
Vizaro IRC

Mar 29th, 2016
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  1. [19:40] <DM> You are standing in your STUDY ALTAR currently, there's a bit of a sandstorm going on outside, which happens to make you rather stay inside, that and the strong blazing alternian sun
  2. [19:40] <Vizaro_Rineku> "Hm, such a shame to have to waste this Perfectly fine Day inside, when I could be out in the Crypts."
  3. [19:40] <DM> does your sphinx lusus fit inside?
  4. [19:40] <Vizaro_Rineku> She can, but she usually stays outside to guard the mausoleum. If there's a sandstorm, she would likely stay in the entrance hall
  5. [19:40] <DM> oh what's her name?
  6. [19:40] <DM> or I could keep calling her wyvern
  7. [19:40] <Vizaro_Rineku> Let's go with Cleopatra, to fit with the whole egyptian theme
  8. [19:40] <Vizaro_Rineku> probably shortened to Cleo
  9. [19:40] <DM> Cleopata (because pata means paw in spanish)
  10. [19:40] <Vizaro_Rineku> sure, that works
  11. [19:40] <DM> you hear the loud howling of the wind going through the entrance room as always
  12. [19:40] <Vizaro_Rineku> "I suppose I should check to see how Cleo is doing."
  13. [19:40] <Vizaro_Rineku> I head to the entrance hall, carefully checking if any raiders have made their way inside without my alert.
  14. [19:40] <Vizaro_Rineku> I trust Cleo to do her job, but I can never be sure.
  15. [19:40] <DM> you walk to the entrance carefully making sure to avoid anyone that might possibly be there, while doing so you manage to spot a rather fancy pattern on the ceiling decorated in blue, such a pity that's stuck to the wall
  16. [19:40] <Vizaro_Rineku> "Hm, interesting. That wasn't there before, was it?"
  17. [19:40] <Vizaro_Rineku> I examine it further, does it look like anything I've seen before?
  18. [19:40] <DM> You see that there's nobody there anyway aside from Cleo, just sitting there watching the, now light yellow, entrance to the catacombs
  19. [19:40] <DM> !roll 1d20
  20. [19:40] <Tyche[Dice]> DM rolled : 1d20 --> [ 1d20=17 ]{17}
  21. [19:40] <DM> You manage to recognise that the pattern aludes to the great conquests of hipopotamia by the trypgian empire, most of this is not officially taught by the EDUCATION DRONES as to avoid any possible nationalism by the further lands of the empire
  22. [19:40] <Vizaro_Rineku> "Hm. Interesting."
  23. [19:41] <Vizaro_Rineku> "Cleo, remind me to look into that, I could use that as a fake Story one Day."
  24. [19:41] <DM> "Hm? What is it dear?"
  25. [19:42] <DM> it seems that Cleo was rather distracted by the noise of the sandstorms
  26. [19:42] <Vizaro_Rineku> "There is a Story about an old empire. I could tell that as an Archeology Story one Day."
  27. [19:42] <Vizaro_Rineku> "Have You ever heard of it? The Trypgian empire?"
  28. [19:42] <DM> "Didn't they build this thing way back in the days?"
  29. [19:43] <DM> "I remember you babbling about it here and there"
  30. [19:43] <Vizaro_Rineku> "I am unsure. If so, They have done marvelous work."
  31. [19:43] <DM> "but all I know about that comes from you dear"
  32. [19:43] <Vizaro_Rineku> "The tale must have slipped My mind."
  33. [19:43] <DM> "that is wonderful, maybe we can meet them some day"
  34. [19:43] <Vizaro_Rineku> "I suppose."
  35. [19:44] <Vizaro_Rineku> "If They have Anywhere near as large of a treasure trove as this temple had, I would Enjoy that Very much."
  36. [19:44] <DM> "That would be wonderful dear"
  37. [19:44] <Vizaro_Rineku> I nod.
  38. [19:44] <DM> "You sure love their shining things"
  39. [19:45] <Vizaro_Rineku> "Yes..." My thoughts fill with the sight of golden coins and shining jewels.
  40. [19:45] <Vizaro_Rineku> "Truly Extraordinary."
  41. [19:46] <Vizaro_Rineku> My eye twitches slightly at the thought. It has been a lengthy time since my last robbery. I desire the valuables.
  42. [19:46] <Vizaro_Rineku> "Have You Any idea when this sandstorm will last until?"
  43. [19:46] <DM> You look at cleo, she continues to watch mindlessly the sandstorm going on outside
  44. [19:47] <Vizaro_Rineku> "Surely You must be tired, waiting inside when out there is so much more freedom."
  45. [19:47] <DM> "I have no clue, they usually last for as long as they wish, maybe it won't be long, this one's a mild one"
  46. [19:48] <Vizaro_Rineku> "I grow Anxious. I wish to proceed with another heist."
  47. [19:48] <DM> "I rather feel the warm touch of the sun but sometimes a little breeze is nice my dear"
  48. [19:48] <Vizaro_Rineku> "Agreed."
  49. [19:48] <Vizaro_Rineku> "The harsh sun can be unforgiving if left forgotten, however."
  50. [19:49] <DM> "That's wise my child"
  51. [19:50] <Vizaro_Rineku> I check how early in the day it is, do I have a reason to stay up, or should I be returning to sleep any time soon?
  52. [19:50] <DM> it seems that it currently is 9 in the afternoon, the sun might go down soon
  53. [19:52] <Vizaro_Rineku> Only nine? It's almost noon, but I sleeping now would be far too early. Surely I can find a way to entertain myself for a few hours.
  54. [19:53] <Vizaro_Rineku> "I think I will find a Way to Busy Myself for an hour or so before I rest. Perhaps some research on that empire."
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