
Pretty in Pink - The After-Afterparty

Sep 26th, 2013
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  1. >It's one of those beautiful days, the kind you'd make sure to spend with Bubble Berry out here. It could have started under better circumstances but at least it's ended on... easily the best you could imagine. You didn't really have much to talk about as you lay there together. There was a new type of joy to be taken in his company.
  2. >You turn and look into one of his blue eyes, he turns too and looks back. "Hey." One of his forelegs move over your shoulder. "It's getting kinda cold, huh? Maybe we should go back to Sugarcube Corner." He shivers slightly. "Brr! We could really heat up there!"
  3. >Your face flushes at the thoughts of what he could possibly mean. He giggles in that way that makes it worse. "I... See, we could... The thing is..."
  4. >"You're cute when you get all flustered!" He leans towards you and quickly plants a light little kiss upon your lips. "I really like that."
  5. >"Yeah... well... It's only because -you're- so cute." His smile widens greatly before he shuts his eyes, looking smug.
  6. >"Yeah, I know it." He holds this expression for a moment longer before breaking down into another fit of giggles. "That's what Blitz would say but hearing you say it?" The hoof at your back gives a little squeeze. "It makes me feel really good."
  7. >"I mean it." Your fingers trail up and down his back slowly. "And I really can't thank you enough for what you did for me."
  8. >"Making ponies happy is just what I do, Anon." His eyes snap wider. "B-But I don't mean that about you! Making -you- happy is something special."
  9. >"Guess I just have to hope I can make you as happy, Bubble."
  10. >"Silly." He leans in and whispers. "You always have." Bubble Berry leaps up off you. "C'mon! We gotta get outta this cold!" The stallion shivers for a little dramatic flair.
  12. >On the way back to Sugarcube Corner you walk close to Bubble Berry. The pink stallion passes little smiles your way now and then and it's impossible not to return them. How could you not?
  13. >"Hi Mr. and Mrs. Cake! We're Baaack!" Bubble trots in ahead of you, as you hope the Cakes, seeing how you've made amends so well, won't threaten to fire you.
  14. >"Bubble, dear you look so much better! Oh, we were so worried with you stuck up there." Yep, that's Mrs. Cakes voice alright.
  15. >"But you didn't have to be, silly! Didn't I tell you everything'd be okay?" You hear the sound of Bubble bouncing.
  16. >"Is it really okay, dear? Are you two... friends again?" The pained emphasis she puts on 'friends' dredges up a little guilt from inside you.
  17. >"Nope!" More hopping. "Better than friends!"
  18. >There's a moment of silence. "You mean you two... ?"
  19. >"Yep!" The bouncing stops. "It's not nice to eavesdrop, Anon!" The stallion bounces out to you. "Come in, come in, come in!"
  20. >You grudgingly take the few steps from just outside the door inside, as Berry tugs at your arm.
  21. >Mrs. Cake watches carefully as you walk in. "Uh... Hi, Mrs. Cake." Bubble bounces over and sits himself down close to you. The closeness of his warmth bolsters your confidence.
  22. >"Is Berry right, Anon?" She looks at you sceptically. "Are you two... together now?"
  23. >"Yep!" Bubble answers for you.
  24. >"He's right." Your hand strays over his shoulders. "We..."
  25. >"We totally made out!" He cries triumphantly.
  26. >Mrs. Cake smiles nervously. "That's... nice dear. So you're happy now?"
  27. >"Well yeah, now that I have Anon its' fine." He pulls off and starts hopping. "C'mon we have to finish the after party!"
  29. >As Bubble Berry races up the stairs Mrs. Cake looks at you for a moment longer. "Anon, is he telling the truth? You're not just leading him on."
  30. >"No." Your answer is as firm as your resolve about this. "Berry made me realise a few things. Mostly about him. Some about me." You look down from her face. "And yeah I still feel bad about what I did but I feel pretty good too, now. Berry says he's forgiven me and I know he wouldn't just say that."
  31. >"Alright then." You're glad to hear that familiar warmth return to her voice. "You two have a good time now and..." A light blush rises to her cheeks at her next words. "Try to keep it down? The babies need their sleep, y'see."
  32. >You can think of no other answer to that than to hurry off up the stairs, praying your cheeks aren't as rosy as hers.
  34. >Bubble's waiting for you on his bed, like the last time you met him here. Madame DuGuste is, thankfully, absent though. You feel only a little trepidation as you approach and sit down. Maybe this time'll be better.
  35. >You gently take one of his hooves in your hand when you sit, the stallion lowering his head down. "Can I show you what I wanted to before?" His voice is so soft you almost don't hear it but nod all the same.
  36. >Slowly, his hoof rises to your shoulder and gently pulls you towards himself. It's a kiss - a simple, heartfelt kiss. Your own hand moves to his withers to pull him further against yourself. Your heart skips a beat at the thought of what you're doing but this time it isn't in disgust.
  37. >As you both pull apart you see Bubble's own cheeks are flushed. "S-So, didja like it?"
