
The Road Home Ch2

Jan 19th, 2015
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  1. >The hard and somewhat sharp chiton of Chrysalis’s leg smacks you across the face.
  2. >”Awake you fleshy meatsack!”
  3. >This better not become a regular occurrence.
  4. “Fuck! I’m awake…I’m awake.”
  5. >”Drink of this so we may depart from this dull town.”
  6. >Two cups are shoved into your face, one stew leftovers, one… coffee?
  7. >You pull up into a sitting position, two blankets fall off of you.
  8. “Where on god’s green earth did you get coffee?”
  9. >Chrysalis magics your rucksack over to you and begins to pack the blankets
  10. >Or at least attempt to.
  11. >“Upon taking you form I wandered into town this morning in an attempt to disprove your lies.”
  12. >You sip the coffee.
  13. >”A couple claimed that you worked for them last evening and offered me a half pound of…”
  14. >She struggles with her magic, the side straps of your pack proving too much of a fine manipulation challenge.
  15. >”Infernal bag!”
  16. “I got it.”
  17. >You reach over and begin to roll the blankets between sips of coffee and stew.
  18. >”And about last night! It is rude to nod off while being addressed. Especially by someone of my stature.”
  19. “Whatever you say swampy.”
  20. >She fumed at this as you connected the last strap, her face somehow blushing beneath the hard exoskeleton.
  21. >”I have a name and you will address me as such.”
  22. “Yeah, whatever… well see you around. Thanks for the coffee.”
  23. >You swing the pack onto your back and stand.
  24. >”Oh? Where ever will you go without me to help?”
  25. >You burst out laughing, not any laugh, a derisive ‘is that what you think’ laugh.
  26. >Again with the impossible blush.
  27. “oh… oh-ho. That’s rich, look you don’t need my help anymore. You took my form, got free coffee. You’ll be fine.”
  28. >You connect the cups to the bottom of your ruck.
  29. “Besides, I learned yesterday that I’m not a wanted man.”
  30. >”I will pay you”
  31. “With what money, dearest queen.”
  32. >”When we rendezvous with the rest of my hive in the north, I will pay you.”
  33. >Your inner salesman kicks in.
  34. “What’s the rate?”
  35. >”… 10 bits and mile.”
  36. >Holy shit.
  37. “Uh, yeah… wow… Deal… Where are we going?”
  38. >”The crystal mountains.”
  39. >Fuck. That’s far.
  41. >The plan was to walk to Dodge Junction, and somehow ride the train all the way to Neighagra falls.
  42. >It’s been six hours since the morning-
  43. >”It would be much more expedient to cut straight north through Baltimare.”
  44. >And she hasn’t shut up.
  45. >”I’m beginning to believe that you have chosen this route for your wallet’s sake!”
  46. “For the last time, the guard will be everywhere at Baltimare, and Phillydelphia, and along the river crossings to get there.”
  47. >”A disguise should do nicely, it can overcome most obstacles.”
  48. “Oh yeah, well can you magic up one of these?”
  49. >You reach into your pocket and pull up your identity documents.
  50. >The ponies at the office listed you as a minotaur to save on paper work.
  51. >”No”
  52. “Then you won’t get far.”
  53. >Some more marching in silence.
  54. >”How am I supposed to take my seat on the train if I don’t have papers?”
  55. “When did I ever say we were taking seats on the train?”
  56. >”Then how are we supposed to… oh.”
  57. “Yeah…”
  58. >The trees are starting to thin out, the swamp having truly been left behind now.
  59. “So why are you alone.”
  60. >She doesn’t respond, you pull out one of the many water containers and take a few sips before handing off the bottle.
  61. >She holds it in her magic for a few moments.
  62. >”Failure.”
  63. >She drinks and magics it back over.
  64. “Failure of what?”
  65. >You cap the bottle and put it back.
  66. >”So, how do you know the gaurds modus operandi?”
  67. >Changing subjects, alright then. You’ll play along.
  69. “I got here about a year ago, no job, no connections. So I’ve been something of a wandering gypsy.”
  70. >”That means nothing.”
  71. “It means I do any odd jobs I’m offered. Most, not so legal.”
