and you’re about to get ass trauma!” Shelly growled.
- Again, the grunts hooted and cheered.
- Shelly cruelly jammed the plastic pipe into Wally’s ass. The little boy screamed in pain, tears flowing like waterfalls.
- “Yeah, hurts doesn’t it?” A grunt with a bloody ass called out.
- Shelly smiled. Seeing children in pain like that excited her… but she had more plans for Wally. She reached into the bag of stolen pokemon, searching for one of them.
- “Aha! There it is! Go, Kirlia!” Shelly said.
- In an instant, Wally’s Kirlia popped out in front of him. It was battered and beaten, with a black eye and its legs were so bruised it couldn’t stand. Team Aqua had clearly abused it in the short time they had with it.
- “Kirlia!” Wally shouted.
- Kirlia shuddered and looked away. It hated seeing its original owner like this, stuck to a magnet monster and sodomized with a plastic pipe.
- “Aw, isn’t that sweet, he remembers you? You’re here to get your pokemon back, right? I think I’ll let you have this one for a while. You two get to suffer together!” Shelly said, ruffling Wally’s green hair some more.
- “You… you witch!” Wally shouted.
- Shelly picked up the bewildered and frightened Kirlia. With a strong push, she jammed it’s ass into the other side of the pipe that penetrated Wally. The two of them awkwardly stood together, ass to ass, both violated by the same terrible object. Kirlia bawled and screamed, unused to this new kind of torture.
- “Now, Magnemite, zap these two little losers! Do it!” Shelly said.
- Magnemite hesitated. It knew this wasn’t right, that this wasn’t how things were meant to be. Shelly made a fist.
- “Do it, you little piece of scrap! Do it or I’ll torture all three of you!” Shelly said.
- She gave Magnemite a sharp punch right in its eyeball for emphasis. The magnet monster reluctantly electrocuted Wally and Kirlia. The two of them screamed as its Thundershock burned through their fragile bodies. Again, Shelly and her grunts laughed with sadistic glee.
- Shelly clapped her hands.
- “All right, enough. We need to finish this. How do we dispose of the boy, Grunts? Any suggestions?” Shelly said.
- One of the Grunts spoke up.
- “I nominate that we hang him from the ship’s mast!” He said.
- The rest of the grunts chattered with approval.
- Another grunt spoke up, the one Wally had stabbed in the ass with a broken beer bottle.
- “Well, I nominate that we stab him!” He said.
- Shelly smiled.
- “Well, how about we vote, then? Who votes for hanging?” She said.
- Every grunt raised their hands.
- “And who votes for stabbing?” Shelly said.
- Again, every grunts raised their hands. Shelly went onto the boat, smiling a wide, sadistic smile.
- “Well, I guess we’ll have to compromise! How about we string him up from the mast like a marionette… wrapped in barbed wire? Hanging and stabbing, both at once!” She said, taking a bundle of barbed wire out from a crate full of materials.
- All of the grunts cheered in approval. Her sadistic creativity was one of the reasons Shelly became a high-ranking admin in Team Aqua, after all. Wally cried. He was certain this would be the end, that he would die with his Kirlia, anally violated and hanging from a cruel noose of stinging barbed wire.
- “I... I’m sorry Kirlia. I’m sorry, Magnemite. I… I failed you both.” Wally said.
- Magnemite made a low groaning noise, but it caressed Wally with its magnets. If it could speak, it would have told him that he tried his best. Kirlia only screamed and cried, too consumed in pain and fear.
- No sooner than she had gotten back on the docks with her bundle of barbed wire, did a Grunt give Shelly some bad news.
- “Uh… Shelly. Look over there. We’ve got more company.” The grunt said.
- He pointed off down a dark street where a young teenage girl and her Swampert were approaching. It was May.
- “Swampert, use Muddy Water!” She called out.
- Swampert opened its mouth and unleashed a torrent of brackish water. It hit the crowd of Aqua Grunts like a fire hose, knocking them down. Wally looked over to May, who instantly recognized him.
- “Oh my goodness, Wally! What happened to you?” She said, shocked to see him ass-to-ass with his Kirlia and stuck to his Magnemite.
- “I… I tried to get my pokemon back and they beat me…” Wally said.
- May got a closer look and realized that there was a plastic pipe in Wally and Kirlia’s butts. She grimaced at how much that must hurt.
- “Swampert, help him out.” May said.
- Swampert grunted. With all his strength, Swampert pulled Wally away from Magnemite, disconnecting his improvised armor from his pokemon. Wally carefully slid the plastic pipe out of his bleeding anus, and then carefully removed it from Kirlia’s. May was shocked at Team Aqua’s brutality, but still said nothing.
