
Educated Fluffies Pt 4.5: The Special Day

Jul 15th, 2012
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  1. >Be owner of six very important fluffy ponies.
  2. >Important to your GPA that is.
  3. >Your educational program is starting to bear fruit: they know basic classroom discipline, and you've just introduced the concept of time periods greater than "Bright" and "Dark" to them.
  4. >And now, you get to teach them about the most important time of all
  5. >Saturday!
  6. >Time to catch up on your experiment logs, go grocery shopping, do your laundry, balance your check book...
  7. >The readers of this don't believe me for a minute, do they?
  8. >Yeah, your plans for Saturday consist of staying in bed until noon, then staying on the couch with some Medal of Warfare: Dynasty of Wild Nationalisim 4.
  9. >The previous installment in the series was pretty much the same, but hey, new maps!
  10. >Of course, your morning starts entirely too early, when a thumping noise wakes you up.
  11. >Lots of little soft "whumps", coming from the door of the room you made into the safe room / class room.
  12. >Then a high-pitched cry: "MISSSSAAA-NONNN!"
  13. >You consider putting your pillow over your head, but then briefly think about the possible dangers that could make six fluffy ponies locked up in an off-campus apartment scream for you.
  14. >Awkwardly, in your chili-pepper boxer shorts, you shuffle across the hall and open the safe room door.
  15. >"Missa'non!"
  16. >Look down: All six fluffies are right up against the door, staring at you.
  17. >Brave face time.
  18. "Good morning fluffies... why were you pounding on the door and calling for me?"
  19. >"Missa'non! Is bwight time tomowwow! Tommowow specha!"
  20. ---
  21. >"Missa'non! Is bwight time tomowwow! Tommowow specha!" Autumn is bouncing in place, the other fluffies expressing various degrees of exuberance.
  22. >"Bwight time tommowow!" "Wai tommowow spesha?" "Cwisma tummeh wan' foodies. Cwisma can has nummies?"
  23. >You consider your words carefully.
  24. "I did say today was special."
  25. >"Nuu! Sai Tomowwow Specha! An' nao is Tomowwow! Missa'non sai!"
  26. "Okay, look, I only got to sleep in for..."
  27. >Hang on.
  28. "one hour, and I am not going to deal with a herd of hungry, happy, and hyper horses until I've had breakfast."
  29. >You let the fluffies out of their safe room, and escort them to the kitchen.
  30. >As your coffee brews, you prepare the fluffy pony cuisine.
  31. >Which you are decidedly low on. You chop the one remaining apple into six slices, dropping it in with some diced celery you had left over from last night, and fill the rest with mashed banana.
  32. >For you, meanwhile, you drink your coffee out of a dirty mug, then empty the last few drops of sour milk onto your marshmallow-y "Chaos Marks" dry cereal.
  33. >Chaos Marks: They're so good, it's heretical.
  34. >You briefly reflect on the fact that the fluffies are eating better than you are, but the sweet, sweet relief of caffeine and dehydrated marshmallows together wash that thought right out of your skull.
  35. >As the fluffies finish licking their bowls clean, you address your students.
  36. "Allright everyone, head back to the safe room, and I'll be there as soon as I am ready."
  37. >With much exuberance, the fluffy ponies bound back into their safe room, a converted off-campus bedroom of a four-person apartment which you currently have to yourself.
  38. >You take your time getting dressed, cleaning up breakfast, and getting your "lesson plan" ready.
  39. >Today, you'll mostly be winging it.
  40. "Good morning my little fluffies!"
  41. >"Guu-mownin Missa'non!" in chorus.
  42. "Now, today's lesson is going to be pretty simple, Winter, could you please come up to the calendar?"
  43. >Obediently, she wobbles over and stands at the base of the calendar.
  44. "Good. Now, do you know what today is?"
  45. >"TODAI DEH!" she shouts, leaping at the blue stickynote that was labeled with "today", and a little happy face.