  72. >”So you are nothing more than a petty crook.”
  73. “Thanks… And not entirely. If I have a choice I will choose the legal work.”
  74. >Chrysalis stops in place.
  75. >You walk on a few more steps before turning around and staring at her.
  76. “Everything alright?”
  77. >With that she bolts off into the forest, still unable to fly with a crippled wing.
  78. “Goddamnit come back!”
  79. >She’s much faster than you and you quickly lose sight of her.
  80. >Slowing down, your head begins to survey the landscape, sparse trees, lots of shrub.
  81. >That shrub is waving you over with a holey leg.
  82. >You jog over and stand over her as she lays behind the shrub.
  83. “Mind telling me wh-“
  84. >Using one of the holes in her leg she hooks your coat and pulls you down next to her.
  85. >”Hold still you swine. Do you have anything to mask scent?”
  86. “Just the coffee you g-“
  87. >”Brilliant.”
  88. >Unceremoniously she tears apart the bag and throws the rest of the coffee grounds about the whole place.
  90. “Aw… That was good cof-“
  91. >She smacks the back of your head.
  92. >”quiet.”
  93. >The two of you peer from behind the shrub.
  94. >A dim green light overtakes you vision as she changes to the grey earth pony again.
  95. >Nothing. It’s fucking nothing for ten minutes.
  96. “Seriously, why ar-“
  97. >Around the bend in the road comes a group of ponies, all sorts and marks.
  98. >The air is immediately filled with the stench of open sewage and rotting flesh.
  99. >The head of the smelly procession has two ponies carrying censors; they do little against the smell.
  100. >You turn around and curl up trying your best not to vomit.
  101. >Eventually the smell fades and a green flash indicates to you that Chrysalis is back to her normal self.
  102. “What was that? And why is it headed in the same direction as us?”
  103. >”The Miasma hive. Last my scouts told me… back when I had scouts… last my scouts told me they were
  104. >Based in the sewers of Baltimare.”
  105. >As you stand the liberal amounts of dust and coffee grounds kick up.
  106. “We’re two days journey from Baltimare, they’re a long way from home.”
  107. >Chrysalis stands as well, and the two of you begin to meander back to the road.
  108. >”No, they’re relocating entirely. The queen is the only one who uses censors.”
  109. “But why?”
  110. >A green flash of light and she’s the grey mare again.
  111. >”Ask them.”
  112. >A contingent of guards is marching, no, sprinting after the first procession of changelings.
  114. >They’re going to ask for her papers, most likely.
  115. >Think fast!
  116. >You drop your ruck and pull the blankets off.
  117. >Most of the guard runs right past you and Chrysalis, including shorty.
  118. >He rubbernecks for a quick second before joining the rest of the group.
  119. >A couple guards break off the group to interrogate the two of you.
  120. >Chrysalis begins to back up, she’s about to take off.
  121. “Easy now, I got this.”
  122. >You hold one of your blankets in each arm.
  123. >The two guards have entered speaking range.
  124. “Well howdy ya’ll! Welcome to Lester’s roadside discounts.”
  125. >Holding the more colorful of the blankets up you begin your pitch.
  126. “Fer just 10, that’s right pardner fer 10 bits. This here custom crafted, hoofwoven, hoofdyed blanket can be yours.”
  127. >Both of the guard’s seem uneasy with the situation.
  128. >The bigger of the two earth ponies speaks up.
  129. >”Uh-ahem- Sir, we need to see your identity… and your… companions as well.”
  130. “All in due time, but first. If ya’ll are disappointed in my first rate blankets I can sweeten this here deal.”
  131. >You dump one of the blankets and pick up the kettle off the back of the rucksack.
  132. “This here is a januine tin cowfolk kettle, fer just five bits more you can have both the blanket and this here kettle.”
  133. >Chrysalis, still disguised, comes up next to you.
  134. >”Ah can tell here these two fine specimens are married stallions, I’m sure my friend here has told you
  135. >about our fine turquoise jewelry that your wife will just adore.”
  136. “I was just getting to that, now, if you folk would be so kind as to give me and the misuss a moment.”
  137. >Turning around you stare chrysalis dead in the eyes.
