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Mar 23rd, 2017
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  1. "GV","VR","G","XT’","F","SK","DH__-","PK","Kh","KL__-","SX","XL","QW","SXh","KV","PR","FŢ","K","GM","LB","ŢQ","MX","Ph","Š","SL","XW__-"
  2. "-BB- ‘COAT/JACKET’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -GV-","-BDh- ‘OCTOPUS’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -VR-"," -BL- ‘middle, center (as seen parallel to long axis of entity) The pattern of stems for this root follow those of the root -G-.","-BLW- ‘AQUAMARINE’ patterned after the root -XT’- SSD derivatives: 1) extra light 2) pale (= mixed with gray) 3) clear, transparent 4) fluorescent 5) vibrant / bright 6) –ish 7) translucent 8) opaque 9) extra dark","-BZD- ‘POSITION BETWEEN / AMIDST / AMONG [planar 2-dimensional context, e.g., among others in a crowded room] PATTERNED AFTER ROOT -F-; ","-BZDW- ‘PYTHON’ (the stems of this root are patterned after the root -SK-)","-CKh- ‘LIQUID (OTHER THAN WATER) AS SUBSTANCE AND TOOL’ -- The stems of this root are patterned after those of the root -DH-.","-C’- ‘tenderness/nuturing/caring’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -PK-","-ÇFL- member of couple being matched or “set up” with each other — The stems of this root are patterned the same as the root -Kh-.","-ÇK’- ‘LIQUID (OTHER THAN WATER) IN NATURAL MOTION’ -- The stems of this root are patterned after those of the root -KL-.","-ČM- non-heat related method of food preparation, e.g., preparing sushi, making a peanut butter sandwich, etc. -- The pattern of stems for this root follow that of the root -SX-."," -ČP'- ‘glass (material)’ Pattern of stems is the same as -XL-","-ČThW- gourd — The pattern of stems for this root follows those of the root -QW-"," -DBR- inflammatory disorder — The pattern of stems for this root follows that of the root -SXh-."," -DV- ‘SMOOTHNESS/ROUGHNESS (= TACTILE COARSENESS) The pattern of stems for this root follows that of the root -KV-.","-DhY- ‘TAIL’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -PR-"," -FC- ‘GENERIC FLYING BUG’ The pattern of stems for this root follows that of the root -FŢ- ‘INSECT’"," -J- ‘VERTICAL MOTION / ASCENT & DESCENT / UP & DOWN’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -K-"," -JK-: ‘oval’ The pattern of stems for this root follow that of the root -GM-."," -LC- ‘PROXIMITY/DISTANCE’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -LB-","-ĻĻ- flabbiness <--> cohesiveness / compactness — The pattern of stems for this root follow that of the root -ŢQ-. This root uses the EXTENT/DEGREE suffix to specify the point on a sprectrum"," -MŢ- ‘AUTUMN/FALL’ — The pattern of stems for this root follow that of the root -MX-.","-NC’- ‘BANANA’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -Ph-"," -ŘB- lumpy texture/sensation -- the stems of this root are patterned after the root -Š-. This root is usually used with the DEGREE/EXTENT suffix."," -SPh- ‘carbon dioxide’ — Pattern of stems follows those of the root: -SL- ‘GAS / FLUME’","-XTĻ- ‘LIQUID (OTHER THAN WATER) IN STATIC SETTING’ -- The stems of this root are patterned after those of the root -XW-."
  3. "-CK- ‘HAT’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -GV-","-BG- ‘SQUID’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -VR-","-FS- ‘side/flank, lateral area’ The pattern of stems for this root follow those of the root -G-.","-BR- ‘YELLOW’ patterned after the root -XT’- SSD derivatives: 1) extra light 2) pale (= mixed with gray) 3) clear, transparent 4) fluorescent 5) vibrant / bright 6) –ish 7) translucent 8) opaque 9) extra dark","-BZG- ‘POSITION BETWEEN / AMIDST / AMONG [linear unidimensional context, e.g., between two others in a queue] PATTERNED AFTER ROOT -F-; ","-BZGR- ‘VIPER’ (the stems of this root are patterned after the root -SK-)","","-Ç- ‘excitement/thrill’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -PK-","-ÇKÇ- socially adversarial based on social one-upmanship/ego gratification — The stems of this root are patterned the same as the root -Kh-.",""," -RFQ- griddle -- The pattern of stems for this root follow that of the root -SX-.","-DhŘ- alcohol, wood — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL-","-FKhW- safflower — The pattern of stems for this root follows those of the root -QW-","-DBY- pulmonary disorder — The pattern of stems for this root follows that of the root -SXh-."," -FT- ‘FULLNESS/EMPTINESS’ The pattern of stems for this root follows that of the root -KV-.","-ML- ‘FOOT’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -PR-. --> SSD Derivatives: heel, ball of foot, upper side of foot, arch, plantar fascia, achilles tendon"," -FFY- ‘GNAT’ The pattern of stems for this root follows that of the root -FŢ- ‘INSECT’","-KKR- ‘OBLIQUE VERTICAL MOTION’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -K-","-JPh-: ‘egg-shaped’ The pattern of stems for this root follow that of the root -GM-."," -LÇ- ‘WIDTH (= “SLENDERNESS”)’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -LB-","-ĻM- springiness/spring <--> inertness/immobility — The pattern of stems for this root follow that of the root -ŢQ-. This root uses the EXTENT/DEGREE suffix to specify the point on a sprectrum between the two extremes indicated."," -ŇTh- ‘TROPICAL RAINY SEASON’ — The pattern of stems for this root follow that of the root -MX-.","-NCh- ‘FIG’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -Ph-","-ŘC- hard + natural mix of smooth/rough (like a rock) texture/sensation -- the stems of this root are patterned after the root -Š-. This root is usually used with the DEGREE/EXTENT suffix.","-SQ’- oxygen — Pattern of stems follows those of the root: -SL- ‘GAS / FLUME’",""
  4. " -ÇC- ‘DRESS’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -GV-","-BJ- ‘EEL’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -VR-","-LN- ‘front [relative to directional orientation or primary interface]’ The pattern of stems for this root follow those of the root -G-.","-DŘ- ‘ORANGE’ patterned after the root -XT’- SSD derivatives: 1) extra light 2) pale (= mixed with gray) 3) clear, transparent 4) fluorescent 5) vibrant / bright 6) –ish 7) translucent 8) opaque 9) extra dark","-CP- ‘-X/+Y/0 SPATIAL ORIENTATION/POSITION/DIRECTION W/ STEMS PATTERNED AFTER ROOT -F-; BASED ON THE FOLLOWING 3-DIMENSIONAL NOTATIONAL SCHEMA: ","-CY- ‘MOUSE’ (the stems of this root are patterned after the root -SK-)",""," -ÇÇ- ‘self-induced trance or self-induced state of altered consciousness, e.g., through meditation’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -PK-","-ÇKF- interviewer/interrogator + interviewee — The stems of this root are patterned the same as the root -Kh-.",""," -RPTh- simmer -- The pattern of stems for this root follow that of the root -SX-.","-DhW- alcohol, grain — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL-"," -KČhW- ginger — The pattern of stems for this root follows those of the root -QW-","-DDL- degenerative tissue disorder — The pattern of stems for this root follows that of the root -SXh-.","-GZ- ‘TENSENESS (= STRAIN)’ The pattern of stems for this root follows that of the root -KV-.","","-FKÇ- ‘APHID’ The pattern of stems for this root follows that of the root -FŢ- ‘INSECT’","-PÇ- ‘generic or oblique 3-dimensional range of motion / 3-dimensional pervasive movement / movement throughout or within 3-D volume.’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -K-","-MŠ-: ‘irregular/amorphous outline’ The pattern of stems for this root follow that of the root -GM-.","-LČ- ‘GIRTH (= 2-DIMENSIONAL X-PLANAR DIMENSION)’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -LB-","-ĻP- sponginess <--> stiffness/rigidity — The pattern of stems for this root follow that of the root -ŢQ-. This root uses the EXTENT/DEGREE suffix to specify the point on a sprectrum between the two extremes indicated."," -ŇXh- ‘SPRING’ — The pattern of stems for this root follow that of the root -MX-.","-NÇ- ‘CHERRY’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -Ph-","-ŘČ’- coarse (like handling gravel) texture/sensation -- the stems of this root are patterned after the root -Š-. This root is usually used with the DEGREE/EXTENT suffix."," -SS- air — Pattern of stems follows those of the root: -SL- ‘GAS / FLUME’",""
  5. "-ÇQ- ‘SKIRT/KILT’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -GV-","-BK- ‘LAMPREY’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -VR-","-MV- ‘middle, center (as seen perpendicular to long axis of entity) The pattern of stems for this root follow those of the root -G-.","-DhL- ‘MAROON’ patterned after the root -XT’- SSD derivatives: 1) extra light 2) pale (= mixed with gray) 3) clear, transparent 4) fluorescent 5) vibrant / bright 6) –ish 7) translucent 8) opaque 9) extra dark","-CR- ‘0/-Y/0 SPATIAL ORIENTATION/POSITION/DIRECTION W/ STEMS PATTERNED AFTER ROOT -F-; BASED ON THE FOLLOWING 3-DIMENSIONAL NOTATIONAL SCHEMA: ","-ÇCW- ‘SHREW’ (the stems of this root are patterned after the root -SK-)","","-ÇČ- ‘feeling of emotional maturity/superiority; feeling “above it all”’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -PK-","-ÇKL- partners or team members in sporting match or sporting activity — The stems of this root are patterned the same as the root -Kh-.","","-RPŢ- sautee -- The pattern of stems for this root follow that of the root -SX-.","-FK’- Sulfur — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL-"," -LKhW- mint — The pattern of stems for this root follows those of the root -QW-","-DDW- topical skin disorder — The pattern of stems for this root follows that of the root -SXh-."," -KK- ‘SOLIDITY/HOLLOWNESS (= PERMEABILITY)’ The pattern of stems for this root follows that of the root -KV-.","","-FKR- ‘MOSQUITO’ The pattern of stems for this root follows that of the root -FŢ- ‘INSECT’","-RB- ‘SPIRAL MOTION ALONG VERTICAL PLANE’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -K-","-NR-: ‘circle/ellipse’ The pattern of stems for this root follow that of the root -GM-."," -LČ’- ‘SHARPNESS/DULLNESS OF AN EDGE’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -LB-","-ĻP’- buoyancy — The pattern of stems for this root follow that of the root -ŢQ-. This root uses the EXTENT/DEGREE suffix to specify the point on a sprectrum between the two extremes indicated.between the two extremes indicated."," -PPh- ‘WINTER’ — The pattern of stems for this root follow that of the root -MX-.","-NČ’- ‘COCONUT’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -Ph-","-ŘCh- numbing (= loss of sensation) texture/sensation -- the stems of this root are patterned after the root -Š-. This root is usually used with the DEGREE/EXTENT suffix."," -TFŘ- ozone — Pattern of stems follows those of the root: -SL- ‘GAS / FLUME’",""
