
TSW: Yeffim's Tale

Jan 17th, 2016
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  1. [21:41] IcePickLobotomy Yeffim: The civil is over, your side has one. And what do you get for it? Stationed in the arctic circle in northern Siberia, dealing with bears, tigers, and bandits. You poke your head up past the commanders hatch of the BMP as your patrol group comes to a stop unexpectedly.
  2. [21:42] IcePickLobotomy Wind and ice claws at your face, and some moonlight shines down through a gap in the cloud cover. The roar of the engines barely audible over the wind.
  3. [21:43] IcePickLobotomy The trees are more sparse here, hardy furs capped in white.
  4. [21:45] Yeffim A low growl precedes the grizzled man closing the hatch and sinking back into the red lit interior of the vehicle. If any of the soldiers thought to ask him for any information he gained, they did not voice it.
  5. [21:46] IcePickLobotomy "All clear captain-comrade. The gunner thought he saw something to the north."
  6. [21:47] IcePickLobotomy The radio crackles to life, distorted by static, but still understandable.
  7. [21:48] Yeffim "Tell him to keep looking. No harm in fretting over nothing this far north."
  8. [21:51] IcePickLobotomy "Roger that Captain-comrade. Moving to next way point." The BMP lurches forward. A few of the men whisper to each-other, but other than that they are quiet, nervous. Something out there feels off, wrong. A atmosphere of tension and malevolence has hung over your patrol for the last 3 days.
  9. [21:53] Yeffim "Concerns to express, comrades?" His look is not malevolent, but could make a dead plant wither further. It was a bit of an inborn talent he possessed.
  10. [21:55] IcePickLobotomy The men look to each other, and it falls on the sergeant to speak. "No sir?" he sounds unsure of himself "But . . . well we are not superstitious men, but this feels. . . Sir something about this feels wrong. We." He takes a bracing breath "We think we should turn back. It's not as though Command would know unless one of us told them, and, well, none of us think being here is a good idea."
  11. [21:58] Yeffim "Let it be known that any man who wishes to disobey direct orders may return home. All you need do, is step out of the military granted vehicle, and relinquish any and all vestments that the government has provided you. Shall I tell the driver to stop?"
  12. [21:58] IcePickLobotomy "No sir." It's hard to tell what face he is making behind the face-mask, but he doesn't sound surprised. Or happy.
  13. [22:01] Yeffim "Whatever is out there is nothing more than anything we've dealt with before. The fact that weather conditions are worse than normal merely has you jumpy." Though he too could feel the aura of strangeness,the captain was clearly appealing to the men's pride in their unit to bolster morale.
  14. [22:01] Yeffim Whether he believed his statements or not was up to debate, and entirely irrelevant.
  15. [22:03] IcePickLobotomy The men nod, trying to take solace in your words, but clearly failing. The next few hours pass without incident. The feeling of dread increases, your men begin to fidget, some nervously checking over gear, or whatever their quirks would be. The inside of the BMP is unbearably stuffy, thick with diesel fumes. Your radio crackles again, thick with static to the point where you have to strain...
  16. [22:03] IcePickLobotomy hear them. "Sir! Check outside, there's someth-" It cuts out with a sharp squeal of feedback before the feed cuts off.
  17. [22:06] Yeffim Lunging to his feet, the captain nearly hit his head on the hatch before he threw it open while barking for his radio operator to restore contact. Fighting the snow and biting wind, he fought to see in the direction of the front of his convoy.
  18. [22:07] IcePickLobotomy Outside the storm has intensified, it'd e pitch black outside, or it should be.
  19. [22:10] IcePickLobotomy In front of you, the cloud is light up by a brilliant green light, waves of distortion, like static on a tv-screen, ripple outwards from it. Slowly, a massive shape begins to rise from the ground. It's humanoid, but crowned with a set of 6 jagged horns, and harsh angular skin. Slowly is turns to face you, and 7 baleful green eyes stare you down. It takes a single step forward and your world...
  20. [22:10] IcePickLobotomy ...shakes.
  21. [22:11] Yeffim slams the hatch shut behind him and grasps his seat. "Hold fast men! HOL-"
  22. [22:11] IcePickLobotomy ----------------------------------------------
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