
My Thesis on Pony Attraction

Dec 21st, 2011
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  1. My thesis on pony attraction:
  3. Some people are attracted to ponies. I'm not here to justify that, I'm just here to provide the explanation that I think best fits:
  5. Each of the ponies is a personality that's pretty attractive to someone. Rainbow Dash is the tomboy, Applejack is the hard working and honest one, Twilight is the intellectual, Rarity is the stylish and aesthetic one, Pinkie Pie is the fun loving and partying one, and Fluttershy is the uber submissive and caring one who'll give for charity.
  7. Without the names and associations to a girl's show, each of these personalities is a prime personality for most guys. There are little details and intricacies, but that's the gist of things for now.
  9. visually, they may be horses, but their faces aren't very horselike, are they? Their faces are actually a lot more human than animal. In fact, the only part of their faces that is in any way animalistic is the nose. If the nose were changed, they would just be human in appearance.
  11. This is also another area of attractiveness, strangely enough. The ponies' faces are FULL of estrogen markers. Clear skin, large eyes, small brow, small nose, long and smooth hair (Pinkie pie is an exception, but not in a negative way), and their voices are tuned to activate the protective instincts in males. I don't know if this was on purpose, but the facial features really are indicators of high levels of estrogen, and therefore a fertile mate. Their chin is also quite small, another feminine trait. Also, the roundness of the face indicates a higher amount of fat storage, indicating a higher likelihood of survival plus further fertility (females can only reproduce if a certain amount of fat is present. Below a certain level, menstruation stops). The eyes also have very large pupils, and are shining. We love people that love us, and dilated pupils and shining eyes are indicators of a human liking what they see.
  13. The body is definitely a horse, there is no denying that. The only thing there that makes them appear more humanoid is the shortness of the body, and the fact that their aft end rises up in such a way to indicate that their sacrum is kicked out, a sign that childbirth would have the highest chance of success. The tails are not humanoid at all, but they are still a contributing factor because the hair is still long and smooth, despite its location.
  15. Color can also play into it. Each of the personalities is oriented in such a way to indicate high levels of estrogen, with the exception being Rainbow Dash, so one can simply like the color of the pony as well, which can increase attraction. Those ponies that are in the background are probably mostly attractive due to hair, color, fan-fiction personalities, and from what can be gathered from the show.
  17. Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not trying to justify attraction to these ponies. I'm just saiyan, this is most likely the reason for it. Or at least, as far as I can tell.
  19. My deep analyzation of Rainbow Dash:
  20. Rainbow dash has all of the physical characteristics that define a female, and one with a good level of estrogen to be fertile and good for bearing children. However, she also has some testosterone, which is a cause of her voice being as it is, and for her tomboyish attitude.
  22. Tomboys are mostly attractive because they are very likely to survive, and because they are strong. Men normally have the instinct to protect females and cute creatures, but if a man has a lowered territorial instinct, then a female with those traits compensates quite well, and it all balances out.
  24. Rainbow Dash is also depicted as a bit of an athlete, and physiologically that means that she is likely to survive, and her physiologically superior structure means that the children will be most likely to survive.
  26. The color blue is also a very pleasing color for the eyes. Her hair is long enough, but has a wild beauty to it that tailors to the nature loving part of men. She is outgoing, strong, and independent. That basically means less work for the man.
  28. She's also extremely loyal, which means fidelity. Men don't like sharing women with other men at ALL. Therefore, if the woman is extremely loyal, it means that she won't be tempted to cheat. Men are primitively drawn to have a harem, but do not like to share with others.
  30. My indepth analysis of Fluttershy:
  31. Fluttershy is the ideal primitive mate. She is weak, cute, and submissive. Incredibly so. And yet she is also very commanding of children. Primitive man would spill blood over her, because she has such high levels of estrogen markers in her hair and face, and her personality and voice.
  33. She is not as physiologically built to survive through physical strength, but men have the instinct to protect their mates, so she doesn't need to worry about that. In fact, the helplessness factor tailors to the male hormone that makes them territorial, and makes them want to protect what is theirs. Men want to protect and own things that are helpless and cute.