  6. "-ČV- ‘COLLAR’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -GV-","-BKW- ‘PIKE’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -VR-","-N- ‘exterior, outer/external part of, outside, “skin”’ The pattern of stems for this root follow those of the root -G-.","-FL- ‘BLACK’ patterned after the root -XT’- SSD derivatives: 1) extra light 2) pale (= mixed with gray) 3) clear, transparent 4) fluorescent 5) vibrant / bright 6) –ish 7) translucent 8) opaque 9) extra dark"," -CT- ‘+X/+Y/0 SPATIAL ORIENTATION/POSITION/DIRECTION W/ STEMS PATTERNED AFTER ROOT -F-; BASED ON THE FOLLOWING 3-DIMENSIONAL NOTATIONAL SCHEMA: ","-ÇČW- ‘VOLE’ (the stems of this root are patterned after the root -SK-)",""," -ÇF- ‘feeling of piquancy, stimulated curiosity, a desire for a new experience’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -PK-","-ÇKR- socially adversarial based on enmity/hatred — The stems of this root are patterned the same as the root -Kh-.","","-RPV- sun-dry -- The pattern of stems for this root follow that of the root -SX-.","-FKh- Lead — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL-"," -MPY- squash — The pattern of stems for this root follows those of the root -QW-","-DDY- neuro-muscular/myalgic disorder — The pattern of stems for this root follows that of the root -SXh-."," -KM- ‘WEIGHT/MASS’ The pattern of stems for this root follows that of the root -KV-.",""," -FLY- ‘HOUSEFLY’ The pattern of stems for this root follows that of the root -FŢ- ‘INSECT’","-RC- ‘ARC / PARABOLIC MOTION RELATIVE TO GRAVITY’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -K-","-ŇF-: ‘sliver-moon shaped’ The pattern of stems for this root follow that of the root -GM-.","-LD- ‘AMPLITUDE (= 2-DIMENSIONAL Z-PLANAR DIMENSION)’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -LB-","-ĻQ’- spreadability — The pattern of stems for this root follow that of the root -ŢQ-. This root uses the EXTENT/DEGREE suffix to specify the point on a sprectrum between the two extremes indicated."," -RPh- ‘TROPICAL DRY SEASON’ — The pattern of stems for this root follow that of the root -MX-.","-NČh- ‘TANGERINE’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -Ph-","-ŘDW- soggy/waterlogged/moist texture/sensation -- the stems of this root are patterned after the root -Š-. This root is usually used with the DEGREE/EXTENT suffix.","-ŢKL- laughing gas, nitrous oxide — Pattern of stems follows those of the root: -SL- ‘GAS / FLUME",""
  7. "-DD- ‘PANTS’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -GV-","-BK’- ‘RAY’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -VR-","-NŠ- ‘rear, back part of [relative to directional orientation or primary interface]’ The pattern of stems for this root follow those of the root -G-.","-GŘ- ‘SKY BLUE’ patterned after the root -XT’- SSD derivatives: 1) extra light 2) pale (= mixed with gray) 3) clear, transparent 4) fluorescent 5) vibrant / bright 6) –ish 7) translucent 8) opaque 9) extra dark ","-CW- ‘-X/0/0 SPATIAL ORIENTATION/POSITION/DIRECTION W/ STEMS PATTERNED AFTER ROOT -F-; BASED ON THE FOLLOWING 3-DIMENSIONAL NOTATIONAL SCHEMA: ","-ÇPh- ‘SQUIRREL’ (the stems of this root are patterned after the root -SK-)","","-ÇK- ‘eagerness / fervor / zeal’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -PK-","-ÇKŢ- co-participants in general activity — The stems of this root are patterned the same as the root -Kh-.","","-RPX- slow-cook (e.g., in crockpot, Dutch oven, claypot, Tandoori pot, etc.) -- The pattern of stems for this root follow that of the root -SX-."," -GDh- ‘cloth/fabric’Pattern of stems is the same as -XL-","-MQhW- date (fruit) — The pattern of stems for this root follows those of the root -QW-","-DDŘ- peripheral nervous system disorder — The pattern of stems for this root follows that of the root -SXh-."," -MW- ‘TIGHTNESS/SLACK’ (= TAUTNESS) The pattern of stems for this root follows that of the root -KV-.",""," -FPÇ- ‘BUTTERFLY’ The pattern of stems for this root follows that of the root -FŢ- ‘INSECT’","-RÇ- ‘SWITCH BACK / VEER’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -K-","-ŇS-: ‘square/rectangle/rhombus’ The pattern of stems for this root follow that of the root -GM-.","-LDh- ‘ “REACH” (= 2-DIMENSIONAL Y-PLANAR DIMENSION)’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -LB-","-ĻQh- deformability / “dentability” — The pattern of stems for this root follow that of the root -ŢQ-. This root uses the EXTENT/DEGREE suffix to specify the point on a sprectrum between the two extremes indicated."," -RT’- ‘SUMMER’ — The pattern of stems for this root follow that of the root -MX-.","-NDh- ‘PINEAPPLE’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -Ph-","-ŘDh- liquidy texture/sensation -- the stems of this root are patterned after the root -Š-. This root is usually used with the DEGREE/EXTENT suffix."," -ŢKŘ- Helium — Pattern of stems follows those of the root: -SL- ‘GAS / FLUME’",""
  8. "-DG- ‘APRON’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -GV-","-BKh- ‘SHARK’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -VR-","-QQ- ‘interior, inner/internal part of, insides, innards’ The pattern of stems for this root follow those of the root -G-.","-GY- ‘WHITE’ patterned after the root -XT’- SSD derivatives: 1) extra light 2) pale (= mixed with gray) 3) clear, transparent 4) fluorescent 5) vibrant / bright 6) –ish 7) translucent 8) opaque 9) extra dark","-ČL- ‘+X/0/0 SPATIAL ORIENTATION/POSITION/DIRECTION W/ STEMS PATTERNED AFTER ROOT -F-; BASED ON THE FOLLOWING 3-DIMENSIONAL NOTATIONAL SCHEMA: ","-ÇPhW- ‘POSSUM’ (the stems of this root are patterned after the root -SK-)","","-ÇL- ‘feeling carefree / frivolity / relaxed’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -PK-","-ÇKV- co-workers/associates — The stems of this root are patterned the same as the root -Kh-.","","-RSPh- barbecue -- The pattern of stems for this root follow that of the root -SX-."," -GN- ‘wax’Pattern of stems is the same as -XL-","-MXW- cucumber — The pattern of stems for this root follows those of the root -QW-","-DGL- cellular/metabolic disorder — The pattern of stems for this root follows that of the root -SXh-."," -NL- ‘HARD/SOFT (= MALLEABILITY)’ The pattern of stems for this root follows that of the root -KV-.","","-FPŢ- ‘FIREFLY’ The pattern of stems for this root follows that of the root -FŢ- ‘INSECT’","-RČ- ‘CURVED MOTION / CURVE’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -K-",""," -LF- ‘DEPTH’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -LB-","-ĻW- elasticity <--> stiffness/rigidity — The pattern of stems for this root follow that of the root -ŢQ-. This root uses the EXTENT/DEGREE suffix to specify the point on a sprectrum between the two extremes indicated.","","-NĻ- ‘PLUM’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -Ph-","-ŘF- gooey texture/sensation -- the stems of this root are patterned after the root -Š-. This root is usually used with the DEGREE/EXTENT suffix."," -ŢLW- Hydrogen — Pattern of stems follows those of the root: -SL- ‘GAS / FLUME’",""
  9. "-DM- ‘ROBE(S)/TOGA’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -GV-","-BM- ‘SCALLOP’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -VR-","-SF- ‘bottom, lowest part of, foundation’ The pattern of stems for this root follow those of the root -G-.","-KLW- ‘TURQUOISE’ patterned after the root -XT’- SSD derivatives: 1) extra light 2) pale (= mixed with gray) 3) clear, transparent 4) fluorescent 5) vibrant / bright 6) –ish 7) translucent 8) opaque 9) extra dark","-ČQ- ‘0/0/+Z SPATIAL ORIENTATION/POSITION/DIRECTION W/ STEMS PATTERNED AFTER ROOT -F-; BASED ON THE FOLLOWING 3-DIMENSIONAL NOTATIONAL SCHEMA: ","-ÇQ’- ‘CHIPMUNK’ (the stems of this root are patterned after the root -SK-)","","-ÇM- ‘jollity/merriment/gayness’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -PK-","-ÇKW- sibling relations — The stems of this root are patterned the same as the root -Kh-.","","-RST’- flash-fry -- The pattern of stems for this root follow that of the root -SX-."," -JQ’- Platinum — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL- "," -ŇČhW- bamboo — The pattern of stems for this root follows those of the root -QW-","-DGR- malignant tumorous /neoplastic disorder; cancer — The pattern of stems for this root follows that of the root -SXh-.."," -ŇW- ‘FLEXIBILITY/RIGIDITY’ The pattern of stems for this root follows that of the root -KV-.",""," -FSKh- ‘DRAGONFLY’ The pattern of stems for this root follows that of the root -FŢ- ‘INSECT’","-RD- ‘GENERIC OR OBLIQUE SPIRAL MOTION’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -K-","","-LG- ‘INTERVAL/GAP’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -LB-","-ŢB- bounce/recoil <--> inertness/immobility — The pattern of stems for this root follow that of the root -ŢQ-. This root uses the EXTENT/DEGREE suffix to specify the point on a sprectrum between the two extremes indicated.","","-NM- ‘OLIVE’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -Ph-","-ŘGL- plastic-like texture/sensation -- the stems of this root are patterned after the root -Š-. This root is usually used with the DEGREE/EXTENT suffix.","-ŢLY- Chlorine — Pattern of stems follows those of the root: -SL- ‘GAS / FLUME’",""
