

Apr 21st, 2015
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  1. I/ViewRootImpl( 1657): ViewRoot's Touch Event : Touch Down
  2. I/ViewRootImpl( 1657): ViewRoot's Touch Event : Touch UP
  3. D/BubblePopupHelper( 1134): isShowingBubblePopup : false
  4. I/ActivityManager( 1657): Timeline: Activity_launch_request time:26769367
  5. I/ActivityManager( 947): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000} from pid 1657
  6. V/ActivityManager( 947): moveHomeStack:
  7. I/ActivityManager( 947): resumeTopActivitiesLocked(): target Stack:ActivityStack{43b53df0 stackId=26, 1 tasks}
  8. D/ActivityManager( 947): pauseBackStacks: stack=ActivityStack{4386d488 stackId=0, 1 tasks} mResumedActivity=ActivityRecord{43885658 u0 com.lge.launcher2/.Launcher t1}
  9. V/ActivityManager( 947): Moving to PAUSING: ActivityRecord{43885658 u0 com.lge.launcher2/.Launcher t1}
  10. V/ActivityManager( 947): resumeTopActivityLocked: Skip resume: need to start pausing
  11. I/ActivityManager( 947): startService SlideAside
  12. W/ContextImpl( 947): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user:$000:95$ActivityStackHandler.handleMessage:347 android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage:102
  13. D/ActivityManager( 947): setFocusedStack: mFocusedStack=ActivityStack{43b53df0 stackId=26, 1 tasks}
  14. D/ActivityManager( 947): allPausedActivitiesComplete: r=ActivityRecord{43885658 u0 com.lge.launcher2/.Launcher t1} state=PAUSING
  15. I/[LGHome]EVENT( 1657): []onPause
  16. I/SlideAside(10898): [] oooooo onReceive : intent =
  17. V/ActivityManager( 947): Moving to PAUSED: ActivityRecord{43885658 u0 com.lge.launcher2/.Launcher t1} (pause complete)
  18. I/ActivityManager( 947): resumeTopActivitiesLocked(): target Stack:ActivityStack{43b53df0 stackId=26, 1 tasks}
  19. D/ActivityManager( 947): resumeTopActivityLocked: Restarting ActivityRecord{43c36208 u0 t77}
  20. D/dalvikvm(19212): Late-enabling CheckJNI
  21. I/ActivityManager( 947): Start proc for activity pid=19212 uid=10193 gids={50193, 1028, 1015}
  22. V/ActivityManager( 947): Moving to STOPPING: ActivityRecord{43885658 u0 com.lge.launcher2/.Launcher t1} (stop requested)
  23. I/Vold ( 260): [LGE][VOLD][NetlinkHandler.cpp][onEvent()] subsys:cpu, action:0
  24. I/SlideAside(10898): [] oooooo Statusbar is closed
  25. D/SlideAside(10898): [] oooooo User executes an App : (filtered)
  26. I/Vold ( 260): [LGE][VOLD][NetlinkHandler.cpp][onEvent()] subsys:cpu, action:0
  27. I/[LGHome]EVENT( 1657): []onWindowFocusChanged() hasFocus false
  28. I/[LGHome]EVENT( 1657): []onStop
  29. D/BubblePopupHelper( 1657): isShowingBubblePopup : false
  30. V/ActivityManager( 947): Moving to RESUMED: ActivityRecord{43c36208 u0 t77} (starting new instance)
  31. D/NavigationThemeResource( 1134): id: preview, type: drawable, name(Preview) is not found.
  32. D/NavigationThemeResource( 1134): id: ic_sysbar_highlight_land, type: drawable, name(ButtonHightlightLand) is not found.
  33. D/HyLog (19212): I : /data/font/config/sfconfig.dat, No such file or directory (2)
  34. D/HyLog (19212): I : /data/font/config/dfactpre.dat, No such file or directory (2)
  35. D/HyLog (19212): I : /data/font/config/sfconfig.dat, No such file or directory (2)
  36. V/ActivityManager( 947): Moving to STOPPED: ActivityRecord{43885658 u0 com.lge.launcher2/.Launcher t1} (stop complete)
  37. D/NavigationThemeResource( 1134): id: ic_sysbar_clean_view_button, type: anim, name(ButtonCleanView) is not found.
  38. D/NavigationThemeResource( 1134): id: preview, type: drawable, name(Preview) is not found.
  39. D/NavigationThemeResource( 1134): id: ic_sysbar_highlight_land, type: drawable, name(ButtonHightlightLand) is not found.
