
Adventures In OTAFA Episode 1: The Battle

Apr 11th, 2015
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  3. It was a peaceful and normal day outside in Furtopia, the largest furry planet. The vixen were frolicking around in the fields of many flowers and the wolves were licking their paws on the cliff. But that would be the last peaceful day the furries of Furtopia would ever have.
  5. * * *
  7. The furry named Belongok was looking through his telescope when he suddenly saw a small gray ship with rows of missile launchers and some writing on the side.
  8. "Sir! You must see this!" screamed Belongok.
  9. "What is it?" said the general.
  10. "Look in here! There is a ship!"
  11. "Hmm let me see." The general looked inside the telescope.
  12. "Looks like a rogue ship. I'll shoot it down." The general ordered his soldiers to fire the destruction ray at the ship. It exploded.
  13. "Wonder what that was from." said Belongok. He continued to look in his telescope. He saw millions of frigates and quadrillion of fighters heading straight towards Furtopia. Belongok fainted.
  14. "We're under attack!" said a soldier deploying the shield. The ships passed through, unharmed then flew back up into space.
  15. "Looks like it wasn't an invasion after all!" shouted the general.
  16. "It looks like they were clearing the space for that ship!" said a soldier. The general looked in Belongok's telescope and saw the ship, about the size of a planet. Giant claws came out of the sides of the ship and crushed Furtopia.
  17. "We've done it!" said Archemedes, the commander of the CCDS capital ship. The OTAFA fleet moved on to join the main fleet.
  18. "I have destroyed Furtopia!" said Archemedes to the masked leader of OTAFA.
  19. "Good, now we will move on to homestuckers!" said the leader.
  20. "Sir! It was all a trick! That was Furtozia, a minor furry planet. Furtopia is still there!" shouted RevenShire, the 2nd in command.
  21. "Head to Furtopia!" yelled the leader.
  22. The OTAFA fleet went out to the FURON galaxy.
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