

Sep 7th, 2014
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  1. For Flat Manga though, I've just installed it, and it's really buggy and half-baked.
  2. For example, it relies on .htaccess files, contains recursive redirects in some of the index scripts, several links are broken, neither admin panel works, etc.
  3. Some of these issues may be because the software was designed specifically for Apache (eg. .htaccess files are Apache-specific), but even then I don't see the upside to using Flat Manga instead of our current reader.
  5. Though now that you mention it, I was actually thinking about making a manga reader and integrating it into our projects page. ie. We could have the projects page, release section, download section and reader all working together, so the projects page would be able to detect recent releases, we could upload to the reader and have it prepare the DL file automatically, set the reader to unhide both the reader and DL link at the same time, etc.
  6. It would also let me play with new HTML5 elements, such as <picture> tags. (though I think they would be more useful for the main page than the reader)
  7. But like many other projects, I don't plan on starting in the near future :laugh: I'm actually kind of busy at work right now.
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