  38. >"Yeah." Your lips curl back into a smile. "Thanks Bubble. And... I'm sorry, again. For-"
  40. >"No." His hoof snaps to your lips. "No more sorries, we're past that okay?" You nod slowly. "From now on we're just gonna be happy together."
  41. >For a moment longer you just gaze into his blue eyes, the ones that had held your attention so many times previous. Only now did you understand why.
  42. >"Hey." Bubble looks off from you. "I was gonna do this last time but..." He trails off softly. "Anyway, we could do it now?"
  43. >"Do what?" You crane your neck around to see him wearing a little smile.
  44. >"You could... you know." His hooves tap together. "Stay over."
  45. >Oh. Oh!
  46. >"Bubble." You gently turn him around to you. "I'm not sure if I'm ready to go that far yet."
  47. >He stares at you blankly for a few seconds before sniggering. "Well of course not! I wasn't talking about -that-!" He pulls his sniggering under control shortly, that little smile returning. "But... I'd like if we could do that too, sometime."
  48. >"So would I." His hoof moves to your hand and you readily take it.
  49. >"So you'll stay over? We can just." He shrugs. "Whatever you wanna do."
  50. >You gently lower both of yourselves onto the bed and turn so that you're facing each other, heads on his pillow. The sweetness of his scent is so strong here it's almost overpowering. You love it.
  51. >"Is this okay?"
  52. >"Are you gonna sleep like that?" Bubble gently taps your shirt.
  53. >"Oh. I guess I should take it off, huh?" You rise and begin to unbutton it.
  54. >"Not unless you're okay with it."
  55. >"I am." You toss the shirt over to his dresser. "Really. This is gonna be nice, right?" Standing, you take a deep breath before removing your pants. It really is a cold evening! You quickly slip under the covers, Bubble following suit.
  57. >The stallion presses up to you and giggles softly. "You feel kinda funny."
  58. >"I don't have a fur coat like you, that's probably why." Your arms encircle his back. "You feel really good, though. You're so warm."
  59. >Bubble moves in a little closer. "That's because of you, Anon. Whenever I'm around you, I feel like that all the time."
  60. >He flips over, pressing his back to you. "I've wanted this for a while, you know." His voice is quiet again. "I didn't want to tell you because... I guess I was a little worried."
  61. >Your hands move to his chest and stay there as his hooves press to them. "Are you worried now?"
  62. >"Not any more." You hear his breathing soften. "Now we just get to be happy, remember?"
  63. >You're definitely happy. Now that you can lean in and feel yourself drifting to sleep with the scent of his mane filling your senses.
  65. >You awaken slowly, still enjoying the warmth of the bed. Stirring lightly you recall last night and pull your arms close, smiling. The smile falters when you feel yourself gripping empty space.
  66. >"Bubble?" You say softly.
  67. >"Anon!" A voice calls out from behind you. "You're awake. C'mon you have to get up, we've got a train to catch!"
  68. >"Train?" You slowly push yourself up on your elbows, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes. "What're you..."
  69. >"The train to Canterlot, silly! We've gotta go, go, go!" In an instant the bedclothes are whipped off you and you're pulled off the bed along with them.
  70. >You mutter an oath as you blearily exit the room and make for the bathroom, recalling on the way where you are.
  72. >Now cleaned, dressed and wolfing down a blueberry muffin you're on your way to the Ponyville train station with Bubble. He's bouncing the entire way, just a little bit higher than usual, you're sure.
  73. >Two return tickets for the express to Canterlot later and you're on the train, Berry excitedly telling you about this amazing place he has to show you. It's a place of pure happiness, one he's been saving to share with you.
  74. >No matter how much you pry or poke he doesn't give a definitive answer, giggling as he offers hints. You suspect already it's some kind of shop, maybe a bakery or party supplies store. Bubble just giggles again as you try to guess.
  75. >Other than that it's a nice train ride. The pink stallion sits next to you the way up, hoof to hand. There's no odd glances, no muttering, no scoffing... Nothing. It serves to reassure you that you've nothing to fear in Equestria.
  76. >Pulling into the station, Bubble bursts from his seat, knocking over one or two ponies as he runs through the carriage's aisle and out the doors. You find him bouncing on the spot, waiting for you before dashing off once more, you hot on his hooves.
  77. >You're lead down main thoroughfares and small alleys, all along there's no more hints about where you're going but you suspect you near it, as Bubble's bouncing picks up both speed and height.
  78. >He finally stops, as you almost crash into him, at a large building. Its architecture is like much of that in Canterlot, with a Victorian bent. Looking in through the windows you see...
  80. >Candy. Candy enough to rot the teeth of every child in the world, surely. Candy of every shape, size and type. Some you knew well and others you'd never even conceived of.
  81. >Bubble Berry stands at your side, gazing in with equal awe.
  82. >"You know what this is?"
  83. >"A candy store?"
  84. >"No, silly! Oh wait, it is but not just -any- candy store." He trots over to the entrance, you following. "This is one of the first candy stores I ever saw. The Cakes used to take me here when they'd visit Canterlot."
  85. >You look up at the sign: Brandy Snaps' Bazaar of Sweet Treats. It certainly seemed to have a wide variety, if your view through the window's anything to go by.
