
Octavia's Song - Prelude

Oct 4th, 2012
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  1. >You're walking through Grand Central Terminal with your idiot friend, Rich
  2. >You're honestly not sure why you're friends with the guy, but you've known each other since middle school
  3. >His royal bitch of a girlfriend has "invited" you to a baby shower for one of her friends whom you barely know
  4. "So who is this again? That fat girl she used to make fun of back in high school?"
  6. >It's hard enough dodging other people in the crowd, and having to constantly look out to make sure you don't trample a pony only adds to the difficulty
  7. >It's not uncommon seeing them anymore, especially in such a large city, but it still draws attention
  8. >There was a bit of a political firestorm when the decision was finally reached to rip space-time a new hole over on Ellis Island, but it's largely died down now
  9. >All that new business from inter-dimensional travel has a way of shutting up the detractors
  11. "No, this is one of the girls that was on the cheerleading squad. You've met her once or twice, remember? The one with the red hair and the great ass?" Rich says. He almost has to yell to be heard over the din of the crowd.
  12. >You don't bother trying to dig up something you know you'll never remember in the first place
  13. >You're too busy wracking your brain trying to come up with a semi-plausible excuse not to go.
  14. >Just as you're about to resort to dick moves, the sight in front of you grabs your attention
  15. >It's a dark grey pony with coal black hair and violet treble clef on its back legs, trying and failing to pull an overloaded luggage cart with its teeth, and it appears to have a guitar case slung over its back
  17. >You just stand there, staring like a slack-jawed moron, entraced by the pony's almost futile efforts to pull the cart
  18. >It finally manages to find a position where it can gain some purchase and begins to carefully drag the cart along with it, constantly checking to make sure it doesn't hit anyone
  19. >It's like watching a turtle trying to cross a busy street, you think to yourself
  20. >The poorly stacked luggage begins to wobble after only a short distance, and a set of what looks like little saddlebags falls off. The pony doesn't even notice.
  21. >Ignoring your better judgement, you follower after and pick up the fallen bags. This pony looks like it has enough problems without losing its luggage already.
  22. "Excuse me, miss... uh," at least, you think it's a miss, "miss pony? You dropped your bags." you say as you catch up to her.
  24. >She lets the handle go from her mouth and turns to face you. She looks a little startled.
  25. "Oh! You have my thanks. This thing is proving more... challenging than what I had initially expected." the pony says to you. Her voice carries a comforting, refined tone.
  26. >Here comes that awkward moment you were trying to warn yourself against...
  27. >She moves toward your outstretched hand and opens her mouth hesitantly. You're not sure if she wants you to place the bag's strap in her mouth or if she's going to say something
  28. >Trying to keep this from getting any worse, you place the bags back on the cart and re-arrange a few pieces so she shouldn't have to worry so much about dropping anything
  29. "Don't worry about it."
  30. >She only nods her head subtly and turns back to continue on her way.
  32. >You turn and start back towards Rich, only to stop dead in your tracks again.
  33. >A plan has already begun to form in your desperate mind. An entirely do-able, if somewhat devious, plan.
  34. >With a quick about-face, you turn back to the grey pony
  35. "Beg your pardon again miss, but do you need some help with that?"
  36. >She still looks very nervous. You figure she's fresh from the other side and still not used to seeing humans. The culture shock is probably hitting pretty hard.
  37. "I... do. If could just help me out to the street, I would be very grateful." It seemed like something she wasn't comfortable admitting.
  38. >You sling the saddlebags over your shoulder and grab the three awkwardly stuffed duffle bags she has on the cart
  39. >You see a bit of envy flash through her eyes at how easy it is for you to carry what she had so much trouble with
  40. "Sure thing. C'mon, maybe we can get you a cab without a too much trouble if we hurry."
  41. >That's not your real reason for wanting to hurry, but she doesn't need to know that
  43. "There you are! Come on man, we're going to be late as it is. I don't want have to take another ass chewing..." Rich's voice rings out behind you.
