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Oct 31st, 2014
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  1. ~HALOween Special Race FAQ~
  3. Q. What's SLASO?
  4. A. Solo Legendary All Skulls On
  6. Q. Is this hard?
  7. A. Yes. Very.
  9. Q. Why are you (MrMonopoli & ThatAuraGuy) doing this?
  10. A. It's Halloween and skulls are spooky.
  12. Q. What do all the skulls do?
  13. A. Armory Skull- This skull makes enemies always alerted to your position. The effects make it very hard to assassinate enemies because they will almost always face your direction. It also makes it where no enemies will be asleep.
  15. Thunderstorm: Raises all enemies to their highest ranking. This means that all Elites are Ultras, all Flood have shields and all other enemies have more health than their lower ranked counterparts.
  17. Blind: Gets rid of your HUD (Heads up display). This means that you cannot see your reticule, health or ammo count.
  19. IWHBYD: Changes the frequency of rare dialogue. It has no effects on game play, but it is pretty funny to hear the AI talk. It also makes the howling death noise of Master Chief more common.
  21. Catch: Enemies throw more grenades and also drop more grenades. This skull can be both a blessing and a curse. Sometimes it is a nice break to have grenades thrown at you rather than being shot, but in other times, your are being bombarded with way too many. Another good thing about it is that since enemies drop more grenades, you have the ability to throw more back!
  23. Grunt Birthday Party: Killing an enemy with a headshot will cause him to explode. (As if stuck by a plasma). This Skull helps a little because sometimes it allows you to take out more than one enemy at a time. However, it also causes some problems when combined with sputnik, because in close-quarter combat, the explosion will blast you away, which can get very annoying.
  25. Famine: All weapons that are picked up have less ammo. This skull isn’t TOO bad. It makes clearing rooms of enemies a little more difficult, but there is still usually plenty of ammo, or a method to bypass it.
  27. Envy: Allows the Master Chief to use the Active Camouflage ability. This is the only 100% helpful skull. It allows you to cloak to bypass enemies, or to just give you a short break from a fire fight. Use it wisely though because it only last 2.5 seconds and has a recharge time.
  29. Assassins: All enemies are invisible. This skull makes it difficult, but not impossible, to sword fly. It also makes killing enemies quite a bit harder, although if you have keen eyes, you can still see them. To sword-fly off of a cloaked enemy, you must shoot them first, and then quickly do the trick. Shooting them turns your reticule red briefly, giving you just enough time to do the trick. It is, however, not as easy as it sounds.
  31. Mythic: Makes enemies slightly stronger. If there was a difficulty after legendary, this is it.
  33. Sputnik: Lessens the effect of gravity. This does not mean that you can jump higher, but it makes explosions launch things further and bullets will also move things much easier. The explosions are not more deadly, they just send things flying. It can be used to a player’s advantage if he wants to launch across gaps or get to certain places, but be careful because with Black Eye on, your shields will not recharge normally.
  35. Angry: All enemies shoot at a faster rate. This means that you must get to cover much faster, or else you will be dead.
  37. Ghost: Enemies do not ‘flinch.’ Normally when being shot with a charged plasma pistol bolt, an enemy will be briefly stunned. With this skull on, that is not the case. This makes the ‘noob combo’ (Charged Plasma and then a headshot) much harder. It also makes it difficult to gain shield from meleeing enemies because they are less likely to be stunned by it.
  39. Iron: If either player dies on any difficulty, the game reverts to last checkpoint. This skull only affects cooperative play, so it is not a bother.
  41. Black Eye: Shields do not recharge normally. You must melee an enemy or a breakable object to death to regain shields. This skull is usually a nuisance, but it can be a life saver because it can be used to get overshields.
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