  10. "-FTh- ‘LEGGING/SOCK’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -GV-","-BN- ‘MUSSEL’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -VR-","-ŠM- ‘lower part or “half”’ The pattern of stems for this root follow those of the root -G-.","-KhW- ‘PURPLE’ patterned after the root -XT’- SSD derivatives: 1) extra light 2) pale (= mixed with gray) 3) clear, transparent 4) fluorescent 5) vibrant / bright 6) –ish 7) translucent 8) opaque 9) extra dark"," -ČT- ‘+X/-Y/0 SPATIAL ORIENTATION/POSITION/DIRECTION W/ STEMS PATTERNED AFTER ROOT -F-; BASED ON THE FOLLOWING 3-DIMENSIONAL NOTATIONAL SCHEMA: ","-ÇQhW- ‘MOLE’ (the stems of this root are patterned after the root -SK-)",""," -ÇN- ‘feeling of inherent “connection” to or oneness with the universe through space and time’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -PK-","-ÇKY- members of stigmatized/isolated/oppressed societal group — The stems of this root are patterned the same as the root -Kh-.","","-RSX- pressure-cook -- The pattern of stems for this root follow that of the root -SX-."," -ĻQ- Tin — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL- ","-PÇT- cotton The pattern of stems for this root follows those of the root -QW-","-DGV- cardio-vascular disorder — The pattern of stems for this root follows that of the root -SXh-."," -QV- ‘RESILIENCE/DELICATENESS’ (= CAPACITY FOR RECOVERY) The pattern of stems for this root follows that of the root -KV-.","","-FSM- ‘WASP’ The pattern of stems for this root follows that of the root -FŢ- ‘INSECT’","-RF- ‘CIRCULAR VECTOR MOTION’ (i.e., “corkscrew” motion) The stems of this root are patterned after the root -K-",""," -LK- ‘HEIGHT (= “TALLNESS” – RELATIVE TO GRAVITY) The stems of this root are patterned after the root -LB-","-ŢKh- suppleness/pliancy/flexibility/ductility/bendability <--> stiffness/rigidity — The pattern of stems for this root follow that of the root -ŢQ-. This root uses the EXTENT/DEGREE suffix to specify the point on a sprectrum between the two extremes indicated.","","-NN- ‘ORANGE’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -Ph-","-ŘGŘ- downy texture/sensation -- the stems of this root are patterned after the root -Š-. This root is usually used with the DEGREE/EXTENT suffix."," -ŢMY- ‘carbon monoxide’ — Pattern of stems follows those of the root: -SL- ‘GAS / FLUME’",""
  11. " -GG- ‘VEIL’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -GV-","-BQ- ‘CRAB’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -VR-","-TK- ‘upper part or “half”’ The pattern of stems for this root follow those of the root -G-.","-LXh- ‘BROWN’ patterned after the root -XT’- SSD derivatives: 1) extra light 2) pale (= mixed with gray) 3) clear, transparent 4) fluorescent 5) vibrant / bright 6) –ish 7) translucent 8) opaque 9) extra dark","-ČW- ‘0/+Y/0 SPATIAL ORIENTATION/POSITION/DIRECTION W/ STEMS PATTERNED AFTER ROOT -F-; BASED ON THE FOLLOWING 3-DIMENSIONAL NOTATIONAL SCHEMA: ","-ÇT’- ‘RAT’ (the stems of this root are patterned after the root -SK-)","","-ÇP- ‘inspiration / feeling of positive energy’ ‘uplift/inspiration (e.g., by beauty, art, music, etc.) The stems of this root are patterned after the root -PK-","-ÇMW- adversarial based on anger/resentment — The stems of this root are patterned the same as the root -Kh-","","-RŠQ- broil -- The pattern of stems for this root follow that of the root -SX-."," -MK’- Silicon — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL-","-PÇW- melon The pattern of stems for this root follows those of the root -QW-","-DGW- ocular/eye disorder — The pattern of stems for this root follows that of the root -SXh-.","","","-FSP’- ‘GRASSHOPPER’ The pattern of stems for this root follows that of the root -FŢ- ‘INSECT’","-RG- ‘SPIRAL MOTION ALONG HORIZONTAL PLANE’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -K-",""," -LK’- ‘STRAIGHTNESS/LINEARITY RELATIVE TO OBJECT ITSELF’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -LB-","-ŢQ’- tendency to disintegrate/crumble/fall apart <--> coherence/cohesiveness/compositional integrity — The pattern of stems for this root follow that of the root -ŢQ-. This root uses the EXTENT/DEGREE suffix to specify the point on a sprectrum between the two extremes indicated.","","-NT’- ‘LEMON’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -Ph-","-ŘJ- gritty (like fine sand) texture/sensation -- the stems of this root are patterned after the root -Š-. This root is usually used with the DEGREE/EXTENT suffix.","-ŢPŘ- Nitrogen — Pattern of stems follows those of the root: -SL- ‘GAS / FLUME’",""
  12. "-JW- ‘SCARF’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -GV-","-BQW- ‘BASS’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -VR-","-ŢŘ- ‘edge’ The pattern of stems for this root follow those of the root -G-.","-ĻKh- ‘ECRU [color]’ patterned after the root -XT’- SSD derivatives: 1) extra light 2) pale (= mixed with gray) 3) clear, transparent 4) fluorescent 5) vibrant / bright 6) –ish 7) translucent 8) opaque 9) extra dark","-GZB- ‘INTERTWINED/INTERMINGLED/INTERMIXED POSITION/STATE’ [individual components separable/extractable] PATTERNED AFTER ROOT -F-; ","-ÇThW- ‘SKUNK’ (the stems of this root are patterned after the root -SK-)",""," -ÇQh- ‘feeling ""high"" - drug- or chemically-induced euphoria/state of altered consciousness’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -PK-","-ÇNW- creditor + debtor — The stems of this root are patterned the same as the root -Kh-.","","-RŠQh- stew -- The pattern of stems for this root follow that of the root -SX-.","-ŇZ- ‘oil (fatty liquid derived from plants/animals)’ — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL-"," -PČhW- cork The pattern of stems for this root follows those of the root -QW-"," -DGY- back pain disorder (neuro-muscular, not spinal) — The pattern of stems for this root follows that of the root -SXh-.","",""," -FST- ‘MOTH’ The pattern of stems for this root follows that of the root -FŢ- ‘INSECT’","-RK- ‘PLANAR RANGE OF MOTION’ (= randomly directed movement within/throughout 2-dimensional horizontal plane) The stems of this root are patterned after the root -K-","","-LP- ‘SPEED/VELOCITY/ACCELERATION’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -LB-","-ŢT- limpness/flaccidity <--> stiffness/rigidity — The pattern of stems for this root follow that of the root -ŢQ-. This root uses the EXTENT/DEGREE suffix to specify the point on a sprectrum between the two extremes indicated.","","-NTh- ‘PEAR’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -Ph-","-ŘK- hard + semi-smooth (like wood) texture/sensation -- the stems of this root are patterned after the root -Š-. This root is usually used with the DEGREE/EXTENT suffix.","-ŢPŢ- Fluorine — Pattern of stems follows those of the root: -SL- ‘GAS / FLUME’",""
  13. "-MF- ‘GLOVE’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -GV-","-BQ’- ‘SHRIMP/PRAWN’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -VR-","-ZW- ‘top, peak, summit’ The pattern of stems for this root follow those of the root -G-.","-ĻPh- ‘OCHRE [color]’ patterned after the root -XT’- SSD derivatives: 1) extra light 2) pale (= mixed with gray) 3) clear, transparent 4) fluorescent 5) vibrant / bright 6) –ish 7) translucent 8) opaque 9) extra dark","-GZD- ‘+X/0/+Z SPATIAL ORIENTATION/POSITION/DIRECTION W/ STEMS PATTERNED AFTER ROOT -F-; BASED ON THE FOLLOWING 3-DIMENSIONAL NOTATIONAL SCHEMA: ","-ČR- ‘VULTURE’ (the stems of this root are patterned after the root -SK-)",""," -ÇR- ‘poignancy, “aaaaw” reaction to irresistable cuteness’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -PK-","-ÇPÇ- lessor + lessee — The stems of this root are patterned the same as the root -Kh-.","","-RŠT- parboil -- The pattern of stems for this root follow that of the root -SX-."," -PSB- Aluminum/aluminium — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL-","-PNY- grape The pattern of stems for this root follows those of the root -QW-","-DLW- nasal disorder — The pattern of stems for this root follows that of the root -SXh-.","","","-FSY- ‘FLEA’ The pattern of stems for this root follows that of the root -FŢ- ‘INSECT’","-RL- ‘LINEAR/HORIZONTAL MOTION ALONG Y-AXIS RELATIVE TO TOPICAL REFERENT’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -K-","","-LP’- ‘VOLUME (= 3-DIMENSIONAL SIZE)’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -LB-","-ŢTh- brittleness <--> resiliency — The pattern of stems for this root follow that of the root -ŢQ-. This root uses the EXTENT/DEGREE suffix to specify the point on a sprectrum between the two extremes indicated.","","-NV- ‘PEACH’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -Ph-","-ŘK’- “cobwebby”/like cotton-candy texture/sensation -- the stems of this root are patterned after the root -Š-. This root is usually used with the DEGREE/EXTENT suffix."," -ŢQF- Radon — Pattern of stems follows those of the root: -SL- ‘GAS / FLUME’",""
  14. "-PĻ- ‘SHIRT/BLOUSE’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -GV-","-BQh- ‘LOBSTER’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -VR-","","-MG- ‘PEACH’ patterned after the root -XT’- SSD derivatives: 1) extra light 2) pale (= mixed with gray) 3) clear, transparent 4) fluorescent 5) vibrant / bright 6) –ish 7) translucent 8) opaque 9) extra dark","-GZL- ‘0/0/0 SPATIAL ORIENTATION/POSITION/DIRECTION W/ STEMS PATTERNED AFTER ROOT -F-; BASED ON THE FOLLOWING 3-DIMENSIONAL NOTATIONAL SCHEMA: ","-FSQW- ‘PHEASANT’ (the stems of this root are patterned after the root -SK-)","","-ÇV- ‘anticipate (something positive); feeling of anticipation (for something positive)’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -PK-","-ÇPF- adversaries or opposing team members in sporting match or sporting activity — The stems of this root are patterned the same as the root -Kh-.","","-RŠT’- grill -- The pattern of stems for this root follow that of the root -SX-."," -PSQ’- Carbon — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL- ","-SPhW- lettuce (plant/leaves of genus Lactuca) The pattern of stems for this root follows those of the root -QW-","-DLY- mid/inner ear disorder; hearing problem — The pattern of stems for this root follows that of the root -SXh-.","","","-FŠK- ‘BUMBLEBEE’ The pattern of stems for this root follows that of the root -FŢ- ‘INSECT’","-RM- ‘LINEAR/HORIZONTAL MOTION ALONG X-AXIS RELATIVE TO TOPICAL REFERENT’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -K-",""," -LQ- ‘SHARPNESS/DULLNESS OF A POINT’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -LB-","-ŢT’- flimsiness/fragility <--> resiliency/strength — The pattern of stems for this root follow that of the root -ŢQ-. This root uses the EXTENT/DEGREE suffix to specify the point on a sprectrum between the two extremes indicated.","","-NW- ‘APPLE’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -Ph-","-ŘKh- rough (like sandpaper) texture/sensation -- the stems of this root are patterned after the root -Š-. This root is usually used with the DEGREE/EXTENT suffix.","-ŢQŢ- Argon — Pattern of stems follows those of the root: -SL- ‘GAS / FLUME’",""
