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Feb 23rd, 2014
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  1. [20:57] <Navarr> Do you know why we don't have a new website yet?
  2. [20:57] <Navarr> Because there is anime to be watched.
  3. [20:57] <krabbby> So what youre asying is
  4. [20:58] <krabbby> Its the japaneses fault that Im not wearing a cape.
  5. [20:58] <Navarr> You could interpret it that way
  6. [20:58] <Navarr> although
  7. [20:58] <Navarr> i spent all of this weekend watching House of Cards with the girlfriend.
  8. [20:59] <boogaert> What do you mean new site?
  9. [20:59] <boogaert> Also Krab: what makes you think that?
  10. [20:59] <krabbby> In order for capes to be, a new site must become.
  11. [20:59] <Navarr> well, not necessarily.. but i'd prefer to have the new site done before i do capes
  12. [20:59] <boogaert> Another new site?
  13. [20:59] <Navarr> i just don't want to work with this framework anymore, and would rather not rewrite the code twice
  14. [21:00] <Navarr> not to mention 1.8 is going to break everything again
  15. [21:00] <boogaert> But holyfuckingshitcapesilynavarr
  16. [21:00] <boogaert> Mojang needs to stop breakiing stuff
  17. [21:00] <Navarr> No boog, this is good
  18. [21:00] <boogaert> oh yey
  19. [21:00] <krabbby> I feel like 1.6 just sent waves of disruption through everything.
  20. [21:00] <Navarr> Everything is breaking every release because they're preparing the Plugin API
  21. [21:00] <krabbby> Butterfly effect if you will.
  22. [21:00] <boogaert> yey
  23. [21:01] <Navarr> everyone is complaining and saying it's not going to happen but they're working hard on refactoring the entire codebase
  24. [21:01] <Navarr> It is a long and arduous process that both Shotbow and us are caught in the middle of.
  25. [21:02] <boogaert> Will the new site be visually the same?
  26. [21:02] <Navarr> Similar. Maybe not perfectly the same. The intention isn't the design
  27. [21:02] <boogaert> ik
  28. [21:03] <boogaert> Also: KOS list back?
  29. [21:03] <Navarr> Maybe. I'm not really sure I want to bring it back.
  30. [21:03] <Navarr> We were infamous for it. (And that means not in the good way)
  31. [21:03] <krabbby> Maybe with some changes
  32. [21:03] <boogaert> I think with good "moderation" and a good reporting system it could be good
  33. [21:03] <Navarr> for one, we wouldn't call it a KOS list
  34. [21:04] <boogaert> Ye[
  35. [21:05] <boogaert> p
  36. [21:05] <boogaert> IMO if we did there would have to be different ways of reports, i.e. screenshots, videos, and just saying they did something bad which should only be accepetd from Private+'s
  37. [21:06] <Navarr> The list itself could only be edited by Privates+ in my opinion
  38. [21:06] <Navarr> Recruits are not members of the Watch.
  39. [21:06] <Navarr> They are recruits.
  40. [21:06] <krabbby> Yeah
  41. [21:07] <Gabe_Fels> The problem with the KOS list was, nobody wanted to bother to check the list every time they saw a person
  42. [21:07] <krabbby> Capes
  43. [21:08] <Gabe_Fels> Not everyone had the cape mod
  44. [21:08] <boogaert> Then that sucks for them lol
  45. [21:08] <krabbby> But they were supposed to
  46. [21:08] <boogaert> ^
  47. [21:08] <Navarr> The problem with capes combined with the kos list was, some people found it prideful to have a KOS cape
  48. [21:08] <Gabe_Fels> And not all KOS people were members...
  49. [21:08] <Gabe_Fels> That is who I was talking about
  50. [21:09] <krabbby> What ever happened to the Citadel guy?
  51. [21:09] <Navarr> He disappeared and it didn't take off
  52. [21:09] <Navarr> We have nobody like me willing to put in the time and effort to do the Citadel.
  53. [21:10] <krabbby> I bet theres someone who would
  54. [21:10] <Gabe_Fels> What the hell was the citadel anyway?