- “May, I thought you didn’t want to help me anymore? Why did you come back?” Wally said, as he wiped his own tears on his shirt.
- He was done crying. It was time to act again.
- “Honestly, Wally, I thought you would’ve gone home and given up by now. I just wanted to beat up Team Aqua some more. I’m impressed you came out here at all.” May said.
- Wally smiled. He had impressed May, somehow. Despite his bleeding anus, despite all the pain and humiliation he had just gone through, he smiled.
- “Come on, let’s go!” Wally said.
- Wally knew his Kirlia was in no condition to fight, but he guessed his Magnemite was still capable. He returned Kirlia to its pokeball, which Shelly had dropped when Swampert blasted her down. He saw that the Aqua Grunts were already getting their pokemon ready.
- “I can take most of them. Distract one or two while me and Swampert take the rest.” May said.
- Wally nodded. He saw a Grunt with a Corphish, the same one that had Crabhammered his balls yesterday.
- “Time for round two, you jerk! Magnemite, Thundershock that Corphish!” Wally said.
- Magnemite gladly charged up a current and shot a small bolt of lightning at the Corphish. The lobster pokemon squirmed in pain.
- “Oh, think you can beat us? Corphish, use Vicegrip!” The Grunt said.
- Corphish quickly scuttled toward them. It grabbed Magnemite with its claws and began to squeeze.
- “Magnemite, zap it again!” Wally said.
- Magnemite unleashed another charge of electricity. Corphish was knocked out. The Grunt stood bewildered that Wally had defeated him so quickly. Wally wasn’t done, though. He ran up to the fainted Corphish and kicked it between its legs, roughly where he guessed its crotch would be.
- “That’s for Crabhammering my balls, you jerk!” Wally shouted.
- Wally searched for another opponent. He saw May’s Swampert fighting six enemies at once, practically buried beneath its foes, yet managing to toss most of them around like ragdolls. Then, he spotted something: a Grunt’s Pelipper swooping across the battlefield about to dive bomb him.
- “Magnemite, Thundershock that Pelipper!” Wally said.
- Magnemite once again built up a charge and shot a bolt at the diving Pelipper. The bird pokemon was knocked out instantly, and fell to the ground in a heap.
- “Hey, we’re doing pretty well this time. Great job, Magnemite!” Wally said.
- Magnemite buzzed happily.
- Shelly watched with dismay as her minions were defeated left and right. She looked at Wally.
- “Maybe if I can take him hostage…” She thought, thinking of how she could stop May.
- Shelly reached for her pokeballs and took out her trusted Mightyena.
- “Go, Mightyena! Get that boy, now!” She said.
- Mightyena rushed toward Wally. He turned and saw it coming at the last second.
- “Magnemite, behind you! Use Flash Cannon!” Wally said.
- Magnemite spun around and shot a burst of blinding, burning light at Shelly’s Mightyena. The dog pokemon was pushed backward. It whimpered.
- “Shit!” Shelly cursed.
- Somehow she knew it wouldn’t be this easy. That was when she got a new idea.
- “Ah, the boy needed an inhaler…” She remembered.
- Shelly dug into her bag of stolen pokemon.
- “Go, Gulpin!” She said.
- A wounded, battered Gulpin emerged from the pokeball.
- “Gulpin, use Poison Gas!” Shelly commanded.
- The wounded Gulpin opened its mouth, and a cloud of fetid, rancid gas came out. It floated past Magnemite, who was immune to the attack. Wally, however, was the real target.
- Wally tried to shield his face from the cloud, but it was no use. The rancid fumes entered his lungs and irritated his asthma. He fell to his knees, coughing and gasping for air. He fumbled, reaching for his inhaler. Shelly, meanwhile, had helped her Mightyena to its feet. She walked with her dog pokemon to Wally, who had finally found his inhaler and was about to put it in his mouth. Magnemite attempted to defend its master, but Mightyena tackled it to the ground. Shelly knocked the inhaler out of Wally’s hand and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. She pulled her knife out from her boot and held it up to Wally’s neck.
- “Everybody stop!” Shelly shrieked.
- May and her Swampert paused from their battle, staring at Shelly in shock. Swampert still held a nearly-defeated Carvanha in its fist. Shelly looked May in the eyes. The animosity between the two girls was almost palpable.
- “Give up, girly. Give up now or I kill the boy.” Shelly said.
- “You… you wouldn’t!” May said.
- “You better believe I would! Before you barged in here we were going to hang him.” Shelly said.