  15. "-QF- ‘FOOTWEAR’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -GV-","-BŘ- ‘CLAM’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -VR-","","-MKh- ‘BEIGE/TAN’ patterned after the root -XT’- SSD derivatives: 1) extra light 2) pale (= mixed with gray) 3) clear, transparent 4) fluorescent 5) vibrant / bright 6) –ish 7) translucent 8) opaque 9) extra dark","-GZV- ‘+X/0/-Z SPATIAL ORIENTATION/POSITION/DIRECTION W/ STEMS PATTERNED AFTER ROOT -F-; BASED ON THE FOLLOWING 3-DIMENSIONAL NOTATIONAL SCHEMA: ","-GDR- ‘ALBATROSS’ (the stems of this root are patterned after the root -SK-)","","-ÇW- ‘serenity, peace of mind’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -PK-","-ÇPL- official/agent of authority + supplicant/petitioner/applicant — The stems of this root are patterned the same as the root -Kh-.","","-RŠTh- steam -- The pattern of stems for this root follow that of the root -SX-."," -PŠQh- Calcium — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL-"," -SQW- tomato The pattern of stems for this root follows those of the root -QW-","-DMY- neurological disorder — The pattern of stems for this root follows that of the root -SXh-.","","","-FŠP- ‘HONEYBEE’ The pattern of stems for this root follows that of the root -FŢ- ‘INSECT’"," -RN-‘GENERIC OR OBLIQUE CIRCULAR MOTION’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -K-",""," -LQ’- ‘RECTILINEAR/POLYHEDRAL/STRAIGHT-ANGLED’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -LB-","-ŢV- jiggliness <--> inertness/immobility — The pattern of stems for this root follow that of the root -ŢQ-. This root uses the EXTENT/DEGREE suffix to specify the point on a sprectrum between the two extremes indicated.","","-NŽ- ‘LIME’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -Ph-","-ŘL- ice-cold, numbing cold texture/sensation -- the stems of this root are patterned after the root -Š-. This root is usually used with the DEGREE/EXTENT suffix."," -ŢTL- Neon — Pattern of stems follows those of the root: -SL- ‘GAS / FLUME’",""
  16. "-RDh- ‘BELT’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -GV-","-BT- ‘TROUT’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -VR-","","-MKhW- ‘MAUVE’ patterned after the root -XT’- SSD derivatives: 1) extra light 2) pale (= mixed with gray) 3) clear, transparent 4) fluorescent 5) vibrant / bright 6) –ish 7) translucent 8) opaque 9) extra dark","-KSF- ‘POSITION BETWEEN / AMIDST / AMONG [volume-based 3-dimensional context, e.g., sky crowded with balloonists] PATTERNED AFTER ROOT -F-;","-GZBL- ‘COBRA’ (the stems of this root are patterned after the root -SK-)","","-FQh- ‘bother, annoyance (based on displeasure at or disagreement with external circumstances)’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -PK-","-ÇPR- strangers brought together by circumstances of the moment — The stems of this root are patterned the same as the root -Kh-.","","-RŠŢ- poach -- The pattern of stems for this root follow that of the root -SX-."," -PŠKh- Titanium — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL-","-SQhW- cabbage (plant/leaves of sp. Brassica oleracea capitata) The pattern of stems for this root follows those of the root -QW-","-DNW- liver disorder — The pattern of stems for this root follows that of the root -SXh-.","","","-FŠP’- ‘HORNET’ The pattern of stems for this root follows that of the root -FŢ- ‘INSECT’","-RP- ‘VERTICAL RANGE OF MOTION’ (= randomly directed movement within/throughout 2-dimensional vertical plane) The stems of this root are patterned after the root -K-","","-LR- ‘SPHERICALNESS/ROUNDNESS’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -LB-","-ŢX- squeezability/compressability <--> stiffness/rigidity — The pattern of stems for this root follow that of the root -ŢQ-. This root uses the EXTENT/DEGREE suffix to specify the point on a sprectrum between the two extremes indicated.","","-RSČ- ‘MAPLE’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -Ph-","-ŘĻ- chewy texture/sensation -- the stems of this root are patterned after the root -Š-. This root is usually used with the DEGREE/EXTENT suffix.","-ŢTŘ- Xenon — Pattern of stems follows those of the root: -SL- ‘GAS / FLUME’",""
  17. "-RŻ- ‘SARI’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -GV-","-BT’- ‘TUNA’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -VR-","","-PLW- ‘BURGUNDY [color]’ patterned after the root -XT’- SSD derivatives: 1) extra light 2) pale (= mixed with gray) 3) clear, transparent 4) fluorescent 5) vibrant / bright 6) –ish 7) translucent 8) opaque 9) extra dark","-KSL- ‘-X/0/+Z SPATIAL ORIENTATION/POSITION/DIRECTION W/ STEMS PATTERNED AFTER ROOT -F-; BASED ON THE FOLLOWING 3-DIMENSIONAL NOTATIONAL SCHEMA: ","-GZDR- ‘RATTLESNAKE’ (the stems of this root are patterned after the root -SK-)","","-PC’- ‘embarrassment at being unable to perform a task or activity as expected’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -PK-","-ÇPŘ- members of same religion or belief system — The stems of this root are patterned the same as the root -Kh-.","","-RŠV- toast -- The pattern of stems for this root follow that of the root -SX-.","-PSP’- Selenium — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL- ","-STW- rice (plant/seed of sp. Oryza sativa) The pattern of stems for this root follows those of the root -QW-"," -DhBL- genetic disorder — The pattern of stems for this root follows that of the root -SXh-.","","","-FŠQh- ‘MANTIS’ The pattern of stems for this root follows that of the root -FŢ- ‘INSECT’","-RS- ‘CIRCULAR MOTION IN HORIZONTAL PLANE’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -K-",""," -LŠ- ‘PERIPHERY/CIRCLE/RING’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -LB-","","","-RSF- ‘ASH’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -Ph-","-ŘN- gummy texture/sensation -- the stems of this root are patterned after the root -Š-. This root is usually used with the DEGREE/EXTENT suffix.","",""
  18. "-ŘG- ‘TUNIC’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -GV-","-BTh- ‘SALMON’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -VR-",""," -PŘ- ‘BLUE’ patterned after the root -XT’- SSD derivatives: 1) extra light 2) pale (= mixed with gray) 3) clear, transparent 4) fluorescent 5) vibrant / bright 6) –ish 7) translucent 8) opaque 9) extra dark"," -KSR- ‘0/0/-Z SPATIAL ORIENTATION/POSITION/DIRECTION W/ STEMS PATTERNED AFTER ROOT -F-; BASED ON THE FOLLOWING 3-DIMENSIONAL NOTATIONAL SCHEMA: ","-GZDW- ‘ASP’ (the stems of this root are patterned after the root -SK-)",""," -PCh- ‘feeling flustered at not knowing how to react or what to think’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -PK-","-ÇPŢ- relationship based on compulsion/threat — The stems of this root are patterned the same as the root -Kh-.","","-RTK- sear -- The pattern of stems for this root follow that of the root -SX-.","-PŠQ’-Zirconium — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL-","-STY- bean (lima/snap/etc.: plant/seed of genus Phaseolus or similar) The pattern of stems for this root follows those of the root -QW-","-DhBW- musculo-skeletal disorder — The pattern of stems for this root follows that of the root -SXh-.","","","-FŠTh- ‘LOCUST’ The pattern of stems for this root follows that of the root -FŢ- ‘INSECT’","-RŠ- ‘CIRCULAR MOTION IN VERTICAL PLANE’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -K-",""," -LT’- ‘PERPENDICULARITY/UPRIGHTNESS’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -LB-","","","-RSK- ‘CYPRESS’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -Ph-"," -ŘQR- metallic texture/sensation -- the stems of this root are patterned after the root -Š-. This root is usually used with the DEGREE/EXTENT suffix.","",""
  19. "-VG- ‘HELMET’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -GV-","-BTW- ‘COD’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -VR-","","-PhW- ‘PINK’ patterned after the root -XT’- SSD derivatives: 1) extra light 2) pale (= mixed with gray) 3) clear, transparent 4) fluorescent 5) vibrant / bright 6) –ish 7) translucent 8) opaque 9) extra dark","-KST- ‘+X/+Y/+Z SPATIAL ORIENTATION/POSITION/DIRECTION W/ STEMS PATTERNED AFTER ROOT -F-; BASED ON THE FOLLOWING 3-DIMENSIONAL NOTATIONAL SCHEMA: ","-JGW- ‘HAWK’ (the stems of this root are patterned after the root -SK-)",""," -PČ- ‘repugnance, repellant feeling, disgust’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -PK-","-ÇPW- members of holy order or spiritual fellowship — The stems of this root are patterned the same as the root -Kh-.","","-RTN- brew -- The pattern of stems for this root follow that of the root -SX-.","-QC- ‘spice/herb/seasoning’ — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL-","-ST’W- peanut (plant/seed/pod of sp. Arachis hypogaea) The pattern of stems for this root follows those of the root -QW-","-DhBV- glandular/endocrine disorder — The pattern of stems for this root follows that of the root -SXh-.","",""," -NŘ- ‘SPIDER’ The pattern of stems for this root follows that of the root -FŢ- ‘INSECT’","-RT-‘2-DIMENSIONAL EXTERNAL CIRCUMLATIVE MOTION / MOVEMENT AROUND/ALONG PERIPHERY OR OUTSIDE EDGE’ encircle, surround The stems of this root are patterned after the root -K-","","-LŢ- ‘CONCAVITY/DEPRESSION’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -LB-","","","-RSL- ‘BEECH’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -Ph-"," -ZBW- hairy texture/sensation -- the stems of this root are patterned after the root -Š-. This root is usually used with the DEGREE/EXTENT suffix.","",""
