

Nov 18th, 2013
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  1. [21:52] <Liven> Hey, Nova, thank you.
  2. [21:52] * Aler|AFK is now known as Alerderna
  3. [21:52] <Liven> I now have that final push I need to leave this place because of you.
  4. [21:52] <GreenLight> wat
  5. [21:52] <Flora> thread
  6. [21:53] <Liven> I'm litterally near crying because of work tonight. I'm litterally questioning my worth as a person.
  7. [21:53] <Liven> So I come here to try and forget that
  8. [21:53] <Liven> But I still get the same shit here as I do in real life
  9. [21:53] <Liven> Only difference is here I can just up and walk away
  10. [21:53] * Curious is now known as Curious|afk
  11. [21:53] * FeatherSleep is now known as FeatherDuster
  12. [21:53] <Liven> So thank you, Nova.
  13. [21:54] <GreenLight> Liven, you have a job at a Hospital.
  14. [21:54] <Mary_ONette> Hi Feather
  15. [21:54] <Liven> Good bye. Any last minute shots you want to take at me?
  16. [21:54] <GreenLight> You are halfway through college
  17. [21:54] <GreenLight> Clearly, you're being irrational if you think you have no worth
  18. [21:54] <GreenLight> Take a break if this place brings you stress.
  19. [21:54] <AirTrade> ^
  20. [21:54] <@FeatherDuster> ^
  21. [21:54] <AirTrade> Dont do it liven
  22. [21:55] <AirTrade> Just take a break
  23. [21:55] <Liven> I said this 100 times before. No breaks. If I leave, I'm gone.
  24. [21:55] <Liven> And I'm gone.
  25. [21:55] <Nova_Flux> Really liven?
  26. [21:55] <Liven> Really.
  27. [21:55] <Nova_Flux> Okay.
  28. [21:55] <Nova_Flux> Leave you want man.
  29. [21:55] * GreenLight will hear it another 100 times
  30. [21:55] <Liven> So take any final potshots you want at me.
  31. [21:55] <Nova_Flux> Just pointing out your bullshit.
  32. [21:55] <GreenLight> Liven
  33. [21:55] <GreenLight> ur a faget
  34. [21:55] <GreenLight> Luv ya bb
  35. [21:55] <Nova_Flux> I really like you
  36. [21:55] <Liven> No shit
  37. [21:55] <Flora> insensitive comment from Nova inbound
  38. [21:56] <Nova_Flux> But I can't let shit like this go unnoted
  39. [21:56] * @FeatherDuster rubs temples
  40. [21:56] <Nova_Flux> Really, it very unfair of you to do that, if you were to change it otherwise or never would of said it. WOuld of been just fine.
  41. [21:56] <AirTrade> Dont go liven ;_____;
  42. [21:56] <Liven> So rather then come to me like I said, you have to put it out there for everyone to see and make me feel worse about myself than I already do.
  43. [21:56] <Nova_Flux> Because people need to know Liven
  44. [21:56] <Liven> And I said just a little while ago "I don't feel like arguing it forget I said anything and change it"
  45. [21:56] <Nova_Flux> So we don't have shit like this happen again.
  46. [21:57] * GreenLight recommends Feathers listen to some Gaelic Storm on Pandora
  47. [21:57] <Nova_Flux> OKay Liven
  48. [21:57] <Nova_Flux> Its gone
  49. [21:57] * GreenLight recommends Liven listen to some Gaelic Storm on Pandora
  50. [21:57] <@FeatherDuster> Nova: That was an asshat of a move. Liven: It's the internet, get over it.
  51. [21:57] <Nova_Flux> YOu are going to change it? If so, I'll delete the post and won't argue with you about it again with you.
  52. [21:57] <Nova_Flux> Feather I feel we can't just let this same type of shit happen over and over.
  53. [21:57] <Nova_Flux> The whole NPC thing is just turning into abuse now.
  54. [21:58] <Liven> It's not the point. You can keep it up there, it doesn't matter now.
  55. [21:59] <Nova_Flux> IF you say so.
  56. [21:59] <Liven> I said not five minutes after you brought it up I wasn't in the mood for confrontentation, that changing it was fine. But you still have to go and do that, have to go and point it out and belittle me.
  57. [21:59] <Liven> Good day.
  58. [21:59] * Liven ( has left #Fourcannon
  59. [21:59] <Nova_Flux> I'm sorry you had to be an example for this also don't take my words as harsh.
  60. [21:59] <Nova_Flux> Fucking shit.
  61. [21:59] <Nova_Flux> Well
  62. [21:59] <Nova_Flux> I guess people here are gonna hate me a bit more.
  63. [21:59] <Flora> oh boy here we go
  64. [21:59] <Flora> shit storm incoming
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