

Mar 9th, 2014
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  1. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (/me has sent file "tree.png"!) ((Tree with an awkward bend in the trunk, with a blanket draped over it.))
  2. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( /me has accepted file "tree.png"!)
  3. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( that the tree you were for a bit? )
  4. <epiele|online> [Wh - oh right, she's Fate.]
  5. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (I made it sad.)
  6. <stanzicApparati> [Also you have backscroll!]
  7. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (I... didn't know it was that obvious.)
  8. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( Well, suddenly being you would be a bit of a shock to someone else. )
  9. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( Especially if the someone else was a tree. )
  10. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( ...if it helps, you front really well when you feel the need to? )
  11. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (being a tree is like that feeling you have when slowly waking up in the morning and stretching)
  12. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (compared to that)
  13. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (what did I do?)
  14. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( /me hugs )
  15. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( It's not your fault. )
  16. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (Everything is my fault.)
  17. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (That's just how it works.)
  18. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( Not true. Pretty sure you didn't create the game. And I know it wasn't your fault we had to do a Scratch-and-run. )
  19. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( Also not your fault I went blind. I can keep listing things which aren't your fault, it's a very long list. )
  20. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (...please keep going)
  21. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( It's not your fault I'm a hybrid. It's not your fault that my appearance kept shifting every time I went through the Door - in fact, you /fixed/ that. It's not your fault we didn't know until after the trip started how long it was going to be. It's not your fault that the Seer Network went bad and needed to be taken down. )
  22. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( It's not your fault that Heries existed. It's not your fault that she was a PK and a shiny-mangler. It's not your fault that your session got the bits of script that move it forward pulled out. )
  23. <epiele|online> [But -- ]
  24. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( It's not your fault that Aelf is dead. It's not your fault that the Space player from our session - whoever they were - is dead. Nothing to do with Myra is your fault. )
  25. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( (is there an objection to items on this list?) )
  26. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (nothing)
  27. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( /me hugs )
  28. <epiele|online> [Not nothing. But you'd like some time to compose yourself.]
  29. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (hugs)
  30. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (hugs are good)
  31. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( /me hugs tightly )
  32. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( (ping Mama or someone else for physical hugs, I think you need them) )
  33. * vitriolicTeddy is now known as anth
  34. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (well)
  35. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (this is why I put the blanket on the tree)
  36. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( Maybe you could plant stuff around it, too? )
  37. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( So it has moral support. )
  38. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( ...possibly morel support, depending on what you plant, I guess. )
  39. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( and that was a terrible pun, why did I even )
  40. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (heh)
  41. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (I'll figure out something.)
  42. <stanzicApparati> [Oh hey, there's the reason.]
  43. <stanzicApparati> ['He'll get a laugh out of it' is reason enough.]
  44. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( Things've been going good over here. )
  45. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (I'm getting the sense that I'm going to need to look at the shiny of this shiny rock to get anywhere.)
  46. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( ...probably, yeah. )
  47. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( Do I contradict myself? Very well then, I contradict myself. I am vast -- I contain multitudes. )
  48. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( Or at least a small library. )
  49. <stanzicApparati> [Pause and read back over what you just wrote.]
  50. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( ...why did I just quote Troll Heinlen? )
  51. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (What did I just read?)
  52. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( /I/ /don/t/ /know/ )
  53. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( Really looking forward to being something not-Fate. )
  54. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (I am... going to assume this has something to do with the rock.)
  55. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( Pretty sure it does, yeah. )
  56. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (I mean, it has to contain my Land in it /somehow/...)
  57. <stanzicApparati> ["Lllllibrary."]
  58. <stanzicApparati> ["...that's not even an especially fun word to say."]
  59. <stanzicApparati> ["And now I'm talking out loud to myself again."]
  60. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( 'Library' is kind of a boring word to say. )
  61. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( But apparently an important one 'cause I keep /saying/ it, and I really wish I knew why because there are so many more interesting words I could be saying. )
  62. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( Like antidisestablishmentarianism. That one's at least got heft to it. )
  63. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (So it's an important word. Heh. Well, I guess I'll figure out why it's important soon enough.)
  64. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (Which reminds me - I've got something to do.)
  65. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (So I'll be taking my leave.)
  66. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( Have fun pokin' at rocks with your brain. )
  67. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( Also plz to be making hugs a part of your daily routine, I think you could use more of them. )
  68. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (...I try.)
  69. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (They're making memetic badass jokes about me now. Chuck Norris may have a fist under his beard, but under my beard I just have another brain.)
  70. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (This is a good thing, right?)
  71. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( Multiple brains is usually a good thing, yes. )
  72. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( (also you could totally fit at least two brains under your beard) )
  73. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( But yes, it's a good thing that they're making memetic badass jokes about you. Or at least it's an okay thing, if /you/re/ okay with it. )
  74. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (People appreciate me. I like that, at least.)
  75. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (Really should be leaving now. Consorts a-pokin'.)
  76. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (Hugs.)
  77. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( /me hugs )
  78. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( Go poke 'em back then. And lemme know what turns up with your stone-poking? )
  79. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (Of course.)
  80. * epiele|online has disconnected from the server!
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