  20. "","","","-ŘSW- ‘LAVENDER’ patterned after the root -XT’- SSD derivatives: 1) extra light 2) pale (= mixed with gray) 3) clear, transparent 4) fluorescent 5) vibrant / bright 6) –ish 7) translucent 8) opaque 9) extra dark"," -KŠT- ‘+X/-Y/+Z SPATIAL ORIENTATION/POSITION/DIRECTION W/ STEMS PATTERNED AFTER ROOT -F-; BASED ON THE FOLLOWING 3-DIMENSIONAL NOTATIONAL SCHEMA: ","-LBW- ‘WHALE’ (the stems of this root are patterned after the root -SK-)","","-PČ’- ‘feeling of disappointment/let-down at one’s own actions/behavior’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -PK- ","-ÇQF- adversarial based on jealousy/coveting of one’s situation — The stems of this root are patterned the same as the root -Kh-.","","-RTP- smoke -- The pattern of stems for this root follow that of the root -SX-"," -QCh- ‘chalk’ — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL- "," -ŠKY- pea (plant/seed of sp. Pisum sativum) The pattern of stems for this root follows those of the root -QW-","-DhBZ- upper gastric disorder; throat/mouth disorder — The pattern of stems for this root follows that of the root -SXh-.","","","-ŇC- ‘TICK’ The pattern of stems for this root follows that of the root -FŢ- ‘INSECT’","-RX- ‘OBLIQUELY LINEAR MOTION (relative to XYZ grid) The stems of this root are patterned after the root -K-",""," -LV- ‘ “EVEN” (= SMOOTH-SURFACED IN PLANAR CONTEXT)’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -LB-","","","-RSM- ‘MAHOGANY’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -Ph-"," -ZN- burning, heat conductive texture/sensation -- the stems of this root are patterned after the root -Š-. This root is usually used with the DEGREE/EXTENT suffix.","",""
  21. "","","","-SCh- ‘GRAY’ patterned after the root -XT’- SSD derivatives: 1) extra light 2) pale 3) clear, transparent 4) fluorescent 5) vibrant / bright 6) –ish 7) translucent 8) opaque 9) extra dark","-PSF- ‘INTERTWINED/INTERMINGLED/INTERMIXED POSITION/STATE’ [individual components inseparable/mixed/permanently combined] PATTERNED AFTER ROOT -F-; ","-LDR- ‘BOAR’ (the stems of this root are patterned after the root -SK-)","","-PČh- ‘frustration; feeling of angry helplessness’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -PK-","-ÇQL- co-authors/creators of joint opus or artistic work — The stems of this root are patterned the same as the root -Kh-.",""," -ŘC’- marinade -- The pattern of stems for this root follow that of the root -SX-.","-QFR- Radium — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL-"," -ŠKhW- corn, maize (plant/seeds of sp. Zea mays) The pattern of stems for this root follows those of the root -QW-","-DhGL- blood/hematological disorder — The pattern of stems for this root follows that of the root -SXh-.","","","-ŇÇ- ‘WATERBUG’ The pattern of stems for this root follows that of the root -FŢ- ‘INSECT’","-RŽ- ‘3-DIMENSIONAL INTERNAL CIRCUMLATIVE MOTION / MOVEMENT AROUND/ALONG INTERNAL 3-D BOUNDARY OF’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -K-","","-LX- ‘CONVEXITY/ROTUNDITY’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -LB-","","","-RSN- FLAX The stems of this root are patterned after the root -Ph-","-ZŇ- slimy texture/sensation -- the stems of this root are patterned after the root -Š-. This root is usually used with the DEGREE/EXTENT suffix.","",""
  22. "","","","-TLW- ‘TEAL’ patterned after the root -XT’- SSD derivatives: 1) extra light 2) pale (= mixed with gray) 3) clear, transparent 4) fluorescent 5) vibrant / bright 6) –ish 7) translucent 8) opaque 9) extra dark"," -PSK ‘-X/+Y/-Z SPATIAL ORIENTATION/POSITION/DIRECTION W/ STEMS PATTERNED AFTER ROOT -F-; BASED ON THE FOLLOWING 3-DIMENSIONAL NOTATIONAL SCHEMA: ","-LDW- ‘CHEETAH’ (the stems of this root are patterned after the root -SK-)","","-PF- ‘depression / be or feel depressed’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -PK-","-ÇQR- adversarial based on a feud — The stems of this root are patterned the same as the root -Kh-.",""," -STh- boil -- The pattern of stems for this root follow that of the root -SX-.","-QFŘ- Molybdenum — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL-","-ŢKY- wheat (plant/seed of sp. Triticum aestivum) The pattern of stems for this root follows those of the root -QW-","-DhGR- invasive skin disorder — The pattern of stems for this root follows that of the root -SXh-.","","","-ŇN- ‘ANT’ The pattern of stems for this root follows that of the root -FŢ- ‘INSECT’","",""," -LZ- ‘ “EVEN” (= SMOOTH-EDGED IN LINEAR CONTEXT)’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -LB-","","","-RSP- ‘EUCALYPTUS’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -Ph-"," -ZP- rubbery texture/sensation -- the stems of this root are patterned after the root -Š-. This root is usually used with the DEGREE/EXTENT suffix.","",""
  23. "","","","-TR- ‘GREEN’ patterned after the root -XT’- SSD derivatives: 1) extra light 2) pale (= mixed with gray) 3) clear, transparent 4) fluorescent 5) vibrant / bright 6) –ish 7) translucent 8) opaque 9) extra dark","-PSL- ‘0/-Y/+Z SPATIAL ORIENTATION/POSITION/DIRECTION W/ STEMS PATTERNED AFTER ROOT -F-; BASED ON THE FOLLOWING 3-DIMENSIONAL NOTATIONAL SCHEMA: ","-LFW- ‘FROG’ (the stems of this root are patterned after the root -SK-)",""," -PG- ‘swooning, feeling of faintness due to emotional overload’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -PK-","-ÇQŢ- adversarial based on material envy/coveting of one’s possessions — The stems of this root are patterned the same as the root -Kh-.",""," -ŠQ’- roast -- The pattern of stems for this root follow that of the root -SX-."," -QFW- Bismuth — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL-","-ŢKhW- spinach (plant/leaves of sp. Spinacia oleracea) The pattern of stems for this root follows those of the root -QW-","-DhGV- spinal condition or disorder — The pattern of stems for this root follows that of the root -SXh-.","","","-ŇQh- ‘COCKROACH’ The pattern of stems for this root follows that of the root -FŢ- ‘INSECT’","","","-LŽ- ‘ELASTICITY / STRETCH CAPACITY’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -LB-","","","-RSQ- ‘MAGNOLIA’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -Ph-","-ZQ- slippery texture/sensation -- the stems of this root are patterned after the root -Š-. This root is usually used with the DEGREE/EXTENT suffix.","",""
  24. "","","","-XLW- ‘YELLOW-GREEN’ patterned after the root -XT’- SSD derivatives: 1) extra light 2) pale (= mixed with gray) 3) clear, transparent 4) fluorescent 5) vibrant / bright 6) –ish 7) translucent 8) opaque 9) extra dark","-PSR- ‘0/+Y/-Z SPATIAL ORIENTATION/POSITION/DIRECTION W/ STEMS PATTERNED AFTER ROOT -F-; BASED ON THE FOLLOWING 3-DIMENSIONAL NOTATIONAL SCHEMA: ","-LGW- ‘OTTER’ (the stems of this root are patterned after the root -SK-)",""," -PJ- ‘feeling of disappointment at being letdown by another’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -PK-","-ÇTL- traders/barterers — The stems of this root are patterned the same as the root -Kh-.","","-ŠT- fry -- The pattern of stems for this root follow that of the root -SX-.","-QLY- Manganese — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL- ","-ŢMW- garlic The pattern of stems for this root follows those of the root -QW-","-DhGW- microbial infection — The pattern of stems for this root follows that of the root -SXh-.","","","-ŇŘ- ‘TERMITE’ The pattern of stems for this root follows that of the root -FŢ- ‘INSECT’","","","","","","-RST- ‘REDWOOD’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -Ph-","-ZY- wispy/wafting texture/sensation -- the stems of this root are patterned after the root -Š-. This root is usually used with the DEGREE/EXTENT suffix.","",""
  25. "","","",""," -PST- ‘+X/+Y/-Z SPATIAL ORIENTATION/POSITION/DIRECTION W/ STEMS PATTERNED AFTER ROOT -F-; BASED ON THE FOLLOWING 3-DIMENSIONAL NOTATIONAL SCHEMA: ","-LMZ- ‘DOLPHIN’ (the stems of this root are patterned after the root -SK-)",""," -PK’- ‘bother, annoyance at self due to one’s own actions/behavior’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -PK-","-ÇTR- speaker/speechmaker/presenter + audience — The stems of this root are patterned the same as the root -Kh-.","","","-QN- ‘honey’ — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL- ","-TPhW- sorghum The pattern of stems for this root follows those of the root -QW-","-DhGY- physical brain disorder (i.e., discernible lesion) — The pattern of stems for this root follows that of the root -SXh-. SSD Derivatives: general dementia, multi-infarct dementia, stroke,","","","-ŇV- ‘GENERIC CRAWLING BUG’ The pattern of stems for this root follows that of the root -FŢ- ‘INSECT’","","","","","","-RSV- ‘LARCH’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -Ph-","-ZZ- soft like a cushion texture/sensation -- the stems of this root are patterned after the root -Š-. This root is usually used with the DEGREE/EXTENT suffix.","",""
  26. "","","","","-PSW- ‘0/+Y/+Z SPATIAL ORIENTATION/POSITION/DIRECTION W/ STEMS PATTERNED AFTER ROOT -F-; BASED ON THE FOLLOWING 3-DIMENSIONAL NOTATIONAL SCHEMA: ","-LNTW- ‘NIGHTINGALE’ (the stems of this root are patterned after the root -SK-)",""," -PKh- ‘humiliation’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -PK-","-ÇTŘ- enmity based on revenge — The stems of this root are patterned the same as the root -Kh-.","",""," -QŢL- Lithium — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL-","-ŢQhW- lentil (plant/seeds of sp. Lens culinaris) The pattern of stems for this root follows those of the root -QW-","-DhGZ- lower gastro-intestinal disorder; bowel problem — The pattern of stems for this root follows that of the root -SXh-.","","","-ŇŽ- ‘BEETLE’ The pattern of stems for this root follows that of the root -FŢ- ‘INSECT’","","","","","","-RŠČ- ‘ELM’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -Ph-"," -ŻK- complexly textured + hard/honeycombed (like handling a pine cone) texture/sensation -- the stems of this root are patterned after the root -Š-. This root is usually used with the DEGREE/EXTENT suffix.","",""
  27. "","","","","","-LPhW- ‘WALRUS’ (the stems of this root are patterned after the root -SK-)","","-PL- ‘regret, repining, ruefulness’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -PK-","-ÇTW- autocrat or autarch + subjects — The stems of this root are patterned the same as the root -Kh-.","","","-QŢŘ- Germanium — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL-","-ŢXhW- yam, sweet potato The pattern of stems for this root follows those of the root -QW-’","-DhM- the common cold — The pattern of stems for this root follows that of the root -SXh-.","","","","","","","","","-RŠF- ‘POPLAR’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -Ph-","-ŻK’- prickly texture/sensation -- the stems of this root are patterned after the root -Š-. This root is usually used with the DEGREE/EXTENT suffix.","",""
