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Jun 24th, 2010
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  1. I/DEBUG ( 80): debuggerd committing suicide to free the zombie!
  2. E/LatinIME( 640): Error when reading voice to text engine choice from settings!
  3. D/LatinIME( 640): locale changed, current language is supported by Voice Input Engine? true
  4. W/dalvikvm( 640): ERROR: Unable to find decl for native Lcom/android/inputmethod/latin/BinaryDictionary;.getSuggestionsNative (I[II[C[IIIII[II)I
  5. W/dalvikvm( 640): Exception Ljava/lang/NoSuchFieldError; thrown during Lcom/android/inputmethod/latin/BinaryDictionary;.<clinit>
  6. W/dalvikvm( 640): threadid=1: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x4001d7f0)
  7. E/JavaBinder( 103): !!! FAILED BINDER TRANSACTION !!!
  8. E/JavaBinder( 103): !!! FAILED BINDER TRANSACTION !!!
  9. W/Process ( 103): Unable to open /proc/458/status
  10. E/LatinIME( 647): Error when reading voice to text engine choice from settings!
  11. D/LatinIME( 647): locale changed, current language is supported by Voice Input Engine? true
  12. W/dalvikvm( 647): ERROR: Unable to find decl for native Lcom/android/inputmethod/latin/BinaryDictionary;.getSuggestionsNative (I[II[C[IIIII[II)I
  13. W/dalvikvm( 647): Exception Ljava/lang/NoSuchFieldError; thrown during Lcom/android/inputmethod/latin/BinaryDictionary;.<clinit>
  14. W/dalvikvm( 647): threadid=1: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x4001d7f0)
  15. D/dalvikvm( 176): GC_EXPLICIT freed 869 objects / 41840 bytes in 71ms
  16. E/LatinIME( 655): Error when reading voice to text engine choice from settings!
  17. D/LatinIME( 655): locale changed, current language is supported by Voice Input Engine? true
  18. W/dalvikvm( 655): ERROR: Unable to find decl for native Lcom/android/inputmethod/latin/BinaryDictionary;.getSuggestionsNative (I[II[C[IIIII[II)I
  19. W/dalvikvm( 655): Exception Ljava/lang/NoSuchFieldError; thrown during Lcom/android/inputmethod/latin/BinaryDictionary;.<clinit>
  20. W/dalvikvm( 655): threadid=1: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x4001d7f0)
  21. D/dalvikvm( 192): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 1995 objects / 97120 bytes in 50ms
  22. W/Process ( 103): Unable to open /proc/485/status
  23. E/LatinIME( 662): Error when reading voice to text engine choice from settings!
  24. D/LatinIME( 662): locale changed, current language is supported by Voice Input Engine? true
  25. W/dalvikvm( 662): ERROR: Unable to find decl for native Lcom/android/inputmethod/latin/BinaryDictionary;.getSuggestionsNative (I[II[C[IIIII[II)I
  26. W/dalvikvm( 662): Exception Ljava/lang/NoSuchFieldError; thrown during Lcom/android/inputmethod/latin/BinaryDictionary;.<clinit>
  27. W/dalvikvm( 662): threadid=1: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x4001d7f0)
  28. W/KeyCharacterMap( 103): Using default keymap: /system/usr/keychars/qwerty.kcm.bin
  29. W/KeyCharacterMap( 516): No keyboard for id 65540
  30. D/ResourceType( 516): calling getConfigurations
  31. I/ActivityManager( 103): Displayed activity 368 ms (total 368 ms)
  32. D/LatinIME( 669): current locale is: en_US
  33. D/dalvikvm( 669): GetFieldID: unable to find field Lcom/android/inputmethod/latin/BinaryDictionary;.mDictLength:I
  34. W/dalvikvm( 669): JNI_OnLoad returned bad version (-1) in /system/lib/ 0x44f3b7e0
  35. D/AndroidRuntime( 669): Shutting down VM
  36. I/Process ( 669): Sending signal. PID: 669 SIG: 9
  37. D/Swype ( 176): SwypeApplicaiton.copySwypeDataFiles ends...needToCopyFiles=false
  38. D/Swype ( 176): Swype initialized.
  39. W/IInputConnectionWrapper( 612): showStatusIcon on inactive InputConnection
  40. D/dalvikvm( 192): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 100 objects / 5648 bytes in 44ms
  41. D/dalvikvm( 103): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 12845 objects / 728744 bytes in 207ms
  42. D/dalvikvm( 600): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 5064 objects / 453672 bytes in 36ms
  43. D/dalvikvm( 600): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 10236 objects / 638248 bytes in 41ms
  44. D/dalvikvm( 600): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 4899 objects / 484752 bytes in 37ms
  45. D/LocationMasfClient( 103): getNetworkLocation(): Returning network location with accuracy 824.0
  46. W/KeyCharacterMap( 600): No keyboard for id 65540
  47. D/dalvikvm( 600): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 9007 objects / 420392 bytes in 65ms
  48. I/Logger ( 600): Prepping thread for termination
  49. D/Logger ( 600): status... true
  50. D/dalvikvm( 600): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 5140 objects / 400784 bytes in 62ms
  51. I/ActivityThread( 693): Publishing provider com.springpartners.provider.Springpad: com.springpad.dao.DataProvider
  52. I/com.nullwire.trace.ExceptionsHandler( 693): Registering default exceptions handler
  53. D/com.nullwire.trace.ExceptionsHandler( 693): APP_VERSION: 1.0.7
  54. D/com.nullwire.trace.ExceptionsHandler( 693): FILES_PATH: /data/data/com.springpad/files
  55. D/com.nullwire.trace.ExceptionsHandler( 693): Looking for exceptions in: /data/data/com.springpad/files
  56. W/Settings( 693): Setting android_id has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Secure, returning read-only value.
  57. W/KeyCharacterMap( 693): No keyboard for id 65540
  58. I/ActivityManager( 103): Displayed activity com.springpad/.activities.BlockPreview: 1949 ms (total 1949 ms)
  59. D/dalvikvm( 600): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 6099 objects / 400952 bytes in 42ms
  60. D/dalvikvm( 600): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 7647 objects / 547864 bytes in 42ms
  61. W/KeyCharacterMap( 600): No keyboard for id 65540
  62. D/dalvikvm( 176): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 11194 objects / 513968 bytes in 38ms
  63. D/dalvikvm( 600): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 5449 objects / 432600 bytes in 48ms
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