  86. >"Hey, c'mon!" You feel something bump against you and look to see Bubble with his side to yours. "You can't taste anything out here, let's go!"
  87. >With a soft tinkle of a bell overhead, he pushes open the door and you enter. The interior is much more spacious than your view from outside revealed. Easily twice as large. Casting your eyes about you get a far better view of the jars, pots, bags and piles of candy. Hard boiled, soft caramels, toffees, chocolates, liquorices of all kinds... you'd never seen so many sweet things in one place.
  88. >"Well?" Bubble's looking up at you expectantly. "Whadda ya think?"
  89. >"Bubble, this place... it's amazing!"
  90. >"I know, right!" He hops in front of you. "And we've all day to enjoy it! Now come on, I've gotta show you some of my favourites you can't get back in Ponyville!"
  92. >For the next few hours you proceed about the shop, Bubble selecting all sorts of candies for you to try. From the sickeningly sweet to the unbearably sour, you're treated to it all. But every time it's with a smile and once or twice Bubble steals a taste right from your lips.
  93. >You don't care so much for these candies, nothing could compare to his sweetness.
  94. >As you're lead around he tells you of how he'd been amazed that anyp0ny could devote themselves to making sweet things. It was just so incredible and that's why he liked Brandy Snaps, the owner. They both liked to make ponies happy, in their own way.
  95. >Apparently he's a supplier for some of the rarer items the Cakes stock, which is how they met initially. Hearing Bubble'd been working under them he offered to show the stallion a few of his own tricks.
  96. >As you take a lemon drop from him, he tells you they were the first he was shown how to make. How to get just enough zest into them without making them too sour and the right amount of sugar to offset it.
  97. >Onwards you're lead, past shelves of wildly coloured confections. Every now and then Bubble stops off at one and fills a bag with a few. He explains that each has its own flavour but when you combine them they're even more amazing.
  98. >You round off with buying a few chocolates, Bubble explaining that they're little mysteries, each one with a fruit flavouring you won't know of until you taste it.
  99. >Bubble insists upon paying, having a little chat with the old stallion tending the cash register. More than once he glances back to you, the other pony nodding.
  101. >With late evening setting in you both make your way back to the train, though much slower than earlier. Bubble trots along, head swaying from side to side as he hums a tune, bumping against you now and then.
  102. >He's got most of the candy in his saddlebags, though a few had to be taken by you. As you reflect on the good time you've had you're more than glad you've had the opportunity for it. Bubble had told you what his old life was like, back on the rock farm. Seeing him so happy at that candy shop you think you understand now what an epiphany it must have been to find his true calling in life.
  103. >The train ride back is quieter, your own carriage having few others ponies besides the two of you. Bubble roots about his saddlebags and pulls out a bag of those strange candies. He offers one to you and you taste it.
  104. >"Not bad, it's kinda like apple." You suck on it for a moment. "Got another? I'd really like to see what you meant about combining them."
  105. >When you turn, he pops a red candy into his mouth, grinning. "Bubble?" He motions you closer with a hoof. "What're you-"
  106. >You're cut off as his lips quickly press to your own, your mouth opening in surprise. And then you taste it: his candy's strawberry and it quickly mixes with your own apple, creating a tangy, sweet-sour flavour that makes you squint. And then the sweetness of Bubble Berry hits you alongside it.
  107. >He pulls back, giggling and snorting. "Wow, that was way better than I thought it'd be!" He looks away, smiling. "I've never tasted -that- before!"
  108. >As shocked as you are at what he'd done you're also intrigued. "Bubble?" He turns back. "You, um... got any more flavours we could try?"
  110. >When you arrive back in Ponyville there's a large chunk of the candy from one of the bags gone but both of you are incredibly satisfied at that. While you're still tasting a range of fruits and other flavours, they're overpowered by the sweetness of Bubble Berry.
  111. >The pink stallion leads you back to your home and stops outside it, looking down shyly.
  112. >"So Anon, you have a good time today?" He already knows you answer, of course.
  113. >"Best day I've had in Equestria so far, easily." He doesn't giggle now, just smiles.
  114. >"That's really good." Bubble scuffs a hoof against your doorstep. "So... I guess I'll see you tomorrow?"
  115. >"Well..." You don't need to debate it, not after last night. "You could always... you know."
  116. >He looks up sharply, blue eyes widening. "Stay over?"
  117. >"If you want, I mean."
  118. >"We don't have to do anything, you know."
  119. >"Yeah but after last night." You shrug. "It was nice, I'd like to do it again."
  120. >"Anon?" He cocks his head to one side, a small smile you know all too well tugging at his lips. "How do ya feel?"
  121. >You think for a moment, before realising what he's getting at. "Happy."
  122. >The stallions nods. "Told ya, right?"
  123. >"Yeah, you did."
  124. >"Well..." His cheeks darken slightly. "C'mon then! We've got an early day tomorrow."
  125. >As you step in with Bubble Berry you reflect on the sharp turn your life had taken over the past few weeks. Things had been good for you in Equestria but now... Now they couldn't possibly be better.
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