  28. "","","","","","-LSKW- ‘ANTELOPE’ (the stems of this root are patterned after the root -SK-)","","-PM- ‘agitation/disquietude’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -PK-","-DW- seller + buyer — The stems of this root are patterned the same as the root -Kh-.","","","-RČP’- Cadmium — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL- "," -VKY- sesame (plant/seed of genus Sesamum) The pattern of stems for this root follows those of the root -QW-","-DhMW- non-malignant tumorous/neoplastic disorder; non-cancerous growth — The pattern of stems for this root follows that of the root -SXh-.","","","","","","","","","-RŠK- ‘ALDER’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -Ph-"," -ŻPh- cartilaginous texture/sensation -- the stems of this root are patterned after the root -Š-. This root is usually used with the DEGREE/EXTENT suffix.","",""
  29. "","","","","","-LTW- ‘GOAT’ (the stems of this root are patterned after the root -SK-)","","-PN- ‘woe, despair, desolation’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -PK-","-FFR- allies — The stems of this root are patterned the same as the root -Kh-.","","","-RČT’- Boron — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL- ","-VTY- millet -- The pattern of stems for this root follows those of the root -QW-","-DhMY- auto-immune condition — The pattern of stems for this root follows that of the root -SXh-.","","","","","","","","","-RŠL- ‘YEW’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -Ph-"," -ŻQ- needle-like sharpness (e.g., a cactus) texture/sensation -- the stems of this root are patterned after the root -Š-. This root is usually used with the DEGREE/EXTENT suffix.","",""
  30. "","","","","","-LŢR- ‘TURTLE’ (the stems of this root are patterned after the root -SK-)","","-PP- ‘hysteria/loss of control’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -PK-","-FFM- predator + prey — The stems of this root are patterned the same as the root -Kh-.","","","-RDhŘ- Magnesium — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL- "," -XChW- tea (plant/leaves of sp. Camellia sinensis) The pattern of stems for this root follows those of the root -QW-","-DhNW- mid gastric disorder; stomach/esophagal disorder — The pattern of stems for this root follows that of the root -SXh-","","","","","","","","","-RŠM- ‘ALMOND’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -Ph-","-ŻQh- grainy/granular texture/sensation -- the stems of this root are patterned after the root -Š-. This root is usually used with the DEGREE/EXTENT suffix.","",""
  31. "","","","","","-LXW- ‘RABBIT’ (the stems of this root are patterned after the root -SK-)","","-PQ- ‘worry / feel preoccupied’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -PK-","-FKL- matchmaker + parties being matched — The stems of this root are patterned the same as the root -Kh-.","","","-RDhV- Cobalt — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL- "," -XPW- onion The pattern of stems for this root follows those of the root -QW-","","","","","","","","","","-RŠN- ‘CHESTNUT’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -Ph-","-ŻT- “pins & needles” sensation texture/sensation -- the stems of this root are patterned after the root -Š-. This root is usually used with the DEGREE/EXTENT suffix.","",""
  32. "","","","","","-LZW- ‘GOOSE’ (the stems of this root are patterned after the root -SK-)",""," -PQ’- ‘shock, reeling (e.g., from bad news or an unexpected discovery)’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -PK-","-FKŘ- warring parties — The stems of this root are patterned the same as the root -Kh-.","",""," -RFŽ- Antimony — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL-","-XPhW- kelp (seaweed of orders Laminariales and Fucales) The pattern of stems for this root follows those of the root -QW-","","","","","","","","","","-RŠP- ‘SPRUCE’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -Ph-","-ŻR- bristly texture/sensation -- the stems of this root are patterned after the root -Š-. This root is usually used with the DEGREE/EXTENT suffix.","",""
  33. "","","","","","-LŻW- ‘GILA MONSTER’ (the stems of this root are patterned after the root -SK-)",""," -PQh- ‘embarrassment due to social faux pas, behavioral misstep, or others seeing through one’s façade or airs’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -PK-","-FKŢ- lender + borrower — The stems of this root are patterned the same as the root -Kh-.","","","-RGY- Chromium — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL- ","-XP’W- oat (plant/seed of genus Avena) The pattern of stems for this root follows those of the root -QW-","","","","","","","","",""," -RŢK- ‘BIRCH’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -Ph-"," -ŽB- feathery texture/sensation -- the stems of this root are patterned after the root -Š-. This root is usually used with the DEGREE/EXTENT suffix.","",""
  34. "","","","","","-NChW- ‘DUCK’ (the stems of this root are patterned after the root -SK-)","","-PS- ‘sorrow, lamentation’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -PK-","-FKW- entertainer/emcee + audience — The stems of this root are patterned the same as the root -Kh-.","","","-RJ- ‘paint’ — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL-","-XThW- mustard (plant of sp. Brassica hirta / B. nigra / B. juncea) The pattern of stems for this root follows those of the root -QW-","","","","","","","","","","-RŢM- ‘CEDAR’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -Ph-","-ŽBŘ- sponge-like texture/sensation -- the stems of this root are patterned after the root -Š-. This root is usually used with the DEGREE/EXTENT suffix.","",""
  35. "","","","","","-NÇW- ‘SWAN’ (the stems of this root are patterned after the root -SK-)","","-PT- ‘feel hurt/offended’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -PK-","-FKY- invader + invadee — The stems of this root are patterned the same as the root -Kh-.","","","-RMKh- Palladium — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL- "," -XhChW- teff The pattern of stems for this root follows those of the root -QW-","","","","","","","","","","-RŢN- ‘OAK’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -Ph-","-ŽD- slushy texture/sensation -- the stems of this root are patterned after the root -Š-. This root is usually used with the DEGREE/EXTENT suffix.","",""
  36. "","","","","","-NDR- ‘FOX’ (the stems of this root are patterned after the root -SK-)","","-PT’- ‘angst / weltschmertz’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -PK-","-FPL- perpetrator + victim — The stems of this root are patterned the same as the root -Kh-.","","","-RMQ’- Zinc — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL- ","-XhČW- ginseng The pattern of stems for this root follows those of the root -QW-","","","","","","","","","","-RŢQ- ‘PINE’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -Ph-","-ŽDR- papery texture/sensation -- the stems of this root are patterned after the root -Š-. This root is usually used with the DEGREE/EXTENT suffix.","",""
  37. "","","","","","-NDW- ‘MOOSE’ (the stems of this root are patterned after the root -SK-)","","-PTh- ‘stoicism/repression’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -PK-","-FQL- advisor + party seeking advise — The stems of this root are patterned the same as the root -Kh-.","","","-RMXh- Beryllium — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL- ","-XhNW- hemp, marijuana (plant/material of sp. Cannabis sativa) The pattern of stems for this root follows those of the root -QW- ","","","","","","","","","","-RŢV- ‘PALM’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -Ph-","-ŽDW- fluffy/puffy/airy texture/sensation -- the stems of this root are patterned after the root -Š-. This root is usually used with the DEGREE/EXTENT suffix.","",""
  38. "","","","","","-NSW- ‘CHICKEN’ (the stems of this root are patterned after the root -SK-)",""," -PW- ‘material lust, avarice, greed (not sexual lust)’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -PK-","-FQR- fellowship, “band of brothers”, fraternity, sorority, etc. — The stems of this root are patterned the same as the root -Kh-.","","","-RNR- Arsenic — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL-","-XhPW- soya, soybean (plant/seed of sp. Glycine max) The pattern of stems for this root follows those of the root -QW-","","","","","","","","","","-RŢW- ‘WALNUT’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -Ph-","-ŽG- mushy texture/sensation -- the stems of this root are patterned after the root -Š-. This root is usually used with the DEGREE/EXTENT suffix.","",""
  39. "","","","","","-ŇGR- ‘BABOON’ (the stems of this root are patterned after the root -SK-)","","-PXh- ‘stress / feel pressured’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -PK-","-FQŢ- fellow hobbyists or enthusiasts — The stems of this root are patterned the same as the root -Kh-.","","","-RPC’-Vanadium — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL-","-XhTR- pepper (hot/sweet/bell pepper -- plant/pod of genus Capsicum) The pattern of stems for this root follows those of the root -QW-","","","","","","","","","",""," -ŽGL- woolly texture/sensation -- the stems of this root are patterned after the root -Š-. This root is usually used with the DEGREE/EXTENT suffix.","",""
  40. "","","","","","-ŇGW- ‘CHIMPANZEE’ (the stems of this root are patterned after the root -SK-)","","-PY- ‘bittersweet longing’ (Portuguese “saudade”) The stems of this root are patterned after the root -PK-","-FSK- club members — The stems of this root are patterned the same as the root -Kh-.","","","-RPČ’-Tungsten — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL-","-XhT’W- amaranth The pattern of stems for this root follows those of the root -QW-","","","","","","","","","","","-ŽGR- dusty texture/sensation -- the stems of this root are patterned after the root -Š-. This root is usually used with the DEGREE/EXTENT suffix.","",""
  41. "","","","","","-ŇKR- ‘LION’ (the stems of this root are patterned after the root -SK-)",""," -ŠČ- ‘being ultra-alert with senses heightened’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -PK-","-FSK’- owner + pet — The stems of this root are patterned the same as the root -Kh-.","","","-RQ- Silver — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL- ","-XhW- pepper (black -- plant/seed of sp. Piper nigrum) The pattern of stems for this root follows those of the root -QW-","","","","","","","","","","","-ŽK’- viscous texture/sensation -- the stems of this root are patterned after the root -Š-. This root is usually used with the DEGREE/EXTENT suffix.","",""
