

Oct 26th, 2013
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  1. local isOpen=false
  2. for k,v in pairs({"right","left","top","bottom","front","back"}) do
  3. if peripheral.getType(v)=="modem" then
  5. isOpen=true
  6. end
  7. end
  8. if not isOpen then
  9. error("no modem attached")
  10. end
  11. local Mx,My=term.getSize()
  12. local Cx,Cy=math.floor(Mx/2),math.floor(My/2)
  13. function maingame()
  14. local lang={"Waiting for player",{[0]="^",">","v","<"},{{"|","/","|","\\"},{"/","-","\\","-"},{"|","\\","|","/"},{"\\","-","/","-"}},"You died.","You won."}
  15. local board=setmetatable({},{__index=function(s,n) s[n]={} return s[n] end})
  16. for l1=99,-99,-1 do
  17. board[l1][-99]={"-",3}
  18. end
  19. for l1=99,-99,-1 do
  20. board[l1][99]={"|",3}
  21. end
  22. for l1=99,-99,-1 do
  23. board[-99][l1]={"-",3}
  24. end
  25. for l1=99,-99,-1 do
  26. board[99][l1]={"|",3}
  27. end
  28. board[100][100]={"/",3}
  29. board[100][-100]={"\\",3}
  30. board[-100][100]={"/",3}
  31. board[-100][-100]={"\\",3}
  32. local modem
  33. local initheader="TRON:"
  34. local pnid
  35. local function send(...)
  36. rednet.send(pnid,string.sub(textutils.serialize({...}),2,-2))
  37. end
  38. local function decode(dat)
  39. return textutils.unserialize("{"..dat.."}")
  40. end
  41. local col
  42. term.setCursorPos(math.floor(Cx-(#lang[1])/2),Cy)
  43. term.setTextColor(
  44. term.setBackgroundColor(
  45. term.clear()
  46. term.write(lang[1])
  47. rednet.broadcast(initheader.."pingcon")
  48. local p1,p2
  49. while true do
  50. local p={os.pullEvent()}
  51. if p[1]=="rednet_message" and p[2]~=os.getComputerID() then
  52. if p[3]==initheader.."pingcon" then
  53. rednet.send(p[2],initheader.."pongcon")
  54. pnid=p[2]
  55. col={,}
  56. p1={pos={x=2,y=1},dir=0}
  57. p2={pos={x=1,y=1},dir=0}
  58. break
  59. elseif p[3]==initheader.."pongcon" then
  60. pnid=p[2]
  61. col={,}
  62. p1={pos={x=1,y=1},dir=0}
  63. p2={pos={x=2,y=1},dir=0}
  64. break
  65. end
  66. end
  67. end
  68. term.setBackgroundColor(
  69. term.clear()
  70. local frs=0
  71. local fps=0 -- frame counter (debugging)
  72. local function render()
  73. frs=frs+1
  74. term.setTextColor(colors.gray)
  75. for l1=1,My do
  76. term.setCursorPos(1,l1)
  77. local pre=p1.pos.x%3
  78. if (l1+p1.pos.y)%3==0 then
  79. if pre==1 then
  80. pre="--"
  81. elseif pre==2 then
  82. pre="-"
  83. else
  84. pre=""
  85. end
  86. term.write(pre..string.rep("+--",math.ceil(Mx/2)))
  87. else
  88. if pre==1 then
  89. pre=" "
  90. elseif pre==2 then
  91. pre=" "
  92. else
  93. pre=""
  94. end
  95. term.write(pre..string.rep("| ",math.ceil(Mx/2)))
  96. end
  97. end
  98. term.setTextColor(
  99. local num=0
  100. for k,v in pairs(board) do
  101. for l,y in pairs(v) do
  102. if (k-p1.pos.x)+Cx<=Mx and (k-p1.pos.x)+Cx>=1 and (l-p1.pos.y)+Cy<=My and (l-p1.pos.y)+Cy>=1 then
  103. term.setTextColor(col[y[2]] or y[2])
  104. term.setCursorPos((k-p1.pos.x)+Cx,(l-p1.pos.y)+Cy)
  105. term.write(y[1])
  106. num=num+1
  107. end
  108. end
  109. end
  110. term.setCursorPos(1,1)
  111. if col[1] then
  112. term.setTextColor(
  113. term.write("BLUE")
  114. else
  115. term.setTextColor(
  116. term.write("RED")
  117. end
  118. end
  119. local odr={[p1]=p1.dir,[p2]=p2.dir}
  120. local function processmove(u)
  121. local ccol
  122. if u==p1 then
  123. ccol=col[1]
  124. else
  125. ccol=col[2]
  126. end
  127. term.setTextColor(ccol)
  128. if u==p1 and board[u.pos.x][u.pos.y] then
  129. send("DIE")
  130. term.setCursorPos(Cx,Cy)
  131. term.write("x")
  132. sleep(2)
  133. term.setCursorPos(Cx-math.floor(#lang[4]/2),Cy)
  134. term.setTextColor(
  135. term.clear()
  136. term.write(lang[4])
  137. sleep(5)
  138. term.setTextColor(colors.white)
  139. term.setBackgroundColor(
  140. term.setCursorPos(1,1)
  141. term.clear()
  142. error("",0)
  143. end
  144. if odr[u]~=u.dir then
  145. board[u.pos.x][u.pos.y]={lang[3][odr[u]+1][u.dir+1],ccol}
  146. end
  147. if not board[u.pos.x][u.pos.y] then
  148. if u.dir%2==0 then
  149. board[u.pos.x][u.pos.y]={"|",ccol}
  150. else