  44. >Dammit dammit dammit
  45. "Sorry Rich, change of plans. The lady here needs some help, and I can't just leave her!" you say, each word dripping with sarcasm as you move further away from him, "Just go on without me! Mallory won't miss me, and I assure you, the feeling is mutual!"
  46. "Well what do I tell her?" he yells back
  47. "Tell her I hope she chokes and dies!"
  48. >Thankfully, the crowds swarm between you at this point, so you don't have to continue making an ass out of yourself.
  49. >But your cover's still blown
  51. "Did I... interrupt something?" the pony asks
  52. >Well, the cat's already out of the bag. You might as well just shoot it.
  53. "No, you saved me from one incredibly boring afternoon with people I can't stand."
  54. "Oh... I see?"
  55. >Smooth save?
  56. "If you have some time, would you be willing to show me where a place called Avery Fisher Hall is? If you're familiar with the area, of course."
  57. "Over at Lincoln? Yeah, sure, we can go if you want. It'd be easier if we dropped your bags off first, though."
  58. "Of course. The man who arranged everything said the apartment was over at some place called "Riverside South". I have the address in my saddlebags there."
  60. >She's staying at freaking Trump Place?
  61. >You set her saddlebags down off your shoulder and she begins to look through them for the address
  62. >While you're trying to flag down a cab, you start to wonder just who the hell this pony actually is
  63. "Ah, here it is!"
  64. >She presents you with a small piece of paper with a key hanging from it
  65. >You take it and keep failing to hail a cab
  67. >Several minutes in, and still no luck
  68. >The pony is sitting on her haunches now, looking in awe at the buildings and traffic around her
  69. "Your first time here, I take it?" You might as well try to strike up some conversation if you're going to be a while
  70. "It is." she says, distracted by a bus with an advertisment plastered across its side
  71. >That explains why she's so trusting of strangers, at least.
  72. She turns to face you "Truth be told, I was little unsure about coming here to Earth."
  73. "What made you decide?"
  74. "I accepted a position with the New York Philharmoic. I was a fan of their performances back in Equestria, and when they came looking for new talent, I simply couldn't resist the challenge. A few auditions later, and here I am."
  75. "What position, if you don't mind me asking?"
  76. >She looks nervous again, and glances at the case on her back.
  77. "P-principal cello."
  79. >A cab finally pulls over
  80. "That's a very prestigious position. You should be proud." you say, picking her over-stuffed bags back up
  81. "I am, it's just..." her voice trails off, as if she's searching for an expression she can't quite pick out
  82. "More than what you were expecting?"
  83. "To say the least." she smiles warmly
  84. >You load her bags in the trunk and she props herself up beside you to lay her cello in alongside them
  85. "Well, don't fret it. You'll be spittin' and cursin' with the best of us in no time."
  86. "I would certainly hope not!" she stammers out, shocked at the very idea
  87. >You have a laugh at her expense and open the cab door for her, so she wouldn't have to fight with trying to open it with hooves
  89. >Heading around to the other side, you begin to wonder what the hell you've gotten yourself into
  90. >Spending the afternoon showing - what you assume is - a classy, rich pony around the west side of Manhattan is not what you thought you'd be doing today
  91. >Still better than the alternative, though
  92. >You tell the cabbie the address, and he starts on the way without a word
  93. >It's a very silent trip, with only some god-awful music blaring from the speakers to fill the void
  94. >You look over at the pony, who is firmly glued to the window
  95. >It must be nice being able to see the city with a sense of awe like that, you think to yourself.
  96. "I cannot believe I have forgotten my manners to much." she suddenly says "We've been here this whole time and still don't even know each other's names."
  97. >You never thought about it, but she's right.
  98. >After you give her your name, she smiles and replies
  99. "I'm Octavia. It's a pleasure to meet you."
