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Oscar the Fateless in Equestria

a guest
Nov 3rd, 2014
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  1. >This is it..
  2. >You are Oscar of Astora, and your Hollowing has just "begun".
  3. >You sit in the small cell, the death rattle of the Asylum Demon long since been roared
  4. >The Bell of Awakening, rung so long ago.
  5. >You hang your head, staring at your shield and sword
  6. >At least you managed to find the Chosen Undead, you even got to meet them.
  7. >You close your eyes, and let out a large exhale
  8. >What would it be like..
  9. >To go Hollow?
  10. >To lose your sanity?
  11. >You look back up..
  12. >You weren't in the cell.
  13. >Nor in the Asylum.
  14. >Instead, you're in a forest of some kind.
  15. >The trees, they look so ..
  16. >Alive .. Some even producing fruit.
  17. >Not many things could be considered "Living" in the Asylum
  18. >You stand up, your strength is back.
  19. >You feel better than ever, but, where were you?
  20. >This was no forest you've seen before.
  21. >You press on, and eventually come to a small..
  22. >Fort?
  23. >It's been build on a tree, a ramp leading to a small door.
  24. >Something could be living here.
  25. >You call out
  26. "Who's in there?"
  27. >You can hear something..
  28. >It's not a sound you've heard in.. a VERY long time..
  29. >It sounds like laughter.
  30. >Genuine, Happy, laughter.
  31. >You smile, you've never felt so.. Happy?
  32. >You call out again, only louder
  33. "Greetings!"
  34. >The laughing stops, and you can hear talking a shushing..
  35. >The door opens, and three small animals walk out.
  36. >Oh.. Yeah.. Hollowed..
  37. >You turn around, disappointed.
  38. >Such a shame it wasn't actual laugh-
  39. >"Wait-!"
  40. >Huh?
  41. >You turn around, still just the animals.
  42. >You remember the Forest Hunters, and how they were supposedly lead by a talking cat..
  43. "Yes?"
  44. >The orange one opens its mouth and speaks
  45. >"What are you?"
  46. >So you aren't insane.
  47. >Might as well answer it, even if you did lose your sanity.
  48. "I am Oscar of Astora, and what are you?"
  49. >They burst out in unison
  50. >"We're the Cutie Mark Crusaders!"
  51. >Crusaders huh?
  52. >What's their purpose? A Crusade for what?
  53. "What is your Crusade?"
  54. >They look at one another in confusion.
  55. >"Whaddya mean?"
  56. >Do they not know what a Crusade is?
  57. "Your Crusade, what is it's purpose?"
  58. >The orange one speaks up again
  59. >"We're trying to get our Cutie Marks!"
  60. >Cutie Marks?
  61. >Were you speaking to children?
  62. "What is a 'Cutie Mark'?"
  63. >The white gasps.
  64. >"You don't know what a Cutie Mark is?!"
  65. >The Yellow one hushes at the White one
  66. >" 'Course he doesn't, he ain't even ah pony."
  67. >So that's what they were..
  68. "You have yet to tell what a Cutie Mark is."
  69. >Whatever it was, it must be important if they are willing to make a Crusade for it.
  70. >The dedication they must have.
  71. >A purpose..
  72. >Sigh..
  73. >"Well, a Cutie Mark.."
  74. >They turn around, and begin to whisper
  75. >Did they not even know themselves?
  76. >"A Cutie Mark defines someponies Special Talent!"
  77. >So.. Their Crusade is looking for a Purpose or 'Talent'?
  78. >It would have taken you SO much longer to go hollow if your purpose was to find your purpose..
  79. >That's how it worked, right?
  80. "So, you look for your purpose?"
  81. >They turn around again, whispering.
  82. >They turn to face you once more
  83. >"Pretty much."
  84. >Hmm..
  85. >Perhaps..
  86. "Could I join you? In your Crusade?"
  87. >They looked at each other, then stepped down from the Fort
  88. >The orange one speaks
  89. >"Depends..What can you do?"
  90. >Uh..
  91. "I'm a Knight,, I uphold-"
  92. >The yellow interrupts
  93. >"Ah Knight huh?"
  94. >They start to circle you.
  95. >No way they were planing to attack you-
  96. >You feel something jump onto you, pushing on your back
  97. >You start to spin, trying to shake it off
  98. "Stop at once!"
  99. >It jumps off of you, but not without leaving you dizzy.
  100. >They still circle you.
  101. >The white one asks.
  102. >"What ARE you?"