  40. I/CordovaLog(19212): Changing log level to DEBUG(3)
  41. D/NavigationThemeResource( 1134): id: ic_sysbar_clean_view_button, type: anim, name(ButtonCleanView) is not found.
  42. D/dalvikvm(19212): Trying to load lib /data/app-lib/ 0x42fc28e8
  43. D/dalvikvm(19212): Added shared lib /data/app-lib/ 0x42fc28e8
  44. I/LibraryLoader(19212): Time to load native libraries: 18 ms (timestamps 9475-9493)
  45. I/LibraryLoader(19212): Expected native library version number "",actual native library version number ""
  46. W/System.err(19212): java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
  47. W/System.err(19212): at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.constructNative(Native Method)
  48. W/System.err(19212): at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
  49. W/System.err(19212): at org.xwalk.core.ReflectionHelper.createInstance(
  50. W/System.err(19212): at org.xwalk.core.XWalkView.<init>(
  51. W/System.err(19212): at org.crosswalk.engine.XWalkCordovaView.<init>(
  52. W/System.err(19212): at org.crosswalk.engine.XWalkWebViewEngine.<init>(
  53. W/System.err(19212): at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.constructNative(Native Method)
  54. W/System.err(19212): at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
  55. W/System.err(19212): at org.apache.cordova.CordovaWebViewImpl.createEngine(
  56. W/System.err(19212): at org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.makeWebViewEngine(
  57. W/System.err(19212): at org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.makeWebView(
  58. W/System.err(19212): at org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.init(
  59. W/System.err(19212): at
  60. W/System.err(19212): at
  61. W/System.err(19212): at
  62. W/System.err(19212): at
  63. W/System.err(19212): at
  64. W/System.err(19212): at$800(
  65. W/System.err(19212): at$H.handleMessage(
  66. W/System.err(19212): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
  67. W/System.err(19212): at android.os.Looper.loop(
  68. W/System.err(19212): at
  69. W/System.err(19212): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
  70. W/System.err(19212): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
  71. W/System.err(19212): at$
  72. W/System.err(19212): at
  73. W/System.err(19212): at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
  74. W/System.err(19212): Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.SecurityException: WifiService: Neither user 10193 nor current process has android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE.
  75. W/System.err(19212): at org.xwalk.core.internal.XWalkViewInternal.init(
  76. W/System.err(19212): at org.xwalk.core.internal.XWalkViewInternal.<init>(
  77. W/System.err(19212): at org.xwalk.core.internal.XWalkViewBridge.<init>(
  78. W/System.err(19212): ... 27 more
  79. W/System.err(19212): Caused by: java.lang.SecurityException: WifiService: Neither user 10193 nor current process has android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE.
  80. W/System.err(19212): at android.os.Parcel.readException(
  81. W/System.err(19212): at android.os.Parcel.readException(
  82. W/System.err(19212): at$Stub$Proxy.getConnectionInfo(
  83. W/System.err(19212): at
  84. W/System.err(19212): at$WifiManagerDelegate.getWifiSSID(
  85. W/System.err(19212): at
  86. W/System.err(19212): at<init>(
  87. W/System.err(19212): at
  88. W/System.err(19212): at
  89. W/System.err(19212): at org.xwalk.core.internal.XWalkViewDelegate.init(
  90. W/System.err(19212): at org.xwalk.core.internal.XWalkViewInternal.init(
  91. W/System.err(19212): ... 29 more
  92. D/AndroidRuntime(19212): Shutting down VM
  93. W/dalvikvm(19212): threadid=1: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x41f7be48)
  94. E/AndroidRuntime(19212): FATAL EXCEPTION: main
  95. E/AndroidRuntime(19212): Process:, PID: 19212
  96. E/AndroidRuntime(19212): java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{}: java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed to create webview.