  138. >”Sir, we still need your papers.”
  139. “Hold on a gosh darn second, ah got somethin’ ah nip in the bud.”
  140. >Turning you attention back to Chrysalis you launch into your act.
  141. “Now what did ah say bout’ disturbin’ me when I’mma workin’ lady!”
  142. >She catches on quickly, it’s hard to tell but you think she might be having fun.
  143. >”Ya’ll haven’t made a sale all week! Mahybe I should take over tha biss and let you do all tha laundry.”
  144. “One of these days, bam! Zoom! Straight ta tha moon!”
  145. >”Sir your papers!”
  146. “Now wait just a gosh darn honey coated minute! Ah, give you my papers, jus le-“
  147. >The tearing sound and electric crackle of magical combat could be heard just around the bend.
  148. “Oh my, ya’ll better get back with your group fer anythin’ bad happens.”
  149. >The guards exchange a look, visually debating each other on whether to stay or go back to the main unit.
  150. >One begins to back up and gallops down the road, the other one slowly follows shouting back.
  151. >”Stay right there!”
  152. “Will do pardner! Will do!”
  153. >There’s a few moments as the two of you stand and listen to the sounds of combat.
  154. “Shouldn’t you help them?”
  155. >”Help a rival hive? Never.”
  156. “Well I think we better leave then.”
  157. >Going off the road Chrysalis leads holding your compass in her magic and walking straight north.
  159. >Judging by the sun it’s about 3 pm.
  160. >It’s a good thing Chrysalis was leading the way.
  161. >Because the two of you are lost as shit.
  162. >”What’s the point of hiring you if you can’t find your way through a simple desert!”
  163. “One, it’s not a desert… it’s grasslands. Two, I didn’t drag us out here.”
  164. >You have since repossessed the compass from Chrysalis and have your map laid out on the dirt in front of you.
  165. >You take the reading from the Canterlot mountain in the distance and a second reading fr-
  166. >”You’re the buffoon who said to go off the road!”
  167. “And I’m trying to get us back on the road.”
  168. >Second reading from the Macintosh Mountains behind you.
  169. >Using a straightedge and the compass as an impromptu protractor you draw two lines.
  170. “There! We are about 13 miles north of Dodge, and 3 miles away from a river.”
  171. >Chrysalis buzzes up behind you, her wings vibrating in some strange fashion.
  172. >Not enough to take off, one was still gimped, like your eye.
  173. >”And how exactly do you know where we are?”
  175. “Well my pathfinding skills aren’t the greatest, but we about 30 degrees north-west from Canterlot, and 60 degrees south-west from that big mountain.”
  176. >You look up at her, she’s actually listening.
  177. “So I drew a line along those angles, where they meet is about where we are.”
  178. >”You did this without magic?”
  179. “Only the magic of magnets. It’s really not that hard.”
  180. >”Good work lackey, we might be able to make Dodge before nightfall.”
  181. >You roll up the map and return it to it’s waterproof tube.
  182. “Assuming the Gaurds won going there will be a quick end for you… unless you feel up for a fight.”
  183. >”And the Miasma tribe will take advantage of my less than favorable situation.”
  184. “Bingo. I vote we head north for the river make an early camp as both of us could use the rest.”
  185. >You check the compass and start leading the way.
  186. “So if you’re Queen of the changelings, why did you hide from the other tribe.”
  187. >”Usurpers, looking to take my title.”
  188. “Yeah, but wouldn’t a queen have full control?”
  189. >”Control can be lost, a large hive can meet a quick end… Dosen’t matter what measures you take…
  190. >How well you plan… It will all end eventually.”
  191. >You open your mouth to say something but Chyrsalis has fallen behind again.
  192. >Looking over your shoulder you can see her despondently looking at the ground, her steps small and measured.
  193. >She slowly stops walking as she catches up to you.
  194. “We could stop here if you like, I have enough water that we can put the river off for a day.”
  195. >“…No… Let’s keep moving.”
  197. >it only took an hour to reach the river; Chrysalis wasn’t one to talk for that time.
  198. >Or walk any slower, usually you outpaced her.
  199. >Once the river was reached the two of you walked a few miles up it to avoid possible detection from
  200. >the traffic on the nearby bridge.