  55. [21:10] <Navarr> We would need someone mature and with more drive than I; someone who wouldn't stop pushing forward even if I get lazy and stop helping
  56. [21:10] <Navarr> It took a year to make a council that would do that for the Watch =p
  57. [21:11] <krabbby> It took a year for you to let us.
  58. [21:11] <Gabe_Fels> What was the citadel thing? I remember it had to do with splitting the rangers and maesters or something
  59. [21:11] <boogaert> Maesters not in TNw
  60. [21:12] <boogaert> Serpreate Guild who would takeu p residence in towns
  61. [21:12] <Navarr> krabbby: I couldn't let what happened with FriendsOfYours to happen again
  62. [21:12] <boogaert> amd heal and provide knoledge
  63. [21:12] <Gabe_Fels> Ohh right
  64. [21:12] <Gabe_Fels> I kinda remember that
  65. [21:12] <boogaert> here
  66. [21:12] <boogaert> And Navarr if I may something very very contraversial
  67. [21:13] <krabbby> Please do
  68. [21:13] <boogaert> Well
  69. [21:13] <boogaert> Excuse me but
  70. [21:13] <boogaert> I do not think sssdl4 should be the Lord Commander.
  71. [21:13] <krabbby> Oh this is good
  72. [21:13] <boogaert> Council member, yes. But he's not serious enough to do it
  73. [21:13] <krabbby> Imma get some popcorn or something
  74. [21:13] <boogaert> Look at the anouncement and Ranging: Krabby and Josh
  75. [21:14] <boogaert> While he is playing CivCraft
  76. [21:14] <boogaert> Obviously it's not my place to say and I don't know what goes on inside teh council
  77. [21:14] <boogaert> but
  78. [21:14] <krabbby> In retrospect, this should have been privately messaged
  79. [21:15] <boogaert> ssshhhhhh
  80. [21:15] <Gabe_Fels> Lol I kinda agree with the boogyman here
  81. [21:15] <krabbby> Shhh me? You said it.
  82. [21:15] <boogaert> Yeah I've talked to you and I think Ord about it in Mumble
  83. [21:15] <Gabe_Fels> But I think sss can be a good leader when he's not playing league all day
  84. [21:16] <Gabe_Fels> I think he just lacks the drive sometimes
  85. [21:16] <Nickwazhero> I say sss just leads a ranging or two
  86. [21:16] <Gabe_Fels> Lol the funny part is he can see all of this
  87. [21:16] <Hexrated> let him watch
  88. [21:17] <boogaert> Example: For announcements it's 13:6:1 for Krabbby Josh and sss
  90. [21:17] <boogaert> lel
  92. [21:17] <Gabe_Fels> Wait
  93. [21:17] <Gabe_Fels> I was being sarcastic...
  94. [21:17] <Nickwazhero> oh
  95. [21:17] <Nickwazhero> .....shit
  96. [21:18] <Gabe_Fels> xD
  97. [21:18] <Gabe_Fels> Bye
  98. [21:18] <boogaert> lo
  99. [21:18] <boogaert> l
  100. [21:18] <Nickwazhero> unb4 chocolatefry
  101. [21:18] <Navarr> guys let's not even joke about that
  102. [21:18] <Nickwazhero> inb4*
  103. [21:18] <Navarr> before I throw each and every one of you in the brig
  104. [21:18] <Nickwazhero> I am sawwy neveer
  105. [21:18] <Hexrated> sticks and stones may break my bones, but chains and whips excite me
  106. [21:19] <Gabe_Fels> I'm sorry Navarr I didn't know it would start stuff
  107. [21:19] <krabbby> Navarr, the next website needs a mute command. FOr my own personal reasons of course.
  108. [21:19] <boogaert> Also tbh we're all too harsh with chocolate
  109. [21:20] <boogaert> He left but he told us about it and did it respectfully
  110. [21:20] <Nickwazhero> He did
  111. [21:20] <Gabe_Fels> ...and then proceeded to murder people in minez and say that he used us for a joke
  112. [21:20] <Gabe_Fels> But at least he did it respectfully
  113. [21:20] <krabbby> To bandit.
  114. [21:21] <Nickwazhero> Please no mute command
  115. [21:21] <Hexrated> which he probably was doing before we found out
  116. [21:21] <Ordain> He was......