  97. E/AndroidRuntime(19212): at
  98. E/AndroidRuntime(19212): at
  99. E/AndroidRuntime(19212): at$800(
  100. E/AndroidRuntime(19212): at$H.handleMessage(
  101. E/AndroidRuntime(19212): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
  102. E/AndroidRuntime(19212): at android.os.Looper.loop(
  103. E/AndroidRuntime(19212): at
  104. E/AndroidRuntime(19212): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
  105. E/AndroidRuntime(19212): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
  106. E/AndroidRuntime(19212): at$
  107. E/AndroidRuntime(19212): at
  108. E/AndroidRuntime(19212): at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
  109. E/AndroidRuntime(19212): Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed to create webview.
  110. E/AndroidRuntime(19212): at org.apache.cordova.CordovaWebViewImpl.createEngine(
  111. E/AndroidRuntime(19212): at org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.makeWebViewEngine(
  112. E/AndroidRuntime(19212): at org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.makeWebView(
  113. E/AndroidRuntime(19212): at org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.init(
  114. E/AndroidRuntime(19212): at
  115. E/AndroidRuntime(19212): at
  116. E/AndroidRuntime(19212): at
  117. E/AndroidRuntime(19212): at
  118. E/AndroidRuntime(19212): ... 11 more
  119. E/AndroidRuntime(19212): Caused by: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
  120. E/AndroidRuntime(19212): at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.constructNative(Native Method)
  121. E/AndroidRuntime(19212): at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
  122. E/AndroidRuntime(19212): at org.apache.cordova.CordovaWebViewImpl.createEngine(
  123. E/AndroidRuntime(19212): ... 18 more
  124. E/AndroidRuntime(19212): Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
  125. E/AndroidRuntime(19212): at org.xwalk.core.ReflectionHelper.handleException(
  126. E/AndroidRuntime(19212): at org.xwalk.core.ReflectionHelper.createInstance(
  127. E/AndroidRuntime(19212): at org.xwalk.core.XWalkView.<init>(
  128. E/AndroidRuntime(19212): at org.crosswalk.engine.XWalkCordovaView.<init>(
  129. E/AndroidRuntime(19212): at org.crosswalk.engine.XWalkWebViewEngine.<init>(
  130. E/AndroidRuntime(19212): ... 21 more
  131. E/AndroidRuntime(19212): Caused by: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
  132. E/AndroidRuntime(19212): at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.constructNative(Native Method)
  133. E/AndroidRuntime(19212): at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
  134. E/AndroidRuntime(19212): at org.xwalk.core.ReflectionHelper.createInstance(
  135. E/AndroidRuntime(19212): ... 24 more
  136. E/AndroidRuntime(19212): Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.SecurityException: WifiService: Neither user 10193 nor current process has android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE.
  137. E/AndroidRuntime(19212): at org.xwalk.core.internal.XWalkViewInternal.init(
  138. E/AndroidRuntime(19212): at org.xwalk.core.internal.XWalkViewInternal.<init>(
  139. E/AndroidRuntime(19212): at org.xwalk.core.internal.XWalkViewBridge.<init>(
  140. E/AndroidRuntime(19212): ... 27 more
  141. E/AndroidRuntime(19212): Caused by: java.lang.SecurityException: WifiService: Neither user 10193 nor current process has android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE.
  142. E/AndroidRuntime(19212): at android.os.Parcel.readException(
  143. E/AndroidRuntime(19212): at android.os.Parcel.readException(
  144. E/AndroidRuntime(19212): at$Stub$Proxy.getConnectionInfo(
  145. E/AndroidRuntime(19212): at
  146. E/AndroidRuntime(19212): at$WifiManagerDelegate.getWifiSSID(
  147. E/AndroidRuntime(19212): at
  148. E/AndroidRuntime(19212): at<init>(
  149. E/AndroidRuntime(19212): at
  150. E/AndroidRuntime(19212): at
  151. W/ActivityManager( 947): Force finishing activity
  152. V/ActivityManager( 947): Moving to PAUSING: ActivityRecord{43c36208 u0 t77 f}
  153. D/dalvikvm( 947): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 3696K, 21% free 39971K/50188K, paused 105ms, total 105ms