  42. "","","","","","-ŇKW- ‘COW’ (the stems of this root are patterned after the root -SK-)","","-ŠČ’- ‘spite’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -PK-","-FSN- members of business/executive management — The stems of this root are patterned the same as the root -Kh-.","","","-RQ’- ‘mineral’ — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL-"," -ZP’- carrot The pattern of stems for this root follows those of the root -QW-","","","","","","","","","","","-ŽPh- powdery texture/sensation -- the stems of this root are patterned after the root -Š-. This root is usually used with the DEGREE/EXTENT suffix.","",""
  43. "","","","","","-ŇŠW- ‘GORILLA’ (the stems of this root are patterned after the root -SK-)","","-ŠČh- ‘feeling of surprise, revelation and self-growth upon discovering that achievement of long-awaited vengeance or vindication is hollow and meaningless due to personal maturation or present irrelevance of original circumstances’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -PK-","-FSP- relationship between business associates — The stems of this root are patterned the same as the root -Kh-.","","","-RSQh- Nickel — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL- "," -ŻV- potato The pattern of stems for this root follows those of the root -QW-","","","","","","","","","","","-ŽQ- tingly texture/sensation -- the stems of this root are patterned after the root -Š-. This root is usually used with the DEGREE/EXTENT suffix.","",""
  44. "","","","","","-RBW- ‘LEOPARD’ (the stems of this root are patterned after the root -SK-)",""," -ŠF- ‘feeling of “devilishness” and spontaneous non-conformity’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -PK-","-FSQ- members of secret society — The stems of this root are patterned the same as the root -Kh-.","","","-RThW- iridium — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL-","","","","","","","","","","","","-ŽQh- sticky texture/sensation -- the stems of this root are patterned after the root -Š-. This root is usually used with the DEGREE/EXTENT suffix.","",""
  45. "","","","","","-RGZD- ‘IGUANA’ (the stems of this root are patterned after the root -SK-)",""," -ŠKh- ‘feeling of surprise, revelation and self-growth upon discovering that one can get past, and need not succumb to, feelings of defensiveness or “victimhood” upon being criticized, maligned, slandered, or disrespected. The stems of this root are patterned after the root -PK-","-FSQ’- “center of attention” + sycophants — The stems of this root are patterned the same as the root -Kh-.","","","-RŢQ’- Gallium — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL-","","","","","","","","","","","","-ŽW- soft like fur texture/sensation -- the stems of this root are patterned after the root -Š-. This root is usually used with the DEGREE/EXTENT suffix.","",""
  46. "","","","","","-RGZW- ‘CROCODILE’ (the stems of this root are patterned after the root -SK-)","","-ŠPh- ‘mix of humor and shame one feels upon pulling a joke on someone or at their expense but the target doesn’t “get it” or remains ignorant of the joke’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -PK-","-FSQh- sage + disciples — The stems of this root are patterned the same as the root -Kh-.","","","-RŢT’- Phosphorus — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL- ","","","","","","","","","","","","-ŽY- curvaceous/sensual (= soft/smooth/squeezable/rounded) texture/sensation -- the stems of this root are patterned after the root -Š-. This root is usually used with the DEGREE/EXTENT suffix.","",""
  47. "","","","","","-RKR- ‘TIGER’ (the stems of this root are patterned after the root -SK-)","","-ŠQh- ‘schadenfreude; malicious glee at another’s (implicitly deserved) discomfort or inconvenience’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -PK-"," -FŠKh- fan + celebrity — The stems of this root are patterned the same as the root -Kh-.","","","-RVP’- Rubidium — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL- ","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""
  48. "","","","","","-RMST- ‘SEA LION’ (the stems of this root are patterned after the root -SK-)",""," -ŠR- ‘discomfiture at having been socially snubbed or at being ill-prepared for a situation after believing that one was accepted or was well-prepared’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -PK-","-FŠK’- supervisor/boss + employee — The stems of this root are patterned the same as the root -Kh-.","","","-ŘDŘ- Krypton — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL-","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""
  49. "","","","","","-RNTR- ‘SEAL’ (the stems of this root are patterned after the root -SK-)","","-ŠŘ- ‘impatience due to feeling that time/resources are being wasted’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -PK-","-KK’- business partnership — The stems of this root are patterned the same as the root -Kh-.","",""," -ŘM- ‘silk’ — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL-","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""
  50. "","","","","","-RQhW- ‘CAMEL’ (the stems of this root are patterned after the root -SK-)","","-ŠTh- ‘anticipate a negative; dread’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -PK- ","-LKh- master/servant — The stems of this root are patterned the same as the root -Kh-.","","","-ŘMN- Osmium — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL-","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""
  51. "","","","","","-RSTR- ‘GAZELLE’ (the stems of this root are patterned after the root -SK-)",""," -ŠŢ- ‘externally-induced feeling/sense of contemplation/re-evaluation upon discovering or hearing of an option/alternative not previously considered (stereotypically accompanied by scratching one's chin and/or frowning while uttering a prolonged ""hmm"")’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -PK-","-MQ- romantic love relationship — The stems of this root are patterned the same as the root -Kh-.","","","-STR- diamond — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL- ","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""
  52. "","","","","","-RTĻ- ‘ORANGUTAN’ (the stems of this root are patterned after the root -SK-)",""," -ŠV- ‘solace, comfort in the face of sadness/grief ’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -PK-","-MT- parent-child relationship — The stems of this root are patterned the same as the root -Kh-.","",""," -ST’- ‘metal/ore’ — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL-","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""
  53. "","","","","","-RTW- ‘HORSE’ (the stems of this root are patterned after the root -SK-)",""," -ŠX- ‘feeling of puzzlement and curiosity, a desire to solve a mystery’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -PK-","-NŢ- close loving friendship — The stems of this root are patterned the same as the root -Kh-.","","","-ŠKŢ- bicarbonate of soda — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL-","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""
  54. "","","","","","-RŢL- ‘TOAD’ (the stems of this root are patterned after the root -SK-)","","-ŠY- ‘wistfulness, bittersweetness’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -PK-","-NZ- marriage — The stems of this root are patterned the same as the root -Kh-.","","","-ŠNY- brine — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL- ","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""
  55. "","","","","","-RZD- ‘ALLIGATOR’ (the stems of this root are patterned after the root -SK-)","","-ŢK’- ‘commitment/loyalty’ Derivations: ‘intransigence’, ‘stubbornness’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -PK-","-ŇX- temporary or youthful romantic dalliance/lovers (with or without involving sex) — The stems of this root are patterned the same as the root -Kh-.","","","-ŠPR- marble — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL-","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""
  56. "","","","","","-RZW- ‘YAK’ (the stems of this root are patterned after the root -SK-)","","-ŢL- ‘numbness / emotional saturation’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -PK-","-PP’- sexual partners — The stems of this root are patterned the same as the root -Kh-.","","","-TKÇ- mercury — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL-","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""
  57. "","","","","","-RŻW- ‘LIZARD’ (the stems of this root are patterned after the root -SK-)","","-ŢPh- ‘nonchalance/indifference’ Derivations: ‘callousness’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -PK-","","",""," -TL- ‘salt’ — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL-","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""
  58. "","","","","","-ŘBG- ‘LEMUR’ (the stems of this root are patterned after the root -SK-)","","-ŢQh- ‘torpor/lethargy’ Derivations: ‘stupor’, ‘catatonia’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -PK-","","",""," -ŢNY- lime (substance) — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL- ","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""
  59. "","","","","","-ŘGR- ‘PANTHER (PUMA/COUGAR)’ (the stems of this root are patterned after the root -SK-)","","-ŢY- ‘cordiality/benevolence’ The stems of this root are patterned after the root -PK-","","","","-ŢPF- talc or talcum — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL-","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""
  60. "","","","","","-ŘGW- ‘PANTHER (JAGUAR)’ (the stems of this root are patterned after the root -SK-)","","","","","","-ŢPĻ- methanol, methyl alcohol — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL-","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""
  61. "","","","","","-ŘGZ- ‘GIRAFFE’ (the stems of this root are patterned after the root -SK-)","","","","","","-ŢPW- baking soda — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL-","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""
