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Nov 20th, 2014
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  1. [6:45pm] <10+Shadowor> SharkT
  2. [6:46pm] <10+Shadowor> why are you a muslim?
  3. [6:47pm] <10+Shadowor> are you aware of that the islam is executing, torturing innocent people because they believe in another ignorant magical grandpa in the sky?
  4. [6:47pm] <10+Shadowor> did you know that muslims are making and having a war right now?
  5. [6:48pm] <10+Shadowor> have you seen the videos where they blow up civil areas with suicidal bombs to kill people for fun, because a a thousand years old book which based on stupid and ignorant beliefs back in hundreds of years ago, when they could have no idea about such things?
  6. [6:50pm] <10+Shadowor> islam is threatening everyone, if they do not obey them, if we dont accept their dumbfuck so called religion, they will cold-bloodedly murder any woman, child, man or animal with executions and tortures?
  7. [6:50pm] <10+SharkT> Holy fuck.
  8. [6:50pm] <10+SharkT> Calm your tits.
  9. [6:50pm] <10+Shadowor> me calm my tits?
  10. [6:50pm] <10+SharkT> Yes.
  11. [6:51pm] <10+Shadowor> how about you and those creatures stop the war and their shit?
  12. [6:51pm] <10+SharkT> Why are you trying to make a argument?
  13. [6:51pm] <10+Shadowor> i dont, you do
  14. [6:51pm] <10+Shadowor> im stating facts
  15. [6:51pm] <10+SharkT> I didn't do anything...
  16. [6:51pm] <10+Shadowor> where do you live?
  17. [6:51pm] <10+SharkT> Norway-
  18. [6:51pm] <10+Shadowor> yes you did, you are a fucking muslim
  19. [6:51pm] <10+Shadowor> wow you gonna have a bad time
  20. [6:52pm] <10+Shadowor> be lucky that you dont live in the UK or US, you would be dead by now
  21. [6:52pm] <10+Shadowor> this is not a joke to play around, haha im a muslim hahaha
  22. [6:52pm] <10+Shadowor> too many people's life ends or is miserable because of the muslims
  23. [6:52pm] <10+SharkT> So you're saying every muslim is a terroist?
  24. [6:53pm] <10+SharkT> Have you ever thought about respect?
  25. [6:53pm] <10+Shadowor> wanna see videos where they collect some hundred people on the ground, and shoot them in the head, or slice their head off with a knife for fun?
  26. [6:53pm] <10+Shadowor> respect? i need to give you fucking respect? what good have you dont that i should give respect for you
  27. [6:54pm] <10+Shadowor> no, not every muslim is a terrorist, ofc not, most of the muslim who is not participating with the islam dont even know the qua'an correctly or he is not even close to the islam religion
  28. [6:54pm] <10+Shadowor> thats how it goes, i guarantee there is no 2 christian with the same beliefs
  29. [6:54pm] <10+Shadowor> but it doesnt matter, a muslim is a muslim, the big picture is the same
  30. [6:55pm] <10+Shadowor> such as a raper murder criminal and a bank robbery criminal is still a criminal
  31. [6:55pm] <10+SharkT> Dude..
  32. [6:55pm] <10+Shadowor> im telling you that you should stop being religious, especially muslim
  33. [6:56pm] <10+Shadowor> or atleast dont show it or become one of them
  34. [6:56pm] <10+SharkT> No...
  35. [6:56pm] <10+Shadowor> for your own sake
  36. [6:56pm] <10+Shadowor> ok, lets see what do you want to say
  37. [6:56pm] <10+SharkT> I belive in Qu'ran
  38. [6:56pm] <10+SharkT> But I dont want to become a terroist..
  39. [6:56pm] <10+Shadowor> why do you believe in it?
  40. [6:56pm] <10+Shadowor> if i write a random book filled with random shit will you believe it?
  41. [6:56pm] <10+Shadowor> because thats what you do
  42. [6:56pm] <10+SharkT> Tell that to Christians Jews and ect.
  43. [6:56pm] <10+SharkT> :P
  44. [6:56pm] <10+Shadowor> i do, every day
  45. [6:57pm] <10+Shadowor> but human ignorancy has no bounds
  46. [6:57pm] <10+Shadowor> so same question, why do you believe it?