  154. I/Vold ( 260): [LGE][VOLD][NetlinkHandler.cpp][onEvent()] subsys:cpu, action:0
  155. I/Vold ( 260): [LGE][VOLD][NetlinkHandler.cpp][onEvent()] subsys:cpu, action:0
  156. E/BatteryObserver( 1152): usb Uevent not necessary.
  157. I/Vold ( 260): [LGE][VOLD][NetlinkHandler.cpp][onEvent()] subsys:power_supply, action:3
  158. I/Vold ( 260): [LGE][VOLD][NetlinkHandler.cpp][onEvent()] subsys:power_supply, action:3
  159. W/ActivityManager( 947): Activity pause timeout for ActivityRecord{43c36208 u0 t77 f}
  160. V/ActivityManager( 947): Moving to PAUSED: ActivityRecord{43c36208 u0 t77 f} (due to timeout)
  161. V/ActivityManager( 947): Moving to FINISHING: ActivityRecord{43c36208 u0 t77 f}
  162. D/ActivityManager( 947): resumeTopActivityLocked: No more activities go home
  163. V/ActivityManager( 947): moveHomeStack:
  164. I/ActivityManager( 947): resumeTopActivitiesLocked(): target Stack:ActivityStack{4386d488 stackId=0, 1 tasks}
  165. D/ActivityManager( 947): allPausedActivitiesComplete: r=ActivityRecord{43c36208 u0 t77 f} state=FINISHING
  166. V/ActivityManager( 947): resumeTopActivityLocked: Skip resume: some activity pausing.
  167. I/ActivityManager( 947): resumeTopActivitiesLocked(): target Stack:ActivityStack{4386d488 stackId=0, 1 tasks}
  168. V/ActivityManager( 947): Moving to RESUMED: ActivityRecord{43885658 u0 com.lge.launcher2/.Launcher t1} (in existing)
  169. D/ActivityManager( 947): resumeTopActivityLocked: Resumed ActivityRecord{43885658 u0 com.lge.launcher2/.Launcher t1}
  170. I/[LGHome]EVENT( 1657): []onStart
  171. I/[LGHome]EVENT( 1657): []onResume
  172. D/PhoneApp( 1618): getIsInUseVoLTE : false
  173. I/[LGHome]LGActivityUtil( 1657): []broadcast to weather widget, intent: Intent { act=com.lge.launcher2.RESUME }
  174. I/[LGHome]EVENT( 1657): []onResume end
  175. D/WeatherAncestor( 1986): 2 : onReceive, action: com.lge.launcher2.RESUME, Time(hour:min:sec) 19:3:14
  176. D/UpdateThreadPoolManager( 1986): 2 : This is isUpdating : false
  177. D/WeatherQuickCover( 1986): 2 : quick cover state : opened : 0
  178. D/WeatherService( 1986): 2 : shouldTimeTickRegistered - 4x2 : 1, 4x1 : 0, FphWidget : 0
  179. D/WeatherService( 1986): 2 : shouldTimeTickRegistered : true - home screen widget is shown.
  180. D/WeatherAncestor( 1986): 2 : shouldTimeTickRegistered().........
  181. W/ContextImpl( 1986): Implicit intents with startService are not safe: Intent { } android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:494 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:494
