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How to Win Friends & Influence People

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Mar 19th, 2014
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  1. 9:37 PM - Jaguar 'LF SCOUT: hey
  2. 9:37 PM - Jaguar 'LF SCOUT: wtf
  3. 9:37 PM - Jaguar 'LF SCOUT: rejected time 40 minutes ago
  4. 9:37 PM - Jaguar 'LF SCOUT: I have a FFL?
  5. 9:37 PM - Jaguar 'LF SCOUT: talk to me
  6. 9:38 PM - slinky: ?
  7. 9:38 PM - Jaguar 'LF SCOUT: are you team cafe?
  8. 9:38 PM - slinky: yeah
  9. 9:38 PM - Jaguar 'LF SCOUT: ok
  10. 9:38 PM - slinky: are you the other team?
  11. 9:39 PM - Jaguar 'LF SCOUT: you waited until like 2 hours before final match time
  12. 9:39 PM - Jaguar 'LF SCOUT: to reject my offer
  13. 9:39 PM - Jaguar 'LF SCOUT: and now it says I have a forfeit loss
  14. 9:39 PM - slinky: yeah
  15. 9:39 PM - Jaguar 'LF SCOUT: talk to me
  16. 9:40 PM - Jaguar 'LF SCOUT: the match is due tonight
  17. 9:40 PM - Jaguar 'LF SCOUT: you can't play?
  18. 9:40 PM - slinky: we could have played at the default time but thats about it
  19. 9:40 PM - slinky: so we showed up
  20. 9:41 PM - Jaguar 'LF SCOUT: you don't get the ffw
  21. 9:41 PM - Jaguar 'LF SCOUT: sorry
  22. 9:41 PM - slinky: um ok
  23. 9:41 PM - slinky: we can reschedule it if you want
  24. 9:42 PM - slinky: but we really dont play any later than 8cdt
  25. 9:44 PM - slinky: it is already showing that we got the ffw
  26. 9:44 PM - Jaguar 'LF SCOUT: that's why I'm talking to administration
  27. 9:44 PM - Jaguar 'LF SCOUT: i was on your friends list
  28. 9:44 PM - Jaguar 'LF SCOUT: you could have fuckin talked to me
  29. 9:44 PM - slinky: you never talked to me
  30. 9:45 PM - slinky: i didnt add you to talk
  31. 9:45 PM - slinky: you should have spoken up
  32. 9:53 PM - Jaguar 'LF SCOUT: what day can you play?
  33. 9:53 PM - Jaguar 'LF SCOUT: can you play tomorrow? thursday?
  34. 9:53 PM - slinky: dont know. would have to check with the team
  35. 9:54 PM - Jaguar 'LF SCOUT: please get back to me asap
  36. 9:54 PM - slinky: but i know for sure we cant to tuesday
  37. 9:54 PM - slinky: and two of my players has church or something on thursdays
  38. 9:55 PM - Jaguar 'LF SCOUT: 9pm church???
  39. 9:55 PM - slinky: my med and I do ugc in wed
  40. 9:55 PM - slinky: well, not sure what they are exactly, but its at like 6 pacific, and it lasts until like 8ish then their mom takes them out to eat or something
  41. 9:56 PM - Jaguar 'LF SCOUT: hey listen
  42. 9:56 PM - Jaguar 'LF SCOUT: I'm sorry if I didn't talk to you, I meant to
  43. 9:56 PM - Jaguar 'LF SCOUT: that's why I add other captains
  44. 9:56 PM - Jaguar 'LF SCOUT: but you guys are being assholes right now
  45. 9:57 PM - Jaguar 'LF SCOUT: you could have talked to me
  46. 9:57 PM - slinky: how?
  47. 9:57 PM - Jaguar 'LF SCOUT: don't you want to play videogames?
  48. 9:57 PM - Jaguar 'LF SCOUT: or would you rather collect half a dozen ffw's and feel good about yourselves
  49. 9:57 PM - slinky: well i mean, sure I guess, but like i said, we dont play late
  50. 9:57 PM - Jaguar 'LF SCOUT: the times you play are unreasonable
  51. 9:57 PM - slinky: how?
  52. 9:57 PM - Jaguar 'LF SCOUT: and you're going to have problems all season long
  53. 9:58 PM - Jaguar 'LF SCOUT: and I guess the dumbass rules are currently set up to cater to your unreasonable schedule
  54. 9:58 PM - Jaguar 'LF SCOUT: so you can just pretend to not exist
  55. 9:58 PM - Jaguar 'LF SCOUT: not answer any offers
  56. 9:58 PM - Jaguar 'LF SCOUT: show up to terribly early default times and collect forfeit wins
  57. 9:58 PM - slinky: we had offers for earlier than the default time
  58. 9:59 PM - Jaguar 'LF SCOUT: this is not going to give you a good reputatoin
  59. 10:00 PM - slinky: so? its not mandatory for us to schedule, we do it because we are nice, but when the time is going to keep 3 people who need to go to sleep for work and school then we arent going to do it
  60. 10:00 PM - slinky: its as simple as that
  61. 10:00 PM - Jaguar 'LF SCOUT: when is a time you can play the match?