  47. [6:57pm] <10+Fronek> the fuck is going on here? ;-;
  48. [6:57pm] <10+Shadowor> you didnt answer yet
  49. [6:57pm] <10+Shadowor> im trying to save him, fronek
  50. [6:57pm] <10+Fronek> oh...
  51. [6:57pm] <10+Fronek> from?
  52. [6:57pm] <10+Shadowor> being a muslim
  53. [6:57pm] <10+Shadowor> and deaath
  54. [6:58pm] <10+Shadowor> SharkT will you answer my question or not?
  55. [6:59pm] <10+Fronek> thats racist Shadow
  56. [6:59pm] <10+SharkT> I will.
  57. [7:00pm] <10+Shadowor> how is that racist?
  58. [7:00pm] <10+Shadowor> is being a muslim a race now?
  59. [7:00pm] <10+Shadowor> and if it is racist, then i dont care
  60. [7:01pm] <10+Shadowor> im racist anyways, and if there is a 'race' ('animals' would be a better word) slaughtering my kind of course i will hate them
  61. [7:02pm] <10+SharkT> Shadowor, I belive that you mistake me to a terroist. On how I see you argue. Cleary you bashed on wrong pepole. Terroists are not muslim. Even they say they are they're not. Killing innocent pepole in god's name isin't allowed.
  62. [7:03pm] <10+Shadowor> like i said i dont mistake you as a terrorist, thats what im trying you to avoid
  63. [7:03pm] <10+Shadowor> i dont bash the wrong people, i think i saw enough
  64. [7:03pm] <10+SharkT> Allah tells us that "Allah is capable of doing anything that He Wills to do." He can make a rock (or anything for that matter) that is so large or heavy that nothing in the entire universe can move it. As regards Allah "moving" it, He is not in the universe and He does not resemble His creation. Therefore, Allah is never subject to the Laws of the Creation because He is both the Creator and the Law Giver. Whenever He wants anything done, He
  65. [7:03pm] <10+SharkT> merely says "Qun! Faya Qun!" (Be! And so it will be!)
  66. [7:03pm] <10+Shadowor> muslims are indeed terrorists (not all of them, but they are so far away from original muslims they are most likely have a way different religion by now)
  67. [7:04pm] <10+Shadowor> muslim=islam=terrorist
  68. [7:04pm] <10+Shadowor> even if they say they are, they are not? how does that work?
  69. [7:04pm] <10+Shadowor> if i say im a human im actually a fish?
  70. [7:04pm] <10+Shadowor> killing innocent people in gods name isnt allowed? that made me laugh
  71. [7:04pm] <10+Shadowor> thats exactly what allah and the your book says
  72. 00[7:05pm] <04+Juaro> if you're being an ass towards religious people for being religious you're no better than religious people being an ass towards atheists for not being religious
  73. 00[7:05pm] <04+Juaro> just leaving that here
  74. 00[7:05pm] <04+Juaro> appreciate each other
  75. [7:05pm] <10+Shadowor> allah wants to spread his shitty religion by any means, mostly war, or explain to me that what islam is doing right now (hint: spreading religion with war)
  76. [7:05pm] <10+SharkT> You're Atheist Shadowor?
  77. 00[7:05pm] <04+Juaro> and don't go round trampling each others views
  78. 13[7:06pm] <10+Shadowor> juaro please
  79. [7:06pm] <10+Shadowor> you know nothing
  80. [7:06pm] <10+Shadowor> yes im an atheist sharkt
  81. 00[7:06pm] <04+Juaro> i know nothing?
  82. [7:06pm] <10+SharkT> You lost my fucking respect. I dont kill fucking innocent pepole. And your fucking ''muslim=islam=terroist'' shows how much self-respect you have.
  83. 00[7:06pm] <04+Juaro> Please how can you be so ignorant
  84. [7:06pm] <10+Shadowor> you know things, but that doesnt mean its right
  85. 00[7:06pm] <04+Juaro> ^ to shadow
  86. [7:06pm] <10+Shadowor> lol, so ironic, you called me ignorant
  87. 00[7:06pm] <04+Juaro> yes?
  88. [7:06pm] <10+Shadowor> sharkt, i dont care about respect, and for the last time, i never said you kill people
  89. 00[7:07pm] <04+Juaro> Isn't it ignorant to trample on a religious persons belief for the simple sake of them being religious?