- May wasn’t comfortable giving up at all, but she knew Shelly wasn’t screwing around with her threat. Shelly dug her knife a just a tiny bit into Wally’s skin, just enough to draw a drop of blood. Wally winced, but did not cry.
- “Stop! Just don’t hurt him anymore. We give up.” May said.
- She got out Swampert’s pokeball and returned it.
- Shelly nodded.
- “Good, good. Now hand over your pokeballs. All of them.” Shelly said.
- May hesitated at first. She didn’t want to give up; it went against every fiber of her being. With a heavy heart, she took her bag in her hand and began to surrender to Shelly. Wally, however, had other plans. He finally caught his breath and gotten over his coughing fit.
- Summoning all the strength in his body, Wally jerked his foot upwards and kicked Shelly in the crotch. The evil woman’s face contorted and lost her grip on Wally just long enough for him to break free.
- “Ooh! Ow! My taco!” Shelly shouted.
- Wally reached up at Shelly’s hand and grabbed her pinky finger. He twisted it backwards and forced the knife out of her hand. Lightning quick, he grabbed it and proceeded to stab Shelly in her brown, round ass.
- “I! Promised myself! I! Would! Stab! You! In! The! Butt!” Wally screamed with each thrust of the knife.
- “Stab you in the butt! Stab you in the butt!” He raved.
- Shelly shrieked as her formerly beautiful ass was mutilated into a scarred, bloody mess. All of Wally’s frustration and rage and sorrow went into this brutal, savage attack.
- “Stab you in the butt!” He screamed again.
- With that last thrust of the knife, he got Shelly right between her butt cheeks, violating her anus with her own knife.
- Shelly was left clutching her bloodied ass, holding back tears. Everyone else, the grunts, May, Wally’s Magnemite, all stared in shock at Wally’s viciousness. May certainly didn’t think the little boy had it in him… Although she was very impressed by it. Wally took a moment to grab his inhaler and took a quick, much needed puff to ease his lungs. Then he turned back to Shelly.
- “You like keeping me away from my inhaler, you witch? How about this?” Wally screamed.
- He wrapped his small boyish hands around Shelly’s neck and tried to squeeze. Unfortunately, he didn’t quite have the grip to strangle her. May slowly walked up to Wally.
- “May! Perfect! We should punish this evildoer together!” Wally said.
- May smiled. She never passed on an opportunity to torture someone evil.
- May wrapped her hands around Shelly’s neck right next to Wally’s, and the two of them had just enough strength to choke her. Shelly’s face started to turn pale as she fought to breathe. Her minions only watched, too afraid to act. Soon her face turned a deep purple-ish blue color. Her eyes looked like they would burst out of her skull as they slowly rolled back. Shelly wasn’t sure if these kids were going to kill her or not. She silently prayed for a just a tiny breath of fresh air, anything to keep her alive a moment longer… and then she shit herself. With a loud, thunderous fart, Shelly’s bowels exploded onto the inside of her bloody, torn panties. Wally and May couldn’t help themselves. They both let go of Shelly’s throat and laughed hysterically.
- “Oh… Oh! Did you just… Did you just crap yourself?” May managed to say between fits of giggling.
- Shelly couldn’t talk. She only kneeled on the ground gasping for air.
- “Wow! I… I didn’t expect that to happen!” Wally said.
- The thick, pungent aroma of shit permeated the air. It was unmistakable. Shelly had shit herself. Soon, even the Team Aqua grunts were laughing. Shelly’s face contorted. This was easily the worst day of her entire life. May got out her pokeball and let Swampert back onto the scene.
- “All right, all of you are going downtown. I’m putting g you all under citizen’s arrest!” May said.
- Swampert rounded up all the grunts, and the wounded, humiliated Shelly, and tied their hands together with the roll of barbed wire form before that was meant to hang Wally. They were also sure to grab the bag of stolen pokeballs, knowing they had to get all of them back to their rightful owners.
- As they all walked, May held Wally’s hand.
- “You really did great out there, Wally. You managed to save yourself. I never should’ve called you a crybaby. I… I’m sorry.” May said.
- Wally smiled, and rubbed his butt. It was still a tiny bit sore from getting sodomized by that plastic pipe.
- “Thanks, May! It really means a lot coming from you.” Wally said.
- May bent down, and gave Wally a kiss, just a little one, right on his cheek. Wally’s heart fluttered. He took a puff from his inhaler, and gave May a hug.
- “Th… thanks, May.” He said.
- Softly, he kissed her back, right on her lips.
- The end.
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