
The bigger they are...

May 26th, 2013
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  1. The clinking of the shot glass on the bar contrasted with the heavy, melancholic piano playing in the background. A double-tapping of a hoof soon followed the sharp noise, eliciting an acknowledging grunt from the bartender. The stallion soon walked over and poured another glass for the mare sitting in the dim light in the corner, from which the noises had come from.
  3. Vinyl raised her head and nodded in a thankful gesture before downing the glass. She tapped her hoof on the bar again before he walked away, not wanting to make him walk more than she had to. No reason for anyone else to have to be as miserable as she was. He poured her another glass and cantered off to serve another customer. She slumped her head back onto her left forehoof, saving the alcohol for later.
  5. From an outside perspective, vinyl's straight expression and half-lidded eyes may have been the face of boredom, but on the inside her mind battled against her heart in a constant turmoil. She was anything but bored. Her heart was encased in a prison of hopelessness and despair. To the unknowing eye, however, the difference was faint.
  7. "I just don't understand," She whispered to no one in particular. "We had such a great start..."
  9. And a great start it had been, indeed.
  11. *****
  13. The morning air was crisp and cool, even with the sun beading down from above. Vinyl fiddled around with her saddlebags, trying to dissuade any onlookers from thinking that she didn't have anything to do. It wasn't /her/ fault that no one had informed her about the monotonous process of waiting for a train. She knew that she shouldn't be too impatient, however, because after the train ride the nervousness would set in.
  15. Tonight, she would play her first gig as a disc jockey for a rather large party in Manehatten. Sure, she had played some smaller parties and clubs, but this was big. This was her shot. Her eyes irradiated passion as she thought of the roaring crowds of the near future chanting her name.
  17. She soon decided that standing around all morning wasn't going to do her any good. She took a look around at the few ponies whom, she suspected, were waiting for the same train, before locating an empty bench nearby. She quickly took a seat, instantly relaxing.
  19. Her hooves meandered to her saddlebags and searched around, bumping into a certain rectangular object. Satisfied, she pulled out the book she had brought with her for the ride. /Couldn't hurt to start early, could it?,/ She thought, examining the front cover that read: DJing and You, Everything You Need to Know.
  21. Unable to hold back her excitement any longer, she opened the front cover and dived into the words on the pages, quickly becoming lost in the short book.
  23. Unbeknownst to her, while she was catatonically fused with the words on the pages, a shy grey mare pawed at the ground with a forehoof, struggling to hold up the large instrument strapped to her shapely back.
  25. The mare cleared her throat in much the same way as a mime. Vinyl took no heed of the noiseless action.
  27. Vinyl also almost missed the mare calling out to her.
  29. "H-hello there, mind if I have a seat next to you?" The strange mare asked.
  31. Vinyl glanced up at her from her book and was shocked by what she saw. The fragile smile on the mare's face was complimented by her deep, innocent violet eyes. Her black mane and tail matched the instrument case she wore strapped to her back. This mare was most obviously from one of the wealthier families of Canterlot. Vinyl could not help but wonder what such a cultured mare would be doing in a quaint little town like Ponyville. Vinyl chose her next words carefully, trying not to offend this obviously classy mare.
  33. "Oh, um... yeah, sure. Go ahead," Vinyl stumbled, unsure of how to make herself sound more sophisticated.
  35. The grey mare seemed unfazed by Vinyl's inability to match her eloquence, instead continuing to smile as she stood the instrument case on her side of the bench and plopped down next to Vinyl clumsily, yet, also gracefully in a strange way.
  37. "T-Thank you," The mare said gratefully. "That case is a rather heavy thing to have to carry around," She continued, attempting to keep some conversation between them. She was never very good with strangers.
  39. "I bet," Vinyl replied, trying to guess what type of instrument was concealed inside. Unfortunately, her knowledge of classical instruments wasn't exactly up to par.
