
Meenah beach fic

Dec 25th, 2012
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  1. All day Meenah had felt a particularly foul mood. And right now more then anything she needed a lift in her spirits, and what better to give her the much needed emotional boost then the sea? And so the heiress went off to her private beach to collect herself and hopefully lift her spirits.
  3. As she arrived she ditched her clothes, enjoying the warm breeze against her bare skin, the salty smell of the air, and the calming brush of the waves against the sand. Deeply she breathed in the scent of the sea, taking in every stimulation her senses could grasp. For the first time in a while, far too long in fact, she felt at peace. There was none of her usual puckish personality at display here, nor did she show off her usual energetic activities. She was practically a different person here, alone, and without worry.
  5. She walked along the edge of the beach where the waves and sand met. Enjoying the simple sensation of the water brushing against her feet. She looked out towards the Beforan sea, it was a dark mix of deep blues and purples with hints of purest black and the occasional shimmer of the moon's light dancing within the waves.
  7. She then sat at the edge, further enjoy the simple pleasures this moment offered. Without noticing she began to hum a favorite childhood song of hers. Her feet swaying side to side to the imaginary beat. As she did so, her mind wandered from topic to topic, some silly but fun, Like memories of her friends. And some more serious in nature, like her upcoming ascension to Empress.
  9. That last thought caused her to shudder. She hated royal matters and all the hollow pomp and importance they offered. What good was being an Empress if one didn't get to enjoy or benefit from it? What good was the title anyway? All it offered was a eternity of coddling and patronize of fools and the infirm. The thought made her squirm with discomfort. She could barely stand dealing with most of her friends, having to spend the rest of her life caring for an entire empire's worth of stooges? She quickly put aside such thoughts. She was here to enjoy herself and she wouldn't let such pointless things like her duty and purpose spoil her mood. Time for a swim in the dark deep blue.
  11. Meenah dived in, enjoying the feeling of the warm water coming into contact with every inch of her skin. Most of all she enjoy being able to breath naturally, the sensation of the liquid filling her gills. She could breath easily enough on land but it had never felt quite so normal for her. This aquatic world she had entered, everything about it felt so much more natural, so much more fluid then the land of the land dwellers. Here she felt free from responsibility, free from worry, free from all restraint, but mostly just free.
  13. Even in this black all consuming darkness she could make out everything as easily as if it were day. All the wildlife and plants were as clear to her as the cleanest water. And so she went out to explore, to hunt. Not necessarily for any particular animal prey, but of a more metaphorical kind. This prey was boredom and she'd hunt it down and slaughter it. Meenah swam through the water, amusing herself with all the little quirks and peculiarities of sea life. She watched the fishes swim, and entertain herself by frightening them off, watching the schools scamper here and there. She'd poke and prod the mollusks and clams, giggling as they slammed shut. Amusing herself with her mischievous and childish antics.
  15. Unknown hours passed. The not yet queen of the sea lording over her pretend dominion, trying to experience one last true moment of freedom before she took on her role. Of Course all things come to a end, and even a heiress, no matter how powerful can postpone time. And so when she no longer found anything to tease, nor anything to get even a cheap second of fun out of, she returned to land. It was still as dark as ever, a small mercy she took relief in. She could tolerate the sun's heat but it still didn't mean she'd enjoy it. And so after locating her clothes she dressed herself. Yet the fuchsia heiress still couldn't bring herself to leave this place. More thoughts of her upcoming enslavement entered her mind and she grumbled as she thought up useless plots and schemes to escape it. Her frustrations grew and without thinking she grabbed hold of a random rock and threw it into the sea, watching the water ripple as it splashed. Little broken beads of moonlight scattered and then slowly reformed in the area of her attack and without knowing why, she raised her head and looked upon the moon.
  17. Perhaps she could run away to there? No one would dare follow her right? But of course what would she do with herself once she arrived? What could she do? Then a new train of thought entered her head. What could she do? Why, whatever she wanted of course! The heiress springed to her feet, her body near bursting with new life. She couldn't think out the details now but then of course she could always do that later. Right now all the mattered was make preparations for her new plan. She didn't know how she do it, but she'd find a way. Somehow, she'd be free at last.
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