  46. "That was right! And now, it is a new day! So I want to show you how we welcome new days."
  47. >You make a big production of moving the three sticky notes (labeled "today", "tommorow", and "yesterday") forward by one, putting "today" squarely on the Saturday of today's date.
  48. "And finally, Tomorrow is Sunday... but there's no room here next to "today"! So let's keep going, maybe in the next row? Why yes! Here! On "Sunday"! Let's put "tomorrow" on Sunday!"
  49. >The fluffies are mystified by your manipulation of time and space.
  50. >Holiday is the first to speak. "Howidai not know, tommowo is todai?"
  51. "That's correct Holiday. Every Tomorrow eventually becomes a today."
  52. >Spring chirps "Buh- Todai no spesha-"
  53. >The girls look like they're going to cry.
  54. >This makes Christmas distressed.
  55. >"Nuu cwy fwiends! Gif huggies! Huggies mae evwytin' bettah..."
  56. >He leans in and hugs Summer: Winter and Spring are hugging allready, but Autumn and Holiday are seperated by a few feet, and that might be a space too far for an upset fluffy.
  57. >Better stop this now.
  58. "Don't cry my students, today is special!"
  59. >With wet eyes the collective fluffy population of your off-campus apartment stares up at you, before Winter breaks the sniffle-filled silence.
  60. >"Wai?"
  61. >You did not actually think this far ahead.
  62. >Your real reasonfor calling today "special" was that it would be a day of relaxation and rest, no lesson plans for Saturday or Sunday!
  63. >But now, you kinda let yourself get roped into the class, and you did a quick lesson, and you can't really let things end now.
  64. >Fuck, it's only ten in the morning.
  65. "...because today you have...
  66. >Shitshotshit what did you always look forward to in school?"
  67. "A Field Trip!"
  68. >Unanimous cheers!
  69. >Fluffies are so mercurial in disposition, that they can literally give you mood whiplash.
  70. >As cheers end, Winter asks "Wha' fiewd twip?"
  71. >Ah yes, explanations.
  72. ---
  73. >The Field you managed to find is only about a hundred yards from the back of the apartment complex where you live in off-campus housing.
  74. >It looks like the owners intended to develop it for property too, but an economy probably happened, and it went to seed.
  75. >You release your fluffies from the cardboard boxes you scavenged to carry them all.
  76. "This is a big open field, my little fluffies! Go play!"
  77. >For good measure you toss Summer's favorite ball out into the grass.
  78. >As they run around like little adorable loons, you pop open your laptop, and get to work catching up on those reports...
  79. >Oh hey, Wifi goes all the way out here?
  80. >You'll get on that right after this round of Medal of Warfare.
  81. >Oh hey! Only 200 more kills before you unlock Neutron Town!
  82. ---
  83. (Special thanks, Vanner)
  84. ---
  85. >You are Mercury, a dusty blue pegasi with a tan mane, and the fastest fluffy pony ever to lay hooves to the ground.
  86. >You've run across the "big dwy pwace", and over the "tuu high wock pwace".
  87. >You only stop to eat, drink, and tell other fluffies the glorious news.
  88. >The land of hugs and spaghetti is real.
  89. >And it is to the North, also, West.
  90. >Mostly North.
  91. >Your hooves are a blur as you sprint across yet another of the nasty black stretches of hard rock that criss-cross the Hoomen "Cee-tees"
  92. >This one was divided by three white lines, then two yellow lines, and then three more white lines.
  93. >One of the big metal monsters lunged for you, but you were too fast, and it screamed in agony after it stopped chasing you to stare at that tree.
  94. >Metal monsters are weird, but you don't have time to stare at it now, you have to tell other fluffies the good news!
  95. >And there's some now!
  96. >A group of mares playing with a ball and eating soft fresh grasses!
  97. >With your purpose set firmly in mind, you dash the last few hundred yards, and come to a stop just outside the play circle of mares.