  182. D/WeatherAncestor( 1986): 2 : onReceive has processed, action: com.lge.launcher2.RESUME, Time(hour:min:sec) 19:3:14
  183. D/WeatherService( 1986): 2 : onStartCommand, intent!=null, action: com.lge.launcher2.RESUME
  184. D/WeatherQuickCover( 1986): 2 : quick cover state : opened : 0
  185. D/Weather.Utils( 1986): 2 : Utils getTopActivity com.lge.launcher2 / true
  186. D/WeatherService( 1986): 2 : shouldTimeTickRegistered - 4x2 : 1, 4x1 : 0, FphWidget : 0
  187. D/WeatherService( 1986): 2 : shouldTimeTickRegistered : true - home screen widget is shown.
  188. D/WeatherService( 1986): 2 : onStartCommand, intent!=null, action:
  189. D/WeatherService( 1986): 2 : requestRefreshAppWidget, isUpdateStart : false
  190. D/UpdateThreadPoolManager( 1986): 2 : This is isUpdating : false
  191. D/WeatherService( 1986): 2 : requestRefreshAppWidget, isUpdating : false
  192. D/WeatherAncestor( 1986): 2 : buildUpdate, appWidgetId: 1
  193. D/Weather.Utils( 1986): 2 : countryCode = US, Lang. = en
  194. D/WeatherReflect( 1986): 2 : Map key string is 0
  195. D/WeatherReflect( 1986): 2 : city Index is 0
  196. D/lim ( 1986): 2 : time = 19:03
  197. I/WeatherReflect( 1986): Model Name : LG-D802
  198. D/WeatherTheme( 1986): 2 : exactly same view!
  199. D/WeatherTheme( 1986): 2 : widgetId = 1 : widgetSize = 1 : Do not refresh any widget.
  200. D/WeatherAncestor( 1986): 2 : buildUpdate, appWidgetId: 4
  201. D/Weather.Utils( 1986): 2 : countryCode = US, Lang. = en
  202. D/WeatherReflect( 1986): 2 : Map key string is 0
  203. D/WeatherReflect( 1986): 2 : city Index is 0
  204. D/lim ( 1986): 2 : time = 19:03
  205. I/WeatherReflect( 1986): Model Name : LG-D802
  206. D/WeatherTheme( 1986): 2 : exactly same view!
  207. D/WeatherTheme( 1986): 2 : widgetId = 4 : widgetSize = 5 : Do not refresh any widget.
  208. D/WeatherQuickCover( 1986): 2 : quick cover state : opened : 0
  209. D/Weather.Utils( 1986): 2 : Utils getTopActivity com.lge.launcher2 / true
  210. D/WeatherService( 1986): 2 : shouldTimeTickRegistered - 4x2 : 1, 4x1 : 0, FphWidget : 0
  211. D/WeatherService( 1986): 2 : shouldTimeTickRegistered : true - home screen widget is shown.
  212. I/ActivityManager( 1657): Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@42fb7c80 time:26770405
  213. V/ActivityManager( 947): Moving to DESTROYING: ActivityRecord{43c36208 u0 t77 f} (destroy requested)
  214. I/Vold ( 260): [LGE][VOLD][NetlinkHandler.cpp][onEvent()] subsys:cpu, action:0
  215. I/ActivityManager( 947): Timeline: Activity_windows_visible id: ActivityRecord{43885658 u0 com.lge.launcher2/.Launcher t1} time:26770711