  41. "Oh, do forgive me dear, I haven't even introduced myself. My name is Octavia," The mare apologized and extended a hoof in a late greeting.
  43. "T'scool. I'm Vinyl. Vinyl Scratch," She replied, closing her book before absentmindedly giving Octavia a hoof-bump.
  45. Surprisingly, the grey mare just chuckled at this form of greeting and obliged.
  47. "Ah, similar to a vinyl record, I presume?" Octavia asked upon noticing Vinyl's cutie mark.
  49. "Yup," Vinyl replied, nodding. "I'm a DJ"
  51. Octavia smiled at hearing this. "Ah, a fellow musician, I see. Always a pleasure to meet someone who has similar interest in the musical arts," She offered happily with a sweet smile. She was warming up to this new mare rather quickly.
  53. "Likewise," Vinyl replied with a similar smile.
  55. They sat there for a while in a serene silence, just listening to the birds chirping around them. Before long, the previously quiet station was bustling with activity as the billows of smoke far off in the distance came nearer and nearer. Once the train was in sight, Octavia got up and attempted to strap her instrument onto her back.
  57. "Need some help, there?" Vinyl questioned, eyeing the struggling musician with sympathy. /It must be hard getting that thing on and off alone/, She thought.
  59. "No, I think...-I've just about got it~!..." Octavia strained back, pulling just a little more. Suddenly, the strap slipped from her hooves and her instrument fell off her back.
  61. Luckily, Vinyl had been close enough to grab the case by its neck before it was able to smash into the ground. She eyed Octavia smugly with a grin. Sighing, Octavia gave in.
  63. "Now, now, no point in being a stubborn old mule," Vinyl teased. Her horn alight, the glowing straps latching in place around the defeated mare.
  65. "It's harder than it looks, getting the thing tied down," Octavia grumbled.
  67. "I believe you," Vinyl replied, tightening the last strap. "That should be good," She smiled.
  69. "Thank you," Octavia responded, wearing a reluctant but sincere smile.
  71. Together, they boarded the train.
  73. The train was not very full, even after everypony had boarded, so they found a group of facing seats and each took a side. They sat in front of each other so that they could each have a seat by the windows. Soon, the train began chugging along once again.
  75. "Wow, it's pretty warm in here," Vinyl noticed, taking off her saddlebags and lying them in the seat next to her. Octavia did the same with her case before nodding to Vinyl.
  77. "Indeed. Would you mind if I opened my window?" She inquired, not wanting to offend her new friend.
  79. "'Course not. I think I might do the same," Vinyl replied, pressing her hooves against the release latches of the window. The glass pane slid down, allowing some cool summer air to roll through as the train moved along.
  81. Octavia soon did the same with her window, even going so far as to take out her hair bow, letting it flow freely through the breeze. She looked out at the passing country-side and smiled.
  83. Vinyl couldn't help but stare at the mare in front of her. The way her hair flowed through the wind was utterly graceful, but had a hint of rebelliousness to it. Her soft violet eyes melted against the blue sky outside the window, looking almost like an early sunset or a late sunrise.
  85. Vinyl's heart fluttered within her chest upon seeing her new friend like this. Upon noticing that she had been staring, she glanced outside the window as well, the air around her heating up with embarrassment. Luckily for her, Octavia hadn't noticed. Vinyl was dumbfounded. She didn't even know she /liked/ mares like /that/.
  87. Likely noticing the disharmony on Vinyl's face, Octavia spoke up. "Is something the matter? You look troubled," She inquired in a compassionate voice.
  89. When Vinyl looked back at her, she saw not the face of serenity and carelessness that Octavia had previously worn, but a face of worry and empathy.
  91. "Nah, I'm cool. I just had some stuff on my mind," Vinyl waved off with her hoof, trying to rid her new friend of her worries.
  93. "Ah. Nothing like the land rolling by to stimulate the mind," Octavia agreed with a light smile.