  98. >A lone male notices your approach: his fluff's coloration is almost identical to your own, though slightly lighter.
  99. >He stands between you and the mares, and as an earth fluffy, he's a bit bigger than you... also, somewhat intimidating...
  100. >"Who Yuu? New fwiednd?"
  101. >Eager to be on his good, side, you nod in the affirmative.
  102. "Fwiend name is Mewcuwy! Mewcuwy wan' teww yuu! Deh pwace weh aww gud fwuffies saf!"
  103. >"Weawwy?" Christmas sits, his eyes bright and attentive. "Pwace wike cwass woom?
  104. >Cwass woom?
  105. "Nuu! Dis wand ob sketti an' hugs! Wissen, teww aww da fwuffies 'bout it! Wen Bwight time come, keep bwight baww on wigh side, den when dawk times come soon, keep bwight baw on weff side. Membah! Wand of Sketti an hugs in Cweavewand!"
  106. >"Bwigh' baww on wight, den on weff, Sketties an' hugs in Cweavewand!" Christmas repeats back to you.
  107. >Clearly, you found a kindrid spirit in this blue-and-tan earthy. He must be just as dedicated to finding the land of spaghetti and hugs as you are.
  108. "Gud! Teww aww yuu fwiends! Teww aww fwuffies!"
  109. >"Cwisma teww!"
  110. >Clearly a noble smarty.
  111. >You know there are still more who do not know of the land of spaghetti and hugs, and so you must spread the word.
  112. >With a final hug to Christmas, who happily calls you friend, you reorient yourself, and sprint off through the field at your ten miles per hour.
  113. ---
  114. >196... 197... Care package!
  115. >Heh heh, oh man, Noscope and...
  116. "Oh WHAT THE FUCK!"
  117. >Reflexively go to throw something
  118. >Realize the only thing you have is your laptop.
  119. >Resist further urges.
  120. >Exit the damn game, and check system clock.
  121. >Woah! after noon allready?
  122. >...
  123. >You just left fluffy ponies alone, unsupervised, and outside for Three hours.
  124. >Fold laptop and stuff it in your bag quickly as you SPRINT into the field.
  125. >There's a culvert and a highway nearby, and wild animals, there could be all kinds of wild animals and...
  126. >"Hai Daddeh!"
  127. >Christmas, you almost stepped on him. Gotta be more careful in this high grass.
  128. "Hi Christmas, where are the others?"
  129. >"Giwws aww pway baww! Cwisma wash foh munstahs!"
  130. >He points towards a slight rise, where, after looking for a moment, you make out the rustling tall grass indicative of a rare pokemon encout-
  131. >Not that silly today.
  132. >You walk over, and find five fluffy mares conversing, playing, and in a good state of health.
  133. >Miracles never cease?
  134. "Good fluffies! Did you enjoy your field trip?"
  135. >Cheers, affirmations, but Summer seems disappointed.
  136. >"Gwassies tuu high! Nuu can buck baww!"
  137. >She gives the big red ball a good shove, but it only whuffles a few inches further forward through the dense grass.
  138. "Oh, Summer, next field trip, I promise, I'll take you some place you can kick the ball further."
  139. >She seems satisfied.
  140. >You herd your ponies back towards the parking lot, and do a double-check before taking them home.
  141. >Yeah got everyone, but Christmas has his face all screwed up.
  142. "Christmas, do you have to make poopies? You can do that in the field."
  143. >"Nuu! Nuu poopies... Cwisma haf... haf teww aww gud fwuffies!"
  144. >The girls are all gathered 'round, and even you are feigning interest in this.
  145. >"Teww Gud fwuffies... dat deh huggies.... an' keep big baww on wite... an Cweaf."
  146. >He looks revealed.
  147. >"Da's aww! Cwisma wuv fiewd twip! Make new fwiends!"
  148. >Cute little guy.
  149. >You load them all into their boxes, and carry them back up to your apartment.
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