  117. [21:21] <Ordain> Thats how we found out.
  118. [21:21] <Nickwazhero> we don't want another mumble were people who are normally idiots have something important to say and are muted by everybody.
  119. [21:21] <boogaert> Still though he told us and has never fought back when we make fun of him
  120. [21:22] <Gabe_Fels> Yeah he wasn't exactly being respectful while he was with us, even if he did "leave respectfully"
  121. [21:22] <Gabe_Fels> He said he used us because he was bored
  122. [21:22] <Gabe_Fels> That's just low
  123. [21:24] <boogaert> I still think we should never bully someone for leaving. Be the better person.
  124. [21:24] <Nickwazhero> He did refer to me as his friend though which I did take to the heart
  125. [21:24] <Nickwazhero> I was his friend.
  126. [21:24] <Nickwazhero> am.
  127. [21:25] <Gabe_Fels> I never bullied him and I didn't see anyone bully him...
  128. [21:25] <Nickwazhero> I did.
  129. [21:25] <boogaert> People did
  130. [21:26] <Nickwazhero> Like shadow bullies me hueh
  131. [21:27] <boogaert> The leaving that hit me the hardest was either skygridor that startwars guy
  132. [21:27] <boogaert> skywalker
  133. [21:27] <Gabe_Fels> Angellus <3
  134. [21:27] <Gabe_Fels> jk
  135. [21:27] <Nickwazhero> Nevar ferget
  136. [21:27] <Nickwazhero> GEDDIT?!
  137. [21:28] <Gabe_Fels> Navarr forget?
  138. [21:28] <Nickwazhero> ....cause irl
  139. [21:28] <Gabe_Fels> I think Navarr said he was an asshole irl though
  140. [21:28] <Gabe_Fels> Don't quote me on that
  141. [21:28] <Navarr> He's a super asshole irl
  142. [21:28] <Navarr> don't quote me on that
  143. [21:29] <Nickwazhero> oh rly
  144. [21:29] <boogaert> Angellus?
  145. [21:29] <Nickwazhero> Had no idea
  146. [21:31] <boogaert> Navarr: MineZ rp?
  147. [21:32] <foofooguy> i have my character all ready.
  148. [21:32] <foofooguy> how bout you boog?
  149. [21:33] <boogaert> nop
  150. [21:33] <foofooguy> ya want my life's story?
  151. [21:34] <Nickwazhero> nah
  152. [21:35] <boogaert> no
  153. [21:35] <foofooguy> too bad, it's only about a page long you can read it anyways.
  154. [21:35] <Gabe_Fels> Walloftext
  155. [21:35] <foofooguy> it will be there for now, because nobody ever uses that thing.
  156. [21:35] <foofooguy> then ill delete it before anyone sees.
  157. [21:37] <boogaert> lel
  158. [21:38] <foofooguy> what i think of that
  159. [21:39] <foofooguy> if anyone is interested, im on us6 trying for a romero spawn.
  160. [21:39] <boogaert> in Kaocho
  161. [21:40] <boogaert> so nop
  162. [21:40] <foofooguy> i got ports, ill stay here.
  163. [21:40] <boogaert> k
  164. [21:40] <boogaert> you are a ports guy foofoo
  165. [21:40] <boogaert> idk why
  166. [21:40] <boogaert> you just are
  167. [21:42] <boogaert> Also Navarr if you're still on: Crow section on the new site?
  168. [21:42] <foofooguy> yup.
  169. [22:00] <boogaert> also Navarr: A project I want to do:
  170. [22:00] <boogaert> Something like the white book in ASOIAF but for us with every private+ person
  171. [22:08] <Navarr> A security note: You all know the dangers of adding a person on Skype. Those same dangers exist for adding a person on Steam.
  172. [22:08] <boogaert> ok
  173. [22:08] <Navarr> Do not add people on steam that you do not trust.
  174. [22:09] <boogaert> ok
  175. [22:09] <Navarr> boog: It's been a while, could you remind me what the white book is?
  176. [22:09] <Navarr> (and yes, I did promise you a section on the site for The Crow. I fully plan on making it at some point)
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