
Filly-zilla 2

May 19th, 2014
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  1. The large hand was already above her, there was no chance of escaping it. Sweetie Belle let off a shrill scream as the thick fingers curled around her body, lifting her from the ground. Her hooves reached out for her friends who returned by grabbing a hoof each, attempting to pull her free.
  3. The hand was plenty strong enough to lift the trio, but another hand reached down and flicked at Sweetie Belle's friends, knocking them back as she was lifted up into the air. The hand curled around her, surrounding her in darkness before a little pinch could be felt on the scruff of her neck.
  5. "Sure was nice of you to set up your toys for round 2... Maybe I'll go easy on you."
  7. A giantess, one that resembled Diamond Tiara knelt on the ground, pinching Sweetie Belle between her fingers. She playfully pursed her lips and exhaled, blasting the tiny pony with her warmed breath. Down below, a tiny, grey coloured pony, sat on her designer boots, glaring at Sweetie Belle's two friends.
  9. "You'd better do as she says. We're running things now."
  11. Applebloom was too focused on Sweetie Belle's dangling body above to notice.
  12. Scootaloo was already advancing on Silver Spoon.
  14. "We don't bow down to bullies like you!"
  16. Scootaloo stood just before the boot, readying to leap at Silver Spoon. The front of the boot suddenly lifted and forced its way across the ground, just above Scootaloo. She quickly dived back just as it slammed down, narrowly avoiding crushing her flat. Silver Spoon almost fell forward but held her composure.
  18. "Nuh uh uh... We don't shout at our betters now do we?"
  20. Diamond Tiara taunted from above, her eyes transfixed on the orange Pegasus.
  22. There were thumps vibrating through the ground. To the three ponies on the ground, it was quite noticeable. To diamond, she had no clue. Silver Spoon turned her head around, looking for the source but her vision was limited due to the giant leg of the boot worn by her giant friend. Applebloom and Scootaloo could see better around her though. They could see another giantess, tip toeing behind Diamond Tiara
  24. "Applebloom?"
  26. Scootaloo asked, tilting her head. Silver Spoon turned to her and frowned.
  28. "Did you just call me Applebloom?"
  30. The giantess from behind, put a finger to her lips. Scootaloo quickly stood up straight and wrapped her hoof around Applebloom's neck.
  32. "No, of course not. I was calling Applebloom... um... Applebloom..."
  34. With Silver Spoon distracted and Diamond Tiara too focused on what to do with Sweetie Belle, the giant Applebloom managed to reach her, standing behind her without her knowledge. She readied her arm and flung it forward into the back of her neck.
  36. The blow caught Diamond Tiara off guard, sending Sweetie Belle flying out of her hand. She was pushed forward, enough for Applebloom to reach forth and catch Sweetie belle before she dropped from her high.
  38. The position of Diamond Tiara's legs sprung her back up, preventing her from falling on her face, but she easily lost her balance. She fell backwards, landing on her rump, legs kicking up in the air.
  40. Silver Spoon could be heard screaming as she was launched from Diamond Tiara's boot, sending her over the toy houses, only really noticed by Applebloom and Scootaloo.
  42. "Awh Sweeteh Belle! Are ya’ll okay?"
  44. Sweetie Belle stared up at her saviour. The red hair, the bow on her head, even the voice. It was so similar.
  46. "A..Applebloom? Is that you?"
  48. Diamond Tiara slowly got up from the ground, her teeth bared and what could easily be called a growl, vibrating from her throat.
  50. "Talk later"
  52. Applebloom shouted, quickly stuffing Sweetie Belle into her pant's pocket. As Diamond Tiara got up, it seemed as though her attention was on her and not the other two ponies in the ground. The duo decided to move out of the way as they rushed off the street, hiding between the buildings, out of sight. Diamond Tiara didn't care about them anyway. She was focused on Applebloom.
  54. She could see it coming, so she decided to get the head start. Applebloom turned on her heels and bolted in the opposite direction. Diamond Tiara took of just as quickly, charging at her like a bull to her red hair. Applebloom's feet ploughed through the tiny buildings, shattering them to pieces, crushing them under her soles. It didn't matter to her when her friends were at risk.
  56. Diamond Tiara was crushing the rubble in Applebloom's wake into dust as her boots shattered pieces into smaller pieces. She had gained a little ground on Applebloom, but seemed to not be able to get any closer. Bending her knees, Diamond Tiara leaped into the air, arms outstretched.
  58. Applebloom was in the middle of taking her next step, her other foot dangling behind in the air. As Diamond Tiara came down, her hand made contact with Applebloom's heel.
  60. Like a vice grip, Diamond Tiara's hand took hold, stopping Applebloom in her tracks.
  61. The sudden end of momentum unbalanced her, threatening to throw her forward onto her face. With some arm waving and a horrible attempt to keep her balance, Applebloom only managed to turn around to fall backwards onto her rear.
  63. As her rump made contact with the ground, a loud pop echoed from her pocket.
  64. Her eyes widened as she stared down at her pants. She reached a hand into her pocket and felt something, warm. As she removed her hand, she held it before her eyes.
  65. Her finger tips were stained red, dripping with this red liquid.
  67. "Damn... I popped mah Ketchup packehts"
  69. Her other hand reached into her other pocket and managed to pull out a dizzy Sweetie Belle.
  71. "Ah you alright?"