  201. >Using the machete from your pack you gather enough wood for the night and some spare.
  202. >With your bundle of wood you meander your way back to camp.
  203. >Upon entering the clearing you discover that the tarp has been set up to provide shelter and that Chrysalis is nowhere in sight.
  204. >You dump the wood and look around again; your dirty clothes are gone from your bag.
  205. “Hey! Chrysalis, where you at?”
  206. >Probably by the river.
  207. “Hello? Swamp Queen.”
  208. >Through the brush line you hear her respond.
  209. >”I have a title and a name cretin!”
  210. “Yeah, so do I, and it’s not cretin or lackey.”
  211. >You break through the brush line.
  212. >She’s doing your laundry, admittedly quite poorly, just smashing the clothes in the water with a large rock.
  213. “You’re doing my laundry.”
  214. >”Indeed it would appear so.”
  215. “I was about to do that.”
  216. >”Well, I figured I owed you at least some level of compensation for ‘Lester’s Roadside Discounts”
  217. “Wouldn’t be my first time.”
  218. >You take a seat next to her and begin throwing the clean clothes on a nearby bush.
  219. “So that makes… Three times now?”
  220. >”I would appreciate it if you didn’t count.”
  221. “Hey, we all need a little help sometimes.”
  223. >She stops for a moment, magically lowering the rock she was using.
  224. >At this rate she would more physically fit than you in a matter of days.
  225. >You take over and finish up the last few foot wraps.
  226. >She just kinda sits there.
  227. “Alright, this whole thing been eating at you. What is it?”
  228. >She takes a deep breath
  229. >”I shouldn’t be here.”
  230. “That much is apparent, but you still haven’t told me why.”
  231. >”You will forever pester me won’t you.”
  232. “Seems like it.”
  233. >”It was supposed to be perfect, everything was going so well.”
  234. “You’re gonna have catch me up on recent events.”
  235. >”Right, you are uneducated.”
  236. >She must’ve caught your scowl.
  237. >”I mean that only in the sense that you are unaware of recent events.”
  238. >”My army and I attempted to occupy Canterlot.”
  239. “Okay…”
  240. >”My hive had grown too large to continue living on small towns, the cities all belonged to rival hives…”
  241. >”I had to think long term for my children; our reserves were the lowest they had been in generations.”
  242. “Well, that’s sounds shitty.”
  243. >”Indeed it was. We had lost many to starvation simply getting to Canterlot.”
  244. “No towns on the way?”
  245. >”Not enough. Even so, we outnumbered the guard 3 to 1, we had the element of surprise, and we even
  246. >had infiltrators in the ranks of the night guard to prevent any reinforcements.”
  247. >She takes breath and rests her head on her forelegs.
  249. >”By the end of the day the remaining 9,743 and I were all cast out of Canterlot into the badlands.”
  250. “Not a whole lot of love out there.”
  251. >”No! There was nothing! Just rocks and predatory dragons! It took us three months to clamber out into the hayseed swamp.”
  252. >Her head’s back up, and she’s angry.
  253. >”We had no provisions, no navigation, and no experience in the alien terrain! We fared as well as we could…”
  254. >She goes quiet… You should do something.
  255. >Like really do so-
  256. >”Once we get back to my hive I will start again and see them wiped off the face of this rock… And you!”
  257. “Me?”
  258. >”Who else? I want you to help train my children for that day.”
  259. >You don’t respond, she just goes back to looking over the river at the sunset.
  260. >Surprisingly she seems rather calm after that outburst; she’s probably had a lot of time to deal with it.
  261. >The sun gets low enough that it’s just the last few rosy rays over the horizon.
  262. “Nice sunset.”
  263. >”I hate the sun.”
  264. >The sun finally sets completely the night approaching quickly.
  265. “Were you close to them?”
  266. >”My children?”
  267. “Yes.”
  268. >”I am their mother am I not?”
  269. “Forgive me but my species only has like 20 kids… max… like absolute max.”
  270. >”Tell me did your mother remember your hatching day, tend to your wounds, and sing you to sleep?”
  271. “Well I didn’t hatch, but yes.”
  272. >”So did I.”
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