
Hi-Fi☆Days Episode 3

Aug 20th, 2016
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  1. Hi-Fi☆Days Episode 3
  2. Recording☆Day
  3. Recording Studio
  4. Miria:
  5. Nnnnnn, that was so much fun♪
  6. Chie-chan and Momoka-chan, how did recording go for you two?
  7. Momoka:
  8. ...To be honest, I had quite a difficult time.
  9. It was a rather different from recording my own song.
  10. But matching speeds with the song was a valuable experience.
  11. Miria:
  12. Yeah, right?
  13. The feeling of being kept on your tippy-toes to match the song,
  14. that's why new songs are so much fun!
  15. Momoka:
  16. Tip-toeing to match the song... that's a wonderful expression.
  17. I like it♪
  18. How was it for you, Chie-chan?
  19. Chie:
  20. Eh? Ahh...
  21. Miria:
  22. What's wrong?
  23. Did something happen during recording?
  24. Chie:
  25. Umm, Chie couldn't sing very well...
  26. I caused trouble for a lot of people.
  27. I couldn't do it right, and ended up crying... so yeah...
  28. Momoka:
  29. ...Everybody's done the same.
  30. During lessons, during recording, even on stage,
  31. there's nobody who hasn't cried. For sure...
  32. Miria:
  33. Yup.
  34. Chie:
  35. Even Momoka-chan and Miria-chan...?
  36. Miria:
  37. It's the same for all of us.
  38. Besides, even if you didn't do well in the beginning,
  39. you were able to sing it well in the end, right?
  40. Chie:
  41. Y-yeah...
  42. Miria:
  43. Then I think it'll be great!
  44. I bet all the fans will be glad too!
  45. Momoka:
  46. That's right.
  47. From now we'll be looking forward to our LIVE performance date,
  48. and our CD release date♪
  49. Chie:
  50. That's right... Our performance is coming soon...
  51. With the song recorded, up next is dance lessons...
  52. This is no time to get depressed.
  53. Miria:
  54. Yup. That's the job of an idol!
  55. We both dreamed of being idols and made it, so let's do out best!
  56. Chie:
  57. ...Yes!
  58. Momoka:
  59. Oh that was right...
  60. The two of you became idols on your own initiative.
  61. I've already heard from Chie-san... so why did Miria-san want to become an idol?
  62. Miria:
  63. Well let's see, because it seemed like so much fun!
  64. Singing, dancing, and wearing cute outfits everyday,
  65. doesn't it sound like fun? Right?
  66. Momoka:
  67. Okay...?
  68. Miria:
  69. Come on, when you put on a new dress, you feel excited, right?
  70. And when you're an idol, you get to enjoy that every day!
  71. Momoka:
  72. Putting on a new dress... hmmmm?
  73. Chie:
  74. It looks like it's not that way for Momoka-chan...
  75. Momoka:
  76. I do pick the clothes I wear along with my nanny,
  77. but Father and Mother are the ones who buy new clothes for me...
  78. I've never considered choosing clothes as something that could be fun.
  79. Chie:
  80. I see... your house is pretty strict, huh.
  81. Miria:
  82. That's how it is, huh. Well then... hmmmm... ah! Food!
  83. When your mom asks, "What would you like to have for dinner?",
  84. the feeling when you think what would be good!
  85. Momoka:
  86. I've never heard of such a thing!?
  87. Even with food I don't like, I've only ever been told to
  88. properly eat the food that's been served!
  89. Hehhh, that's how it is?
  90. Momoka-chan's house really is strict...!
  91. Chie:
  92. ...hehe. Hehehehe.
  93. Momoka:
  94. ...What's so funny?
  95. Ah, was my family so strange?
  96. Chie:
  97. No. It's not strange.
  98. I was just thinking that, Miria-chan and Momoka-chan are completely different.
  99. But we're all fellow idols, it's pretty amazing.
  100. Miria:
  101. Everybody and their homes might be different...
  102. but we all worry about the same things and work hard on the same things!
  103. Momoka:
  104. I, Miria-san, Chie-san, and Nina-san and Kaoru-san as well,
  105. are all different, but as fellow idols we've assembled to form a unit.
  106. ...That's what being an idol is all about.
  107. Chie:
  108. Yeah.
  109. We're fellow idols, fellow unit members... even rivals!
  110. Momoka:
  111. That's right!
  112. And since we're rivals, I won't be losing to you in the upcoming dance lesson!
  113. Miria:
  114. Then let's do our best in the next lesson!
  115. Momoka+Chie:
  116. Right!
  117. Yes!
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