
House Description

Feb 24th, 2014
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  1. [ok so basically its 3 rooms, has the maing entrance way being the living room where a fireplace is at, where i has two hammocks, three rocking chairs, a coffe table thingy loads of shleves on the walls and a few windows heere of thre in the living room. Might be some of tides stuff hanging about in a chest near around there. Going foreward on the far right of the front wall from the entrance is my bedroom with Lucy which has a crap ton of shelves again, windows 2 of em, a armor closet thingy, a large oak bound desk with a chair and a besidetable the fire place is the same one that is connected to the one in the living room. Then on the left of the main living room si the kitchen which is fully decked out with cabinents, counter tops running along the two walls, a washbasin and some barrels for wtaer a ice chest/refrigarator and a kitchen table with seatinf for 4 there. Lemme see...Oh a window is in thre as well too with apot bellied stove working as the oven and stove top.]
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