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Apr 7th, 2013
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  1. 2013-04-07 18:42:31 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Forge Mod Loader version for Minecraft 1.5.1 loading
  2. 2013-04-07 18:42:31 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Java is Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, version 1.7.0_17, running on Windows 7:amd64:6.1, installed at C:\Program Files\Java\jre7
  3. 2013-04-07 18:42:31 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Java classpath at launch is minecraft_server.jar
  4. 2013-04-07 18:42:31 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Java library path at launch is C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows\Sun\Java\bin;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Windows Live;C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Windows Live;C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\PhysX\Common;C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\iCLS Client\;C:\Program Files\Intel\iCLS Client\;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\OpenCL SDK\2.0\bin\x86;C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\OpenCL SDK\2.0\bin\x64;C:\Program Files\Intel\WiFi\bin\;C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\WirelessCommon\;C:\Program Files\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\DAL;C:\Program Files\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\IPT;C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\DAL;C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\IPT;C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Live\Shared;C:\Program Files (x86)\QuickTime\QTSystem\;C:\Program Files\Intel\WiFi\bin\;C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\WirelessCommon\;.
  5. 2013-04-07 18:42:31 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Enabling runtime deobfuscation
  6. 2013-04-07 18:42:31 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] The coremod bspkrs.treecapitator.fml.asm.TreeCapitatorCorePlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
  7. 2013-04-07 18:42:31 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] The coremod codechicken.core.asm.CodeChickenCorePlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
  8. 2013-04-07 18:42:31 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] The coremod codechicken.nei.asm.NEICorePlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
  9. 2013-04-07 18:42:32 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found valid fingerprint for Minecraft Forge. Certificate fingerprint de4cf8a3f3bc15635810044c39240bf96804ea7d
  10. 2013-04-07 18:42:32 [INFO] [STDOUT] Adding Accesstransformer map: codechickencore_at.cfg
  11. 2013-04-07 18:42:32 [INFO] [STDOUT] Adding Accesstransformer map: nei_at.cfg
  12. 2013-04-07 18:42:35 [INFO] [STDOUT] 229 recipes
  13. 2013-04-07 18:42:35 [INFO] [STDOUT] 27 achievements
  14. 2013-04-07 18:42:36 [INFO] [Minecraft-Server] Starting minecraft server version 1.5.1
  15. 2013-04-07 18:42:36 [INFO] [MinecraftForge] Attempting early MinecraftForge initialization
  16. 2013-04-07 18:42:36 [INFO] [STDOUT] MinecraftForge v7.7.0.605 Initialized
  17. 2013-04-07 18:42:36 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] MinecraftForge v7.7.0.605 Initialized
  18. 2013-04-07 18:42:36 [INFO] [STDOUT] Replaced 85 ore recipies
  19. 2013-04-07 18:42:36 [INFO] [MinecraftForge] Completed early MinecraftForge initialization
  20. 2013-04-07 18:42:36 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Reading custom logging properties from C:\Users\user\Desktop\Trial Server\config\
  21. 2013-04-07 18:42:36 [OFF] [ForgeModLoader] Logging level for ForgeModLoader logging is set to ALL
  22. 2013-04-07 18:42:36 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Building injected Mod Containers [cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLDummyContainer, net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeDummyContainer, codechicken.core.asm.CodeChickenCoreModContainer, codechicken.nei.asm.NEIModContainer]
  23. 2013-04-07 18:42:36 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Attempting to load mods contained in the minecraft jar file and associated classes
  24. 2013-04-07 18:42:36 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a minecraft related file at C:\Users\user\Desktop\Trial Server\minecraft_server.jar, examining for mod candidates
  25. 2013-04-07 18:42:36 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a minecraft related file at C:\Users\user\Desktop\Trial Server\coremods\[1.5.1]TreeCapitator.Forge.1.5.1.r01.Uni.CoreMod.jar, examining for mod candidates
  26. 2013-04-07 18:42:36 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a minecraft related file at C:\Users\user\Desktop\Trial Server\coremods\CodeChickenCore-1.5.1.jar, examining for mod candidates
  27. 2013-04-07 18:42:36 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a minecraft related file at C:\Users\user\Desktop\Trial Server\coremods\Not-Enough-Items-Mod-1.5.1.jar, examining for mod candidates
  28. 2013-04-07 18:42:36 [FINER] [ForgeModLoader] Skipping known library file C:\Users\user\Desktop\Trial Server\lib\argo-small-3.2.jar
  29. 2013-04-07 18:42:36 [FINER] [ForgeModLoader] Skipping known library file C:\Users\user\Desktop\Trial Server\lib\guava-14.0-rc3.jar
  30. 2013-04-07 18:42:36 [FINER] [ForgeModLoader] Skipping known library file C:\Users\user\Desktop\Trial Server\lib\asm-all-4.1.jar
  31. 2013-04-07 18:42:36 [FINER] [ForgeModLoader] Skipping known library file C:\Users\user\Desktop\Trial Server\lib\bcprov-jdk15on-148.jar
  32. 2013-04-07 18:42:36 [FINER] [ForgeModLoader] Skipping known library file C:\Users\user\Desktop\Trial Server\lib\
  33. 2013-04-07 18:42:36 [FINER] [ForgeModLoader] Skipping known library file C:\Users\user\Desktop\Trial Server\lib\scala-library.jar
  34. 2013-04-07 18:42:36 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Minecraft jar mods loaded successfully
  35. 2013-04-07 18:42:36 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Searching C:\Users\user\Desktop\Trial Server\mods for mods
  36. 2013-04-07 18:42:36 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file
  37. 2013-04-07 18:42:36 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file [1.5] Doggy Talents -
  38. 2013-04-07 18:42:36 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file BiblioCraft[v1.1.5].zip
  39. 2013-04-07 18:42:36 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file
  40. 2013-04-07 18:42:36 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file
  41. 2013-04-07 18:42:36 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file CustomMobSpawner
  42. 2013-04-07 18:42:36 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file DrZharks MoCreatures Mod
  43. 2013-04-07 18:42:36 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file Ender-Storage-Mod-1.5.1.jar
  44. 2013-04-07 18:42:36 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file ExtrabiomesXL-Mod-1.5.1.jar
  45. 2013-04-07 18:42:36 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file
  46. 2013-04-07 18:42:36 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file
  47. 2013-04-07 18:42:36 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file
  48. 2013-04-07 18:42:36 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file HealthBars 1.0 for MC
  49. 2013-04-07 18:42:36 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file LostBooks 1.0 for MC
  50. 2013-04-07 18:42:36 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file
  51. 2013-04-07 18:42:36 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file
  52. 2013-04-07 18:42:36 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file Smart Moving Universal for ModLoader or Minecraft Forge or
  53. 2013-04-07 18:42:36 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file
  54. 2013-04-07 18:42:36 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file SpecialMobs 2.4.2 for MC
  55. 2013-04-07 18:42:36 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Examining file minecraft_server.jar for potential mods
  56. 2013-04-07 18:42:36 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] The mod container minecraft_server.jar appears to be missing an file
  57. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Examining file [1.5.1]TreeCapitator.Forge.1.5.1.r01.Uni.CoreMod.jar for potential mods
  58. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINER] [ForgeModLoader] Located file in file [1.5.1]TreeCapitator.Forge.1.5.1.r01.Uni.CoreMod.jar
  59. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Identified an FMLMod type mod bspkrs.treecapitator.fml.TreeCapitatorMod
  60. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINEST] [TreeCapitator] Using mcmod dependency info : [mod_bspkrsCore, Forge@[,)] [Forge@[,), mod_bspkrsCore] []
  61. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Examining file CodeChickenCore-1.5.1.jar for potential mods
  62. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINER] [ForgeModLoader] Located file in file CodeChickenCore-1.5.1.jar
  63. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Examining file Not-Enough-Items-Mod-1.5.1.jar for potential mods
  64. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINER] [ForgeModLoader] Located file in file Not-Enough-Items-Mod-1.5.1.jar
  65. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Examining file for potential mods
  66. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] The mod container appears to be missing an file
  67. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Examining file [1.5] Doggy Talents - for potential mods
  68. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] The mod container [1.5] Doggy Talents - appears to be missing an file
  69. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Identified an FMLMod type mod doggytalents.DoggyTalentsMod
  70. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINEST] [Doggy Talents] Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
  71. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Examining file BiblioCraft[v1.1.5].zip for potential mods
  72. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINER] [ForgeModLoader] Located file in file BiblioCraft[v1.1.5].zip
  73. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Identified an FMLMod type mod jds.bibliocraft.BiblioCraft
  74. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINEST] [BiblioCraft] Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
  75. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Examining file for potential mods
  76. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINER] [ForgeModLoader] Located file in file
  77. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Identified a BaseMod type mod mod_bspkrsCore
  78. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Examining file for potential mods
  79. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINER] [ForgeModLoader] Located file in file
  80. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Identified an FMLMod type mod dan200.CCTurtle
  81. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINEST] [CCTurtle] Parsed dependency info : [] [ComputerCraft] []
  82. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Identified an FMLMod type mod dan200.ComputerCraft
  83. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINEST] [ComputerCraft] Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
  84. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Examining file CustomMobSpawner for potential mods
  85. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINER] [ForgeModLoader] Located file in file CustomMobSpawner
  86. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Identified an FMLMod type mod drzhark.customspawner.CustomSpawner
  87. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINEST] [CustomSpawner] Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
  88. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Examining file DrZharks MoCreatures Mod for potential mods
  89. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINER] [ForgeModLoader] Located file in file DrZharks MoCreatures Mod
  90. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Identified an FMLMod type mod drzhark.mocreatures.MoCreatures
  91. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINEST] [MoCreatures] Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
  92. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Examining file Ender-Storage-Mod-1.5.1.jar for potential mods
  93. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINER] [ForgeModLoader] Located file in file Ender-Storage-Mod-1.5.1.jar
  94. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Identified an FMLMod type mod codechicken.enderstorage.EnderStorage
  95. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINEST] [EnderStorage] Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
  96. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Examining file ExtrabiomesXL-Mod-1.5.1.jar for potential mods
  97. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINER] [ForgeModLoader] Located file in file ExtrabiomesXL-Mod-1.5.1.jar
  98. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Identified an FMLMod type mod extrabiomes.Extrabiomes
  99. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINEST] [ExtrabiomesXL] Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
  100. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Examining file for potential mods
  101. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINER] [ForgeModLoader] Located file in file
  102. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Identified an FMLMod type mod mods.Familiars.API.common.FamiliarsAPI
  103. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINEST] [Familiars_API] Parsed dependency info : [] [] [*]
  104. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Examining file for potential mods
  105. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINER] [ForgeModLoader] Located file in file
  106. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Identified an FMLMod type mod mods.Familiars.DefaultMobs.common.DefaultMobPack
  107. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINEST] [Familiars_DefaultMobPack] Parsed dependency info : [] [Familiars_API] []
  108. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Examining file for potential mods
  109. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINER] [ForgeModLoader] Located file in file
  110. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Identified an FMLMod type mod mods.Familiars.ExtendedFamPack.common.ExtendedFamPack
  111. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINEST] [Familiars_ExtendedFamPack] Parsed dependency info : [] [Familiars_API] []
  112. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Examining file HealthBars 1.0 for MC for potential mods
  113. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] The mod container HealthBars 1.0 for MC appears to be missing an file
  114. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Identified an FMLMod type mod toast.healthBars._HealthBars
  115. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINEST] [HealthBars] Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
  116. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Examining file LostBooks 1.0 for MC for potential mods
  117. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] The mod container LostBooks 1.0 for MC appears to be missing an file
  118. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Examining file for potential mods
  119. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINER] [ForgeModLoader] Located file in file
  120. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Identified an FMLMod type mod com.xcompwiz.mystcraft.Mystcraft
  121. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINEST] [Mystcraft] Parsed dependency info : [Forge@[,)] [Forge@[,)] []
  122. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Examining file for potential mods
  123. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] The mod container appears to be missing an file
  124. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Identified an FMLMod type mod simplyhorses.common.SimplyHorses
  125. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINEST] [SimplyHorses] Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
  126. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Examining file Smart Moving Universal for ModLoader or Minecraft Forge or for potential mods
  127. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] The mod container Smart Moving Universal for ModLoader or Minecraft Forge or appears to be missing an file
  128. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Identified a BaseMod type mod mod_SmartMoving
  129. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Identified a BaseMod type mod mod_SmartRender
  130. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Examining file for potential mods
  131. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINER] [ForgeModLoader] Located file in file
  132. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Identified an FMLMod type mod net.smiley.darkness.Darkness
  133. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINEST] [SoulEater] Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
  134. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Examining file SpecialMobs 2.4.2 for MC for potential mods
  135. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] The mod container SpecialMobs 2.4.2 for MC appears to be missing an file
  136. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Identified an FMLMod type mod toast.specialMobs._SpecialMobs
  137. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINEST] [SpecialMobs] Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
  138. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Forge Mod Loader has identified 25 mods to load
  139. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINER] [ForgeModLoader] Received a system property request ''
  140. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINER] [ForgeModLoader] System property request managing the state of 0 mods
  141. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] After merging, found state information for 0 mods
  142. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Reloading logging properties from C:\Users\user\Desktop\Trial Server\config\
  143. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Reloaded logging properties
  144. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [mcp] Mod Logging channel mcp configured at default level.
  145. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [INFO] [mcp] Activating mod mcp
  146. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [FML] Mod Logging channel FML configured at default level.
  147. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [INFO] [FML] Activating mod FML
  148. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [Forge] Mod Logging channel Forge configured at default level.
  149. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [INFO] [Forge] Activating mod Forge
  150. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [CodeChickenCore] Mod Logging channel CodeChickenCore configured at default level.
  151. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [INFO] [CodeChickenCore] Activating mod CodeChickenCore
  152. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [NotEnoughItems] Mod Logging channel NotEnoughItems configured at default level.
  153. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [INFO] [NotEnoughItems] Activating mod NotEnoughItems
  154. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [TreeCapitator] Enabling mod TreeCapitator
  155. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [TreeCapitator] Mod Logging channel TreeCapitator configured at default level.
  156. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] Activating mod TreeCapitator
  157. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [Doggy Talents] Enabling mod Doggy Talents
  158. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [Doggy Talents] Mod Logging channel Doggy Talents configured at default level.
  159. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [INFO] [Doggy Talents] Activating mod Doggy Talents
  160. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [BiblioCraft] Enabling mod BiblioCraft
  161. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [BiblioCraft] Mod Logging channel BiblioCraft configured at default level.
  162. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [INFO] [BiblioCraft] Activating mod BiblioCraft
  163. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Enabling mod mod_bspkrsCore
  164. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [mod_bspkrsCore] Mod Logging channel mod_bspkrsCore configured at default level.
  165. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [INFO] [mod_bspkrsCore] Activating mod mod_bspkrsCore
  166. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [CCTurtle] Enabling mod CCTurtle
  167. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [CCTurtle] Mod Logging channel CCTurtle configured at default level.
  168. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [INFO] [CCTurtle] Activating mod CCTurtle
  169. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [ComputerCraft] Enabling mod ComputerCraft
  170. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [ComputerCraft] Mod Logging channel ComputerCraft configured at default level.
  171. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [INFO] [ComputerCraft] Activating mod ComputerCraft
  172. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [CustomSpawner] Enabling mod CustomSpawner
  173. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [CustomSpawner] Mod Logging channel CustomSpawner configured at default level.
  174. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [INFO] [CustomSpawner] Activating mod CustomSpawner
  175. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [MoCreatures] Enabling mod MoCreatures
  176. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [MoCreatures] Mod Logging channel MoCreatures configured at default level.
  177. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [INFO] [MoCreatures] Activating mod MoCreatures
  178. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [EnderStorage] Enabling mod EnderStorage
  179. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [EnderStorage] Mod Logging channel EnderStorage configured at default level.
  180. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [INFO] [EnderStorage] Activating mod EnderStorage
  181. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [ExtrabiomesXL] Enabling mod ExtrabiomesXL
  182. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [ExtrabiomesXL] Mod Logging channel ExtrabiomesXL configured at default level.
  183. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [INFO] [ExtrabiomesXL] Activating mod ExtrabiomesXL
  184. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [Familiars_API] Enabling mod Familiars_API
  185. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [Familiars_API] Mod Logging channel Familiars_API configured at default level.
  186. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [INFO] [Familiars_API] Activating mod Familiars_API
  187. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [Familiars_DefaultMobPack] Enabling mod Familiars_DefaultMobPack
  188. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [Familiars_DefaultMobPack] Mod Logging channel Familiars_DefaultMobPack configured at default level.
  189. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [INFO] [Familiars_DefaultMobPack] Activating mod Familiars_DefaultMobPack
  190. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [Familiars_ExtendedFamPack] Enabling mod Familiars_ExtendedFamPack
  191. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [Familiars_ExtendedFamPack] Mod Logging channel Familiars_ExtendedFamPack configured at default level.
  192. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [INFO] [Familiars_ExtendedFamPack] Activating mod Familiars_ExtendedFamPack
  193. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [HealthBars] Enabling mod HealthBars
  194. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [HealthBars] Mod Logging channel HealthBars configured at default level.
  195. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [INFO] [HealthBars] Activating mod HealthBars
  196. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [Mystcraft] Enabling mod Mystcraft
  197. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [Mystcraft] Mod Logging channel Mystcraft configured at default level.
  198. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [INFO] [Mystcraft] Activating mod Mystcraft
  199. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [SimplyHorses] Enabling mod SimplyHorses
  200. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [SimplyHorses] Mod Logging channel SimplyHorses configured at default level.
  201. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [INFO] [SimplyHorses] Activating mod SimplyHorses
  202. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Enabling mod mod_SmartMoving
  203. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [mod_SmartMoving] Mod Logging channel mod_SmartMoving configured at default level.
  204. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [INFO] [mod_SmartMoving] Activating mod mod_SmartMoving
  205. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Enabling mod mod_SmartRender
  206. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [mod_SmartRender] Mod Logging channel mod_SmartRender configured at default level.
  207. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [INFO] [mod_SmartRender] Activating mod mod_SmartRender
  208. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [SoulEater] Enabling mod SoulEater
  209. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [SoulEater] Mod Logging channel SoulEater configured at default level.
  210. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [INFO] [SoulEater] Activating mod SoulEater
  211. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [SpecialMobs] Enabling mod SpecialMobs
  212. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [SpecialMobs] Mod Logging channel SpecialMobs configured at default level.
  213. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [INFO] [SpecialMobs] Activating mod SpecialMobs
  214. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINER] [ForgeModLoader] Verifying mod requirements are satisfied
  215. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINER] [ForgeModLoader] All mod requirements are satisfied
  216. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINER] [ForgeModLoader] Sorting mods into an ordered list
  217. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINER] [ForgeModLoader] Mod sorting completed successfully
  218. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Mod sorting data
  219. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] mod_bspkrsCore(mod_bspkrsCore:Not available): (before:*)
  220. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Familiars_API(Familiars API:1.5.1): (before:*)
  221. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] TreeCapitator(TreeCapitator:Forge 1.5.1.r01): [1.5.1]TreeCapitator.Forge.1.5.1.r01.Uni.CoreMod.jar ()
  222. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Doggy Talents(Doggy Talents:v1.3.0): [1.5] Doggy Talents - ()
  223. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] BiblioCraft(BiblioCraft:1.1.5): BiblioCraft[v1.1.5].zip ()
  224. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] ComputerCraft(ComputerCraft:1.52): ()
  225. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] CCTurtle(ComputerCraft Turtles:1.52): (after:ComputerCraft)
  226. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] CustomSpawner(DrZhark's CustomSpawner:1.12.2): CustomMobSpawner ()
  227. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] MoCreatures(DrZhark's Mo'Creatures Mod:5.0.5): DrZharks MoCreatures Mod ()
  228. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] EnderStorage(EnderStorage: Ender-Storage-Mod-1.5.1.jar ()
  229. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] ExtrabiomesXL(ExtrabiomesXL:3.12.1): ExtrabiomesXL-Mod-1.5.1.jar ()
  230. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Familiars_DefaultMobPack(DefaultMobPack:1.5.1): (after:Familiars_API)
  231. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Familiars_ExtendedFamPack(ExtendedFamPack:1.5.1): (after:Familiars_API)
  232. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] HealthBars(Health Bars:1.0): HealthBars 1.0 for MC ()
  233. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Mystcraft(Mystcraft: (required-after:Forge@[,))
  234. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] SimplyHorses(Simply Horses:0.6.2): ()
  235. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] mod_SmartMoving(mod_SmartMoving:Not available): Smart Moving Universal for ModLoader or Minecraft Forge or ()
  236. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] mod_SmartRender(mod_SmartRender:Not available): Smart Moving Universal for ModLoader or Minecraft Forge or ()
  237. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] SoulEater(Soul Eater:1.0): ()
  238. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] SpecialMobs(Special Mobs:2.4.2): SpecialMobs 2.4.2 for MC ()
  239. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] FML has found a non-mod file in your mods directory. It will now be injected into your classpath. This could severe stability issues, it should be removed if possible.