  62. "","","","","","-ŘJW- ‘ELK’ (the stems of this root are patterned after the root -SK-)","","","","","","-ŢR- table sugar — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL-","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""
  63. "","","","","","-ŘKW- ‘TURKEY’ (the stems of this root are patterned after the root -SK-)","","","","","","-VGL- linoleum — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL- ","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""
  64. "","","","","","-SKhW- ‘ROBIN’ (the stems of this root are patterned after the root -SK-)","","","","","","-VGŘ- graphite — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL-","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""
  65. "","","","","","-SThW- ‘SPARROW’ (the stems of this root are patterned after the root -SK-)","","","","","","-VKŘ-emery powder — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL-","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""
  66. "","","","","","-ŠKÇ- ‘PIGEON’ (the stems of this root are patterned after the root -SK-)","","","","","","-VPŢ- epsom salts — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL- ","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""
  67. "","","","","","-ŠPhW- ‘LARK’ (the stems of this root are patterned after the root -SK-)","","","","","","-VZY- potash — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL- ","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""
  68. "","","","","","-ŠTL- ‘OWL’ (the stems of this root are patterned after the root -SK-","","","","","","-VŽŘ- washing soda — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL-","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""
  69. "","","","","","-TKR- ‘PIG’ (the stems of this root are patterned after the root -SK-)","","","","","","-VŽV- zinc white, zinc oxide — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL-","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""
  70. "","","","","","-VBR- ‘ELEPHANT’ (the stems of this root are patterned after the root -SK-)","","","","","","-XČW- fluorspar — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL- ","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""
  71. "","","","","","-VDR- ‘WOLF’ (the stems of this root are patterned after the root -SK-)","","","","","","-XČ’W- gypsum — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL- ","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""
  72. "","","","","","-VGR- ‘KANGAROO’ (the stems of this root are patterned after the root -SK-)","","","","","","-XMY- lye or soda lye — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL-","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""
  73. "","","","","","-VGW- ‘DEER’ (the stems of this root are patterned after the root -SK-)","","","","",""," -XR- Gold — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL-","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""
  74. "","","","","","-VKR- ‘ZEBRA’ (the stems of this root are patterned after the root -SK-)","","","","",""," -XhL- ‘oil (petroleum)’ — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL-","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""
  75. "","","","","","-VKW- ‘MULE’ (the stems of this root are patterned after the root -SK-)","","","","",""," -XhLY- RARE NATURAL ELEMENT FOUND ONLY IN COMPOUNDS OR MIXED ORES -- SSD Derivatives specify exact element: 1) Indium 2) Scandium 3) Yttrium 4) Tantalum 5) source compound for such elements 6) 7) 8) 9) primary source ore in which element is found — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL- ","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""
  76. "","","","","","-ZDR- ‘BEAR’ (the stems of this root are patterned after the root -SK-)","","","","","","-XhM- ‘rubber’ — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL-","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""
  77. "","","","","","-ZDW- ‘COYOTE’ (the stems of this root are patterned after the root -SK-)","","","","","","-XhMY- aspirin — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL-","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""
  78. "","","","","","-ZGR- ‘DONKEY’ (the stems of this root are patterned after the root -SK-)","","","","",""," -XhNY- silica — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL-","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""
  79. "","","","","","-ZGW- ‘SHEEP’ (the stems of this root are patterned after the root -SK-)","","","","","","-XhPŘ- saltpeter — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL- ","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""
  80. "","","","","","","","","","","","-XhP’- Potassium — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL- ","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""
  81. "","","","","","","","","","","","-XhT- ‘plastic’ — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL-","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""
  82. "","","","","","","","","","",""," -XhTŘ- magnesia — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL-","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""
  83. "","","","","","","","","","","","-XhT’- Copper — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL-","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""
  84. "","","","","","","","","","",""," -XhTh- Iron — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL- ","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""
  85. "","","","","","","","","","",""," -ZBŘ- iodine — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL-","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""
  86. "","","","","","","","","","",""," -ZDL- formalin, aqueous formaldehyde solution — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL-","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""
  87. "","","","","","","","","","","","-ZDŘ- milk of magnesium — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL- ","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""
  88. "","","","","","","","","","","","-ZDY- benzene — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL-","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""
  89. "","","","","","","","","","","","-ZGŘ- NATURALLY OCCURRING ACTINIDE OR UNSTABLE/RADIOACTIVE HEAVY ELEMENT -- SSD Derivatives specify exact element: 1) Actinium 2) Thorium 3) Protactinium 4) Neptunium 5) any radioactive isotope of an element 6) Astatine 7) Francium 8) Polonium 9) Technetium — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL-","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""
  90. "","","","","","","","","","","","-ZMY- rubbing alcohol, isopropyl alcohol — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL-","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""
  91. "","","","","","","","","","","","-ZPh- asbestos Pattern of stems is the same as -XL-","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""
  92. "","","","","","","","","","","","-ZQ’- ‘brass’ — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL-","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""
  93. "","","","","","","","","","",""," -ZQh- ‘vinegar’ — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL-","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""
  94. "","","","","","","","","","","","-ZT- ‘coal’ — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL-","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""
  95. "","","","","","","","","","",""," -ZVW- NATURALLY OCCURRING ELEMENT FOUND ONLY IN COMPOUNDS OR MIXED ORES -- SSD Derivatives specify exact element: 1) Barium 2) Caesium (Cesium) 3) Hafnium 4) Niobium 5) Rhenium 6) Rhodium 7) Ruthenium 8) Strontium 9) Tellurium — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL- ","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""
  96. "","","","","","","","","","",""," -ZVY- SYNTHETIC ACTINIDE ELEMENT -- SSD Derivatives specify exact element: 1) Americium 2) Curium 3) Berkelium 4) Californium 5) Einsteinium 6) Fermium 7) Mendelevium 8) Nobelium 9) Lawrencium — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL-","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""
  97. "","","","","","","","","","",""," -ŻB- ‘tar’ — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL-","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""
  98. "","","","","","","","","","","","-ŻG- ‘steel’ — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL-","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""
  99. "","","","","","","","","","",""," -ŻP’- ‘jade’ — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL-","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""
  100. "","","","","","","","","","",""," -ŻQ’- Plutonium — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL- ","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""
  101. "","","","","","","","","","",""," -ŻŘ- ‘quartz’ — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL-","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""
  102. "","","","","","","","","","",""," -ŽGY- ammonia — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL-","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""
  103. "","","","","","","","","","","","-ŽLW- plaster of Paris — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL- ","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""
  104. "","","","","","","","","","","","-ŽMY- SYNTHETIC HEAVY ELEMENT -- SSD Derivatives specify exact element: 1) Rutherfordium 2) Dubnium 3) Seaborgium 4) Bohrium 5) Hassium 6) Meitnerium 7) Darmstadtium 8) Roentgenium 9) trans-Roentgenium synthetic element (i.e., Ununbium, Ununtrium, etc.) — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL-","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""
  105. "","","","","","","","","","",""," -ŽNY- HEAVIER LANTHANIDE ELEMENT -- SSD Derivatives specify exact element: 1) Dysprosium 2) Holmium 3) Erbium 4) Thulium 5) Ytterbium 6) Lutetium 7) 8) 9) lanthanide-based compound — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL-’","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""
  106. "","","","","","","","","","",""," -ŽQ’- Uranium — Pattern of stems is the same as -XL- ","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""
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