
[The Broken Circle] Chesed Enjel

Oct 13th, 2016
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  1. Swordstar
  2. Name : Chesed Engel
  3. Age : 17
  4. Class: Mage Trainee->Shaman
  6. Character Specific Skill: Ignis
  7. Affinity: Anima
  9. Personal Fault : Fallen from Grace: When having WTA, -2 DEF/RES
  10. Personal Skill <T>: Roguish Charm: When within 3 squares of 2 or more female allies, +15 HIT
  11. Personal Skill <F>: Deadly Curse: When suffering from WTD, +10 HIT/EVD
  12. Personal Skill <P>: To be decided.
  14. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  16. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  18. Preferred stats: SKILL, MAGIC
  19. Progression spent: 330/330%
  21. Level: 1 (0/100)
  22. Total Level: 1
  24. HP : 17 (40%)
  25. STR: 3 (35%) [+1]
  26. MAG: 5 (50%)
  27. SKL: 4 (60%)
  28. LUK: 2 (40%)
  29. DEF: 1 (20%) [+1]
  30. RES: 3 (25%)
  31. SPD: 4 (60%)
  33. CON: 5 (---) [+2]
  34. AID: 4 (---)
  35. MOV: 4 (---)
  37. Weapon profs: Dark (E)
  39. Inventory:
  40. Name |Type| |(-)| |RNG| |MT| |WT| |CR| |Hit| |QL |
  41. Worm |DRED| |(E)| |1-2| | 7| | 6| | 6| | 70| |40/40|
  42. Vulnerary (3/3)
  43. ---------
  44. ---------
  45. ---------
  47. Battle Stats (with Worm)
  51. Bio:
  52. Born to a prominent family of healers and masters of light magic, Chesed was raised as the long awaited heir to the family. Expected to excel at light magic and healing, he was raised on magic and magical theory, being engrained with the believe that light magic was pure and holy, anima magic was wild and unpredictable but a natural thing, and that dark magic was evil, twisted, and forbidden. He never saw a need to question that and happily studied light magic, hoping to some day be a great bishop that would make his family proud. Until one day, he was studying in the libray and came across a small, unassuming book. Assuming it was a book of light magic spells, he took it and attempted to cast the spell. The dark magic ripped out of him and tore, uncontrolled, through the library, striking his older sister who had been studying nearby. Although she survived, she was heavily wounded and his family blamed Chesed and rightfully so. Disowning him, they banished him from their lands, but forgot to take back the small book of spells that had started it all. Hurt and alone, Chesed stumbled upon a small group of dark magic users that welcomed him and taught him more about the magic that had ruined his life so quickly. Having the basic knowledge of dark magic, and believing that he has fallen too far to be able to use light magic again, he volunteered to protect a noblewoman, believing that maybe he could somehow use the dark power he has for good.
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