  35. Her hair is straight, and smooth, which means that she has good hygiene and possibly a good amount of wealth, but also that she has a good immune system. Also, taking care of oneself is an indicator of a survival instinct which will further attract men.
  37. her face is slightly rounder than the others, yet her body is slightly thinner. This accentuates her eyes, and makes her even cuter to the male. This is also an indicator of high amounts of possible fat storage, which is extremely useful in times of famine and for bearing children.
  39. Her eyes are also quite large, and shaped such that they indicate very high levels of estrogen. (her nose is also slightly shaped as an even higher indicator of estrogen) Her face is clear, indicating good hygiene and a strong immune system. Her personality is submissive, which men want to be the dominant one in relationships. It means that she will comply with his orders, which is what a primitive male wants.
  41. She mostly tailors to the primitive and wild side of male nature. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but it makes her quite universally attractive. Also, her forehead, due to her hair, appears to slope slightly, a trait that young children have. This further increases the protective instincts of men. Also, with the way her hair looks from the front, it almost seems that she is hiding behind it. This is a bit of a subconscious indicator of hiding and insecurity, making males wish to provide comfort and to protect even more.
  43. My description of Twilight:
  44. Twilight is a well-rounded and logical personality, which means that she would be able to help out the male, and would be a good worker for preparing and maintaining the male domain. Humans are only strong because of our brains, and her intelligence means that her offspring are most likely to survive from higher intelligence.
  46. Her face is also full of estrogen markers, so she passes the visual test. Her skin is clear, and despite her purple skin, she maintains a cute enough facial structure to pass an initial test. She also has HUGE eyes, an indicator of estrogen, and her eyes are especially shiny, and her pupils are especially dilated. These are indicators that she is attracted to what she is looking at (we like to imagine that it is us).
  48. Her hair is also straight, and curls slightly at the end. This is an indicator of good hygiene, and the curl adds a slightly cuter quality, activating the male protective instincts. Men want to fulfill their instincts, so that is beneficial.
  50. Her voice also makes her sound youthful. As pervy as it sounds, men like women young and full of youth. It makes them more likely to survive childbirth, and it means that they are going to be more beautiful. Women also like men older than them, because they are more mature and wise, so it all evens out quite well.
  52. It might just be the way her hair falls on her back, but she appears to have an aft end that sticks out quite a bit, which indicates a sacrum that is at a high angle, meaning that she is most likely to survive childbirth, and have a healthy child with as little damage and trauma as possible.
  54. Her personality is also quite cute, which activates even more the male protective instincts. Her voice is also quite full of estrogen, making her seem more fertile.
  56. My etc. on Applejack:
  57. Applejack is a mature female, and her voice and personality indicate a strong motherly instinct. Men want a good mother for a mate, because it means that they will be good with taking care of future children. Her aft end is kicked out to indicate a good sacrum, and her face is mostly clear. The white spots are the only marking on her face, but those are not markers of poor hygiene, so they can just be one of the possible things that tailors to specific tastes.
  59. She is also quite strong and independent, meaning she is likely to survive on her own, which means less work for the man. She is sincere, and has a very loyal personality, indicating she is very unlikely to cheat. Her voice isn't as high of an estrogen marker, but her southern accent might be considered slightly cuter or more attractive to some, and activate the protective instincts in men.
  61. Also, people tend to like to think of women from the south as slightly more willing to mate, and as being more likely to be attractive physically thanks to the media. Her hair has been oriented in such a way that it appears slightly dirty, indicating a hard worker, but yet still well kept, indicating good hygiene.
  63. She doesn't try to make herself look especially good, so that is a personality indicator that says that she isn't lying with her appearance. It's genuine. Also, the fact that she's a hard worker would indicate that she is most likely to be good at maintaining the domain while the man is out hunting, and her being a farmer tailors to the old fashioned roles of men and women: Men hunt for meat, women gather berries, fruits, and vegetables.
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