
What happens when a smarty's demands are met

Dec 22nd, 2019
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  1. Anonymous Thu 26 Jul 2012 01:30:53 No.3461531
  2. =======================================================================================================================================
  3. >You're filled with mixed emotions
  4. >You guess that's how anyone would feel after they're forced to move out of their house of five years
  5. >Curse the disaster that caused this!
  6. >But at least you have a new home waiting for you in the same city
  7. >And you get to keep your job and all that jazz
  8. >But you'll no longer be in the walking distance of the local In-N-Out
  9. >You'll miss those delicious hamburgers
  10. >With all your stuff packed in the moving truck, though, you know it's time to go
  11. >Out of a sense of sentimentality though, you decided to get one last look at your backyard.
  12. >You always like it.
  13. >You enjoyed seeing the grass, the trees, the squirrels, the fluffy poni-
  14. >Wait.
  15. >You don't care for fluffy ponies
  16. >But there they are in your yard right now
  17. >You decide to go outside to get a better look at them
  18. >Taking a gaze, they're about around thirty in number.
  19. >A silver fluffy pony unicorn with a black mane trots up to you and puffs its cheeks
  20. >"Weave dis pwace, hooman! Bewong to hewd now!"
  21. >Eh... You might as well humor this smarty friend.
  22. Okay
  23. >You start to walk away
  24. >Suddenly the smarty friend trots up to you again
  25. >"Wai, weally? Nuu huwt smawty fwiend ow hewd?"
  26. Yeah, really. I have no idea what you'll all do to this place, but the back door is unlocked, so feel free to do whatever. I doubt this home will ever be used again.
  27. >The smarty friend looks at you, his eyes glittering in appreciation
  28. >"Ooooh, tank yuu nice hooman! Now hewd can wive out dweam!"
  30. >Okay you're getting a bit curious.
  31. What would that dream be?
  32. >The smarty friend is letting out a big smile
  33. >"Hewd gonna wite cowwabowative nowel! Teww stowies, ge' bess sewwews!"
  34. >...Da fuq.
  35. Well, good luck with that.
  36. >You leave.
  37. >A couple of months later, and the herd's dream came true.
  38. >A novel named "Balls of Sketties" is released, and instantly becomes a best seller.
  39. >It quickly gathers a massive fan following, and a movie adaption will be released next year, alongside a sequel and an audio reading done by Morgan Freeman.
  40. >You're not sure how all this happened, since the novel is an incoherent mess with no continuity and filled with grammar mistakes and misspellings
  41. >But at least the fluffies thanked you in the introduction section.
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