  240. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] FML has found a non-mod file LostBooks 1.0 for MC in your mods directory. It will now be injected into your classpath. This could severe stability issues, it should be removed if possible.
  241. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINEST] [mcp] Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod mcp
  242. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINEST] [mcp] Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod mcp
  243. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINEST] [FML] Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod FML
  244. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINEST] [FML] Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod FML
  245. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINEST] [Forge] Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod Forge
  246. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINEST] [Forge] Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod Forge
  247. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINEST] [CodeChickenCore] Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod CodeChickenCore
  248. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINEST] [CodeChickenCore] Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod CodeChickenCore
  249. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINEST] [NotEnoughItems] Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod NotEnoughItems
  250. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINEST] [NotEnoughItems] Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod NotEnoughItems
  251. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINEST] [mod_bspkrsCore] Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod mod_bspkrsCore
  252. 2013-04-07 18:42:37 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Reading existing configuration file for mod_bspkrsCore : mod_bspkrsCore.cfg
  253. 2013-04-07 18:42:38 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Found an MLProp field allowUpdateCheck in mod_bspkrsCore
  254. 2013-04-07 18:42:38 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Considering MLProp field allowUpdateCheck
  255. 2013-04-07 18:42:38 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Configuration for mod_bspkrsCore.allowUpdateCheck found values default: true, configured: true, interpreted: true
  256. 2013-04-07 18:42:38 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Configuration for mod_bspkrsCore written to mod_bspkrsCore.cfg
  257. 2013-04-07 18:42:38 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Injecting dummy network mod handler for BaseMod mod_bspkrsCore
  258. 2013-04-07 18:42:38 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into mod_bspkrsCore
  259. 2013-04-07 18:42:38 [FINEST] [mod_bspkrsCore] Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod mod_bspkrsCore
  260. 2013-04-07 18:42:38 [FINEST] [Familiars_API] Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod Familiars_API
  261. 2013-04-07 18:42:38 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Testing mod Familiars_API to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
  262. 2013-04-07 18:42:38 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] The mod Familiars_API accepts its own version (1.5.1)
  263. 2013-04-07 18:42:38 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into Familiars_API
  264. 2013-04-07 18:42:38 [FINEST] [Familiars_API] Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod Familiars_API
  265. 2013-04-07 18:42:38 [FINEST] [TreeCapitator] Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod TreeCapitator
  266. 2013-04-07 18:42:38 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Testing mod TreeCapitator to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
  267. 2013-04-07 18:42:38 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] The mod TreeCapitator accepts its own version (Forge 1.5.1.r01)
  268. 2013-04-07 18:42:38 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into TreeCapitator
  269. 2013-04-07 18:42:38 [FINEST] [TreeCapitator] Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod TreeCapitator
  270. 2013-04-07 18:42:38 [FINEST] [Doggy Talents] Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod Doggy Talents
  271. 2013-04-07 18:42:38 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item doggytalents.item.ItemTreat(6276) owned by Doggy Talents
  272. 2013-04-07 18:42:38 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item doggytalents.item.ItemTreat(6277) owned by Doggy Talents
  273. 2013-04-07 18:42:38 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item doggytalents.item.ItemTreat(6278) owned by Doggy Talents
  274. 2013-04-07 18:42:38 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item doggytalents.item.ItemDireTreat(6279) owned by Doggy Talents
  275. 2013-04-07 18:42:38 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item doggytalents.item.ItemDT(6280) owned by Doggy Talents
  276. 2013-04-07 18:42:38 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item doggytalents.item.ItemThrowBone(6281) owned by Doggy Talents
  277. 2013-04-07 18:42:38 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item doggytalents.item.ItemDT(6283) owned by Doggy Talents
  278. 2013-04-07 18:42:38 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item doggytalents.item.ItemDT(6284) owned by Doggy Talents
  279. 2013-04-07 18:42:38 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item doggytalents.item.ItemDoggyCharm(6285) owned by Doggy Talents
  280. 2013-04-07 18:42:38 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Testing mod Doggy Talents to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
  281. 2013-04-07 18:42:38 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] The mod Doggy Talents accepts its own version (v1.3.0)
  282. 2013-04-07 18:42:38 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into Doggy Talents
  283. 2013-04-07 18:42:38 [FINEST] [Doggy Talents] Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod Doggy Talents
  284. 2013-04-07 18:42:38 [FINEST] [BiblioCraft] Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod BiblioCraft
  285. 2013-04-07 18:42:38 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Testing mod BiblioCraft to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
  286. 2013-04-07 18:42:38 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] The mod BiblioCraft accepts its own version (1.1.5)
  287. 2013-04-07 18:42:38 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into BiblioCraft
  288. 2013-04-07 18:42:38 [FINEST] [BiblioCraft] Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod BiblioCraft
  289. 2013-04-07 18:42:38 [FINEST] [ComputerCraft] Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod ComputerCraft
  290. 2013-04-07 18:42:38 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Testing mod ComputerCraft to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
  291. 2013-04-07 18:42:38 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] The mod ComputerCraft accepts its own version (1.52)
  292. 2013-04-07 18:42:38 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into ComputerCraft
  293. 2013-04-07 18:42:38 [FINEST] [ComputerCraft] Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod ComputerCraft
  294. 2013-04-07 18:42:38 [FINEST] [CCTurtle] Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod CCTurtle
  295. 2013-04-07 18:42:38 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Testing mod CCTurtle to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
  296. 2013-04-07 18:42:38 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] The mod CCTurtle accepts its own version (1.52)
  297. 2013-04-07 18:42:38 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into CCTurtle
  298. 2013-04-07 18:42:38 [FINEST] [CCTurtle] Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod CCTurtle
  299. 2013-04-07 18:42:38 [FINEST] [CustomSpawner] Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod CustomSpawner
  300. 2013-04-07 18:42:38 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into CustomSpawner
  301. 2013-04-07 18:42:38 [FINEST] [CustomSpawner] Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod CustomSpawner
  302. 2013-04-07 18:42:38 [FINEST] [MoCreatures] Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod MoCreatures
  303. 2013-04-07 18:42:38 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Testing mod MoCreatures to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
  304. 2013-04-07 18:42:38 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] The mod MoCreatures accepts its own version (5.0.5)
  305. 2013-04-07 18:42:38 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into MoCreatures
  306. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINEST] [MoCreatures] Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod MoCreatures
  307. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINEST] [EnderStorage] Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod EnderStorage
  308. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Testing mod EnderStorage to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
  309. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] The mod EnderStorage accepts its own version (
  310. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into EnderStorage
  311. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINEST] [EnderStorage] Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod EnderStorage
  312. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINEST] [ExtrabiomesXL] Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod ExtrabiomesXL
  313. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Testing mod ExtrabiomesXL to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
  314. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] The mod ExtrabiomesXL accepts its own version (3.12.1)
  315. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into ExtrabiomesXL
  316. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINEST] [ExtrabiomesXL] Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod ExtrabiomesXL
  317. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINEST] [Familiars_DefaultMobPack] Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod Familiars_DefaultMobPack
  318. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Testing mod Familiars_DefaultMobPack to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
  319. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] The mod Familiars_DefaultMobPack accepts its own version (1.5.1)
  320. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into Familiars_DefaultMobPack
  321. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINEST] [Familiars_DefaultMobPack] Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod Familiars_DefaultMobPack
  322. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINEST] [Familiars_ExtendedFamPack] Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod Familiars_ExtendedFamPack
  323. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Testing mod Familiars_ExtendedFamPack to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
  324. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] The mod Familiars_ExtendedFamPack accepts its own version (1.5.1)
  325. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into Familiars_ExtendedFamPack
  326. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINEST] [Familiars_ExtendedFamPack] Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod Familiars_ExtendedFamPack
  327. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINEST] [HealthBars] Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod HealthBars
  328. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Testing mod HealthBars to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
  329. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] The mod HealthBars accepts its own version (1.0)
  330. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into HealthBars
  331. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINEST] [HealthBars] Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod HealthBars
  332. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINEST] [Mystcraft] Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod Mystcraft
  333. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Testing mod Mystcraft to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
  334. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] The mod Mystcraft accepts its own version (
  335. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into Mystcraft
  336. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINEST] [Mystcraft] Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod Mystcraft
  337. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINEST] [SimplyHorses] Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod SimplyHorses
  338. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Testing mod SimplyHorses to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
  339. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] The mod SimplyHorses accepts its own version (0.6.2)
  340. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into SimplyHorses
  341. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINEST] [SimplyHorses] Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod SimplyHorses
  342. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINEST] [mod_SmartMoving] Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod mod_SmartMoving
  343. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] No MLProp configuration for mod_SmartMoving found or required. No file written
  344. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Injecting dummy network mod handler for BaseMod mod_SmartMoving
  345. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into mod_SmartMoving
  346. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINEST] [mod_SmartMoving] Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod mod_SmartMoving
  347. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINEST] [mod_SmartRender] Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod mod_SmartRender
  348. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] No MLProp configuration for mod_SmartRender found or required. No file written
  349. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Injecting dummy network mod handler for BaseMod mod_SmartRender
  350. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into mod_SmartRender
  351. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINEST] [mod_SmartRender] Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod mod_SmartRender
  352. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINEST] [SoulEater] Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod SoulEater
  353. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Testing mod SoulEater to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
  354. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] The mod SoulEater accepts its own version (1.0)
  355. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into SoulEater
  356. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINEST] [SoulEater] Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod SoulEater
  357. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINEST] [SpecialMobs] Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod SpecialMobs
  358. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Testing mod SpecialMobs to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
  359. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] The mod SpecialMobs accepts its own version (2.4.2)
  360. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into SpecialMobs
  361. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINEST] [SpecialMobs] Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod SpecialMobs
  362. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Mod signature data
  363. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] mcp(Minecraft Coder Pack:7.44): minecraft.jar (NO VALID CERTIFICATE FOUND)
  364. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] FML(Forge Mod Loader: coremods (de4cf8a3f3bc15635810044c39240bf96804ea7d)
  365. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Forge(Minecraft Forge: coremods (NO VALID CERTIFICATE FOUND)
  366. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] CodeChickenCore(CodeChicken Core: coremods (NO VALID CERTIFICATE FOUND)
  367. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] NotEnoughItems(Not Enough Items: coremods (NO VALID CERTIFICATE FOUND)
  368. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] mod_bspkrsCore(bspkrsCore:v1.03(1.5.1)): (NO VALID CERTIFICATE FOUND)
  369. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Familiars_API(Familiars API:1.5.1): (NO VALID CERTIFICATE FOUND)
  370. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] TreeCapitator(TreeCapitator:Forge 1.5.1.r01): [1.5.1]TreeCapitator.Forge.1.5.1.r01.Uni.CoreMod.jar (NO VALID CERTIFICATE FOUND)
  371. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Doggy Talents(Doggy Talents:v1.3.0): [1.5] Doggy Talents - (NO VALID CERTIFICATE FOUND)
  372. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] BiblioCraft(BiblioCraft:1.1.5): BiblioCraft[v1.1.5].zip (NO VALID CERTIFICATE FOUND)
  373. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] ComputerCraft(ComputerCraft:1.52): (NO VALID CERTIFICATE FOUND)
  374. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] CCTurtle(ComputerCraft Turtles:1.52): (NO VALID CERTIFICATE FOUND)
  375. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] CustomSpawner(DrZhark's CustomSpawner:1.12.2): CustomMobSpawner (NO VALID CERTIFICATE FOUND)
  376. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] MoCreatures(DrZhark's Mo'Creatures Mod:5.0.5): DrZharks MoCreatures Mod (NO VALID CERTIFICATE FOUND)
  377. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] EnderStorage(EnderStorage: Ender-Storage-Mod-1.5.1.jar (NO VALID CERTIFICATE FOUND)
  378. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] ExtrabiomesXL(ExtrabiomesXL:3.12.1): ExtrabiomesXL-Mod-1.5.1.jar (NO VALID CERTIFICATE FOUND)
  379. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Familiars_DefaultMobPack(DefaultMobPack:1.5.1): (NO VALID CERTIFICATE FOUND)
  380. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Familiars_ExtendedFamPack(ExtendedFamPack:1.5.1): (NO VALID CERTIFICATE FOUND)
  381. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] HealthBars(Health Bars:1.0): HealthBars 1.0 for MC (NO VALID CERTIFICATE FOUND)
  382. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Mystcraft(Mystcraft: (NO VALID CERTIFICATE FOUND)
  383. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] SimplyHorses(Simply Horses:0.6.2): (NO VALID CERTIFICATE FOUND)
  384. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] mod_SmartMoving(Smart Moving:13.5): Smart Moving Universal for ModLoader or Minecraft Forge or (NO VALID CERTIFICATE FOUND)
  385. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] mod_SmartRender(Smart Render:1.0): Smart Moving Universal for ModLoader or Minecraft Forge or (NO VALID CERTIFICATE FOUND)
  386. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] SoulEater(Soul Eater:1.0): (NO VALID CERTIFICATE FOUND)
  387. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] SpecialMobs(Special Mobs:2.4.2): SpecialMobs 2.4.2 for MC (NO VALID CERTIFICATE FOUND)
  388. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINEST] [mcp] Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod mcp
  389. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINEST] [mcp] Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod mcp
  390. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINEST] [FML] Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod FML
  391. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINEST] [FML] Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod FML
  392. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINEST] [Forge] Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod Forge
  393. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Configured a dormant chunk cache size of 0
  394. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINEST] [Forge] Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod Forge
  395. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINEST] [CodeChickenCore] Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod CodeChickenCore
  396. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINEST] [CodeChickenCore] Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod CodeChickenCore
  397. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINEST] [NotEnoughItems] Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod NotEnoughItems
  398. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINEST] [NotEnoughItems] Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod NotEnoughItems
  399. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINEST] [mod_bspkrsCore] Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod mod_bspkrsCore
  400. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINEST] [mod_bspkrsCore] Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod mod_bspkrsCore
  401. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINEST] [Familiars_API] Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod Familiars_API
  402. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINEST] [Familiars_API] Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod Familiars_API
  403. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [FINEST] [TreeCapitator] Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod TreeCapitator
  404. 2013-04-07 18:42:39 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] File block config loaded.
  405. 2013-04-07 18:42:42 [FINEST] [TreeCapitator] Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod TreeCapitator
  406. 2013-04-07 18:42:42 [FINEST] [Doggy Talents] Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod Doggy Talents
  407. 2013-04-07 18:42:42 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock(3210) owned by Doggy Talents
  408. 2013-04-07 18:42:42 [FINEST] [Doggy Talents] Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod Doggy Talents
  409. 2013-04-07 18:42:42 [FINEST] [BiblioCraft] Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod BiblioCraft
  410. 2013-04-07 18:42:42 [FINEST] [BiblioCraft] Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod BiblioCraft
  411. 2013-04-07 18:42:42 [FINEST] [ComputerCraft] Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod ComputerCraft
  412. 2013-04-07 18:42:42 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item owned by ComputerCraft
  413. 2013-04-07 18:42:42 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item owned by ComputerCraft
  414. 2013-04-07 18:42:42 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item owned by ComputerCraft
  415. 2013-04-07 18:42:42 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item owned by ComputerCraft
  416. 2013-04-07 18:42:42 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item owned by ComputerCraft
  417. 2013-04-07 18:42:42 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item owned by ComputerCraft
  418. 2013-04-07 18:42:42 [FINEST] [ComputerCraft] Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod ComputerCraft
  419. 2013-04-07 18:42:42 [FINEST] [CCTurtle] Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod CCTurtle
  420. 2013-04-07 18:42:42 [FINEST] [CCTurtle] Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod CCTurtle
  421. 2013-04-07 18:42:42 [FINEST] [CustomSpawner] Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod CustomSpawner
  422. 2013-04-07 18:42:42 [FINEST] [CustomSpawner] Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod CustomSpawner
  423. 2013-04-07 18:42:42 [FINEST] [MoCreatures] Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod MoCreatures
  424. 2013-04-07 18:42:42 [INFO] [STDOUT] Initializing MoCreatures Server Config File at C:\Users\user\Desktop\Trial Server\config\MoCreatures.cfg
  425. 2013-04-07 18:42:42 [FINEST] [MoCreatures] Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod MoCreatures
  426. 2013-04-07 18:42:42 [FINEST] [EnderStorage] Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod EnderStorage
  427. 2013-04-07 18:42:42 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item codechicken.enderstorage.common.ItemEnderStorage(241) owned by EnderStorage
  428. 2013-04-07 18:42:42 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item owned by EnderStorage
  429. 2013-04-07 18:42:42 [FINEST] [EnderStorage] Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod EnderStorage
  430. 2013-04-07 18:42:42 [FINEST] [ExtrabiomesXL] Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod ExtrabiomesXL
  431. 2013-04-07 18:42:42 [INFO] [ExtrabiomesXL]
  432. 2013-04-07 18:42:42 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item extrabiomes.items.ItemCustomLeaves(2200) owned by ExtrabiomesXL
  433. 2013-04-07 18:42:42 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item extrabiomes.items.ItemCatTail(2201) owned by ExtrabiomesXL
  434. 2013-04-07 18:42:42 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock(255) owned by ExtrabiomesXL
  435. 2013-04-07 18:42:42 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item extrabiomes.items.ItemFlower(2202) owned by ExtrabiomesXL
  436. 2013-04-07 18:42:42 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item extrabiomes.items.ItemGrass(2203) owned by ExtrabiomesXL
  437. 2013-04-07 18:42:42 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item extrabiomes.items.ItemCustomGreenLeaves(2204) owned by ExtrabiomesXL
  438. 2013-04-07 18:42:42 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock(2205) owned by ExtrabiomesXL
  439. 2013-04-07 18:42:43 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item extrabiomes.items.ItemRedRock(254) owned by ExtrabiomesXL
  440. 2013-04-07 18:42:43 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item extrabiomes.items.ItemSapling(2207) owned by ExtrabiomesXL
  441. 2013-04-07 18:42:43 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item extrabiomes.utility.MultiItemBlock(2208) owned by ExtrabiomesXL
  442. 2013-04-07 18:42:43 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item extrabiomes.utility.MultiItemBlock(2209) owned by ExtrabiomesXL
  443. 2013-04-07 18:42:43 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item extrabiomes.utility.MultiItemBlock(2211) owned by ExtrabiomesXL
  444. 2013-04-07 18:42:43 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item extrabiomes.utility.MultiItemBlock(2212) owned by ExtrabiomesXL
  445. 2013-04-07 18:42:43 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item extrabiomes.utility.MultiItemBlock(2213) owned by ExtrabiomesXL
  446. 2013-04-07 18:42:43 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item extrabiomes.items.LogTurner(13126) owned by ExtrabiomesXL
  447. 2013-04-07 18:42:43 [FINE] [ExtrabiomesXL] Village spawning enabled for custom biome alpine.
  448. 2013-04-07 18:42:43 [FINE] [ExtrabiomesXL] Village spawning enabled for custom biome autumnwoods.
  449. 2013-04-07 18:42:43 [FINE] [ExtrabiomesXL] Village spawning enabled for custom biome birchforest.
  450. 2013-04-07 18:42:43 [FINE] [ExtrabiomesXL] Village spawning enabled for custom biome extremejungle.
  451. 2013-04-07 18:42:43 [FINE] [ExtrabiomesXL] Village spawning enabled for custom biome forestedhills.
  452. 2013-04-07 18:42:43 [FINE] [ExtrabiomesXL] Village spawning enabled for custom biome forestedisland.
  453. 2013-04-07 18:42:43 [FINE] [ExtrabiomesXL] Village spawning enabled for custom biome glacier.
  454. 2013-04-07 18:42:43 [FINE] [ExtrabiomesXL] Village spawning enabled for custom biome greenhills.
  455. 2013-04-07 18:42:43 [FINE] [ExtrabiomesXL] Village spawning enabled for custom biome greenswamp.
  456. 2013-04-07 18:42:43 [FINE] [ExtrabiomesXL] Village spawning enabled for custom biome icewasteland.
  457. 2013-04-07 18:42:43 [FINE] [ExtrabiomesXL] Village spawning enabled for custom biome marsh.
  458. 2013-04-07 18:42:43 [FINE] [ExtrabiomesXL] Village spawning enabled for custom biome meadow.
  459. 2013-04-07 18:42:43 [FINE] [ExtrabiomesXL] Village spawning enabled for custom biome minijungle.
  460. 2013-04-07 18:42:43 [FINE] [ExtrabiomesXL] Village spawning enabled for custom biome mountaindesert.
  461. 2013-04-07 18:42:43 [FINE] [ExtrabiomesXL] Village spawning enabled for custom biome mountainridge.
