
FoE RPG G0 - #039 Nnoto Village: Revolution FM

Nov 30th, 2013
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  1. [20:27]<SpiritOfFate> Group 0: *Epitaph* - Session #39 starts now
  2. [20:27]<SpiritOfFate> ===================================================
  3. [20:33]<SpiritOfFate> It was a dark and stormy night, but far from the beginning of this story. A hooded zebra crossed the thundering weather to announce it was indeed midnight. Somewhere in the night, a greedy spirit was excited.
  4. [20:34]? Sotho sighs a bit, relaxing inside the hut, trying to work off the anger from earlier, being called a raider
  5. [20:39]? Wintergreen makes sure that Firefly is tucked in and asleep. Fillies, especially batmare, need their rest!
  6. [20:41]? Royal_Lace nods to the zebra and glances at the one remaining Griffin that was still able to talk, hoping he would hold true to his word to speak truthfully what he knew. Turning to the zebra she collects the radio, "Can you show us all the way to the leaders so we can begin this meeting in earnest, Im sure we would all like this done with soon so we may seek rest during this storm"
  7. [20:42]? Sotho nods in agreement to Royal_Lace's statement. "I would like to get this over with soon as well, the storm will be good to sleep to.
  8. [20:44]<SpiritOfFate> The zebra bows and point you the way to the metal hall.
  9. [20:45]? Ignis has some sleepsies
  10. [20:45]? Sotho gets up and glances to Ignis, apparently sleeping now was better than later. He shrugs and starts to move out into the rain, going towards the Metal Hall.
  11. [20:47]? Wintergreen raises an eyebrow at Royal Lace. "Should I come along, or watch Firefly?"
  12. [20:47]? Royal_Lace moves with Sotho towards the huts doorway before nodding to the griffin, "Come along now, lets get this over and done with. You need rest more than any of us with your injuries"
  13. [20:49]? Wintergreen follows after Lace anyway!
  14. [20:50]? Royal_Lace looks to Wintergreen, "Of course you are welcome to come with us miss Green"
  15. [20:51]? Sotho keeps a straight face as he moves.
  16. [20:51]<SpiritOfFate> Knick_Knack follows you shivering, but silent in the cold rain.
  17. [20:53]<SpiritOfFate> Jamal takes another look at his turtle companions and follows Royal_Lace.
  18. [20:55]? Royal_Lace walks through the rain holding her cloak over her head with magic, Glancins at Jamal she nods back towards the hut. "I wouldnt worry to much about them, they should return back to there natural form within a few hours time and awaken as they were before"
  19. [21:00]<SpiritOfFate> Jamal nods. "So we are really attacking the salvage farm."
  20. [21:02]? Sotho nods as he trots into the Metal Hall. "Of course we are."
  21. [21:03]? Royal_Lace moves after sotho into the hall and holds the cloak over the entrace for the others in an attempt to keep them a bit more dry as they enter, "As soon as prepations are complete, yes"
  22. [21:04]<SpiritOfFate> The silent council is there, sitting in a circle over the stone floor.
  23. [21:06]? Royal_Lace bows
  24. [21:06]? Wintergreen follows Lace's lead, bowing as well.
  25. [21:08]? Sotho bows down, looking up a moment later, waiting for the council to act
  26. [21:11]<SpiritOfFate> The council zebras just nod back and observe you.
  27. [21:14]? Royal_Lace levetates out the radio set and begins to magic the thing into proper working order as she sets the channel. "Thank you for seeing us, now that we have that aweful busniess with the spirit behind us all we would very much like to introduce you to those who sent us along. Our guest Jamal will be joining in our conversation as well to answer a few questions"
  28. [21:14]? Royal_Lace activates the radio and searches for the signal.
  29. [21:17]<SpiritOfFate> You can easily find the signal. The frequency is silent, except from the interference of the storm.
  30. [21:20]<SpiritOfFate> Jamal looks down to the symbol of his mercenary armor.