  103. >Followed by the orange
  104. >"Can you even GET a Cutie Mark?"
  105. >And lastly the yellow.
  106. >"Why do ya want tah be a Crusader?"
  107. >You sat down, still somewhat dizzy
  108. "I.."
  109. >Wow, this was harder to say than you though..
  110. >You look down in shame.
  111. "I have no purpose..."
  112. >".."
  113. >They eye each other and sit down before looking at you
  114. "No goal, No ambition, and if I join you, I will finally have a reason to continue on.."
  115. >They seem to Pity you..
  116. >"Hmm.."
  117. >They turn around and speak privately.
  118. >You think about this..
  119. >What if they WERE like children, and give up after a week?
  120. >Did they even know the meaning of dedication?
  121. >They turn around, heads up high, acting as if royalty.
  122. >"You can become a Crusader.."
  123. >It may not seem like much, but this was the best you're gonna get if you want a purpose.
  124. >It felt.. as if you were being Knighted all over again, like a great honor has been bestowed upon-
  125. >"As long as you make us Knights!"
  126. >By the Lord Gwyn..
  127. >"And show us how to use those!"
  128. >They spoke in unison, and pointed at your sword and shield
  129. >This..
  130. >You couldn't.. The training.. The time it takes..
  131. >The dedication..
  132. >This would prove if they knew what dedication was, and if their "Crusade" was not just childs-play.
  133. >But.. They seemed so young..
  134. >Was this your purpose? To Knight these 'youngsters'?
  135. >"Hellooo~?"
  136. >You shook your head, and look back up at the three.
  137. >"Is that a no?"
  138. >Their stature sunk into a sad hanging of their heads.
  139. "No, it.. Yes, I will train you.."
  140. >They looked up with smiles you haven't seen in years.
  141. >"Cutie Mark Crusader Knights!"
  142. >You start to regret this, but..
  143. >What's the worse that could happen?
  144. >You finally had a purpose..
  145. >And that's to train these young-lings to be proper Knights.
  146. >You think back at your training, how you started, the ceremony and sword training.
  147. >But, where would you stay?
  148. >What was edible, and what was poisonous?
  149. "Is there an Inn or a place to eat?"
  150. >They looked at each-other.
  151. >"Oh.. About that.."
  152. >The white one backs away, letting the other two speak for her
  153. >"Nopony'd be.. or ehr.."
  154. >They look at each-other.
  155. >"You're kinda... Strange.."
  156. "How-so?"
  157. >"Others might think your a monster.."
  158. >The yellow one bursts up.
  159. >"AH KNOW!"
  160. >The other two turn to her.
  161. >"What is it Apple Bloom?"
  162. >So that's her name.. Apple Bloom..
  163. >"Mahbe we can intro-duce him to mah family, or Twilight, and make ery-body get to know him!"
  164. >The orange one walks forward and looks at you, you're still on the floor, sitting the same way you sat in the cell.
  165. >Curse that place..
  166. >"You mean like how you got everybody to warm up to Zecora?"
  167. >Zecora?
  168. >"Yup!"
  169. >"But, he's not even a pony!"
  170. >They turn around again, and bicker on what their next move will be.
  171. >You stand back up and look around.
  172. >The fruits are probably edible, seeing as how they are so close to children.
  173. >The make-shift fort wasn't to small, if you laid down, you might be able to fit between the front and back walls.
  174. "What if I stayed here?"
  175. >They turn around, quickly, surprised.
  176. >"Well, why'ah'd you want tah stay here?"
  177. >You point at the trees' fruits, and then at the fort.
  178. "I could eat those, and rest in the fort."
  179. >The white one walks up to you.
  180. >"That's a great idea, but what will we do about Apple Jack?"
  181. >Apple Jack?
  182. >You turn around and look down at the orange one.
  183. "That reminds me, I never quite got your names.."
  184. >They line up, side-by-side like how they stood in the fort.
  185. >The orange one points to the white.
  186. >"She's Sweetie Belle,"
  187. >'Sweetie Bell' smiles and waves at you.
  188. >She then points to the yellow one.
  189. >"She's Apple Bloom."
  190. "This I knew.."
  191. >She then points to herself.
  192. >"And I'm Scootaloo!"
  193. >You run that through your mind.
  194. >Scootaloo, Sweetie Bell, Apple Bloom..
  195. >Shouldn't be to hard-
  196. >"Are ya'll doin' alright out 'ere?"
  197. >Apple Bloom freezes in terror.
  198. >She starts to shove on your knee-plates.