  462. 2013-04-07 18:42:43 [FINE] [ExtrabiomesXL] Village spawning enabled for custom biome mountaintaiga.
  463. 2013-04-07 18:42:43 [FINE] [ExtrabiomesXL] Village spawning enabled for custom biome pineforest.
  464. 2013-04-07 18:42:43 [FINE] [ExtrabiomesXL] Village spawning enabled for custom biome rainforest.
  465. 2013-04-07 18:42:43 [FINE] [ExtrabiomesXL] Village spawning enabled for custom biome redwoodforest.
  466. 2013-04-07 18:42:43 [FINE] [ExtrabiomesXL] Village spawning enabled for custom biome redwoodlush.
  467. 2013-04-07 18:42:43 [FINE] [ExtrabiomesXL] Village spawning enabled for custom biome savanna.
  468. 2013-04-07 18:42:43 [FINE] [ExtrabiomesXL] Village spawning enabled for custom biome shrubland.
  469. 2013-04-07 18:42:43 [FINE] [ExtrabiomesXL] Village spawning enabled for custom biome snowyforest.
  470. 2013-04-07 18:42:43 [FINE] [ExtrabiomesXL] Village spawning enabled for custom biome snowyrainforest.
  471. 2013-04-07 18:42:43 [FINE] [ExtrabiomesXL] Village spawning enabled for custom biome temporaterainforest.
  472. 2013-04-07 18:42:43 [FINE] [ExtrabiomesXL] Village spawning enabled for custom biome tundra.
  473. 2013-04-07 18:42:43 [FINE] [ExtrabiomesXL] Village spawning enabled for custom biome wasteland.
  474. 2013-04-07 18:42:43 [FINE] [ExtrabiomesXL] Village spawning enabled for custom biome woodlands.
  475. 2013-04-07 18:42:43 [INFO] [ExtrabiomesXL] Module CAUTIA is enabled.
  476. 2013-04-07 18:42:43 [INFO] [ExtrabiomesXL] Module FABRICA is enabled.
  477. 2013-04-07 18:42:43 [INFO] [ExtrabiomesXL] Module AMICA is enabled.
  478. 2013-04-07 18:42:43 [FINEST] [ExtrabiomesXL] Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod ExtrabiomesXL
  479. 2013-04-07 18:42:43 [FINEST] [Familiars_DefaultMobPack] Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod Familiars_DefaultMobPack
  480. 2013-04-07 18:42:43 [FINEST] [Familiars_DefaultMobPack] Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod Familiars_DefaultMobPack
  481. 2013-04-07 18:42:43 [FINEST] [Familiars_ExtendedFamPack] Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod Familiars_ExtendedFamPack
  482. 2013-04-07 18:42:43 [FINEST] [Familiars_ExtendedFamPack] Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod Familiars_ExtendedFamPack
  483. 2013-04-07 18:42:43 [FINEST] [HealthBars] Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod HealthBars
  484. 2013-04-07 18:42:43 [FINEST] [HealthBars] Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod HealthBars
  485. 2013-04-07 18:42:43 [FINEST] [Mystcraft] Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod Mystcraft
  486. 2013-04-07 18:42:43 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock(1276) owned by Mystcraft
  487. 2013-04-07 18:42:43 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item com.xcompwiz.mystcraft.item.ItemDecayBlock(1282) owned by Mystcraft
  488. 2013-04-07 18:42:43 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item com.xcompwiz.mystcraft.item.ItemInkVial(8962) owned by Mystcraft
  489. 2013-04-07 18:42:43 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item com.xcompwiz.mystcraft.item.ItemLinkbook(8957) owned by Mystcraft
  490. 2013-04-07 18:42:43 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item com.xcompwiz.mystcraft.item.ItemNotebook(8958) owned by Mystcraft
  491. 2013-04-07 18:42:43 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock(1280) owned by Mystcraft
  492. 2013-04-07 18:42:44 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock(1277) owned by Mystcraft
  493. 2013-04-07 18:42:44 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock(1275) owned by Mystcraft
  494. 2013-04-07 18:42:44 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item com.xcompwiz.mystcraft.item.ItemWritingDesk(8959) owned by Mystcraft
  495. 2013-04-07 18:42:44 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock(1285) owned by Mystcraft
  496. 2013-04-07 18:42:44 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock(1278) owned by Mystcraft
  497. 2013-04-07 18:42:44 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock(1279) owned by Mystcraft
  498. 2013-04-07 18:42:44 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item com.xcompwiz.mystcraft.item.ItemLiquid(8961) owned by Mystcraft
  499. 2013-04-07 18:42:44 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item com.xcompwiz.mystcraft.item.ItemPage(8960) owned by Mystcraft
  500. 2013-04-07 18:42:44 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item com.xcompwiz.mystcraft.item.ItemAgebook(8956) owned by Mystcraft
  501. 2013-04-07 18:42:44 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Skipping automatic mod Mystcraft entity registration for already registered class com.xcompwiz.mystcraft.entity.EntityLinkbook
  502. 2013-04-07 18:42:44 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Skipping automatic mod Mystcraft entity registration for already registered class com.xcompwiz.mystcraft.entity.EntityFallingBlock
  503. 2013-04-07 18:42:44 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod Mystcraft entity Meteor as Mystcraft.Meteor
  504. 2013-04-07 18:42:44 [FINEST] [Mystcraft] Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod Mystcraft
  505. 2013-04-07 18:42:44 [FINEST] [SimplyHorses] Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod SimplyHorses
  506. 2013-04-07 18:42:44 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registering Server Tick Handler
  507. 2013-04-07 18:42:44 [FINEST] [SimplyHorses] Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod SimplyHorses
  508. 2013-04-07 18:42:44 [FINEST] [mod_SmartMoving] Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod mod_SmartMoving
  509. 2013-04-07 18:42:44 [FINEST] [mod_SmartMoving] Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod mod_SmartMoving
  510. 2013-04-07 18:42:44 [FINEST] [mod_SmartRender] Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod mod_SmartRender
  511. 2013-04-07 18:42:44 [FINEST] [mod_SmartRender] Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod mod_SmartRender
  512. 2013-04-07 18:42:44 [FINEST] [SoulEater] Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod SoulEater
  513. 2013-04-07 18:42:44 [FINEST] [SoulEater] Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod SoulEater
  514. 2013-04-07 18:42:44 [FINEST] [SpecialMobs] Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod SpecialMobs
  515. 2013-04-07 18:42:44 [FINEST] [SpecialMobs] Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod SpecialMobs
  516. 2013-04-07 18:42:44 [INFO] [Minecraft-Server] Loading properties
  517. 2013-04-07 18:42:44 [INFO] [Minecraft-Server] Default game type: SURVIVAL
  518. 2013-04-07 18:42:44 [INFO] [Minecraft-Server] Generating keypair
  519. 2013-04-07 18:42:44 [INFO] [Minecraft-Server] Starting Minecraft server on *:25565
  520. 2013-04-07 18:42:44 [FINEST] [mcp] Sending event FMLInitializationEvent to mod mcp
  521. 2013-04-07 18:42:44 [FINEST] [mcp] Sent event FMLInitializationEvent to mod mcp
  522. 2013-04-07 18:42:44 [FINEST] [FML] Sending event FMLInitializationEvent to mod FML
  523. 2013-04-07 18:42:44 [FINEST] [FML] Sent event FMLInitializationEvent to mod FML
  524. 2013-04-07 18:42:44 [FINEST] [Forge] Sending event FMLInitializationEvent to mod Forge
  525. 2013-04-07 18:42:44 [FINEST] [Forge] Sent event FMLInitializationEvent to mod Forge
  526. 2013-04-07 18:42:44 [FINEST] [CodeChickenCore] Sending event FMLInitializationEvent to mod CodeChickenCore
  527. 2013-04-07 18:42:44 [FINEST] [CodeChickenCore] Sent event FMLInitializationEvent to mod CodeChickenCore
  528. 2013-04-07 18:42:44 [FINEST] [NotEnoughItems] Sending event FMLInitializationEvent to mod NotEnoughItems
  529. 2013-04-07 18:42:44 [FINEST] [NotEnoughItems] Sent event FMLInitializationEvent to mod NotEnoughItems
  530. 2013-04-07 18:42:44 [FINEST] [mod_bspkrsCore] Sending event FMLInitializationEvent to mod mod_bspkrsCore
  531. 2013-04-07 18:42:46 [FINEST] [mod_bspkrsCore] Sent event FMLInitializationEvent to mod mod_bspkrsCore
  532. 2013-04-07 18:42:46 [FINEST] [Familiars_API] Sending event FMLInitializationEvent to mod Familiars_API
  533. 2013-04-07 18:42:46 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item mods.Familiars.API.common.FamGuideItem(10357) owned by Familiars_API
  534. 2013-04-07 18:42:46 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod Familiars_API entity Projectile as Familiars_API.Projectile
  535. 2013-04-07 18:42:46 [FINEST] [Familiars_API] Sent event FMLInitializationEvent to mod Familiars_API
  536. 2013-04-07 18:42:46 [FINEST] [TreeCapitator] Sending event FMLInitializationEvent to mod TreeCapitator
  537. 2013-04-07 18:42:46 [FINEST] [TreeCapitator] Sent event FMLInitializationEvent to mod TreeCapitator
  538. 2013-04-07 18:42:46 [FINEST] [Doggy Talents] Sending event FMLInitializationEvent to mod Doggy Talents
  539. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Skipping automatic mod Doggy Talents entity registration for already registered class doggytalents.entity.EntityDTDoggy
  540. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [Doggy Talents] Sent event FMLInitializationEvent to mod Doggy Talents
  541. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [BiblioCraft] Sending event FMLInitializationEvent to mod BiblioCraft
  542. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item jds.bibliocraft.blocks.BlockItemWritingDesk(2248) owned by BiblioCraft
  543. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item jds.bibliocraft.blocks.BlockItemBookcaseMaster(2250) owned by BiblioCraft
  544. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item jds.bibliocraft.blocks.BlockItemPotionShelfMaster(2252) owned by BiblioCraft
  545. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item jds.bibliocraft.blocks.BlockItemGenericShelfMaster(2254) owned by BiblioCraft
  546. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item jds.bibliocraft.blocks.BlockItemWeaponRackMaster(2253) owned by BiblioCraft
  547. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item jds.bibliocraft.blocks.BlockItemWeaponCaseMaster(2255) owned by BiblioCraft
  548. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item jds.bibliocraft.blocks.BlockItemLabelMaster(2251) owned by BiblioCraft
  549. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock(2249) owned by BiblioCraft
  550. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item jds.bibliocraft.items.TapeMeasure(22478) owned by BiblioCraft
  551. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item jds.bibliocraft.items.ItemTape(22479) owned by BiblioCraft
  552. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [BiblioCraft] Sent event FMLInitializationEvent to mod BiblioCraft
  553. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [ComputerCraft] Sending event FMLInitializationEvent to mod ComputerCraft
  554. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [INFO] [STDOUT] Loading ComputerCraft v1.52 (rev 1067)
  555. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [INFO] [STDOUT] ComputerCraft: Searching for RedPowerLib...
  556. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [INFO] [STDOUT] ComputerCraft: RedPowerLib not found.
  557. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [ComputerCraft] Sent event FMLInitializationEvent to mod ComputerCraft
  558. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [CCTurtle] Sending event FMLInitializationEvent to mod CCTurtle
  559. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [INFO] [STDOUT] Loading CCTurtle v1.52 (rev 1067)
  560. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item dan200.turtle.shared.ItemTurtle(1227) owned by CCTurtle
  561. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item dan200.turtle.shared.ItemTurtleExpanded(1228) owned by CCTurtle
  562. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [CCTurtle] Sent event FMLInitializationEvent to mod CCTurtle
  563. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [CustomSpawner] Sending event FMLInitializationEvent to mod CustomSpawner
  564. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [CustomSpawner] Sent event FMLInitializationEvent to mod CustomSpawner
  565. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [MoCreatures] Sending event FMLInitializationEvent to mod MoCreatures
  566. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItemRecord(9028) owned by MoCreatures
  567. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItemHorseSaddle(9029) owned by MoCreatures
  568. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItem(9030) owned by MoCreatures
  569. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItem(9031) owned by MoCreatures
  570. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItemHayStack(9032) owned by MoCreatures
  571. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItemSugarLump(9033) owned by MoCreatures
  572. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItemEgg(9034) owned by MoCreatures
  573. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItem(9035) owned by MoCreatures
  574. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItemWhip(9036) owned by MoCreatures
  575. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItem(9037) owned by MoCreatures
  576. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItem(9038) owned by MoCreatures
  577. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItem(9040) owned by MoCreatures
  578. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItemKittyBed(9041) owned by MoCreatures
  579. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItemLitterBox(9042) owned by MoCreatures
  580. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItem(9043) owned by MoCreatures
  581. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItem(9044) owned by MoCreatures
  582. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItem(9045) owned by MoCreatures
  583. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItem(9047) owned by MoCreatures
  584. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItemArmor(9048) owned by MoCreatures
  585. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItemArmor(9049) owned by MoCreatures
  586. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItemArmor(9050) owned by MoCreatures
  587. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItemArmor(9051) owned by MoCreatures
  588. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItemFishBowl(9052) owned by MoCreatures
  589. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItemFishBowl(9053) owned by MoCreatures
  590. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItemFishBowl(9054) owned by MoCreatures
  591. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItemFishBowl(9055) owned by MoCreatures
  592. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItemFishBowl(9056) owned by MoCreatures
  593. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItemFishBowl(9057) owned by MoCreatures
  594. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItemFishBowl(9058) owned by MoCreatures
  595. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItemFishBowl(9059) owned by MoCreatures
  596. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItemFishBowl(9060) owned by MoCreatures
  597. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItemFishBowl(9061) owned by MoCreatures
  598. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItemFishBowl(9062) owned by MoCreatures
  599. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItemFishBowl(9063) owned by MoCreatures
  600. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItem(9064) owned by MoCreatures
  601. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItemFood(9065) owned by MoCreatures
  602. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItemFood(9066) owned by MoCreatures
  603. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItemTurtleSoup(9067) owned by MoCreatures
  604. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItemWeapon(9068) owned by MoCreatures
  605. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItemWeapon(9069) owned by MoCreatures
  606. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItemWeapon(9070) owned by MoCreatures
  607. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItemWeapon(9071) owned by MoCreatures
  608. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItemWeapon(9072) owned by MoCreatures
  609. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItem(9073) owned by MoCreatures
  610. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItem(9074) owned by MoCreatures
  611. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItem(9075) owned by MoCreatures
  612. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItemAmulet(9076) owned by MoCreatures
  613. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItemAmulet(9077) owned by MoCreatures
  614. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItemAmulet(9078) owned by MoCreatures
  615. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItemAmulet(9079) owned by MoCreatures
  616. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItemAmulet(9080) owned by MoCreatures
  617. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItemAmulet(9081) owned by MoCreatures
  618. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItemAmulet(9082) owned by MoCreatures
  619. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItemAmulet(9083) owned by MoCreatures
  620. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItem(9084) owned by MoCreatures
  621. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItem(9085) owned by MoCreatures
  622. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItemArmor(9086) owned by MoCreatures
  623. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItemArmor(9087) owned by MoCreatures
  624. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItemArmor(9088) owned by MoCreatures
  625. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItemArmor(9089) owned by MoCreatures
  626. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItem(9090) owned by MoCreatures
  627. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItem(9091) owned by MoCreatures
  628. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItem(9092) owned by MoCreatures
  629. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItemFood(9093) owned by MoCreatures
  630. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItemFood(9094) owned by MoCreatures
  631. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItem(9095) owned by MoCreatures
  632. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItem(9098) owned by MoCreatures
  633. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItemFood(9100) owned by MoCreatures
  634. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItemFood(9101) owned by MoCreatures
  635. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItem(9102) owned by MoCreatures
  636. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItemArmor(9103) owned by MoCreatures
  637. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItemArmor(9104) owned by MoCreatures
  638. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItemArmor(9105) owned by MoCreatures
  639. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItemArmor(9106) owned by MoCreatures
  640. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItemFood(9107) owned by MoCreatures
  641. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItemFood(9108) owned by MoCreatures
  642. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItemFood(9109) owned by MoCreatures
  643. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItem(9110) owned by MoCreatures
  644. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItem(9111) owned by MoCreatures
  645. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItem(9112) owned by MoCreatures
  646. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItem(9113) owned by MoCreatures
  647. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItemWeapon(9114) owned by MoCreatures
  648. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItemWeapon(9115) owned by MoCreatures
  649. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItemWeapon(9116) owned by MoCreatures
  650. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItemWeapon(9117) owned by MoCreatures
  651. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItemArmor(9118) owned by MoCreatures
  652. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItemArmor(9119) owned by MoCreatures
  653. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItemArmor(9120) owned by MoCreatures
  654. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItemArmor(9121) owned by MoCreatures
  655. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItemArmor(9122) owned by MoCreatures
  656. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItemArmor(9123) owned by MoCreatures
  657. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItemArmor(9124) owned by MoCreatures
  658. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItemArmor(9125) owned by MoCreatures
  659. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItemArmor(9126) owned by MoCreatures
  660. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItemArmor(9127) owned by MoCreatures
  661. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItemArmor(9128) owned by MoCreatures
  662. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItemArmor(9129) owned by MoCreatures
  663. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItemArmor(9130) owned by MoCreatures
  664. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItemArmor(9131) owned by MoCreatures
  665. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItemArmor(9132) owned by MoCreatures
  666. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItemArmor(9133) owned by MoCreatures
  667. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItemWeapon(9134) owned by MoCreatures
  668. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItemWeapon(9135) owned by MoCreatures
  669. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItemWeapon(9136) owned by MoCreatures
  670. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItemWeapon(9137) owned by MoCreatures
  671. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItem(9138) owned by MoCreatures
  672. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItem(9139) owned by MoCreatures
  673. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItemWeapon(9140) owned by MoCreatures
  674. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItemWeapon(9141) owned by MoCreatures
  675. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItemWeapon(9142) owned by MoCreatures
  676. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItem(9143) owned by MoCreatures
  677. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItem(9144) owned by MoCreatures
  678. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItem(9145) owned by MoCreatures
  679. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItem(9146) owned by MoCreatures
  680. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.MoCItem(9147) owned by MoCreatures
  681. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.item.ItemStaffTeleporter(9148) owned by MoCreatures
  682. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.block.MultiItemBlock(202) owned by MoCreatures
  683. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.block.MultiItemBlock(201) owned by MoCreatures
  684. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.block.MultiItemBlock(200) owned by MoCreatures
  685. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.block.MultiItemBlock(700) owned by MoCreatures
  686. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.block.MultiItemBlock(701) owned by MoCreatures
  687. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.block.MultiItemBlock(702) owned by MoCreatures
  688. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item drzhark.mocreatures.block.MultiItemBlock(703) owned by MoCreatures
  689. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Skipping automatic mod MoCreatures entity registration for already registered class drzhark.mocreatures.entity.passive.MoCEntityBunny
  690. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Skipping automatic mod MoCreatures entity registration for already registered class drzhark.mocreatures.entity.passive.MoCEntitySnake
  691. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Skipping automatic mod MoCreatures entity registration for already registered class drzhark.mocreatures.entity.passive.MoCEntityTurtle
  692. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Skipping automatic mod MoCreatures entity registration for already registered class drzhark.mocreatures.entity.passive.MoCEntityBird
  693. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Skipping automatic mod MoCreatures entity registration for already registered class drzhark.mocreatures.entity.passive.MoCEntityMouse
  694. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Skipping automatic mod MoCreatures entity registration for already registered class drzhark.mocreatures.entity.passive.MoCEntityTurkey
  695. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Skipping automatic mod MoCreatures entity registration for already registered class drzhark.mocreatures.entity.passive.MoCEntityHorse
  696. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Skipping automatic mod MoCreatures entity registration for already registered class
  697. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Skipping automatic mod MoCreatures entity registration for already registered class
  698. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Skipping automatic mod MoCreatures entity registration for already registered class
  699. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Skipping automatic mod MoCreatures entity registration for already registered class
  700. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Skipping automatic mod MoCreatures entity registration for already registered class drzhark.mocreatures.entity.passive.MoCEntityBoar
  701. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Skipping automatic mod MoCreatures entity registration for already registered class drzhark.mocreatures.entity.passive.MoCEntityBear
  702. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Skipping automatic mod MoCreatures entity registration for already registered class drzhark.mocreatures.entity.passive.MoCEntityDuck
  703. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Skipping automatic mod MoCreatures entity registration for already registered class drzhark.mocreatures.entity.passive.MoCEntityBigCat
  704. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Skipping automatic mod MoCreatures entity registration for already registered class drzhark.mocreatures.entity.passive.MoCEntityDeer
  705. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Skipping automatic mod MoCreatures entity registration for already registered class
  706. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Skipping automatic mod MoCreatures entity registration for already registered class
  707. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Skipping automatic mod MoCreatures entity registration for already registered class
  708. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Skipping automatic mod MoCreatures entity registration for already registered class drzhark.mocreatures.entity.passive.MoCEntityFox
  709. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Skipping automatic mod MoCreatures entity registration for already registered class
  710. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Skipping automatic mod MoCreatures entity registration for already registered class drzhark.mocreatures.entity.passive.MoCEntityShark
  711. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Skipping automatic mod MoCreatures entity registration for already registered class drzhark.mocreatures.entity.passive.MoCEntityDolphin
  712. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Skipping automatic mod MoCreatures entity registration for already registered class drzhark.mocreatures.entity.passive.MoCEntityFishy
  713. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Skipping automatic mod MoCreatures entity registration for already registered class drzhark.mocreatures.entity.passive.MoCEntityKitty
  714. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Skipping automatic mod MoCreatures entity registration for already registered class drzhark.mocreatures.entity.item.MoCEntityKittyBed
  715. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Skipping automatic mod MoCreatures entity registration for already registered class drzhark.mocreatures.entity.item.MoCEntityLitterBox
  716. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Skipping automatic mod MoCreatures entity registration for already registered class
  717. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Skipping automatic mod MoCreatures entity registration for already registered class
  718. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Skipping automatic mod MoCreatures entity registration for already registered class
  719. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Skipping automatic mod MoCreatures entity registration for already registered class drzhark.mocreatures.entity.passive.MoCEntityCrocodile