  31. [21:20]? Sotho glances over to Jamal, examining the symbol himself
  32. [21:21]? Royal_Lace activates the radio and begins broadcasting, "Weary Travelers in the wild broadcasting, again, travelers in the wild broadcasting. Anypony read us?"
  33. [21:23]<SpiritOfFate> The symbol is an anchor. Jamal fiddles with it idly.
  34. [21:25]? Sotho glances away and back to the council
  35. [21:26]<SpiritOfFate> «Affirmative. This is Camp Hydra.» The radio operator says through the noise.
  36. [21:32]<Royal_Lace> "Hydra Camp, we have made peacful contact with the Nnoto. Tribal Leaders are presant and willing to discus propositions. Also note we have managed to detain a patroling griffin Mercenary for questioning in reguards to security updates at the Scrapyard"
  37. [21:36]<SpiritOfFate> "Mudponies, I should have known." Jamal says.
  38. [21:38]? Royal_Lace looks to the griffin, "Yes, we are trying to make a good impression with them. But if need be we can and will do this without them"
  39. [21:38]? Royal_Lace made sure the radio was not broadcasting for that bit.
  40. [21:50]<SpiritOfFate> A moment passes before another voice takes over. «Impressive. How did you manage?» The mare from before says.
  41. [21:51]? Royal_Lace looks around the hall at her companions and the zebras, "We managed, wasnt a simple task but we are a dedicated group of problem solvers to be sure".
  42. [21:55]? Sotho gives a small smile to Royal_Lace
  43. [21:56]? Royal_Lace smiles
  44. [21:57]<SpiritOfFate> The mare laughs. «Very well. What are the terms of the zebra?»
  45. [22:00]? Royal_Lace "Well we have them here If you want to lay out your proposal to them yourself"
  46. [22:01]<SpiritOfFate> "We require materials to craft talismans for the protection of our village. Gemstones, pearls and other valuables. We had to forfeit on a trade that fulfilled our needs." One council zebra says.
  47. [22:03]? Royal_Lace holds the radio receiver depressed so the zebras can speak, silently she prays that these negotiations will go well.
  48. [22:10]<SpiritOfFate> «Yes, we need assistance in the liberation of the slaves from their exploitation. One of the major slavers has a mine that still manages to extract gemstones. Also, with the control of their territories, we can manage a trade with the pearl divers.» The mare says
  49. [22:11]? Royal_Lace grins widely
  50. [22:11]? Sotho blinks and whispers to Royal_Lace. "But after they're freed, who will work the mines?"
  51. [22:12]? Wintergreen clears her throat. "Perhaps after we liberate the camp, we can help make a town around the mines? I am sure that the slaves will need protection, and starting over -with- an area to build up would help both their and the zebra's needs."
  52. [22:14]? Royal_Lace looks to sotho, "If we could attract new workers or convince the freed slaves to continue working in echange for a decent wage Im sure the mines will continue to be profitable".
  53. [22:14]? Wintergreen adds, "If the zebras are willing, they could possibly send food and some of their own to help set up the camp. Once the town is set up, the trade between the mines and the zebras remain-- like a long term investment, for both's prosperity."
  54. [22:14]? Sotho nods. "Alright, those all seem like good ideas then." He smiles a bit
  55. [22:16]<SpiritOfFate> The zebra considers. "It might be beneficial... if it happens. It's a risk, and our history already had a large mark of blood."
  56. [22:17]? Wintergreen nods. "It is risky, but it is to secure a long-lasting alliance for both of your posterity."
  57. [22:23]<SpiritOfFate> The council zebra nods. "Your words are wise. A conquest that unites may bring us a better fate. We shall support your efforts."
  58. [22:24]? Wintergreen smiles widely.