  95. "Yeah," Vinyl replied, somewhat unsure of what to say to this sudden philosophical thought.
  97. They sat there for a while, just enjoying the breeze and the comfort of each other's company. Vinyl was still a bit shaken by her earlier sudden feelings, unsure of what to make of them. She wondered to herself, /what if she felt the same?/
  99. Stopping, her mind chastised itself immediately. /You know good and damn well this high class filly ain't into mares/, she told herself. But her doubts were unable to stop the nagging thoughts of '/what if?/'.
  101. Her thoughts were interrupted when she noticed that she had been staring again. Staring right into the deep violet eyes of the mare in front of her, whose face wore a smirk. An almost knowing smirk.
  103. Vinyl subverted her vision, her mind reeling. Could she somehow...know?
  105. Her questions remained unanswered, however, as the waiter showed up. Was it lunchtime already?
  107. He quickly passed the two mares the menus and awaited their order patiently with a smile on his face that told the world he legitimately enjoyed his job.
  109. After much concentrated consideration, Vinyl placed her order while passing the menu back to the waiter. He wrote down her simple order with practiced ease. Her order was simple, a sandwich and a glass of whiskey, which caused the waiter to raise an eyebrow and Octavia to giggle. Vinyl just shrugged in confusion at the two, wondering what was so strange about having a glass of whiskey at lunchtime.
  111. He soon turned to Octavia, taking her order. Her order was a bit more sophisticated than Vinyl's.
  113. "I'd like a salad, pasta, and a glass of wine, if you would be so kind," Octavia said gently, thanking the waiter after he had written it down. In just a moment, he was gone. /This mare sure does have fancy taste, I'll give her that,/ Vinyl thought with a smile.
  115. Trying to keep some conversation going, Vinyl spoke up.
  117. "So, where ya' headed? If s'not personal, and all," Vinyl inquired, still curious as to what could bring such a cultured mare to a city like Manehatten.
  119. "I was invited to a rather large, 'party', as it were. I'm going to be performing there, along with a few other classical artists," Octavia replied, putting emphasis on the word "party", and smirking as she did so, showing she did not disapprove of the term.
  121. "Oh, really? It wouldn't be the one at goldenshore's mansion, would it?" Vinyl asked, wondering if Octavia would be attending the same party as she would.
  123. "The very one, actually," Octavia replied jovially, seeming happy that the dj knew of the party.
  125. "That's awesome!, I'm going to be there as a DJ," Vinyl bursted, unable to keep her excitement down. She had a chance of keeping in touch with this mare!
  127. "Wonderful," Octavia replied, unable to keep the sweet smile off her face.
  129. Just as Vinyl was about to reply, the waiter returned with their orders. He quickly passed them out, and, after they had thanked him, departed.
  131. "Well that was fast," Vinyl noticed, staring at the food hungrily. Maybe it was lunchtime after all. "Shall we?"
  133. "Let's," Octavia replied, eager to dig in.
  135. They sat for a while and ate, complimenting the chef. After they had finished, they stacked the plates and waited for the butler to return.
  137. They talked for another half hour before the manehatten skyline slowly became closer and closer, becoming more focused all along the way. When the train had finally reached the station, they took their time exiting their seats. By the time they had departed the train, everypony else had already gotten off.
  139. "Well, Vinyl, I've had a wonderful ride. Perhaps we'll see each other at the party tonight," Octavia said sweetly.
  141. "I'll be lookin' out for ya," Vinyl replied, flashing an honest smile to her newest friend. She had completely forgotten about the party.
  143. The two mares went off in opposite directions. Trotting through the bustling city streets, it didn't take Vinyl long to find the hotel where she would be staying for the next week. Sitting her saddlebags down, she went over to the restroom and looked in the mirror. She wanted to look her best for that night, and maybe not only because of her fans.