  720. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Skipping automatic mod MoCreatures entity registration for already registered class drzhark.mocreatures.entity.passive.MoCEntityRay
  721. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Skipping automatic mod MoCreatures entity registration for already registered class drzhark.mocreatures.entity.passive.MoCEntityJellyFish
  722. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Skipping automatic mod MoCreatures entity registration for already registered class drzhark.mocreatures.entity.passive.MoCEntityGoat
  723. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Skipping automatic mod MoCreatures entity registration for already registered class drzhark.mocreatures.entity.item.MoCEntityEgg
  724. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Skipping automatic mod MoCreatures entity registration for already registered class drzhark.mocreatures.entity.item.MoCEntityFishBowl
  725. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Skipping automatic mod MoCreatures entity registration for already registered class drzhark.mocreatures.entity.passive.MoCEntityOstrich
  726. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Skipping automatic mod MoCreatures entity registration for already registered class drzhark.mocreatures.entity.passive.MoCEntityBee
  727. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Skipping automatic mod MoCreatures entity registration for already registered class drzhark.mocreatures.entity.passive.MoCEntityFly
  728. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Skipping automatic mod MoCreatures entity registration for already registered class drzhark.mocreatures.entity.passive.MoCEntityDragonfly
  729. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Skipping automatic mod MoCreatures entity registration for already registered class drzhark.mocreatures.entity.passive.MoCEntityFirefly
  730. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Skipping automatic mod MoCreatures entity registration for already registered class drzhark.mocreatures.entity.passive.MoCEntityCricket
  731. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Skipping automatic mod MoCreatures entity registration for already registered class drzhark.mocreatures.entity.passive.MoCEntitySnail
  732. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Skipping automatic mod MoCreatures entity registration for already registered class drzhark.mocreatures.entity.passive.MoCEntityButterfly
  733. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Skipping automatic mod MoCreatures entity registration for already registered class drzhark.mocreatures.entity.item.MoCEntityThrowableRock
  734. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Skipping automatic mod MoCreatures entity registration for already registered class
  735. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Skipping automatic mod MoCreatures entity registration for already registered class drzhark.mocreatures.entity.passive.MoCEntityPetScorpion
  736. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Skipping automatic mod MoCreatures entity registration for already registered class drzhark.mocreatures.entity.item.MoCEntityPlatform
  737. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Skipping automatic mod MoCreatures entity registration for already registered class drzhark.mocreatures.entity.passive.MoCEntityElephant
  738. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Skipping automatic mod MoCreatures entity registration for already registered class drzhark.mocreatures.entity.passive.MoCEntityKomodo
  739. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Skipping automatic mod MoCreatures entity registration for already registered class drzhark.mocreatures.entity.passive.MoCEntityWyvern
  740. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [MoCreatures] Sent event FMLInitializationEvent to mod MoCreatures
  741. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [EnderStorage] Sending event FMLInitializationEvent to mod EnderStorage
  742. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [EnderStorage] Sent event FMLInitializationEvent to mod EnderStorage
  743. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [ExtrabiomesXL] Sending event FMLInitializationEvent to mod ExtrabiomesXL
  744. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock(2214) owned by ExtrabiomesXL
  745. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item extrabiomes.utility.MultiItemBlock(2215) owned by ExtrabiomesXL
  746. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item extrabiomes.module.fabrica.block.ItemWoodSlab(2216) owned by ExtrabiomesXL
  747. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item extrabiomes.module.fabrica.block.ItemWoodSlab(2217) owned by ExtrabiomesXL
  748. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock(2218) owned by ExtrabiomesXL
  749. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock(2219) owned by ExtrabiomesXL
  750. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock(2220) owned by ExtrabiomesXL
  751. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item extrabiomes.module.fabrica.block.ItemRedRockSlab(2206) owned by ExtrabiomesXL
  752. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item extrabiomes.module.fabrica.block.ItemRedRockSlab(2222) owned by ExtrabiomesXL
  753. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock(2223) owned by ExtrabiomesXL
  754. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock(2221) owned by ExtrabiomesXL
  755. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item extrabiomes.utility.MultiItemBlock(2210) owned by ExtrabiomesXL
  756. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item extrabiomes.module.fabrica.scarecrow.ItemScarecrow(13127) owned by ExtrabiomesXL
  757. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Skipping automatic mod ExtrabiomesXL entity registration for already registered class extrabiomes.module.fabrica.scarecrow.EntityScarecrow
  758. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item extrabiomes.module.fabrica.block.ItemPaste(13128) owned by ExtrabiomesXL
  759. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [ExtrabiomesXL] Sent event FMLInitializationEvent to mod ExtrabiomesXL
  760. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [Familiars_DefaultMobPack] Sending event FMLInitializationEvent to mod Familiars_DefaultMobPack
  761. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod Familiars_DefaultMobPack entity Familiar Chicken as Familiars_DefaultMobPack.Familiar Chicken
  762. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod Familiars_DefaultMobPack entity Familiar Skeleton as Familiars_DefaultMobPack.Familiar Skeleton
  763. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod Familiars_DefaultMobPack entity Familiar Spider as Familiars_DefaultMobPack.Familiar Spider
  764. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod Familiars_DefaultMobPack entity Familiar SpiderJockey as Familiars_DefaultMobPack.Familiar SpiderJockey
  765. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod Familiars_DefaultMobPack entity Familiar Squid as Familiars_DefaultMobPack.Familiar Squid
  766. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod Familiars_DefaultMobPack entity Familiar Ocelot as Familiars_DefaultMobPack.Familiar Ocelot
  767. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod Familiars_DefaultMobPack entity Familiar SnowGolem as Familiars_DefaultMobPack.Familiar SnowGolem
  768. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod Familiars_DefaultMobPack entity Familiar IronGolem as Familiars_DefaultMobPack.Familiar IronGolem
  769. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [Familiars_DefaultMobPack] Sent event FMLInitializationEvent to mod Familiars_DefaultMobPack
  770. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [Familiars_ExtendedFamPack] Sending event FMLInitializationEvent to mod Familiars_ExtendedFamPack
  771. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod Familiars_ExtendedFamPack entity Familiar Fairy as Familiars_ExtendedFamPack.Familiar Fairy
  772. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod Familiars_ExtendedFamPack entity Familiar Navi as Familiars_ExtendedFamPack.Familiar Navi
  773. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod Familiars_ExtendedFamPack entity Familiar 1UP as Familiars_ExtendedFamPack.Familiar 1UP
  774. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod Familiars_ExtendedFamPack entity Familiar Rana as Familiars_ExtendedFamPack.Familiar Rana
  775. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod Familiars_ExtendedFamPack entity Familiar Cube as Familiars_ExtendedFamPack.Familiar Cube
  776. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [Familiars_ExtendedFamPack] Sent event FMLInitializationEvent to mod Familiars_ExtendedFamPack
  777. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [HealthBars] Sending event FMLInitializationEvent to mod HealthBars
  778. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [HealthBars] Sent event FMLInitializationEvent to mod HealthBars
  779. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [Mystcraft] Sending event FMLInitializationEvent to mod Mystcraft
  780. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [Mystcraft] Sent event FMLInitializationEvent to mod Mystcraft
  781. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [SimplyHorses] Sending event FMLInitializationEvent to mod SimplyHorses
  782. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod SimplyHorses entity WildHorse as SimplyHorses.WildHorse
  783. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod SimplyHorses entity Mustang as SimplyHorses.Mustang
  784. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod SimplyHorses entity Arabian as SimplyHorses.Arabian
  785. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod SimplyHorses entity Clydesdale as SimplyHorses.Clydesdale
  786. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod SimplyHorses entity Foal as SimplyHorses.Foal
  787. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod SimplyHorses entity Vehicle as SimplyHorses.Vehicle
  788. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod SimplyHorses entity Whippletree as SimplyHorses.Whippletree
  789. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod SimplyHorses entity Swingletree as SimplyHorses.Swingletree
  790. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod SimplyHorses entity Cart as SimplyHorses.Cart
  791. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod SimplyHorses entity Wagon as SimplyHorses.Wagon
  792. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod SimplyHorses entity Vardo as SimplyHorses.Vardo
  793. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod SimplyHorses entity VehicleSeat as SimplyHorses.VehicleSeat
  794. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod SimplyHorses entity WagonChest as SimplyHorses.WagonChest
  795. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod SimplyHorses entity Lasso as SimplyHorses.Lasso
  796. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock(900) owned by SimplyHorses
  797. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item simplyhorses.common.items.ItemLassoSH(1156) owned by SimplyHorses
  798. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item simplyhorses.common.items.ItemSpawnerLassoSH(1157) owned by SimplyHorses
  799. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item simplyhorses.common.items.ItemBreedifierSH(1158) owned by SimplyHorses
  800. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item simplyhorses.common.items.ItemBreedifierSH(1159) owned by SimplyHorses
  801. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item simplyhorses.common.items.ItemBreedifierSH(1160) owned by SimplyHorses
  802. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item simplyhorses.common.items.ItemSH(1161) owned by SimplyHorses
  803. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item simplyhorses.common.items.ItemVehicleSH(1162) owned by SimplyHorses
  804. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item simplyhorses.common.items.ItemVehicleSH(1163) owned by SimplyHorses
  805. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item simplyhorses.common.items.ItemVehicleSH(1164) owned by SimplyHorses
  806. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item simplyhorses.common.items.ItemSH(1165) owned by SimplyHorses
  807. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item simplyhorses.common.items.ItemPrairieSeedsSH(1166) owned by SimplyHorses
  808. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [SimplyHorses] Sent event FMLInitializationEvent to mod SimplyHorses
  809. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [mod_SmartMoving] Sending event FMLInitializationEvent to mod mod_SmartMoving
  810. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [INFO] [Minecraft-Server] Smart Moving allows client configurations
  811. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [INFO] [Minecraft-Server] Smart Moving uses communication protocol 2.3
  812. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [mod_SmartMoving] Sent event FMLInitializationEvent to mod mod_SmartMoving
  813. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [mod_SmartRender] Sending event FMLInitializationEvent to mod mod_SmartRender
  814. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [mod_SmartRender] Sent event FMLInitializationEvent to mod mod_SmartRender
  815. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [SoulEater] Sending event FMLInitializationEvent to mod SoulEater
  816. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item net.smiley.darkness.ItemDarknessIngot(5053) owned by SoulEater
  817. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item net.smiley.darkness.ItemEnderIngot(5054) owned by SoulEater
  818. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item net.smiley.darkness.ItemEnderBow(5055) owned by SoulEater
  819. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item net.smiley.darkness.ItemEnderTomohawk(5056) owned by SoulEater
  820. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item net.smiley.darkness.ItemFlamewand(5057) owned by SoulEater
  821. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item net.smiley.darkness.ItemDestructionwand(5058) owned by SoulEater
  822. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item net.smiley.darkness.ItemFlameSword(5059) owned by SoulEater
  823. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item net.smiley.darkness.ItemEnderArrow(5060) owned by SoulEater
  824. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item net.smiley.darkness.ItemEnderDust(5061) owned by SoulEater
  825. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item net.smiley.darkness.ItemFlameGem(5062) owned by SoulEater
  826. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item net.smiley.darkness.ItemDarkDagger(5063) owned by SoulEater
  827. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item net.smiley.darkness.ItemObsidStick(5064) owned by SoulEater
  828. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item net.smiley.darkness.ItemDemonSoul(5065) owned by SoulEater
  829. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock(1371) owned by SoulEater
  830. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] Adding item net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock(1372) owned by SoulEater
  831. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] The mod SoulEater has attempted to register an entity ID 33 which is already reserved. This could cause severe problems
  832. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] The mod SoulEater has attempted to register an entity ID 34 which is already reserved. This could cause severe problems
  833. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] The mod SoulEater has attempted to register an entity ID 35 which is already reserved. This could cause severe problems
  834. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] The mod SoulEater has attempted to register an entity ID 36 which is already reserved. This could cause severe problems
  835. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Skipping automatic mod SoulEater entity registration for already registered class net.smiley.darkness.EntityEnderArrow
  836. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [SoulEater] Sent event FMLInitializationEvent to mod SoulEater
  837. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [SpecialMobs] Sending event FMLInitializationEvent to mod SpecialMobs
  838. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod SpecialMobs entity SpecialCreeper as SpecialMobs.SpecialCreeper
  839. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod SpecialMobs entity ArmorCreeper as SpecialMobs.ArmorCreeper
  840. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod SpecialMobs entity DeathCreeper as SpecialMobs.DeathCreeper
  841. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod SpecialMobs entity DirtCreeper as SpecialMobs.DirtCreeper
  842. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod SpecialMobs entity DoomCreeper as SpecialMobs.DoomCreeper
  843. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod SpecialMobs entity EnderCreeper as SpecialMobs.EnderCreeper
  844. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod SpecialMobs entity FireCreeper as SpecialMobs.FireCreeper
  845. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod SpecialMobs entity JumpingCreeper as SpecialMobs.JumpingCreeper
  846. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod SpecialMobs entity LightningCreeper as SpecialMobs.LightningCreeper
  847. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod SpecialMobs entity SpecialEnderman as SpecialMobs.SpecialEnderman
  848. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod SpecialMobs entity AncientEnderman as SpecialMobs.AncientEnderman
  849. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod SpecialMobs entity BlindingEnderman as SpecialMobs.BlindingEnderman
  850. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod SpecialMobs entity ConfusingEnderman as SpecialMobs.ConfusingEnderman
  851. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod SpecialMobs entity CursedEnderman as SpecialMobs.CursedEnderman
  852. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod SpecialMobs entity IcyEnderman as SpecialMobs.IcyEnderman
  853. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod SpecialMobs entity LightningEnderman as SpecialMobs.LightningEnderman
  854. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod SpecialMobs entity MirageEnderman as SpecialMobs.MirageEnderman
  855. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod SpecialMobs entity StrikeEnderman as SpecialMobs.StrikeEnderman
  856. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod SpecialMobs entity SpecialGhast as SpecialMobs.SpecialGhast
  857. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod SpecialMobs entity BabyGhast as SpecialMobs.BabyGhast
  858. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod SpecialMobs entity KingGhast as SpecialMobs.KingGhast
  859. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod SpecialMobs entity QueenGhast as SpecialMobs.QueenGhast
  860. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod SpecialMobs entity UnholyGhast as SpecialMobs.UnholyGhast
  861. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod SpecialMobs entity SpecialSkeleton as SpecialMobs.SpecialSkeleton
  862. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod SpecialMobs entity FireSkeleton as SpecialMobs.FireSkeleton
  863. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod SpecialMobs entity GatlingSkeleton as SpecialMobs.GatlingSkeleton
  864. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod SpecialMobs entity PoisonSkeleton as SpecialMobs.PoisonSkeleton
  865. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod SpecialMobs entity QuickSkeleton as SpecialMobs.QuickSkeleton
  866. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod SpecialMobs entity ThiefSkeleton as SpecialMobs.ThiefSkeleton
  867. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod SpecialMobs entity SpecialSpider as SpecialMobs.SpecialSpider
  868. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod SpecialMobs entity AngrySpider as SpecialMobs.AngrySpider
  869. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod SpecialMobs entity BabySpider as SpecialMobs.BabySpider
  870. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod SpecialMobs entity DesertSpider as SpecialMobs.DesertSpider
  871. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod SpecialMobs entity FlyingSpider as SpecialMobs.FlyingSpider
  872. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod SpecialMobs entity GiantSpider as SpecialMobs.GiantSpider
  873. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod SpecialMobs entity MotherSpider as SpecialMobs.MotherSpider
  874. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod SpecialMobs entity PaleSpider as SpecialMobs.PaleSpider
  875. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod SpecialMobs entity PoisonSpider as SpecialMobs.PoisonSpider
  876. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod SpecialMobs entity SmallSpider as SpecialMobs.SmallSpider
  877. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod SpecialMobs entity SpeedySpider as SpecialMobs.SpeedySpider
  878. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod SpecialMobs entity ToughSpider as SpecialMobs.ToughSpider
  879. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod SpecialMobs entity WitchSpider as SpecialMobs.WitchSpider
  880. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod SpecialMobs entity SpecialZombie as SpecialMobs.SpecialZombie
  881. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod SpecialMobs entity FastZombie as SpecialMobs.FastZombie
  882. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod SpecialMobs entity FireZombie as SpecialMobs.FireZombie
  883. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod SpecialMobs entity FishingZombie as SpecialMobs.FishingZombie
  884. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod SpecialMobs entity HungryZombie as SpecialMobs.HungryZombie
  885. 2013-04-07 18:42:47 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod SpecialMobs entity PlagueZombie as SpecialMobs.PlagueZombie
  886. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod SpecialMobs entity SpecialZombiePigman as SpecialMobs.SpecialZombiePigman
  887. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod SpecialMobs entity AngryZombiePigman as SpecialMobs.AngryZombiePigman
  888. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod SpecialMobs entity ChargingZombiePigman as SpecialMobs.ChargingZombiePigman
  889. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod SpecialMobs entity FishingZombiePigman as SpecialMobs.FishingZombiePigman
  890. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod SpecialMobs entity HungryZombiePigman as SpecialMobs.HungryZombiePigman
  891. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod SpecialMobs entity JumpingZombiePigman as SpecialMobs.JumpingZombiePigman
  892. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod SpecialMobs entity PlagueZombiePigman as SpecialMobs.PlagueZombiePigman
  893. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod SpecialMobs entity JockeySpawnProxy as SpecialMobs.JockeySpawnProxy
  894. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod SpecialMobs entity SteveZombie as SpecialMobs.SteveZombie
  895. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod SpecialMobs entity ArmorSpider as SpecialMobs.ArmorSpider
  896. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod SpecialMobs entity GhastMount as SpecialMobs.GhastMount
  897. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod SpecialMobs entity PigMount as SpecialMobs.PigMount
  898. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod SpecialMobs entity SpitfireSkeleton as SpecialMobs.SpitfireSkeleton
  899. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod SpecialMobs entity SMFireball as SpecialMobs.SMFireball
  900. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Automatically registered mod SpecialMobs entity SMFishHook as SpecialMobs.SMFishHook
  901. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [SpecialMobs] Sent event FMLInitializationEvent to mod SpecialMobs
  902. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Attempting to deliver 0 IMC messages to mod mcp
  903. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [mcp] Sending event IMCEvent to mod mcp
  904. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [mcp] Sent event IMCEvent to mod mcp
  905. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Attempting to deliver 0 IMC messages to mod FML
  906. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [FML] Sending event IMCEvent to mod FML
  907. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [FML] Sent event IMCEvent to mod FML
  908. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Attempting to deliver 0 IMC messages to mod Forge
  909. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [Forge] Sending event IMCEvent to mod Forge
  910. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [Forge] Sent event IMCEvent to mod Forge
  911. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Attempting to deliver 0 IMC messages to mod CodeChickenCore
  912. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [CodeChickenCore] Sending event IMCEvent to mod CodeChickenCore
  913. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [CodeChickenCore] Sent event IMCEvent to mod CodeChickenCore
  914. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Attempting to deliver 0 IMC messages to mod NotEnoughItems
  915. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [NotEnoughItems] Sending event IMCEvent to mod NotEnoughItems
  916. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [NotEnoughItems] Sent event IMCEvent to mod NotEnoughItems
  917. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Attempting to deliver 0 IMC messages to mod mod_bspkrsCore
  918. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [mod_bspkrsCore] Sending event IMCEvent to mod mod_bspkrsCore
  919. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [mod_bspkrsCore] Sent event IMCEvent to mod mod_bspkrsCore
  920. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Attempting to deliver 0 IMC messages to mod Familiars_API
  921. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [Familiars_API] Sending event IMCEvent to mod Familiars_API
  922. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [Familiars_API] Sent event IMCEvent to mod Familiars_API
  923. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Attempting to deliver 0 IMC messages to mod TreeCapitator
  924. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [TreeCapitator] Sending event IMCEvent to mod TreeCapitator
  925. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [TreeCapitator] Sent event IMCEvent to mod TreeCapitator
  926. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Attempting to deliver 0 IMC messages to mod Doggy Talents
  927. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [Doggy Talents] Sending event IMCEvent to mod Doggy Talents
  928. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [Doggy Talents] Sent event IMCEvent to mod Doggy Talents
  929. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Attempting to deliver 0 IMC messages to mod BiblioCraft
  930. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [BiblioCraft] Sending event IMCEvent to mod BiblioCraft
  931. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [BiblioCraft] Sent event IMCEvent to mod BiblioCraft
  932. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Attempting to deliver 0 IMC messages to mod ComputerCraft
  933. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [ComputerCraft] Sending event IMCEvent to mod ComputerCraft
  934. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [ComputerCraft] Sent event IMCEvent to mod ComputerCraft
  935. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Attempting to deliver 0 IMC messages to mod CCTurtle
  936. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [CCTurtle] Sending event IMCEvent to mod CCTurtle
  937. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [CCTurtle] Sent event IMCEvent to mod CCTurtle
  938. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Attempting to deliver 0 IMC messages to mod CustomSpawner
  939. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [CustomSpawner] Sending event IMCEvent to mod CustomSpawner
  940. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [CustomSpawner] Sent event IMCEvent to mod CustomSpawner
  941. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Attempting to deliver 0 IMC messages to mod MoCreatures
  942. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [MoCreatures] Sending event IMCEvent to mod MoCreatures
  943. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [MoCreatures] Sent event IMCEvent to mod MoCreatures
