
MBedwars Cosmetics: currencies.yml

Aug 17th, 2022 (edited)
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  1. # This file includes all currencies that can be used for inter alia the shop.
  2. # You may create custom currencies by setting the provider of the currency to "CUSTOM".
  3. # It's also possible to hook into other plugins, such as Vault. Simply modify the currency's provider for that.
  4. # Keep in mind that it's also very important that you do not change the id of the currency after you're within production,
  5. #  as that one is being used to store the players balance internally and is being used within other parts, such as the shop.
  6. # Generally, you may add as many currencies as you want. However, all entries must have the following structure:
  7. #
  8. # <id>
  9. #    name: <name>
  10. #    format: <the way it shall be displayed including the currency sign> (Example: format: "${number}") This is optional!
  11. #    provider: <either CUSTOM>
  12. #    provider-configs:
  13. #       asd: asd
  14. #
  15. # For more detailled info, you might want to visit the wiki page. You can find a link to it on the product page.
  17. coins:
  18.   name: "%Cosmetics_Currency_Coins%" # Surrounded by % as it'll be taken from the MBedwars' messages file
  19.   provider: CUSTOM
  20.   format: "{number} Coins"
  21.   number-format: "%,.0f" # Basically, how the number is being translated into a string. Default value would turn it into: 2,000,000 ; If you instead want to display 2.000.000,00.00 use "%.,2f"
  22.   start-amount: 7500 # How much new players start with
  23.   prizes:
  24.     win: 100
  25.     lose: 20
  26.     tie: 40 # nobody won
  27.     non-final-kill: 3
  28.     final-kill: 10
  29.     bed-break: 15
  30.     play-time: 50 # per hour
  31.     achievement: 200
  33. # Examples for further currencies:
  34. #
  35. # gems: # Custom currency without any hook to an other plugin
  36. #   name: "Gems"
  37. #   provider: CUSTOM
  38. #
  39. # dollar: # Uses Vault
  40. #   name: "Dollar"
  41. #   format: "${number}" # Optional, otherwise uses the default one given by the economics plugin
  42. #   provider: VAULT
  43. #
  44. # points: # Uses PlayerPoints
  45. #   name: "Points"
  46. #   format: "{number} Points"
  47. #   provider: PLAYER_POINTS
  48. #
  49. # points: # Uses PvPLevels
  50. #   name: "EXP"
  51. #   format: "{number} EXP"
  52. #   provider: PVPLEVELS
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