  90. [7:07pm] <10+Shadowor> how respect comes to islam now?
  91. 00[7:07pm] <04+Juaro> as wrong as that religion may sound to you
  92. [7:07pm] <10+Shadowor> no it isnt, being religious is ignorancy itself
  93. [7:07pm] <10+SharkT> ''Muslim=islam=terroist'' ''Terroist kill pepole in god's name''
  94. [7:07pm] <10+SharkT> You bascially said it-
  95. [7:07pm] <10+Shadowor> yes its true
  96. [7:07pm] <10+SharkT> Dont try to say other shit now.
  97. [7:07pm] <10+Shadowor> i dont, i said that
  98. [7:07pm] <10+SharkT> You saying I am killing innocent pepole..
  99. [7:07pm] <10+Shadowor> no i dont
  100. [7:08pm] <10+Shadowor> not you exactly
  101. [7:08pm] <10+SharkT> Your argument is invalid.
  102. [7:08pm] <10+Shadowor> but your muslim friends
  103. [7:08pm] <10+SharkT> Muslim friends?
  104. [7:08pm] <10+Shadowor> i got used to this anyways
  105. 00[7:08pm] <04+Juaro> being religious isn't about ignorance, being religious in its simplest form is just teaching people not be an ass towards each other, if that involves some mythical creature one might call "god", then so be it
  106. 00[7:08pm] <04+Juaro> That's where all the religions are the same
  107. 00[7:08pm] <04+Juaro> It's even a fucking commandment in christianity
  108. 13[7:08pm] <10+Shadowor> juaro i get it, and it would be nice on a level, if they are weak and they need someone to help them in their sad life i dont care
  109. [7:08pm] <10+SharkT> And every fucking reglion belives in a ''grandpa in the sky''
  110. [7:08pm] <10+Shadowor> that would be all nice
  111. [7:09pm] <10+SharkT> God don't got gender. Fuck sake.
  112. [7:09pm] <10+Shadowor> the thing is, that religion is waaaay out of hand today in 2014
  113. [7:09pm] <10+Shadowor> you see, i have to hear and deal with this religion shit, and it affects my life in a negative way
  114. [7:09pm] <10+SharkT> No shit sherlock? But pepole is trying to update it to the life-style today?
  115. [7:09pm] <10+SharkT> How does it affect you?
  116. 00[7:09pm] <04+Juaro> How, Shadow, how is it directly affecting your life?
  117. [7:10pm] <10+SharkT> Did a terroist come to your house and said '' Allahu Akbar''?
  118. [7:10pm] <10+SharkT> And then explode to death?
  119. [7:10pm] <10+Shadowor> thats why i said you know nothing, looks like you have no idea whats going on in some of the country
  120. [7:10pm] <10+SharkT> Thats in some other fucking country.
  121. [7:10pm] <10+Shadowor> where a huge majority is religious, and you are a clear minded atheist
  122. [7:10pm] <10+Shadowor> sharkt your responses have no point, i dont get what you are trying to say
  123. 13[7:11pm] <10+Shadowor> so juaro, im surronded by them
  124. [7:11pm] <10+SharkT> I am saying, fuck off.
  125. 00[7:11pm] <04+Juaro> where are you from again?
  126. [7:11pm] <10+SharkT> Me or him?
  127. [7:11pm] <10+Shadowor> shark, just dont respond to me
  128. [7:11pm] <10+Shadowor> Hungary
  129. 00[7:11pm] <04+Juaro> youre norwegian, i remembered that
  130. 00[7:11pm] <04+Juaro> ah
  131. 00[7:12pm] <04+Juaro> Well, i'll give you that one, i do not know an awful lot about hungary and its surroundings and the situation there
  132. 00[7:12pm] <04+Juaro> But still
  133. [7:12pm] <10+SharkT> Dont bash the country.
  134. [7:12pm] <10+SharkT> Bash the cunt who says it.
  135. 00[7:12pm] <04+Juaro> just because something has a negative effect on you doesn't mean you have to give back a negative effect
  136. 00[7:12pm] <04+Juaro> Otherwise it never stops being negative
  137. [7:12pm] <10+SharkT> I am so fucking pissed of. I didn't do anything at all?
  138. [7:13pm] <10+SharkT> Why are you bashing me for nothing I have done?