  101. >After waiting over an hour in the lobby with Octavia's luggage while she finalized the details with the building manager, you're just happy to be moving again
  102. "This is so much easier. If this were Canterlot, we'd have to take the steps all the way up. I could really get used to this." Octavia says happily
  103. "Yeah, this high up, I imagine the stairs would get old fast." you reply
  104. >She's a lot easier to talk to than what you'd first thought
  105. >The elevator gives a high pitched ding as you reach the 18th floor and door slides open
  106. >Now it's your turn to be awe.
  108. >The hallway alone looks nicer than your whole apartment.
  109. >A thick, dark blue carpet covers the floor and the walls are painted in a more soothing shade of the same
  110. >Sensible wall sconces are spaced a few feet apart, bathing the hallway in a warm light
  111. >A few end tables playing host to potted plants placed near the thick oak doors round out the decor
  112. >You can't even hear Octavia's hooves on the floor as you come up to the third apartment on the right
  113. "Ah, here we are." She says, motioning for you to stop
  114. >She holds the magnetic key card carefully between her front hooves and balances herself precariously as she slides it through the reader by the door
  115. >Turns out that key with the address was only to the lobby door.
  116. >As she nudges the door open, your jaw drops
  118. >Her apartment is much, much larger than yours
  119. >Better furnished, too
  120. >To you, it could easily pass for a presidential suite - fancy wooden furniture, painted porclain flower pots, extremely plush chairs and couches
  121. >Not to mention a television that's larger than you are and a spectacular view of the skyline
  122. "Well... they said it was furnished, but I wasn't expecting anything like this."
  123. >Octavia heads in and you follow behind, making sure to close the door
  124. >You set her bags down by the couch, next to her cello
  126. >Turning back to her, you see Octavia busily examining the large welcome basket on the table
  127. "Do you think you'll like it here?"
  128. "I... don't know. But I like it so far."
  129. >At least she's honest.
  130. "Well, at least you don't hate it. That's as good a start as any. Now, do you still want to head on over to Lincoln Center?"
  131. "Of course! But, if you don't mind, could we maybe walk? I'm tired of riding around everywhere."
  132. "Yeah, it shouldn't be a problem. It's only a few blocks away."
  134. >The walk over was pleasant enough, and you learned a little more about Octavia's time back home.
  135. >Appearently, she was a very well respected performer on the other side and had even played for royalty on numerous occasions.
  136. >It's no great wonder to you that the Philharmonic had sought her out after hearing that story, even if she was very modest about it.
  137. >You briefly wonder if you'll ever get the chance to hear her play... before laughing at the sheer absurdity of that idea.
  138. >You'll probably never see her again after today
  140. >Tired of pacing aimlessly around while waiting for Octavia to finish taking care of whatever she's doing inside, you sit down at a patio table, only to have your phone ring
  141. "What?" You already know who it is.
  142. "Horsefucker." Rich's voice lilts from the other end with all the maturity of a twelve year old.
  143. "Have you looked at what you're sticking your dick in? You don't have any room to be throwing that word around."
  144. "At least I get to stick it in something."
  145. "At what cost, though? She's got you so pussywhipped you have to ask permission to go the bathroom."
  146. "Everyone's got his price, man. I'm comfortable with mine."
  147. >You have no idea how he manages to get you off onto these tangents.
  149. "So did you want something, or did you just call to be ass?"
  150. "Nah, just thought I'd shoot the shit for a little while. The baby shower's finally over. Mallory says you should jump off a bridge, by the way."
  151. "Charming as always..."
  152. "Hey, is this thing right? What the hell are you doing at Lincoln Center?"
  153. "Waiting on Octavia to finish whatever it is she's doing."
  154. "That's the pony?"
  155. "No, it's a magic talking dog. Of course it's the pony, idiot."
  156. >You hear laughter erupt from his end of the line.
  158. "You just met her, and already you're waiting on her while she runs errands! Yeah man, I'M the one that's pussywhipped."