  73. Sweetie Belle barely got a word out before Applebloom's arm was thrust up, propelling her through the air as she was tackled by Diamond Tiara. The impact threw Applebloom backwards, onto her back, Diamond Tiara's head now resting on her chest from the tackle.
  75. She got up, sitting on Applebloom's chest, holding her down, her legs pulled up against her sides to prevent her from squirming free. Applebloom tried to kick her legs out, hoping to manage to knock Diamond Tiara off but her legs didn't reach far enough to tap her back, let alone knock her off.
  77. Sweetie Belle took a hard tumble as she fell from the sky, rolling across the ground only to be stopped by the impact into one of the houses. Before her were the two giantesses', the friendly one pinned to the ground by the evil one.
  79. A part of Sweetie Belle wanted to help, but her minuscule size couldn't do much to someone so large. She thought it best to stay out of the way, one less problem for Applebloom to worry about. Diamond Tiara was too focused on Applebloom to notice Sweetie Belle; she took the opportunity to run past her boots, hiding in the closest house.
  81. Still holding her pinned, Diamond Tiara reach beside her, gripping one of the houses between her hands. With some fair strength, she ripped the building from its foundations, lifting it up above her head.
  83. Applebloom could see the danger she was in. Diamond Tiara held a house above her, ready to slam it down into her face. She quickly scanned around, looking for something to protect herself. Beside her head was a cart, filled Tomatoes.
  84. She threw her arm out, hoping to grab it but it was just out of reach.
  86. As Diamond Tiara was about to throw down, she grinned. Her lips parted as she began to laugh maniacally, now truly looking like a villain. Her hair was messy; debris fell from the structure, only making it worse.
  88. Sweetie Belle tried her best to keep her balance. The house she took refuge in shook and creaked, threatening to throw her over into one of the walls. The creaking got louder, soon followed by a loud snapping sound.
  90. Sweetie Belle looked around, finding the floor around her breaking up, slowly snapping and giving way to the nothingness below. As the floor gave way, Sweetie Belle could see below, the face of Applebloom as she lay on the ground below her.
  91. An evil laugh rang through her eyes, giving her the shivers. A floor board beneath her hoof snapped, slipping out between the massive crack in the floor and taking Sweetie Belle with it.
  93. Sweetie Belle screamed out as she fell from her sanctuary, slipping between the large crack and free falling through the air. She shut her eyes and flailed her hooves, hoping to grab onto anything to stop her descent but all she managed to grab was planks that fell with her.
  95. Her chest collided with a soft but firm surface. It was small as her hooves flopped past where her chest landed. Her sudden reaction was to grab hold and hold on as tight as possible. The evil laughter that rung through her ears came to a sudden halt. She slowly opened her eyes, finding herself staring into pinkness. Slowly, her gaze followed upwards, finding two large orbs focusing down at her.
  97. Diamond Tiara stared down at the tiny pony that now clung to her nose. She attempted to wiggle her nose, but the pony held tightly. Jutting out her lower lip, she exhaled, trying to blow it off her nose. It still refused to let go. Diamond Tiara growled a little and grabbed the pony off her nose, pinching it between her fingers.
  99. With the thoughtless move to grab the pony, leaving the house held up by one hand, the house fell from her other hand. The impact was loud and painful to watch as the building fell on her head. Her head broke through the floor but once it hit the roof, the building split, falling on either side of her, shattering on the ground.
  101. Sweetie Belle fell from her finger, coming to a soft landing on Applebloom's chest. Diamond Tiara was disoriented but still had Applebloom pinned. Sweetie Belle got to her hooves, finding her position on Applebloom's chest, standing before the dark spandex between Diamond Tiara's legs. Applebloom was close to the cart, but she couldn't go any further. She stared back at Diamond Tiara, seeing she was coming to again.
  103. Suddenly, she felt something in her hand. Looking back to the cart, she saw Scootaloo and her pony self, pushing the cart into her fingers. She gripped it tight and swung out, smashing it against Diamond Tiara's face. Sweetie Belle was about to leap from her friend's chest when the inner thighs of Diamond Tiara came together, pinning her between them.
  105. Diamond Tiara fell to the side, falling on top of a few more buildings that crumbled under her weight. Applebloom exhaled, laying back with her arms spread out, breathing heavily after what she had just been through. She felt movement on her palm and turned her head, watching as her pony self was helping Scootaloo up between her fingers. She suddenly sat up, lifting the ponies to her face.
  107. "Where's Sweetie Belle?"
  109. As the trio looked around through the destruction, it was Scootaloo who pointed towards Diamond Tiara. Applebloom looked over at her, lying on her side, her back towards them and a little white spot, wiggling between the black of her spandex.
  111. Applebloom frowned but reached down, pinching the white legs as gently as possible, also as far as possible, not wanting to touch Diamond Tiara and pulled Sweetie Belle free.
  113. Placing Sweetie Belle down with the others, Applebloom got back up onto her feet again.
  115. “Thank you. For rescuing me and all.”
  117. Sweetie Belle shouted up from her hand. She then turned her gaze to the giant Diamond Tiara and pointed towards her.
  119. “Is she going to be alright?”
  121. Applebloom leaned down, dipping a finger into the red stain across her face. She brought it back to her face and sniffed it before tapping it against her tongue.
  123. “Don’ worry. It’s only ketchup…”
  125. She tasted it again
  127. “…Ah think…”
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