  151. board[u.pos.x][u.pos.y]={"-",ccol}
  152. end
  153. end
  154. local chr=board[u.pos.x][u.pos.y][1]
  155. local shr={x=u.pos.x,y=u.pos.y}
  156. if u.dir==0 then
  157. u.pos.y=u.pos.y-1
  158. elseif u.dir==1 then
  159. u.pos.x=u.pos.x+1
  160. elseif u.dir==2 then
  161. u.pos.y=u.pos.y+1
  162. else
  163. u.pos.x=u.pos.x-1
  164. end
  165. odr[u]=u.dir
  166. return chr,shr
  167. end
  168. local function renderchar(u)
  169. local ccol
  170. if u==p1 then
  171. ccol=col[1]
  172. term.setCursorPos(Cx,Cy)
  173. else
  174. ccol=col[2]
  175. term.setCursorPos((p2.pos.x-p1.pos.x)+Cx,(p2.pos.y-p1.pos.y)+Cy)
  176. end
  177. term.setTextColor(ccol)
  178. term.write(lang[2][u.dir])
  179. end
  180. function processturn(p,u)
  181. local dirs={[keys.up]=0,[keys.right]=1,[keys.down]=2,[keys.left]=3}
  182. if (odr[u]+2)%4~=dirs[p] then
  183. u.dir=dirs[p]
  184. renderchar(u)
  185. if u==p1 then
  186. send("ROT",u.dir)
  187. end
  188. end
  189. end
  190. render()
  191. local move=os.startTimer(0.1)
  192. local fct=os.startTimer(1)
  193. while true do
  194. local p={os.pullEvent()}
  195. if p[1]=="key" then
  196. if p[2]==keys.up or p[2]==keys.right or p[2]==keys.down or p[2]==keys.left then
  197. processturn(p[2],p1)
  198. end
  199. elseif p[1]=="timer" then
  200. if p[2]==move then
  201. local ret,ret2=processmove(p1)
  202. move=os.startTimer(0.1)
  203. send("MOVE",ret2,ret)
  204. elseif p[2]==fct then
  205. fps=frs
  206. frs=0
  207. fct=os.startTimer(1)
  208. end
  209. elseif p[1]=="rednet_message" and p[2]==pnid then
  210. local dat=decode(p[3])
  211. if dat[1]=="ROT" then
  212. p2.dir=dat[2]
  213. renderchar(p2)
  214. elseif dat[1]=="DIE" then
  215. p1.pos=p2.pos
  216. render()
  217. term.setTextColor(col[2])
  218. term.setCursorPos(Cx,Cy)
  219. term.write("x")
  220. sleep(2)
  221. term.setCursorPos(Cx-math.floor(#lang[5]/2),Cy)
  222. term.setTextColor(
  223. term.clear()
  224. term.write(lang[5])
  225. sleep(5)
  226. term.setTextColor(colors.white)
  227. term.setBackgroundColor(
  228. term.setCursorPos(1,1)
  229. term.clear()
  230. return
  231. elseif dat[1]=="MOVE" then
  232. p2.pos=dat[2]
  233. board[p2.pos.x][p2.pos.y]={dat[3],col[2]}
  234. render()
  235. renderchar(p1)
  236. renderchar(p2)
  237. end
  238. end
  239. end
  240. end
  241. local selected=1
  242. function rmain()
  243. term.setBackgroundColor(
  244. term.clear()
  245. term.setCursorPos(1,1)
  246. term.setTextColor(
  247. local txt=" _ _______________ ________ __ _\n/ \\/ _____________\\ / ____ \\ | \\ / |\n\\_/| / / \\ | / / \\ \\ | \\ __/ |\n | | | |\\ ___/ | | | || \\ |\n | | | | \\ \\ | | | || __\\ |\n | | | | \\ \\ \\ \\____/ / | / \\ |\n \\_/ \\_/ \\_/ \\________/ |_/ \\__|"
  248. local cnt=1
  249. local cnt2=Cx-23
  250. for char in string.gmatch(txt,".") do
  251. if char~=" " and char~="\n" then
  252. term.setCursorPos(cnt2,cnt)
  253. term.write(char)
  254. elseif char=="\n" then
  255. cnt=cnt+1
  256. cnt2=Cx-23
  257. end
  258. cnt2=cnt2+1
  259. end
  260. local selections={"Multiplayer","Exit"}
  261. selected=((selected-1)%(#selections))+1
  262. for k,v in pairs(selections) do
  263. if k==selected then
  264. term.setTextColor(
  265. term.setCursorPos(Cx-(math.floor(#v/2)+1),k+10)
  266. term.write(">"..v.."<")
  267. term.setTextColor(colors.lightBlue)
  268. term.setCursorPos(Cx-math.floor(#v/2),k+10)
  269. term.write(v)
  270. else
  271. term.setTextColor(colors.lightBlue)
  272. term.setCursorPos(Cx-math.floor(#v/2),k+10)
  273. term.write(v)
  274. end
  275. end
  276. end
  277. rmain()
  278. while true do
  279. p={os.pullEvent()}
  280. if p[1]=="key" then
  281. if p[2]==keys.up then
  282. selected=selected-1
  283. rmain()
  284. elseif p[2]==keys.down then
  285. selected=selected+1
  286. rmain()
  287. elseif p[2]==keys.enter then
  288. if selected==1 then
  289. a,b=pcall(maingame)
  290. if not a and b~="" then
  291. error(b,0)
  292. end
  293. rmain()
  294. else
  295. break
  296. end
  297. end
  298. end
  299. end
  300. term.setCursorPos(1,1)
  301. term.clear()
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