  944. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Attempting to deliver 0 IMC messages to mod EnderStorage
  945. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [EnderStorage] Sending event IMCEvent to mod EnderStorage
  946. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [EnderStorage] Sent event IMCEvent to mod EnderStorage
  947. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Attempting to deliver 0 IMC messages to mod ExtrabiomesXL
  948. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [ExtrabiomesXL] Sending event IMCEvent to mod ExtrabiomesXL
  949. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [ExtrabiomesXL] Sent event IMCEvent to mod ExtrabiomesXL
  950. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Attempting to deliver 0 IMC messages to mod Familiars_DefaultMobPack
  951. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [Familiars_DefaultMobPack] Sending event IMCEvent to mod Familiars_DefaultMobPack
  952. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [Familiars_DefaultMobPack] Sent event IMCEvent to mod Familiars_DefaultMobPack
  953. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Attempting to deliver 0 IMC messages to mod Familiars_ExtendedFamPack
  954. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [Familiars_ExtendedFamPack] Sending event IMCEvent to mod Familiars_ExtendedFamPack
  955. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [Familiars_ExtendedFamPack] Sent event IMCEvent to mod Familiars_ExtendedFamPack
  956. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Attempting to deliver 0 IMC messages to mod HealthBars
  957. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [HealthBars] Sending event IMCEvent to mod HealthBars
  958. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [HealthBars] Sent event IMCEvent to mod HealthBars
  959. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Attempting to deliver 0 IMC messages to mod Mystcraft
  960. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [Mystcraft] Sending event IMCEvent to mod Mystcraft
  961. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [Mystcraft] Sent event IMCEvent to mod Mystcraft
  962. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Attempting to deliver 0 IMC messages to mod SimplyHorses
  963. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [SimplyHorses] Sending event IMCEvent to mod SimplyHorses
  964. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [SimplyHorses] Sent event IMCEvent to mod SimplyHorses
  965. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Attempting to deliver 0 IMC messages to mod mod_SmartMoving
  966. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [mod_SmartMoving] Sending event IMCEvent to mod mod_SmartMoving
  967. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [mod_SmartMoving] Sent event IMCEvent to mod mod_SmartMoving
  968. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Attempting to deliver 0 IMC messages to mod mod_SmartRender
  969. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [mod_SmartRender] Sending event IMCEvent to mod mod_SmartRender
  970. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [mod_SmartRender] Sent event IMCEvent to mod mod_SmartRender
  971. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Attempting to deliver 0 IMC messages to mod SoulEater
  972. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [SoulEater] Sending event IMCEvent to mod SoulEater
  973. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [SoulEater] Sent event IMCEvent to mod SoulEater
  974. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Attempting to deliver 0 IMC messages to mod SpecialMobs
  975. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [SpecialMobs] Sending event IMCEvent to mod SpecialMobs
  976. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [SpecialMobs] Sent event IMCEvent to mod SpecialMobs
  977. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [mcp] Sending event FMLPostInitializationEvent to mod mcp
  978. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [mcp] Sent event FMLPostInitializationEvent to mod mcp
  979. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [FML] Sending event FMLPostInitializationEvent to mod FML
  980. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [FML] Sent event FMLPostInitializationEvent to mod FML
  981. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [Forge] Sending event FMLPostInitializationEvent to mod Forge
  982. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [Forge] Sent event FMLPostInitializationEvent to mod Forge
  983. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [CodeChickenCore] Sending event FMLPostInitializationEvent to mod CodeChickenCore
  984. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [CodeChickenCore] Sent event FMLPostInitializationEvent to mod CodeChickenCore
  985. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [NotEnoughItems] Sending event FMLPostInitializationEvent to mod NotEnoughItems
  986. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [NotEnoughItems] Sent event FMLPostInitializationEvent to mod NotEnoughItems
  987. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [mod_bspkrsCore] Sending event FMLPostInitializationEvent to mod mod_bspkrsCore
  988. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [mod_bspkrsCore] Sent event FMLPostInitializationEvent to mod mod_bspkrsCore
  989. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [Familiars_API] Sending event FMLPostInitializationEvent to mod Familiars_API
  990. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [Familiars_API] Sent event FMLPostInitializationEvent to mod Familiars_API
  991. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [TreeCapitator] Sending event FMLPostInitializationEvent to mod TreeCapitator
  992. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] Getting Block ID Lists from 3rd party mod configs...
  993. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] ID Resolver (Mod ID "IDResolver") is not loaded.
  994. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Processing key 1_third_party_configs.zapapples
  995. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Mod ZapApples is not loaded.
  996. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Processing key 1_third_party_configs.divinerpg
  997. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Mod DivineRPG is not loaded.
  998. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Processing key 1_third_party_configs.redpower
  999. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Mod RedPowerWorld is not loaded.
  1000. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Processing key 1_third_party_configs.thaumcraft
  1001. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Mod Thaumcraft is not loaded.
  1002. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Processing key 1_third_party_configs.biomesoplenty
  1003. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Mod BiomesOPlenty is not loaded.
  1004. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Processing key 1_third_party_configs.ic2
  1005. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Mod IC2 is not loaded.
  1006. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Processing key 1_third_party_configs.twilightforest
  1007. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Mod TwilightForest is not loaded.
  1008. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Processing key 1_third_party_configs.inficraft
  1009. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Mod Flora Trees is not loaded.
  1010. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Processing key 1_third_party_configs.forestry
  1011. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Mod Forestry is not loaded.
  1012. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Processing key 1_third_party_configs.extrabiomesxl
  1013. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Getting tags from blockValues...
  1014. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Third Party Config Tag <> will map to 2208
  1015. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Third Party Config Tag <> will map to 2209
  1016. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Third Party Config Tag <> will map to 2211
  1017. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Third Party Config Tag <> will map to 2212
  1018. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Third Party Config Tag <> will map to 2213
  1019. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Third Party Config Tag <> will map to 2200
  1020. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Third Party Config Tag <> will map to 2204
  1021. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Processing key 1_third_party_configs.mfreloaded
  1022. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Mod MFReloaded is not loaded.
  1023. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [TreeCapitator] Sent event FMLPostInitializationEvent to mod TreeCapitator
  1024. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [Doggy Talents] Sending event FMLPostInitializationEvent to mod Doggy Talents
  1025. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [Doggy Talents] Sent event FMLPostInitializationEvent to mod Doggy Talents
  1026. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [BiblioCraft] Sending event FMLPostInitializationEvent to mod BiblioCraft
  1027. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [BiblioCraft] Sent event FMLPostInitializationEvent to mod BiblioCraft
  1028. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [ComputerCraft] Sending event FMLPostInitializationEvent to mod ComputerCraft
  1029. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [ComputerCraft] Sent event FMLPostInitializationEvent to mod ComputerCraft
  1030. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [CCTurtle] Sending event FMLPostInitializationEvent to mod CCTurtle
  1031. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [CCTurtle] Sent event FMLPostInitializationEvent to mod CCTurtle
  1032. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [CustomSpawner] Sending event FMLPostInitializationEvent to mod CustomSpawner
  1033. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [CustomSpawner] Sent event FMLPostInitializationEvent to mod CustomSpawner
  1034. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [MoCreatures] Sending event FMLPostInitializationEvent to mod MoCreatures
  1035. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [MoCreatures] Sent event FMLPostInitializationEvent to mod MoCreatures
  1036. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [EnderStorage] Sending event FMLPostInitializationEvent to mod EnderStorage
  1037. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [EnderStorage] Sent event FMLPostInitializationEvent to mod EnderStorage
  1038. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [ExtrabiomesXL] Sending event FMLPostInitializationEvent to mod ExtrabiomesXL
  1039. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [INFO] [ExtrabiomesXL] Successfully Loaded.
  1040. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [ExtrabiomesXL] Sent event FMLPostInitializationEvent to mod ExtrabiomesXL
  1041. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [Familiars_DefaultMobPack] Sending event FMLPostInitializationEvent to mod Familiars_DefaultMobPack
  1042. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [Familiars_DefaultMobPack] Sent event FMLPostInitializationEvent to mod Familiars_DefaultMobPack
  1043. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [Familiars_ExtendedFamPack] Sending event FMLPostInitializationEvent to mod Familiars_ExtendedFamPack
  1044. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [Familiars_ExtendedFamPack] Sent event FMLPostInitializationEvent to mod Familiars_ExtendedFamPack
  1045. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [HealthBars] Sending event FMLPostInitializationEvent to mod HealthBars
  1046. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [HealthBars] Sent event FMLPostInitializationEvent to mod HealthBars
  1047. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [Mystcraft] Sending event FMLPostInitializationEvent to mod Mystcraft
  1048. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [Mystcraft] Sent event FMLPostInitializationEvent to mod Mystcraft
  1049. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [SimplyHorses] Sending event FMLPostInitializationEvent to mod SimplyHorses
  1050. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [SimplyHorses] Sent event FMLPostInitializationEvent to mod SimplyHorses
  1051. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [mod_SmartMoving] Sending event FMLPostInitializationEvent to mod mod_SmartMoving
  1052. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Server Player API 1.2 Created
  1053. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] TreeCapitator ASM Magic Time!
  1054. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Class Transformation running on jd...
  1055. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found target method d(III)Z! Searching for landmarks...
  1056. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found Block object ASTORE Node at 10
  1057. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block object is in local object 4
  1058. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found metadata local variable ISTORE Node at 19
  1059. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Metadata is in local variable 5
  1060. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found IFNULL Node at 23
  1061. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found ALOAD Node at offset 3 from IFNULL Node
  1062. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Patching method jd/d(III)Z...
  1063. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Method jd/d(III)Z patched at index 25
  1064. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] TreeCapitator ASM Patching Complete!
  1065. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Server Player API: registered Smart Moving
  1066. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [mod_SmartMoving] Sent event FMLPostInitializationEvent to mod mod_SmartMoving
  1067. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [mod_SmartRender] Sending event FMLPostInitializationEvent to mod mod_SmartRender
  1068. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [mod_SmartRender] Sent event FMLPostInitializationEvent to mod mod_SmartRender
  1069. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [SoulEater] Sending event FMLPostInitializationEvent to mod SoulEater
  1070. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [SoulEater] Sent event FMLPostInitializationEvent to mod SoulEater
  1071. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [SpecialMobs] Sending event FMLPostInitializationEvent to mod SpecialMobs
  1072. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [SpecialMobs] Sent event FMLPostInitializationEvent to mod SpecialMobs
  1073. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [mcp] Sending event FMLLoadCompleteEvent to mod mcp
  1074. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [mcp] Sent event FMLLoadCompleteEvent to mod mcp
  1075. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [FML] Sending event FMLLoadCompleteEvent to mod FML
  1076. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [FML] Sent event FMLLoadCompleteEvent to mod FML
  1077. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [Forge] Sending event FMLLoadCompleteEvent to mod Forge
  1078. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [Forge] Sent event FMLLoadCompleteEvent to mod Forge
  1079. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [CodeChickenCore] Sending event FMLLoadCompleteEvent to mod CodeChickenCore
  1080. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [CodeChickenCore] Sent event FMLLoadCompleteEvent to mod CodeChickenCore
  1081. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [NotEnoughItems] Sending event FMLLoadCompleteEvent to mod NotEnoughItems
  1082. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [NotEnoughItems] Sent event FMLLoadCompleteEvent to mod NotEnoughItems
  1083. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [mod_bspkrsCore] Sending event FMLLoadCompleteEvent to mod mod_bspkrsCore
  1084. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [mod_bspkrsCore] Sent event FMLLoadCompleteEvent to mod mod_bspkrsCore
  1085. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [Familiars_API] Sending event FMLLoadCompleteEvent to mod Familiars_API
  1086. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [Familiars_API] Sent event FMLLoadCompleteEvent to mod Familiars_API
  1087. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [TreeCapitator] Sending event FMLLoadCompleteEvent to mod TreeCapitator
  1088. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [TreeCapitator] Sent event FMLLoadCompleteEvent to mod TreeCapitator
  1089. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [Doggy Talents] Sending event FMLLoadCompleteEvent to mod Doggy Talents
  1090. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [Doggy Talents] Sent event FMLLoadCompleteEvent to mod Doggy Talents
  1091. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [BiblioCraft] Sending event FMLLoadCompleteEvent to mod BiblioCraft
  1092. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [BiblioCraft] Sent event FMLLoadCompleteEvent to mod BiblioCraft
  1093. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [ComputerCraft] Sending event FMLLoadCompleteEvent to mod ComputerCraft
  1094. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [ComputerCraft] Sent event FMLLoadCompleteEvent to mod ComputerCraft
  1095. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [CCTurtle] Sending event FMLLoadCompleteEvent to mod CCTurtle
  1096. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [CCTurtle] Sent event FMLLoadCompleteEvent to mod CCTurtle
  1097. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [CustomSpawner] Sending event FMLLoadCompleteEvent to mod CustomSpawner
  1098. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [CustomSpawner] Sent event FMLLoadCompleteEvent to mod CustomSpawner
  1099. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [MoCreatures] Sending event FMLLoadCompleteEvent to mod MoCreatures
  1100. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [MoCreatures] Sent event FMLLoadCompleteEvent to mod MoCreatures
  1101. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [EnderStorage] Sending event FMLLoadCompleteEvent to mod EnderStorage
  1102. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [EnderStorage] Sent event FMLLoadCompleteEvent to mod EnderStorage
  1103. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [ExtrabiomesXL] Sending event FMLLoadCompleteEvent to mod ExtrabiomesXL
  1104. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [ExtrabiomesXL] Sent event FMLLoadCompleteEvent to mod ExtrabiomesXL
  1105. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [Familiars_DefaultMobPack] Sending event FMLLoadCompleteEvent to mod Familiars_DefaultMobPack
  1106. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [Familiars_DefaultMobPack] Sent event FMLLoadCompleteEvent to mod Familiars_DefaultMobPack
  1107. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [Familiars_ExtendedFamPack] Sending event FMLLoadCompleteEvent to mod Familiars_ExtendedFamPack
  1108. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [Familiars_ExtendedFamPack] Sent event FMLLoadCompleteEvent to mod Familiars_ExtendedFamPack
  1109. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [HealthBars] Sending event FMLLoadCompleteEvent to mod HealthBars
  1110. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [HealthBars] Sent event FMLLoadCompleteEvent to mod HealthBars
  1111. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [Mystcraft] Sending event FMLLoadCompleteEvent to mod Mystcraft
  1112. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [Mystcraft] Sent event FMLLoadCompleteEvent to mod Mystcraft
  1113. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [SimplyHorses] Sending event FMLLoadCompleteEvent to mod SimplyHorses
  1114. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [SimplyHorses] Sent event FMLLoadCompleteEvent to mod SimplyHorses
  1115. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [mod_SmartMoving] Sending event FMLLoadCompleteEvent to mod mod_SmartMoving
  1116. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [mod_SmartMoving] Sent event FMLLoadCompleteEvent to mod mod_SmartMoving
  1117. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [mod_SmartRender] Sending event FMLLoadCompleteEvent to mod mod_SmartRender
  1118. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [mod_SmartRender] Sent event FMLLoadCompleteEvent to mod mod_SmartRender
  1119. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [SoulEater] Sending event FMLLoadCompleteEvent to mod SoulEater
  1120. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [SoulEater] Sent event FMLLoadCompleteEvent to mod SoulEater
  1121. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [SpecialMobs] Sending event FMLLoadCompleteEvent to mod SpecialMobs
  1122. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [SpecialMobs] Sent event FMLLoadCompleteEvent to mod SpecialMobs
  1123. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Forge Mod Loader has successfully loaded 25 mods
  1124. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [mcp] Sending event FMLServerAboutToStartEvent to mod mcp
  1125. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [mcp] Sent event FMLServerAboutToStartEvent to mod mcp
  1126. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [FML] Sending event FMLServerAboutToStartEvent to mod FML
  1127. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [FML] Sent event FMLServerAboutToStartEvent to mod FML
  1128. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [Forge] Sending event FMLServerAboutToStartEvent to mod Forge
  1129. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [Forge] Sent event FMLServerAboutToStartEvent to mod Forge
  1130. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [CodeChickenCore] Sending event FMLServerAboutToStartEvent to mod CodeChickenCore
  1131. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [CodeChickenCore] Sent event FMLServerAboutToStartEvent to mod CodeChickenCore
  1132. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [NotEnoughItems] Sending event FMLServerAboutToStartEvent to mod NotEnoughItems
  1133. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [NotEnoughItems] Sent event FMLServerAboutToStartEvent to mod NotEnoughItems
  1134. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [mod_bspkrsCore] Sending event FMLServerAboutToStartEvent to mod mod_bspkrsCore
  1135. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [mod_bspkrsCore] Sent event FMLServerAboutToStartEvent to mod mod_bspkrsCore
  1136. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [Familiars_API] Sending event FMLServerAboutToStartEvent to mod Familiars_API
  1137. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [Familiars_API] Sent event FMLServerAboutToStartEvent to mod Familiars_API
  1138. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [TreeCapitator] Sending event FMLServerAboutToStartEvent to mod TreeCapitator
  1139. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [TreeCapitator] Sent event FMLServerAboutToStartEvent to mod TreeCapitator
  1140. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [Doggy Talents] Sending event FMLServerAboutToStartEvent to mod Doggy Talents
  1141. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [Doggy Talents] Sent event FMLServerAboutToStartEvent to mod Doggy Talents
  1142. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [BiblioCraft] Sending event FMLServerAboutToStartEvent to mod BiblioCraft
  1143. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [BiblioCraft] Sent event FMLServerAboutToStartEvent to mod BiblioCraft
  1144. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [ComputerCraft] Sending event FMLServerAboutToStartEvent to mod ComputerCraft
  1145. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [ComputerCraft] Sent event FMLServerAboutToStartEvent to mod ComputerCraft
  1146. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [CCTurtle] Sending event FMLServerAboutToStartEvent to mod CCTurtle
  1147. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [CCTurtle] Sent event FMLServerAboutToStartEvent to mod CCTurtle
  1148. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [CustomSpawner] Sending event FMLServerAboutToStartEvent to mod CustomSpawner
  1149. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [CustomSpawner] Sent event FMLServerAboutToStartEvent to mod CustomSpawner
  1150. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [MoCreatures] Sending event FMLServerAboutToStartEvent to mod MoCreatures
  1151. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [MoCreatures] Sent event FMLServerAboutToStartEvent to mod MoCreatures
  1152. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [EnderStorage] Sending event FMLServerAboutToStartEvent to mod EnderStorage
  1153. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [EnderStorage] Sent event FMLServerAboutToStartEvent to mod EnderStorage
  1154. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [ExtrabiomesXL] Sending event FMLServerAboutToStartEvent to mod ExtrabiomesXL
  1155. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [ExtrabiomesXL] Sent event FMLServerAboutToStartEvent to mod ExtrabiomesXL
  1156. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [Familiars_DefaultMobPack] Sending event FMLServerAboutToStartEvent to mod Familiars_DefaultMobPack
  1157. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [Familiars_DefaultMobPack] Sent event FMLServerAboutToStartEvent to mod Familiars_DefaultMobPack
  1158. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [Familiars_ExtendedFamPack] Sending event FMLServerAboutToStartEvent to mod Familiars_ExtendedFamPack
  1159. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [Familiars_ExtendedFamPack] Sent event FMLServerAboutToStartEvent to mod Familiars_ExtendedFamPack
  1160. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [HealthBars] Sending event FMLServerAboutToStartEvent to mod HealthBars
  1161. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [HealthBars] Sent event FMLServerAboutToStartEvent to mod HealthBars
  1162. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [Mystcraft] Sending event FMLServerAboutToStartEvent to mod Mystcraft
  1163. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [Mystcraft] Sent event FMLServerAboutToStartEvent to mod Mystcraft
  1164. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [SimplyHorses] Sending event FMLServerAboutToStartEvent to mod SimplyHorses
  1165. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [SimplyHorses] Sent event FMLServerAboutToStartEvent to mod SimplyHorses
  1166. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [mod_SmartMoving] Sending event FMLServerAboutToStartEvent to mod mod_SmartMoving
  1167. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [mod_SmartMoving] Sent event FMLServerAboutToStartEvent to mod mod_SmartMoving
  1168. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [mod_SmartRender] Sending event FMLServerAboutToStartEvent to mod mod_SmartRender
  1169. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [mod_SmartRender] Sent event FMLServerAboutToStartEvent to mod mod_SmartRender
  1170. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [SoulEater] Sending event FMLServerAboutToStartEvent to mod SoulEater
  1171. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [SoulEater] Sent event FMLServerAboutToStartEvent to mod SoulEater
  1172. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [SpecialMobs] Sending event FMLServerAboutToStartEvent to mod SpecialMobs
  1173. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINEST] [SpecialMobs] Sent event FMLServerAboutToStartEvent to mod SpecialMobs
  1174. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [INFO] [Minecraft-Server] Preparing level "world"
  1175. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] The difference set is equal
  1176. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Loading dimension 0 (world) (net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer@266c3fb2)
  1177. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Loading dimension -17 (world) (net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer@266c3fb2)
  1178. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Loading dimension 1 (world) (net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer@266c3fb2)
  1179. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Loading dimension -1 (world) (net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer@266c3fb2)
  1180. 2013-04-07 18:42:48 [INFO] [Minecraft-Server] Preparing start region for level 0
  1181. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [Minecraft-Server] Preparing spawn area: 59%
  1182. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [Minecraft-Server] Done (1.491s)! For help, type "help" or "?"