  199. >"Move, move move!"
  200. >She's trying to stay quiet, so you whisper aswell.
  201. "What is it? Is it a Demon?"
  202. >Demon..
  203. >No, you would not let that same fate come upon these young ones.
  204. >They may have yet to become undead.
  205. >And you intend to stop them from becoming undead.
  206. >You pick up your sword, and raise your shield.
  207. >No demon would endanger these young Knights.
  208. >You use your shield to move some brush, searching for your opponent.
  209. >Where was it..?
  210. >You turn around and face the trio.
  211. >You shrug, nothing was there-
  212. >You're sent a short distance and into a tree.
  213. >You could hear the trio shout your name, but you ignore it for now.
  214. >The blow just below your breastplate.
  215. >You haven't felt such a pain in a long time.
  216. >Your cycle of death made you so used to it.
  217. >But why did it hurt now?
  218. >It never did before, so why now?
  219. >You find yourself leaned against the tree the same way you had sat in the pile of rubble in that cell.
  220. >No..
  221. >Not again..
  222. >You stand up, you were nowhere near death but the pain..
  223. >Trying to stand, you fall to your knees.
  224. >"Ya'll alright?"
  225. >That wasn't one of the trio, but it sounded friendly.
  226. >But it wasn't directed to you.
  227. >You look up and see another, larger, pony.
  228. >Presumably one of their mothers..
  229. >Probably Apple Blooms.
  230. >The way she and the little one spoke sounded nearly the same.
  231. >You manage to stand up again, and lean on your sword and shield.
  232. "I'm.. I am sorry.."
  233. >The larger pony turns around and faces you.
  234. >"Ya'll better be sorry fer tryin' tah hurt Apple Bloom.."
  235. >She walks closer before turning around and kicking your supports from under you.
  236. >You fall to the ground, the pain in your side excruciating after landing on the ground.
  237. >"And what do ya hav' this for?"
  238. >She picks up your sword with her mouth, and throws it in-front of the trio.
  239. >You manage to get to your knees, able to eye the pony on an even field.
  240. "As I said.. I am-"
  241. >"What exacly are you?"
  242. >Apple Bloom steps forward, and gets in front of you.
  243. >"Sis!"
  244. >Sister?
  245. >"Apple Bloom, stay away from that thing, it's probably dangerous!"
  246. >You reach for your shield, and Apple Bloom pulls it to you.
  247. >"His name's Oscar, Sis.."
  248. >You lean against the shield, and stand upright.
  249. "Of Astora.."
  250. >You let out a cough before continuing.
  251. "And I truly meant the three no harm.."
  252. >She looks down at Apple Bloom, a stern look clear on her face.
  253. >Apple Bloom stands her ground defiantly.
  254. >"Sis..?"
  255. >Apple Bloom is still standing tall.
  256. >"Apple Jack, he's sayin' the truth.."
  257. >So this is Apple Jack.
  258. >'Apple Jack' looks you right in the face.
  259. >You reach up and lift your helmets face-guard.
  260. >You stare into Apple Jacks eyes, you may be at her mercy, but you wouldn't be seen as weak all because one lucky hit.
  261. >She backs away, still stern, and looks down at Apple Bloom.
  262. >"Awright. I believe you."
  263. >Really?
  264. >That's it?
  265. >"But Ahm gonna get Twilight.."
  266. >She turns around and leaves through the brush.
  267. >The three Crusaders quickly surround you once more.
  268. >"Are you alright?"
  269. >"Ya'll feelin' fine?"
  270. >"Do you need anything?"
  271. >You shake your head and answer them.
  272. "Yes, I'm fine, but.. Who is Twilight?"
  273. >They all hang their heads, and say in unison.
  274. >"She's gonna try and send you home.."
  275. >Back to the Asylum?
  276. >Back to Astora?
  277. >Neither we good places to call home, and this place seems untouched by what has happened in your world.
  278. >And..
  279. "I will not leave.."
  280. >They all look at you, confused.
  281. "First lesson of being a Knight, keep your word.."
  282. >They tilt their heads in confusion.
  283. "And my word is that you three will be Knights before I leave.."
  284. >You let out another cough, but the Crusaders seem to be cheered up..
  285. >And they.. Hug your legs..
  286. >You nearly forgot what a hug was until just a moment ago..
  287. >"How are you going to hide from Twilight?"
  288. >You though about it for a moment..
  289. >Face them, and try fighting or reasoning..
  290. >Or hide, and try to stay out of anyone's knowledge..
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