  139. [7:13pm] <10+Shadowor> i have to hear the same shit every day, they come to me and start talking and just wont stop, they knock on my door to have a conversation, i have to listen to people yelling 'JESUS' all the time on the street, they say im stupid and i will rot in hell in eternal agony in hell, they always come and try to force it on me, and the worst, that they interrupt my activities with their ignorant bullshit and just force it on you, no matter how you a
  140. 00[7:14pm] <04+Juaro> so?
  141. 00[7:14pm] <04+Juaro> They interrupt you
  142. 00[7:14pm] <04+Juaro> and tell you about hell
  143. 00[7:14pm] <04+Juaro> and eternal damnation
  144. [7:14pm] <10+Shadowor> are just so dumb they wont stop, im so tired of this shit. Religion is a whole bullshit, magical fucks can fuck off. My whole point was that islam is killing dudes and i dont get why one would be a muslim
  145. 00[7:14pm] <04+Juaro> and knock on your door
  146. 00[7:14pm] <04+Juaro> is that
  147. 00[7:14pm] <04+Juaro> your whole point
  148. [7:14pm] <10+Shadowor> wow, you really have no idea
  149. [7:14pm] <10+SharkT> My mom and dad, is a muslim. Thats why I am a muslim...
  150. [7:15pm] <10+SharkT> Get the point?
  151. 00[7:15pm] <04+Juaro> that you feel interrupted by religion and therefore have to go around being a dick to everyone who's religious?
  152. [7:15pm] <10+Shadowor> as a reasonable person, yes it is painful to listen to ignorancy and religion 24/7
  153. 00[7:15pm] <04+Juaro> oh and just to clarify
  154. 00[7:15pm] <04+Juaro> I'm atheist as well, Shadow
  155. [7:15pm] <10+Shadowor> i guess you wouldnt like if an annoying kid yells his shit all the time at you
  156. 00[7:15pm] <04+Juaro> i don't believe in anything beyond what is logical
  157. 13[7:15pm] <10+SharkT> Juaro dont atleast bash pepole about it.
  158. [7:15pm] <10+SharkT> Like you Shadowor.
  159. 00[7:16pm] <04+Juaro> It's still not right to transfer the view you have about certain people of some religious heritage onto that whole religion
  160. [7:16pm] <10+Shadowor> thats because you didnt experience these things and you guys have no idea what is really going on
  161. [7:16pm] <10+Shadowor> your mom and dad is muslim so you are a muslim too, thats it?
  162. [7:16pm] <10+SharkT> Yes.
  163. [7:17pm] <10+SharkT> Plus I still dont get Internet tax.
  164. [7:17pm] <10+SharkT> =)
  165. 00[7:17pm] <04+Juaro> Just because the Christians/Jews/muslims whoever it is that is interruping you or annoying you, doesn't mean other people of that religious belief aren't completely normal, fine people as well
  166. [7:17pm] <10+Shadowor> and that immediately makes the whole quran and your religion a fact, because your dad and mom said so?
  167. [7:17pm] <10+SharkT> Yes.
  168. [7:17pm] <10+Shadowor> i dont get it either sharkt, my country is fucked up beyond belief, and there are riots everywhere now if you didnt know
  169. [7:18pm] <10+SharkT> Of course I know.
  170. [7:18pm] <10+SharkT> But they aren't muslims?
  171. [7:18pm] <10+SharkT> :P
  172. 13[7:18pm] <10+Shadowor> juaro there are always exceptions i know, i dont say that everyone is a twat
  173. [7:18pm] <10+Shadowor> they arent, whats your point?
  174. [7:18pm] <10+Shadowor> btw, my mom, dad, the whole family, all my friend, my best friend too is religious
  175. [7:18pm] <10+Shadowor> trust me, you will have enough one day
  176. [7:18pm] 00«06Sey 00in06 #BoW@Games 00at06 [7:18pm]00» ? you're gaining my interest juaro
  177. [7:19pm] <10+Shadowor> and i think if they try to force the bullshit on you, you would be upset, bash them and try to fight it too
  178. [7:19pm] <10+SharkT> What is your familiy reglion?
  179. [7:19pm] <10+SharkT> If I may ask?
  180. [7:19pm] <10+Shadowor> dont say otherwise, or you are just a random person who cant stand out for himself and lets all the shit going on in his life without doing something
  181. [7:20pm] <10+Shadowor> christian i gues
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