  145. ******
  147. Staring into the calm, amber liquid, Vinyl looked nothing like what she had that day. Her hair russled, she no longer cared for it. Her eyes were red and puffy from all the crying she had been doing lately. She averted her gaze, feeling tears well up into her eyes once again. Clenching them shut, she lost herself in the more upbeat music that had filled the bar. It reminded her of...
  149. ******
  151. The beats jumped from her speakers and rattled the surroundings of the mansion as the strobe lights illuminated the swarm of bodies dancing around on the floor several feet below. Swirling, colorful lights flashed this way and that, catching several ponies at a time in the spotlight. The party was beyond even Vinyl's wildest dreams.
  153. Even over all the excitement of her first successful mansion gig, she still couldn't get the mare from earlier out of her head. From the very little Vinyl had learned about her, she was a classy mare, with a more rebellious side to her. She had opened up quite quickly to Vinyl, which was a behavior that most upper class ponies failed to ever exhibit with anypony else, making her strangely unique. When the next Dj filled in for her to have a break, she was going to go looking for Octavia.
  155. Luckily for her, it was only a few minutes more when the second Dj stepped up onto the back of the stage, signaling that he was ready to take over whenever she was finished. Hoofbumping him, she stepped off the stage and into the mass of ponies surrounding the area. She heard him say something positive about her performance over the microphone, but she was too preoccupied with her thoughts to try and listen.
  157. Finding Octavia in this crowd would be an ordeal, indeed. The mansion was by no means small, and was still packed to the brim with ponies. Traversing the multiple auditoriums, Vinyl took quick glances at the stage to see the themes of each particular room. Unfortunately, none of them had the classical feel that she could expect from the instrument that had introduced Vinyl to Octavia originally. Giving up on her search after about a half hour of pushing through the thick crowds, Vinyl settled in the nearest room with a bar and ordered herself a glass of whiskey.
  159. /I was really hoping to find Octavia in here. I wish this damned mansion wasn't so huge,/ Vinyl thought. She almost didn't catch the soothing, rising note coming from the stage in the dimly lit corner of the room. Her ears perked as she closed her eyes to better feel the melody. It was a beautiful noise that her ears had never previously been graced with. As the notes rose higher, Vinyl could swear that she could feel the music itself entangling the entire room with its misty beauty.
  161. All her cares seemed to melt away at this newfound interest. Vinyl no longer felt the stress of finding Octavia to be weighing upon her mind. The only thing that existed at that very moment was her and the music emanating from the mystery musician. When the song finally ended several minutes later, she found herself stomping her hooves on the bar in applause. It had never occurred to her that instrumental music could feel so heavenly. Swirling around on her barstool, her eyes darted over the stage, trying to spot the unknown musician in the dim lighting.
  163. The pony she saw, however, was none other than the pony she had been trying to find. With a look of appreciation, Octavia blew the crowd a kiss and thanked them for their support. Walking off the stage, she disappeared into the mass of ponies.
  165. Vinyl shot from her seat at the sight of this, unsatisfied with finally having found her, only to lose sight of her again. Meandering through the well-dressed ponies crowded in the room, she looked this way and that, attempting to find Octavia once again.
  167. A light tap on her shoulder startled Vinyl seconds later.
  169. "Enjoy the show?" Octavia asked, grinning at the squeak Vinyl accidentally let out upon being tapped. "I was hoping I'd see you here."
  171. Turning around, Vinyl thought about pouting at Octavia's mocking grin, but that thought soon faded away as she got an up close look at her friend.
  173. Wearing a long, violet dress that matched her eyes, Octavia looked much different than she had that morning. Her eyes were accented by a cyan eyeliner that had been put on perfectly. Noticing how long she had been staring, Vinyl quickly blurted the first thing she could think of.
  175. "Wowyoulookreallygood!"
  177. Vinyl internally berated herself at how dumb that sounded. She could feel the heat emanating from her cheeks.
  179. Octavia, however, only giggled. "Thanks. You look pretty nice yourself. The leather really suits you," She replied with a sincere smile.
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