  59. [22:28]? Royal_Lace grins and nods, "We thank you for concenting and hope deeply that with time all parties see great prosperity with this agreement. Now, as to the questioning of our guest. Im sure he would be willing to answer any questions you may have, His name is Jamal and he is sitting nearby"
  60. [22:34]<SpiritOfFate> "Jamal speaking." The griffon expounds on the state of the landfill, giving the mare the same informationhe gave you.
  61. [22:34]<SpiritOfFate> «Is he trustworthy?» The mare asks
  62. [22:38]? Royal_Lace bites her lips and looks at the griffin and then at her colleges, "He has given us no reason to suspect otherwise so far beyond who his employers are, though I would suggest standing by to hear what my friends have to say in the matter. They may have a better or at least different opinion than my own"
  63. [22:45]? Wintergreen purses her lips, unsure if he -is- trustworthy.
  64. [22:46]? Sotho frowns, wondering himself if the griffon is trustworthy as well
  65. [22:50]<SpiritOfFate> «If they have patrol robots, it might be better not to warn them of our movement. We should scout before the attack starts.»
  66. [22:52]? Royal_Lace nods, then realizes how silly it is to nod at someone your talking to over a radio. "Is there anything ells we can do to help, or have we finaly earned the right to meet you muzzle to muzzle? Also I was hoping if we could purssue seeking aid from The Griffins, if only the ones we currently have on hoof"
  67. [22:53]? Royal_Lace "Purhapse another proposition could be made?"
  68. [22:53]? Royal_Lace eyes Jamal
  69. [22:56]<SpiritOfFate> "Unless you have a lot of caps right now, they aren't going to turn their backs on their contracts." Jamal shrugs. "They are also firing me as soon as I'm back."
  70. [22:59]? Royal_Lace looks to Jamal, "Pardon me for asking, but who is it that currently holds there contract? It seems as if this cyber Griff has been taking controle from Doodad, dose he now hold the contract?"
  71. [23:01]<SpiritOfFate> Jamal shakes his head. "No, he is an independent. I was with the Silver Anchor Company."
  72. [23:03]? Royal_Lace gives the Griffin her attention, "Silver Anchor Company, and so the griffins who remain at the Scrapyard are still holding to a contract that Doodad made with them? What were the terms?"
  73. [23:07]<SpiritOfFate> "Yes. Ours was just a weekly trip to the village to fetch any found slave. The ones at the salvage farm have a regular contract for daily and nightly patrol shifts until the end of the month, I think. Then it's renewed." Jamal says
  74. [23:10]? Royal_Lace nods, "I see"
  75. [23:17]? Royal_Lace ponders on this, "Well if you fear for your job, then it seems you are in the market for a new one"
  76. [23:20]<SpiritOfFate> Jamal laughs bitterly. "Might as well. Striking at a place the same company is just against merc practices. I need to do some rebranding."
  77. [23:23]? Wintergreen quirks her head. "Do you think other griffons might join you if you form your own company? I'm sure, if this all succeeds, that the newly-formed town will need extra protection. Do you think that you might be able to form a group to provide?"
  78. [23:23]? Royal_Lace smiles, "Sounds like a pretty good set up to me"
  79. [23:24]<SpiritOfFate> "Not before I'm getting any caps, no." He glances back to the hut. "Well, the others might, they are on the same boat."
  80. [23:28]? Royal_Lace nods, "Well we shall have a conversation with them in the morning then". Clicking the radio she addresses the mystrious mare, "Now, as for us and our plans..."
  81. [23:31]<SpiritOfFate> «I will be sending a squad to check on you. If we can manage an attack under this weather, we will have much better odds.»
  82. [23:33]? Royal_Lace quirks a brow, "Send a squad into the forest? And your already preparing for an assault during this very storm?"
  83. [23:36]<SpiritOfFate> «The visibility is low and the storm can hide our movement , we can get close before we catch their attention. It's the perfect time.»
  84. [23:37]? Royal_Lace shrugs, "Ill bow to your superious knowledge of tatics"
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