
Als newest story.

Jun 10th, 2015
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  1. He smiles. "Thought you'd never ask." He clears his throat. "So, me and my friends, we'd just had a bit of a dust up with this group of outlaws led by this cocksucker Cleaver, though his real name was Meredith Vivien. Anyway, we'd also happened to come into possession of a substantial amount of horses. So, I drew the short straw and was to take them into Spearfish to sell. So, I'm on the road, trottin' the fu- trotting along, when I hear screamin'. Figuring it would be wise, off I went in persuit of the cacophany, and lo and behold I see this couple, young, about your age or younger, strung upside down to a tree wearing nothin' but the rope hanging them. So, I ride up to them and I ask, what exactly they were doing, and it was explained to me that a few rather nasty folks had beaten em, strung em up and taken all they had, stringing them up for the wolves when they were done. So what happened was I got them down and wrapped em in blankets. See it was winter at the time. Icicles hangin and frost in my beard. So we head into town and the couple gets themselves situated. I myself sell the horses and go get a drink for my trouble. That's when I hear it. The Gun cock across the room. Some dumb bastard's gotten the idea to rob the joint. So I says to him, 'You best leave this place while you got the legs to carry you. Run for your f- your life.' and so he tells me to give him my money guns and clothes and then fuck off in that sing song voice of his. See I didn't take too kindly to that, and a bit of a scuffle took place. Towns back then could be a bit combative. Anyway, after our fight roamed a ways, we wound up on the cliff overlooking the goldfields. We both fell, with me landin' on him. And lo and behold, what do I see? A vein of gold in the rock, thick as my thigh and long as a tree. And that, little lady, is why a sing song voice telling you to fuck off is good news."
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