

Jul 2nd, 2015
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  1. on first join:
  2. wait 10 second
  3. set {ochrona.%player%} to true
  4. send "&aJestes chroniony przez {@ochrona}"
  5. wait {@ochrona}
  6. set {ochrona.%player%} to false
  7. on damage:
  8. victim is player
  9. attacker is player
  10. if {ochrona.%victim%} is true:
  11. cancel event
  12. if {ochrona.%attacker%} is true:
  13. cancel event
  14. else:
  15. if {inbattle.%victim%} is true:
  16. set {walka.%victim%} to {@czaswalki}
  17. remove bossbar from victim
  18. display "{@walkatxt}" on bossbar with 100 percent by 10 seconds for victim
  19. stop
  20. display "{@walkatxt}" on bossbar with 100 percent by 10 seconds for victim
  21. set {inbattle.%victim%} to true
  22. set {walka.%victim%} to {@czaswalki}
  23. while {walka.%victim%} is more than 0:
  24. {walka.%victim%} is not set:
  25. stop
  26. subtract 1 from {walka.%victim%}
  27. wait 1 second
  28. delete {inbattle.%victim%}
  29. delete {walka.%victim%}
  30. remove bossbar from victim
  31. display "{@koniecwalki}" on bossbar with 0 percent by 10 seconds for victim
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