  62. 10:00 PM - Jaguar 'LF SCOUT: a time that works for you
  63. 10:00 PM - slinky: 8 is good, earlier is fine
  64. 10:01 PM - Jaguar 'LF SCOUT: I need to know exactly when
  65. 10:01 PM - Jaguar 'LF SCOUT: time and date
  66. 10:01 PM - Jaguar 'LF SCOUT: so I can message the admin
  67. 10:01 PM - Jaguar 'LF SCOUT: and tell him to set it up
  68. 10:01 PM - slinky: dont know, would have to wait until tomorrow to ask those people since they are gone already
  69. 10:01 PM - Jaguar 'LF SCOUT: please get back to me as soon as you can tomorrow then
  70. 10:02 PM - slinky: more than likely wont be this week
  71. 10:02 PM - Jaguar 'LF SCOUT: fine
  72. 10:02 PM - Jaguar 'LF SCOUT: any time
  73. 10:02 PM - Jaguar 'LF SCOUT: but this ffw shit getting ninja'd in under us is not acceptable
  74. 10:02 PM - Jaguar 'LF SCOUT: and you should WANT to play a game, rather than be like that
  75. 10:03 PM - slinky: well we WANT to play but we dont want to stay up all night playing it
  76. 10:03 PM - Jaguar 'LF SCOUT: listen
  77. 10:03 PM - Jaguar 'LF SCOUT: your time you want to play sucks, but I'd rather play than not play
  78. 10:03 PM - Jaguar 'LF SCOUT: I need to know a date and time
  79. 10:03 PM - Jaguar 'LF SCOUT: and we'll play you
  80. 10:03 PM - Jaguar 'LF SCOUT: so please let me know ASAP so I can get it arranged
  81. 10:03 PM - Jaguar 'LF SCOUT: thank you
  82. 10:05 PM - slinky: it would still have to be up to the team, i dont care if we get a ffw and you're not happy about, i wouldnt care if it happened to us and i know most of my team wouldnt care either
  83. 10:05 PM - Jaguar 'LF SCOUT: great
  84. 10:05 PM - Jaguar 'LF SCOUT: you're a real sport
  85. 10:05 PM - slinky: i'll talk to them though and see what they say
  86. 10:06 PM - Jaguar 'LF SCOUT: I appreciate that
  87. 10:12 PM - slinky: so far is 3/6 for people not caring
  88. 10:31 PM - Jaguar 'LF SCOUT: hey, I mean
  89. 10:31 PM - Jaguar 'LF SCOUT: I dont think I can say anything I haven't already said
  90. 10:32 PM - Jaguar 'LF SCOUT: you should want to play, and not be assholes who are hungry for forfeit wins
  91. 10:32 PM - Jaguar 'LF SCOUT: I don't like your time, but I'll play it
  92. 10:32 PM - Jaguar 'LF SCOUT: i'd rather play at a terribly inconvenient time for us than not play
  93. 10:32 PM - Jaguar 'LF SCOUT: and I would hope you could convince your team to do the same
  96. 2:12 AM - slinky is now Offline.
  97. 2:12 AM - Your state is set to Offline.
  98. 2:12 AM - Lost connection to Steam, will rejoin chat automatically when connection regained.
  99. 2:12 AM - Connected again and rejoined chat.
  100. 2:12 AM - Jaguar .:CPC:. has changed their name to Jaguar 'LF SCOUT.
  101. 2:59 PM - slinky is now Offline.
  102. 2:59 PM - Your state is set to Offline.
  103. 2:59 PM - Lost connection to Steam, will rejoin chat automatically when connection regained.
  104. 3:11 PM - Connected again and rejoined chat.
  105. 3:29 PM - slinky is now Offline.
  106. 3:29 PM - Your state is set to Offline.
  107. 3:29 PM - Lost connection to Steam, will rejoin chat automatically when connection regained.
  108. 3:29 PM - Connected again and rejoined chat.
  109. 7:40 PM - slinky is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
  112. 7:57 PM - Jaguar 'LF SCOUT: I await word from you
  115. 8:23 PM - slinky is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
  116. 8:24 PM - slinky: oh
  117. 8:24 PM - slinky: i forgot
  118. 8:56 PM - Jaguar 'LF SCOUT: still waiting to hear from you
  119. 8:56 PM - Jaguar 'LF SCOUT: i told pipher you'd get back to me "tomorrow"
  120. 8:57 PM - slinky: lobby atm
  121. 8:57 PM - Jaguar 'LF SCOUT: it's fine, doesn't have to be this minute :]
  122. 9:02 PM - slinky is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
  124. 9:07 PM - slinky: it turns out that we are all fine with the ffw
  126. 9:52 PM - slinky is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
  127. 10:12 PM - Jaguar 'LF SCOUT: you don't want to play us?
  128. 10:12 PM - Jaguar 'LF SCOUT: instead of just sneaking in a ffw?
  129. 10:15 PM - slinky: yeah we dont want to play you'
  130. 10:30 PM - slinky is now Online.
  131. 10:31 PM - Jaguar 'LF SCOUT: very classy, guys
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