  1183. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [FINEST] [mcp] Sending event FMLServerStartingEvent to mod mcp
  1184. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [FINEST] [mcp] Sent event FMLServerStartingEvent to mod mcp
  1185. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [FINEST] [FML] Sending event FMLServerStartingEvent to mod FML
  1186. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [FINEST] [FML] Sent event FMLServerStartingEvent to mod FML
  1187. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [FINEST] [Forge] Sending event FMLServerStartingEvent to mod Forge
  1188. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [FINEST] [Forge] Sent event FMLServerStartingEvent to mod Forge
  1189. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [FINEST] [CodeChickenCore] Sending event FMLServerStartingEvent to mod CodeChickenCore
  1190. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [FINEST] [CodeChickenCore] Sent event FMLServerStartingEvent to mod CodeChickenCore
  1191. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [FINEST] [NotEnoughItems] Sending event FMLServerStartingEvent to mod NotEnoughItems
  1192. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [FINEST] [NotEnoughItems] Sent event FMLServerStartingEvent to mod NotEnoughItems
  1193. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [FINEST] [mod_bspkrsCore] Sending event FMLServerStartingEvent to mod mod_bspkrsCore
  1194. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [FINEST] [mod_bspkrsCore] Sent event FMLServerStartingEvent to mod mod_bspkrsCore
  1195. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [FINEST] [Familiars_API] Sending event FMLServerStartingEvent to mod Familiars_API
  1196. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [FINEST] [Familiars_API] Sent event FMLServerStartingEvent to mod Familiars_API
  1197. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [FINEST] [TreeCapitator] Sending event FMLServerStartingEvent to mod TreeCapitator
  1198. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [FINEST] [TreeCapitator] Sent event FMLServerStartingEvent to mod TreeCapitator
  1199. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [FINEST] [Doggy Talents] Sending event FMLServerStartingEvent to mod Doggy Talents
  1200. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [FINEST] [Doggy Talents] Sent event FMLServerStartingEvent to mod Doggy Talents
  1201. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [FINEST] [BiblioCraft] Sending event FMLServerStartingEvent to mod BiblioCraft
  1202. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [FINEST] [BiblioCraft] Sent event FMLServerStartingEvent to mod BiblioCraft
  1203. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [FINEST] [ComputerCraft] Sending event FMLServerStartingEvent to mod ComputerCraft
  1204. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [FINEST] [ComputerCraft] Sent event FMLServerStartingEvent to mod ComputerCraft
  1205. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [FINEST] [CCTurtle] Sending event FMLServerStartingEvent to mod CCTurtle
  1206. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [FINEST] [CCTurtle] Sent event FMLServerStartingEvent to mod CCTurtle
  1207. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [FINEST] [CustomSpawner] Sending event FMLServerStartingEvent to mod CustomSpawner
  1208. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [FINEST] [CustomSpawner] Sent event FMLServerStartingEvent to mod CustomSpawner
  1209. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [FINEST] [MoCreatures] Sending event FMLServerStartingEvent to mod MoCreatures
  1210. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [FINEST] [MoCreatures] Sent event FMLServerStartingEvent to mod MoCreatures
  1211. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [FINEST] [EnderStorage] Sending event FMLServerStartingEvent to mod EnderStorage
  1212. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [FINEST] [EnderStorage] Sent event FMLServerStartingEvent to mod EnderStorage
  1213. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [FINEST] [ExtrabiomesXL] Sending event FMLServerStartingEvent to mod ExtrabiomesXL
  1214. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [FINEST] [ExtrabiomesXL] Sent event FMLServerStartingEvent to mod ExtrabiomesXL
  1215. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [FINEST] [Familiars_DefaultMobPack] Sending event FMLServerStartingEvent to mod Familiars_DefaultMobPack
  1216. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [FINEST] [Familiars_DefaultMobPack] Sent event FMLServerStartingEvent to mod Familiars_DefaultMobPack
  1217. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [FINEST] [Familiars_ExtendedFamPack] Sending event FMLServerStartingEvent to mod Familiars_ExtendedFamPack
  1218. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [FINEST] [Familiars_ExtendedFamPack] Sent event FMLServerStartingEvent to mod Familiars_ExtendedFamPack
  1219. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [FINEST] [HealthBars] Sending event FMLServerStartingEvent to mod HealthBars
  1220. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [FINEST] [HealthBars] Sent event FMLServerStartingEvent to mod HealthBars
  1221. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [FINEST] [Mystcraft] Sending event FMLServerStartingEvent to mod Mystcraft
  1222. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [FINEST] [Mystcraft] Sent event FMLServerStartingEvent to mod Mystcraft
  1223. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [FINEST] [SimplyHorses] Sending event FMLServerStartingEvent to mod SimplyHorses
  1224. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [FINEST] [SimplyHorses] Sent event FMLServerStartingEvent to mod SimplyHorses
  1225. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [FINEST] [mod_SmartMoving] Sending event FMLServerStartingEvent to mod mod_SmartMoving
  1226. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [FINEST] [mod_SmartMoving] Sent event FMLServerStartingEvent to mod mod_SmartMoving
  1227. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [FINEST] [mod_SmartRender] Sending event FMLServerStartingEvent to mod mod_SmartRender
  1228. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [FINEST] [mod_SmartRender] Sent event FMLServerStartingEvent to mod mod_SmartRender
  1229. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [FINEST] [SoulEater] Sending event FMLServerStartingEvent to mod SoulEater
  1230. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [FINEST] [SoulEater] Sent event FMLServerStartingEvent to mod SoulEater
  1231. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [FINEST] [SpecialMobs] Sending event FMLServerStartingEvent to mod SpecialMobs
  1232. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [FINEST] [SpecialMobs] Sent event FMLServerStartingEvent to mod SpecialMobs
  1233. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [FINEST] [mcp] Sending event FMLServerStartedEvent to mod mcp
  1234. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [FINEST] [mcp] Sent event FMLServerStartedEvent to mod mcp
  1235. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [FINEST] [FML] Sending event FMLServerStartedEvent to mod FML
  1236. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [FINEST] [FML] Sent event FMLServerStartedEvent to mod FML
  1237. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [FINEST] [Forge] Sending event FMLServerStartedEvent to mod Forge
  1238. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [FINEST] [Forge] Sent event FMLServerStartedEvent to mod Forge
  1239. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [FINEST] [CodeChickenCore] Sending event FMLServerStartedEvent to mod CodeChickenCore
  1240. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [FINEST] [CodeChickenCore] Sent event FMLServerStartedEvent to mod CodeChickenCore
  1241. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [FINEST] [NotEnoughItems] Sending event FMLServerStartedEvent to mod NotEnoughItems
  1242. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [FINEST] [NotEnoughItems] Sent event FMLServerStartedEvent to mod NotEnoughItems
  1243. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [FINEST] [mod_bspkrsCore] Sending event FMLServerStartedEvent to mod mod_bspkrsCore
  1244. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [FINEST] [mod_bspkrsCore] Sent event FMLServerStartedEvent to mod mod_bspkrsCore
  1245. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [FINEST] [Familiars_API] Sending event FMLServerStartedEvent to mod Familiars_API
  1246. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [FINEST] [Familiars_API] Sent event FMLServerStartedEvent to mod Familiars_API
  1247. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [FINEST] [TreeCapitator] Sending event FMLServerStartedEvent to mod TreeCapitator
  1248. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Parsing Tree Block Config string: <Thaumcraft.BlockMagicalLog>,1; <Thaumcraft.BlockMagicalLog>,5; <Thaumcraft.BlockMagicalLog>,9|<Thaumcraft.BlockMagicalLeaves>,1 ! <Forestry.log3>,1; <Forestry.log3>,5; <Forestry.log3>,9|<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8 ! 17,3; 17,7; 17,11; 17,15|18,3 ! <>|<> ! <Forestry.log4>,3; <Forestry.log4>,7; <Forestry.log4>,11|<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8 ! <BiomesOPlenty.Magic Log ID>|<BiomesOPlenty.Magic Leaves ID> ! <BiomesOPlenty.Redwood Log ID>|<BiomesOPlenty.Redwood Leaves ID> ! <Forestry.log3>,0; <Forestry.log3>,4; <Forestry.log3>,8|<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8 ! <TwilightForest.Log>,3; <TwilightForest.Log>,7; <TwilightForest.Log>,11; <TwilightForest.Log>,15|<TwilightForest.Hedge>,1 ! <Forestry.log2>,3; <Forestry.log2>,7; <Forestry.log2>,11|<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8 ! 2208,0; 2209,1; 2211,1; 2212,1; 2213,1|2204,0 ! <BiomesOPlenty.Cherry Log ID>|<BiomesOPlenty.Pink Cherry Leaves ID>; <BiomesOPlenty.White Cherry Leaves ID> ! <Forestry.log4>,0; <Forestry.log4>,4; <Forestry.log4>,8|<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8 ! 17,2; 17,6; 17,10; 17,14|18,2; <BiomesOPlenty.Yellow Autumn Leaves ID>; 18,0 ! 100,10; 100,15|100,1; 100,2; 100,3; 100,4; 100,5; 100,6; 100,7; 100,8; 100,9; 100,14 ! <Flora Trees.Bloodwood Block>|<Flora Trees.Sakura Leaves>,2 ! <Forestry.log3>,2; <Forestry.log3>,6; <Forestry.log3>,10|<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8 ! <Flora Trees.Redwood Block>|<Flora Trees.Flora Leaves>,0 ! <Thaumcraft.BlockMagicalLog>,0; <Thaumcraft.BlockMagicalLog>,4; <Thaumcraft.BlockMagicalLog>,8|<Thaumcraft.BlockMagicalLeaves>,0; <Thaumcraft.BlockMagicalLeaves>,8 ! <Forestry.log4>,2; <Forestry.log4>,6; <Forestry.log4>,10|<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8 ! 2208,1|2204,2 ! <Forestry.log1>,1; <Forestry.log1>,5; <Forestry.log1>,9|<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8 ! <Flora Trees.Wood Block>,0; <Flora Trees.Wood Block>,4; <Flora Trees.Wood Block>,8|<Flora Trees.Flora Leaves>,1 ! <BiomesOPlenty.Dead Log ID> ! 99,10; 99,15|99,1; 99,2; 99,3; 99,4; 99,5; 99,6; 99,7; 99,8; 99,9; 99,14 ! <TwilightForest.Log>,1; <TwilightForest.Log>,5; <TwilightForest.Log>,9; <TwilightForest.Log>,13|<TwilightForest.Leaves>, 1; <TwilightForest.Leaves>,9 ! <BiomesOPlenty.Bamboo ID>|<BiomesOPlenty.Bamboo Leaves ID> ! <TwilightForest.Log>,2; <TwilightForest.Log>,6; <TwilightForest.Log>,10; <TwilightForest.Log>,14|<TwilightForest.Leaves>, 1; <TwilightForest.Leaves>,9 ! <Forestry.log2>,1; <Forestry.log2>,5; <Forestry.log2>,9|<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8 ! <BiomesOPlenty.Willow Log ID>|<BiomesOPlenty.Willow Leaves ID> ! <BiomesOPlenty.Acacia Log ID>|<BiomesOPlenty.Acacia Leaves ID> ! <Forestry.log1>,2; <Forestry.log1>,6; <Forestry.log1>,10|<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8 ! <BiomesOPlenty.Dark Log ID>|<BiomesOPlenty.Dark Leaves ID>; <BiomesOPlenty.White Cherry Leaves ID> ! <MFReloaded.ID.RubberWood>|<MFReloaded.ID.RubberLeaves> ! <DivineRPG.eucalyptus>|18 ! <IC2.blockRubWood>|<IC2.blockRubLeaves> ! 2209,0; 2211,0; 2212,0; 2213,0|2204,1 ! <ZapApples.zapAppleLogID>|<ZapApples.zapAppleLeavesID>; <ZapApples.zapAppleFlowersID> ! <TwilightForest.Log>,0; <TwilightForest.Log>,4; <TwilightForest.Log>,8; <TwilightForest.Log>,12|<TwilightForest.Leaves>,0; <TwilightForest.Leaves>,3; <TwilightForest.Leaves>,8; <TwilightForest.Leaves>,11 ! <TwilightForest.MagicLog>,0; <TwilightForest.Log>,4; <TwilightForest.Log>,8; <TwilightForest.MagicLog>,12|<TwilightForest.MagicLeaves>,0; <TwilightForest.MagicLeaves>,8 ! <BiomesOPlenty.Mangrove Log ID>|<BiomesOPlenty.Mangrove Leaves ID> ! <BiomesOPlenty.Palm Log ID>|<BiomesOPlenty.Palm Leaves ID> ! <Flora Trees.Wood Block>,3; <Flora Trees.Wood Block>, 7; <Flora Trees.Wood Block>, 11|<Flora Trees.Flora Leaves>,2 ! <Forestry.log4>,1; <Forestry.log4>,5; <Forestry.log4>,9|<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8 ! <Forestry.log3>,3; <Forestry.log3>,7; <Forestry.log3>,11|<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8 ! <BiomesOPlenty.Fir Log ID>|<BiomesOPlenty.Fir Leaves ID> ! 17,0; 17,4; 17,8; 17,12; 2209,2; 2211,2; 2212,2; 2213,2;|18,0; 2200; <BiomesOPlenty.Dying Leaves ID>; <BiomesOPlenty.Origin Leaves ID>; <BiomesOPlenty.Apple Leaves ID>; <BiomesOPlenty.Fruitless Apple Leaves ID>; <BiomesOPlenty.Orange Autumn Leaves ID>; <BiomesOPlenty.Maple Leaves ID> ! <Flora Trees.Wood Block>, 1; <Flora Trees.Wood Block>, 5; <Flora Trees.Wood Block>, 9|<Flora Trees.Sakura Leaves>,0 ! <Forestry.log2>,2; <Forestry.log2>,6; <Forestry.log2>,10|<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8 ! <Forestry.log2>,0; <Forestry.log2>,4; <Forestry.log2>,8|<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8 ! <Flora Trees.Wood Block>,2; <Flora Trees.Wood Block>, 6; <Flora Trees.Wood Block>, 10|<Flora Trees.Sakura Leaves>,1 ! <Forestry.log1>,3; <Forestry.log1>,7; <Forestry.log1>,11|<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8 ! 17,1; 17,5; 17,9; 17,13|18,1; 2200 ! <Forestry.log1>,0; <Forestry.log1>,4; <Forestry.log1>,8|<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8
  1249. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Parsing Tree entry: <Thaumcraft.BlockMagicalLog>,1; <Thaumcraft.BlockMagicalLog>,5; <Thaumcraft.BlockMagicalLog>,9|<Thaumcraft.BlockMagicalLeaves>,1
  1250. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID list: <Thaumcraft.BlockMagicalLog>,1; <Thaumcraft.BlockMagicalLog>,5; <Thaumcraft.BlockMagicalLog>,9
  1251. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <Thaumcraft.BlockMagicalLog>,1
  1252. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Thaumcraft.BlockMagicalLog> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1253. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <Thaumcraft.BlockMagicalLog>,5
  1254. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Thaumcraft.BlockMagicalLog> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1255. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <Thaumcraft.BlockMagicalLog>,9
  1256. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Thaumcraft.BlockMagicalLog> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1257. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID list: <Thaumcraft.BlockMagicalLeaves>,1
  1258. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: <Thaumcraft.BlockMagicalLeaves>,1
  1259. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Thaumcraft.BlockMagicalLeaves> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1260. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Parsing Tree entry: <Forestry.log3>,1; <Forestry.log3>,5; <Forestry.log3>,9|<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8
  1261. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID list: <Forestry.log3>,1; <Forestry.log3>,5; <Forestry.log3>,9
  1262. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <Forestry.log3>,1
  1263. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Forestry.log3> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1264. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <Forestry.log3>,5
  1265. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Forestry.log3> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1266. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <Forestry.log3>,9
  1267. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Forestry.log3> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1268. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID list: <Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8
  1269. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: <Forestry.leaves>,0
  1270. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Forestry.leaves> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1271. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: <Forestry.leaves>,8
  1272. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Forestry.leaves> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1273. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Parsing Tree entry: 17,3; 17,7; 17,11; 17,15|18,3
  1274. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID list: 17,3; 17,7; 17,11; 17,15
  1275. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: 17,3
  1276. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] ++Configured log: 17, 3
  1277. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: 17,7
  1278. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] ++Configured log: 17, 7
  1279. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: 17,11
  1280. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] ++Configured log: 17, 11
  1281. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: 17,15
  1282. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] ++Configured log: 17, 15
  1283. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID list: 18,3
  1284. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: 18,3
  1285. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] ++Configured leaf: 18, 3
  1286. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Parsing Tree entry: <>|<>
  1287. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID list: <>
  1288. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <>
  1289. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1290. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID list: <>
  1291. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: <>
  1292. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1293. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Parsing Tree entry: <Forestry.log4>,3; <Forestry.log4>,7; <Forestry.log4>,11|<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8
  1294. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID list: <Forestry.log4>,3; <Forestry.log4>,7; <Forestry.log4>,11
  1295. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <Forestry.log4>,3
  1296. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Forestry.log4> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1297. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <Forestry.log4>,7
  1298. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Forestry.log4> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1299. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <Forestry.log4>,11
  1300. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Forestry.log4> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1301. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID list: <Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8
  1302. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: <Forestry.leaves>,0
  1303. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Forestry.leaves> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1304. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: <Forestry.leaves>,8
  1305. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Forestry.leaves> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1306. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Parsing Tree entry: <BiomesOPlenty.Magic Log ID>|<BiomesOPlenty.Magic Leaves ID>
  1307. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID list: <BiomesOPlenty.Magic Log ID>
  1308. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <BiomesOPlenty.Magic Log ID>
  1309. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <BiomesOPlenty.Magic Log ID> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1310. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID list: <BiomesOPlenty.Magic Leaves ID>
  1311. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: <BiomesOPlenty.Magic Leaves ID>
  1312. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <BiomesOPlenty.Magic Leaves ID> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1313. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Parsing Tree entry: <BiomesOPlenty.Redwood Log ID>|<BiomesOPlenty.Redwood Leaves ID>
  1314. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID list: <BiomesOPlenty.Redwood Log ID>
  1315. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <BiomesOPlenty.Redwood Log ID>
  1316. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <BiomesOPlenty.Redwood Log ID> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1317. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID list: <BiomesOPlenty.Redwood Leaves ID>
  1318. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: <BiomesOPlenty.Redwood Leaves ID>
  1319. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <BiomesOPlenty.Redwood Leaves ID> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1320. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Parsing Tree entry: <Forestry.log3>,0; <Forestry.log3>,4; <Forestry.log3>,8|<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8
  1321. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID list: <Forestry.log3>,0; <Forestry.log3>,4; <Forestry.log3>,8
  1322. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <Forestry.log3>,0
  1323. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Forestry.log3> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1324. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <Forestry.log3>,4
  1325. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Forestry.log3> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1326. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <Forestry.log3>,8
  1327. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Forestry.log3> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1328. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID list: <Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8
  1329. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: <Forestry.leaves>,0
  1330. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Forestry.leaves> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1331. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: <Forestry.leaves>,8
  1332. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Forestry.leaves> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1333. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Parsing Tree entry: <TwilightForest.Log>,3; <TwilightForest.Log>,7; <TwilightForest.Log>,11; <TwilightForest.Log>,15|<TwilightForest.Hedge>,1
  1334. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID list: <TwilightForest.Log>,3; <TwilightForest.Log>,7; <TwilightForest.Log>,11; <TwilightForest.Log>,15
  1335. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <TwilightForest.Log>,3
  1336. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <TwilightForest.Log> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1337. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <TwilightForest.Log>,7
  1338. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <TwilightForest.Log> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1339. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <TwilightForest.Log>,11
  1340. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <TwilightForest.Log> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1341. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <TwilightForest.Log>,15
  1342. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <TwilightForest.Log> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1343. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID list: <TwilightForest.Hedge>,1
  1344. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: <TwilightForest.Hedge>,1
  1345. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <TwilightForest.Hedge> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1346. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Parsing Tree entry: <Forestry.log2>,3; <Forestry.log2>,7; <Forestry.log2>,11|<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8
  1347. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID list: <Forestry.log2>,3; <Forestry.log2>,7; <Forestry.log2>,11
  1348. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <Forestry.log2>,3
  1349. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Forestry.log2> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1350. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <Forestry.log2>,7
  1351. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Forestry.log2> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1352. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <Forestry.log2>,11
  1353. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Forestry.log2> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1354. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID list: <Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8
  1355. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: <Forestry.leaves>,0
  1356. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Forestry.leaves> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1357. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: <Forestry.leaves>,8
  1358. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Forestry.leaves> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1359. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Parsing Tree entry: 2208,0; 2209,1; 2211,1; 2212,1; 2213,1|2204,0
  1360. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID list: 2208,0; 2209,1; 2211,1; 2212,1; 2213,1
  1361. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: 2208,0
  1362. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] ++Configured log: 2208, 0
  1363. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: 2209,1
  1364. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] ++Configured log: 2209, 1
  1365. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: 2211,1
  1366. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] ++Configured log: 2211, 1
  1367. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: 2212,1
  1368. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] ++Configured log: 2212, 1
  1369. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: 2213,1
  1370. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] ++Configured log: 2213, 1
  1371. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID list: 2204,0
  1372. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: 2204,0
  1373. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] ++Configured leaf: 2204, 0
  1374. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Parsing Tree entry: <BiomesOPlenty.Cherry Log ID>|<BiomesOPlenty.Pink Cherry Leaves ID>; <BiomesOPlenty.White Cherry Leaves ID>
  1375. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID list: <BiomesOPlenty.Cherry Log ID>
  1376. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <BiomesOPlenty.Cherry Log ID>
  1377. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <BiomesOPlenty.Cherry Log ID> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1378. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID list: <BiomesOPlenty.Pink Cherry Leaves ID>; <BiomesOPlenty.White Cherry Leaves ID>
  1379. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: <BiomesOPlenty.Pink Cherry Leaves ID>
  1380. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <BiomesOPlenty.Pink Cherry Leaves ID> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1381. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: <BiomesOPlenty.White Cherry Leaves ID>
  1382. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <BiomesOPlenty.White Cherry Leaves ID> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1383. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Parsing Tree entry: <Forestry.log4>,0; <Forestry.log4>,4; <Forestry.log4>,8|<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8
  1384. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID list: <Forestry.log4>,0; <Forestry.log4>,4; <Forestry.log4>,8
  1385. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <Forestry.log4>,0
  1386. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Forestry.log4> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1387. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <Forestry.log4>,4
  1388. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Forestry.log4> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1389. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <Forestry.log4>,8
  1390. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Forestry.log4> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1391. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID list: <Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8
  1392. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: <Forestry.leaves>,0
  1393. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Forestry.leaves> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1394. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: <Forestry.leaves>,8