  159. >Damn, he's sort of got you there
  160. "Tell me you at least got her number."
  161. >You jerk the phone away from your ear and just stare at it for a second
  162. "I don't understand you some times."
  163. "It's why we work so well together. Now tell me. Did. You. Get. Her. Number?"
  164. "No."
  165. >You decide against telling him she brought you up to her apartment
  167. >He responds with mock outrage
  168. "WHAT! Dude, you have to start tapping that immediately, before anyone else beats you to it!"
  169. "I'm hanging up now."
  170. "Dude, just hear me out on this! You have an in with a girl that, from a glance, looks to be WAY out of your league! Pony or not, you HAVE to follow this through!"
  171. "Goodbye, Rich."
  173. >Just when you're sure he's not going to bother you again, you hear Octavia's voice behind you
  174. "I cannot thank you enough for waiting."
  175. "Ah, don't worry about it. They give you everything you needed?"
  176. "Yes. It's quite a weight off my shoulders knowing how to get here now. Plus, they gave me all the schedules and the sheet music we'll be doing at the next show. In fact, we're starting practice on Monday."
  177. >She plops a heavy manilla envelope down on the table and climbs up into the other chair.
  178. >She fidgets uncomfortably before finally settling on just laying her forelegs on the table. It's cute in how awkward it looks.
  179. "That looks like a lot to get familiar with."
  180. "I know it looks that way, but this is fairly normal for a routine performance. And it will be quite challenging to play something new for a change. I must say, I'm looking forward to it. Plus, the atmosphere here is much more relaxed than at Canterlot. It's all a very refreshing change of pace from what I'm used to."
  181. >You never pictured concert musicians as a loose bunch, but you take her word on it, and her enthusiasm is endearing, to say the least
  183. "Is there anything else you'd like to do?" You ask as you put your phone away.
  184. "Oh, n-no, I couldn't possibly take any more of your time. You've been a real life saver with all of this. I imagine I'd still be trying to pull that accursed cart without you."
  185. "You're very welcome. Besides, this has turned out to be a pretty enjoyable day." you say, standing up.
  186. >Octavia hops down, looking very glad to out of that chair
  187. "Well then, I'm glad we've both been able to help each other."
  188. >By the time you even notice, you're already halfway back to her apartment
  189. >She hasn't brought it up and you're not about to, either
  191. >Before you know it, you're back at the steps to Octavia's building.
  192. "Well, let me be first the say welcome to New York. I really do hope you'll enjoy it here." you say to her
  193. "You know, I think will." She flashes that warm smile again.
  194. You smile back, "Well, so long Octavia."
  195. >As you turn to leave, she calls out one last time
  197. "Before you go, I noticed you had one of those little talking boxes earlier. They gave me one when I came here, but I didn't really have anything to use it for at the time. Most of my friends are still back in Equestria. If you don't mind, could I call you if I have any more questions?"
  198. >You can barely believe what you just heard. Surely, some supernatural fuckery is at work here
  199. >But still, there's no reason to refuse
  200. >You quietly curse Rich and his entire family as you pull the pen from your pocket
  201. >You quickly exchange numbers and say your last goodbyes before heading towards the bus stop
  203. >As you're passing over the Williamsburg Bridge into Brooklyn, your phone rumbles with a waiting message
  204. >Probably Rich again
  205. >Checking it reveals Octavia's number
  206. "I guess no one told her about the three day rule, either." you mutter to yourself
  207. >Looking at the message, it looks like it was stomped out by an angry elephant
  208. >After a great deal of deciphering and linguistic gymnastics, you can barely make out
  209. "Would you like to meet for breakfast in the morning?"
  210. >You type out a simple yes and that you'll be by around 10
  211. >For the sake of your sanity, Rich must never know
  212. >You're still unsure of what exactly to make of Octavia, but you can at least try to be a friend to her
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