  216. I/Vold ( 260): [LGE][VOLD][NetlinkHandler.cpp][onEvent()] subsys:cpu, action:0
  217. V/TelephonyAutoProfiling( 1134): [getValue] FEATURE key : trf_based_vzw, value : null
  218. D/BubblePopupHelper( 1134): isShowingBubblePopup : false
  219. E/Parcel ( 322): Reading a NULL string not supported here.
  220. E/Parcel ( 322): Reading a NULL string not supported here.
  221. V/TelephonyAutoProfiling( 947): [getValue] FEATURE key : trf_based_vzw, value : null
  222. D/WifiStateMachine( 947): handleMessage: E msg.what=131155
  223. D/WifiStateMachine( 947): processMsg: ConnectedState
  224. D/WifiStateMachine( 947): processMsg: L2ConnectedState
  225. D/WifiNative-wlan0( 947): doString: SIGNAL_POLL
  226. D/wpa_supplicant( 1131): RX ctrl_iface - hexdump(len=11): 53 49 47 4e 41 4c 5f 50 4f 4c 4c
  227. D/wpa_supplicant( 1131): wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL'
  228. D/wpa_supplicant( 1131): nl80211: survey data missing!
  229. D/WifiStateMachine( 947): handleMessage: X
  230. V/TelephonyAutoProfiling( 1618): [getValue] FEATURE key : trf_based_vzw, value : null
  231. D/PhoneInterfaceManager( 1618): [PhoneIntfMgr] sigLevel = 5
  232. D/PhoneApp( 1618): getIsInUseVoLTE : false
  233. D/BubblePopupHelper( 1134): isShowingBubblePopup : false
  234. V/TelephonyAutoProfiling( 1134): [getValue] FEATURE key : trf_based_vzw, value : null
  235. E/Parcel ( 322): Reading a NULL string not supported here.
  236. E/Parcel ( 322): Reading a NULL string not supported here.
  237. V/TelephonyAutoProfiling( 947): [getValue] FEATURE key : trf_based_vzw, value : null
  238. D/BubblePopupHelper( 1134): isShowingBubblePopup : false
  239. V/TelephonyAutoProfiling( 1618): [getValue] FEATURE key : trf_based_vzw, value : null
  240. D/PhoneInterfaceManager( 1618): [PhoneIntfMgr] sigLevel = 5
  241. D/PhoneApp( 1618): getIsInUseVoLTE : false
  242. V/WifiServiceExtension( 947): checkPollTimer Cnt= 0 rssi =-60 threshold=-100
  243. I/[LGHome]NumberBadge.LGUnreadLgeEmailsBadge( 1657): []countUnreadItems() started..
  244. E/[LGHome]NumberBadge.LGUnreadLgeEmailsBadge( 1657): []Could not get cursor from provider for
  245. I/[LGHome]NumberBadge.LGBroadCastBadge( 1657): [][updateClassList : com.facebook.katana.LoginActivity = 0
  246. I/[LGHome]NumberBadge.LGBroadCastBadge( 1657): [][updateClassList : com.facebook.orca.auth.StartScreenActivity = 0
  247. I/[LGHome]NumberBadge.LGBroadCastBadge( 1657): [][updateClassList : com.lge.updatecenter.UpdateCenterPrfActivity = 0
  249. I/Vold ( 260): [LGE][VOLD][NetlinkHandler.cpp][onEvent()] subsys:cpu, action:0
  250. D/BubblePopupHelper( 1134): isShowingBubblePopup : false
  251. I/Vold ( 260): [LGE][VOLD][NetlinkHandler.cpp][onEvent()] subsys:cpu, action:0
  252. I/Vold ( 260): [LGE][VOLD][NetlinkHandler.cpp][onEvent()] subsys:cpu, action:0
  253. I/Vold ( 260): [LGE][VOLD][NetlinkHandler.cpp][onEvent()] subsys:cpu, action:0
  254. D/WifiStateMachine( 947): handleMessage: E msg.what=131155
  255. D/WifiStateMachine( 947): processMsg: ConnectedState
  256. D/WifiStateMachine( 947): processMsg: L2ConnectedState
  257. D/WifiNative-wlan0( 947): doString: SIGNAL_POLL
  258. D/wpa_supplicant( 1131): RX ctrl_iface - hexdump(len=11): 53 49 47 4e 41 4c 5f 50 4f 4c 4c
  259. D/wpa_supplicant( 1131): wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL'
  260. D/wpa_supplicant( 1131): nl80211: survey data missing!
  261. D/WifiStateMachine( 947): handleMessage: X
  262. V/TelephonyAutoProfiling( 947): [getValue] FEATURE key : trf_based_vzw, value : null
  263. V/TelephonyAutoProfiling( 1134): [getValue] FEATURE key : trf_based_vzw, value : null
  264. E/Parcel ( 322): Reading a NULL string not supported here.
  265. E/Parcel ( 322): Reading a NULL string not supported here.
  266. D/BubblePopupHelper( 1134): isShowingBubblePopup : false
  267. V/TelephonyAutoProfiling( 947): [getValue] FEATURE key : trf_based_vzw, value : null
  268. E/Parcel ( 322): Reading a NULL string not supported here.
  269. E/Parcel ( 322): Reading a NULL string not supported here.
  270. V/TelephonyAutoProfiling( 1618): [getValue] FEATURE key : trf_based_vzw, value : null
  271. D/PhoneInterfaceManager( 1618): [PhoneIntfMgr] sigLevel = 5
  272. V/TelephonyAutoProfiling( 1618): [getValue] FEATURE key : trf_based_vzw, value : null
  273. D/PhoneInterfaceManager( 1618): [PhoneIntfMgr] sigLevel = 5
  274. D/PhoneApp( 1618): getIsInUseVoLTE : false
  275. D/PhoneApp( 1618): getIsInUseVoLTE : false
  276. V/TelephonyAutoProfiling( 1134): [getValue] FEATURE key : trf_based_vzw, value : null
  277. D/BubblePopupHelper( 1134): isShowingBubblePopup : false
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