  1395. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Forestry.leaves> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1396. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Parsing Tree entry: 17,2; 17,6; 17,10; 17,14|18,2; <BiomesOPlenty.Yellow Autumn Leaves ID>; 18,0
  1397. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID list: 17,2; 17,6; 17,10; 17,14
  1398. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: 17,2
  1399. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] ++Configured log: 17, 2
  1400. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: 17,6
  1401. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] ++Configured log: 17, 6
  1402. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: 17,10
  1403. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] ++Configured log: 17, 10
  1404. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: 17,14
  1405. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] ++Configured log: 17, 14
  1406. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID list: 18,2; <BiomesOPlenty.Yellow Autumn Leaves ID>; 18,0
  1407. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: 18,2
  1408. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] ++Configured leaf: 18, 2
  1409. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: <BiomesOPlenty.Yellow Autumn Leaves ID>
  1410. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <BiomesOPlenty.Yellow Autumn Leaves ID> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1411. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: 18,0
  1412. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] ++Configured leaf: 18, 0
  1413. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Parsing Tree entry: 100,10; 100,15|100,1; 100,2; 100,3; 100,4; 100,5; 100,6; 100,7; 100,8; 100,9; 100,14
  1414. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID list: 100,10; 100,15
  1415. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: 100,10
  1416. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] ++Configured log: 100, 10
  1417. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: 100,15
  1418. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] ++Configured log: 100, 15
  1419. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID list: 100,1; 100,2; 100,3; 100,4; 100,5; 100,6; 100,7; 100,8; 100,9; 100,14
  1420. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: 100,1
  1421. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] ++Configured leaf: 100, 1
  1422. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: 100,2
  1423. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] ++Configured leaf: 100, 2
  1424. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: 100,3
  1425. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] ++Configured leaf: 100, 3
  1426. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: 100,4
  1427. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] ++Configured leaf: 100, 4
  1428. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: 100,5
  1429. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] ++Configured leaf: 100, 5
  1430. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: 100,6
  1431. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] ++Configured leaf: 100, 6
  1432. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: 100,7
  1433. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] ++Configured leaf: 100, 7
  1434. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: 100,8
  1435. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] ++Configured leaf: 100, 8
  1436. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: 100,9
  1437. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] ++Configured leaf: 100, 9
  1438. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: 100,14
  1439. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] ++Configured leaf: 100, 14
  1440. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Parsing Tree entry: <Flora Trees.Bloodwood Block>|<Flora Trees.Sakura Leaves>,2
  1441. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID list: <Flora Trees.Bloodwood Block>
  1442. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <Flora Trees.Bloodwood Block>
  1443. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Flora Trees.Bloodwood Block> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1444. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID list: <Flora Trees.Sakura Leaves>,2
  1445. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: <Flora Trees.Sakura Leaves>,2
  1446. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Flora Trees.Sakura Leaves> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1447. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Parsing Tree entry: <Forestry.log3>,2; <Forestry.log3>,6; <Forestry.log3>,10|<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8
  1448. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID list: <Forestry.log3>,2; <Forestry.log3>,6; <Forestry.log3>,10
  1449. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <Forestry.log3>,2
  1450. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Forestry.log3> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1451. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <Forestry.log3>,6
  1452. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Forestry.log3> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1453. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <Forestry.log3>,10
  1454. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Forestry.log3> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1455. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID list: <Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8
  1456. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: <Forestry.leaves>,0
  1457. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Forestry.leaves> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1458. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: <Forestry.leaves>,8
  1459. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Forestry.leaves> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1460. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Parsing Tree entry: <Flora Trees.Redwood Block>|<Flora Trees.Flora Leaves>,0
  1461. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID list: <Flora Trees.Redwood Block>
  1462. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <Flora Trees.Redwood Block>
  1463. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Flora Trees.Redwood Block> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1464. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID list: <Flora Trees.Flora Leaves>,0
  1465. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: <Flora Trees.Flora Leaves>,0
  1466. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Flora Trees.Flora Leaves> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1467. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Parsing Tree entry: <Thaumcraft.BlockMagicalLog>,0; <Thaumcraft.BlockMagicalLog>,4; <Thaumcraft.BlockMagicalLog>,8|<Thaumcraft.BlockMagicalLeaves>,0; <Thaumcraft.BlockMagicalLeaves>,8
  1468. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID list: <Thaumcraft.BlockMagicalLog>,0; <Thaumcraft.BlockMagicalLog>,4; <Thaumcraft.BlockMagicalLog>,8
  1469. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <Thaumcraft.BlockMagicalLog>,0
  1470. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Thaumcraft.BlockMagicalLog> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1471. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <Thaumcraft.BlockMagicalLog>,4
  1472. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Thaumcraft.BlockMagicalLog> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1473. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <Thaumcraft.BlockMagicalLog>,8
  1474. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Thaumcraft.BlockMagicalLog> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1475. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID list: <Thaumcraft.BlockMagicalLeaves>,0; <Thaumcraft.BlockMagicalLeaves>,8
  1476. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: <Thaumcraft.BlockMagicalLeaves>,0
  1477. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Thaumcraft.BlockMagicalLeaves> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1478. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: <Thaumcraft.BlockMagicalLeaves>,8
  1479. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Thaumcraft.BlockMagicalLeaves> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1480. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Parsing Tree entry: <Forestry.log4>,2; <Forestry.log4>,6; <Forestry.log4>,10|<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8
  1481. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID list: <Forestry.log4>,2; <Forestry.log4>,6; <Forestry.log4>,10
  1482. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <Forestry.log4>,2
  1483. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Forestry.log4> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1484. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <Forestry.log4>,6
  1485. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Forestry.log4> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1486. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <Forestry.log4>,10
  1487. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Forestry.log4> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1488. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID list: <Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8
  1489. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: <Forestry.leaves>,0
  1490. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Forestry.leaves> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1491. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: <Forestry.leaves>,8
  1492. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Forestry.leaves> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1493. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Parsing Tree entry: 2208,1|2204,2
  1494. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID list: 2208,1
  1495. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: 2208,1
  1496. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] ++Configured log: 2208, 1
  1497. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID list: 2204,2
  1498. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: 2204,2
  1499. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] ++Configured leaf: 2204, 2
  1500. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Parsing Tree entry: <Forestry.log1>,1; <Forestry.log1>,5; <Forestry.log1>,9|<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8
  1501. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID list: <Forestry.log1>,1; <Forestry.log1>,5; <Forestry.log1>,9
  1502. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <Forestry.log1>,1
  1503. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Forestry.log1> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1504. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <Forestry.log1>,5
  1505. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Forestry.log1> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1506. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <Forestry.log1>,9
  1507. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Forestry.log1> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1508. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID list: <Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8
  1509. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: <Forestry.leaves>,0
  1510. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Forestry.leaves> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1511. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: <Forestry.leaves>,8
  1512. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Forestry.leaves> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1513. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Parsing Tree entry: <Flora Trees.Wood Block>,0; <Flora Trees.Wood Block>,4; <Flora Trees.Wood Block>,8|<Flora Trees.Flora Leaves>,1
  1514. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID list: <Flora Trees.Wood Block>,0; <Flora Trees.Wood Block>,4; <Flora Trees.Wood Block>,8
  1515. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <Flora Trees.Wood Block>,0
  1516. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Flora Trees.Wood Block> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1517. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <Flora Trees.Wood Block>,4
  1518. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Flora Trees.Wood Block> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1519. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <Flora Trees.Wood Block>,8
  1520. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Flora Trees.Wood Block> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1521. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID list: <Flora Trees.Flora Leaves>,1
  1522. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: <Flora Trees.Flora Leaves>,1
  1523. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Flora Trees.Flora Leaves> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1524. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Parsing Tree entry: <BiomesOPlenty.Dead Log ID>
  1525. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID list: <BiomesOPlenty.Dead Log ID>
  1526. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <BiomesOPlenty.Dead Log ID>
  1527. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <BiomesOPlenty.Dead Log ID> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1528. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Parsing Tree entry: 99,10; 99,15|99,1; 99,2; 99,3; 99,4; 99,5; 99,6; 99,7; 99,8; 99,9; 99,14
  1529. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID list: 99,10; 99,15
  1530. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: 99,10
  1531. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] ++Configured log: 99, 10
  1532. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: 99,15
  1533. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] ++Configured log: 99, 15
  1534. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID list: 99,1; 99,2; 99,3; 99,4; 99,5; 99,6; 99,7; 99,8; 99,9; 99,14
  1535. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: 99,1
  1536. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] ++Configured leaf: 99, 1
  1537. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: 99,2
  1538. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] ++Configured leaf: 99, 2
  1539. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: 99,3
  1540. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] ++Configured leaf: 99, 3
  1541. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: 99,4
  1542. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] ++Configured leaf: 99, 4
  1543. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: 99,5
  1544. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] ++Configured leaf: 99, 5
  1545. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: 99,6
  1546. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] ++Configured leaf: 99, 6
  1547. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: 99,7
  1548. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] ++Configured leaf: 99, 7
  1549. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: 99,8
  1550. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] ++Configured leaf: 99, 8
  1551. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: 99,9
  1552. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] ++Configured leaf: 99, 9
  1553. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: 99,14
  1554. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] ++Configured leaf: 99, 14
  1555. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Parsing Tree entry: <TwilightForest.Log>,1; <TwilightForest.Log>,5; <TwilightForest.Log>,9; <TwilightForest.Log>,13|<TwilightForest.Leaves>, 1; <TwilightForest.Leaves>,9
  1556. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID list: <TwilightForest.Log>,1; <TwilightForest.Log>,5; <TwilightForest.Log>,9; <TwilightForest.Log>,13
  1557. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <TwilightForest.Log>,1
  1558. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <TwilightForest.Log> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1559. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <TwilightForest.Log>,5
  1560. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <TwilightForest.Log> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1561. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <TwilightForest.Log>,9
  1562. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <TwilightForest.Log> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1563. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <TwilightForest.Log>,13
  1564. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <TwilightForest.Log> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1565. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID list: <TwilightForest.Leaves>, 1; <TwilightForest.Leaves>,9
  1566. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: <TwilightForest.Leaves>, 1
  1567. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <TwilightForest.Leaves> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1568. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: <TwilightForest.Leaves>,9
  1569. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <TwilightForest.Leaves> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1570. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Parsing Tree entry: <BiomesOPlenty.Bamboo ID>|<BiomesOPlenty.Bamboo Leaves ID>
  1571. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID list: <BiomesOPlenty.Bamboo ID>
  1572. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <BiomesOPlenty.Bamboo ID>
  1573. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <BiomesOPlenty.Bamboo ID> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1574. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID list: <BiomesOPlenty.Bamboo Leaves ID>
  1575. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: <BiomesOPlenty.Bamboo Leaves ID>
  1576. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <BiomesOPlenty.Bamboo Leaves ID> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1577. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Parsing Tree entry: <TwilightForest.Log>,2; <TwilightForest.Log>,6; <TwilightForest.Log>,10; <TwilightForest.Log>,14|<TwilightForest.Leaves>, 1; <TwilightForest.Leaves>,9
  1578. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID list: <TwilightForest.Log>,2; <TwilightForest.Log>,6; <TwilightForest.Log>,10; <TwilightForest.Log>,14
  1579. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <TwilightForest.Log>,2
  1580. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <TwilightForest.Log> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1581. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <TwilightForest.Log>,6
  1582. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <TwilightForest.Log> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1583. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <TwilightForest.Log>,10
  1584. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <TwilightForest.Log> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1585. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <TwilightForest.Log>,14
  1586. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <TwilightForest.Log> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1587. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID list: <TwilightForest.Leaves>, 1; <TwilightForest.Leaves>,9
  1588. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: <TwilightForest.Leaves>, 1
  1589. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <TwilightForest.Leaves> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1590. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: <TwilightForest.Leaves>,9
  1591. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <TwilightForest.Leaves> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1592. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Parsing Tree entry: <Forestry.log2>,1; <Forestry.log2>,5; <Forestry.log2>,9|<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8
  1593. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID list: <Forestry.log2>,1; <Forestry.log2>,5; <Forestry.log2>,9
  1594. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <Forestry.log2>,1
  1595. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Forestry.log2> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1596. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <Forestry.log2>,5
  1597. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Forestry.log2> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1598. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <Forestry.log2>,9
  1599. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Forestry.log2> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1600. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID list: <Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8
  1601. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: <Forestry.leaves>,0
  1602. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Forestry.leaves> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1603. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: <Forestry.leaves>,8
  1604. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Forestry.leaves> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1605. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Parsing Tree entry: <BiomesOPlenty.Willow Log ID>|<BiomesOPlenty.Willow Leaves ID>
  1606. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID list: <BiomesOPlenty.Willow Log ID>
  1607. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <BiomesOPlenty.Willow Log ID>
  1608. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <BiomesOPlenty.Willow Log ID> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1609. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID list: <BiomesOPlenty.Willow Leaves ID>
  1610. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: <BiomesOPlenty.Willow Leaves ID>
  1611. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <BiomesOPlenty.Willow Leaves ID> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1612. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Parsing Tree entry: <BiomesOPlenty.Acacia Log ID>|<BiomesOPlenty.Acacia Leaves ID>
  1613. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID list: <BiomesOPlenty.Acacia Log ID>
  1614. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <BiomesOPlenty.Acacia Log ID>
  1615. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <BiomesOPlenty.Acacia Log ID> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1616. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID list: <BiomesOPlenty.Acacia Leaves ID>
  1617. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: <BiomesOPlenty.Acacia Leaves ID>
  1618. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <BiomesOPlenty.Acacia Leaves ID> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1619. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Parsing Tree entry: <Forestry.log1>,2; <Forestry.log1>,6; <Forestry.log1>,10|<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8
  1620. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID list: <Forestry.log1>,2; <Forestry.log1>,6; <Forestry.log1>,10
  1621. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <Forestry.log1>,2
  1622. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Forestry.log1> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1623. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <Forestry.log1>,6
  1624. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Forestry.log1> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1625. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <Forestry.log1>,10
  1626. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Forestry.log1> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1627. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID list: <Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8
  1628. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: <Forestry.leaves>,0
  1629. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Forestry.leaves> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1630. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: <Forestry.leaves>,8
  1631. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Forestry.leaves> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1632. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Parsing Tree entry: <BiomesOPlenty.Dark Log ID>|<BiomesOPlenty.Dark Leaves ID>; <BiomesOPlenty.White Cherry Leaves ID>
  1633. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID list: <BiomesOPlenty.Dark Log ID>
  1634. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <BiomesOPlenty.Dark Log ID>
  1635. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <BiomesOPlenty.Dark Log ID> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1636. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID list: <BiomesOPlenty.Dark Leaves ID>; <BiomesOPlenty.White Cherry Leaves ID>
  1637. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: <BiomesOPlenty.Dark Leaves ID>
  1638. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <BiomesOPlenty.Dark Leaves ID> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1639. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: <BiomesOPlenty.White Cherry Leaves ID>
  1640. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <BiomesOPlenty.White Cherry Leaves ID> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1641. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Parsing Tree entry: <MFReloaded.ID.RubberWood>|<MFReloaded.ID.RubberLeaves>
  1642. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID list: <MFReloaded.ID.RubberWood>
  1643. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <MFReloaded.ID.RubberWood>
  1644. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <MFReloaded.ID.RubberWood> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1645. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID list: <MFReloaded.ID.RubberLeaves>
  1646. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: <MFReloaded.ID.RubberLeaves>
  1647. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <MFReloaded.ID.RubberLeaves> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1648. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Parsing Tree entry: <DivineRPG.eucalyptus>|18
  1649. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID list: <DivineRPG.eucalyptus>
  1650. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <DivineRPG.eucalyptus>
  1651. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <DivineRPG.eucalyptus> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1652. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID list: 18
  1653. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: 18
  1654. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] ++Configured leaf: 18, -1
  1655. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Parsing Tree entry: <IC2.blockRubWood>|<IC2.blockRubLeaves>
  1656. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID list: <IC2.blockRubWood>
  1657. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <IC2.blockRubWood>
  1658. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <IC2.blockRubWood> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1659. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID list: <IC2.blockRubLeaves>
  1660. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: <IC2.blockRubLeaves>
  1661. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <IC2.blockRubLeaves> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1662. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Parsing Tree entry: 2209,0; 2211,0; 2212,0; 2213,0|2204,1
  1663. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID list: 2209,0; 2211,0; 2212,0; 2213,0
  1664. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: 2209,0
  1665. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] ++Configured log: 2209, 0
  1666. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: 2211,0
  1667. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] ++Configured log: 2211, 0
  1668. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: 2212,0
  1669. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] ++Configured log: 2212, 0
  1670. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: 2213,0
  1671. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] ++Configured log: 2213, 0
  1672. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID list: 2204,1
  1673. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: 2204,1
  1674. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] ++Configured leaf: 2204, 1
  1675. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Parsing Tree entry: <ZapApples.zapAppleLogID>|<ZapApples.zapAppleLeavesID>; <ZapApples.zapAppleFlowersID>
  1676. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID list: <ZapApples.zapAppleLogID>
  1677. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <ZapApples.zapAppleLogID>
  1678. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <ZapApples.zapAppleLogID> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1679. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID list: <ZapApples.zapAppleLeavesID>; <ZapApples.zapAppleFlowersID>
  1680. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: <ZapApples.zapAppleLeavesID>
  1681. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <ZapApples.zapAppleLeavesID> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1682. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: <ZapApples.zapAppleFlowersID>
  1683. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <ZapApples.zapAppleFlowersID> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1684. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Parsing Tree entry: <TwilightForest.Log>,0; <TwilightForest.Log>,4; <TwilightForest.Log>,8; <TwilightForest.Log>,12|<TwilightForest.Leaves>,0; <TwilightForest.Leaves>,3; <TwilightForest.Leaves>,8; <TwilightForest.Leaves>,11
  1685. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID list: <TwilightForest.Log>,0; <TwilightForest.Log>,4; <TwilightForest.Log>,8; <TwilightForest.Log>,12
  1686. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <TwilightForest.Log>,0
  1687. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <TwilightForest.Log> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1688. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <TwilightForest.Log>,4
  1689. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <TwilightForest.Log> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1690. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <TwilightForest.Log>,8
  1691. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <TwilightForest.Log> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1692. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <TwilightForest.Log>,12
  1693. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <TwilightForest.Log> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1694. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID list: <TwilightForest.Leaves>,0; <TwilightForest.Leaves>,3; <TwilightForest.Leaves>,8; <TwilightForest.Leaves>,11
  1695. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: <TwilightForest.Leaves>,0
  1696. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <TwilightForest.Leaves> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1697. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: <TwilightForest.Leaves>,3
  1698. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <TwilightForest.Leaves> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1699. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: <TwilightForest.Leaves>,8
  1700. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <TwilightForest.Leaves> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1701. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: <TwilightForest.Leaves>,11
  1702. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <TwilightForest.Leaves> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1703. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Parsing Tree entry: <TwilightForest.MagicLog>,0; <TwilightForest.Log>,4; <TwilightForest.Log>,8; <TwilightForest.MagicLog>,12|<TwilightForest.MagicLeaves>,0; <TwilightForest.MagicLeaves>,8
  1704. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID list: <TwilightForest.MagicLog>,0; <TwilightForest.Log>,4; <TwilightForest.Log>,8; <TwilightForest.MagicLog>,12
  1705. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <TwilightForest.MagicLog>,0
  1706. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <TwilightForest.MagicLog> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1707. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <TwilightForest.Log>,4
  1708. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <TwilightForest.Log> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1709. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <TwilightForest.Log>,8
  1710. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <TwilightForest.Log> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1711. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <TwilightForest.MagicLog>,12
  1712. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <TwilightForest.MagicLog> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1713. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID list: <TwilightForest.MagicLeaves>,0; <TwilightForest.MagicLeaves>,8
  1714. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: <TwilightForest.MagicLeaves>,0
  1715. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <TwilightForest.MagicLeaves> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1716. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: <TwilightForest.MagicLeaves>,8
  1717. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <TwilightForest.MagicLeaves> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1718. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Parsing Tree entry: <BiomesOPlenty.Mangrove Log ID>|<BiomesOPlenty.Mangrove Leaves ID>
  1719. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID list: <BiomesOPlenty.Mangrove Log ID>
  1720. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <BiomesOPlenty.Mangrove Log ID>
  1721. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <BiomesOPlenty.Mangrove Log ID> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1722. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID list: <BiomesOPlenty.Mangrove Leaves ID>
  1723. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: <BiomesOPlenty.Mangrove Leaves ID>
  1724. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <BiomesOPlenty.Mangrove Leaves ID> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1725. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Parsing Tree entry: <BiomesOPlenty.Palm Log ID>|<BiomesOPlenty.Palm Leaves ID>
  1726. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID list: <BiomesOPlenty.Palm Log ID>
  1727. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <BiomesOPlenty.Palm Log ID>
  1728. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <BiomesOPlenty.Palm Log ID> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1729. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID list: <BiomesOPlenty.Palm Leaves ID>
  1730. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: <BiomesOPlenty.Palm Leaves ID>
  1731. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <BiomesOPlenty.Palm Leaves ID> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1732. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Parsing Tree entry: <Flora Trees.Wood Block>,3; <Flora Trees.Wood Block>, 7; <Flora Trees.Wood Block>, 11|<Flora Trees.Flora Leaves>,2
  1733. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID list: <Flora Trees.Wood Block>,3; <Flora Trees.Wood Block>, 7; <Flora Trees.Wood Block>, 11
  1734. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <Flora Trees.Wood Block>,3
  1735. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Flora Trees.Wood Block> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1736. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <Flora Trees.Wood Block>, 7
  1737. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Flora Trees.Wood Block> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1738. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <Flora Trees.Wood Block>, 11
  1739. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Flora Trees.Wood Block> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1740. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID list: <Flora Trees.Flora Leaves>,2
  1741. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: <Flora Trees.Flora Leaves>,2
  1742. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Flora Trees.Flora Leaves> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1743. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Parsing Tree entry: <Forestry.log4>,1; <Forestry.log4>,5; <Forestry.log4>,9|<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8
  1744. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID list: <Forestry.log4>,1; <Forestry.log4>,5; <Forestry.log4>,9
  1745. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <Forestry.log4>,1
  1746. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Forestry.log4> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1747. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <Forestry.log4>,5
  1748. 2013-04-07 18:42:49 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Forestry.log4> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1749. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <Forestry.log4>,9
  1750. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Forestry.log4> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1751. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID list: <Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8
  1752. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: <Forestry.leaves>,0
  1753. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Forestry.leaves> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1754. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: <Forestry.leaves>,8
  1755. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Forestry.leaves> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1756. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Parsing Tree entry: <Forestry.log3>,3; <Forestry.log3>,7; <Forestry.log3>,11|<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8
  1757. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID list: <Forestry.log3>,3; <Forestry.log3>,7; <Forestry.log3>,11
  1758. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <Forestry.log3>,3
  1759. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Forestry.log3> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1760. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <Forestry.log3>,7
  1761. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Forestry.log3> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1762. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <Forestry.log3>,11
  1763. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Forestry.log3> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1764. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID list: <Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8
  1765. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: <Forestry.leaves>,0
  1766. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Forestry.leaves> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1767. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: <Forestry.leaves>,8
  1768. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Forestry.leaves> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1769. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Parsing Tree entry: <BiomesOPlenty.Fir Log ID>|<BiomesOPlenty.Fir Leaves ID>
  1770. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID list: <BiomesOPlenty.Fir Log ID>
  1771. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <BiomesOPlenty.Fir Log ID>
  1772. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <BiomesOPlenty.Fir Log ID> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1773. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID list: <BiomesOPlenty.Fir Leaves ID>
  1774. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: <BiomesOPlenty.Fir Leaves ID>
  1775. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <BiomesOPlenty.Fir Leaves ID> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1776. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Parsing Tree entry: 17,0; 17,4; 17,8; 17,12; 2209,2; 2211,2; 2212,2; 2213,2;|18,0; 2200; <BiomesOPlenty.Dying Leaves ID>; <BiomesOPlenty.Origin Leaves ID>; <BiomesOPlenty.Apple Leaves ID>; <BiomesOPlenty.Fruitless Apple Leaves ID>; <BiomesOPlenty.Orange Autumn Leaves ID>; <BiomesOPlenty.Maple Leaves ID>
  1777. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID list: 17,0; 17,4; 17,8; 17,12; 2209,2; 2211,2; 2212,2; 2213,2;
  1778. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: 17,0
  1779. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] ++Configured log: 17, 0
  1780. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: 17,4
  1781. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] ++Configured log: 17, 4
  1782. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: 17,8
  1783. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] ++Configured log: 17, 8
  1784. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: 17,12
  1785. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] ++Configured log: 17, 12
  1786. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: 2209,2
  1787. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] ++Configured log: 2209, 2
  1788. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: 2211,2
  1789. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] ++Configured log: 2211, 2
  1790. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: 2212,2
  1791. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] ++Configured log: 2212, 2
  1792. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: 2213,2
  1793. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] ++Configured log: 2213, 2
  1794. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID list: 18,0; 2200; <BiomesOPlenty.Dying Leaves ID>; <BiomesOPlenty.Origin Leaves ID>; <BiomesOPlenty.Apple Leaves ID>; <BiomesOPlenty.Fruitless Apple Leaves ID>; <BiomesOPlenty.Orange Autumn Leaves ID>; <BiomesOPlenty.Maple Leaves ID>
  1795. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: 18,0
  1796. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] ++Configured leaf: 18, 0
  1797. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: 2200
  1798. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] ++Configured leaf: 2200, -1
  1799. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: <BiomesOPlenty.Dying Leaves ID>
  1800. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <BiomesOPlenty.Dying Leaves ID> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1801. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: <BiomesOPlenty.Origin Leaves ID>
  1802. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <BiomesOPlenty.Origin Leaves ID> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1803. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: <BiomesOPlenty.Apple Leaves ID>
  1804. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <BiomesOPlenty.Apple Leaves ID> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1805. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: <BiomesOPlenty.Fruitless Apple Leaves ID>
  1806. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <BiomesOPlenty.Fruitless Apple Leaves ID> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1807. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: <BiomesOPlenty.Orange Autumn Leaves ID>
  1808. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <BiomesOPlenty.Orange Autumn Leaves ID> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1809. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: <BiomesOPlenty.Maple Leaves ID>
  1810. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <BiomesOPlenty.Maple Leaves ID> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1811. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Parsing Tree entry: <Flora Trees.Wood Block>, 1; <Flora Trees.Wood Block>, 5; <Flora Trees.Wood Block>, 9|<Flora Trees.Sakura Leaves>,0
  1812. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID list: <Flora Trees.Wood Block>, 1; <Flora Trees.Wood Block>, 5; <Flora Trees.Wood Block>, 9
  1813. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <Flora Trees.Wood Block>, 1
  1814. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Flora Trees.Wood Block> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1815. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <Flora Trees.Wood Block>, 5
  1816. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Flora Trees.Wood Block> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1817. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <Flora Trees.Wood Block>, 9
  1818. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Flora Trees.Wood Block> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1819. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID list: <Flora Trees.Sakura Leaves>,0
  1820. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: <Flora Trees.Sakura Leaves>,0
  1821. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Flora Trees.Sakura Leaves> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1822. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Parsing Tree entry: <Forestry.log2>,2; <Forestry.log2>,6; <Forestry.log2>,10|<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8
  1823. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID list: <Forestry.log2>,2; <Forestry.log2>,6; <Forestry.log2>,10
  1824. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <Forestry.log2>,2
  1825. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Forestry.log2> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1826. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <Forestry.log2>,6
  1827. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Forestry.log2> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1828. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <Forestry.log2>,10
  1829. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Forestry.log2> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1830. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID list: <Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8
  1831. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: <Forestry.leaves>,0
  1832. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Forestry.leaves> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1833. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: <Forestry.leaves>,8
  1834. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Forestry.leaves> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1835. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Parsing Tree entry: <Forestry.log2>,0; <Forestry.log2>,4; <Forestry.log2>,8|<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8
  1836. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID list: <Forestry.log2>,0; <Forestry.log2>,4; <Forestry.log2>,8
  1837. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <Forestry.log2>,0
  1838. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Forestry.log2> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1839. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <Forestry.log2>,4
  1840. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Forestry.log2> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1841. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <Forestry.log2>,8
  1842. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Forestry.log2> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1843. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID list: <Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8
  1844. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: <Forestry.leaves>,0
  1845. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Forestry.leaves> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1846. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: <Forestry.leaves>,8
  1847. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Forestry.leaves> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1848. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Parsing Tree entry: <Flora Trees.Wood Block>,2; <Flora Trees.Wood Block>, 6; <Flora Trees.Wood Block>, 10|<Flora Trees.Sakura Leaves>,1
  1849. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID list: <Flora Trees.Wood Block>,2; <Flora Trees.Wood Block>, 6; <Flora Trees.Wood Block>, 10
  1850. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <Flora Trees.Wood Block>,2
  1851. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Flora Trees.Wood Block> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1852. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <Flora Trees.Wood Block>, 6
  1853. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Flora Trees.Wood Block> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1854. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <Flora Trees.Wood Block>, 10
  1855. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Flora Trees.Wood Block> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1856. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID list: <Flora Trees.Sakura Leaves>,1
  1857. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: <Flora Trees.Sakura Leaves>,1
  1858. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Flora Trees.Sakura Leaves> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1859. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Parsing Tree entry: <Forestry.log1>,3; <Forestry.log1>,7; <Forestry.log1>,11|<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8
  1860. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID list: <Forestry.log1>,3; <Forestry.log1>,7; <Forestry.log1>,11
  1861. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <Forestry.log1>,3
  1862. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Forestry.log1> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1863. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <Forestry.log1>,7
  1864. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Forestry.log1> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1865. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <Forestry.log1>,11
  1866. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Forestry.log1> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1867. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID list: <Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8
  1868. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: <Forestry.leaves>,0
  1869. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Forestry.leaves> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1870. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: <Forestry.leaves>,8
  1871. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Forestry.leaves> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1872. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Parsing Tree entry: 17,1; 17,5; 17,9; 17,13|18,1; 2200
  1873. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID list: 17,1; 17,5; 17,9; 17,13
  1874. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: 17,1
  1875. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] ++Configured log: 17, 1
  1876. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: 17,5
  1877. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] ++Configured log: 17, 5
  1878. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: 17,9
  1879. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] ++Configured log: 17, 9
  1880. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: 17,13
  1881. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] ++Configured log: 17, 13
  1882. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID list: 18,1; 2200
  1883. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: 18,1
  1884. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] ++Configured leaf: 18, 1
  1885. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: 2200
  1886. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] ++Configured leaf: 2200, -1
  1887. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Parsing Tree entry: <Forestry.log1>,0; <Forestry.log1>,4; <Forestry.log1>,8|<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8
  1888. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID list: <Forestry.log1>,0; <Forestry.log1>,4; <Forestry.log1>,8
  1889. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <Forestry.log1>,0
  1890. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Forestry.log1> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1891. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <Forestry.log1>,4
  1892. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Forestry.log1> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1893. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found log ID: <Forestry.log1>,8
  1894. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Forestry.log1> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1895. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID list: <Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8
  1896. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: <Forestry.leaves>,0
  1897. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Forestry.leaves> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1898. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Found leaf ID: <Forestry.leaves>,8
  1899. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] [DEBUG] Block ID <Forestry.leaves> could not be parsed as an integer. Ignoring entry.
  1900. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] Block ID list parsing complete.
  1901. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [FINEST] [TreeCapitator] Sent event FMLServerStartedEvent to mod TreeCapitator
  1902. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [FINEST] [Doggy Talents] Sending event FMLServerStartedEvent to mod Doggy Talents
  1903. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [FINEST] [Doggy Talents] Sent event FMLServerStartedEvent to mod Doggy Talents
  1904. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [FINEST] [BiblioCraft] Sending event FMLServerStartedEvent to mod BiblioCraft
  1905. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [FINEST] [BiblioCraft] Sent event FMLServerStartedEvent to mod BiblioCraft
  1906. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [FINEST] [ComputerCraft] Sending event FMLServerStartedEvent to mod ComputerCraft
  1907. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [FINEST] [ComputerCraft] Sent event FMLServerStartedEvent to mod ComputerCraft
  1908. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [FINEST] [CCTurtle] Sending event FMLServerStartedEvent to mod CCTurtle
  1909. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [FINEST] [CCTurtle] Sent event FMLServerStartedEvent to mod CCTurtle
  1910. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [FINEST] [CustomSpawner] Sending event FMLServerStartedEvent to mod CustomSpawner
  1911. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [FINEST] [CustomSpawner] Sent event FMLServerStartedEvent to mod CustomSpawner
  1912. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [FINEST] [MoCreatures] Sending event FMLServerStartedEvent to mod MoCreatures
  1913. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [FINEST] [MoCreatures] Sent event FMLServerStartedEvent to mod MoCreatures
  1914. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [FINEST] [EnderStorage] Sending event FMLServerStartedEvent to mod EnderStorage
  1915. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [FINEST] [EnderStorage] Sent event FMLServerStartedEvent to mod EnderStorage
  1916. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [FINEST] [ExtrabiomesXL] Sending event FMLServerStartedEvent to mod ExtrabiomesXL
  1917. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [FINEST] [ExtrabiomesXL] Sent event FMLServerStartedEvent to mod ExtrabiomesXL
  1918. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [FINEST] [Familiars_DefaultMobPack] Sending event FMLServerStartedEvent to mod Familiars_DefaultMobPack
  1919. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [FINEST] [Familiars_DefaultMobPack] Sent event FMLServerStartedEvent to mod Familiars_DefaultMobPack
  1920. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [FINEST] [Familiars_ExtendedFamPack] Sending event FMLServerStartedEvent to mod Familiars_ExtendedFamPack
  1921. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [FINEST] [Familiars_ExtendedFamPack] Sent event FMLServerStartedEvent to mod Familiars_ExtendedFamPack
  1922. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [FINEST] [HealthBars] Sending event FMLServerStartedEvent to mod HealthBars
  1923. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [FINEST] [HealthBars] Sent event FMLServerStartedEvent to mod HealthBars
  1924. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [FINEST] [Mystcraft] Sending event FMLServerStartedEvent to mod Mystcraft
  1925. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [FINEST] [Mystcraft] Sent event FMLServerStartedEvent to mod Mystcraft
  1926. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [FINEST] [SimplyHorses] Sending event FMLServerStartedEvent to mod SimplyHorses
  1927. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [FINEST] [SimplyHorses] Sent event FMLServerStartedEvent to mod SimplyHorses
  1928. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [FINEST] [mod_SmartMoving] Sending event FMLServerStartedEvent to mod mod_SmartMoving
  1929. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [FINEST] [mod_SmartMoving] Sent event FMLServerStartedEvent to mod mod_SmartMoving
  1930. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [FINEST] [mod_SmartRender] Sending event FMLServerStartedEvent to mod mod_SmartRender
  1931. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [FINEST] [mod_SmartRender] Sent event FMLServerStartedEvent to mod mod_SmartRender
  1932. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [FINEST] [SoulEater] Sending event FMLServerStartedEvent to mod SoulEater
  1933. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [FINEST] [SoulEater] Sent event FMLServerStartedEvent to mod SoulEater
  1934. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [FINEST] [SpecialMobs] Sending event FMLServerStartedEvent to mod SpecialMobs
  1935. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [FINEST] [SpecialMobs] Sent event FMLServerStartedEvent to mod SpecialMobs
  1936. 2013-04-07 18:42:50 [INFO] [STDOUT] Loading NEI
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